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Jews of Chisholm
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in Northern Minnesota, Northern Wisconsin and Upper Michigan is presented on this website. The articles are mostly from the Duluth newspapers. The complete index provides open access to more than 3000 news articles in their original format.

This page provides a list of links to those Old Newspaper Articles that mention or are related to the Jews of Chisholm.

A chronological list of links is provided below. The news article images can be viewed by clicking the links. The text in the link provides the date and some information. The images are mostly unedited and in either jpg or pfd format. If you wish to save (download) an article, right click on the image. After viewing and/or saving a photo, click on the back button to return to the index.

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Chronological List of Links to News Articles regarding the Jews of Chisholm

1904-10-7 Chisholm, Simon Sapero, Sax and Cohen, theft

1905-8-28 Brith Abraham-Chisholm and Buhl - -
1905 Hibbing Brith Abraham, Chisholm and Buhl, meet at the Power theater.

1906-8-26 Chisholm-Julius Lewis birth of daughter - - 1906-8-26 Chisholm: Born to Mr. and Mrs. Julius Lewis on Thursday, a girl.

1906-10-7 Isaac Lewis Manson store in Buhl - - 1906-10-7 Chisholm: Max Monson and wife have moved to Buhl to take charge of the store of Lewis Bros.

1906-10-7 Isaac Lewis Manson store in Buhl - - 1906-10-7 Chisholm: Work has been commenced on the fitting up of the Karon building recently moved in on Lake street.

1906-12-19 Chisholm, S. B. Groman, grocer

1907-1-1 Chisholm LeDoux Minnie Josephs Karon Glass Block

1907-1-18 Chisholm, Knights of Pythias Karon Hall

1907-1-20 Karon's Hall, Chisholm - - headline

1908-2-22 Chisholm, Lewis Bros., Isaac-drygoods store

1908-5-11 S. Sapers-Chisholm - - 1908 Range People At The Duluth Hotels. S. Sapers-Chisholm

1908-6-4 Chisohm Samuel Lippman - - 1908 Chisholm: Tender Reception To Married Couple. Mr. and Mrs. Meyer Ritt, Karon's hall, merchant, J. Karto-New York city, Mr. and Mrs. W. Simon, J. Kovel, Samuel Lippman-Virginia, D. Dankman-Mountain Iron, Charles Hallock, D. Elias, Mr. and Mrs. Jospeh Miller-Hibbing.

1908-9-7 Chisolm main street - - 1908 A Section Of Main Street, Chisholm

1908-9-9 Chisholm Fire - - 1908 Grand Marais May Be In Ashes; Range Men Fight Grim Battle. Fire was a threat to the small towns on the Range with all the surrounding forest and building made from lumber. Eventually the towns started using brick.

1908-9-20 Chisholm, recovery from fires, Groman, Lewis

1908-9-20 Isaac Lewis ruins from fire - - 1908-9-20 Chisholm: Temporary Chisholm Rises From Its Ruins. Frame Buildings Are Being Erected by Business Men, Who Will Displace Present Structures With Permanent Edifices Next Spring-List of Losses and Insurance-Relief Work. - Brick, stone or cement will replace lumber. Property values hold. Isaac Lewis buys a lot from Dr. Schmidt. Karon brothers will put up a brick structure at Lake street and Central avenue and will also build a double brick structure of one story at the corner of Lake street and Second avenue. Louis Roth is preparing to erect permanent fire-proof buildings immediately.

1908-12-2 Chisholm- Isaac Lewis John Hallock - - 1908-12-2 Chisholm: Sapere & Sons have moved into their new store building and will have the opening this week.

1908-12-2 Chisholm- Isaac Lewis John Hallock - - 1908-12-2 Chisholm: Isaac Lewis will move into his new store building tomorrow. Work on the building was started three weeks ago.

1908-12-2 Chisholm- Isaac Lewis John Hallock - - 1908-12-2 Chisholm: John Hallock will begin work on a two story brick building 25-60 feet this week.

1909-1-27 Sarah Vivian Simon & Harold Weinstein wed - - 1909 Wedding Is Most Elaborate Event. Reception and Sumptuous Feast Follow Simon-Weinstein Marriage Ceremony. Sarah Vivian Simon and Harold Weinstein-Coleraine, 406 East Fifth street, 500 guests, synagogue, corner of Third avenue east and Third street. Sadie Berkson, Bessie Cowl-Minneapolis, Gustie Simon-Gilbert, Sarah Marcus-Minneapolis, Rose Witz-Duluth, Louis Helperin, Al Lieberman-Bovey, Samuel Altman-Chisholm, Isadore Cohen-Chisholm, Robert Simon-Gilbert, Robert Frank, Florence Simon. Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Weinstein-Bovey, Rabbi Tetlitz, Rabbi Kissan. William Abrahamson, Milton Kraus-Chicago, W. L. Millar, Wolf Simon, M. S. Cook, Nathan Kraus-Chicago, Mr. and Mrs. M. Simon-St. Paul, Alice Fegelson-St. Paul, Mrs. S. Orenstein-St. Paul, Marcia Harris-St. Paul, Mrs. Samuel Pavian-St. Paul, Mrs. William Orenstein-Houghton, Mich. Mrs. S. Frank-South Bend, Ind. Mr. and Mrs. D. Simon, Mr. and Mrs. I. Simon-Gilbert, E. J. Sloan-Bessemer, Mich., Dora Canfield-Minneapolis, Sarah Ripstein-Winnipeg. (Big wedding for its time and lots of guests from out of town.)

1909-1-27 Weinstein and Simon wed - - 1909 Wedding Is Most Elaborate Event. Reception and Sumptuous Feast Follow Simon-Weinstein Marriage Ceremony. Sarah Vivian Simon and Harold Weinstein-Coleraine, 406 East Fifth street, 500 guests, synagogue, corner of Third avenue east and Third street. Sadie Berkson, Bessie Cowl-Minneapolis, Gustie Simon-Gilbert, Sarah Marcus-Minneapolis, Rose Witz-Duluth, Louis Helperin, Al Lieberman-Bovey, Samuel Altman-Chisholm, Isadore Cohen-Chisholm, Robert Simon-Gilbert, Robert Frank, Florence Simon. Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Weinstein-Bovey, Rabbi Tetlitz, Rabbi Kissan. William Abrahamson, Milton Kraus-Chicago, W. L. Millar, Wolf Simon, M. S. Cook, Nathan Kraus-Chicago, Mr. and Mrs. M. Simon-St. Paul, Alice Fegelson-St. Paul, Mrs. S. Orenstein-St. Paul, Marcia Harris-St. Paul, Mrs. Samuel Pavian-St. Paul, Mrs. William Orenstein-Houghton, Mich. Mrs. S. Frank-South Bend, Ind. Mr. and Mrs. D. Simon, Mr. and Mrs. I. Simon-Gilbert, E. J. Sloan-Bessemer, Mich., Dora Canfield-Minneapolis, Sarah Ripstein-Winnipeg. (Big wedding for its time and lots of guests from out of town.)

1909-3-10 Sparta, Lazarus Rubenstein1910-5-24 Chisohm, Max Rubenstein1910-5-24 Chisohm, Max Rubenstein - - 1910 Chisholm: Surpise Party. Mrs. I. Lewis, Sapero, Goldenberg, Frisch, Kerness, Max Rubenstein, Bankman, Mr. and Mrs. Sol Rubloff, Mr. and Mrs. Ben Lippman, Mr. and Mrs. L. Helstein, Stulberg brthers, Sam Perstein.

1909-3-18 Chisholm, Rose Witz and Samuel Altman wed - - 1909 Chisholm, Witz-Altman, Rose Witz and Samuel Altman, wed, Rabbi Kissam, Dora Witz, Harry Lipman

1909-3-21 Rose Witz and Samuel Altman wed - - 1909 Chisholm: Rose Witz and Samuel Altman Rabbi Kissam, Dora Witz, Harry Lipman.

1909-5-2 Chisholm Jewish synagogue $12,000

1909-11-23 Chisholm, Manson & Lewis department store fire

1910-2-3 Chisholm-Rita Lewis young child reading - - 1910-2-3 Chisholm Young People Will Give A Concert. Esther Sapero, Rita Lewis.

1910-4-5 Chisholm Esther Lewis Industrial exhibit - - 1910-4-5 Chisholm Scool Exhibit Begin. Work of Students in Industrial Departments Will Be Shown for Three Days. Myers school, Central school, Monroe school. Fanny Ladin. Esther Sapero, Jeanette Lewis.

1910-5-7 Chisohm, M. Karlinsky, 2 yr. old falls - - 1910 Chisholm Babe Falls 22 Feet Second Time. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Drieman, M. Karlinsky store.

1910-5-24 Bankman - - 1910 Chisholm: Surprise Party. Mrs. I. Lewis, Sapero, Goldenberg, Frisch, Kerness, Max Rubenstein, Bankman. Mr. and Mrs. Sol Rubloff-West Duluth. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Lippman and Mr. and Mrs. L. Helstein-Hibbing, Stulberg brothers and Sam Berstein.

1910-6-24 Chisholm-Julius Lewis - - 1910-6-24 News Of The Range. Chisholm Makes Ready For Fourth. Officers for Day Appointed and Program of Sprots Is Arranged. Julius Lewis, S. Sapero, Miss Esther Sapero.

1910-8-17 Chisholm-Julius Lewis & Manson bankruptcy - - 1910-8-17 Carpenters Are Bankrupt. Julius Lewis and Max Manson, copartners doing business as Lewis & Manson at Chisholm yesterday filled a voluntary petition in bankruptcy alleging that as partners they owe $31,152.25.

1910-10-24 Chisholm, Lippman, Hestein, Bankman

1911-1-18 Chisholm, fire, Nathan Karlinsky, variety merchant store - - 1911 Block Burns At Chisholm. Flames Devour Store Quickly and Then Turn Living Apartments to Ashes. Saloon Next To Business Establishment Damaged. People Living Over Mercantile Concern Lose Everything-No Insurance for Them. N. Karlinsky, variety merchant.

1911-9-29 Rose Cohen and Julius Bernstein eng. - - 1911 Rose Cohen and Julius Bernstein-Chisholm, engaged. 911 East Third street, Mr. and Mrs. L. Cohen.

1911-11-3 Lizzie Abrahamson, Chisohm - - 1911 Chisholm Woman Dies. Mrs. Lizzie Abrahamson (Abramson), wife of Isaac Abrahamson (Abramson) obit.

1911-11-6 Bessie Polinsky obit. Rubloff daughter-Chisholm

1911-11-8 Chisholm, assault, Rubloff

1912-2-14 Chisholm, Simon Sapero - - 1912 Chisholm Merchant To Wed In New York. Mr. and Mrs. Simon Sapero father to Maurice Sapero who weds Ida Astow, leading merchant department store Sapero & Sons. Mary Sapero, oldest daughter engaged to be married to man in Minneapolis.

1912-2-14 Chisholm, Maurice Simon and Ida Astow wedding New York

1912-6-15 Chisholm, Duluth Rabbi

1912-7-2 Chisholm, Mariesha Sapero and Josiah Brill wed, Kantor, Rabinovitz - - 1912 Chisholm, Mariesha Sapero and Josiah E. Brill wed. Rabi Maurice Lefkovits, Range Girl Weds Mill City Man. Sapero-Brill Nuptials at Chisholm Marked by Unusually Beautiful Setting. Simon Sapero, Hazel Sapero, Ester Sapero, Mose Sapero, Abe Sapero, Ester Brill, Pauline Rabinovitz, Louis Kanter, Harry Rabinovitz, Harlan Sapero,

1912-7-2 Sapero - - 1912 Range Girl Weds Mill City Man. Sapero-Brill Nuptials at Chisholm Marked by Unusually Beautiful Setting. Mr. and Mrs. Simon Sapero, oldest family in Chisholm, Hazel Sapero, Ester Sapero, Mose Sapero, Abe Sapero, Mose Sapero, Pauline Rabinovitz, Louis Kanter, Harry Rabinovitz, Harlan Sapro, Rabbi Maurice Lefkovits.

1912-7-2 Chisholm, Marlesha Sapero and Josiah E. Brill wedding

1912-8-28 Chisholm, synagogue, 4th Ave. and Walnut

1912-9-12 Chisholm, close stores for Jewish New Year

1912-10-26 Chisholm, synagogue

1912-12-9 Chisohlm- Poor, Winnifred Lewis, Sapero - - 1912-12-9 Chisholm Poor Fund Is Growing. potato admission. Winnifred Lewis, Lewis & Manson store, Sapero & Sons Department store.

1912-12-11 Chisholm, synagogue, carpenters

1912-12-18 Chisholm, Simon Sapera, fall

1912-12-28 Chisholm-Julius Lewis Odd Fellows - - 1912-12-28 Chisholm Eagles And Odd Fellows Elect. Max Manson, Julius Lewis, Simon Sapero.

1912-12-29 Chisholm, ladies entertain, Sapero

1913-1-4 Chisholm, Berstine party, many guests, Groman

1913-1-14 Chisholm, synagogue, Jewish Ladies Aid

1913-1-19 Chisholm,Simon Sapero 25th wedding anniversary

1913-1-28 Chisholm Winnifred Lewis school - - 1913-1-28 Chisholm High School Pupils Have Busy Week. Winnifred Lewis.

1913-2-24 Chisholm-Julius Lewis farm co-op - - 1913-2-24 Hebrews Will Have Big Farm. Cooperative Association Formed to Cut Down High Cost of Living. Propose To Purchase Tract of 1,000 Acres. Merchants of Duluth, Hibbing and St. Paul Subscribe Stock for Venture. Hebrew coloney. M. Viener, A. Y Litman, M. B. Abrhamson, H. Stein, Julius Lewis, J. Vertelney, A. Viener, H. Lippman, M. Sosnovsky, R. Cohen, Sam Stein, M. Even, Sam Vertelney, S. Shusterman, Julius Rivkin.

1913-3-10 Chisholm, S. Sapero, politics

1913-5-9 Chisholm play Jeanette and Winniferd Lewis - - 1913-5-9 Chisholm Class In College Play. High School Seniors Are Planning Production of Three-Act Comedy in May. Winnifred Lewis.

1913-5-17 Chisholm-Winnifred Lewis - - 1913-5-17 Chisholm Grads To Give Playlet. Eighth Grade Students Will Stage "A Little Heroine of the Revolution." Signa Lewis.

1913-5-17 Chisholm- Lillie Cohen - - 1913-5-17 Chisholm High Girls Entertain At Dinner. Lillie Cohen.

1913-6-15 Virginia, Mrs. S. Lippman entertained - - 1913-6-15 Virginia: 1st. col. Mrs. S. Lippman, Lake boulevard entertained, bridge, in honor of Mrs. S. Love and Mrs. E. Distenfeld-Milwaukee, Wis., Mrs. H. Love-Regina, Sask.guests from Chisholm, Eveleth, and Hibbing.

1913-6-15 Chisohlm- Jeannette Lewis photo commencement - - 1913-6-15 Principals On Chisholm's Program Of Commencement Exercises. Miss Jeanette Lewis. Chisholm, Salutatorian of High School Graduating Class, photo.

1913-6-29 Chisholm, synagogue dedication

1913-7-6 Chisholm Esther Lewis joing I. Lewis father home - - 1913-7-6 Chisholm. Esther Lewis, daughter of I. Lewis from Minneapolis. make home in Chisholm.

1913-8-24 Chisholm, photo, Jeanette Lewis, attend Univ Wis-Madison

1913-8-24 Chisohlm- Jeanette Lewis photo - - 1913-8-24 Chisholm Girl to Study at Madison. Miss Jeanette Lewis. photo.

1913-8-24 Esther Lewis - - 1913-8-24 Chisholm. Esther Lewis, daughter of I. Lewis from Minneapolis. make home in Chisholm.

1913-8-24 Goldenberg, Esther Sapero - - 1913-8-24 Chisholm. Mrs. Goldenberg entertained, bridge. Tressa Hummelstein of Minneapolis, Esther Sapero, Pauline Rabinowitz of Eveleth.

1913-8-24 Miss Esther Sapero - - 1913-8-24 Chisholm. Esther Sapero entertained, picnic party. Sadie Levin, Nettie Brill, Tressa Hummelstein of Minneapolis, Jessie Gluckman of Wilminton, Del., Polly Medalie of Gilbert, Esther Sapero, Jeannette Lewis, Lillian Cohen, Fanny Ladin, Dorothy Lewis Ben Marks of Duluth, Waine Medalie of Buhl, Herbert Stollberg, Jake Sachs of Hibbing and Harry Goldenberg.

1913-8-24 Simon Sapero - - 1913-8-24 Chisholm. Mr. and Mrs. Simon Sapero. Mrs. Gluckman and daughter Jessie of Wilmington, Del. guest.

1913-8-26 Chisholm, synagogue near completion

1913-9-21 Full page with six articles - - 1913-9-21 Chisholm: Mrs. Mose Sapero, guest of Mrs. Josiah Brill. - - cropped image

1913-9-21 Full page with six articles - - 1913-9-21 Chisholm: Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Bondy visited Buhl. - - cropped image

1913-11-9 Dorothy and Esther Lewis - - 1913-11-9 Chisholm: Dorothy Lewis visiting Duluth and Superior.

1913-11-9 Dorothy and Esther Lewis - - 1913-11-9 Chisholm: Dorothy Lewis, Esther Lewis, Max Wain, Harry Goldenberg in Hibbing, attended Halloween party given by Lillian Sachs and Sophia Sachs.

1913-11-9 J Schiffers visit S W Goldenberg - - 1913-11-9 Chisholm: J. Schiffers of St. Paul, guest of Mr. and Mrs. S. W. Goldenberg.

1913-12-5 Chisholm, The Little Workers, Bazar

1913-12-5 Chisholm, S. P. Groman, children - - 1913 Chisholm Children Who Were Burned Improving. S. P. Groman.

1913-12-5 Chisholm, S. P. Groman. children improving

1914-1-7 Sadie Fostoff - - 1914 Miss Florence I. Levine, daughter of Mrs. I. Levine, 821 Fourth avenue East, Joseph Edward Davis. Masonic temple. Rev. I. Teplitz, Adas Israel synagogue, Ida Levine, Loy Levine, Anna Levine, Sadie Fostoff, Jack Levine, Michael Levine. Out of town guests: Mr. and Mrs. S. Bernstein-St. Paul, Fanny Scheinbaum-Sioux City, Iowa, Adele Zalk and Mrs. Zalk-St. Paul, Sarah Polin-Minneapolis, Miss Meyers-St. Paul, Mr. and Mrs. S. W. Rubeloff-Chisholm, Mr. and Mrs. D. Nides-Hibbing.

1914-4-12 Chisholm, synagogue, Passover service

1914-4-16 Chisohlm- Hazel Sapero photo - Rita Lewis - - 1914-4-16 Chisholm: Winner. Miss Hazel Sapero, public speaking first place, photo. Rita Lewis took second place last year.

1914-9-20 Chisholm, Jeanette Lewis school - - 1914-9-20 Chisholm Students Depart For Colleges. Jeanette Lewis for Madison, special course in domestic science in the University of Wisconsin.

1914-9-22 Chisholm, Rosh Hashanah 5675

1914-12-30 Chisholm, Modern Woodmen of the World., S. B. Groman

1915-1-3 Eveleth, Solomon Sax, mother's obit. - - 1915 Eveleth: War Causes Death Of Mrs. Sax In Russia. Mother of Soloman Sax of Eveleth Dies at Old Home Nea the Russian Border. obit. widower and one daughter in Russia, Mrs. F. Rabinowitz (daugher)-Eveleth, Max Sax-Chisholm, Lazarus Sax-Chicago, Lazarus Rubenstein-Gilbert.

1915-6-5 Chisholm, B. H. Craine, clothing buying trip to Chicago

1915-6-27 Chisholm, S. Sapero and Sons, rebuild store

1915-7-4 Miss Sapero - - 1915 Teacher and Two Pupils Who Figure In Chisholm Recital. Miss Sapero, photo.

1915-7-10 Buhl, visits Chisholm, Mathew Medalie

1915-8-10 Chisholm, Karlinsky0000 - - 1915 Chisholm: party in Buhl, Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Rovelsky, Peck, Manson, Frumstein, Sapero, Frisch, Friedman, N. Karlinsky, Mcdali, Brill, Hemmelstein, Blucher, Lewis, Goldenberg, Joseph Karlinsky,

1915-9-17 Chisholm Sapero piano recital - - 1915-9-17 Chisholm: piano recital, Hazel Sapero, Harriet Lewis, Molly Sapero, Helen Manson, Ruth Lewis.

1915-10-7 Chisholm, Shapiro and Sons, fire

1915-10-17 Chisholm, Lewis, music

1915-10-25 Chisholm, Winifred Lewis, editor

1915-12-20 Chisholm, dedication, B'nai Zion synagogue

1915-12-22 Chisholm Harlan Sapero high school - - 1915-12-22 Chisholm Schools Close For Holidays. Elaborate Program Is Given By High School Pupils in Auditorium. Walter Lewis. Harlan Sapero, Ruth Lewis, Hazel Sapero.

1916-1-16 Chisholm, Goldenberg

1916-5-8 Chisholm, B'nai Brith Chapter, names

1916-12-22 Chisholm, Moses Hoberman, Hiawatha, and others

1917-6-26 Buhl contribution - - 1917 Red Cross Gets Big Aid On Mesaba Range. Village of Buhl With 2,000 Population Gives More Than $3,000 to Cause. Hibbing Raises $15,0000. Chisholm, Coleraine, Bovey, Eveleth, Virginia, and Keewatin Oversubscribed.

1917-7-22 Mr. M. Shenowsky - - 1917-7-22 Arrange Pleasant Surprise Party. In honro of Mrs. L. Shenowsky, 1208 East Third street. Guests: Mrs. S. Bennett, Mrs. B. Goldish, Mrs. S. Altman, Mrs. H. Bennett, Mrs. J. A. Kohn, Mrs. M. D. Nides, Mrs. C. Lavant, Mrs. H. Lavant, Mrs. J. Lavick, Mrs. N. Garber, Mrs. J. Bernstein, Mrs. M. Steiner, Mrs. L. Levine, Mrs. P. Gallop, Mrs. M. Shenowsky, Mr.s L. Cohen, Mrs. M. Caplov, Mrs. Winner, Mrs. D. Frankfort, Mrs. M. Levine, Miss Eva Cohen, out of town guests: Mrs. J. Wolf-Minneapolis, Mrs. S. Rubloff-Chisholm, Mrs. Levant-Eveleth, Miss Rose Laverross-Chicago.

1917-9-15 Chisholm- Rita Lewis Red Cross music - - 1917-9-15 Women Will Play Baseball For Benefit Of Red Cross. Chisholm's Female Players Will Cross Bats With Farmers at Togo Fair Sunday. Knitters. Rita Lewis on music program.

1917-12-10 Chisholm Bubley and Lewis engagement - - Chisholm: Esther Winifred Lewis and Edward Bubley

1918-4-14 Chisholm, Rita Lewis - - 1918-4-14 Red Cross sGains By School Hops. Chisholm Gives and Mountain Iron Plans Junior-Senior Affairs; Present Tableaux. Mollie Sapero, Rita Lewis-president of the junior class.

1918-5-5 Rita Lewis - - 1918-5-5 First Prize For Speed Goes To Chisholm Girl. other prize winner Rita Lewis.

1918-5-22 Stella and Leonard Summerfield, Red Cross - - 1918 Red Cross Drive Gains Keen Support From Young Folk. Cloquet and Chisholm People Entertained by Efforts of Sons and Daughter at Successful Benefit. Stella Summerfield. Leonard Summerfield.

1918-6-12 Chisholm fund raising - - 1918 Chisholm Claims First; Has %6,000 For Jewish Relief. Leo Sapero-Minneapolis, Simon Sapero-Chisholm, Buhl, Kinney, P. J. and M. A. Medalie, Walter Manson, Sam Rabalski, M. Ladian, M. Minkin.

1918-7-7 Chisohlm - - 1918 Jews Of Chisholm, Hibbing Elect Heads, Talk Of Plans. Hibbing: B'nai Brith. Simon Sapero-Chisholm, Samuel Goldenberg-Hibbing, Charles Hallock-Hibbing, Simon Sapero, Isaac Lewis-Chisholm, Lewis Niles-Hibbing.

1918-7-7 Chisholm-Isaac Lewis & Samuel Lewis-B'nai Brith - - 1918-7-7 Jews Of Chisholm, Hibbing Elect Heads, Talk of Plans. Hibbing: B'nai Brith. Simon Sapero, Samuel Goldenberg, Charles Hallock, Isaac Lewis, Samuel Lewis, Lewis Nides, Benjamin Stone, B. J. Medalie, Maurice Rutstein, Harry Margulis, Harry Goldenberg, Samuel Duho, Maurice Rosenberg.

1918-12-7 Chisholm, Morris Leibovitz, war experiences - -

1919-2-25 Chisholm, Jewish Lodges, veterans, Harry Goldenberg

1919-2-28 Chisholm-Rita and Harriet Lewis debate - - 1919-2-28 Chisholm High School Enters Inter Scholastic Debate. March 8 Will Be Big Day When Contestants From Many Schools Will Be Entertained. Rita Lewis entered declamation contest. Harriet Lewis.

1919-3-6 Chisholm-sisters speaking contest Lewis - - 1919-3-6 District Speaking Contest Will Be Held Saturday. Harriet Lewis, sister of Rita Lewis. Two sisters taking high marks in speaking contest.

1919-3-9 Chisohm, Lewis, Rubenstein - - 1919 Chisholm: Harriet Lewis of Chisholm Is Winner Of Contest. Joe Rubenstein-Gilbert.

1919-3-9 Chisholm, Harriet Lewis, first place

1919-3-14 Chisholm- Rita & Harriet Lewis phtos cousins - - 1919-3-14 Will Represent Chisholm Schools. Harriet Lewis and Rita Lewis, photos, dramatic contest.

1919-4-5 Chisohlm-Rita Lewis school decorations - - 1919-4-5 Simplicity In Decorations Chisholm School Plan. Junior-Senior ball. Rita Lewis president of junior class.

1919-4-6 Chisholm, photo, Harriet Lewis

1919-5-11 Chisholm Rita Lewis representing Chisholm - - 1919-5-11 Represents Chisholm. Rita Lewis, photo.

1919-5-11 Chisholm Rita Lewis typing - - 1919-5-11 Range Students 'Pound Keys' For Spped Records. Eight Schools Are Represented. Miss Mildred Almen of Biwabik Wins Honors. Rita Lewis of Chisholm was third.

1919-5-11 Chisholm-Rita Lewis - full page - - 1919-5-11 (full page - including all the articles from this date)

1919-5-31 Chisholm Rita Lewis photo theater - - 1919-5-31 Chisholm Class To Present 'Fanny And Servant Problem'. Rita Lewis.

1919-7-10 Hibbing - - 1919 Hibbing Zionists Elect Officers. New York Leader UrgesJews to Work For Restoration of Palestine. Hibbing, Dr. H. Grossman-NY, E. W. Wool fan, Rev. R. Gusse, A. Sachs, E. G. Bloom, Charles Hallock, Mrs. Hallock, Louis Holstein, Maurice Wolft, Aron Ballet.Gathering from Chisholm, Buhl, Kinney, Virginia, Duluth, Eveleth.

1919-9-27 Chisholm, Rubloff, Louis Roth

1919-10-16 Chisholm, Louis Roth, Solomon Rubiloff, G. Green

1920-1-16 Chisholm, honors Jennie Groman

1920-2-7 Chisholm, Women's Club, Wain, Goldenberg

1920-2-7 Chisholm Women's Club Rita Lewis Mrs Goldenberg - - 1920-2-7 Chisholm: Chisholm Women's Club. Mrs. M. Wain and Mrs. J. Goldenberg. Rita Lewis.

1920-4-9 Chisholm, Gordon, Bubley, Siegel,Kaner

1920-4-9 Chisholm, Katz, Gordon, Holstein, Kaner, Garber, Siegel, Bubley, Jaffe

1920-4-9 Chisholm, Katz, J. Jaffe, Bubley, Holstein, Kaner, Gordon

1920-4-9 Chisholm, Katz, Jaffe, Bubley, Holstein, Kaner, Gordon - - headline

1920-4-9 ag Chisholm, Gordon, Bubley, Siegel,Kaner, - - 1920 Chisholm - Mrs Sam Katz and guests Mr and Mrs Ben Gordon, Mr and Mrs Paul Holstein, Mr and Mrs J Kaner and Mr and Mrs MW Gordon all of Virginia. Also, Mr and Mrs M Garber, Mr and Mrs M Siegel, Mr and Mrs Ed Bubley and J Jaffe of Hibbing

1920-4-9 Chisholm, Gordon, Bubley, Kaner

1920-12-12 Chisholm, Cigar Maker, Virginia, Nathan Horwitz - - 1920 Chisholm: Cigar Makers' Union Holds Annual Election, Nathan Horwitz, Virginia

1921-1-7 Chisholm, Louis Bernstein, auto theft

1921-3-26 Chisholm, Arnold Manson, brain teaser

1921-4-19 Chisholm, Arnold Manson, brain teaser

1921-4-23 Chisholm, Max Hoberman, citizenship class

1921-5-24 Chisholm, Morris Peck, Ukraine, parents suffering

1921-9-25 Chisohlm-Rita Lewis, Sarah Ravolsky, bridge - - 1921-9-25 Chisholm Girl Hostess at Afternoon Bridge. Rita Lewis. Sarah Ravolsky of Winona.

1921-11-27 Hibbing, Mrs. Benjamin Siegel - - 1921 Hibbing: Forty Guests at Chicken Dinner, Mrs. Benjamin Siegel, E. S. Woolfan, Mrs. N. Sachs Mrs. L. Lewis, Mrs. Samuel Matz-Chisholm.

1922-3-8 Union of American Hebrew congregations - - 1922 Duluth Takes Part in Revivial for Aid of Jewish Religion. Chisholm, Eveleth, Keller, Hurley, Mankato, Virginia an Winona will be visited by rabbis and laymen from St. Paul and Duluth to promote a revival and development of the Jewish religion. Conducted by the Union of American Hebrew congregations. Rabbi Elvin E. Luchs, Alvin I. Freimuth, Rabbi Jacohb I. Meyerovitz, Jacob Dittenhofer.

1922-3-10 Rabbis and laymen for smaller communities - - 1922 Rabbi Offers Nearby Towns Religious Aid. Rabbi Alvin S. Luchs, I. Freimuth, Union of American Hebrew Congregations. Help establish synagogues in Chisholm, Eveleth, Hibbing, Hurley, Mankato, Virginia, and Winona.

1922-3-19 Chisolm, Zionist Club, Hazel Groman - - 1922 Chisholm Zionist Club Has Program at Library. The Young Judean club. Dr. Medalie, Sarah Ladin, Dorothy Miller, Rayna Lewis, Rose Ladin, Lillian Gordon, Sarah Shapiro, Helen Passman, Janet Hoberman, Yale Lewis, Gabriel Borken, Allen Goldenberg, Hazel Groman, Mrs. Mose Shapiro, Eva Manson, Florence Frisch, Grace Peck.

1922-3-19 Chisholm, Young Judean club, Janet Hoberman, others

1922-4-17 Chisholm Louis Press obit. - - 1922 Chisholm Soldier to Be Laid to Rest With Honors. Military funeral for Louis Press, Rabbi Lebendiger, brother of Harry Pres of Hibbing. He met death in action in France, Sept. 15, 1918. One sister, Minnie, brothers Samuel and Elias-Eveleth. Four years later his body is returned for burial.

1922-12-24 Chisholm Lewis - - 1922-12-24 Chisholm School Students Present Christmas Program. Harold Lewis, Rhana Lewis,

1975-08-26-1917-Chisholm-8th-grade - - 1975-8-26 - a photo from the Chisholm Tribune Press, Tuesday, Aug. 26, 1975 of the eighth grade graduating class in 1917. My dad, Sam Walter Lewis, would have been 14 in the spring of 1917 (born October, 1903), so that puts him at about the right age. I am pretty certain that he is the boy at the right end of the front row. Interestingly, Hazel LaLonde, who was in his class and that picture, was the mother of our next-door neighbor mom (Laura LaRiviere) between about 1963 and 1966 in Richland, WA. Hazel and dad often sat nearby each other because they arranged the kids alphabetically. She s in the 2nd row of girls and 7th girl from the left, according to her grand-daughter, Nancy, who is my age. - - Jerry Lewis

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Most articles were researched and submitted by Karen Alpert Entous.
Primary source: GenealogyBank.com

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