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A page in the Family Website for the following Family Names and their Descendents and Friends:
The people indexed on this page have family or family-familiar names and probably Jewish names. They live or lived in the Greater Duluth and Superior region. Although they have not all been connected to our family trees, additional connections will undoubtedly be discovered as our genealogy research continues. The names are listed below in alphabetical order with links to images captured from yearbooks, newspapers and other sources. This page shows the index of names beginning with the letter "L" and includes thumbnails. Click on the links to see the images and then the BACK button to return to this page. This information is also indexed without thumbnails in entirety (A thru Z) on one page. Links are provided below to each letter on the A-to-Z page without thumbnails and to each of the separate by letter pages with thumbnails. |
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Labovitz, F Labovitz, Maurice Labovitz, Rosalind Labovitz, Rosalind news article 1920-4-22 Labovitz, Shana Laden, Esther Laden, Esther Laske, Lillian Laskey, Stanley Laskin, Anita Laskin, Harold Laskin, Sidney Laskin, Sidney G Laskin, Sylvester Laskin, Sylvester Laskowitz, Louis J news article 1918-7-13 Lasky, David Lasky, Kathryn author Lasky, Lillian Lasky, Lillian - violinist news 1919-11-23 Lasky, Lillian 1919-11-23 news article Lasky, Marvin from book by daughter Lasky, Norman Lasky, Sherry Latts, Eleanor Latts, Geraldine Latts, Irvin Laurie, Eleanor Lavich, Donald H Lavick, Bernice Lavick, Harold Lavick, Henry G news 1910-5-15 Lavick, Roderic S Lavick, Roderick, Donald and Charlotte 1922 Lavin, Donald Lavin, Eleanor Lavin, Gladys M Lavine, Betty Ann Marjorie Lavine, Chris Lavine, Kaye Sandra Lavine, Maurice Lavine, Richard Lavine, Sam L Lavine, Vernice Laznick, Riva Leamon, John Leamon, Lois Lee, Robert Lefkovits Maurice Rabbi news article 1916-11-4 Lefkovits, Maurice Rabbi news article 1916-12-2 Lefkovits, Maurice Rabbi Lefkovitz, Herbert Lefkovitz, Maurice Rabbi Lehman, Lilliam Leibovitz, Leona Leipzig, Harvey Monroe obit 1925-2014 Lenchner,Simon Lent, Arthur Lent, Faye Reene Lent, Sherman Levant, Harry - Curling in Eveleth ~1952 Levenson, Betty (Kreiman) Levenson, Jeffrey Mark Levenson, Marshall Levenson, Sherrie Rae Levey, Diane Levey, Dick Levey, Edwin S Levey, Jerome Levey, Jerome Levey, Jerry Levey, Steve Levin, Erma Levin, Erma Levin, Fern. Levin, Hazel Levin, James Levin, Marcia Soloski Levin, Marcia Soloski obit 1921-2010 Levin, Marian Levin, Mildred Levin, Myron Dale Levin, Randi Jo Levine, Alice Levine, Benny Levine, Benny Levine, Beryl Kall Levine, Bessie Levine, Bessie Levine, Betti Levine, Carol Levine, Charles Levine, Chati Levine, Cindy Levine, Clarence Levine, Clarence S Levine, Delores Levine, Denise Levine, Eileen Eisenberg Levine, Emmanuel and Eva Handlovsky Levine, Gary Levine, Gerald Levine, Harry Levine, Helen Levine, Howard Levine, Howard Levine, I L Levine, I L Levine, Irene Levine, Jack Levine, Jane Levine, Jane Sandra Levine, Jeff Levine, Jennifer Levine, Joan S Levine, Jocelyn Levine, Joe Levine, Joelyn Marcha Levine, Joyanne K Levine, Kathy E Levine, Lee Levine, LeRoy Sam Levine, Linda Levine, Lori Levine, Lynette Levine, Lynn Levine, Marian Levine, Marla Levine, Mary Levine, Mervyn Levine, Michael obit 1959 age 66 Levine, Mickey Levine, Morris Levine, Morris Levine, Morton Levine, Ralph Levine, Ralph Levine, Raymond Anton Levine, Raymond Anton Levine, Rhonda Levine, Richard Levine, Robert Levine, Robert Levine, Robert Levine, Rosalie Levine, Sadie Levine, Sharon Lynn Levine, Susan L Levine, Tamara Levine, Tammy Levine, Victor Vigder Levine, William Levine, William. Levine, Wm Levine, Yale Levine, Zelman Levinson, Chap Burto E Levinson, Doris Levinson, Harry JFN 1978-3 profile Levinson, Sherman Levy, Arthur Levy, Mandel Levy, Morris Lewenstein, Abraham Lewis, Harriet (Miss) Lichterman, Steve Lichterman, Susan Licterman, Phillip M Lieberman, Abbot Lieberman, Arthur Lieberman, J Leslie Lieberman, Marvin Lieberman, Steven Liebowitz, Ben Liebowitz, Dave Lippman, Benjamin M Lippman, Benjamin M Lippman, Ernest Lippman, Milton Lisman, Sara Litman Herman Litman, Allan Litman, Anna Litman, Anna Litman, Barbara Susan Litman, Cynthia Litman, Cynthia Litman, Cynthia Faith Litman, Edward Litman, Felix Litman, Felix from Alize Wine Litman, Gary Litman, Gayle Judith Litman, Harriet Litman, Hy - Curling in Eveleth ~1952 Litman, Hyman Litman, Hyman. Litman, Jack Litman, Jack Litman, Jack - WWII Litman, Jack - HS grad Litman, Jack - Judge Litman, Jack J Litman, Jack J Litman, Jay Litman, Mara Litman, Maurice Litman, Morris Litman, Norman Litman, Norman Litman, Norman Litman, Philip Litman, Philip Litman, Richard Litman, Rick Litman, Robert Litman, Ross Litman, S J Litman, Sam Litman, Sam Litman, Samuel N Dr 1979-10 JFN obit Litman, Shirley Litman, Stanley Litman, Stanley WWII by Al Grady Litman, Stephen Litman, Theodore Loeb, Anne N Loewus, Frank A Loewus, James D London, Bernice London, Carol London, Conrad E London, Ellis London, Ervin London, Lorraine London, Lorraine London, Lorraine R London, Mabel London, Mabel London, Margaret London, Marilyn London, Marvin London, Mickey S London, Morris London, Morris London, Nathan London, Rita Lou London, Rose 1980-1 JFN profile London, Sam London, Sam London, Sam Long, Jeff Long, Jeffrey Long, Sherman Love, Hyman. Lowry, Dick Lurye, Byron Lurye, Constance Lurye, Rose Lurye, Ruth (Edelstein) |
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