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A large collection of newspaper articles from about 1860 related to our ancestors and their communities in Northern Minnesota, Northern Wisconsin and Upper Michigan is presented on this website. The articles are mostly from the Duluth newspapers. This complete index provides open access to more than 5500 news articles in their original format. A selected collection of the more relavant articles is displayed by year and is indexed on Selected Old News Articles - Index page in the secure area of the website. More information about some of the people mentioned in the articles can be found by searching the People Index and/or the Index of Early Jewish Settlers, both in the secure area of the website. For list of family names and names of connected families that have been researched, click here.

A chronological list of links is provided below. The news article images can be viewed by clicking the links. The text in the link provides the date and some relavant names. The headline is shown for some of the articles. The images are mostly unedited and in either jpg or pfd format. If you wish to save (download) an article, right click on the image. After viewing and/or saving a photo, click on the back button to return to the index.

Duluth News Tribune front page on January 1, 1896 - - hi res

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Chronological List of Links to News Articles

1855-3-13 St. Paul Daily Pioneer, chosen people -

1869-5-7 St. Paul, Charles J. Rosenberg emigration - -
1869 Mr. Chas (Charles) J. Rosenberg, traveling agent for the Inmau line of steamers reports, carry 80,000 emigrants this year to the United States. 8,000 go to Minnesota. Emigrant Companies, prepaid tickets sent by friends. St. Paul newspaper. Note: This is a good article that sets the stage for immigrants coming to Duluth. The Leopold and Silberstein families began their businesses in 1869 and 1870. I doubt that they had a crystal ball, but this piece of information would have been a determining factor.

1869-5-15 Louis F. Leopold, Asa F., Henry F - - The first mercantile house on the ground -

1869-6-12 Asher F. Leopold ad - - 1869 Asher/Aaron F. Leopold ad. - - A. F. Leopold & Bro.

1869-7-3 Glee Club, Henry F. Leopold Jr - - The complementary concert to the Buffalo Glee Club -

1869-8-18 St. Paul, Benjamin Rose and Eva Morris wed St. Paul -

1869-8-29 Asher F. and Henry. Leopold - - advertisement -

1869-9-18 Leopold ad - - advertisement -

.................. 1870 ..................           top of list          bottom -

1870-3-12 Citizens, Leopold - - Call for a citizens convention -

1870-6-25 A. F. Leopold ad - - 1870 A. F. Leopold ad.

1870 photo of Superior Street published in 1906-6-24 - - 1870 photo published on 1906-6-24 - 1870 photo of Superior Street looking from First Avenue west - - - 1906 comparision: 1906-11-29 pg. 1 Duluth original name - - - 1922 comparison: 1922-9-10 West Superior Street looking East

.................. 1875 ..................           top of list          bottom -

1875-1-2 Minnesotian Hearld, Calendar - - 1875 Ornamental calendar from the Minnesotian Hearld, the Duluth newspaper in 1875. No 1875 newspaper articles regarding Jewish families were found -

1878-1-23 Daily InterOcean Chicago, Blanche and Clara Leopold - - 1878 Daily InterOcean Chicago newspaper, Clara and Blanche Leopold attend the wedding of Clayburgh and Mayer. -

1879-6-5 I. Bondy of Auerbach Finch, starts with Silberstein - - 1879. Mr. I. Bondy, a salesman of Auerbach, Finch, Culbertrson & Co. from St. Paul, begins working with Silberstein at his stand in Duluth. -

.................. 1880 ..................           top of list          bottom -

1880-3-9 D Mondschine - silver ore - -

1880-5-13 Rebecca Lewis Silverman and Leopold Moss wed - - 1880 Chicago: The Silverman-Moss Wedding, Temple Kehflath Anshe Maarev,, Rebbecca Lewis Silverman and Leopold Moss. Rev. L. Adler. -

1880-8-10 Louis Polisky, bay horse lost - - -

1881-09-09_[4] Mr. S. Levy wholesale and retail liquor Mr. Bondy, from Marquette - - 1881-9-9 Mr. S. Levy has filed his bond and application for to sell liquor at wholesale and retain and will open out a first-class wholesale liquor store in the room now occupied by Mr. Bondy, in the course of a short time. Mr. L. is a Michigan man, hailing from Marquette, and as he is a gentleman of long experience in the wholesale liquor trade there is no doubt, but his venture here will prove a profitable one. - Duluth Weekly Tribune

1881-09-30_[4] First avenue West and Superior S. Levy - - 1881-9-30 Mr. S. Levy has opened out a fine line of liquors and cigars at his new wholesale house corner of Superior St. and First avenue west and report business is good. - - - Note article regarding the need for a city hospital. Sick people are staying at hotels throughout the city. or sent to the county poor house to be cared for. Remember that this is the year 1881. - Duluth Weekly Tribune

1881-11-23 Leopold B. Heller Henry Leopold railroad - - 1881-11-23 The First Shovelful. Judge Stearus Upturns the First Sod on the Duluth & Winnipeg Railroad. A Large Gathering of Duluth's Representative Men at the Interesting Ceremony. W. W. Spalding Dedicates the Road to Progress and Commerce Over a Bottle of Champagne. Speeches and Cheers. Henry Leopold, B. Heller.may take two years to complete. - Duluth News-Tribune

1881-11-23_[1] full pg 1 - - 1881-11-23 Full page. Leopold's Prices on Clothing. ad. - Duluth News-Tribune

1881-11-23_[2] Thanksgiving in 1881 (1) - - 1881-11-23 Thanksgiving Dinner - Duluth News-Tribune

1881-11-23_[3] railroad trave map, trains 1881 (1) - - 1881-11-23 Railroad map of train routes.. - Duluth News-Tribune

1881-11-23 Railroad map of train routes - - 1881-11-23 Railroad map of train routes..cropped - Duluth News-Tribune

1881-11-23_[4] pg. 4 col. 4 Heller & Co - - 1881-11-23 Ad Our Motto is, Lower than the Lowest. B. Heller & Co. - Duluth News-Tribune

1881-11-25 Heller and Leopold - - 1881-11-25 Henry F. Leopold and Benjamin Heller to Furnish the Goods and Supplies for the D. D. & W. Railroad. Furnish goods and supplies to the thousands of laborers working. The train route was from Duluth to Winnipeg. A supply store was set up at Rice Point. (The Leopold family was the first family to settle in Duluth. Henry F. Leopold appears on the scene in 1869. He must have been very successful securing this business arrangement. kae)

1881-12-05 B Heller and Company - - 1881-12-5 The City. Tis not wealth of power or state, But “get up and git” that makes men great. We “git up and git” in the clothing line, And have plenty of goods, both gay and fine, We “git up” and make competition git, We warrant our clothes to wear and fit. Outfitters to all of the male mankind, Cheapest and best you ever will find. We would not say this if it was not so, And we remain, yours truly, B. Heller & Co.

1881-12-23 B Heller and Company - - 1881-12-23 Mothers, daughters and sweethearts, if you are not aware of it we would like to inform you that we have a large and select line of gent’s furnishing goods, and select embroidered slippers on hand which would be very appropriate for Christmas gifts. If you ? giving anything of this description please call on us and examine our stock. B. Heller & Co.

1881-12-30_[4] Henry Leopold and S. Levy - DNT - - 1881-12-30 Henry Leopold and S. Levy had business at Superior today. - Duluth News-Tribune

1881-12-30_[4] Henry Leopold & S. Levy - DNT - - 1881-12-30 Henry Leopold and S. Levy had business at Superior today. - Duluth News-Tribune

1882-3-3 St. Paul, N. P. Sattler West Side Carpet - - 1882 Another New Enterprise. N. P. Sattler, the West Side Carpet man and Hustler, the Owner. He is erecting a Steam Power Carpet Cleaning Works on E. Chicago ave. South Wabasha street and Chicago avenue.

1882-03-06_[4] northeast winds blew pane out of liquor store S. Levy - DNT - - 1882-3-6 The power and peculiarities of the high northeast wind of Saturday may be well illustrated by the fact that it blew a pane of glass out of Levy's wholesale liquor store, which fronts the northwest. - - - also Note story about church steps without light. language - - - Note story about someone falling through the ice and surviving. - Duluth News-Tribune

1882-03-06_[4] liquor store - S. Levy - DNT - - 1882-3-6 The power and peculiarities of the high northeast wind of Saturday may be well illustrated by the fact that it blew a pane of glass out of Levy's wholesale liquor store, which fronts the northwest. - - - Note story about church steps without light. language - - - Note story about someone falling through the ice and surviving. - Duluth News-Tribune

1882-06-04_[4] J. Torbe, of Milwaukee, relative of S. Levy - DNT - - 1882-6-4 S. Levy has gone to Cincinnati. - - - J. Torbe, of Milwaukee, is a relative of S. Levy, is spending a few days in the Zenith City, with which he is much pleased, as everybody always is. - Duluth News-Tribune

1882-06-04_[4] J Torbe of Milwaukee, relative of S. Levy - DNT - - 1882-6-4 S. Levy has gone to Cincinnati. - - - J. Torbe, of Milwaukee, is a relative of S. Levy, is spending a few days in the Zenith City, with which he is much pleased, as everybody always is. - Duluth News-Tribune

1882-9-14 Asa and Henry Leopold, store closed on High Holy Days - - Jewish New Year -

1882-10-10_[4] Duluth News Tribune - DNT - - 1882-10-10 At present there are 850 pupils enrolled in our schools. - - - also: Note that the city of Duluth is anticipating a St. Paul dry goods store to open up for business. And the brick used on the veneer of the St. Louis hotel was made by a local company, Duluth Brick and Tile Company and of good quality. The city is growing. - Duluth News-Tribune

1882-10-10_[4] Duluth News Tribune - DNT - - 1882-10-10 Silberstein & Bondy open their new store at Superior on Saturday with Lou Bondy in charge. - Duluth News-Tribune

1882-10-10_[4] Duluth News Tribune - DNT - - 1882-10-10 S. Levy has received a handsome delivery wagon from Milwaukee for the purpose of delivering Falt's beer, for which he is agent. - Duluth News-Tribune

1882-10-10_[4] S. Levy deiviery wagon from Milwaukee - Falta's beer - DNT - - 1882-10-10 At present there are 850 pupils enrolled in our schools. - - - Silberstein & Bondy open their new store at Superior on Saturday with Lou Bondy in charge. - - - S. Levy has received a handsome delivery wagon from Milwaukee for the purpose of delivering Falt's beer, for which he is agent. - Duluth News-Tribune

1882-11-10_[4] S. Levy birth of boy - DNT - - 1882-11-10 There is joy and also a boy in the house of S. Levy. the boy is healthy, and the joy is abundant. Note: what a nice way to announce a new birth! - - - also Note departure of goods from the port on barges. - Duluth News-Tribune

1882-11-23_[4] Prof. Erdmann portraits Paula - S. Levy daughter - DNT - - 1882-11-23 The Art Exhibition. Prof. Otto Erdmann's art at the St. Louis parlors. Life size portraits in oil of citizens of Duluth. H. F. Leopold Jr. S. Levy's young daughter Paula. lead pencil sketches of scenes along the lake shore near Duluth, oil, watercolors, crayon, charcoal and lead pencil. - Duluth News-Tribune

1882-11-24_[4] Sam S. Loeb art exhibit Erdmann - DNT - - 1882-11-24 Duluth Weekly Tribune: Sam S. Loeb invitation to exhibition of portraits, prominent citizens, European sketches from nature and life, by Prof. Otto Erdmann. - Dulluth News-Tribune - - - Note: Otto Wilhelm Eduard Erdmann (7 December 1834, Leipzig - 9 December 1905, Düsseldorf) was a German genre painter in the Rococo Revival style.

1883-01-05_[3] business Directory cropped - - 1883-1-5 Duluth business list from 1883 - - Silberstein & Bondy -Carpet - Silberstein & Bondy- Millinery - S. Levi Cigars and Tobacco - S. Levy Liquor - H. F. Leopold Jr. Civil Engineer - H. F. Leopold Sr. Tailor Merchant - Duluth_Weekly_Tribune_

1883-2-9 Vermillion Lake Iron Mines - - 1883 The Vermillion Lake Iron Mines, text. - The Vast Importance Attached to them St. Paul. - What Is said of them by Geo. H. and S. P. Ely, two of the Iron Kings of the Continent. - Company Ready to go Ahead and Spend $4,000,000 Inside of Fifteen Months. Should theri Land Grant be Extended. - Want to Have the Road Completed to Duluth by May 1884. -

1883-04-06_[4] S. Levy Opera block sale liquor dealer - - 1883-4-6 An infant child of Henry Jacobson died Wednesday morning. - - - S. Levy, the leading wholesale liquor dealer, will occupy the east store and basement of the opera house block. - Duluth Weekly Tribune

1883-04-27_[4] S. Levy purchased lot - - 1883-4-27 Yesterday S. Levy purchased from Mr. A. Bouchard the fourth lot west of Fourth avenue west, on First street, for $2,000. - - - The health maintenance of a city that is just evolving must have been very difficult. Note the paragraph reporting that several dead horses were dumped near Superior Street, in the neighborhood of Chester creek. Another, a body of stagnant water and filthy slopes in the old schoolhouse basement. - Duluth Weekly Tribune

1883-5-7 I Freimuth & Co ad - - 1883 I Freimuth and Co - Successors to Campbell and Smith - metropolitan Dry Goods Store ad

1883-05-22 Freimuth & Company - - 1883-5-22 Ad J. Freimuth & Co. Superior St. Metropolitan Block.

1883-6-7 Leopolds Boss Clothing & Tailoring - - 1883-6-7 Leopolds Boss Clothing & Tailoring House

1883-06-08 Freimuth & Company - - 1883-6-8 Ad I. Freimuth & Co. ad Successors to Campbell & Smith. Metropolitan Dry Goods Store.

1883-07-13_[4] S. Levy, Kentucky buys Blue Grass whisky wholesale - Duluth_Weekly_Tribune - - 1883-7-13 S. Levy has gone to Kentucky to buy Blue Grass whisky by wholesale.

1883-07-25 Freimuth & Company - - 1883-7-25 Ad The Popular One Price Cash Metropolitan Dry Goods House. Freimuth & Co.

1883-08-04_[4] Eddie Silberstein celebrates tenth birthday (1) - DNT - - 1883-8-4 Last evening Eddie Silberstein gave a party at his father's residence on Second street in celebration of the tenth anniversary of his birth day. Thirty-five children, boys an girls, were present, and if little folks ever had a good time these had last night. After games out of doors there was dancing in the parlors, and then lots of good things to eat. - - - In another place this morning Jos. Silberstein advertises business suits made to order for $28. Joe means business. - - - Persons returning from Fargo and Winnipeg report that the former is dull and later duller. - - - Yesterday Sebania Kippa, a Russin Finlander, twenty-three years of age, applied to the clerk of the court for first papers of citizenship. After getting them, he asked for and procured a marriage license, by virtue of which he will become the proud husband of Mrs. Kristina Trunva, a widow of Fond du Lac, thirty-four years old, owner of a farm, and mother of six children, four of whom are yet living. Kippa probably thinks the farm is worth it.

1883-8-17 J. H. Winterfield-cigar dealer - - Going to the Unsalted Sea -

1883-08-18 Freimuth - - 1883-8-18 Ad Freimuth & Co.

1883-09-16_[4] Opening of Silberstein and Bondy - DNT - - 1883-9-16 Don't Forget. To attend the grand opening at Silberstein & Bondy's on Monday and Tuesday, Sept. 17th and 18th. - - - Look Out! For the grand fall and winter opening of Dry Goods, Millinery, which takes place at Silberstein & Bondy's on Monday and Tuesday Sept. 17th and 18th. - - - The Opera. For a nice Opera Bonnet, Shawl or Fan go to Silberstein & Bondy's. - - - A Grand Sight. Will be seen at the grand opening of fall and winter goods, on Monday and Tuesday next, at Silberstein & Bondy's.

1883-09-18_[1] S. Levy and family vacation in Marquette - DNT - - 1883-9-18 Additional Local. Personal. The family of S. Levy returned Sunday on the propeller Toledo from a four week visit at Marquette and other Lake Superior towns. - Duluth News-Tribune

1883-11-14 news Alaska - - Alaska Glacier -

1884-02-11 St. Paul, Jacob Sattler & Carrie Abeles wed - - 1884-2-11 Sattler Bros Ad - 1884-2-11 Sattler-Abeles. An Elegant Wedding Yesterday Afternoon and Receptio in the Evening. St. Paul Hebrew society. Mr. Jacob B. Sattler, of the firm of Sattler Bros. and Miss Carrie Abeles, the daughter of Mrs. E. Abeles of St. Paul. No. 532 Canada treet, Rev. Dr. Illivitze of Minneapolis, guests Mr. and Mrs. I. Freimuth, Mr. and Mrs. Silverstein, Miss Nellie Weiss, Mrs. I. Bondy, M. B. Abeles, J. D. Sattler. - - St Paul Daily Globe

1884-05-16_8 A. Mondschine - Arkansas_Gazette - - 1884-5-16 Arkansas: staying at the Peming Hotel. D. Mondschine

1884-06-10 Freimuth & Abeles, Proprietors - - 1884-6-10 Ad The Metropolitan Freimuth & Abeles Proprietors

1884-6-20 M. B. Abeles - - 1884 A Peuliar Case. M. B. Abeles, Freimuth & Abeles.

1884-10-17 Baby contet Freimuth, H. F. Leopold - - 1884-10-17 The Second Day Of Our County Fair Even A Greater Success Than The First. A Large Disply in the Live Stock Department-The Baby Show-Another Peep at the Ladies’ Department. E. S. Hammond, Freimuth & Co., H. F. Leopold had charge of the department of the baby show. Miss Meizger, Mrs. Levy (sisters) , ladies dept. Large attendance. - Duluth Weekly Tribune

1884-11-14_[3] Mrs. S. Levy and two children carriage accident - - 1884-11-14 A double team attached to a heavy wagon ran into S. Levy's horse and carriage yesterday morning on East Superior Street, overturning Mrs. Levy and the two children, besides the driver. The driver of the double team was arrested and fined in police court in the afternoon. - Duluth Weekly Tribune

1884-12-5 Silberstein, Leopold - - 1884 Duluth: Children's Relief Society, juveniles meet at home of Florence Silberstein, Bertie Davis, Florence Silberstein, Clara and Blanche Leopold, Ethel Row, Ralph Davis, Eugene and Irene Silberstein, Paul Levy, Murdy Holliday, Emma and Mina Lautenschlager, Bertie Davis. (full page pdf file) -

1884-12-5 Silberstein, Leapold - - 1884 Duluth: Children's Relief Society, juveniles meet at home of Florence Silberstein, Bertie Davis, Florence Silberstein, Clara and Blanche Leopold, Ethel Row, Ralph Davis, Eugene and Irene Silberstein, Paul Levy, Murdy Holliday, Emma and Mina Lautenschlager, Bertie Davis. (cropped as jpg file) -

.................. 1885 ..................           top of list          bottom -

1885-5-2 recital, Florence Silberstein - - 1885 Miss D'Unger's Recitals, Florence Silberstein. -

1885-05-29_[1] Gus Heller - - 1885-5-29 Gus Heller staying at the St. Paul Hotel. - Duluth News-Tribune

1885-6-19 Louis Hamel arson - - 1885-6-19 The Arson Case. Louis Hammel, the Young Man Charaged With Arson, Before Judge Hutchins. Mr. Selzer.

1885-7-16 Young Men's Hebrew association - - 1885 Annual meeting of the Young Men's Hebrew association Charles Polinsky, L. Oreckovsky, S. Segal, S. Lavick, S. Bakovitch, M. Oreckovsky, Albert Polinsky.

1885-10-18 W. M. Abrahamson and Mark - - 1885 W. M. Abrahamson assistant to Postmaster Day, of St. Paul, is in Duluth on his annual vacation, and will be the guest of his uncle, A. Mark, Isq, of the Louisiana State Lottery company. (Note from Karen: This is probably one of the earliest newspaper articles we have and an indication of the earliest families settling in Duluth.)

1885-10-21 Freimuth and Abeles liquidation - - 1885 Expiration of Co-Partnership. $50,000 worth of Dry Goods, Cloaks, Carpets, Millinery, Blankets, and Gents' Furnishing Goods. Freimuth & Abeles.

1885-11-25 Freimuth & Abeles - - 1885 Freimuth & Abeles, shoplifting.

1886-1-1 iron industry - - Our Iron Industry. Something of the history of its development. Long struggle. The iron mines of this country proven to be the richest in the world

1886-1-1 The Great Railroad Bridge, Duluth to West Superior - - Illustrations of early Duluth

1886-1-15 Freimuth and Abeles - - 1886 Business Changes. Freimuth & Abeles, D. C. Abeles, M. B. Abeles

1886-4-23 St. Paul, Passover - - 1886 St. Paul: Passover feast of the Jewish people, ecape of Hebrews from bondage in Egypt. column 3 and 4.

1886-05-28 Isaac Bondy who is to pay - - 1886-5-28 Who Is To Pay? The Quest Who is to Pay For Sprinkling Superior Street. - Isaac Bondy said: I think that the village should be able to afford to sprinkle the streets. I am sure that we pay enough taxes.

1886-7-16 Bondy, Weiss wed, 1st wedding in Duluth -

1886-9-10 Regina Berdie - - 1886-9-10 Miss Regina Berdie, the daughter of Mr. Berdie, the celebrated ginger ale manufacturer, left yesterday with her mother for St. Joseph's college, St. Paul. -

1886-11-19 Silberstein & Bondy -

1887 Fanny Zien sucide - - -

1887-02-12_7 Mrs. Max Shapiro attends sister's wedding in Chicago - - 1887-2-12 St. Paul: col. 2 Brainerd. Mrs. Max Shapiro attends sister's wedding in Chicago and visit friends. - St Paul Dailly

1887-02-12_7 Mrs Max Shapiro attends sisters wedding in Chicago - - 1887-2-12 St. Paul: co. 2, Mrs. Max Shapiro attends sister's wedding in Chicago. - St Paul Daily Globe

1887-03-25 sewing machine Freimuth and Howard - - 1887-3-25 Ad for Freimuth & Howard Agents for sewing machine, 106 West Superior Street. - Duluth Weekly Tribune

1887-04-02_9 Fur establishment B. Levin - - 1887-04-02 1887-4-2 Irish Standard: Fire in the wholesale fur establishment of B. Levin & Co., Montreal, caused a loss of $50,000. - - - Note: I am not sure if there is a street or avenue in Minnesota called Montreal. St. Paul, MN has a Montreal Avenue. Perhaps the fur store was in St. Paul and not Duluth. The newspaper is called the Irish Standard. This is one of the earliest newspaper articles I have. It is at least 10 years earlier than when my great grandfather arrived in Duluth.

1887-06-04_4 Max Segelbaum divorce cropped - - 1887-6-4 St. Paul: cropped, A Double Divorce Suit. The Segelbaum Case in Court. Mrs. Adele Segelbaum sued her husband Max Segelbaum for divorce on the ground of cruel treatment in 1883. - St Paul Daily Globe

1887-6-24 Spalding Hotel - - 1887 Spalding Hotel- Not a Jewish business, but certainly was used for various celebrations. More on the Spalding Hotel: A look inside the long-lost Spalding Hotel http://attic.areavoices.com/2010/09/28/a-look-inside-the-long-lost-spalding-hotel/- - It took two years after ground was broken in June of 1887 for tradesmen to complete the massive, two-hundred room Spalding Hotel - http://zenithcity.com/zenith-city-history-archives/duluth-architecture/spalding-hotel/

1887-7-15 Abraham Levine - - 1887 Passed On Worthless Checks. John Messner onto Abraham Levine.

1887-8-8 Tower, Minnesota, iron range - - 1887 Tower: photos, Gens in Tower's Crown of Beauty. -

1887-08-09 cashier falls into excavation Babcock- I. Freimuth - - 1887-8-9 John Babcock, cashier at I. Freimuth’s fell into an excavation on First avenue west, near Superior street, on Sunday, and was very badly bruised.

1887-08-09 I Freimuth left for New York - - 1887-8-9 I. Freimuth, proprietor of the Metropolitan dry goods store, left for New York city and other eastern points Sunday. He will be gone about four weeks.

1887-8-12 N. D. Summerfield, Cloquet - - 1887 Cloquet, N. D. Summerfield, Bay View, col. 3

1887-08-20_5 Max Segelbaum divorce cropped - - 1887-8-20 St. Paul: cropped. Decided At Last. The Segelbaum Divorce Case Settled for all Times. Max Segelbaum and Adele Segelbaum. - St Paul Daily Globe

1887-9-3 Black Fast - - 1887 The Black Fast. Commemoration of the Overthrow of a Nation. Religious Services in the Synagogues of the Hebrews at Jerusalem-The Ninth of Ab the Anniversary of the Destruction of the Temple-Blessing the Moon.

1887-9-3 Max Shapiro-Brainerd - - 1887 Windsor Hotel: Max Shapiro, Brainerd. -

1887-9-15 Mark and Zalk - - Duluth Daily News - The City -

1887-11- 21 Silberstein, Bondy, Leopold, Levy, Freimuth, Winterfield, Oswold, Levine, Loeb, Van Baalen - - A complete surprise -

1887-11-5 Duluth Daily News, Clara Leopold, musical - - 1887 Duluth: musical, Clara Leopold. -

1887-11-15 Charity Work Mrs I Freimuth, Silberstein & Bondy - - 1887-11-15 Charity’s Work. “Home for Destitute Women and Children. Mrs. I. Freimuth, stair carpet and two comforts. --- Silberstein & Bondy, a new carpet for reception room.

1887-11-19 Worms, ancient tombstones 566 Mayence - - 1887 Ancient Tombstones. Discovered by Rabbi Lehman in the Vicinity of Mayence. Ellu, 566. Worms.

1887-12-04_10 Max Segaebaum alimony cropped - - 1887-12-4 St. Paul: cropped Gets Temporary alimony. Max Segelbaum and Adele Segelbaum, custody of child to plaintiff. - St Paul Daily Globe

1887-12-06 insurance damage fire in Metropolitan block - - 1887-12-6 Insurance Adjusted. Superior street and First avenue east fire and Metropolitan block. J. Freimuth carried the insurance and divided it.

1887-12-07 fire damage dry-goods stock Freimuth - - 1887-12-7 Minnesota. A fire the other morning in Metropolian block, one of he finest in Duluth, damaged he building slightly, while water damaged dry-goods stock of I. Freimuh to the extent of nearly $10,000 and contents of law and other offices about $2,000. - - Mower County Transcript, Austin

1887-12-13_5 Roos Gomberg wedding - - 1887-12-13 Gomberg-Roos. Wm. Gom erg, proprietor of the Hayes Block Furniture store, was engaged to Miss Bertha Roos, at the home of the bride, 129 First avenue west, on Sunday. The young lady wa formerly employed by Messrs. Silberstein & Bondy, and the occassion was made one of great festivity. After the ceremony, which was quite elaborate, according to the Hebrew custom the interested parties were escorted to the house of Mr. B. Silberstein, where about seventy-five invited guests were in waiting for them, and where the latter part of the afternoon and the evening were spent in mirth and jollity. Music and song, intermingled with good cheer furnished from well filled tables occupied the time. both the bride and groom have a large circles of acquaintances who join in wishing for their future happiness. - Duluth Daily News

1888-01-05 I. L. Cook and Mary from Poland - - 1888-1-5 Tound Her Friends. Mary Walunskykanis Finds he Haven She Set Out from Poland to Reach. I. L. Cook, a furniture dealer at No. 12 First avenue west.

1888-1-7 Cloquet, B. J. & N. J. Summerfield - - 1888 Cloquet, B. J. Summerfield visiting brother N. J. Summerfield. Duluth stock will be increased.

1888-02-02_5 Bertha Roos - - 1888-2-2 The Deadly Coal Gas. Narrow Escape of Four Persons in A Second Street Home. Asphyxia from coal gas coming from Minnehaha stove. in sitting room. . Dr. Speier four patients corner of Second street and First avenue. Louis Roose, his two sisters, Bertha and Rosa Roos, and Max and Joe Levy. had rooms there. Max Levy, found at the Eagle clothing store, suffered severe headaches. Miss Rosa Roos got up in a dazed condition, went into another room and fell to the floor. a dressmaker engaged to sew clothes for Miss Bertha arrived and rapped on door many times. Max Levy heard her and help revive them. Mr. Silberstein gave alarm All will recover Miss Bertha is weak. Doors were open. - Duluth Daily News

1888-2-18 L. T. Kanner, Chicago, Hotel arrivals - - Yesterday's hotel arrivals -

1888-2-25 Florence Silberstein - - 1888 An Enjoyable Affair. Florence Silberstein. -

1888-02-28 new Sons of Jacob Congregation W. M. Abrahason St Paul - - 1888-2-28 t. Paul, For A New Synagogue. A Concert and Hop by the Sons of Jacob Congregation. W. M. Abrahamson Miss Bessie Marks led grand march.

1888-03-22 I Freimuth, train wreck, blizzard - - 1888-3-22 I. Freimuth, proprietor of the Metropolitan store, was in New York during the blizzard and was on the elevated train that was wrecked. He was in the car that was dashed to pieces, in which twenty persons were wounded and one killed, but he escaped without a scar. Blizzards have ever been kindly disposed toward Duluthians.

1888-03-24_5 ml Bertha Roos Wm Gomberg - - 1888-3-24 Marriage License Duluth businessman. Wm. Gomberg, the furniture dealer, and Miss. Bertha Roos, to tkae place tomorrow. - Duluth Daily News

1888-4-10 Tower, P. J. Richwine hustler - - Personals: P J Richwine, the Tower hustler is in the city.

1888-04-11 Isaac Bondy Farewell surprise - - 1888-4-11 Farewell Surprise. Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Bondy are Pleasantly Surprised Before Going to Europe. - - Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Bondy, Who Sail May 1 are the Recipients. Ingalls’ Hall, 50 invited guests, Caterer Butler. Sam Loeb master of ceremonies, assisted by Sadie Bondy, Matilda Metzger, and Prof. Lester’s orchestra. Guests: Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Bondy, Mr. and Mrs. B. Silberstein, Mr. and Mrs. Asa Leopold, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Leopold, Mr. and Mrs. S. Levy, Mr. and Mrs. B. Heller, Mr. and Mrs. J. Winterfield, Mr. and Mrs. Hess, Mr. and Mrs. Kline, Mr. and Mrs. Gomberg, Mr. and Mrs. L. R. Bondy, Mr. and Mrs. Oswald, Mr. and Mrs. I. Freimuth, Mr. and Mrs. Weinberg. Sadie Bondy, Matilda Metzger, Julia Weiss, Fanny Weiss, Freimuth, Hoffheimer, Florence Silberstein, Roos. Sam Loeb, Louis Loeb, Joe Silberstein, Charles Freimuth, Joe Sattler, J. Jones, Ed Oswald, Mae Riddell, Sam Van Baalen, Will Van Baalen, George Ryan, Bert Eba, Will McWatty, Less?ug, Kellman, Joe Jevy, Max Levy, Louis Roos, Morris Winterfield, Eddie Silberstein, Joe Silberstein.

1888-04-14 East Second Street Mr. Freimuth, house - - 1888-4-14 Gridley & Mishler have sold to I. Freimuth, the dry goods merchant, the house on lot 2, East Second street, for $9,750, and Mr. Freimuth will occuy it as a family residence. - - St Paul Daily Globe

1888-05-04_[4] Heller and Loeb move into building - DNT - - 1888-5-4 McFarlane & Anson have moved into the O'Brien & Knowlton building and Heller & Loeb will move in on Monday. There are still two nice stores for either wholesale or retail purposes unengaged. The two middle floors are being made into private rooms, while the top story will be converted into a hall for Co. K. - Dulluth News-Tribune

1888-6-17 Blanche Leopold, dance - - 1888 Duluth: dancing, Blanche Leopold. -

1888-6-17 Markowitz and Shapira ad - - 1888 Markowitz and Shapira ad, 108 West First Street, dealers in Furniture, stoves, crockery, and glassware -

1888-6-20 Little Snow White, Blance Leopold - - 1888 Duluth: Blanche Leopold -

1888-07-29_[4] Levy Bros. Eagle clothing store. Freimuth ad - DNT - - 1888-7-28 Ad: I. Freimuth Millinery - - - Ad: Levy Eagle Clothing. - Duluth News-Tribune

1888-07-29_[4] Levy Bros. Eagle clothing store - Freimuth ad - DNT - - 1888-7-29 Ad: I. Freimuth Millinery - - Ad: Levy Eagle Clothing. - Duluth News-Tribune

1888-8-4 Artie Leopold obit. - - 1888 Artie Leopold obit. - F. Leopold had a son that drowned in 1888. Shortly after this A. F. Leopold closed his business.

1888-11-17 Isaac L. Cook - - 1888 The Evil Doer. Edward Dyer was brought before Jude Jaques yesterday, charged with assault upon Isaac L. Cook.

1888-11-29_2 Rose Lapinsky John Lapinsky - Sun - - 1888-11-29 Col. 4 The Sun. Rose Lapinsky aged thirteen years, daughter of John Lapinsky of Lake City, Minn., was committed to the reform school by Justice McBride for breaking into the residence of Mrs. Albert Glines while the latter was away on a visit, taking various articles of value. some of the stolen property was found in the girl;s possession. She pleaded guilty.

1888-12-1 L. Oreckovsky propery - - 1888 Real Estate Transfer, Albert Smith to L. Oreckovsky, lots 31 and 32, block 8, Hunter's Grassy Point addition -

1888-12-19 New Corporation Myers - - 1888-12-19 New Corporation. Capital Invested by Sagacious Business Men. Jacob R. Myers, Henry H. Myers, Ben F. Myers.

1889 Odd Fellows Hall, Duluth - - 1889 Odd Fellows Hall Lake avenue between first and second streets; 20 Lake avenue north; built 1888; French brass band; event; fraternal society; adjacent buildings - - - photo from Minnesota Reflections

1889-1-9 Grand Opera House fire photo - - 1889 Duluth's Beautiful Opera House Destryed in an Hour - Markell is noted as owner.

1889-01-23 I Freimuth new member Chamber of Commerce - - 1889-1-23 Please Give Trains. Can Then Refuse Such a Moderate Request—The Chanber of Comerce. Crimes and Criminals. District Court Proceedings-Two Defaulters-Miss Helen Barry Coming. A Calm Protest. The N. P. Should Blush at These Chamber of Commerce Resolutions. The Chamber of Commerce swore in eleven new members. I. Freimuth. Note: Duluth’s population in 1889 was 40,000 and there is a need for better transportation by train. Duluth is growing rapidly and infrastructure is needed to support it.

1889-7-26 Charlemagne Tower obit. - - 1889 Charlemagne Tower. Death of the Man Who Developed the Iron Resources of Minnesota-The Opening of the Vermillion Range and Its Sale to a Syndicate in 1887. -

1889-08-28 Flood in Duluth Freimuth dry goods - - 1889-8-28 A Flood at Duluth. J. Freimuth drygoods damage $12,000. - - Mower County Transcript, Austin

1889-12-11_9 M. Loeb representing Dueber Watch company - - 1889-12-11 St. Paul Daily Globe: col. 2, M. Loeb, representing the Dueber Watch Case company, the largest manufactory of the kind in the world, is stopping at the Ryan. - St Paul Daily Globe

.................. 1890 ..................           top of list          bottom -

1890-1-19 South Superior, La Belle Wagon Works - - Illustrations of early Duluth

1890-02-02_4 S. Levy clothing merchants non support for Davis - DNT - - 1890-2-2 The Business Men of Superior Street Are For J. K. Shaw. His Great Popularity With Duluth Merchants Clearly Apparent. Republicans, Democrats and Independents Will Support Him. - - Levy Bros. clothing merchants. L.Kahn rep. dry goods. I, Levine rep. clothing merchant. Silberstein & Bondy, dry goods. "Vote for men whom we believe best qualify for the respective places." - Duluth News-Tribune

1890-4-23 Map of Duluth Harbor - - Illustrations of early Duluth

1890-06-16 Heller & Loeb - - 1890-6-16 Wet Goods Dealers. Seventy-two of Them Make Applications for Licenses to Continue Business. A Number of Old Dispensers and Several Strangers Are Looking for Locations. A Few of the Changes That Will Be Made-Some Firms Will Retire. Heller & Loeb applied for license.

1890-6-18 Aaron Heller Stella Hoffhelmer - - 1890-6-18 Mr. Aaron Heller, one of the leading merchants of Chippewa Falls, Wis., and Miss Stella Hoffheimer of Duluth will be married next Wednesday evening in this city. Rabbi Hess of St. Paul will perform the ceremony. Prominent Hebrews of Chippewa Falls, Eau Claire and other cities will witness the ceremony. NOTES regarding these people: Benjamin's older brother Aaron Heller marries Stella Hoffheimer from Norfolk, Virginia in 1890. At some point Stella moves to Duluth, MN and stays with her sister Ida Hoffheimer Heller. Probably an arranged meeting for the marriage. An example of two sisters marrying two brothers. Aaron and Benjamin Heller's parents D. H. and Bertha Heller were living 1880 in Chippewa Falls, Wisconsin. Parents along with children Bernard, Dov, Simon, Julia, and Phillip Heller moved there between 1870 and 1880. D. H. Heller was born in Bavaria in the year 1825. Father to Aaron and Benjamin Heller.This family is one of the earliest settlers that I know of in Wisconsin AND Duluth, Minnesota.

1890-7-10 Jacob D. Zien and Matilda Metgher ml. - - 1890 Jacob D. Zien and Matilda Metgher marriage license -

1890-7-12 Superior-Morris Samuelson and Nathan Marcus - - 1890 Superior Siftings. Morris Samuelson and Nathan Marcus. -

1890-07-22_[4] Kastriner - - 1890-7-2 Aberdeen: Disolved. Mr. Kastriner to Remove from the City-His Carer in th Hub. clothing firm Goodman & Kastriner. His family will remove to Groton. - Aberdeen_Daily_News

1890-8-31 Florence Silberstein - - 1990 Florence Silberstein visits Chicago, guest of A. F. Leopold -

1890-8-31 Silberstein, Bondy, Leopold - - 1890 Silberstein & Bondy families, summer cottage at park Point. -

1890-9-21 Mrs. Benjamin Heller - - 1890 Miss Carrie Hofhhemier-Norfolk, VA, visit with Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Heller, 131 West Second street. Mrs. Aaron Heller-Chippewa Falls, visited sister Mrs. Benjamin Heller. Benjamin Heller was part of the Reform congregation and a charter member. This newspaper article confirms that he was in Duluth in the year 1890. What is interesting to note is that the Reform Congregation was the first synagogue to be formed in 1891 and made up mostly of German Jewish families. -

1890-9-21 Heller eng - - 1890-9-21 Mrs. Benjamin Heller entertained friends Tuesday night at her home on West Second street in honor of her sister Miss Hofheimer of Norfolk, VA. Mrs. Aaron Heller of Chippewa, Falls, Wis.

1890-9-23 Seperh Karon & Sarah Sapurv marriage license -

1890-9-23 ag Seperh Karon & Sarah Sapurv marriage license -

1890-11-24_7 Ad Samuel Loeb 209 West Superior Street - DNT - - 1890-11-24 Ad. Sam'l Loeb 209 West Superior Street. Duluth, Minn. Heavy Overcoat suits for men and boys. - Dulluth News-Tribune

1891-2-13 Benne Karon cruelty to animals - - 1891-2-13 Benna Karon was before his honor charged with cruelty to animals.

1891-5-16 Alabama paper Pereyaslav, Semen Romsik1906-1-19 Many dance in Temple Hall Mrs I Freimuth - - 1891 Mrs I Freimuth gives benefit party for family of Russian refugees.

1891-5-16 Alabama paper Pereyaslav, Semen Romsik - - 1891 article regarding Pereyaslav. It is interesting to note the anti-semitism that took place there. Historically it is one of the centers where the Cossacks began the first revolution.

1891-06-06 Freimuth moving stock to Hurst bldg - - 1891-6-6 A. Freimuth is moving his stock of dry goods to the Hurst building. Experienced for nine years in the area.

1891-06-21 Fr Freimuth Hurst bldg opposite Phillips hotel - - 1891-6-21 F. Freimuth leading dry goods house, Hurst building opposite the Philip hotel. Best location in town. Stocked full of dry goods.

1891-07-07_[4] Kastriner & Newman fire loss West Duluth also Groton SD - - 1891-7-7 Aberdeen: Kastriner & Neuman fire loss at West Duluth Sunday morning was $10,000, well-covered by insurance. In addition, however, Mr. and Mrs. Kastriner lost all their household effects and the later left home barefoot as she had not time to fully dress, so rapid wa the progress of the flames. As we will remember by many citizens of Aberdeen, Mr. and Mrs. Kastriner were burned out in the Groton conflagration. - Aberdeen_Daily_News

1891-7-9 N. L. Summerfield - - 1891 Installation of Zenith City lodge, N. L. Summerfield, treasurer.

1891-8-17 Sattler-Maloney elopement - - 1891 Sattler-Maloney. An Elopement That Causes a Sensation In Two Duluth Families. Grand Forks Was the Gretna Green Where the Marriage Took Place. Joe Sattler. Catholic/Hebrew marriage.

1891-8-18 Henry Bierman - - 1891 Henry Bierman obit. -

1891-09-02 Henry Abraham & Carrie Hofheimer wed - - 1891-9-2 Hofheimer Abraham. Henry Abraham and Miss Carrie Hofheimer marry. Mr. and Mrs. R. Heller, 121 West Second street. Dr. Marks, of Minneapolis performed the ceremony. Will reside at West Superior. Mr. Abraham proprietor of Oak Hall clothing house at West Superior.

1891-9-18 Mr._ A. Metzger Cleveland, Ohio - - 1891-9-18 The Great Jewish Exhibition Mr. A. Metzger contributed $50.

1891-10-3 J. D. Sattler, Boston Bargin Store-ND - - 1891 J. D. Sattler, Boston Bargain Store.

1891-10-30 Henry Bloom and Herman Jaffe, fight -

1891-11-10 Anshe Chesel congr. Hats -

1891-11-22 court proceedings - - 1891-11-22 court proceedings - - Max Shapiro vs Thomas Filewood - AND - 1891-11-22 Isaac Gottstein vs Ida Hallock

1891-12-5 Gittelson and Cohen - - 1891 Dry Goods And Junk. They Are Found in a Box Car With the Junk on Top. The Recent Cohen & Gittleson Assignment May Yet Prove Decidedly Interesting. Jewelry, furnishings, and junk. Russian Jews. Relative Mark and Cook engaged in same line of business. Another relative in Marion. Defraud Duluth Dry Goods Company.

1891-12-28 Schapiro -

1892 Moses Cook and Mary Kreckinsky - - 1892 Moses L. Cook took out a license to marry Mamie Kreckinsky.

1892 Duluth Directory Karon famiies and Kasmer - - 1892 Duluth Directory Karon family - - Abram, peddler, residence 414 Lake avenue South. - - Louis Karon (S & L Karon, res. 18 1/2 East 2nd. - - Sampson Karon (S & L Karon), res. 24 1/2 East 2nd. - - Simon Karon (Mark & Karon), res 362 St. Croix av. - - S & L Karon (Sampson & Louis) proprs N W Iron & Metal Co 17 E 1st.

1892-1-3 Mrs. Jacob Satter and Mrs. I. Freimuth - - (cropped) 1892 Mrs. Jacob Sattler and Mrs. I. Freimuth returned to Chicago

1892-1-3 Mrs. Jacob Satter and Mrs. I. Freimuth - - 1892 Mrs. Jacob Sattler and Mrs. I. Freimuth returned to Chicago

1892-01-04 I. L. Cook son M. L. Cook and Mamie Kukinski wed - - 1892-1-4 Quite wedding. Mr. and Mrs. I. L. Cook, No. 18 First avenue west. Son M. L. Cook and Mamie Kukinski. b. G. Cook, Julius Cook, M. Cook-Willmar, Minn.

1892-1-9 Benny and Henny Karon daughter - - 1892-1-9 births reported - daughter to Benny and Henny Karon on Jan 27

1892-1-12 Louis Aronheim and Roos mariage - - 1892-1-12 Miss Rosa Roos and Louis Aronheim married at Louis Roos residence, bride’s brother 309 East First Street.

1892-01-12_[4] Rosa Roos, Louis Aronheim Louis Roos - - 1892-1-12 Rosa Roos and Louis Aronheim were married Sunday at the residence of the bride's brother, Louis Roos of 300 East First street. - Duluth Daily News

1892-1-21 First papers - - Earlly but not the earliest settlers. First Papers for a few Russian Hebrews. Richard Witowski, Piote Nidolski, Abe Karon, Natan Slonin, Baunet Karon, Harris Walt, Bane Kauer, Abe Milner, J. B. Poltz, Sem Milevitz from Poland, N. J. Klateky, Nathan Goldin from Russia

1892-1-21 First papers Abe Karon -

1892-01-27_6 D. 1st. col. Mondschine - Arkansas_Gazette - - 1892-1-27 Arkansas: The Supreme Court No. 272. Cr. D. Mondschine vs. The State; error to Perry Circuit Court; submitted.

1892-1-29 Karon birth to Benne and Henne Karon -

1892-2-7 Mine Stock Flury Biwabik - - 1892 (full page) Riverside Enterprise, Riverside, CA paper, reported Flury In Mining Stock in Biwabik. 2nd. col.

1892-2-7 Mine Stock Flury Biwabik - - 1892 (cropped) Riverside Enterprise, Riverside, CA paper, reported Flury In Mining Stock in Biwabik. 2nd. col.

1892-2-21 page 2, Silverstein & Bondy ad - - 1892 Millions Of Tons Of Bessemer Ore. page 2 - - - plus Silverstein and Bondy ad -

1892-2-21 iron ore discovered - transcription - - 1892 Millions Of Tons Of Bessemer Ore. - Transcription -

1892-2-21 iron ore discovered (1) - - 1892 Millions Of Tons Of Bessemer Ore. - The Rich Discoveries of High Grade Iron Ore Made Upon the Mesabe or the Giant Range Within About Fifty Miles of the City of Duluth. - Can Be Mined Cheaper Than Elsewhere. - The Largest Uninterrupted Stretch of Iron Ore Formation Million Tons Already in Sight and Indications of Millions More. -

1892-2-28 Max Bloom and Jennie Shapira m. lic. - - 1892 Max Bloom and Jennie Shapira marriage license, Judge Morris -

1892-02-28 Max Bloom and Jennie Shapira wed - - 1892-2-28 Max Bloom and Jennie Shapira procured a license to wed yesterday and then called upon Judge Morris to tie the nuptial knot. This was the last but one of Judge Morris' official acts.

1892-03-15_4 Albert S. Loeb - - 1892-3-15 St. Paul Daily globe: Col. 3, The grand jury reported that it found no indictments against Harry Moss and Albert s. Loeb. Two preceding grand juries did find the charge of making an erroneous inventory of their effects after an assignment. - St Paul Daily Globe

1892-03-16 Heller & Loeb - - 1892-3-16 Duluth Daily News: The Duluth K Of G. the first Annual Banquet of the Traveling Salesmen of the Duluth Wholesale Houses. A Very Enjoyable Affair. Eloquent Addresses Delivered by Judge Isaac E. West, Mayor d’Autremont, P. S. Anneke and Others. Event held at the Spaulding hotel. Knights of the Grip. Representative wholesale houses of Duluth. Heller & Loeb.

1892-04-03 Chen, Gettelson, Simon Cook, Marks scrap metal - - 1892-4-3 Creditors Make Another Move. Cohen & Getelson of Superior scrap. A. Marks-Duluth, Simon Cook

1892-4-10 N. L. Summerfield - - 1892 Many Will Build. The Discovery of Ore on the Mesaba Begins to Have its Salutary Effect. N. J. Summerfield, two story double brick building between nineteenth and Twentieth avenues west, $10,000.

1892-4-17 Florence Silberstein - - 1892 Florence Silberstein entertains. Lida Carpenter-Chicago. -

1892-04-22 doctors offices move out for drygoods store Freimuth - - 1892-4-22 I. Freimuth will soon occupy the entire Metropolitan block with his stock of dry goods. The doctors and other people who have offices there, are preparing to move out. Note: Superintendent Wallace of the Ohio Company’s mine reports on the Missabe Mountain hematite and magnetic ore.

1892-05-27 shop lifting - - 1892-5-27 A Cleaver Detective. Robert Benson Searches a House And Finds Considerable Stolen Property. I. Freimuth $400 valuable black silk lace and other articles stolen from his counters.

1892-05-27_3 R. Loeb selling business col. 1 - - 1892-5-27 St. Paul Daily Glob: col. 1 On Saturday, May 28, 1892. At No. 57 East Seventh street, at 10 a.m. I will sell to the highest bidder the entire stock of Ladies' Cloaks, Furnishings and Notions, including fixtures contained in the store at above number. Stock can be seen, and inventory examined between now and Saturday at No. 57 East Seventh, from 9 a.m. to 6pm. R. Loeb. - St Paul Daily Globe

1892-7-10 Biwabik fire destroys town - - 1892 (full page) Biwabik, fire destroys town.

1892-7-10 Biwabik fire destroys town - - 1892 (cropped) Biwabik, fire destroys town.

1892-7-13 Samuel and Sarah Witz, birth boy - - 1892 Samuel and Sarah Witz, birth boy. Not sure if this boy survived. In 1895 census, Abel/Arthur was 4 months old and the youngest member of the family. Samuel Witz' father must have been Soliman Witz. He was living with the family in 1895. Samuel and Sarah were married for 25 years in the 1900 census. 1875. Samuel immigrated in 1883 and Sarah, Harry, and Lena in 1886. -

1892-07-13 birth of Gertrude Witz - - 1892-7-13 Samuel and Sarah Witz gave birth to a girl. Note: It must be.... Gertrude Witz b: Jul 1892 in Duluth, MN d: 19 Apr 1959 in Los Angeles, CA

1892-8-16 Yankel Levin and Joseph Polinsky (1) - - 1892 Judgment secured for Leopold Bros. (bottom of article)

1892-8-16 Yankel Levin and Joseph Polinsky - - 1892 default payment on land, Israel Bietoetozky, Louis Kohn, Yankel Levin, and Joseph Polinsky.

1892-8-28 Clara Leopold, Silberstein, St. Paul - - 1892 Duluth: Miss Clara Leopold of St. Paul, guest of Florence Silberstein. -

1892-08-31_6 Sarah Tobias suicide - - St Paul Daily Globe - Duluth News Tribune

1892-09-30 Lazarus Sax & Annie Rubin marriage license - - 1892-09-30 Lazarus Sax & Annie Rubin were issued a marriage license. Note: Lazarus Sax b: 1864 in Kovno, Russia, d: 24 Nov 1919 in Chicago, Illinois … + Annie Rubin aka: Hannah, b: 1865 in Lithuania, m: 09 Oct 1892 in Cook County, Illinois, d: 1911 in Chicago, Illinois

1892-10-10 Hebrew Republican club -

1892-11-3 N. P. Sattler, stock sold SP - - 1892 St. Paul: Closing Out Sale! N. P. Sattler, 172 South Wabash, St. Paul, Minn. ad

1892-12-2 The Bell Levin Bros. - - 1892 Ad for The Bell Duluth, Levin Bros. Proprietors. - scroll down to capture it. Later I found similar ads for them, but they used the name Levine Bros.

1892-12-2 The Bell Levin Bros - - 1892-12-2 Ad. The Bell Duluth, Watch for Great December Discount Sale. Levin Bros. Proprietors. 109-111 West Superior St.- overcoats, children.

1893-01-02_4 Ad Heller and Loeb wine and liquor - DNT - - 1893-1-2 Ad. Heller & Loeb. Importer and Wholesale. Wine and Liquor. - Dulluth News-Tribune

1893-1-24 Isaac Cook - - 1893 Isaac L. Cook has gone to Wabash, Ind. He left yesterday afternoon.

1893-03-15_3 Benny Karon death one year 362 St. Croix Ave - - 1893-3-15 Death of Benny Karon, age one year, 362 St. Croix avenue. - dnt

1893-3-19 Fannie Zien 19 years old poison 1888 - - 1893 Their Only Epitaph, Duluth Men Whose Lives One Word Covers. Eighteen Have Suicide. The Self Severing of Lives in This City as Recalled by Health Office Figures. Fanny Zien -

1893-3-31 Prague cemetery - - 1893 An Old Jewish Cemetery. Prague

1893-4-1 Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Sattler, death of son - - 1893 (cropped) one month old son of Joseph D. Sattler, 113 Second avenue east, obit., buried in Catholic cemetery.

1893-4-1 Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Sattler, death of son - - 1893 one month old son of Joseph D. Sattler, 113 Second avenue east, obit., buried in Catholic cemetery.

1893-4-5 Eveleth, Minnesota - - 1893 Stripping Contracts. Two Taken By Capt. Stevens-New Town of Eveleth. - - Adams Mining company's property 31 59 17 40 acres, new town of Eveleth. -

1893-4-16 B. J. Cook ad - - 1893 Perfection Reached. B. J. Cook ad.

1893-04-19 Max Bloom Moses Shapira disolve Partnership - - 1893-4-19 Max Bloom and Moses Shapira dissolution of Partnership. Dealers in new and second hand furniture, 108 West First street and 17 First avenue west.

1893-4-23 B. J. Cook ad - - 1893 We’ve Got to Git! B. J. Cook ad. 9 East Superior Street.

1893-5-5 Phillip Berdie hotel - - 1893-5-5 Phillip Berdie stayed in the Merchants Hotel in Duluth. He was in the liquor business.

1893-5-5 Philip Berdie - - 1893-5-5 At the Hotels. The Merchants. Philip Berdie staying at St. Josephs hotel in Duluth.

1893-5-5 Phillip Berdie hotel - - 1893-5-5 Phillip Berdie stayed in the Merchants Hotel in Duluth. He was in the liquor business.

1893-5-7 Samuel I. Levin - - 1893 $1,100 a Front Foot. Sale to Samuel I. Levin.

1893-5-26 c Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Zien, trip - - 1893 Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Zien trip Milwaukee, Chicago -

1893-06-03_5 Martin Madson of Mpls position with Kastriner & Newman - - 1893-6-3 Martin Madson of Minneapolis has acepted a position with Kastriner & Newman. - Duluth News Tribune

1893-6-4 B. J. Cook ad clothing - - 1893 A Most Gigantic Slaughter Sale. B. J. Cook ad. 522 Superior Street.

1893-6-7 Moses Cook will marry Mary Cook daughter of S. Moses - - 1893 Other Early Nuptials. Miss Mary Moses, the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. S. Moses will be married to Moses Cook.

1893-6-28 Moses Cook and Mary Moses ml - - 1893 Marriage licenses: Moses Cook to Mary Moses.

1893-6-29 Moses Cook and Mary Moses wed - - 1893 Moses Cook. Svea? Hall, Mary Moses, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. S. Moses, married Moses Cook. Rabbi Seperetion?. Moses Perlstein-Chicago, Cook-Duluth, Joe Pavian-Minneapolis, J. M. Pavian-Duluth.

1893-7-2 Moses and Cook wedding - - 1893 Other Weddings of the Week, Moses and Moses Cook, Perlstein, Joseph Pavian, J. M. Pavian. (transcribed) -

1893-7-2 Moses and Cook wedding - - 1893 Other Weddings of the Week, Moses and Moses Cook, Perlstein, Joseph Pavian, J. M. Pavian. -

1893-7-21 Fannie Mondschine visit with Parents - -

1893-7-25 Superior cemetery land 5 acres - - 1893 South Superior: five acres of ground bought land to convert to a cemetery.

1893-07-26 Max Bloom - - 1893-7-26 Ordinane Is Valid. Max Bloom, second hand store, guild.

1893-8-1 Isaac Bondy obit transcribed - - 1893-8-1 Isaac Bondy obit transcribed - from Duluth Weekly 1893-8-16 and New York Herald

1893-8-11 L. Oreckovsky birth of son - - 1893 West Duluth, Born, to Mr. and Mrs. L. Oreckovsky, Broadway, a boy. -

1893-08-11 Max Bloom - - 1893-8-11 Max Will Appeal. Max Bloom.

1893-8-14 Levin Bros. burglars (1) - - 1893 Burglars. R. A. Cohen's clothing store on Fifth avenue west, Henderson building.

1893-8-14 Levin Bros. burglars - - 1893 Bold Burglars. Saloon of Levin Bros. at 501 West Superior street.

1893-8-20 c J. D. Zien vs. Jennie and James Cole - - Judgement in favor of JD Zien -

1893-10-25 Hotel Bennett - - Illustrations of early Duluth

1893-11-5 Duluth Mfg. Company - - Illustrations of early Duluth

1893-11-5 Freimuth's ad - - Illustrations of early Duluth

1893-11-5 Imperial Mill - - Illustrations of early Duluth

1893-11-5 New Board of Trade - - Illustrations of early Duluth

1893-11-5 saw mills - - Illustrations of early Duluth

1893-11-5 New Fire Hall - - Illustrations of early Duluth

1893-11-5 New Hartman Electric Station - - Illustrations of early Duluth

1893-11-5 schools - - Illustrations of early Duluth

1893-11-5 Sixth Avenue West Slip - - Illustrations of early Duluth

1893-11-5 street scene - - Illustrations of early Duluth

1893-11-5 churches - - Illustrations of early Duluth

1893-11-8 George Sher, obit. -

1894-03-07_5 Joseph Tobias divorce - - 1894-3-7 Vitriol And Vixen. Two Cases Which Make Meek Tobias Unhappy. After Camping out and Sleeping on His Own Cellar Door He Tires of Domestic Treats and Petitions Court for Release from the Galling Bonds-Shooting, Burning and Poisoning Threatened if He Ventured Into His Wife's Apartments-Other Interesting Developments in the Divorce Courts. Joseph Tobias has a pitiful tale to tell of Mary Tobias in his pica for divorce since yesterday. They were married in New York in 1979., and she has made life a burden for him ever since. Her temper has led to violent and ungovernable since honeymoon days, and she is the habit of indulging such little pleasantries as drawing the butcher knife upon him and breaking chairs over his head. For the past three years they have lived over their saloon and hardware store at 35 Golden Avenue. Colfax, and for as much as six months at a time she would not allow him to mount the stairs but forced him to "bach" down below. On February 25 she threatened to burn him with vitriol and shoot him, and she has since tried to poison him. Moreover, under the pretense of helping him, she hangs about the saloon and hardware store and by loud abusive language drives away customers, till she has reduced his income from $400 to $100 a month and has ruined his credit. He wants his children, two little girls, and he wants his wife enjoined from entering his premises anymore and absolute divorce. - Denver_Rocky_Mountain_News_t

1894-5-3 Abraham an Jacob Levine - - 1894 State Not Ready. the Case Against Levine Bros. Dismissed. Opinion of Mr. Levine. He Believes the prosecution Against the Firm Is Only an Attempt at Intimidation.

1894-5-20 Isaac Summerfield assignment - - 1894 Isaac Summerfield, assignment.

1894-5-20 Moses Cook Mary Cook, birth of son - - 1894 Births Reported: Son to Moses and Mary Cook, No. 901 London Road.

1894-6-22 Arthur F. M. Custance - - headline -

1894-07-29_2 multiple articles from the Duluth News Tribune - - 1894-7-29 Mr. and Mrs. Van Baalen and Mr. and Mrs. Freimuth returned last week from a fishing trip at Caribon lake. - Duluth News Tribune

1894-07-29_2 multiple articles from the Duluth News Tribune - - 1894-7-29 A tea party was given Tuesday evening on the Howard for Mr. and Mrs. H. Silberstein and A. Levy, who is visiting them. In the party were Mr. and Mrs. Omeis, Miss Fannie Weiss, Miss Laura Forbes, the Misses Silberstein, and Eugene and Edward Silberstein. - Duluth News Tribune

1894-07-29_2 multiple articles from the Duluth News Tribune - - 1894-7-29 Mrs. H. M. Kaufman and daughter of Chicago ar the guests of Mrs. M. Kastriner. - Duluth News Tribune

1894-07-29_2 multiple articles from the Duluth News Tribune - - 1894-7-29 Miss Ella Marks returned Tuesday from an extended visit in the South. - Duluth News Tribune

1894-09-02 Hinckley fire DNTa - - 1894-09-02 Hinckley fire - - The Horror - Over seventy victoms of terrible fire - Return of the second relief train - Work of relief nobly started by the people of Duluth

1894-09-02 Hinckley fire DNTb - - 1894-09-02 Hinckley fire - - Hincklye Burned - Prosperous town of 1200 entirely wiped out - 500 survivors here. - What has become of the rest, no one knows. - Little change for the rest..

1894-09-02 Hinckley fire DNTc - - 1894-09-02 Hinckley fire - - Fire at Menahga, Minnesota - Forest fires raging in this vacinity. Entire town fighting the fire.

1894-09-16_10 Joseph Tobias and Mary Tobias acts of cruelty - - 1894-9-16 Denver: Human Catapult. Complaint of Joseph Tobias Against His Wife. The divorce case of Joseph Tobias against his wife, Mary Tobias is on trial before a jury in Division 1. of the District court. Mr. Toias brought suit last March for divorce on the grounds of extreme cruelty, in his complaint he charges his wife with having treated him in cruel and inhuman manner and specific occasions when she threw a butcher knife at him, throw a chair at him, threatened to shoot and kill him, pounded and beat him and he thinks that on one occasion she tried to poison him, as she had threatened to do. Jospeh tells a sad story in his complaint and wants the court to award him the care of his two children and enjoin his wife from interfering in his business, which is said to be a peculiar combination of saloon and hardware store. Mrs. Tobias was present in the court, with a small baby in her arms, which Joseph does not deny is his own, and it is said that since the complaint was filed last Mark, they have continued to reside together. - Denver_Rocky_Mountain_News_t

1894-09-28_[8] New Ladies Society, Mrs. M. Kastriner Jewish women charity - - 1894-9-28 New Ladies Society. A council for the advancement of Jewish literature and charity has been formed by the Jewish women of Duluth and Superior. The officers are Mrs. D. Van Baalen, president; Mrs. B. Silberstein, vice president; Mrs. M. Kastriner, secretary; Mrs. I. Lamb, treasurer. These with Mrs. Abraham and Miss Fanny Haas comprise the executive committee. - Duluth News Tribune

1894-10-3 Persian Jews, Babylonia -

1894-10-18 railroad Eveleth - - 1894 Virginia: Another Road For Eveleth. Iron Junction to Eveleth, 10 miles of railway. -

1894-11-23 Abraham and Jacob Levine - - 1994 The City. Levine Cases. Attorneys Figure It Would Take Six Months, At Least, To Try Them One At A Time. Jacob Levine. Abraham Levine.

1894-11-25_3 Mr. and Mrs. Kastriner celebrate 10th anniversary - - 1894-11-25 Mr. and Mrs. M. Kastriner celebrated the tenth anniversary of their marriage on Friday. A large number of friends gathered to congratulate them. - Duluth News Tribune

1894-11-27 W. M. Abrahmson, stealing coat - - 1894 William Coney will be tried today on the charge of stealing a leather overcoat from W. M. Abrahamson.

1894-12-4 John Siegel -

1894-12-22 Hebrew Club Polinsky, Oreckovsky, Weinberg - - 1894 Hebrew Club, Young Men's Hebrew associationPercy Polinsky, Joseph Weinberg, Joseph Oreckovsky. -

1894-12-27_[1] Annual Ball for Charity Jewish Women, dresses worn - - 1894-12-27 Dance For Charity. Annual Ball of Jewish Women at the Spalding Last Night. Spectacle Was Brilliant. The Attendance Good and the Gowns Were Handsome and Elaborate. (given in detail). National Council of Jewish Women. 50 couples. S. Loeb-master of ceremonies, I. Lammb, L. S. Loeb, C. P. Oswald, E. Silverstein, L. Neuman, S. Van Baalen, S. Abraham, Allenberg, W. Ballstein. - - - Mrs. Van Baalen, Mrs. B.H. Heller, Mrs. H. Abraham, Miss Haas, Mrs. B. Silberstein, Missrs. I. Lammb, and Mrs. L. Loeb. Some in the Costumes. Mrs. I. Freimuth, Mrs. Joseph Sattler, Mrs. M. Levi, Miss Mamie Schwartz, Miss Mabel Peck, Mrs. McGindley, Mrs. Kastriner, Mrs. J. D. Zein. Mrs. Loeb, Mrs. Jacob Sattler, Mrs. Isaac Bondy, Mrs. J. Levine, Mrs. A. Levine, Mrs. B. Heller, Mrs. BE. Silberstein, Mrs. Gross, Mrs. Dr. Phalen, Mrs. Joseph, Mrs. Lammb, Mrs. H. Abraham, Miss Van Baalen, Miss Norris, Miss Minehalt, Miss Neuman, Mrs. Winterfield, Miss Fanny Haas, Mrs. Klein, Mrs. W. Abrahamson, Miss Humeserman, Miss Nichols, Mrs. Edelman, Miss, Oliven. Charles Peck, William Gomberg, N. Marcus, E. N. Gordeau, J. K. Persons, G. Levine, Il. L. Lammb, F. J. Voss, M. S. Levine, M. Levy, E. W. A. Peake, I. Freimuth, Harry Armstrong, S. Abraham, A. Joseph, J. H. Williams, J. B. Sattler, H. Cohen, L. Levine, F. N. Phelan, H. Abraham, L. S. Loeb, B. Silberstein, J. M. Martin, W. M. Abrahamson, M. I. Edelman, Alfred Gillon, L. Hammell, David Williams, D. Van Baalen, S. Gross, G. A. Klein, M. Omeis, J. D. Zein, J. H. Winterfield, M. Clark, William Meis, M. Kastriner, P. H. Oswald, J. H. Triggs, A. McGindley, George Crosby, B. Summerfield, M. Cook. - - - Mesdames: Mrs. Bondy, Mrs. A. Levine. - - - Misses: Olund, Wickstrom, Humes, Meinhalt, Alice Fuller, Farrell, Abrahamson, Jester, Dunn, Pulvernan, Haas, Norris, Cheveret, Peck, Quellette. Grathwell, Hervey, Schwartz, Silberstein, Borton, Mark, Carter, Longtin, Neuman, Soratorer, Oliven, Nichols. - - - Mressrs: H. M. Campbell, E. F. Barker, F. J. Carr, J. Zweifel, E. J. Silberstein, William Abbott,L. I. Neuman, Louis Copf, J. Abrahamson, W. W. Huntley, Louis Oreckovskyvosky, E. F. Barker, Sam Loeb, A. Freilich, A. E. Ourat, E. Michaud, William Stockwell, John Dunn, Wm. Billstein, Louis Keller, S. Van Baalen, Eugene Silberstein, A. W. Holbrook, W. P. Berdue, C. E. Booth, M. Kelly, C. P. Oswald, M. Alenberg, William Van Baalen, D. Cohen, John Burrows, Charles Thornton, Edward Silberstein, T. D. Barker, Frank Horgan, J. K. Edelman, W. J. Ferguson, J. McAuliffe. - dnt

.................. 1895 ..................           top of list          bottom -

1895 Freimuths Dry Goods Store ad - - I Freimuth, Proprietor

1895-1-4 Hebrew Synagogue of Montifiori - - 1895-1-4 Brevities. Articles of incorporation of the Hebrew Synagogue of Montifiori (Spelling ? Montefiori ?) of Duluth filed. J. Polinsky, Solomon Karon, M. Zalk, L. Karon, I. Polinsky, A. J. Klachko, Sap. Karon, J. Rachleu, and J. Kaner. -

1895-1-16 Myers Brothers Lease - - 1895-1-16 No, It Isn't Knottyh. It Is Just Full of Gnarls and Twists From End to End. People Sue Themselves. As a Company for Money Loaned Themselves as Individuals. Jacob R., Benjamin F, an Henry H. Myers.

1895-1-16 Jacob, Benjamin & Henry Myers - - 1895-1-16 Jacob, Benjamin and Henry Myers doing business as Myers Bros began an action against the Duluth Belt Line Railway company to recover $17,417 on a promissory note.

1895-1-23 Hebrew Deputy, Minneapolis Journal -

1895-03-11_3 Shapira Cook wedding St_Paul_daily_globe_ - - 1895-3-11 St. Paul, MN Shapira and Cook wedding. Of Ancient Style. Was the Mariage Yesterday of albert Shapira and Miss Annie Coook. Orthodox Jewish Wedding. A Duplicate in Many Ways of the immortal Cermony at Cana. Two Thousand Years Ago. Strange and Impressive Services-Gentlemen Wear Their Hats. - - - Shapira and Cook wedding in St. Paul, MN. Guests from Duluth listed. Good description of a Jewish wedding.

1895-3-18 Mpls np, Harry Cohen, matzah - - 1895 Supplies For Passover. Harry M. Cohen, Sir Moses Montifiore Young Men’s Charitable Association, 221 Sixth avenue N., Minneapolis, MN., 500 pounds of Matzos, Ben Golling, 217 Fifth avenue N, or Harry Brooks, 421 Washington avenue N.

1895-3-23 Gust Levin liquor store opening - - 1895 Ad. Grand Opening. Levin's Liquor Store. Gust Levin, Proprietor. West Superior Street.

1895-03-24 Miss Carrie Van Baalen and Charles Freimuth - - 1895-3-24 Mr. and Mrs. Van Baalen, engagement of daughter Miss Carrie Van Baalen and Charles Freimuth. Mr. and Mrs. Van Baalen, Mrs. Freimuth, Mrs. J. D. Sattler, Miss Van Baalen, Mr. Freimuth, Klein, Loeb, Heller, Silberstein, Oswald, Armheim, Winterfield, Lamm, H. Abraham, A. Abraham, Moses, Haas, Silberstein, Neuman, Swartz, Meinhalt, and S. Loeb, J. Loeb, E. Sattler, A. Freimuth. - Duluth News Tribune

1895-03-24_[9] Antigo, Wis. visit Mrs. M. Kastriner six weeks - - 1895-3-24 Mrs. M. Kastrner returned from a six week's visit to Antigo, Wis. last Thursday. - Duluth News Tribune

1895-4-10 Levin Minneapolis Kenneseth Israel Passover - - 1895 A Jewish Law Point. David Naftalen and David Berman, Kennesseth Israel, Minneapolis, Trustee Levin, Passover.

1895-4-16 Isaac Cook - - 1895 Five Cent Whisky. Isaac L. Cook, brick block on Second av. W. near the Parlor theatre, selling whisky.

1895-04-23 Harry Davis photo theater, Esmeralda - - 1895-4-23 Harry Davis theater photo

1895-5-10 Monack Oreckovsky - - 1895 The Stage, newsboys' concert at Bethel,John Oreckovsky, Monack Oreckovsky, Sam Lavick. -

1895-5-16 Moses Sosnovsky - - 1895 Moss Sosnovsky was arraigned on charge of stealing $20 from C. W. Cate while repairing the latter's trousers. He plead not guilty and his trial was set for this afteroon.

1895-05-17_3 Leon Davis of New York, nephew of M. Kastriner - - 1895-5-17 Leon Davis of New York is visiting his uncle, M. Kastriner - Duluth News Tribune

1895-5-18 Biwabik, M. Rabinowitz, Glassner 0000 - - 1895: Biwabik: M. Rabinowitz, father of Mrs. M. Glassner moves from Duluth to Biwabik. -

1895-05-31_2 Max Shapiro Meat busness since 1870 in Tower - - 1895-5-31 Virginia Enterprise: Max Shapiro, the well-known meat man of Tower, has purchased the Falk market in this city. taking possession thereof tomorrow Mr. Shapiro has been in the meat business since 1870, for the past seven years being located at Tower, where he still continues business. he will run a first-class market and carry the best of stock. it is Mr. Falk's intention to leave the last of June for a European trip. - Virginia Enterprise

1895-05-31_2 Max Shapiro Meat busness since 1870 in Tower, MN - - 1895-5-31 Virginia: col. 4, Max Shapiro, the well-known meat man of Tower, has purchased the Falk market in this city, taking possession thereof tomorrow. Mr. Shapiro has been in the meat business since 1870, for the past seven years being located at Tower, where he still continues business. He will run a first-class market and carry the best of stock. It is Mr. Falk's intention toleave the last of June for a European trip. - Virginia Enterprise

1895-05-31_2 S. Sax has discontinued his Kentucky Liquor Store - - 1895-5-31 S. Sax has discontinued his Kentucky Liquor Store at Bessmer, Mich., and has bought the entire stock of old whiskies, brandies and wines here and added to his California Wine House. Being he is overstocked he is forced to sell his goods at a greatly reduced price. come around and convince yourself as you will be benefitted by it. - Virginia Enterprise

1895-06-03_8 Sarah Orenstein and James Orenstein wedding - DNT - - 1895-6-3 Imposing Wedding The Ceremony Conducted According to the Picturesque Jewish Custom. the Word Of God Is Come. Eloquent Sermon Delivered at the Cummings Avenue Church-Notes. - - - Marriage of Miss Sarah Oreckovsky of this city and James orenstein of Stillwater was celebrated yesterday. Rabbi Mochim, Miss Anna Scheckman, Miss Mary Rosenthal, Miss Ida Harris, Miss Jennie Orenstein, Miss Anna Sipkins, Jennie Borenstein. Guests Mr. and Mrs. M. Orenstein, Mr. and Mrs. Harris, L. F. Orenstein, William Orenstein, William Harris, Miss Jennie Orenstein, Miss Ida Harris, Miss Anna Scheckman, Miss Mary Rosenthal, Miss Anna Sipkins of St. Paul and Mr. and Mrs. Orenstein of Ashland, Wis.

1895-6-16 Mr. and Mrs. A. Mark, H. Cohen - - 1895 Mr and Mrs a Mark of Prinston, Minn, were guests during the week of Mrs H Cohen

1895-6-16 Henry Sattler, Freimuth - - 1895 (cropped) Henry Sattler of New York, guest of I. Freimuth, extensive tour of West.

1895-6-16 Mr. and Mrs. A. Mark, H. Cohen - - 1895 (cropped) Mr and Mrs a Mark of Prinston, Minn, were guests during the week of Mrs H Cohen

1895-6-16 Henry Sattler, Freimuth - - 1895 Henry Sattler of New York, guest of I. Freimuth, extensive tour of West.

1895-6-27 Hebrew School, Minneapolis -

1895-07-12_5 Ad Max Shapiro - Butcher Shop, Virginia, MN - - 1895-7-12 Ad: Max Shapiro Butcher Shop in Falk's old Stand in Virginia, MN - - Fresh and Salt Meats Fish, Game and Oysters in Season. - Virginia Enterprise

1895-07-12_5 - Virginia Enterprise - - 1895-7-12 Virginia Enterprise: Solomon Sax attended to business matters at Bessemer, Michigan, the first of the week, returning to the city Wednesday. - Virginia Enterprise

1895-07-12_5 - Virginia Enterprise - - 1895-7-12 S. Sax has discontinued his Kentucky Liquor Store at Besmer, Mich., and has brought the entire stock of old whiskies, brandies and wines here and added to his California Wine house. Being he is overstocked he is forced to sell his goods at a greatly reduced priced. Come around and convince yourself as you will benefitted by it. - Virginia Enterprise

1895-07-12_5 Ad Max Shapiro Falk's Old Stand, Virginia, MN - - 1895-7-12 Virginia: Ad. Fresh and Salt Meats, Fish, Game and Oysters in Season. Max Shapiro. Falk's Old Stand. Virginia, Minn. - Virginia Enterprise

1895-7-16 L. Oreckovsky, financial secretary and M. Oreckovsky - - 1895 Young Men's Hebrew association, Charles Polinsky, L. Oreckovsky, S. Segal, S. Lavick, S. Baker, M. Oreckovsky, Albert Polinsky. -

1895-07-25 Bernard Silberstein and son Edward - DNT - - 1895-7-25 Bernard Silberstein has returned from Colorado. He reports that the health of his son Edward has been much improved by his sojoun there. - Duluth News-Tribune

1895-07-25 Polly Levy, niece of S. Levy - DNT - - 1895-7-25 J. D. Zien and his wife and niece,Miss Polly Levy, returned yesterdayfrom lake trip and Mr. Zien immediately left for a trip of two or three days out on the range. - Duluth News-Tribune

1895-8-22 Sher, Hoodlums -

1895-08-28_2 Charles Goodman of Aberdeen S. D. former partner m. Kastriner - - 1895-8-28 Charles Goodman of Aberdeen, S. D. is visiting his former partner M. Kastriner. - Duluth News Tribune

1895-10-8 Saunder Segelbaum - - headline -

1895-10-8 Saunder Segelbaum Mpls -

1895-11-2 Ruth Light obit - - 1895 Ruth Light, 2325 W. Superior St., 6 years old, died of typhoid fever.

1895-11-2 Sadie Lavick obit - - 1895 Sadie Lavick, 2012 W. Superior St., 2 months old, died of entero colitis.

1895-11-2 Joseph Oreckovsky - - 1895 C. H. Parker, stealing shoes from Joseph Oreckovsky found guilty.

1895-11-14 Moses Cook, W. M. Abrahamson - - 1895 Abrahamson Is Hot. Moses Cook Creditors Search a Duluth Man's Home and Store. Suspect Him Of Hiding Goods. He is Incesed and Will Make Things Lively for Several. W. M. Abrahamson is a nephew of Moses Cook. His father Isaac Abrahamson is a brother to Moses Cook. Their old country name was Koch. Cellar, store and residence quarters at No. 16 West Superior St. were searched.

1895-11-17 Moses Cook bankrupt - - 1895 Cook Won’t Return. Bankrupt merchant. Moses Cook, Wabash Ind. Refuses to return to Duluth.

1895-11-27 Albert Polinsky, Joseph Polinsky,John O'Conner accidental shooting - - -

1895-11-27 col 4 Aaron Siegel Milwaukee Journal - - 1895-11-27 Milwaukee Journal Superior, Wisconsin Aaron Siegel. - cropped

1895-11-27 col 4 Aaron Siegel Milwaukee - - 1895-11-27 Milwaukee Journal Superior, Wisconsin Aaron Siegel. pawn shop robbed - image cropped

1895-11-27 Joseph Polinsky accidental shooting - - 1895-11-27 Accidental Shooting. Albert Polinsky, 505 West Superior sreet, John O’Conner, Wermarck.

1895-11-28 Polinsky, John O'Conner accidental shooting - - -

1895-12-9 Hebrews organize - - 1895-12-9 The City. Hebrews Organize. The local Israelites Form a Union for Their Mutual Protection.” About 250 Members Enrolled. Patriotic and Enthusiastic Addresses Were Made by Several Persons. In I.O.O.F. hall, Lake Avenue north, yesterday afternoon with great enthusiasm and a large attendance, the Independent Hebrew Political club was formed. By 3o’clock 250 Hebrews had assembled and more would have been present had the word reached them. The meeting was called to order by Hyman Yosefowitz. On motion Isaac Abrahamson was chosen temporary chairman. Then Mr. Yosefowitz was called upon to act as temporary secretary. transcription -

1895-12-9 250 Hebrews Organize, Finn, Abramson, Zalk , S. Karon - - 1895-12-9 - transcription -

1895-12-20 Abraham Levine - - 1895 Became Suddenly Insane. Abraham Levine, a Former Duluth Clothier Brought Down From Tower A Raving Maniac. Bell clothing house on Supeior t. Brewery business at Tower.

1895-12-23 Hebrew Political Club, Solomon Sax - - 1895 Hebrew Political Club. It held its second meeting yesterday and admitted 40 new members. Alderman Solom Sax of Virginia. President W. M. Abrahamson. -

.................. 1896 ..................           top of list          bottom -

1896-1-1 photo J. D. Zien Pacific Wine House 531 West Superior St. - - 1896 photo J. D. Zien Pacific Wine House 531 West Superior St. -

1896-1-1 Duluth News Tribune Front page grapic - - Submitted by Karen Entous: "I am in love with this front page from the January 1, 1896 The Duluth News Tribune. It says sooo much. " -

1896-01-01 established 1881 15 years Freimuth - - 1896-1-1 I. Freimuth. Fifteen years ago the store of I. Freimuth was established in Duluth, and has steadily grown in popular favor. It is located at 117 and 119 West Superior. Four floors, each 50 x 140 feet, are occupied with the several departments of the store, which include dress goods, linens, domestic, notions, fancy goods, ladies and children shoes, cloaks, millinary, carpets, drapery, crockery, hardware, and toys. Eah of these departments is kept amply stocked and the buyer is enabled to find great variety and low prices prevailing in each. Mr. Freimuth gives his personal attention to his great store and has by watchful and careful methods built up an immense business..

1896-01-01_46 Rev. Hyman Appleman Congregation of Moses - - 1896-1-1 Rev. Hyman Appleman, Congregation Moses, 105 First Ave. East. Congregation Tifereth Israel Rev. Abraham Fine, 835 Fourth avenue east. - dnt

1896-01-03_5 Morris J. Segal shook hands with many- cropped Virginia_enterprise - - 1896-1-3 Virginia: Morris Segal, of the Iron Range Cigar Factory. Tower, shook hands with many Virginia friends on Saturday. Note: it is interesting that they mention "shook hands". A handshake meant something socially as well as in business.

1896-01-07_3 Samuel Edelstein groceries fire insurance 3,500 DNT - - 1896-1-7 The Solon Block Losses. Samuel Edelstein, groceries, $3,500, insurance $2,000.

1896-01-07_3 Typhoid outbreak schools teachers ill DNT - - 1896-1-7 School Notes. Several Teachers Are Ill and A Number of Substitutes Take Their Places. Spring water provided to drink.

1896-1-10 N. Slonim - - 1896 Minneapolis: N. Slonim was charged before Judge Boyle with stealing a bale of sacks from Cutler & Gilbert warehouse.

1896-1-10 N. Slonim - - 1896 N. Slonim was charged with stealing a bale of sacks

1896-01-10_5 Virginia Enterprise - - 1896-01-10 I. Levin and son, of Princeton, Minn., visited with B. Levin of the Model, the last of the week.

1896-01-10_5 Virginia Enterprise - - 1896-01-10 Mrs. B. Levin and brother Jno. (John) Duffla, returned on Friday evening last from their Holiday visit at the parental home at Tower.

1896-01-10_5 Virginia Enterprise - - 1896-01-10 J. B. Sattler was called to Duluth on Wednesday by a telegram announcing the serious illness of his daughter.

1896-01-10_5 Virginia Enterprise - - 1896-01-10 Joe Loeb, the popular Duluth liquor dealer, did business with our wine dispensers on Tuesday.

1896-01-10_5 Virginia Enterprise - - 1896-01-10 Jos. (Joseph) Roman and Julius Shanedling looked after prospective business interests at Ely on Saturday.

1896-01-10_5 Virginia Enterprise - - 1896-01-10 The Mining Minutes is a good article to read in respect that it explains what the relationship to Carnegie and the Olivers is.700,00 tons of ore from the previous season that Oliver Mines produced, was used for the Carnegie furnaces. The ore makes a suitable furnace mixture to produce steel.

1896-01-10_5 Virginia Enterprise - - 1896-01-10 Dissolved partnership between Joseph Cohen and R. Cohen, firm name Joseph Cohen & Co. was mutual.

1896-1-27 Rev. J. Helpern,Joseph Oreckovsky and Nellie Lieberman wed - - 1896 A Jewish Wedding, Rev. J. Helpern, Joseph Oreckovsky and Nellie Lieberman, Sadie Shapira, Florence and Lillian Caplove. -

1896-1-27 Rev. J. Helpern,Joseph Oreckovsky and Nellie Lieberman wed -

1896-2-5 Edelstien, Siegel, Karon -fire -

1896-2-7 N. L. Summerfield, Commercial Club - - 1896 Commercial club. N. L. Summerfield, treasurer.

1896-2-11 Samuel B. Lavick - - 1896 H. Elliott assaulted Samuel B. Lavick. Small boys threw stones against Samuel’s house.

1896-2-12 Cohen & Seigel - - 1896 Superior: Under The Hammer. Stock of Cohen & Seigel is Sold by the Sheriff. It Brought $4,100 Cash. Two Men Suspected of Robbing the Richelleu Are Arrested. Cohen & Seigel, Isaac Rothstein-Eau Claire. -

1896-2-14 A. Lavick - - 1896 A Pleasant Party. The Dance Given By The Judith Montefiore Benevolent Society Was A Success. Odd Fellows hall. St. Valentine’s day. Mrs. I. Abrahamson-president, Mesdames E. Arleson, A. Gingold, W. Goldstein, A. Lavick. Hyman Cohen, H. Yosefowitz, H. Kaplowere.

1896-2-16 I. Summerfield, Judeth Montefiori - - 1896 First annual ball of Judeth Montefiori society, I. Summerfield

1896-2-16 W. M. Abrahamson charity - - 1896 Judeth Montefiore society, annual ball, Odd Fellows hall, Mesdames S. I. Levin, D. Van Baalen, W. M. Abrahamson, I. Abrahamson, I. Summerfield.

1896-02-18 Freimuth bid for fixtures - - 1896-2-18 Mr. Freimuth’s Bid. Howard & Haynie stock, fixtures, and leases.

1896-2-29 Freimuth The Buyer, Howard & Haynes - - Freimuth The Buyer, Howard & Haynie -

1896-02-29 Freimuth buys stock and fixtures - - 1896-2-29 Freimuth The Buyer. The popular dry goods man purchases the Howard & Haynie Stock.

1896-3-20 3 boys in trouble Mike Siegel - - Three Boys In Trouble: Seligman, Siegel, Sehomer, Superior, WI -

1896-03-27 L Helstein in Virginia looking after interests - - 1896-3-27 Virginia: L. Helstein, of West Superior looked after Virginia interests on Wednesday.

1896-4-10 col. 7 David Simon -

1896-4-20 Adath Jeshurun cemetery, Voesler - - 1896 Minneapolis: Opened A Grave As Ugly Story Affecting a Young Doctor Is Disproved. Voesler, Adath Jeshurun, Lake Harriet.

1896-04-25 Hub W. M. Abrahamson ad clothing Labor World - - 1896-4-25 Hub Clothing Co. Ad W. M. Abrahamson.

1896-5-2 range peddlers - - 1896-5-2 The Range Peddlers. Eveleth, Minnesota. The presence of Jewish peddlers have always had run ins with the village ordinances. Even in Europe. It was no different in Minnesota. Here the argument was put forth that it was unconstitutional.

1896-5-2 range peddlers - - 1896-5-2 The Range Peddlers. Eveleth, Minnesota. The presence of Jewish peddlers have always had run ins with the village ordinances. Even in Europe. It was no different in Minnesota. Here the argument was put forth that it was unconstitutional.

1896-5-4 Samuel Guinn peddler - - 1896 Samuel Guinn, peddler, jail.

1896-5-7 Isaac Cook - - 1896 application to sell intoxicating liquors, Isaac L. Cook, No. 16 Second avenue west.

1896-5-18 Jacob Cohen, Minneapolis obit. - - 1896 Minneapolis: Jacob Cohen Dead. The Pioneer Jewish Resident Stricken by Apoplesy. Eagle Shirt and pants Company, 525-429 Washington avenue S., 415 East Fourteenth street. 25 years ago came to Minnesota. North Star lodge, I.O.O.F. Jewish Reform church, wife, six children.

1896-5-20 Joseph Polinsky, trousers - - -

1896-05-20 F M Fowler of Chicage - - 1896-5-20 Another New Buiding. Supeiror street and Lake avenue. F. M. Fowler of Chicago.

1896-05-20_6 Morris Segal spent town in Ely cropped - - 1896-5-20 Ely: Morris Segal, the Towr cigar manufacturer, spent Sunday in the city. - Ely Miner

1896-05-24_2 Mrs. R. Neuman-St. Paul aunt to Mrs. Kastriner - - 1896-5-24 Mrs. R. (Rose) Neuman, of St. Paul, is spending a couple of weeks with her neice Mrs. Kastriner. - Duluth News Tribune

1896-5-25 son born to W. M. Abrhamson Ned - - 1896 A son was born yesterday to Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Abrahamson of Piedmont Terrace.

1896-6-1 Abrahamson chrisening (bris) - - 1896 Notable Christening. (Bris?) W. M. Abrahamson, 4 Piedmont terrace, Hebrew custom, Rev. Appelman Mayor Truelsen, I. Freimuth, B. Silberstein, A. Goldman-Minneapolis, Moses Cook and Lillie Abrahamson child's godparents. Name of baby Nathaniel Oscar Abrahamson. Guests Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Sattler, Hyman Yosefowitz, City Clerk Richardson, George L. Hargraves and W. N. Howes.

1896-6-1 Abrahamson chrisening (bris) - - 1896 Notable Christening. 7 days old son of Wm M. Abrahamson at Piedmont terrace, Moses Cook child’s godparent.

1896-6-1 Brith Abraham-Minneapolis benevolent endowment - - 1896 Brith Abraham's Spread. The Jewish Society Celebrates 10th Anniversary Minneapolis lodge No. 83.Rabbi Yaffe, Gould, Max Halk, A. N. Berman, President J. Gittleson. -

1896-6-2. Fox birth of son - - 1896-6-2 Births: Fox, Mr. and Mrs. Charles F. 3054 Sixteenth avenue S., a son.

1896-6-2 Woller J. J. Lauerman - - 1896 Mrs. Woller, Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Lauerman

1896-6-9 Isaac Polinsky,was on the war path - - -

1896-6-16 Sander Segelbaum, Mpls -

1896-6-16 Sander Segelbaum, Minneapolis - - headline -

1896-6-18 Isaac Polinsky assault - - Polinsky is convicted of Assaulting Mrs. Goldstein - - -

1896-6-19 Greenfield, Polinsky, Goldstein - - 1896 Assault against Isaac Polinsky, Morris Greenfield, Mrs. Samuel Goldstein. -

1896-6-19 Isaac Polinsky assaults Greenfield - - -

1896-6-29 Silberstein and Bondy, articles of corp. - - Articles of Inc.: Silberstein & Bondy Co. - - -

1896-7-4 used clothing - - -

1896-7-4 S. Karon second hand clothing - - -

1896-07-04_17 The Great Easterner Kastriner and Neuman ad - - 1896-7-4 Labor World. The Great Eastern, West Duluth Ad. Kastriner & Neuman - - - Also: This one was funny! Benson's Detective Agency: I am now prepared to submit a daily typewritten report of my operations in detail in any and all cases I may undertake. You then know what you are paying for. No guess work here. I shall endeavor to ascertain facts and facts only. No divorce cases handled. All matterst strictly confidential. Rember I am here to stay and while I am out of politcs, I am not out of the business. I am doing business every day in the week.....Robt. A. Benson

1896-7-10 Jacob D. Zien, building - - -

1896-7-12 Harry Witz, St. Paul Globe, Delano News Co. - - 1896 Harry Witz, Duluth agent for St. Paul Globe, headquarters with Delano News Co. There may be two Harry Witz. -

1896-7-13 Billy Oreckovsky missing - - 1896 Three Boys Missing. "Mascot" Leads Two Youthful Admirers Astray. Billy Oreckovsky -

1896-7-14 Billy Orekovsky, Mascot returned home - - -

1896-7-27 Cohen-Blasberg wed, guests, Cohen, Polinski, Shaw, Rose, Casmer, Sax, Levi - - -

1896-7-27 Sol Sax guest ok - - 1896 A Jewish Wedding, Central Hall Was The Scene Of A Peculiar And Most Interesting Ceremony. Nellie Lieberman and Joseph Oreckovsky wed, Rabbi Helpern ....Sadie Shapiro, Florence and Lillian Caplove -

1896-7-27 Duluth,Lillie Cohen and Samuel Blasberg wed - - -

1896-7-27 Lillie Cohen and Samuel Blasberg wed, Rabbi Alperin, - - 1896 Wed Under A Chupa, Young Jewish Couple United According to the Ancient Hebrew Ceremony. Quite An Unusual Event Miss Lillie Cohen of this City Married to Samuel Blasberg in a Most Impressive Way. Lille Cohen and Samuel Blasberg wed, Rabbi Alperin, N. Cohen-confectioner, Saumuel Blasberg-Mineapolis, Rabbi Alperin, Sadie Cohen, Mary Shaw, Mary Polinski, Sadie Polinski, M. Rose, Alex Polinski, A. Cohen, David Casmer, Alderman Soloman Sax, Sam Sax, M. E. Levi. -

1896-8-3 Bess Altman burned - - 1896 Bess Altman burned - Rescues Her Child. Brave Mrs. Altman Terribly Burned In Saving Her Daughter's Life. Little Girl Badly Injured. Both Are In Serious Condition But Will Probably Recover. Fire Lighted With Kerosene. Narrow Escape From a - Double Tragedy at Tenth Avenue East. -

1896-8-5 Morris Edelstein - - 1896-8-5 Superior: Solon Block Fire. Morris Edelsteinn, a Grocer, is on Trial For Arson. Winesses Are Forgetful. Prosecution Tries to Show a Motive For the Crime. Set building of Thos. Solon. Mrs. Siegel, Karon, John Solon, Gus Anquist, William Youngquist, Henry Evans

1896-8-28 Virginia, Soloman Sax, free silver - - 1896 Virginia: Alderman Solomon Sax, free silver propostion. -

1896-9-5 Henry F. Leopold - - 1896 Henry F. Leopold obit. - ths article is from a Chicago newspaper. He is part of the A. F. Leopold family.

1896-09-05_6 Kastriner & Neuman decorate show window, Uncle Sam & eagle - - 1896-9-5 West Duluth. Kastriner & Neuman are being complimented upon the enterprise shows by decorating their show window in their store. Uncle Sam in a chair, an eagle, McKinley and Bryan, gold and silver tinfoil. presidential candidates. - Duluth News Tribune

1896-9-6 Zionism - - 1896-9-6 South Carolina Newspaper: On To A New Jerusalem, A Remarkable Project of Dr. Herzl of Vienna. Russian Jews, Zionism. Orthodox Jews and Russian Jews show interest in propaganda in favor of “Zionism”. “refounding the Jewish State in Palestine.” Negotiations have been carried out with leading statesmen and financiers. Dr. Theodor Herzl at Vienna, London support, Jerusalem, Turkish sultan, The Maccabeans, Rabbi Jacob Joseph-New York, Palestine, Jewish State, Baron Edmond de Rothschild, Israel Abrahams, Mr. Isaac Zangwill, Rabbi S. A. Hirsch, Mr. Joseph Jacobs, J. H. Levy, Mr. Rabbinowitz, Dr. Dvorkowitz, Mr. Alfred L. Cohen, Mr. Lucien Wolf, Mr. Holman Hunt.

1896-9-8 Rosh Hashana - - 1896 Good Out Of Gloom. Dr. Eisenberg Tells the Hebrews It Will Come. Rosh Hashana, Reform Jews, old Parson’s block. Miss Meinhold-West Superior, Miss Kennedy, Joe Saddler, Mrs. Heller, Mrs. B. Silbestein, Mrs. Saddler. Orthodox Jews celebrate as well. - - note: An early article regarding the celebration of Rosh Hashana for Reform Jews and Orthodox Jews living in Duluth.

1896-09-20_14 Ad Oswald, Heller, Klein, Loeb stove - DNT - - 1896-9-20 Ad Ohio Stove. Parties that have sold them: Bernard Heller, G. A. Klein, L.S. Loeb, B. Silberstein , J. H. Winterfield, Joseph Orecovosky, Sieg. Levy. - Dulluth News-Tribune

1896-9-27 children's birthdaay party - - 1896 Celebrates Her Birthday. Meriam (Miriam?) Levin, 105 Park Terrace, Verner Claypole, Sarah Hammel, Izzie Mondshine, Susan Slaughter, Leon Hammel, Hazel Levin, Rosa Mondshine, George Gilbert, Sadie Mondshine, Victor Levin, Lottie Mondshine, Leonard Winterfield.

1896-9-29 Zalk, Montefiore - - Dedicate A New Pentateuch, Montefiore cong. Abrahamson, Zalk, Rabbi Eleenberg -

1896-10-4 I.O.B. B. Lodge meeting - - 1896 There will be organized this afternoon at Old Fellow' hall, a Jewish lodge of I.O.B.B.

1896-10-16 Karon clothing -

1896-10-17 Karon clothing store robbery -

1896-10-20 Jacob D. Zien, building - - -

1896-10-21 Karon protest -

1896-10-24 Borlim, Jacobson, Zien, wooden building - - 1896 Borlim, Jacobson, Zien, wooden building -

1896-10-27 Hibbing, Isaac & Nathan Summerfield - - 1896 Isaac Summerfield Assigns of Hibbing, his business and merchandise to Nathan L. Summerfield. Bond $12,000.

1896-10-28 W. M. Abrahamson , Hebrew American citizens - - 1896 Splendid Meeting. Hebrew-Americans Rally Rousingly for Sound Money. W. M. Abrahamson. Dr. Gustav N. Hausmann of Chicago, spoke in Yiddish, known as "Boy Orator of Jerusalem". Republican platform.

1896-11-6 Cook Abrahamson law suit - - 1896 Cook Found Guilty. Moses Convicted of the Larceny of Ninety Posters. Moses Cook, William Abrahamson, Loeb Brothers, Gus Seipel,

1896-11-07_6 St. Paul pawnbrocker Louis Shapiro - Minneapolis_Journal - - 1896-11-7 An Alleged Fence: Louis Shapiro of St. Paul Aarrested on a Serious Charge. Burglars "Peached" On Him. The Prisoner Displays Wonderial Ignorance Even as to His Own Address. pawnbroker

1896-11-8 Moses Cook, Loeb case - - 1896 Moses Cook Case. Loeb Bros. is said not to be a fake sale, but a genuine sale for the benefit of an insolvent estate.

1896-11-8 Isaac Summerfield - - 1896 The assignee of Isaac Summerfield has been authorized to sell the stock in gross.

1896-11-12 St. Paul, E. Shapiro, pawnbroker -

1896-11-12 Temple Emanuel tea, Mrs. B. Heller - - 1896-11-12 Mrs. B. Heller gave a colonial tea at her home. 222 5th avenue East.

1896-11-15 W. M. Abrahamson, S. Cook father-in-law - - 1896 S. Cook, father-in-law of W. M. Abrahamson retuned to his home at Wabash, Ind.

1896-11-24 Zien exploration in Hibbing, iron - - Zien’s Iron Undevelopments, Hibbing iron properties -

1896-11-24 J. D. Zien, Iron properties, Hibbing - - 1896 J. D. Zien, Iron propertis, Hibbing -

1896-11-24 St. Paul, Charles Zalk, hold up, Minneapolis Journal -

1896-11-29_3 Emanuel Temple 1 - - 1896-11-29 Additional Social. Emmannuel (Emanuel) Temple held an enjoyable social and dance Thursday evening at Kalamazoo block. Among the guests were Messers. And Mesdames R. Krojanker, W. Abrahamson, Jacob Sattler, J. Orelovsky, L. S. Loeb, I. Freimuth, Dave Cone, P. Levi, Louis Hammel, B. Silberstein, g. a. Klein, Rose L. Aronhelm, B. Heller, E. Mitchell, Higginton, Mrs. I. Abrahamson, Mrs. Gus Levin, Mrs. Sam Levin, Mrs. I. Bondy, Mrs. Stone, Misses Mamie Schwartz, Maxwell, Christenson, Nellie Le Vant, Messers. P. H. Oswald, J. D. Sattler, Daniel Kohn, B. J. Cook, N. J. Hendrickson, Hyman Josephs, Marcus, Hyman Cohen, Louis Christenson, Ryan, Oppenheim, Gross, Edelman. The reception committee consisted of Mrs. Louis Hammel, Mrs. P. Levi, Mrs. Krojanker; floor committee, Dave Cone, B. J. Cook, Daniel Kohn. - Duluth News-Tribune

1896-12-1 Abraham and Clara Levine - - 1896 Legal Notices. Abraham Levine an Clara Levine, The Hauser Malting Company. Column 4.

1896-12-15_5 Joseph S. Loeb obit - - 1896-12-15 Obituary of Joseph S. Loeb - dnt

.................. 1897 ..................           top of list          bottom -

1897 Joseph Salonowitz struck - - 1897 Joseph Salonowitz, physically and verbally attacked for being Jewish.

1897-1-20 Robard J. Cohen and Aide Goldstein ml. - - 1897 Minneapolis: Robard J. Cohen and Aide Goldstein, marriage license.

1897-1-22 John J. Fox and Bertha Polinsky ml - - marriage licenses issued., also Adolph Klein and Rebecca Cohen. - - -

1897-10-19 Joseph Sattler, tenor - - 1897 Music Lovers Turn Out. Bad Weather Doesn't Keep Them from Aeolian Concert. Mr. Joseph Sattler, tenor.

1897-01-30_4 Jacob Siegel, Elias Siegel, Aaron Siegel, Matt Siegel conspiracy Superior_times - - 1897-1-30 Superior Times Actions have been brought against Isaac Cohn, Jacob Siegel, Elias Siegel, Aaron Siegel, Sam Cohen, William Kellar, Matt Siegel and Isaac Rothstein for conspiracy, in connection with the assignment made about a year ago by Cohen & Siegel.

1897-02-05 Henry Helstein visiting from W Superior - - 1897-2-5 Virginia: Henry Helstein, of West Superior, was in the city over Sunday.

1897-2-8 Moses Cook - - 1897 Another indictment was against four men. Moses Cook, Isaac Abrahamson, Heiman Cohen, and W. M. Abrahamson.

1897-02-17_5 Morris J. Segal soliciting cigar business cropped - - 1897-2-17 Ely: Wolf Simon returned from Chicago Saturday where he had been for several weeks purchasing a new line for his new cigar business. Mr. Arthur McGurk returned with him and will be employed by Simon in manufacturing the new brands of cigars. One named "Tom Reed" will be the leader. - Ely Miner

1897-03-03_2 Mr. and Mrs. Morris J. Segal born a son cropped - - 1897-3-3 Ely: Born to Mr. and Mrs. Morris Segal, Feb. 26, a son. - Ely Miner

1897-3-10 col. 3 Mwlke Journal Aaron & Elias Siegel - - 1897-3-10 Milwaukee Journal. Madison, Wisconsin. Aaron Seigel and Elias Siegel and J. H. Gosnel. (Misspelling of Seigel?) - Articles of Incorporation- cropped

1897-3-10 col. 3 Milwaukee Aaron & Elias Siegel - - 1897-3-10 Milwaukee Journal. Madison, Wisconsin. Aaron Seigel and Elias Siegel and J. H. Gosnel - Misspelling of Seigel? - image cropped

1897-03-10_2 Aaron Siegel, Elias Siegel, J. H. Gosnel cropped Milwaukee_Journal - - 1897-3-10 Milwaukee Journal Aaron Siegel and Aaron Siegel Keystone Loan & Mercantile Co. Superior

1897-3-11 H. Berkowitz -

1897-03-13 Isaac Abrahamson - - 1897-3-13 Mr. Baldwin Reappointed to assist prosection of charges against Isaac Abrahamson, William Abrahamson, Moses Cook, Hyman Cohen, and Louis Pavlon for conspiring to defraud.

1897-03-13_[2] Bribes - - 1897-3-13 Allegeded soliciting of a bribe. Isaac Abrahamson, William Abrahamson, Moses Cook, Hyman Cohen and Louis Pavlon for conspiring in defraud. - Duluth Weekly News-Tribune

1897-3-24 daughter born to Mr. an Mrs. Isaac Cohen, Minneapolis - - 1897 Minneapolis: daughter born to Mr. an Mrs. Isaac J. Cohen, 302 Sixteenth avenue N.

1897-03-24_5 Morris J. Segal returns by freight cropped - - 1897-3-24 Ely: Morris Segal, Tower's cigar maker returned from Ely on Friday's freight. - Ely Miner

1897-04-02_5 B. Levin ad Shanedling ad - - 1897-04-02 1897-4-2 Virginia Enterprise. B. Levin Ad. W. L. Douglas shoes. Makes shoes for workmen and business men.

1897-4-3 J. D. Zien, gambling on premise - - 1897 J. D. Zien, gambling on premise -

1897-4-10 Samuel Altman obit. - - 1897 Samuel Altman, suicide, 22 years old. 130 Franklin avenue. -

1897-4-17 Bondy, Silberstein, Gidding ,store - - 1897 A Beautiful Store. Silberstein & Bondy's A Palace Of Light And Art. Brilliant Scene Presented by the Store Last Night After the Making of the Great Improvements in the Interior-Very General Rearrangement of Departments and Increase of Light. West Superior street. Children's department, Nat Gidding. -

1897-04-23 Abrahamson conspiracy cropped St Paul - - 1897-4-23 St. Paul, Abrahamson conspiracy. Cropped.

1897-05-09 Jacob Weinberg Nettie Weinbeg sister - St Paul Globe - - 1897-5-9 Has Lost A Sister. Jacob Weinberg of Duluth, Seeks His Sister Nettie. Full page

1897-05-09 Jacob Weinberg Nettie Weinbeg sister cropped - St Paul Globe - - 1897-5-9 Has Lost A Sister. Jacob Weinberg of Duluth, Seeks His Sister Nettie. Cropped to article

1897-5-29 Minneapolis school yard illustrations - - 1897 Minneapolis school

1897-6-17 Capt. Maloney obit. ND - - 1897 North Dakota: Capt. Hugh Maloney. One of Grand Forks' Pioneer Citizens the Victim of a Fatal Stroke Of Apoplexy. From Attack Early Yesterday Morning He Never Rallied and Died.

1897-07-08 Mrs. Louis Roos and her sister - - 1897-7-8 Mrs. H. a. Cohen and children have gone to Princeton. Mrs. Louis Roos, of 503 Second avenue east, is receiving a visit from her sister, Mrs. B. Buttenwieser of Cincinnati. - Duluth News-Tribune

1897-7-12J. D. Zien liquor license granted to another - - 1897 D. Zien liquor license granted to another -

1897-7-13 daughter born to Mr. an Mrs. Israel Cohen, Minneapolis - - 1897 daughter born to Mr. an Mrs. Israel Cohen, Minneapolis

1897-7-15 N. Slonim - - 1897 Minneapolis: In Police Court. N. Slonim, arrested on Tuesday night fpr trespassing on the premises of another, pleaded not guilty.

1897-7-17 Summerfield son born - - 1897 Nathan L. Summerfield and Isaac Summerfield, The Model Store.

1897-7-17 N. Slonim and Jim Azinsky - - 1897 Minneapolis: More Dispute Than Crime. Judge Edson Disposes of Several Neighborhood Rows. The cases against N. Slonim for injurying private property and for trespassing were again brought up and a case was instituted in connection, by Slonim against Jim Azinsky. assault in the third degree, concluded common family row, dismissed.

1897-7-24 Cloquet, Isaac Summerman, visit - - 1897 Cloquet, Isaac Summerfield of Duluth visited his brother and friends here yesterday.

1897-8-2 Sparta, Sol Sax - - 1897 Sparta: Sol Sax visitor to Virginia. -

1897-08-11_6 Vermillion Cigar Factory Morris J. Segal cropped - - 1897-8-11 Ely: Morris J. Segal, of the Vermillion Cigar Factory, Toer, was in the city yesterday selling his famous brand of cigars, the "Tower Bell" "Victor" and "M. J. Segal - Ely Miner

1897-08-21_6 Max Shapiro, Eveleth clothing merchant - DNT - - 1897-8-21 Max Shapiro, the Eveleth clothing arrangements to move his family o Eveleth next week. - - - also: Missabe Wreck At Biwabik. Ore Cars Pile Up in the Yards and Obstract ? Tracks. - Dulluth News-Tribune

1897-08-21_6 Max Shapiro, Eveleth - clothing merchant - DNT - - 1897-8-21 Max Shapiro, the Eveleth clothing merchant, and formerly in business here is making arrangements to move his family to Eveleth next week. - Duluth News-Tribune

1897-08-22_18 Abrahams - DNT - - 1897-8-22 The big reception of the week was given on Friday by Mrs. Henry Abrahams. - Dulluth News-Tribune

1897-8-23 C. Lavick - - 1897 First Big Holiday. Street Car Employees Give Annual Picnic Thursday. It Will be Held at Lester Park and the Biggest Kind of Preparations are Making for the Day-Long List of Athletic Contents with Good Prizes to Spur Up Contestants. Three standing jumps-First, one tie pin, by G. A. Klein; second, one center table, by C. Lavick.

1897-8-25 J. D. Zien, Hibbing holdings - - 1897 J. D. Zien business trip to range, extensive holdings. -

1897-9-9 Virginia, West Superior bedding, John Mesberg, mines, bedding -

1897-09-18 Officer Marcus Kassmir of Duluth aquitted - - 1897-9-18 Kassmir Vindicated. But Patrolman Will Never Visit Superior Again. Marcus Kassmir of Duluth police force. acqutted on charge of assault and battery by a West Superior woman. - (Marcus Kassmir is the father to Sophia Kassmir.)

1897-09-18 Officer Marcus Kassmir of Duluth aquitted West Superior - - 1897-9-18 Kassmir Vindicated. But Patrolman Will Never Visit Superior Again. Officer Marcus Kassmir of the Duluth police force.

1897-10-6 Start New Year - - 1897 Start A Blank Page. Jews Today Turn Over A New Leaf. Their New Year Resolutions Begin With Yom Kippur, Which is Today-Celebration of the Day of Atonement, an All Night Ceremony. Began at Sunset With the Celbrants in White Robes. -

1897-10-7 Tower, M. Shapiro, child burned -

1897-1-23 Mrs. Sattler, Capt. and Mrs. Malony ND - - 1897 North Dakota: Mrs. Sattler, guest of parents, Capt. and Mrs. Maloney, returns to Duluth..

1897-10-19 Spring Valley, Max Levine crockery store - - 1897 Fire at Spring Valley. Max Levine, crockery store.

1897-10-23 W. M. Abrahmson, fool - - 1897 Fooled The Crowd. Young Man from Seine River Country Has Some Fun to Himself. W. M. Abrahamson.

1897-10-23 Minneapolis cemetery Jewish 1875 - - 1897 Minneapolis- Montefiore cemetery established in 1875, Forty-second street and Third avenue S. Order Brith Abraham, or O.B.A. in Richfield township. Adath Jeshurun, disbanded Jewish congregation beyond Lake Harriet.

1897-10-24 Louis Aronheim cigar store move - - 1897-10-24 He Has Moved. L. Aronheim moved cigar and tobacco manufactory to No. 34 First avenue west and First street.

1897-10-24_[13] P. H. Levy - DNT - - 1897-10-24 A very handsome G. Levine, reception was given last Sunday by Mr. and Mrs. P. H. Levy in honor of their son. The guest were: Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Sattler. Mr. and Mrs. S. Levy, Mr. and Mrs. L. Rose, Mr. and Mrs. G. Levine, Mr. and Mrs. Edelman Mr and Mrs Aronhaems ? Aronsohn?, Mr. and Mrs. I. Freimuth, Mr and Mrs. B. Silberstein, Mr. and Mrs. R. Krojanker, Mr. and Mrs. L. Hammel, Mr. and Mrs Oswald, and Mrs. L. S. Loeb; Mrs. J. D. Zein, W. Abrahamson, Mrs. Kallish, Mrs. Hoopie, Mrs. I. Abrahamson, Mrs. J. Abrahamson, Mrs. S. Levine, Mrs. Meining; Miss Sophie Friemuth, Florence Silberstein, Irene Silbertstein, Emma Meining, Louise Meining, Elsa Silberstein, Rosalie Freimuth and A Freimuth, C. .Oswald, S. Levy, L. Freimuth, M. Zunder, S. Loeb, M. Freimuth, H. Hirschman. - Dulluth News-Tribune

1897-10-26 Gabriel Oreckovsky, high school freshman class - - 897 Freshman Class Organizers. Solomon Bright, Gabriel Oreckovsky -

1897-11-05_3 Kastriner and Neuman ad for store 55th Ave. West - - 1897-11-5 Kastriner & Neuman ad. The Great Eastern. West Duluth. 210-212 Fifty-Fifth Avenue West. - Duluth News Tribune

1897-11-07_5 Samuel Loeb assues mortgages on number of lots in Superior - - 1897-11-7 St. Louis Hotel Assets Sold. Assignee of the Old Company Closes Out Its Possessions. Samuel Loeb - Duluth News-Tribune

1897-11-11_5 Religious census Rabbi Hyman Appleman - Hebrew - - 1897-11-11 Religious Census. Ministers of All Denominations Plan for Taking One. Rabbi Hyman Appleman. - dnt

1897-11-12 N. L. Summerfield photo text - - 1897 Central Duluth N. L. Summerfield, illustration of him, Clothing and Furnishing Goods. N. L. Summerfield at the corner of 19th ave. and W. Superior street, carries a large stock of clothing, gents’ furnishings, boots and shoes, and lumbermen’s supplies.

1897-11-12 N. L. Summerfield photo text - - 1897 Son born to Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Summerfield of 2227 West Third street.

1897-11-21 Mr. and Mrs. Marcus - - 1897 Mr. and Mrs. Marcus, 523 West Fourth street, 14th birthday party, Sadie Marcus, Dolie Freimuth, Maggie Kolcorn, Nellie Fisher, Beth Fisher, May Levy, Annie Kidd, Lottie Mondchine, Etta Cook, Edna Cargil, Jennie Taylor, Della Marcus, Mrs. R. N. Loomis, Mrs. J. Loomis, Mrs. J. Frankel, Harry Levy, Arthur Levy, Roy Blake, Dolph Crandle, Fred Gullgher, Eddie Loomis Roy ?all, Dick Freimuth, Harry Marcus. -

1897-11-21 Florence Silberstein, Godding (Gidding) eng. - - 1897 Florence Silberstein and J. M. Gidding-Bloomsburg, Pa engagement. -

1897-12-3 Hebrew congregation Temple Emanuel - - 1897 Hebrew congregation Temple Emanuel

1897-12-5 Hebrew, black, New Haven, Conn -

1897-12-12 Blanche Leopold and Saul Goldberg, eng. - - 1897 Mr. and Mrs. Asa F. Leopold of 214 Thirty-second street, Chicago announce engagement of their daughter Miss Blanche Leopld to Mr. Saul Goldberg of Duluth. Sept. 12 and 14. -

1897-12-17 Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Azinsky birth of daughter - - 1897-12-17 The birth of a daughter to Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Azinsky at 390 Lake avenue was reported also. - dnt

1897-12-22 Julius Marcus and Moses Cook assignment - - 1887 Julius Markus, proprietor of the Misfit Carpet & Furniture store t No. 20 West Superior street, assignment to Moses Cook.

1897-12-26 W. M. Abrahamson alderman - - 1897 Politics. W. M. Abrahamson

.................. 1898 ..................           top of list          bottom -

1898-1-2 Louis Cohen and Sadie Dwelechkey ml.m Minneapolis - - 1898 Louis Cohen and Sadie Dwelschkey, marriage license.

1898-1-2 Joseph Cohn and Rosa Cohn ml. Minneapolis - - 1898 Joseph Cohen and Rosa Cohn, marriage license.

1898-01-05_6 Rose Ginsberg, hearst built Saint_Paul_globe - - 1898-1-5 Hearst build in St. Paul for Jewish Community, Rose Ginsberg

1898-1-6 City of Minneapolis, charter Emanuel Cohen - - 1898 Minneapolis: charter for the city. Emanuel Cohen is listed at the end of the article.

1898-01-08 J. D. Siegel West Superior street - - 1898-1-8 Puts Life In It. But Detective Troyer Gives the Possessor of “A Poor Thing” Points. J. D. Siegel’s store on West Superior street. Steeling coat.

1898-1-12 Louis Aronheim cigar ad - - 1898-1-12 Louis Aronheim ad for cigar store

1898-2-21 Sarah Zalk & Robert Buchman wedding - - Robert Buckman and Sarah Zalk, wedding -

1898-2-23 Florence Silberstein, Edward Silberstein - - 1898 Florence Silberstein and Edward Silberstein, St. Paul. -

1898-3-1 Zalk, Cook, Marks - - In Miss Marks’ Honor, Hammel, Freimuth, Edelman, Zalk, Buckman, Cohen, Mark, Cook, Josephs, Goldbloom -

1898 3-1 Etta Cook - - 1898 In Miss Marks’ Honor. Miss Fanny Marks-St. Paul, Kalamazoo block, Mr. and Mrs. Hammel, Mr. and Mrs. Freimuth, Mr. and Mrs. Edelman, Mr. and Mrs. Zalk, Mr. and Mrs. Buckman, Mr. and Mrs. Cohen, Misses Mamie Mark, Henrietta Cook, Etta Cook, Ida Zalk, H. Y. Josephs, C. Goldbloom, B. J. Cook, M. Cook, J. Cook, M. J. Cook, Z. Y. Josephs, M. Mark.

1898-3-1 Hibbing, Max Greenblatt, Chicago, spring stock - - Hibbing: Max Greenblatt, Chicago, purchase spring stock -

1898-3-17 Brith Abraham - - 1898 Flour City Lodge No. 119 Brith Abraham, aid schools. -

1898-3-19 Brith Abraham-Minneapolis, citizenship - - 1898 Oder Brith Abraham, three lodges met at Kenesseth Isral Hall, Dr. Hirschfield lecture on Citizenship. -

1898-3-20 Florence Silberstein and M. Gidding wed1 - - 1898 Mr. and Mrs. L. R. Bondy, Miss Florence Silberstein, Mr. Jacob M. Gidding-Pennsylvania, Mr. and Mrs. B. Silberstein Miss Silberstein, Miss Irene Silberstein, Miss Fanny Weiss-Denver, Miss Zaidee Plecher-St. Paul, Mrs. Bondy-Detroit, Mr. Edward A. Sebastien-Denver, Mr. Gidding, Mr. and Mrs. Bondy. - - Mrs. Anna Bondy of Detroit is here for the Silberstein-Gidding wedding. - - Mr. and Mrs. B. Silberstein entertain Zaidee Plecher-St. Paul, Florence Silberstein and Mr. Gadding-Pennsylvania marriage. - - Miss Fannie Weiss-New York in city to attend wedding of Miss Silberstein. - - Wednesday marriage of Miss Florence Silberstein and Mr. Jacob M. Gidding-Bloomsbury, Pa. Mr. and Mrs. B. Silberstein's home 31 West Second street. -

1898-3-23 Loeb, Silberstein, Gidding - - 1898 Mr. and Mrs. Loeb Entertain. Give Dinner in Honor of Miss Florence Silberstein and Mr. Gadding. East Superior street, Mr. and Mrs. B. Silberstein, 31 West Second street, Miss Sadie Plechner-St. Paul, Miss Fannie Weiss-Denver, Irene, and Estelle Silberstein, J. M. Gidding, A. Bondy, Samuel Loeb, Saul Goldberg, Effie Meinhold-Superior, Mr. and Mrs. Seymour Abraham-Superior, Robert Marcus,,, Fannie Haas, Mr. and Mrs. Max Albenberk-Superior. -

1898-3-24 Florence Silberstein and Jacob M. Gidding wed. - - Florence Silberstein and Jacob M. Gidding - Quiet Home Wedding -

1898-3-27 Loeb, Silberstein, Gidding - - 1898 Quiet Home Wedding. Miss Florence Silberstein and Jacob M. Gidding Married. Affair a Quiet One and Takes Place at Home of Bride's Parents-Mr. and Mrs. Gidding Leave on Extended Wedding Trip Before Going to Their Home in Bloomsberg, Pa.-Many Handsome Presents. Mr. and Mrs. B. Silberstein, Dr. Sigmund Frey, Edward A. Silberstein, Irene Silberstein. Mrs. A. Bondy, Mr. and Mrs. L. R. Bondy, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Winterfield, Miss Fannie Weiss-Denver, George L. Ryan-Tower, Sadie Plechner- St. Paul, Robert Marcus, Mr. and Mrs. Philip Weiss-grandparents-Detroit. Joseph Silberstein-Budapest. -

1898-04-20_6 Morris J. Segal cigars salesman cropped Ely_miner - - 1898-4-20 Ely: Matt Kundy, Tower, selling cigars for Morris Segal, Tower manufactures. cigar names Victors, Julius Caeser.

1898-5-4 W. M. Abramson birth of daughter Esther - - 1898 Birth of a daughter to Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Abrahamson of No. 141 Munger terrace.

1898-05-09 Turner Hall - - 1898-5-9 Pray For Our Arms. Hebrew Americans Beseech That Victory May Attend. Orthodox Jewish Congregations of the City Join in a Union Meeting at Turner Hall-Addressed by Dr. Frey and Mayor Traelsen-Prayers Said in Hebrew and English for a Conquest. W. M. Abrahamson, I. Abrahamson, Mayor Truelsen, Rabbi Sigmund Frey, I. L. Cook, Judge McGindley, E. Orecofsky, Rev. Mr. Abromnovsky, I. Shapiro, S. Kassmir. Speakers were Mayor Truelsen, Judge McGindley, I. L. Cook, Rabbi Dr. Fey, E. Orecofsky, I. Abrahamson. The Spanish war was not for the purpose of enlarging the territory of the United States, nor its revenues, but was a war for humanity.

1898-05-09 Fire and loss St. Croix neightorhood - - 1898-5-9 These are some of the Jews who were attending the joint meeting of their congregations in Turner hall right before the St. Croix and Lake Avenues fire began. They were praying for the American soldiers that were fighting in the Spanish American War. Description of fire and loss on St. Croix, Hebrew teacher Kenner,Jake Mattson -

1898-5-10 S. Karon fire - - -

1898-5-10 fire and donations Sher 2000 - - 1898-5-10 We have heard of major fires before in Minnesota, but this one seemed to hit many Jewish families because the fire was on Lake and St. Croix avenues. This is where the Kenners lived. This is about the time my great grandfather arrived in Duluth without his family. - - Several families did not have insurance. "The Hebrew people are looking after the fire sufferers of their nationality." Simon Sher was one of them. He suffered a loss of $2,000. - - Temple Emanuel congregation was called together by President Freimuth. B. J. Cook, I. Abrahamson. S. Rachlin, I. J. Cook, Robert Buchman, M. Odelman, S. Karon Bloom Brothers, J. Frankel, Mr. Siberman, J. Fox Moses S. Cook, S. I. Levin, J. D. Sigel, I. Polinsky, J. Hammel & Co., I. Freimuth, R. Krojanker, H. Bloom, Ladies' Aid society, B. J. Cook, H. Levine, M. Shannovsky, Frank Pupkin, James Polinsky, Mr. Sagrotsky, Rev. Sulizer, M. Feldman, E. E. Orekovsky, A. Sogrotzky, Mr. Mikiler, G. Orekovsky, A. Orekovsky, Mr. Schwartz, Olstein & Co., J. Foslovsky, J. Liberman, Joe Orekovsky, I. Liberman, W. Goldstein, E. Sattler.

1898-5-16 Brith Abraham-Duluth, war,insurance - - 1898 Encouraging Patriotism. Duluth Order Brith Abraham Take War Action. no suspention. -

1898-05-28_2 Siegel et al impleaded appeliants Reversed Superior_times - - 1898-5-28 Superior Times Siegel et al impleaded appellants Reversed.

1898-06-01_5 Samuel Loeb does not want to vacate from strip of land - - 1898-6-1 Required To Show Cause. Samuel Loeb Desires to Know Why He Should Vacate. - Duluth News-Tribune

1898-6-22 Abraham Zurovsky - - 1898-6-22 Charge Is Dismissed. Abraham Zurovsky Not to be Tried For Grand Larceny. Duluth Shoe company. 1521 West Superior street.

1898-6-23 Gus Levin - - 1898 Mrs. Gus Levin, Mossler-Levin wedding-Chicago.

1898-06-23_6 Samuel Edelstein and Sadie Cohen ml DNT - - 1898-6-23 Marriage license for Samuel Edelstein and Sadie Cohen

1898-6-27 Edelstein & Cohen wed Nellie Karon - - -

1898-6-27 Nellie Karon, S Edelstein & Sadie Cohen marry - - -

1898-6-27 Edelstein & Cohen wedding - - ‘Nother June Bride, S. Edelstein & Sadie Cohen, Rabbi Abramokivitz, Karon, Polinsky, Kassmir, Oreckowsky, Shapiro - - -

1898-7-16 Minneapolis Journal, The Problem of the Jew, Zionism - transcribed - htm file - - -

1898-7-16 Minneapolis Journal, The Problem of the Jew, Zionism - - -

1898- 7-16 Full page - - -

1898-7-16 Zionism - - 1898-7-16 The Problem Of The Jew. Zionism, the Movement Back to Jerusalem and What Is Causing It. A movement to the formation of a Jewish state in Palestine. Has the support of a majority of Jews in Europe and America. Dr. Theodore Herzl, Dr. Nordau, Russian and European sentiment against the Jews. Desire for a homeland.

1898-7-21 Summerfield nurse wanted - - 1898 Little Nurse Girl Waned By Mrs. N. L. Summerfield. 2223 West Third street. 6th column.

1898-7-22 Maurice Goldish obit - - -

1898-7-24 Nathan L. Summerfield - - 1898 During August, Mrs. Nathan L. Summerfield and her guest, Mrs. Lewis of Champaign, Ill. Will be at home on Wednesdays. 3rd col.

1898-7-27 Moses Cook, Sunday - - 1898 Cook’s Front Door. Judge Gearhart Wrestles With Its Purpose On Sunday. Merchant Gets Up in Reply to Clerks’ Association Prosecution That His Front Door Was Open to Admit Entrance to His Living Rooms in the Rear-Clerks Witnesses Swear to Purchases. Moses Cook, 400 West Superior street. Business conducted on Sunday.

1898-7-28 Mr. and Mrs. Summerfield party - - 1898 Summer Evening Dancing Party. Lester park, dancing party given by Adolph Freimuth and M. Zunder in honor of Miss Schram of Milwaukee, Miss Hirschman of St. Paul, Miss Jacobs of New York and Mr. and Mrs. David Abels of St. Cloud, Minn. Guests: Mr. and Mrs. I. Freimuth, Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Sattler, Mr. and Mrs. P. H. Levy, Mr. and Mrs. R. Krojanker, Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Sattler, Mr. and Mrs. Summerfield, Mr. and Mrs. Will Abrahamson, Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Klein, Mr. and Mrs. Gus Levin, Mrs. Lewis of Champaign, Ill., Mr. and Mrs. Faller, Miss Schram, Miss Hirschman, Miss Jacobs, Sophie Freimuth, Mayme Schwartz, Lillie Abrahamson, Rosa Reimuth, Moritz Abels of St. Cloud, Mr. Summerfield of St. Paul, Mr. Fischer of Chicago, Dan Gross of Chicago, Sam Loeb, Hugo Hirschman, Morris Freimuth. 3rd. col.

1898-7-29 Henry F. Leopold, father Louis - - Comes Next Spring, Henry F. Leopold, Louis Leopold, Henry F. Leopold - - -

1898-07-31_4 S. Levy Sattler party pg. 2 - - 1898-7-31 W. M. Abrahamson Dolls, flowers - - - Magnificent reception given by Mrs. J. B. Sattler and Mrs. J. D. Sattler for Mrs. David C. Abels of St. Cloud. Mrs. N. L. Summerfield, Mrs. I. Freimuth, Mrs. B. Heller and Mrs. Levin. Mrs. M. Levy, Mrs. L. Loeb, Mrs. L. Hammet, Mrs. S. Frey, Mrs. R. Krojanker, Mrs. L. Aronheim, Mrs. A. Bondy, Mrs. S. I. Levine, Mrs. Mondstaine, Mrs. J. Meaken, Mrs. Newman, Mrs. S. Levy, Mrs. G. A. Klein, Mrs. L. R. Bondy, Mrs. I. Abrahamson, Mrs. L. Rose, Mrs. B. Silberstein, Mrs. P. H. Oswold, Mrs. L. P. Kallesh, Mrs. G. Levin, Mrs. N. L. Summerfield, Mrs. M. Kastriner, Mrs. P. H. Levy, Mrs. A. Abraham of Superior, Mrs. T. Monahan, Mrs. L. Abraham of Superior, Mrs. Lannigan, Mrs. W. F. Henry, Mrs. James McAuliffe, Mrs. V. D. Cliffe, Mrs. H. Gengnagle, Mrs. J. Beck, Mrs. A. Hoelscher, Mrs. H. Abraham of Superior, Mrs. H. Heller, Mrs. M. Aldenberg of Superior, Mrs. G. P. Stillman, Mrs. P. Daran, Mrs. J. F. Killorin, Mrs. J. D. Kenna, Mrs. E. Baker, Mrs. J. ? Ellis, Mrs. M. Keley, Mr. W. M. Abrahamson, Mrs. A. Heller, Mrs. Steinberg, Mrs. Eleiman, Mrs. W. H. Stultz, Mrs. W. Smith, Mrs. J. Hutchart, Mrs. W. B. Cross, Mrs. I. Freimuth, Mrs. J. Norton, Mrs. G. Gray, Miss Jacobs of New York, Miss Haas, Miss Newman, Miss Bergman, Miss Menthold of Superior, Miss May Naughton, Miss Sophie Freimuth, Miss A Sarglsson, Miss Schram of Milwaukee, Miss Hirschman of St. Paul, Miss Schwartz, Miss Abrahamson, Miss Sicker, Miss Naughton, Miss Sarglsson, Miss Henry, Miss Ownes, and Miss Barker. - Duluth News-Tribune

1898-09-14_5 Siegfried and Anna Levy, Nettie and Bernard Silberstein - - 1898-9-14 Answers Are Filed. In the suit of Fred O. Harris against Siegfried Levy et al., separate answers were filed in district court yesterday by the defenders, Bernard and Nettie Silberstein, Siegfried Levy and Anna Levy. - Duluth News-Tribune

1898-9-24 Synagugue-Yom Kippur - - -

1898-09-24_5 home made goods Kastriner & Neuman 8 years - - 1898-9-24 Labor World N. L. Summerfield, Clothing. One of the largest clothing stores in the city's that of N. L. Summerfield at the corner of Twentieth avenue west and Superior Street. Mr. S is making a special effort to supply every boy in school with a good suit of clothes before cold weather sets in and he invites parents to come and see his great stock of clothing and furnishing goods and test the price. His stock of men's clothing is also equally complete. Located here for eleven years and widely known. - Labor World

1898-9-26 Switzerland, Zionism, The Zionist Movement - transcribed - htm file - - -

1898-9-26 Switzerland, Zionism - - -

1898 10-01_4 S Edelstein Furniture businesson Tower Labor_world - - 1898-10-1 3rd. col. Labor world S. Edelstein, Furniture. 509-511 Tower avenue. Second hand furniture, stoves, bedding, carpets.

1898-10-5 Mickro Kadesh, politicsr - - -

1898-10-08_5 Second Hand Store S. Edelstein Labor_world - - 1898-10-8 Labor world Directory of Duluth and Superior Business Firms. - - - . - - - Clothing and Gents’ Furnishing goods - - - William M. Abrahamson 112 and 225 W. Superior Clothing and Gents’ Furnishing goods. - - - Louis Oreckovsky, 530 West Superior street. - - - M. Cook, 400 West Superior street.. - - - N. L. Summerfield Twentieth avenue west. . - - - . - - - Furs and Fur Goods Made.. - - - H. Gross, 1011 Tower Ave., W. Sup., Wis. . - - - . - - - Groceries, Fruits, Etc. . - - - M. M. Sher, 123 First avenue east. . - - - Livery, Sale Stables, Etc.. - - - J. Hammel & Co., 125-127 West First St. . - - - . - - - Second Hand Goods.. - - - Bloom & Co., 102 West First St.. - - - M. Shapira, 12 First avenue west.. - - - S. Edelstein, 509 tower Ave., W. Sup., Wis. . - - - . - - - Wholesale Liquors.. - - - . - - - B. Heller Liquor Co., 102 W. Michigan Sts. . - - - . - - - Wines, Fine Liquors, Etc.. - - - . - - - M. S. Cook, 509 West Superior street..

1898-10-08_5 St Paul and Duluth Railroad Labor_world - - 1898-10-8_5 St Paul and Duluth Railroad Labor_world - Cropped - The short line between st Paul, Minneapolis, Duluth, West Superior

1898-10-15_5 R Edelstein & Co. 2nd Hand Goods 516 Tower Labor_world - - 1898-10-15 Labor world R. Edelstein & Co., Second Hand Goods. 516 Tower avenue, furniture store. Stoves, bedroom sets. - - There may be other businesses Listed

1898-10-18 J. D. Siegel robbery - - 1898-10-18 Caught in the Act. Hub Clothing, Abrahamson, Mr. Siegel.

1898-11-12 Immigration - - 1898-11-12 From Foreign Soil. Commissioner Powderly’s Annual Report Of Immigration. About the Same Number of Mal Immigrants as During the Year Before, But of a More Desirable Class-Some Excellent Recommendations to Prevent All Naturalization Frauds.

1898-11-19_6 Roy and Samuel Edelstein listings Labor_world - - 1898-11-19-6 Labor world Businesses directory. This edition includes S. Edelstein and R. Edelstein with their locations.- - - - - - Second Hand Goods - - - S. Edelstein, 509 Tower Ave., W. Sup., Wis - - - R. Edelstein & Co., 516 Tower Ave. W. Sup., Wis.

1898-12-7 Herman Rosenblett obit. - - 1898 Herman Rosenblett, 56, Aitkin, obit.

1898-12-14 B R Edelman - - 1898-12-14 R Edelman - The Standad Jewelry and Loan Office 324 West Superior

1898-12-15 M. S. Cook saloon - - 1898 Checks forged. Cashed by M. S. Cook, keeps a saloon at Fifth avenue west and Michigan street. W. M. Abrahamson, a clothing dealer, Joseph Oreckovsky & Co., clothing dealers.

1898-12-20 Joseph and C. M. Polinsky,, buy or get slugged - - -

1898-12-21_5 Abbott purchase Duluth Drug Store owned by Samuel Loeb - - 1898-12-21 William A. Abbett has purchased Samuel Loeb's business Duluth Drug Store. - Duluth News-Tribune

1898-12-22 Charles and Joseph Polinsky assault - - for assaulting Prosper Finnette. - - -

1898-12-23 Charles and Joseph Polinskys found guilty - - -

1898-12-26_5 Lottie Mondschine 113 West street - dnt - - 1898-12-26 Lottle Mondschine sent a noteable letter to newspaper contest.

1898-12-29 Fannie Cohen asks to divorce Isaac Cohen - cropped - - 1898 Fannie Cohen divorces Isaac Cohen.

1898-12-29 col. 4, Divorce for Fannie and Isaac Cohen - full page - - 1898 Fannie Cohen divorces Isaac Cohen.

1898-12-31 Louis Glassner Biwalbik - - 1898 Louis Glassner, school in Minnesota. Biwabik

.................. 1899 ..................           top of list          bottom - - -

1899 First Hebrew Congregation - - 1899 First Hebrew Congregation in Superior -

1899 Witz -Bennet wed. Karon - - -

1899-1-1 Zionism - - 1899-1-1 San Francisco Chronicle, Reverend Stephen S. Wise, Zionism depends on the Kaiser, The Sultan and the Pope. - - image cropped

1899-1-4 Charles and Joseph Polinsky post fine - - -

1899-1-16 cemetery, Rabbi Frey explanation - - 1899 Rabbi Frey Explains. "A Jewish Lady Buried Alive"

1899-1-19 Jacob B. Sattler, bankruptcy - - 1899 Proceedings In Bankruptcy, Jacob B. Sattler.

1896-4-7 Abraham Sattler obit. NY Herald - - 1896-4-7 New York: Abraham Sattler obit , son-in-lawL. Loewus, 58 East 79th st.

1899-01-25 Woofen, Sam Bloom, Max Osherman - - 1899-1-25 Woofen Assault Case. Court Room rowded With Spectators Interested in the Trial. Sam Bloom, Max Osherman.

1899-1-27 Wolfan will sue - - 1899 Wolfan Will Sue. West Superior, Wis. Max Osherman.

1899-02-01_5 Louis Loeb - DNT - - 1899-2-1 Louis Loeb and family left yesterday for a trip to New York. - - - also: l. Siegel staying at the St. Louis Hotel. From Marquette. - - - also: F. Cohen staying at the St. Louis Hotel. From Ashland. - Dulluth News-Tribune

1899-02-01_5 Louis Loeb 2 - DNT - - 1899-2-1 Personals. Louis Loebe and family left the city yesterday for a trip to New York. - - Others: St. Louisl: F. Cohen - Ashland : H. L. Siegel. - Duluth News-Tribune

1899-02-04 First Jewish Wedding in Duluth - - 1899-02-04 the first wedding amoung the Jewish people cocured when Rabbi Frey of Dultuh married Jacob Stien of Eveleth to Miss Sarah Fenkle who has just arrived from Yumpel, Russia. Duluth Evening Herald,

1899-2-17 Rabbi Sigmund Frey, Temple Emanuel - - 1899 Temple Emanuel, Rabbi Sigmund Frey Resigns, Hebrew Leader About To Go To Leavenworth, Kansas, Will Have Charge of the Temple Bnai Gushurun, at Leavenworth. Has Been With the Duluth Temple Emmanuel for Three Years. Gets a Synagogue Well Started. -

1899-2-26 I Freimuth - - 1899 I. Freimuth left for the east yesterday afternoon on his semi-annual visit to eastern markets.

1899-2-26 Henrietta Cook, Jennette Glassner-Biwabik - - 1899 Miss Henrietta Cook gave a luncheon Thursday in honor of her guest, Miss Jennette Glassner of Biwabik.

1899-2-27 Defence of the Jew- Moses Montefiore - - Defence (Defense) of the Jew, Bishop Ussher, Victorian Club, Boston -

1899-3-1 Temple Emanuel, Jacob M. Gidding, Bondy, Sillberstein, Florence Silberstein - - 1899 Temple Emanuel Party. Temple Emanuel Aid society, proceeds for building fund. -

1899-3-1 J. M. Gidding - - 1899 J. M. Gidding associated with Silberstein & Bondy, home in Duluth, Mrs. Gidding formerly Miss Florence Silberstein -

1899-03-09 Marcus Kassmir sick - - 1899-3-9 Officer Kassmir Sick.

1899-3-11 Maurice Greenberg, Mrs. Shapiro - - 1899 Maurice Greenberg, brother to Mrs. Shapiro, will be married in Superior to a young lady in Superior, Wisconsin. -

1899-3-12 Nellie LaVant and David Casmir - - 1899 Nellie LaVant and David Casmir wed. Nellie is eldest child of the Samuel and Rose Lavant. She had seven younger brothers. The Lavant family was one of the earlier settlers. 1890 and 1891. First in Superior, Wisconsin and then Eveleth, Minnesota. -

1899-3-13 La Vant and Casmir wedding - - Attendees: Nellie La Vant, David Casmir, Rabbi Abrams, Rabbi Newfield, Henrietta Cook, B. J. Cook, Annie L Vant, Selma Casmir, Mayor Truelsen, Dr. R. Graham, Lavick, Mitchell, Albert, I. Isadore, I. Rubenstein, Julius Cohen, Joe Sattler, Kacob SattlerGus Levin, Levy, I. Abrahamson, Krojanker, William Abrahamson, Dave Cohen, L. Oreck, Monschind, H. Hirshberg, H. Y. Josephs, S. E. Gittelson, J. Rothschild, Meyar Cook, J. Abrahamson, Julius Cook, Ben Katz, Mark, Hanna Cook, Lillian Abramson, Pauline Levy, Sadie Mondschind, Mary Mark, and Fanny Hass. -

1899-3-13 La Vant and Casmir wedding - - 1899 United In Marriage. Miss Nellie La Vant and David Casmir Married Yesterday Afternoon. Rabbi Newfield, Rabbi Abrams, Henrietta Cook, B. J. Cook, Annie La Vant, Selma Casmir, Mayor Truelsen, Dr. R. Graham, Casmir, Lavick, Mitchell, Albert, I. Isadore, I. Rubenstein, Julius Cohen, Joe Sattler, Jacob Sattler, Gus Levin, P. Levy, I. Abrahamson, Krojanker, William Abrahamson, Dave Cohen, L. Oreck, Monschind, B. J. Cook, H. Hirshberg, H. Y. Josephs, S. E. Gittelson, J. Rothschild, Meyear Cook, J. Abrahmson, Julius Cook, Ben Katz, Mark, Henrietta Cook, Hanna Cook, Lillian Abrahamson, Pauline Levy, Sadie Mondschind, Mary Mark, Fanny Hass. -

1899-3-13 col 4-5 David Casmir and Nellie La Vant wedding - - headline -

1899-3-16 Polinsky brothers, Chicago newspapers - - -

1899-3-18 Cloquet, B. J. Summerfield - - 1899 Cloquet: Is He A Forger? Gregory Greenier of Cloquet Is Arrested for That Crime. Mr. B. J. Summerfield.

1899-3-20 Virginia, Louis Cohen - - 1899 Louis Cohen, bankruptcy.

1899-03-20 Harris Edelman & Meyer Edelman bankrupt - - 1899-03-20 Harris Edelman & Meyer Edelman bankrupt

1899-3-24 Cloquet, B. J. Summerfield, - - 1899 Cloquet: Would Not Prosecute, Cloquet Man Who Confessed to Forgery Is Released. Gregory Greenier, B. J. Summerfield would not testify further against man.

1899-4 Superior Street - - 1899-4 Superior street from Lake avenue looking east; Traphagen's Silberstein and Bondy; Fred Scott and Co druggist; Freimuth department store under construction - - - photo from Minnesota Reflections

1899-4-5 W. M. Abrahamson fire commissioner - - 1899 Appointment Is Satisfactory. M. Zalk says that the appointment of W. M. Abrahamson as fire commissioner is satisfactory to the Hebrews of the city with the exception of Moses Cook. Mr. Cook says there were others.

1899-4-5 Zalk, Abrahamson, Cook, Hebrew fire commissioner - - The City. Appointment Is Satisfactory. M. Zalk, W. M. Abrahmson, fire commissioner -

1899-4-8 Israel Esau Oreckovsky Bright, name change - - 1899 Motions for Israel Esau Oreckovsky to have his named change to Israel Esau Bright -

1899-4-9 Israel Esau Oreckovsky, name change dismissed - - 1899 Israel Esau Oreckovsky allowed to change name. -

1899-04-23 Louis Cohen final hearings bankrupt - DNT - - 1899-4-23 For Final Hearings. Petition for bankrupts. Louis Cohen. - Duluth News-Tribune

1899-04-24_6 Louis Cohen of Virginia bankrupt - DNT - - 1899-4-24 Proceedings In Bankruptcy. Louis Cohen, of the City of Virginia. - Duluth News-Tribune

1899-05-03_5 Samuel Loeb repairs property on first and second street - - 1899-5-3 Something of Building Rooms. Repair permits were given to Samuel Loeb who wishes to repair two dwellings on First avenue east between First and Second streets. The cost will be $150 and ? - Duluth News-Tribune

1899-05-06 Wolf Simon - - 1899-5-6 Gambles It Away. Mr. Simon Accuses One of His Agents of Misappropriation.

1899-5-9 Nathan Cohen and Katie Pasove ml. - - 1899 Nathan Cohen and Katie Pascove, marriage license.

1899-05-10_3 Louis Cohen final discharges in bankruptcy - DNT - - 1899-5-10 Discharges in bankruptcy granted to Louis Cohen. - Duluth News-Tribune

1899-05-12 B Heller Liquor Company - - 1899-5-12 Allege Fraudulent. Hennessy & Co. Charge a Wholesale Liquor Dealer With It. Heller Liquor company and B. Heller Liquor Company. Selling or disposing of liquor fraudulently as “Hennessy brandy.”

1899-5-16 Erma Wilk, Mr. and Mrs. M. Wilk, Minneapolis, confirmation -

1899-05-19 Wolf Simon - - 1899-5-19 Grand Jury Working Still. Turns Out Four Indictments and Hears Other Cases. Simon

1899-05-21_10 Miss Rosie Mondschine attended birthday party-1 cropped - dnt - - 1899-5-21 Birthday party for Violet Jordan, daughter of Mrs. Emily Jordan.Guest Miss Rosie Mondschine, Isador Mondschine.

1899-05-24 Rabbi Samuel Snitzer credentials from Worms, Germany - - 1899-5-24 Credentials From Russia. A copy of the credentials of ordination of Rabbi Samuel Snitzer was filed in district court yesterday. The credentials are signed by Rabbi Benjamin Merber, Meyer Green and Jacob Eichanon Kantor of Worna Russia, April 3, 1888, Hebrew year 5648.

1899-5-26 Gust Levin transfer - - 1899 column 1, Gust Levin transfer from 227 West Superior street to 213 West Superior street-police and license.

1899-5-26 Isaac L. Cook - - 1899 Isaac L. Cook, 114 West Superior street applied for a liquor license.

1899-5-26 second hand store A. Fox and Joseph Sosnovsky - - 1899 S. Karon,Joseph Sosnovsky and A. Fox applied for a bond and billard lcense.

1899-05-27 Israel Azinsky Ethel Helstein marriage - - 1899-5-27 Another Marriage Dispensation. Miss Ethel Helstein has agreed to wed Ishiel (Israel) Azinsky from Ashland, WI. Thought fit to grant his permission and a typical wedding will be the result. The affair will take place in Maryland hall.

1899-5-28 Isadore and Jacob Lieberman, -

1899-5-29 Samuel Karon, brass -

1899-5-29 Superior-Ethel Helstien and Ishiel Azinsky wed. - - 1899 Superior: Hebrew Wedding Yesterday. Ethel Helstien and Ishiel Azinsky. -

1899-5-29 Levin - - 1899 Porter Pulls A Razor. Drunken Porter Uses an Emphatic Argument on Levin. Levin's saloon, 213 West Superior street.

1899-5-29 Hibbing, Greenblatt, Kitz & Co. - - Greenblatt, Kitz & Co. -

1899-6-10 Spanish American War Duluth - - 1899-6-10 Event General Alger Reception; Secretary of War during Spanish American War; view from second floor of Palladio building at fourth avenue west and Superior street; parade was reviewed from the second floor balcony of the St. Louis hotel; signs; veterans - - - photo from Minnesota Reflections

1899-6-13 Samuel Karon, court -

1899-6-14 2 Prosperity Brings Them - - 1899-6-14 Prosperity Brings Them. Full Page . - - cropped image

1899-6-14 immigrant statistics - - 1899-6-14 Prosperity Brings Them. Cropped page. - - cropped image

1899-6-14 Prosperity Brings Them - - Prosperity Brings Them - describes immigration to this country in 1899 and the criteria of literacy. -

1899-06-17_7 Frank Rabinowitz of Eveleth bankruptcy DNT - - 1899-6-17 Notice of First Meeting of Creditors. Frank Rabinowitz bankruptcy.

1899-06-27 Ben Heller and Sam Loeb - - 1899-6-27 Assessors. Ben Heller and Sam Loeb. Discrepancy between the values of liquor stock between the two businesses.

1899-7-20 Lillian Aronsohn - - 1899 Minneapolis Journal, In Social Circles. Jewish Graduates of '99 Entertained at Stryker Seminary. With A Reception And Dance. Twin city graduates honored. Benjamin H. Chedeck, Mrs. M. Rosenholz, Mrs. Rudolph, Mrs. A. Harris, Mrs. S. Farr, graduates Lillian Aronsohn, Henrietta Birnberg, Samuel Cohen, Rachel Shapira, Henry Rosenholtz, Miriam Gittelson, Emil C. Robitshek, Sarah Shanfeld, Rebecca Weinberg, E. Arnesonm, E. Harris, L. Rosenstein. Davis orchestra: L. D. Horne, Fred Zimmerman, Samuel Rosen, G. B. Hirschman.

1899-07-21_3 Frank Rabinowitz cropped DNT - - 1899-7-21 Proceedings In Bankruptcy. Frank Rabinowitz.

1899-07-31 Marcus Kassmir Yiddish play - - 1899-7-31 Hebrews At Play. Operetta Put on at Turner Hall Last Evening. A. Goldfaden wrote eight scenes. dance followed play. Hebrew tongue Marcus Kassmir, member of the police department Mrs. Goodman. Mrs. Casmir, Miss Sarah Casmir, Samuel Casmir.

1899-8-5 Max Greenblatt, and wife, bride - - Personals, Hibbing, Max Greenblatt and bride -

1899-8-5 David Simon, cigars -

1899-8-10 Slonim - - 1899 Action to Quiet Title. real estate by Julius D. Howard and John G. Howard against N. Slonim and Julia McDonald.

1899-8-11 Abe Kenner, street sp. -

1899-8-17 Switzerland Zionism in America, third congress -

1899-8-27 Sophie Freimuth obit. - - Death of Miss Sophie Freimuth. -

1899-9-1 Mrs. Samuels, W. M. Abrahamson Chicago - - 1899 Mrs. Samuels of Chicago who has been visiting Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Abrahamson, has returned home.

1899-9-3 J. J. Lauerman boot and shoe business - - 1899 J. J. Lauerman boot and shoe business, return from New Ulm to resume business. staying with T. Allyn Scott.

1899-09-03_[1] Northland to Buffalo boat trip Loeb - DNT - - 1899-9-3 With 150 Passengers. North Land Leaves on her Down Trip. L. A. Loeb, Mrs Loeb. - Dulluth News-Tribune

1899-09-10_3 L. Roos - - 1899-9-10 Their Great Holidya (Holiday). Yom Kippur, or Hebrew's Day of Fasting, This Week. Temple Emanuel to Celebrate the Event By Ceremonies on Wednesday Evening and on Thursday Morning-Very Elaborate Musical Program Arranged Under Direction of Miss McKay. In program: L. Roos. Held at Unitarian church. - Duluth News-Tribune

1899-09-17 Splendid New Store - - 1899-09-17 Splendid New Store. I. Freimuth Will Move Jan 1, into the Fowler Building. Floor Space That Will Be Had at the New Location Will be Two and a Half Times That of the Present Store-New Location at Corner of Superior and Lake Avenue-Finest in the Northwest.

1899-10-5 Lizzie Hakari Jacob D. Zien - - 1899 dismissal of case Lizzie Hakari and Jacob D. Zien. -

1899-10-6 Abe and H Kenner general fund -

1899-10-13 Joseph Goldberg, Gust Levin - - 1899 Was Weary Of Life. Joseph Goldberg of One Cent Store Shoots Himself. Only Twenty-One Years of Age and Had Nothing Apparently to Cause Him to Take the Rash Step-Victim of Melancholin-Parents in Chicago Are Wealthy-Boy Taken to Chicago. Suicide occurred at the home of Gust Levin. Brothers borders.

1899-10-18 Albert Polinsky, second hand store, license - - -

1899-11-12 Kofereth Israel congregation - - 1899 1899-11-12 Kofereth Israel congregation purchased lot for synagogue

1899-11-12 Kofereth Israel , new Hebrew Synagogue - - 1899 New Hebrew Synagogue. Kofereth Congregation Buys Building for Place of Worship. Jacob Levine, Joseph Oreckovsky, Henry Caplov, Joseph Oreckovsky, William Goldstein, Isedra (Isadore?) Liberman, 5th column -

1899-11-14 Zionism woman - - 1899-11-14 Women Who Think. The Eighth Annual Congress of the Woman’s Council in Session. Excellent Programs Prepared. Subjects to Be Treated Have a Wide Range and Are o More Than Ordinary Interest.

1899-11-24_5 Mr. an Mrs. M. (Morris) Kastriner 15th anniversary party - - 1899-11-94 Their Crystal Wedding. Mr. and Mrs. M. Kastriner of West Duluth celebrated their crystal wedding last evening at the St. Louis hotel. About 100 of their friends were present, some of them from a distance. Music was furnished by Robinson's orchestra. The guests sat down to supper at 9:15 o'clock. An elegant menu had been prepared for the occasion. - - - Among the guests from out of town were: Mr. and Mrs. M. Neuman of Chicago; Mr. and Mrs. S. Neuman of St. Paul; Mr. and Mrs. Henry Abraham and Mr. and Mrs. Seymour Abraham. Mr. and Miss Meinhold and Mr. Billstein all of West Superior and Miss Lowe of Chippewa Falls. - - - After the supper dancing was indulged in til midnight. - Duluth News Tribune

1899-11-26 Mr. and Mrs. M. Kastriner of West Duluth crystal wedding Sattler guest - - 1899-11-26 Mr. and Mrs. M. Kastriner of West Duluth celebrated their crystal wedding giving a party at the St. Louis hotel. 15th year of married life. Guests. Mr. and Mrs. Neuman-Chicago, Mr. and Mrs. S. Newman-St. Paul, Mr. and Mrs. Gatzert-Chicago, Mr. and Mrs. H. Abraham, Mr. and Mrs. S. Abraham, Miss Meinholdt, Mr. Meinholdt, Mr. Billstein, Mr. Zunder-West Superior, Miss Lowe-Chippewa Falls, Mr. and Mrs. B. Silberstein, Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Gidding, Mrs. A. Bondy, Miss Irene Silberstein, Mr. and Mrs. L. S. Loeb, Mr. Sam Loeb, Mr. Lew Heller, Mr. and Mrs. B. Heller, Mr. and Mrs. P. H. Oswald, Miss Fannie Haas, Mr. and Mrs. J. Winterfield, Mrs. G. L. Ryan, Mr. and Mrs. E. Marcuse, Mr. and Mrs. I. Freimuth, Mr. A. Freimuth, Mr. J. D. Sattler, Mr. J. B. Sattler, Mr. M. Sattler, Mr. I. Abrahamson, Mr. and Mrs. William D. Abrahamson, Mr. and Mrs. J. Abrahamson, Miss Lolie Abrahamson Mr. and Mrs. K. Stoner, Mr. L. Hammel, Mr. A. Hammel, Mr. and Mrs. G. L. Klein, Miss Schwartz, Mr. and Mrs. M. Levy, Mr. and Mrs. P. Levy, Mr. and Mrs. L. Levy, Miss Pauline Levy, Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Zien, Mrs. Moonshine, Mr. Hugo Hirschman, Mr. and Mrs. Adelman, Mr. and Mrs. Louis Roos, Miss Sallie Pulverman, Mr. and Mrs. Mamie Mark, Mr. Mose Mark, Mr. J. N. Dunn, Mr. Victor Kahn, Mr. and Mrs. M. Kastriner, Mr. and Mrs. L. S. Newman. - dnt

1899-11-26 Mr & Mrs M. Kastriner of West Duluth crystal wedding - DNT - - 1899-11-26 Mr. and Mrs. M. Kastriner of West Duluth celebrate crystal wedding 15th year of marriage. by giving a party at the St. Louis hotel. L. S. Neuman, brother of Mrs. Kastriner. Guests: Mr. and Mrs. Neuman-Chicago, Mr. and Mrs. S. Newman-St. Paul; Mr. and Mrs. Gatzert-Chicago; Mr, and Mrs. H. Abraham, Mr. and Mrs. S. Abraham, Miss Meinholdt, Mr. Meinholdt, Mr. Billstein, Mr. Zunder -West Superior; Miss Loewe-Chippewa Falls; Mr. and Mrs B. Silberstein, Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Gidding, Mrs. A. Bondy, Miss Irene Silberstein, Mr. and Mrs. L. S. Loeb, Mr. Sam Loeb, Mr. Lew Heller, Mr. and Mrs. B. Heller, Mr. and Mrs. P. H. Oswald, Miss Fannie Haas, Mr. and Mrs. J. Winterfield, Mrs. G. L. Ryan, Mr. and Mrs R. Marcuse, Mr. and Mrs. I. Freimuth, Mr. A. Freimuth, Mr J. D. Sattler, Mr. J. B. Sattler, Mr. I. Abrahamson, Mr. and Mrs. William D. Abrahamson, Mr. and Mrs. J. Abrahamson, Miss Lolie Abrahamson, Mr. and Mrs. K. Storer, Mr. L. Hammel, Mr. A. Hammel, Mr. and Mrs. G. L. Klein, Miss Schwartz, Mr. and Mrs. M. Levy, Mr. and Mrs. P. Levy, Mr. and Mrs. L. Levy, Miss Pauline Levy, Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Zien, Mrs. Moonshine, Mr. Hugo Hirschman, Mr. and Mrs. Adelman, Mr. and Mrs. Louis Roos, Miss Sallie Pulverman, Mr. and Mrs. Mamie Mark, Mr. LMose Mrk, Mr. J. N.. Dunn, Mr. Victor Kahn, Mr and Mrss. M. Kastriner, Mrs. and Mrs. L. S. Newman. - Dulluth News-Tribune

1899-12-5 Moses S. Cook cards - - 1899 Moses S. Cook, card playing in his saloon 433 West Michigan street.

1899-12-5 Samuel Kaner & Rosa Kenner marriage lic -

1899-12-11 Samuel Kaner and Rosie Kenner wedding -

1899- 12-16 Abe-Alle and Simon Goldish-deed -

1899-12-17 Adas Israel real estate - - 1899 E L Kimberly sold lots to Adas Israel and Chevra Kadish

1899-12-19 Tifereth - - Jewish Synagogue Dedicated. Tifereth Israel cong., Levine, Caplow, Orecovsky, Goldstein, Lieberman. -

1899-12-19 Virginia, B. Levin - - 1899 Virginia: Mae W. Gil-Eveleth and Frank B. Campbell wed at B. Levin home.

1899-12-19 Synagouge, Hanecke's Abiess -

1899-12-22_6 The Model B. Levin Virginia_enterprise - - 1899-12-22 Virginia: B. Levin, The Model-Ad.

1899-12-22_6 Virginia Enterprise - - 1899-12-22 Ad for The Model. B. Levin Proprietor - - - We know you know where to buy, for you know we know how to buy. The Model, B. Levin, Prop.

1899-12-22_6 Virginia Enterprise - - 1899-12-22 Candies from 8 to 60 cents per pound, strictly fresh, at Milavetz Bros.

1899-12-22_6 Virginia Enterprise - - 1899-12-22 Like a coon eating watermelon is how you will feel when you get on one of our Stein-Bloch suits or overcoats. the Model, B. Levin, Prop.

1899-12-22_6 Virginia Enterprise - - 1899-12-22 Buy your husband one of elegant pipes at Milavetz Bros. for Xmas. From 5 cents to $10 each.

1899-12-22_6 Virginia Enterprise - - 1899-12-22 Our reputation has cost us many years of hard work and honest dealings. We can't afford to lose it by putting out dishonest goods. The Model B. Levin Prop.

1899-12-22_6 Virginia Enterprise - - 1899-12-22 Toy pianos at all prices from 25 cents to $4.00 at Milavetz Bros.

1899-12-22_6 Virginia Enterprise - - 1899-12-22 Remember that we select our own stock direct from the eastern factories. Come and examine our stock and take advantage of our low prices. Milavetz Bros.

1899-12-22_6 Virginia Enterprise - - 1899-12-22 It is estimated that range railroads will haul 300,000,000 feet of logs to Duluth during 1900.

1899-12-22_6 Virginia Enterprise - - 1899-12-22 We sell goods cheap, but we don't sell cheap goods. the Model, B. Levin, Prop.

1899-12-24 Jacob Sattler & daughter Josephine - - 1899-12-24 Mr. Jacob Sattler and daughter Josephine, visited Cincinnati. - cropped image

1899-12-24 Palestine lodge - - 1899-12-24 Palestine lodge installed officers - cropped image

1899-12-24 Lena Witz and Hararis Bennett wed - - 1899-12-24 Miss Lena Witz and Harris Bennett wed, parents Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Witz, Elks hall. - cropped image

1899-12-24 Lena Witz Harris Bennet Samuel Witz - - 1899-12-24 col. 2; Invitations for the marriage of Miss Lena Witz, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Witz, to Mr. Harris Bennett, have been issued. The wedding will take place at Elks hall this afternoon at 5 o'clock. Note: Lena H Witz aka: Lee b: Apr 1879 in Kaunas, Lithuania d: 26 Jul 1942 in Duluth, MN ...................... +Harris Bennett b: 10 May 1880 in England m: 24 Dec 1899 in Elks Hall - Duluth, MN d: 03 Oct 1923 in Duluth, MN

1899-12-25 Lena Witz & Harris Bennett wedding, Sarah Karon -

1899-12-25 Sarah Karon -

1899-12-31 C. Solosky - - 1899 Miss C. Solosky, 5th col., Mr. and Mrs. Levine, Mamie Calmenson, Mr. and Mrs. L. Miller, Mrs. and Mrs. S. Mark, Mra. and Mrs. Zalk, Mr. and Mrs. Bukman, Mr. and Mrs. I. Orenstein, Miss Frances Mark, Miss Buckman, Miss Fannie Nushaum, MissH. Cook, Miss I. Zalk, Miss Litman, Miss Buckman, Miss A. Cook, Miss C. Solosky, Mrs. G. Golders, Mrs. B. J. Cook, Mrs. Polinsky, Mrs. H. Joseph, Mrs. Dick, Mrs. Z. Joseph. -

.................. 1900 ..................           top of list          bottom -

1900 Duluth directory Hebrew Synagogues Adas Israel - - 1900 Duluth Directory listing Adas Israel Synagogue newly organized. Adash Israel and Cheori Kadisha 1 S W Superior. Organized Dec. 17 1899 Membership 60. Meets Saturday 8a.m. Friday 4p.m. - - Temple Eman-u-El also listed

1900 Duluth Directory Karon - - 1900 Duluth directory Karon family - Abraham Karon, peddler, b 13 West 3rd. - Louis S. Karon (S & L Karon), residence 112 16th ave. West - Sapsil (Sapsil and Louis), proprs Northwestern Iron & Metal Co. junk 17-19 East 1st and 15333 West Superior.

1900 Duluth Directory Kenner families - - 1900 Duluth directory Kenner family - - Abraham Kenner tmstr, boarder 422 St. Croix ave. - - Elijah Kenner, fish 422 St. Croix ave., boarder same. - - Gustav Kenner, farmer, residence 422 St. Croix ave. - - Henry Kenner, tmstr. boarder 422 St. Croix ave.

1900-1-14 B Silberstein business trip - - 1900 Mr. B. Silberstein left the first of last week on a business trip in the East.

1900-1-14 Ladies Aid Society - - 1900 Ladies’ Aid society of Temple Emmanuel, Odd Fellows hall, 80 couples, Mr. L. M. Hermann-Chicago, Miss May Levi.

1900-1-14 Lillie Rouchleau and guests - - 1900 Miss Lillie Rouchleau, guests: Hortense Bondy, Stella Bondy, Mae Klein, Elsie Silberstein.

1900-1-14 D. N. Summerfield - - 1900 Miss Anna Krukinsky of Duluth and Max Rogalsky of Hibbing, Mrs. M. S. Cook, No. 1101 East Third Street, D. N. Summerfield.

1900-1-14 Anna Krukinsky and Max Rogalsky wed - - 1900 The marriage of Miss Anna Krukinsky of Duluth and Mr. Max Rogalsky of Hibbing. Mrs. M. S. Cook, 1101 East Third street. Rabbi Jacob Elprin, Mamie Gittelson-Minneapolis, Mr. Isaac Summerfield of Cloquet, Mr. and Mrs. D. N. Summerfield, Mr. and Mrs. I. Abrahamson, Mr. and Mrs. I. L. Cook, Mr. and Mrs. Louis Mark, Mr. and Mrs. M. H. Markowitz, Mr. and Mrs. S. Barnard, Mr. and Mrs. M. Shapiro, Miss Anna Cook, Miss Lillian Abrahamson, Miss Etta Cook, Miss Julia Glasner of Biwabik, Miss Mamie Mark, Etta Shapiro, B. J. Cook, Ben Katz, Moses Cook, Mr. M. J. Cook, Mr. L. Dick, Mr. Julius Cook, Mr. Z. T. Joseph and Mr. I. Isidore of Chicago.

1900-01-24 Changes in Fowler block - - 1900-1-24 Changes In Fowler Block. Getting Ready to Receive Freimuth’s Big Stock. Superior Street and Lake Avenue corner. Under lease to I. Freimuth. E. M. Fowler former owner of Detroit.

1900-01-27 union plumber issues - - 1900-1-27 At Swords Point. Plumbers’ Union and the Duluth Plumbing Co. Have Trouble. Arises over work done on Fowler block, and General strike of Workmen on remodeling of block is threatened-attempt to be made today to settle matters. I. Freimuth addresses assembly.

1900-2-6 Bessie Meyer, Max Schrader, Gertrude Bresky -

1900-02-14 Freimuth gone east - - 1900-2-14 Mr. Freimuth Gone East. I. Freimuth left yesterday afternoon on his semi-annual visit to the East? Markets. Accompanying him were many of his department managers. G. D. Young, of the crockery and hardware: Louis Roos, of the notions and underwear: Paul Kritz, of the jewelry. Fred Rasmussen, of the cloaks, and Misses McGindley and Cargill, of the millinery departments. They will be in the East for some time, and the assurance is given that the stocks for the new store will be a revelation to the people of this city.

1900-02-18 Investors S W Huntington, George M. Tallant, I Freimuth - - 1900-2-18 New Department Store. New Firm to Start in I. Freimuth’s Present Stand.

1900-3-8 Jacob Silverman obit. Minneapolis - - 1900 Minneapolis: Jacob Silverman, infant obit. -

1900-03-08_7 general housework and cook Kastriner - - 1900-3-8 Wanted-Good Girl For General housework, small family, no children, must be good cook. Apply M. Kastriner, Great Eastern Clothing House, West Duluth. - Duluth News Tribune

1900-3-21 C. M. Polinsky, second hand store disagreement - - -

1900-3-22 J. D. Zien, business trip - - 1900 J. D. Zien, business trip east. -

1900-03-22 fixtures - - 1900-3-22 Begins To Move Next Week. I. Freimuth Will Soon Occupy New Quarters in Fowler Block. A modern first class store.

1900-3-28 Twin Cities, Dunkards, immigrant farmers - - 1900-3-28 Twin Cities: To The Big, Roomy West. Thousands of Immigrants Pass Through the City. Vanguard Here Now. Some 1,200 Farmers From Iowa, Nebraska, Missouri and Kansas. Dunkards Are Du Tomorrow. Nearly All the Travelers Have Their Families and Farm Implements.

1900-04-01 announcement of move - - 1900-4-1 Special Announcement! New Location Corner Lake Avenue and Superior Street. I. Freimuth. Suit against the Gately Supply Co. by I. Freimujth for $68 alleged to be due on a lease was dismissed. Case of Abraham Levine vs. Ed Ebner sued for $50.

1900-4-3 Canadian immigration - - 1900-4-3 Canadian immigration: Another Ox Gored. Canadians Object to Immigration Agent Working There. They Draw From The States. But When the Tables Are Turned They Think It Very Wrong.

1900-04-04 Gately supplier - - 1900-4-4 Two Cases Disposed of. And Civil Canlendar of Municipal Court is That Much Lighter.

1900-04-05 opening days not far away - - 1900-4-5 New department store of I Freimuth corner Lake avenue and Superior street is fast reaching that point of completion. Unpacking and preparing cases of new goods.

1900-04-05 unpacking - - 1900-4-5 Ad Opening Days Freimuth’s

1900-04-08 employees surprise office chair - - 1900-4-8 Employees Surprise Mr. Freimuth. Office chair upholstered in leather for private office. Short speech acknowledged gift. Wishing Mr. Freimuth complete success in his new venture.

1900-4-10 Freimuth store - - 1900-4-10 The Duluth Evening Hearld - Formally Opened I. Freimuth’s Grand Store Thrown Open in the Public. All Duluth There - Whole City Turns Out to the Grand Reception In the Evening.

1900-04-10 Freimuth - progress - - 1900-4-10 The Freimuth Opening.

1900-04-10 Freimuth Grand Opening - - 1900-4-10 New Big Store Open. Mr. Freimuth Receives Public In Superb Quarters. Everywhere the Most Modern of Equipment Is Found and the Most Complete Stock. Is Displayed. Thousands Visit the Store at All Hours Yesterday and Last Night. Receives many congratulations. 5,000-6,000 people visit new establishment. Mr. Freimuth has been in business in Duluth for 17 years. Note: Detailed description of each department and floor.

1900-04-10 Freimuth new store - - 1900-4-10 Freimuth’s Grand Opening of the New Store

1900-04-14 Freimuth - plants ad - - 1900-4-14 Freimuth’s ad

1900-4-24 Mary Polinsky and S. Rubloff engagement - - -

1900-4-24 Solomon Rubloff & Mary Polinsky engaged - - 1900-4-24 Their Engagement Celebrated. Miss Mary Polinsky, daughter of L. Polinsky, 1121 East Sixth street and S. Rubloff of Chicago. Rabbi Sasnovksy of Chicago and Rabbi Alpereen of Duluth. Rubloff business man of Chicago.

1900-4-28 Mrs. J. D. Sattler and daughter Maria - - 1900 Mrs. J. D. Sattler and daughter Marie, returned from Grand Forks.

1900-4-28 Lillie Abrahamson - - 1900 Miss Lillie Abrahamson, visited friends in Louisville, Cincinnati, and Chicago.

1900-4-29 Bernard Silberstein, photo - - Bernard Silberstein, 30 years ago, Silberstein and Bondy -

1900-04-29 Miss Lillie Abrahamson - - 1900-4-29 Miss Lillie Abrahamson has returned from an extended visit in Chicago, Cincinnati and other points.

1900-04-29 Mrs Joseph Sattler - - 1900-4-29 Mrs. Joseph Sattler and daughter have returned from Grand Forks.

1900-04-29 Mr & Mrs J polinsky - - 1900-4-29 Mr. and Mrs. J. Polinsky 1124 East Sixth St., daughter’s engagement, Mr. S. Rubloff of Chicago. Rabbi Snasnovsky, Rabbi Alpereen.

1900-5-4 Minneapolis, cattle, J. Aronsohn - - 1900 Minnapolis Journal, 1st col. Light Cattle Day, South St. Paul Business Today Was Steady. J. Aronsohn 9 Cattle.

1900-05-04 Freimuth dance for employees - - 1900-5-4 Dance For Employes. I. Freimuth Entertains Them at the St. Louis Hotel. 80 couples.

1900-5-19 Joseph Polinsky, no license - - -

1900-5-19 Z Zalk natl - - Zigmund Zalk, Max Zalk, naturalization papers -

1900-05-20 Rose Freimuth Lillian Abrahamson cropped - - 1900-5-20 cropped article. Young Ladies’ Guild at Lester park. Mr. and Mrs. L. S. Loeb, Miss Lillian Abrahamson, Miss Rose Freimuth.

1900-05-20 Rose Freimuth Lillian Abrahamson - - 1900-5-20 full page. Young Ladies’ Guild at Lester park. Mr. and Mrs. L. S. Loeb, Miss Lillian Abrahamson, Miss Rose Freimuth.

1900-5-22 Joseph Polinsky,stiff fine - - -

1900-5-23 Immigration - - 1900-5-23 From Foreign Lands Immigration I Very Brisk. Two Pilgrims Fom Portugal Attract Attention Because of Their Rarity.

1900-5-23 Duluth Businesses Loeb, Heller - - 1900-5-23 Advertising handwritten signatures of owners to companies in Duluth. Population in Duluth 65,000

1900-5-23 Duluth Businesses Loeb, Heller, Freimuth DNT - - 1900-5-23 Duluth Businesses Loeb, Heller, Freimuth DNT -- Business signatures from 1900.- with the text. Note in 1880 the population in Duluth was 3,407. In 1900 62,000. Comparisons are made to Chicago.

1900-05-26 Freimuth ad - - 1900-5-26 Freimuth’s ad - - Labor World

1900-05-27 Mollie McLaughlin obit - - 1900-5-27 Miss Mollie A. McLaughlin Dies. Operated Upon for Appendicitis and Shock Proves Fatal. Daughter of Thomas McLaughlin, former captain of police in this city and had been employed for a number of years in Freimuth’s store.

1900-5-30 J. D. Zien, Zandalowitz guest, New Hampton, Iowa - - 1900 Sol Zandalowitz of New Hampton, Iowa is a guest of J. D. Zien -

1900-06-01_7 40 East Main Street Kastriner home - - 1900-6-1 Girl Wanted For Cooking And general housework. Apply mornings. Mrs. M. Kastriner, 40 East Main street, corner Fifty-third avenue, West Duluth. - Duluth News Tribune

1900-6-2 Joseph Oreckovsky, charged - - 1900 Popular With Police. Oreckovsky Pulled on Various Charges Lately. Joseph Oreckovsky, peddler. -

1900-06-15 Freimuth ad - - 1900-6-15 Ad Freimuth’s Duluth’s Greatest Store. A Big Bargain Week. AND 1900-6-15 Ad J. Mesberg - - Virginia Enterprise

1900-06-21_8 Mr .and Mrs. Louis Azinsky assaulted - DNT - - 1900-6-21 Four Assault Cases. Thomas Rohan Charged With Disfiguring a Family. Mr. and Mrs. James Azinsky.

1900-06-30 Freimuth baseball team - - 1900-6-30 Another Ball Team. Freimuth Club Is Anxious to Get a Game, nine employes o I. Freimuth’s mammoth store. Panton & White established team. - - 1900-6-30 Freimuth Ad - - Labor World

1900-07-08_11 Effie Meinhold & Mr. L. S. Neuman engaged. cropped - - 1900-7-6 The engagement of Miss Effie Meinhold of West Superior to Mr. L. S. Neuman of West Duluth has been announced. Mr. Neuman is a member of the well known mercantile firm of Neuman & Kastriner of West Duluth, and has large number of friends in all sections of the city. - Duluth News Tribune

1900-07-08_11 Effie Meinhold of West Superior to Mr. L. S. Neuman engaged - - 1900-7-8 The engagement of Miss Effie Meinhold of West Superior to Mr. L. S. Neuman of West Duluth has been announced. Mr. Neuman is a member of the well known mercantile firm of Neuman & Kastriner of West Duluth, and has a large number of friends in all sections of the city. - Duluth News Tribune

1900-07-08_11 Mr. and Mrs. A. P. Cook. Mr. and Mrs. L. R. Robinson, Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Fox - - 1900-7-8 Mr. and Mrs. A. P. Cook. Mr. and Mrs. L. R. Robinson, Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Fox entertained a number of their friends on the Fourth with a picnic on Mr. and Mrs. Cook's lawn at No. 429 Fifth avenue west. The grounds were prettily decorated with flags and bunting, while a large awning was spread out to protect the party from the wet. The increase in the rain, however made the latter inadequate and the scene of the festivities was removed to the house of Mr. and Mrs. B. Fox in Munger terrace. About 50 guests were present, and the occasion was a delightful one. - Duluth News Tribune

1900-7-12 Isaac Polinsky assaults neighbor Rusch - - -

1900-07-12 Isaac Polinsky and Rusch assault - - 1900-7-12 Two Families At Outs. Isaac Polinsky Held For Assaulting A Neighbor. 931 Fourth avenue East. Margaret Rusch.

1900-7-20 Romanian Jews in Minneapolis - - 1900-7-20 Minneapolis paper. Many To Come Here. Minneapolis Is Highly Thought of by the Roumanian Jews. Thousands Are Emigrating David Dorfman Attrributes the movement to the Grindling Laws of Romania. David Dorfman

1900-07-29_5 Louis Azinsky quarrel - DNT - - 1900-7-29 Charles R. Black, a colored barber, spli a heavy two inch board over the head of Louis Azinsky. 129 first avenue west.

1900-08-03_9 Virginia Enterprise - - 1900-08-03 Louis Finn is in from Eveleth today.

1900-08-03_9 Virginia Enterprise - - 1900-08-03 M. Mark returned Monday from a short business trip to Duluth and Superior.

1900-08-03_9 Virginia Enterprise - - 1900-08-03 L. Cohen left Tuesday for a visit with his family at Ashland, and with friends at Hurley and Ironwood. He will be absent ten days.

1900-08-03_9 Virginia Enterprise - - 1900-08-03 M. Shanedling left Tuesday for the New York markets, being accompanied as far as Chicago by his brother Julius who will do the Chicago markets in quest of new stock.

1900-08-03_9 Virginia Enterprise - - 1900-08-03 H. Levin, of Levin Bros., manufacturers of upholstered furniture, of Minneapolis, arrived in the city today for a short visit at the home of his brother, B. Levin, of The Model clothing Store. Levin Bros. sell a vast amount of their manufactured product to J. Mesberg of this city.

1900-08-08 Henry Abraham improving - - 1900-8-8 Henry Abraham Improving. Carlsbad, Germany. WMjr. and Mrs. Abraham will sail from Glasgow for home Sept. 27, arriving October 6.

1900-8-12 London, Zionists -

1900-08-14 Irene, Ida, R.C. Cook Zien, - - 1900-8-14 Came On The Peerless. Duluth,: Irene, Ida, R.C. Cook, Zien Milwaukee: Miss Belle Metzger. Evanston: Ill. Irene Cook, Ida M. Cook, R. C. Cook.

1900-08-19 Freimuth baseball - - 1900-8-19 Will Play Today. Freimuth Athletes and Smith, Farwell Steeler Nine.

1900-8-27 Eveleth, Solomon Sax, Samuel Rubenstein - - 1900 from Eveleth in the city, well known business men -

1900-9-17 Juvenile Minstrels, Harry Lavine - - 1900 Juvenile Minstrels. Duluth Youngsters Give a Good Performance. Harry Lavine (Harry Levine?), Willie Orcovosky (Oreckovsky?) -

1900-9-17 Juvenile Minstrels, Harry Lavine - - Juvenile Minstrels, Harry Lavine -

1900-09-21 B. Levin, S. Sapero cropped Virginia_enterprise - - 1900-9-21 Virginia: B. Levin, of The Model, was a Duluth visitor Monday. S. Sapero returned Wednesday from a business trip to Ely.

1900-09-25 Rosa Freimuth, Alice Abele-Chicago - - 1900-9-25 Personals. W. M. Abrahamson of Ely is in the city. Miss Rosa Freimuth leaves today for Chicago, where she will visit Miss Alice Abele.

1900-10-07 Freimuth - Roos, Australia - - 1900-10-7 A Handsome Gift. Louis Roos the Recipient of One by Fellow Employees. Employ of Mr. I. Freimuth for the past 12 years and will leave in a few weeks for Australia to engage in business with his brother.

1900-10-9 Eveleth, Sol Sax explosion - - 1900 Eveleth: Still A Mystery. Explosion of Pwder Magazine At Eveleth. Sol Sax One of the Victims Declares That no Lives Were Lost-Missing Man Turns Up-Schools Shut Down Owing to Lack of Windows-Rifle Ball May Have Caused the Accident. -

1900-10-16 J. Polinsky, houses, store burn - - -

1900-10-21 Henry Abraham, Oak Hill Clothing - - 1900-10-21 Duluth's Opportunity. Mr. Henry Abraham, Oak Hall Clothing Co., West Superior, will retire account of ill health.

1900-10-26_10 Morris J. Segal opens Salon cropped Ely_miner - - 1900-10-26 Ely: Morris Segal, formerly, of this city, has opened a saloon at Virginia.

1900-11-4 Mrs. Levy, S. I. Levin - - 1900 The Shakespeare Club, Mrs. Levy-West Duluth, Mrs. S. I. Levin-117 West Third street. -

1900-11-4 Adas Israel congregation - - 1900 successful and very enjoyable ball was held

1900-11-4 Adas Israel congregation - - 1900 Adas Israel, ball -

1900-11-11 Mrs. Irvine Goodwin and daughter-Spokane, visiting Mr. Mrs. M. Kastriner - - 1900-11-11 Mrs. Irvine Goodwin and daughter, of Spokane, who have been visiting Mr. and Mrs. M. Kastriner, have returned home. - Duluth News Tribune

1900-11-18 dance Jewish families last column - - 1900-11-18 The first of the series of subscription dances to be given this winter by many prominent Jewish families of the city, took place at Masonic Temple Wednesday evening and was a delightful affair. Silberstein, Heller, Giddings, L. Loeb, Freimuth, Klein, S. Loeb, Hirshman, Satler, Selig, Bondy, Levy, Marcuse, W. Abrahamson, N. Giddings, Kohn, Oswald, Kastriner, Hammel, J. Satler, Lien, J. Abrahamson. Mrs. Giddings, Loeb, Sattler, Kastriner, Zien, L. R. Bondy, Klein, Hammel, Freimuth, A. Bondy, Marcuse, W. Abrahamson, P. H. Levy, Silberstien, Pauline Levy, Irene Silberstein, Satler, J. Abrahamson, Heller.

1900-11-25 Mrs David H Days music class photo - - 1900-11-25 Some of Duluth's Coming Musicians. photo Mrs. David H. Day's music class.

1900-11-26 B. J. Cook - - 1900 B. J. Cook, Superior street clothier, runner’s ordinance. Ben Katz. Moses Cook, 400 West Superior Street.

1900-11-27 Charity I Freimuth, Mrs B Heller - - 1900-11-27 Dance For Charity. Annual Ball At the Spalding This Evening. Elaborate Preparations For the Event Have Been Made and the Affair Promises to be One of the Most Successful Ever Held in Duluth-Personnel of Floor and Reception Committee. I. Freimuth.

1900-11-29 Fred Swenson elevatory accident - - 1900-11-29 Nearly Lost A Leg. Fred Swenson Boards Moving Elevator With Bad Results. Gets caught between the carriage and floor at Freimuth's Department Store and an axe is necessary to release him. Had been admonished to keep away, but paid no heed. - - Age 16.

1900-12-02 Mrs. Bondy, Mrs Freimuth, Mrs Heller, Mrs Loeb-charity event - - 1900-12-2 1st col. Duluth Socially. Charity Ball for Childrens home. Mrs. A. Bondy, Mr. and Mrs. I. Freimuth, Mr. and Mrs. B. Heller, Mr. and Mrs. L. S. Loeb.

1900-12-8 Moses Cook - - 1900 Was His Own Fault. Municipal Court Jury Decides Against Moses Cook. He Cashed a Worthless Check For $30.55 at Another’s Request But Fails to Recover. 400 West Superior street, Frank Thorn, Lieberman & Caplow’s store, A. Buthrie the St. Paul contractors.

1900-12-10 Sarah G Silver & Joesph N Frankel married - - 1900 Sarah G. Silver and Joseph N. Frankel wed, niece of Mr. and Mrs. Jones Rosenberg, Rabbi Yorsky, Charles Levy, J. Levy-St. Paul, David Gerchin-Minneapolis, Marion Hoffman, Anna Cohen Florence Silver, Ethel Gottstein-St. Paul. - cropped

1900-12-10 Anna Cohen - - 1900 Sarah G. Silver and Joseph N. Frankel wed, niece of Mr. and Mrs. Jones Rosenberg, Rabbi Yorsky, Charles Levy, J. Levy-St. Paul, David Gerchin-Minneapolis, Marion Hoffman, Anna Cohen Florence Silver, Ethel Gottstein-St. Paul. - full page

1900-12-16 I Freimuth literature, books, publications - - 1900-12-16 A Plunge In Literature. I. Freimuth Presents Great Opportunity in New Book Department.

1900-12-19 unpopular proposal - - 1900-12-19 Project Is Unpopular. New Building for Water and Light Commission. Is Freely Denounced. Local tax payers pronounce the scheme extravagant. Consensus of opinion that additional room should be provided at the City Hall-Patrons of the Department demand concentration of City’s Business-Cheaper Temporary Quarters Suggested. I. Freimuth, B. Silberstein, S. Loeb, Louis Hammell, express opinion in opposition to project and spending money on a new building.

1900-12-21 T. Oreckovsky, second hand store - - -

1900-12-23 closed for Christmas debate - - 1900-12-23 No Rest For The Weary. One Department Store Denies Holiday to Clerks. Action Is Condemned. Special Meeting Of Trades Assembly Is Called. Competitors to Keep Open in Defense of Their Own Interest Although They Object Vigorously. The New Store, Freimuth and Silberstein and Bodny Co. Express Their Sentiments. J. M. Giddings said the store would not be kept open under any consideration. Mr. Freimuth from The New Store said that he would close his store Christmas day if his competitor, who is advertising to keep open that day would do so. Under no circumstances would his clerks be compelled to work on that day. If they did not show up for work it would not be to their discredit. Mr. Freimuth did not expect to have a very large force on hand and would be glad to close his store.

1900-12-23 closed for Christmas debate - - 1900-12-23 No Rest For The Weary. One Department Store Denies Holiday to Clerks. Action is condemned. Special meeting of trades’ assembly is called. Competiers compelled to keep open in defense of their own interests although they object vigorously. The New Store, Freimuth and Silberstein and Bondy Co. express their sentiments. Concern for staff members working on the holiday.

1900-12-29_5 Albenberg - - 1900-12-29 Albenberg Buys Furs. L. Albenberg & Co. of West Superior, have purchased the entire bankrupt stock of the New York furriers and will shortly announce a slaughter sale of the entire stock. The stock comprises all this year’s goods in all late styles and on examination of same, Albenberg & Co., at once appreciated the snap of picking it up and arrangements were closed whereby the furs may be offered to the public at flattering prices for exceptional bargains. Watch the News Tribune closely next Tuesday morning for particulars regarding the sale. - dnt

1901 Duluth Directory I. Samuel Guinn - - 1901 Duluth Directory I. Samuel Guinn

.................. 1901 ..................           top of list          bottom -

1901-1-1 Asa Leopold reception - - 1901-1-1 Social Notes. Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Zien, 416 West Second street, honor Mr. and Mrs. Asa F. Leopold of Chicago. Guests: Mr. and Mrs. B. Heller, Mr. and Mrs. Sig Levy, Mr. and Mrs. B. Silberstein, Mr. and Mrs. Marcuse, Mr. and Mrs. Giddings, Mr. and Mrs. Oswald, Mrs. A. Bondy, Fannie Weis, Paulina Levy, Fannie Haas, Baldwin, Loeb, Bondy, Louis L. Metzger, Louis Levy, Harry Levy.

1901-1-11 Marion L. Polinsky and Sol Rubloff wed - - 1901 Marion L. Polinsky and Sol Rubloff wed.Pretty Jewish Wedding. Nearly 400 Friends Witness Polinsky-Rubloff Nuptials at Armory. L. Polinsky, Rev. Helperner, Sadie Polinsky, George Mesberg. -

1901-1-21 Mrs. J. D. Sattler ill ND - - 1901 Mrs. J. D. Sattler, ill in North Dakota.

1901-2-21 J. D. Zien, contract - - 1901 Uncle Sam Plaintiff. Claims $1,385.47 Is Due From Contractor and Bondsmen. Michael Fitzgerald and Noris, and M. Kelley and J. D. Zien -

1901-22 Heller liquor business - - 1901-2 Heller & Co. Get Quarters. Liquor Concern Commences Business in Minneapolis April 1. B. Heller Liquor comapany from Duluth.

1901-3-15 Samuel Levin, denied liquor lic. - - 1901 Samuel Levin, denied liquor license. - 3rd. column, scroll down towards bottom. Later he was able to get a liquor license so that he could open a saloon.

1901-04-09 Hildegarde Coddon engaged to I M Lieberman - -

1901-04-28_3 Mondchine, Shapiro - dnt - - 1901-4-28 In Realty Circles. Fannie Monderschine, Beck Magoffin, Max Shapiro, Rachael Steinberg,

1901 05 Bon Voyage shipwreck. - - Red Ridge, MI steamer fire, May 1901 - DISASTER ON LAKE SUPERIOR - Posted February 13th, 2010 by Tim Taugher -

1901-05-05_19 J. Hammel & Co - - 1901-5-5 J. Hammel & Co. have the exclusive sale of Studebaker wagons and carriages. - dnt

1901-05-05_19 Mrs. Lena Karon death - - 1901-5-5 Mrs. Lena Karon, age 67, died at her home, 13 West Thirst street, from the effects of an abscess. Internment was made in the Hebrew cemetery. - dnt

1901-05-05_8 Isi Mondschine - dnt - - 1901-5-5 What Is Going On In Duluth Schools. Isi Mondschine 8th grade.

1901-5-12 Victims of Bon Voyage-Altman - - 1901 Victims Of Bon Voyage, Three Bodies Found, But the Fourth is Missing. Bessie Altman Saved.Her mother, grandmother and two sisters perished. - Mrs. Leah Sharp, Mrs. B. Altman, ary Altman, Annie Altman. -

1901-5-12 Altman - - 1901. A ship went down and several members of the Altman family were lost. -

1901-5-13 Leah Sharpe, body - - 1901 Capt. Foley Explains. Tells Examining Board of Fierceness of the Fire. -

1901-5-13 Bessie Altman survives - - 1901 Bessie Altman survives. - Family Was Fated To Die, Mrs. Altman Thought of Delaying Her Trip. Her Husband Was Anxious. Did not want to wait til Bessie had finished school. Bon Ami Arrives From Houghton this morning bearing Bon Voyage's Crew. -

1901-5-14 Altman, fright - - 1901 Women Crazed With Fright. Survivors of Bon Voyage Tell the Tale. All Might Have Been Saved. Members of Crew Powerless to Assist. Struggling in Waters, Mrs. Cowan's Appeal Is Unheeded by a Chicagoan. -

1901-5-17 Samuel Levin lic. - - 1901 Samuel Levin liquor license, 102 Lake avenue South. - 4th column, middle.

1901-5-17 Benjamin Altman - - 1901 Scored Crew Of The Bon Voyage. Full Text of Verdict of the Coroner's Jury. No Effort To Save The Women. Benjamin Altman Will Sue For Heavy Damages. Gist of Some of the Testimony Given By Passengers-Damaging to the Company. -

1901-5-18 Mrs. Ada Altman obit. - - 1901 Body Of Victim Is Identified. Mrs. Ada Altman Had Prepared for the Worst.

1901-5-18 Ada Altman remains - - 1901 Body Of Victim Is Identified. Mrs. Ada Altman Had Prepared for the Worst. Coroner Holds No Inquest. Husband of the Unfortunate Woman Heartbroken. Glad, However That the Remains Have Been Recovered. Jewish Funeral. -

1901-5-18 Louis Aronheim obit - - 1901-5-18 Mrs. William Gombert, 1912 Dingwall Street,, notifed of the death of her sister’s husband Louis Aronheim. Living in Toledo, Ohio. Engaged in cigar business in Duluth.

1901-5-19 Eagle Clothing B. J. Cook ad - - 1901 Clothing Benefit! Ad Eagle Clothing Co. B. J. Cook & Bro. 321 West Superior Street.

1901-5-22 B. Altman sues Bon Voyage for loss - - 1901 Altman Wants $15,000 Damages. Owners of Bon Voyage Threatened With Heavy Suit. Coroner's Jury Responsible. Bereaved Claimant Influenced By Their Verdict. Vessel Men Advise Reservation of Judgment Until Steamboat Inspectors Report. -

1901-5-27 Duluth, Knights of Zion -

1901-5-27 Duluth Hebrews - - headline -

1901-6-1 B. Altman, Bon Voyage liability - - 1901 Looks Gloomy For B. Altman. Owners of Bon Voyage Take Advantage of Law. Big Damages Impossible. Liability Limited By Value Of The Boat As She Is. As Craft Is Almost Total Is Recovery in Damage Suits Will Amount to Nothing. -

1901-6-1 Virginia, Henry Greenblatt, Buhl, store mgr. buy - - Virginia, Henry Greenblatt, manager of Kitz & Co.-Buhl -

1901-6-4 Nellie Finn, teaching staff - - Teaching Staff, Nellie Finn -

1901-6-4 Moses Cohen death -

1901-06-08 Freimuth - - 1901-6-8 Order Department Direectory ad. I. Freimuth, department store, Silberstein & Bondy Co., dry goods, etc.

1901-06-12 Morris Edelstein DNT - - 1901-6-12 Judegment Against Morris Edelstein

1901-06-15_ 5 Simon Sher 405 St. Croix son born - - 1901-6-16 col. 1, Son born to Mr. and Mrs. Simon Sher. 405 St. Croix avenue. - Duluth News Tribune

1901-6-26 David Weinberg, epithets -

1901-6-27 I Freimuth store - - 1907-6-23 (cropped) 1901 Freimuth Store - An association for the mutual benefit of the members has been formed by the employees.

1901-6-27 I. Freimuth, M. Sattler - - 1901 I. Freimuth, M. Sattler, mutual benefits.

1901-06-29_6 About Eveleth cropped - DNT - - 1901-6-29 Eveleth seems to be prospering. - dnt

1901-06-29_6 About Ely cropped - - 1901-6-29 Ely seems to be prospering. - dnt

1901-06-29_6 Wolf Simon cigar man in Duluth - DNT - - 1901-6-29 Ely, Wolf Simon, the Duluth cigar man has been doing business in the city for a couple of days this week. Heavy rains retard work to water mains. Workers moved around within the range finding work. A nine-pound guest arrived and will remain indefinitely. - - The entire article is a good report of what the progress at the mines were like in the iron range as well as what life was like at the turn of the century. - dnt

1901-7-1 Sadie Shapiro and Harry Graham wed, Rabbi Halprene -

1901-07-02_8 young David Azinsky steals - - 1901-7-2 Young David Axinsky was tried on the charge of stealing Ed Haugajaa’s hat, and as it developed that it wam more a case of mischief. - dnt

1901-7-5 I. Zien, J. D. Zien, Hampton, Iowa - - 1901 I. Zien of Hampton, Iowa, head salesman for J. D. Zien & Co. -

1901-07-09_8 Rose Neuman of St. Paul visiting Kastriner - - 1901-7-9 Mr. and Mrs. M. Kastriner have as their guest, Miss Rose Neuman of St. Paul. - Duluth News Tribune

1901-07-11_7 Louis Oreckowsky and David Azinsky fight - - 1901-7-11 Louis Oreckowsky was fined $5 and costs for striking David Azinsky and William Locking was obliged to donate $3 to the city for riding his bicycle on the sidewalk. - dnt

1901-7-14 Altman, wreck appraisers - - 1901 Not Much Left For Altman. Bo Voyage Wreak Appraisers Served With Order. Dubious For The Creditors Total Amount Of Salvage Said To Be $24.62. Owner of Boat Will Take Advantage of the Law as to Limitation of Liability. -

1901-7-21 Estelle Levy - - 1901-7-21 Miss Hilda Hirschman-St. Paul, sister of Hugo Hirshman, guest of Estelle Levy, 707 West Second street.

1901-7-21 Temple Emanuel party on steamer - - 1901-7-21 Temple Emanuel, party of the steamer Bloomer Girl.

1901-7-21 Miss Stella Levy - - 1901-7-21 Miss Hilda Hirschman-St. Paul, Miss Stella Levy, 707 West Second street.

1901-7-21 party for Jeanette McLean - - 1901-7-21 party for Jeanette McLean. Guest-Nellie Lavick

1901-7-24 Hebrew congregation girls - - 1901 Hebrew Congregation,excursion Steamer Bloomer Girl

1921-7-24 Moses Zalk - - headline -

1901-7-25 Moses Cook, Zalk - - 1901 Grave Charge Against Zalk. His Wife Has Him Arrested for Non-Support. Guilt Means A Term in Pen. Tale of Domestic Infelicity Unfolded in Police Court. Large Number of Witnesses Are Examined and Decision Will Be Announced Saturday. Moses Zalk, Jewish junk dealer, 708 East Third street, Mrs. Mary Fowler, Moses Cook testified.

1901-7-25 Moses Zalk, non-support - - Grave Charges Against Moses Zalk, non-support -

1901-7-28 Moses Zalk - - Moses Zalk, case dismissed -

1901-8-4 Samuel and James Lavick - - 1901-8-4 Warren Smith party, guests: Sam Lavick, John Oreckovsky, James Lavick. cropped version

1901-8-4 Moses Cohen, obit. Rabbi Smitzer - - 1901 Moses Cohen, obit., Rabbi Smitzer. Death Comes Unawares, Apoplexy Strikes Moses Cohen as He Worshiped. Stood With Scroll In Hand, Staggers and Falls Forward to the Floor. Panic In The Congregation -

1901-8-6 Altman Will Sue - - 1901 Atman Will Sue. -

1901-8-15 J. Polinksy, opera glasses - - -

1901-8-20 Gabriel Oreck bankruptcy - - 1901 Oreck In A Bad Boat. Bankruptcy Proceedings May Lead to Criminal Ones. Gabriel Oreck, bankkruptcy -

1901-08-23 Henry Schwartz, Samuel Snitzer birth of sons - - 1901-08-23 Henry Schwartz, Samuel Snitzer birth of sons

1901-08-24_4 Mr Mrs Frank Rabinowitz son was born DNT - - 1901-8-24 Eveleth: A son was born to Mr. and Mrs. Frank Rabinowitz Friday.

1901-08-24_4 Eveleth, son was born to Mr & Mrs Frank Rabinowitz - DNT - - 1901-8-24 A son was born to Mr. and Mrs. Frank Rabinowitz.

1901-08-26_5 Sam Braverman and Sarah Feigel ml DNT - - 1901-8-26 Sam Braverman and Sarah Feige marriage license.

1901-08-28_5 Louis and Maurice Cohen abusing horses - - 1901-8-28 Louis and Maurice Cohen, two peddlers, were arrested yesterday and brought late court by Humane Officers Witherow to answer in the charge of abusing their hourse. Both entered pleas of not guilty and will have a chance to explain to the court Friday morning at 10 o'clock. - Duluth News-Tribune

1901-08-30 Max Markowitz - - 1901-8-30 Max Markowitz, young boys arrested for stealing fruit.

1901-08-31_5 Louis and Maurice Cohen fathr and son abuse horses - - 1901-8-31 Maurice and Louis Cohen, two pedlers were tried in police court yesterday on the charge of abusing thieir hourse. The former was found guilty and fined the costs of suits, amounting to $7.24. Louis, the father of the other was acquitted. The charge was preferred by Humane Officer Withrow. - Duluth News-Tribune

1901-9-1 Moses Marks uncle to Sam Abramson - - 1901 Moses Marks of Minneapolis, formerly of West Duluth and Miss Sadie Wiseman wed. Mrs. M. B. Abrahamson (Abramson) -Duluth, Mary Marks-Minneapolis, N Fifty-seventh avenue west and Cody street, home of Mr. and Mrs. M. B. Abrahamson (Abramson).

1901-9-2 Labor Day celebration Henry Haronimus - - 1901 Labor Day Will Be Celebrated. Nothing But Inferior Grade Of Weather Can Mar The Event, Big Parade This Morning. Athletic Contests Will Be Interesting Feature. List of the Events and Prizes Offered to Successful Ones in Various Games. Harry Haronimus, 719 Tower avenue; Lasky Bros., 403 Tower.

1901-9-3 I. Freimuth is Enthusiastic - - Ignatz. Freimuth is Enthusiastic, confidence in fall business, new street pavement -

1901-09-03 Freimuth Is Enthusiastic - - 1901-9-3 I. Freimuth Is Enthusiastic. Returns from the east confident of most prosperous fall business. Duluth’s Fame Is Spreading. Heard many inquiries concerning Head Of Lake. Never missed an opportunity to put in a word for his home city while absent. I. Freimuth

1901-09-06_3 Albenberg - - 1901-9-6 Picture Man Is In Trouble. Albenberg, accuses B. L. Mitchell of Fraudulent Transactions. Is Held To Superior Court. Complainant Can’t Understand the Defendant’s Methods. States’ Witnesses Fail to Identify the Accused, But the Court Holds Him Anyway. - dnt

1901-9-8 J. D. Zien, Omaha, Milwaukee - - 1901 J. D. Zien left over the Omaha last evening for Milwaukee. -

1901-9-8 Jeannette Glassner, Biwabik - - 1901 Jeanette Glassner, twentieth birthday, Miss Maude Fisher.

1901-9-8 Adas Israel , Chevera Kadisha new home -

1901-9-12 M. S. Cook partnership with M. J. Cook - - 1901 B. J. and M. S. Cook have formed a co-partnership, Cook Bros. hide, felt, and fur business, 14 West Michigan street.

1901-09-14_6 Great Eastern clothing company, Neumann and Kastriner closing store - - 1901-9-14 The Great Eastern clothing store are inaugurating a closing out sale as business is such athat Mr. Neuman, the resident manager must go to West Duluth and the firm has decided to close the Eveleth store. Messrs. Kastriner & Neuman have made many friends since they opened up the Great Eastern here a year ago, and their many customers regret to see them leave the town. - Duluth News Tribune

1901-9-26 col. 4 Regina Berdie & Morris L. Zien engaged - - 1901-9-26 Regina Berdie, daughter of Philip Berdie, engaged to Morris L. Zien, Milwaukee Journal - col. 4 Society

1901-9-26 col. 4 Society,Regina Berdie and Morris L. Zien - - 1901-9-26 Regina Berdie engaged to Morris L. Zien, Milwaukee Journal

1901-09-27_10 Eveleth branch store Kastrinercloses Neuman - - 1901-9-27 Only One Store Hereafter. Kastriner & Neuman have decided to discontinue their branch store at Eveleth after having been open for a year. The firm has no fault to find with Eveleth, but declares that it can do better by concentrating its efforts in one place. the stock will be sold at Eveleth, and Mrs. L. S. Neuman will then return to West Duluth to reside. The business here has been growing greatly the past year. - Duluth News Tribune

1901-09-29 Morris Freimuth - - 1901-9-29 Mr. Morris Freimuth left Thursday for New York where he will be a buyer for the I. Freimuth department store of this city. He was accompanied by his mother as far as Chicago.

1901-10-1 articles V. David Simon -

1901-10-11 A. Averbook, Second hand store - - 1901 A. Averbook, application for license, second hand store, 630 W. Superior St. - - 1st. col. -

1901-10-17 James K. Steele advertising - - 1901-10-17 Boost For Jas. K. Steel. Is made manager of the Freimuth Department Store. Came 1 year ago, advertising department, promoted to manager. W. G. L. Tucker of St. Paul will take over advertising branch of the business.

1901-10-28_8 son Isael Azinsky rescued Mr. an Mrs. Azinsky - - 1901-10-28 Saves Child From Drowning. Heroic Act of Engineer John Lynch, of The Tug Tempest. Was Son Of James Azinsky. Tugman The Only Person Who Saw Child’s Peril. Throws Off His Coat and Plunges Into Slip Near Marshall-Wells Building. - dnt

1901-11-1 Tower history - - 1901 Pioneer Mining Town. Tower Occupies Unique Position in History of Iron Ore Business

1901-11-02_2 son of Mr & Mrs John Azinsky Israel Azinsky - Labor World - - 1901-11-2 Labor world. Son, Isael Azinsky of Mr. and Mrs. J. Azinsky, saved by drowning.

1901-11-5 Silberstein & Bondy Sale of rugs - - 1901 Silberstein & Bondy. Sale of Rich Antique and Modern Oriental Rugs to Commence Today.2nd. column.

1901-11-5 Etta Cook and Hyman Josephs ml - - 1901 Marriage licenses issued to Hyman Y. Josephs and Etta Cook. 1st. column.

1901-11-05_4 John Peterson taken position with Kastrimer & Neuman - - 1901-11-5 John Peterson, who has been employed by Bergstrom Bros., for some time, has taken a position with Kastrimer & Neuman. - Duluth News Tribune

1901-11-05_4 M. J. Solberg Great Eastern Kastriner Neuman Eveleth store clsoing - - 1901-11-5 M. J. Solberg, of the Grat Eastern, will leave tomorrow for Eveleth, where he will remain at Kastriner & Neuman's store in that town. The West Duluth men are closing out their Eveleth business. - Duluth News Tribune

1901-11-6 Etta Pauline Cook and Hyman Josephs wed - - 1901 Miss Etta Cook Becomes A Bride. Mr. Hyman Y. Josephs The Happy Groom At A Wedding Last Evening. Jewish Ceremony Is Used. Rabbi Rosenbaum, of California, Assisted by Rabbi Helpurn. Many Costly and Beautiful Gifts-Happy Couple Depart for Trip to San Francisco. Etta Pauline Cook, youngest daughter of Mrs. Ida Cook and Hyman Y. Josephs were married, bride’s mother’s home 20 West Third street. Brother B. J. Cook, Rabbi F. Rosenbaum-San Francisco, Rabbi Helpurn-Duluth, sister Mrs. A. I. Shapira-St. Paul, sister Henrietta Cook, Mae Levy, Nathan Shapira ring bearer, Ray Cook, Gertrude Josephine flower girls, Mr. A. Goldman-Minneapolis, Julius Cook, Sig. Y. Josephs. Duluth Iron & Metal company owner H. Y. Josephs, 725 East Third street. Mr. and Mrs. A. Goldman and son-Minneapolis; Mr. and Mrs. A. I. Shapira-St. Paul; Mr. and Mrs. Robert Buckman-Superior; Mr. and Mrs. P. H. Levy; Mr. and Mrs. Louis Hammell; Mr. and Mrs. Herman Heiman; Mr. and Mrs. Louis Joseph; Mr. and Mrs. Max Zalk; Mr. and Mrs. M. I. Edleman; Mr. and Mrs. Sam Rocklin; Mr. and Mrs. M. S. Cook; Mr. and Mrs. Z. Zalk; Mr. and Mrs. D. Kassmir?; Mr. and Mrs. S. G. Levy; Mrs. R. A. Cohen and son-Milaca, Minn.; Mrs. H. Rosenblatt, Miss Pauline Levy, Miss May Ley, Bessie Rocklin, Henrietta Cook, Eva Zalk, Ray Cook, Gertrude Josephs; Walter Goldman-Minneapolis; Louis Levy; Hugo Hirschman; Harry Levy; Louis Zalk; Simon Cook, C. J. West, Simon Sealer, Dr. E. A. Severson, Barney Josephs-Marquette, Mich., Julius Zalk, Julius Cook; Sigmond Y. Josephs; Charles Levy-St. Paul; Barny Kin-Indianapolis, Ind.; B. J. Cook; M. J. Cook; H. J. Pullverman-Louisville, Ky.; Nathan Shapira-St. Paul; J. Cohen-Milaca; Nathan Cook.

1901-11-6 Cook-Josephs wedding, Zalk - - Miss Etta Cook Becomes Bride, Hyman Y. Josephs, guest list, Zalk -

1901-11-9 Ben Milavetz and Lena Kanter wedding -

1901-11-09_7 H Kanter daughter Lena Kanter Ben Milavetz married DNT - - 1901-11-9 Benjamin Milavetz, notion firm of Milavetz Bros. married Lena Kanter, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. H. Kanter of Minneapolis. Roumanion synagogue.

1901-11-16 Mrs. Wolf Simon - - 1901-11-16 Tower. Mrs. Wolf Simon came up from Duluth Monday evening for a few days to visit with relatives. Sam Shapiro left Thursday morning for a vew days visit with relatives at Eveleth. - dnt

1901-11-21 Adas Israel, corner stone, Anna Cook -

1901-11-24 Louis Zalk-oratory - - Team Chosen For Oratorical Contest, Louis Zalk -

1901-11-24 Adas Israel, Cook, Abrahamson, 4 generations -

1901-11-26 Max Zalk, president Adas Israel - - Max Zalk, president of Adas Israel, Duluth Iron and Metal Co. -

1901-11-26 Isaac and William Abrahamson - - 1901-11-26 Isaac Abrahamson, settlement, clothing furnished by the Hub Clothing company to the health department for patients. William Abrahamson son.

1901-11-28 Zalk, cornerstone - - Corner Stone To Be Laid Today, Mrs. Amelia Cook, Rabbi Sosnofsky, Mayor Hugo, P. J. Neff, Max Zalk -

1901-11-28 Amelia Cook and sons - - 1901 Mrs. Amelia Cook assisted by her sons, Isaac Abrahanson and M. Cook, and grand and great grandson W. M. and Ned Abrahamson.

1901-11-28 Cook and Abrahamson - cornerstone - - 1901 Cornerstone To Be Laid Today. Appropriate Ceremonies Will Take Place At New Jewish Synagogue. Mrs. Amelia Cook Honored. Rabbi Sosnofsky, Maor Hugo And P. J. Neff To Speak. List of the Committees In Charge of the Program and Program in Full. Chevra Kadisha and Adas Israel congregation at Third avenue East and Second street. M. Zalk, Rabbi Sosnofsky, Mayor T. W. Hugo, Hon. P. J. Nef, Mrs. Amelia Cook, sons Isaac Abrahamson, M. Cook, grandson W. M. and great grandson Ned Abrahamson. Hon. H. Truelsen, Rev. S. P. Long. Max. Zalk, S. Karon , B. J. Cook, A. J. Klatsky, Isaac Abrahamson, S. Rochlan, M. Z. Casmir, L. Polinsky, J. Kenner, D. Silk, M. S. Cook, S. Rochlan, M. Zalk, J. Polinsky, E. Kenner, S. Karon, M. L. Casmir, F. Sher, H. Weinberg, L. Polinsky.

1901-11-28 Adas, Israel, Amelia Cook, cornerstone -

1901-11-29 Adas Israel cornerstone -

1901-12-1 Max Zalk - - Max Zalk, pioneer 1883, Adas Israel president, Duluth Lodge -

1901-12-1 Ad for Hub Clothing Co - - 1901 Ad for Hub Clothing Co.

1901-12-1 Louis Zalk, oratory - - New Departure In School Athletics, Freimuth and Co., Orators Are Chosen, Louis Zalk -

1901-12-01_8 Miss Mondschine Louis Zalk speeches - dnt - - 1901-12-1 New Departure In School Athletics. Indoor Base Ball Team is Promised-Orators Chosen-Annual Auction-Gridiron Games End. Miss Mondschine spoke on the subject "America." Louis Zalk "History's Warning to America".Miss Lottle Mondschine recitation.

1901-12-13 Christmas holiday opening - - 1901-12-13 Grand Opening. Freimuth’s Scene of Immense Throne Last Evening. Grand holiday opening. Music, Santa Claus, toys, mechanical animals, cut glass, and jewelry.

1901-12-14 Sam Milavetz, Macabees -

1901-12-14 Maccabee, Sam Milavetz-chaplin - - Maccabees, Sam Milavetz, chaplain -

1901-12-22_9 Mondschine and Zalk orqtorical contest - dnt - - 1901-12-22 Public Schools Are Closed For Holidays. Principal Smith Gratified With Upper Classmen's Work-Oratorical Contest and Literary Society. Simon Cook, Zalk, Miss Mondschine.

1901-12-29 Mrs. B. Cohen obit. - - 1901 Mrs. B. Cohen Dies. Had Been Ill for Past Five Years-Funeral Today. 524 Hughitt ave. I. Cohen-Crystal Falls, Mich., Julius Cohen, of he Rose Cohen-Duluth.

1901-12-29 Altman - - 1901 Wednesday,at the home of Mr. and rs. G. Altman, a party was given in honor of Miss Bessie Altman and Master Morris Altman. The afternoon was pent in playing games, and thee was delightful music.The table from which refreshment were served was decorated with American beauty roses. -

.................. 1902 ..................           top of list          bottom -

1902 Julius Rivkin - -

1902-1-1 Jacob D. Siegel ad - - 1902 Jacob D. Siegel, ad -

1902-1-3 J. D. Zien, Chicago business trip - - 1902 J. D. Zien left yesterday for Chicago on business. -

1902-01-04 Mr and Mrs Michael Zeidel 422 St. Croix avenue - - 1902-1-4 A baby girl born to Mr. and Mrs. Michael Zeidel, 422 St. Croix avenue. - - Also a birth listing for Mr. and Mrs. Jake Shapira 13 West Third Street, a girl.

1902-01-06_3 Albenberg - - 1902-1-6 Sell Bankrupt Stock. Today L. Albenberg & Co. will begin the sale of the bankrupt stock of Charles Freimuth of Duluth. The purchase has just been confirmed by the courts., and the goods shipped to the local firm. The stock is one of the completest in the line at the head of the lakes. - dnt

1902-1-10 Indoor baseball, Sattler - - 1902 Soldier Boys Win The Game. Four Hundred And Fifty Persons See Some Warm Indoor Baseball. Manager Sattler, Freimuth Indoor Baseball club.

1902-1-10 Gus Levin - - 1902 Gus Levin Is Acquitted. Jury in Muncipal Court Says He Didn't Sell Fusel Oil. Verdict Was No Surprise. Bowery Saloonkeepers Are Much Elated. Effort Will be Made to Amend Law So Convictions Can be Secured.

1902-01-10 George A. Gray financial - - 1902-1-10 George A. Gray, formerly financial and general manager for I. Freimuth, left yesterday for the east. He will engage in business for himself, probably in some good town of the Middle West. Mr. Gray has been with Freimuth for 11 years. He was presented with a gold watch upon his departure, by Mr. Freimuth and the employees of the store with whom he has been so long associated. He expects to return to Duluth before going away permanently.

1902-01-17_3 Albenberg a Clean Up Sale 92 cent - - 1902-1-17 A Clean-Up Sale Saturday 92 Garments at 92 Cents Each. L. Albenberg & Co. West Superior, Wis. - dnt

1902-01-22 Souis Cohen bid for aldermen - - 1902-1-22 Louis Cohen alderman contest. - Duluth News-Tribune

1902-2-3 Zundlowitz and Cohen wedding - - 1902 Minnie Zundlowitz and Harry M Cohen married in Mpls. Out of town guests include Mr and Mrs J D Zien, Louis Metzger, Miss Pauline Levy of Duluth

1902-2-3 Minnie Zundlowitz & Harry M Cohen married - - 1902-2-3 Miss Minnie Zundlowitz and Harry M. Cohen married. Morgan Post hall. Rabbi S. N. Delnard. Rabby A. Cohen. Guests: Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Zien, Louis Metzger, Miss Pauline Levy of Duluth, Mark Herschberg of Nashus, Iowa.

1902-02-13 Freimuth 5ick benefits - - 1902-2-13 Have A Balance. Report of the I. Freimuth Benefit Association Is Submitted. F. P. Robinson, J. K. Steele, H. Carroll, Miss M. Parsons, E. Sattler, J. W. Cousins, Karl Stern, F. E. Fleischman, H. Haney, Charles Johnson, Miss O. Stahlbush, B. Cook, Peter Evanson, Miss Jane Everington.

1902-02-13 Freimuth sick benefits - - 1902-2-13 Have A Balance Report of the I. Freimuth Benefit Association Is Submitted. The report of the treasurer of the I. Freimuth Benefit association at the first annual meeting shows that during the year the receipts amounted to #111 and disbursements for sick benefits were $80.64, leaving a balance of $30.36. Officers elected. F. P. Robinson, J. K. Steele, H. Carroll, Miss M. Parsons, E. Sattler, J W. Cousins, Karl tern, F. E. Feischman, H. Haney, Charles Johnson, Miss O. Stahlbush, B. Cook, Peter Evanson, Miss Jane Everington.

1902-02-14_5 Louis Cohen first ward running for alderman - - 1902-2-14 Virginia, Republican Louis Cohen, First Ward, alderman. - Duluth News-Tribune

1902-02-15_7 Louis Cohen from Virginia running for alderman - - 1902-2-15 Virginia: Lively tilt In Second Ward. Virginia's Dull Primary Election Relieved By Aldermanic Contest. Louis Cohen Is Nominated. Campaign Will Be Decidedly Warm From Now On. - Duluth News-Tribune

1902-02-20 Oxman col. 4 cropped Goldstein - - 1902-2-20 Personal and Social. Miss Annette Goldstein, 507 Eleventh avenue S.. Bertha Goldman, Lena Davidson, Minnie Schriber, Annie Schulman, Esther Swiller, Frances Rosenberg, Dora Saxe, Ethel Rosenfield, Rose Rosen Jessie Cohen, William Oxman, Harry Berman, Isadore Borovsky, J. Feinberg, Julius Cohen, George Grodnick, Charles Wilner, Harry Aldes, Herry (Harry) Feldman, Sam Wilner - Minneapolis Journal

1902-02-28 J Edelson fish dealer fined - - 1902-2-28 J. Edelson, a fish dealer, was fined $2 and costs in police court yesterday for petty larceny.

1902-3-2 Moses Cook saloon - - 1902 Moses Cook, Bowery merchant accused Joseph Lafrange of passing check.

1902-3-2 Louis Zalk-reading - - Literary Society, Louis Zalk, reading -

1902-3-6 Amelia Cook obit. I. Abrahamson - - 1902 Mrs. Amelia Cook Dies. mother of I. Abrahamson. W. M. Abrahamson grandson. -

1902-3-11 Albert Polinsky, pawnbroker, gold watch - - -

1902-03-16_[11] Basketball Edith Grace Karon Captain - - 1902-3-16 Superior Young Women Who Play Basketball. In the front row, beginning at the RIGHT, are Lela Adams, Grace M. Casey, Edith G. Karon (captain), Belle Scott and May Conley. Standing behind them, beginning at the RIGHT, are Judith V. Yeakia )physical instructor at the Normal school), Lillian B. Turnbull, Catherine McHugh and Norma Nimmo. - dnt

1902-03-16_[11] Basketball Edith Grace Karon Captain (1) - - 1902-3-16 Superior Young Women Who Play Basketball. Photo. Edith G. Karon (captain). - Duluth News-Tribune

1902-03-27_3 L. S. Neumann, Eveleth store closing, moving family to Duluth - - 1902-3-27 The family of L. S. Neumann of the firm of Kastriner & Neumann, have arrived from Eveleth, but Mr. Neumann will not come down for about two weeks yet, being detained there in close up some of the affairs connected with the branch store formerly conducted at that place by the firm. - Duluth News Tribune

1902-3-29 Max Manson, Simon Sapero, house, saloon -

1902-03-29 Lazarus Sax - - 1902-3-29 Lazarus Sax of Eveleth transacted business here Tuesday evening. - - NOTE: Lazarus Sax mentioned in this article. He lived in many places. Chicago, Eveleth, Bessemer. I have a Chicago, IL marriage licenses for him married to Annie Rubin. I also have a document that a saloon was sold to him. The Solomon Sax family was in the liquor business.

1900-11-4 Mrs. Levy, S. I. Levin - - 1900 Shakespeare Club

1902-3-30 Adas Israel, Rocklin. Kassmir - - 1902 dance for benefit of Adas Israel Chevra Kadisha; Miss Bessie Rocklin and Miss Eva Kassmir contirbuted to success

1902-3-30 Adas Israel, Rocklin. Kassmir - - 1902 Adas Israel, dance, Miss Bessie Rocklin, Miss Eva Kassmir -

1902-4-6 Cook obit. Abrahamson grandson - - 1902 Mrs. Amelia Cook Dies. Mother of I. Abrahamson, 81 years old, 112 First avenue East, W. M. Abrahamson is a grandson of the late Mrs. Cook.

1902-04-06_11 Albenberg and Gotschall cropped - St Paul Globe - - 1902-4-6 St. Paul, MN Louis Albenberg, of West Superior, is a guest of Mr. and Mrs. L. Gottschall. Mr. Albenberg, who has spent several years in traveling, will leave shortly on a trip to Europe. - dnt

1902-4-7 Amelia Cook obit - - 1902 Funeral Of Mrs. Amelia Cook. Many Sorrowing Friends Pay Tribute To One They Loved And Admired. Reached Age Of 81 Years. Impressive Ceremony Held At Family Residence. Took Prominent Part In Laying Corner Stone of Adas Chevra Synagogue. Family residence, 113 First avenue East. Duluth residence for 132 years. I. Abrahamson-son, W. M. Abrahamson-grandson, Ned Abrahamson-great grandson. Other children of Mrs. Cook, Mrs. A. Mark-Brainerd, Mrs. H. Cohen-Millaca, Mrs. H. Simon-Detroit, Michigan.

1902-4-12 Buhl, Chas. Henry Greenblatt, Mose Mark - - Buhl, Wm. Kitz, Chas and Henry Greenblatt, Moses Mark-Virginia -

1902-4-13 Charles, James and Sam Lavick - - 1902-4-13 Charles Lavick, 1930 West Michigan street, surprise party. Guests: Mr. and Mrs. L. Casmir, Mr. and Mrs. S. Casmir, Mr. and Mrs. M. Rocklin, Mr. and Mrs. L. Gross, Mr. and Mrs. B. Miller, Eva Casmir, Selina Casmir, Bessie Rocklin, Sadie Rocklin, Ben Katz, Ed P. Neil-Red Wing, James Lavick, Sam Lavick. cropped version

1902-04-14_8 Reception for Rabbi Silber in Mpls Minneapolis_journal - - 1902-4-14 Minneapolis Journal: Cropped. Reception To Rabbi. Rabbi S. M. Silber Honored by People of His Church. S. M. Silber, new chief rabbi of the united orthodox churches in Minnesota. Kenneseth Israel congregation synagogue.

1902-04-21_2 Hibbing store closed., Kastriner and Neumann return to Duluth - - 1902-4-21 West Duluth In Brief. The business of kastriner & Neumann, at Hibbing, has been closed out, and Mr. Neumann returned yesterday to West Duluth for good. - Duluth News Tribune

1902-4-25 B. J. Cook Eagle Clothing - - 1902 Made Good Selection. B. J. Cook Returns From Successful Purchasing Trip. B. J. Cook of the Eagle Clothing company. Chicago.

1902-4-30 J. Sosnovsky - - 1902 column 1, J. Sosnovsky complaint, Julius Hagen arested for theft of two pairs of trousers from sore at 27 1/2 West Superior street.

1902-5-1 Joseph Sonovsky - - 1902 Julius Hagen, charged with theft of clothing from Joseph Sosnovsky.

1902-05-03_7 Louis Cohen son scarlet fever Louis Mark visiting - - 1902-5-3 The young sons of W. E. Hannaford, Louis Cohen and James Sullivan are recovering from scarlet fever. - - - And: Mrs. Louis Mark is visiting friends at Duluth this week. - Duluth News-Tribune

1902-05-08 June brides window dressing - - 1902-05-8 Very Artistic Window. Fremitus’s Display for June Brides and Sweet Girl Graduates. Mr. Stern window dresser of the store. Western window.

1902-5-13 Joseph Sosnovsky - - 1902 indictments against Julius Hagen stealing pair of trousers and striped coat from Joseph Sosnivsky, clohinstore, West Superior street.

1902-5-14 Milwaukee, Jacob D. Zien - - 1902 Jacob Zien returned yesterday from a trip to Milwaukee. -

1902-5-19 Commerical Club Duluth - - 1902 Commerical Club will receive Cidy visitors

1902-5-19 J. D. Sattler, Duluth Commercial club - - 1902 J. D. Sattler, Duluth Commercial Club.

1902-05-23 Virginia, MN Miss Sadie Polinsky Mrs. S. Rubloff - Virginia Enterprise - - 1902-5-23 Virginia Enterprises, MN Miss Adie Polinsky, Mrs. S. Rubloff. Miss Sadie Polinsky, of Duluth is in the city and will spend the summer as the guest of her sister, Mrs. S. Rubloff.

1902-5-27 Averbrook, Fostowsky, Cook - - 1902 Sunday Closing Prosecutions. Three Hebrew Merchants Arrested For Alledged Violations Of The Law. Sheehy Files Complaints. Move Backed By Retail Clerks' Union. Evidence Secured Against Several Others and Action Will Be Brought. A. Averbrook, 617 West Superior street, Joseph Fostowsky, 505 West Michigan street, S. E. Gittleson, Anna M. Cook, 400 West Superior street. -

1902-05-30_3 Kastriner & Neuman ad - - 1902-5-30 small ad. The Great Eastern. 210-212 Fifty-Fifth Ave. West. Kastriner & Neuman. - Duluth News Tribune

1902-05-31 Louis Freimuth - - 1902-5-31 Sparta. J. B. transacted business here the fore part of the week. Louis Freimuth returned Monday from a visit with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. I. Freimuth at Duluth. L. Rubenstein president of the Bank of Sparta, will depart for Chicago next week for a business and pleasure trip.

1902-06-01_[5] Graduates Mondschine, Zalk, Marcus, Freimuth- dnt - - 1902-6-1 Promising Class Of Young Graduates. photos. Charlotte Mondschine, Louis Zalk, Ellen Marcus (?), David Freimuth, Lottie Mondschine (nick name for Charlotte).

1902-6-5 Louis Zalk-orator for class - - Class Night Is Success, Louis Zalk, orator for class -

1902-6-5 Charlotte Mondschine - - 1902-6-5 Exercises Well Attended. Edward Congdon Delivers President's Address. Many Orations, Clever and Brilliant, and Songs Entertaining. class history given by Charlotte Mondschine compared class to various flowers and "green shoots cultivated in the high school hot house.

1902-06-05_5 Charlotte Mondschine - dnt - - 1902-6-5 Class Night Is Great Success. High School Grauates Pass With Credit Second State of Commencement Week. Exercises Well Attended. Edward Congdon Delivers President's Address. Many Orations, Clever and Brilliant, and Songs Entertaining. Charlotte Mondschine, Louis Zalk, Class Orator. (I love the content of his speech).

1902-06-16_3 Sadie Mondschine graduate - dnt - - 1902-6-16 Sermons For Graduates. Baccalaureate Services Held For Two Sets Of Seniors. Normal Class Is Large. Rev. W. J. Patton's Address Is Eloquent. Rev. F. K. Howard Talks in Combined Classes of Nelson Dewey and Blaine High Schools. Sadie Mondschine,

1902-06-18 I Freimuth on business and parade - - 1902-6-18 I. Freimuth: “I am not in favor of taking the parades off Superior Street. If the crowds come on the street and stand around, they become tired waiting, drop into the stores and do more or less trading. The parades do not interfere with business, but on the contrary help the retail houses.”

1902-6-21 Helen and Edith Karon, Nel Siegel -

1902-06-21_6 Siegel, Karon- dnt - - 1902-6-21 Henry C. Sloan of Appleton, was a guest in the city yesterday. He formerly resided in Superior and was assemblyman from this county.

1902-06-21_6 Rev Sher of Ashland - - 1902-6-21 Rev. Sher, of Ashland, returned home yesterday after a week's visit with his brother M. Sher of this city. - dnt

1902-06-21_6 Siegel, Karon - - 1902-6-21Miss Nell Siegel, of Eveleth, has returned home after a short visit with the Misses Helen and Edith Karon of John avenue. - dnt

1902-06-24 Charles Edelson & Sadis Edelson ml - - 1902-6-24 Charles Edelson and Sadie Edelson Marriage license Record.

1902-06-26 Morris Oxman furrier banckruptcy cropped - - 1902-6-26 Morris Oxman bankruptcy - St Paul Globe

1902-06-28 Henry Abraham to Europe - - 1902-6-28 Superior Men Off to Europe. Henry Abraham will leave Superior July 7 for New York. Sail to Europe. Carlsbad, benefit health. Visit Vienna, Buda Pesth, Berlin, Hamburg, Dresden. England for a month. Home Nov. 1. B. B. Jackson, superintendent of city schools traveling with him as far as Berlin.

1902-7-5 Buhl, Gronberg, Greenblatt - - Buhl, Gronberg, Greenblatt -

1902-7-6 B. J. Cook fishing - - 1902 B. J. Cook, proprietor of Eagle Clothing company and Mr. Winn Hayden, head salesman, Middlebrook, fishing. Black bass.

1902-07-11 Louis Cohen - Virginia - - 1902-7-11 Timber Land, Act June 8, 1878, Notice of Publication. Louis Cohen of Virginia purchase of South 1/2 of Northeast 1/4 land claim. – Virginia Enterprise

1902-07-11 L Cohen and son Sammy Virginia - - 1902-7-11 L. Cohen and son Sammy left Wednesday for a ten days'visit with friends at Ashland, Wis. – Virginia Enterprise

1902-07-11 Miss Sarah Shapior - Virginia - - 1902-7-11 Miss Sarah Shapiro of Eveleth visited friends in the city this week. – Virginia Enterprise

1902-07-11 Milavetz Bros - Virginia - - 1902-7-11 Virginia: Ice Cream Soda now on tap at Milavetz Bros. Misses Mamie Weinberg and Eva Polinski returned to Duluth Monday after a short visit with Miss Sadie Polinski. – Virginia Enterprise

1902-07-11 Miss Sarah Shapior- Virginia Enterprise - - 1902-7-11 Virginia Enterprise. Miss Sarah Shapiro of Eveleth visited friends in this city this week.

1902-07-11 L Cohen and son Sammy- Virginia Enterprise - - 1902-7-11 L. Cohen and son Sammy left Wednesday for a ten days’ visit with friends at Ashland, Wis.

1902-07-11 Louis Cohen of Virginia- Virginia Enterprise - - 1902-7-11 Louis Cohen of Virginia, purchased land. Valuable for its timber, and stone, rather than agricultural purposes.

1902-07-12_7 Louis Cohen and son Sammy visiting Ashland - - 1902-7-12 Louis Cohen and son Sammy are spending the week at Ashland. - Duluth News-Tribune

1902-7-17 Virginia, George Sternberg obit. - - 1902 The body of George Sternberg, drowned in Silver lake, near Virginia, obit.

1902-07-18 Sam Heller missing - - 1902-7-18 Sam Heller Missing. Report That He Is Dead Causes Much Concern Here.

1902-7-20 Sam Heller - - Sam and Ben Heller -

1902-7-20 Sam Heller - - 1902-7-20 Sam Heller May Be Dead. Relatives Now Beginning To Credit Report From Idaho. No News From Missing One. His former Partner Fears the worst. Body of man so decomposed that identification is impossible. Sam Heller may have been murdered on the train between Montana and Thunder Mountain district in Idaho. Ben Heller brother discredited rumors. Merrill, a business partner of Sam Heller communicated family.

1902-07-23_5 Jacob Azinsky brings back bride from Denver - - 1902-7-23 Jacob Azinsky who has been in Denver for the past ten months has returned home, bringing with him his bride. - dnt

1902-07-29 Freimuth plate glass windows broken - - 1902-7-29 Desstruction Is Wilful. Valuable plate glass windows at Freimuth’s damaged by vandals. No reason is assigned. Proprietor satisfied that it is maliciousness. Many valuable plates have been cut and others broken by missiles of some kind.

1902-8-2 Chatham Flats - - School photo from Duluth or other Minnesota towns

1902-8-2 Max Shapiro-Chicago - - 1902 Sparta: Max Shapiro of Chicago vising brother Mr. Shapiro. -

1902-8-9 Lazarus Silverman, stone quary - - story regarding Lazarus Silverman. He provided the granit stone to build the court house in Duluth. He lived in Chicago, but was involved in the Vermillion Range. -

1902-8-10 Leopold, Zien, Silberstein - - 1902 Miss Clara Leopold, daughter of Asa Leopold, Duluth early settlers, visiting Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Zien of West Second street. -

1902-8-10 Leopold, Zien, Silberstein - - 1902 Edward A. Silberstein from Salt Lake, Utah, visiting his parents. -

1902-8-15 Krojanker - - 1902 Officer's Vigil Is Rewarded. Robert Krojanker, 1221 East Superior St. -

1902-08-17_2 Harry Gordon of Superior - - 1902-8-17 Harry Gordon, of 613 John avenue, was arraigned yesterday afternoon before Acting Judge French on the charge of abusing his family. the case was adjourned until tomorrow, and Gordon was released on bonds - dnt

1902-08-17_2 Helen Karon Ironwood, MI - - 1902-8-17 Miss Helen Karon has returned from a visit in Ironwood, Mich - dnt

1902-8-20 Sattler, Freimuth, baseball - - 1902 Trying for a game. Manage Sattler, Freimuth baseball team.

1902-8-20 Louis Karon arrested - - 1902-8-20 Junk Dealer Arrested. Charged With Running His Store Without a License. Louis Karon, Eighteenth avenue west.

1902-8-20 Louis Karon, arrested - - 1902-8-20 Junk Dealer Arrested. Charged With Running His Store Without a License. Louis Karon. Old iron bought from boys. Boys stole three wagonloads of iron from National Iron Works. Six to sixteen years of age disposed of it in small quantities. City ordinance, misdemeanor for a licensed dealer to buy old material from persons under the age of sixteen. -

1902-8-22 Freimuth, Sattler baseball - - 1902 Trying For A Game. Manager Sattler, Freimuth baseball team.

1902-8-23 Buhl, Solomon Rubloff, Moses Mark - - 1902-8-23 Buhl: Mose Mark and Sol Rubloff of Virginia visiting.

1902-8-24 B. J. Cook - - 1902 B. J. Cook, manager of the Eagle Clothing company. Beginning a new business in Sault Ste. Marie, Duluth Dredge & Dock company, stockholder.

1902-8-24 Amy Cohen and Morris Helprin wed - - 1902 Former Douglas Club house in Chicago, Duluth Man Weds. Morris Helprin, Now of Chicago, To Be Married Next Wednesday. Bride is Amy Cohen.

1902-08-24_[2] Mondschine Loeb - dnt - - 1902-8-24 The handsome reception given by Mrs. L. S. Loeb Thursday afternoon was in honor of her mother, Mrs. Jacob Keller, of Ligonier, Ind. And was one of the most elaborate affairs of the kind that has been given in Duluth for some time. Mrs. L. Neuman, Leopold of Chicago, Pauline Levy. Mesdames: J. B. Sattler, A. Levy, M. Kastriner, L. S. Neuman, S. N. Levin, G. Levin, J. D. Zien, N. Gidding, I. Bondy, M. W. Bondy, R. Marcuse, B. Silberstein, F. Mondschine, I. Abrahamson, F. Parker, I. Freimuth, C. Freimuth, D. Van Baalen, W. Gomberg, R. Kronjanker, L. Hammel, C. P. Oswald, E. Sattler, F. Haas, E. Hazen,AAAA. Benjamin-St. Paul, J. Abraham, S. Levy-Superior, R. L. Knebel, Misses: Rose-Colorado Springs, Conklin, Smith, Scott, McFadden, Butchart, Myrtle Butchart, Levy, M. Levy, Silberstein, Mondschine, Abrahamson, Freimuth, Forbes, Everington, Murray, Moses-St. Paul. And many others.

1902-08-24_[2] Mondschine Loeb-1 dnt - - 1902-8-24 Reception given by Mrs. L. S. Loeb in honor of her mother Mrs. Jacob Keller, of Ligonier, Ind.

1902-08-24_[2] Zien, Mondschine Loeb dnt - - 1902-8-24 Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Zien and Pauline Levy entertained Friday evening for Miss Leopold, of Chicago. Miss Sadie Mondschine. Victor Kohn, E. Hirschman, Lumieuz Silberstein, Freimuth, Abrahamson, M. Levy, Mondschine, Lottle Mondschine, Selig, L. Levy, s. Levy, Rosenberger, M. Levy, Josephs, Loewus, Levinson, Kohn, M. Freimuth.

1902-9-2 Superior, jury, Henry Haronimus - - 1902 Superior Court Jurymen. Henry Haronimus.

1902-09-07_2 Lottie Mondschine - - 1902-9-7 col. 4 party in honor of Leta Phelps. Guest Lottie Mondschine. - Duluth News Tribune

1902-9-10 Simon P. Cook obit - - 1902 Drinks Acid By Mistake. Simon P. Cook Swallows Fatal Dose Thinking It Was Medicine. Death Is Instantaneous. Considered Brightest Pupil In High School class of 1903. Had Been Studying Hard In Preparation of Fall Work and Health Was Somewhat Broken. S. Y. Josephs’ relative. 314 East Second street. Seventeen years old. Sisters: Mrs. Hyman Y. Josephs-Duluth; Mrs. A. I. Shapiro-Duluth, Brothers: B. J.; M. S.; Julius and M. J. Cook.

1902-9-11 Simon P. Cook obit. - - 1902 Last Sad Rites. Remains of Simon P. Cook Laid to Rest in Hebrew Cemetery. high school student. -

1902-9-12 Simon P. Cook obit - - 1902 Last Sad Rites. Remains of Simon P. Cook Laid to Rest in Hebrew Cemetery. 314 East Second street.

1902-9-16 Sadie Caplow - - 1902 Poor Little Sadie Caplow. Rich Relatives of Youthful Deaf Mute Will Not Aid Her. Appealed To By Poor Board. Brother Is A Well-To-Do Pawn Broker. Brother-in-Law a Clothier-Both Flatly Refuse to Furnish Funds for An Education. Sadie Caplow, deaf and dumb, 11 years old daughter of Moses Caplow. Max Lieberman, Van Guard Clothing company-brother-in-law, Henry Caplow owns pawnbroker in Bowery-brother. -

1902-09-26 Buying Palestine land from Turkey M. Kassmir - - 1902-9-26 Plan Purchase of Palestine. Duluth Hebrews Hold A Housing Meeting In Aid Of Movement. Kassmir Is Enthusiastic. Extols Founder Dr. Hertzel, of Switzerland. Rabbi Eppstein Reviews History of Project from Early Times to Date.

1902-9-27 Hibbing, disolved drygoods, Kitz & M. S. Greenblatt - - dry goods firm William Kitz & Co., Wm. Kitz and M. S. Greenblatt -

1902-10-01_3 Rabbi Silber officiates at Temple in Duluth DNT - - 1902-10-1 Jews To Observe The New Year. Impressive Ceremonies At Timple Emanuel, This Evening and Tomorrow. Grand Musical Program. Best Voices In The City Included In This Choir. Sermon and Reading in English By Rabbi Silber-Public Invited. Corner of Seventh avenue and East and Second street. Organist Mrs. S. L. Tyler. Miss Rena Smith, Cyril Tyler, Antoinette West, c. O. Applehagen, Miss Lind. - - (Note: The singers and organists were most likely gentiles in the community who were accomplished musicians.)

1902-10-02_2 Jews observe New Years Dr. Silber DNT - - 1902-10-2 Jews Observe New Year’s Day. Preliminary Services Are Held At The Different Synagogues Of The City. At The Orthodox Temple. Rabbi Epstein To Officiate This Morning. Elaborate Program Has Been Arranged for Emanuel, Conducted by Rabbi Silber. Rabbi Epstein orthodox congregation, Third street and Third avenue West. Note that the gentile community also attended the srvices. Rabbi Silber Speaks, Cincinnati Hebrew Union College officiated at Temple Emanuel. (Note: Rabbi Silber appreciated the theater and probably took notes as to how things were staged and performed. It helped him stage the High Holy Days. Services). After services the congregation met at Louis Hammel’s home. 1423 East Third street.

1902-10-04 Duluth News Tribune - - Mr. Max Cohen and family went over to Eveleth Wednesday for a visit.

1902-10-04 Duluth News Tribune - - Mr. Rabin went over to Virginia Wednesday for a few days on business.

1902-10-04 Duluth News Tribune - - Miss Rose Karon was over from Evleeth Monday visiting with friends and took in the dance.

1902-10-04 Duluth News Tribune - - J. Satler (Sattler?) of Duluth transacted business in town a few days this week.

1902-10-04 Duluth News-Tribune - - 1902-10-4 Mr. E. Light of Duluth was in town the forepart of the week on business.

1902-10-04 Duluth News-Tribune - - 1902-10-4 Mr. Rabin went over to Virginia Wednesday for a few days of business.

1902-10-04 Duluth News-Tribune - - 1902-10-4 J. Satler of Duluth, transacted business in town a few days this week.

1902-10-04 Duluth News-Tribune - - 1902-10-4 Miss Rose Karon was over from Eveleth Monday visiting with friends.

1902-10-16 Louis Goldish, police station -

1902-11-2 Eva Casmir and Bessie Rocklin, Adas Israel Ball - - Brillant Ball Given By Church, Adas Israel, Miss Eva Casmir and Miss Bessie Rocklin -

1902-11-7 Albert H.Polinsky and Sara Shapiro wed, guests, Weinberger, Mendel Eppstein, Abrahamson, Windom, Zenansky, Greenburg, -

1902-11-7 Eveleth, Albert H. Polinsky and Sarah Shapiro wed - - 1902 Eveleth, Albert H. Polinsky and Sarah Shapiro wed. Pretty Wedding In Synagogue, first event of kind in New Adas Israel Congregation edifice. Alpert H. Polinsky marries Eveleth girl. Ceremony one of most largely ever attended in Duluth. Banquet follows, with I.Tenonsky Master of Ceremonies and Julius Abrahamson Toastmaster. Sadie and Eva Polinsky, Samuel Weinberger, Mildred Mendal, Florence Shapiro, Rabbi Epstein, I. Zenansky, Julius Abrahamson, Judge W. L. Windom, Zenansky, Governor Van Sant, Congressman Goldfogel, gues: Mr. and Mrs. J. Greenburg, Mendal, Shiram, Ruboff, J. P. McCann, Sherbocov, Mental, L. Polinsky, M. Sabel, Lena Marshoek, Lena Romain.
Pretty Wedding In Synagaogue, First Even of Kind in Adas Israel Congregation Edifice. Albert H. Polinsky Marries Eveleth Girl. Ceremony One of Most Largely Ever Attended In Duluth. Banquet Follows, With DI. Tenonsky Master of Ceremonies and Julius Abrahamson Toastmaster. Sadie and Eva Polinsky, Samuel Weinberger, Mildred Mendal, Florence Shapiro, Rabbi Eppstein, Julius Abrahamson, Judge W. L. Windom, Zenansky, Governor Van Sant, Congressman Goldfogel, J. Greenburg, Shiram, Ruboff, J. P. McCann, Sherbocov, Mental, L. Polinsky, M. Sabel, Lena Marshoek, Lena Romain. -

1902-11-7 1st wedding Adas Israel Sarah Shapiro, Albert Polinsky -

1902-11-07_6 first wedding at Adas Israel - Shapiro Polinsky - - 1902-11-7 Pretty Wedding In Synagogue. First Event of Kind In New Adas Israel Congregation Edifice. Albert H. Polinsky Marries Eveleth Girl. Ceremony One Of Most Largely Ever Attended In Duluth. Banquet follows with I. Tenonsky Master of Ceremonies and Julius Abrahamson Toastmaster. Signor Valneza's orchestra. Miss Sadie and Eva Polinsky, Samuel Weinberger, Miss Mildred Mendal of Biwabik, Florence Shapiro of Eveleth. Rabbi Eppstein (Epstein), I. Zenansky, Julius Abrahamson, Judge W. L. Windom, Telegrams: Governor Van Sant of Minnesota. Congressman Goldfogel of New York. honemoon in Boston for three months. Guests: Mr. and Mrs. J. Greenburg-Europe, Mrs. Mendal and daughter-Biwabik, Mr. and Mrs. Shiram-Sparta, Mr. and Mrs. Ruboff-Eveleth, Mrs. J. P. McCann-Chicago, Mrs. Sherbocov-Ashland, Mrs. Mental-Iron Belt, L. Polinsky-New York, Mr. an Mrs. M. Sabel-Birmingham, Ala., Miss Lena Marshoek-Ashland, Miss Lena Romain-Ironwood, Mich. - dnt

1902-11-9 Sarah Shapiro, Albert Polinsky wedding, Eveleth

1902-11-9 Polinsky wedding -

1902-11-9 Eveleth Fayal School - - 1902-11-9 Eveleth Fayal School

1902-11-09_22 Jenette Orenstein and Maurice Simon marry - St Paul Globe - - 1902-11-9 St. Paul Matrimonial. Miss Jenette Orenstein, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. M. Orenstein of East Tenth street and Maurice Simon of Duluth married. Sons of Zion synagogue Rev. D. Arohnson, Mrs. H. Harris, Mr. and Mrs. D. Simon of Eveleth, Miss Elinor Greengaard, William Orenstein, Master William Harris, Annette and Maymie, engagement of William Orenstein and Miss Greengard announced. Guests: Mr. and Mrs. I. Simon of tower, Mr. and Mrs. William Simon of Duluth, Mr. and Mrs. D. Simon of Eveleth, Mr. and Mrs. J. Simon of tower, Mr. and Mrs. S. Kovial of Duluth, Mr. and Mrs. L. Oreck of Duluth, Mr. and Mrs. L. Neurcarisky of Fargo, Mr. and Mrs. Simon will be home in Duluth.

1902-11-10 Cook, Freimuth, Joseph telephone - - Duluth Telephone Co., Cook, Freimuth, Josephs -

1902-11-15 Rabbi Rhein and Silverman - - 1902-11-15 Bessemer, Michigan: Samuel Silverman, manager of the Free Press. --- Rabbi Rhein and family from Hurley, Wisconsin are visitors ath Mr. And Mrs. John Silverman’s home. - - cropped image

1902-11-15 Rabbi Rhein and Silverman - - 1902-11-15 Bessemer, Michigan: Samuel Silverman, manager of the Free Press. Rabbi Rhein and family from Hurley, Wisconsin are visitors ath Mr. And Mrs. John Silverman’s home. - - cropped image

1902-11-22 William Dixon buys Building, Sattler - - 1902 William Dixon Buys A Building. Struture at 20 East Superior Street Goes For $20,000. Sattler Liquor.

1902-11-24 Adas Israel, relief fund - - 1902 Plague Victims Secure Relief. Hebrews of Duluth Raise Contribuions for Cholera. Stricken in Holy Land. Sum of $200 subscribed in Less Than an Hour. I. Abrahamson and J. Polinsky are Soliciting Committee. Expect to Forward $500 to Plague Sufferers in Jerusalem Today, Palestine Rabbi's Appeal. Rabbi Epstein. -

1902-11-30 Adas Israel relief fund - - 1902 Relief Sent on to Striken Jews. The Sum totals $500 and the Plague Is Now Abating. Adas Israel, I. Abrahamson, Rabbi Samuel Salant.
1902 Many Mines Shipping Late In The Season, Situation Is Without Precedent in the History of Iron Business in Minnesota, Ten Running at the Close of November.

1902-11-30 shipping iron ore

1902-12-05 Isaac Helstein, ad business for sale - - 1902-12-5 Ad For Sale-Miscellaneous. A Good Paying Business-Furniture, Carpets, Stoves and Hardware. Centrally located. Price Reasonable. Isaac Helstein. 520 Tower Avenue, West Superior.

1902-12-12 Freimuth Fall opening - - 1902-12-12 Freimuth’s Fall Opening A Great Success Santa Clause, toy department

1902-12-14 Tower - - 1902 Tower Has Yet To See Its Best Days. Town named after Charlamagne Tower, author-ambassador, president of the Duluth & Iron Range road. Vermillion range., iron ore. (ambassador to Germany) -

1902-12-21 Personals - Freimuth - - 1902-12-21 - three articles - - Mr. and Mrs. A. Freimuth have returned from their wedding trip and will be at home at 1901 West Michigan street after Jan. 15. - - J. M. Gidding will spend the holidays in Salt Lake City with Mrs. Gidding who has been visiting there with her brother in the hope of improving her health. - - Mr. and Mrs. B. Silberstein will go to California early in January to spend the winter. They will be joined in Salt Lake City by Mrs. J. M. Giddings.

1902-12-28_3 Lottie Mondschind teacher at western part of state - - 1902-12-28 Miss Lottie Mondschine who has been teaching in the western part of the state is spending the vacation at the home of her mother. Note: This must be Charlotte Mondschine. - Duluth News Tribune

1902-12-29 Moses Cook - - 1902 George Pleydell Laid At Rest. Obit. Moses Cook was an intimate friend of Pleydell.

.................. 1903 ..................           top of list          bottom -

1903-01-04_[1] Sarah Cohen and Michael M. Sher wed DNT - - 1903-1-4 Superior: Sarah Cohen and Michael M. Sher wed. Rev. A. Sher, Anna Sher, Esther Kaner, Benjamin Sher, I. Kaner.

1903-01-15_8 Helen Karon job application - - 1903-1-15 Nine Are Examined For Customs Department Jobs. Helen Karon third grade rating for applicant - dnt

1903-01-21_11 col. 1 Pauline Rabinowitz marriage of Gertrude Shulman cropped Mpls_J - - 1903-1-21 Minneapolis: Kenesseth Israel synagogue. Gertrud Schulman and Benjamin Beskin, 400 guests. Pauline Rabinowitz bridesmaid, Sarah Berman (cropped)

1903-01-26_5 Frank Rabinowitz DNT - - 1903-1-26 Frank Rabinowitz of Eveleth, and wife were in the city yesterday on their way to Minneapolis for a ten day visit.

1903-02-01 Freimuth Sick benefits solid - - 1903-2-1 Society Is Flourishing. Freimuth Benefit Association Is Financially Solid. Sick benefits. F. P. Robinson-President. Frank Fleischman-vice president. Miss M. Paison-secretary. H. S. Carroll-collector. E. Sattler, Board of trustees: H. Haney, J. White, Joe Medley, J. Johnson, J. Rockwell and D. Loewus.

1903-02-01 Freimuth Sick benefits solid - - 1903-2-1 Society Is Flourishing. Fremuth Benefit Association Is Financially Solid. President F. P. Robinson; vice president, Frank Fleischman; treasurer, Miss M. Paison; secretary, H. S. Carroll; collector, E. Sattler. The Board of trustees is composed of H. Haney, J. White, Joe Medley, J. Johnson, J. Rockwell and D. Loewus.

1903-02-14_7 Frank Rabinowitz DNT - - 1903-2-14 Frank Rabinowtiz was a Zenith city visitor Tuesday.

1903-02-16_8 Harry Rabinowitz Mpls_journal - - 1903-2-16 Minneapolis: Rally To Kolontersky’s Aid. Hebrews of North Minneapolis Will Ask Mayor to Reconsider His removal Order. 250 Hebrews met to protest Mayor’s removal of Patorlman Kolontersky from police force. Harry Rabinowitz. (full page)

1903-02-16_8 Harry Rabinowitz cropped Mpls_journal - - 1903-2-16 Minneapolis: Rally To Kolontersky’s Aid. Hebrews of North Minneapolis Will Ask Mayor to Reconsider His removal Order. 250 Hebrews met to protest Mayor’s removal of Patorlman Kolontersky from police force. Harry Rabinowitz. (cropped)

1903-2-23 Bert Polinsky, Stens Magowsky, skaters, break through ice - - -

1903-2-26 B. J. Cook - - 1903 Made Fine Selections. B. J. and Julius Cook Return From Purchasing Trip at Chicago. Men’s clothing and furnishing goods.

1903-3-1 Aaron and Silas Siegel, clothier - - 1903 2 More New Homes On Hammond Ave. Messrs. Siegel Bros. Will Begin Building as Soon as Weather Permits. Aaron and Silas Siegel, clothiers, Fourteenth street. -

1903-03-08_[14] property Elias Seigel Aaron Siegel DN - - 1903-3-8 Duluth Elias Siegel and Aaron Siegel land movement.

1903-03-14_9 Sadie Mondschine and Andrew Krevager married - - 1903-3-14 Irish Standard: col. 6 A quiet wedding occurred Sunday afternoon of last week, at the Catholic church, when Miss Sadie Mondschine and Andrew Krevager were married. Father Kosmeri performed the ceremony. The bride was prettily gowned in a blue suit and carried white roses. Mr. and Mrs. Krevager are at home at 315 Third avenue E. - Irish_standard_

1903-03-16 Sternberg, Herman & Pauline Levy wed - - 1903-3-16 Sternberg, Herman & Pauline Levy wed.

1903-03-16_[3] Mrs. Louis Karon death - - 1903-3-16 The funeral of Mrs. Louis Karon, who died at the Leslie hospital Saturday afternoon, was held from her late residence, 429 Twelfth avenue yesterday afternoon. The deceased has been ill for some time and death was induced by a complication of diseases. - dnt

1903-3-22 S. Karon, Kaner-Milavitz wedding -

1903-03-23 Helstein clothiers, fire damage c - - 1903-3-23 Duluth Block On Fire. Loss is $50,000 or More-Iron Wall Saved Part of Building. H. Helstein, clothiers, lost $10,000, with $8,000 insurance.

1903-04-09_5 Robert James Henry Tomahawk - - 1903-4-9 Tomahawk: Mr. Robert James Henry disciplinarian of the Indian boarding school at Pine Point is visiting his mother here. He reports everything at Pine Point as being in a flourishing condition.

1903-4-16 Goldish Fresh Fish ad, bottom, 5 col. -

1903-4-17 Bessie Slonim and Frank Kohn ag - - 1903 Marriage license issued to Frank Kolm and Bessie Slonim.

1903-4-17 Bessie Slonim and Frank Cohen, eng. -

1903-05-07 Hibbing-Harry Witz cigar factory Mpls Journal - - 1903-5-7 Hibbing: Harry Witz and J. Gramm opened a cigar factory yesterday. This makes the third cigar factory in Hibbing.

1903-5-8 Roman Dorfman fight Eschel Goldfarb - - 1903-5-8 Eschol Goldforb (Goldfarb?), 1521 West Michigan street, Roman Dorfman, arguments by means of fist.

1903-5-9 Virginia, Herman Nathanson - - 1903 Virginia: Mr. and Mrs. Herman Nathanson returned Saturday from a visit ot the twin cities. -

1903-5-9 Virginia, Solomon Rubloff, fixtures - - 1903-5-9 Virginia: S. Rubloff went to Duluth to purchase additional fixtures for his store.

1903-05-10 Julius Siegel attending Univ of Minnesota DNT - - 1903-5-10 Seniors Plan To0 Enter College. Many High School Graduates Have Made Selections. Siegel

1903-05-17 Miss Henrietta Cook - - 1903-5-17 Miss Henrietta Cook of 314 East Second street, left for a three-weeks visit in Melaca, Princeton, and Brainerd.

1903-05-17 Mrs. Max Bloom - - 1903-5-17 Mrs. Max Bloom has returned from a three weeks' trip to Milwaukee and Chicago.

1903-05-18_11 Rabbi Silber history cropped Minneapolis_journal - - 1903-5-18 Minneapolis Journal: Cropped.To Send Aid To Russia. Minneapolis Hebrews Will Help Survivors of Recent Atrocities in Bessarabia. Rabbi Silber. Martin Ginsberg, Martin Pinch. Town of Kishineff. Count Cassini. Replies To Cassini. H. Lippman Says Russian Jews Are Barred from Agriculture. Jews are money lenders. Note: Inheritance killing at Easter time set off massacre by blaming Jews for the killing. Cropped

1903-05-18_11 Rabbi Silber history Minneapolis_journal - - 1903-5-18 Minneapolis Journal: Cropped.To Send Aid To Russia. Minneapolis Hebrews Will Help Survivors of Recent Atrocities in Bessarabia. Rabbi Silber. Martin Ginsberg, Martin Pinch. Town of Kishineff. Count Cassini. Replies To Cassini. H. Lippman Says Russian Jews Are Barred from Agriculture. Jews are money lenders. Note: Inheritance killing at Easter time set off massacre by blaming Jews for the killing. Full page

1903-05-19 Methodist church - - 1903-5-19 Church Women To Keep Shop. Freimuth Store in Charge of M. E. Workers Today. First Methodist Episcopal Church, a certain percentage of all sales during the day will be donated to the cause.

1903-05-19_13 cropped Mpls_journal - - 1903-5-19 Minneapolis Journal: Cropped. City News. Band Boys To Help. Journal Newsboys’ Band to Give a Benefit for Kishinef Massacre Survivors. Max Kohen, Who Formerly Resided at Kishinef, Explains Conditions There. Max Kohen of 327 Washington avenue S. - - - Father operated tobacco plantation. Town of Kishineff. Count Cassini. Replies To Cassini. H. Lippman Says Russian Jews Are Barred from Agriculture. Jews are money lenders. Note: Inheritance killing at Easter time set off massacre by blaming Jews for the killing.

1903-05-19_13 Mpls_journal - - 1903-5-19 Minneapolis Journal: Full Page - City News. Band Boys To Help. Journal Newsboys’ Band to Give a Benefit for Kishinef Massacre Survivors. Max Kohen, Who Formerly Resided at Kishinef, Explains Conditions There. Max Kohen of 327 Washington avenue S. - - - Father operated tobacco plantation. Town of Kishineff. Count Cassini. Replies To Cassini. H. Lippman Says Russian Jews Are Barred from Agriculture. Jews are money lenders. Note: Inheritance killing at Easter time set off massacre by blaming Jews for the killing.

1903-5-20 Edith Karon grad -

1903-5-21 Marie Sattler, photo - - 1903 Little Tot Who Plays Piano Well. Little Marie Sattler. photo.

1903-5-23 Adas Israel, funds for Russia - - 1903 Aid Extended by Duluth Hebrews. $300 Raised for Oppressed People in Russia. I. Abrahamson, M. Cook, J. Polinski. -

1903-5-28 Edith Karon, grad -

1903-5-30 Alexander Oreckovsky, fraud charges - - 1903 Fraud Charge For A Clothier. Woodsman Causes Arrest of Alexander Oreckovsky. Charges of fraud. -

1903-05-30 Freimuth ball club - - 1903-5-30 I. Freimuth. Department Store. Statement. - - Labor World

1903-5-31 W. M. Abrahamson Hub clothing Chicago - - 1903 W. M. Abrahamson (Abramson) proprietor of the Hub Clothing company, left yesterday for Chicago.

1903-6-1 Helen Karon, stenographer -

1903-06-01_[3] Helen Karon - - 1903-6-1 Miss Karon appointed To Place In Customs Office. Superior Young Lady Who Won in Competitive Examination. Helen Karon. (She is later removed from her duties. She goes on to be a teacher in Eveleth and dies in 1911 at the age of 24. Her sister Edith dies at 30, sister Elsa dies at 26, and sister Goldie dies at the young age of 10.) - dnt

1903-6-2 Samuel Lando peddler - - 1903 Samuel Lando, Hebrew peddler, arrested.

1903-06-02_[6] Helen Karon - - 1903-6-2 New Inspectors At Customs House. Miss Helen Karon and W. A. Roycraft Assume Duties as Result of Competitive Examination - dnt

1903-6-6 Alexander Oreckovsky, second charge of fraud - - 1903 Clothier Re-arrested. Second charges of fraud against Alexander Oreckovsky. -

1903-06-09 Harry Carroll - - 1903-6-9 Harry Carroll, advertising manager at the I. Freimuth department store, returned yesterday from a trip of ten days, during which he visited Port Arthur, Koochiching, and Winnipeg. He says Koochiching is a hustling town and there is a good future for it, that the railroad is within thirty miles of there now and will soon be completed.

1903-6-10 Zionism - - 1903-6-10 Max Nordau Speaks Ringing Words. Says History Has Not Made An Onward Step for Jews in Eight Hundred Years. Pittsburg: Federation of American Zionists. 8th annual congress opened at Unitarian church. Mrs. A. E. Higbee-president. Miss Taylor-Young Women’s Christian Association. Lewis, Morison, McVeigh, Shannon, Bertha B. Lash, Mrs. Lydia Phillips William, Dr. Cora Smith Eaton, Maria Sanford, Mrs. C. M. Loring, Mrs. M. E. Hoover, Mrs. Alice C. Warington, Mrs. Annie Keller, Miss Mary Hoyt, Mrs. May Lee Blye, Miss Sabra M. Eillson, Mrs. H. H. Dutcher, many subjects were discussed, one in particular: Mrs. D. C. Bell on Zionism. Mrs. J. L. Crays, Mrs. Louise Jewell Manning, literary symposium: The Present Status of the Jews. Mrs. H. F. Brown-Nineteenth Century Club, Our Indebtedness to the Ancient Jews. Dr. Mary V. Hartzell-Woman’s Medical Club, Jewish Colony in China. Mrs. Robert Jamison, Tourist Clobu-The Ghetto. Mrs. T. F. Quinby, Ramblers, Shakspere’s Attitude Toward the Jews. Mrs. F. N. Stacy, Shakwspere Club. Jews in Germany, Mrs. L. L. Longbrake. Kenwood Monday Club, Nathan The Wise. Mrs. Fullerton-Elective Club-Rothschild. Mrs. E. M. La Penotiere, Columbian Study Club; Jewish Women in Literature. Mrs. T. J. Gray-Current Events and Literary Club-Philanthropist. Miss Winifred Sea-Kappa Alpha Theta-Disraeli. Mrs. A. K. Norton Club-Expulsion of Jews from Russia. Mrs. Louise Watson, Chicago avenue Literary Club-Zangwill. Miss Jessie Schulten, Kappa Kappa Gamma-Rachel. Mrs. Elijah Barton. Zola Dreyfus Affair (Jews Relation to) Mrs. J. S. Kearney, Travelers. (Note: I found this an interesting article because woman who were not Jewish were selecting a topic to talk about related to Jews. kae)

1903-6-11 Fannie Levine 8th grade graduation - - 1903 Eight Grade Graduation. Interesting Exercises Given Last Night at High School. Jefferson: Fannie Levine, Washington: Leopold J. Bondy, Delia D. Siegel, Harriet Levy, Eva R. Zalk

1903-6-11 Eva R. Zalk, 8th grade - - Eighth Grade Graduation, Eva R. Zalk -

1903-06-14 Eva Polinski photo - - 1903-6-14 Eva Polinski graduation photo.

1903-6-19 col. 2 Rubloff - - 1903-6-19 col. 2 B.J. Cook, Eagle Clothing company, Harry Rubloff. I. Lieberman, Van Guard Clothing company - - cropped image.

1903-06-19 Freimuth wash goods - - 1903-6-19 Big Wash Goods Sale. I. Freimuth Places 22,000 Pieces Containing Over 100,000 Yards On Sale. Largest purchase of wash goods ever made in Duluth by a retail dealer. Sold at low prices.

1903-06-20 Dr. A. E. Levinson obit - - 1903-6-20 Dr A E Levinson dies at St Mary's Hospital after an operation for appendicitis. He was one of Duluth's promising young physicians.

1903-6-21 Helen Karon, custom office - - Miss Helen Karon’s Commission Here, customs office -

1903-06-21 Progress Club Jewish prominent young men - - 1903-6-21 Progress Club Enjoys A Most Successful Season. Progress Club Of Duluth. Photo. L. Levy, M. Freimuth, S. M. Levy, D. G. Loewns, N. Ducas, S. Y. Josephs, S. Bernhard, L. Freimuth, H. Levy, Dr. A. E. Levinson, M. Rosenburg, J. Cook. The Progress club is made up of twelve Jewish young men prominent in their local social element. It was formed in 1902. N. Gidding and I. Goldberg are newly admitted members and not in the photo. Charitable enterprises, raising funds for erection of buildings for religious worship. Events have taken place at the Spalding, The Armory hall, and Oatka beach pavillion.

1903-06-21 Progress Club Jewish prominent young men - - 1903-6-21 Progress Club Enjoys A Most Successful Season. Photo. L. Levy, M. Freimuth, S. M. Levy. D. G. Loewus, N. Ducas, S. Y. Josephs, S. Bernhard. L. Freimuth, H. Levy, Dr. A. E. Levinson, M. Rosenburg, J. Cook. - - NOTE D. G. Loewns is misspelled in the newspaper article. Should be D. G. Loewus. Steve Freimuth confirmed this and the 1903-2-1 article has it spelled correctly. Loewus was on the board of trustees for the Freimuth department store. He also was in charge of hosiery and underwear.

1903-06-21_[15] Helen Karon - - 1903-6-21 Miss Helen Karon's Commission Here. She and William Appointed Members of Government Examing Board for This District. - dnt

1903-06-21 Clarendon hotel purchased by Samuel Loeb - - 1903-6-21 Rela Estate Samuel Loeb. Louis and Samue Loeb of Duluth have purchased the Clarendon hotel. West End. from Western Land. - Duluth News-Tribune

1903-6-29 Freimuth and Sattler, baseball - - 1903 Freimuths Beat Big Duluths. Victors Take the Fifty Dollar Purse at Superior. $50 win.

1903-7-1 Marie Sattler, concert - - 1903 Enjoyable Concert Given. Pupils of Bradbury School of Music Entertain in the High School Assembly Hall. Marie Sattler, Hazel Levin.

1903-07-01_10 M. J. Cook - - 1903-7-1 Burglars Raid M. S. Cook's Home. $70, a Valuable Gold Watch and Chain Are Missing. 314 East Second Street. M. J. Cook. - Duluth News Tribune

1903-07-01_10 M. J. Cook - - 1903-7-1 Burglars Raid M. S. Cook's Home $70, a Valuable Gold Watch and Chain Are Missing. 314 East Second street. M. M. Cook, brother. - Labor World

1903-07-05_[11] Helen Karon - - 1903-7-5 Woman Inspector In Customs Office Miss Helen Karon photo. Prominent Official in the Superior Customs House. Sister Edith Karon. - dnt

1903-07-09_2 Samuel Grais, Ponsford Indian celebration CROPPED Tomahawk - - 1903-7-9 Tomahawk: The 4th at Ponsford. Pine Point.Mr. Samuel Grais and William A Spinwall managers, praised and credited for their energetic labors they manifested in the interest of the reservation people. - Cropped

1903-07-09_2 Samuel Grais, Ponsford Indian celebration Tomahawk - - 1903-7-9 Tomahawk: The 4th at Ponsford. Pine Point.Mr. Samuel Grais and William A Spinwall managers, praised and credited for their energetic labors they manifested in the interest of the reservation people. - Full page

1903-07-26 William Anderson elevator operator accident - - 1903-7-26 Leg Is Nearly Torn From His Body. Elevator Boy a Duluth Not Likely to Survive Amputation. - - St Paul Daily Globe

1903-7-30 Louis Silberstein, Joseph and C. M. Polinsky, finger ring - - petty larceny - - -

1903-08-06_4 E. Paletz first peddler's license - - 1903-8-6 Grand Forks Daily. First peddler E. Paletz

1903-08-24_[3] William Oxman - DNT - - 1903-8-24 Woman Fights With A Burglar. Marauder Runs Into Arms of Officer and Is Caught. Mrs Annie Oxman and son Joseph in New York

1903-08-27_5 Robert Henry cropped Tomahawk - - 1903-8-27 Tomahawk: Robert J. Henry came over on Monday from Ponsford and returned yesterday.- cropped

1903-08-27_5 Robert Henry, Miss Grais Tomahawk - - 1903-8-27 Miss Wilkenson of Park Rapids and Miss Grais of Ponsford, were the guests of Miss Florence Beaulieu the past week. - cropped

1903-08-27_5 Robert Henry Tomahawk - - 1903-8-27 Tomahawk: Robert J. Henry came over on Monday from Ponsford and returned yesterday.- - - 1903-8-27 Miss Wilkenson of Park Rapids and Miss Grais of Ponsford, were the guests of Miss Florence Beaulieu the past week. - Full page

1903-8-31 Sunshine, Nellie - - Sunshiners, Nellie Carolyn Nichos -

1903-09-04_6 Ellen Marcus from Duluth teaching in Two Harbors - Ely Miner - - 1903-9-4 Ely: Miss Ellen Marcus, of Duluth arrived Saturday and at once left for Fall lake where she opened school Monday morning with 26 children enrolled. This school is located in Lake county and is part of the Two Harbors district.

1903-09-05 J. D. Siegel Ad - Labor World - - 1903-09-05 Keystone Loan And Mercantile Co. J. D. Siegel, Manager Jewelers And Men’s Furnishers ad.

1903-09-15_ Virginia Louis Cohen and Mendelson gambling charges in saloon - - 1903-9-15 Virginia: Louis Cohen, a Virginia alderman and Maurice Mendelson, also of Virginia, appealed before the court to answer a joint indictment charging them with allowing gambling devices to be operated in their saloon at Virginia July 4. They were brought into court on a bench warrant and gave bail in the sum of $500. - - - Note: The court dockets were busy keeping order very early on in Duluth and surrounding areas. Gambling, keeping businesses open on Sunday, citizens seeking justice, neglect, keeping a house of ill fame, and stealing liquor. - Duluth News-Tribune

1903-9-17 Abraham Karon Dead, Mrs. Benjamin Kenner, Mrs. Nathan Golden, Mrs. Philip Sher, Mrs. Samuel L. Mark -

1903-9-17 Abraham Karon Dead, Northwestern Iron Metal Company, Louis Karon, Solem Karon, Solomon Karon - "

1903-9-17 Abraham Karon, obit; Louis Karon, S. Karon, Solomon Karon, B. Karner?, N. Golden, F. Sher, S. L. Mark " -

1903-09-17_4 Abraham Karon death - - 1903-9-17 Abraham Karon Dead. Louis Karon, S. Karon-Duluth, Solomon Karon-Superior, Mrs. B. Karner, Mrs. N. Golden and Mrs. F. Sher-Duluth, Mrs. S. L. Mark-Ironwood, Mich. - dnt

1903-09-18_11B Obe Karon death - - 1903-9-18 Karon-Obe Karon, at 20 East Second street, age 70 years. - dnt

1903-9-21 Rosa Zien divorce Julius Zien - - 1903-9-21 The Minneapolis Journal - Rosa Zien Bobbed Up. Julius Zien divorce.

1903-10-3 Guinn, daughter Mrs. and Mrs. Lemuel Guinn - - 1903 Daughter obit. of Mr. and Mrs. Lemuel (Samuel?) Guinn, meningitis.

1903-10-3 Podolsky - - 1903 Three Hundred Are Killed In Riots. Vienna, town Mohilev Podolsky

1903-10-3 Guinn, daughter Mrs. and Mrs. Lemuel Guinn - - 1903-10-3 Deaths - Guinn, daughter Mrs. and Mrs. Lemuel Guinn

1903-10-18 B. J. Cook bus., photo - - 1903 B. J. Cook Rounds Out a Successful Career in Duluth Business Circles. Eagle Clothing company retires from clothing business, sixteen years. New dealings: European hotel, Duluth Dredge & Dock. company. Photo.

1903-10-19 B. J. Cook, Eagle Clothing disolved - - 1903 Dissolution Sale Attracts Many People. B. J. Cook, of the Eagle Clothing Co. Retiring From the Clothing Business.

1903-10-22 Mrs. Morris Daneiko robbed - - 1903-10-22 Woman Claims Boys Robbed Her. Mrs. Morris Daneiko Says Purse Containing $2.50 Was Snatched From Her. 308 West Second street. - Duluth News Tribune

1903-10-31 Zionism - - 1903-10-31 Hebrew Adaptability. Versatility of occupation to support a community in Palestine.

1903-11-15 Superior-Hebrew congregation - - 1903 Sara D. Roosevelt to Congregation of Hebrew Brotherhood of West Superior, Wis. - see the very last entry of this article -

1903-11-17 Mrs. Tillie Rosenblatt - - 1903 Mrs. Tillie Rosenblatt obit. 227 Missage avenue, David B. Rosenblatt, Freimuth dry goods store, Bertha Rosenblatt, Mrs. J. Merele, Charles Fleischer -

1903-11-17 Mrs. Tillie Rosenblatt obit -

1903-11-25 Solomon Sax and Rose Gudell wed. - - 1903 Trip To Europe Follows Wedding. Eveleth Man and Mora Young Woman Are Married in Duluth. Solomon Sax and Rose Gudell wed. Rev. S. Snitzer, Tiferesh Israel congregation, Freda Gudell, Samuel Epstein, Mr. and Mrs. Simon Gudell. -

1903-11-26_15 Rabbi Silber Minneapolis_journal - - 1903-11-26_15 Rabbi Silber Mikro Kodesh Synagogue Minneapolis_journal - photo and article

1903-11-26_15 Rabbi Silber Mikro Kodesh Synagogue Mpls_journal - - 1903-11-26 Minneapolis Journal: The Hebrews. An Important Factor in the Religious Life of the City. Rabbi Silber Note: A good history of the first Jews of 1878 and their settling in Minneapolis. Includes photos of Bridge Square of 1878. Minneapolis congregations: Kenneseth Israel, Kenneseth Israel II., Mikro Kodes, Adath Yeshurin, Anshel Tavrig, Rumanian Hebrew and Temple Shaari-reform. Photo of Mikro Kodesh Synagogue. Rev. Mordace S. Silber-Chief Rabbi.

1903-12-03_[10] Superior H. B. Benesovitz -DNT - - 1903-12-3 Fraternal Orders Elect Officers Annual Selection of Representatives Made in Three Lodges of Superior. Benesovitz, K. M.

1903-12-03_[10] Superior H. B. Benesovitz DNT - - 1903-12-3 Fraternal Orders Elect Officers Annual Selection of Representatives Made in Three Lodges of Superior. Benesovitz, K. M.

1903-12-12 Ste. St Marie, Bessemer, Lazarus Sax stroke - - 1903-12-12 The Evening News -- Lazarus Sax of Bessemer, while out hunting with Gust Ziebar, had a stroke of paralysis, and his companion had to leave him in the woods while he walked seen miles to town for help. Sax was brought home about midnight and is in a precarious condition.

1903-12-17 Helen Karon, charges - - Charges Against Superior Girl, Miss Helen Karon -

1903-12-17_[12] Helen Karon - - 1903-12-17 Charges Against Superior Girl. Deputy Collector Thos. B. Mills Complains of Miss Helen Kaaron to the Treasury Department-Specific Offense Is Not Made Public. - dnt

1903-12-18 Helen Karon, photo - - Her Friends Are Indignant, Miss Karon, photo -

1903-12-18_[8] Helen Karon - - 1903-12-18 Her Friends Are Indignant. Say Charges Perferred Against Miss Karon Are Flimsy. - dnt

1903-12-19 Esther Abarahamson five years old - - 1903 Santa Claus Is In High Favor Youngsters of Duluth and Vicinity Make Their Wants Known. Esther Abrahamson. Five years old. 1215 East First Street. Letter to Santa.

1903-12-20 Eva Cohen, Santa Claus letter - - 1903 Eva Cohen, Santa Claus letter.

1903-12-22_[8] Helen Karon - - 1903-12-22 Karon Cast To Be Probed. Intimated at Capital That Mills May Be Asked to Resign. Helen Karon - dnt

1903-12-27 Jeannette Glassner, J. H. Silbar - - 1903 Pretty Wedding At The Spalding. Jeanette Glassner of Biwabik and Julius H. Silber of Hibbing Are Married. Rev. Dr. Rypans of St. Paul, Myer Glassner, Miss Silber-Milwaukee, Edith Karon-Superior, Clara Shapiro-Eveleth, Mandetta Casimer, Lewis Glassner-brother best man. Samuel Sprisberger, Miss Clara Shapiro-Eveleth, Edith and Helen Karon-Superior, Miss Nellie Jacoby-La Crosse, Mr. and Mrs. D. M. Glassner-Ironwood, Mich. Mina Glassner-Cleveland, Samuel Silber-Milwaukee, Sol Simon-Chicago. Lewis M. Glassner-toastmaster, Samuel Siber, John Mullen.

1903-12-27_7 Duluth News Tribune - multiple articles - - 1903-12-27 Simon B. Sher bankrupt. The Duluth Shoe company - Duluth News Tribune

1903-12-27_7 Duluth News Tribune - multiple articles - - 1903-12-27 The salesmen at the Eagle Clothing company received checks from Mr. Cook in the amount of $125 as a Christmas gift. This is an annual affair at the Eagle and to sort of get even the clerks presented Mr. Cook with a beautiful office rocker. - Duluth News Tribune

1903-12-27_7 Duluth News Tribune - multiple articles - - 1903-12-27 Miss Nellie Jacobs, a school teacher at LaCrosse, Wis. is spending her vacation with Mrs. Ida Cook. - Duluth News Tribune

1903-12-28 Hannah Krojanker obit. - - 1903 Hannah Korjanker Dead, daughter of R. Krojanker. -

1903-12-29 Hannah Krojanker funeral - - 1903 Hannah Krojanker funeral, Temple Emanuel, Seventh avenue East and Second street. -

1903-12-30_8 Rose Karon-Eveleth Mr. and Mrs. W. Simon - DNT - - 1903-12-30 Mr. and Mrs. W. Simon are entertaining Miss rose Karon, of Eveleth.

1903-12-30_8 Rose Karon-Eveleth Mr. and Mrs. W. Simon - DNT - - 1903-12-30 People You Know. Mr. and Mrs. W. Simon are entertaining Miss rose Karon, of Eveleth

1903-12-31 Jeannette Glassner & J.H. Silber wed Biwabic - - 1903 Pretty Wedding At The Spalding. Jeanette Glassner of Biwabik and J. H. Silber of Hibbing Are Married.

1903-12-31 Biwabik, Jeanette Glassner and Julius H. Silber wed -

1903-12-31_8 Jeanette Glassner and Julius H. Silber married DNT - - 1903-12-31 Pretty Wedding At The Spalding Jeanette Glassner of Biwabik and J. H. Silber of Hibbing Are Married. Julius H. Silber, a business man of Hibbing. Rev. Dr. Rypans of St. Paul. Myer Glassner of Biwabik, Miss Silber of Milwaukee, a soster of the groom, Miss Edith Karon of Superior, Clara Shapiro of Eveleth, Mandetta Casimer of Duluth, Lewis Glassner, a brother of the bride best man. Outsiders: Miss silber of Milwaukee, Samuel sprisberger of Chicago, Clara shapiro of Eveleth, Edith and Helen Karon of Superior, Nellie Jacoby of La Crosse, Mr. and Mrs. D. M. Glassner of Ironwood, Mich, Mina Glassner of Cleveland, Samuel Silber of Milwaukee, Sol simon of Chicago. Lewis M. Glassner-toastmaster, Sol Simon, Samuel Speisberger, Samuel Silber, John Mullen –Duluth responded to toasts.

.................. 1904 ..................           top of list          bottom -

1904-01-01_5 Robert Henry cropped Tomahawk - - 1904-01-01_5 Robert Henry cropped Tomahawk - cropped

1904-01-01_5 Robert Henry Tomahawk - - 1904-01-01_5 Robert Henry cropped Tomahawk - f Full page

1904-01-05_[11] Louis Cohen lost horse - - 1904-1-5 Ad Turkish Baths. M. Z. Kasmir proprietor. 310 West Superior street or 311 West Michigan street. two locations for men, and one for ladies 415 West Michigan street. - - - Lois Cohen lost horse, hitched to sleigh, strayied away from First avenue East. Finder will please notify Louis Cohen 828 Fourth avenue East. Phone 1221-L - Duluth News-Tribune

1904-01-06_5 David Casmir - DNT - - 1904-1-6 David Casmir, who has for some time been manager of the Brockton Shoe and Fifth Avenue Clothing companies, has purchas4d the stock of the Eagle Clothing company from B. J. Cook & Co. Mr. Casmir took possession yesterday and will continue the business.

1904-01-06_5 Jack Azinsky second papers - DNT - - 1904-1-6 Second naturalization papers were issued to Jack Azinsky, a former subject of the czar of Russia.

1904-1-10 David Casmir, Cook, store - - Eagle Stock In D. Casmir’s Hands, D. Casmir, photo -

1904-1-15 Lunch, I. Cohen, Abe Rocklin, Edith Karon -

1904-1-17 Edith Karon,Isadore Cohnen Rocklin, Freimuth -

1904-1-18 Brith Abraham Duluth - - 1904 Brith Abraham Installs Officers. M. Zalk, I. Rocklen, G. Orecowsky, M. Markovitz, I. Rosenberg, G. Orick, M. Shapira, H. Feldman, M. B. Abrahamson, S. Bernhard, J. Seigel. -

1904-1-18 B'nai Brith - - Brith Abraham Installs Officers, Zalk, Rocklen, Orecowsky, Markovitz, Rosenberg, Orick, Shapira, Feldman, Abrahamson, Bernhard, Seigel -

1904-1-21 D. C. Casmir, B. J. Cook, Brocton Shoe Co. Eagle Clothing - - 1904 Fine Clothing At Unheard Of Prices. D. Casmir, Brockton Shoe Co., Eagle Clothing Co. -

1904-1-21 David Casmir, Eagle Clothing Co - - 1904 Change Of Ownership Sale. Eagle Clothing Company, 321 West Superior Street, Duluth, Minnesota. David Casmir, Brockton Shoe Co. purchased entire stock. Ad.

1904-1-21 Goldish fish image ad -

1904-1-24 Max Shapiro, trial -

1904-1-24 Ben Horwitz, Ely -

1904-01-24 Eveleth, Max Shapiro building lien - DNT - - 1909-1-24 Shapiro Asks For New Trial. Eveleth Man Would Recover Money Paid Out on a Lien. Max P. Shapiro. Shapiro built a store building at Eveleth for Burchell. Lien attached by Paine & Nixon company for materials furnished.

1904-01-24 Eveleth, Max Shapiro building lien - DNT - - 1904-1-24 Shapiro Asks For New Trial. Eveleth Man Would Recover Money paid Out on a Lien. Max P. Shapiro, of Eveleth, has filed notice of a motion for a new trial and the suit begun by him in district court against H. C Burchell and others recover money paid out on a lien. Shapiro built a store building at Eveleth for Burchell and the other defendants in the action, and it was attached by Pain & Nixon company for some material furnished the defendants. Shapiro was compelled to pay the amount, and he sued the recover it.

1904-1-26 Simon B. Sher bankruptcy - - 1904-1-26 Simon B. Sher in bankruptcy.

1904-1-28 Hattie Shanedling and G. Perlman ml -

1904-2-2 Harriet Shanedling and Gabril Perlman wed -

1904-2-2 M. Zalk, Jewish vote - - Mayo Addresses Jewish Voters, Mayor Hugo, Josephs, Lugoff, Weisman, Zalk, Kassmir -

1904-2-2 Eveleth Harriet Shanedling Gabriel Perlman - - 1904 Wedding At Eveleth Big Social Event. Miss Harriet Shanedling Becomes Bride of Gabriel Perlman. Mr. and Mrs. F. Shanedling of Eveleth, Gabriel Perlman, prominent clothier at Vail hall in Eveleth. - - Guests from Eveleth: Jeanette Shanedling, maid of honor; Mr. and Mrs. M. P. Shapiro, Clara and Lillian Shapiro; Samuel Leo and Carl Shapiro; Mr. and Mrs. F. Rabinowitz, son and daughter; Mr. and Mrs. M. Feldman and daughter; Mr. and Mrs. D. Simon and daughter; Mr. and Mrs. D. Elias and son; Mr. and Mrs. Milavetz, Celia Milavetz; Mr. and Mrs. Ben Gordon, Mr. and Mrs.Scott, Mr. and Mrs. Hipple, P. E. Dowling, Mrrs. Josephine Sibbit, Samuel Dorpin, Morris Rabinowitz, Joe Rabinowitz, Joe Miller, J. Simon, Mr. and Mrs. Max Shapiro, Jake and John Siegel; Mr. Levant, Mr. and Mrs. Jake Schtein, Nathan Schtein; Samuel Rubenstein, Tom Sharp, George Mesberg, Harry Shenedling, Isadore Shanedling, Isadore Duff. Virginia: Mr. and Mrs.Joe Roman, Mr. and Mrs. J. Mesberg, Lillian and Mary Mesberg; Mr. and Mrs. Ben Milavetz, Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Milavetz, Mr. and Mrs. Ike Milavetz, Mr. and Mrs.Julius Shanedling and daughters, H. and M. Shanedling, Mrs. N. Nathanson, Mrs. L. Cohen and daughter; Anthony and Frank Shipley, L. Peterson, Mrs. Hoistein, Mr. Rubloff, Ben Gordon. Milwaukee, Wis.: Misses Ida and Clara Blonde. Sparta, Minn.: Mrs. L. Shurman. Minneapolis: Mr. and Mrs. Meyers, parents of Mr. and Mrs. J. Shanedling. Buhl: B. M. Lipman, Mr. and Mrs. Abramson. La Crosse, Wis.: A. W. Jacobs. St. Paul: H. Rudanskey. -

1904-2-2 Eveleth Shanedling-Perlman wedding -

1904-2-2 Eveleth, Virginia, Shandling wedding, guest Rubloff - - 1904-2-2 Wedding At Eveleth Big Social Event. Miss Harriet Shanedling Becomes Bride of Gabriel Perlman.Mr. Rubloff guest.

1904-2-4 Sunshine Club Superior - - Superior, Sunshine Department -

1904-2-5 Philip Levy, bankrupcy - - Cigar Man Files Bankruptcy Papers, Philip H. Levy -

1904-2-6 Shandeling building -

1904-2-9 Moses Cook hotel - - 1904 Council Hears Report On Hotel. Committee Given More Time to Find Out About Cook Establishment. Moses Cook.

1904-2-9 Moses Cook hotel - - 1904 Council hears report on Hotel - complaintes about Cook's European Hotel on West Superior Street. Unable to distinguish between the hotel and saloon postions of the establishment.

1904-2-12 Jacob B. Sattler, anniversary - - 1904 Anniversary Day Is Celebrated. Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Sattler Have Been Married Twenty Years. 213 Fifth avenue west. Mr. and Mrs. I. Freimuth, Mr. and Mrs. Victor Kohn, Mr. and Mrs. M. Levy, Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Sattler, Emmanuel Sattler, Morris and Louis Freimuth and W. Fanta.

1904-02-12_7 Sanuel M. Kaner second citizenship papers - dnt - - 1904-2-12 Second citizenship papers were issued in the district court yesterday to Samuel M. Kaner, a former subject of the czar of Russia.

1904-02-12_7 Sanuel M. Kaner second citizenship papers - - 1904-2-12 Second citizenship papers were issued in the diestrict court yesterday to Samuel M. Kaner, a former subject of the csar of Russia. - dnt

1904-02-13_7 Moses Cook Saloon - - 1904-2-13 Labor World. Moses Cook saloon - Labor World

1904-02-13_7 Moses Cook Saloon - - 1904-2-13 Moses Cook saloon - Labor World

1904-2-15 Moses Cook saloon - - 1904 Will Hear What Cook Has To Say. Council To Hold Special Meeting This Afternoon and Discuss Hotel Matter. Moses Cook, European hotel license, proprietor of the saloon.

1904-2-15 B. J. and Alex Summerfield - - 1904 B. J. Summerfield, Ale Summerfield and H. J. Danielson of Cloquet, are guests at the Spalding.

1904-2-15 Moses Cook saloon - - 1904 Council will hear what Cook has to say on Hotel matter. - regarding the saloon license for the Cood's European Hotel

1904-2-18 Weinstein-Frank, Edith Karon -

1904-2-24 Ben Davidson - - 1904 Ben Davidson has been arrested on the complaint of his wife, who alleges non-support.

1904-02-27_[8] Louis Albenberg-Detroit visit brother Max - - 1904-2-27 Louis Albenberg-Detroit, is in the city on a few weeks’ visit to his brother, Max Albenberg, 1528 Hughitt avenue. M. Albenberg will leave Sunday for New York City. He expects to be absent several weeks, and will purchase new goods for his store. - dnt

1904-2-28 Eveleth, Samuel Dorfman and Yetta Milavetz wed -

1904-2-29 Aaron Siegel - - 1904-2-2 Aaron Siegel expressed a desire to attend Iron River Trip. Superior Contingent Will Represent douglas County at Tomorrow's Meeting.

1904-2-29 Aaron Siegel - - 1904-2-29 Aaron Siegel expressed a desire to attend Iron River Trip. Superior Contingent Will Represent douglas County at Tomorrow's Meeting.

1904-3-2 Rose Gidding - - 1904 Duluth Woman Hurt In Wreck. Miss Rose Gidding Severely Bruised in Soo line Smashup. ister of J. M. Gidding, Spanish Station, Canada, Canadian Pacific tracks. -

1904-03-03 Eveleth, Max Shapiro, building - DNT - - 1904-3-3 Fails To Secure Another Trial. Understood That Max Shapiro Will Appeal His Case.

1904-03-03 Eveleth, Max Shapiro, building - DNT - - 1904-3-3 Fails To Secure Another Trial. Understood That Max Shapiro Will Appeal His Case.

1904-3-4 Max Zalk, Russian Girl - - Woman Is Sold Into Slavery, Russian girl, Max Zalk -

1904-03-04 Eveleth-Samuel Dorfman, Milavetz - - 1904-3-4 Wedded At Eveleth. Samuel Dorfman an Miss Yetta Milavetz. Married on Sunday Last. Vail Hall, Rabbi Marner-Minneapolis, Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Milavitz parents of bride. Celia Milavetz, Esther Karon-bridesmaids, Sadie Feldman-floer girl. Roman best man. Ben Cohen an Ken Karon-ushers. Attendants: J. Dorfman, daughter Anna-New York. Father and sister of the groom. Virginia: J. Shanedling, S. Milavetz, B. Milavetz, I. Milavetz, P. Hostin, J. Roman, M. Steinberg, L. Cohen, H. J. nathanson, Ben Gordon, M. Sigel, Ben Solosky, Matthew West, Albert Roman, S. Rubloff. Eveleth: D. Simon, Max Shapro, M. P. Shapiro, M. Feldman, D. Elias, M. Greenblatt, E. Levant, A. Cohen, P. Kuehn, H. Shtein, J. Shtein, J. Gordon, M. Nthanson, G. Pearlman, G. A. Jesmore, S. Rubenstein, Mrs. A. Shanedling, Isadore Shanedling, H. Leavant. Hibbing: M. Sax, C. Holock, H. Witz, Dr. Mark, B. Karon, H. Stohlberg. Buhl: Mr. and Mrs. T. Abrahamson and Ben Lippman. Chisholm: Mr. and Mrs. Smokier, J. B. Sax, Miss Dora Bair. Superior: Esther Karon, Sarah Mark, Ben Cohen. Duluth: W. Simon, daughters Miss Sarah Simon, L. Polinsky. - - Virginia Enterprise

1904-03-06_14 Julius Cohen and Telly Karp marriage license - - 1904-3-6 Marriage License. Julius Cohen and Telly Karp - Duluth News-Tribune

1904-03-08_10 Lena Azinsky quarrel - - 1904-3-8 Child Fined In Municipal court. Girls’ Frequent Quarrels Result in the Arrest of One. Lena Azinsky 12 years old sought out a warrant for Jennie Duff. - dnt

1904-3-11 Zalk, Josephs - - M. Zalk, H. Y. Josephs, Duluth Machinery Co., enterprise Brick Co. of Wrenshall -

1904-3-15 Helen Karon, investigation - - Helen Karon Case May Be Reopened -

1904-03-15_11 Helen Karon - - 1904-3-15 Helen Karon Case May Be Reopened. Treasury Department Expected to Take Action to Settle Status In Collector's Office. - dnt

1904-3-20 Virginia, Solomon Rubloff - - 1904-3-20 Creditors Want A Square Deal. Solomon Rubloff, merchant from Virginia, bankruptcy case.

1904-3-23 Mike Azinsky - - 1904 Newsboy Caught Stealing Papers. Youth Is Locked Up and Future Offenders Will Be Prosecuted. Mike Azinsky arrested. News Tribunes. -

1904-3-24 A M Goldish - - 1904-3-24 Marriage With Unusual Antecedents Takes Place at La Crosse. ­­The Globe Wilna, Russia. Edith Cernbreki and Max Brozkin married by Rabbi H. D. Segel, A. M. Goldish.

1904-3-27 Virginia, Solomon Rubloff - - 1904-3-27 Virginia Merchant Adjudged Bankrupt. Involuntary Proceedings Brought in the Case of Solomon Rubloff.

1904-03-29_12Mrs. Elias Siegel gave birth to boy Saint_Paul_globe - - 1904-3-29 Saint Paul Mrs. Elias Siegel

1904-3-31 Fanny Segal, obit. - - 1904 Mrs. Fannie Segal, 630 East Fifth street, obit. Mrs Fannie Segal died of consumption at the age of 34 -

1904-4-4 manual training department high school - - School photo from Duluth or other Minnesota towns

1904-4-4 Charles Walt injured -

1904-04-05_8 S Barkovitch DNT - - 1904-4-5 Superior, Wisconsin: The Hebrew congregation has elected the following officers: President, A. Pomish; (Pomush) vice president, H. Sparberg; treasurer, S. Barkovech; secretary P. Jaffa; trustee, Louis Lasky; directors, A. Averbrook, H. Taran, L. Weinstein, L. Harris, Louis Lasky.

1904-4-6 Solomon Rubloff bankrupcy - - 1904-4-6 Solomon Rubloff of Virginia liabilities.

1904-4-13 Jacob Zien guests of Sternberg St. Paul - - 1904 Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Zien and Mr. and Mrs. Sig Levy have returned from St. Paul, where they were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Herman Sternberg. -

1904-04-14 Max Siegel moving to Minneapolis Princeton_union - - 1914-04-14 The family of Max Siegel will remove to Mpls in a short time.

1904-04-15_9 Lottie Mondschine Charity Ball dnt - - 1904-4-15 Charity Ball Is A Success. Neat Sum Netted From Efforts of Temple Emanuel Society. Progress club-Spalding, The Ladies Aid society. 200 people attended. black and white theme. Mrs. Victor Cohen, Mrs. E. Silberstein, Mrs. Etta Josephs, Mrs. Page, Mrs. Harrigton, Mrs. Metter, Miss Shapiro, Mrs. Bondy, Mrs. J. M. Gidding, Mrs. Josephine Sattler. Guests: William Gomberg, L. S. Loeb, I. Freimuth, M. Levy, P. H. Levy, Robert Marcuse, B. Silberstein, L. S. Newman, Kastriner, Joseph Saddler (Sattler?), S. Levy, Page, J. Abrahamson, Edward Silberstein, M. Cook, Hirsch, S. Y. Josephs, D. Kohn, Victor Colin, J. A. Klein, S. Levine, J. M. Gidding, H. Harrington, Hirshfield, Q. Oreck. Mrs. Bondy, Metter, Sturtezis (?), Rose Gidding, May Levy, Rose Krojanker, Elsie Silberstein, Irene Silberstein, Esther Levy, Stella Levy, Lily Abrahamson, Hannah Cook, Lottie Mondschine, E. Karon, R. Karon, Shapira-Eveleth, Mayor M. B. Cullum, Professor Orat, Antrobus, D. G. Loewus, Summerfield, Hany, Carrol I. O. Boyle, Edward Helperin, M. W. Rosenberger, M. Freimuth. Reception committee: D. G. Loewus, L. S. Levy, M. Freimuth, S. Y. Josephs, M. W. Rosenberger.

1904-04-15_9 Lottie Mondschine Charity Ball - - 1904-4-15 Charity Ball Is A Success. Neat Sum Netted From Efforts Of Temple Emanuel Society. Progress club at Spalding. Ladies Aid society Temple Emanuel. Mrs. Victor Cohen, Mrs. E. Silberstein, Mrs. Etta Josephs, Mrs. Page, Mrs. Harrington, Mrs. Metter Mettler? Miss Shapiro, Mrs. Bondy, Mrs. J. M. Gidding, Mrs. Josphine Sattler. Guests: Messrs and Mesdames, Wiliam Gomberg, L. S. Loeb, I. Freimuth, M. Levy, P. H. Levy, Robert Marcuse, B. Silberstein, L. S. Newman, Kastriner, Joseph Saddler, S. Levy, Page, J. Abrahamson, Edward Silberstein, M. Cook, Hirsch, S. Y. Josephs, D. Kohn, Victor Colin, J. A. Klein, S. Levine, J. M. Gidding, H. Harrington, Hirshfield, Q. Oreck. Mrs. Bondy, Misses Metter, Sturtezis, Rose Gidding, May Levy, Rose Krojanker, Elsie Silberstein, Irene Silberstein, Esther Levy, Stella Levy, Lily Abrahamson, Hannah Cook, Lottie Mondschine, E. Karon, R. Karon, Shapira-Eveleth, Mayor M. B. Cullum, Professor Ourat, Antrobus, D. G. Loewus, Summerfield, Hany, Carro I. O. Boyle, Edward Helperin, M. W. Rosenberger, M. Freimuth. D. G. Loewus, L. S. Levy, M. Freimuth, S. Y. Josephs and M. W. Rosenberger. - dnt

1904-04-20 Sam Helstein, death of infant son - - 1904-4-20 Helstein, death of infant son of Sam Helstein 427 North First avenue west.

1904-4-27 Louis Weinstein, La Follette politics - - La Follette politics, Louis Weinstein -

1904-4-30 Jaffe, Jewish rag picker - - R. Jaffe, a Jewish rag picker -

1904-05-07 Mount Zion Temple window panel - St Paul Globe - - 1904-05-07 St Paul, Mount Zion Temple Is Duly Dedicated. Services Are Held in New Edifice at Holly Avenue and Avon Street. Photo of Window by Willet Studios.

1904-5-16 Louis Weinstein, delegate 5th ward - - Politics, Fifth ward, Louis Weinstein -

1904-5-22 Hibbing mine shaft - - 1904 Shaft At Pillsburg Mie Near Hibbing.

1904-5-24 Eveleth Fayal School site objection - - 1904-5-24 Eveleth Fayal School site objection

1904-05-26_5 Charles Grais business cropped Tomahawk - - 1904-5-26 Tomahawk: Charles Grais, the Ponsford merchant, was doing business here last Monday. - cropped

1904-05-26_5 Charles Grais business Tomahawk - - 1904-5-26 Tomahawk: Charles Grais, the Ponsford merchant, was doing business here last Monday. Full page

1904-05-28 Children's Home for sick, Loeb - DNT - - 1904-5-28 Children's to Be Home Dedicated, Structure Will Be Opened Formally on Friday and Saturday. - Dulluth News-Tribune

1904-05-29_[2] Sadie Cohen and Louis Schenowsky marriage - - 1904-5-29 The wedding of Miss Sadie Cohen and Louis Shenowsky will take place this evening at Odd Fellows' hall. Among the out of town guests will be Miss illian Mesberg of Virginia who arrived yesterday. She will attend Miss Cohen as maid of honor. - Duluth News-Tribune

1904-5-30 Sadie Cohen and Louis Shenowsky wed - - 1904 Pretty Wedding Is Celebrated Sadie Cohen and Louis Shenowsky wed. Groomsman, James Lavick.

1904-5-30 Sadie Cohen and Louis Shenowsky wed - - 1904 Pretty Wedding Is Celebrated. Miss Sadie Cohen and Louis Shenowsky Married at Hebrew Synagogue. 825 Fourth avenue east, and Louis Shenowsky-Duluth. Mr. and Mrs. L. Cohen, Rabbi Helprin, Odd Fellows' hall, Lillian Mesberg-Virginia, James Lavick, 326 East Sixth street. Mr. and Mrs. J. Mesberg, Lillian Mesberg, Henry Shanedling-Virginia, Morris Robbins, George Mesberg-Eveleth.

1904-05-30_2 Loui Shenowsky Sadie Cohen - - 1904-5-30 Pretty Wedding Is Celebrated. Miss Sadie Cohen and Louis Shenowsky Marriet at Hebrew Synagogue. - dnt

1904-06-02_6 Charles Grais merchant Tomahawk - - 1904-6-2 Tomahawk: Charles Grais, the Ponsford merchant was doing business at the Agency during the week. - - Full page

1904-06-02_6 Charles Grais merchant cropped Tomahawk - - 1904-6-2 Tomahawk: Charles Grais, the Ponsford merchant was doing business at the Agency during the week. - cropped

1904-06-03 Sadie Cohen and Louis Shenowsky married - - 1904-6-3 Pretty Wedding Celebrated. Miss Sadie Cohen and Louis Shenowsky Married at Hebrew Synagogue. Sadie Cohen, 825 Fourth avenue east, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. L. Cohen and Louis Shenowsky of Duluth, married at Hebrew synagogue yesterday, Rabbi Helprin, 300 guests. Reception at Odd Fellows' hall. Miss Lillian Mesberg, of Virginia, a cousin of the groom, bridesmaid. James Lavick was groomsman. Will make home at 326 East Sixth street. Guests: Mr. and Mrs J. Mesberg, Lillian Mesberg, Henry Shanedling-Virginia, Morris Robbins, George Mesberg-Eveleth.

1904-6-7 Sadie Sher, obit. typhoid 6 years old -

1904-06-09_5 Charles Grais acquitted cropped Bemidji_daily_pioneer - - 1904-6-9 Benidji: Acquitted of Larceny. Charles Grais, of Bagley, who is quite well known in Bemidji, was yesterday acquitted of a charge of grand larceny before the Clearwater county district court at Bagley. Grais was accused of stealing a number of cords of wood, but the charge was not proven to the satisfaction of the jury. L. H. Bailey of this city appeared for Gris at the trial. Cropped

1904-06-09_5 Charles Grais acquitted Bemidji_daily_pioneer - - 1904-6-9 Benidji: Acquitted of Larceny. Charles Grais, of Bagley, who is quite well known in Bemidji, was yesterday acquitted of a charge of grand larceny before the Clearwater county district court at Bagley. Grais was accused of stealing a number of cords of wood, but the charge was not proven to the satisfaction of the jury. L. H. Bailey of this city appeared for Gris at the trial. - Full Page

1904-6-11 Louis ad Max Glassner - - 1904 Lewis and Max Glassner Biwabik from Minneapolis.- cute, son and father visit between trains.

1904-06-11_[6] Hanah Kaner - - 1904-6-11 Last Reception At Ericsson. room 6, Hannah Kaner - dnt

1904-6-16 I. Averbook and Sadie Schwartz, m.l. - - 1904 I. Averbook and Sadie Schwartz, marriage license -

1904-06-19_[10] B. H. Edelstein brick Opera house Cronin DNT - - 1904—6-19 Lyel Cronin charged with hitting B. H. Edelstein with a brick.

1904-06-23 Edelman Josephs - - 1904-06-23 Mr and Mrs M I Edelman and children of Mpls are guests of Mr and Mrs H Y Josephs

1904-6-29 Karon Kenigsberg marriage - - 1904 Karon-Kenigsberg. Miss Edith Grace Karon and David Kenigsberg, S. Karon, Signor Valenza, Helen Karon, Louis Zalk, Hattie Shapiro, Max Coddon, Goldie Karon, Rev. Mr. Truiblatt, S. L. Mark, Sadie and May MarkEtta and Esther Coddon, Max Coddon, Mr. and Mrs. Shapiro, Mr. and Mrs. Goldeen, Mr. and Mrs. B. Kaner, Mr. and Mrs. S?, Mr. and Mrs. Bloom, Mr. and Mrs. Sher, Mr. and Mrs. Mark Britz, Milton Rosenberger, J. L. Zalk, E. Helperin and Ben Shapiro -

1904-6-29 Edith Grace Karon David ,Kensingsberg wed - - Edith Grace Karon-David Kenigsberg wed, Louis Zalk groomsman, Helen Karon maid of honor -

1904-06-29_[6] Edith Karon, David Kenigsberg marry, Heleln Karon - - 1904-6-29 Karon-Kenigsberg wedding Edith Grace Karon and David Kenigsberg. marry. - dnt

1904-6-30 Solomon Taran - - 1904 Wants Money Or Its Equivalent. Solomon Taran Has Peter Miller Arrested on Larcen7y Charge. -

1904-7-3 Kenisberg wed. - - 1904 Edith Karon and John Kenigsberg wedding, S. Karon, Helen Karon, Louis Zalk, Mr. and Mrs. Kenigsberg, Mr. and Mrs. E. Siegel, Mr. and Mrs. H. Mark, Miss Sarah Mark, Miss Rose Cohen, Julius Cohen, Sam Cohen, B. Cohen, Isadore Cohen, Sadie and May Mark, Etta and Esther Codden, Mr. and Mrs. Shapiro, Mr. and Mrs. Goldeen, Mr. and Mrs. B. Kaner, Mr. and Mrs. Somerheld, Mr. and Mrs. Bloom, Mr. and Mrs. Sher, M. and Mrs. Mark Britz, Max Coddon, N. Rochstein, Milton Rosenberger, E. Helpern, Ben Shapiro. -

1904-7-3 Edith Karon and John K. wedding -

1904-7-7 Goldish - La Crosse, WS - - 1904-7-7 Mrs Bella Goldish of Winona sues for $10,000 claiming brother-in-law has alienated the affections of her husband

1904-07-07_4 Aaron Karon - - 1904-7-7 Hibbing: Win Powers of Odd Fellows Will Conduct Installation of Officers. Independent Order of Odd Fellows. Hibbing lodge No. 245. Aaron Karon, vice grand. - Duluth News-Tribune

1904-07-08 Lillian Mesberg and James Lavick invitations - - 1904-7-8 Invitations issued this week announce the approaching marriage of Miss Lillian Mesberg, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. Mesberg, to Mr. James Lavick, of Duluth at the Korby Hall on Sunday, July 24, at 5:00 o'clock.

1904-07-26 Lillian Mesberg and James Lavick wed - - 1904-7-26 Virginia: Jewish Wedding Is Attended By Many. Miss Lena Mesberg and James Lavik Become Man and Wife at Virginia. Eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James Lavick, James Lavick of Duluth. Rabbi I. Wyner-Eveleth, Evyline Shanedling, Tutu Greenbladt –daughter of Henry Greenbladt of Hibbing, Clara Belond-Milwaukee, Nellie Lavick, Eva Casmir-Duluth, Celia Milavets-Eveleth, George Mesberg-Eveleth, J. Sax of Hibbing, Benjamin Lippmann of Buhl, Samuel Lavick-Duluth. Guests from Duluth, Superior, St. Paul, Chicago, iron range towns.

1904-8-4 Dave Casmir - - Selling Out, David C. Casmir, photo, Eagel Clothing and Shoe House -

1904-08-07 S. Bernhard - - 1904-8-7 S. Bernard. photo. Cloak and Suit store. From Colorado. Moved to Duluth. In 1902. Note: he became the president of Brith Abraham, Zenith City Lodge 353

1904-8-25 Lillian Cohen - - 1904 Lillian Cohen is appointed associate professor ad a member of the faculty at the University of Minnesota.

1904-9-2 H. Woller, Polinsky, second hand dealers - - 1904 H. Woller, Polinsky, second hand store, 1st column.

1904-9-2 Mr. and Mrs. S. Sax, personals - - 1904 Eveleth: Personals, Mr. and Mrs. S. Sax -

1904-09-02_6 Ellen Marcus opens school - Ely Miner - - 1904-9-2 Ellen Marcus opens school. From Duluth, going to Fall Lake district.

1904-09-02_6 Ellen Marcus opens school - Ely Miner - - 1904-9-2 Ely: Miss Ellen Marcus returned from Duluth Saturday and opened school in the Fall Lake district Monday

1904-9-5 Superior, Rabbi Zeprenblogt, medication -

1904-9-5 Rabbi Isaac Zeprenblogt - - 1904 Rabbi Drinks Carbolic Acid. Mistakes Deadly Drug for Medicine and Nearly Ends Life. Rabbi Isaac Zeprenblogt of Superior Hebrew Church. 609 Hammond avenue 1904 Superior, Rabbi Isaac Zeprenbloght, medication, Rabbi Drinks Carbolic Acid, Mistakes Deadly Drug for Medicine and Nearly Ends Life. -

1904-9-5 Superior, Rabbi Zeprenblogt, medication -

1904-09-05_[3] Rabbi Isaac Zeprenblogt Superior Hebrew synagogue DNT - - 1904-9-5 Rabbi Zepronblogt Is Much Improved. Superior, WI

1904-09-06_[6] Rabbi Isaac Zeprenblogt DNT - - 1904-9-6 Rabbi Drinks Carbolic Acid. Mistakes Deadly Drug for Medicine and Nearly Ends Life.Superior, WI.

1904-09-08_5 Jewish year book for 1904 Hebrew population 10,93277 - - 1904-9-8 Nearly Eleven Million Hebrews. New York. A year book just issued for the period from Sept. 10, 1904, to Sept. 29, 1905, the Jewish year 5665, contains statistics showing that the Hebrew population of the world is now 10,932,401; Austria-Hungary 2,076,378 and the United States 1,253,218. Germany comes next with 586,948 and then Turkey with 466,361. Of the 600,000 Jews credited to the state of New York, about 500,000 are residents of New York city. - - This is why Duluth's Jewish population went up!

1904-9-9 Superior, Jewish New Year - - 1904 Superior: Are Celebrating Jewish New Year 5665. Superior Hebrews Begin Observation Tonight-Important Event Among Jews. 603 Hammond avenue. Rabbi Isaac Tremblatt. -

1904-09-09_7 Rabbi Silber returns to Duluth after 2 years of study DNT - - 1904-9-9 Will Preach His Inaugural Sermon. Rabbi Silber Returns to Temple Emanuel After Two Year’s Absence. Mendel Silber studied at Hebrew Union College in Cincinnati.

1904-9-10 Mrs. Moses Cook obit - - 1904 Cook-Mrs. Moses Cook of 314 East Second street, age 20 (or 29 perhaps) years. Funeral at family residence 2 p.m. today.

1904-9-12 Sigmund Abraham visit - - 1904 Superior Brevities. Sigmund Abraham of Minneapolis, is the guest of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lee Abraham. Sixteenth street

1904-9-20 Solomon Rubloff final papaers - - 1904-9-20 Solomon Rubloffof Russia final papers granted.

1904-9-22 Adas Israel court - - 1904 Pearson & Fawcett vs. Adas Israel Chevri Kodisha. -

1904-9-22 Kenigsberg - - 1904 Mrs B. Kenigsberg of Pak Point entertained -

1904-9-25 Rubloff building, Shandling - - 1904-9-25 The Women’s Aid society of the Swedish-Lutheran church hold fair and festial in former Rubloff store building.

1904-9-25 Rubloff building, Shandling - - 1904-9-25 J. Shanedling and Mrs. Shanedling visited exposition.

1904-9-26 Superior-Marcowitsh, Orthodox Jews Night School - - 1904 Teach The Faith Of Their Fathers. Superior Orthodox Jews Will Open Night School to Be Instructed by N. Marcowitsh, from Dayton, Ohio, born in Jerusalem. Orthodox Jewish faith. 506 Ogden avenue. -

1904-9-27 B. J. Cook Haley's restaurant - - 1904 Much Improved. B. J. Cook Adds New Features to Haley’s Restaurant. Remodeled. Home bakery, bread, pastries, rolls, buns, doughnuts, cakes.

1904-10-2 Superior-Marcowitch, Hebrew School - - 1904 Superior To Have A Jewish School. N. Marcowitsh, photo. Zionist movement. -

1904-10-5 Nathan Kris - - 1904 Marriage License for Nathan Kris and Anna Oreckovsky.

1904-10-7 Chisholm, Simon Sapero, Sax and Cohen, theft -

1904-10-9 S. E. Gittelson liquidation clothing, jewelry bus - - 1904 S. E. Gittleson ad. Disolution of partnership.

1904-10-12_[8] Esther Kaner Benjamin Cohen ml DNT - - 1904-10-12 Superior: Esther Kaner and Benjamin Cohen marriage license.

1904-10-15 Hebrew school mass meeting - - 1904 A mass meeting will be held at 2 o'clock tomorrow afternoon at 22 West First street for the purpose of arranging for the organization of a Hebrew school in the city.

1904-10-17 Bennie Goldberge, Bootblack, wed Dollie Oxman, William Oxman - - 1904-10-17 Bennie Goldberge Bootblack Weds Rose Itchkovitch - Saint Paul Globe.

1904-10-17 Bennie Goldberge, Bootblack, wed Dollie Oxman, William Oxman cropped - - 1904-10-17 Bennie Goldberge, Bootblack Weds page 2 Dollie Oxman, William Oxman. - Saint Paul Globe

1904-10-25 Esther Kaner Ben Cohen -

1904-10-25_[8] Esther Kaner and Benjamin Cohen Superior wed DNT - - 1904-10-25 Superior: Esther Kaner and Benjamin Cohen married. Rabbi Tremblatt.

1904-10-27 Isadore Dorf - - 1904-10-27 Eveleth In Brief. Isadore Dorf returned Monday after a week's vacation in Duluth.

1904-10-30 Rosa Witz guest Sadie Simon - - 1904-10-30 Surprise party for Sadie Simon, Sadie Berkson home, 404 East Fifth street. Mrs. I. Karon-Chisohm, Tillie Berkson, Sadie Rocklin, Selma Kassmir, May Mark, Nellie Lavick, Rosa Karon, Eva Polinsky, Anna Shapiro, Esther Shapiro, Delia Siegel, May Seigel, Nellie Cowrels, Rosa Witz. Mr. Harry Fine, Sam Eppstein, Albert Rocklin, Joe Schwartz, George Altman, S. G. Cohn-Boson, M. Rosenberger.

1904-10-31_8 S. Golberg DNT - - 1904-10-31 Of Interest To Women. Surprise Mr. and Mrs. Kernes. Mr. and Mrs. Solomon Kernes, East Ninth street, Ida Elberts, A. Berg, Samuel Kernes. Mr. and Mrs. I. Elbert, Mr. and Mrs. L. Cohen, L. Kassmir, Mr. and Mrs. M. Z. Kassmir, Mr. and Mrs. S. Kassmir, Mr. and Mrs. D. Simon, Mr. and Mrs. M. Shenosky, Mr. and Mrs. L. Shenosky, Mr. amd Mrs. M. Polinsky, Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Polinsky, Mr. and Mrs. M. Cohen, Mr. and Mrs. M. Rocklin, Mr. and Mrs. S. Goldberg, Mr. and Mrs. H. Capalov, Mr. and Mrs. F. Popkin, Mr. and Mrs. L. Toback, Mr. and Mrs. S. Kernes, Mr. and Mrs. P. Levine, Esther Kernes, Ida Elberts, Anna Elberts Sophie Kassmir, Lilly Kassmir, Harold Kassmir, Harold Kernes, Samuel Kernes, Morris Nides, Sam Lavick, Joe Laskowitz, D. Foustousky, A. Berg. (note: maybe a Halloween party?)

1904-11-1 Eva and Henry Lavick - - 1904 Surprise For Miss Flaaten. Miss Alyda Flaaten, surprise party. Guests: Eva Lavick, Henry Lavikc. Note: The Flaaten family had an orchestra and played at many events.

1904-11-2 Ben Kerney obit. - - 1904 Ben Kerney, 23 years 1901 1/2 West Third street of drowning, obit.

1904-11-12 Goldish - Lost Love - Mpls Journal - - 1904-11-12 Mrs Louis Goldish sues a member of family to $10,000

1904-11-13 Miriam Levin - - 1904 Mrs. Schmied's pupils program. Miriam Levin. 1st column.

1904-11-18 Surprise Party Abe Karon -

1904-11-18 Abe Karon -

1904-11-18_9 Hattie Shapiro - - 1904-11-18 Surprise Party. for Miss Lena Kris. 226 West Third street. Mesdames L. Pass, H. Harris, J. M. Oreckovsky, Altman, N. Kris, Misses Fannie Abrahamson, Tillie Berkson, Sarah Simon, Sadie Rocklin, Eva Polinsky, Sadie Berkson, Frances Light, Bertha Mandelson, Mary Oreckovsky, Lucy Hales, Sarah Maudelson, Hattie Shapiro, Jennie Fox, Messers. Nathan Kris, J. M. Oreckovsky, Harris, Harry Fine, Maurice Nides, Louis Zerovsky, Charles Oreckovsky, Abe Karon, Zion Casmir, John Oreckovsky, Mandie Aberbook, George Altman, Max Oreckovsky, Joe Fox, and Bell Orecksky (Oreckovsky). - dnt

1904-11-20 B'nai B'rith, Rabbi Mendel Silber, Anna Oreckovsky - - 1904 Will Observe B'nai B'rith Day, (established in 1880) Rabbi Mendel Silber, B. Silberstein, Louis R. Frankel, Rabbi Silber, Clara Shapiro, H. Y. Josephs, Anna Oreckovsky, Eva Casmir, Hugo Kohn, Louis S. Levy. -

1904-11-20 Rabbi Mendel Silber Cleaveland Orphanage - - 1904-11-20 Will Observe B'nai B'rith Day. Rabbi Mendel Silber, photo. Who Will Deliver An Address at B'nai B'rith Day Celebration. Covenant Lodge No. 569. B. Silberstein, Jonas Weil, Louis R. Frankel, Miss Clara Shapiro, Mrs. H, Y. Josephs, Miss Anna Oreckovsky, Miss Eva Casmir, Mrs. Gustav Flaaten, Hugo Kohn. Sons of the Covenant fraternity founded in 1842, New York City. Purpose of strengheng the principles of morality and the spreading of charity, benevolence and brotherly love among its members. The Orphan Asylum of Cleveland houses about 1,000.

1904-11-21 Mrs Louis Goldish La Cross - - 1904-11-21 Mrs Louis Goldish has granted a judgement

1904-11-29 Isidore Cohen and Sarah Cohen ml. - - 1904 Isidore Cohen and Sarah Cohen, marriage license.

1904-11-29 Abe Girsgold obit. - - 1904 Abe Girsgold infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Meyer Girsgold, 123 First avenue West, age three months of pneumonia. obit.

1904-11-29_8 Isadore Cohen Sarah Cohen -Coran - - 1904-11-29 Isidore Cohen and Sarah Cohen. Marriage License. I think that this should be Sarah Coran. - dnt

1904-12-11_7 Peter Handlovsky - dnt - - 1904-12-11 Suits Against Street Car Co. George Lord, Peter Handlovski and Martin Latten Claim They Were Injured. Thrown from a wagon.

1904-12-17_7 Moses Maimonides Rabbi Silber DNT - - 1904-12-17 Master Mind Of The Middle Ages. Rev. Dr. Mendel Silber Classes This as Topic of Discussion. Moses Maimonides, the Master Mind of the Middle Ages. Died Dec. 13, 1204.

1904-12-18 Virginia, Benjamin Lippman, Anne I. Margulis -

1904-12-24 Virginia, Mesberg, fire -

1904-12-24_[12] Martin Edelstein furniture store Superior DNT - - 1904-12-24 Former Superior Man Accused of Forgery. Martin Edelstin (Morris) charged with forgery. Charged with setting a house on fire belonging to T. J. Solon.

1905 Sparta - - 1905 Sparta: full page. -

.................. 1905 ..................           top of list          bottom -

1905-1-1 Silberstein and Bondy store - - The Silbersten & Bondy Store, photo -

1905-1-1 Edward A. Silberstein, manager - - Young Manager Attains Success, Edward A. Silberstein, Silberstein & Bondy Store, photo -

1905-01-01_11 Morris Edelstein DNT - - 1905-1-1 St. Paul: Bankrupt Held Under $2,000 Bonds. Morris Edelstein, Charged With Swearing Falsely, Must Face Grand Jury.

1905-1-7 Solomon Passon, infant obit - - Solomon Passon, 9 day old infant, obit. -

1905-1-8 Superior- Louis Sparberg Bar Mitzvah - - 1905 Becomes A Man Among The Jews. Impressive Ceremonies at Superior Synagogue Yesterday. Second Sacred Event in Life of Louis Sparberg. His Confirmation. Mr. Marcovitch. -

1905-1-8 Eveleth, Leo Stone YMCA football team, photo -

1905-1-8 Zionism - - 1905-1-8 Lovers Of Zion Install Officers. Interesting Ceremonies at Terminal Hall-To Raise Money for Fund. Lovers of Zion Gate, No. 75. Goal to raise $10,000,000. M. Shere (Sher?), Joseph Zalk, M. E. Osherman, D. J. Bloom, William Schlosberg. Hatikvah was sung twice in the program. Miss Holzberg, N. Marcovitch,

1905-01-08 Hibbing-Harry Witz, Eagles - - 1905-1-8 Hibbing Lodges Name Officers. Fraternal Order of Range Town Hold Annual Election. Hibbing: The Royal Neighbors and Modern Woodmen of America. Harry Witz, secretary.

1905-1-9 Joseph Zalk, Zion - - Lovers of Zion Install Officers, M. Shere, Joseph Zalk, M. E. Osherman, D. J. Bloom, William Schlosberg, Holzberg, Marcovitch -

1905-1-10 Belle Ami Woolfan and Samuel Seigel wed - - 1905-1-10 Happy Affair At Hibbing. Prominent Couple Is Married With Elaborate Jewish Ceremonies. Hibbing: Belle Amie Woolfan of Hibbing and Samuel Seigel of Eveleth. Harry Witz attended.. -

1905-1-10 Sam Siegel & Belle Woolfram wedding - - 1905 Hibbing wedding - Samuel Siegel and Belle Annie Woolfram - guests include: Charles Hallock, M. S. Greenblatt, Harry Witz, Dave Elias, Max Rogalsky, Markel and Lurvitz; Messrs. William Kitz, Peter Karon, Daniel Mark; Mrs. Jacob Kitz.

1905-1-10 Charles Lavick, bankrupt - - 1905 Charles Lavick, Bankruptcy.

1905-1-10 Hibbing, Belle Amie Woolfran and Samuel Siegel -

1905-01-10_4 Chisholm Rabbi C. B. Groman DNT - - 1905-1-10 Happy Affair At Hibbing. Prominent Couple Is Married With Elaborate Jewish Ceremonies. Belle Amie Woolfan of Hibbing and Samuel Seigel of Eveleth married. Bessie Osherman, Rabbi Bloom of Superior, Rabbi C. B. Groman of Chisholm. Annie Seigel, E. S. Woolfan, Mollie Cohen, Fannie Woolfan, H. Bloom, Miney and Abe Woolfan, Mr. and Mrs. Seigel depart for wedding trip to St. Paul and Minneapolis.Will reside at Eveleth. Has business is in Eveleth. did reside in Hibbing. Samuel Seigel is engaged in furniture tore in O'Rourke building business in Eveleth. Wedding guests: Eveleth- Mr. and Mrs. D. Simon, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Nicholson, Mrs. Seigel, Mike, John, and L. Seigel, Isadore Simon, Jr. and Ben M. Pippman and M. Reet. Chisholm -Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Karon and Rose, Bessie and Lillian Karon; Mr. and Mrs. Levitt, Mose Shiparo, Dora Bear, J. Roman, Mary and Herbert Stolberg. Buhl- Mr. and Mrs. Ike Lewis and family. Virginia- Mr. and Mrs. J. Lindeke, Mr. and Mrs. B. Milowitz and Mrs. L. Kohen. Mr. and Mrs. Herman Nathonson (Nathanson?) , Ceilia Milowitz, B. Gordon and M. Seigel. Superior -Mr. and Mrs. Osherman, S. Karon, H. Bloom, William Woolfan, Himan Bloom, Mollie Cohen, Lizzie Strong and McCullom. Mr. and Mrs. J. Bernstein of Minneapolis. Ben Karon of Stevenson. Hibbing: Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hallock, M. S. Greenblatt, Harry Witz, Dave Ellas, Max Rogalsky, Markel and Lurvitz, William Kitz, Peter karon, Daniel Mark; Mrs. Jacob Kitz. Christian faith guests: Dr. C. N. Butchart, P. Wring, Judge Brady, J. F. Nelson and A. E. Pfremmer; Mrs. J. M. Smith; J. H. Nelson, Thomas York, Dunning: Mrs. Close, Mrs. Ja. A. Healey, Mrs. Eaton.

1905-1-13 Hebrews Flockin Into Land Of Hope - - 1905 Hebrews Flocking Into Land Of Hope. They are Leaving Russia in Thousands Rather Than Fight the Japs. 14,000 record. Note the reason given as an aversion to serving in the army in Russia!

1905-1-13 Israel Viddes and Ben Karon, diseased cattle - - 1905 Diseased Cattle Being Sold, Israel Viddes and Ben Karon -

1905-01-13_8 Attended wedding at Hibbing - Virginia_enterprise - - 1905-1-13 Virginia: Attended Wedding at Hibbing. S. J. Seigel, Amie Belle Wollfran, Mr. and Mrs . J. Lindeke, Mr. and Mrs. B. Milavetz, Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Nathanson, Mrs. I. Cohen, Miss Celia Milavetz, B. Gordon, M. Seigel. Close's Hall Rabbi Bloom Rabbi C. B. Groman. - - - Rabbi C. B. Groman, Chisholm, S. J. Seigelm, Eveleth, Amie Belle Wollfram, Hibbing - Virginia_enterprise

1905-1-15 Vienna, Zionist Congress -

1905-1-15 Virginia, Benjamin Lipman, Annie Juliet Margulis wed -

1905-1-15 Benjamin Lippman photo - - Benjamin Lippman will marry Annie Juliet Margulis of Mpls -

1905-1-15 Superior Hebrew Night School, photo - - 1905 Members Superior Hebrew Night School. Pupils of Superior Hebrew School, photo. The school must have begun September 1904. Principal N. Marcovitch. B. L. Helstein, H. Sparsberg, William Sholsberg, S. Rosenbloom, I. Holzenberg. Look at how young the children are! -

1905-1-15 Robert Krojanker, Roland B. Worthington - - 1905 Local Firm Enlarges. Expresses Great Confidence In the Future of Duluth. -

1905-1-15 Siegel Woolfram wedding - - 1905 Hibbing wedding - Samuel Siegel and Belle Annie Woolfram - guests include: Nathanson, Milavetz, Lindeke, Cohen, Gordon

1905-1-15 S. J. Siegel & Amie Belle Woolfram wed Hibbing -

1905-1-16 Simon B. Sher, bankrupt -

1905-1-17 William Kanner, birth - - William Kanner, birth of son -

1905-1-21 Sparta, Alderman Rubenstein and Gertrude Rubenstein - - 1905 Sparta In Brief. Alderman Rubenstein and daughter Gertrude were Eveleth visitors yesterday. -

1905-1-22 Virginia, Benjamin M. Lippman , Margulis wed - - Miss Anna Margulis will marry Range man Benjamin Lippman -

1905-1-22 Virginia, Benjamin M. Lippman , Margulis wed -

1905-1-24 Frank Popkin, Russian account - - Glad He’s Free From The Czar, Frank Popkin -

1905-1-27 Passon obit. - - 1905 Passon infant of Mr. and Mrs. SolomonPasson 18 1/2 East Second street, aged 9 days, obit.

1905-1-28 Pauline Latts and Arthur Levinson Latts ml - - 1905-1-28 Arthur Levinson and Pauline Latts, marriage licenses.

1905-01-28 Arthur Levinson Pauline Latts ml - - 1905-1-28 Arthur Levinson and Pauline Latts issued marriage licenses.

1905-2-4 Eveleth cemetery - - 1905-2-4 Taxpayers Want Water Board. Eveleth Business Men Hold Mass Meeting and Discuss Municipal Affairs. Solomon Sax, securing cemetery for a grounds.

1905-2-7 George L. Spangler sues Joseph Oreckovsky - - 1905 Wants His Share For Tip On Stocks, George L. Spangler Sues Joseph Oreckovsky For $1050. -

1905-2-10 Robert Krojanker, robbers - - 1905 Robbers Steal Valuable Furs. Burglars Enter Krojanker's Store and Escape With Their Plunder. -

1905-2-11 R. Krojanker, burglary - - 1905 Fur Robbers Still At Large. R Krojanker Unable to Determine Exact Amount of His Loss. -

1905-02-24 Irene Edelson - - 1905-2-24 Masque Ball A Great Success. Irene Edelson.

1905-2-25 Zalk, train - - Says Engineer Had Hard Heart, Zigmund Zalk -

1905-2-26 Sadie Fostof - - 1905 Local Knights of Pythias, Grecian Maidens: Sadie Fostoff, Annie Oreckovsky, Sophia Kassmir, Rose Lieberman, Ida Lieberman. Ballet: Sarah Cassmire ?, Sarah Light, Nellie Polinsky, Sarah Polinsky, Lillie Laskey, Esther Klatzky.

1905-2-26 Hibbing, Robert F. Berdie birthday - - 1905 Hibbing, Robert F. Berdie birthday, Range Bureau of The News Tribune, Hibbing, Feb. 25. -

1905-03-01_4 Winona House Furnishing Co - Willmar_tribune - - 1905-3-1 Willmar, MN Ruvin Salamowitz. Louis Frisch, Max Chavkin Winona Furniture Store, articles of incorporation.

1905-03-03_9 Phelps Mondschine dnt - - 1905-3-3 High School Pupils To Give Annual Play At Auditorium Tomorrow Evening. Isadore Monschine (?Mondschine) Leslie Phelps (photo).

1905-03-03_9 Phelps Mondschine - - 1905-3-3 High School Pupils To Give Annual Play At Auditorium Tomorow. Isadore Mondschine - Duluth News Tribune

1905-3-5 I. Rosenberg moving to Hibbing - - 1905 I. Rosenberg, formerly manager of a local clothing store, was in the city this week, removing his family to Hibbing.

1905-3-5 M. Shanedling returns from Chicago - - 1905 Virginia Notes. Range Bureau of the News Tribune, Virginia, March 4. M. Shanedling returns from stock buying trip to Chicago and Eastern markets.

1905-3-5 Albenberg, Max store - - 1905 Albenberg & Co. My Go To Duluth. Crowded Out of Present Quarters, Concern Contemplates Leaving Superior. Max Albenberg.

1905-03-05_[12] Aldenberg - - 1905-3-5 Albenberg & Co. May Go To Duluth. Crowded Out of Present Quarters, Concern Contemplates Leaving Superior. - dnt

1905-3-10 Marcowich resigns - - 1905 Marcovitch Will Leave Superior. principal of the Hebrew night school in Superior resigns after seven months. Note expression studying for Hebrew priesthood. -

1905-3-10 Jacob and Ben Gordon, bankrut -

1905-3-10 Isador Zien ciizenship - - 1905-3-10 Citizenship papers granted to Isidor Zien, 22 years of age, native of Russia. Landed in this country at the port of New York half a dozen years ago, been in Duluth more than two years.

1905-3-12 Max Zalk, law - - Shippers Will Fight The Demurrage Bill, Max Zalk, Duluth Machinery Co. -

1905-03-12_2 Isadore Mondschine high school dinner - - 1905-3-12 col. 1 A.F.M. Custance guest of honor at banquet. Isadore Mondschine. - - - - 1905-3-12 Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Silberstein announce the engagement of their daughter Miss Irene Silberstein to Lionel Troubmann ? of New York. - Duluth News Tribune

1905-03-17 J. D. Siegel fire damage to candy store - - 1905-3-17 Candy Stand Is Razed By Flash Explosion of Gasoline Causes Damages of $2,000 In West Superior Street. J. D. Siegel, proprietor of the Keystone store.

1905-03-20_[3] Aldenberg - - 1905-3-20 Albenberg Returns from Eastern Trip. - dnt

1905-3-21 Henrietta Cook - - 1905 Betrothed Couple Guests At Banquet. Progress club, Spalding, Lionel Traubman of New York, fiancé of Miss Irene Silberstein, Miss Rose Gidding to Max Stern of Chicago, Estelle Levy and Louis Zalk, Henrietta Cook and M. Goodman, Lillian Abrahanson and Jacob Hirsch.

1905-03-21_[6] Albenberg - - 1905-3-21 Albenberg Will Move To Duluth. Big Dry Goods House In Superior Leases Three Floors of the Hunter Building. - dnt

1905-3-22 Henrietta Cook and Goodman - - 1905 People You Know. Mr. and Mrs. H. Y. Josephs invitations for dancing party at Masonic hall, Miss Henrietta Cook and M. Goodman to be honored. Mrs. Ida Cook issued invitations for the marriage of her daughter Miss Henrietta to M. Goodman. Wedding to take place at home, 109 Second avenue east.

1905-3-23 Rose Gidding and Max Stern wed - - 1905 Miss Rose Gidding Becomes A Bride. Her Wedding to Max Stern Last Evening a Very Pretty Event. 1405 East Superior, Rev. Mendel Silber, Benjamin A. Gidding, Joseph Gadding-Pennsylvania. Elsie Silberstein, Nathaniel Gidding, Irene Silberstein.-, Mr. and Mrs. Stern home in Chicago. -

1905-3-24 Cook and Goodman party - - 1905 Dancing Party For Miss Cook-Mr. Goodman. Mr. and Mrs. H. Y. Josephs, dancing party, old Masonic Temple, in honor of Miss Henrietta Cook and Albert S. Goodman-St. Paul. Mrs. Victor Kohn, Mrs. Shapiro, Mrs. Moses Cook, Mrs. Hirschfield, Mrs. Max Shapiro, Mrs. David Casmir, Mrs. P. H. Levy, Miss Rae Finklestein, Miss Rose Krojanker, Miss Estelle Levy, Miss Elsie Silberstein, Miss Clara Shapiro, Miss Gettleson, Miss Josephine Sattler, Miss Lillian Cook. Messrs. And Mesdames: Louis Hammel, Victor Kohn, I. Freimuth, Joseph Mountner, M. Cook, Robert Marcus, Adolph Freimuth, P. H. Levy, J. Hirshfield, Robert Buchman, D. Casmir, Max Shapiro, W. Gomberg, G. A. Klein, Mesdames: F. Mondshine, A. I. Shapiro, Ida Cook, Delia and Rae Finklestein-St. Paul, Josephine Sattler, Estelle Levy, Clara Shapiro, Irene Silberstein, Elsie Silberstein, Rose Krojanker, Isabelle Cook-Chicago, Ethel Dick-Cincinnati, Alice Martin. Messrs: Mendel Sislber, Dave Loewes, Samuel Levy, Hugo Kohn, Albert Goodman, C. Levy, L. Levy, Louis Freimuth, B. J. Cook, Nathaniel Gidding, M. Rosenberger, J. Cook, M. Cook, D. Rosenblatt, A. Cornfield, Louis Zalk, Charles Oswald.

1905-3-24 Henrietta Cook and Albert S. Goodman, Sattler - - 1905 Dancing Party For Miss Cook-Mr. Goodman. Mr. and Mrs. H. . Josephs gave party, in honor of Henrietta Cook and Albert S. Goodman. Mrs.Victor Kohn, Mrs. Shapiro, Mrs. Moses Cook, Mrs. Hirschfield, Mrs. Max Shapiro, Mrs. David Casmir, Mrs. P. H. Levy, Miss Delia Finklestein, Miss Rae Finklestein, Miss Rose Krojanker, Miss Estelle Levy, Miss Elsie Silberstein, Miss Clara Shapiro, Miss Gettleson, Miss Josephine Sattler, Miss Lillian Cook. Guests, Louis Hammel, Victor Kohn, I. Freimuth, Joseph Mountner, M. Cook, Robert Marcuse, Adolph Freimuth, P. H. Levy, J. Hirshfield, Robert Buchman, D. Casmir, Max Shapiro, W. Gomberg, G. A. Klein, Mesdames F. Mondshine, A. I. Shapiro, Ida Cook, Misses Delia and Rae Finklestein-St. Paul, Josephine Sattler, Estelle Levy, Clara Shapiro, Irene Silberstein, Elsie Silberstein, Rose Krojanker, Isabelle Cook-Chicago, Ethel Dick-Cincinnati, Alice Martin, Messrs. Mendel Silber, Dave Loewes, Samuel Levy, Hugo Kohn, Albert Goodman, C. Levy, L. Levy, Louis Freimuth, B. J. Cook, Nathaniel Gidding, M. Rosenberger, J. Cook, M. Cook, D. Rosenblatt, A. Cornfield, Louis Zalk, Charles Oswald.

1905-3-25 Henrietta Cook wed Albert S. Goodman - - 1905 Miss Henrietta Cook weds Albert S Goodman, photos.

1905-3-26 Henrietta Cook and Goodman wed - - 1905 Brides Of March Are Leaving Town. Miss Henrietta Cook and Albert S. Goodman. Miss Rose Gidding and Max Stern-Chicago.

1905-3-26 Zalk, Josephs, Buchman, mercantile store - - Capital of $50,000 For New Company, S. Y. Josephs, Golden Rule Store, Max Zalk -

1905-03-26_23 Phillip Abramson ml - - St Paul Daily Globe - Duluth News Tribune

1905-3-27 Henrietta Cook and Goodman wed - - 1905 Popular Jewish Maid Is Wedded. Miss Cook Becomes the Bride of Albert Goodman, of St. Paul. Rabbi Mendel Silber, Rabbi Tipplets, Mrs. H. Y. Josephs, Hatti Shapiro, Estelle Levy, Delia Finklestein, Maymie Gittleson, Louis Goodman, Louis Zalk, Julius Cook, S. Y. Josephs, B. J. Cook, Sylia Josephs, Ray Cook, Miss Levy, Mrs. Josephs, Miss Gittleson, Miss Finklestein, Miss Shapiro. Mr. Goodman is engaged in the wholesale jewelry business. Guests: Messrs. And Mesdames: L. Nathan, Jacob Bernstein, Albert Shapiro, Mrs. M. Shapiro, Mrs. I. Jacobs, Miss Delia Finklestein. Miss Rae Finklestin, Miss Hattie Shapiro, Morris Goodman, Louis Finklestein, Harry Goodman-St. Paul. Miss Lillian Cook-Chicago, Miss Rose Cohn, A. Cohn, Isadore Cohn-Superior.

1905-3-27 Henrietta Cook Albert Goodman wedding - - Popular Jewish Maid Is Wedded, Henrietta Cook and Albert Goodman -

1905-4-4 S. Karon, tot lost - - headline -

1905-4-6 B. J. Cook, refuse service to negro - - 1905 Negro Wins Suit Against Cook. Retauranteur Must Pay Henry C. Richardson $25 for Failing To Serve Him. J. Cook, proprietor of restaurant at 214 West Superior street.

1905-4-8 P. Vertelney - - 1905-4-8 Two Men Held To Grand Jury. Larceny In First Degree Is Charge Against Fisher and Daniels. P. Vertelney, junk dealer, 209 Lake avenue south.

1905-04-21 daughter born to Mr and Mrs James Lavick - - 1905-4-21 Virginia Items. Born to Mr. and Mrs. James Lavick of this city April 18, a daughter. Mrs. Lavick was formerly Miss Lillie Mesberg. - - Virginia Enterprise

1905-04-21 three news articles - - 1905-4-21 New spring and summer shirts just arrived at Levin's. - - 1905-4-21 Easter bonnets at Levin's. - - 1905-4-21 Jacob Stein attended to business matters in Duluth the first of the week - - Virginia Enterprise

1905-04-21 Mr and Mrs James Lavick daughter cropped - - 1905-4-21 A bright little daughter filed an appearance at the home of Mr. and Mrs. James Lavick on Tuesday. - - Virginia Enterprise

1905-04-22_11 Lottie Mondschine 420 Sixth Ave - - 1905-4-22 People You Know. Miss Lottie Modschine of 420 Sixth Avenue West has returned from a trip south. - Duluth News Tribune

1905-04-28 North Star Liquor Lewis Helstein & John Helstein - - 1905-4-28 New Incorporations. North Star Liquor company; capital stock, $25,000; incorporators. M. Rachlin, Lewis Helstein, and John Helstein.

1905-4-30 Mrs. Oreck Indian photo - - 1905-4-30 Members Of Indian Village At Y.M.C.A. World's Fair Given Last Week. Photo Mrs. Oreck in Indian costume.

1905-5-2 Cincinnati, B'nai B'rith Cleveland Orphanage - - 1905-5-2 B'nai B'rith Grand Lodge Convention On. Cincinnati, Ohio. 53rd grand lodge convention. orphanage asylum supported by the order at Cleveland was overcrowded. Suggested a new asylum be instituted at Kansas City.

1905-5-10 Abe Lavant - - 1905 Abe Lavant Is Again In Toils. Paroled Prisoner Now Charged With Selling Beer Without a License. -

1905-05-10_[6] E. H. Edelstein fire five children and wife rescued DNT - - 1905-5-10 Home In Flames; Family Is Saved. E. H. Edelstein, Wife and Five Children Have Narrow Escape From Death.

1905-5-12 Abe Levant - - 1905 Abe Levant Is Sent To Prison. stealing a horse. -

1905-5-12 Annex, I Freimuth - - Annex To Store On Superior St., I. Freimuth, merchant -

1905-5-14 Golden Rule, Max Zalk - - Throng In Store On Opening Day, The Golden Rule, S. Y. Josephs, H. Y. Josephs, Max Zalk, R. Buckman -

1905-5-17 Eagle Clothing Co. B. J. Cook sale - - 1905 Big Building Sale. Eagle Clothing Co., B. J. Cook, four story brick building on Superior street between Second and Third avenues West.

1905-05-20 Pain is a moral guidance rabbi Silber DNT - - 1905-5-20 “the Mystery of Pain.” Rabbi Mandel Silber, a moral guidance rather than a visitation of the wrath of an angry God.

1905-5-23 Mr. and Mrs. I. Rosenberg - - 1905-5-23 Hibbing: Mr. and Mrs. Israel Rosenberg will go to Mountain Iron for Jewish wedding, Miss Ethel Litman and Ben J. Bankman wed. - - cropped image

1905-5-23 Silberstein & Bondy Co sale - - 1905-5-23 Things Beautiful In White. Silbertein & Bondy Co. Sale. - - cropped image

1905-5-23 Lippman and Bankman - - 1905 Mr. and Mrs. Israel Rosenberg, Mountain Iron, wedding for Miss Ethel Lippman and Ben J. Bankman. - - cropped image

1905-5-27 Hebrew cemetery meeting - - 1905 The Hebrew Cemetery association held meeting at Hebrew Synagogue, corner of Sixth street and Hammond avenue. passing by-laws and regulations governing the cemetery.

1905-5-31 P. Handlovsky runaway wagon - - 1905 P. Handlovsky delivery wagon, second hand dealer of lower Tower avenue, ran away a mile.

1905-6-2 Eli Woolfan - - Hibbing Briefs - E. S. Wolfan critically ill, recently improving -

1905-06-02_4 Julius Abrahamson legal - - 1905-6-2 Julius Abrahamson 112 West Superior street. - Duluth News Tribune

1905-06-02_4 M. Daneiko second hand store 626 W. Superior St - - 1905-6-2 M. Daneiko, second hand store 626 West Superior St. col. 1 - Duluth News Tribune

1905-06-03_[8] Joseph Handlovsky - dnt - - 1905-6-3 Superior: Joseph Handlovsky and David Cohen 12 year old Superior boys charged with breaking into Michael Sher's stor on Sixth street. 2 boxes of candy.

1905-06-03_[12] Rabbi Silber DNT - - 1905-6-3 Rabbi Is Opposed To Intermarriage. Rev. Dr. Mendel Silber Tells His Duluth Congregation That He Sees In It Race Suicide and a Desertion From the Battle Jews Have Been Place Here to Fight. Photo Duluth Rabbi Who Takes Decided Stand on Inter-Marriage Question.

1905-06-03_[12] Rabbi Silber DNT - - 1905-6-3 Rabbi Is Opposed To intermarriage. Rev. Dr. Mendel Silber Tells His Duluth Congregation…

1905-6-8 Eveleth, Oddfellows, David Simon -

1905-6-11 Israel Rosenberg - - 1905-6-11 Hebrew, Mesaba range, Birth of Abraham, S. Levinson, Israel Rosenberg. June 15, 1905 will be an institute. - - cropped image

1905-06-11 Jeannete Gomberg - - 1905-6-11 Rabbi Silber To Confirm Class. Impressive Ceremony Will Mark Rites at Temple Emanuel. Jeannette Gomberg. Jennie J. Cowl, Enid Freimuth, Rudolph Freimuth, Samuel Gingold, Victor L. Levin, Herman Levy, Isador Levy. Mrs. J. Mautner. Mrs. H. Y. Josephs.

1905-06-12_5 Rabbi Silber hired for another year. increased salary DNT - - 1905-6-12 Rabbi Silber Is Re-elected. Temple Emanuel. Leaves for Philadelphia, PA to preach opening sermon at Israel Synagogue annual National Jewish convention. Will supervise publication of work that he wrote “The Jewish Renaissance”.

1905-06-17 Popkin - - 1905-6-17 Impending Fines Bring Out Cash. Dealers Arraigned For Dong Business Without License Secure Papers, S. Karon, Sm Weiner, Roy Edelstein S. Helstein, H. Kall, Sam Harris, P. Handlosky, S. Popkins, Sam Rosenbloom, and S. Barklousky.

1905-06-17_[6] Second Hand dealers without licenses. Roy Edelstein DNT - - 1905-6-17 Impending Fines Bring Out Cash. Dealers Arraigned For Doing Business Without License Secure Papers. S. Karon, Sam Weiner, Roy Edelstein, S. Helstein, H. Kall, Sam Harris, P. Handlovesky, S. Popkins, Sam Rosenbloom, and S. Barklousky.

1905-6-20 Sarah Zalk, graduation grade school - - Big Classes To Graduate, Sarah Zalk -

1905-6-22 Solomon Taran - - 1905 Vest Pocket Change Gone. Matson Charges Taran With Larceny of $200 From Garment Sent to Cleaner. -

1905-06-23_6 Ellen Marcus Stillwater visit - Ely Miner - - 1905-6-23 Ely: Miss Ellen Marcs Left for Stillwater Monday for an extended visit.

1905-06-23_6 Ely Miner - Ely Miner - - 1905-06-23 Deputy Sheriff Sig. Levy was up from Duluth this week collecting delinquent personal property taxes.

1905-06-23_6 Ely Miner - Ely Miner - - 1905-06-23 M. Blumberg, formerly on the Ely Times and also of the firm of Blumberg & Krohn, was in the city yesterday renewing acquaintances. Mr. Blumberg is now traveling for a silk house and sold goods to Ely merchants. His many friends were pleased to see him.

1905-6-25 Lillian Abrahamson & Jacob Lester to wed - - 1905 Mr. and Mrs. I Abrahamson issued invitations for the marriage of their daughter Lillian to Jacob Lester.

1905-6-25 Sadie Fostof, embroidery club - - 1905 Silberstein & Bondy, embroidery club, Miss Polinsky, Sadie Fostoff, Dora Polinski, Elsie Silberstein.

1905-6-25 Fanny Levine - - 1905 Business University Happenings. Fanny Levine, stenographer for J. D. Zion Liquor Co

1905-6-26 C. M. Polinsky, license fee - - -

1905-6-30 Poundmaster, E. H. Pomush, cow - - Poundmaster Has Strenuous Moment, Mrs. E. H. Pomush, cow -

1905-6-30 Hearld Juniors, Salnovitz - - Hearld Juniors Win, Salnovitz -

1905-06-30 Hearald Juniors Win Salnovitz - - 1905-6-30 Herald Jniors Win Salnovitz.

1905-06-30_2 Washington school Rose Guinn - - 1905-6-30 Schools In East End Close Term. Bright Children Deliver Their Graduation program at Assembly Hall, Where parents and Acquaintances Are Gathered to Encourage Them. Washington School. RoseGuinn. Mamie Pearl Rocklin, Mary Sapira, Ether Estertia Shapira, Mae Siegel, Ruth Green, Eva Florence Polinsky, Eva Rachlin. - Duluth News-Tribune

1905-7-2 Eveleth, George Mesberg, wife and baby -

1905-7-9 Haley Rest. sold B. J. Cook - - 1905 Haley Is New Proprietor. J. J. Haley too full control of Haley’s restaurant, 214 West Superior street, purchased from B. J. Cook.

1905-7-11 Sol Taran - - 1905 Clears Sol Taran Of Larceny Charge. -

1905-7-12 Jacob Lester Hirsch and Lillian Abrahamson wed - - 1905 Miss Abrahamson (Abramson) Weds Mr. Hirsch. Bride Announces Engagement of Sister-In-Law-Dance and Reception. Lillian Abrahamson (Abramson) married Jacob Lester Hirsh of Fergus Falls. Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Abrahamson (Abramson) of 1215 East First street. Rabbi Mendel Silber, Mrs. William Abrahamson (Abramson), Mrs. Julius Abrahamson (Abramson), Ernestine Hirsh, W. M. Abrahamson (Abramson), Harvey Petersberger, Mr. and Mrs. Moses Cook, Samuel Gittelson, Flossie Lazarus, Ned Abrahamson (Abramson), home in Fergus Falls.

1905-7-12 Silberstein-Traubmann wedding - - Wedded At Home Of Her Parents, Miss Irene Silberstein and Lionel Traubmann -

1905-7-13 Sigman and Samuel Slonim - - 1905 Club May Have A Local Senate. Missouri Debaters Bring Up Question at Banquet In Y.M.C.A. Rooms. Sigman Slonim.

1905-7-15 Eveleth, Max Greenberg, Henry Shanedling - - 1905 Eveleth: Max Greenberg arrested, Henry Shanedling. -

1905-7-16 Ernistine Hirsch and Harvey Petersberger eng - - 1905 Miss Ernestine Hirsh To Become Bride Of Harvey Petersberg. Ernestine from Quincy, Ill., Harvey is from Duluth. photos.

1905-7-16 Sigmund Abrham visit - - 1905 Sigmund Abraham of St. Paul is in the city visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lee Abraham, 1708 Sixteenth street.

1905-7-18 Sigurd Abraham guest - - 1905 Sigmund Abraham, of St. Paul is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Lee Abraham.

1905-7-18 Mrs. Samuel J. Levin and Frank - - 1905 Mrs. Samuel J. Levin, 117 West Third street. Julius Fran, Pearl Frank-Chicago.

1905-07-21 Samuel Loeb Liquor business L. S. Loeb Zien - - 1905-7-21 Valuable Corner Bought by Loeb. Wholesale Liquor Firm Increases Its Holdings of Business Propery. L S. Loeb, J. D. Zein, S. Loeb. Brick building will be erected. - Duluth News-Tribune

1905-07-25_3 Morris J. Segal patent non-reillable bottle cropped Mpls_journal - - 1905-7-25 Minneapolis: Northwest Patents. Washinton: Morris J. Segal, Duluth, Minn., non-refillable bottles.

1905-07-25_3 Morris J. Segal patent non-reillable bottle cropped - Mpls Journal - - 1905-7-25 Northwest Patents. Morris J. Segal patent for non-refillable bottle. Duluth.

1905-7-29 Tower- Max Shapiro, Opera House - - 1905 Tower To Have An Opera House. Max Shapiro, building formerly C. H. Oppel & Sons, general store. -

1905-8-1 Max Silverman cornerstone synagogue in Superior - - 1905-8-1 Impressive Ceremonies At Cornerstone Laying. Large Crowd Witnesses Exercises at New Jewish Synagogue at Hammond Avenue and Sixth Street, In Which Many Participate. Rev. J. H. Nason, In Address, Felicitates Members of the Congregation on the Fruition of Their Cherished Plans. Photo of Rev. J. H. Nason. Head of Lake Superior Mission, Who Made Chief Address. Mayor O’Hare, Judge Parker, Julius Cohen,, began 12 years ago-1893, 18 members to 100. Rev. Isaac Tremblatt, rabbi of the old synagogue, Rev. Isadore Dorsky, William Schlosburg, S. Rosenblom, Max Silverman, Joseh Konkel, Rev. J. H. Nason is from the Superior Mission. Mrs. Franklin placed box in corner stone. Will be finished in September.

1905-8-1 Max Silverman cornerstone synagogue Superior - - 1905-8-1 Impressive Ceremonies At Cornerstone Laying. Large Crowd Witnesses Exercises at New Jewish Synagogue at Hammond Avenue and Sixth Street, Superior, In Which Many Participate. Rev. J. H. Nason, In Address, Felicitates Members of the Congregation on the Fruition of Their Cherished Plans. Photo of Rev. J. H. Nason. Head of Lake Superior Mission, Who Made Chief Address. Mayor O’Hare, Judge Parker, Julius Cohen,, began 12 years ago-1893, 18 members to 100. Rev. Isaac Tremblatt, rabbi of the old synagogue, Rev. Isadore Dorsky, William Schlosburg, S. Rosenblom, Max Silverman, Joseh Konkel, Rev. J. H. Nason is from the Superior Mission. Mrs. Franklin placed box in corner stone. Will be finished in September.

1905-8-3 Zien, Metsger, Sternberg - - 1905-8-3 Dinner Given By Mr. and Mrs. Zein. - - Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Zein, 131 East Second street, Mr. and Mrs. Herman Sternberg, Mr. and Mrs. Louis L. Metzger. present: Mrs. Fanny Mondschine, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Marcuse, Mr. and Mrs. Victor Kohn, Mrs. I. Freimuth, Mrs. L. R. Bondy, Mr. and Mrs. S. I. Levine, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Moutner, Mr. and Mrs. Michael G. Levy, Mrs. Bernard Silberstein, Mr. and Mrs. Lionel Traubmann, Mr. and Mrs. P. H. Levy, Mr. and Mrs. M. Kastriner, Mr. and Mrs. Julius Abrahamson,, Dr. and Mrs. M. S. Hirschfield, Mr. and Mrs. Saul Goldberg, Mrs. I. Abrahamson, Mr. and Mrs. William M. Abrahamson, Mr. and Mrs. Jacob L. Hirsh, Mr. and Mrs. H. Y. Josephs, Mr. and Mrs. Moses Cook, Mrs. H. J. Hirsh, Mrs. Louis Bondy, Mr. and Mrs. Seig Levy, Samuel Levy, Robert Metzger, Mrs. Scheuerman, Mr. and Mrs. William Comberg, Mrs. Barrett, Mr. and Mrs. Krojanker, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Silberstein, Mr. and Mrs. Louis Hammil, Mr. and Mrs. Herman Heiman, Mr. and Mrs. Michael G. Levy; Mr. and Mrs. Goodman-Chicago, Ill; Mr. and Mrs. Louis S. Neuman-Superior, Wis.; Mrs. Carrie Lazarus-Birmingham, Ala.; Mrs. Resl?-Milwaukee, Wis.; Mrs. S. Phillipson-New York; J. Y. Cond-New York; Mr. and Mrs. Seymour Abraham-Wis.; Mr. and Mrs. M. Albenberg-Superior, Wis.; Mrs. Henry Sattler, New York.

1905-8-3 Zien, Metsger, Sternberg - - 1905-8-3 Dinner Given By Mr. and Mrs. Zein. - - Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Zein, 131 East Second street, Mr. and Mrs. Herman Sternberg, Mr. and Mrs. Louis L. Metzger. present: Mrs. Fanny Mondschine, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Marcuse, Mr. and Mrs. Victor Kohn, Mrs. I. Freimuth, Mrs. L. R. Bondy, Mr. and Mrs. S. I. Levine, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Moutner, Mr. and Mrs. Michael G. Levy, Mrs. Bernard Silberstein, Mr. and Mrs. Lionel Traubmann, Mr. and Mrs. P. H. Levy, Mr. and Mrs. M. Kastriner, Mr. and Mrs. Julius Abrahamson,, Dr. and Mrs. M. S. Hirschfield, Mr. and Mrs. Saul Goldberg, Mrs. I. Abrahamson, Mr. and Mrs. William M. Abrahamson, Mr. and Mrs. Jacob L. Hirsh, Mr. and Mrs. H. Y. Josephs, Mr. and Mrs. Moses Cook, Mrs. H. J. Hirsh, Mrs. Louis Bondy, Mr. and Mrs. Seig Levy, Samuel Levy, Robert Metzger, Mrs. Scheuerman, Mr. and Mrs. William Comberg, Mrs. Barrett, Mr. and Mrs. Krojanker, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Silberstein, Mr. and Mrs. Louis Hammil, Mr. and Mrs. Herman Heiman, Mr. and Mrs. Michael G. Levy; Mr. and Mrs. Goodman-Chicago, Ill; Mr. and Mrs. Louis S. Neuman-Superior, Wis.; Mrs. Carrie Lazarus-Birmingham, Ala.; Mrs. Resl?-Milwaukee, Wis.; Mrs. S. Phillipson-New York; J. Y. Cond-New York; Mr. and Mrs. Seymour Abraham-Wis.; Mr. and Mrs. M. Albenberg-Superior, Wis.; Mrs. Henry Sattler, New York.

1905-08-03_[8] col. 6 Seefield and Albenberg cropped - - 1905-8-3 After spending sometime in the city with her sister Mrs. L. Albenberg of Hotel Superior, Miss Lauretta Seefield has returned to her home in Milwaukee. Seinfeld of Milwaukee who has been the guest of his daughter Mrs. L. Albenberg, hotel Superior, has returned to his home. - dnt

1905-08-03_[9] Zien 131 East Second street, Fanny Mondschine - - 1905-8-3 Dinner Given By Mr. And Mrs. Zein (Zien). Mr. and Mrs. Sternberg and Mr. and Mrs. Metzger Guests of Honor. Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Zien of 121 East Second street entertain Mr. and Mrs. Herman Sternberg and Mr. and Mrs. Louis L. Metzger of St. Paul. Spaulding Hotel. Guests: Fanny Mondschine, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Marcuse, Mr. and Mrs. Kohn, Mrs. I. Freimuth, Mrs. L. Victor Kohn, Mrs. I. Freimuth, Mrs. L. R. Bondy, Mr. and Mrs. S. I. Levine, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Moutner, Mr. and Mrs. Michael G. Levy, Mrs. Bernard Silberstein, Mr. and Mrs. Lionel Traubmann, Mr. and Mrs. P. H. Levy, Mr. and Mrs. M. Kastriner, Mr. and Mrs. Julius Abrahamson, Dr. and Mrs. M. S. Hirschfield, Mr. and Mrs. Saul Goldberg, Mrs. I. Abrahamson, Mr. and Mrs. William M. Abrahamson, Mr. and Mrs. Jacob L. Hirsh, Mr. and Mrs. H. Y. Josephs, Mr. and Mrs. Moses Cook, Mrs. H. J. Hirsh, Mrs. Louis Bondy, Mr. and Mrs. Seig Levy, Samuel Levy, Robert Metzger, Mrs. Schenerman, Mr. and Mrs. Willam Comberg, Mrs. Barrett, Mr. and Mrs. Krojanker, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Silberstein, Mr. and Mrs. Louis Hammil, Mr. and Mrs. Herman Helman, Mr. and Mrs. Michael G. Levy, Mr. and Mrs. Goodman-Chicago, Mr. and Mrs. Louis S. Neuman-Superior, Mrs. Carrie Lazarus-Birmingham, Mrs. Resl ? -Milwaukee, Mrs. S. Phillipson-New York, Mrs. Benno C. Samuel-New York, J. Y. Cond-New York, Mr. and Mrs. Seymour Abraham-Wis., Mr. and Mrs. M. Albenberg-Superior, Mrs. Henry Sattler-New York. - dnt

1905-8-4 William Kaner-cows -

1905-08-14_[3] New synagogue Roy Edelstein Hammond and Sixth DNT - - 1905-8-14 Appoint Committee To Arrange Program. Hammond avenue and Sixth street. New Jewish congregation. H. Sparkberg, A. Holzberg, A. Siegel, L. Larski, S. Rosenbloom, D. Bergstein, R. Edelstein, and E. Cohen.

1905-8-20 Luerzer, artist -

1905-8-20 Freadore Luerzer, artist - - Freodor V. Luerzer, Duluth Artist, Revels In Wild Scenery Of The West -

1905-8-21 Superior corner stone of synagogue - - 1905 Superior: Impressive Ceremonies At Cornerstone Laying. Large Crowd Witnesses Exercises at New Jewish Synagogue at Hammond Avenue and Sixth Street, In Which Many Participate. Rev J. H. Nason, In Address, Felicitates Members of the Congregation on the Fruition of Their Cherished Plans. Julius Cohen, Rev. Isaac Tremblatt, William Schlosburg, S. Rosenblom, Max Silverman, Joseph Konkel, photo. -

1905-8-22 Morris Kaner-horse -

1905-8-28 Hibbing Brith Abraham - - 1905 Brith Abraham met at Power theater in Hibbing.

1905-8-28 Brith Abraham-Chisholm and Buhl - - 1905 Hibbing Brith Abraham, Chisholm and Buhl, meet at the Power theater. -

1905-8-31 Virginia, ag - - Virginia, twice devastated by fire, now a substantially built city of 6000 population - Herman Nathanson is mentioned -

1905-8-31 Virginia, fire, rebuilt town -

1905-9-1 Sparta Mr. and Mrs. Lazarus Rubenstein, photo - - 1905 Mr. and Mrs. Max Shapiro, of Eveleth, have been the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Louis Shurman or Dorr avenue. -

1905-9-1 Sparta, photo Mr. and Mrs. Lazarus Rubenstein (1) - - 1905 Village Of Sparata May Be Moved. photo, Mr. and Mrs. Lazaurs Rubenstein , Village Trustee of Sparta. -

1905-9-1 Virginia central high school photo - - School photo from Duluth or other Minnesota towns

1905-9-1 Eveleth, Minnesota - - 1905 Eveleth: Eveleth, Home Of The Fayal, Greatest Iron Ore Producer In World, Enjoys Business Activity Unexcelled By Any Northern Minnesota Town. - National bank established in 1903. One of the officers of the bank, cashier Leo Shapiro. - The text indicates that Eveleth was moved by the mining company Fayal in order to capture more ore. -

1905-9-3 N.Y. office, Freimuth - - I. Freimuth Returns From A Month’s Stay At His New York Office -

1905-09-03 I Freimuth New York office - - 1905-9-3 I. Freimuth Returns From A Month’s Stay At His New York Office. I. Freimuth returned to Duluth yesterday after a month’s stay at his New York office, No. 4 Washington Place. Engaged in superintending the department buyers in their purchases for the fall campaign.

1905-9-4 Loy Shenowsky, Mooney, photo, newsboy, obit. - - 1905 City's Famous Newsboy Dies. Loy Shenowsky, Better Known as "Mooney" Succumb to Long Ailment. A dwarf, 19 years old, photo, 923 East Third street.

1905-9-4 Isadore Dorf - - 1905-9-4 Misappropriation Of Funds Charged. Isadore Dorf Arrested at Home Here on Complaint of Eveleth Firm. 613 Birch avenue, Superior, WI, Johnson & Hoel, grocers.

1905-9-4 Isadore Dorf - - Misappropiation Of Funds Charged, Isadore Dorf, Eveleth, arrested -

1905-9-5 Loy Shenowsky, obit. - - 1905 Funeral of Loy Shenowsky, obit.

1905-9-6 Sadie Fostoff - - 1905 Miss Dora Polinsky Entertains At Party. 1124 East Sixth street, Sadie Gingold, Florence Levine, Ida Lieberman, Fanny Berg, Lena Rocklin, Bessie Murick, Bessie Rocklin, Sadie Fostoff, Sophie Levine, Rose Lieberman, Rose Wolfe, Sarah Polinsky, Dollie Polinsky, Sheba Polinsky, Sam Goldberg, Morris Kaner, Joseph Berg, Benjamin Gingold, Marvin Chessing, Adolph Rubloff of Buhl, Minn.

1905-9-6 Dora Polinsky, entertains - - 1905 Dora Polinsky, entertains, Miss Dora Polinsky entertains at party. guests: Sadie Gingold, Florence Levine, Ida Lieberman, Fanny Berg, Lena Rocklin, Bessie Muric, Bessie Rocklin, Sadie Fostoff, Sophie Levine, Rose Lieberman, Rose Wolfe, Sarah Polinsky, Dollie Polinsky, Sheba Polinsky, Sam Goldberg, Morris Kaner, Joseph Berg, Benjamin Gingold, Marvin Chessing, Adolph Rubloff. -

1905-09-08_[12] Temple Emanuel Duluth Rabbi Silber War report DNT - - 1905-9-8 War To Benefit Jews In Russia. Photo Dr. Mendel Silber. Rabbi of Temple Emanuel, Duluth. Rev. Dr. Mendel Silber Says This Upon His Return From New York, Where He Was In Close Contact With Prominent Men. Indications Are, He Adds, That the Crushing Defeat of Czar’s Fources’ will Lead to revolution In Nicholas’ Domain.

1905-09-08_6 Bessie Kanter Virginia_enterprise - - 1905-9-8 Virginia Enterprise: Miss Bessie Kanter spending summer in city. Sister Mrs. B. Milavetz.

1905-09-08_6 Virginia Bessie Kanter-Minneapolis Mrs. Milavetz sister - Virginia_enterprise - - 1905-09-08 Miss Bessie Kanter, who has been spending the summer in the city as the guest of her sister, Mrs B. Milavetz, left Sunday for her home at Minneapolis. Mrs. Milavets accompanying her and enjoying a brief visit at her former home during Fair week.

1905-09-09_2 Rabbi Silber askes for congregation support and financial aid DNT - - 1905-9-9 Rabbi Silber Talks Of “Pastor’s Duty”. Temple Emanuel. Rev. Dr. Mendel Silber. The Duty of the Pastor to His Flock. Constant friend, guide his congregation, teach the young, council adult and old. Congregation is oalso obligied to support financially, and make a personal effort for the welfare of all.

1905-09-10_6 Eveleth, MN Bessie Kanter DNT - - 1905-9-10 City of Eveleth information - This was a period of growth for Eveleth.

1905-9-13 Max Silber obit. - - 1905 Max Silber, infant son of Mr. and Mrs. harry Silber, 220 1/2 Eas Second street, aged one year, obit.

1905-9-16 For sale S. Goldish 20 acres house 2 col -

1905-09-16_7 Rabbi Silber science religion DNT - - 1905-9-16 Religion Wins Over Learning. Dr. Mendel Silber Shows Its Triumph In Sermon At the Temple. Temple Emanuel.

1905-9-18 Superior Brotherhood, houses - - 1905 Superior: May Let Contract For New Synagogue. Hebrew Brotherhood. New edifice. -

1905-9-22 Julius Zalk, transfer of property - - Real Estate Transfers. Julius Zalk -

1905-9-25 Workingmen Club is Formed in Duluth, Samuel Slonim -

1905-10-3 Joe and M. Garon YMCA English classes -

1905-10-03_2 Aldenberrg - - 1905-3-2 Big Store Visited By Many Shoppers. Albenberg’s Has Two Floors Filled With Novelties For the Fall Season. - dnt

1905-10-5 Mrs. Clara Oswald, obit. - - 1905 Mrs. Clara Oswald, 510 East Third street, age 67 years, obit.

1905-10-6 C. Oswald obit. , Rev. Dr. Mendel Silber - - 1905 Clara Oswald obit., Rev. Dr. Mendel Silber. Louis S. Loeb, G. A. Klein, Samuel Levine, Sig. Levy, Jacob Sattler, Carl Levy, Charles and Edward Oswald, Mrs. Aaron Heller, Mrs. Ben Heller, M. Mannheim. -

1905-10-6 Mrs. Clara Oswald obit. - - 1905 Many At Funeral Of Mrs. C. Oswald. Mrs. Clara Oswald, 510 East Third street, Rev. Dr. MendelSilber, Temple Emanuel, Louis S. Loeb, G. A. Klein Samuel Levine, Sig. Levy, Jacob Sattler, Carl Levy, Eastern Star, Charles and Edward Oswald, Mrs. Aaron Heller, Mrs. Ben Heller, Mrs. M. Mannheim.

1905-10-6 Oswald obit. - - 1905 Many At Funeral Of Mrs. C. Oswald. 510 East Third street, Rev. Dr. Mendel Silber, Tempe Emanuel, Louis S. Loeb, G. A. Klein, Samuel Levine, Sig. Levy, Jacob Sattler, Carl Levy, Charles and Edward Oswald, Mrs. Aaron Heller, Mrs. Ben Heller, Mrs. M. Mannheim.

1905-10-6 Oswald obit - - Many At Funeral Of Mrs. C. Oswald, Clara Oswald, Rev. Silber, Loeb, Klein, Levine, Levy, Sattler, Levy, Heller, Mannheim. -

1905-10-6 C. Oswald obit., Dr. Mendel Silber - - 1905-10-6 Many At Funeral Of Mrs. C. Oswald. Mrs. Aaron Heller, Mrs. Ben Heller Minneapolis.

1905-10-06 Little Falls, MN Mt. Morris Anna Polinsky teaacher Little Falls Herald - - 1905-10-6 Little Falls Herald. Mt. Morris. Anna Polinsky teacher. School starts today in Dist. 88 with Miss Anna Polinsky as teacher.

1905-10-12 S. Chucker, building permit - - S. Chucker, building permit -

1905-10-17 Louis Polinsky, vice president Adas Israel - - -

1905-10-17 Adas Israel debt paid up - - Church Names Its Leaders. Adas Israel, Cook, Polinsky, Oreckovsky, paid debt -

1905-10-23 Virginia, John Mesberg, candidate -

1905-10-25 Sam and Leo Shapiro, party -

1905-10-27 Sparta, Sam Rubenstein and Ethel Seave - - 1905 Sparta: Sam Rubenstein and Ethel Seave, Eveleth, Jewish church. -

1905-10-27 Virginia, John Mesberg, William D. Beslow, lawsuit -

1905-11-1 Shapiro, Bondy, Josephs, Levy, Lewis, Silber -

1905-11-02 Arthur Witz - - 1905-11-2 People You Know. Miss Stella Swedburg, 3612 West Second street, entertained. Stella Olson, Gertrude Witz, Rosa Silk, Minni Light, Trixy Swedberg, Sarah Light, Morris Silk, Arthur Witz, Isadore Mendelsohn, Jack Glazier, and Sam Bennett. NOTE: Gertrude Witz b: Jul 1892 in Duluth, MN d: 19 Apr 1959 in Los Angeles, CA - Note: It looks like she never married.

1905-11-4 Dr. Mendel Silber, Life of Rabbi Isaaci, Rashi - - 1905 Mendel Silber, Life of Rabbi Isaac, Rashi sermon, Lauds Life Of Rabbi Isaac, Dr. Mendel Silber Discourses Entertainingly On the Great Teacher. -

1905-11-04_6 Rabbi Solomon Isaac 1040 lecture by Rabbi Silber DNT - - 1905-11-4 Lauds Life Of Rabbi Isaaci. Dr. Mendel Silber Discourses Entertainingly On the Great Teacher. Commentator on the bible and Talmud. Rashi.

1905-11-5 Shapiro, Bondy, Silber Levy, Lewis, Roesnberger - - Mr. and Mrs. M. P. Shapiro, Bondy, Rev. Dr. Mendel Silber, Charles Levy, David Lewis, Milton Rosenberger, S. Y. Josephs, and Samuel Gittleson. -

1905-11-5 Rose Witz, Halloween party - - Hallowe'en party, The Jolly Coterie, Selma Casmir, Sarah Simon, Sadie Berkson, Mathilda Berkson, Aronson, Lizzie Helperin, Eva Casmir, Mary Oreck, Nellie Lavick, Ether Shapiro, Bessie Cowl, Rose Witz, Sadie Rocklin, Rachael Oreck, Mr. Becker, Louis Bennett, Allan Rocklin, Harry Levine, Herman Aronson, George Altman, Charles Oreck, Harry Glassner. -

1905-11-05 Rose Witz - - 1905-11-5 Hallowe'en party, The Jolly Coterie, expresident, Miss Selma Casmir, 119 East Fourth street. Games, Dutch lunch. Sarah Simon, Sadie Berkson, Mathilda Berkson. Presented with a silver pin tray. Miss Aronson-St. Paul, Lizzie Helperin, Eva Casmir, Mary Oreck, Nellie Lavick, Esther Shapiro, Bessie Cowl, Rose Witz, Sadie Rocklin, Rachael Oreck. Mr. Becker of Chicago, Louis Bennett, Alan Rocklin, Harry Levine, Herman Aronson of Superior, George Altman, Charles Oreck and Harry Glasner of Boston. ---- Rose Witz b: 04 Jul 1888 in Tower, MN d: 27 Oct 1957 in Duluth, MN - - +Samuel Altman b: 1886 in New Jersey m: Mar 1909 d: 20 Nov 1953 in St. Louis County, MN

1905-11-09 James Lavick cut thumb - - 1905-11-9 Virginia: Nearly Loses Thumb. James Lavick, son-in-law of J. Mesberg, furniture dealer, putting washtub together.

1905-11-09_9 Loeb, Keller - - 1905-11-9 Mrs. J. Keller obituary. Mrs. Louis S. Louis's mother. Lived in Kendaliville, Ind. We could say that 1906 Louis S. Loeb's wife's maiden name was Keller - dnt

1905-11-11 Abraham Cohen - - 1905 Falling Steel Crushes Youth. Abraham Cohen Killed and Mangled at Local Shipyards. 19 years old, son of Mr. and Mrs. Philip Cohen, 627 John avenue.

1905-11-12 Abraham Cohen obit. - - 1905 Abraham Cohen, obit.

1905-11-15 Eveleth, Hebrew Funds collected for Russians , Solomon Sax, Morris Nathanson - - 1905 Eveleth: Hebrews On Range Will Collect Funds. Solomon Sax and Morris Nathanson. -

1905-11-17 Eveleth, Solomon Sax, alderman, cemetery - - 1905 Eveleth: Sax Declares Eveleth Can Build Cemetery. Alderman Solomon Sax. -- Note: A secular cemetery is established about five or six years later in Eveleth. It has significant historical value because there was a resistence to having one. The Jewish population buried their dead in Virginia or Duluth. Eveleth was five miles away from Virginia. If I remember correctly, the cemetery there wasn't established until much later, so Duluth was used. In Marilyn's chapter, she didn't know why one wasn't established earlier. The newspaper aritcle at least indicates that Solomon Sax wanted one and was willing to help establish one for the community as eary as 1905. -

1905-11-17 Eveleth, cemetery - - 1905-11-17 Sax Declares Eveleth Can Build Cemetery for a population of 7,000 people.

1905-11-18 Ad for Gidding - - 1905 Ad for J. M. Gidding & Co. -

1905-11-18 Gold Metal, Abramson, S. Kanner - - Present Gold Medal To Mrs. Abramson, M. B. Abramson, Silk -

1905-11-19 Eveleth, Russian Jews, Solomon Sax, Morris Nathanson - - 1905 $85 Eveleth and Sparta: Is Raised For Russian Jews. Solomon Sax, Morris Nathanson. -

1905-11-19 Duluth, Temple Emanuel Rabbi Mendel Silber, Separatism -

1905-11-22 B. Solosky and Bessie Buckman eng. - - 1905 Bessie Buckman and B. Solosky -

1905-11-22 Frank Popkin, cruelties - - Letter Tells Of Cruelties Of Russ, Frank Popkin, Nikolaef, Russ -

1905-11-24 J. D. Zien, Davidor, retaining money - - 1905 Accused of Keeping J. D. Zien's Money, Milwaukee, Wis. Samuel V. Davidor, speculator and mining promoter arrested, belonging to J. D. Zien of Duluth -

1905-11-25 Zalk theft of metals - - Theft Of Metals Charged By Zalk, Duluth Iron & Metal -

1905-11-26 Bessie Buckman and B. Solosky - - 1905 Bessie Buckman and B. Solosky -

1905-11-27 Virginia, Nathanson and Joseph roman, fundraising -

1905-11-30 Eveleth David Simon -

1905-12-1 Eveleth, John Siegel, Woodmen -

1905-12-2 Mary Rubloff - - 1905-12-2 Lumber Concern Asks Damages For $631. Mary Rubloff. W. t. Bailey Lumber comapnay. Max Shapiro and First State Bank of Buhl.

1905-12-02 Edward Helstein obit - - 1905-12-2 Edward Helstein Is Dead In Colorado. former resident of Superior, furniture business at Hibbing, Minn. unmarried. parents residence of Hibbing.

1905-12-3 son born to Mr. and Mrs. Abe Cohen - - 1905 birth of son to Mr. and Mrs. Abe Cohen, 420 Lake avenue south.

1905-12-3 Mr. and Mrs. Abe Cohen, birth son - - 1905 Mr. and Mrs. Abe Cohen, 420 Lake avenue south; birth of a son.

1905-12-3 A M Goldish - - 1905-12-3 Will Assist Brethren. Winona Jews Decide to Organize and Raise a Fund. The Journal. Winona, Minn., orthodox and reformed Jews raise money to assist Jews out of Russia. A. Hirsheimer-President. Louis Ormemberg-Secretary, A. M. Goldish-Treasurer.

1905-12-5 Joseph Altman - - 1905 Magie Goes After Bellock. Joseph Altman, clothier, West Michigan Street.

1905-12-6 Adolf Rubloff - - 1905-12-6 Miss Dora Polinsky Entertains At Party. 1124 East Sixth street. Sadie Gingold, Florence Leine, Ida Lieberman, Fanny Berg, Lena Rocklin Bessie Murick Bessie Rocklin Sadie Fostoff, Sophie Levine, Rose Lieberman, Rose Wolfe, Sarah Polinsky, Dollie Polinsky, Shea Polinsky, Sam Goldberg, Morris Kaner, Joseph Berg, Benjamin Gingold, Marvin Chessing, Adolph Rubloff of Buhl, Minn.

1905-12-7 Eveleth, Mrs. Milavetz - - 1905 Mrs. Solem Milavetz death -

1905-12-7 Mrs. S. Milavetz - - 1905-12-7 Family At Funeral Of Mrs. S. Milawitz from Eveleth -

1905-12-7 Mrs. S. Malaevitz obit. - - 1905 Mrs. S. Malevitz formerly of Eveleth, age 51, obit. - - Mrs. S Milavetz I think would be Sarah Stoller Milavitz wife of Solum Shale Milavitz

1905-12-7 Eveleth- Mrs. Solim Milavitz obit. - - 1905 Mrs. Solem Milavetz obit. …. Sarah Hellman Milavetz -

1905-12-08_2 Samuel, Isaac, Milvetz, Virginia, Eveleth Virginia_enterprise - - 1905-12-8 Virginia Enterprise. Died From Effects of Operation. - - Samuel and Benjamin, and Isaac Milavetz went to Duluth Tuesday to accompany their mother Mrs. F. Milavetz of Eveleth to St. Luke's Hospital for an operation for cancer of the stomach. She passed away at the age of 51 years of age and is survivied by her husband and seven children, five of whom are residences of Virginia. Samuel, Benjamin, Isaac, Mrs. S. M. Dorfman, and Mrs. P. Hostin. Celia and Anna Milavetz reside with parents at Eveleth. Funeral held in Duluth.

1905-12-10 M. Edelstein fraud DNT - - 1905-12-10 St. Paul: Is Found Guilty In Perjury Case. M. Edelstein, Who Shipped Goods to Eveleth Will Be Sentenced tomorrow. Morris Edelstein, Eveleth, Minnesota, J. A. Clapp

1905-12-12 Joseph Altman - - 1905 Chicago Cops Hold Bellock. Man Is Wanted in Duluth For Assaulting and Robbing J. Altman.

1905-12-13 Joseph Altman - - 1905 J. Kennedy Is Held For Jury. Joseph Altman Identifies Him As One of Two Assailants and robbers.

1905-12-14_2 Morris I. Segal Non-Refllable Bottle Co - - 1905-12-14 New Company Incorporates. Segal Non-Refillable Bottle Company. Gust Levin, William Goldstein, C. Casmir, Charles M. Polinsky, Morris I. Segal, Jacob B. Sattler, Manuel Fernandez. - dnt

1905-12-14_2 Morris I. Segal Non-Refllable Bottle Co - DNT - - 1905-12-14 Segal Non-Refillable Bottle company Gust Levin, William Goldstein, C. Casmir, Charles M. Polinsky, Morris I. Segal, (may be an error s/b J.) Jacob B. Sattler, Manuel Fernandez.

1905-12-16 Eva Polinsky - - 1905 Eva Polinsky, Pupils do well at their recital. Feature of program at Flaaten's Auditorium is Miss Polinsky's reading.Mrs. George E. Budd, Selma Casmir, Sarah Simon. -

1905-12-17 Joseph Altman - - 1905 Bellock May Never Return. Man Wanted In Duluth for Assault and Robbery Released At Chicago.

1905-12-18 Dr. Mendel Silber Discusses David at YMCA DNT - - 1905-12-18 Rabbi Speaks To Christians. Dr. Mendel Silber discusses Character of David at Y.M.C.A. Luncheon.

1905-12-19 B. J. Cook Alderman - - 1905 Cook Has Interests Of Tangible Form. B. J. Cook, alderman representative.

1905-12-20 Robert Krojanker, bankrupt, fur store - - 1905 R. Krojanker Is Bankrupt. Furrier Files Petition In Federal Court Placing Liabilities at $20,248.28. -

1905-12-20_18 Maurice H. Grossman and Sarah Margules - - 1905-12-20 Minneapolis. Miss Sarah Margulies and Maurice H. Grossman were married yesterday at the home of the bride's mother, Mrs. B. Marulis, 1402 E. Frnaklin avenue, in the presence of seventy-five guests. Rabbi Silber read the service and the wedding music was played by an orchestra as the bridal party approached. Miss Jessie Berman was maid of honor, and Misses Rose Fischler, Minnie Friedman, Rebekah Swartz and Miss Kellman were bridesmaids. They were all gowned in white. Nta Grossman acted as best man. The bride wore white silk mull over taffeta with seed pearl trimmings, and carried a bouquet of bride roses. Her veil was held by a wreath of lilies of the valley. An informal reception followed the ceremony, and Mmes. Bertha Margulis, Lilla Freidman, D. Fischler, and H. Friedman assisted. Smillax and silk flags brightened the rooms, and the small tables in the dining room were decked in green and white and lighted with tapers. Mr. and Mrs. Grossman will be a home after Jan. 1 at 112 Bryant avenue N. Minneapolis_journal

1905-12-21_[10] Roy Edelstein ad furniture store DNT - - 1905-12-21 Ad The Globe Furniture House, 518-520 Tower Avenue. R. Edelstein.

1905-12-22 Cohen - - 1905 New Mercantile Company Organizes. Carl M. Wilson, Edward Lasky, and Isadore Cohen, clothing, furniture and provisions business in Duluth.

1905-12-30_9 Feast of Lights Dr. Silber DNT - - 1805-12-30 Feast Of Lights Comes To Close. Dr. Mendel Silber Preaches Impressive Sermon At Temple Emanuel.

1905-12-31 Soloman Sax, Nashwauk real estate - - 1905 Eveleth and Nashwauk: Speaks Of Prospects In Towns On Range. Solomon Sax, business prospects. Comerical clubs encouraged. -

1906-1918 Joe Sattler - - 1906 Candidate A. I. Cole and Party Leaving Union Depot, Duluth, For Tour Of Range Towns. Joe Sattler, photo.

.................. 1906 ..................           top of list          bottom -

1906-1-2 1000 Aliens Enter Duluth Port 656 Hebrews - - 1906-1-2 One Thousand aliens Enter Duluth Port. 656 Hebrews.

1906-1-2 1.000 Aliens Enter Duluth Port 656 Hebrews - - 1906-1-2 One Thousand aliens Enter Duluth Port. 656 Hebrews.

1906-1-3 Samuel Oreckovsky, citizenship - - -

1906-1-4 Sattler Liquor and Co. , fire - - 1906 Michigan St. Is Scene Of $30,000 Fire. Sattler Liquor Company Sustains Estimated Loss of $15,000 and Tom Reed Cigar Company $12,000-Thirty Hands Out o Employment. Damage To Building Will Probably Amount To $3,000. Origin of Blaze Unknown. Department By Quick Work Saves Much Property. 214-216 West Michigan street.

1906-01-05_22 Marriage licenses for Joseph Grais & Jennie Kronick cropped Mps_journal - - 1906-1-5 Minneapolis Journal: Joseph Grais and Jennie Kronick marriage license. - Cropped

1906-01-05_22 Marriage licenses for Joseph Grais & Jennie Kronick. Mps_journal - - 1906-1-5 Minneapolis Journal: Joseph Grais and Jennie Kronick marriage license. - Full page

1906-01-10_8 Abraham Shapiro - Minneapolis_journal_ - - 1906-01-10 Abraham Shapiro - Minneapolis Journal

1906-1-11 Sattler Liquor Co. firemen's relief fund - - 1906 Swells Firemen's Relief Fund. Sattler Liquor.

1906-1-11 Leo and M. P. Shapiro, bank -

1906-1-17 City School, Israel and Sarah Pomush -

1906-1-17 City School, Israel & Sarah Pomush - - Many Pupils To Be Graduated, Israel and Sarah Pomush -

1906-1-18 births of daughters to S. Goldfine, Moses Goldfine, and Isaac Polinsky families - - -

1906-1-19 Mrs. I. Freimuth - - 1906 newspaper article is from the Duluth News Tribune and describes a benefit party given by Mrs. I. Freimuth for Russian Refugees. If you look at the names listed, there is a Milton Rosenberg along with the Oreck, Orecovsky, Karon, Polinsky, etc.

1906-1-19 Dance, Louis Zalk - - Many At Dance In Temple Hall, Mrs. I. Freimuth Gives Benefit Party for Family of Russian Refugees. Many guests -

1906-01-19 Freimuth party for Russian immigrants - - 1906-1-19 Mrs I Freimuth gave a dancing benefit party for the Russian immigrants at Temple hall. Most of the attendees were Jewish. Both Frank Fleishmann and Otto Fleishman attended.

1906-1-23 birth announcement M. Garon, son -

1906-1-23 Joseph Goldstein and Sarah Cohen ml - - 1906 Superior: Joseph Goldstein and Sarah Cohen, marriage license.

1906-1-23 birth announcement M. Garon, son - - Births, sons, Mr. and Mrs. M. Garon -

1906-01-25_11 Fannie Mondschine - - 1906-1-25 Legal Notices Fanny Mondschine - Duluth News Tribune

1906-1-26 Ericson grads., Israel and Sarah Pomush - - Crowds turned From Ericson Many Unable to Gain Admision to the Graduating Exercises, Pomush -

1906-1-27 Rabinowitz, Shannedling, Mesberg, Feldman, Siegel, Simon -

1906-01-27_3 Eveleth, Mrs. Frank Rabinowitz entertained - DNT - - 1906-1-27 Eveleth. Mrs. Frank Rabinowitz entertained a few friends at cards. Mrs. George Mesburg, Mrs. A. Pearlman, M. D. Simon, Mrs. J. Siegl, Mrs. Feldman, Mrs. George Mesberg, Miss Jennette Shannedling.

1906-1-28 Benjamin Silverman, Jewish immigration - - 1906-1-28 Jewish Immigration By Benjamin Silverman, increasing. - - cropped image

1906-1-28 ag cropped, Benjamin Silverman, Jewish immigration - - 1906-1-28 Jewish Immigration By Benjamin Silverman, increasing.

1906-1-28 full page Jewish immigration - - 1906 More Jews in the US than in any other country. Jewish population is rapidly increasing thru immigration from Europe, particularly from Russia - - cropped image

1906-1-28 Benjamin Silverman, Jewish immigration - - 1906 Opinions of the Laity caught on the run - entitled "Jewish Immigration" by Benjamin Silverman - The persecuted of all nations have ever turned to the US for deliverance - 1906-1-28 full page

1906-2-3 Samuel M. Kaner and Sarah Kenner marriage lic -

1906-2-20 Joseph Walt obit. - - 1906 Joseph Walt, son of Mr. and Mrs. Henry J. Walt, 229 East Fourth street, age 11 months, obit. - - Walt would be son of Henry J (John) Walt

1906-2-20 Isador Garon mar. li. Hannah M. Kaner -

1906-02-20 Deaths Joseph Walt - - 1906-2-20 Death, Joseph Walt, aged 11 months, Mr. and Mrs. Henry J. Walt. 229 East Fourth street. Harry John Walt.

1906-02-20_[6] Hannah M. Kaner and Isador Garon ml - - 1906-2-20 Isador Garon and Hannah M. Kaner of Superior, m.l. Hannah Mary Kaner and Israel Garon - dnt

1906-2-21 Cloquet, Isaac Summerfield, Chicago - - 1906 Isaac Summerfield left for Chicago.

1906-2-21 Cloquet, Alex Summerfield returned - - 1906 Alex Summerfield returned home during the week from a three weeks trip in the east, where he has been buying new spring goods.

1906-02-21_2 Fanny Mondschine - - 1906-2-21 Col. 1 Fanny Mondschine, Col. 4 F. B. Cohen - Duluth News Tribune

1906-02-25_6 Dr. Silber and play Sarah Bernhardt DNT - - 1906-2-25 Pleased With Divine Sarah. Dr. Mendel Silber Speaks In Highest Terms of Great Player’s Work.

1906-02-25_6 Dr Silber and play Sarah Bernhardt DNT - - 1906-2-25 Pleased With Divine Sarah. Dr. Mendel Silber Speaks In Highest Terms of Great Players's Work. Sarah Bernhardt. Minneapolis Auditorium performance. Appreciation for the artistic production.

1906-02-26_[3] Mary Kaner marriage to I. Karon - - 1906-2-26 Miss Mary Kaner and Mr. I. Karon marries. Rabbi Dorski. Miss Rosa Stone-Duluth, a cousin of the bride, Mr. H. Karon groomsman. - dnt

1906-2-28 M Bloom, dance -

1906-2-28 Dancing Party, Karon, Rocklin, Bloom, Cohen - - Dancing Party At Temple Hall, Bloom, many guests -

1906-2-28 Bloom wedding Zien - - 1906-2-28 Dancing Party At Temple Hall. Mr. and Mrs. M. Bloom gave benefit dancing party at Temple. Guests: Messers. And Mesdames H. Kassimer, D. Kenigsberg, Max Shapiro, Louis Oreck, G. Oreck, J. Siegel, A. Polinsky. Mrs. S. Karon of Superior, Mrs. Milavitz of Virginia, Misses Helen Karon, Bessie Rocklin, Sadie Rocklin, Lizzie Helperin, Delia Siegel, Sarah Simon, Hattie Shapira, Sophie Winstein, Sarah Milavitz, Clara Shapiro, Bessie Markovitz, Mary Shapiro, SelmaKasmir, Eva Kasmir, Minnie Winstein, Rabbi Mendel Silber, Messrs. Allan Rocklin, Milton Rosenberger, Louis Kanter of Minneapolis. Harry Winstein of Bovey. Isadore Cohen of Superior, Julius Siegel Herman Aronsohn, Louis Zalk of St. Paul, Zien and H. Kernos (Kernes?).

1906-3-2 Virginia, Mesberg, one story building -

1906-3-4.. Synagogue dedication, Rev. Jacob Aronsohn - - 1906 Will Dedicate Synagogue Today. Ceremonies At New Church At Sixth and Hammond Will Be Elaborate. Rev. Jacob Aronsohn-St. Paul, Julius Cohan (Cohen?), Rev. Joseph Wolf-Duluth, Rev. Mendel Silber-Duluth.

1906-3-4 Kenigsberg - - 1906 Mr. and Mrs. M. Bloom, H. Kassimer, D. Kenigsberg, Max Shapiro, Louis Oreck, G. Oreck, J. Siegel, A. Polinsky, Mrs. S. Karon, Mrs. Milavitz, Helen Karon, Bessie Rocklin, Sadie Rocklin, Lizzie Helperin, Della Siegel, Sarah Simon, Hattie Shapira, Sophie Winstien, Sarah Milavitz, Clara Shapiro, Bessie Markevitz, Mary Shapiro, Selma Kasmir, Eva Kasmir, Minnie Winstein, Rabbi Mendel Silber, Allan Rocklin, Milton Rosenberger, Louis Kanter, Harry Winstein, Isadore Cohen, Julius Siegel, Herman Aronsohn, Louis Zalk, Zien, H. Kernos. -

1906-3-4 M. Bloom - - 1906-3-4 Mr & Mrs M Bloom gave a benefit dancing party at Temple hall. Guests: Messers. And Mesdames H. Kassimer, D. Kenigsberg, Max Shapiro, Louis Oreck, G. Oreck, J. Siegel, A. Polinsky. Mrs. S. Karon of Superior, Mrs. Milavitz of Virginia, Misses Helen Karon, Bessie Rocklin, Sadie Rocklin, Lizzie Helperin, Delia Siegel, Sarah Simon, Hattie Shapira, Sophie Winstein, Sarah Milavitz, Clara Shapiro, Bessie Markovitz, Mary Shapiro, SelmaKasmir, Eva Kasmir, Minnie Winstein, Rabbi Mendel Silber, Messrs. Allan Rocklin, Milton Rosenberger, Louis Kanter of Minneapolis. Harry Winstein of Bovey. Isadore Cohen of Superior, Julius Siegel Herman Aronsohn, Louis Zalk of St. Paul, Zien and H. Kernos (Kernes?). - image cropped

1906-03-04_2 Louis Kanter of Minneapolis DNT - - 1906-3-4 Mr. and Mrs. M. Bloom gave a benefit dancing party. H. Kassimer, D. Kenigsberg, Max Shapiro, Louis Oreck, G. Oreck, J. Siegel, A. Polinsky, Mrs. S. Karon of Superior, Mrs. Milavitz of Virginia, Helen Karon, Bessie Rocklin, Sadie Rocklin, Lizzle Helperin, Della Siegel, Sarah Simon, Hattie Shapria (Shapira?) Sophie Winstien, Sarah Milavitz, Clara Shapiro, Bessie Markezitz (Marewitz?) Mary Shapiro, Selma Kasmir, Eva Kasmir, Minnie Winstein. Rabbi Mendel Silber, Allan Rocklin, Milton Rosenberger, Louis Kanter of Minneapolis, Harry Winstein of Bovey, Isadore Cohen of Superior, Julius Siegel, Herman Aronsohn, Louis Zalk of St. Paul, Zien and H. Hernos. Full page

1906-03-04_2 Louis Kanter of Mpls cropped DNT - - 1906-3-4 Mr. and Mrs. M. Bloom gave a benefit dancing party. H. Kassimer, D. Kenigsberg, Max Shapiro, Louis Oreck, G. Oreck, J. Siegel, A. Polinsky, Mrs. S. Karon of Superior, Mrs. Milavitz of Virginia, Helen Karon, Bessie Rocklin, Sadie Rocklin, Lizzle Helperin, Della Siegel, Sarah Simon, Hattie Shapria (Shapira?) Sophie Winstien, Sarah Milavitz, Clara Shapiro, Bessie Markezitz (Marewitz?) Mary Shapiro, Selma Kasmir, Eva Kasmir, Minnie Winstein. Rabbi Mendel Silber, Allan Rocklin, Milton Rosenberger, Louis Kanter of Minneapolis, Harry Winstein of Bovey, Isadore Cohen of Superior, Julius Siegel, Herman Aronsohn, Louis Zalk of St. Paul, Zien and H. Hernos. cropped

1906-3-6 daughter born to Mr. and Mrs. Phillip Cohen - - 1906 birth of daughter to Mr. and Mrs. Phillip Cohen.

1906-03-06 Hibbing-Louis Helstein new Jewish synagogue - - 1906-3-6 Louis Hestein returned to Hibbing yesterday morning after attending the dedication of the new Jewish synagogue.

1906-03-06 Hibbing Mrs. E. S. Nides and Nathan Nides - - 1906-3-6 Mrs. E. S. Nides and Nathan Nides have returned to Hibbing after spending a few days in the city.

1906-3-7 Superior, Philip D. Shapira and Bessie Revelsky, m. lic. - - 1906 Superior, Philip D. Shapira and Bessie Revelsky marriage license -

1906-3-10 Albert Schultz burglery, Sattler Saloon - - 1906 Burglar Suspet Is Under Arrest. Albert Schultz Taken In Rear End of Saloon When Owner Opened Up. Sattler

1906-3-10 Zionism - - 1906-3-10 Max Nordau Speaks Ringing Words. Says History Has Not Made An Onward Step for Jews in Eight Hundred Years. Pittsburg: Federation of American Zionists. Dr. Herzl from Vienna sent telegram to the convention in Pittsburg. Emigration from Russia is expected. Basle congress. Barritz, American Jewry, slaughter taking place in ghettos. Zionism will lead Jews out of hell. Referred to The Kishineff massacre. Izrael Zangwill.

1906-3-11 Sattler Liquor Co. burglary - - 1906 Schultz Enters Plea Of Guilty. Young Man Arrested for Burglary Admits Robbing Liquor Stores. Sattler Liquor company, Michigan street.

1906-3-12 Rose Karon and Samuel Shapiro -

1906-3-14 Cloquet, Fannie and Isaac Summerfield - - 1906 Cloquet: Grand opera in Duluth, Fannie Summerfield, I. Summerfield.

1906-3-23 Sara Kaner and Morris Widdes, mar. lic -

1906-3-23 Eveleth- Max Shapiro - - 1906 Eveleth: High Price For Lot In Eveleth. Max Shapiro Refuses Offer of $300 Per Front Foot-Will Erect Building. -

1906-3-23 Eveleth, Max Shapiro value of lot -

1906-3-23 Robert_F_Berdie_Republican - - 1906 Robert F Berdie of Hibbing will be a candidate for the Republican nomination to the state legislature.

1906-3-23 Robert F Berdie, Hibbing, candidate - - 1906-3-23 The Virginia Enterprise: Robert F. Berdie of Hibbing, candidate Republican nomination.

1906-03-23_2 Eveleth,Max P. Shapiro, building - DNT - - 1906-3-23 High Price For Lot In Eveleth. Max Shapiro Reuses Offer of $300 Per Front Foot-Will Erect Building.

1906-03-23_2 Eveleth,Max P. Shapiro, building - DNT - - 1906-3-23 Eveleth: High Price for Lot in Eveleth. Max Shapiro Refuses Offer of $300 Per Front Foot-Will Erect Building.

1906-3-25 Cook and Goodman wed - - 1906 Henrietta Cook wed Albert S Goodman - Orthodox Jewish wedding

1906-3-25 A M Goldish - - 1906-3-25 A Great Opportunity. For Sale Granite Quarry, apply to S. Goldish-St. Paul or A. M. Goldish-La Crosse, Wis.

1906-3-27 Virginia, H. Bloom, 75th birthday, Nathanson - - Party at Virginia in honor of H. Bloom at the house of Mr and Mrs H J Nathanson -

1906-3-30 Virginia, Mesberg, pavement -

1906-3-30 house Shanedling -

1906-4-2 Virginia, Mesberg, flats -

1906-4-3 Mr. and Mrs. Myer Levin, birth of son - - 1906 Mr. and Mrs. Myer Levin, birth of son.

1906-4-6 Miriam Levin and Leo Shapiro eng. - - 1906 Mr. an Mrs. Samuel Levin, engagement of daughter Miriam to Leo Shapiro.

1906-4-6 Samuel I. Levin Board of Health - - 1906 Samuel I. Levin, appointed to Board of Health for three years. column 1, beginning, Reports of Officers.

1906-4-6 E. S. Woolfan and Etta Rosvensky, m.l. - - 1906 E. S. Woolfan and Etta Rosvensky, marriage license. - - her maiden name was Ziskin. -

1906-4-6 Sol Rubloff - - 1906-4-6 Chisholm: Sol Rubloff busy moving stock into new store on Lake street.

1906-04-06_6 Rose Karon Sam Shapiro marriage - - 1906-4-6 Ely miner: Sam Shapiro, formerly of Tower, but now of Eveleth was married in St. Paul this week to Miss Rose Karon. - Ely Miner

1906-04-06_6 Rose Karon Sam Shapiro marriage - Ely_miner - - 1906-4-6 Ely Miner, Rose Karon and Sam Shapiro marriage.

1906-4-8 Minnie Harris and David Polinsky wed - - Rabbi Teplitz, Jennie Fox, George Harris, Mr. and Mrs. L.Fox. - - -

1906-04-10_[8] Helen Karon - - 1906-4-10 Miss Helen Karon 609 John avenue, has returned from St. Paul, where she was maid of honor at the Karon-Shapiro wedding. - dnt

1906-4-12 Armory, S. Walt, S. Goldish, baseball -

1906-4-15 Ray Oreckovsky, birthday party - - 1906 Ray Oreckovsky, birthday party, M. Oreckovsky, A. Oreckovsky, Louis Oreck, E. Schwartz, Annie Schwartz, Sadie Berkson, Tille Berkson, Mary Oreckovsky, Lizzie Helpern, Eva Polinsky, Sarah Simon, Annie Shapiro, Esther Shapiro, Anna Oreckovsky, L. Steinberg, William Oreckovsky, H. Mustachke, Joe Schwartz, Harry Bushard, John Oreckovsky, Charles Oreckovsky, and Louis Bennett. -

1906-4-17 statistics alien immigration - - 1906-4-17 Immigration Is Increasing. Number of Aliens Arriving Last Six Months Totals 463,316. Washington

1906-4-17 statistics alien immigration - - 1906 Immigration Is Increasing, Number of Aliens Arriving in Last Six Months Totals 463,316. -

1906-04-17_4 Louis S. Loeb - - 1906-4-17 L. S. Loeb visits Pacific coast. Pasadena, CA - dnt

1906-4-19 Mrs. David Ruben obit. - - 1906 Mrs. David Ruben, 35 years, obit.

1906-4-22 Hibbing High School - - School photo from Duluth or other Minnesota towns

1906-4-26 Polinsky - Great Western Clothing - - 1906 Second-Hand Clothing, Great Western Clothing house, men’s clothes bought and sold. We pay highest prices. Drop postal. D. Polinsky, ? West Superior street.

1906-4-26 L. Siden buys old clothes - - 1906 Old Clothes Bought. Highest prices paid. L. Siden, 11 Fifth avenue west. Zenith Phone 1521-D

1906-5-1 I. Garon & Samuel Bloom end partnership -

1906-5-5 Joseph Altman - - 1906 Grand Jury Returnds Six True Bills For Felonies. Charles J. McDonald Held For Forgery of Checks, Grand Larceny Being the Charge Against George E. Bellock, George Kennedy and Michael J. Lynch.

1906-5-9 Sparta, Lazarus Rubenstein - - 1906 Sparta: Lazarus Rubenstein business in Eveleth. -

1906-5-13 Aurora, Joseph Nathanson, Max Cohen - - church buildings -

1906-5-13 Cohen residence - - 1906 Cohen residence photo -

1906-5-13 Mr. and Mrs. J. B, Sattker Nuss Hiseogube Sattkerm travek - - 1906 Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Sattler and Miss Josephine Sattler, 213 Fifth avenue, Cincinnati, Chicago, Washington, New York.

1906-5-13 Kaddish - - 1906-5-13 Picking Up Money Praying For Dead. Kaddish Saying a Profession That Offers a Livelihood to Beggar Students.

1906-5-13 Kaddish to earn money -

1906-5-14 Ben Seigel, fire - - 1906 Family Escapes Death In Fire. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Seigel Carry Five Children From Burning Home. 1812 Fourth street.Ben Seigel, fire -

1906-5-15 Max Shapiro - - 1906 Will Explore Tract For An Iron Mine. Max Shapiro -

1906-05-15_[6] Aldenberg - - 1906-5-15 Aldenberg Gets All The Stock. Buys Up Spicer-Fanning Co.’s Goods and Will Occupy the Store - dnt

1906-5-18 Mrs. Zalk, hail storm - - Hail storm, Mrs. Zalk -

1906-5-23 J. Polinsky bowery money lender, stolen watch - - -

1906-05-30 Sadie Polinsky Jacob Kohn - - 1906-5-30 Young Couple Will Wed. Sadie Polinsjy and Jacob Kohn Will Be nited Next Tuesday.

1906-6 Louis Zalk-Stella Levy - - Wedding Invitations Out. Stella Levy and Louis Zalk -

1906-6-1 Edna Ruben obit. - - 1906 Edna Ruben, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. David Ruben, 30 Lake avenue north, 2 years old, obit.

1906-6-3 Sadie Polinsky and Isadore Kohn, wed, photos - - 1906 To Be Married Tuesday, Sadie Polinsky, Isadore Kohn, wedding, Rabbi Helperin. -

1906-6-3 Rabbi of Temple Emmanuel - - 1906 The Secret of Israel's Survial. Rev. Dr. Mendel Silber Discusses Question Before Congregation at Temple Emanuel on Occasion of Annual Commemoration of "The Feast of the Law." photo of Rabbi of Temple Emanuel.

1906-6-3 Sadie Polinsky and Isadore Kohn, wed, photos -

1906-06-03_14 Rabbi Silber Israel DNT - - 1906-6-3 The Secret Of Israel’s Survivial. Rev. Dr. Mendel Silber Discusses Question Before Congregation at Temple Emanuel on Question of Annual Commemoration of "The Feaast of the Law."

1906-6-5 B. Goldish, postal exam -

1906-6-6 Polinsky-Kohn wed, guests, Liebermann, Nides, Decker, Oreckovsky, Orek, Winesberg -

1906-6-6 Sadie Polinsky and Isadore Kohn, wed - - 1906 Beautiful Wedding At Jewish Synagogue, Miss Sadie Polinsky and Isadore Kohn Link Fortunes. Rabbi Helperin, Eva Polinsky, Miss Winesberg, Coneau,, Sheba Polinsky, Dolly Lieberman, M. Nides, W. S. Decker, Samuel Moscow, C. D. Oreckovsky, G. L. Polinsky, Louis Oreck. -

1906-6-6 Sadie Polinsky and Isadore Kohn wed, Rabbi Helperin - - 1906 Beautiful Wedding At Jewish Synagogue, Miss Sadie Polinsky and Isadore Kohn Link Fortunes. Rabbi Helperin, Eva Polinsky, Winesberg, Coneau, Sheba Polinsky, Dolly Liebermann, M. Nides, W. S. Decker, Samuel Moscow, C. D. Oreckovsky, G. L. Polinsky, Louis Oreck. -

1906-6-6 Commencement, Abraham Averbook - - 1906 Graduates Abraham Averbook, Ethel Kall, Harold L. Nides, -

1906-6-6 Harry Lurye - - 1906 Return Verdict In Record Time. After Deliberating Ten Minutes Jury Refuses to Award Lurye Damages. -

1906-6-6 Morris Salnovitz - - Washington School-8th Grade,Morris Salnovitz, Adams School-Edith Karon -

1906-06-06_5Edith Frances Karon adams School - - 1906-6-6 Senior Class Play Is Beautifully Enacted. Fine Presentation of Pretty Comedy Witnessed by Large and Approving Audience-Oration and Unusual Program Meritorious, Grade Graduations Will Begin Today. 600 pupils graduate eighth grade. Endion School: Jeannette Gomberg. Jackson School: Arthur Edward Ableson, Harry Edmund Altman, Marvin Cook, Fred Max Daneiko, Victor Lazarus Levin, Maurice Nusbaum, Sara Anna Danieko. Jefferson School: Mortimer William Bondy, Stance Neumann, Rebecca Rose Altman, Sara Slonim, Gilbert Marcus. Washington School. Herman Phillip Levy, Sarah Helen Light, Oscar Levine Solheim, Morris Salnovitz, Harry Zlatkosvky ?, Frances Gertrude Abrahamson, Esther Zurovsky, Minnie hazel Light, Eva Cohn, Edith Weinstein. Madison School: Arthur Stone, Ruth Jacobson. Adams School: Edith Frances Karon, Edna Lottie Akerman, Emma Hazel Zimmerman. Emerson School Axel Lavin. - Duluth News-Tribune

1906-6-7 Mr & Mrs J D Zien visit old Europe - - 1906-6-7 Six months of travel in the old world. Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Zien returned yesterday to Duluth. They visited a great many points of interest in the course of their travels, and Mrs. Zien, whose health had been rather poor, returns greatly improved. (Mrs. J. D. Zien must be Mathilda Metzger and not Fanny Levy.)

1906-6-9 Virginia, Nathanson Bros. clothing, fire - - Rebuilding of Virginia - Two New Structures started - origin of the big fire -

1906-6-9 Emma Karon-Herman Bloom, jilted -

1906-06-09 H. J. Walt shocked by phone - - 1906-6-9 Shocked By Phone 229 East Fourth Street. H. J. Walt, manage for the Barrett & Zimmerman Sales stables.

1906-06-12_7 Aldenberg - - 1906-6-12 Thought The Store Was Being Robbed. Ringing of gong at Albenberg’s Calls Police to the Scene. - dnt

1906-6-13 Delia Siegel and Benjamin Sher wedding -

1906-6-13 Benjamin Sher & Delia Stein wed - - 1906-6-13 Simon B. Sher in bankruptcy.

1906-6-14 S. Haronimus - - 1906 S. Haronimus played a violin selection for St. Joseph's graduates.

1906-6-17 Louis Oreck - - 1906-6-17 Mr. and Mrs. Louis Oreck, Park Terrace.

1906-6-19 Louis Zalk-Estelle Levy ml - - Marriage Licenses: Louis Zalk and Estelle Levy -

1906-6-20 Estelle Levy and Louis Zalk wedding - - Levy-Zalk, Estelle Levy and Louis Zalk -

1906-6-21 Sam Abrahamson, Light - - 1906 Graduation Party. Mrs. M. B. Abrahamson (Abramson), 516 Fifty-eighth avenue west, nieces Frances Abrahamson (Abramson), Sarah Light, Minnie Light, George Ross, Sam Abrahamson (Abramson), Tom Doyle, Roy Murnian, Ralph Pond, Jack Boursa, Israel Fieldman, Isadore Abramson (Abrahamson), Sarah Danika, Esther Shapiro, Eva Cochran, Hulda Peterson, and Hattie Marquitz.

1906-06-21_5 Isadore Abramson M. B. Abramson, Sam Abrahamson DNT - - 1906-6-21 Mrs. M. B. Abrahamson 516 Fifty eighth avenue west, graduation party for nices Frances Abrahamson, Sarah Light, Minnie Light. Washington school colors. Sam Abrahamson, Isadore Abramson, Esther Shapiro.

1906-6-23 Altman Cohen and Jennie Valk ml. - - 1906 Altman Cohen and Jennie Valk, marriage license.

1906-6-24 1870 photo of Superior Street - - 1906-6-24 - 1870 photo of Superior Street looking from First Avenue west - earliest photo found of Superior Street - A glimpse of Duluth's principal business thoroughfare 36 years ago. This picture, showing the north side of Superior street looking eastward from first avenue west, was taken in 1870. Photo. - - - 1906 comparision: 1906-11-29 pg. 1 Duluth original name - - - 1922 comparison: 1922-9-10 West Superior Street looking East

1906-6-24 1870 photo of Superior Street - - 1906-6-24 1870 photo of Superior Street looking from First Avenue west. (This would be the oldest photo I have found for Superior street. kae) A glimpse of Duluth's principal business thoroughfare 36 years ago. This picture, showing the north side of Superior street looking eastward from first avenue west, was taken in 1870. Photo.

1906-6-28 Sarah Oreckovsky, birthday - - 1906 Surpise Party, Sarah Oreckovsky birthday -

1906-6-30 Arnovitz, Dorf ml, brothers-sisters - - Double wedding, brothers and sisters-Superior, Rose Dorf & Charles Aronvitz , Rose Aronvitz & Isadore Dorf. -

1906-6-30 Isadore Dorf - - 1906-6-30 marriage licenses granted to Miss Rose Dorf and Charles Aronvitz.

1906-6-30 Rose Dorf - - 1906-6-30 marriage licenses granted to Miss Rose Aronvitz and Isadore Dorf.

1906-6-30 Adath Israel, Rev. Abramson -

1906-6-30 Temple Emanuel closed for season - - 1906-6-30 Temple Emanuel Closes For Season. Dr. Mendel Silber Delivers an Eloquent Sermon. Would Prevent Bloodshed. Respect for Moral Law.

1906-06-30 Helstein water tank accident - - 1906-6-30 Tank Crashes Through Roof. Wholesale Men's Furnishing House Flooded by Water From Wrecked REservoir. H. Helstein & Co. 5th Avenue West

1906-7-3 Aaron Siden and Sadie Sklarawski ml - - 1906 Marriage Licenses: Aaron Siden and Sadie Sklarawski.

1906-7-3 Virginia, John Mesberg, Russian relatives -

1906-7-6 Miriam Levin - - 1906 Eva Polinsky, 1124 East Sixth street visitng Chicago, Cleveland and other cities for a three week trip.

1906-7-6 Eva Polinsky - - 1906 Miss S. L. Levin and daughter, Miriam returned from Chicago and Indianapolis.

1906-7-7 Pomish Milavetz ml - - Marriage licenses-Superior: Ben S. Milavitz and Hannah Pomish -

1906-07-13 Rabbi Silber decides to stay DNT - - 1906-7-13 Silber Will Remain Here. Flattering Offers Accompanying Calls to Other Pulpits Are Rejected by Jewish Rabbi.

1906-7-19 Goldish, Sher, transfer of property -

1906-7-22 Tower-Max Shapiro - - 1906 Tower: Nelson Lands To Be Explored At Once. Max Shapiro. -

1906-7-29 Virginia,John Mesberg, ordinance, cows -

1906-7-29 Virginia, Mesberg, cleanup -

1906-7-30 Sam Abrahamson camp - - 1906 Return From Camp. George Chaurette, Sam Abrahamson (Abramson), Dave and Isaac Fielmann, Adolph Hichs, Thomas Doyle and Roy Murmane returned from Fond du Lac yesterday where they have been camping for a week.

1906-8-1 Zien Family Reunion - - 1906-8-1 A reunion was held last evening at which Mr. and Mrs. J.D. Zien of this city were hosts for the members of a family who had not been together in forty-five years - Mr. and Mrs. Zien’s guests were: Messrs. And Madames Sig Levy, Herman Sternberg of St. Paul, Miss Rose Metzger of Ludvingshoffen, Germany; Messrs. Louis L. Metzger and Rudolph Sternberg of St. Paul; Philip Berdie of Milwaukee, Max Metzger, Karlsruhe, Germany; Julius Metzger, Ludvigshoffen, Germany; Otto Metzger, Berlin; Robert Metzger, Karlsruhe, Germany; W.P. Berdie, Milwaukee; R.F. Berdie of Hibbing; and Harry M. Levy, Samuel Levy, Adolphg Levy, and Mandel Levy, all of Duluth. The youngest member of the family: Master Prince Lester Sternberg of St. Paul was also a guest.

1906-8-2 Laura Cohen - - 1906 Evening Reception. Mr. and Mrs. D. Simon, D. Kasmir, L. Albert H. Kasmir, Yoslew, G. Laskewitz, L. Govitch, S. Kasmir, S. Kernes, L. Popkin, Sophie Kasmir, Esther Kernes, Erna Albert, Ida Albert, Eva Polinsky, Laura Cohen, Sara Slonin, Dora Levine, D. Rubin, Harry Kasmir, Simon Jones, Richard Jones, Samuel Simon.

1906-8-3 Hibbing, M. Greenblatt, registered - - Hibbing, M. S. Greenblatt, St. Louis Hotel -

1906-8-3 Surprise Party, Polinsky - - 1906 Surprise Party, Lilly Blasberg, Fostovsky, guests: J. Lieb3rman, J. Kohn, L. Cohen, I. L. Levine, L. Shenowsky, S. Levine, I. Polinsky, M. Cohen, J. Oreckovsky, K. Sanderson, J. Chessen, T. Nusbaum, A. Sosnovsky, Polinsky, Lieberman, Kassmir, Levine, Shenowsky, Blasberg, Cohen, Annie Cohen, Eva F. Polinsky, Sadie Fostovsky, Esther Sanderson, Rossie Lieberman, Sophia Kassmir, Eva Polinsky, Florence Levine, Eva Zlatkovsky, Sadie Zlatkovsky, Maurice Levine, Dave Sosnovsky, Sam Sanderson, S. Sanderson. -

1906-8-3 A. Sosnovsky - - 1906 Surprise Party. Miss Lilly Blasberg, Mrs. Fostovsky, 302 West Fifth street, J. Lieberman, J. Kohn, L. Cohen, I. L. Levine, L.Shenosky, S. Levine, I. Polinsky, M. Cohen, J. Oreckovsky, K. Sanderson, J.Chessen, T. Nusbaum, A. Sosnovsky, Polinsky, Lieberman, Kassmir, Levine, Shenowky, Blasberg, Conen, Annie Cohen, Eva F. Polinsky, Sadie Fostovsky, Esther Sanderson, Rossie Lieberman, Sophia Kassmir, Eva Polinsky, Florence Levine, Eva Zlatkovsky, Sadie Zlatkovsky, Maurice Levine, Dave Sosnovsky, Sam Sanderson, S. Sanderson.

1906-8-3 Duluth, M. S. Greenblatt hotel - - Range People At The Duluth Hotels-St. Louis, M. Greenblatt -

1906-08-03 Sophia Kassmir - - 1906-8-3 Surprise Party. Miss Lilly Blasberg, of Cleveland, Mrs. Fostovsky, 302 West Fifth street, J. Lieberman, J. Kohn, L. Cohen, I. L. Levine, L. Shenowsky, S. Levine, I. Polinsky, M. Cohen, J. Oreckovsky, K. Sanderson, J. Chessen, T. Nusbaum, A. Sosnovsky, Polinsky, Lieberman, Kassmir, Levine, Shenowsky, Blasberg, Cohen of Cleveland, Annie Cohen, Eva F. Polinsky, Sadie Fostevsky, Esther Sanderson, Rossie Lieberman, Sophia Kassmir, Eva Polinsky, Florence Levine, Eva Zlatkovsky, Sadie Zlatkovsky, Maurice Levine, Dave Sosnovsky, Sam Sanderson, S. Sanderson.

1906-8-5 Bessie Rocklin and Samuel I. Pavian - - Reception Today For This Couple. Bessie Rocklin and Samuel I. Pavian -

1906-8-6 Fessie Sugar and Harry Glazier wed - - 1906 Fessie Sugar and Harry Glazier wed. Fessie Sugar of Boston, Odd Fellows' hall, Duluth man weds a Boston girl. Pretty ceremony unites Miss Fessie Sugar and Harry Glazier. Rabbi Tablatz, (Teplitz) guests: Anna Gorin, Mrs. Sugar, Dora Finn, of Boston, Mr. and Mrs. H. Barkovitz, Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Levitt, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hallock, Harry and Morris Silk, Sam and Louis Bennet, Jake Glazier. -

1906-8-6 Harry Glazier & Fessie Sugar, Dora Finn, wed guests. -

1906-8-9 Mrs. Julius Shanedling and Mrs. M. Schreider -

1906-8-11 Mrs. Gust Levin - - 1906 Whist Party. Mrs. J. M. Gidding, 1405 East Superor street, Mrs. Max Stern-Chicago, Mrs. Michaels, Mrs. Gust Levin.

1906-8-21 Maurice Tetenier obit. - - 1906 Murderer Young And His Girl Victim Separated In Death, As In Life, Against His Request. - John Young, Ida Solemovitz.

1906-8-21 Abel Loewus engagement - - 1906-8-21 Abel-Loewus. Mr. and Mrs. Julius Abel of 5140 Michigan avenue, Chicago Alyes Abel to wed David G. Loewus. Manager of I. Freimuth's.

1906-08-21 David S Loewus and Abel engaged - - 1906-8-21 Abel-Loewus. Mr. and Mrs. Julius Abel of 5140 Michigan avenue, Chicago announce the betrothal of their daughter, Alyce to David G. Loewus of this ccity. Engagement reception last week in August. Chicago South Side society. Duluth business circles. Department manager at I. Freimuth’s.

1906-8-26 Chisholm-Julius Lewis birth of daughter - - 1906-8-26 Chisholm: Born to Mr. and Mrs. Julius Lewis on Thursday, a girl.

1906-8-27 New Russian synagogue, Oreckovsky - - 1906 Presentation Is Celebrated, Officers of New Russian Jewish Synagogue Are Also Chosen For Year. Rabbi Teplitz, R. Oreckovsky, Paul Cohen, N. Winer, M. L. Back, G. Shapira, Sam Mendelson, I. Cohen, L. Liebermann, J. M. Oreckovsky, Joseph Oreckovsky. -

1906-8-27 Russian Jewish Synagogue, Rabbi Teplitz -

1906-8-29 J. M. Oreckovsky suit agains Moir & Walker - - 1906 Says Contract Was Not Adhered, J. M. Oreckovsky brings suit against Moir & Walker over sale of clothing stock. -

1906-8-29 J. M. Oreckovsky suit agains Moir & Walker - - 1906 M. Says Contract Was Not Adhered To. Joseph. M. Oreckovsky Brings Suit Against Moir & Walker Over Sale of Clothing Stock. -

1906-8-31 Hebrew Club Lurye, Karon, Kaner, Millavitz, Jaffe -

1906-8-31 Hebrew Club. Chucker, Dorf, Pomish, Berkovitz -

1906-8-31 Eva and Sadie Zlatkovsky - - 1906 Surprise Party. Miss Lilly Blaberg-Cleveland, Mrs. Fosovsky, 302 West Fifth Street, - J. Liberman, J. Kohn, L. Cohen, I. L. Levine L. Shenowsky, S. Levine, I. Polinsky, M. Cohen, J. Oreckovsky, K. Sanderson, J. Chessen, T. Nusbaum, A. Sosnovsky, Polinsky, Lieberman, Kassmir, Levine, Senowsky, Blasberg, Cohen-Cleveland, Annie Cohen, Eva F. Polinsky, Sadie Fostovsky, Esther Sanderson, ossie Lieberman, Sophia Kassmir, Eva Polinsky, Florence Levine, Eva Zlatkovsky, Sadie Zlatkovsky, Maurice Levine, Dave Sosnovsky, Sam Sanderson and S. Sanderson.

1906-8-31 Hebrew Club - - Hebrew Club To Meet On Sunday, Berkovitz, Lurye, Pomish, Karon, Kaner, Berkowitz, Jaffe -

1906-9-10 Karon and Siegel personal -

1906-9-11 Hibbing Lodge, Brith Abraham, Jacob Kitz, M. Greenblatt - - Hibbing Lodge Installs. Rogalsky, Kitz, Greenblatt, Halock -

1906-09-11_7 Rabbi Silber leaves Temple in Duluth for St. Louis DNT - - 1906-9-11 Rabbi Silber To Leave City. Popular Jewish Pastor Will Take Charge of Congregation at St. Louis.

1906-09-15_3 DNT - - 1906-9-15 Bids Farewell To His People. Rev. Dr. Mendel Silber Speaks Feelingly At Temple Emanuel. Temple Emanuel located at corner of Seventh avenue east and Second street.

1906-9-19 Morris Freimuth and Rose Krojanker eng. - - 1906 Entertain For The Betrothed Couple. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Kronjanker, 1221 East Superior street, daughter Rose Krojanker, and Morris Freimuth. Clara Shapiro, Edith Freimuth, Mrs. H. Herman, Mrs. P. H. Levy, Miss Shipman and Miss Goldine Krojanker. ---- 1906 Rose Krojanker and Morris Freimuth engagement, Entertain For The Betrothed Couple, Ignace Freimuth, Clara Shapiro, Edith Freimuth, H. Herman, P. H. Levy, Shipman, Goldine Krojanker. -

1906-9-19 Rose Krojanker and Morris Freimuth eng., Shapiro, Herman, Levy, Shipman, -

1906--9-24 Rose Kaner killed - - 1906 Rose Kaner, eighteen years old, was shot and killed by John Young. Young committed suicide. North Dakota newspaper;

1906-9-25 Rose Kaner shot and killed - - 1906 Rose Kaner, the eighteen year old daughter of Sam Kaner was shot and killed by John Young. The Eau Claire Leader

1906-9-25 Rose Kaner killed - - 1906 Rose Kaner, eighteen years old, was shot and killed by John Young. Young committed suicide. Grand Rapids newspaper;

1906-9-25 Ida Solemovitz -

1906-09-25_[8] Helen Karon - - 1906-9-25 Miss Helen Karon has returned to Eveleth, where she is teaching, after visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. Karon, 609 John avenue. - dnt

1906-09-25_[8] Miss Sarah Mark of Superior - - 1906-9-25 Miss Sarah Mark, 609 John avenue, is the guest of friends in Eveleth. - dnt

1906-9-26 Ida Solemovitz obit. - - 1906 Maurice Tetenier, widow and six children, 709 Tower avenue, obit.

1906-9-26 Ida Solemovitz killed -

1906-9-30 Josephine Sattler, photos - - 1906 Miss Josephine Sattler, series of photos, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Sattler. 212 Fifth avenue West.

1906-9-30 John Young, killer of Ida Solemovitz -

1906-10-2 Tower-Max Shapiro - - 1905 Tower, Minnesota history - Max Shapiro moves his drill further east

1906-10-2 Tower, Max Shapiro, drill -

1906-10-05_[8 ] Kaner McDonald throwing stones - dnt - - 1906-10-5 Neighborly Discords Harmonized In Court. The domestic troubles of the McDonald and Kaner families, who reside on Third street. Mrs. Angus McDonald found guilty of assaulting the head of the Kaner household. Four children charged with throwing stones at the Kaner home.

1906-10-05_[8 ] Kaner McDonald throwing stones - - 1906-10-5 Kaner families on Third street, domestic troubles with McDonald families. Four children from McDonald family were throwing stone at the Kaner home. - dnt

1906-10-06_8 Rose Kaner killed Ladysmith_news - - 1906-10-6 Superior: Rose Kaner killed by John Young, 18 year old daughter of Sam Kaner.

1906-10-7 Isaac Lewis Manson store in Buhl - - 1906-10-7 Chisholm: Max Monson and wife have moved to Buhl to take charge of the store of Lewis Bros.

1906-10-7 Isaac Lewis Manson store in Buhl - - 1906-10-7 Chisholm: Work has been commenced on the fitting up of the Karon building recently moved in on Lake street.

1906-10-8 Synogugue Corner stone -

1906-10-8 Hebrew Brotherhood Kaner-corner stone -

1906-10-12 Oreckovsky gets a verdict for $200 - - 1906 Oreckovsky gets a verdict for $200, Joseph Oreckovsky, clothier, John Moir. -

1906-10-14 Eve Thennes Mrs Devaney Freimuth dept store - - 1906-10-14 Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Devaney married in German Catholic church in Duluth. Thomas is a partner in Virginia Produce Company and Mrs. Devaney-Miss Eva Thennes, worked for Freimuth department store.

1906-10-14 Webster school photo of Marcus children flowers - - 1906-10-14 Webster school: The building became vacant and was used as a meeting place for worship. Webster School was located on lower St. Croix avenue. When the school was in session,the children who attended came from very poor homes. One of the activities that went on during the year at different school locations was a flower contest. Seeds were distributed and planted. Prized were given out for the best of the flowers. The annual event was successful in bringing some happiness to the children. There is a photo of Edith and Rose Markus as young children. They were one of the winners.

1906-10-20 Ike Karon, Herman Elevitch, realestate -

1906-10-24 Moses Cook - - 1906 Dentists Had Right to Remove Electric Sign. Judge Cutting Directs Verdict For Drs. Johnson & Kaake, in Suit Brought by Moses Cook.

1906-10-26 Virgnia, Mesberg, sanitation conditions, typhoid fever -

1906-10-26 Virginia, John Mesberg, morgue and chapel -

1906-11-6 Freimuth, I. mining - - 1906-11-6 Property Looks Like A Winner I. Freimuth Speaks Encouragingly of the Superior & Butte Mine.

1906-11-7 Edward Oswald obit. - - 1906 Edward Oswald's Funeral, committed suicide, Metropole hotel, obit.

1906-11-9 Mrs. Samuel I. Levin Temple Aid - - 1906 Temple Aid society, Circle No. 4, Mrs. Samuel I. Levin, 117 West Third street.

1906-11-11 Harry Berkowitz -

1906-11-11 Karon, Goldish, Berkowitz -

1906-11-11 Lena Karon, Cohen, Edelson, Goldish, Brown, Zalk, Berkowitz, Simon, Slonim -

1906-11-11 3rd col. Lena Karon - - Surprise party for Lena Karon, Milavitz, Call, Levin, Simon, Cohen, Edelson, Goldish, Brown, Zalk, Berkowit, Slouim, Karon -

1906-11-11 Barney Karon - - 1906-11-11 Miss Lena Karon, was given a surprise party at her home 127 East Second street on Sunday evening by the following young people: Misses Sarah Milavitz, Ida Milavitz, Bessie Call, Rachael Levin, Tena Simon Sarah Cohen, Lena Cohen, Lena Edelson, Rachael Edelson, Messrs. Ben Goldish, Israel Brown, Zalk, Henry Berkowitz, Getchel Simon, Joe Slonim, Joe Karon, Ben Karon, Barney Karon. -

1906-11-11_2 Lena and Rachael Edelstein DNT - - 1906-11-11 Mr. and Mrs. M. Cook announce engagement of their sister, Miss Mayme Gittelson to Marcus Jaffey of this city. (Duluth). - - - 1906-11-11 Miss Lena Karon surprise party, 127 East Second Street, Sarah Milavitz, Ida Milavitz, Bessie Call, Rachael Levin, Tena Simon, Sarah Cohen, Lena Cohen, Lena Edelson, Rachael Edelstein, Ben Goldish, Israel Brown, Zalk, Henry Berkowitz, Getchel Simon, Joe Sloulm (Slonim ?), Joe Karon, Ben Karon, Barrney Karon.

1906-11-15 M. J. Zalk - - Gets No Coin To Soothe Feelings, Cloque, M. J. Zalk -

1906-11-16 Metzger Zien Levy visit - - 1906-11-16 Miss Bell Metzger of Milwaukee is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. J. D Zien of 131 East Second street. Miss Metzger is the niece of Mrs. Zien and Mrs. S. Levy of this city. (Mrs. S. Levy must be Anna Theresa Berdie married to Siegfried Levy.)

1906-11-17 Joseph Oreckovsky, land condemned - - 1906 Report Filed By Appraisers, Awards for land condemned by Wisconsin Central are made -

1906-11-17 Joseph Oreckovsky, land condemned - - 1906 Joseph Oreckovsky, railroad land condemned. Joseph and Charles Polisky -

1906-11-19 W. M. Abrahamson and brother Julius sued - - 1906 Haskell G. Fischbein, trustee in bankruptcy for the St. Paul Furniture company sued J. and W. M. Abrahamson (Abramson) for $730 and interest from Dec. 24, 1903. 31 East Superior.

1906-11-22 Anna Oreckovsky, musicale - - 1906 Fine Program For Tonight's Musciale, Anna Oreckovsky -

1906-11-23 Julius Abramson and W. M. Abrahamson brothers - - 1906 Suing For Balance On Saloon Fixtures. Haskel G. Fischbein, trustees of the St. Paul Furniture company, Julius and W. M. Abrahamson (Abramson) brothers. $500, bar fixtures for Sterling saloon in the Lowell block.

1906-11-23 Anna Oreckovsky, concert - - 1906 Concert Pleases A Large Audience. Anna Oreckovsky -

1906-11-24 Virginia, Herman Nathanson - - 1906 Virginia: Mrs. A. E. Bicford, Julius Shanedling, Louis Cohen,Herman Nathanson, James Lavick. -

1906-11-25 Eveleth, Perlman - - 1906 Eveleth: Boy Watch Thieves Confess And Go Free. One of the Timepieces Is Received and Two Are Paid For-Salon Row Causes Arrests. H. G. Perlman. -

1906-11-28 Sarah Milavetz and Isidore Zien wedding - - Sarah Milavetz and Isidore Zien wedding -

1906-11-28 Milevitz and Zien wed - - 1906-11-28 Melvin-Zien. (should be Melivetz?) Miss Sarah Melivetz and E. Zien were married yesterday at old Masonic temple. Miss Annie Sheox, (?) Miss Ida Melivitz (should be Melivetz?), Dave Weinberg, J. Sher. (Note: several misspellings.)

1906-11-28_5 Circle 4 meets Temple Emanuel Mrs. Mondschine - - 1906-11-28 col. 6 Circle No. 4 Meets. Circle No. 4 Temple Emanuel Aid society will give a card party at the home of Mrs. Mondschine of 126 Sixth avenue west, Friday No. 30. - Duluth News Tribune

1906-11-28_5 Sarah Melivetz E. Zein married - - 1906-11-28 col. 6 Miss Sarah Milavetz and Isadore Zien both of this city were married yesterday at the old Masonic temple at six o'clock. Miss Annie Sheox was maid of honor and Miss Ida Melvitz bridesmaid. The groom was attended by Dave Weinberg, best man and J. Sher. The bride wore a gown of white net over white silk and carried a bridal bouquet of roses and the bridesmaids carried American beauties. After the ceremony a supper was served and covers were laid for about 200 guests. The table was prettily decorated with ferns. During the evening LaBrosse played a program of dance music. - Duluth News Tribune

1906-11-29_[10] Samuel Loeb 80 acres of farm land in Carlton county - - 1906-11-29 Duluth Wants More Farmers In Neigborhood. Commerce other than Mining. Samuel Loeb has been raising hay in fields and now making some profit. - Duluth News-Tribune

1906-11-29 pg. 1 Duluth original name - - 1906-11-29 Superior Street, Looking East From Fifth Avenue West - - The entire edition covers about 92 pages and includes commercial, industrial, and historical events. Duluth's story from the coming of the explorer, Sieur du Lhut, and his intrepid voyageurs, down to the opening of the electirial era. Dawn of history breaks in romance. Spirit of Adventure and religious inspiration brought the white man across the unsalted seas and Duluth's career opened. Two hundred years of hibernation followed by strenuous awakening and development of commercial and industrial resources. History rejects romantic story. The voyage of the intrepid du Lhut, Trading instinct makes him trouble. Superior street, looking east from fifth avenue west. Photo. - - - 1870 comparison: 1906-6-24 1870 photo of Superior Street - - - 1922 comparison at: 1922-9-10 West Superior Street looking East

1906-11-29 pg 2 Seaport Pittsburgh coal - - 1906-11-29 pg. 2 It Is 2,000 Miles Due West To The Next Seaport.

1906-11-29 pg 4 railroads - - 1906-11-29 pg. 4 Duluth Missabe And Northern Road

1906-11-29 pg 5 churches, 3 synagogues - - 1906-11-29 pg. 5 Growth Of Church In Pace With City. Thirty-Seven Years Ago There Was Not a Church Edifice in Duluth-Now There Are Seventuy-Five. 3 synagogues.

1906-11-29 pg 10 farming vs mining - - 1906-11-20 pg. 10 Duluth Wants More Farmers In Neighborhood. farming vs. mining.

1906-11-29 Cook building hotel - - 1906 Photo of M S and B J Cook Block - Hotel property

1906-11-29 Superior St photo from 1870 - - 1906-11-20 Duluth in 1870 North Side of Superior Street, East and West of Lake Avenue.

1906-11-29 Duluth 1876 sketch - - 1906-11-20 Sketch of Duluth in 1876. From an orginal drawing by David Erickson made during the period of depression

1906-11-30_7 Mrs. Mondschine Circle 4 card party - - 1906-11-30 Circle No. 4 Meets. Temple Emanuel Aid society will give a card party at the home of Mrs. Mondschine, of 126 Sixth avenue west this evening. - Duluth News Tribune

1906-12-01_5 Siegel Gavowsky Evening_Times - - Evening Times 1906-12-6 Fargo, N.D. Joined Husband At Fargo. Woman, Whose Child is Drowned by Crazed Woman While Crossing Atlantic, Arrives.

1906-12-01_9 Fargo_forum_and_daily_republican - - Fargo Forum 1906-12-1 Mrs. Siegel Arrived in Fargo Last Night. Heartbroken Mother Tells of the Tragic Fate of Her Baby Boy in Mid-Ocean-The Family Reunited in Fargo.

1906-12-01_5 multiple articles in the Duluth News Tribune - - 1906-12-1 People You Know. Mr. and Mrs. Al Abraham of 1426 East First street have as their guest Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Schloss. - Duluth News Tribune

1906-12-01_5 multiple articles in the Duluth News Tribune - - 1906-12-1 Miss Claire Abraham of 1426 East First sreet had as her guest for Thanksgiving Miss Georgiina Robinson of Minneapolis. Mr. Rudolph Abraham also was home from the state university for the holiday. - Duluth News Tribune

1906-12-01_5 multiple articles in the Duluth News Tribune - - 1906-12-1 Circle No. 4 Temple Emanuel aid society gave a card party at the home of Mrs. Mondschine, 126 Sixth avenue west last evening, and a very good time was enjoyed. - Duluth News Tribune

1906-12-2 Magestic theater, Samuel Goldish -

1906-12-02_3 Gavowsky Siegel cropped Minneapolis_journal - - Minneapolis Journal 1906-12-2 Says Ship's Officers Neglected Their Duty. Mrs. Gavowsky, Heartbroken Over Tragic Death of Babe, Reaches Destination at Fargo.

1906-12-14_[1] Loeb, Samuel - - 1906-12-14 Electric roads Into Farm Districts Needed. Samuel Loeb. - Duluth News-Tribune

1906-12-19 Chisholm, S. B. Groman, grocer -

1906-12-19_3 S. B. Groman, moved his stock of groceries DNT - - 1906-12-19 Chisholm: S. B. Groman has rented the building formerly occupied by E. G. Dahl and has moved his stock of groceries.

1906-12-21_14 M. Daneiko second hand store 626 West Superior st - - 1906-12-21 M. Daneiko, second hand store 626 West Superior St. - Duluth News Tribune

1906-12-22 Sattler Liquor Co. Koscinski, saloon - - 1906 Court Asked To Stop Proceedings. S. Koscinski and Wife Allege That Sattler Liquor Company Has No Claim on Their Property.

1906-12-22_3 Pauline Rabinowitz DNT - - 1906-12-22 Cantata Was Great Success Eveleth School Children Gave Successful Christmas Entertainment Last Night. Mr. Abe Feldman, Miss Pauline Rabinowitz-pianist.

1906-12-23 Abramson - - 1906-12-23 West Duluth. Mr. and Mrs. M. B. Abramson, 516 Fifty-sixth avenue West, dinner party, Mr. and Mrs. Abramson of Superior, Mr. and Mrs. Light, Mr. and Mrs. J. Riskin, Mr. and Mrs. Hilstein, Miss Fannie Abramson, Louis Sher, J. Schlan, Sam Abramson, Mr. and Mrs. Abramson.

1906-12-23 Mose Marks - - 1906-12-23 Engagement Announcement. Mr. and Mrs. M. B. Abramson, engagement of their brother Mr. Mose Marks- West Duluth and St. Paul to Sadie Wiseman-Minneapolis. Wedding in July.

1906-12-27 Abe Cohen, Samuel Bloom - - 1906 Claims Company Was Negligent. Abe Cohen-18 years old crushed to death, Samuel Bloom, Superior Ship Building company, 11-10-1905 accident.

1906-12-31 Mrs. B. Milavetz, Shanedling - - headline -

.................. 1907 ..................           top of list          bottom -

1907-1-1 Sigmund Zalk - - Boy Killed In Swith Yards, Sigmund Zalk, Duluth Iron and Metal -

1907-1-1 Chisholm LeDoux Minnie Josephs Karon Glass Block -

1907-1-1 Rockin and Pavian= Adas Israel wed - - 1907-1-1 People You Know. Miss Bessie Rocklin of 5 East Third sgtreet and F. Pavian of St. Paul. married, Adash Israel and Chevre Kadisha Synagogue, Third avenue east and Third street. Miss Rose Krojanker, 510 West Second street entertained luncheon, in honor of Miss Idzal of Minneapolis and Miss Rocklin of Duluth.

1907- Agudas Achima Synagogue in Hibbing - - 1907-Charles and Etta Hallock help start Agudas Achima Synagogue in Hibbing

1907-1-2 Rocklin and Pavian wedding - - 1907-1-2 Miss Bessie Rocklin Weds Samuel Pavian. Masonic Temple, Miss Etta Burton, Rose Kronjanker, Sadie Rocklin, Fannie Burton, Fannie Perlman-St. Paul, Alexander Rocklin, Joe Pavian, Eleanor Lavansky, Marian Perlman.

1907-1-3 Sigmund Zalk, train accident - - Johnson Funeral To Be Sunday, Zalk -

1907-01-04 B Lavick - rooms for rent - - 1907-1-4 For Rent-Seven rooms and toilet with sewerage. B. Milavetz - - Virginia Enterprise

1907-01-04 Mr and Mrs Samuel Lavick cropped - - 1907-1-4 Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Lavick and son Sannell, of Duluth, were guests at the home of their son James Lavick over Sunday. - - Virginia Enterprise

1907-1-6 Miss Bessie Rocklin - - 1907-1-6 Miss Bessie Rocklin, 5 West Fifth street, Samuel Pavin-St. Paul, married synagogue wedding, wedding supper Masonic GTemple, 300 guests, Miss Etta Burton, Miss Rose Krojanker, Sadie Rocklin-Duluth, Fannie Burton and Fannie Perlman-St. Paul. Alexander Rocklin, Joe Pavian, Eleanor Lavinsky, Marian Perlman, Mr. and Mrs. Pavian will reside in St. Paul.

1907-1-6 Miss Lena Levine - - 1907-1-6 Miss Lena Levine, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. Levine, 101 First avenue east, Married to Morris Bright, Odd Fellows hall, Miss Dora Levine-sister of bride, Miss Bessie Walt, Frank Sher, Sam Walt. Waiters Mr. Hicks, Mr. Johnson. Mr. and Mrs. Bright will reside in the range.

1907-1-6 Miss Rose Krojanker - - 1907-1-6 Miss Rose Krojanke, 510 West Second Street, luncheon in honor of Miss Idzal-Minneapolis, Miss Bessie Rocklin

1907-1-6 Full page - - 1907-1-6 Full page

1907-1-13 Gidding store opens in Cincinnati. - - 1907 Will Open Big Eastern Store. j. M. Gidding & Co. Have Made Arrangements to Enter Cincinnati. -

1907-01-15_[8] Aldenberg noises from busness disturbs tenant - - 1907-1-15 Carriers Jar His Nervous System. Attorney Demands Compensation From Store Company for Alleged Noisy Movements. - dnt

1907-1-16 Peter Karon, cattle fine -

1907-1-18 Chisholm, Knights of Pythias Karon Hall -

1907-1-20 Karon's Hall, Chisholm - - headline -

1907-1-21 Adas Israel, music program,Rev. A. A. Rosenbloom -

1907-1-24 Holzberg surpise party -

1907-01-24 Samuel Shapiro, Simon, Shapiro, and Karon Bros. Milwaukee - dnt - - 1907-1-24 Changes In Eveleth Commercial Circles. Samuel Shapiro has sold his down town meat market to George Metckaich. It is said that D. Simon will also sell his clothing store and that both of these men, with Karon Brothers, of Chisholm, will remove to Milwaukee, where they will enter the wholesale clothing business under the name of Simon, Shapiro, and Karon Bros.

1907-1-25 Wolf Lemon and Lena Karon mar. lic -

1907-01-25 Arthur Levinson second hand shop - - 1907-1-25 Does Smash-Up Act, Man Jailed. Italian Arrested for Starting a Row in Second-Hand Shop. John Zeman, Arthur Levinson-Hebrew secondhand dealer.

1907-01-28 Chisholm 2Jacob Goldberg married DNT - - 1907-1-28 Chisholm Man Married. Jacob Goldberg, El Queeno Cigar company. Wife’s name is not mentioned.

1907-1-30 Lena Karon, W. V. Wolf Leamon married -

1907-2-1 Agudas Achim - - Hibbing Hebrews Will Build A Synagogue, Hallock, Rogalsky, Greenblatt, Levenshon, Woolfan, Rosenberg, Freedman, Kitz, Miller, etc -

1907-2-3 Hibbing M. Greenblatt, Osherman Bldg - - Hibbing, M. S. Greenblatt, purchases Osherman building -

1907-2-7 Leo Shapiro -

1907-2-10 Anna R. Taran and Joseph Averbook eng. - - 1907 Anna R. Taran and J. M. Averbook eng. -

1907-2-10 Esther Abrahamson - - 1907 Pupils of Miss Myrtle B. Taylor in Hunters Park. Esther Abrahamson (Abramson).

1907-2-10 J. M. Averbook and Anna R. Taran eng. - - 1907 Superior: Anna R. Taran and J. M. Averbook engatement. - - 2nd. col. -

1907-2-14 Abraham and Jacob Levine - - 1907 Jacob Levine and wife to Abraham Levine. Real Estate Transfers.

1907-2-15 Mr. and Mrs. L. Marks, parents of Mrs. M. B. Abrahamson - - 1907 Mr. and Mrs. M. B. Abrahamson (Abramson) and son, 516 North Fifty-eighth avenue west, visiting St. Paul, 35th anniversary of the wedding of Mrs. Abrahamson (Abramson)'s parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. Mark, formerly of this city.

1907-2-17 Biwabik,Frank Rabinowitz - - 1907 Biwabik: Frank Rabinowitz, from Eveleth, buys a saloon in Sparta. -

1907-2-17 Lefkowitz photo - - 1907-2-17 Dr. Lefkowitz began his work at Temple Emanuel in Duluth in the year 1907. Who Delivered His Inaugural Sermon at Temple Emanuel Friday Night? Dr. M. Lefkowitz photo.

1907-2-21 Local Improvements - - Assessments: B. Silberstein, Ignaz Freimuth, Samuel Levine, Ben Kenner, S. Karon, Annie Bondy, M Shapiro, Temple Emanuel -

1907-2-23 Sam Chucker birth of son -

1907-2-24 Joseph Steiman and Anna R. Shapiro - - 1907 Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Steinman, Anna R. Shapira, Mary Oreck, Ester Shapira, Minnie Steinman, Samuel Steinman, Charles Oreckovsky, Louis Sorofasky, Adelaida Oreck, Verna Oreck, M. Roberts, A. Oreckovsky, N. Nides, S. Goldberg, J. Goldstein, A. H. Shapira, L. Kovlsky, Bessie Winner, S. Steinman, H. Cornfield, A. Cornfield, J. Cornfield, Laura and Dora Cornfield, Rosen, Siedman. -

1907-2-24 Joseph Steiman and Anna R. Shapiro - - -

1907-2-26 Plesantly Surprised, Ethel Kall, A. Averbook - - 1907 Superior: Pleasantly Surprised, Ethel Kall, Polinsky, Friedman, Sarah Silber, Nellie Polinsky, Cohen, Rocklin, Minnie Kohen, Kassmir, L. Polinsky, Kassmir, L. Polinsky, H. Sanderson, S. Sanders, H. Hall, M. Lieberman, A. Averbook, C. Harris, M. Kaner. -

1907-2-27 Annie Marion Sher and David Weinberg wed, Hurvitz - - 1907 Annie Marion Sher and David Weinberg wed. Rabbi Teplitz, Ida Sher, Rose Kenner, Harry Weinberg, Frank Sher, guests: Shapiro, Milevitz, D. Simon, E. Cohen, Lieberman, Sher, Lewis, B. Caren, Sher, Cone, Barney Cone, I. Cone, J. Cone, Bloom, Aarenson, Hurvitz, C. Marcus, Harris, Jennie Markus. -

1907-2-27 Annie Marion Sher & David Weinberg wedding -

1907-3-2 Sam Kaner-cow - - 1907 Sam Kaner and his cows - funny story

1907-3-2 Sam Kaner-cow -

1907-3-3 Annie Marion Sher & David Weinberg, wedding -

1907-3-3 Siegel-masquerade party -

1907-03-03_11 Julius Siegel of Duluth, A. Siegel party DNT - - 1907-3-3 Society. Mr. and Mrs. A. Siegel of Hammond avenue, private masquerade party in honor of Mrs. Siegel’s sister, Miss Deborah Blom of Minneapolis, Odd Fellows’ hall. Guests of honor: Rose Cohen, Anna Taran, Bessie Stern, Mamie Siegel, Fanny Abrahamson, Elsie Holzber, Sophie Weinstein, Fanny Light, Alice Holzberg, Libbie Holzberg, Molly Cohen, Ray Holzberg, Florence Sterns, B. Cohen, Herman Aronson, A. Holzberg, Sam Weinstein, Isadore Cohen, Julius L. Cohen, Mannie Averbook, Barney Tremblatt, Mannie Stern, Cassel Marcus, Abe Garon, E. Siegel, Ed Lasky, Louis Lasky, J. L. Pollock, H. Stern of Superior, Julius Siegel, Mamie Siegel, Fannie Abrahamson, Sophie Weinstein and Fannie Light of Duluth.

1907-3-12 Charles Harris and Jennie Fox ml. - - 1907 Charles Harris and Jennie Fox ml. -

1907-3-16 Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Sattler, Mrs. Joseph D. Sattler, ill - - 1907 Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Sattler of 211 Fifth avenue west, Grand Forks, N. D., Mrs. Joseph D. Sattler ill.

1907-3-19 Jeanne Fox and Charles Harris wed - - 1907 Jeanne Fox and Charles Harris wed.Miss Jennie Fox Is Bride Of Charles Harris. Mr. and Mrs. Leon Fox Rabbi Teplitz, Miss Marks, Miss Anna Elbert, H. Marks, George Brown. -

1907-3-20 Ben Cohen, car accident - - 1907 Eight-Year-Old Boy has Narrow Escape. Ben Cohen, son of A. Cohen, 1932 West Michigan street.

1907-3-26 Ida Milavetz and Ben Goldish -

1907-3-27 Mrs. B. J. Cook - - 1907 Mask Ball By The Sisters Of Israel. Eagles hall, 250 couples, Mr. and Miss Walt, Mr. Aronson of Superior, Mrs. Berkson, H. A. Cohen of Milaca, Joe Swartz, B. J. Cook, Mrs. Hirshfield, Mrs. D. Silk, Harry Silk, M. D. Silk.

1907-3-29 Moses Cook auction jewelry - - 1907 Cook’s Attorney Attacks Charter. Says Provision Barring Auction Sales by Pawnbrokers Is Invalid. Moses Cook. Clothing store and pawn shop at 400 West Superior street.

1907-4-4 Mamie Coran -

1907-4-4 Mami Coran music - - headline -

1907-4-5 Eveleth, Mannie Weyenberg, Max Greenberg - - 1907 Eveleth: Prefers Charges Against Attorney. City Attorney of Eveleth Is Accused of Acting for Both Sides. Mannie Weyenberg, slander against his relative Mrs. Max Greenberg. -

1907-4-6 M. S. Slonim - - 1907 Progressive Club Will Hold Debate. Independent Progressive Club Odd Fellows' hall,18 Lake avenue north. 'Resolved, That Socialism is not for the Benefit of the People." M. Kaplan of Chicago and M. S. Slonim of Duluth.

1907-4-6 Eveleth, Max Greenberg, Mannie Weyenberg, slander - - 1907 Says Prince Had A Fit Of Anger. Eveleth Attorney Replies to Alleged Attack Upon Him by Municipal Judge. Mrs. Max Greenberg, a nephew, against a relative Mannie Weyenberg -

1907-04-06_8 union labor, 15 years Kastriner and Neuman - - 1907-4-6 Labo world. the Great Eastern Of West Duluth. Is it hats, caps, collars, handkerchiefs, ties, shirts, underwear, clothing or other articles of men's furnishings you want, and do you wish to get first class goods at moderate prices? Then go to the store of the Great Eastern of West Duluth, located at 310-212 North Central Avenue. Mr. Kastriner and Newman knows the markets from which they buy the trade to which they sell and are therefore a capable guide in the lines they handle. their knowledge has been broadened and intensified by experience, and their taste has been cultivated by study and reflective observation. It follows that they are not amateurs whose opinion as to what is correct in styles is a guess, but critical judges whose advice adds to the worth of what they sell, for it is sure to be in keeping with the proprieties. The members of the firm are: Morris Kastriner and Louis S. Newman. and they have been in business about 15 years, and the Labor World takes pleasure in placing the name of the Gret Eastern of West Duluth, in the honor roll of friends of union labor. - Labor World

1907-04-06_8 Freimuth First Class Goods - - 1907-4-6 Labor World. Freimuth First Class Goods. The need of dry goods, notions and ladies' furnishings is ever present in all walks of life, and the stores that bring them near to the people of any given section of a city or locality are positive benefactors. Of this character is the dry goods and notion store of A. Freimuth, 230 Central Avenue, in this city, which, besides being in a busy and well populated portion of Duluth, and therefore in a location where it is much needed, is well stocked with every variety of goods in its line, all of excellent quality, and ranging in price according to the taste an ability of the purchaser. The members and friend of organized labor can always depend on finding here what they need, an having it laid before them with a courtesy and straightforwardness truly gratifying. Mr. Freimuth is an old hand at his business and understands it thoroughly. Mr. Freimuth has been in business a good many years. - Labor World

1907-4-7 Mamie Coran, Bessie Lieberman -

1907-4-7 Coran, Litman - - -

1907-4-7 Abraham Litman - - 1907 Mamie Coran, 122 East Second street, Walt, Coran, Rosa Kaner, Eva Finkelstein, Dora Levine, Rena Simon, Bessie Walt, Sarah Slomin, Bessie Liberman, Esther Simon, Zalda Coran, Israel Kaner, Alex Coran, Abraham Litman, Sam Walt, Joseph Shusterman, Samuel Walt. -

1907-4-7 Moses Cook jail - - 1907 Cook Is Fined; Goes To Jail. Pawnbroker Will Try to Gain His Liberty on a Writ of Habeas Corpus.

1907-4-7 Mamie Coran entertains - - headline -

1907-4-9 Moses Cook - - 1907 Moses Cook contends that the ordinance is unconstitutional.

1907-4-12 Temple Emanuel - - 1907 Temple Emanuel Services, “Worship and Music”. Sabbath services every Friday evening

1907-4-12 Moses Cook - - 1907 Moses Cook, local pawnbroker, arguments heard.

1907-04-15_4I. S Guinn - - 1904-4-15 Two Smal Boys play detective - Arthur Gasper and Arthur Gilbert, both ten years old, saw two older boys stealing shoes from I S Guinn's store - Duluth News-Tribune

1907-4-16 Moses Cook - - 1907 Council Cuts Off License. Moses Cook Punished for Violating Ordinance-Deadlock on City Sealer Continues. Points to Past Good Record. Says a few words in his own behalf. 17 years a citizen of Duluth, conducted business fairly.

1907-4-17 Moses Cook - - 1907 Cook Loses His Habeas Corpus Fight. Judge Cant, Moses Cook. Arrested and convicted. Refuses to settle.

1907-4-21 Moses Cook - - 1907 Moses Cook Will Take An Appeal. Will Attack Validity of City’s Auction Ordinance in the Supreme Court.

1907-04-26 Pauline & Esther Rabinowitz, Sadie Feldman 9th birthday DNT - - 1907-4-26 Eveleth: Sadie Feldman Has A Birthday Party. Ninth birthday. Mrs. Feldman, Pauline and Esther Rabinowitz hostess.

1907-04-26_6 Ad Louis Finn photo - Virginia Enterprise - - 1907-4-26 Virginia Enterprise: Through a deal closed on Friday last A. Kellar local manager of I. Hammel Co., purchsed the fine southside residence property of Jacob Stein, the price of the transaction involving $4,000. Mr. Stein and family will shortly remove to Duluth, where they will make their future home.

1907-4-27 Mrs. Max Berger, obit. - - 1907 Mrs. Berger Dies As Result Of Burns. Max Berger, 1932 West Michigan street, explosion, obit. -

1907-04-27 - original clipping not available - - 1907-4-27 Virginia Enterprise: Ad: Office of Louis Finn. Barum of Advertisers. 208 East First Street Duluth, Minn. Any Storekeeper wishing to raise money fast will please drop me a line. Louis Finn The Barnum of Advertisers. Photo.

1907-4-28 Eveleth, Frank Rabinowitz, building - - 1907 Eveleth: Frank Rabinowitz, new building at Grant avenue and Pierce street. -

1907-04-28_2 Eveleth Frank Rabinowitz conract for building - DNT - - 1907-4-28 Frank Rabinowitz Lets Contract For Building. Eveleth. corner of Grant avenue and Pierce street. $22,000. Used for Virginia club or Business Men's association. Add third story request.

1907-4-29 realestate transf., 2nd.. col. Abraham Pomush - - Real Estate Transfers. Abraham Pomush -

1907-4-29 realestate trans, 2nd.. col. Abraham Pomush -

1907-5-1 daughter born to Mr. and Mrs. Henry Cohen - - 1907 birth of daughter to Mr. and Mrs. Henry Cohen. 271 East Supeior street.

1907-5-1 Woolfan, location - - 1907 Woolfan, location of new building, 105 Pine St. -

1907-5-1 Moses Goldberg fruit company - - 1907-5 Minnesota Fruit Company Starts For Business Today. 320 West Michigan street. Wright-Clarkson Mercantile Co. Louis M. Goldberg and Moses Goldberg of Marion, Wisconsin.

1907-5-1 Moses Goldberg fruit company - - 1907 Fruit Company Starts For Business Today. Moses Goldberg, Marion, Wis

1907-5-1 Moses Goldberg fruit company - - 1907 Fruit Company Starts For Business Today. Moses Goldberg, Marion, Wis.

1907-5-4 David Shapiro - - headline -

1907-05-04_3 Cloquet, David Shapiro, grand larceny, new write up - DNT - - 1907-5-4 Shapiro Faces Charges Of Grand Larceny.

1907-05-04_3 Cloquet, David Shapiro, grand larceny, new write up - DNT - - 1907-5- 4 Shapiro Faces Charge of Grand Larceny. David Shapiro

1907-5-7 David Shapiro arrested - - headline -

1907-05-07_11 Jennie Siegel recital Fargo_forum_and_daily_republican - - 1907-5-7 Fargo, ND Washington School, Jennie Siegel

1907-5-8 Max Zalk, H. Y. and S. Y. Josephs - - Fire Breaks Out In Golden Rule Store, S. Y. and H. Y. Josephs and Max Zalk -

1907-5-9 Lee Abraham mother Henrietta Friedman obit - - 1907 Mrs Lee Abraham received message announing the death of her monther, Mrs Henrietta Friedman in Shenandoah, PA, at an advanced age

1907-5-11 Louis Goldish -

1907-5-11 Louis Goldish theater -

1907-5-12 Eveleth, Simon Gudell obit. - - 1907 Eveleth: Simon Gudell, Father Of Mrs. Sol Sax, Dead. obit -

1907-5-12 Elsie and Helen Karon -

1907-5-14 Chisholm Sol Rubloff - - 1907-5-14 Chisholm Has Building Boom. Sol Rubloff building two-story structure near the lake on Lake street. Store and living rooms on second story.

1907-5-19 Virginia, Jacob Stein, Mesberg -

1907-5-23 Joseph Altman - - 1907 Building permits, Joseph Altman

1907-5-24 Moses Cook - - 1907 Salesman Sues To Recover Commissions. W. E. Danforth, Moses Cook. Clothing store.

1907-5-28 Harry Kanner & Minnie Rose marriage lic - - Marriage Licenses. Harry Kenner and Minnie Rose -

1907-5-28 Harry Kaner and Minnie Rose marriage lic -

1907-5-29 Max Wiener - - 1907 Max Wiener Jewish Peddler Stabbed In Back -

1907-05-29_11 Charlotte Mondschine notary - - 1907-5-29 col. 7 Charlotte Mondschine stenographer. - Duluth News Tribune

1907-5-30 Minnie Rose and Harry Kanner, marriage - - Rose Kenner, Harry Kenner, Karon, Rose, Kohan, Rabbi Tiplitz -

1907-5-30 Mini Rose and Harry Kanner, marraige -

1907-6-2 Minnie Rose, Harry Kanner marriage -

1907-6-2 Minnie Rose, Harry Kanner marriage - - Marriage, Minnie Rose, Harry Kenner -

1907-6-3 Marie Sattler and Josephine Sattler - - 1907 Miss Josephine Sattler, 213 Fifth avenue west, cousin Miss Marie Sattler, visit friends in St. Paul and Minneapolis.

1907-6-5 Sarah Bessie Salnovitz 8th grade grads - - Eight Grade Commencement, Washington School, Sarah Bessie Salnovitz -

1907-6-7 David Polinsky and Fanny Pass, slander - - -

1907-6-8 Sarah Salnovitz, 8th grade - - Eighth Graders give Interesting Program, Washington School, Sarah Salnovitz -

1907-6-8 David Polinsky, Fanny Pass, slander - - Did not slander David Polinsky. Jury finds in favor of woman charged with calling him a fire bug. Fanny Pass, David Polinsky. Joseph Oreckovsky, Mrs. Pass father. -

1907-6-8 Max Wiener - - 1907 Trial of Assault Cases Are Delayed. Max Wiener -

1907-6-8 Hibbing, Mrs. M. S. Greenblatt, Sisters of Peace - - Hibbing, Sisters of Peace, Hallock, Greenblatt, Mitchell, Elias, Miller, Nides, Helstein -

1907-06-08_9 Lena Azinsky - DNT - - 1907-6-8 Eighth Graders Give Interesting Program Washington school. Rachael Zurosky, Sarah Alnovitz, Edwin Berg, Lena Rocklin, Lena Azinsky,

1907-06-08_9 Salnovitz - DNT - - 1907-6-8 Eigth Graders Give Interesting Program. Sarah Salnovitz, Rachael Zurovsky.

1907-6-9 Harry Soloski - - 1907 Harry Soloski, Ericsson Graduates -

1907-6-9 Alice Dorf - - 1907-6-9 Will Preach To Graduates Today. Baccalaureate Sermon Will Be Delivered This Morning by Rev. H. O. Hannum. Ericsson Graduates. Alice Dorf, Lillian Kaner, Lewis Holzberg?, Harry Soloski?

1907-6-9 Lillian Kaner graduation - - Will Preach To Graduates Today, Lillian Kaner -

1907-06-09_[13] Aldenberg - - 1907-6-9 Cash Carrier Suit Near Trial. Case of John Brennan against Albenberg & Co. to Be Taken Up This Week - dnt

1907-06-09_8D Louis Finn Louis Gordon - DNT - - 1907-6-9 Tower: Louis Finn is here to take charge of the closing out sale at Louis Gordon's which begins June 10.

1907-6-14 Solomon Siegel switch yards death - - 1907-6-4 Plan To Bridge Switch Yards. F. A. Patrick Makes Practical Suggestion-A. H. Comstock Also Has Good Scheme. Solomon Siegel killed a railroad crossing by Northern Pacific switch engine.

1907-6-15 Max Wiener - - 1907 Foley Is Bound Over For Alleged Assault, Max Wiener -

1907-6-18 Sattler, Idzal - - 1907 Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Sattler, 213 Fifth avenue west, entertaining Mr. and Mrs. Idzal, Miss Ethel and Leo Idzal-Minneapolis.

1907-6-18 Josephine Sattler and Charles Idal eng - - 1907 Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Sattler, 213 Fifth avenue west, Miss Josephine Sattler and Leo Charles Idzal-Minneapolis, engagement.

1907-6-19 Josephine Sattler and Leo Idzal eng - - 1907 Mr and Mrs JB Sattler entertained in their home in honor of their daguther Josephine and Mr Leo Idzal re their recent engagement.

1907-6-20 B. J. Cook and mother trip - - 1907 Mrs. B. J. Cook and mother, Mrs. Ida Cook, 321 Eat First street, eastern trip to Mt. Clemens, Mich., Jamestown exposition.

1907-6-21 Helen Karon -

1907-6-23 Mr. and Mrs. I. Freimuth - - 1907 Mr. and Mrs. I. Freimuth, 1306 East Second street, Miss Josephine Sattler, Mr. Leo Idzal.

1907-6-23 Mrs. L. S. Loeb - - 1907 Mrs. L. S. Loeb, 1123 East Superior street, Miss Josephine Sattler and Mr. Leo Idzal.

1907-6-23 Mrs. Victor Kohn - - 1907 Mrs. Victor Kohn, diner party, 301 East Fourth street, Miss Sattler and Mr. Idzal.

1907-6-23 Mrs. W. M. Abrahamson - - 1907 Mrs. W. M. Abrahamson, 1215 East First street, entertained Miss Josephine Sattler and Miss Gertrude Givansky.

1907-6-23 Freimuth, Josephine Sattler, Leo Idzal - - 1907 Reception At Sattler Home. Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Sattler, 213 Fifth avenue West, Miss Josephine and Mr. Leo Idal-Minneapolis, engagement.

1907-6-23 Freimuth, Josephine Sattler, Leo Idzal - - 1907 Mr. and Mrs. I. Freimuth, 1306 East Second street, Miss Josephine Sattler and Mr. Leo Idzal.

1907-6-23 Freimuth, Josephine Sattler, Leo Idzal - - 1907 Miss Josephine Sattler, Miss Gertrude Givansky, Mrs. W. M. Abrahamson, 1215 East First street.

1907-6-23 Freimuth, Josephine Sattler, Leo Idzal - - 1907 Mrs. Victor Kohn, 301 East Fourth street. Miss Sattler and Mr. Idzal.

1907-6-23 Freimuth, Josephine Sattler, Leo Idzal - - 1907 Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Sattler, 213 Fifth avenue west, Miss Josephine Sttler and Leo Charles Idzal-Minneapolis., Mr. and Mrs. Idzal-Minneapolis, Mrs. L. S. Loeb, Mrs. M. Cornfield, Enid Freimuth, Miss Miriam Levin.

1907-6-23 Freimuth, Sattler, Idzal - - 1907-6-23 (cropped) 1907 Mr. and Mrs. I. Freimuth, 1306 East Second street, Miss Josephine Sattler and Mr. Leo Idzal.

1907-6-23 Kohn party for Sattler & Idzal - - 1907-6-23 (cropped) 1907 Mrs. Victor Kohn, 301 East Fourth street. Miss Sattler and Mr. Idzal.

1907-6-23 Loeb party for Sattler and Idzal - - 1907-6-23 (cropped) 1907 Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Sattler, 213 Fifth avenue west, Miss Josephine Sttler and Leo Charles Idzal-Minneapolis., Mr. and Mrs. Idzal-Minneapolis, Mrs. L. S. Loeb, Mrs. M. Cornfield, Enid Freimuth, Miss Miriam Levin.

1907-6-23 M&M Sattler party for Josephine and fiance - - 1907-6-23 (cropped) 1907 Reception At Sattler Home. Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Sattler, 213 Fifth avenue West, Miss Josephine and Mr. Leo Idal-Minneapolis, engagement.

1907-6-23 Sattler, Givansky, Abrahamson - - 1907-6-23 (cropped) 1907 Miss Josephine Sattler, Miss Gertrude Givansky, Mrs. W. M. Abrahamson, 1215 East First street.

1907-6-23 Miriam Levin - - 1907 Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Sattler, 213 Fifth avenue west, daughter Miss Josephine Sattler, fiance-Mr. Leo Charles Idzal-Minneapolis. Mrs. M. Cornfield, Miss Enid Freimuth, Miss Miriam Levine.

1907-6-25 Mining, Freimuth - - Mining Company Has New Head, I. Freimuth -

1907-06-25 Freimuth resigns as president of ButteBalaklava Copper - - 1907-6-25 Mining Company Has New Head. R. B. Dear Succeeds I. Freimuth as President of the Butte BalaklavaCopper company.

1907-6-26 Max Wiener - - 1907 Superior Court Jury Excused Until July 8. Max Wiener -

1907-6-27 Mrs. J. D. Sattler, funeral, ND - - 1907 North Dakota: Funeral Here. Mrs. J. D. Sattler, Grand Forks, St. Michael's church, Rev. Father Conaty, remains arrived from Duluth.

1907-6-27 Mrs. J. D. Sattler, obit. N. D - - 1907 North Dakota: Her Funeral Tomorrow. Mrs. J. D. Sattler Will Be Buried In The Catholic Cemetery In This City-Body Arrives Today. St. Michaels church, Mrs. Mary Maloney-mother. Minnie Maloney Sattler, 35 years old. Marie Sattler-daughter, Miss Sue Maloney-sister, Frank and Charley-brothers. Mr. and Mrs. Charley Maloney-Winnipeg.

1907-6-27 Mrs. Sattler obit - - 1907 North Dakota: Mrs. Sattler Is Dead. Daughter of Mrs. Mary Maloney Passed Away In Duluth=Former Resident Of This City. Grand Forks, Mrs. J. D. Sattler, daughter of Mrs. Mary Maloney, Mrs. Maloney-mother, Frank Maloney-brother.

1907-6-27 Max Zalk cartoon - - Well Known Men Of Duluth In Caricature No. 51 Max Zalk -

1907-7-7 Herman J. Nathanson , mining - - 1907 Virginia Men Form New Mining Company. H. J. Nathanson. -

1907-7-10 Max Wiener - - 1907 Superior Court Cases Will Be Called Today, Max Wiener -

1907-7-11 Max Wiener, Harry Gordon - - 1907 Liking For Drink Causes Trouble, Three Prisoners Tried, Two Convicted-Criminal Calendar Nearly Cleaned Up. W. J. Foley assaulted Max Wiener, Harry Gordon complaint by wife. -

1907-7-11 Henry Levenson - - 1907 Little Boy Is Lost; Cops Can't Find Him, Henry Levenson, Samuel Levenson, 802 West Superior St. -

1907-7-14 sale of Elco theater -

1907-7-17 Fanny Abrahamson - - 1907 Bride-Elect Honored. Miss Eva Polinsky, married on the 8th of next month, guest of honor. Mr. and Mrs. Leona Solomon, David Frankfort, J. Oreckovsky, L. Shenowsky, I. Moscovich, A. H. Polinsky, I. Lieberman, J. Cohen, J. Helstein, Mame Weinberg, Dora Polinsky, Sadie Fostof, Frances Light, Fanny Abrahamson (Abramson), Sarah Polinsky, Mrs. M. Weinberg, Robert Rosen-Minneapolis, Louise Meyer-Moline, Harry Weinberg, Morris Nides-Hibbing. Notes from Jack: Eva Polinsky I think is who married Morris Nides. All of the names are Jewish and most I have trees for :); Leon Solomon (his sister I think was Mrs I B Aarons, mother of Helen Widdes); David Frankfort married to Sadie Caplow; J Oreckovsky too many to pick from; Louis Shenowsky - married to Sadie Cohen (Steve Heifitz tree); L Moscovich - no match so far; Albert H Polinsky - married to Sarah Shapiro, parents of Lyle Polinsky; I Lieberman - no match; J Cohen - too many; John Helstein - married to Rose Light on my Abramson tree; Mamie Weinberg never married; Dora Polinsky - married to Joseph Wolfe; Sadie Fostoff - married to Jack Lunche; Frances Light - married to Edward Pease, on my Abramson tree; Fanny Abrahamson - married to Benjamin Lieberman on my tree; Sarah Polinsky - too many to pick from ; Mrs. M Weinberg - Mamie's mother; Robert Rosen - no match; Louis Meyer - no match; Harry Weinberg - brother of Mamie; Morris Nides - groom I think.

1907-7-19 Goldfine, Superior Iron & Metal, accident - - Plunges Over The Nemadji Bridge, Sam Goldfine, peddler, son Harris, Superior Iron & Metal Co. -

1907-7-26 Leo Crystal and Bertha Fieldman ml. - - 1907 Leo Crystal and Bertha Fieldman marriage license.

1907-08-06 Ida Cook trip - - 1907-8-6 People You Know. Mrs. A. I. Shapiro of St. Paul is the guest of Mrs. Ida Cook, 321 East Fourth street. Mrs. Cook and her on B. J. Cook, have recently returned from an eastern trip.

1907-08-09_4 Berman Mondchine - - 1907-8-9 Bemidji: Col. 4. Miss LeahBerman is entertaining as her guests Misses Anna Ellenstein of Minneapolis and Charlotte Mondschine of Duluth. - Bemidji_daily_pioneer_

1907-8-11 Lavine, Mark, Casmir, Bondy, Lavine -

1907-8-15 Louis Shapiro legal - - 1907-8-15 Louis Polinsky, Benjamin Shapiro

1907-08-16_6 Litman & Oshinsky, Pauline & Easter Rabinowitz cropped Virginia_enterprise - - 1907-8-16 Virginia: Frank Litman and Robert Oshinsky host dance for Libbie Holzberg of Superior. Maurice and Mary Sapero of Chisholm, Pauline and Ester Rabinowitz of Eveleth, Libbie Holzberg of Superior, Sam Altman of Duluth, and Robert Oshinsky of Hancock, Mich.

1907-08-16_6 Mrs. J. Mesberg, Rose Cohen Esther Sanderson Virginia_enterprise - - 1907-8-16 Virginia: Mrs. J. Mesberg, Rose Cohen of Chicago, Esther Sanderson of Duluth

1907-08-17_4 Lottie Mondchine Berman - - 1907-8-17 Bemidji: col. 4. Miss Lottie Mondschine, who has been the guest of Miss Leah Berman, left this morning for Brainerd, where she will visit friends before returning to her home in Duluth. - Bemidji_daily_pioneer_

1907-8-18 six articles - - 1907-8-18 Mr. and Mrs. H. Levine, 524 Lake avenue north, September 1 return. - - cropped image

1907-8-18 six articles - - 1907-8-18 Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Dennis, 311 Second avenue west, Twin Cities and Southern Minnesota. - - cropped image

1907-8-18 six articles - - 1907-8-18 Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Eisenberg and daughter of Spokane, Wash. Vising Mr. and Mrs. C. Albenberg, 128 Eighth avenue east. - - cropped image

1907-8-18 six articles - - 1907-8-18 Miss Ida Milavitz, and Benjamin Goldish, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. H. Milavitz. Wedding. - - cropped image

1907-8-18 six articles - - 1907-8-18 Miss rose Cohen-Chicago, visiting aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. M. Shenowsky of 923 Fourth avenue east. - - cropped image

1907-8-18 six articles - - 1907-8-18 Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Silberstein, 519 East Third street, returned from New York, Richmond, Norfolk, and the Jamestown exposition. - - cropped image

1907-8-18 Ruth Markell - - 1907-8-18 Ruth Markel, 38th Avenue East and Superior Street, dinner party. Miss Ensign and Mr. Greene. - cropped

1907-8-18 Markell - - 1907-8-18 Miss Ruth Markell Thirty-eightn avenue east and Superior street, hostess dinner party. Miss Ensign and Mr. Greene.

1907-8-18 Milavitz - - 1907-8-18 Wedding of Miss Ida Milavetz, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. H. Milavitz-Ashland, and Mr. Benjamin Goldish of this city. Jewish Synagogue in Ashland, Wisconsin. Rev. Ryn (Rein) of Hurley Wisconsin officiated. Home at 708 West Second Street.

1907-8-18 Silberstein - - 1907-8-18 Mr. an Mrs. A. E. Silberstein, 619 East Third street, New York, Richmond, Norfolk, Jamestown exposition.

1907-8-18 Milavitz and Goldish wed -

1907-8-22 Clara Shapiro eng. -

1907-8-25 B. J. Summerfield, Cloquet, building - - 1907 Cloquet: Work On Mammoth Store Is Begun At Cloquet. B. J. Summerfield corner of Arch street and Avenue C. , concrete blocks, Superior Pressed Stone and Building, two stories high, 60 x 100 feet, plate glass.

1907-8-27 Alice Sher - - 1907-8-27 The cast in part - Alice Sher, the peanut ballet

1907-08-27_3 Eveleth, Sam Shapiro - DNT - - 1907-8-27 Eveleth: Shapiro Gets Verdict Against J. W. Falk.

1907-08-27_3 Eveleth, Sam Shapiro - DNT - - 1907-8-27 Eveleth: Shapiro Gets Verdict Against J. W. Falk.

1907-8-30 I Goldstein Barber - - 1907-8-30 Cannot Shave Without License. I. Goldstein Accused of Barbering Without a Permit.-Warrant Issued for His Arrest. 419 Tower avenue. Brother ran shop.

1907-9-4 Litman Oshinsky wedding - - Marriage, Sarah Litman-Virginia and Robert Oshinsky-Hancok, MI, guests Helstien, Holzberg, Lawrence, Gordon -

1907-9-5 Josephine Helene Sattler weds Lee Charles Idzal - - 1907 Of Interest To Women. Pretty Wedding At The Spalding. Josephine Helen Sattler of Duluth Becomes Bride of Minneapolis Man. Daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Sattler, 213 Fifth avenue west, and Lee Charles Idzal-Minneapolis. Rev. Maurice Lefkowitz, 200 guests. Misses Rose Krojanker, Martha Padlasky-St. Paul, Clara Shapiro, Janet Idzal, Dorothy Loeb, Marie Sattler, Rose Freimuth, Edna Freimuth. Edward Helperin-St. Paul, David Freimuth, Morris Freimuth, Hugo Kohn, William Fanta. Miss Alice Segelson, Mrs. and Miss Kosing, Dave Abel, Miss Pauline Bernhelm, Ed Heltrin, Mrs. and Miss Rosenblatz, Mrs. Lewis Finkelstein, Miss Celia Finkelstein-St. Paul, Ike Summerfield-Cloquet, Mrs. S. B. Ables, Emmons Ables, Walter Idzal, Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Idzal, Misses Ethel and Jane Idzal, Miss Albun-Minneapolis, Mrs. Marion Smith, Mrs. Eva Ables, Samuel Ables-Chicago. Home in Minneapolis.

1907-09-05_3 Frank Rabinowitz DNT - - 1907-9-5 Eveleth: Council Agrees To Pay Half Cost of Curbing. Frank Rabinowitz.

1907-09-06 Sarah Litman Robert Oshinsky married - - 1907-9-6 Virginia: Litman-Oshinsky Nuptials. Virginians attend marriage of Sarah Litman and Robert Oshinsky of Hancock, Mich.. Married Sunday at Odd Fellows' hall on Lake avenue. Both are well known in Dluth. Bride is sister of Mrs. Henry Helstein of Virginia. 200 guests. Miss Rose Litman, Miss Alice Holzberg of Virginia. Harry Lawrence of Calumet best man, Ben Gordon groomsman.

1907-09-06_9 Virginia Enterprise - - 1907-9-6 Virginia Enterprise: J. Mesberg Furniture and Hardware, ad Virginia and Eveleth.

1907-09-06_9 Virginia Enterprise - - 1907-9-6 Miss Goldie Finn, of Eveleth, was the guest of her father, Louis Finn, the cyclone sales-maker, the first of this week. Mr. Finn at present conducts a closing-out sale for the Siegel Bros. Funiture store.

1907-09-06_9 Virginia Enterprise - - 1907-9-6 Mrs. H. J. Nathanson returned Wednesday from an extended western trip, visiting the home of Mr. and Mrs. P. Shipley at North Yakima, Wash., and with other old Virginians during her absence. Mr. Nathanson went to Duluth to meet her upon her return trip.

1907-9-8 Society - six articles of interest - - 1907 Society Page - full page - six articles of interest shown cropped as jpg files below.

1907-9-8 Clara Shapiro & Maurice Lefkovits engaged - - 1907 (cropped to the article) Mr. and Mrs. Max P. Shapiro, 319 Fourteenth avenue, gave reception for daughter Clara and Dr. Maurice Lefkovits, will be married.

1907-9-8 Hattie Shapiro & Nathaniel Ripstein engaged - - 1907 (cropped to the article) Engagement of Miss Hattie Shapiro, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. M. Shapiro, 207 East Second street, to Mr. Nathaniel Ripstein of Winnipeg.

1907-9-8 Josephine Satler and Lee Idzal wed - - 1907 (cropped to the article) Spalding hotel, Josephine Helen Sattler bride of Lee Charles Idzal of Minneapolis, daughter of Mr.and Mrs. J. b. Sattler, 213 Fifth avenue west. Rev. Maurice Lefkovitz, 200 guests, Ethel Idzal, Rose Krojanker, Martha Padlasky-St. Paul, Clara Shapiro, Janet Idzal, Dorothy Loeb, Marie Sattler, Rose Friemuth, Edna Freimuth. Edward Helperin-St. Paul, David Freimuth, Morris Freimuth, Hugo Kohn, William Fanta. Out of town guests: Alice Segelson, Mr. and Mrs. Kosing, Dave Abel, Pauline Bernheim, Ed Heltrin, Mrs. And Miss Rosenblatz, Mrs. Lewis Finkelstein, Miss Celia Finkelstein, all of St. Paul, Ike Summerfield of Cloquet, Mrs. S. B. Ables, Emmons Ables, Walter Idzal, Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Idzal, Ethel and Jane Idzal, Miss Albun of Minneapolis, Mrs. Marion Smith, Mrs. Eva Ables and Samuel Ables of Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. Idzal home in Minneapolis.

1907-9-8 Mrs Harry Abrahamson & son Norman - - 1907 (cropped to the article) Mrs. Harry Abrahamson and son Norman, returned home to St. Paul.

1907-9-8 Rae Holzberg and Harry Silk engaged - - 1907 (cropped to the article) Engagement of Rae Holzberg of 721 North Fifth street, Superior, to Harry Silk, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. H. Holzberg.

1907-9-8 Sarah Litman and Robert Oshinsky wed - - 1907 (cropped to the article) Miss Sarah Litman of Virginia and Robert Oshinsky of Hancock, Mich. Married at Odd Fellow’s hal on Lake avenue. Sister Mrs. Henry Helstein. Rose Litman, Alice Holzberg-Virginia, Harry Lawrence-Calumet, Ben Gordon.

1907-9-8 Sarah Litman and Robert Oshinsky wed. - - 1907 Sarah Litman of Virginia and Robert Oshinsky of Hancock, Mich. wedding, Mrs. Henry Helstein, Rose Litman, Alice Holzberg, Harry Lawrence, Ben Gordon. -

1907-09-15_[13] Helen Karon of Superior - - 1907-9-15 Miss Helen Karon, 609 John avenue, has returned from an enjoyable stay of three weeks in Winnipeg, Man. - dnt

1907-9-17 Sadie Fostof - - 1907 Bride-Elect Honored. Miss Ev Polinsky, Mr. and Mrs. Leona Solomon, David Frankfort, J. Oreckovsky, L. Shenowsky, L. Moscovich, A. H. Polinsky, I. Lieberman, J. Cohen, J. Helstein, Mame Weinberg, Dora Polinsky, Sadie Fostof, Frances Light, Fanny Abrahamson, Sarah Polinsky, Mrs. M. Weinberg, Robert Rosen of Minneapolis, Louise Meyer of Moline, Harry Weinberg, Morris Nides of Hibbing.

1907-9-22 Tower, Minn - - 1907 Tower, Minnesota history - Hopes of Tower citizens wrapped up on beautiful Vermilion Lake

1907-9-22 Moscovich Eva Polinsky wedding - - 1907-9-22 Bride-Elect Honored. Miss Eva Polinsky, groom's name not mentioned. Party given by Mr. and Mrs. Leona Solomon. Guests: David Frankfort, J. Oreckovsky, L. Shenowsky, L. Moscovich, A. H. Polinsky, I. Lieberman, J. Cohen, J. Helstein, Mame Weinberg, Dora Polinsky, Sadie Fostof, Frances Light, Fanny Abrahamson, Sarah Polinsky, Mrs. M. Weinberg, Robert Rosen-Minnepolis, Louise Meyer-Moline, Harry Weinbeg, Morris Nides-Hibbing.

1907-9-22 Tower, Minn. - - 1907 News Of The Ranges. Hopes Of Towr Citizens Wrapped Up On Beautiful Vermilion Lake. -

1907-9-26 Mr. and Mrs. Louis Levine, daughter born - - 1907 Mr. and Mrs. Louis Levine, 12 West Fifth street, daughter born Sept. 22.

1907-9-26 Charlotte Mondschine & Beriah Magoffin wed - - 1907-9-26 Mondschine-Magoffin. Miss Charlotte Mondschine and Beriah Magoffin Jr. married at bride's mother Fannie Mondschine's house, 126 Sixth avenue west. Rev. Kerby S. Miller, stenographer, mining engineer.

1907-09-26_9 Multiple articles in the Duluth News Tribune - - 1907-9-26 Mondschine-Magoffin. Charlotte Mondschine and Beriah Magoffin, Jr., were married yesterday afternoon at the residence of the bride's mother, Mrs. Fann8e Mondschine of 126 Sixth avenue west. Rev. Kerby S. Miller read the service at 4 o'clock in the presence of a few relatives. Both parties are well known in this city. Miss Mondachine has been a stenographer for some time and has many friends in this city and groom is a well-known mining engineer. - Duluth News Tribune

1907-09-26_9 Multiple articles in the Duluth News Tribune - - 1907-9-26 Repeat of above announcement. - Duluth News Tribune

1907-09-26_9 Multiple articles in the Duluth News Tribune - - 1907-9-26 Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Polinsky gave a linen shower for Miss Eve Polinsky, who is to be married next month, at their home,105 Park terrace, Wednesday evening. Cards were played by 40 guests. - Duluth News Tribune

1907-09-26_9 Multiple articles in the Duluth News Tribune - - 1907-9-26 Phillip Abramson, formerly of Duluth, but now of Aberdeen Wash., will be married to Miss Sara Tobias of Denver, Colo. at the home of the bride's aunt in Portland, Ore. on Oct. 8. Mr. Abramson is well known in Duluth. - Duluth News Tribune

1907-9-27 A. H. Polinsky and Eva Polinsky, linen shower - - -

1907-9-29 Eveleth, Stein, Greenberg, Prince - - 1907 Eveleth: Says Political Enemies Are Active. Morris Entien vs. Max Greenberg, Nellie Greenburg. Max Shtien. -

1907-09-29_4 multiple articles in the Duluth News Tribune - - 1907-9-29 col. 2Philip Abramson, formerly of Duluth, but now of Aberdeen, Wash., will be married to Miss Sara Tobias of Denver, Colorado, at the home of the bride aunt in Portland, Oregon on October 8th. Mr. Abramson is well known in Duluth. - Duluth News Tribune

1907-09-29_4 multiple articles in the Duluth News Tribune - - 1907-9-29 col. 5 Mr. and Mrs. Louis Loeb, of 1123 East Superior street are entertaining Mrs. Loeb and Mr. Keller of Indiana. Mrs. Loeb is Mr. Loeb's mother and Mr. Keller is Mrs. Loeb's father. - Duluth News Tribune

1907-9-30 Julius Cohen, Mrs. Polinsky,Mrs. Stans Jarumusik, kidnaping - - 1907 Witnesses leave for Minneapolis. Police officials and others summoned to testify in "Bessie" kidnaping case. Julius Cohen, Mrs. Polinsky, Mrs. Stans Jarumusik. -

1907-10-1 Golda Sosnovsky, sues Fox - - 1907 Fell Down Stairs; Sues For Damage. Golda Sosnovsky Wants $1,000 Because of Injuries Sustained at Fox's Hardware Store. Joseph E. Fox and wife Lucile.

1907-10-4 Golda Sosnovsky, Joseph E. Fox, law suit - - 1907 Golda Sosnovsky, Joseph E. Fox

1907-10-5 Golda Sosnovsky, Fox Hardware - - 1907 Civil Cases InDistrict Court. Sosnovsky-Fox Suit Goes to Jury. Other Actions Adjourned to Monday.

1907-10-7 Golda Sosnovsky - - 1907 Golda Sosnovsky suing Joseph E. Fox.

1907-10-07_[3] German decent Albenberg - - 1907-10-7 Germans Gather In Celebration. Big Crowd Commemorates 224th Aniversary of Settlement of Germantown - dnt

1907-10-8 Golda Sosnovsky - - 1907 Claim Turned Down By Jury. Golda Sosnovsky Gets Nothing for Her Tumble on theStairs. Joseph E. Fox.

1907-10-9 Duluth, Eva F.Polinski and Morris D. Nides wed-Hibbing -

1907-10-11 Anna Taran and Joseph Averbrook wed - - 1907 Miss Anna Taran and Joseph Averbrook, wed.

1907-10-13 Polinski - Nides wedding - - 1907 Eva F Polinski and Morris D Dnides wedding

1907-10-18 Lena H. Cohen and David Ostrov ml - - 1907 David Ostrv and Lena H. Cohen, marriage license.

1907-10-18 Aurora, Dr. Samuel Levin and Laura Schroeder wed, Rabbi Hirsch-Chicago - - 1907 Auora, Will Wed In Chicago, Dr. Samuel Levin and Laura Schroeder wed, Rabbi Hirsch-Chicago -

1907-10-22_3 Finn - DNT - - 1907-10-22 Eaveleth: One More Candidate For Municipal Judge. Louis Finn.

1907-10-24_8 Sam Meyers and Lena Katz ml - - 1907-10-24 Sam Meyers and Lena Katz marriage license - Duluth News-Tribune

1907-11-5 J. Rovelsky, check - - Business Man Is Beaten Up, J. Rovelsky, check -

1907-11-22 Miriam Levin - - 1907 In Honor Of Guest. Miss Irene Wetzler, 1024 East Second street, Miss Claire Abrahams, Clara Shapiro, Rose Krojanker, Miriam Levin, Helen Wetzler.

1907-11-22 Carl Shapiro, debate -

1907-11-23 Shapiro-Lefkovitz - - 1907 Clara Shapiro and Dr. Maurice Lefkovitz, Max P. Shapiro, Rabbi Lowenthal-Nashville, Tenn. -

1907-11-24_2 Duluth News Tribune - multiple articles - - 1907-11-24 Mr. and Mrs. Max P. Shapiro, wedding of daughter Miss Claa Shapiro nd Dr. Maurice Lefkovits, Rabbi Lowenthal. - Duluth News Tribune

1907-11-24_2 Duluth News Tribune - multiple articles - - 1907-11-24 Mrs. L. S. Loeb hostess to three parties. - Duluth News Tribune

1907-11-24_2 Duluth News Tribune - - 1907-11-24 Miss Silberstein's dinner for Miss Cora Shapiro and Dr. Lefkowitz.

1907-11-24_2 Duluth News Tribune - - 1907-11-24 Mr. and Mrs. Max P. Shapiro sent out invitations for wedding of their daughter Miss Clara Shapiro and Dr. Maurice Lefkovits. Rabbi Lowenthal of Nashville, Tenn.

1907-11-24_2 Duluth News Tribune - - 1907-11-24 Mrs. L. S. Loeb hosted three parties this week. tea and bridge parties.

1907-11-24_2 Duluth News Tribune - - 1907-11-24 Miss Irene Wetzler, 1024 East Second street, entertained at luncheon yesterday in honor of Miss Claira Abraham, Miss Clar Shapiro and Miss Rose Krojanker.

1907-11-24_2 Duluth News Tribune - - 1907-11-24 Charity ball. Miss A. D. Goodman, Mrs. T. J. Davis. Mrs. J. P. Gordon, Mrs. L. S. Loeb, B. Silberstein, A. W. Hartman, J. T. Gordon

1907-11-24_2 Duluth News-Tribune - - 1907-11-24 Miss Silberstein dinner for Miss Cora Shapiro and Dr. Lefkowitz.

1907-11-24_2 Duluth News-Tribune - - 1907-11-24 Mrs. Max P. Shapiro Thursday issued invitations for the wedding of their daughter Miss Clara Shapiro to Dr. Dr. Maurice Lefkovitz.

1907-11-24_2 Duluth News-Tribune - - 1907-11-24 Mrs. L. S. Loeb was the hostess at a series of three parties this week. On Tuesday afternoon she gave a tea, Wednesday and Thursday afternoon bridge parties.

1907-11-24_2 Duluth News-Tribune - - 1907-11-24 Miss Irene Wetzler, 1024East Second street, entertained at luncheon yesterday to honor at Miss Claire Abraham, Miss Clara Shapiro and Miss Rose Krojanker.

1907-12-1 Alice and Ray Holzberg-Smith -

1907-12-05_4 Cora Shapiro marriage to Rabbi Morris L. Lefkovitz - DNT - - 1907-12-5 Miss Shapiro Is Bride Of Rabbi. Prominent Jewish Girl and Rev. Morris L. Lefkovitz United in Marriage. Miss Cora Shapiro, daughter of M. P. Shapiro and Rev. Morris L. Lefkovitz. Temple Emanuel. Rabbi I. Lowenthal of Nashville, Tenn. Bertha Stein of Chicago; Miss Bella Shapiro of St. Paul; Miss Elsie Silberstein; Ruth Freimuth; Lyllan ? Shapiro; Leo Shapiro; Carl Shapiro; Hugo Kohn; Richard Freimuth; Harry Levy. Mr. and Mrs. A. Hess; Mr. and Mrs. H. Risser-Chicago; Mr. and Mrs. Siegel-Washburn, Wis., Mr. and Mrs. Baer-St. Paul; Mr. and Mrs. P. Shapiro-St. Paul; Mr. and Mrs. J. Lefkovitz-Nashville, Tenn.; Mr. and Mrs. Sol Reiser-Chicago; Mrs. A. Stein-Chicago- Rae Shapiro; Sue Shapiro-St. Paul; Bertha Stein-Chicago; Mr. Len Shapiro-Eveleth; Mr. Roy Stein- Chicago.

1907-12-05_4 Cora Shapior marriage to Rabbi Morris L. Lefkovitz - DNT - - 1907-12-5 Miss Shapiro Is Bride Of Rabbi. Prominent Jewish Girl and Rev. Morris L. Lefkovitz United in Marriage. Miss Cora Shapiro, daughter of M. P. Shapiro. Rabbi I. Lowenthal of Nashville, Tenn. Miss Bertha Stein of Chicago, Miss Bella Shapiro of St. Paul, Miss Elsie Silberstein, Ruth Freimuth, Lylian Shapiro. Loe Shapiro, Carl Shapiro, Hugo Kohn, Richard Reimuth, Harry Levy. Guests: Mr. and Mrs. a. Hesa, Mr. and Mrs. Siegel, Washburn, Wis., Mr. and Mrs. I. Baer-St. Paul, Mr. and Mrs. P. Shapiro-St. Paul, Mr. and Mrs. J. Lefkovitz of Nashville, Tenn. Mr. and Mrs. Sol Reiser-Chicago, Mr. A. Stein-Chicago, Miss Rae Shapiro and Miss Sue Shapiro-St. Paul, Miss Bertha Stein-Chicago, Mr. Leo Shapiro-Eveleth, and Mr. Roy Stein of Chicago.

1907-12-8 Cora Shapiro and Morris L. Lefkowitz marriage -

1907-12-15 Temple Emanuel, Recipe Books -

1907-12-15 ag Temple Emanuel, Recipe Books -

1907-12-19 Jennie Shenowsky obit. 7 month - - 1907-12-19 Deaths. Shenowsky Jennie, 7 months, died Dec. 17. 811 East Third street. Meningitis.

1907-12-22 Irene Edelson Harry Weiss married cropped - - 1907-12-22 Miss Irene Edelson and Mr. Harry Weiss married. 5104 Grand av. Fanny Shapiro, Lillian London, Mr. Edelson, Willlliam Weiss.

1907-12-25 Max, Louis Zalk, ear - - Loses His Ear; Asks Damages, Echlekovich, Max & Louis Zalk, H. J. Joseph Duluth Iron & Metal Co. -

1907-12-27 Joseph Fostoff - - 1907 Iron River Merchant In Municipal Court. Special Treasury Agent Daniela Causes Arrest of Transient Clothing Dealer. Joseph Fostoff, arrested. Roix building at Iron River.

1907-12-29 Charles Grais DNT - - 1907-12-29 General Store Burned. Frazee, Minn. Dec. 28-The general store of Charles Grais, at Ponsford, Minn, was entirely destroyed by fire last night. The loss will amount to about $10,000 with little insurance Ponsford is an inland town on the line of the White Earth reservation.

1908 Sol Rubloff Hibbing fire - - 1908 Sol Rubloff - Sol was Arthur's father. Sol ended in jail and Arthur left his family. See 1985-11-13 news article about Arthur

.................. 1908 ..................           top of list          bottom -

1908 Superior Directory Junk Dealers - - 1908 Superior Directory Junk Dealers

1908-1-1 Rosalie Krojanker and Morris Freimuth wed, Rabbi Lefkovitz -

1908-1-1 Rosalie Krojanker and Morris Freimuth wed. - - 1908 Prominent Young People Wedded. 510 West Second street, Rosalie Krojanker and Morris Freimuth wed. J. D. Sattler, Abby Ables, Esther Levy, Alice Levy, Ethel Idzal, Becky Michael-Minneapolis, Mrs. L. Loewus-New York, J. Schiffman-Chicago. -----1908 Rosalie Krojanker and Morris Freimuth wed, Rabbi Lefkovitz, Prominent Young People Wedded, Robert Kronjanker, J. D. Sattler, Abby Ables, Esther Levy, Alice Levy, Ethel Idzal, Becky Michael, L. Loewus, J. Schiffman. -

1908-1-1 Krojanker-Freimuth wed, guests, Sattler, Ables, Levy, Idzal, Michael, Loewus, Schiffman -

1908-1-7 Virginia, synagogue -

1908-01-09 James Lavick undertaker - - 1908-1-9 Virginia Undertakers Go To Hibbing Today. Northern Minnesota Funeral Directors' association at Hibbing tomorrow. H. S. Gillespie, Ed Hurley, E. Matheson, James Lavick, J. Messberg and J. H. Fleming. - - Virginia Enterprise

1908-1-11 Hibbing, undertakers -

1908-1-20 S. Goldish wed -

1908-01-20 Goldish, Simon wedding 1908 - - 1908-01-20 Jewish Wedding is gala affair. Miss Mary Seiesneck of Cleveland became the bride of Mr Simon Godish of St Paul - La Crosse Tribune, 20 January 1908, page 5.

1908-1-22 Rabbi J. R. Aronsohn - - 1908 Shapira-Ripstein. Hattie Shapira and Nathan Ripstein wed. 207 East Second street, Mr. and Mrs. M. Shapira, Rabbi J. R. Aronsohn-St. Paul, Mr. and Mrs. Davi Ripstein-Winnipeg, Mr. and Mrs. B. J. Sommerfield-Cloquet, Mr. and Mrs. Max Rogalsky-Eveleth.

1908-1-22 Hattie Shapiro and Nathan Ripstein wed, Rabbi J. R. Aronsohn,Sommerfield, Rogalsky - - 1908 Hattie Shapiro and Nathan Ripstein wed, Rabbi J. R. Aronsohn-St. Paul, B. J. Sommerfield-Cloquet, Max Rogalsky-Eveleth, Shapira-Ripstein, Nathan Ripstein of Winnipeg, David Ripstein. -

1908-1-24 Elsie Karon -

1908-1-24 Lena Cohen - - 1908 Young Graduates Are Tendered Reception. Carpenter school, Lena Cohen, Elsie Karon

1908-1-24 Carpenter School grads, Karon, Cohen -

1908-01-31_6 Albenberg - - 1908-1-31 Pipe Bursts And Goods Are Ruined. Albenberg’s Stock Damaged by Water to Extent of between $8,000 and $10,000. Max Albenberg, Louis Albenberg. - dnt

1908-2-1 son born to Mr. and Mrs. Sam Cohen - - 1908 Birth of son to Sam Cohen, 22 Lake avenue north.

1908-2-6 Morris Markowski obit. - - 1908 Coroner Says It Was Not Suicide. Believes M. Markowski's Death Under a Street Car Was Accidental. B. Sher, 25 East First street, obit.

1908-2-7 Eveleth, Leo Shapiro, auditor -

1908-02-12 Winnepeg wedding on Sabbath - - 1908-2-12 Duluth News Tribune. Police Raid Sunday Wedding At Winnipeg. Winnipeg, Man. Feb. 11-Sunday afternoon a squad of police raided Sharry Shomayim synagogue and stopped a wedding being performed there on the ground that the Lord’s Day act says no work must be performed on the Sabbath. It was the first wedding scheduled for the new synagogue, the contracting parties being two of Winnipeg’s most popular young people in Jewish society. The event has been the topic of conversation in the Jewish circles for weeks past and the crowd wa so great that the synagogue would not contain all the guests. Just as Rabbi Levine, who was assisted by Rabbi S. Goldstein, started the ceremony, several husky police appeared and forbade the ceremony, taking the names of the principals, and application will be made to the attorney for leave to prosecute, his sanction being necessary in all cases under the Lord’s Day act. The importance of the wedding may be judged by the fact that a full band had been engaged fror the ceremony, and each bandsman will also be prosecuted.

1908-2-13 Levine, fire - - 1908 Fire Destroys $10,000 Stock. Levine Clothing Company Store Gutted. Flames Start From Gas Explosion. H. Levine.

1908-2-14 Louis and Sapsell Karon new trial -

1908-02-15 Jeannette Gomberg - - 1908-2-15 Schillerbund Gives Program In German. Jeannete Gomberg, Lillian Meyer.

1908-2-19 Helen Karon, teacher - - Helen Karon, resumes teaching duties -

1908-2-21 S. L. and L.S. Karon, synagogue - - Donate A Church to Jewish People, S. L. and L. S. Karon, Northwestern Iron and Metal Co., West End -

1908-02-21_6 Virginia_enterprise- several articles - - 1908-02-21 Virginia: Mrs. L. Dorfman and family. Mrs. P. Hostin and Mrs. B. Milavetz were the guests of Eveleth friends over Sunday

1908-02-21_6 Virginia_enterprise- several articles - - 1908-02-21 Henry Shanedling returned Friday from a brief business trip to the Twin Cities.

1908-02-21_6 Virginia_enterprise- several articles - - 1908-02-21 Miss Helen Karon of Superior, arrived in the city the first of the week to accept of a position as teacher in our public schools.

1908-02-21_6 Virginia_enterprise- several articles - - 1908-02-21 M. Shanedling left on Monday for the Chicago and New York markets for the purpose of selecting new spring and summer goods for the patrons of The Big Store.

1908-02-21_6 Virginia_enterprise- several articles - - 1908-02-21 L. S. Zalk of St. Paul, arrived in the city on Friday last to accept a position in the shoe and clothing department at Shanedling Bros.

1908-2-22 Chisholm, Lewis Bros., Isaac-drygoods store -

1908-2-22 Pearl Elevitch , honor -

1908-2-23 Chisholm, Sol Rubloff new bldg - - 1908 Chisholm: new buildings Sol Rubloff, High school building, Sapero & Sons building, Karon Bros., Frank Robinawitz(?).

1908-2-25 D. G, Loewus buyer Freimuth - - 1908-2-25 Returns From Bridal And Buying Trip. D. G. Loewus, hosiery and underwear department at Freimuth's department store. Combined business and honeymoon trip to New York. home on East Fifth street in Duluth.

1908-02-25 D. W. Lowus at Freimuths - - 1908-2-25 Returns From Bridal And Buying Trip. D. G. Loewus, head of the hosiery and underwear department at Freimuth’s department store. Married at Chicago three weeks ago and immediately went on a trip through eastern states. Will return to Duluth on East Fifth street after March 1st.

1908-2-26 Synagogue Markowski, accident -

1908-2-26 Max Sosnovsky - - 1908 Max Sosnovsky, West Fifth Street

1908-2-26 Sattler, Hotel del Coronado - - 1908 Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Sattler, Hotel del Coronado.

1908-2-26 Synagogue Markowski -

1908-03-05 Freimuth says conditions improving - - 1908-3-5 Business Slow To Recover In East. I. Freimuth Says Conditions Are Improving Slowly=Buyers Get Fine Stock. Business conditions, financial depression. Middle western portion of country fairing better than New York.

1908-3-10 Isaac Abrahamson obit - - 1908 Isaac Abrahamson (Abramson) Called From Life. Well Known Business Man and Prominent Hebrew Dies After a Year's Illness. 62 years old, 15 years in business in Duluth, helped build synagogues in Duluth, St. Paul, and Chicago. President of the Hub Clothing Co., proprietor of Sterling Wine house. Children William, Julius, Oscar of Duluth and Mrs. J. L. Hirsch of Quincy, Ill. Adas Israel synagogue, Third avenue east and Third street.

1908-3-10 Eveleth, Jewish Benvolent and Fraternal Order - - 1908 Eveleth: Jewish Lodge O.B.A. To Be Institued At Eveleth. Jewish Benevolent and Fraternal Order, O.B.A. , Jackson street, S. Sax, H. G. Perlman, Sam Siegel, Jacob Stein, insurance. -

1908-3-10 Isaac Abrahamson obit - - 1908-3-10 I. Abrahamson Called From Life. Well Known Business Man and Prominent Hebrew Dies After a Year’s Illness. Isaac Abrahamson 62 years old. President of Hub Clothing.

1908-3-13 Roy Edelstein, stove - - Still On Trial, Orbon Stove & Range Co., Roy Edelstein -

1908-03-14_4 Julius Siegels pawn shop DNT - - 1908-3-14 Endless Chain Thefts Land Them In Jail. Julius Siegel’s pawn shop

1908-3-18 Library, Sattler - - 1908 Of Interest To Women. Will Study Bible History Ad Men. Jewish Women Ask Library Board to Buy Encyclopedia Set. Chautauqua club, Temple Emanuel, Miss Newman, Mrs. Joseph, Mrs. S. Goldberg, Mrs. Louise Freimuth, Dr. and Mrs. M. Lefkowitz, Mrs. H. Y. Joseph, Mrs. M. Cook, Mrs. A. Abraham, Mrs. H. Abraham, Mrs. Morris Freimuth, Mrs. J. D. Sattler, Mrs. I. Freimuth, Mrs. E. A. Silberstein, Mrs. M. Levy, Miss Elsie Silberstein, Miss Debora Leo, Miss Helen Metzler, Miss Florence Levy, Miss Marian Levy, Miss Hilda Newman.

1908-3-20 Bessie Walt bd party -

1908-3-20 ag Bessie Walt bd party - - 1908-3-20 - full page - A birthday party was given last Monday night in honor of Miss. Bessie Walt, of 325 East Superior street. Those present were: Mrs. Israel Kaner, Mrs. George Wolk, Mrs. Frank Sher, Mrs. Samuel Walt, Mrs. Solem Walt, Mrs. Ben Walt, Mrs. Gus Simon, Mrs. Sam Goldish, Miss. Sarah Zalk, Miss. Eva Finkelstein, Miss. Nellie Freedman, Miss. Jennie Daneiko, Miss. Rose Remner, Miss. Irene Simon, Miss. Esther Simon, Miss. Fannie Shapira, Miss. Rose Stone, Mr. Mike Gordon, Mr. Abe Gordon, Mr. John Cohn, Mr. Barney Cohn.

1908-3-20 ag Bessie Walt bd party (1) cropped - - 1908-3-20 - cropped to article - A birthday party was given last Monday night in honor of Miss. Bessie Walt, of 325 East Superior street. Those present were: Mrs. Israel Kaner, Mrs. George Wolk, Mrs. Frank Sher, Mrs. Samuel Walt, Mrs. Solem Walt, Mrs. Ben Walt, Mrs. Gus Simon, Mrs. Sam Goldish, Miss. Sarah Zalk, Miss. Eva Finkelstein, Miss. Nellie Freedman, Miss. Jennie Daneiko, Miss. Rose Remner, Miss. Irene Simon, Miss. Esther Simon, Miss. Fannie Shapira, Miss. Rose Stone, Mr. Mike Gordon, Mr. Abe Gordon, Mr. John Cohn, Mr. Barney Cohn.

1908-3-23 Virginia, John Mesberg, iron ore -

1908-3-28 Maurice Kronick and Eva F. Polinsky ml - - marriage license. - - -

1908-3-29 Walt, Sher - - 1908-3-29 Birthday party for Miss Bessie Walt, 325 East Superior street, Mrs. Israel Kaner, Mrs. George Wolk, Mrs. Frank Sher, Mrs. Samuel Walt, Mrs. Solem Walt, Mrs. Ben Walt, Mrs. Gus Simon, Mrs. Sam Goldish, Miss Sarah Zalk, Miss Eva Finkelstein, Miss Nellie Freedman, Miss Jennie Doneiko, Miss Rose Remner, Miss Irene Simon, Miss Esther Simon, Miss Fannie Shapira, Miss Rose Stone, Mr. Mike Gordon, Mr. Abe Gordon, Mr. John Cohn, Mr. Barney Cohn.

1908-3-30 Eva Polinsky and M. J. Kronick , wed - - 1908 Eva Polinsky and M. J. Kronick wed, Miss Eva Polinsky is bride of M. J. Kronick, I. Polinsky, Morris J. Kronick, Rev. Israel Teplitz. -

1908-04-03 Little Falls- Isaac Gottstein son born - - 1908-4-3 Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Gottstein son born. - from Little Falls Herald

1908-4-4 Eveleth, Sax, Mouser, Mt. Iron mine - - 1908 Eveleth: Sax and Mouser Head New Mining Company, near Mountain Iron. -

1908-4-4 Froecka Labovitz - - 1908 Accuses Bowery Merchant. Peter Norlander, Froecka Labovitz.

1908-4-4 ag Charles Walt - - headline -

1908-4-7 ag Charles Walt obit. - - headline -

1908-4-9 Eveleth, A. E. Perlman, clothing - - 1908 Eveleth: Young Man Jailed; Forgery Alleged. Bernard Springer Arrested at Eveleth Accused of Passing a Bogus Check. A. E. Perlman's store. -

1908-04-09 Charles Walt 33 years, died accidental fall - - 1908-4-9 Death, Charles, 32, died April 7, 117 First avenue east. Accidental fall.

1908-04-10_12 Fannie Mondschine - - 1908-4-10 Fannie Mondschine. - Duluth News Tribune

1908-4-11 Louis Dorfman, birth - - 1908-4-11 Births: daughter to Mr. and Mrs. Louis Dorfman April 6.

1908-4-11 Sparta, Solomon Sax, Frank Rabinowitz, Louis Rubenstein, iron ore pit - - 1908 Sparta: Stirke Iron Ore In Large Quantities. Louis Rubenstein, Solomon Sax, Frank Rabinowitz. -

1908-04-12 J. Weiner and Ethel Helman ml - - 1908-4-12 J. Weiner and Ethel Helman marriage license.

1908-4-19 Louis Zalk - - Births, daughter to Mr. and Mrs. Louis Zalk -

1908-4-23 Claire Abraham and Dr. Arthur H. Schwartz wed, Miriam and Hazel Levin - - 1908 Miss Abraham and Dr. Schwartz Wed. Union of Prominent Young People Marked by Simple Ceremony. Reception Follows Nuptials. Miss Claire Abraham and Dr. Arthur H. Schwartz wed. Rabbi M. Lefkovitz, Temple Emanuel, Albert Abraham, 1426 East First street. Miss Elsie Silberstein, Rudolph Abraham, Deborah Leo, Miriam Levin, Stella Abraham, Hazel Levin. Mr. and Mrs. M. D. Schwartz-Norway, Mich.; Mr. and Mrs. Spadekar-Chicago, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Schloss-Minneapolis; Mr. and Mrs. E. Kaiser-Minneapolis; Mr. and Mrs. D. C. Abraham-Atlantic City, Mr. W. W. Wittig-Minneapolis, Max Abraham-Minneapolis.

1908-4-23 Abraham-Schwartz wed, guests,Silberstein Leo, Levin, Spadekar, Schloss, Kaier, Wittig - - 1908 Claire Abraham and Dr. Arthur H. Schwartz wed, guests, Albert Abraham, Elsie Silberstein, Rudolph Abraham, Silberstein, Deborah Leo, Miriam Levin,Stella Abraham, Hazel Levin, M. D. Schwartz, Spadekar, J. H. Schloss, E. Kaier, D. C. Abrham, W. W. Wittig, Max Abraham. Miss Abraham and Dr. Schwartz Wed Union of Prominent Young People Marked by Simple ceremony. Reception Follows Nuptials. -

1908-04-24_[5] Peter Handlovsky - dnt - - 1908-4-24 This Jury took Notes; Returns Sealed Verdict. Ashland Steel Itange company against Peter Handlovsky.

1908-4-25 Eveleth, John Siegel, election -

1908-4-26 Dr. Schwartz and Claire Abraham, wed, guests, -

1908-04-26_2 Max Louis Zalk Josephs property 513 West Superior cropped - DNT - - 1908-4-26 513 West Superior Street sol by Louis Rocheau to H. Y. Josephs, Max and Louis Zalk of Duluth Iron & Metal company for $27,500 or $1,100 a front foot. one-story frame building 25 x 100 feet. Investment purposes.

1908-04-29_[5 Max and Louis Albenberg] - - 1908-4-29 Profit Sharing Suit Is Up Before Jury. Joseph Sicard against L. Albenberg & Co. - dnt

1908-5-1 Ashland, Milavetz, stolen property -

1908-05-01_[5] Albenberg - - 1908-5-1 Sicard Given A $4,379 Verdict. Jury Finds for Plaintiff Against L. Albenberg After Brief Deliberation. - dnt

1908-5-2 Eveleth, William Shapiro obit. 8 years old - - 1908 Eveleth: Son of Max Shapiro Dies Of Pneumonia. 8 years old, son of Max Shapiro -

1908-5-2 Virginia, Biwabik, J. Mesberg, M. Cohen, accident -

1908-5-3 B'nai Abraham - - 1908 Eveleth: Fifty Will Be Taken Into B'nai Of Abraham. -

1908-5-3 Eveleth, Solomon Sax, photo, Secretary of Men's Association - - 1908 Eveleth: Well Known Range Men No. 6. Solomon Sax, Seretary of the Eveleth Business Men's Association. -

1908-5-3 B'nai Israel synagogue Karon - - 1908-5-3 Church Deal Is Badly Tangled. Differences in West End Jewish Congregation Over Details of Purchase of Property. L. Karon, S. Karon, J. Karon, L. Fieldman, M. Cohen and the B'nai Israel congregation.

1908-5-3 B'nai Israel synagogue Karon - - 1908-5-3 Church Deal Is Badly Tangled. Differences in West End Jewish Congregation Over Details of Purchase of Property. I. Karon, S. Karon, J. Karon, L. Fieldman, M. Cohen, B’nai Israel congregation. Formed a congregation without a charter. Could only purchase a lot except through a private individual. Fifteenth and Sixteenth avenues, west on Superior and Michigan streets. S. Karon gave them a house on the condition that they would repair it to comply with ordinance.

1908-05-03_4 Bnai Abraham in Eveleth - DNT - - 1908-5-3 Fifty Will Be Taken Into Bnai Of Abraham. Eveleth: About 50 members of the Bnai of Abraham will be initiated at Eveleth tomorrow. the new members include citizens from all the range towns between Mountain Iron and Aurora.

1908-5-5 Wayward Boy, Ben Lurye - - Wayward Boy Commited To Industrial School, Ben Lurye -

1908-5-5 Edith Karon -

1908-5-7 Charles Ostrov, watch repair, col. 6 -

1908-5-9 Nashwauk, Solomon Sax, hotel, saloon - - 1908 Nashwauk: Building Business Blocks At Nashwauk. Alderman Solomon Sax of Eveleth, saloon and a hotel. Louis Shuirman, merchant. -

1908-5-11 S. Sapers-Chisholm - - 1908 Range People At The Duluth Hotels. S. Sapers-Chisholm -

1908-5-12 theater lic., Goldish -

1908-5-12 Goldish, Majestic Theater -

1908-5-13 S. Karon Synagogue tangle -

1908-5-13 Karon property, church -

1908-5-14 Zalk - - Gets a Verdict for $105. George E. Hamilton against Max Zalk -

1908-5-17 Ike Milasetz and Mrs. Fannie Soloski, Virginia, MN - - 1908 Ike Milasetz and Mrs. Fannie Soloski, realestate transactions. - 3rd col., scroll down -

1908-05-23_7 Harry Siegel Dickinson_press - - 1908-5-23 Dickinson, N. D. The Family Theatre. There has been a good attendance at entertainments given by the Family Theatre Co., with the exception of Wednesday night when it was too stormy to expect anyone to leave their own fireside. The pictures have been pleasing and interesting and the singing and piano solos are deserving of special mention. --- The machine, one of the latest fireproof instruments of the Edison make, is enclosed in a booth, separate from the audience, and lined with two thicknesses of asbestos paper making it absolutely fire proof. The doors of the building have been changed to open out, as all other public buildings should and a side-door exit has been made. --- Several special features have been arranged for Saturday evening’s entertainment and a good time is guaranteed to all who attend. Harry Siegel of Jamestown, an expert operator has been engaged to run the machine for the summer.

1908-05-24_5 Clarence Odencrans -dnt - - 1908-05-24 Miller Speaks to Graduates of Tower High

1908-05-24 Rosalie Mondschine, Marion and Anna Levine photos dnt - - 1908-5-24 Who Will Graduate In June From Duluth Central High School? Rosalie Mondschine, Marion and Anna Levine photos

1908-05-24 Rosalie Mondschine, Marion and Anna Levine photos - - 1908-5-24 Who Will Graduate In June From Duluth Central High School. Rosalie Mondschine Marion and Anna Levine, photos. - Duluth News Tribune

1908-05-24_5 Clarence Odencrans - DNT - - 1908-5-24 Soudan: Miller Speaks To Graduates. Addresses the Soudan Scholars. Exercises of tower High and Grad Schools. Clarence Odencrans.

1908-5-26 Hibbing, Blue Laws, M. S. Greenblatt, E. S. Wolfan, Osherman -

1908-5-26 Blue Laws, - - Stores At Hibbing Will Close Sundays, Bernard, Freidman, Wolfan, Kitz, Giffin, Rosenberg, Nides, Osherman, Greenblatt, Itasca, Rogalsky -

1908-5-27 Roy Edelstein - - Cuts Verdict To Avoid New Trail In Range Suit, Roy Edelstein -

1908-05-29 James Lavick -Virginia - - 1908-5-29 Virginia: James Lavick, Mrs. Lavick, appendicitis, Rochester, MN. Father Mr. Mesberg, mother Mrs. Mesberg.

1908-5-30 James Lavick, undertaker, Virginia - - 1908 Virginia: Schrieber Case Witnesses. Hames Lavick witnesses to Schrieber murder case. Mr Lavick is the undertaker who prepared the body for burial.

1908-5-30 Virginia, James Lavick, undertaker -

1908-6-4 Israel Oreckovsky, Washington School - - -

1908-6-4 Eveleth, Pauline Rabinowitz, high school grad. - - 1908 Eveleth High Commencement. Class of Eight Graduates Will Receive Their Diplomas June 18. Pauline Rabinowitz. -

1908-6-4 Chisohm Samuel Lippman - - 1908 Chisholm: Tender Reception To Married Couple. Mr. and Mrs. Meyer Ritt, Karon's hall, merchant, J. Karto-New York city, Mr. and Mrs. W. Simon, J. Kovel, Samuel Lippman-Virginia, D. Dankman-Mountain Iron, Charles Hallock, D. Elias, Mr. and Mrs. Jospeh Miller-Hibbing. -

1908-6-4 Esther Mary Sosnovsky, George Cook - - 1908 Jackson School, Morris Altman, James Viener, Mary Sosnovsky, George Cook.

1908-6-4 Annie Henrietta Coran, Washington School - - headline -

1908-06-04 ack Fishman accident - - 1908-6-4 Two Men Injured; Collide With Car. Jack Fishman in Hospital-N. Green, Not So Seriously Hurt, Taken Home.

1908-6-5 Isadore Abrahamson Longfellow school - - 1908 Longfellow School graduate: Isadore Abrahamson (Abramson)

1908-6-6 Anna G. Levine graduation - - 1908 Senior Class Finishes And Faces The World. Eighty-Seven Young Men and Women Receive Diplomas From Superintendent Denfeld. Large Attendance Witnesses the Exercises at High School. Simple Dignity the Keynote. Pearl D. Elevitch, Eva Zalk, Anna G. Levine.

1908-6-6 Pearl D. Elevitch, high school -

1908-06-06_[12] Rosalie L. Mondschine graduation - - 1908-6-6 Senior class Finishes And Faces The World. Eighty-Seven Young Men and Women Receive Diplomas From Superintendent Denfeld. Large Attendance Witnesses the Exercises at High School. simple Dignity the Keynote. Rosalie Mondschine. - Duluth News Tribune

1908-6-7 Temple Emanuel confirmation - - 1908 Temple Emanuel. Confirmation services, Rabbi Lefkovitz, Minnie Helstein, Lillian Levy, Irma Levin Miriam Solomon, Sadie Gingold, and Bessie Altman.

1908-6-8 Mr. and Mrs. Charles Rivers - - 1908 son born to Mr. and Mrs. Charles Rivers, 408 Lake avenue south.

1908-6-12 Kalman Light, fire Abrahmson - - 1908 Light Released From Jail; Hearing Saturday. Kalman Light arrested on charges of attempting to burn his store in West Duluth. signed bail bond for him: W. M. Abrahamson (Abramson), Joseph Oreckovsky, M. Oreckovsky, I. Grettum

1908-06-13_8 Col 3 Harry Siegel Dickinson_press - - 1908-6-13 Dickinson press. Harry Siegel has made arrangements for the opera house for the summer months and is to conduct a moving picture show. Mr. Siegel has secured Ray Jones, an expert pianist to assist in the entertainment line and as soon as possible he will arrange to have Dickinson included in the vaudeville circuit.

1908-06-13_3 Pauline Rabinowitz DNT - - 1908-6-13 Eveleth Students Pass State Examination. Pauline Rabinowitz.

1908-6-14 Sarah M. Haronimus - - 1908 Schools To End Work This Week. More Than 250 Graduates, Grade and High, Will Receive Diplomas. John Ericsson: Hannah D. Kaner. Matt Carpenter: Sarah Edelstein, Sarah M. Haronimus, Sarah Hornimus, Bessie Florence.

1908-6-14 Duluth Central High School grads - - School photo from Duluth or other Minnesota towns

1908-06-14_[12] Hannah D. Kaner John Ericsson school gradutate - - 1908-6-14 Schools To End Work this Week. More Than 250 Graduates, Grade and High, Will Receive Diplomas. John Ericsson. Hannah D. Kaner. - dnt

1908-6-19 Eveleth, Pauline Rabinowtiz, hs - - 1908 8 Graduate From The Eveleth High. Commencement Exercises at the School Auditorium Are Well Attended. Pauline Rabinowitz. -

1908-6-21 Hibbing, graduating class - - 1908 Graduating class Of The Hibbing High School. Catherine Waller. - photo.

1908-6-21 Eveleth, Gilbert, Perlman and Smith fight - - 1908 Socialism Starts A Hot Scrap At Eveleth. Mr. Perlman of Gilbert and F. J. Smith. -

1908-6-22 Roy Karon, 3 years old -

1908-6-22 Eveleth, Rabbi A. Weiner, - - 1908 Threatens Rabbi With A Big Knife. Man Enters Weiner Residence With Desire to Kill-Thought To Be From Mt. Iron. Eveleth, Rabbi A. Weiner. -

1908-6-22 Al Latts - - 1908 Wheelmen Under Police Scrutiny. Seven Are Arrested For Riding Without Light Owing to New Crusade. Al Latts.

1908-6-22 Eveleth, Rabbi A. Weiner -

1908-6-24 Duluth Central High School photo - - School photo from Duluth or other Minnesota towns

1908-6-25 daughter born to Mr. and Mrs. Morris Cohen - - 1908 Birth of daughter to Mr. and Mrs. Morris Cohen, 1909 West Michigan street.

1908-6-25 Julius Zalk, drowns - - Hurled Into Lake Workman Drowns, Julius Zalk, Duluth Iron & Metal, brother to Max Zalk -

1908-6-28 Gordon, Indians, property - - Keeps Track Of Indians Coin, E. S. Buckman, William and Sarah Gordon , thumbmark -

1908-6-30 Goldish, Majestic theater -

1908-7-5 Virginia, Minnie G. Cohen high school photo - - School photo from Duluth or other Minnesota towns

1908-7-5 Virginia-Cohen, Cowen, high school - - 1908 Virginia: G. Cohen Mary G. Cowan. -

1908-7-9 Eveleth, Brith Abraham, Sax, Siegel, Levant, - - 1908 Eveleth: Brith Abraham. Will Install Officers. Solomon Sax, Sam Siegel, Charles Levant, Abe Levant. -

1908-7-11 Litman bros.,328 E. Superior, thieves - - 1908 Thieves Enter Store By Breaking Window. Litman Bros., 328 East Superior street. -

1908-7-26 James F. Lavick - - 1908-7-26 John Mesberg and James F. Lavick, mineral rights. cropped image

1908-7-26 Roy Edelstein - - Roy Edelstein Busy Up Wiener Clothing Stock, Globe Furniture Co. -

1908-07-27_5 Louis Finn, Goldstein - DNT - - 1908-7-27 Former Justices Use The Strong Right Arm. Louis Finn, one time justice of peace at Ashland, Wis. Isaac Goldstein was seen in walk up the street with Finn's divorced wife. Fist fight. Goldstein was once a justice of peace in Wisconsin. Finn was taken into custody at Virginia.

1908-7-29 Sam Abrahason - - 1908 Sam Abrahamson (Abramson) and Isadore Fieldman will hike to Minneapolis with the members of the Tiger football team as a training exercise

1908-07-31_9 Rabbi Mendel Silber & Ida Deinard marry inSt. Louis DNT - - 1908-7-31 Rabbi Will Marry. Miss Ida Deinard of Arlington N. Y. to Rabbi Mendel Silber of St. Louis. August 11th, Roche’s hotel in Arlington, N. Y. scholarly young man, popular among Jewish circles in Duluth, prominent writer. Making home in St

1908-8-4 Max Altman - - 1908 Moses Montifiore Hebrew school incorporated, Robert Backman, Joseph Polinsky, M. S. Cook, Charles P. Meyers, Max Zalk, Louis Helstein, Abraham J. Klatsky, Max Altman, Joseph Oreckovsky.

1908-8-4 Abraham J. Klatsky - - 1908 Three Companies Are Incorporated. Trio of New Duluth Concerns take Necessary Legal Steps to transact Business. The Moses Montifiore Hebrew school was incorporated by the following: Robert Backman, Joseph Polinsky, M. S. Cook, Charles P. Meyers, Max Zalk, Louis Helstein, Abraham J. Klatsky, Max Altman, and Joseph Oreckovsky.

1908-8-4 Edith Karon and Esea Freeman wed -

1908-8-4 Max Altman - - 1908-8-4 Moses Montifiore Hebrew school incorporated. Robert Buchman, Joseph Polisky, M. S. Cook, Charles P. Meyers, Max Zalk, Louis Helstein, Abraham J. Klatsky, Max Altman, and Joseph Oreckovsky

1908-8-12 Sam Abrahamson football - - 1908 West Duluth to have champion amateur football team this fall. Israel Fieldman, Sam Abrahamson (Abramson)

1908-8-13 Siden burns obit - - 1908 Burns Fatal To Lad Who Falls Into Boiling Water. Michael Siden.

1908-8-13 Michael Siden obit. 5 years old burns - - 1908 Siden, Michael, 5 years old, died Aug. 12, 130 West Second street. Burns, obit.

1908-8-14 Harry Lurye - - 1908 Harry Lurye, horse bridle. -

1908-08-17_2 Ben Lieberman Bemidji_daily_pioneer - - 1908-8-17 Bemidji: Ben and Mike Lieberman Grand Rapids, Minn. helped victim at crime scene, Mrs. George Cochran.

1908-8-20 Louis Karon, motorcycle -

1908-8-25 Shanedling and Geisenfeld wed, Dr. Caaro, guests Prozinski, Goldman, Pearlman -

1908-8-25 Belle Geisenfeld and Harry Shanedling wed - - 1908 Virginia: Young Wedded Couple Expected At Virginia. Belle Geisenfeld and Harry Shanedling wed. Rabbi Dr. Caaro, Jeanette Shanedling, Lena and Laura Geisenfeld, Sarah Prozinski, Henry Shanedling, Herman Geisenfeld, H. Goldman. Julius and M. Shanedling, Jeanette Shanedling, Henry Shanedling, M. Perlman, G. Pearlman. wedding in Milwaukee, WI. ------ 1908 Harry Shanedling and Belle Geisenfeld wed, Dr. Caaro, guests Jeanette Shanedling, Lena and Laura Geisenfeld, Sarah Prozinski, Henry Shanedling, Herman Geisenfeld, H. Goldman, Julius and M. Shanedling, Henry Shanedling, M. Pearlman, G. Pearlman, Young Wedded couple Expected At Virginia. -

1908-8-25 Harry Shanedling and Belle Geisenfeld wed -

1908-08-26 Max Bloom vs Ocinsky - - 1908-8-26 Suits Are Started. Louis Ocinsky against Max Bloom.

1908-8-30 Harry Shandeling and Belle Geisenfeld wed -

1908-9-1 Israel Rosenberg - - 1908 Range Cases To District Court. Three Are Appealed From Eveleth and Hibbing by Dissatisfied Litigants. Hibbing, Israel Rosenberg against Alex Keller, due him for merchandise.

1908-9-3 W. M. Abrahamson, Eveleth, Virginia game - - 1908 Winner Of Series Will Get $2,000. Eveleth and Virginia Will Battle for Big Stakes in Three Games at Athletic Park. W. M. Abrahamson

1908-09-04_2 Helen Karon teaching in primary school Virginia - Virginia_enterprise - - 1908-9-4 Virginia: Public School Faculty 1908-1909 Helen Karon Primary Building.

1908-9-5 J. B. Sattler, Idzal 1st anniversary - - 1908 Entertain At Dinner. Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Sattler, 118 7th avenue East, wedding anniversary of daughter Mrs. Leo Charles Idzal.

1908-09-06 Chisholm fire - - 1908-9-6 Omaha newspaper report on Chisholm, Minnesota fire that completely wiped out town.

1908-9-7 Chisolm main street - - 1908 A Section Of Main Street, Chisholm

1908-9-9 Chisholm Fire - - 1908 Grand Marais May Be In Ashes; Range Men Fight Grim Battle. Fire was a threat to the small towns on the Range with all the surrounding forest and building made from lumber. Eventually the towns started using brick.

1908-09-10 Harry Witz - - 1908-9-10 Soldier Boys Tell Stories Of The War. Hector Swift camp No. 26 of the Spanish-American war veterans met at Maryland hall. Wisconsin and Minnesota boys. Attendance was low because several veterans were fighting fires in the region. A. T. Ladin, Harry Witz. Note: Harry Witz was a veteran of the Spanish-American war.

1908-9-12 HarryWitz, cigar, Store Closed - - 1908 Cigar Store Closed, Harry Witz, 1110 Tower avenue, Tom Reed Cigar Co. -

1908-09-12 Harry Witz closing cigar store - - 1908-9-12 Cigar Store Closed. Constable Woods takes inventory of stock owned by Harry Witz, 1110 Tower avenue. Tom Reed Cigar company of Duluth claims money owed him.

1908-9-15 Joey Goldfarb, flower exhibit -

1908-9-20 New York City 1656 cemetery - - 1908 New York City, remnants of a Jewish cemetery in the United States, 1656, New Bowery and Oliver street.

1908-9-20 Chisholm, recovery from fires, Groman, Lewis -

1908-9-20 Isaac Lewis ruins from fire - - 1908-9-20 Chisholm: Temporary Chisholm Rises From Its Ruins. Frame Buildings Are Being Erected by Business Men, Who Will Displace Present Structures With Permanent Edifices Next Spring-List of Losses and Insurance-Relief Work. - Brick, stone or cement will replace lumber. Property values hold. Isaac Lewis buys a lot from Dr. Schmidt. Karon brothers will put up a brick structure at Lake street and Central avenue and will also build a double brick structure of one story at the corner of Lake street and Second avenue. Louis Roth is preparing to erect permanent fire-proof buildings immediately.

1908-12-2 Chisholm- Isaac Lewis John Hallock - - 1908-12-2 Chisholm: Sapere & Sons have moved into their new store building and will have the opening this week.

1908-12-2 Chisholm- Isaac Lewis John Hallock - - 1908-12-2 Chisholm: Isaac Lewis will move into his new store building tomorrow. Work on the building was started three weeks ago.

1908-9-22 Ben Wilk, football -

1908-9-23 Robert Marcuse obit. - - 1908 Robert Marcuse Dies At Rochester, Minn. 50 years old, 321 Tenth avenue East, M. Albemberg, M. Wetzel, J. D. Zien, C. D. Jacobs, Nat Gidding, David Cone (Cohen) pallbearers, obit.

1908-9-24 Charles Latts - - 1908 Bicycle And Auto Come Into Collision. Charles Latts.

1908-09-24_3 Coleraine, MN Julius Siegel Univ of Wisc draftsman or Oliver Iron Mining Co DNT - - 1908-9-24 Coleraine Young Men Will Go To College. Julius Siegel University of Wisconsin, mechanical engineering. . Leading draftsman for Oliver Iron Mining Company. Lieberman-Siegel. Miss Ida Lieberman and Samuel Siegel. Rabbi Teplitz. Rose LiebermanIda Dorfman-Chicago, Julius Siegel, David Lieberman, 303 West Third street. Guests: Mr. and Mrs. J. Confeldt, Mrs. Joseph Confeldt, K. Confeldt-Minneapolis, Mrs. Stein-Gilbert, Mrs. A. Confeldt-Minneapolis, Mrs. J. Dorfman, Bessie Winer-Minneapolis, J. Simon-Bovey, David Wienberg-Eveleth, Mrs. W. Steinman-St. Paul.

1908-9-27 Samuel Chucker, birth daughter - - Isaac Helstein, sold home, daughter born to Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Chucker -

1908-9-27 birth of daughter to Samuel Chucker -

1908-10-4 Rose Coran, Edith Karon party -

1908-10-5 Sadie Jeffe obit. - - 1908 Miss Sadie Jeffe Dies. age 20, daughter of J. Jeffe, 407 Baxter avenue, obit.

1908-10-7 Virginia, synagogue for Hebrews -

1908-10-10 Jeannie Bloom Max Bloom - - 1908-10-10 Defendant Alleges The Bill Was Paid. Jennie Bloom against the administrator of the estate of Saloma Benson. Bill of furniture. Max Bloom manager of her store 102 West First street.

1908-10-11 Hibbing, Nathanson Bros., Bloom - - 1908 New Department Store At Hibbing. Superior and Virginia People Will Open Business Beginning of New Year. Nathanson Bros. & Bloom -

1908-10-18 Henry Cohen baptized Jew - - 1908 Henry Cohen, young Jew baptized -

1908-10-23 J. B. Sattler, Sattler Liquor - - 1908 J B Sattler Will Go To Rochester. Range Bureau of the News Tribune. Biwabik: J. B. Sattler, vice president of the Sattler Liquor company. undergo surgery at Mayo Bros.

1908-10-25 Friedman Quality Tailoring for the Critical Dresser ad - - 1908 Tailors

1908-10-25 Friedman Bros. - - 1908 Friedman Quality Tailoring for Critical Dresser. Friedman Bros. Tailors ad.

1908-10-27 Moses Polinsky obit. - - 1908 Moses Polinsky, obit., Jew Patriarch Dies Of Old Age, was first Hebrew resident of Duluth and Was beloed by his people. -

1908-10-27 Moses Polinsky oldest Jew in Duluth obit. - - 1908 Jew Patriarch Dies Of Old Age. Was First Hebrew Resident of Duluth and Was Beloved By His People. Moses Polinsky, 83 years old, 323 1/2 East Fifth street. -

1908-10-27 Moses Polinsky obit. - - -

1908-11-1 Solomon Weber - - 1908 Mr. and Mrs. Solomon Weber, daughter Jennie Weber to Frank Asimon. West End, Unfortunately no guests were listed. -

1908-11-2 Jennie Weber and Frank Asimof wed. - - 1908 Jennie Weber and Frank Asimof wed -

1908-11-02_7 Jacob Levitz cropped Fargo_forum_and_daily_republican - - 1908-11-2 Boy Pleads Guilty To Embezzlement. Chas. S. Post Collected Money For Jacob Levitz And Coverted It To His Own Use-Drew Thirty Days.

1908-11-6 Simon Klasky obit - - 1908 Simon Klasky, aged 4 months, 701 Lake avenue south. Broncho Pneumonia.

1908-11-8 Virginia, B. N. Lippman -

1908-11-17_7 Benjamin Zneimer lads visit Roosevelt - - 1908-11-17 Star and Newark. Eighty=Three Newark Lads To Help Carry Message To Pres. Roosevelt. Local Y.M.C.A. Boys Will Take Part in Great Relay Run. List of Runners Who Will Represent Newark Branch Announced Today. Newark boys who will participate in the relay race. Benjamin Zeimer.

1908-11-23 David Krasonovsky, Superior, WI - - Crowd Honors Old Settler’s Last Rites, David Krasonovsky, obit. -

1908-11-24 Louis Azinsky - - 1908 Have narrow Escape From Suffocation. Louis Azinsky family, 314 East First street. -

1908-11-24 Ben Karon, 15 years old -

1908-11-24_[5] Ben Karon orphan - - 1908-11-24 Police Seek Job For Orphan Lad. Ben karon, Fifteen Years of Age, Picked Up When He Asks for Lodging. - dnt

1908-11-28 Plotkin - - 1908-11-28 Of Interest To Women. Amateur Play Artisti and Financial Success. "The House That Jack Built" Witnessed by Two Large Audiences at Lyceum Theater-Children Perform as Nursery haracters and Images of Folk Lore in Fantastic Opera. Fanny Lippman, Jennie Lieberman, Sarah Plotkin, Roselia Silberg, Mandetta Casmir, Isabel Jacobi, Lillian Shapiro, Irene Levin, Rachael Hammel.

1908-11-28 Birth Mr. and Mrs. Elie Dorfman - - 1908-11-28 Births: son to Mr. and Mrs. Elie Dorfman, 28 Seventh avenue west Nov. 22.

1908-11-29 Julius Cohen - - 1908 Funeral Today for Mrs. Adam Turvey Sikoroski, pallbearer Julius Cohen.

1908-12-1 Jake Bergher and Fannie Azansky ml. - - 1908 Jake Bergher and Fannie Azansky marrige license

1908-12-1 Sadie Fostoff - - 1908 New Club Holds Meeting. “Social and Charity” Bessie Murrick, 118 East Fourth street, Sarah Polinsky, Dorothy Witt, Bessie Murrick, Dora Polinsky, Lena Casmir, Sadie Fostoff.

1908-12-1 Sarah Polinsky - - 1908 New Club Holds Meetilng. Social and Charity, Bessie Murrick, Sarah Polinsky, Dorothy Witt, Dora Polinsky, Lena Casmir, Sadie Fostoff. -

1908-12-2 Hattie Perlman - - 1908 Hattie Perlman -

1908-12-2 Chisholm- Isaac Lewis John Hallock - - 1908-12-2 Chisholm: John Hallock will begin work on a two story brick building 25-60 feet this week.

1908-12-10 Old Settlers -

1908-12-11_16 Fannie Mondschine condemed building bank property - - 1908-12-11 Fannie Mondschine. - Duluth News Tribune

1908-12-11_2 Bnai Abraham Congregation purchase three lots - - 1908-12-11 Will Condemn Block 43 For Park Purposes. Council Takes Definite Action in Several Matters of Importance at Tuesday Evening Session. Bnai Abraham purchased 3 lots. The purchase of these lands as named meets with the hearty approval of citizens in general, although the members of the Bnai Abraham Congregation, owning three of the lots in the tract named, are desirous that the proceedings if to include their property, shall also include the remaining six lots in the block. It is understood probable that this objection will be stated by officers of the congregations at the next meeting of the council, Tuesday evening. - Virginia Enterprise

1908--12-13 Benjamin Litman, infant obit. - - 1908 Litman, Benjamin, infant death, 24 West First street. -

1908-12-14_2 Nicolas Zneimer Mary Zneimer Buton Works - - 1908-12-14 NJ/Trenton Evening Times. Nicolas Zneimer Button Works, Newark: capital, $50,000. Incorporators: Nicolas Zneimer, Mary Zneimer, and Abbie Welkel. The company is manufacture buttons, etc.

1908-12-15 Ben Karon Joe Karon fight -

1908-12-16 Bessie Walt, Sam Goldish engagement -

1908-12-16 Bessie Walt Samuel Goldish -

1908-12-20 Virginia, Samuel L. Cohen music - - 1908 Closing Exercises Of Virginia Schools, Samuel L. Cohen, Joseph Lippman, Morris Friedman -

1908-12-20 Edith Karon choir -

1908-12-21 Sammy Segel - - Smallest Newsboy In Duluth Is Out To Pile Up Loads Of Coin, Sammy Segel -

1908-12-25 Oxman Oreckofsky - - 1908-12-25 Wedding Invitations. Mary Oreckovsky daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Oreckovsky, 516 Lake Avenue, to William C. Oxman. Wedding set for January 5, 1905.

1908-12-25_2 Bnai Abraham ladies musical program - - 1908-12-25 Virginia Enterprise: An Enjoyable Concert. A concert at North Pole Hall. Bnai Abraham congregation, Miss Rose Levinson, Rabby M. Booth, James Lavick, F. Srog, Sam Booth, Morris M. Friedman, Joseph Lippman, Mary Mesberg, Harriet Shanedling, Ruth Kellar, Mindelia and Ruby Friedman. Dance after program. - Virginia Enterprise

1908-12-26 Rabbi Lefkovitz, Temple Emmanuel, Christmas Feast - - 1908 Rabbi Lefkovitz, Temple Emmanuel, Christmas Feast, Christmas Feast rabbi's Subject, Jewish Pastor Says It Is Primarily Childrens Day and Deserves to Live. -

1908-12-30_11 Fannie Mondschine - - 1908- 12-30 Fannie Mondschine. - Duluth News Tribune

.................. 1909 ..................           top of list          bottom -

1909 Chisohm directory Groman - - 1909 Chisolm Directory: Groman Dinah M. Solomon B. Groman mngr, clothing Lake, Walnut. Groman Solomon B., mngr. Dinah M. Groman r Walnut.

1909-1-1 F. Labovitz second hand store - - 1908 F. Labovitz, second hand store 516 ½ West Superior street. - - cropped image

1909-1-2 Brith Abraham-Eveleth - - 1909 Brith Abraham Election, Eveleth, Sam Siegel, Charles Levant, Harry Levant, Morris Stein, Jacob Stein, Frank Weyenberg, Sam White, Morris Feldman, Abe Rubenstein. -

1909-01-02_3 (1) Eveleth Sam White - DNT - - 1909-1-2 Brith Abraham Election. Eveleth: The election officers of Brith Abraham lodge Monitor Hall resulted as follows: Sam Siegel, president, Charles Levant, vice president, Harry Levant, recording secretary, Morris Stein, financial secretary, Jacob Stein, treasurer, Frank Weyenberg, outside guard, Sam White, Morris Feldman and Abe Rubenstein were chosen trustees for one year. the installation of officers will be held Jan. 19, and that night a grand ball will be given at Walon Lahde Hall.

1909-01-02_3 (1) Eveleth Sam White 2 - DNT - - 1909-1-2 Brith Abraham Election. Eveleth: The election officers of Brith Abraham lodge Monitor Hall resulted as follows: Sam Siegel, president, Charles Levant, vice president, Harry Levant, recording secretary, Morris Stein, financial secretary, Jacob Stein, treasurer, Frank Weyenberg, outside guard, Sam White, Morris Feldman and Abe Rubenstein were chosen trustees for one year. the installation of officers will be held Jan. 19, and that night a grand ball will be given at Walon Lahde Hall. - Duluth News-Tribune

1909-1-3 Eva Sosnovsky - - 1909 Miss Lena Azine, 311 East First St., Esther Shapira, Sarah D. Salnovitz, Ada Cohen, Edith Azine, Bessie Canfield, Sarah Casmir, Rose Silk, Lena Finkelstein, Sophie Caplov, Fannie Altman, Eva Oreckovsky, Bessie Rocklin, Minnie Light, Eva Sosnovsky, Emily Nusbaum, P. Averbrook, Irwin Oreck, B. Azine, Louis Goldsberg, Samuel Cohen, Charles Harris, S. Fieldman, Sam Abrahamson, B. Stern, Charles Nattelson.

1909-1-6 Mary Oreckovsky and William C. Oxman wed - - 1909 Oreckovsky-Oxman Wedding At Synagogue.Mary Oreckovsky and William C. Oxman, Joseph Oreckovsky, Anna Stone, Esther Shapiro, Dora Confeld, Sarah Oreck, Sadie Rocklin, Abraham Oreckovsky, Isadore Cohen, Lewis Zarovsky, Lewis Helperin, Meyer Parker, J. Stone, William Stone, M. Oxman, Dan Fink, G. Oreck, J. Orenstein, W. Wiseman, A. Zeckman, E. Confeld, J. Confeld. -

1909-1-6 Mary Oreckovsky and William C. Oxman wed - - -

1909-1-10 Mary Oreckovsky and William C. Oxman marriage col. 4 - - 1909 Mary Oreckovsky and William C. Oxman, Joseph Oreckovsky, Rabbi Kissen, Anna Stone, Esther Shapiro, Dora Confeld, Sarah Oreck, Sadie Rocklin, Abraham Oreckovsky, Isadore Cohen, Lewis Zurovsky, Kewis Helperin, Meyer Packer, J. Stone, William Stone, M. Oxman, Dan Fink, G. Oreck, J. Orenstein, W. Wiseman, Zeckman, E. Confeld, J. Confeld. -

1909-1-10 Evelyn Casmir & Julius Goldberg, Superior - - Mr. and Mrs. L. Casmir, Evelyn Casmir and Julius Goldberg, Superior, wedding -

1909-1-10 Louis Karon Fish - - 1909-1-10 Louis Karon Fish company - 609 John Avenue, Superior

1909-1-16 Mrs. Lee Abraham ill - - 1909 Mrs. Lee Abraham is reported quite ill at home.

1909-1-17 Sam Abrahamson visit Rochester, MN - - 1909 Sam Abrahamson (Abramson) has returned to his home in West Duluth after a visit at Rochester, Minn.

1909-1-20 Casmir-Goldberg wed, Rosempud, Jaros, Applebaum, Lavick - - 1909 Superior, Evelyn Casmir and Julius Goldberg, Rabbi Kisim, Selma Casmir, A. H. Shapiro, Marjorie Rachlin, Louis Helperin, D. E. Casmir, M. Rachlin, J. B. Jaros, Marion Rosempud, Edward Applebaum, F. B. Lavick, Anna Lavick. -

1909-1-22 Eveleth. H. G. Perlman 5th wed. anniversary - - 1909 Eveleth: Observe Wedding Anniversary. Mr. and Mrs. H. G. Perlman. Mrs. Samuel Siegel, Mrs. Morris Nathanson, Mrs. H. Levenson. -

1909-1-24 Roy Edelstein, Globe Furniture House ad - - Roy Edelstein, Globe Furniture House ad -

1909-1-27 Sarah Vivian Simon & Harold Weinstein wed - - 1909 Wedding Is Most Elaborate Event. Reception and Sumptuous Feast Follow Simon-Weinstein Marriage Ceremony. Sarah Vivian Simon and Harold Weinstein-Coleraine, 406 East Fifth street, 500 guests, synagogue, corner of Third avenue east and Third street. Sadie Berkson, Bessie Cowl-Minneapolis, Gustie Simon-Gilbert, Sarah Marcus-Minneapolis, Rose Witz-Duluth, Louis Helperin, Al Lieberman-Bovey, Samuel Altman-Chisholm, Isadore Cohen-Chisholm, Robert Simon-Gilbert, Robert Frank, Florence Simon. Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Weinstein-Bovey, Rabbi Tetlitz, Rabbi Kissan. William Abrahamson, Milton Kraus-Chicago, W. L. Millar, Wolf Simon, M. S. Cook, Nathan Kraus-Chicago, Mr. and Mrs. M. Simon-St. Paul, Alice Fegelson-St. Paul, Mrs. S. Orenstein-St. Paul, Marcia Harris-St. Paul, Mrs. Samuel Pavian-St. Paul, Mrs. William Orenstein-Houghton, Mich. Mrs. S. Frank-South Bend, Ind. Mr. and Mrs. D. Simon, Mr. and Mrs. I. Simon-Gilbert, E. J. Sloan-Bessemer, Mich., Dora Canfield-Minneapolis, Sarah Ripstein-Winnipeg. (Big wedding for its time and lots of guests from out of town.)

1909-1-27 Weinstein and Simon wed - - 1909 Wedding Is Most Elaborate Event. Reception and Sumptuous Feast Follow Simon-Weinstein Marriage Ceremony. Sarah Vivian Simon and Harold Weinstein-Coleraine, 406 East Fifth street, 500 guests, synagogue, corner of Third avenue east and Third street. Sadie Berkson, Bessie Cowl-Minneapolis, Gustie Simon-Gilbert, Sarah Marcus-Minneapolis, Rose Witz-Duluth, Louis Helperin, Al Lieberman-Bovey, Samuel Altman-Chisholm, Isadore Cohen-Chisholm, Robert Simon-Gilbert, Robert Frank, Florence Simon. Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Weinstein-Bovey, Rabbi Tetlitz, Rabbi Kissan. William Abrahamson, Milton Kraus-Chicago, W. L. Millar, Wolf Simon, M. S. Cook, Nathan Kraus-Chicago, Mr. and Mrs. M. Simon-St. Paul, Alice Fegelson-St. Paul, Mrs. S. Orenstein-St. Paul, Marcia Harris-St. Paul, Mrs. Samuel Pavian-St. Paul, Mrs. William Orenstein-Houghton, Mich. Mrs. S. Frank-South Bend, Ind. Mr. and Mrs. D. Simon, Mr. and Mrs. I. Simon-Gilbert, E. J. Sloan-Bessemer, Mich., Dora Canfield-Minneapolis, Sarah Ripstein-Winnipeg. (Big wedding for its time and lots of guests from out of town.)

1909-01-27 Sarah Simon wedding - - 1909-1-27 Wedding Is Most Elaborate Event. Reception and Sumptuous Feast Follow Simon-Weinstein Marriage Ceremony. Sarah Vivian Simon and Harold Weinstein of Coleraine merchant. Daughter of W. Simon, 406 East Fifth street. Sadie Berkson, Bessie Cowl-Minneapolis, Gustie Simon-Gilbert, Sarah Marcus-Minneapolis, Rose Witz-Duluth. Louis Helperin, Al Lieberman-Vovey, Samuel Altman-Chisholm, Isadore Cohen-Chisholm, Robert Simon-Gilbert. Robert Frank, Florence Simon. Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Weinstein parents-Bovey. Rabbi Tetlitz, Rabbi Kissan. "The Model Husband" William Abrahamson, Sadie Berkson, Milton Kraus-Chicago, W. L. Miller, Wolf Simon, Mayor Haven, Rabbi Kissan, M. S. Cook. Out of town guests: Nathan Kraus-Chicago; Mr. and Mrs. M. Simon-St. Paul; Miss Alice Fegelson; Mrs. S. Orenstein; Miss Marcia Harris; Maurice Nathan, Miss M. Steinman, Miss Steinman, Mrs. Samuel Pavian-all St. Paul. Mrs. William Orenstein-Houghton, Mich.; Mrs. S. Frank-South Bend, Ind.; Mr. and Mrs. D. Simon, Miss Fannie Album-Minneapolis; Mr. and Mrs. I. Simon-Gilbert; E. J. Sloan-Bessemer, Mich.; Miss Dora Canfield-Minneapolis; Miss Sarah Ripstein-Winnipeg.

1909-1-29 Bergal, Harry - - 1909 Peddlers Arrested. Ben London, Sm Fredman, M. Bergal, peddling without a license. -

1909-1-29 Sam Abrahamson hockey - - 1909 Irving Tiger hocky team Will Play Hibbing Hockey team. players include Sam Abrahamson (Abramson)

1909-1-29 Eveleth, Morris Stein, Nellie Greenberg, case dismissed - - 1909 Eveleth: Case Of Three Years' Standing Is Dismissed. Morris Stein vs. Judge Vivian Prince and Nellie Greenberg. -

1909-01-29_6 Virginia Enterprise - - 1909-1-29 Virginia Enterprise: Mr. L. Cohen was the guest of Hibbing friends Monday. - Virginia Enterprise

1909-01-29_6 Virginia Enterprise - - 1909-1-29 Miss Minnie Cohen who att4ends the Duluth Normal, spent Sunday at her home in this city. - - - also: Ad J. Mesberg House Furnisher - Virginia Enterprise

1909-01-29_6 Virginia Enterprise - - 1909-1-29 J. Mesberg and M. Shanedling left Tuesday morning for St. Paul, Chicago, New York, and Washington on a stock purchasing trip and for a purpose of attending to other business matters. During their absence they will also attend to the obtaining of plans and specifications for the new synagogue to be erected in this city the coming spring by the Bnai Abraham congregation. - Virginia Enterprise

1909-01-31 future development of St. Croix Avenue - - 1909-1-31 A Mind's Eye Glimpse Of What Could Be Done With Property East Of St. Croix Ave.

1909-2-12 Talmud Torah - - 1909-2-12 A Sunday Dance, Talmud Torah Fickur Chaulim fund. Maccabee Hall.

1909-02-17_9 Western Union Mfg Co. Arnold Karon Benjamin Karon M. S. Shore - - 1909-2-17 last col. Western Union Manufacturing Company Aronold Karon, M. S. Shore, Benjamin Karon, Clara Shore. - dnt

1909-2-22 Sigmond M. Slonim, Oscar Siegel, W. and Morris Kaplan - - 1909 Suffrage League Is Formed Here. Dr. Anna H. Phelan and Miss Elsie Ueland Make Addres in Behalf of Cause. Kalamazoo hall, S. M. Slonim treasurer. W. Kaplan, Morris Kaplan, Sigmond M. Slonim, Oscar Siegel.

1909-2-22 Henry Ringer Suffrage League - - 1909-2-22 Suffrage League Is Formed Here. Dr. Anna H. Phelan and Miss Elsie LUeland Make Address in Behalf of Cause. S. M. Slonim, W. Kaplan, Morris Kaplan, Sigmond M. Slonim, Nathan Ringer, Oscar Siegel. Bibical references to Deborah, Solomon. Dr. Mary McCoy Speaks. Ridicules the Argument. Equal Rights Demanded.

1909-02-22_8 Edith Azine party - DNT - - 1909-2-22 Five Hundred Attend Social. Large Crowd at Function Given by the Duluth Business University. Edith Azine, Annie Coran (my great aunt!), Mamie Caran (s//b Coran, my grandmother!), Rose Silk,

1909-2-24 goose, John and Phil Sher -

1909-3-4 daughter to Mr. and Mrs. Louis Sheowsky - - 1909 Birth of daughter to Mr. and Mrs Louis Shenowsky, 911 East Third street.

1909-3-4 son born to Mr. an Mrs. Esick Cohen - - 1909 Birth of son to Mr. and Mrs. Esick Cohen, 316 East Fifth street.

1909-3-4 Harry Kenner-Nielson saloonkeepers bankrupcy -

1909-03-04 Charles Hallock & D Silk Iron & Metal Co - - 1909-3-4 Harry Kenner and Christ Nielsin. bankrupt.

1909-03-04 Silk and Hallock, D. silk Iron & Metal Co - - 1909-3-4 Dissolution Of Partnership. D. Silk and Charles Hallock. D. Silk Iron & Metal Co.. November 20, 1908. Charles Hallock

1909-03-04_[5] Stone Kaner ml - - 1909-03-4 - Duluth_News-Tribune - County Clerk Flagstad yesterday issued a marriage license to Bernie S. Kaner and Rose M. Stone, both of Superior.

1909-3-5 Gidding buying trip - - 1909 Mr. Nate Gidding. Returns From a Buying Trip to the Eastern Markets. Nathaniel Gadding of J. M. Gidding & Co. -

1909-03-05 Nathaniel Gidding buyer for J M Gidding & Co - - 1909-3-5 Mr. Nate Gidding. Returns From A Buyig Trip to the Eastern Markets. Note: Nathaniel Gidding is a member of the Progress Club.

1909-3-6 Rose Stone and Benjain Kaner wed. - - 1909 Rose Stone and Benjamin Kaner wed, Achim synagogue, Mr and Mrs. S. Stone, 712 Weeks Avenue.

1909-3-6 Rose Stone and Benjamin Kaner -

1909-03-06_[5] Stone Kaner marriage - - 1909-03-6 - Duluth_News-Tribune - Miss Rose Stone and Benjamin Kaner, both of this city, will be united in marriage Sunday evening at 6:30 at the Achim synagogue. A marriage supper and celebration will follow at Maryland hall. the bride-to-be is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. S. Stone, 712 Weeks Avenue. Announcement of the approaching ceremony was made yesterday.

1909-3-9 Harry Zlatkovsky - - 1909 They Would Not Give Women Right To Vote. Harry Zlatkovsky.

1909-3-9 Frances Grace Abrahamson & Ben Lieberman wed - - 1909 Will Wed Today. Miss Frances Grace Abrahamson (Abramson) and Benjamin L. Lieberman of Grand Rapids, Minn. brother M. B. Abrahamson (Abramson), 606 North Fifty-seventh avenue west. Rabbi Kissam, Miss Frances B. Light, Miss Miriam Ruth Helstein, Pearl Dorothy Rizkin, Albert Lieberman.

1909-3-9 Hibbing Dept Store Ben & Annie Lippman - - 1909 Articles of Incorporation of Hibbing Department Store Company. Charles Hallock, Benjamin M. Lippman, Etta Hallock, Annie J. Lippman, Benjamin M. Lippman.

1909-3-9 Benjamin Lieberman wedding -

1909-3-10 Sparta, Lazarus Rubenstein1910-5-24 Chisohm, Max Rubenstein1910-5-24 Chisohm, Max Rubenstein - - 1910 Chisholm: Surpise Party. Mrs. I. Lewis, Sapero, Goldenberg, Frisch, Kerness, Max Rubenstein, Bankman, Mr. and Mrs. Sol Rubloff, Mr. and Mrs. Ben Lippman, Mr. and Mrs. L. Helstein, Stulberg brthers, Sam Perstein. -

1909-3-10 Sparta, Lazarus Rubenstein - - 1909 No Opposition In Sparta: L. Rubenstein, trustee. -

1909-3-14 Samuel Altman and Rose Witz, m.l. - - 1909 Samuel Altman and Rose Witz, both of St. Lois County. marriage license. -

1909-03-14_[11] - Duluth_News-Tribune_ - - 1909-03-14 - Duluth_News-Tribune - Mrs. Louis Neuman of the Roosevelt Terrace entertained a number of Duluth ladies at a dainty luncheon Friday. Mrs. L. Zalk, Mrs. Max Albenberg,, Mrs. C. Goldberg-Duluth. assisted by Miss Mary Janet LeClair.

1909-03-14_[11] - Duluth_News-Tribune_ - - 1909-03-14 - Duluth_News-Tribune - Miss Rose Stone and Benjamin Kaner will be united in marriage this evening at 6:30 o'clock at the Agudas Achim synagogue, the ceremony being followed by a reception and other festivities at Maryland hall. The couple will tour Europe and, on their return, will reside here. The bride is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. S. Stone, 712 Grand Avenue and the groom is a member of the firm of S. Kaner & Sons.

1909-3-15 John Rovelsky -

1909-3-18 Chisholm, Rose Witz and Samuel Altman wed - - 1909 Chisholm, Witz-Altman, Rose Witz and Samuel Altman, wed, Rabbi Kissam, Dora Witz, Harry Lipman -

1909-3-18 Mrs. Louis Freimuth, obit - - Body Of Mrs. Freimuth Will Arrive Today, Mrs. Louis Freimuth, obit. , parents-Henry Abeles -

1909-03-18 Rose Witz Altman wed - - 1909-3-18 Witz-Altman. Rose Witz, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Witz, 421 First street, and Samuel Altman of Chisholm. home of bride's uncle. Rabbi Kissam, Dora Witz, sister of the bride. Harry Lipman groomsman. Will live in Chisholm.

1909-03-19_4 Isadore Mondschine First National Bank - - 1909-3-19 Postal Banks Are Put To The Wall. Debate Between Young Financiers Results in Victory for Their Opponents. Commercial Club. Isadore Mondschine of First National Bank. - Duluth News Tribune

1909-3-21 Rose Witz and Samuel Altman wed - - 1909 Chisholm: Rose Witz and Samuel Altman Rabbi Kissam, Dora Witz, Harry Lipman. -

1909-3-23 Lillie and Sarah Pomush, Milavitz-Kaner wedding - - Lillie and Sarah Pomush, Milavitz-Kaner wed. -

1909-3-23 Kaner Miliotz wedding, G Kanner guest - - Isador Kaner- Celia Milavetz, Getzel Kenner, guest -

1909-03-23_[5] Edward Kaner Milavitz-Kaner wedding at Virginia, Minn - - 1909-3-23 Will Attend Wedding. Several Duluth people will attend the Kaner-Meliotz (Milavetz) wedding at Eveleth, as follows: Mr. and Mrs. Kaner, parents of the groom; Mr. and Mrs. S. M. Kaner and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Vides (Widdes) and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Goldfine (Goldfine), Rabbi Tepletz and Mrs. Tepletz, G. (Getzel) Kanner (Kenner), Mrs. A. Cohen (Lena Freda Baykovitz Coran-husband Abraham/Abbe Akir Coran) Miss Mayme Cohen (Mamie Coran Hoffman-my grandmother), Miss Rae Kaner, Miss Sadie Cohen (Sadie Coran Wine-my great aunt), Benjamin Walt, Mrs. Irene Simons, J. Sher, G. Simons, Miss Rae Yussen. - Duluth News Tribune

1909-03-23_4 Kaner Meliotz wedding at Eveleth - - 1909-2-23 Others who were going to the wedding of Milavitz-Kaner wedding in Virginia, Minn. were Misses Lillie and Sarah Pomush, 411 Baxter avenue and Edward Kaner. 510 Banks avenue. - Duluth News Tribune

1909-03-23_[5] Edward Kaner Milavitz-Kaner wedding at Virginia, MN - - 1909-3-23 Misses Lillie and Sarah Pomush, Milavitz-Kaner wedding. Edward Kaner-Milavitz-Kaner wedding. - Duluth News Tribune

1909-3-26 Helstein-Miller wed, guests, Kusmir Shore, Azinski, Bronstein, Stein, Mark, Friend -

1909-3-26 Sans Souci Dance - - 1909 Sans Souci Dance. M. Kohn, L. Bondy, A. Rose, B. Craine, Rose, S. Swerdloff, S. S. Miller, B. Stern, C. Fikelstein, M. Paker, M Nusaum, J. Mendelssohn, M. Silk, P. J. Averbook. ------ 1909 Hibbing, Annie Helstein and David Miller wed, Rabbi Kussem, Louis Helstein, Nathan Nides, Benjamin Friedman, Hyman Miller, Sara Slossberg, Annie Kasmir, Clara Shore, Sara Helstein, Sara Azinski, Morris Helstein, M. S. Shore, Clara Shore, A. Fieldman, Miller, Annie Kasmir, Hymen Miller, Azinski, Sara Azinski, Sara Slossberg, Bronstein, Stein, I. W. Mark, Friend. Jewish People Wed At Hibbing, Young Woman of That City Is United in Marriage With New York Jeweler. -

1909-3-26 Benjamin Friedman - - 1909 Jewish People Wed At Hibbing. young Woman of Taht City Is United in Marriage With New York Jeweler. Miss Annie Helstein and David Miller, daughter of I. Helstein. Rabbi Kussem, Louis Helstein, Nathan Nides, Benjamin Friedman, Hyman Miller, Sara Slossberg, Annie Kasmir, Clara Shore, Sara Helstein, Sara Azinski, Morris Helstein. Mr. and Mrs. M. S. Shore, Miss Clara Shore, Mr. and Mrs. A. Fieldman, Mr. and Mrs. Miller, Miss Annie Kamir, Hymen Miller, Mr. and Mrs. Azinski, Sara Azinski, Sara Slossberg-Superior, Mr. and Mrs. S. Bronstein, Mr. and Mrs. Stein, I. W. Mark-St. Paul, Mr. Friend-Minneapolis.

1909-3-26 Annie Helstein and David Miller wed, Rabbi Kussem, guests, Nides, Freidman, Slossberg -

1909-3-26 Annie Helstein & David Miller wed, Rabbi Kussem - - 1909-3-26 Hibbing: Annie Helstein, daughter of I. Helstein of Hibbing marries David Miller, a jeweler of New York. Look at the names of the guests. guests, Nides, Freidman, Slossberg

1909-03-26 James Lavick -Virginia - - 1909-3-26 Virginia: James Lavick, Proctor Restaurant and Café, furnishings.

1909-03-26_6 Mrs. S. Karon daughter Helen Karon - Virginia_enterprise - - 1909-3-26 Mrs. S. Karon, of Superior, visited her daughter Miss Helen Karon and other friends in the city a few days this week.

1909-03-26_6 - Virginia Enterprise - - 1909-03-26 - Virginia Enterprise - . Go to Ben Milavetz's for Edison and Victor Phonographs, Records and Supplies.

1909-03-26_6 - Virginia Enterprise - - 1909-03-26 - Virginia Enterprise - James Lavick was a Proctor visitor the last of the week, where he went to fit out the Proctor Restaurant and Cafe, a new business place being open by Wong Poi and Bert Lum. Mr. Lavick will attend to the furnishing of the new place complete and have same in readines for opening about April 1st.

1909-03-26_6 - Virginia Enterprise - - 1909-03-26 - Virginia Enterprise - J. Mesberg ad. House Furnisher

1909-03-27_77 Mrs._ L. L. Berman Bemidji_daily_pioneer - - 1909-3-27 Mrs L L Berman - Proprietor of Berman Emporium , Dealer in Millinery, Ladies' shoes, children's shoes, Dry goods, Silks, Ladies' furnishings, etc

1909-4-1 Eveleth, Morris Stein, Mr. and Mrs. Max Greenberg - - 1909 Prince Loses His Suit For Damages. Jury After Long Deliberation Decides There Is Nothing Coming to Him. Morris Stein, Max Greenberg of Sparta stabbed him, Mrs. Max Greenberg robbed him ath his clothing store. Sept. 14, 1907. Bad blood between Grenberg family and Stein. -

1909-4-2 Barney Karon arrested -

1909-4-4 Clouquet, B. J. Summerfield, building - -
1909 Cloquet Sons Of Norway Initiated. Members are contemplating the purchase of B. J. Summerfield property on the corner of Tenth street and Cloquet avenue. Two-story concrete building.

1909-04-04_2 Gingold Umbrella Manufacturer - - 1909-4-4 Gingold, Umbrella LManufacturer ad 125 East Superior St. - dnt

1909-04-04_2 Mrs. F. Monschine and daughter Rosalie - - 1909-4-4 Mrs. F. Mondschine and daughter, Miss Rosalie Mondschine, who wintered in the south have returned to their home in Duluth. - Duluth News Tribune

1909-4-9 Silberstein & Bondy Co ad - - 1909 Silberstein & Bondy Company ad - - cropped image

1909-4-9 Mrs. L. Shenowsky, Anna Cohen birthday - - 1909-4-9 Entertains For Sister. Mrs. Louis Shenowsky, 811 East Third street. Birthday of sister Miss Anna Cohen. Sans Souci and Nonpareil clubs. Miss Sarah Shore, Miss Bessie Cassmir, and Maurice Cohen.

1909-4-9 Labovitz pawn shop, license - - 1909 Charge Didn’t Stick. F. Labovitz pawnshop. Dick Wilson. - - cropped image

1909-4-10 J. D. Zien, obit. - - 1909 J. D. Zien obit. J. D. Zien Is Dead; Illness Was Short. Was Well Known Wholesale Liquor Dealer, Twenty Years in Business Here. 131 East Second street, from northern Prussia near Koenigurg, 30 years in Duluth, J. D. Zien & Co., 101 West First street, wholesale liquor dealers. -

1909-4-11 Jacob D. Zien obit. - - 1909 Zien Funeral Will Be Held This Afternoon. Rabbi Lefkovitz. -

1909-4-11 Jacob D. Zien obit. Rabbi Lefkovitz -

1909-4-12 Farewell party - - Give Farewell Party, Hibbing, Helstein, Miller, Greenblatt, Hallock, Kitz, Woolfan, Lippman, Sachks, Sher, Lindeske, Altman, Nides -

1909-4-14 Zien - - Charities Fare Well By J. D. Zien’s Will, Cleveland Jewish Orphans, Denver Jewish Home for Consumptives, Temple Emanuel -

1909-4-14 Zien charities - - 1909 Charities Fare Well By J. D. Zien's Will, Cleveland Jewish Orphans' asylum, Denver Jewish Home for Consumptives, Temple Emanuel, Harry M. Levy administrator, monument for his mother's grave in Russia, father's grave in Prussia. -

1909-4-14 Ben Stone, Fannie Jaffe, asault - - Ben Stone, Fannie Jaffe, assault -

1909-04-14 Eleven Innings A. Salnovitz, Walt, W. Salnovitz, Shore, Goldfine - - 1909-4-14 Play Eleven Innings. A. Salnovitz, Walt, W. Salnovitz, Shore, Goldfine.

1909-04-14_4 A. and W. Salnovitz - DNT - - 1909-4-14 With The Amateurs. Play Eleven Innings. A. Salnovitz, Walt and W. Salnovitz for the Tigers. Goldfine for the Juniors.

1909-4-15 Latt, fans - - 1909-4-15 Wanated To Buy second hand electric fans for theater use. L. Latts

1909-4-15 H Popkin sheet metal works - - 1909 Situations wanted male - - H Popkin sheet metal works 29 Fifth Avenue West

1909-4-17 Isadore Abrahamson - - 1909 Says Boys Beat Him With A Big Stick. Isadore Abrahamson (Abramson), Superior Iron & Metal company.

1909-4-18 Sam Abrahamson entertains - - 1909 Sam Abrahamson (Abramson), 622 North Fifty-seventh avenue west, stag party, Israel Fieldman, Thomas Doyle, Roy Neuman, Roy Drake, George Roy, Ralph Pond, Sam Abrahamson (Abramson), Webster Briggs, Clifford Girard.

1909-04-18 Loeb's mother visiting - DNT - - 1909-4-18 Mr. and Mrs. L. S. Loeb, 1125 East Superior Street, have as their guest Mr. Loeb's mother, Mrs. M. Loeb of Ligonler, Ind. - Dulluth News-Tribune

1909-4-20 raised row, Barney Karon - - Raised a Row; Fined. Barney Karon -

1909-4-20 Ben Friedman Stag Dinner - - 1909 Stag Dinner, Leo Idzal, Max Albenberg, L. Traubmann, Joe Sattler, Nathaniel Gidding, Joseph Gidding, Ben Friedman.

1909-4-20 Leo Idzal, stag dinner - - stag party for Leo Idzal and not Sattler. His buddies were Max Albenberg, L. Traubmann, Joe Sattler, Nathaniel Gidding, Joseph Gidding , and Ben Friedman.

1909-4-20 Leo Idzal, stag dinner - - 1909 Stag Dinner. Leo Idzal, Max Albenberg, L. Traubmann, Joe Sattler, Nathaniel Gidding, Joseph Gidding and Ben Freidman.

1909-4-20 Barney Karon -

1909-04-20_4 Barney Karon fight - - 1909-4-20 Raised a Row; Fined. Barney karon foreigners in a theater. - dnt

1909-4-26 -S. Slonim Independent Progressive Club - - 1909 Says Penal Code Fosters Crime. Speaker at Independent Progressive Club Criticizes System of Punishing Lawbreakers. S. M. Slonim.

1909-4-29 Milwaukee, M. S. Greenblatt merchant, retired, drygoods - - Hibbing Merchant To Retire, M. S. Greenblatt, drygoods store. -

1909-4-29 Oreck, child labor - - 1909 Merchant Accused of Emplying Child Labor. E. Oreck -

1909-4-29 Julius and Harry Shandeling -

1909-5-2 Chisholm Jewish synagogue $12,000 -

1909-5-4 Ben Karon -

1909-5-8 Straw Hat Superior street - - 1909-5-8 Cartoon How a man feels who is tring to rush the season. The first straw hat was seen on Superior street yesterday.

1909-5-11 Arthur Levenson - - 1909 brandt To Have Hearing In Court Next Week, intent to kill Arthur Levenson -

1909-05-11 Arthur Levinson - - 1909-5-11 Brandt To Have Hearing In Court Next Week. Ray Brandt charged with assault with intent to kill Arthur Levenson. Struck on the head with a club.

1909-05-11 Israel Azinsky obit - - 1909-5-11 Azinsky, Israel 119 Third avenue east. 32 years old. Liver trouble.

1909-05-11_10 Israel Azinsky 119 Third ave. east 32 obit - DNT - - 1909-5-11 Israel Azinsky, 119 Third avenue east, 32, Liver trouble.

1909-05-11_9 Esther Paletz - - 1909-5-11 Evening Times. Happy Surprise Party. given by her parents.], for Miss Anna Paletz. Anna Machor, Mattie Deikel, Mary Vogel, mary Fishman , Leah Greenberg, Esther Palez, Sarah Phillips, Gidor Papermaister, Samuel Papermaister, George Papermaister, sol Wasserman, Saul Fishman, Nathan Heller, Larrie Arnovitch, Louis Vogel. - Evening Times

1909-5-15 Samuel Oreckovsky, real estate col. 1 - - -

1909-05-18 Arthur Levenson - - 1909-5-18 Denies He Went Into Freight Car. William Whittaker Pleads Not Guilty-Milkman Pays for the Horses Injured. Ray Brand charged with attempting to kill Arthur Levenson.

1909-5-20 Raphael Oreck buys home - - 1909 Old Lewis Home Sold. Raphael Oreck bought former home of Capt. Ray T. Lewi -

1909-5-20 Harry Zlatkovsky - - 1909 Women's Knights Winn The Debate. Schoolboys Put Up Strong Arguments-McManus Boots Suffrage Cause. Political Equality clb. high shool, Harry Zlatkovsky.

1909-5-20 Virginia, Brainerd, Mesaba, Mesberg -

1909-5-23 Harry Zlatkovsky - - 1909 Clubs, Political Equality, Harry Zlatkovsky.

1909-5-25 son to David Goldfarb -

1909-5-26 Louis Polinsky deserts wife Lena Levine Polinsky - - 1909 Louis Polinsky deserts wife Lena Levine Polinsky. Deserted 5 days after wedding, Russian bride of three years ago given divorce decree in Superior Court. -

1909-05-26 ]Lena Levine Polinsky and Louis Polinsky divorce - - 1909-5-26 Deserted 5 Days, After Wedding. Russian Bride of Three Years Ago Given Divorce Decree in Superior Court. Lena Levine Polinsky granted divorce from Louis Polinsky.

1909-5-27 Eveleth, Esther Rabinowitz, photo, graduation - - 1909 All The News Of The Ranges. Graduation Class of Eveleth High School. Esther Rabinowitz. -

1909-5-27 Eveleth, Esther Rabinowitz, photo, graduation -

1909-5-28 Arthur Levenson - - 1909 Prisoners Place Taken By Brother, Ray Brand Is Freed of Assault Charge and Older Boy Put Under Arrest. Arthur Levenson the complainant -

1909-5-28 Edward Helperin and Alice Felguson wed - - 1909 Will Wed At St. Paul. Edward Helperin and Alice Felguson, William Goldstein, Jacob Helperin, Elizabeth Helperin, Sadie Rocklin, Alex Rocklin, Chas. D. Oreckovsky, Lewis Helperin. Alice Levy, Marcia Album, Lewis Helperin, Davie Jeffrey. -

1909-05-28 Arthur Levenson accused boy - - 1909-5-28 Prisoners Place Taken By Brother. Ray Brand Is Freed of Assault Charge and Older Boy Put Under Arrest. Clyde Brand.Arthur suffered mentally since incident.

1909-5-30 Siegel Brothers - - 1909-5-30 Siegel brothers have started work on a two-story building next to the structure occupied by them.

1909-5-30 A Shapiro - - 1909-5-30 Gilbert P. and A. Shapiro have moved here from Sparta and have opened a store on the Sparta side of the town site.

1909-5-30 Siegel Bros - - 1909-5-30 Siegel brothers have started work on a two-story building next to the structure occupied by them.

1909-5-30 P & A Shapiro moved to Gilbert - - 1909-5-30 Gilbert - P. and A. Shapiro have moved here from Sparta and have opened a store on the Sparta side of the townsite.

1909-05-30 Wm Oxman furrier - - 1909-5-30 In Their New Home. The Duluth Fur company, 325 West First street, new home 404 West First street. Came from Twin Cities. Mr. Harry Wenger, Mr. William Oxman.

1909-06-01 Samuel Michael Zidel Washington school - - 1909-6-1 Class Plays Ushers in Commencement Week. Samuel Michael Zeidel. Washington School. Also listed Joshua Leo Chen, Abram Cook, Rose Pearl Coran, Marie Mollie Coran, Sadie Alice Gingold, Marie Viener.

1909-6-4 Washington School-Samuel Sher - - 1909-6-4 Finish The Grade Course. Exercises Are Held at Central High, Students From All Buildings Involved Participating-Diplomas Will Be Given Out Today- Big Crowd in Attendance. Emerson School: Lillian Laskey Jefferson School: Rosalind Bondy - Washington School: Joshua Leo Cohen, Norman Abram Cook, Rose Pearl Coran, Marie Mollie Coran, Sadie Alice Gingold, Esther Vera Klatsky, Samuel Sher.

1909-6-8 J. D. Zien will - - 1909 J. D. Zien's Will Is Filed For Probate. Widow an Other Relatives Remembered. Likewise Memory of Dead Parents. -

1909-6-9 Clara De Hirsh Club, Zein, Karon, Milavitz, Shapiro, Slonim, Edelstein Kaner -

1909-6-12 Lazarus Silverman obit. - - dead banker owned Vermilion Ore Lands -

1909-6-13 Eveleth High School photo - - 1909-6-13 Eveleth High School photo

1909-6-18 Hibbing, M. S. Greenblatt, closing dry goods - - M. S. Greenblatt, closing dry goods business, Hibbing, Milwaukee -

1909-6-18 Hibbing, John Mesberg, suit -

1909-06-21_[3] Hibbing Sara Daneiko farewell party Sara Haronimus - - 1909-6-21 Farewell Party. Miss Sara Haronimus, Miss Sara Daneiko. - Duluth News Tribune

1909-06-23_3 Isadore Karon - DNT - - 1909-6-23 Keewatin Decides To Celebrate July Third. Commercial club Isadore Karon

1909-6-27 Spooner, Minn. grade school building - - School photo from Duluth or other Minnesota towns

1909-6-27 Charles D. Oreckovsky and Elizabeth Heilperin ml. - - 1909 Charles D. Oreckovsky and Elizabeth Helperin, marriage license -

1909-6-30 Charles D. Oreckovsky and Elizabeth Heilperin - - 1909 Pastor's Daughter Becomes A Bride. Miss Elizabeth Helperin and Charles D. Oreckovsky Married-Reception Follows. - Rabbi W. Kissin, Rabbi and Mrs. Jacob Helperin, Fanny Album, Lewis Helperin, S. Album, Marcia Album, Alice Levy, Edward Helperin, Benjamin, Harry Mitchell, Arthur Mitchel, Gertrude Mitchell, David Jeffrey, Fegelson, S. I. Pavian. -

1909-6-30 Sadie Fostof - - 1909 Farewell Party. Mrs. J. Fostoff, 820 East Fifth Street, in honor of Mrs. M. Caplov, Mr. and Mrs. B. Frankford, Mr. and Mrs. R. Lieberman, Mr. and Mrs. C. Kassmir, Mrs. L. Shenowsky, Mr. and Mrs. Levine, Mr. and Mrs. L. Polinsky, Mr. and Mrs. M. Levine, Mr. and Mrs. M. Cohen, Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Kolenisky, Mr. and Mrs. Oreckovsky, Mr. and Mrs. Gitkin, Mr. and Mrs. Kerness, Mr. and Mrs. L. Levine, Mr. and Mrs. S. Shesossky, Miss Ida Weiner of Chicago, Polly Sweetman of St. Cloud, Belle Polinsky, Esther Kerness, Clara Shore, Sadie Shore, Lillie Cassmir, Annie Cohen, Rosie Cohen, Sadie Fostoff, Florence Levine.

1909-6-30 farewell party for M. Caplov, Mr. L. Shenowsky - - 1909-6-30 Farewell Party for Mrs. M. Caplov. Mr. and Mrs. S. Mrs. L. Shenowsky and (Shenowsky) mentioned.

1909-6-30 Nina Rich and Nathan H. Schneider, Rabbi Teplitz -

1909-06-30 Nina Rich & Nathan H Schneider wedding announced - - 1917-12-08 Abe Friedman and Sarah Alpert marriage license.

1909-7-3 Mr. and Mrs. M. Levin, birth of son - - 1909 Mr. and Mrs. M. Levin 30 East First street, birth of a son.

1909-7-4 Mr. and Mrs. Edward A. Silberstein - - 1909 Mr. and Mrs. Edward A. Silberstein are at home at 517 East Second street.

1909-7-4 Sadie Zlatkovsky - - 1909 Miss Sadie Zlatkovsky, 8 East Fourth street is visiting with friends in Chicago.

1909-07-04 A. Salnovitz, W. Salnovitz, Azinski, Shapiro - - 1909-7-4 A. Salnovitz, W. Salnovitz, Azinski, Shapiro.

1909-07-04_[1] A. and W. Alnovitz - DNT - - 1909-7-4 The Maroons defeated the Stars in a fast game yesterday in Mendenhall's field. A. Salnovitz, W. Salnovitz, Azinski, Shapiro.

1909-7-7 Hammel visit from Appleton (1) - - 1909-7-7 Louis Hammel, 1423 East Third street, father Jacob Hammel, niece Fannie Hammel, Appleton, Wisconsin.

1909-7-7 Mrs N Benjamin visited Hirsch - - 1909-7-7 Mrs. N. Benjamin of Minneapolis is visiting Mrs. H. Abramson and Mrs. J. Hirsch, 7th avenue east.

1909-07-09_2 Bnai Abraham buy lots - - 1909-7-9 Virginia Enterprise: Buy Lots for Synagogue. 2 /12 lots purchased on Locust Street at the corner of Cleveland Avenue. Made of brick. Cost $10,000. The newly organized society have paid for their lots and have in addition nearly or quite the half of the requisite amount for the erection and furnishing of their edifice. - - - also: Ad, J. Mesberg. - Virginia Enterprise

1909-7-10 Miss Mary Mesberg - - 1909 (cropped) Miss Mary Mesberg of Virginia, visiting friends.

1909-7-10 Mr and Mrs B Silberstein - - 1909 (cropped) Mr. and Mrs. B. Silberstein, visit Cincinnati, Asheville, New York.

1909-7-10 Mr and Mrs J B Sattler - - 1909 (cropped) Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Sattler, trip abroad.

1909-7-10 Mrs L S Loeb - - 1909 (cropped) Mrs. L. S. Loeb and daughter Doherty, visit Mrs. Loeb's father in Indiana.

1909-7-10 Sattler - - 1909 Mr and Mrs J B Sattler sailed Tuesday form New York for several months trip abroad.

1909-7-10 Mesberg, Loeb, Sattler, Silberstein - - 1909 Mrs. L. S. Loeb and daughter Doherty, visit Mrs. Loeb's father in Indiana. --- 1909 Miss Mary Mesberg of Virginia, visiting friends. ---1909 Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Sattler, trip abroad. ---1909 Mr. and Mrs. B. Silberstein, visit Cincinnati, Asheville, New York.

1909-07-11Cloquet, Ike Summerfield, Markowitz brothers - - 1909-7-11 Cloquet Merchant Will Take Long Rest. Ike Summerfield, left for west. Banking business., visit exposition at Seattle, disposed of his clothing business. Markowitz brothers still retaining interest in the store.

1909-7-13 Anna Kaner, Young Socialists - - Johnson Heads Young Socialists, Anna Kaner -

1909-7-19 Louis Karon S. I. & M. Bayfield business -

1909-7-23 Ginsberg - - 1909 Two Other Children Have Close Calls From Death. Hopeless Parent Carried Around Building on Crest of Torrent and Rescued By Janitor When Almost Overcome-Husband and Father Searching for Work on the Range, Unaware of Fate That Has Befallen Loved Ones. Ralph Ginsberg, Abe Rosie, Harry, and Sam. -

1909-7-23 Duluth streets, storm - - 1909 Wreck Of Duluth Streets Wrought By Wednesday Nights Cloudburst. Scene at Superior Street and Lake Avenue. The Ginsberg Children Were Drowned East of the Middle House, At the Corner of Ninth Avenue East and Second street. -

1909-7-23 Superior St. mud from storm - - 1909-7-23 Wreck of Duluth streets wrought by Wednesday night's cloudburst. Scene at Superior street and Lake avenue. Photo. The Ginsberg children Were drowned east of the middle house, at the corner of Ninth avenue east and Second street. Photo.

1909-7-23 Ginsberg children storm photo - - 1909-7-23 Wreck Of Duluth Streets Wrought By Wednesday Night's Cloudburts, photo, Scene at Superior Street and Lake Avenue. The Ginsberg Children Were Drowned East of the Middle House, At the Corner of Ninth Avenue East and Second street.

1909-7-24 Ginsberg, Sophia and Abraham obit. - - 1909 Victims Of Flood Laid In The Grave. Funeral Services of Two Little Ginsberg Children Held at Undertaking Rooms. Sophia and Abraham Ginsberg. Rabbi Lefkovitz. -

1909-7-24 Mrs. Frank Averbook, hospital - - 1909 Mrs. Frank Averbook, sanity examined. -

1909-7-24 Ginsberg - - 1909-7-24 Victims Of Flood Laid In The Grave. Funeral Services of Two Little Ginsberg Children Held at Undertaking Rooms. Sophia and Abraham Ginsberg, age five and three. Rabbi Lefkovitz.

1909-7-25 Benjamin Sher purchase of property - - 1909-7-25 Substantial Increase In Real Estate Deals. Gain of About 20 Per Cent in Number of Deeds Recorded Over First Sixth Months of 1908 With Prospects of Even Better Showing for Remainder of Year. -- Benjamin Sher purchased property, south side Fourth street. 8th and 9th street, $3,500. Owned by Western Debenture & Realty Co.

1909-7-26 C. C. Salter public school - - School photo from Duluth or other Minnesota towns

1909-7-27 Ralph Ginsberg - - 1909-7-27 Relief For Woman Who Lost Children. Mrs. Ralph Ginsberg Is Destitute. Two Little Ones Drowned in Cloudburst.

1909-7-28 Ginsberg relief - - 1909 Still Ignorant of Babes' Death. Father of Ginsberg Children, Drowned in Cloudburst, Has Not Been Heard From. Ralph Ginsberg. -

1909-7-29 Ginsberg relief fund - - 1909 Fund Is Started For Mrs. Ginsberg. Generous Persons Come to Aid of Destitute Woman Who Lost Two Children In Flood. -

1909-7-30 Max Zalk - - Heroism Was Not Valued By Road, Max Zalk -

1909-8-1 Ginsberg, Home - - 1909 Mrs. Ginsberg-temporary Home -

1909-8-1 flood, mine, Seattle, Freimuth - - Freimuth back From Seattle Exposition, I. Freimuth and wife, flood in store -

1909-8-4 Ginsberg drowning - - 1909 Ginsberg Said To Be In Coast City. Father of Babes Drowned in Store at Seattle-Wife in Hospital and Destitute. 222 East Second st. -

1909-8-8 Temple Emanuel 7th Ave. and 2nd. St - - 1909-8-8 Temple Emanuel photo.

1909-8-9 Sam Abrahamson - - 1909 Three Youths Start On Hike To St. Paul. Sam Abrahamson (Abramson), Isadore Fieldman, and Roy Munion, Irving football squad.

1909-8-10 Lieberman and Siegel wedding -

1909-8-10 Ida Lieberman and Samuel Siegel wed, Rabbi Teplitz, Dorfman, -

1909-8-10 Lieberman-Siegel wed, guests, Confeldt, Stein, Dorfman, Winer, Steinman, Wienberg - - 1909 Ida Lieberman and Samuel Siegel wed, Rabbi Teplitz, rose Lieberman, Ida Dorfman, Julius Siegel, David Lieberman, J. Confeldt, Joseph Confeldt, K. Confeldt, Stein, Gilbert, A. Confeldt, Dorfman, Winer, J. Simon, David Wienberg, W. Steinman. -

1909-8-10 Lieberman-Siegel wedding - Dorfman - - 1909-8-10 Lieberman-Siegel, wedding at Knights of Pythias hall Miss Ida Lieberman and Samuel Siegel. Rabbi Teplitz, Rose Lieberman, Ida Dorfman-Chicago, Julius Siegel, David Lieberman, home 303 West Third street. Guests: Mr. and Mrs. J. Confeldt, Mrs. Joseph Confeldt, K. Confeldt-Minneapolis, Mr. and Mrs. Stein Gilbert, Mrs. A. Confeldt-Minneapolis, Mrs. J. Dorfman, Bessie Winer-Minneapolis, J. Simon-Bovey, David Weinberg-Eveleth, Mrs. W. Steinman-St. Paul.

1909-8-10 Evelyn Kaner Lena Edelstein - - Evelyn Kaner and Lena Edelstein -

1909-08-10_4 Ida Lieberman and Samuel Siegel wedding Julius Siegel groomsman DNT - - 1909-08-10 Ida Lieberman and Samuel Siegel wedding Julius Siegel groomsman DNT - - - Lieberman-Siegel. Miss Ida Lieberman and Samuel Siegel. Rabbi Teplitz. Rose LiebermanIda Dorfman-Chicago, Julius Siegel, David Lieberman, 303 West Third street. Guests: Mr. and Mrs. J. Confeldt, Mrs. Joseph Confeldt, K. Confeldt-Minneapolis, Mrs. Stein-Gilbert, Mrs. A. Confeldt-Minneapolis, Mrs. J. Dorfman, Bessie Winer-Minneapolis, J. Simon-Bovey, David Wienberg-Eveleth, Mrs. W. Steinman-St. Paul.

1909-8-12 Sam Abrahamson hike - - 1909 Boy Hikers Chased By A Station Agent. Sam Abrahamson (Abramson), Roy Munion, Isadore Fieldman.

1909-8-15 Lylian Shapiro, music -

1909-8-20 Sam Abrahamson - - 1909 No Hike For Them. return by railroad. Roy Murnion, Sam Abrahamson (Abramson), Isadore Fieldman.

1909-8-24 Morris Cohen obit., age 6 months - - 1909 Morris Cohen, age 6 months, 316 East Fifth street, Aug. 19, obit.

1909-8-25 Ida Gordon, Tower, teacher applicants -

1909-9-2 Anna Karon, music -

1909-9-3 Cloquet, Wiliam Summerfield - - 1909 Cloquet Prepares For New Charger. Names of Commission Members Made Public and Work of Drafting Begins Soon. Alex Summerfield.

1909-09-04_6 Fannie Mondschine - - 1909-9-4 Labor world: col. 5. Fannie Mondschine Summons. - Labor_world_

1909-9-9 Lillian Kaner-auto accident -

1909-09-09_2 Northern National Bank Louis Loeb ad - DNT - - 1909-9-9 Ad Northern National Bank Louis Loeb - Dulluth News-Tribune

1909-9-11 Gidding, NY store - - 1909 Company Awaits Court's Approval. Legal Action Necessary to Confirm J. M. Gidding & Co.'s New York Lease. -

1909-9-14 Harry Zlatkovsky. photo - - 1909 Speaking Club Elects Officers. Harry Zlatkovsky. photo, Eleted President of Public Speaking Club of Central High School. High School Boys Starat Out Year With Great Enthusiasm-May Change Name.

1909-9-17 Louis and Abe Latts - - 1909 Louis and Abe Latts proprietors of two moving picture shows at Ashland in city to celebrate Jewish New Year and renew old acquaintances.

1909-9-18 A. Litman socialist - - 1909 Socialist Organizer To Discuss Child Labor, A. Litman, Agen hall. -

1909-9-18 birth of daughter to Albert H. Polinsky - - -

1909-9-21 Lena Zien and Benjamin Oberlin, Virginia, Minn. - - 1909 Engagement Announced. Lena Zien and Benjamin Oberlin of Virginia, MN., Mr. and Mrs. H. Zien, 221 Lake Avenue north. -

1909-9-21 Benjamin Shapiro birth of son Louis - - 1909-9-21 Births son to Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Shapiro, 1237 East Seventh street, September 4.

1909-9-22 Kenigsberg - - 1909 Mrs. D. Kenigsberg, children, 725 East Second street, Winnipeg. -

1909-9-23 Goldman, Henry - - 1909 Goldman, Henry, age 38 years, at 101 First avenue east, Sept. 22, 1909 obit. -

1909-9-23 Himon Nyrin - - 1909 Himon Nyrin - - Here is a photo of him. There was a newspaper contest and he was featured.

1909-9-23 Eva Zalk, music, Boston - - Eva Zalk, study music in Boston, father Max Zalk -

1909 Superior directory - Kaner - - 1909 Superior Directory - Listings for the Kaner and Karon family

1909-9-29 Eva Sosnovsky - - 1909 Surprised By Friends, Miss Lena Azine, 311 East First street, Miss Esther Shapira, Sarah D. Salnovitz, Ada Cohen, Edith Azine, Bessie Canfield, Sarah Casmir, Rose Sha? Lena Finkelstein, Sophie Caplov, Fannie Altman, Eva Oreckovsky, Bessie Rocklin, Minnie Light, Eva Sosnovsky, Emil Nusbaum, Lyle Oreck, P. Averbrook, Irwin Oreck, B. Azine, Louis Goldsberg, Samuel Cohen, Charles Harris, S. Fieldman, Sam Abrahamson, B. Stern, Charles Nattleson

1909-9-29 Sarah D. Salnovitz - - Surpised By Friends., Lena Azine, and friends -

1909-09-29_6 Sarah D. Salnovitz - DNT - - 1909-9-29 Miss Lena Azine was Surprised by Friends. See long list of friends. Last names include: Shapira, Salnovitz, Cohen, Azine, canfield, Casmir, Finkelstein, Caplov, Altman, Oreckovsky, Rocklin, Light, Sosnovsky, Nusbaum, Oreck, Averbrok, Oreck, Azine, Goldberg, Cohen, Harris, Feldman, Abrahamson, Stern, Nattleson.

1909-10-3 Eva Sosnovsky - - 1909 Lena Azine, 311 East First street, Esther Shapira, Sarah D. Salnovitz, Ada Cohen, Edith Azine, Bessie Canfield, Sarah Casmir, Rose Silk, Lena Finkelstein, Sophie Caplov, Fannie Altman, Eva Oreckovsky, Bessie Rocklin, Minnie Light, Eva Sosnovsky, Emil Nusbaum, P. Averbrook, Irwin Oreck, B. Azine, Louis Goldsberg, Samuel Cohen Charles Harris, S. Fieldman, Sam Abrahamson, B. Stern, Charles Nattleson.

1909-10-03_2 Sarah Salnovitz - DNT - - 1909-10-3 Sarah D. Salnovitz Miss Lena Azine surprised by her friends.

1909-10-4 Goldie Karon - - 1909 Child Dies. Goldie Kron, 10 years old, Mr. and Mrs. S. Karon 609 John avenue.

1909-10-4 Goldie Karon, obit -

1909-10-04_[3] Superior, Goldie Karon 10 years old - - 1909-10-4 Child Dies. Goldie, the 10 year old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. S. Karon 609 John aven died yesterday morning at the family home after an extended illness of a complication of maladies. The funeral was held yesterday afternoon from the house and intermnment in the Hebrew cemetery. - dnt

1909-10-8 William Shapira located - - 1909 William Shapira located, Canadian Soo -

1909-10-08_2 Bnai Abraham work to begin (1) - - 1909-10-28 Virginia Enterprise: Commence Work on New Synagogue. Bnai Abraham Congregation awarded building foundation contract to Rappoport of Chisholm. Cost $12,000. solid brick. Purchased Block 15 and 16 and half of lot 14 in Block 84 of Hemlock and Cleveland. - - - also: Ad, J. Mesberg - Virginia Enterprise

1909-10-10 Virginia, synagogue, $12,000 -

1909-10-11 Napthalia Herz Imber obit. Zionist national anthem - - 1908 Jewish Author Dead' thousands At Funeral. New York, Napthalia Herz Imber, autho of the Zionist national hymn. 10,000 attend funeral!

1909-10-12 Latts Bros., Blue laws - - 1909-10-12 Tried To Present The Passion Play Sunday. Ashland, Wis. Latts Brothers. Bijou. Sabbath blue laws.

1909-10-17 card party - - Holds Card Party, Jennie Arnovitch, Shapiro, Bubly, Pomush, Jaffe, Cohen, Sher, Oreksky , Reveolsky -

1909-10-20 Casmir-Goldman wed, Anna Lavick, Chicago - - 1909 Casmir-Goldberg. Evelyn Casmir and Julius Goldberg-Superior, wed. Third avenue east and Third street synagogue. Rabbi Kissim officiated. Miss Selma Casmir, A. H. Shapiro-St. Paul, Marjorie Rachlin, Louis Helperin, D. E. Casmir, M. Rachlin, guests: Mrs. J. B. Jaros and Miss Marion Rosempud-Minneapolis, Mrs. Edward Applebaum –St. Paul, Mr. and Mrs. F. B. Lavick and Miss Anna Lavick-Chicago, Mr. Goldberg and his bride will be at home in Superior.

1909-10-20 Evelyn Casmir and Julius Goldberg, Rabbi Kissim, Shapiro, Rachlin -

1909-10-23 M. (Messel) Ginsberg, accident - - 1909 Ax Severs Thumb. M. Ginsberg, 1516 West Michigan street. -

1909-10-29_9 Bnai Abraham building (1) - - 1909-10-29 Virginia Enterprise: The Bnai Abraham Congregation, which erects a handsome synagogue at the corner of Cleveland and Locust was granted permisison for the use of a portion of the street during the term of operation. - Virginia Enterprise

1909-10-31 the Yiddish Opera-Superior -

1909-10-31_6 Bnai Abraham - DNT - - 1909-10-31 Virginia Jews Build Synagogue. Bnai Abraham congregation Begins Work on New $10,000 Building. Corner of Locust street and Cleveland avenue.

1909-11-05_5 Bnai Abraham permit to build city council - - 1909-11-5 Virginia Enterprise: Bnai Abraham permit to build carried by City Council - Virginia Enterprise

1909-11-7 Cloquet, Alex Summerfield lost election - - 1909 Cloquet Election Results. Alex Summerfield 229 votes for mayor.

1909-11-9 Anna Cohen and Morris Steiner - - 1909 Invitations To Wedding. Mr. and Mrs. L. Cohen, daughter Miss Anna Cohen to Morris Steiner, Dec. 7, 911 East Third street wedding.

1909-11-12 Harry Zlatkovsky - - 1909 School Debaters Will Have Tryout Tonight. Harry Zlatkovsky.

1909-11-15_2 L. L. Berman Berman Emporium Bemidji_daily_pioneer - - 1909-11-15 Mrs l Berman to retire from active business - The entire mammoth up-to-date stock of the Berman Emporium will be sold at once.

1909-11-16 Harry Zlatkovsky - - 1909 Debating Teams For High School Chosen. Harry Zlatkovsky

1909-11-17 Zalk engagement - - Engagements, Ethel to Max M. Yagger -

1909-11-21 Miriam Levin - - 1909 Miss Miriam Levin is visiting in Indianapolis.

1909-11-21 Elevitch, Tobia, Pearl -

1909-11-23 Chisholm, Manson & Lewis department store fire -

1909-11-29 Mrs. Benjamin Sher & Miss Sara Hurvitch - - 1909-11-29 Give parcel Shower. Mrs. Benjamin Sher and Miss Sara Hurvitch. Honor Miss Mae Siegel, January bride. 24 guests.

1909-11-30_11 Morris J. Segal bankrupt cropped - - 1909-11-30 Morris J. Segal bankrupt - dnt

1909-12-05_10 Butte and Superior Copper G. M. Loeb - DNT - - 1909-12-5 Considering Plans For Building Concentrator. Butte & Superior Copper company. I. Freimuth, G. M. Loeb, Dr. Sussman. construction and operation of a zinc concentrator and mill for treatment of Butte & Superior zinc ores. - Dulluth News-Tribune

1909-12-07_9 Ad Great Eastern Kastriner and Neumann - - 1909-12-07 ad The Great Eastern West Duluth Kastriner & Neuman - Duluth News Tribune

1909-12-12 Charles Friedman Kalamazoo, MI - - 1909 There is a Charles Friedman photo in a Kalamazoo, MI paper. This might belong to the Duluth Friedman family, same business - Tailorin.

1909-12-14 Cloquet, B. J. Summerfield Dry Goods - - 1909 Woman Arrested At Cloquet For Theft. B. J. Summerfield Dry Goods Co.

1909-12-14 Carlson party, Walt, Coran, Goldish -

1909-12-17 Weiner-Nyrim,Rose Kaner, B. Kaner, Milavitz, Siegel, Lurye -

1909-12-17 Weiner-Nyrim wed., Chase , Pomist, Kaner, Doldfine, Lurye, Milavitz - - Ruth Celia Weiner and Hymon Nyrim wedding, many guests -

1909-12-19 H. Haronimus - - H. Haronimus

1909-12-20 A. Holzberg, Brith Abraham -

1909-12-22 Rose Batanick, and P. J. Averbook eng. - - 1909 Rose Batanick and P. J. Averbook engagement -

1909-12-22 Zalk estate - - Wants Damages For Death Of His Son, Max & Louis Zalk, H. Y. Josephs, Duluth Machinery Co. sued by Samuel Zalk, Julius Zalk -

1909-12-22_7 Morris J. Segal discharge of bankrupcy - - 1909-12-22 Discharged In Bankruptcy. Morris J. Segal - dnt

1909-12-26 Leon Fox purchase land - - 1909-12-26 Real Estate Market Has Had Notable Year. Men, Who Deal in Parcels of Mother Earth Are Satisfied. Anticipate Bigger Business in 1910-Duluth Property Figures in Holiday Gift Giving. -- L. Cohen, L. s. & S. Loeb Co., Rose Sax,Leon Fox.

1909-12-27_11 Goldie Paletz - - 1909-12-27 Evening Times. Goldie Paletz Celebrated Birthday of Master Archibald Marke. - Evening Times

1909-12-28 M. M. Sher business - - 1909-12-28 M. M. Sher business in Brule , stock valued at $25,000, present business located at 528 Ogden avenue. Also operatig in Superior, Wisconsin.

1909-12-28 Copper Company – Freimuth - - 1909 Copper Company control passes – I Freimuth elected as director

1909-12-28 Hammel-Marshall wedding - - 1909-12-28 Of Interest To Women. Holiday Wedding Is Solemnized. Miss Sara Hammel Becomes the Bride of Samuel Harold Marshall. Sara Hammel, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Louis Hammel, 1423 East Third street to Samuel Harold Marshall. Spalding hotel. Rev. Maurice Lefkovitz. LaBrosse's orchestra. Freda Goldberg, Rachel Hammel, Laura Hammel-Appleton, Wis., Sam Levy-Duluth, So and Harry Hammel-Appleton, WI, Leo Hammel-Milwaukee, Phil and David Hammel-Appleton. Mr. Marshall located in business-Duluth. Guests: Mr. and Mrs. D. F. Hammel, Mr. and Mrs. P. B. Hammel, Harry, Sol, and Fanny Hammel-Appleton, Mr. and Mrs. I. M. Marshall-Chicago, Mr. and Mrs. Mose Bender-Appleton, Mr. and Mrs. Leo Hammel-Milwaukee, Miss Goldberg, Miss Hammel, Mrs. Louis Hammel. Mr. and Mrs. Marshall will reside in Duluth.

1909-12-30 Brith Abraham, Holzberg, Isadore Cohen, Jaco Harri, Louis Lasky - - 1909 A. Holzbeg At head Of Brith Abraham Lodge. A. Holzberg elected president, Isadore Cohen, Jacob Harris, Louis Lasky.

1909-12-30 Brith Abraham, Holzberg - - 1909 A. Holzberg At Head of Brith Abraham Lodge. A. Holzberg, Isadore Cohen, Jacob Harris, Louis Lasky. -

1909-12-30_6 Col 5 Harry Siegel, 220 Second Ave., So Jamestown_alert - - 1909-12-30 Jamestown Weekly Alert. Ever Watchful. A Littl Care Will Save Many Jamestown Readers Future Trouble. Ad. Harry Siegel, formerly living at 220 Second Ave., So., Jamestown, N. Dak., says: "About six months ago I commenced to suffer from kidney trouble. My back pained me so severely that I was usable to get about and the kidney secretions also caused me much annoyance. Hearing of Doan’s Kidney Pills, I procured a box at Smith’s drug store and commenced their use. I felt relief immediately and when I had taken the contents of three boxes I was permanently cured."

1910 - A Hundred years ago in perspective - - 1910 - A Hundred years ago in perspective

.................. 1910 ..................           top of list          bottom -

1910-1-1 Louis Zien, infant obit. Mike Zien - - 1910 Infant Dies, Louis Zien, 3 month old daughter? Louis or Louise, Mr. and Mrs. Mike Zien, 1603 West Superior St., Calvary cemetery. -

1910-1-2 Virginia, Mesberg, annex -

1910-1-2 Siegel - - 1910 Master Norman and Harold Lasky, Hammond avenue, 10th and seventh birtdays, Nathan Siegel, Paul Franklin-New York City, Minnie Holzberg, Sara Litman-Duluth, Chauncey Miller, David Miller, Sylvia Siegel, Archie Siegel, Edythe Lasky, Birdie Weingarten, Helen Weingarten, Benjamin Siegel, Marian Shonesman-Coleraine, Minn., Lois Bloom-Minneapolis. (full page) -

1910-1-2 Siegel c - - 1910 Master Norman and Harold Lasky, Hammond avenue, 10th and seventh birtdays, Nathan Siegel, Paul Franklin-New York City, Minnie Holzberg, Sara Litman-Duluth, Chauncey Miller, David Miller, Sylvia Siegel, Archie Siegel, Edythe Lasky, Birdie Weingarten, Helen Weingarten, Benjamin Siegel, Marian Shonesman-Coleraine, Minn., Lois Bloom-Minneapolis. (cropped version as jpg image) -

1910-1-2 Barney Karon messenger -

1910-1-4 Harry Witz, gambling - - 1910 Harry Witz, Gambling House Keeper Is Fined, Raid on Resort of Harry Witz Discloses Six Boys Engaged in Play. -

1910-01-04 Harry Witz arrested for gambling, cigar maker union - - 1910-1-4 Gambling House Keeper Is Fined. Raid on Resort of Harry Witz Discloses Six Boys Engaged in Play.Pool room license will be revocked. 1105 1/2 Tower avenue. Sells cigars and confectionery. In rear of the store is another room.

1910-01-04 Harry Witz arrested for gambling, cigar maker union - - 1910-1-4 Gambling House Keeper Is Fined. Raid on Resort of Harry Witz Discloses Six Boys Engaged in Play. Will revoke his pool room license. 1105 1/2 Tower avenue, sells cigars and confectionery.

1910-1-5 Mae Siegel and Cassel Marcus wed, Jennie Aronsohn - - 1910 Siegel-Marcus. Miss Mae Siegel and Cassel Marcus-Farog, N. . wed. Rabbi Kissam, Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Siegel, 609 East First street, Miss Rose Cohen-Superior, Miss Sara Hurvick, Julius Siegel, Julius Cohen-Superior, Pearl Siege, Leslie Hurvick, Mr. and Mrs. I. Cohen and daughters-Hibbing, Mrs. Marie Kosing, Miss Natalle Kosing, Miss Etta Kosing=Minneapols, Mrs. Franklin-New York, Miss Jennie Aronsohn-St. Paul, Miss Celia Sloane-Hurley, Wis., Miss Rora Levitz, Jake Levitz, Alexander Rosenbloom-Fargo, N. D.

1910-1-5 Mae Siegel and Cassel Marcus wed, Jennie Aronsohn - - 1910 Mae Siegel and Cassel Marcus wed. Mr. and Mrs. F. D. Siegel, Rabbi Kissam, Rose Cohen, Sara Hurvick, Julius Siegel, Julius Cohen, Pearl Siegel, Leslie Hurvick, Mr. and Mrs. I. Cohen, Mari Kosig, Natalie Kosing, Etta Kosing, Mrs. Franklin, Jennie Aronsohn, Celia Sloane, Rora Levitz, Jake Levitz, Alexander Rosenbloom.

1910-1-5 Rachael Oreckovsky and Joseph Harris - - 1910 Oreckovsky-Harris, Rachel Oreckovsky and Joseph Harris, I. Oreckovsky, Rabbi Kissam. -

1910-01-05_7 I. S. Guinn - - 1910-1-5 Languishes In Jail Awaiting His Sentence. W. H. Reynolds Found Guilty of Petty Larceny by Jury in Municipal Court. Mr. Guinn. - Duluth News-Tribune

1910-1-8 Virginia-Mrs. Shanedling obit. - - 1910 Virginia: Mrs. Shanedling obit. -

1910-1-9 Louis Karon ad fish - - 1909-1-10 Louis Karon - ad for Fish! Fish! - 609 John Avenue, Superior Fish! - image cropped

1910-01-09_2 Mae Siegel, J. D. Siegel's daughter, Julius Siegel of Superior DNT - - 1910-01-09 Miss Mae Siegel, Mr. and Mrs. F. D. Siegel and Cassel Marcus of Fargo, ND. Rabbi Kissam, Rose Cohen-Superior, Sara Hurvick, Julius Siegel, Julius Cohen-Superior, Pearl Siegel, Leslie Hurvick, Mr. and Mrs. I. Cohen and daughters-hibbing. Mrs. Marie Kosing, Natalie Kosing, Etta Kosing=Minneapolis, Franklin=New York, Jennie Aronsohn=St. Paul, Celia Sloane=Hurley, Wis., Dora Levitz, Jake Leitz, Alexander Rosenbloom-Fargo, N.D. Mr. Marcus and his bride will live in Fargo, N.D.

1910-01-09_2 , Mr. and Mrs. I. Oreckovsky, 348 Lake Ave. north. Rabbi Kissam, will make home in Duluth. - - 1910-01-09 Rachel Oreckovsky and Joseph Harris married, Mr. and Mrs. I. Oreckovsky, 348 Lake Ave. north. Rabbi Kissam, will make home in Duluth.

1910-1-10 Harry Witz, check - - 1910 Harry Witz, More Trouble In Store For Witz, Check with which he paid fine for running gambling house is refused by bank. -

1910-1-10 M. M. Sher, Brule -

1910-01-10 Harry Witz insentive to build YMCA - - 1910-1-10 Light Ahead For Y.M.C.A. Plans. Contribution of Half of Cost of $100,000 Building May Be Made. Building in Superior, WI. Money came from wealthy easterners and Superior. Recent arrest of Harry Witz and gambling acted as an incentive to cater to youths.

1910-1-15 Benjamin London, birth of daughter - - 1910 Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin London birth of daughter 613 1/2 Second Avenue East

1910-1-15 Jacob Bergher birth of daughter - - 1910 Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Bergher birth of daughter. 217 East Sixth street

1910-1-16 Albert H. Polinsky, Joseph E. Fox $25,000 - - -

1910-1-17 Max Cohen, Biwabik - - 1910-1-17 Biwabik will have big building season; Max Cohen, the merchant, announces that he will put up a two story brick building.

1910-1-18 Sam Barkovich -

1910-1-23 Eveleth, Harry Rabinowitz, Ethel Wilk, Myrtle Nathanson play - - 1910 Myrtle Nathanson, H. Rabinowitz, Ethel Wilk, Myrtle Nathanson -

1910-1-23 Eveleth, Harry Rabinowitz, play - - 1910 Eveleth Seniors Plan Class Play. Will Put On Two Performances of "A Midsummer Night's Dream" Next Month. Myrtle Nathanson, Harry Rabinowitz. -

1910-01-23 Harry Witz pool place gambling - - 1910-1-23 City Hall Edict Will Close Pool Rooms Today. Mayor Takes Action as Result of Alleged Flagrant Violations Ordinance-Proprietors May Invoke Restoration of Old "Blue Law"-Will Meet This Morning. Henry Witz arrested a few weeks ago for gambling. Superior, WI experiences with "blue laws" very restrictive. Description given in article.

1910-1-24 Isadore Abrahamson leg injury - - 1910 Coaster Has His Leg Fractured. Isadore Abrahamson (Abramson) Victim of Accident on Fifty-Seventh Avenue West Hill. 15 year old son of Morris B. Abraham, 605 North Fifty-seventh avenue west.

1910-01-24 Joseph Freimuth detective white slavery - - 1910-1-24 Result Here Belies Report. Federal Inspector Declares Minnesota Is Free From White Slave Traffic. Police Discover Two Cases In St. Louis County. But Joseph Freimuth Says He Was Unable to Find Anything Wrong in Investigation

1910-1-25 Ben Karon, Shapiro, sells business - - Stevenson: Sells General Store. Ben Karon sells general store to Sam Shapiro. -

1910-1-26 Court Decides Israel Garon - - 1910-1-26 Court Decides For Duluth Man. Minneapolis Knitting Concern Loses in Suit to Restrain Local Firm From Using Name. Israel Garon. Northwestern Knitting Mill

1910-1-26 Court Decides - Israel Garon - - 1910-1-26 Court Decides For Duluth Man. Minneapolis Knitting Concern Loses in Suit to Restrain Local Firm From Using Name. Israel Garon. Northwestern Knitting Mill

1910-1-27 Blaine high school, A. Averbook - - 1910 Graduating Class To Finish Work Friday. Blain high school, A. Averbook. -

1910-1-30 Berlin, Zionism, German Jews Against Zionism -

1910-1-30 A. Jaffee, Nashwauk, Woodmen - - Nashwauk Woodmen And Royal Neighbors Install, A. Jaffee, trustee -

1910-1-31 Goldstein - - 1910 Says State Is Workshop For White Slavers. Clifford G. Roe, Former Assistant State's Attorney of Illinois, Tells Men's Mass Meeting at Y.M.C.A. That He Can Prove Existence of Evil in Minnesota. Will Produce Evidence to Refute Report of Government Detective Who Recently Declared Duluth and Twin Cities Free from Recruiters of Immoral Resorts. Joseph Freimuth, Morris Goldstein. -

1910-2-1 Lillian Kaner-auto accident -

1910-2-3 Chisholm-Rita Lewis young child reading - - 1910-2-3 Chisholm Young People Will Give A Concert. Esther Sapero, Rita Lewis.

1910-2-3 Jacob Levitz purchased fight show rights - - 1910-2-3 Fargo Man-Buys Fight Pictures Jacob Levitz

1910-2-6 Duluth, Zionism, Will Jews Regain Possession of Palestine -

1910-2-7 Louis Latts, Blue laws - - 1910-2-7 Jewish Theater Owner Will Close Saturdays. Washburn, WI, Louis Latts, Hebrew proprietor, Bijou theater. Blue laws.

1910 2-8 Biwabik, Gilbert merchant, Jacob Weiner and Mary Balavan wed - - 1910 Biwabik: Gilbert Merchant Weds. Jacob Weiner and Mary Balavan-Chicago, Max Cohen, Rabbi Rubenstein-Eveleth -

1910-2-8 Samuel R. Oreckovsky obit - - 1910 Old Resident Dies At 72 Years. Samuel R. Oreckovsky, obit. 122 East Fifth street. four sons, daughter-Calumet, Mich.

1910 2-8 Biwabik, Gilbert merchant, Jacob Weiner and Mary Balavan wed - - 1910 Gilbert Merchant Weds. Biwabik, Jacob Weiner, Miss Mary Balavan, Max Cohen, Rabbi Rubenstein. -

1910-2-9 Louis Latts, Blue laws - - 1910-2-9 Northwest News. Tried to Evade The Sunday Law. Washburn Man Keeps Jewish Sabbath and Opens Theater On Lord’s Day. Louis Latts. Blue Law.

1910-2-10 Friedman Bros - clothing - Charles & Ben - inaugurate sale - -

1910-2-10 Friedman Bros Inaugurate Sale - - 1910 In 1911 Friedman Bros. Inc. is formed. - Charles Friedman from St. Paul and Ben Friedman from Duluth.

1910-2-11 Louis Latts - - 1910-2-11 News Of The Northwest. Washburn Man Wins His Case. Jury Decides That Louis Latts May Observe Hebrew Sabbath and Open Theater. Blue Law.

1910-2-13 Lillian Simon Charles Silverstein - - 1910 Bovey: Lillian Simon, sister of Lew Simon, local clothier, married in Chicago to Charles Silvertein-St. Paul

1910-2-15 Louis Latts, Blue laws - - 1910-2-15 Washburn Man Arrested Again Attempt to Give Show in Theater on Forbidden Day Is Frustrated by Officers. Washburn, Wis. Bijou theater, Louis Latts proprietor.

1910-2-17 Louis Latts Blue laws - - 1910-2-17 Washburn Showman Loses Sunday Case. Louis Latts. Blue Laws.

1910-02-17 Arthur Levinson boy charged - - 1910-2-17 Boy Will Be Tried On Charge Of Assault. Clyde Brand, Arthur Levinson.Ray Brand.

1910-2-20 Eveleth, Solomon Sax, son born - - 1910 Eveleth: Mr. and Mrs. Solomon Sax, son born. -

1910-2-21 Louis Latts, Blue Laws - - 1910-2-21 Sunday Shows Go Out At Washburn. Bijou Proprietor Discontinues Observance of Jewish Sabbath. Issues Edict to Saloonmen. Louis Latts.

1910-2-22 building leased to Shandeling -

1910-02-22 Arthur Levinson assault - - 1910-2-22 Given Freedom In Short Order. Jury in Superior Court Finds Brand Not Guilty of Murderous Assault. Arthur Levinson

1910-2-24 Louis Cohen grocery store fire - - 1909 Grocery Store Burned; Residence Is Damaged. Louis Cohen, 911 East Third street, grocery store.

1910-2-24 Miriam Levin - - 1910 Miss Miriam Levin, 117 West Third St., Miss Faye Kalish-Chicago.

1910-3-1 Lena Kris Oreckovsky and M. Davidson invitations - - 1910 Wedding Invitations Out. J. M. Oreckovsky, Lena Kris to M. Davidson. -

1910-03-05_12 Mose Golberg or Goldberg DNT - - 1910-03-05 Harry W. Wins Match Ice Race. Goldberg Horse Springs Surprise by Defeating Miss Hartford in Fast Heats. Mose Goldberg’s Harry W. captured race.

1910-03-06_7 Gilbert Sam White Hebrew ad Social Political club - DNT - - 1910-3-6 Gilbert: New Club Formed. Marach 1. A club to be known as the Hebrew Social and Political club" has been formed here with R. Ellis as president; Sam White, vice-president; Alexander Shapiro, treasurer and Sam White, Alexander Shapiro and Harry Glazer, trustees. the first social will be held tomorrow night when there will be a basketball game and dance.

1910-03-06_7 Gilbert Sam White Hebrew ad Social Political club 2 - DNT - - 1910-3-6 New Club Formed. Gilbert: Hebrew Social and Political club” has been formed here with R. Ellis as president: Sam White, vice president; Alexander Shapiro, treasurer and Sam White, Alexander Shapiro and Harry Glazer, trustees. The first social will be held tomorrow night when there will be a basketball game and dance. - Duluth News-Tribune

1910-3-8 Mankato, A. M. Stein, explosion in store -

1910-03-09_3 Oscar Odencrans -dnt - - 1910-03-09 Range Elections Exciting; Results are surprising

1910-03-09_3 Zenith Telephone sold. Loeb - - 1910-3-9 Willmar Tribune: col. Zenith Tribune Co. Sold. Tri-State Co., of Minneapolis, Buys Controlling Interest. The four Duluth men most interested were W. M. Hubbard, S. Loeb, William Harrison, and George W. Buck. the price paid for the holdings was not made public. - Wilmar Tribune

1910-3-10 Zalk, liquor - - Desire For Drinks Leads to Larceny, Frank McCorison, Duluth Iron & Metal Co., Max Zalk -

1910-3-11 Cloquet, Minn., Garfield School - - School photo from Duluth or other Minnesota towns

1910-3-11 Solomon Kaner obit. - - 1910 Solomon Kaner Is Dead At His Home. Leader for Many years Among Jewish-Americans Here Succumbs to Pneumonia. 213 John avenue. Mrs. L. Revelsky-Buhl, Mrs. B. Cohen-Stevenson, Mrs. E. Kenner-Duluth, Mrs. B. Karon, Mrs. J. Chucker, Miss Evelyn, Benjamin Kaner, S Kaner, E. Kaner, and J.Kaner. Rabbi Teplitz, Rabbi Trembladt, obit.

1910-3-11 Solomon Kaner obit -

1910-3-12 Jacob Litman, junk dealer - - 1910 Junk Dealer Kisses Hand Of Officer Who Restores His Money. Jacob Litman -

1910-3-13 Gilbert, dance, Dora Witz - - 1910 Gilbert Hebrew Social and Political club, Endihas hall, Fanny and Jennie Ellis, Ida Lippman, Dora Witz, Lillian Shackz, David Newberg, Ben Craine, Harry Ellis, Irving Stolberg, Sam Lippman. -

1910-3-13 Cloquet, B. J. Summerfield - - 1910 Cloquet: Jurors Summoned To Appear At Carlton. Petit jurors: B. J. Summerfield

1910-3-13 Jennie Ellis - - 1910 Big Gathering At Social And Dance. Gilbert: Hebrew Social and Political club of gilbert, Endihas hall, Jewish population of Gilbert attended. Misses Fanny and Jennie Ellis of Minneapolis; Ida Lippan of Aurora; Dora Witz and Lillian Shackz of Hibbing, David Newberg of Duluth, Ben Craine, Harris Ellis, Irving Stolberg and Sam Lippman of Virginia.

1910-3-13 Fanny & Jennie Ellis - - Big Gathering At social And Dance, Gilbert, Fanny & Jennie Ellis, Lippman, Witz, Shackz, Newberg, Craine, Ellis, Stolberg -

1910-03-13 Gilbert-Dora Witz - - 1910-3-13 Gilbert: Big Gathering At Social And Dance. Hebrew Social and Political club, Endihas hall, entire Jewish population of Gilbert present. Fanny and Mennie Ellis-Minneapolis, Ida Lippman-Aurora, Dora Witz, Lillian Shckz-Hibbing, David Newberg-Duluth, Ben Craine, Harry Ellis, Irving Stolberg, Sam Lippman-Virginia. Eveleth orchestra.

1910-03-13 Miss Hamilton of Freimuths - - 1910-3-13 By Miss Hamilton. Of the Freimuth Department Store Trimming Department. Nets and all-over will be in greater demand. Transparent undersleeve, gimped purposes in lingerie frocks and evening gowns. All-over patterns of large and heavy flowers, connected by slender vine tendrils. Hexagen mesh. Trimmings: demand for metallic braids, gold, silver, steel, or copper. Even in hats. Two tone metal novelties rather than single tone effect. In Paris, chanticlers (French- fierce rooster), roosters, denizens of the barnyard, crowing roosters, fighting cocks, flying birds. Probably the rage.

1910-3-14 Shandeling Bros -

1910-3-15 People You Know - - 1910 Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Oreckovskly, Kris-Davidson wedding. Mrs. I. Davidson, James and Joe Davidson, Mrs. S. Fiterman, daughter Betty, Mrs. M. Schweitzer, Dora Roberts-Minneapolis, Rae Rivkin-Spooner, Wis.

1910-3-15 People You Know - - 1910 Mr. and Mrs. I. Schwartz. Kris-Davidson wedding. Ada Delcer-Minneapolis.

1910-3-15 Joseph E. Fox Albert H. Polinsky, Lucile Hales - - 1910 Joseph E. Fox, Albert H. Polinsky, Lucile Hales, Alienation suit will be commenced today -

1910-3-16 Anna Kris - - 1910 Marriage Licenses Barney Davidson, Chicago, Ill. And Lena Kris, St. Louis county.

1910-3-18 Albert H. Polinsky,Joseph E. Fox - - 1910 Albert H. Polinsky, Joseph E. Fox, Throw 'em both into lake" He says. Archie Gingold dismissed as jouror in Fox alienation suit for hostile expression. -

1910-3-19 Mrs. Joseph E. Fox on stand - - 1910 Woman relates story of shame. Mrs. Joseph E. Fox in alienation suit, tells court of her immoral life. -

1910-3-19 Cloquet, B. J. Summerfield, tenant - - 1910 Cloquet: City Attorney Moves. J. A. Fesenbeck moves offices to B. J. Summerfield block, rented suite of rooms.

1910-3-19 Sarah Salnovitz Debate team - - Girls Named For Debating Team, Sarah Salnovitz -

1910-03-19_7 Sarah Salnovitz - DNT - - 1910-3-19 Girls Named For Debating Team. High School Tryouts Result in Choice of Young Women to meet West Duluth Orators. Sarah Salnovitz.

1910-3-20 Eveleth high school - - School photo from Duluth or other Minnesota towns

1910-3-21 Holland Hotel - - 1910-3-21 New Holland Hotel, Superior St. And Fifth Ave. West, Nearing Completion. Photo. Bray & Nystrom, Architects

1910-3-22 Mrs. Albert Polinsky has faith in husand, Fox - - 1910 Mrs. Albert Polinsky has faith in housband. Albert Polinsky, Mrs. Fox -

1910-3-23 Albert Polinsky, Joseph Fox, alienation of affection - - 1910 Alienation suit nears completion. Albert Polinsky declares his relation with Mrs. Fox with Mrs. Joseph Fox were entirely proper. blackmail -

1910-03-23_14 I. S. Guinn birth of son - - 1910-3-23 Births: Mr. and Mrs. I. S. Guinn, 113 East Superior street, March 20, son. - Duluth News-Tribune

1910-3-25 Joseph Fox loses alienation suit - - 1910 Joseph Fox loses alienation suit. Jury declines to award him damages from Albert Polinsky for wife's affection. -

1910-03-25_11 Bnai Abraham near completion - - 1910-3-25 Virginia Enterprise: A Handsome Edifice. Bnai Abraham near completion. later part of April or May. Donations. I. Mesburg and M. Shandling received over $1000. Sears-Roebuck & Co., Jacob Shiff, New York A. Fiter, Duluth and James J. Hill. - Virginia Enterprise

1910-3-27 Harry Lurye - - 1910 Hebrews To Line Up For Election. Political Club Will Hold Meeting at Agen Hall Tonight. Presiden Harry Lurye, Secretary Jacob Harris. -

1910-03-27_[13] Flora Daneiko Flora Haronimus Lillian Karon - - 1910-3-27 Miss Flora Haronimus, 713 Tower avenue and Miss Lillian Karon 508 John avenue. Miss Flora Daneiko of Hibbing, Minn. last col. - Duluth News Tribune

1910-04-01 Kaner -Virginia - - 1910-4-1 Virginia: Will Lay Corner-Stone of Synagogue. Congregation Bnai Abraham. Lodge of Bnai Brith, Rabbi Lefkowitz from Duluth, cost $10,000, J. Mesberg president; M. Shanedling vice-president; Julius Shanedling, Joseph Roman, H. J. Nathanson, Samuel Lippman and J. F. Lavick.

1910-04-01_2 Virginia Enterprise - - 1910-4-1 Virgina Enterprise: Wedded Ten Years. Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Milavetz celebrated their tenth wedding anniversary on Sunday last by delightfully entertaining a large number of friends. Among those present from outside the city were Miss Bresky of Minneapolis, Mr. and Mrs. L. Wilk and Mrs. Kaner of Eveleth. Bridge was played, the honors being won by Mrs. Jos Roman and Mrs. L. Cohen. All united in wishing the host and hostess many happy returns of the day. - Virginia Enterprise

1910-04-01_2 Virginia Enterprise - - 1910-4-1 Hockey Team Enjoys a Banquet. Gordon Cohen, manager, Jack Goldstein, official rooter. - Virginia Enterprise

1910-04-01_2 Virginia Enterprise - - 1910-4-1 Will Lay Corner-Stone of New Synagogue. Congregation Bnai Abraham. Sunday at 3pm. Lodge of Bnai Brith of Duluth, Rabbi Lefkowitz rabbi of Duluth Temple. Cost about $10,000. credit cogregation for success. J. Mesberg, president, M. Shanedling, vice president, Julius Shanedling, Joseph Roman, H. J. nathason, Samuel Lippman, and J. F. Lavick. - Virginia Enterprise

1910-4-5 Virgnia, Lavick, Nathanson, Roman, Shanedling, Lippman, Mesberg -

1910-4-5 Chisholm Esther Lewis Industrial exhibit - - 1910-4-5 Chisholm Scool Exhibit Begin. Work of Students in Industrial Departments Will Be Shown for Three Days. Myers school, Central school, Monroe school. Fanny Ladin. Esther Sapero, Jeanette Lewis.

1910-04-08_2 Bnai Abraham new congregation - - 1910-4-8 Viginia Enterbrize, photo ofBnai Abraham Congregation. Unable to see entire photo. Mesberg ad. - Virginia Enterprise

1910-4-13 Jacob Litman, junk - - 1910 Jacob Litman pleaded guilty. -

1910-4-15 Samuel Litman, Jacob Litman 3238 E. Superior - - 1910 Was Jacob, Not Samuel. Samuel Litman, furnished goods house, 328 East Superior Street, Jacob Litman, fined for peddling. -

1910-4-16 Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Sattler Havana, Cuba - - 1910 Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Sattler, returned from Havana, Cuba.

1910-4-16 Mrs David Casmir - - 1910 - Mrs David Casmir is visiting in Minneapolis. - (might be Nellie Levant Casmir)

1910-4-16 Mack Sorkin - - 1910 Patrolman Holm Is Strong On Peddlers. Mack Sorkin, Russian, peddling without a state license.

1910-04-17_4 Henry Azine photo baseball group photo - DNT - - 1910-4-17 Washington Baseball Team photo Bottom row Henry Azine, pitcher. Mike Walt right field

1910-04-17_4 Henry Azine baseball group photo - DNT - - 1910-4-17 Notes: Washington Baseball Team photo. Maybe Earl Goetz left field is Jewish. Henry Azine, pitcher. Mike Walt, right field may be Jewish. Azine is a little fellow, but he is cleaver and cool and in one of the games with the high school he had the fellows fanning the helplessly. I believe that Henry is the brother to Jimmy Azine the boxer, and his manager. I will have to check this. I sent this photo to you earlier. I thought it was a great find. Can you check the names and see if they are from families that are Jewish?

1910-4-18 Queen Esther, Tower - - “Queen Esther” Given By Tower Singers, Kolb, cast: Rosie Segelbaum -

1910-4-20 Pearl Elevitch, teacher -

1910-04-22_10 Henry Azinsky pitcher - DNT - - 1910-4-22 Grade School Baseball League Is Organized; Athletic Meet Tonight. Henry Azinsky, pitchers Washington team, elected president.

1910-04-23_[20] Henry Azinsky - DNT - - 1910-4-23 Washingtons Win Indoor Contests. Pull Out Meet Over Other Grade Schools at Boys' "Gym" by Six-Point Margin. Henry Azinsky (Washington) Pullup and Relay race.

1910-4-24 Rose Cohen - - 1910 Miss Rose Cohen, Broadway street, attended wedding of brother Isadore Cohen in Minneapolis.

1910-4-24 Rose Cohen - cropped - - 1910 Miss Rose Cohen, Broadway street, attended wedding of brother Isadore Cohen in Minneapolis.

1910-4-27 Louis Latts - - 1910-4-27 Louis Latts of Ashland is in city on business.

1910-4-27 Labovitz, Zander - - 1910 Bowery Clothing Clerk Pays $10 Fine .Arthur Rose, F. Labovitz, 516 ½ West Superior street, disorderly conduct. Frank Zander.

1910-04-28_9 Fanny Schapery oil fire DNT - - 1910-4-28 Oil Can Explodes. 426 East First street. Mrs. Harry Schapery escapes.

1910-4-30 Dora Slonim-acid -

1910-4-30 Dora Slonim, acid Abraham L. Slonim -

1910-4-30 Temple Emanuel prohibition - - 1910-4-30 Prohibition Is Not Religious Declares Rabbi Lefkovitz. Doesn't Achieve Its Aim.

1910-5-5 Goldy Abelman and A. B. Davis, ml - - 1910-5-5 A. B. Davis and Goldy Abelman, marriage license.

1910-5-6 Roy Edelstein, Stewart case - - Stewart case of forged checks, Roy Edelstein, H. Lurye, S. Barkowich -

1910-05-06_6 (1) Ely Jake Borkon - Elly Miner - - 1910-5-6 Ely. Jake Borkon of Eveleth, last column purchased property. Note Timber and Stone Law. assets valued. trees, lumber etc.

1910-05-06_6 (1) Ely Jake Borkon - Elly Miner - - 1910-5-6 Ely. Rose Levant Eveleth, last column, Timber and Stone Law, purchased property

1910-5-7 Chisohm, M. Karlinsky, 2 yr. old falls - - 1910 Chisholm Babe Falls 22 Feet Second Time. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Drieman, M. Karlinsky store. -

1910-5-7 Mother's Day, Rabbi Lefkovitz - - 1910 Preaches Sermon On Mother's Day, Rabbi Lefkovitz Delivers Eloquent Memorial on World-Sacred Subject. Rabbi Lefkovitz, Temple Emanuel. -

1910-5-10 Carl Shapiro, Northern Oil Co., good roads -

1910-05-10_7 Book Store Boznu - DNT - - 1910-5-10 Ad for Ron Fernandez Cigars. Lists businesses where they are sold. Includes Book Stores. Jos. Boznu.

1910-5-11 Rose Averbook, patient - - 1910 Patients Discharged From Insane Asylum, Rose Averbook -

1910-5-12 David Goldfarb, peddler -

1910-5-14 A Freimuth Store ranked prominent - - 1910 A Freimuth dry Goods and Men's Furnishings

1910-5-15 Henry G - - Henry and Maurice Lavick were brothers. Both were musicians. Henry G. Lavick played the violin. The article includes a photo of him. His brother Maurice had an orchestra.

1910-5-15 Duluth, Henry G. Lavick, music, violin - - 1910 Music. Henry G. Lavick, photo. Violinist, plays with the Flaaten orchestra.

1910-5-15 Duluth Central High School grads - - School photo from Duluth or other Minnesota towns

1910-5-15 Miss Cassel Marcus-Farago - - 1910-5-15 Miss Cassel Marcus-Farago, N.D. guest of parents Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Siegel, sister Mrs. Benjamin Sher.

1910-5-15 Mrs. L. Oreck - - 1910-5-15 Mrs. L. Oreck, St. Regis flats, Mrs. E. Weinberger and son visiting from Seattle, WA.

1910-5-15 Full page - - 1910-5-15 Full page

1910-5-16 Sadie Fostoff - - 1910 Given Linen Shower. Sally M. Oreck entertained, 114 East Fourth street, in honor of Bessie R. Nurick, to wed Harry Buckman, Sarah Brigh, Sarah Nusbaum, Lena Kassmir, Sadie Fostoff, Eva Zalk, Sophia Weinstein, Zela Tremblatt, Esther Kernes, Mary Mesberg, Esther Sander, Bess Rocklin, Eva Rocklin, Jennie Aronsohn, Fannie Nusbaum, Anna Mark, Rose Mark, Anna Oreck, Sarah Bazelon, Selma Casmir, Sarah Nusbaum, Dorothy Polinsky, Sarah Polinsky, Bertha Mendelson, Fannie Mendelson, Florence Levine.

1910-5-16 Florence Levine - - 1910 Gives Linen Shower. Miss Sally M. Oreck, 114 East Fourth street, in honor of Miss Bessie R. Nurick. finace Harry Bucman, Sarah Briht, Sarah Nusbaum, Lena Kassmir, Sadie Fostoff, Eva Zalk, Sophia Weinstein, Zela Tremblatt, Esther Kernes, Mary Mesberg, Esther Sander, Bess Rocklin, Eva Rocklin, Jennie Aronsohn, Fannie Nusbaum, Anna Mark, Rose Mark, Anna Orek, Sarah Bazelon, Selma Casmir, Sarah Nusbaum, Dorothy Polinsky, Sarah Polnsky, Berthan Mendelson, Fannie Mendelson, Florence Levine.

1910-5-17 Bessie R. Nurick, Harry Buckman, linen shower, guest Sally Oreck - - 1910 Linen Shower. Bessie R. Nurick and Harry Buckman, Salloy M. Oreck, Lena Kassmir, Sophie Weinstein, Esther Kernea, Mary Mesberg, Eva Rocklin, Jennie Aronson, Rose Mark, Anna Oreck, Sarah Nussbaum, Dorothy Polinsky, Sarah Polinsky, Florence Levine, Sadie Fostoff, Eva Zalk, Zela Tremblatt, Esther Sander, Bessie Rocklin, Fannie Nussbaum, Annie Mark, Sarah Bazelon, Selma Casmir, Bertha Mendelson, Fanny Mendelson. -

1910-5-17 Sadie Fostoff - - 1910 Linen Shower. Bessie R. Nurick to wed Harry Buckman.

1910-5-17 Ned Lewis Summerfield graduate - - 1910 Cloquet: Twelve Will Graduate From Cloquet School. Nelson opera house, Ned Lewis Summerfield.

1910-5-17 Eva Zalk - - Linen Shower given for Bessie R. Nurick, Harry Buckman by Sally M. Oreck, and many guests. -

1910-5-18 Morris Sorkin and Hattie Weinberg marriage license - - 1910 Marriage License Clerk At Court House Busy Man. Morris Sorkin and Hattie Weinberg.

1910-5-22 Sadie Fostoff - - 1910 Miss Bessie R. Nurick to wed Harry Buckman.

1910-05-22_2 Rosalie Mondschine - - 1910-5-22 With The Travelers. Miss Rosalie Mondschine, 1128 East Third street, has left for an extended western tour. She will be absent about a month. - Duluth News Tribune

1910-5-24 Bankman - - 1910 Chisholm: Surprise Party. Mrs. I. Lewis, Sapero, Goldenberg, Frisch, Kerness, Max Rubenstein, Bankman. Mr. and Mrs. Sol Rubloff-West Duluth. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Lippman and Mr. and Mrs. L. Helstein-Hibbing, Stulberg brothers and Sam Berstein.

1910-5-24 Mr.s Sol Rubloff - - 1910-5-24 Chisholm: Surprise Party. Mrs. I. Lewis.Sapero, Goldenberg, Frisch, Kerness, Max Rubenstein, Bankman, Sol Rubloff-West Duluth, Mr. and Mrs. Ben Lippman, Mr. and Mrs. L. Helstein of Hibbing, Stulberg brothers, Sam Bernstein.

1910-5-25 Ned Abrahamson obit. son of William - - 1910 Boy Is Killed By Fall Down Elevator Well. Young Son of William Abrahamson Pitches Headlong Over Stairway in Astabua Flats. Drops to Basement Three Stories Below. Picked Up By Janitor of Building Unconscious-Lives But Few Hours-No One Saw the Accident-Funeral From Parents' Home This Afternoon. Ned Abrahamson 14 years old. Younger sister Esther, Sterling Wine House, First avenue east and Superior street.

1910-5-25 Ned Abramson obit. - - 1910 Boy Is Killed By Fall Down Elevator Well. Young Son of William Abrahamson, Pitches Headlong Over Stairway in Ashtabula Flats. Drops to Basement Three Stories Below. - - Picked Up By Janitor of Building Unconscious-Lives But Few Hours-No One Saw the Accident-Funeral From Parents' Home This Afternoon. Ned Abrahamson, 14 years old, son of Mr. and Mrs. William Abrahamson. sister Esther, Sterling Wine House First avenue east and Superior street.

1910-05-27_[6] Fannie Mondschine daughter Beriah McGoffin - - 1910-5-27 Mrs. F. Mondschine is the guest of her daughter, Mrs. Beriah McGoffin at Deerwood. - Duluth News Tribune

1910-6-1 David Shapiro and son charges - - headline -

1910-6-3 Cloquet, Jacob Kaner. arrested - - Junk Men Arrested On Serious Charges, Cloquet, Ben Berger and Jacob Kaner, stolen property -

1910-6-3 Cloquet, Ben Berger, Jacob Kaner - - 1910 Cloquet: Junk Men Arrested On Serious Charge.Ben Berger, Jacob Kaner, stolen property. -

1910-6-3 Cloquet, Ben Berger Jacob Kaner -

1910-6-5 Pearl Elevitch, play -

1910-6-5 M. L. Wilk, Eveleth -

1910-6-9 Harry Levin obit. - - 1910 Parents Unaware Of Son's Death, Announcement Is Postponed to Avoid Parring Couple's Happy Reunion. Harry Levin, mine at Virginia, brother at Eveleth, obit.

1910-6-10 Gendeim & Avon marriage license - - 1910 Marriage Licenses: Chinn Gendien and Sadie Avon

1910-6-10 Adas Israel, candidate - - 1910 Rabbi M. Lefkovits. Will Elect Delegates To American Congress. Rabbi Maurice Lefkovits and Solomon Bublick Are Candidates in Today's Balloting. Adas Israel, photo. -

1910-06-11 Rae Abraham confirmation - - 1910-6-11 Confirmation Services At Temple Emanuel. Rae M. Abraham, Dorothy Loeb, Leonard S. Lugoff, Jesse L. Cohen, Esther L. Gomberg. Participating in service Leonard L. Lugoff, Jesse L. Cohen, Rae M. Abraham, Esther L. Gomberg, Miss Hyland, Mr. Friederici, Rae M. Abraham vocal solo, Mr. Brown, E. A. Silberstein.

1910-06-11_16 Dorothy Loeb Temple Emanuel Confirmation - DNT - - 1010-6-11 Confirmation Services At Temple Emanuel. Second street and Seventh avenue. Dorothy Loeb, Rae M. Abraham, Leonard S. Lugoff, Jesse L. Cohen, Esther L. Gomberg, Miss Hyland vocal solo. Mr. Brown, e. A. Silberstein. - Dulluth News-Tribune

1910-06-12_6 Hibbing Commencement Daneiko - - 1910-6-12 Commencement Begins At Hibbing. Sermon to Graduates of the High School tonight. Thirtee to Complete Course Anna Rosenbloom, Sarah Daneiko, Herbert Rosenbloom. - Duluth News Tribune

1910-06-12_13 Washington school - DNT - - 1910-6-12 This Is The Week Of "Sweet Girl Graduates" And Commencement. west End Schools-Jackson. Mina E. Abrahamson, Minnie Averbrok?, Lena B. Lieberman, Abe H. Shapiro, Minnie Helstein, Annie R. Oreckovsky. Washington- Henry N. (Newton) Azinsky, Abraham N. Edelson David Dorfman ?, Willliam Salnovitz?, Samuel Sher, Gertrude Azinsky, Sarah I. Goldish, Lena Golkin ?, Edith Karon, Eva Oreckovsky.

1910-06-14_3 Hibbing hs graduating class play Rosenbloom Daneiko Heilstein - - 1910-6-14 Hibbing High School Class Play. Anna Rosenbloom, Sarah Daneiko, Sarah Helstein, Herbert Rosenbloom. - Duluth News Tribune

1910-6-16 Israel Sher 8th grade - - 1910-6-16 Hibbing Eighth Grade Commencement Tonight. Israel Sher, Emanuel Woolfan.

1910-6-17 Holland Hotel opening S. I. Levine - - 1910-6-17 Holland Hotel Has Informal Opening. 150 rooms, 75 with bath. Operated by Hotel Holland company, a corporation. S. I. Levine, S. Goldberg, and I. Goldberg members. From Chicago. Jr. Levine lives in Duluth.

1910-06-17_3 Harry Rabinowitz DNT - - 1910-6-17 Eveleth Graduates Class Of Fourteen. Harry Rabinowitz

1910-06-17_3 Eveleth graduation Harry Rabinowitz DNT - - 1910-6-17 Eveleth Graduates Class of Fourteen. Harry Rabinowitz.

1910-6-19 Company formed Sattler, Freimuth, Shapiro - - 1910 Shapiro Realty company, Max P. Shapiro, I. Freimuth, J. H. Sattler. $50,000 capital stock.

1910-6-24 Chisholm-Julius Lewis - - 1910-6-24 News Of The Range. Chisholm Makes Ready For Fourth. Officers for Day Appointed and Program of Sprots Is Arranged. Julius Lewis, S. Sapero, Miss Esther Sapero.

1910-6-28 Louis Rovelsky-4th of July -

1910-7-4 Sam Abrahanson visit - - 1910 Sam Abrahamson (Abramson) has returned from a visit to relatives in St. Paul. His brother Isadore and two sisters are still visiting their grandparents Mr. and Mrs. Marks at St. Paul.

1910-7-4 Henry I. Cohen, photo Brainerd - - 1910 Brainerd: Officers Of Highway Association. Boosters Of Duluth-Fargo Road Name Cohen As Leader. E. J. Filliatrault, Duluth, Elected to Vice-Presidency With J. T. Hardy, Fargo. Henry I. Cohen, photo.

1910-7-4 Louis Shenowsky - - 1910-7-4 Louis Shenowsky to Maurice Steiner, property. - cropped

1910-7-4 kag Bundle Shower,Sadie Coran - - headline -

1910-7-9 Mr. and Mrs. Sig Abraham visit - - 1910 Mr. and Mrs. Sigmund Abraham of Chicago are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Lee Abraham, Sixteenth street.

1910-7-10 Louis Siden - - 1910 Unlicensed Is Charge. Louis Siden, tailor running an establishment on Fifth avenue west, arrested on charges of dealing in second hand goods without a license.

1910-7-11 Sig Abraham visit - - 1910 Mr. and Mrs. Sigmund Abraham of Chicago are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Lee Abraham, Sixteenth street.

1910-7-13 George W. Altman obit. - - 1910 George Altman-W.24, Duluth, July 9. -

1910-7-13 Brith Abraham Eveleth - - 1910 Eveleth Brith Abraham Selects New Officers. Brith Abraham, Morris Nathanson, Robert Martel, Jacob Stein, D. Edelstein. -

1910-7-16 Simon Kaner, Eveleth -

1910-7-18 Herman Yessni and J. J. Friedman store - - 1910 Tailor Invents A New Way Of Measuring; Has An Adjustable Garment. Herman Yessni, 622 East Fifth street. Fitwell system. J. J. Friedman store No. 7 West Superior street.

1910-7-22 Fannie Litman and Louis Tulman ml. - - 1910 Louis Tulman and Fannie Litman, marriage license. -

1910-7-23 Mark, Karon, Edelstein - - Sarah Mark, Bert Karon, Roy Edelstein -

1910-7-25 land purchase Gansburg and Davis - - 1910-7-25 land purchase 1st col. Fifty-foot lot on Michigan street between Nineteenth and Twentieth avenues west. from John Ekholm to William Gansburg and Joseph Davis.

1910-7-26 Sarah Haronimus - - 1910 Birthday Party. Mr. and Mrs. H. Haronimus, Sara's birthday, Sarah Fostov-Duluth, Rose Okono-St. Paul, Mrs. L. Dondes-Fall River, Mass., Lillian Karon-Superior.

1910-7-28 M Brusin - Hats and Caps - - 1910 M. Brusin, hat

1910-07-29 David A. Miller, Isaac Henry Helstein - - 1910-7-29 Bemidji newspaper. Secures $15,000 Damages. Duluth Man Charged Alienation of Wife's Affections. David A. Miller. Isaac Helstein, Henry Helstein, Morris Harley, robert Asbinsky, Joseph Fox. (Note that Isaac and Henry Helstein are Mrs. David A. Miller's brothers).

1910-8-3 Harry Vertelney dime - - 1910-8-3 Fined $40 for Stealing Dime. Harry Vertelney.

1910-8-7 Holland Hotel formerly Marshall-Wells - - 1910-8-7 First Store Occupied by Marshall-Wells. Torn down last year to make way for New Holland Hotel, Superior Street and Fifth Ave. West. Photos. ALSO: 1910-8-7 First Two-Story Frame Building In Duluth. Now Standing On Lower Lake Avenue, Near Aerial Bridge.

1910-8-7 First 2 story framed building in Duluth - - 1910-8-7 First two-story frame building in Duluth. Now standing on lower Lake avenue near aerial bridge. First store occupied by Marshall-Wells. Torn down last year to make way for New Holland Hotel, Superior street and Fifth avenue west. Photo.

1910-8-7 First Post Office Duluth - - 1910-8-7 First Postoffice in Duluth. On upper side of Superior street. Between Fourth and Fifth avenue east. Photo.

1910-8-7 First Post Office Superior st - - 1910-8-7 First Postoffice in Duluth. On upper side of Superior street. Between Fourth and Fifth avenue east. Photo.

1910-8-8 Louis Karon, Superior Iron & Metal Co -

1910-8-10 Estelle Abraham and Herbert Feissner eng - - 1910 Announce Engagement. Mr. and Mrs. Lee Abraham, 1708 Sixteenth street, Estelle Abraham and Herbert Fleissner of St. Paul.

1910-8-10 daughter to Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Cohen - - 1910 Birth of daughter to Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Cohen, 316 East Fifth street.

1910-8-12 Lillian Karon -

1910-8-14 Louis Siden - - 1910 Trial Thursday Morning. Louis Siden arrested on charges of running a pawn shop without a license. Pleaded Not Guilty!

1910-8-17 Chisholm-Julius Lewis & Manson bankruptcy - - 1910-8-17 Carpenters Are Bankrupt. Julius Lewis and Max Manson, copartners doing business as Lewis & Manson at Chisholm yesterday filled a voluntary petition in bankruptcy alleging that as partners they owe $31,152.25.

1910-8-18 dormitory for Normal school - - School photo from Duluth or other Minnesota towns

1910-8-21 Lillian Kaner, accident - - Judge Dibell Rules In Automobile Case, Lillian Kaner against Charles H. Thornton -

1910-08-21 Freimuth Dept Store - - 1910-8-21 Ad Car used by I. Freimuth Department store for deliveries.

1910-8-25 Goldfine, Arnovich, Duluth Iron and Metal - - Prisoner Turns States Evidence, Harry Bernstein, D. Goldfine, Dorf & Arnovich, Duluth Iron & Metal Co. -

1910-8-26 sugar theft - - Sugar Theft Case Is Given Continuation, H. Bernstein, H. Goldfine, Twohy-Eimon Mercantile Co., I. Dorf, Charles Arnovich -

1910-8-27 Rose A. Kenner Frank T. Sher mar. lic -

1910-8-27 Rose A. Kenner and Frank T. Sher -

1910-8-27 Frank T. Sher and Rose A. Kenner ml - - 1910-8-27 Marriage Licenses Frank Sher and Rose A. Kenner.

1910-8-30 Mr. and Mrs. Charles Rivers - - 1910 son born the Mr. and Mrs. Charles Rivers, 316 West Fourth street.

1910-8-31 Rose Kenner and Frank Sher wed. -

1910-8-31 Ida Gordon -

1910-08-31_12 col 1 property A. B. Kenner to Benjamin Kenner DNT - - 1910-8-31 A.B. Kenner to Benjamin Kenner property column 1

1910-09-02 Little Falls- Gertrude Gottstein - - 1910-9-2 col. 2 Gertrude Gottstein returned from a visit to Superior. - from Little Falls Herald

1910-09-03_16 Rose Guinn - - 1910-9-3 Will Have Large College Quota. Big Representation From Duluth to Begin Higher Educational Work in a Few Days. Miss Rose Guinn Academic University of Minnesota. Medical school: Harry Klein. College of Engineering: Abraham Solomon. college of Mining Engineering: William Markus. - Duluth News-Tribune

1910-9-4 Annie Kenner and Frank Sher wed - - 1910-9-4 Society Wedding: Miss Annie Kenner and Frank Sher married, old Masonic temple, 200 friends, Rabbi Tiplitz, Canter Wolff, Miss Ida Sher, Israel Kenner. Guests: Mr. and Mrs. P. Hostin, Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. A. Kenner, Mr. and Mrs. D. Sibel-Virginia, Mr. and Mrs. W. Kaner-Eveleth, Miss Kaner-Cloquet. Will make their home in Duluth.

1910-9-4 Sussman, Stern - - 1910-9-4 Mrs. Abraham Stern, 19 West Fourth street, card party, Mrs. J. Susseman, Miss Anna Canter-Minneapolis.

1910-9-4 Full page - - 1910-9-4 Full page

1910-9-8 Sam Abrahamson - - 1910 Batonick-Averbrook. Miss Rose Batonick and Parick J. Averbrook were married, Odd Fellows' hall, Rabbi Teplitz, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Abraham Batonick, 109 First avenue east, Miss Lena Azine, Miss Edith Azine, Abe Averbrook, Sam Abrahamson (Abramson), Ida Azine, will live at 223 West Fifth street.

1910-9-8 Rose Batonick-Patrick J. Auerbrook wed, Rabbi Teplitz, Abrahamson - - 1910 Rose Batonick and Patrick J. Averbrook wed, Rabbi Teplitz, Abraham Batonick, Lena Azine, Edith Azine, Abe Averbrook, Sam Abrahamson, Ida Azine. -

1910-9-9 Aaron Siegel Louis Lasky - - 1910-9-9 Fined For Keeping Stores Open On Sunday. Aaron Siegel of Siegel Brothers and Louis Lasky of Lasky Brothers, clothing merchants. Isadore Cohen.

1910-9-9 Aaron Siegel Louis Lasky - - 1910-9-9 Fined For Keeping Stores Open On Sunday. Aaron Siegel of Siegel Brothers and Louis Lasky of Lasky Brothers, clothing merchants. Isadore Cohen.

1910-9-10 Joseph Altman - - 1910 Playfully Aimed Gun Discharged. Store Clerk Arrested Following Infliction of Slight Injury on Stranger Who Owns Weapon. Joseph Altman, 507 West Superior Street.

1910-9-11 Martha Fostoff - - 1910 Card Party Given In Honor Of Miss Lieberman. Miss Lena Lieberman, 404 1-2 East Fifth street, Sadie Lieberman, will leave for Chicago. Della Fox, Sadie Lieberman, Minnie Averbrook, Mamie Levine, Martha Fostoff, Hattie Mackowitz, Della Fox, Freda Wenberg? Ethel Heller, Walter Weiland, Paul Phillips, James Pierce, Ben Carsener, Walter Toben, Ben Sanders, Henry Azine.

1910-09-15_[5] George Leamon DNT - - 1910-9-15 Buys Ogden Lots And Will Build. George Leamon Will Let Contract for a Brick Structure This Week. The City Bakery, Tower avenue, near Eleventh street. Mr. Leamon is proprietor.

1910-9-16 Miller Helstein - - Big Verdict Not Allowed To Stand, David A. Miller, Duluth jeweler, Isaac, Henry and John Helstein, Littman, Hartley, Ashinsky, Fox. -

1910-9-16 Miller Heilstein - - 1910-9-16 David A. Mill is awarded $15,000 for alienation of his wife. A scheme was set up to find David in a precarious position with another woman by Isaac, Henry, and John Heltein, Joseph Littman, Morris Hartley, Robert Ashinsky, and Joseph Fox.

1910- 9-23 Dora Dorfman - - 1910-9-23 Miss Dora Dorfman, 12 East Fourth street going to Chicago, to become trained nurse at Michael Reese hospital.

1910-9-26 Hibbing, Mary Karon, blue ribbons -

1910-9-28 Virginia, Mary Mesberg, Harry Cohen, engagement -

1910-10-2 Superior Central High School - - School photo from Duluth or other Minnesota towns

1910-10-2 Postmaster Hibbing - - New Postmaster Assumes Duties, Hibbing: Barney Karon-messenger -

1910-10-2 Nashwauk- Mrs. A. J. Sapero 88 obit - - 1910-10-2 Mrs. A. J. Sapero Dies. Naswauk Oct. 1.-Mrs. Sarah Sapero, age 88 wife of A. J. Sapero. Superior burial.

1910-10-4 Temple Emanuel New Year - - 1910-10-4 Jewish New Year Begun Last Night. Rabbi Lefkovitz Preaaches to a Large Audience at Temple Emanuel.

1910-10-10 Barney Karon - - 1910-10-10 New Postmaster Assumes Duties. C. M. Atkinson Retires From the Hibbing Office. Submits Report on Development. Barney Karon messenger.

1910-10-12 Maurice Berman and Lena Levin ml. - - 1910 Maurice Berman and Lena Levin, marriage license.

1910-10-23 Shapiro-Levin engagement -

1910-10-23 Temple Emanuel children services - - 1910-10-23 Young People To Conduct Service. Exercises at Temple Emanuel today Will Be Entirely in Hands of Children.

1910-10-24 Robert Simon and Edith Goldstein eng. - - 1910 Eveleth: Robert Simon and Edith Goldstein engagement. -

1910-10-24 Chisholm, Lippman, Hestein, Bankman -

1910-10-25 Eveleth, Jewish church election, Rabinowitz, Levant, Shandeling - - 1910 Eveleth: Eveleth Jewish Church Hold Annual Eelction. Jackson street, Frank Rabinowitz, Sauel Levant, Harry Levant, Isador Shandeling, A. H. Sosnosky, Frank Weynberg, W. Kaner, A. Rubenstein. -

1910-10-25 Eveleth, Jewish church election, Rabinowitz, Levant, Shandeling -

1910-10-25_3 Hibbing synagogue officers elected (2) - - 1910-1-25 Synagogue For Hibbing Jews. Building for the Faithful of Abraham Will Be Erected at Once. Congregation Names New Officers For Year. Will Secure Lease for Site and Build Thereon a $5,000 Structure. Max Rogalsky, E. S. Woolfan, Max Levinson, M. E. Osherman, Charles Hallock, L. K. Mikes, I. Rosenberg, M. Daneiko, and M. Garber - Duluth News Tribune

1910-10-26 Sam Cohen and Minnie Rigler, ml. - - 1910 Sam Cohen and Minnie Rigler, marriage icense.

1910-10-26 Miriam Levin and Leo Shapiro reception eng. - - 1910 Reception This Evening. Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Levin, 117 West Third street. Miss Miriam vin and Leo Shapiro, engagement.

1910-10-27 Kosing and Isadore D. Cohen - - 1910 Mrs. Carrie Kosing of Minneapolis visiting her daughter Mrs. Isadore D. Cohen of 1523 Broadway.

1910-10-27 Miriam Levin - - 1910 Entertain At LunEmma cheon. Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Levin, 117 West Third street, Miss Miriam Levin, Leo Shapiro, Mr. and Mrs. Max Shapiro, Mrs. Morris Lefkovitz, Mrs. Mose anfield, Miss Goldine Krojanker, Miss Hortense Bondy, Mrs. Deborah Leo. Miss Emma Levin.

1910-10-30 Rose Liberman - - 1910 Mrs. J. B. Beresa, and son, 411 West Fifth street. Mr. and Mrs. Segel, Mr. and Mrs. I. Averbrok, Mr. and Mrs. Lieberman, Mr. and Mrs. P. Averbrook, Mr. and Mrs. S. M. Stein-Gilbert, Mrs. Kapalaf, Mrs. P. Spence, Mrs. G. Fox, Mrs. Frankfort, Miss Rose Lieberman, Miss Len Lieberman. - 3rd column, top

1910-10-30 Rose Liberman - - 1910 Miss Elsie Silberstein, visiting New York, returned home. - 3rd column, scroll down.

1910-10-30 Miriam Levin - - 1910 Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Levin. 117 West Third street, Miss Miriam Levin, Leo Shapiro, Mr. and Mrs. Max Shapiro. Mrs. Morris Lefkoitz, Mrs. Moe Canfield, Miss Goldine Krojanker, Miss Hortense Bondy, Mrs. Deborah Leo. Miss Emma Levin. Mrs. William Wilcox, Mr. and Mrs. George Burns, Mr. and Mrs. harles Bergtrom, Mr. and Mrs. John Murray, Mrs. Wilcox, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Jacobs, Roy Bergstrong, John Wilcox, Earl Burns.

1910-10-31 Abe Edelson football - - 1910-10-31 Aerials score touchdown. A. Edelson, quarter. Football.

1910-11-1 Cloquet-Ben Berger obit. - - 1910 Cloquet: Ben Berger, obit. -

1910-11-2 Hazel Levine - -

1910-11-6 Rival Names Northwestern - - Rival Names Too Similar, Israel Garon, Northwestern Knitting Mill vs Northwestern Knitting Co. -

1910-11-7 Virginia, Bessie Litman and Joseph Berinsky, Altman - - 1910 Virginia: Festivities Are Wedding Feature. Jewish People of Virginia Have Gal Time at Berinsky-Litman Marriage. Bessie Litman, Joseph Berinsky, Rabbi Booth, Harry Lit man, Libbie Holzberg, John Mesberg, Morris Shanedling, Dan and Sam Melovetz, E. Bickford, Michael Boylan, M. Altman, Mr. H. Helstein, Mr. and Mrs. B. Gordon, Mr. Laurey, Mr. and Mrs. M. Altman, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Altman, Mr. and Mrs. H. Hollock, Alice Holzberg, Neil McInnis, Walter J. Smith. -

1910-11-7 Joseph Berinsky and Bessie Litman wed - - 1910 Festivities Are Wedding Feature. Jewish People of Virginia Have Gala Time at Berinsky-Litman Marriage. Virginia: Miss Bessie Litman, Joseph Berinsky wed. Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Litman, Rabbi Booth, Harry Litman, Libbie Holzberg, John Mesberg, Morris Shanedling, Dan and Sam Melovetz, City Clerk A. E. Bickford, Alderman Michael Boylan, M. Altman, Mrs. H. Helstein, Mr. and Mrs. B. Gordon, Mr. Laurey, Mr. and Mrs. M. Altman, Mr. and Mrs. H. Hollock, Miss Alice Holzberg, Neil McInnis, Walter J. Smith. -

1910-11-7 Virginia, Bessie Litman and Joseph Berinsky wed -

1910-11-8 De Long Property, I. Averbook - - 1910 Pays $12,000 For De Long Property. I. Averbrook Secures Valuable Frontage on Lower Tower Avenue -

1910-11-8 Holland Hotel eat and be merry - - 1910-11-8 Long Time Alive, Is New Doctrine. Duluth Business Man Amuses Friends With New Idea in Hotel Holland Café.

1910-11-18 Mrs. Witz, Dora Witz, H. Witz, Polinsky, card party - - 1910 Hostess At Cards, Dora Witz, H. Witz, Rogan, Vrain, Witz, Anderson, Larson, Thompson, Sarah Polinsky, Esther Sanders, Alice Wayland, Mabel McDowell, Ruth Borgan, Gertrude Witz, Harry Altman, M. Steinberg, and Clyde Kintz. -

1910-11-18 Henry Metzger Cleveland - - 1910-11-18 Give To The Child Home Atmosphere. Henry Metzger.

1910-11-18 Dora Witz - - 1910-11-18 Hostess At Cards. Dora Witz, 104 West Fifth street, brother H. Witz, Mr. and Mrs. Witz, Sarah Polinsky, Gertrude Witz, Harry Altman, M. Steinberg.

1910-11-19 Davidson and Kenner deaths - - Kenner-Getzel. 422 St. Croix avenue, age 62. Nov. 15.

1910-11-19 Davidson and Kenner deaths - - 1910 Davidson-Infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. B. Davidson. 516 West Fifth street. Nov. 15.

1910-11-25_3 Mrs. Loeb travels. Indiana visiting son L. Loeb - DNT - - 1910-11-25 Mrs. M. Loeb is visiting her son L. S. Loeb of this city for a few days enroute to her home in Indiana from Seattle. - Dulluth News-Tribune

1910-11-27_3 D. Applebaum dancing academy - DNT - - 1910-11-27 D. Applebaum ad for dancing.

1910-12-6 Henry Lippman infant son obit. - - 1910 infant death, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Lippman, 111 1/2 First alley east. Dec. 3. -

1910-12-07_18 Ads for Jewish businesses) - DNT - - 1910-12-7 Duluth: Cowen & Zimmerman. Interior Decorators, Fine Furniture, Art Novelties. - - - Pittsburgh Coal Co. The Next Cold Wave. - - - A. B. Siewert & Co. Mufflers and Cravats. gloves, huggers, silk hose, half hose. - - - J. M. Gidding & Company. High Class Cloth Coats, Balck Fox Furs. - - - Azine Sample Shoe Store. 231 Central Avenue, West Duluth. located near the Postoffice. Sacrifice Sale of High Class Footwear. Men, Women, and Children's rubbers. - This is just to call your attention that our large bills left our store and they will reach every house of West Duluth hand vicinity, it is recommending you original facts. We are in a critical moment and decided to sacrifice our Holiday profits and to ? in our swell up to date $15,000 Shoe Stock of Men, Women and Children's Rubbers, etc., from the swellest store in the city to a bazar, at this big Slaughter Sale that starts Thursday, Dec. 8th, 9 a.m. Everything will be removed from the shelving to a big Bargain Counter and will be sold at your price. No odds and ends with us, for we are not even one birthday in business. We do not go out of business the old way, to clean up secondhand merchandise; we are her to stay for good and our Shoes made a winner and forced old competition to offer Going Out of Business Sales. Follow the crowd to Azine's Sample Shoe Store, where you will pick your shoe, not from old style, but from the best and swellest that money can buy, at your own price. We must rais a large amount of cash at once. Yours to please.

1910-12-11 Esther Shapiro Abraham Rocklin Chicago wedding - DNT - - 1910-12-11 Miss Esther Shapiro and Abraham Rocklin of Chicago were wedded Tuesday at the Synagogue. They will be at home in Chicago, Ill.

1910-12-11 Esther Shapiro Abraham Rocklin Chicago wed - DNT - - 1910-12-11 Miss Esther Shapiro and Abraham Rocklin of Chicago were wedded Tuesday at the Synagogue. They will be at home in Chicago.

1910-12-20 A. Holzberg Hebrew cemetery association - - 1910 Holzberg Reelected. Presiden A. Holzberg, Hebrew Cemetery association. I. Cohen, Ray Edelstein.

1910-12-20 Abraham Holzberg -

1910-12-20_3 Eveleth-Esther Rabinowitz St Cloud Normal School DNT - - 1910-12-20 Eveleth: Students Home For Yuletide. People of Eveleth Welcoming Collegians for the Holiday Season. Abraham Feldman, Harry Rabinowitz from the University of Michigan; Esther Rabinowitz from the St. Cloud normal school.

1910-12-24_9 Albert Levits Fargo_forum_and_daily_republican - - 1910-12-24 Albert Levitz brought charges against pool hall.

1910-12-25 Lillian Cohen and Harry Moskel ml. - - 1910 Lillian Cohen and Harry Moskel marriage license.

1910-12-28 Mr. and Mrs. Sam Levin, birth of son - -

1910-12-29 Hanna Kaner bookkeeper Garon -

1910-12-29_[5] Hannah Kaner - dnt - - 1910-12-29 Miss May Schneider, from Parsons’ Business University. Hannah Kaner has a position with Garon Bros., Duluth. - dnt

1911 Duluth Directory Sosnovsky - - 1911 Duluth Directory Sosnovsky

.................. 1911 ..................           top of list          bottom -

1911- Jews' Season of Rejoicing Opens - - Jews’ Season Of Rejoicng Opens, Hanukkah, Moses Montefiore Hebrew School -

1911- Karon Belle and Lillian Karon -

1911-Marion Levin and Shapira - - 1911 Entertain In Honor Of Miss Marion Levin, Mrs. A. H. Schwartz, 1325 East Second street, Mrs. and Mrs. S. I. Levin, 117 West Third street, groom-Leo Shapira.

1911-1-1 birth, son to Mr. and Mrs. K. Borken - - 1911 Births, son born to Mr. and Mrs. K. Borken -

1911-01-04 Samuel Heller Aberdeen SD - - 1911-1-4 Aberdeen, South Dakota. Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Heller of this city left last night for Minneapolis, the home of Mr. Heller's mother, who is celebrating her 80th birthday. Her children, who are scattered around considerably, are gathering at the home in a family reunion in honor of the event. Mr. and Mrs. Heller expect to be away about two weeks.

1911-1-6 Max Stern obit. - - 1911 Max Stern Funeral. Portland, suicide, obit.

1911-1-8 Marie Sattler - - 1911 (cropped) Mrs. Joseph Sattler, Marie Sattler, studies at Notre Dame, Ind.

1911-1-8 Marie Sattler - - 1911 (full page) Mrs. Joseph Sattler, Marie Sattler, studies at Notre Dame, Ind.

1911-1-8 Yiddish theater - - At The Lyceum, Yiddish theater, J. A. Weinstock’s Yiddish Opera Co. -

1911-1-10 Max Stern cemetery - - 1911 Funeral Yesterday For Late Max Stern, Reformed Jewish cemstery, parents Mr. and Mrs. Louis Stern, 1420 Broadwaystreet, Dr. Lefkowitz, pallbearers Arthur Abraham, Don McGraw, Sam Cohen, Carl Hanton, Isadore Cohen, Will C. Johnson, obit.

1911-01-10_4 Mrs. L L Berman and Miss Leah Berman, Spokane Wash. Eugene Berman Bemidji_daily_pioneer - - 1911-1-10 col. 2 Mrs. L. L. Berman, Leah Berman, spent one year in Spokane, Washington, visiting Eugene Berman in Bemidji.

1911-1-12 Knights of Pythias, Cohen - - 1911 Knights Of Pythias To Install Wednesday. A. B. Cook, Isadore Cook, Dr. F. W. Gordon.

1911-1-12 Alex Jaffe, Nashwauk -

1911-1-18 J. Rivkin - - 1911 - Present Gold Medal to Mrs Abramson - those present incllude J Rivkin, etc

1911-1-18 Chisholm, fire, Nathan Karlinsky, variety merchant store - - 1911 Block Burns At Chisholm. Flames Devour Store Quickly and Then Turn Living Apartments to Ashes. Saloon Next To Business Establishment Damaged. People Living Over Mercantile Concern Lose Everything-No Insurance for Them. N. Karlinsky, variety merchant. -

1911-1-19 Cohen Knights of Pythias - - 1911 Lafferty Made District Deputy. Will Represent Grand Chancellor of Knights of Pythias-Nemadji Lodge Installs. A. B. Cook, Isadore Cohen, Dr. F. W. Gordon.

1911-1-21 Sam Milavetz, jewelry -

1911-1-22 H. H. Myers home 1st and 23rd ave east - - 1911-1-22 New Residence of H. H. Myers, First St. and Twenty-Third Ave. East. Bray & Nystrom, Architects. Photo.

1911-1-24 Garon Jewelry employee, larceny -

1911-01-25_9 Sam Kasmir Hotel McKay Turkish & Russian baths - - 1911-1-25 Kasmir touring For latest Bathhouse Ideas. Sam Kasmir, Hotel McKay. - dnt

1911-1-27 Stolen goods Garon -

1911-01-27_7 Fur - Ely Miner - - 1911-1-27 Ely: Featured article on fur.

1911-01-27_10 United Wireless Telegraph Co. Bamberger, Loeb & Co - DNT - - 1911-1-27 Ad United Wireless Telegraph Co. Bamberger, Loeb & Co. - Dulluth News-Tribune

1911-1-31 Robert Simon and Annabel Goldstein ml. - - 1911 Robert Simon and Annabel Goldstein marriage licenses. -

1911-2-2 F. Labovitz, bowery, Henning Kovikko - - 1911 Bowery Merchant Is Accused Of Larceny. Froeke Labovitz, petit larceny. Second hand dealer, accordion, Henning Kovikko.

1911-2-2 Bernard Silberstein, 40 years in business - - Forty Years In Business Here, B. Silberstein -

1911-2-3 Woodsman, Zalk - - Woodsman Falls 20 Feet; All Night In Snow Bank, Charles Altonen, found by Louis Zalk, Duluth Iron & Metal Co. -

1911-2-3 daughter born to Mrs. and Mrs. Isadore D. Cohen - - 1911 Daughter born to Mr. and Mrs. Isdore D. Cohen, 1522 Broadway street.

1911-2-3 Fanny Karon, German society - - Program Announced For German School Society, Schiller Bund, Fanny Karon -

1911-2-4 Hibbing Israel Sher - - 1911-2-4 Hibbing H. S. Literary Society Elects Officers. Israel Sher-Vice-President.

1911-2-6 Isadore Dorf, daughter born - - Daughter Is Born to Mr. and Mrs. Isadore Dorf -

1911-02-12 Tower- Abraham Hallock high school - - 1911-2-12 Tower: High School Pupils Will Give A Dance. Vermillion opera house, Abraham Hallock, Harvey Gordon

1911-2-19 Mamie Coran shower - - headline -

1911-2-20 Henry and Moses Shandeling, last col. -

1911-2-22 Horwitz, wed Hamilton -

1911-2-24 Lillian Pomush and Max Podolsky eng. -

1911-2-24 Libby Pomush and Max Podolsky eng - - Announce Engagement, Lillian Pomush to Max Podolsky -

1911-2-26 Ida Cook -

1911-02-26 Ida Cook photo - - 1911-2-26 Jewish Woman Who Is Devoting Her Life To Real Philanthropic Work. Miss Ida D. Cook. photo. Proud of her achievements of school. 100 pupils, staff, teachers, engaged in activities, off of streets, well mannered, Hebrew language taught.

1911-2-28 Marion Levin - - 1911 Entertains At Bridge. Miss Rose Leo, Miss Marion evin, Miss Hattie Levy.

1911-2-28 Frederic Hotel debt, Zien - - 1911 Problem For Probate Court. Shall Widow's or Brother's Inheritance Pay Late J. D. Zien's Debts? Frederic Hotel debt. Estatae Can Liquidate; Creditors Are Waiting. Three Duluth Law Firms Are Represented in Hearing. -

1911-3 Socialist, -R. Latz -

1911-3-2 Nellie Meyers, Abe Garon -

1911-3-2 Aurora, Marcus Levin, candidate -

1911-3-3 Marion Levin and Leo Shapiro wed - - 1911 Miss Marion Levin and Leo Shapiro Are Wedded. Mr. and Mrs. S. I. Levin, 117 West Third street, Rabbi Lefkowitz, Miss Fay Kalish-Chicago, Carl Shapiro. Mrs. A. Heff, Mr. an Mrs. D. Goldberg, Mrs. Mary Levin-Chicago; Walter Goldman, Rose Siegelbaum-Minneapolis; Gertrude Feiblema-Indianapolis, Mis Rae Shapiro, Herman Jacobs-St. Paul, Mr. and Mrs. J. Seigal, Lewis Shapiro-Washburn, Wis. Mrs. and Mrs. Sam Shapiro-Stevenson, Minn.; Herman Rieser, Sol Rieser, Leo Tsaelzer.

1911-3-3 Leo Shapiro, Miriam Levin married -

1911-3-4 Froike Labovitz, hits customer - - 1911 Hits Lost Customer’s Nose; Pays Fine In Court. Froeke Labovitz, second hand store on West Superior street, between Fifth and Sixth avenues west. Sievert Forland.

1911-3-5 Schillerbund of Central German class, Karon, Walt -

1911-3-6 H. Friedman and Juia D. Cohen eng. - - 1911 Marriage Engagement Announced At Party. Mrs. Samuel Kaner, 1612 Third street, H. Friedman-Superior to Julia D. Cohen-Duluth. Mr. and Mrs. H. Cohen, Mr. and Mrs. J. Scneider, Mr. and Mrs. H. Schneider, L. Fridman, Mrs. N. Friedman-Duluth, Mr. and Mrs. A. Schneider. Mr. and Mrs Samuel Kaner, Mr. and Mrs. B. Kaner, Mr. S. Kaner, Miss Etta Friedman-Superior, Mrs. J. Shere (Sher?)-Eckley, Sarah Shere-New York City.

1911-3-6 Mrs. Samuel Kaner - - Marriage Engagement Announced At Party, Mrs. Samuel Kaner-host, H. Friedman, Julia D. Cohen, many guests -

1911-3-8 Eveleth, Cantor Abram Rubenstein - - 1911 Cantor Leaving City; Friends Make Presnet. Eveleth: Abram Rubenstein, Frank Rabinowitz, Solomon Sax. -

1911-3-8 Sam Karon, bankruptcy - - Clerk Goes Into Bankruptcy For $1,094, Sam Karon -

1911-3-11 Rabbi Lefkovitz - - 1911 Second Lecture of Series. Rabbi Lefkovitz, Emmanuel Temple.

1911-3-11 Mrs. Leo Idzal, Europe - - 1911 Mrs. Leo Idzal, visitng her parents in NewYork city, sailed from port with Mr. and Mrs. M. Levy, tour of Europe.

1911-3-11 Marion Levin and Leo Shapiro wed - - 1911 Marion Levin and Leo Shapiro Are Wedded, 117 West Third street, Rabbi Lefkowitz, Fay Kalish, Carl Shapiro, Mrs. A. Heff, Mr. and Mrs. D. Goldberg, Mrs. Mary Levin, Walter Goldman, Rose Siegelbaum, Gertrude Feibleman, Rae Shapiro, Herman Jacobs, Mr. and Mrs. J. Seigal, Lewis Shapiro, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Shapiro, Herman Rieser, Sol. Rieser, Leo Tsaelzer. -

1911-3-14 Sam Hoffman & Mamie Coran wed lic - - A pretty wedding took place Tuesday evening at the synagogue when Miss Mayme Coran, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Abraham Coran, 212 East Second street became the wife of Samuel Hoffman. Rabbi Teplitz officiating assisted by Cantor Joseph Wolfe. The bridesmaids were Misses Sadie Coran, Beckie Cohen, and Bessie Walt. Samuel Dubor of Virginia was the best man and the ushers were Louis Ablestein of Boston Mass. And Samuel Goldish of this city. Master Alexander Cohen of Superior served as the ringbearer and little Celia Walt was the flower girl. A wedding supper was followed by a reception at the Old Masonic temple at which 400 guests were in attendance. Flaaten’s orchestra played. Mr. and Mrs. Hoffman will be at home after April 1 at 515 East Fifth street. Mr. and Mrs. Abraham Coran entertained at dinner last evening at their home in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Hoffman. The decorations were the national colors and 80 covers were laid. - - - 1911-3-19 -

1911-3-15 Louis Karon -

1911-3-15 Elijah Kenner, son -

1911-3-17 Jacob D. Zien estate - - 1911 Rentals Go To The Widow. Judge Gilpin Decides Matter of Zien Estate-Includes the Frederic Hotel. Administration Costs From Rest Of Estate. Quesion a Unique One and Appeal May Be Taken To Higher Courts. Isaac Zien is a brother to the late J. D. Zien and is represented by Washburn, Bailey & Mitchell - the executors C. O. Baldwin and Samuel Levy by Baldwin, Baldwin & Dancer - the wife Mrs. Mathilda Zien by Crassweller, Crassweller and Blu. -

1911-3-19 Mamie Hoffman and Sam Hoffman wed - - headline -

1911-3-19 Coran-Hoffman wedding - - headline -

1911-3-21 birth, son Mr. and Mrs. John Walt March 17th - - 1911-3-2 Birth of son to Mr. and Mrs. John Walt, 217 East Sixth street, March 6

1911-03-22_10 I. Mondschine stenography class - - 1911-3-22 Teacher's Summer School. At the last city civil service examination, I. Mondschine, one of its students, headed the list in stenography. - Duluth News Tribune

1911-3-25 Israel Rosenberg - - 1911 Israel Rosenberg-Hibbing, clothier, gave trust deed to J. Hertz of St. Paul, bill of sale to I. W. Mork.

1911-4-3 Pomish and Podolsky - - 1911 Mr. and Mrs. A. Pomush, 411 Baxter avenue. Lillian Pomush and Max Podolsky wed, Sarah Pomush, Rose Jaffe, Sarah Chuker, Israel Pomush, Charles Podolsky, Edward Chuker-Bovy.

1911-4-3 Wanted at Once L. Shenowsky - - 1911-4-3 Wanted At Once ad for solicitor in advertising. L. Shenowsky. - cropped

1911-4-3 Mr. and Mrs. Max Podolsky, wed - - Mr. and Mrs. A. Pomush, Mr. and Mrs.(Lillian Pomush) Max Podolsky, Jaffe, Chucker -

1911-4-6 Nathan Cook orator - - 1911 Young Orators and Declaimers to Hold Preliminary Contests Tonight and Tomorrow. Central high school, Nathan Cook, Nathan Cohen.

1911-04-06 Nathan Golberg and W. Wise DNT - - 1911-4-6 Loses Patience And Ends Up In Court. J. Goldberg charged with assault and battery. W. Wise charges Godberg of beating his son Nathan Goldber denies charges.

1911-04-08_14 Joseph London obit DNT - - 1911-4-8 Joseph London obit.

1911-4-9 Superior, Estelle Abraham and Herbert Fleissner wed, Rabbi Rypins,Herz, Meyerson - - 1911 Superior, Estelle Abraham and Herbert Fleissner wed, Miss Abraham To Wed On Tuesday. A Superior Girl to Become the Bride of a St. Paul Man. Dr. Rypins, Lissette Abraham, Leon Herz, S. R. Abraham, Estelle and Gertrude Fleissner, L. B. Meyerson, Max Abraham, Joseph Fleissner, Allen and Aaron Herz, Lee Abraham. -

1911-4-11 J. B. and H. Cohen - - 1911 Miss Sarah Sheare, 608 West Second street, engaged.Mrs. J. B. Cohen, Mrs. H. Cohen, Eva Sosnosky, Edith Azine, Esther Sosnosky.

1911-4-12 Estelle Abraqham and Herbert Fleissner wed - - 1911 Go South On A Wedding Journey. Young People Uted in Marriage at Hotep Superior Last Night. Miss Estelle Abraham, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Lee Abraham, 1708 Sixteenth stree, and Herbert Fleissner of St. Pau, Hotel Superior, Rabbi Rypins, from Jewish temple in St. Paul. Miss Lissette Abraham, Leon Herz, S. R. Abraham-Chicago, Estelle and Gertrude Fleissner-St. Paul, L. B. Myerson-New York, Max Abraham-Minneapolis, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Fleissner-St. Paull, Allan and Aaron Herz-St. Paul.

1911-4-15 Siegel Brothers - - 1911-4-15 Preparing For Big New Store. Siegel Brothers of Washburn to Be at Head of Concern in the Board of Trade Building. Siegel Brothers of Washburn, Wisconsin. Department store items sold. St. Paul Capitalists have a financial interest. Store may be open by for fall business. Lease needs to be signed.

1911-4-16 Estelle Abraham and Herbert Fleissner wed - - 1911 Miss Estelle Abraham and Hebert Fleissner, Mr. and Mrs. Lee Abraham, 1708 North Sixteenth street, Hotel Superior, Rabbi Rypins-St. Paul, Miss Lisette Abraham, Leon Herz-St. Paul (cousin), S. R. Abraham-Chicago, Misses Estelle and Gertrude Fleissner-St. Paul, L. B. Myerson-New York, Max Abraham-Minneapolis, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Fleissner-St. Paul, Allan and Leon Herz-St. Paul.

1911-4-20 Mr. and Mrs. Sam Goldstein, birth of son - - 1911 Goldstein-Simon, Annabelle Goldstein and Robert Simon, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William Goldstein, 229 Fifth avenue west, Rabbi Maurice Lefkovitz marry secretly. -

1911-4-21 Latts, sale of property ad - - 1911-4-21 M. Latts, sale of property ad.

1911-4-21 Sam Chucker, stolen wagon and chickens -

1911-04-30_2 Lena Azine William H. Glass engagement - DNT - - 1911-4-30 Mr. and Mrs. Louis Azine, 314 East First street have announced the engagement of their daughter, Miss Lena Azine to William Howard glass of South Range. the date for the wedding has not been set.

1911-04-30_2 Lena Azine & William H. Glass engagement - DNT - - 1911-4-30 Mr. and Mrs. Louis Azine, 314 East First street have announced the engagement of their daughter Miss Lena Azine, to William Howard Glass of South Range. The date for the wedding has not been set.

1911-5-1 Ben Karon, copper wire theft - - Ben Karon, copper wire theft -

1911-5-1 Jewish People Organize Club - - 1911-5-1 Jewish People Organize Club. Social Betterment and Education of Immigrants Objects of Organization.

1911-5-1 A. Karon, permits for 6 buildings - - Building News And New Buildings, A. Karon, permits for six buildings -

1911-5-3 L. Hammel Companyh skating - - 1919-8-21 Tries To Rescue Man, Loses Life. William B. Hammel of Duluth Is Killed at Ironwood Power House. age 24 obit. Attended Central high school in Duluth. served as president of 1918 class. Joined the colors, rank of lieutenant.

1911-5-4 Minnie Goldfine - - Minnie Goldfine, Rokoski, assault -

1911-5-7 J. D. Sattler, entertainers - - 1911 Travelers As Entertainers. Minstrel Show Given by the Local U.C.T. Council Is a Great Success. Lyceum Theater Is Packed For Event. Pronounced One of Best Amateur Performances Ever Given in Duluth. Joseph D. Sattler, manager.

1911-5-7 Abe Garon, Myers - - Abe Garon, Myers -

1911-5-11 Samuel L. Cohen, found check - - 1911 Detective Finds Check. Samuel L. Cohen -

1911-05-14 Louis, Jake Fishman Oscar Cohen, Joe Goldbarg, Karsner, Rocklin, Green Garrish - - 1911-5-14 A Broad Chalenge. 12-year old team Ben Green, Henry Garrish, Oscar Cohen, Joe Goldbarb (Goldfarb), Harry Brownseth, George Karsner, Hyman Rocklin, Jake Fishman, Louis Fishman.

1911-05-16_8 Louis Rosenzwig - - 1911-5-16 Evening Times Dancing party Monday Evening. Twenty five couples made merry at the Knights of Pythias hall as guests of the members of the Hebrew Literary society for Lag B'Omer. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Rosenthal, Mr. and Mrs. N. Papermaster, Mr. and Mrs. N. Greenberg, Mr. and Mrs. L. Feinstein, Mrs. Van Cleef of Chicago, Mrs. B. Starkman, Mrs. H. Goldstein, Misses Mary Griver, Ann Paletz, Nessa Paletz, Nessa Greenberg, Mary Vogel, Esther Palets, Sarah Rapoport of Minneapolis, Mattie Diekel, Leah Greenberg, Leah Grossman, Anna Heller, Bessie Fisher, Anna Rabinovich, Bell and Rebecca Grossman, Mary and Fanny Fishman, Flora Rosenzweig and Sarah Phillips. Messrs. Harry Schwam Morris Griver, Dr. J. Greenberg of Mayville, Samuel Papermaster, Shepherd Pyes, Abraham Heller, M. Leipsic, L M. Vogel, George Papermaster, Saul Fishman, Joe Rabinovich, Bernard Stoffer, Hugo Vogel, David Grossman, Nathan Heller, Harry Rosenthal. Sameul Grossman, Isadore Papermaster, Louis Rosoff, Louis Rosenzweig, Nathan Papermaster and L. Greenberg. - Evening Times

1911-05-16_9 Hebrew Literary Society Paletz - - 1911-5-16 Evening Times. Dancing Party Monday Evening. Hebrew Literary Society. Lag B'Omer. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Rosenthal, Mr. and Mrs. N. Papermaster, Mr. and Mrs. N. Greenberg, Mr. and Mrs. L. Feinstein, Mrs. Van Cleef of Chicago, Mrs. B. Starkman, Mrs. H. Goldstein, Mary Griver, Anna Paletz, Nessa Paletz, Nessa Greenberg, Mary Vogel, Ester Paletz, Srah Rapoport of Minneapolis, Mattle Diekel, Leah Greenberg, Leah Grossman, Anna Heller, Bessie Fisher, Anna Rabinovich, Bell and Rebecca Grossman, Mary and Fanny Fishman, Flora Rosensweig, Sarah Pillips. Harry Schwam, Morris Griver, Dr. J. Greenberg of Mayville, Samuel Papermaster, Shepherd Pyes, Abraham Heller, M. Leipale, L. M. Vogel, George Papermaster, Saul Fishman, Joe Rabinovich, Bernard Stoffer, Hugo Vogel, David Grossman, Nathan Heller, Harry Rosenthal, Samuel Grossman, Isadore Papermaster, Louis Rosoff, Louis Rosensweig, Nathan Papermaster, and L. Greenberg.

1911-5-17 Israel Rosenberg, bankrupt - - 1911 Israel Rosenberg, bankrupt.

1911-5-19 Sadie Fostoff - - 1911 Nonpariel Club. Lester Park pavilion, Sadie Fostoff, Sallie Oreck, Eva Rocklin, Dora Polinsky.

1911-05-19_13 Louis Finn Salesman for garments - Virginia Enterprise - - 1911--5-19 Virginia Enterprise: Louis Is Again On Deck. Mr. Finn on the road as traveling salesman for Western Garment Manufacturing Co. of Milwaukee. He arrived in the city a week ago and makes Virginia his range headquarters. - - - Ad for Shaenedling Clothing Co.

1911-5-23 Mr. and Mrs. Lee Abraham visit Chicago - - 1911 Return From Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. Lee Abraham of North Sixteenth street, visited son Sigmund Abraham in Chicago, visited St. Paul, daughter Mrs. H. Fleisner.

1911-5-23 Cohen, recital - - 1911 Students to Give Recital. Williams' Violin school, S Singer, J. Silver, Fnkelstein, S. Cohen, M. Greene, Isadore Prie, T. Weinstein, J. Landahl.

1911-5-25 Tower-Abraham Gordon grad. - - 1911 Tower: Twenty-One To Be Graduated. Exercises Closing School Year at Tower to Take Place June 1 at the Operahouse. Abraham Gordon -

1911-5-25 Ironwood, Julius Patek - - 1911-5-25 Opinions of Others. Austrians. Julius J. Patek, Ironwood, Michigan. (NOTE: Here is a man who fought for Austrian immigrants rights in the United States and brought to light prejudices and human injustices.)

1911-5-25 Sam Polinsky, poolroom - - 1911 Harry Rapaport and Sam Polinsky, disorderly pool room. -

1911-5-26 son born to Mr. and Mrs. Morris Cohen - - 1911 son born to Mr. and Mrs. Morris Cohen, 2018 West Second street.

1911-5-26 son born to Mr. and Mrs. Abraham Y. Litman - - 1911 son born to Mr. and Mrs. Abraham Y. Litman, 319 Fifth avenue east.

1911-05-27_14 Green peddler no license - - 1911-5-27 Peddler Without License. Mr. Green pleaded guilty. fine $3. - dnt

1911-05-27_4 L. S. Loeb, 1123 East Superior street - DNT - - 1911-5-27 Mr. and Mrs. L. S. Loeb, 1122 East Superior Street has as their guest for the summer, Mr. Loeb's mother. Mrs. M. Loeb of Legonier, Ind. - Dulluth News-Tribune

1911-5-29 Louis Karon, for rent -

1911-6-2 Roy Edelstein - - Reopens On towr, Roy Edelstein, furniture -

1911-6-3 Esther Abrahamson - - 1911 Confirmation Services At Temple Emanuel. Second street and Seventh avenue east. Esther Abrahamson, 1331 East Second street; Edna Freimuth 1406 East Second street; Marc Goldberg, 427 Tenth avenue east; Edna Krojanker, 1130 1/2 East Third street; Lylilan Shapiro, 2420 East Fourth street. Mrs. J. Walsh, Victor Levein, Miss Hyland, Mr. Victor Kohn-minister.

1911-06-03_6 Hibbing H. Benesovitz -DNT - - 1911-6-3 Criminal Cases For Trial At Hibbing. H. Benesovitz is charged with having obtained jewelry under false pretenses.

1911-06-03_6 Hibbing H. Benesovitz DNT - - 1911-6-3 Criminal Cases For Trial At Hibbing. H. Benesovitz is charged with having obtained jewelry under false pretenses.

1911-6-8 Eveleth, Sadie Feldman, Sara Rabinowitz, Florence Shapiro, Matt Levant hs grad. - - 1911 Eveleth: Has Long List Of Graduates. More Students Finish Course in the Eveleth Schools Than in Any Former Year. Program Arranged For Commencement. Event Takes Place June 15-Dean James of the U. of M. to Make Address. Sadie Feldman, Matt Levant, Sara Rabinowitz, Florence Shapiro. -

1911-6-9 Estelle Abraham and Herbert Fleissner will wed - - 1911 Miss Abraham To Wed On Tuesday. A Superior Girl to Become the Bride of a St. Paul Man. Dr. Rypins, rabbi of Jewish Temple in St. Paul, Herbert Fleissner-St. Paul, Miss Lissette Abraham, Leon Herz-St. Paul, S. R. Abraham-Chicago, Estelle and Gertrude Fleissner-St. Paul, L. B. Meyerson-New York, Max Abraham-Minneapolis, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Fleissner-St. Paul, Allen and Aaron herz

1911-6-10 Simon Sapero, building purchase -

1911-6-13 Ed Lurye and E. I. Slonim wed, Pomush - - Twin Ports Young People Wed, photos, Edward I. Lurye, Mrs. E. I. Lurye (Tena Slonim) -

1911-6-13 Ed Lurye and E. I. Slonim wed, photo, Pomush -

1911-6-14 Jeanette Shanedling and Joseph Feinberg wed -

1911-06-14 Max Markowitz - - 1911-6-14 Giants And Midgets To Play At Cloquet. Baseball, Max Markowitz.

1911-6-15 W. M. Abrhamson Sterling Wine House - - 1911 W. M. Abrahamson, Sterling Wine House, joke.

1911-6-16 Froike Labovitz, watch - - 1911 Watch Proves To Be Expensive. Refusal to Hand It Over to Rightful Owner lands Second-Hand Man Into Much Trouble. Frika Labovitz, 522 West Superior street. Thomas Devine.

1911-6-18 Jeanette Schandling and Joseph Winberg, Rabbi M. B. Tapletz - - 1911 Virginia: Jeanette Shanedling and Joseph Winberg wed, Rabbi M. B. Taplitz, Morris, Julius, Harry, and Henry Shanedling, Popular Range Girl Weds Philadelphia Man. -

1911-6-20 Nellie Meyers, Abe Garon wed -

1911-6-22 B. Soloski - - 1911 B. Soloski, Wholesale shoes -

1911-6-23 Henry Shandeling, Real Estate Transfer, lst col -

1911-06-23_2 Temple Bnai Abraham Shandeling wedding - - 1911-6-23 Virgina Enterprise: Shanedling-Feinberg. Brilliant Wedding Ceremony Solemnized on Sunday at Bnai Abraham Temple Is Prsence of Seveal Hundred Assembled Guests. Jeanette Shanedling, daughter of Mrs. S. Shanedling and sister of Morris Shanedling, Julius Shanedling, Harry Shanedling and Henry Shanedling of this city, and Isadore Shanedling of Eveleth, to Mr. Joseph B. Feinberg of Philadelphia. Rabbi Tepletz. Ruth Keller, harriet Simon, Charles Seaman, Meyer Seaman. Mrs. G. Perlman of Eveleth-sister of the bride., Marion Shanedling, Mrs. S. Shanedling, G. Perlman. Miss Henrietta Rodgel of Chicago, Minnie Cohen, Mary Mesberg. Marion Shanedling ring bearer and flower girl. 300 guests. Reception and ball at North Pole Hall. Guests: Leo Rodgef, Steffia Rodgef, Chicago, Mrs. W. Crink of Milwaukee, Miss Margulas of Milwaukee, Mrs. M. Schreider of Minneapolis. - Virginia Enterprise

1911-6-27 S. Goldish and Bessie Walt -

1911-6-27 Bessie Walt and Samuel Goldish -

1911-06-27_12 Sam S. Goldish and Bessie Walt DNT - - 1911-6-27 Sam S. Goldish and Bessie Walt marriage license.

1911-6-28 Zalk, Joseph, co-partnership - - Max Zalk, Hyman Y. Joseph and Louis Zalk co-partnership, Duluth Machinery Co. and Duluth Iron & Metal Co. -

1911-7-7 Robert Levin - - 1911 "White Slavery" Is Allegation. Woman Claims to Have Given Man $5 Per Day-Also Fine Raiment. Robert Levin.

1911-7-7 Virginia, jobbers -

1911-7-8 Miss Rose Cohen entertaining - - 1911 Mr. and Mrs. Lee Abraham, Sixteenth street, entertaining their daughter Mrs. H. Fleissner-St. Paul.

1911-7-8 Mr. and Mrs. Abraham Lee - - 1911 Miss Rose Cohen, 1424 Broadway, is entertaining Miss Della Blumenthal of St. Paul.

1911-7-8 Segelbaum-Shapiro, eng. -

1911-7-9 Mrs William Oxman Mrs. Joseph Weinberg party - - 1911-7-9 full page with three articles cropped below - Mrs. Joseph Weinberg, 718 East Third street, Mrs. A. Witashkis-Chicago, IL, daughter, Mrs. Benjamin Woskowitz-Vinita, Okla., Bessie Altman, Mrs. William Oxman, --- Mrs. H. Abraham, 2422 East Third, Mrs. M. Loeb of Ligonier, Ind., Mrs. A. H. Bauxbaum of Philadelphia, Mrs. J. M. Gidding of New York. ---Mr. and Mrs. M. M. Segelbaum, 2417 Bryant avenue south, Minneapolis, engagement of daughter Rose Bud to Carl Shapiro-Duluth.

1911-7-9 Mrs. Abraham cropped - - 1911-7-9 Mrs. H. Abraham, 2422 East Third, Mrs. M. Loeb of Ligonier, Ind., Mrs. A. H. Bauxbaum of Philadelphia, Mrs. J. M. Gidding of New York.

1911-7-9 Segelbaum cropped - - 1911-7-9 Mr. and Mrs. M. M. Segelbaum, 2417 Bryant avenue south, Minneapolis, engagement of daughter Rose Bud to Carl Shapiro-Duluth.

1911-7-9 Mrs William Oxman Mrs Joseph Weinberg party cropped - - 1911-7-9 Mrs. Joseph Weinberg, 718 East Third street, Mrs. A. Witashkis-Chicago, IL, daughter, Mrs. Benjamin Woskowitz-Vinita, Okla., Bessie Altman, Mrs. William Oxman,

1911-7-13 Susie Goodman and Samuel Slonim, eng. -

1911-7-15 Friedman Bros. Inc. Charles Friedman, St. Paul and Benjamin Friedman Duluth - - 1911 Certificate of Incorporation or Friedman Brothers, Incorporated. Charles and Ben Friedman.

1911-7-17 sons of J. Oreckovsky, horseback riding, carriage, photo - - -

1911-7-17 Abraham R. Oreck and David Oreckovsky,sons of JosephOreckovsky, photo - - The eldest boy in the photo most likely is Abraham R. Oreck, the father to David Oreck, inventor of the vacuum cleaner. Most likely he was named after Abraham's brother David H. Oreckovsky who committed suicide 9-21-1923. -

1911-07-21_9 Easadore Borkon - Elly Miner - - 1911-7-21 Esadore Borkon, Brainerd, MN, Timber and Stone Law, purchased property. fixed by appraisement

1911-7-23 Benjamin and Samuel Kaner-butcher -

1911-7-24 Cain and Kratzestein wed -

1911-7-28 Abraham Finn obit. - - 1911 Dickinso, N. D. Abraham Finn, tailor shop, 23 years old, Russia, sister Mrs. Henry Miller, obit.

1911-7-29 L. Shenowsky publisher - - 1911-7-29 Twin Ports Unions Issue Neat Directory. Published by S. F. Folsom and L. Shenowsky.

1911-7-29 Abraham Finn obit. - - 1911 Dickinson, N. D. Abraham Finn, Tailor Dies Following Explosion Of Gasoline Mrs. Henry Miller, sister-Madison Minn. brother-Milwaukee, Wis. burial in Fargo, obit.

1911-7-30 Podolsky - - 1911 Joe Podolsky, horse - 5th column,

1911-08-01 DNT - multiple articles - - 1911-8-1 People You Know. Misses Irene and Helen Wetzler, 1009 East Second street have as their guest Miss Rosile Mondschine of Helena, Ark. - Duluth News Tribune

1911-08-01 DNT - multiple articles - - 1911-8-1 Mr. and Mrs. Henry Abraham and daughters, Ray and Victoria, are enjoying two weeks outing at Lake Minnetonka. - Duluth News Tribune

1911-08-01 DNT - multiple articles - - 1911-8-1 Miss Anna J. Mark of Barrington apartments has returned from New York, where she passed three weeks as the guest of Mrs. Henry Rosenthal. - Duluth News Tribune

1911-8-2 Z. Zalk disturbance - - Police Called To Put End To Disturbance, Duluth Iron & Metal Works, Z. Zalk -

1911-8-3 Miller-Albenberg co. 106-107 West Superior - - 1911 Miller-Albenberg Co. Has Artistic Fixings. 106-107 West Superior street.

1911-8-6 Vera Summerfield & D C Casmir - - 1911 (full page with two articles of interest - cropped below) Miss Vera Summerfield of St. Paul is visiting with Miss Goldine Krojanker, 1130 ½ East Third St. - AND - Mr. and Mrs. D. C. Casmir and children left last evening for a trip down the lakes to Detroit. Later they will visit in Chicago and the Twin Cities.

1911-8-6 Vera Summerfield visiting - - 1911 (cropped) Miss Vera Summerfield of St. Paul is visiting with Miss Goldine Krojanker, 1130 ½ East Third St.

1911-8-6 Mr. Mrs D C Casmir and children - - 1911 (cropped) Mr. and Mrs. D. C. Casmir and children left last evening for a trip down the lakes to Detroit. Later they will visit in Chicago and the Twin Cities.

1911-08-06 Abe Edelson Aerials baseball 424 St. Croix ave - - 1911-8-6 Aerials Again In The Baseball Field; Win. Abe Edelson, 424 St. Croix ave.

1911-8-8 Nides, Levant, Shapiro visit - - 1911 Mrs. M. D. Nides, Mrs. Charles Levant, visiting parents L. Polinsky. -

1911-8-8 Siegel Brothers electric sign - - 1911-8-8 Electric Sign Is Erected. Largest One in the City Is Placed at Corner of Tower and Belnap. Superior Water, Light and Power company. The Golden Rule store of Siegel Brothers. 25 feet high, 6 feet wide, 257 four candle power Tungsten electric lights, 1028 candle power. A. and W. Electric Sign company of Cleveland, Ohio. 1200 pounds.

1911-8-11 Arlyne Zalk, 3 years old, blood poisoning - - Dies of Blood Poisoning., Arlyne Zalk, Mr. and Mrs. Louis Zalk -

1911-08-13_7 Albenberg - - 1911-8-13 Miller-Albenberg co. has Artistic Fixings. - dnt

1911-8-14 C. Lavick mattresses ad - - 1911-8-14 Duluth Bedding Company ad, C. Lavick, Proprietor, 409 Lake Avenue South. cropped image

1911-8-17 Hazel Levine, Vassar - - 1911 To Leave Soon For College. Eastern Schools Soon Will Calim Many of Duluth's Young Men and Women. Large Number To Attend University of Minnesota. Others Go to Wellesley, Williams and Scores of Institutions of Learaning. Enid Freimuth-Ferry Hall, Lake Forest, Ill.; Hazel Levine-Vassar.

1911-8-18 Virginia, Mesberg morgue -

1911-8-20 Sadie Fostoff - - 1911 Sadie Fostoff, book shower, Miss Dorothy Polinsky.

1911-8-20 Rachael Goldstein and Himan Stein eng. Sam Goldstein - - 1911 Rachael Goldstein and Himan Stein engaged; Sam Goldstein -

1911-8-20 Superior Street - - 1911-8-20 Superior street, looking west from 20th avenue west. Photo.

1911-8-20 Superior St looking W from 20th ave W - - 1911-8-20 Superior street, looking west from 20th avenue west. Photo.

1911-8-21 Eveleth Fayal School new photo - - 1911-8-21 Eveleth Fayal School new photo

1911-08-22 Rabbi Abrahamson - - 1911-8-22 Unknown Assailant Assaults Jewish Rabbi. Minneapolis.

1911-8-25 Adolph Kellar, Suit Yourself -

1911-8-27 East Fourth St. businesses - - -

1911-8-27 Business District, full page - - -

1911-8-28 Nashwauk school, Estelle Chase - - Nashwauk school, Estelle Chase -

1911-8-29 Gish Goldfarb, 3 years old, dog bite -

1911-8-30 iron ore - - Arnold Karon, Ethel Karon, Benjamin Karon, Eni Karon, Bernard Karon, iron ore rights -

1911-8-30 Dorothy Polinsky and Joseph Wolfe, wedding cards - - 1911 Dorothy Polinsky, Joseph Wolfe, cards out for wedding. -

1911-8-30 Eveleth, Harry Rabinowitz, law school, University of Michigan - - 1911 Eveleth Young People Soon Off To College. Harry Rabinowitz, Law School of the University of Michigan. -

1911-8-30 W. M. Abrahamson Bijou replaces Princess - - 1911 Bijou To Replace Princess Theater. New Management Takes Over Old House-Extensive Remodeling and Improving to Take Place. W. M. Abrahamson, moving picture theater Twentieth avenue west and Superior street. After remodeling, return to Bijou theater. Three months ago Mr. Abrahamson took over the Savoy theater.

1911-8-30 Arnold & Ethel Karon, Ben & Eni Karon, Bernard Karon -

1911-08-31_15 Morris Daneiko bankrupt (1) - - 1911-11-31 Morris Daneiko of Hibbing bankrupt. - Duluth News Tribune

1911-9-1 Sam Milavetz, hearing -

1911-9-3 The Last of the Fishermen of Duluth E. Kenner - - 1911-9-3 The Last Of The Duluth Fisherman - “E. Kenner (Elijah), for years resident of Duluth, and who still maintains a receiving and distributing station near the foot of St. Croix avenue and Buchannan street, says that he is unable to account for the disappearance of the fish. “No, I do not believe that the lake was fished out, because the going away of the fish was not gradual enough,” said Mr. Kenner. “They just seemed to move all at once. It is almost a rarity when we haul up any white fish and trout these days. Eve on the north shore where they were so plentiful, few can be found now.” -

1911-09-03_2 Dorothy Polingsky and Joseph Wolfe wedding - - 1911-9-3_2 invitations Dorothy Polingsky and Joseph Wolfe wedding - dnt

1911-9-4 Karon, building - - Building Work Is Increasing, Karon Investment Co., building -

1911-9-6 Dorothy Polinsky and Joseph Wolfe wed, Rabbi Teplitz, Rabbi K full page -

1911-9-6 Dorothy Polinsky and Wolfe - - 1911 Polinsky-Wolfe Wedding Occurs At Synagogue need entire article. -

1911-9-6 Polinsky-Wolfe wedding 2 -

1911-9-6 Polinsky-Wolfe wedding - - 1911 Dorothy Polinsky and Joseph Wolfe wed, Rev. Teplitz, Wedding Occurs At Synagogue, Dolly Polinsky, Florence Levine, Sadie Fostof, David Weinberg, Leo Troup, Roy Levine, Stern, Bert Stern, Jacob Cohen. -

1911-9-6 Polinsky-Wolfe wed,Cohen - - 1911 Polinsky-Wolfe Wedding Ocurs At Synagogue,323 East Fifth street, Dorothy Polinsky and Joseph Wolfe, Mr. and Mrs. L. Polinsky, 1124 East Sixth street, Rabbi Kissin, Rev. Teplitz, Dolly Polinsky, Florence Levine, Sadie Fostof, David Weinberg-Eveleth, Leo Troup-Virginia, Roy Levine, Stern, Bert Stern, Jacob Cohen

1911-9-6 Polinsky, Wolfe, Fostof - - 1911 Polinsky-Wolfe Wedding Occurs At Synagogue. 322 East Fifth street, Dorothy Polinsky, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. L. Polinsky, 1124 East Sixth street, weds Joseph Wolfe. Rabbi Kissin, Rev. Teplitz, Dolly Polinsky, Florence Levine, Sadie Fostoff, David Weinberg of Eveleth, Leo Troup of Virginia, Roy Levine, Bert Stern Jacob Cohen, Masonic Temple.

1911-9-6 Dorothy Polinsky and Joseph Wolfe wed, Rabbi Teplitz, Rabbi K -

1911-09-06_4 Dorothy Polinsky wed Wolfe DNT - - 1911-09-06 Polinsky-Wolfe Wedding occurs at synagogue - Miss Dorothy Polinsky and Joseph E Wolfe wed

1911-09-06_4 Polinsky Wolfe weddin 300 attended - DNT - - 1911-9-6 Polinsky-Wolfe Wedding Occurs At Synagogue. A pretty wedding took place yesterday afternoon at the synagogue, 323 East Fifth street, when Miss Dorothy Polinsky, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Polinsky, 1124 East Sixth street, Rabbi Kissin, Rev. Teplitz, Dolly Polinsky, sister of the birde. bridesmaids Florence Levine, Sadie Fostof. David Weinberg of Eveleth, Leo Troup of Virginia, Roy Leven, attendants to Mr. Wolfe. Ushers: Stern, Bert Stern, Jacob Cohen, home 1124 East Sixth street.

1911-9-7 Herman Cohen and F. Solovsky ml. - - 1911 Herman Cohen an F. Solovsky, marriage license.

1911-9-9 High Schools on the Range - - 1911 Typical Schools Of The Iron Range.

1911-9-11 Joseph Fostoff - - 1911 Mr. and Mrs. Cohen Give Party For Mrs. Lavick. Mr. and Mrs. L. Cohen, 911 East Third street, Mrs. B. Lavick, daughter Anna Lavick of Chicago., Mrs. J. Lieberman, Mrs. S. Caplov, E. Sosnovsky, M. Caplov, M. Shore, B. Lavick, I. L. Lavine, J. Fostoff, J. Lieberman, A. Stern, J. Wolfe, J. A. Kohn, S. Kassmir, M. Cohen, D. Frankfort, M. Steiner, L. Shenowsky, Popkin, M. Levine, Sophie Caplov, Dollie Polinsky, Rose Cohen, Eva Cohen, Anna lavick, M. Cohen, L. Cohen, M. Shore, J. L. Lavine K. Kohn, M. Wolfe

1911-9-11 Mrs. B. Lavick, cropped - - 1911-9-11 Mr. and Mrs. Cohen Give Party For Mrs. Lavick. Mr. and Mrs. L. Cohen, 911 East Third street, for Mrs. B. Lavick and daughter Anna Lavick from Chicago. Mrs. J. Lieberman, Mrs. S. Caplov, Mesdames E. Sosnovsky, M. Caplov, M. Shore, I. L. Lavine, J. Fostoff, J. Lieberman, A. Stern J. Wolfe, J. A. Frankfort, M. Steiner, L. Shenowsky, Popkin, M. Levine, Sophie Caplov, Dollie Polinsky, Rose Cohen, Eva Cohen, Anna Lavick, Messrs M. Cohen, L. Cohen, M. Shore, J. L. Lavine, J. Kohn, M. Wolfe.

1911-9-11 Brainard, Henry I. Cohen - - 1911 Brainerd: Henry I. Cohen Was Lucky. Real estate and insurance, black bass, Hubert lake, Ransford hotel

1911-9-11 Cohen, Shenowsky - - 1911-9-11 Mr. and Mrs. Cohen Give Party For Mrs. Lavick. Mesdames L. Shenowsky mentioned.

1911-9-11 Dorothy Polinsky and Joseph Wolfe marriage -

1911-9-11 Brainard, Henry I Cohen - - 1911-9-11 Henry I Cohen, real estate and insurance man is proud of a catch of a blck bass

1911-9-15 Samuel Bloom obit. - - 1911 Member Of Pioneer Family Brought Home For Burial, obituary, Superior. Rabbi Bloom of Hibbing, father. -

1911-9-16 estate of Louis Rovelsky -

1911-09-16 Eveleth-Esther Rabinowitz DNT - - 1911-9-16 Eveleth: Alumni Elect Officers. Esther Rabinowitz-vice-president. Permanent entertainment committee.

1911-9-17 E. Sosnovsky - - 1911 Mr. and Mrs. L. Cohen, 911 East Third street entertained. Mrs. B. Lavick and daughter, Miss Anna Lavick-Chicago, Mrs. J. Leiberman, Mrs. S. Caplov, E. (Esther) Sosnovsky, M. Caplov, M. Shore, B. Lavick, I. L. Lavine, J. Fostoff, J. Leiberman, A. Stern, J. Wolfe, J. A. Kohn, S. Kassmir, M. Cohen, D. Frankfort, M. Steiner, L. Shenowsky, Popkin, M. Levine, Miss Sophie Caplov, Dollie Polinsky, Rose Cohen, Eva Cohen, Anna Lavick, Mr. M. Cohen, L. Cohen, M. Shore, J. L. Levine, J. Kohn, M. Wolfe.

1911-09-19_14 Albenberg - - 1911-9-19 The Miller-Albenberg Co. Throw Open Their Doors on Wednesday Afternoon for Inspection Only. Store Ready for Business on Thursday Morning. - dnt

1911-09-21_4 Aldenberg - - 1911-9-21 Fine New Store Open To Public. Miller-Albenberg Company shows Splendid Line to a Great Throng of Visitors. - dnt

1911-9-24 Harry Sanders, Jos. Averbook - - 1911 Harry Sanders purchases grocery store from Joseph Averbook, 23 East Fourth street. -

1911-09-27_5 Louis L. Rosenzweig - - 1911-9-27 Grand Forks Daily At U. S. Bank. Sam Rosenzweig, Bellboy at the Frederick, Is First at Postal Bank. Ten Depositors Visited Postal Bank During the Day and Total Business For Day Amounted to $155-Sam Says He Would Have Deposited More Than Three Dollars If It Hadn't Been First Dao of New Year. Grand Forks of Federal Postal Savings bank. Sam Rosenzweig, aged 16, son of Mr. and Mrs. Louis L. Rosenzweig, 768 South third street, wa the first depositor. Sam is a B=bell boy at he Hotel Frederick, ad for some time prior to the opening of the local bank has had his mind set on being the first one to make a deposit. He was on hand at about 8 o'clock Saturday morning and waited around until the window was opening for the transaction of business. He deposited the sum of $3, at the same time, stating that if it had not been the first day of the Jewish New Year, he would have been able to get hold of more of his money and deposited that with Uncle Sam. - Grand Forks Daily Herald

1911-9-29 Rose Cohen and Julius Bernstein eng. - - 1911 Rose Cohen and Julius Bernstein-Chisholm, engaged. 911 East Third street, Mr. and Mrs. L. Cohen.

1911-9-29 Rebecca Davis obit. daughter of Morris Davis - - 1911 Rebecca Davis, obit. daughter of Morris Davis

1911-9-30 Esther Sosnovsky - - 1911 Miss Hancock Guest at Bridal Shower. Guests include Grace Marks, Lillian Leiberman and Esther Sosnovsky

1911-10-4 Abrahamson theater - - 1911 Suit Against Theater Owner. Ole O. Kolstad Sues William M. Abrahamson to Recover Property. Says Defendant Got Fixtures Illegally. W. F. Wright, Who Disposed of Articles, Charged With Unlawful Action.

1911-10-4 Latz building -

1911-10-6 Roy D. Fox birth of son - - 1911-10-6 Births: Son to Mr. and Mrs. Roy D. Fox 6018 East Second street.

1911-10-06_3 Jake, Charles, A. S., and Ben Lieberman DNT - - 1911-10-6 Business Change At Coleraine. Lieberman Brothers Inc. Jake Lieberman managed Coleraine store, will go to Bovey and Charles and A. S. Lieberman will go to Coleraine store. Charles is from Bovey and A. S. from Marble. Ben Lieberman will continue in Grand Rapids.

1911-10-7 Virginia, Samuel Cohen, football - - 1911 Football Season Opens Today At Virginia. Samuel Cohen -

1911-10-11 Eveleth, Sam Siegel, M. Levant, S. Ellis, S. Stein, George Mesberg, M. Feldman, Solomon Sax,synagogue - - 1911 Eveleth: Jews Elect Officers. Sam Siegel, M. Levant, S. Ellis, S. Stein, George Mesberg, M. Feldman, Solomon Sax. -

1911-10-11 Eveleth, Siegel, Levant, Ellis, Stein, Mesberg, Feldman, Solomon Sax -

1911-10-12 A. Horwitz, Kramer visit -

1911-10-13 Mr. and Mrs. Charles Rivers - - 1911 daughter born to Mr. and Mrs. Charles Rivers, 502 East street.

1911-10-16 Sarah Haronimus - - 1911 Miss Sarah Haronimus, 718 Tower avenue, Miss Belle and Lillian Karon.

1911-10-21_8 Mary Guinn - - 1911-10-21 German Students Give A Program. Schillerbund Literary Society of Central High School Holds Is Meeting. Mary Guinn, Fanny Weinberg, Rosalind Bondy. - Duluth News-Tribune

1911-10-24 Cloquet, Alex Summerfield, creamery - - 1911 Cloquet: Effort To Establish Creamery At Cloquet. Alex Summerfield.

1911-10-31 Sophie Caplow and Nathan F. Garber - - 1911 Engagement Is Announced. Mr. and Mrs. Morris Caplow, 213 West Fifth street, Sophie to Nathan F. Garber. -

1911-10-31 Edith Karon, violin -

1911-11-1 Ohave Zion society, Max Orecovsky - - 1911 Ohave Zion Society Elects Its Officers - A. M. Shulman, Abraham Stern, L. Z. Zalk, Nathan Kris, M. L. Rine, Burt Stern, Max Oreckovsky, M. L. Rine, A. Stern, A. Sunorsky, B. Sudorsky, S. Casper. -

1911-11-2 Virginia, Florence Dorfman, Danish dance -

1911-11-3 Lizzie Abrahamson, Chisohm - - 1911 Chisholm Woman Dies. Mrs. Lizzie Abrahamson (Abramson), wife of Isaac Abrahamson (Abramson) obit.

1911-11-5 Max Oreckovsky campaign - - 1911 First Move In City Campaign. Max Oreckovsky Officially Announces Candidacy for Alderman in Fourth Ward. All spirants Must Be In Field By Nov. 28. Mayor, Treasurer, Municipal Judge and Others to Be Elected. photo.

1911-11-5 Max Oreckovsky, photo, alderman - - First Move In City Campaign. Max Oreckovsky Officially Announces Candidacy for Alderman in Fourth Ward. All Aspirants Must Be In Field By Nov. 28. Mayor, Treasurer, Municipalk Judge and Others to Be Elected. Photo of Max Oreckovsky-Republican. -

1911-11-6 S. Koren, Louis Zalk, L. Rein - - 1911 Officers Are Installed. Zion sociey, recreation of a Jewish nation in Palestine, synagogue at Third avenue eat and Thirdstreet. President S. Koren (Karon) treasurer, L. Rein, secretary Louis Zalk.

1911-11-6 Bessie Polinsky obit. Rubloff daughter-Chisholm -

1911-11-6 Mrs. S. W. Rubloff - - 1911-11-6 Leading Jewish Woman Passes. Mrs. Bessie Polinsky Dies Suddenly of Hemorrhage of Brain. Daughter Mrs. S. W. Rubloff of Chisholm.

1911-11-06 Brainerd Henry I. Cohen - - 1911-11-6 Brainerd Barrows, The Newest City On Cuyna Range. Henry I. Cohen engaged in mercantile business in 1882. Six years ago he retired and is now engaged in the general insurance, real estate, surety bonding and loan business. He is the owner of a large amount of property in Brainerd and believes thoroughly in the development of the city. He is also a member of the masonic, Elk and Woodmen lodges. He has held many public offices, serving on the Brainerd charter commission, board of alderman and as president of the library board and vice president and treasurer of the Commercial club.

1911-11-06_14 Mrs. Joseph Wolfe mother dies - DNT - - 1911-11-6 Leading Jewish Woman Passes. Mrs. Bessie Polinsky Dies Suddenly of Hemorrhage of the Brain. Wife of L. Polinsky, wholesale livestock dealer, pioneer of Duluth. 1124 East Sixth street. 5 years old. Seven daughters. Mrs. S. W. Rubloff-Chisholm, Mrs. J. A. Kohn-Duluth, Mrs. M. D. Nides-Hibbing, Mrs. Charles Levant-Eveleth, Mrs. Joseph Wolfe-Duluth, Dolly and Sheba Polinsky. Jewish cemetery, Rabbi Taplitz, O.B.A. Jewish fraternal societies. 25 years ago came from Russia and settled in Duluth, MN. Opened home to immigrants. Chavre Kadish, Sisters of Israel, Jewish Education society, O.B.A. She passed away two months after her daughter married.

1911-11-07_16 Mary Guinn program - - 1911-11-7 High School News. Rosalind Bondy, Lillian Levy, Mary Guinn. - Duluth News-Tribune

1911-11-8 Chisholm, assault, Rubloff -

1911-11-8 Chisholm Mrs Sol Rubloff - - 1911-11-8 Chisholm: German Miner In Jail At Chisholm. Alleged He Attempted to Assault Mrs. Sol Rubloff, Who Is Prostrated at Her Home.

1911-11-08_6 Geodfrey Azine solo - DNT - - 1911-11-8 Y.M.C.A. Pop Is A Big Success. Capacity Audience Witnesses Fine Program of Interesting Features. Miss Kilgour Scores In Scottish Dances. Troubadour Mandolin Club and Game of Volleyball Are Entertaining. Godfrey Azine came out and sang "I Never Kew Anybody Like You." unaccompanied. His solo was a surprise and he was recalled several times.

1911-11-9 Rabbi Lefkovitz VP Ministerial Assn. - - 1911 Rabbi M. Lefkovitz, vice president of the Ministerial Association. Rabbi's Honor Unprecedented. Election of Lefkovitz as Vice President of Ministerial Association Is Departure. No Other City Can Claim Distinction. Duluth First to Put Jew as Officer in Such an Organization His Record. * -

1911-11-13 Nashwauk, A. Jaffe, fire equipment - - New Equipment For Nashwauk Department, A. Jaffe, fire department -

1911-11-15 Hibbing, Benjamin D. Stone, Florence Edelstein wed. -

1911-11-15 Hibbing - - 1911 Hibbing: Florence Edelstein and Benjamin Stone marriage ---- 1911 Florence Edelstein and Benjamin D. Stone wed, Rabbi Glissnen, Hibbing: Jewish Wedding At Hibbing. Goldie Edelstein, Marcus Rulstein. -

1911-11-15 Hibbing, Benjamin D. Stone, Florence Edelstein wed. -

1911-11-19 Talmud Torah - - 1911-11-19 Zion Meeting Tonight. Ohave Zion GateDr. Theodore Herzl, Mr. Rurwitz, principal of the Talmud Torah.

1911-11-22_7 Ethel Paletz - - 1911-11-22 Evening Times. Birthday for Son. Mrs. Harry Silverman, Elm street, sixth birthday for Sam Silverman. Miss Heinrick, guests, Rose Share, Rebecca Nyman, Jim and Net Simon, George Chasler, Louis Golden, Ethel and William Krochock, Ethel Paletz, and Saul Silverman.

1911-11-27_8 Leo Siegel Fargo_forum_and_daily_republican - - 1911-11-27 Fargo Forum, Jewish Wedding Held Popular Young Couple Plighted Their Trogth According to Rites of Jewish Church. Miss Jennie Siegel, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Max Siegel, and Max Mendelsohn. Etta Levits, Pearile and Mina Siegel, H. Mandelsohn, Delia Levits, Gertrude Siegel, Harris Rubel, Leo Sierel, Gertrude Hartstein, Rabbi Levine, Lask, Out of town guests: Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Mendelsohn-Minneapolis, Mrs. Mandelsohn, Mr. and Mrs. Ellis (Elias) Seigel-Superior, WI, Mr. and Mrs. Mendesohn making home in Fargo, ND.

1911-11-27_8 Jennie Siegel and Maxwell Mark Mendelsohn wedding cropped Fargo_forum - - 1911-11-27 Cropped Jewish Wedding Held. Mena Siegel - Jennie Siegel and Maxwell Mark Mendelsohn wedding cropped version for easier viewing

1911-11-29 Litman store, 320 E. Superior St., stolen goods - - 1911 Stolen Goods Found In Room Of Hotel Lodger, Litman Bros. 320 East Superior streetJohn Hoff -

1911-11-29 N Adelson skaters - - 1911-11-29 Masqueraders Throne The Auditorium Rink. N. Edelson. skater

1911-11-30 Max Oreckovsky, filing, Republican - - 1911 Filing Time Comes To End. Many candidates in field for various offices. Several filed yesterday. W. B. Moer in field for Municipal Judge. Contests for numberof positions for coming primaries. The list of candidates. Max Oreckovsky, Republican. -

1911-12-5 Joseph Freimuth, obit - - Funeral Services For Joseph Freimuth, obit. -

1911-12-05 Joseph Freimuth obit. brothers Adolph, Charles, and I - - 1911-12-5 Funeral Services For Joseph Freimuth. 51 years old, held at residence of his brother I. Freimuth, 1306 East Second street. Dr. M. Lefkovitz, Temple Emanuel officiated in Woodland cemetery. Ill for a number of years, leaves a widow and daughter, residing at 927 East Fifth street. Besides three brothers, other two brothers Adolph and Charles Freimuth, both of this city.

1911-12-05 Joseph Freimuth obit - - 1911-12-5 Joseph Freimuth, 51 years old, died at his residence, 927 East Fifth street, Dec. 3.

1911-12-6 A. Horwitz-weed -

1911-12-8 Abraham Levine - - 1911 Drinks Booze; Then Fiery Acid. Abraham Levine, Michigan Street Driver, Attempts Suicide. Will Recover. 1932 West Michigan street. wife, chidren Rosa, Victor, and Minnie. -

1911-12-9 Abraham Levine, Sadie Levine - - 1911 Held for Grand Jury. Abraham Levine, Sadie Levine.

1911-12-9 Holland Hotel Levy cigar new manager - - 1911-12-9 Michaud From St. Louis To Holland. Well Known Hotel Manager Leaves Hostelry He Conducted Nearly Score of Years. J. T. Michaud accepted postions with Holland hotel. Sol Goldberg was manager. P. H. Levy, the cigar and periodical man leaving as well. Was there for 20 years, under the stairway in the hotel.

1911-12-10 Fannie Shapiro bride reception - - -

1911-12-13 Iankel L. Levine obit. old settler (2) - - 1911 I. L. Levine, An Old Settler, Dies. Was President of Kofereth Israel Synagogue, and Well Known Business Man. 821 Fourth avenue east, livestock business. daughters Florence, Sadie, Viola, sons Maurice, Loy (roy?), Mike, and Pineo?.

1911-12-13 Iankel L. Levine, President of Kofereth Israel, obit. - - 1911 I. L. Levine, An Old Settler, Dies, Was president of Kofereth Israel Synagogue, and Well Known Business Man. Iankel L. Levine obit., one of the first Hebrew settlers of Duluth, livestock business, Florence, Sadie, Viola Levine, Maurice, Loy, Mike, and Pineo Levine. -

1911-12-14 Yankel Levine obit. (2) - - 1911 Yankel Levine obit. 52 years old, dealer in livestock, 821 Fourth avenue east, Dec. 12.

1911-12-14 Louis and Minnie Karon, B'nai Israel synagogue -

1911-12-15 Temple Emanuel Lights - - 1911-12-15 Jews To Observe Feast Of Lights Services in Commemoration of Chanukkah to Be Held at Temple Emanuel tonight.

1911-12-15 Temple Emanuel - Lights - - 1911-12-15 Jews To Observe Feast Of Lights Services in Commemoration of Chanukkah to Be Held at Temple Emanuel tonight.

1911-12-16 I. L. Levine, obit. photo - - 1911 The photo of L. Levine appears without text. Headlines read Prominent Hebrew Who Died Monday Night. -

1911-12-17 Same E. Ellis, full page - - 1911 Eveleth Organizations Pick Officers For 1912. Lodge of Woodmen. cropped image

1911-12-18 Moses Montefiore Hebrew School - - 1911-12-18 Jews’ Season Of Rejoicing Opens. Jews’ Season Of Rejoicing Opens. Members of Faith Are Celebrating Triumph of Maccabeus-Interesting Ceremonies. Hanukkah, Jewish Thanksgiving.Moses Montefiore Hebrew school, Third avenue east and Third street. Superintendent Denfeld, Mayor Cullum, Rothschilds.

1911-12-22 Sam Polinsky, money - - Sam Polinsky, passed spurious money - - -

1911-12-23 Paul And Polinsky MustStay In Jail -

1911-12-23 Harry Garon, obit. typhoid, Menomnee, MI -

1911-12-24 Mr. Glassner, Biwabik - - 1911 Mr. Glassner construction.

1911-12-27 Sarah Bazelon and Charles Harris wed - - 1911 Miss Sara Bazelon Weds Charles Harris. Couple will visit Chicago and the ast on honeymoon trip. Rabbi Shapiro and Rabbi Tremblatt, Alice Wittenberg, Jacob Bazelon, Israel Bazelon, Sarah Haranimus, Dora Aranson, Sara Polinski, Kronich, N. Polson, Larson, Ivan Weiner. -

1911-12-27 Rabbi Shapiro - - 1911 Rabbi Shapiro officiated at Sara Bazelon and Charles Harris' wedding. -

1911-12-27 Rabbi Shapiro - - 1911 Superior: Miss Sara Bazelon Weds Charles Harris. Couple Will Visit Chicago and the East on Honeymoon Trip. Rabbis Shapiro and Tremblatt, Alice Wittenberg, Jacob Bazelon, Israel Bazelon, Sarah Haranimus, Dora Aranson, Sara Polinski, Mrs. Kronich, Mrs. N. Polson, Miss Larson, Ivan Weiner. -

1911-12-27 Sara Bazelon and Charles Harris wed - - 1911 Sara Bazelon and Charles Harris wed. Miss Sara Bazelon Weds Chas. Harris. Couple Will Visit Chicago and the East on Honeymoon Trip. Rabbi Shapiro and Tremblatt, Miss Alice Wittenberg, Jacob Bazelon, Israel Bazelon, Sarah Haraimus, Dora Aranson, Sara Polinski, Mrs. Kronich, Mrs. N. Polson, Miss Larson, Ivan Weiner. -

1911-12-27 Dave Polinsky, complaint - - 1911 Dave Polinsky, complaint violated city ordinances, petitioners: J. Altman, F. Lahovitz, Sam Barnard, J. Oreckovsky, B. Davidson, Leon Solomon, Mrs. Cook, Polinsky, aliby Windsor Clothing company, L. Seiden, Abraham Stern, M. Levine, D. Oppan, M. Viener, F. Shapiro, N. Kaplan. -

1911-12-28 Sarah Haronimus - - 1911 Miss Sarah Haronimus, Tower avenue, visiting friends and relatives in Chicago.

.................. 1912 ..................           top of list          bottom -

1912 Superior directory Simon Karon 611 John - - 1912 Superior directory Simon Karon 611 John

1912 Duluth Directory Levin and Levine - - 1912 Duluth directory for 1912 covering Levin and Levine.

1912 Gilbert Directory - - 1912 Gilbert Directory Frankell Wade. teacher high school - - - Samuel White Chemist Schley Mine. - - - Frankell Wade marries Samuel White.

1912-1-1 W. M. Abramson disputed wages - - 1912 Actor man Fells A Mercenary Foe. Dispute Over Payment of Wages. Savoy theater, Charlton Milam, W. M. Abrahamson.

1912-1-3 Glass, Azine wed. ,Horwitz -

1912-1-4 Abraham Litman - - 1912 Abraham Litman, Olaf Nelson -

1912-01-04_4 Ada Azine Calumet_News - - 1912-1-4 Calumet News Azine-Glass Wedding. Marriage of Hancock Merchant to Young Lady at Duluth. William Glass, of Glass Brothers store, Hancock, and Miss Lena Azine of Duluth which took place Tuesday afternoon: The wedding of Miss Lena Azine and William H. Glass of Hancock, Mich. took place Tuesday evening at 5:39 at the Jewish Synagogue, Rabbi W. Kissin officiated. The bride was attended by her sister, Miss Ada Azine as maid of honor and Miss Bessie Horwitz of Hancock, Mich., birdesmaid. D. J. Azine was best man and Mendel Glass was the usher. After the ceremony the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Louis Azine of 314 East First street entertained a party of eighty at supper and a dance at the old Masonic temple. La Brosse's orchestra furnished the music. The out-of-town guests were A. B. Liebermann, Watertown, Wis.; J. B. Azine of Houston Texas; Jacob Azine, Denver, Col.; Max Azine, Portland, Or.; W. C. Horwitz, Chicago and W. C. Max of New York. Mr. and Mrs. Glass left for the East and will be home in Hancock after April 15.

1912-1-6 Gershgal - - 1912 Have A Care How You Call Police. E. Gershgal, Russian Jew, fish. -

1912-1-6 Morris Litman - - 1912 Morris Litman -

1912-1-7 Lena Azine and Howard Glass wed, Horwitz -

1912-1-7 Lena Azine and William H. Glass wed, Rabbi Kissin, Horwitz -

1912-1-7 Sophia Caplov and Nathan Garber wed -

1912-1-7 Azine - - 1912 Sophia Caplov and Nathan S. Garber. Aaronson, Benjamin, Gordon, Kronic, Nathanson, Kohn, Caplov, Lieberman, Lieberman, Mesberg, Lavant, Nides, Cohn. -

1912-1-7 Harry Lavant guest at Caplov Garber wed.0000 - - 1912 Lena Azine, William Howard Glass wed., Rabbi Kissen, Edythe Azine, Esther Kremen, David J. Azine, Mandel Glass, Ida Azine, Theresa Glass, guests Morris Glass, J. Berger, Edith and Joe Berger, Esther Kremen, Mandel Glass, Sara Shere, Albert Lieberman, David and john Azine, Polson. -

1912-1-7 Esther Kremen -

1912-1-7 Lena Azine and William Glass wed - - 1912 Lena Azine, William Howard Glass wed., Rabbi Kissen, Edythe Azine, Esther Kremen, David J. Azine, Mandel Glass, Ida Azine, Theresa Glass, guests Morris Glass, J. Berger, Edith and Joe Berger, Esther Kremen, Mandel Glass, Sara Shere, Albert Lieberman, David and john Azine, Polson.

1912-1-7 Sophia Caplov and Nathan Garber wed - - 1912-1-7 Miss Sophia Caplov and Nathan S. Garber, married New Years eve at Synagogue, Third avenue east and Third. 300 guests at Steinway hall. Mr. and Mrs. Aaronson, Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin, Miss Benjamin, Dora Aronson, Fanny Gordon, Mr. and Mrs. M. Kronick, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Kronick, Ruth Kronick, Mr. and Mrs. Nathanson and Miss F. Kohn-Twin Cities. Mr. and Mrs. H. Caplov, Mrs. I. Lieberman, Jeanette and Arnold Liberman-Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. George Mesberg, Harry Lavant-Eveleth. Nathan Nides, Mrs. J. Cohn and daughter-Hibbing.

1912-01-07 Lena Azine William H. Glass wed - DNT - - 1912-1-7 Lena Azine weds William H. Glass of Hancock, Mich. Adas Israel synagogue.

1912-01-07 Lena Azine & William H. Glass wed - DNT - - 1912-1-7 Tuesday, Miss Lena Azine became the bride of William H. glass of Hancock, Mich. Mrs. Glass is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Louis Azine, of 314 East First street. Rabbi W. Kissin, of Adas Israel synagogue Miss Ada Azine was maid of honor and the bridesmaid was Miss Bessie Horowitz of Hancock. D. J. Azine attended the bridegroom. Mendel Glass acted as usher. A party of eight was entertained at a dance and supper at the old Masonic Temple for which music was furnished by La Breosso's orchestra. Mr. and Mrs. Glass, after a short trip through the east, will be at home at Hancock.

1912-01-09_6 Nessa and Anna Paletz Samuel Papermaster - - 1912-1-9 Fargo Forum and Daily republic. Nessa and Anna Paletz. Samuel Papermaster.

1912-1-11 M. L. Wilk, clothier -

1912-01-11_3M. L. Wilk clothier Eveleth, lease Central hotel - DNT - - 1912-1-11 Eveleth Man Buys the Central Hotel. Virginia. M. L. Wilk, a clothier of Eveleth, has purchased the lease of the Central hotel contents of J. T. Moody, formerly of Duluth, taking possession today. Mr. Wilk will make extensive improvements in the building in the near future. - Dulluth News-Tribune

1912-01-12_5 M. L. Wilk lease - - 1912-1-12 Virginia Enterprise: Buy Lease Of Central Hotel. M. L. Wilk, an Eveleth clothier, completes arrangements for the purchase of hte lease of the Central Hotel in this city. His son and a partner from International Falls, will be in direct charge of the place, it is understood. The Central is very well located and by the opening of a European plan dining room in connection a pleasing business would doubtless be given the place. It has been conducted of late by J. T. Moody, formerly of Duluth, the dining room service being closed. - - - also: Enrollment summary of education comparing years. - - - also: Ad: Dr. J. L. Richards Dentist Office in the Karon Block. Virginia, Minn. - Virginia Enterprise

1912-01-14_2 Samuel Loeb entertains. Commercial Club - - 1912-1-14 Samuel Loeb entertained at luncheon at the Commercial club Wednesday noon. In the afternoon bridge was played at two tables. His guests were: Mesdames Morris Freimuth, I. Freimuth, H. Abraham, A. Abraham, J. B. Satler, Max Wetzier, Lewis Wetzler and M. P. Shapiro. - Duluth News-Tribune

1912-1-16 Hibbing, Samuel Sapero - - 1912 Hibbing People Drive 70 Miles To Wedding. Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Sapero. Stevenson to Virginia, 70 miles. -

1912-1-16 Zien legacy - - 1912 Mrs. Zien Wants Realty Sold To Realize Legacy. widow of Jacob D. Zien. -

1912-1-17 Max Oreckovsky, candidate for alderman 4th Ward - - 1912 Straight Ticket Is Their Slogan. Young Men's Republican Club holds enthusiastic meeting at Steinway Hall. Max Oreckovsky. -

1912-1-19 S. Goldstein, Morris Levin, fire - - 1912 Two Families Are Driven Out By Fire. S. Goldstein and Morris Levin, 817 Fourth aveneue west. -

1912-1-19 Milavetz Shaprio wedding - - 1912-1-19 Virginia: Wedded Sunday At The Jewish Temple. Miss Anna Leone Milavetz Becomes Bride of David Shapiro, Rabbi Lefkovtiz, of Duluth Officiating.

1912-01-19_2 War Relieve for Jews in Euope - Virginia_enterprise - - 1912-1-19 Virginia: Wedded Sunday At The Jewish Temple. Miss Anna Leone Milavetz Beomes Bride of David Shapiro, Rabbi Lefkovits of Duluth, Officiating. Minnie Light. Weinstein of Duluth. I. Shapiro-St. Paul, A. Siegel-Superior, S. Dorfman, J. Lavick, B. Crane, and H. Litman. Mr. and Mrs. Bear and P. Shapiro-St. Paul Louis Siegel, M. Kaner, David Weyenberg, Harry Levant, Mr. and Mrs. G. Mesberg, Mr. and Mrs. J. Weiner, Mr. and Mrs. R. Mantel, Ethel Wilk-Eveleth, Minnie and Sarh Light, Sophia Weinstein, Celia Weinstein, Dr. Lefkovitz-Duluth, Samuel White-Gilbert, Eleie Haliday, Mr. and Mrs. A. Singel, I. Shapiro, A. Siegel, Mr. and Mrs A. Shapiro, Elsie Karon-Superior, A. Shapiro-Montana, Mr. and Mrs. A. Shapiro-Stevinson.

1912-01-19_2 Milavetz and Shapiro - Virginia_enterprise - - 1912-1-19 Virginia, MN: Milavetz and Shapiro. Wedded Sunday At The Jewish Temple. Miss Anna Leone Milavetz Becomes Bride of Daivd Shapiro. Rabbi Lefkovitz; of Duluth, Officiating. Temple of Cleveland avenue and Hemlock street in Duluth. Mr. and Mrs. Bear, P. Shairo-St. Paul. Louis Siegel, M. Kaner, David Weyenberg, Harry Levant, Mr. an Mrs. G. Mesberg, Mr. and Mrs. J. Weiner, Mr. and Mrs. R. Mantel, Ethel Wilk-Eveleth. Minnie and Sarah Light, Sophia Weinstein, Celia Weinstein, Dr. Lefkovitz-Duluth. Samuel White-Gilbert. Elcie Haliday ?, Mr. and Mrs. A. Siegel, L. Shapiro, A. Siegel, Elsie Karon-Superior. A. Shapiro-Montana. Mr. and Mrs. A. Shapiro-Stevenson. traveled in a a hack for 70 miles. The newspaper sent their personal best wishes.

1912-01-19_2 Anna Milavetz and David Shapiro wed - Virginia_enterprise - - 1912-1-19 Virginia: Anna Milavetz and David Shapiro marriage. Wedded Sunday At The Jewish Temple. Miss Anna Leone Milavetz Becomes Bride of David Shapiro, Rabbi Lefkovitz, of Duluth, Officiating. Jewish Temple at the corner of Cleveland avenue and Hemlock. Rabbi Lefkovits of Duluth. Minnie Light, Miss Weinstein, L. Shapiro, A. Siegel, S. Dorfman, J. Lavick, B. Crane, H. Litman, Kraft=Peterson orchestra, Mr. and Mrs. Bear and P. Shapiro, Louis Siegel, M. Kaner, David Weyenberg, Harry Levant, Mr. and Mrs. G. Mesberg, Mr. and Mrs. J. Weiner, Mr. and Mrs. R. Mantel Miss Ethel Wilk, Minnie and Sarah Light, Sophia Weinstein, Celia Weinstein, Dr. Lefkovitz, Samuel White, Elcie Haliday, Mr. and Mrs. A. Siegel, L. Shapiro, A. Siegel, Mr. and Mrs. A. Shapiro, Elsie Karon, A. Shapiro, Mr. and Mrs. A. Shapiro.

1912-01-19_9 Samuel Popkin - dnt - - 1912-1-19 Samuel Popkin Boy Taken in Custody.

1912-1-20 Morris Litman, high school - - 1912 High School News, oration Morris Litman -

1912-1-21 Mrs. Cook, Polinsky, Alibi - - 1912 Polinsky Aims To Build Alibi, jury in Federal Court hears testimony of Mrs. Sarah Cook, the prisoner's grandmother. Minnie Palmquist also takes the stand. Judge Morris will charge the twelve tomorrow in counterfeiting case. Sam Polinsky, passing counterfeit coins to Mrs. H. Cohen. -

1912-1-21 Ed Chucker, face burned -

1912-2-1 V. Hurvitz, dwelling - - -

1912-2-2 Maurice Klatsky - - 1912 A Cabin Party. Sol Levy, leave for Seattle, guests: Clara and Sadie Shore, Sarah Hurvits, Beatrice Natelson, Sadie Postoff, Sadie Natelson, Maurice Silk, Julius Siegel, Henry Saul, John Altman, Maurice Klatsky, and Leo Bondy.

1912-02-02 home 1306 E 2nd street I Ferimuth - - 1912-2-2 Pastor Honored By Curch People. Freimuth Home Scene of Reception for Rabbi Lefkovits on Fifth Anniversary Here. 1306 East Second street. Rabbi and Mrs. Lefkovitz, Mr. and Mrs. I. Freimuth, Mrs. E. Silberstein, Mrs. M. Cornfield, Mrs. D. L. Cohen-St. Paul. Decorated rooms, Th La Brosse orchestra played.

1912-02-03 Washington School property Moses Montefiore Hebrew school - - 1912-2-3 Stands Pat On Insurance Deal. Protest of Agencies Which Were Left Out in the Cold Has No Effect. New Freshmen Taken Into the High School. Two Classes Per Year Will Be Graduated Beginning With 1916. Washington School becomes the property of Moses Montefiore Hebrew School. $14,000.

1912-02-03_7 David Azine - DNT - - 1912-2-3 Fined for Contempt. David Azine, a resident of West Duluth, an alternative 10 days in county jail, failure to appear before referee in bankruptcy proceedings.

1912-2-4 Max Rogalsky, Hibbing merchant - - Max Rogalsky was an early pioneer in Hibbing and a merchant. His interesting perspective: Would not do it again.

1912-2-4 Hibbing history page 2 - - 1912 Hibbing == Heart of the Iron Country - Slanding on the rim of the world's greatest open-pit mine, Hibbing is the chief gateway of nature's most wonderful and stupendous storehouse of iron. A village where opportunity is made and where big thinkgs are achieved. Immense army of industrial workers soon to be fed thru porlific yield of surrounding farms. A few acres near hibbing spell independence.

1912-2-4 Max Oreckovsky, alderman - - 1912 Oreckovsky Is Favorite. Fourth Ward Aldermanic Candidates receives indorsement of Young Men's Rebublican Club. Clean city government is his motto. Max Oreckovsky, photo. -

1912-2-5 The Jersey Journal, Isaac and Morris Dorf - - 1912 Isaac and Morris Dorf - dairy farm issues - New Jersey - - cropped image

1912-2-7 Sam Polinsky, jail - - 1912 Sam Polinsky, jail, Counterfeiter gets two years. Edward Paul, arrested with Sam Polinsky, will be sent to Fort Leavenworth. -

1912-2-8 Eveleth, Samule Levant - - 1912 Will Look For Market Site. Eveleth Council Appoints a Committee to Arrange for Location-Build New Sewers. Samuel Levant. -

1912-2-10 Ben Friedman Inaugurate Sale - - 1912 Friedman Bros. Inaugurate Sale. Ben Friedman Gets All the New Styles and Tailoring Ideas on Recent Eastern Trip.

1912-2-10 Ben Friedman, suits and overcoats - - 1912 Friedman Bros. Inaugurate Sale. Ben Freidman Gets All the New Styles and Tailoring Ideas on Recent Eastern Trip.

1912-2-10 Ethel Wilk -

1912-2-11 Sadie Fostoff - - 1912 Sadie Fostoff entertained, 708 West Second street, Sol Levy left for Seattle.

1912-02-11 Freimuth ad - - 1912-2-11 Ad, Freimuth - - ]Freimuth ad buyers New York - Mr. D. G. Loewus hosiery, leather goods, books, etc

1912-2-12 L. Hammel wagon business - - 1912-2-25 Vehicle Trade Out Of Duluth Is Developing. L. Hammel Company Comments Upon Increase in Sales of Wagons and Buggies From its Repository During Past Few Years-Development Is Main Factor. L. Hammel company development of northeastern Minnesota. 100 mile radius. branch in Virginia established eight years ago. Management Adolph Keller. Officers of company: President Jacob Hammel, Appleton, Wis., vice president, treasurer and general manager, Lousi Hammel, secretary, Rosa Hamme. S. H. Marshall manager of wagon department, W. L. Downer manager of roller rink.

1912-2-13 The Jersey Journal, Isaac and Morris Dorf - - 1912 Isaac and Morris Dorf - dairy farm issues - New Jersey - - cropped image

1912-2-14 Gilbert, Gilbert Commercial Club, B. J. Medalie, John Seigel -

1912-2-14 Alice Natelson and John H. Altman eng. - - 1912 Engagement Announced Alice Natelson and John H. Altman. -

1912-2-14 Chisholm, Simon Sapero - - 1912 Chisholm Merchant To Wed In New York. Mr. and Mrs. Simon Sapero father to Maurice Sapero who weds Ida Astow, leading merchant department store Sapero & Sons. Mary Sapero, oldest daughter engaged to be married to man in Minneapolis. -

1912-2-14 Chisholm, Maurice Simon and Ida Astow wedding New York -

1912-2-14 Chisholm Maurice Sapero, Ida Astow wed Mary Sapero engaged - - 1912-2-14 Chisholm Merchant To Wed In New York. Mr. and Mrs. Simon Sapero. Son Maurice Sapero weds Miss Ida Astow. Sapero & Sons. Isaac Lewis will take charage of Minneapolis store during Saperos' absence. Mary Sapero announces engagement to young man in Minneapolis.

1912-2-15 Esther Sosnovsky - - 1912 Valentine Dance Party, Miss Vernie Padden, Violet Padden, Della Sweet, Esther Sosnovsky, Lillian Leiberman, Ray, Gustafson, A. Andrewsky, Arnotch, Deittrich, J. Sanders, S. Azine, E. Zander, and J. Latski. Here is an example where a generation of Jewish girls are now intermingling with gentiles and celebrating American holiday.

1912-2-16 Anna Slonim - - 1912 High School News. Junior literary programs Lillian Shapiro, Anna Slonim.

1912-2-16 Max Sosnovsky - - 1912 Max Sosnovsky suit against Julius Merwski and David Polinsky.

1912-02-16_4 Miller Albenberg - - 1912-2-16 Miller Albenberg Buyers Now In The East - dnt

1912-2-19 Max Cohen, Harry Cohen Biwabik - - 1912-2-19 Biwabik Business Houses Make Changes; Max Cohen is remodeling the east half of the basement in his new building for a billiard hall of his son Harry Cohen.

1912-02-23_2 M. J. Wilk clothing - - 1912-2-23 Virginia Enterprise: New Clothing Store In Prospect. M. L. Wilk, of Eveleth, who recently leased the Sutherland building and runs the Central Hotel, remodels the same and will in addition to the hotel conduct a clothing and gents' furnishing establishment, removing his stock from Eveleth to this city. - Virginia Enterprise

1912-2-24 Samuel Ginsberg and Eva Lieborvitz ml. - - 1912 Samuel Ginsberg and Eva Leiborvitz marriage license. -

1912-2-25 Temple Emanuel - - Work Of The Temple Emanuel Aid Society, Hammel, Silberstein, Kohn, Abramhams, Goldberg, Zalk. -

1912-2-25 photo Mrs. Louis Hammel - - 1912-2-25 Among The Clubs And Muscians. Work Of The Temple Emanuel And Society. Photos of Chairman Mrs. Louis Hammel, Mrs. E. A. Silberstein, Mrs. Victor Kohn, Mrs. Saul Goldberg, Mrs. M. Weitzler, Mrs. Louis Zalk.

1912-2-25 Temple Emanuel - - 1912-2-25 Work Of The Temple Emanuel Aid Society. Mrs. Louis Hammel, Mrs. E. A. Silberstein, Mrs. Victor Kohn, Mrs. Henry Abrahams, Mrs. Saul Goldberg, Mrs. M. Wetzler, Mrs. Louis Zalk. - - Their approach of an Emergency Committee relied on voluntary annual subscriptions from members, avoiding soliciting funds and little socializing so that they could focus on charity work.

1912-3-1 Reznick - - 1912 Leap Year Kids Not Recorded. Babies Born Yesterday Are Still Unknown at the City Health Department. Reports Will Not Be Made For Several Days. Many Duluth Children Celebrate Birth Anniversary Every Four Years. 1900 was not a leap year, hence a lapse of eight years occurred. A son was born to Sam Goldberg, 604 West First street, daughter to M. Reznick, 228 Third avenue west.

1912-3-1 Mrs. Samuel Bailer and Hazel Cohen - - 1912-3-1 Party For Guest Hazel Cohen Mrs. Samuel Bailer 1325 East Second street.

1912-03-01_2 Abraham, Julius, Joseph Garon - - 1912-3-1 Virginia Enterprise: Buy Interest In Chestnut St. Property. Joseph Garon and Morris Soloski of the Golden Rule, on Saturday concluded a deal for the purchase of the interest in the building occupied by them from Abraham and Julius Garon, of Duluth. the property is well located and will always be well worth the price paid. - Virginia Enterprise

1912-03-01_13 Morris Soloski and AnnYessni wedding - - 1912-3-1 Wedded At Bnai Abraham Temple. Morris Soloski and Miss Annie Yessni United in Marriage by Rabbi Teplitz on Sunday Last. Golden Rule Store. Miss Sibyl Yessni, sister of the bride, Julius Solomon best man. Jennie Soloski and Jacob Latz and Mr. and Mrs. Joseph H. Garon. groom's mother, Mrs. F. Soloski, 113 Maple Street. Will make their home on Hemlock Street. The groom is one of the rising businessmen of Virginia, and the Enterprise adds its congratulations to those of other fiends. - Virginia Enterprise

1912-3-3 Eveleth, Sara Rabinowitz, concert - - 1912 School Concert And Operetta At Eveleth. Sara Rabinowitz, piano medley. -

1912-03-03_3 Sara Rabinowitz DNT - - 1912-3-3 Eveleth: School Concert And Operetta At Eveleth.

1912-3-4 B. Karon residence, photo - - New residence of B. Karon at 518 Eleventh Avenue East - photo -

1912-3-4 Abe Winer and Vertelney second hand dealers - - 1912-3-4 Reform Sentence For House Looter. Emory Hahn Is Given Term at St. Cloud-Second Hand Dealers Fined. Abe Winer and Joe Vertelney, second hand dealers on the Bowery, plea guilty.

1912-3-4 Eveleth, Nathanson Bros. H. Perlman - - 1912 Eveleth Business Changes. Nathanson Brothers move clothing store Virginia. Ellis Brothers, clothiers, up-to-date deparatment store. -

1912-3-4 Mrs. Samuel Bailer and Hazel Cohen - - 1912-3-4 Mrs. Samuel Bailer. 715 East Second street. Luncheon in honor of her sister Hazel Cohen-Toledo, Ohio. Helen Wetzler.

1912-3-4 B. Karon house - - 1912-3-4 New residence of B. Karon at 518 Eleventh Avenue East - picture of the house

1912-3-6 Mr. and Mrs. I. Rosenberg - - 1912 Wedding Anniversary, Mr. and Mrs. I. Rosenberg, 221 East Third street, 25th anniversary. Rev. Horowitz, Mrs. I. D. Cook, Mrs. D. Silk, B. L. Rosenberg, B. Baukman (Bankman) H. Lippman, M. Garon. Bessie Markowitz, Hattie Markowitz, M. S. Shore, Louis Kahn, H. Silver, D. Polinsky.

1912-03-06 I. Rosenberg wedding anniversary, Markowitz - - 1912-3-6 Wedding Anniversary. Mr. and Mrs. I. Rosenberg, 221 East Third street, 25th. Guests: Rev. Horowitz, Mrs. I. D. Cook, Mrs. D. Silk, B. L. Rosenberg, B. Baukman, H. Lippman, M. Garon, Bessie Markowitz, Hattie Markowitz, M. S. Shore, Louis Kahn, H. Silver, D. Polinsky.

1912-3-8 Mr. and Mr. Max Podolsky, daughter - - 1912 Mr. and Mrs. Max Podolsky, 720 Hughitt avenue, daughter born.

1912-3-8 Max Podolsky, birth of daughter - - Max Podolsky, daughter born -

1912-3-9 Morris Shandeling -

1912-3-11 Maurice Klatsky - - 1912 Mr. and Mrs. Morris Freimuth chaperoned a whist party at the San Souci clubrooms Wednesday evening. Guests: Goldie Krojanker, Selma Erickson, Sadie Fostoff, Hazel Parkhurst, Gertrude Meyer, Morris Silk, Arthur Hilderly, Edward Harrington, Maurice Klatsky, and Leo Bondy.

1912-03-11 Few Of Duluth's Working Girls - - 1912-3-11 A Few of Duluth's Fair Working Girls. A better image of the photo. Miss Alice Pierson Toy Deparment, Freimuth.

1912-03-11 A Few Of Duluth's Working Girls - - 1912-3-11 A Few of Duluth’s Fair Working Girls. photos.

1912-3-12 Duluth, Zionism, Temple Emanuel -

1912-3-12 Zionism Christian church - - 1912-3-12 Christians Hear Rabbi In Church. Pastor of Temple Emanuel Delivers Lecture on Zionism in Baptist House of Worship. Rabbi Maurice Lefkovits of Temple Emanuel. Establishment of a Jewish nation in Palestine.

1912-03-16_7 Kitchen Cabinet - - 1912-3-16 Labor World. Kitchen cabinet - Labor World

1912-03-16_7 Whalan Cook's bar tender - - 1912-3-16 Labor World.

1912-03-16_7 Kitchen Cabinet - - 1912-3-16 Labor world: Kitchen cabinet - Labor World

1912-03-16_7 Whalan Cook's bar tender - - 1912-3-16 Labor world: Whalen, bartender for Cook's saloon. - Labor World

1912-3-18 Joe Horwitz - - 1912 "Artaxerxes" Moses Montefiore Hebrew school. Rabbi E. Horowitz, Joe Horowitz, Allen Rachlin, H. Gersehold, Miss T. Berkstrom, Abe Oreckowsky, Eva Salk, Sadie Gingold, Nathan Cook, H. G. Loviejk, Sam Cook, Isidor Usan, Harry Levin, N. Asin, Jacob Usan, M. Altman, S. Meyers, M. Orak, D. Orekowski, G. Cassimir, M. Rosenberg, A. Rosenberg, Sam Cook, S. Slotkowsky, P. Cassimir, S. Meyers, L. Sanders, S. Shore, B. Tobak, T. Garon, Charles Green, S. Singer, B. Shore, Abe Rosenberg, B. Zlotkowsky, Doris Gatkin, A. Price, Abe Littman, B. Harris, E. Seidel, Rose Meyers, Lena Stein, David Silver, Sam Cassimir, Jack Shusterman, M. Oreck, Lilly Weiner, Lena Singer. -

1912-3-18 auto Overland - - Overland, auto model, Roby L. Edelstein, counciulman -

1912-03-18 Isidor Usan - - 1912-3-18 "Artaxerxes", Moses Montefiore Hebrew shchool musical drama. Isidor Usan, Jacob Usan.

1912-03-18_[11] Roy L Edelstein Candidate for Councilman Superior photo DNT - - 1912-3-18 Ad for Roy L. Edelstein Candidate for Councilman photo.

1912-3-23 Adas Israel ball - - 1912 Adas Israel, Odd Fellows hall, grand ball. -

1912-3-25 Mr. and Mrs. Lavick - - 1912-3-25 Irish-American Literary club. Violin solo, H. Lavick. Mr. and Mrs. Lavick-violin duet.

1912-03-25 M Gidding & Co, Duluth, Mother Store of Gidding Org - - 1912-3-25 J. M. Gidding & Co., An Anniversary Sale, photo of store in Duluth.

1912-03-27 Joe Berzon - - 1912-3-27 Popcorn Man Fined. Joe Berzon pleaded guilty to using profane language on the street and was convicted and sentenced to 15 days in jail in lieu of a cash fine of $15.

1912-03-28 Abe Edelson featherweight - - 1912-3-28 Many Enter The Contest At “Y” Annual Wrestling Tournament Starts Tonight and Finshes on Saturday. Abe Edelson featherweight.

1912-4-2 Labovitz, suit - - 1912 Was He Damaged By Glad Raiment? C. R. Johnson Says Man Who Sold Him Suit Injured Him Much and Wants $1,000. Charles R. Johnson under the influence of liquor, Froike Labovitz.

1912-4-3 Froike Labovitz - - 1912 Bowery Merchant Is Beaten In Law Suit. Charles R. Johnson, against Froike Labovitz. $27.

1912-04-06_3 Isadore Karon fire chief of villge - DNT - - 1912-4-6 Keewatin Appointments Are Delayed A Week. New Council. Isadore Karon. fire chief.

1912-04-06_14 I. S. Guinn ad for men & women for bankrupt sale - - 1912-4-6 I. S. Guinn, ad for salespeople for bankrupt sale. - Duluth News-Tribune

1912-4-7 Class of 1912 Boys Weinberg, Cohen - - School photo from Duluth or other Minnesota towns

1912-4-7 Benjamin Kanner, birth of daughter - - Benjamin Kanner, daughter born. -

1912-4-8 Sig Levy, Passover - - Caught On the Run, Sig Levy, Passover -

1912-4-10 Joseph Sosnovsky - - 1912 Joseph Sosnovsky jury duty

1912-4-12 Mr. & Mrs. Silbar Biwabik move to Duluth - - 1912 Biwabik President Removes To Duuth. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Silbur Biwabik, connected to M. Glassner & Co. department store.

1912-4-12 Sam and Abraham Litman - - 1912 Samuel and Abraham Litman, dismissal of case, city building ordinance. -

1912-04-12_6 Samuel and Abe Litman DNT - - 1912-4-12 Litman brothers, Samuel and Abraham. building permit.

1912-4-18 son born to Isadore Widdes - - 1912 son born to Mr. and Mrs. Isadore Widdes -

1912-04-21 Sam Levinson - - 1912-4-21 Washington school: Performance, Sam Levinson, Abbie Stein, Joseph Fox, Sara Rivkin, Lillian Weiner, Mildred Fox, Minnie Zimmerman.

1912-04-21 Lillian Weiner, Miss Zalk, dance group - - 1912-4-21 The Red, White & Blue Society's Entertainment, photo Norwegian dance. Several Jewish children participated. Sam Levinson, Sherman Stenberg, Abbie Stein, Sara Rivkin, Lillian Weiner, Mildrend Fox, Minnie Zimmerman, Lottie Azine,

1912-4-25 Henry Lavick and Eva Zalk - - 1912-4-25 Final Program Friday Evening. Excellent Card of Music and Readings Prepared for Close of Lecture Course. Violin solo, “Liebesfrued” (Kreisler). Henry Lalvick, Miss Eva Zalk, accompanist.

1912-4-27 Sarah Gordon, Gilbert, literary societies -

1912-4-27 Hibbing, Latz Bros. cleaning -

1912-4-28 Sam Patek - - 1912-4-28 Ashland, WI, Ashland Wins Forensic Bout. Sam Patek of Ironwood, Last Year's Winner, Drops to Third Honors.

1912-04-28_7 Ethel Wilk photo Thespians - DNT - - 1912-4-28 Duluth News Tribune: Talented Eveleth Thespians. Ethel Wilk. photo. Bottom row second from right.

1912-04-28_7 Ethel Wilk photo Thespians - DNT - - 1912-4-28 Talented Eveleth Thespians. Photo. Ethel Wilk - Dulluth News-Tribune

1912-4-29 Eveleth, Solomon Sax, vegetable and flower garden - - 1912 Eveleth: Garden Embellishes Eveleth Business Block. Solomon Sax, Miners National bank, Grant Ave. -

1912-5-1 Abby's Pharmacy - - 1912 Superior: Abby's Pharmacy - - A. B. Averbook Pharmacy ad -

1912-5-1 Averbook, pharmacy - - 1912 New Pharmacy To Be In Charge Of A. Averbook. Young Pharmacist Making A Success, How Live, Up-to-Date Business Methods Won Out for One Superior Firm. -

1912-5-1 Lavick and Zalk - - 1912-5-1 Mrs. Kelley New Head For Year. Bishop’s Club Elects Officers and Appoints Several Committees at Final Meeting of the Season. Volunteers Will Put Reading Into Hospitals. Miss Zalk, Mrs. Ball, Messrs. Erdtman and Lavick (brothers) on Musical Program.

1912-5-1 Sarah Gordon, high school -

1912-5-2 Ben Friedman Domestic Woolens - - 1912 Friedman Brothers' Domestic Woolens Arrive.

1912-5-3 Sol Rubloff - - 1912-5-3 Chisholm: Many Convictions Scored By Woods. Strong Cases Brought by Him at Chisholm-Several Aare Fined. Sol Rubloff, a saloonkeeper was fined $15 and costs for purchasing fish out of season.

1912-05-03_11 Azine, the Sample Shoe Man - Fargo Forum - - 1912-5-3 Fargo. Ad. Azine, the Sample Shoe Man. 608 1st Avenue North. - Fargo Forum and Daily Republican

1912-5-7 Augusta Simon and Samuel Gorman wedding -

1912-5-8 Bankrupt Stock Mr. Guinn - - 1912 Mr. Guinn bankrupt stock. - full page

1912-5-8 Mrs. Lee Abraham - - 1911 Personals: Mrs. Lee Abraham of 1101four months visi with dau Hughitt avenue, returned after four months visit with daughter Mrs. Herbert Fleissner-St. Paul.

1912-5-8 Mr Guinn, Bankrupt Stock, ad - - 1912 Mr. Guinn bankrupt stock. - cropped

1912-5-9 Joe Joseph real estate transfer - - 1912 Real Estate Transfers, Joe Josephs to Alfred Olke. -

1912-5-9 Eva Finkelstein and Frank E. Berg, Rabbi Teplitz -

1912-5-9 Zionism - - 1912-5-9 Educator Will Deliver Lecture On Zionism. Third street and Third avenue East synagogue. Ohave Zion Gate O. K. of Z. Horace M. Kallen Ph.D. professor of philosophy at the University of Wisconsin, main speaker. Julius Rosenwald, president of Sears, Roebuck & Co. of Chicago. Maurice Lefkovits, Rabbi I. Taplitz. Boy’s choir.

1912-5-11 Gansburg - - 1912-5-11 William A. Gansburg and Joseph Davis for receiving stolen property.

1912-5-12 W. M. Abrahamson photos of theaters in Duluth - - 1912 What Motion Pictures Have Done to Educate the Public. The History and Development of Film Making Duluth's Delightful Photo Play Houses. Good description of kaleidoscope, drawing a number of pictures in a booklet, magical lanterns, first film, photos of different theaters in Duluth, W. A. Abrahamson, owner and manager of the Savoy Theater, movies and vaudeville.

1912-5-12 gymnastics schools - - School photo from Duluth or other Minnesota towns

1912-5-12 - Jacob Garon Franklin School - - 1912-5-12 School Children Participate In Gymnastic Costumed Drills. Jacob Garon, with classmates Sam Gofen and Ben Goldstein photo, Franklin School.

1912-5-12 - Jacob Garon - Franklin School - - 1912-5-12 School Children Participate In Gymnastic Costumed Drills. Jacob Garon, with classmates Sam Gofen and Ben Goldstein photo, Franklin School.

1912-5-13 son born to Mr. and Mrs. Philip Cohen - - 1912 Son born to Mr. and Mrs. Phillip Cohen, 1231 Seventh street.

1912-5-14 Sadie Fostoff - - 1912 Bundle Shower For Miss Esther Kernes. Miss Leona Kassmir, 419 First avenue West, in honor of Miss Esther Kernes, Sallie Oreck, Evelyn Rachlin, Sadie Rocklin, Esther Kernes, Leona Kassmir, Sadie Shore, Mrs. N. S. Barber, Weingarten of Superior, Evelyn Rocklin, Selma Casmir, Fannie Altman, Sadie Fostoff, Catherine Collins, Helen Popkin, Ray Abelson, Silverman.

1912-5-14 Adas Israel, Dr. Horace M. Kallen - - 1912 Leaves for Madison, Dr. Horce M. Kallen, instructor of philosophy, Max Weinberg, 720 East Third street, Adas Israel, Temple Emanuel. -

1912-5-15 Galaxy Of Mining Kings Pays Visit To Duluth - - 1912-5-15 Galaxy Of Mining Kings Pays Visit To Duluth. Fee Owners of Fayal, Adams, Spruce and Geneos Iron Ore Properties Come to Northern Minnesota on Annual tour of Inspection-Men Represent Vast Amount of Wealth. History of developers of the mine. Freimuth.

1912-5-16 Henry Lavick - - 1912-5-16 Preceding the performance and between acts, Henry Lavick’s orchestra rendered a program of popular music. Miss Lydia Arndt and Henry Lavick.

1912-05-18 Tower-Rebecca Hallock - - 1912-5-18 Tower Misses Give Playmate Surprise. Rebecca Hallock

1912-5-19 Jacob Milazetz obit -

1912-05-19_9 Isadore Abramson DNT - - 1912-5-19 Honor Students at Industrial High. Isadore Abramson.

1912-5-21 birth announcement, Israel Garon, son - - Israel Garon, son born, Isador Zein, son born. -

1912-5-24 L. Averbook - - 1912 L. Averbook, second hand dealer. -

1912-05-24_12 Evaa Karsner and Thomas Davis ml DNT - - 1912-5-24 Marriage Licenses: Thomas Davis and Eva Karsner.

1912-5-26 Harry Cohodas and Lillian Levine marriage (2) - - 1912 Houghton, Mich. Harry Cohodas and Lillian Levine wed. daughter of Morris Levine, fur dealer.

1912-5-26 real estate transfers - - 1912 Josephs and Zalk, 1st column, -

1912-5-29 Joseph Josephs - - 1912 Body That Of Joseph Josephs. Coroner McComb Identifies Remain of Man Found Near the Calvary Road. Wa Young Musician With Home In Superior. Theory of Self-Destruction Is Deduced From Conditions Surrounding Corpse. -

1912-5-29 Joe Josephs 18 years old obit. - - 1912 Joseph Josephs 18 year old, obit. died May 28. -

1912-05-30 Tower-Ethel Hallock - - 1912-5-30 Tower: School Program At Tower Tonight. Twenty-Two Pupils Will Receive Eighth Grade Diplomas at the Opera house. - Vermillion opera house. Ethel Hallock.

1912-6-1 Harry Cowl and Jennie Witz ml - - 1912-6-1 Harry Cowl and Jennie Witz - marriage license

1912-6-2 Virginia, Samuel Cohen, high school graduating class - - 1912 Virginia Turns Out 27 Grads. Largest Range High School Class Will Receive Diplomas June 12. Samuel L. Cohen -

1912-6-2 Mrs. J. Fostoff - - 1912 Mrs. F. Kahan, Mrs. D. Silverman of Pittsburgh, guests of honor. Mrs. M. Finklestein, Mrs. H. Finklestein, Tillie Berkson, Jennie Witz, Mrs. H. Silk, Mrs. H. Bennett, Mrs. J. Bennett, Mrs. S. Altman, Mrs. Rosenberg, Mrs. Rifkin, Mrs. F. Berg, Mrs. J. Berkson, Mrs. J. Fostoff, Mrs. D. Silverman, Mrs. M. Cohen, Mrs. Altman, Mrs. M. Zalk, Mrs. M. Casmir, Mrs. L. Fix, Mrs. S. Casmir, Mrs. Teplitz, Mrs. G. Harris, Mrs. W. Simon, Mrs. M. Caplow, Mrs. F. Kahan, Della Fox, Dora Witz, Fanny Altman, Eva Zalk, Jennie Witz, Sadie Berkson, Ida Berkson, Cohen, Sarah Fostoff, Mrs. Kahan and Mrs. Silverman left for Europe.

1912-6-2 Dora Witz, cards - - 1912 Card party in honor of Mrs. F. Kahan, D. Silverman, M. Finklestein - - guests: H. Finklestein, Tillie Berkson, Jennie Witz, H. Silk, H. Bennett, J. Bennett, S. Altman, Rosenberg, Rifkin, Berg, Berkson, Fostoff, Silverman, M. Cohen, Mrs. Altman, M. Zalk, M. Casmir, L. Fix, S. Casmir, Teplitz, G. Harris, W. Simon, M. Caplow, F. Kahan, Della Fox, Dora Witz, Fanny Altman, Eva Zalk, Jennie Witz, Sadie Berkson, Ida Berkson, Cohen, Sarah Fostoff -

1912-06-02 Jeannie Witz - - 1912-6-2 Mrs. F. Kahan, Mrs. D. Silverman-Pittsburgh guest of honor at card party given by Mrs. M. Finklestein and Mrs. H. Finklestein. Jennie Witz, Mrs. H. Silk, Mrs. H. Bennett, Mrs. J. Bennett, Mrs. S. Altman, Mrs. Rosenberg, Mrs. Rifkin, Mrs. F. Berg, Mrs. J. Berkson, Mrs. J. Fostoff, Mrs. D. Silverman, Mrs. M. Cohen, Mrs. Altman, Mrs. M. Zalk, Mrs. M. Casmir, Mrs. L. Fix, Mrs. S. Casmir, Mrs. Teplitz, Mrs. G. Harris, Mrs. W. Simon, Mrs. M. Caplow, Mrs. F. Kahan, Miss Della Fox, Miss Dora Witz, Miss Fanny Altman, Miss Eva Zalk, Miss Jennie Witz, Miss Sadie Berkson, Miss Ida Berson, Miss Cohen, Miss Sarah Fostoff. Mrs. Kahan and Mrs. Silverman left Thursday for a trip to Europe.

1912-06-02_[4] Isadore Abramson DNT - - 1912-6-2 Irving Industrial High School Will Graduate Exceptionally Large Class. photo Isadore Abramson.

1912-6-4 Henry Lavick - - 1912-6-4 Duluth Violinist Is On Trinity Church Program. Henry Lavick..

1912-6-4 Sarah and Joseph Altman - - 1912 Sarah Altman and Joseph Altman demanded $3,500 for alleged damages to their premises which they aver? resulted from a flood in West Michigan street May 3 and 4.

1912-6-6 Simon Altschul, photo obit. - - 1912 Simon S. Altschul Passed Away, Aged 73. Photo, St. Regis flats, Second avenue East and Second street, wife, daughter Estella, real estate exchange, development of Duluth, obit.

1912-06-07_2 Marie Mesberg Henry Shandling invites to wedding - - 1912-6-7 Virginia Enterprise: Will Wed On June 30th. Henry Shanedling and Miss Marie Mesberg. Temple Bnai Abraham Sunday June 30th. 6pm. bride is youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Mesberg. groom in mercantile business, young man of unquestioned future. - Virginia Enterprise

1912-6-9 Esther Kernes and David Laskin wed - - -

1912-6-9 B. J. and Alex Summerfield, sale of building - - 1912 Realty Outlook Is Promising. Local and Outside Investment Demand is Now Featuring In Market. Industrial Situation Wins Appreciation. Hillside Residents Hopeful Of Street Railway Extension to Boulevard Coming Soon. Around the Offices. B. J. & Ale Summerfield of Cloquet, the price named being $28,000. Stryker, Manley 7 Buck represented the sellers and P. George Hanson & Sons, the purchasers. Note: An interesting article regarding the continued growth of Duluth in 1912 because of the activity in the ports.

1912-6-9 Harry Kenner, Washington School -

1912-06-11_[5] Karon - DNT - - 1912-6-11 Over Two Hundred Students Finish Work in Grade Schools this Week. Carpenter School: Henry Kaner, Bert Karon-treasurer, Isadore Karon-vice-president, Abraham Shapiro, Jacob Weiss.

1912-06-11_[5] Karon - DNT - - 1912-6-11 Over Two Hundred Students Finish Work in Grade Schools This Week. Carpenter School: Henry Kaner, Bert Karon, Isadore Karon, Abraham Shapiro, Jacob Weiss.

1912-6-12 B. G. Summerfield obit - - 1912 Summerfield, B. G. aged 58 years. Cloquet, Minn. June 12, obit.

1912-6-12 Jacob Cohen - - 1912 Pleads Guilty to Trespass. Jacob Cohen.

1912-6-13 Solomovich chickens -

1912-6-13 Isadore Abrahamson - - 1912 Students' Play Well Received. Industrial High School Present Three-Ac Comedy to Two Big Audiences. Will Receive Diplomas And Quit School today. Meritorious Literary and Musical Program Will Be Feature of Graduation. Isadore Abrahamson (Abramson)

1912-6-13 Solomonvich chickens - - Suffrage Movement Having Its Effect, Solomovich, wife, chickens. -

1912-6-14 Sarah Abrahamson Ely School - - 1912 Grade Schools Turn Out Six Hundred Graduates. Commencement Exercises at Most of Buildings Marks Graduation of Largest Number of Grammar School Children in Duluth's History-Programs Attractive and Well Rendered. - - - Ely School: Sarah Abrahamson - - Jefferson School: Esther Zelda Abrahamson, Ruth Freimuth, Esther Dorothy Levine, Mollie Rudnitzky, Sheba Yesani - - Adams School: Harry Karon, Jennie Winer, Harry Bernard Schneider - - Endion School: Bessie Popkin - - Franklin School: Jacob Garon, Bennie Goldstein, Maurice Fred Lavick - - Washington School: Charlotte Azine, Rose Goldish, Samuel Gotkin, Ida Ruth Kasmir, Bertha Miriam Moscovitch, Allen Rachlin, Ida Ruth Stein, Minnie Myrtle Winer, Marvin Berkson, Rae Leah Cook, Harry Karon, Harry Eli Kenner, Jennie Markus, Bessie Silver, Lean Marion Sonosky, Lizzie Louise Polinsky.

1912-6-14 600 graduates - - Grade Schools Turn Out Six Hundred Graduates -

1912-6-15 Chisholm, Duluth Rabbi -

1912-6-16 Ida Stein, Morris Litman - - 1912 Same clipping, 5th col.: Ida Stein, surprise party, Eva Stein, Rachel Goldstein, Helen Goldman, Louise Polinsky, Eva Andovsky, Mary Siden, Pearl Cohen, Gertrude Cohen, Sophie Shapiro, Rose Kapustin, Lena Ostrov, Kate Barrish, Edith Shapiro, Hiram Stein, Mike Stein, Joe Letman (Litman?) Morris Litman, Ben Litman, Nathan Love, Many Levine, Isadore Shapiro, Solomon Urowsky, Frank Webber. -

1912-06-16 Nathan Love - - 1912-6-16 3rd. col. Ida Stein party, Eva Stein, Rachel Goldseinm Helen Goldman, Louise Polinsky, Eva Andovsky, Mary Siden, Pearl Cohen, Gertrude Cohen, Sophie Shapiro, Rose Kapustin, Lena Ostrov, Kate Barriah, Edith hapiro, Hiram Stein, Mike Stein, Joe Letman, Morris Litman, Ben Litman, Nathan Love, Mandy Levine, Isadore Shapiro, Solomon Urowsky, Frank Webber.

1912-6-18 Henry and Maurce Lavick, piano - - 1912-6-18 Piano Students Will Give Recital Tonight. Henry and Maurice Lavick, violinists.

1912-6-18 Alice F. Natelson and John H. Altman m.l. - - 1912 Marriage License, John H. Altman and Alice F. Natelson. -

1912-6-19 Jacob D. Zien inheritance tax - - 1912 Appraisers Appointed To Fix Inheritanfe Tax. Zien -

1912-6-20 Julius Cook - - 1912 Brought Cash to Court. Julius Cook, saloon keeper at 527 West Michigan street, kept his saloon open on Sunday.

1912-6-21 Mike Polinsky - - Mike Polinsky, cook stove. - - -

1912-6-22 Lavick, Virginia, 4th of July - - 1912 Virginia Plans Gorgeous Event. Committees Plan to Make Fourth Celebration Most Spectacular in Range History. Subscription and Finances: James Lavick.

1912-06-23_7 Mrs F Rabinowitz and daughters attend Brill shower DNT - - 1912-6-23 Virginia: Matinee Party For Soon To-Be-Bride. Mrs. Ben Milavetz, gave part at Lyric theater in honor of her cousin Miss Marietta Sapero of Chisholm who is to be married June 30 to Josia E. Brill, a rising young attorney of Minneapolis. Guests Mrs. S. Sapero, Marietta Sapero, Mrs. F. Rabinowitz and daughters Pauline and Esther Mrs. Bachman from Eau Claire, WI.

1912-6-28 Josiah Eachel Brill and Marlesha Sapero ml. - - 1912 Josiah Eschel Brill and Marlesha Sapero-Minneapolis, marriage license. -

1912-06-28_Ten guests Shandling wedding - - 1912-6-28 Virginia Enterprise: Many guests from other cities already arrived in Virginia to be in attendance at the Shanedling-Mesberg nuptials, to be celebrated at the Bnai Abraham Temple on Sunday evening next. - Virginia Enterprise

1912-6-30 young girls industrial soc - - headline -

1912-6-30 Edith Karon treasurer Young Girl's Industrial Soc -

1912-06-30_4 This is Rose Coran, not Karon - DNT - - 1912-6-30 Note: We already have this one. Miss Rose Karon photo is labeled incorrectly. This is my great aunt Rose Coran Simon. President of Young Girl's Industrial Society. rose Coran president, Ruth Siegel secretary, Edith Karon treasurer, Mary Simon, Ida Berkson, Bessie Simon, and Fanny Weinberg.

1912-7-1 Samuel Abrhamson Missoula, Mont - - 1912 Samuel Abrahamson, resided in West Duluth for 21 years. left for Missoula, Mont., engaged in furniture business. Father M. B. Abrahamson (Abramson).

1912-7-1 Lavick, Shanedling wedding - - 1912 Wedding Was An Elaborate One. Miss Mary Besberg of Virginia Becomes Bride of Henry Shanedling. Mrs. James Lavick, matron of honor.

1912-7-1 Mary Mesberg, wed -

1912-7-2 Chisholm, Mariesha Sapero and Josiah Brill wed, Kantor, Rabinovitz - - 1912 Chisholm, Mariesha Sapero and Josiah E. Brill wed. Rabi Maurice Lefkovits, Range Girl Weds Mill City Man. Sapero-Brill Nuptials at Chisholm Marked by Unusually Beautiful Setting. Simon Sapero, Hazel Sapero, Ester Sapero, Mose Sapero, Abe Sapero, Ester Brill, Pauline Rabinovitz, Louis Kanter, Harry Rabinovitz, Harlan Sapero, -

1912-7-2 Sapero - - 1912 Range Girl Weds Mill City Man. Sapero-Brill Nuptials at Chisholm Marked by Unusually Beautiful Setting. Mr. and Mrs. Simon Sapero, oldest family in Chisholm, Hazel Sapero, Ester Sapero, Mose Sapero, Abe Sapero, Mose Sapero, Pauline Rabinovitz, Louis Kanter, Harry Rabinovitz, Harlan Sapro, Rabbi Maurice Lefkovits. -

1912-7-2 Chisholm, Marlesha Sapero and Josiah E. Brill wedding -

1912-7-2 Chisholm-Marisha Sapero and Josiah E. Brill wedding - - 1912-7-2 Range Girl Weds Mill City Man. Sapero-Brill Nuptials at Chisholm Marked by Unusually Beautiful Setting. Miss Mariesha Sapero to Josiah E. Brill of Minneapolis. Mr. and Mrs. Simon Sapero's daughter. Hazel Sapero flower girl. Esther Sapero maid of honor. Mrs. Mose Sapero matron of honor. Abe Sapero and Mose Sapero best men. Esther Brill, Pauline Raboinovitz. Louis Kanter, Mose Sapero, Harry Rabinovitz, Little Harlan Sapero ring. Rabbi Maurice Lefkovitz of Duluth. Home in Linden Hills, Minneapolis.

1912-07-02_3 Louis Kanter DNT - - 1912-7-2 Chisholm: Range Girl Weds Mill City Man. Sapero-Brill Nuptials, at Chisholm. Marked by Unusually Beautiful Setting. Mariesha Sapero to Josiah E. Brill of Minneapolis. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Simon Sapero, one of the oldest families of Chisholm. Hazel Sapero, briee's sister, Ester Sapero, sister of the bride, Mrs. Mose Sapero matron of honor, Mose best man. , Abe Sapero, best man, Ester Brill, Pauline Rabinovitz, Louis Kanter, Harry Rabinovitz, Harlan Sapero, bride's brother, Rabbi Maurice Lefkovitz of Duluth. Home in Minneapolis.

1912-07-05_2 Mesberg Shandling wedding - - 1912-7-5 Virginia Enterprise: Mesberg-Shanedling. Popular Jewish Young People in Wedlock-Hold Big Reception at North Pole Hall. Marie Mesberg and Henry Shanedling. Marie is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Mesberg and Henry is a member of the firm Shanedling Bros. Bungaloo being built for them on Maple street. Guests: Mr. and Mrs. Chas Lavick, Henry Lavick, Sarah Lavick, Mr. and Mrs. a. H. Polinsky, Mr. and Mrs. Louis Oreck, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Oreck, Mr. and Mrs. K. Sanders, Solomon Sanders, Harry Sanders, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Polinsky, David Frankford, Rabbi and Mrs. Lippleich, Leo Bundy, Leon Ebhart, Duluth; Nellie Cohen-Chicago, Anna Lavick-Chicago, Nathan Niedes-Hibbing, Mr. and Mrs. George Mesberg, Mr. and Mrs. S. Levant, Harry Levant, Florence Shapiro, Mr. and Mrs. Mantel-Eveleth, Miss A. R. Rosenbloom-St. Paul, Mr. and Mrs. Glasner-Chicago, Mrs. J. Barron-St. Paul, M. Rabinovitz, Mr. and Mrs. Rubenstein-Gilbert; Lena Cohen-Superior, Fannie Woolfan-Hibbing. - Virginia Enterprise

1912-7-7 Rose Litman - - 1912 Raphel Goldstein, surprise party, 817 Fourth avenue East, Mr. and Mrs. Goldstein, Mr. and Mrs. Stein, Mr. and Mrs. S. Litman, Mr. and Mrs. S. Shusterman, Mr. and Mrs. J. Shusterman Mrs. G. Sosnovsky, Eva Stein, Ida Stein, Sarah Shusterman, Lena Ostrov, Lena Kerness, Anna Litman, Rose Litman, Celia Singer, Rose Kapustin, Edith Shapiro, Mary Siden, Sophie Shapiro, Perl Cohen, Lena Stein, Gertrude Cohen, Sarah Goldstein, Hannah Kaner, Helen Goldman, Frank Weber, Nathan Love, Himan Stein, Joe Litman, Morris Litman, Ben Goldstein, J. Vronsky, Michael Stein, Benjamin Litman, Mitchell Ostrov, and A. Shusterman -

1912-7-7 Edith Shapiro - - 1912 Edith Shapiro guest at Miss Raphel Goldsein's surprise party. -

1912-7-7 G. Sosnovsky - - 1912 Joseph Sosnovsky, jury

1912-7-7 Lena Cohen - - 1912 3rd col., Miss Raphel Goldstein, surprise party, 817 Fourth avenue East, Mr. and Mrs. Goldstein, Mr. and Mrs. Stein, Mr. and Mrs. S. Litman, Mr. and Mrs. S. Shusterman, Mr. and Mrs. J. Shusterman, Mrs. G. Sosnovsky, Eva Stein, Ida Stein, Sarah Shusterman, Lena Ostrov, Lena Kerness, Anna Litman, Rose Litman, Celia Singer, Roe Kapustin Edith Shapiro, Mary Siden, Sophie Shapiro, Perl Cohen, Lena Stein, Gertrude Cohen, Sarah Goldstein, Hannah Kaner, Helen Goldman, Frank Weber, Nathan Love, Himan Stein, Joe Litman, Morris Litman, Ben Goldstein, J. A. Shusterman.

1912-7-7 Mary Siden - - 1912 Miss Raphel Goldstein, surprise party, 817 Fourth avenue East. Guests: Mr. and Mrs. Goldstein, Mr. and Mrs. Stein, Mr. and Mrs. S. Litman, Mr. and Mrs. S. Shusterman, Mr. and Mrs. J. Shusterman, Mrs. G. Sosnovsky, Eva Stein, Ida Stein, Sarah Shusterman, Lena Ostrov, Lena Kerness, Anna Litman, Rose Litman, Celia Singer, Rose Kapustin, Edith Shapiro, Mary Siden, Sophie Shapiro, Pearl Cohen, Lena Stein, Gertrude Cohen, Sarah Goldstein, Hannah Kaner, Helen Goldman, Frank Weber, Nathan Love, Himan Stein, Joe Litman, Morris Litman, Ben Goldstein, J. Vronsky, Michael Stein, Benjamin Litman, Mitchell Ostrov, and A. Shusterman.

1912-7-7 Miss Raphel Goldstein - - 1912 Miss Raphel Goldstein, 817 Fourth avenue East, Mr. and Mrs. Goldstein, Mr. and Mrs. Stein, Mr. and Mrs. S. Litman, Mr. and Mrs. S. Shusterman, Mr. and Mrs. J. Shusterman, Mrs. G. Sosnovsky, Eva Stein, Ida Stein, Sarah Shusterman, Lena Ostrov, Lena Kerness, Anna Litman, Rose Litman, Celia Singer, Rose Kapustin, Edith Shapiro, Mary Siden, Sophie Shapiro, Pearl Cohen, Lena Stein, Gertrude Cohen, Sarah Goldstein, Hannah Kaner, Helen Goldman, Frank Weber, Nathan Love, Himan Stein, Joe Litman, Morris Litman, Ben Goldstein, J. Vronsky, Michael Stein, Benjamin Litman, Mitchell Ostrov, A. Shusterman.

1912--7-7 Joseph Sosnovsky - - 1912-7-7 (previously incorrect at 1912--4-10) Joseph Sosnovsky - - 1912 Miss Raphel Goldstein, 817 Fourth avenue East, Mr. and Mrs. Goldstein, Mr. and Mrs. Stein, Mr. and Mrs. S. Litman, Mr. and Mrs. S. Shusterman, Mr. and Mrs. J. Shusterman, Mrs. G. Sosnovsky, Eva Stein, Ida Stein, Sarah Shusterman, Lena Ostrov, Lena Kerness, Anna Litman, Rose Litman, Celia Singer, Rose Kapustin, Edith Shapiro, Mary Siden, Sophie Shapiro, Pearl Cohen, Lena Stein, Gertrude Cohen, Sarah Goldstein, Hannah Kaner, Helen Goldman, Frank Weber, Nathan Love, Himan Stein, Joe Litman, Morris Litman, Ben Goldstein, J. Vronsky, Michael Stein, Benjamin Litman, Mitchell Ostrov, A. Shusterman.

1912-7-7 Max Podolsky, permit - - Max Podolsky, permit for residence -

1912-07-07 Nathan Love - - 1912-7-7 3rd. col. Miss Raphel Goldstein party, 817 Fourth avenue East. Mr. and Mrs. Goldstein, Mr. and Mrs. Stein, Mr. and Mrs. S. Litman, Mr. and Mrs. S. Shusterman, Mr. and Mrs. J. Shusterman, Mrs. G. Sosnovsky. Eva Stein, Ida Stein, Sarah Shusterman, Lena Ostrov, Lena Kerness, Anna Litman, Rose Litman, Celia Singer, Rose Kapustin, Edith Shapiro, Mary Sidenm Sophie Shapiro, Pearl Cohen, Lena Stein, Gertrude Cohen, Sarah Goldstein, Hannah Kaner, Helen Goldman, Frank Weber, Nathan Love, Himan Stein, Joe Litman, Morris Litman, Ben Goldstein, J. Vronsky, Mitchell Ostrov, A. Shusterman

1912-7-8 Sarah Abrahamson - - 1912 Program For Ely Class Arranged. School Will Graduate 33 Pupils. Exercises Will Be Held Next Thursday. Myrtle Sarah Abrahamson (Abramson), Myrtle Abramson.

1912-7-12 birth to Mr. and Mrs. Sam Karon -

1912-7-12 Zionism - - 1912-7-12 Talk On Zionism. Max Shulman of Chicago. Ben Horowitz of New York. Knights of Zion. Hebrew synagogue.

1912-7-13 Moses Montefiore, closing exercises - - Hebrew School Exercises, Moses Montefiore Hebrew school -

1912-7-14 Max Shulman, Adas Israel - - Zion Pioneer To Be Honored, Max Shulman Adas Israel -

1912-7-15 Moses Montefiore Hebrew School, Goldish -

1912-7-15 Graduates in Hebrew School - - 1912-7-15 Pupils Graduate In Hebrew School. Four Classes Receive Diplomas in Presence of Congregation of Friend and Relatives. - Adas Israel synagogue Third avenue East and Third street. 150 scholars. Sadie Schnieder, Annie Goldfine, Annie Singer, Sarah Polinski, Lina Albett, Minnie Zimmerman, Eva Cohen, Lillie Weiner, Leola Albert, David Prekoffski, Hirst Rachlin, B. Horowitz, M. Oreck, Joseph Horowitz, G. Cassimir, Harry Levin, J. Usan, Milton Cohen, Oscar Goldstein, D. Jackobs and Theodore Klastzky. Awarded prizes: Harry Levin, Hirst Rachlin, G. Cassimer, M. Oreck, N. Ossinski, J. Usan, Harry Goldish, Sylvester Meyers, Milton Cohen, Lesley Horowitz, Oscar Goldstein, Jacob Goldish, Theodore Klatzky. (Note: To have 150 students in four classes must have been a record for the time.)

1912-07-15 Graduating class Moses Montefiore Hebrew School - - 1912-7-15 Pupils Graduate In Hebrew School. Four Classes Receive Diplomas in Presence of Congregation of Friends and Relatives. Moses Montefiore school, Ada Israel synagogue Third avenue East and Third street.

1912-7-18 Zionists honor Herzl -

1912-07-20 Witz robery - - 1912-7-20 Union Man's Wife Held Up On Street. Two Women Are Victims of Bold Robbery-Thieves Attempt to Get Diamonds. Mrs. Witz, wife of Harry Witz, cigar makers' union. Sister-in-law-Gertrude Witz, 319 East Fifth street. - from Labor World

1912-7-21 Gladys Kenner -

1912-7-21 P. J. Averbrook birth of daughter - - 1912 Mr. and Mrs. P. J. Averbrook, 512 1/2 East Fourth Street, July 12, birth of a daughter.

1912-7-21 Ben Milavitz, meat market murder - - Police Arrest Four Suspects, meat market, Ben Milavitz -

1912-07-21 Cloquet, Ike Markowitz, Commercial Club picnic - - 1912-7-21 Cloquet Folk Plan Big Day. Elaborate Picnic by Commercial Club for Enjoyment of Home People Occurs Aug. 6. Arrangements Are In Hands Of Live Wires. President Cox Appoints Committees to Take Charge of Various Phases of Holiday. Ike Markowitz.

1912-7-23 Pearl Waller party - - 1912 Birthday Surprise party. Miss Dora Sosnovsky, 528 West Fourth street, Miss Lily Cohen, Pearl Waller, Annie Litman, Rosaline Labovitz, Bessie Alpert, Elizbeth Cohen, Bessie Plotkin, Henry Sosnovsky, Morris Labovitz.

1912-7-23 Dora Sosnovsky - - 1912 Birthday Surprise Party, Miss Dora Sosnovsky, 528 West Fourth street, Miss Lily Cohen, Pearl Waller, Annie Litman, rosaline Labovitz, Bessie Alpert, Elizbeth Cohen, Bessie Pltokin, Henry Sosnovsky, Morris Labovitz.

1912-7-23 Glassner, Silbers Biwabik Chicago - - 1912 Mrs. J. H. Silbar, 5 West Fourth street, Mr. and Mrs. M. Glassner-Chicago, formerly of Biwabik.

1912-7-23 B. F. Silverman, Escanaba visiting sister Lurey - - 1912-7-23 B. F. Silverman of Escanaba visiting sister Mrs. H. H. Luery.

1912-7-23 Annie Litman guest - - 1912 Birthday Surprise Party. Dora Sosnovsky, 528 West Fourth Street, Lily Cohen, Pearl Waller, Annie Litman, Rosaline Labovitz, Bessie Albert, Elizabeth Cohen, Bessie Plotkin, Henry Sosnovsky, Morris Labovitz. -

1912-7-24 Louis Smith obit. - - 1912 In Superior, Louis Smith's funeral was arranged by Philanthropic Jewish citizens of Superior

1912-7-24 Louis Smith obit. - - 1912 Funeral Of Accident Victim This Morning. Louis Smith, Great Northern flour docks, obit. Philanthropic Jewish citizens of Superior take care of funeral.

1912-7-24 Sam Karon birth of daughter - -

1912-7-24 Sam Karon, daughter born - - 1912 daughter born to Mr. an Mrs. Sam Karon. 320 West Superior street, July 10

1912-7-24 Louis Smith obit. - - -

1912-7-25 Dora Dorfman visiting brother - - 1912-7-25 Dora Dorfman, Michael Reese hospital, Chicago, guest of brother L. Dorfman, 225 Sixth avenue West.

1912-7-25 G. A. Oreck, eastern markets - - -

1912-7-27 Brainard, Ed Lavant - - 1912 Brainerd Will Declare Holiday For A Picnic. Ed Lavant -

1912-7-28 Eveleth, Sam Ellis, Ellis Bros. dept. store - - 1912 Eveleth: Sam Ellis, Ellis Bros., department store, purchasing merchandise back east. -

1912-07-28 Dorothy Gershgol - - 1912-7-28 Duluth A Health City As Proven By East End Babies. photo Judith Marshall, Dorothy Gershgol

1912-7-30 Passe Temps Klub - - Passe Temps Entertains, Abe Shapiro, Miller, Salnovitz, Popkin, Sosnovsky, Joseph, Rachlin, Oreck, Miller, Zurovsky, Cohen -

1912-07-30 Passe Temps Entertains Abe Salnovitz - - 1912-7-30 Passe Temps Entertains. Abe Shapiro, 115 Mesaba avenue, Abe Miller, Abe Salnovitz, Sam Poplkin, Abe Sosnovsky, Gertie Joseph, Sarah Rachlin, Anna Oreck, Rae Miller, Mary Guinn, Ida Zurovsky, Esther Viener, Henry Cohen

1912-07-30_4 Abe Salnovitz - DNT - - 1912-7-30 Passe Temps Entertains. Abe Shapiro, 115 Mesaba avenue., Abe Miller, Abe Salnovitz, etc.

1912-7-31 Rae and Esther Zurovsky cousins - - 1912-7-31 Personals. Esther Sosnovsky of the Western Union Telegraph company and her cousin Rae Zurovsky have returned from a vacation trip to Minneapolis.

1912-7-31 Esther Sosnovsky - - 1912 Esther Sosnovsky of the Western Union Telegraph company and her cousin Rae Zurovsky have retruned from a vacation trip to Minneapolis.

1912-8-4 Monick Altman confirmation photo - - 1912 Confirmation Feast At The Altman Home, Monick Altman. Mr. and Mrs. J. Altman, 531 West Third street. S. Natelson, Dr. E. Horwitz, J. Altman, Mrs. Altman, J. Oreckovsky, Dr. S. Gross, Harry Altman, Sam Banks, Max Oreckovsky, Isabel Natelson, N. Kriss, D. Davidson, Mrs. J. Oreckovsky, M. Rose, Joe Oreckovsky, Miss S. Marner, L. Charles. -

1912-8-4 Alman confirmation-Horwitz -

1912-8-5 Hibbing. Ben Lippman - - 1912 Duluth Architect For Hibbing Block. Bryan O'Rourke on Third aveue between Center and Pine streets. Occupied by Ben Lippman with a complete department store.