A large collection of newspaper articles from about 1860 thru 1940 related to our ancestors and their communities
in Northern Minnesota, Northern Wisconsin and Upper Michigan is presented on this website.
The articles are mostly from the Duluth newspapers.
The complete index provides open access to more than 5000 news articles in their original format.
This page provides a list of links to those Old Newspaper Articles that mention or are related to the
zzz Family.
These links are also included in the chronologically sorted main list.
There may be others of interest in the main list that are not included here.
A chronological list of links is provided below.
The news article images can be viewed by clicking the links.
The text in the link provides the date and some information.
The images are mostly unedited and in either jpg or pfd format.
If you wish to save (download) an article, right click on the image.
After viewing and/or saving a photo, click on the back button to return to the index.
To search for a word: Hit control & F (for Find) - then type the word in the box and hit "next"