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<br><br> <font color="blue"> .................. <B> A   </B> ..................   &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </font><font size="1"><A HREF="#top">top of this index</A> &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <A HREF="#bottom">bottom of this index</A> &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <A HREF="OtherFamiliesA.html">Letter "A" thumbnail page</A>  <A Name="A"></A></font><font size="2"> <br><font color="blue" size="3"> .................. <B> A   </B> ..................   &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </font><font size="1"><A HREF="#top">top of list</A> &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <A HREF="#bottom">bottom</A><A Name="A"></A></font><font size="2"> <BR><BR>    - A - - Z -    
<br><br> Aarons, Ruby - - Duluth Central High School yearbook - - 1929 - - <font  size="1"> married to Martin Goodfriend, daughter of Isadore & Betty Solomon Aarons </font> - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Aarons, Ruby dchs 1929.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Aarons, Ruby <BR><BR> Duluth Central High School yearbook - - 1929 <BR> married to Martin Goodfriend, daughter of Isadore & Betty Solomon Aarons <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Aarons, Ruby dchs 1929.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Aarons, Ruby dchs 1929.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Abrahamson, Isaac - - Newspaper article - -  1901-11-24 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Abrahamson, Isaac news 1901-11-24.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Abrahamson, Isaac <BR><BR> Newspaper article - -  1901-11-24 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Abrahamson, Isaac news 1901-11-24.jpg">larger image</A> </TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Abrahamson, Isaac news 1901-11-24.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   news 160 200 0.8 120 150
<br><br> Abrahamson, W. M. news 1914-10-2 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Abrahamson, W. M. news 1914-10-2.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Abrahamson, W. M. news 1914-10-2 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Abrahamson, W. M. news 1914-10-2.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Abrahamson, W. M. news 1914-10-2.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Abram, William - - Duluth Central High School yearbook - - 1933 - - <font  size="1">  married to Eleanor Azine, son of Isaac & Carolyn Banov Abram </font> - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Abram, William dchs 1933.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Abram, William <BR><BR> Duluth Central High School yearbook - - 1933 <BR>  married to Eleanor Azine, son of Isaac & Carolyn Banov Abram <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Abram, William dchs 1933.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Abram, William dchs 1933.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Abram, William - - Duluth Denfeld HS - 1933 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Abram, William - - Duluth Denfeld HS - 1933.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Abram, William<BR><BR>Duluth Denfeld High School yearbook - 1933 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Abram, William - - Duluth Denfeld HS - 1933.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Abram, William - - Duluth Denfeld HS - 1933.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   yearbook 120 150
<br><br> Abram, William E   - - Served in World War II  - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Abram, William E wwii.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Abram, William E <BR><BR> Served in World War II <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Abram, William E wwii.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Abram, William E wwii.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   wwii 160 200 0.8 120 150
<br><br> Abram, William E Major   - - Served in World War II - - Photos and Information -  (adg) - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Abram, William E Major  WWII adg.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Abram, William E Major  <BR><BR> Served in World War II (adg) <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Abram, William E Major  WWII adg.jpg">photos and information</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Abram, William E Major  WWII adg.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   Al Grady 120 150
<br><br> Abramams, Henry (Mrs) - - Newspaper article - -  1912-2-25 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Abramams, Henry Mrs news 1912-2-25.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Abramams, Henry (Mrs) <BR><BR> Newspaper article - -  1912-2-25 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Abramams, Henry Mrs news 1912-2-25.jpg">larger image</A> </TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Abramams, Henry Mrs news 1912-2-25.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   news 160 200 0.8 120 150
<br><br> Abramson, Arlene  - - Duluth Denfeld High School - -  1952   - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Abramson, Arlene ddhs 1952.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Abramson, Arlene <BR><BR> Duluth Denfeld High School - -  1952   <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Abramson, Arlene ddhs 1952.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Abramson, Arlene ddhs 1952.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Abramson, Cheryl - - Duluth Central High School yearbook - - 1959 - Sophomore year - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Abramson, Cheryl 1959 dchs soph.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Abramson, Cheryl - - Duluth Central High School yearbook - - 1959 - Sophomore year <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Abramson, Cheryl 1959 dchs soph.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Abramson, Cheryl 1959 dchs soph.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Abramson, Fannie  - -  Virginia High School yearbook  - -  1928 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Abramson, Fannie vhs 1928.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Abramson, Fannie  <BR><BR>   Virginia High School yearbook   - - 1928 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Abramson, Fannie vhs 1928.jpg">full text and image at hi res</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Abramson, Fannie vhs 1928.jpg" width="267" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   yearbook 267 150 1.78
<br><br> Abramson, Frank attorney - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Abramson, Frank attorney.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Abramson, Frank attorney <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Abramson, Frank attorney.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Abramson, Frank attorney.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Abramson, George - - biography - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Abramson, George history.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Abramson, George - - biography <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Abramson, George history.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Abramson, George history.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Abramson, Israel  - -  Virginia High School yearbook  - -  1926 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Abramson, Israel vhs 1926.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Abramson, Israel  <BR><BR>   Virginia High School yearbook   - - 1926 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Abramson, Israel vhs 1926.jpg">full text and image at hi res</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Abramson, Israel vhs 1926.jpg" width="267" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   yearbook 267 150 1.78
<br><br> Abramson, Lana  - - Duluth Central High School yearbook - -  1966  - sophomore - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Abramson, Lana dchs 1966 sophomore.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Abramson, Lana  <BR><BR> Duluth Central High School yearbook - -  1966  - sophomore <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Abramson, Lana dchs 1966 sophomore.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Abramson, Lana dchs 1966 sophomore.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Abramson, Linda - -   Duluth East High School  - - 1964 - - <font  size="1"> married to Edward Heilman, daughter of Palmer & Evelyn Ruth Abramson, Abramson tree </font> - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Abramson, Linda dehs 1964.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Abramson, Linda<BR><BR>  Duluth East High School yearbook - - 1964 <BR> married to Edward Heilman, daughter of Palmer & Evelyn Ruth Abramson, Abramson tree <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Abramson, Linda dehs 1964.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Abramson, Linda dehs 1964.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Abramson, Michael Jerome  - -  Duluth East High School yearbook  - -  1968 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Abramson, Michael Jerome dehs 1968.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Abramson, Michael Jerome    <BR><BR>   Duluth East High School yearbook   - - 1968 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Abramson, Michael Jerome dehs 1968.jpg">full text and image at hi res</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Abramson, Michael Jerome dehs 1968.jpg" width="267" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   yearbook 267 150 1.78
<br><br> Abramson, Minnie   - -  Duluth Central High School yearbook  - - 1918 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Abramson, Minnie 1918 DCSH.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Abramson, Minnie <BR><BR>  Duluth Central High School - - 1918 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Abramson, Minnie 1918 DCSH.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Abramson, Minnie 1918 DCSH.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Abramson, Wesley - - Duluth East High School yearbook - - 1963 - Sophomore year - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Abramson, Wesley 1963 dehs soph.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Abramson, Wesley - - Duluth East High School yearbook - - 1963 - Sophomore year <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Abramson, Wesley 1963 dehs soph.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Abramson, Wesley 1963 dehs soph.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Adelson, Arthur   - - Served in World War II  - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Adelson, Arthur wwii.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Adelson, Arthur <BR><BR> Served in World War II <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Adelson, Arthur wwii.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Adelson, Arthur wwii.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   wwii 160 200 0.8 120 150
<br><br> Adelson, Charles   - - Served in World War II  - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Adelson, Charles wwii.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Adelson, Charles <BR><BR> Served in World War II <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Adelson, Charles wwii.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Adelson, Charles wwii.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   wwii 160 200 0.8 120 150
<br><br> Alpert, Isadore - - Duluth Central High School yearbook - - 1927 - - <font  size="1"> married to Lillian Steinberg, son of Isaac & Lena Batonic Alpert </font> - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Alpert, Isadore dchs 1927.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Alpert, Isadore <BR><BR> Duluth Central High School yearbook - - 1927 <BR> married to Lillian Steinberg, son of Isaac & Lena Batonic Alpert <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Alpert, Isadore dchs 1927.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Alpert, Isadore dchs 1927.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Alpert, Isadore Izzy  - -  obit 1910-2006 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Alpert, Isadore Izzy obit 1910-2006.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Alpert, Isadore Izzy  <BR><BR>  obit 1910-2006 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Alpert, Isadore Izzy obit 1910-2006.jpg">full text and image at hi res</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Alpert, Isadore Izzy obit 1910-2006.jpg" width="267" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   267 150
<br><br> Alpert, Mark  - - Duluth East  High School yearbook - -  9th 1957 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Alpert, Mark dehs 9th 1957.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Alpert, Mark  <BR><BR> Duluth East  High School yearbook - -  9th 1957 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Alpert, Mark dehs 9th 1957.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Alpert, Mark dehs 9th 1957.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Alpert, Sandra - UMD yearbook - sophomore - 1961 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Alpert, Sandra - UMD sophomore - 1961.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Alpert, Sandra  <BR><BR> UMD yearbook - sophomore - 1961 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Alpert, Sandra - UMD sophomore - 1961.jpg">full text and image at hi res</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="center" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Alpert, Sandra - UMD sophomore - 1961.jpg" width="267" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   yearbook 267 150
<br><br> Alpert, Sheila   - -  Duluth Central High School yearbook  - 1956 junior   - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Alpert, Sheila dchs 1956 junior.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Alpert, Sheila <BR> Duluth Central High School yearbook  - 1956 junior   <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Alpert, Sheila dchs 1956 junior.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Alpert, Sheila dchs 1956 junior.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>  
<br><br> Alpert, Shella  - - Duluth Central High School yearbook -  1957 - - daughter of Isadore Alpert & Lillian Steinberg - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Alpert, Shella dchs 1957.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Alpert, Shella  <BR> Duluth Central High School yearbook -  1957 <BR> daughter of Isadore Alpert & Lillian Steinberg <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Alpert, Shella dchs 1957.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Alpert, Shella dchs 1957.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Alpert, Virginia  - - Duluth Denfeld High School - -  1954 - - daughter of Joseph Alpert (maybe) - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Alpert, Virginia ddhs 1954.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Alpert, Virginia <BR><BR> Duluth Denfeld High School - -  1954 <BR> daughter of Joseph Alpert (maybe) <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Alpert, Virginia ddhs 1954.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Alpert, Virginia ddhs 1954.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Altman, Allan  - - Duluth Central High School yearbook -  -  1938 - - Oreck tree - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Altman, Allan dchs 1938.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Altman, Allan <BR><BR>  Duluth Central High School yearbook -  -  1938 <BR> Oreck tree <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Altman, Allan dchs 1938.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Altman, Allan dchs 1938.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Altman, Anita - - Duluth Central High School yearbook - - 1946 junior - - Ralph Altman's sister, on my LItman-Altman tree - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Altman, Anita dchs 1946 junior.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Altman, Anita <BR><BR>  Duluth Central High School yearbook - - 1946 junior <BR> Ralph Altman's sister, on my LItman-Altman tree <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Altman, Anita dchs 1946 junior.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Altman, Anita dchs 1946 junior.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Altman, Bessie   - -  Duluth Central High School yearbook  - - 1918 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Altman, Bessie 1918 DCSH.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Altman, Bessie <BR><BR>  Duluth Central High School - - 1918 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Altman, Bessie 1918 DCSH.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Altman, Bessie 1918 DCSH.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Altman, Diane   - -  Duluth East High School yearbook  - -  1970 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Altman, Diane dehs 1970.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Altman, Diane  <BR><BR>  Duluth East High School yearbook  - -  1970 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Altman, Diane dehs 1970.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Altman, Diane dehs 1970.jpg" width="267" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   yearbook 144 180 0.8 120 150
<br><br> Altman, Eric T  - - Superior High School yearbook  - 1988 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Altman, Eric T shs 1988.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Altman, Eric T    <BR><BR>  Superior High School yearbook -  1988 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Altman, Eric T shs 1988.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Altman, Eric T shs 1988.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Altman, Gail Best Girl Mixer  - - Duluth Central High School yearbook  - 1945 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Altman, Gail Best Girl Mixer dchs 1945.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Altman, Gail  (Best Girl Mixer)   <BR><BR>  Duluth Central High School yearbook -  1945 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Altman, Gail Best Girl Mixer dchs 1945.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Altman, Gail Best Girl Mixer dchs 1945.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Altman, George  - - Duluth Central High School yearbook  - 1915 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Altman, George dchs 1915.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Altman, George    <BR><BR>  Duluth Central High School yearbook -  1915 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Altman, George dchs 1915.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Altman, George dchs 1915.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Altman, George T  - - news photo - -  1916-12-3 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Altman, George T news photo 1916-12-3.jpg">photo with text</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Altman, George T <BR><BR> News photo - -  1916-12-3 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Altman, George T news photo 1916-12-3.jpg">photo with text</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Altman, George T news photo 1916-12-3.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Altman, Harry news 1916-6-10 wins scholarship - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Altman, Harry news 1916-6-10 wins scholarship.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Altman, Harry news 1916-6-10 wins scholarship <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Altman, Harry news 1916-6-10 wins scholarship.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Altman, Harry news 1916-6-10 wins scholarship.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Altman, Harry news 1918-3-20 wins commission - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Altman, Harry news 1918-3-20 wins commission.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Altman, Harry news 1918-3-20 wins commission <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Altman, Harry news 1918-3-20 wins commission.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Altman, Harry news 1918-3-20 wins commission.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Altman, Irving   - - Served in World War II  - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Altman, Irving wwii.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Altman, Irving <BR><BR> Served in World War II <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Altman, Irving wwii.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Altman, Irving wwii.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   wwii 160 200 0.8 120 150
<br><br> Altman, Irving  - - Duluth Central High School yearbook -  -  1938 - - Oreck tree - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Altman, Irving dchs 1938.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Altman, Irving <BR><BR>  Duluth Central High School yearbook -  -  1938 <BR> Oreck tree <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Altman, Irving dchs 1938.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Altman, Irving dchs 1938.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Altman, Louis  - - Duluth Central High School yearbook  - 1915 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Altman, Louis dchs 1915.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Altman, Louis    <BR><BR>  Duluth Central High School yearbook -  1915 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Altman, Louis dchs 1915.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Altman, Louis dchs 1915.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Altman, Mary  - - Duluth Central High School yearbook  - 1915 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Altman, Mary dchs 1915.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Altman, Mary    <BR><BR>  Duluth Central High School yearbook -  1915 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Altman, Mary dchs 1915.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Altman, Mary dchs 1915.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Altman, Milton - - Duluth Central High School yearbook - - 1934 - - <font  size="1"> married to Helen Horwitz, son of Harry & Chaialeah Cohen Altman, Oreck tree </font> - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Altman, Milton dchs 1934.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Altman, Milton <BR><BR> Duluth Central High School yearbook - - 1934 <BR> married to Helen Horwitz, son of Harry & Chaialeah Cohen Altman, Oreck tree <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Altman, Milton dchs 1934.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Altman, Milton dchs 1934.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Altman, Monick  - - Newspaper article - -  1912-8-4 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Altman, Monick news 1912-8-4.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Altman, Monick   <BR><BR> Newspaper article - - 1912-8-4 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Altman, Monick news 1912-8-4.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Altman, Monick news 1912-8-4.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   news 160 200 0.8 120 150
<br><br> Altman, Monick - - Duluth Central High School yearbook - 1917 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Altman, Monick dchs 1917.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Altman, Monick <BR><BR> Duluth Central High School yearbook - 1917 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Altman, Monick dchs 1917.jpg">larger image / more info</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Altman, Monick dchs 1917.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Altman, Philip   - -  Duluth Central High School yearbook  - - 1914 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Altman, Philip 1914 DCHS.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Altman, Philip <BR><BR>  Duluth Central High School yearbook - - 1914 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Altman, Philip 1914 DCHS.jpg">full text and image at hi res</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Altman, Philip 1914 DCHS.jpg" width="267" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   267 150
<br><br> Altman, Philip  - - Newspaper article - -  1920-11-19 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Altman, Philip news 1920-11-19.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Altman, Philip   <BR><BR> Newspaper article - - 1920-11-19 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Altman, Philip news 1920-11-19.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Altman, Philip news 1920-11-19.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   news 160 200 0.8 120 150
<br><br> Altman, Philip news article 1920-11-19 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Altman, Philip news article 1920-11-19.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Altman, Philip news article 1920-11-19 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Altman, Philip news article 1920-11-19.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Altman, Philip news article 1920-11-19.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Altman, Richard  - -  Duluth Central High School yearbook  - -  1943 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Altman, Richard dchs 1943.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Altman, Richard  <BR><BR>   Duluth Central  High School yearbook   - - 1943 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Altman, Richard dchs 1943.jpg">full text and image at hi res</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Altman, Richard dchs 1943.jpg" width="267" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   yearbook 267 150 1.78
<br><br> Altman, Sandra  - - Duluth Central High School yeabook - -  1951   - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Altman, Sandra dchs 1951.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Altman, Sandra <BR><BR>  Duluth Central High School yeabook - -  1951   <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Altman, Sandra dchs 1951.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Altman, Sandra dchs 1951.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Altman, Sharon  - - Superior High School yearbook  - 1984 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Altman, Sharon shs 1984.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Altman, Sharon    <BR><BR>  Superior High School yearbook -  1984 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Altman, Sharon shs 1984.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Altman, Sharon shs 1984.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Altman, Susan  - - Superior High School yearbook  - 1988 class of 90 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Altman, Susan shs 1988 class of 90.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Altman, Susan    <BR><BR>  Superior High School yearbook -  1988 class of 90 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Altman, Susan shs 1988 class of 90.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Altman, Susan shs 1988 class of 90.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Altman, Thomas Joseph  - - Superior Central High School yearbook - -  1954 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Altman, Thomas Joseph schs 1954.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Altman, Thomas Joseph  <BR><BR> Superior Central High School yearbook - -  1954 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Altman, Thomas Joseph schs 1954.jpg">image with text at higher res</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Altman, Thomas Joseph schs 1954.jpg" width="267" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   267 150
<br><br> Altschul, Simon  - - Newspaper article - 1912-6-6 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Altschul, Simon news 1912-6-6.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Altschul, Simon   <BR><BR>  Newspaper article - 1912-6-6 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Altschul, Simon news 1912-6-6.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Altschul, Simon news 1912-6-6.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Ansell, Archie   - - Served in World War II  - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Ansell, Archie wwii.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Ansell, Archie <BR><BR> Served in World War II <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Ansell, Archie wwii.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Ansell, Archie wwii.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   wwii 160 200 0.8 120 150
<br><br> Ansell, Barton   - - Served in World War II  - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Ansell, Barton wwii.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Ansell, Barton <BR><BR> Served in World War II <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Ansell, Barton wwii.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Ansell, Barton wwii.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   wwii 160 200 0.8 120 150
<br><br> Ansell, Bruce D - -  Superior High School yearbook - - 1972 - - son of David Ansell - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Ansell, Bruce D shs 1972.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Ansell, Bruce D<BR><BR> Superior High School yearbook - - 1972 <BR> son of David Ansell <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Ansell, Bruce D shs 1972.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Ansell, Bruce D shs 1972.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Ansell, David   - - Served in World War II  - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Ansell, David wwii.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Ansell, David <BR><BR> Served in World War II <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Ansell, David wwii.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Ansell, David wwii.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   wwii 160 200 0.8 120 150
<br><br> Ansell, David - -  Superior Central High School yearbook - - 1939   - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Ansell, David schs 1939.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Ansell, David<BR><BR> Superior Central High School yearbook - - 1939   <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Ansell, David schs 1939.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Ansell, David schs 1939.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Ansell, Karen - -   Superior High School yearbook - - 1970 - - <font  size="1"> married to Michael Hoover, daughter of David & Kathryn Ansell </font> - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Ansell, Karen shs 1970.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Ansell, Karen<BR><BR>  Superior High School yearbook - - 1970 <BR> married to Michael Hoover, daughter of David & Kathryn Ansell <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Ansell, Karen shs 1970.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Ansell, Karen shs 1970.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Ansell, Sherman   - - Superior Central  High School yearbook  - -  1955 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Ansell, Sherman schs 1955.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Ansell, Sherman  <BR><BR>  Superior Central  High School yearbook - -  1955 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Ansell, Sherman schs 1955.jpg">full text and image at hi res</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Ansell, Sherman schs 1955.jpg" width="267" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   yearbook 267 150 1.78
<br><br> Arnold, Jack  - - Duluth Central High School yeabook - -  1950 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Arnold, Jack dchs 1950.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Arnold, Jack <BR><BR>  Duluth Central High School yeabook - -  1950 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Arnold, Jack dchs 1950.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Arnold, Jack dchs 1950.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Arons, Leonard   - -  Duluth Central High School yearbook  - - 1914 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Arons, Leonard 1914 DCHS.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Arons, Leonard <BR><BR>  Duluth Central High School yearbook - - 1914 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Arons, Leonard 1914 DCHS.jpg">full text and image at hi res</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Arons, Leonard 1914 DCHS.jpg" width="267" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   267 150
<br><br> Aronson, Robert - -  Superior East High School yearbook - - 1945   - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Aronson, Robert sehs 1945.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Aronson, Robert<BR><BR> Superior East High School yearbook - - 1945   <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Aronson, Robert sehs 1945.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Aronson, Robert sehs 1945.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Averbook, Adele - - Superior High School yearbook - -  1930 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Averbook, Adele shs 1930.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Averbook, Adele <BR><BR> Superior High School yearbook  - - 1930 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Averbook, Adele shs 1930.jpg">full text and image at hi res</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Averbook, Adele shs 1930.jpg" width="267" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   yearbook 267 150 1.78
<br><br> Averbook, Ahnu Lu  - -  Superior Central High School yearbook  - -  1936 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Averbook, Ahnu Lu schs 1936.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Averbook, Ahnu Lu  <BR><BR>   Superior Central  High School yearbook   - - 1936 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Averbook, Ahnu Lu schs 1936.jpg">full text and image at hi res</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Averbook, Ahnu Lu schs 1936.jpg" width="267" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   yearbook 267 150 1.78
<br><br> Averbook, Aneta - - Superior Central High School yearbook - -  1925 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Averbook, Aneta schs 1925.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Averbook, Aneta <BR><BR> Superior Central High School yearbook  - - 1925 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Averbook, Aneta schs 1925.jpg">full text and image at hi res</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Averbook, Aneta schs 1925.jpg" width="267" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   yearbook 267 150 1.78
<br><br> Averbook, Barbara Bibby - - Superior Central High School yearbook - 1944 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Averbook, Barbara Bibby schs 1944.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Averbook, Barbara Bibby <BR><BR> Superior Central High School yearbook - 1944 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Averbook, Barbara Bibby schs 1944.jpg">larger image / more info</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Averbook, Barbara Bibby schs 1944.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Averbook, Beryl   - - Served in World War II  - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Averbook, Beryl wwii.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Averbook, Beryl <BR><BR> Served in World War II <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Averbook, Beryl wwii.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Averbook, Beryl wwii.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   wwii 160 200 0.8 120 150
<br><br> Averbook, Beryl Dave  - -  Superior Central High School yearbook  - -  1938 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Averbook, Beryl Dave schs 1938.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Averbook, Beryl Dave  <BR><BR>   Superior Central  High School yearbook   - - 1938 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Averbook, Beryl Dave schs 1938.jpg">full text and image at hi res</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Averbook, Beryl Dave schs 1938.jpg" width="267" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   yearbook 267 150 1.78
<br><br> Averbook, Jo Ellen - -   Duluth East High School  - - 1964 - - <font  size="1"> married to Michael Ostrow, daughter of Samuel & Vallian Coll Averbook, on Oreck tree </font> - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Averbook, Jo Ellen dehs 1964.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Averbook, Jo Ellen<BR><BR>  Duluth East High School yearbook - - 1964 <BR> married to Michael Ostrow, daughter of Samuel & Vallian Coll Averbook, on Oreck tree <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Averbook, Jo Ellen dehs 1964.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Averbook, Jo Ellen dehs 1964.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Averbook, Joseph M  - - news photo - -  1917-11-20 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Averbook, Joseph M news photo 1917-11-20.jpg">photo with text</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Averbook, Joseph M <BR><BR> News photo - -  1917-11-20 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Averbook, Joseph M news photo 1917-11-20.jpg">photo with text</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Averbook, Joseph M news photo 1917-11-20.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Averbook, Miriam  - -  Superior Central High School yearbook  - -  1940 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Averbook, Miriam schs 1940.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Averbook, Miriam  <BR><BR>   Superior Central  High School yearbook   - - 1940 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Averbook, Miriam schs 1940.jpg">full text and image at hi res</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Averbook, Miriam schs 1940.jpg" width="267" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   yearbook 267 150 1.78
<br><br> Averbook, Nathan   - - Served in World War II  - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Averbook, Nathan wwii.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Averbook, Nathan <BR><BR> Served in World War II <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Averbook, Nathan wwii.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Averbook, Nathan wwii.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   wwii 160 200 0.8 120 150
<br><br> Averbook, Phyllis   - - Served in World War II  - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Averbook, Phyllis wwii.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Averbook, Phyllis <BR><BR> Served in World War II <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Averbook, Phyllis wwii.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Averbook, Phyllis wwii.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   wwii 160 200 0.8 120 150
<br><br> Averbook, Phyllis Elaine  - -  Duluth Central High School yearbook  - -  1941 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Averbook, Phyllis Elaine dchs 1941.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Averbook, Phyllis Elaine  <BR><BR>   Duluth Central  High School yearbook   - - 1941 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Averbook, Phyllis Elaine dchs 1941.jpg">full text and image at hi res</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Averbook, Phyllis Elaine dchs 1941.jpg" width="267" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   yearbook 267 150 1.78
<br><br> Averbook, Ronnie - - Duluth East High School yearbook - -  1951 eighth   - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Averbook, Ronnie dehs 1951 eighth.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Averbook, Ronnie <BR><BR> Duluth East High School yearbook - -  1951 eighth   <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Averbook, Ronnie dehs 1951 eighth.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Averbook, Ronnie dehs 1951 eighth.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Averbrook, Anita  - -  Duluth Central High School yearbook - -  1926 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Averbrook, Anita dchs 1926.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Averbrook, Anita  <BR><BR> Duluth Central High School yearbook - -  1926 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Averbrook, Anita dchs 1926.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Averbrook, Anita dchs 1926.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Averbrook, David  - - Duluth Central High School yearbook  - 1928 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Averbrook, David dchs 1928.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Averbrook, David    <BR><BR>  Duluth Central High School yearbook -  1928 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Averbrook, David dchs 1928.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Averbrook, David dchs 1928.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Averbrook, Marshall Roniel - - Duluth East High School  - - 1955 - - <font  size="1"> married to Marcia Malkes, son of Samuel & Val Coll Averbook, Oreck tree </font> - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Averbrook, Marshall Roniel dehs 1955.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Averbrook, Marshall Roniel <BR><BR> Duluth East High School yearbook - - 1955 <BR> married to Marcia Malkes, son of Samuel & Val Coll Averbook, Oreck tree <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Averbrook, Marshall Roniel dehs 1955.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Averbrook, Marshall Roniel dehs 1955.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Azine, Harold   - - Served in World War II  - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Azine, Harold wwii.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Azine, Harold <BR><BR> Served in World War II <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Azine, Harold wwii.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Azine, Harold wwii.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   wwii 160 200 0.8 120 150
<br><br> Azine, Nathan - -  Duluth Central High School yearbook - - 1918 - - son of Louis & Jennie Josefow Azine - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Azine, Nathan dchs 1918.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Azine, Nathan<BR><BR> Duluth Central High School yearbook - - 1918 <BR> son of Louis & Jennie Josefow Azine <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Azine, Nathan dchs 1918.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Azine, Nathan dchs 1918.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Azine, Nathan - - Duluth Central High School yearbook - - 1918 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Azine, Nathan 1918 dchs.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Azine, Nathan - - Duluth Central High School yearbook - - 1918 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Azine, Nathan 1918 dchs.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Azine, Nathan 1918 dchs.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Azine, Samuel A  - - Newspaper article - -  1918-10-13 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Azine, Samuel A news 1918-10-13.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Azine, Samuel A   <BR><BR> Newspaper article - - 1918-10-13 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Azine, Samuel A news 1918-10-13.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Azine, Samuel A news 1918-10-13.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   news 160 200 0.8 120 150
<br><br> Azuz, Marvin   - - Served in World War II  - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Azuz, Marvin wwii.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Azuz, Marvin <BR><BR> Served in World War II <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Azuz, Marvin wwii.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Azuz, Marvin wwii.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   wwii 160 200 0.8 120 150
<br><br> Azuz, Roni - -   Duluth East High School yearbook - - 1964 - - <font  size="1"> married to Bill Spauling,  daughter of Marvin & Shirley Bubli Azuz </font> - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Azuz, Roni dehs 1964.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Azuz, Roni<BR><BR>  Duluth East High School yearbook - - 1964 <BR> married to Bill Spauling,  daughter of Marvin & Shirley Bubli Azuz <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Azuz, Roni dehs 1964.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Azuz, Roni dehs 1964.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> <font color="blue"> .................. <B> B   </B> ..................   &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </font><font size="1"><A HREF="#top">top of this index</A> &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <A HREF="#bottom">bottom of this index</A> &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <A HREF="OtherFamiliesB.html">Letter "B" thumbnail page</A> <A Name="B"></A></font><font size="2"> <br><font color="blue" size="3"> .................. <B> B   </B> ..................   &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </font><font size="1"><A HREF="#top">top of list</A> &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <A HREF="#bottom">bottom</A><A Name="B"></A></font><font size="2"> <BR><BR>    - A - - Z -    
<br><br> Baresh, Meyer 1978-11 JFN profile - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Baresh, Meyer 1978-11 JFN profile.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Baresh, Meyer 1978-11 JFN profile <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Baresh, Meyer 1978-11 JFN profile.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Baresh, Meyer 1978-11 JFN profile.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Barkeovich, Leo   - - Served in World War II  - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Barkeovich, Leo wwii.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Barkeovich, Leo <BR><BR> Served in World War II <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Barkeovich, Leo wwii.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Barkeovich, Leo wwii.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   wwii 160 200 0.8 120 150
<br><br> Barkovech, Badonna  - - Superior High School yearbook -  1930   - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Barkovech, Badonna shs 1930.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Barkovech, Badonna  <BR> Superior High School yearbook -  1930   <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Barkovech, Badonna shs 1930.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Barkovech, Badonna shs 1930.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Barkovech, Esther - - Superior High School yearbook - - 1921 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Barkovech, Esther 1921 shs.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Barkovech, Esther - - Superior High School yearbook - - 1921 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Barkovech, Esther 1921 shs.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Barkovech, Esther 1921 shs.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Baron, Eva Mae  - -  Virginia Roosevelt   High School yearbook  - -  1938 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Baron, Eva Mae vrhs 1938.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Baron, Eva Mae  <BR><BR>   Virginia Rooselelt  High School yearbook   - - 1938 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Baron, Eva Mae vrhs 1938.jpg">full text and image at hi res</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Baron, Eva Mae vrhs 1938.jpg" width="267" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   yearbook 267 150 1.78
<br><br> Baron, Ida  - -  Virginia Roosevelt   High School yearbook  - -  1932 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Baron, Ida vrhs 1932.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Baron, Ida  <BR><BR>   Virginia Rooselelt  High School yearbook   - - 1932 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Baron, Ida vrhs 1932.jpg">full text and image at hi res</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Baron, Ida vrhs 1932.jpg" width="267" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   yearbook 267 150 1.78
<br><br> Barr, Mike - - Superior State College yearbook - 1933 (Gitche Gumee Staff) - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Barr, Mike 1933 SSTC Gitche Gumee Staff.jpg">image</A> - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/MI/Barr, Mike 1933 SSTC Gitche Gumee Staff.jpg">more</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Barr, Mike  <BR><BR>  Superior State College yearbook - 1933 (Gitche Gumee Staff) <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Barr, Mike 1933 SSTC Gitche Gumee Staff.jpg">larger image</A> - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/MI/Barr, Mike 1933 SSTC Gitche Gumee Staff.jpg">more information</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Barr, Mike 1933 SSTC Gitche Gumee Staff.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Bear, Arielle Nicole & Geoffrey Aaron Bloom 2011-1-11 AJW - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Bear, Arielle Nicole & Geoffrey Aaron Bloom 2011-1-11 AJW.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Bear, Arielle Nicole & Geoffrey Aaron Bloom 2011-1-11 AJW <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Bear, Arielle Nicole & Geoffrey Aaron Bloom 2011-1-11 AJW.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Bear, Arielle Nicole & Geoffrey Aaron Bloom 2011-1-11 AJW.jpg" width="208" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   208 150
<br><br> Bear, Harry   - - Served in World War II  - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Bear, Harry wwii.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Bear, Harry <BR><BR> Served in World War II <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Bear, Harry wwii.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Bear, Harry wwii.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   wwii 160 200 0.8 120 150
<br><br> Bender, Paul J - Rabbi - 1940 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Bender, Paul J - Rabbi - 1940.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Bender, Paul J - Rabbi - 1940 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Bender, Paul J - Rabbi - 1940.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Bender, Paul J - Rabbi - 1940.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   news 120 150
<br><br> Berdie, Ralph - - Duluth Central High School yearbook - - 1934 - - <font  size="1"> married to Frances Strong, son of Sydney & Enid Freimuth Berdie, </font> - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Berdie, Ralph dchs 1934.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Berdie, Ralph <BR><BR> Duluth Central High School yearbook - - 1934 <BR> married to Frances Strong, son of Sydney & Enid Freimuth Berdie, <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Berdie, Ralph dchs 1934.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Berdie, Ralph dchs 1934.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Berg, Clara  - -  Duluth Central High School yearbook -  1913 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Berg, Clara dchs 1913.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Berg, Clara   <BR><BR>   Duluth Central High School yearbook -  1913 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Berg, Clara dchs 1913.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Berg, Clara dchs 1913.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Berg, Emma  - -  Duluth Central High School yearbook -  1913 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Berg, Emma dchs 1913.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Berg, Emma   <BR><BR>   Duluth Central High School yearbook -  1913 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Berg, Emma dchs 1913.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Berg, Emma dchs 1913.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Bergal, Bernard   - - Served in World War II  - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Bergal, Bernard wwii.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Bergal, Bernard <BR><BR> Served in World War II <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Bergal, Bernard wwii.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Bergal, Bernard wwii.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   wwii 160 200 0.8 120 150
<br><br> Bergal, Diane   - -  Duluth Central High School yearbook  - 1956 junior   - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Bergal, Diane dchs 1956 junior.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Bergal, Diane <BR> Duluth Central High School yearbook  - 1956 junior   <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Bergal, Diane dchs 1956 junior.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Bergal, Diane dchs 1956 junior.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>  
<br><br> Bergal, Dianne  - - Duluth Central High School yearbook -  1957 - - daughter of Jack Bergal & Jennie Lent - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Bergal, Dianne dchs 1957.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Bergal, Dianne  <BR> Duluth Central High School yearbook -  1957 <BR> daughter of Jack Bergal & Jennie Lent <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Bergal, Dianne dchs 1957.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Bergal, Dianne dchs 1957.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Bergal, Edythe - - Duluth Central High School  - - 1934 - - <font  size="1"> married to Harold Cohen, daughter of Harry & Bessie Fishman Bergal, Cohen tree </font> - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Bergal, Edythe dchs 1934.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Bergal, Edythe <BR><BR> Duluth Central High School yearbook - - 1934 <BR> married to Harold Cohen, daughter of Harry & Bessie Fishman Bergal, Cohen tree <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Bergal, Edythe dchs 1934.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Bergal, Edythe dchs 1934.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Bergal, Harry   - - Served in World War II  - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Bergal, Harry wwii.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Bergal, Harry <BR><BR> Served in World War II <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Bergal, Harry wwii.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Bergal, Harry wwii.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   wwii 160 200 0.8 120 150
<br><br> Bergal, Jan - - Duluth East High School yearbook -  1961 junior - - daughter of Jack Bergal & Jennie Lent - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Bergal, Jan 1961dehs junior.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Bergal, Jan <BR> Duluth East High School yearbook -  1961 junior <BR> daughter of Jack Bergal & Jennie Lent <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Bergal, Jan 1961dehs junior.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Bergal, Jan 1961dehs junior.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Bergal, Janet - - Duluth East High School yearbook - - 1962 - - <font  size="1"> </font> - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Bergal, Janet dehs 1962.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Bergal, Janet <BR><BR> Duluth East High School yearbook - - 1962 <BR> <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Bergal, Janet dehs 1962.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Bergal, Janet dehs 1962.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Bergal, Jennie L - - obit photo - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Bergal, Jennie L obit photo.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Bergal, Jennie L <BR><BR> obit photo <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Bergal, Jennie L obit photo.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Bergal, Jennie L obit photo.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Bergal, Phil   - - Served in World War II  - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Bergal, Phil wwii.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Bergal, Phil <BR><BR> Served in World War II <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Bergal, Phil wwii.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Bergal, Phil wwii.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   wwii 160 200 0.8 120 150
<br><br> Bergal, Phyllis  - - Duluth Central High School yeabook - -  1959 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Bergal, Phyllis dchs 1959.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Bergal, Phyllis <BR><BR>  Duluth Central High School yeabook - -  1959 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Bergal, Phyllis dchs 1959.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Bergal, Phyllis dchs 1959.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Bergal, Phyllis  - - Duluth Central High School yearbook -  1957 sophomore - -
daughter of Phillip Bergal & Mary Byers
- - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Bergal, Phyllis dchs 1957 sophomore.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Bergal, Phyllis  <BR> Duluth Central High School yearbook -  1957 sophomore <BR>
daughter of Phillip Bergal & Mary Byers
<P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Bergal, Phyllis dchs 1957 sophomore.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Bergal, Phyllis dchs 1957 sophomore.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Bergal, Phyllis - - Duluth Central High School yearbook -  1958 junior - - daughter of Phillip Bergal & Mary Byers - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Bergal, Phyllis dchs 1958 junior.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Bergal, Phyllis <BR> Duluth Central High School yearbook -  1958 junior <BR> daughter of Phillip Bergal & Mary Byers <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Bergal, Phyllis dchs 1958 junior.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Bergal, Phyllis dchs 1958 junior.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Bergal, Ruth Roberta Seftz - - obituary photo - 2009 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Bergal, Ruth Roberta Seftz - obit photo - 2009.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Bergal, Ruth Roberta Seftz  <BR><BR>  obituary photo - 2009 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Bergal, Ruth Roberta Seftz - obit photo - 2009.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Bergal, Ruth Roberta Seftz - obit photo - 2009.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Berger, Alphild - - Superior High School yearbook - 1927 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Berger, Alphild shs 1927.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Berger, Alphild <BR><BR> Superior High School yearbook - 1927 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Berger, Alphild shs 1927.jpg">larger image / more info</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Berger, Alphild shs 1927.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Berger, Beatrice   - -  Duluth Central  High School yearbook  - -  1944 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Berger, Beatrice dchs 1944.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Berger, Beatrice  <BR><BR>  Duluth Central  High School yearbook - -  1944  <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Berger, Beatrice dchs 1944.jpg">full text and image at hi res</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Berger, Beatrice dchs 1944.jpg" width="267" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   yearbook 267 150
<br><br> Berger, Mark - - Duluth East High School yearbook - - 1963 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Berger, Mark 1963 dehs.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Berger, Mark - - Duluth East High School yearbook - - 1963 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Berger, Mark 1963 dehs.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Berger, Mark 1963 dehs.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Berger, Morris - -  Duluth Central High School yearbook - - 1918 - - married to Marie Azine - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Berger, Morris dchs 1918.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Berger, Morris<BR><BR> Duluth Central High School yearbook - - 1918 <BR> married to Marie Azine <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Berger, Morris dchs 1918.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Berger, Morris dchs 1918.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Berger, Morris - - obituary - - 1988 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Berger, Morris - obituary - 1988.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Berger, Morris <BR><BR>  Obituary - - 1988 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Berger, Morris - obituary - 1988.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Berger, Morris - obituary - 1988.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   news 120 150
<br><br> Berger, Nancy Jean  - - Duluth Central High School yeabook - -  1951 - - now goes by Sissi, daughter of Al & Rose Bergstein - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Berger, Nancy Jean dchs 1951.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Berger, Nancy Jean <BR><BR>  Duluth Central High School yeabook - -  1951 <BR> now goes by Sissi, daughter of Al & Rose Bergstein <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Berger, Nancy Jean dchs 1951.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Berger, Nancy Jean dchs 1951.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Berger, Phil - - Duluth Central High School yearbook - - 1925   - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Berger, Phil dshs 1925.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Berger, Phil <BR><BR> Duluth Central High School yearbook - - 1925   <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Berger, Phil dshs 1925.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Berger, Phil dshs 1925.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Berger, Robert O   - - Served in World War II  - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Berger, Robert O wwii.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Berger, Robert O <BR><BR> Served in World War II <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Berger, Robert O wwii.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Berger, Robert O wwii.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   wwii 160 200 0.8 120 150
<br><br> Berger, Sarah - - Duluth Central High School yearbook - - 1929 - - <font  size="1"> Sally married to Friedenson, daughter of Ben & Freda Katz Berger </font> - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Berger, Sarah dchs 1929.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Berger, Sarah <BR><BR> Duluth Central High School yearbook - - 1929 <BR> Sally married to Friedenson, daughter of Ben & Freda Katz Berger <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Berger, Sarah dchs 1929.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Berger, Sarah dchs 1929.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Berger, Theodore D   - - Served in World War II  - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Berger, Theodore D wwii.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Berger, Theodore D <BR><BR> Served in World War II <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Berger, Theodore D wwii.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Berger, Theodore D wwii.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   wwii 160 200 0.8 120 150
<br><br> Bergher, Alfred   - - Served in World War II  - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Bergher, Alfred wwii.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Bergher, Alfred <BR><BR> Served in World War II <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Bergher, Alfred wwii.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Bergher, Alfred wwii.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   wwii 160 200 0.8 120 150
<br><br> Bergher, Newton   - - Served in World War II  - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Bergher, Newton wwii.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Bergher, Newton <BR><BR> Served in World War II <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Bergher, Newton wwii.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Bergher, Newton wwii.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   wwii 160 200 0.8 120 150
<br><br> Bergman, Elmer  - -  Virginia Roosevelt   High School yearbook  - -  1932 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Bergman, Elmer vrhs 1932.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Bergman, Elmer  <BR><BR>   Virginia Rooselelt  High School yearbook   - - 1932 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Bergman, Elmer vrhs 1932.jpg">full text and image at hi res</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Bergman, Elmer vrhs 1932.jpg" width="267" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   yearbook 267 150 1.78
<br><br> Bergstein, Harriet  - - Duluth Central High School yeabook - -  1951   - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Bergstein, Harriet dchs 1951.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Bergstein, Harriet <BR><BR>  Duluth Central High School yeabook - -  1951   <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Bergstein, Harriet dchs 1951.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Bergstein, Harriet dchs 1951.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Bergstein, Sherman   - - Served in World War II  - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Bergstein, Sherman wwii.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Bergstein, Sherman <BR><BR> Served in World War II <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Bergstein, Sherman wwii.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Bergstein, Sherman wwii.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   wwii 160 200 0.8 120 150
<br><br> Berkley, Nancy - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Berkley, Nancy.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Berkley, Nancy <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Berkley, Nancy.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Berkley, Nancy.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   misc 120 150
<br><br> Berkowitz, Adeline Addy - - Superior Central High School yearbook - 1944 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Berkowitz, Adeline Addy schs 1944.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Berkowitz, Adeline Addy <BR><BR> Superior Central High School yearbook - 1944 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Berkowitz, Adeline Addy schs 1944.jpg">larger image / more info</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Berkowitz, Adeline Addy schs 1944.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Berkowitz, Ben and Sarah & family - 1937 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Berkowitz, Ben and Sarah & family - 1937.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Berkowitz, Ben and Sarah & family - 1937 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Berkowitz, Ben and Sarah & family - 1937.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Berkowitz, Ben and Sarah & family - 1937.jpg" width="275" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   275 150
<br><br> Berkowitz, Ben and Sarah & sons - 1925 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Berkowitz, Ben and Sarah & sons - 1925.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Berkowitz, Ben and Sarah & sons - 1925 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Berkowitz, Ben and Sarah & sons - 1925.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Berkowitz, Ben and Sarah & sons - 1925.jpg" width="292" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   292 150
<br><br> Berkowitz, Edith Eadie  - - Duluth Central High School yeabook - -  1951   - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Berkowitz, Edith Eadie dchs 1951.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Berkowitz, Edith Eadie <BR><BR>  Duluth Central High School yeabook - -  1951   <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Berkowitz, Edith Eadie dchs 1951.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Berkowitz, Edith Eadie dchs 1951.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Berkowitz, Hanna - - Superior High School yearbook - 1927 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Berkowitz, Hanna shs 1927.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Berkowitz, Hanna <BR><BR> Superior High School yearbook - 1927 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Berkowitz, Hanna shs 1927.jpg">larger image / more info</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Berkowitz, Hanna shs 1927.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Berkowitz, Howard  - - Duluth Central High School yeabook - -  1955 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Berkowitz, Howard dchs 1955.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Berkowitz, Howard <BR><BR>  Duluth Central High School yeabook - -  1955 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Berkowitz, Howard dchs 1955.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Berkowitz, Howard dchs 1955.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Berkowitz, Howard Mark  - -  Superior Central High School yearbook  - -  1961 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Berkowitz, Howard Mark schs 1961.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Berkowitz, Howard Mark  <BR><BR>   Superior Central  High School yearbook   - - 1961 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Berkowitz, Howard Mark schs 1961.jpg">full text and image at hi res</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Berkowitz, Howard Mark schs 1961.jpg" width="267" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   yearbook 267 150 1.78
<br><br> Berkowitz, Julius - - Superior High School yearbook - 1927 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Berkowitz, Julius shs 1927.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Berkowitz, Julius <BR><BR> Superior High School yearbook - 1927 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Berkowitz, Julius shs 1927.jpg">larger image / more info</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Berkowitz, Julius shs 1927.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Berkowitz, Kenneth   - - Served in World War II  - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Berkowitz, Kenneth wwii.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Berkowitz, Kenneth <BR><BR> Served in World War II <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Berkowitz, Kenneth wwii.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Berkowitz, Kenneth wwii.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   wwii 160 200 0.8 120 150
<br><br> Berkowitz, Peter - - Duluth Central High School yearbook - - 1934 - - <font  size="1"> married to Clara Taradash, son of Barnet & Sarah Siegel Berkowtiz, </font> - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Berkowitz, Peter dchs 1934.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Berkowitz, Peter <BR><BR> Duluth Central High School yearbook - - 1934 <BR> married to Clara Taradash, son of Barnet & Sarah Siegel Berkowtiz, <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Berkowitz, Peter dchs 1934.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Berkowitz, Peter dchs 1934.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Berkowitz, Sam Joseph  - -  Superior Central High School yearbook  - -  1964 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Berkowitz, Sam Joseph schs 1964.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Berkowitz, Sam Joseph  <BR><BR>   Superior Central  High School yearbook   - - 1964 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Berkowitz, Sam Joseph schs 1964.jpg">full text and image at hi res</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Berkowitz, Sam Joseph schs 1964.jpg" width="267" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   yearbook 267 150 1.78
<br><br> Berkowitz, Sandra Kay  - - Superior Central High School yearbook - -  1958 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Berkowitz, Sandra Kay schs 1958.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Berkowitz, Sandra Kay  <BR><BR> Superior Central High School yearbook - -  1958 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Berkowitz, Sandra Kay schs 1958.jpg">image with text at higher res</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Berkowitz, Sandra Kay schs 1958.jpg" width="267" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   267 150
<br><br> Berman, Eleanor  - - Duluth Central High School yearbook -  -  1938   - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Berman, Eleanor dchs 1938.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Berman, Eleanor <BR><BR>  Duluth Central High School yearbook -  -  1938   <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Berman, Eleanor dchs 1938.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Berman, Eleanor dchs 1938.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Berman, Eva  - - Duluth Central High School yearbook -  -  1935 - - married Hyman Litman - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Berman, Eva dchs 1935.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Berman, Eva <BR><BR>  Duluth Central High School yearbook -  -  1935 <BR> married Hyman Litman <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Berman, Eva dchs 1935.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Berman, Eva dchs 1935.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Berman, George - -   Jewish Fellowship News - 1985 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Berman, George 1985 JFN.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Berman, George <BR><BR>   Jewish Fellowship News - 1985 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Berman, George 1985 JFN.jpg">full text and image at hi res</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Berman, George 1985 JFN.jpg" width="267" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   267 150
<br><br> Berman, Harriette  - - Duluth Central High School yearbook  - 1945 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Berman, Harriette dchs 1945.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Berman, Harriette    <BR><BR>  Duluth Central High School yearbook -  1945 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Berman, Harriette dchs 1945.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Berman, Harriette dchs 1945.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Berman, Hyman - - Duluth Central High School yearbook - - 1927 - - <font  size="1"> married to Margaret London, son of Morris & Lena Lavine </font> - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Berman, Hyman dchs 1927.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Berman, Hyman <BR><BR> Duluth Central High School yearbook - - 1927 <BR> married to Margaret London, son of Morris & Lena Lavine <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Berman, Hyman dchs 1927.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Berman, Hyman dchs 1927.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Berman, Isadore   - - Served in World War II  - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Berman, Isadore wwii.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Berman, Isadore <BR><BR> Served in World War II <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Berman, Isadore wwii.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Berman, Isadore wwii.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   wwii 160 200 0.8 120 150
<br><br> Berman, Michael  - -  Jewish Fellowship News - 1985 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Berman, Michael 1985 JFN.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Berman, Michael  <BR><BR>  Jewish Fellowship News - 1985 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Berman, Michael 1985 JFN.jpg">full text and image at hi res</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Berman, Michael 1985 JFN.jpg" width="267" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   267 150
<br><br> Berman, Michael  - - news photo - -  1985 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Berman, Michael news photo 1985.jpg">photo with text</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Berman, Michael <BR><BR> News photo - -  1985 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Berman, Michael news photo 1985.jpg">photo with text</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Berman, Michael news photo 1985.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Berman, Michael S - Historical Note - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Berman, Michael S - Historical Note.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Berman, Michael S - Historical Note <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Berman, Michael S - Historical Note.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Berman, Michael S - Historical Note.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Berman, Michael Stuart  - -  Duluth East High School yearbook  - -  1957 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Berman, Michael Stuart dehs 1957.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Berman, Michael Stuart  <BR><BR> Duluth East High School yearbook  - -  1957 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Berman, Michael Stuart dehs 1957.jpg">full text and image at hi res</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="center" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Berman, Michael Stuart dehs 1957.jpg" width="267" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   yearbook 267 150
<br><br> Berman, Nancy Faye  - -  Duluth East High School yearbook  - -  1968 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Berman, Nancy Faye dehs 1968.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Berman, Nancy Faye    <BR><BR>   Duluth East High School yearbook   - - 1968 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Berman, Nancy Faye dehs 1968.jpg">full text and image at hi res</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Berman, Nancy Faye dehs 1968.jpg" width="267" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   yearbook 267 150 1.78
<br><br> Berman, Sheila  - -  Duluth East High School yearbook  - -  sophomore 1959 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Berman, Sheila dehs sophomore 1959.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Berman, Sheila  <BR><BR> Duluth East High School yearbook  <BR> sophmore 1959 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Berman, Sheila dehs sophomore 1959.jpg">full text and image at hi res</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="center" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Berman, Sheila dehs sophomore 1959.jpg" width="267" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   yearbook 267 150
<br><br> Berman, Sheila - - Duluth East High School yearbook -  1961 - - daughter of George Berman & Betty Stewart - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Berman, Sheila dehs 1961.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Berman, Sheila <BR> Duluth East High School yearbook -  1961 <BR> daughter of George Berman & Betty Stewart <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Berman, Sheila dehs 1961.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Berman, Sheila dehs 1961.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Bernstein, Julie  - -  Duluth East High School yearbook  - -  1969 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Bernstein, Julie dehs 1969.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Bernstein, Julie    <BR><BR>   Duluth East High School yearbook   - - 1969 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Bernstein, Julie dehs 1969.jpg">full text and image at hi res</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Bernstein, Julie dehs 1969.jpg" width="267" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   yearbook 267 150 1.78
<br><br> Bernstein, Marshall - - Duluth Central High School yearbook - - 1948 junior   - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Bernstein, Marshall dchs 1948 juniors.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Bernstein, Marshall <BR><BR>  Duluth Central High School yearbook - - 1948 junior   <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Bernstein, Marshall dchs 1948 juniors.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Bernstein, Marshall dchs 1948 juniors.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Bernstein, Sandi - -   Duluth East High School yearbook - - 1964 - - <font  size="1"> married to Harold Laskin, daughter of Irving & Harriet Laurie Bernstein </font> - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Bernstein, Sandi dehs 1964.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Bernstein, Sandi<BR><BR>  Duluth East High School yearbook - - 1964 <BR> married to Harold Laskin, daughter of Irving & Harriet Laurie Bernstein <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Bernstein, Sandi dehs 1964.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Bernstein, Sandi dehs 1964.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Bernstein, Stephanie Rabbi biography - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Bernstein, Stephanie Rabbi biography.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Bernstein, Stephanie Rabbi biography <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Bernstein, Stephanie Rabbi biography.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Bernstein, Stephanie Rabbi biography.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Binder, Ben   - - Served in World War II  - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Binder, Ben wwii.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Binder, Ben <BR><BR> Served in World War II <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Binder, Ben wwii.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Binder, Ben wwii.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   wwii 160 200 0.8 120 150
<br><br> Binder, Jerry   - - Served in World War II  - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Binder, Jerry wwii.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Binder, Jerry <BR><BR> Served in World War II <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Binder, Jerry wwii.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Binder, Jerry wwii.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   wwii 160 200 0.8 120 150
<br><br> Binder, Lee - - Superior High School yearbook - - 1922 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Binder, Lee 1922 shs.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Binder, Lee - - Superior High School yearbook - - 1922 <BR>  text <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Binder, Lee 1922 shs.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Binder, Lee 1922 shs.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Binder, Nate - - Duluth Central High School yearbook - -  1931 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Binder, Nate dchs 1931.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Binder, Nate <BR><BR> Duluth Central High School yearbook  - - 1931 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Binder, Nate dchs 1931.jpg">full text and image at hi res</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Binder, Nate dchs 1931.jpg" width="267" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   yearbook 267 150 1.78
<br><br> Binder, Nathan   - - Served in World War II  - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Binder, Nathan wwii.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Binder, Nathan <BR><BR> Served in World War II <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Binder, Nathan wwii.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Binder, Nathan wwii.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   wwii 160 200 0.8 120 150
<br><br> Bindler, France - -   Duluth East High School yearbook - - 1964 - - <font  size="1"> daughter of Nathan & Aida Joelson Bindler </font> - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Bindler, France dehs 1964.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Bindler, France<BR><BR>  Duluth East High School yearbook - - 1964 <BR> daughter of Nathan & Aida Joelson Bindler <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Bindler, France dehs 1964.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Bindler, France dehs 1964.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Bindler, Nathan   - -  Duluth Central High School yearbook  - 1956 teacher   - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Bindler, Nathan dchs 1956 teacher.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Bindler, Nathan <BR> Duluth Central High School yearbook  - 1956 teacher   <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Bindler, Nathan dchs 1956 teacher.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Bindler, Nathan dchs 1956 teacher.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>  
<br><br> Birdie, Shirley 1982-10 JFN recipe - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Birdie, Shirley 1982-10 JFN recipe.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Birdie, Shirley 1982-10 JFN recipe <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Birdie, Shirley 1982-10 JFN recipe.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Birdie, Shirley 1982-10 JFN recipe.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Birk, Marty - - Duluth East High School yearbook -  1961 junior - - son of Harold Birk & Lois Casmir - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Birk, Marty 1961dehs junior.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Birk, Marty <BR> Duluth East High School yearbook -  1961 junior <BR> son of Harold Birk & Lois Casmir <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Birk, Marty 1961dehs junior.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Birk, Marty 1961dehs junior.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Blehart, Bruce   - -  Duluth East High School yearbook  - -  1970 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Blehart, Bruce dech 1970.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Blehart, Bruce  <BR><BR>  Duluth East High School yearbook  - -  1970 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Blehart, Bruce dech 1970.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Blehart, Bruce dech 1970.jpg" width="267" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   yearbook 144 180 0.8 120 150
<br><br> Bloom, Dorothy (Dot)   - -  Duluth Central  High School yearbook  - -  1944 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Bloom, Dorothy (Dot) dchs 1944.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Bloom, Dorothy (Dot)  <BR><BR>  Duluth Central  High School yearbook - -  1944 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Bloom, Dorothy (Dot) dchs 1944.jpg">full text and image at hi res</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Bloom, Dorothy (Dot) dchs 1944.jpg" width="267" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   yearbook 267 150
<br><br> Bloom, Harvey Martin  - -  Duluth East High School yearbook  - -  1954 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Bloom, Harvey Martin dehs 1954.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Bloom, Harvey Martin    <BR><BR>   Duluth East High School yearbook   - - 1954 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Bloom, Harvey Martin dehs 1954.jpg">full text and image at hi res</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Bloom, Harvey Martin dehs 1954.jpg" width="267" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   yearbook 267 150 1.78
<br><br> Bloom, Henry  - -  Duluth Central High School yearbook  - -  1942 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Bloom, Henry dchs 1942.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Bloom, Henry  <BR><BR>   Duluth Central  High School yearbook   - - 1942 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Bloom, Henry dchs 1942.jpg">full text and image at hi res</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Bloom, Henry dchs 1942.jpg" width="267" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   yearbook 267 150 1.78
<br><br> Bloom, Jennie - - Duluth Central High School yearbook - - 1927   - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Bloom, Jennie dchs 1927.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Bloom, Jennie <BR><BR> Duluth Central High School yearbook - - 1927   <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Bloom, Jennie dchs 1927.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Bloom, Jennie dchs 1927.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Bloom, Marcella  - -  Duluth Central High School yearbook  - -  1942 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Bloom, Marcella dchs 1942.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Bloom, Marcella  <BR><BR>   Duluth Central  High School yearbook   - - 1942 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Bloom, Marcella dchs 1942.jpg">full text and image at hi res</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Bloom, Marcella dchs 1942.jpg" width="267" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   yearbook 267 150 1.78
<br><br> Bloom, Ruby  - -  Duluth Denfeld   High School yearbook  - -  1937 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Bloom, Ruby ddhs 1937.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Bloom, Ruby  <BR><BR>   Duluth Denfeld  High School yearbook   - - 1937 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Bloom, Ruby ddhs 1937.jpg">full text and image at hi res</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Bloom, Ruby ddhs 1937.jpg" width="267" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   yearbook 267 150 1.78
<br><br> Bloom, Sandra Jane  - - Duluth Central High School yeabook - -  1954 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Bloom, Sandra Jane dchs 1954.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Bloom, Sandra Jane <BR><BR>  Duluth Central High School yeabook - -  1954 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Bloom, Sandra Jane dchs 1954.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Bloom, Sandra Jane dchs 1954.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Bloom, Susan - - Duluth Central High School yearbook - - 1967 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Bloom, Susan 1967 dchs.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Bloom, Susan - - Duluth Central High School yearbook - - 1967 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Bloom, Susan 1967 dchs.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Bloom, Susan 1967 dchs.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Bloom, Sylvia   - -  Duluth Central  High School yearbook  - -  1944 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Bloom, Sylvia dchs 1944.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Bloom, Sylvia  <BR><BR>  Duluth Central  High School yearbook - -  1944 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Bloom, Sylvia dchs 1944.jpg">full text and image at hi res</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Bloom, Sylvia dchs 1944.jpg" width="267" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   yearbook 267 150
<br><br> Bloom, Winnifred  - -  Duluth Central High School yearbook  - -  1943 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Bloom, Winnifred dchs 1943.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Bloom, Winnifred  <BR><BR>   Duluth Central  High School yearbook   - - 1943 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Bloom, Winnifred dchs 1943.jpg">full text and image at hi res</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Bloom, Winnifred dchs 1943.jpg" width="267" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   yearbook 267 150 1.78
<br><br> Blumenthal, Hazel (Miss)   - - Newspaper article - -  1917-12-17 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Blumenthal, Hazel Miss news 1917-12-17.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Blumenthal, Hazel (Miss)   <BR><BR> Newspaper article - - 1917-12-17 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Blumenthal, Hazel Miss news 1917-12-17.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Blumenthal, Hazel Miss news 1917-12-17.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   news 160 200 0.8 120 150
<br><br> Blustin, David  - -  Jewish Fellowship News - 1985 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Blustin, David 1985 JFN.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Blustin, David  <BR><BR>  Jewish Fellowship News - 1985 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Blustin, David 1985 JFN.jpg">full text and image at hi res</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Blustin, David 1985 JFN.jpg" width="267" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   267 150
<br><br> Blustin, Harold   - - Served in World War II  - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Blustin, Harold wwii.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Blustin, Harold <BR><BR> Served in World War II <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Blustin, Harold wwii.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Blustin, Harold wwii.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   wwii 160 200 0.8 120 150
<br><br> Blustin, Harold  - - Duluth Central High School yearbook -  -  1938   - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Blustin, Harold dchs 1938.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Blustin, Harold <BR><BR>  Duluth Central High School yearbook -  -  1938   <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Blustin, Harold dchs 1938.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Blustin, Harold dchs 1938.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Blustin, Robert L   - - Served in World War II  - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Blustin, Robert L wwii.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Blustin, Robert L <BR><BR> Served in World War II <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Blustin, Robert L wwii.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Blustin, Robert L wwii.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   wwii 160 200 0.8 120 150
<br><br> Bondy, Eugene - -  Duluth Central High School yearbook - - 1918   - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Bondy, Eugene dchs 1918.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Bondy, Eugene<BR><BR> Duluth Central High School yearbook - - 1918   <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Bondy, Eugene dchs 1918.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Bondy, Eugene dchs 1918.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Bondy, Miriam  - - Duluth Central High School yearbook  - 1915 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Bondy, Miriam dchs 1915.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Bondy, Miriam    <BR><BR>  Duluth Central High School yearbook -  1915 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Bondy, Miriam dchs 1915.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Bondy, Miriam dchs 1915.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Bondy, Mortimer Morty - -  Duluth Central High School yearbook - - 1911   - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Bondy, Mortimer Morty dchs 1911.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Bondy, Mortimer Morty<BR><BR> Duluth Central High School yearbook - - 1911   <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Bondy, Mortimer Morty dchs 1911.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Bondy, Mortimer Morty dchs 1911.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Bondy, Nellie Weiss  - - 1886 wedding photo - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Bondy, Nellie Weiss 1886 wedding photo.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Bondy, Nellie Weiss  <BR><BR> 1886 wedding photo <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Bondy, Nellie Weiss 1886 wedding photo.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Bondy, Nellie Weiss 1886 wedding photo.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Borken, David   - - Served in World War II  - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Borken, David wwii.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Borken, David <BR><BR> Served in World War II <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Borken, David wwii.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Borken, David wwii.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   wwii 160 200 0.8 120 150
<br><br> Braverman, Nathan J   - - Served in World War II  - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Braverman, Nathan J wwii.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Braverman, Nathan J <BR><BR> Served in World War II <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Braverman, Nathan J wwii.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Braverman, Nathan J wwii.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   wwii 160 200 0.8 120 150
<br><br> Braverman, Nathan Nate - -  Duluth Central High School yearbook - - 1920   - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Braverman, Nathan Nate dchs 1920.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Braverman, Nathan Nate<BR><BR> Duluth Central High School yearbook - - 1920   <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Braverman, Nathan Nate dchs 1920.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Braverman, Nathan Nate dchs 1920.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Braverman, Sam  - - Duluth Central High School yearbook  - 1928 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Braverman, Sam dchs 1928.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Braverman, Sam    <BR><BR>  Duluth Central High School yearbook -  1928 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Braverman, Sam dchs 1928.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Braverman, Sam dchs 1928.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Breitbord, Saul Labe   - -  Duluth Central High School yearbook  - 1956   - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Breitbord, Saul Labe dchs 1956.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Breitbord, Saul Labe <BR> Duluth Central High School yearbook  - 1956   <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Breitbord, Saul Labe dchs 1956.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Breitbord, Saul Labe dchs 1956.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>  
<br><br> Bright, Joseph J - - Univ of Minnesota - Phi Epsilon Pi - 1926 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Bright, Joseph J -1926 - Univ of Minnesota -Phi Epsilon Pi.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Bright, Joseph J - - Univ of Minnesota - Phi Epsilon Pi - 1926 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Bright, Joseph J -1926 - Univ of Minnesota -Phi Epsilon Pi.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Bright, Joseph J -1926 - Univ of Minnesota -Phi Epsilon Pi.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Bright, Leo - Curling in Eveleth ~1952 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Bright, Leo - Curling in Eveleth ~1952.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Bright, Leo - Curling in Eveleth ~1952 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Bright, Leo - Curling in Eveleth ~1952.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Bright, Leo - Curling in Eveleth ~1952.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Bright, Myron Judge and Bill Siegel  - - 2012 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Bright, Myron Judge & Bill Siegel 2012.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Bright, Myron Judge and Bill Siegel  - - 2012 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Bright, Myron Judge & Bill Siegel 2012.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Bright, Myron Judge & Bill Siegel 2012.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Brizer, Ben   - - Served in World War II  - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Brizer, Ben wwii.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Brizer, Ben <BR><BR> Served in World War II <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Brizer, Ben wwii.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Brizer, Ben wwii.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   wwii 160 200 0.8 120 150
<br><br> Brizer, Joe   - - Served in World War II  - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Brizer, Joe wwii.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Brizer, Joe <BR><BR> Served in World War II <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Brizer, Joe wwii.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Brizer, Joe wwii.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   wwii 160 200 0.8 120 150
<br><br> Brizer, Joe 1981-1 JFN profile - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Brizer, Joe 1981-1 JFN profile.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Brizer, Joe 1981-1 JFN profile <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Brizer, Joe 1981-1 JFN profile.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Brizer, Joe 1981-1 JFN profile.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Bronsky, Amy   - -  Superior State Teachers College yearbook -  1933 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Bronsky, Amy 1933 SSTC.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Bronsky, Amy    <BR><BR>   Superior State Teachers College yearbook -  1933 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Bronsky, Amy 1933 SSTC.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Bronsky, Amy 1933 SSTC.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Brusin, Eva - - Duluth Central High School yearbook - -  1922 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Brusin, Eva dchs 1922.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Brusin, Eva <BR><BR> Duluth Central High School yearbook  - - 1922 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Brusin, Eva dchs 1922.jpg">full text and image at hi res</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Brusin, Eva dchs 1922.jpg" width="267" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   yearbook 267 150 1.78
<br><br> Bruzonsky, Charles   - - Served in World War II  - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Bruzonsky, Charles wwii.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Bruzonsky, Charles <BR><BR> Served in World War II <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Bruzonsky, Charles wwii.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Bruzonsky, Charles wwii.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   wwii 160 200 0.8 120 150
<br><br> Bruzonsky, Cherie - -   Jewish Fellowship News - 1985 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Bruzonsky, Cherie 1985 JFN.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Bruzonsky, Cherie <BR><BR>   Jewish Fellowship News - 1985 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Bruzonsky, Cherie 1985 JFN.jpg">full text and image at hi res</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Bruzonsky, Cherie 1985 JFN.jpg" width="267" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   267 150
<br><br> Bruzonsky, Goldie - - Duluth Central High School yearbook - -  1931 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Bruzonsky, Goldie dchs 1931.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Bruzonsky, Goldie <BR><BR> Duluth Central High School yearbook  - - 1931 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Bruzonsky, Goldie dchs 1931.jpg">full text and image at hi res</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Bruzonsky, Goldie dchs 1931.jpg" width="267" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   yearbook 267 150 1.78
<br><br> Bruzonsky, Gordon   - - Served in World War II  - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Bruzonsky, Gordon wwii.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Bruzonsky, Gordon <BR><BR> Served in World War II <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Bruzonsky, Gordon wwii.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Bruzonsky, Gordon wwii.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   wwii 160 200 0.8 120 150
<br><br> Bruzonsky, Miriam 1936 dehs - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Bruzonsky, Miriam 1936 dehs.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Bruzonsky, Miriam 1936 dehs <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Bruzonsky, Miriam 1936 dehs.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Bruzonsky, Miriam 1936 dehs.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Bruzonsky, Myron   - -  Duluth Central High School yearbook  - 1956 junior   - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Bruzonsky, Myron dchs 1956 junior.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Bruzonsky, Myron <BR> Duluth Central High School yearbook  - 1956 junior   <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Bruzonsky, Myron dchs 1956 junior.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Bruzonsky, Myron dchs 1956 junior.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>  
<br><br> Bruzonsky, Myron  - - Duluth Central High School yearbook -  1957 - - son of Abe Bruzonsky & Cherrie Rine - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Bruzonsky, Myron dchs 1957.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Bruzonsky, Myron  <BR> Duluth Central High School yearbook -  1957 <BR> son of Abe Bruzonsky & Cherrie Rine <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Bruzonsky, Myron dchs 1957.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Bruzonsky, Myron dchs 1957.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Bruzonsky, Nathan 1978-12 JFN profile - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Bruzonsky, Nathan 1978-12 JFN profile.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Bruzonsky, Nathan 1978-12 JFN profile <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Bruzonsky, Nathan 1978-12 JFN profile.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Bruzonsky, Nathan 1978-12 JFN profile.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Buchman, Israel - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Buchman, Israel.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Buchman, Israel <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Buchman, Israel.jpg">higher res image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Buchman, Israel.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Buchman, Moe   - - Newspaper article - -  1917-10-30 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Buchman, Moe news 1917-10-30.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Buchman, Moe  <BR><BR> Newspaper article - -  1917-10-30 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Buchman, Moe news 1917-10-30.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Buchman, Moe news 1917-10-30.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   news 160 200 0.8 120 150
<br><br> Buchman, Moe   - - Newspaper article - -  1918-3-24 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Buchman, Moe news 1918-3-24.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Buchman, Moe  <BR><BR> Newspaper article - -  1918-3-24 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Buchman, Moe news 1918-3-24.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Buchman, Moe news 1918-3-24.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   news 160 200 0.8 120 150
<br><br> Buchman, Robert - married in Duluth in 1898 - - <font  size="1">captured  from:   "Descendents of Zalkind Peysakh Zalk" by Michael D. Zalk - Oct 2012</font> - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Buchman, Robert - married in Duluth in 1898.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Buchman, Robert - married in Duluth in 1898 <BR> <font color="blue" size="1">captured with permission from: <BR> "Descendents of Zalkind Peysakh Zalk" by Michael D. Zalk - Oct 2012</font> <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Buchman, Robert - married in Duluth in 1898.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Buchman, Robert - married in Duluth in 1898.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Buchman, Robert - uncle - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Buchman, Robert - uncle.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Buchman, Robert - uncle <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Buchman, Robert - uncle.jpg">higher res image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Buchman, Robert - uncle.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Buchman, Sidney  - -  Duluth Central High School yearbook  - -  1919b - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Bachman, Sidney dchs 1919b.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Buchman, Sidney  <BR><BR>   Duluth Central  High School yearbook   - - 1919b <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Bachman, Sidney dchs 1919b.jpg">full text and image at hi res</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Bachman, Sidney dchs 1919b.jpg" width="267" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   yearbook 267 150 1.78
<br><br> Buchman, Sidney   - - Newspaper article - -  1918-6-6 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Buchman, Sidney news 1918-6-6.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Buchman, Sidney  <BR><BR> Newspaper article - -  1918-6-6 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Buchman, Sidney news 1918-6-6.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Buchman, Sidney news 1918-6-6.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   news 160 200 0.8 120 150
<br><br> Buchman, Sidney  - - Duluth Central High School yearbook - -  1919 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Buchman, Sidney dchs 1919.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Buchman, Sidney  <BR><BR> Duluth Central High School yearbook - -  1919 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Buchman, Sidney dchs 1919.jpg">image with text at higher res</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Buchman, Sidney dchs 1919.jpg" width="267" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   267 150
<br><br> Buchman, Sidney - - Duluth Central High School yearbook - 1919 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Buchman, Sidney dchs 1919b.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Buchman, Sidney <BR><BR> Duluth Central High School yearbook - 1919 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Buchman, Sidney dchs 1919b.jpg">larger image / more info</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Buchman, Sidney dchs 1919b.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Buchman, Sidney Robert - -  1902-1975 - - <font  size="1">captured  from:   "Descendents of Zalkind Peysakh Zalk" by Michael D. Zalk - Oct 2012</font> - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Buchman, Sidney Robert 1902-1975.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Buchman, Sidney Robert - -  1902-1975 <BR> <font color="blue" size="1">captured with permission from: <BR> "Descendents of Zalkind Peysakh Zalk" by Michael D. Zalk - Oct 2012</font> <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Buchman, Sidney Robert 1902-1975.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Buchman, Sidney Robert 1902-1975.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Buchman, Sydney   - - Newspaper article - -  1918-5-19 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Buchman, Sydney news 1918-5-19.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Buchman, Sydney  <BR><BR> Newspaper article - -  1918-5-19 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Buchman, Sydney news 1918-5-19.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Buchman, Sydney news 1918-5-19.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   news 160 200 0.8 120 150
<br><br> Buchman, Sydney   - - Newspaper article - -  1919-2-25 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Buchman, Sydney news 1919-2-25.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Buchman, Sydney   <BR><BR> Newspaper article - - 1919-2-25 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Buchman, Sydney news 1919-2-25.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Buchman, Sydney news 1919-2-25.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   news 160 200 0.8 120 150
<br><br> Buchman, Sydney   - - Newspaper article - -  1919-6-1 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Buchman, Sydney news 1919-6-1.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Buchman, Sydney  <BR><BR> Newspaper article - -  1919-6-1 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Buchman, Sydney news 1919-6-1.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Buchman, Sydney news 1919-6-1.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   news 160 200 0.8 120 150
<br><br> Buckman, Sidney -   - - Newspaper article - - 1919-5-6 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Buckman, Sidney - news 1919-5-6.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Buckman, Sidney -  <BR><BR> Newspaper article - - 1919-5-6 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Buckman, Sidney - news 1919-5-6.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Buckman, Sidney - news 1919-5-6.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   news 120 150
<br><br> Buckman, Sidney - - Zenith City History - Biography - - <A HREF=""  TARGET="articles">Link to Bio</A> - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Buckman, Sidney - zchb.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Buckman, Sidney <BR> Zenith City History - Biography <BR><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF=""  TARGET="articles">Link to Bio</A> <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Buckman, Sidney - zchb.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Buckman, Sidney - zchb.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Burger, Belynda Sue  - -  Superior High School yearbook -  1988 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Burger, Belynda Sue shs 1988.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Burger, Belynda Sue   <BR><BR>   Superior High School yearbook -  1988 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Burger, Belynda Sue shs 1988.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Burger, Belynda Sue shs 1988.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Burger, Bruce - -   Superior High School yearbook - - 1971 - - <font  size="1"> </font> - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Burger, Bruce shs 1971.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Burger, Bruce<BR><BR>  Superior High School yearbook - - 1971 <BR> <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Burger, Bruce shs 1971.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Burger, Bruce shs 1971.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Burke, Grace  - -  Duluth Central High School yearbook - -  1926 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Burke, Grace dchs 1926.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Burke, Grace  <BR><BR> Duluth Central High School yearbook - -  1926 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Burke, Grace dchs 1926.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Burke, Grace dchs 1926.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> <font color="blue"> .................. <B> C   </B> ..................   &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </font><font size="1"><A HREF="#top">top of this index</A> &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <A HREF="#bottom">bottom of this index</A> &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <A HREF="OtherFamiliesC.html">Letter "C" thumbnail page</A> <A Name="C"></A></font><font size="2"> <br><font color="blue" size="3"> .................. <B> C   </B> ..................   &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </font><font size="1"><A HREF="#top">top of list</A> &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <A HREF="#bottom">bottom</A><A Name="C"></A></font><font size="2"> <BR><BR>    - A - - Z -    
<br><br> Camenker, Norman   - - Served in World War II  - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Camenker, Norman wwii.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Camenker, Norman <BR><BR> Served in World War II <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Camenker, Norman wwii.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Camenker, Norman wwii.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   wwii 160 200 0.8 120 150
<br><br> Cannon, Harold with Jack Siege - - l in Eveleth - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Cannon, Harold with Jack Siegel in Eveleth.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Cannon, Harold with Jack Siege - - l in Eveleth <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Cannon, Harold with Jack Siegel in Eveleth.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Cannon, Harold with Jack Siegel in Eveleth.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Cannon, Harold with Jack Siegel in Eveleth - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Cannon, Harold with Jack Siegel in Eveleth.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Cannon, Harold with Jack Siegel in Eveleth <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Cannon, Harold with Jack Siegel in Eveleth.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Cannon, Harold with Jack Siegel in Eveleth.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Cannon, Steve - obit 1927-2009 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Cannon, Steve obit 1927-2009.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Cannon, Steve -  obit 1927-2009 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Cannon, Steve obit 1927-2009.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Cannon, Steve obit 1927-2009.jpg" width="119" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   119 150
<br><br> Casmir, D   - - Newspaper article - -  1904-1-10 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Casmir, D news 1904-1-10.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Casmir, D   <BR><BR> Newspaper article - - 1904-1-10 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Casmir, D news 1904-1-10.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Casmir, D news 1904-1-10.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   news 160 200 0.8 120 150
<br><br> Casmir, David C   - - Newspaper article - -  1904-8-4 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Casmir, David C news 1904-8-4.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Casmir, David C   <BR><BR> Newspaper article - - 1904-8-4 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Casmir, David C news 1904-8-4.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Casmir, David C news 1904-8-4.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   news 160 200 0.8 120 150
<br><br> Casmir, Eva (Miss)   - - Newspaper article - -  1902-11-2 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Casmir, Eva Miss news 1902-11-2.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Casmir, Eva (Miss)   <BR><BR> Newspaper article - - 1902-11-2 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Casmir, Eva Miss news 1902-11-2.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Casmir, Eva Miss news 1902-11-2.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   news 160 200 0.8 120 150
<br><br> Casmir, Lois  - - Duluth Central High School yearbook -  -  1935 - - married Harold Birk, on BBBEW tree - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Casmir, Lois dchs 1935.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Casmir, Lois <BR><BR>  Duluth Central High School yearbook -  -  1935 <BR> married Harold Birk, on BBBEW tree <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Casmir, Lois dchs 1935.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Casmir, Lois dchs 1935.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Cherson, Gerald L  - - Duluth Central High School yearbook -  1957.jpg - - son of Max Cherson & Ann Gallop - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Cherson, Gerald L dchs 1957.jpg.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Cherson, Gerald L  <BR> Duluth Central High School yearbook -  1957.jpg <BR> son of Max Cherson & Ann Gallop <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Cherson, Gerald L dchs 1957.jpg.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Cherson, Gerald L dchs 1957.jpg.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Cherson, Jerry   - -  Duluth Central High School yearbook  - 1956 junior   - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Cherson, Jerry dchs 1956 junior.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Cherson, Jerry <BR> Duluth Central High School yearbook  - 1956 junior   <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Cherson, Jerry dchs 1956 junior.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Cherson, Jerry dchs 1956 junior.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>  
<br><br> Cherson, Lorrayne Lee  - - Duluth Central High School yeabook - -  1951 - - married Babe Glazman, d of Max & Ann Cherson - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Cherson, Lorrayne Lee dchs 1951.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Cherson, Lorrayne Lee <BR><BR>  Duluth Central High School yeabook - -  1951 <BR> married Babe Glazman, d  of Max & Ann Cherson <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Cherson, Lorrayne Lee dchs 1951.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Cherson, Lorrayne Lee dchs 1951.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Chersonsky, Harry - obit - Jewish Fellowship News  1944-04 age 29 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Chersonsky, Harry obit JFN 1944-04 age 29.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Chersonsky, Harry <BR><BR> obit Jewish Fellowship News  1944-04 age 29 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Chersonsky, Harry obit JFN 1944-04 age 29.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Chersonsky, Harry obit JFN 1944-04 age 29.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Chessen, Eugene  - - Duluth Central High School yearbook -  1957 sophomore - - son ofNorman Chessen & Mary Lou Levine - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Chessen, Eugene dchs 1957 sophomore.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Chessen, Eugene  <BR> Duluth Central High School yearbook -  1957 sophomore <BR> son ofNorman Chessen & Mary Lou Levine <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Chessen, Eugene dchs 1957 sophomore.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Chessen, Eugene dchs 1957 sophomore.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Chessen, Gerald - - Duluth Central High School yearbook - - 1946 junior   - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Chessen, Gerald dchs 1946 junior.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Chessen, Gerald <BR><BR>  Duluth Central High School yearbook - - 1946 junior   <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Chessen, Gerald dchs 1946 junior.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Chessen, Gerald dchs 1946 junior.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Chessen, Gerald - - Duluth Central High School yearbook - - 1947 - - <font  size="1"> son of Benjamin & Harriet Smith Chessen, </font> - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Chessen, Gerald dchs 1947.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Chessen, Gerald <BR><BR> Duluth Central High School yearbook - - 1947 <BR> son of Benjamin & Harriet Smith Chessen, <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Chessen, Gerald dchs 1947.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Chessen, Gerald dchs 1947.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Chessen, James   - - Served in World War II  - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Chessen, James wwii.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Chessen, James <BR><BR> Served in World War II <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Chessen, James wwii.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Chessen, James wwii.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   wwii 160 200 0.8 120 150
<br><br> Chessen, Ronald Myron  - - Duluth Central High School - -  1952 - - son of Norm Chessen & Mary Levine - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Chessen, Ronald Myron dchs 1952.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Chessen, Ronald Myron <BR> Duluth Central High School -  1952 <BR> son of Norm Chessen & Mary Levine <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Chessen, Ronald Myron dchs 1952.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Chessen, Ronald Myron dchs 1952.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>  
<br><br> Chiat, Marilyn - PhD - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Chiat, Marilyn - PhD.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Chiat, Marilyn - PhD <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Chiat, Marilyn - PhD.jpg">higher res image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Chiat, Marilyn - PhD.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Chinn, Marion - - Duluth Central High School yearbook - -  1922 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Chinn, Marion dchs 1922.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Chinn, Marion <BR><BR> Duluth Central High School yearbook  - - 1922 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Chinn, Marion dchs 1922.jpg">full text and image at hi res</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Chinn, Marion dchs 1922.jpg" width="267" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   yearbook 267 150 1.78
<br><br> Coddin, Sara Cohen - -   bride news photo 1919-6-16 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Coddin, Sara Cohen bride news photo 1919-6-16.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Coddin, Sara Cohen <BR><BR>   bride news photo 1919-6-16 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Coddin, Sara Cohen bride news photo 1919-6-16.jpg">full text and image at hi res</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Coddin, Sara Cohen bride news photo 1919-6-16.jpg" width="267" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   267 150
<br><br> Coddin, Sara Cohen (Mrs Emmanuel) - - news article - 1919-6-16 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Coddin, Sara Cohen (Mrs Emmanuel) news 1919-6-16.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Coddin, Sara Cohen (Mrs Emmanuel) <BR> news article - 1919-6-16 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Coddin, Sara Cohen (Mrs Emmanuel) news 1919-6-16.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Coddin, Sara Cohen (Mrs Emmanuel) news 1919-6-16.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Cohen (Cowan), Lawrence  - - Duluth Central High School yearbook  - 1928 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Cohen (Cowan), Lawrence dchs 1928.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Cohen (Cowan), Lawrence    <BR><BR>  Duluth Central High School yearbook -  1928 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Cohen (Cowan), Lawrence dchs 1928.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Cohen (Cowan), Lawrence dchs 1928.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Cohen Marie   - - Newspaper article - -  1921-1-25 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Cohen Marie news 1921-1-25.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Cohen Marie  <BR><BR> Newspaper article - -  1921-1-25 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Cohen Marie news 1921-1-25.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Cohen Marie news 1921-1-25.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   news 160 200 0.8 120 150
<br><br> Cohen, Aaron A  - -  Duluth East High School yearbook -  1994 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Cohen, Aaron A dehs 1994.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Cohen, Aaron A   <BR><BR>   Duluth East High School yearbook -  1994 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Cohen, Aaron A dehs 1994.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Cohen, Aaron A dehs 1994.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Cohen, Allan  - - Duluth Central High School - -  1952 sophomore - - son of Mary Weisburg Cohen - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Cohen, Allan dchs 1952 sophomore.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Cohen, Allan <BR> Duluth Central High School -  1952 sophomore <BR> son of Mary Weisburg Cohen <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Cohen, Allan dchs 1952 sophomore.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Cohen, Allan dchs 1952 sophomore.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>  
<br><br> Cohen, Allan  - - Duluth Central High School yeabook - -  1954 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Cohen, Allan dchs 1954.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Cohen, Allan <BR><BR>  Duluth Central High School yeabook - -  1954 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Cohen, Allan dchs 1954.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Cohen, Allan dchs 1954.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Cohen, Anita  - -  Duluth Central High School yearbook  - -  1943 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Cohen, Anita dchs 1943.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Cohen, Anita  <BR><BR>   Duluth Central  High School yearbook   - - 1943 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Cohen, Anita dchs 1943.jpg">full text and image at hi res</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Cohen, Anita dchs 1943.jpg" width="267" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   yearbook 267 150 1.78
<br><br> Cohen, Annie  - - Duluth Central High School yearbook -  -  1935 - - married Arnold Popkin - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Cohen, Annie dchs 1935.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Cohen, Annie <BR><BR>  Duluth Central High School yearbook -  -  1935 <BR> married Arnold Popkin <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Cohen, Annie dchs 1935.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Cohen, Annie dchs 1935.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Cohen, Arnold - - Duluth Central High School yearbook - -  1931 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Cohen, Arnold dchs 1931.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Cohen, Arnold <BR><BR> Duluth Central High School yearbook  - - 1931 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Cohen, Arnold dchs 1931.jpg">full text and image at hi res</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Cohen, Arnold dchs 1931.jpg" width="267" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   yearbook 267 150 1.78
<br><br> Cohen, Arnold A  - -  Jewish Fellowship News - 1985 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Cohen, Arnold A 1985 JFN.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Cohen, Arnold A  <BR><BR>  Jewish Fellowship News - 1985 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Cohen, Arnold A 1985 JFN.jpg">full text and image at hi res</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Cohen, Arnold A 1985 JFN.jpg" width="267" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   267 150
<br><br> Cohen, Ben F   - - Served in World War II  - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Cohen, Ben F wwii.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Cohen, Ben F <BR><BR> Served in World War II <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Cohen, Ben F wwii.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Cohen, Ben F wwii.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   wwii 160 200 0.8 120 150
<br><br> Cohen, Bessie - -  Superior High School yearbook - - 1917 - - on Bloom tree - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Cohen, Bessie shs 1917.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Cohen, Bessie<BR><BR> Superior High School yearbook - - 1917 <BR> on Bloom tree <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Cohen, Bessie shs 1917.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Cohen, Bessie shs 1917.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Cohen, Bessie - Superior 1917 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Cohen, Bessie Superior 1917.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Cohen, Bessie Superior 1917 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Cohen, Bessie Superior 1917.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Cohen, Bessie Superior 1917.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Cohen, Bob I   - -  Duluth Central High School yearbook  - 1956 junior   - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Cohen, Bob I dchs 1956 junior.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Cohen, Bob I <BR> Duluth Central High School yearbook  - 1956 junior   <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Cohen, Bob I dchs 1956 junior.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Cohen, Bob I dchs 1956 junior.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>  
<br><br> Cohen, Bob R   - -  Duluth Central High School yearbook  - 1956 junior   - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Cohen, Bob R dchs 1956 junior.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Cohen, Bob R <BR> Duluth Central High School yearbook  - 1956 junior   <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Cohen, Bob R dchs 1956 junior.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Cohen, Bob R dchs 1956 junior.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>  
<br><br> Cohen, Burton - -   Duluth East High School yearbook - - 1964 - - <font  size="1"> son of Herbert & Ruth Stein Cohen, </font> - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Cohen, Burton dehs 1964.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Cohen, Burton<BR><BR>  Duluth East High School yearbook - - 1964 <BR> son of Herbert & Ruth Stein Cohen, <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Cohen, Burton dehs 1964.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Cohen, Burton dehs 1964.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Cohen, Charles - - Duluth Central High School yearbook - -  1931 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Cohen, Charles dchs 1931.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Cohen, Charles <BR><BR> Duluth Central High School yearbook  - - 1931 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Cohen, Charles dchs 1931.jpg">full text and image at hi res</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Cohen, Charles dchs 1931.jpg" width="267" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   yearbook 267 150 1.78
<br><br> Cohen, Charlotte - - Duluth East High School yearbook - - 1962 - - <font  size="1"> </font> - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Cohen, Charlotte dehs 1962.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Cohen, Charlotte <BR><BR> Duluth East High School yearbook - - 1962 <BR> <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Cohen, Charlotte dehs 1962.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Cohen, Charlotte dehs 1962.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Cohen, Daniel Edward  - -  Superior Central High School yearbook  - -  1961 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Cohen, Daniel Edward schs 1961.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Cohen, Daniel Edward  <BR><BR>   Superior Central  High School yearbook   - - 1961 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Cohen, Daniel Edward schs 1961.jpg">full text and image at hi res</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Cohen, Daniel Edward schs 1961.jpg" width="267" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   yearbook 267 150 1.78
<br><br> Cohen, Doris Frances  - -  Superior Central High School yearbook  - -  1937 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Cohen, Doris Frances schs 1937.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Cohen, Doris Frances  <BR><BR>   Superior Central  High School yearbook   - - 1937 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Cohen, Doris Frances schs 1937.jpg">full text and image at hi res</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Cohen, Doris Frances schs 1937.jpg" width="267" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   yearbook 267 150 1.78
<br><br> Cohen, Edward   - - Served in World War II  - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Cohen, Edward wwii.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Cohen, Edward <BR><BR> Served in World War II <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Cohen, Edward wwii.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Cohen, Edward wwii.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   wwii 160 200 0.8 120 150
<br><br> Cohen, Elaine  - - Duluth Central High School yearbook - -  1964  - junior - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Cohen, Elaine dchs 1964 junior.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Cohen, Elaine  <BR><BR> Duluth Central High School yearbook - -  1964  - junior <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Cohen, Elaine dchs 1964 junior.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Cohen, Elaine dchs 1964 junior.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Cohen, Eleck -  50th anniversary - JFN 1946-02 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Cohen, Eleck 50th anniversary JFN 1946-02.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Cohen, Eleck 50th anniversary JFN 1946-02 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Cohen, Eleck 50th anniversary JFN 1946-02.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Cohen, Eleck 50th anniversary JFN 1946-02.jpg" width="280" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   280 150
<br><br> Cohen, George - - Duluth Central High School yearbook - -  1927 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Cohen, George dchs 1927.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Cohen, George <BR><BR> Duluth Central High School yearbook  - - 1927 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Cohen, George dchs 1927.jpg">full text and image at hi res</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Cohen, George dchs 1927.jpg" width="267" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   yearbook 267 150 1.78
<br><br> Cohen, George - - Duluth Central High School yearbook - - 1927 - - <font  size="1"> son of Ben & Esther Cohen, </font> - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Cohen, George dchs 1927.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Cohen, George <BR><BR> Duluth Central High School yearbook - - 1927 <BR> son of Ben & Esther Cohen, <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Cohen, George dchs 1927.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Cohen, George dchs 1927b.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Cohen, Gerald - - Duluth Central High School yearbook - - 1953   - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Cohen, Gerald 1953 dchs.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Cohen, Gerald - - Duluth Central High School yearbook - - 1953   <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Cohen, Gerald 1953 dchs.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Cohen, Gerald 1953 dchs.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Cohen, Goldie - - Duluth Central High School yearbook - -  1931 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Cohen, Goldie dchs 1931.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Cohen, Goldie <BR><BR> Duluth Central High School yearbook  - - 1931 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Cohen, Goldie dchs 1931.jpg">full text and image at hi res</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Cohen, Goldie dchs 1931.jpg" width="267" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   yearbook 267 150 1.78
<br><br> Cohen, Gordon   - - Served in World War II  - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Cohen, Gordon wwii.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Cohen, Gordon <BR><BR> Served in World War II <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Cohen, Gordon wwii.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Cohen, Gordon wwii.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   wwii 160 200 0.8 120 150
<br><br> Cohen, Gordon  - - Duluth Central High School yearbook  - 1928 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Cohen, Gordon dchs 1928.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Cohen, Gordon    <BR><BR>  Duluth Central High School yearbook -  1928 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Cohen, Gordon dchs 1928.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Cohen, Gordon dchs 1928.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Cohen, Gordon - -  JFN 1960-4 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Cohen, Gordon JFN 1960-4.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Cohen, Gordon JFN 1960-4 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Cohen, Gordon JFN 1960-4.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Cohen, Gordon JFN 1960-4.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Cohen, Gordon - - 1980-6 JFN profile - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Cohen, Gordon 1980-6 JFN profile.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Cohen, Gordon 1980-6 JFN profile <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Cohen, Gordon 1980-6 JFN profile.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Cohen, Gordon 1980-6 JFN profile.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Cohen, Harold   - - Served in World War II  - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Cohen, Harold wwii.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Cohen, Harold <BR><BR> Served in World War II <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Cohen, Harold wwii.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Cohen, Harold wwii.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   wwii 160 200 0.8 120 150
<br><br> Cohen, Harry   - -  Duluth Central High School yearbook  - 1956 sophomore   - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Cohen, Harry dchs 1956 sophomore.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Cohen, Harry <BR> Duluth Central High School yearbook  - 1956 sophomore   <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Cohen, Harry dchs 1956 sophomore.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Cohen, Harry dchs 1956 sophomore.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>  
<br><br> Cohen, Harry - -   news photo 1920-1-24 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Cohen, Harry news photo 1920-1-24.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Cohen, Harry <BR><BR>   news photo 1920-1-24 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Cohen, Harry news photo 1920-1-24.jpg">full text and image at hi res</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Cohen, Harry news photo 1920-1-24.jpg" width="267" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   267 150
<br><br> Cohen, Harry  - - Duluth Central High School yearbook -  1957 junior - - son of Harold Cohen & Edythe Bergal - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Cohen, Harry dchs 1957 junior.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Cohen, Harry  <BR> Duluth Central High School yearbook -  1957 junior <BR> son of Harold Cohen & Edythe Bergal <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Cohen, Harry dchs 1957 junior.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Cohen, Harry dchs 1957 junior.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Cohen, Harry - -  news 1919-3-9 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Cohen, Harry news 1919-3-9.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Cohen, Harry news 1919-3-9 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Cohen, Harry news 1919-3-9.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Cohen, Harry news 1919-3-9.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Cohen, Harry - - Superior High School yearbook - - 1921 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Cohen, Harry 1921 shs.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Cohen, Harry - - Superior High School yearbook - - 1921 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Cohen, Harry 1921 shs.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Cohen, Harry 1921 shs.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Cohen, Harry A - - Duluth Central High School yearbook -  1958 - - son of Harold Cohen & Edythe Bergal - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Cohen, Harry dchs 1958.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Cohen, Harry A <BR> Duluth Central High School yearbook -  1958 <BR> son of Harold Cohen & Edythe Bergal <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Cohen, Harry dchs 1958.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Cohen, Harry dchs 1958.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Cohen, Helen  - - Duluth Central High School yearbook  - 1937 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Cohen, Helen dchs 1937.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Cohen, Helen    <BR><BR>  Duluth Central High School yearbook -  1937 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Cohen, Helen dchs 1937.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Cohen, Helen dchs 1937.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Cohen, Helen - - Duluth Central High School  - - 1927 - - <font  size="1"> married to Alvin Harris, daughter of Isadore Alter & JennyVolk Cohen, Cohen-Peake tree </font> - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Cohen, Helen dchs 1927.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Cohen, Helen <BR><BR> Duluth Central High School yearbook - - 1927 <BR> married to Alvin Harris, daughter of Isadore Alter & JennyVolk Cohen, Cohen-Peake tree <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Cohen, Helen dchs 1927.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Cohen, Helen dchs 1927.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Cohen, Helen Ruth   - -  Duluth Central  High School yearbook  - -  1944 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Cohen, Helen Ruth dchs 1944.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Cohen, Helen Ruth  <BR><BR>  Duluth Central  High School yearbook - -  1944 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Cohen, Helen Ruth dchs 1944.jpg">full text and image at hi res</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Cohen, Helen Ruth dchs 1944.jpg" width="267" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   yearbook 267 150
<br><br> Cohen, Henry S   - - Newspaper article - -  1922-12-29 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Cohen, Henry S news 1922-12-29.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Cohen, Henry S  <BR><BR> Newspaper article - -  1922-12-29 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Cohen, Henry S news 1922-12-29.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Cohen, Henry S news 1922-12-29.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   news 160 200 0.8 120 150
<br><br> Cohen, Henry S  - - Newspaper article - 1922-12-9 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Cohen, Henry S news 1922-12-9.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Cohen, Henry S   <BR><BR>  Newspaper article - 1922-12-9 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Cohen, Henry S news 1922-12-9.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Cohen, Henry S news 1922-12-9.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Cohen, Hime  - -  Duluth Central High School yearbook - -  1926 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Cohen, Hime dchs 1926.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Cohen, Hime  <BR><BR> Duluth Central High School yearbook - -  1926 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Cohen, Hime dchs 1926.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Cohen, Hime dchs 1926.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Cohen, Howard - -   Duluth East High School yearbook - - 1964 - - <font  size="1"> married to Elizabeth Maki, son of Harold & Edythe Bergal Cohen, Cohen tree </font> - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Cohen, Howard dehs 1964.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Cohen, Howard<BR><BR>  Duluth East High School yearbook - - 1964 <BR> married to Elizabeth Maki, son of Harold & Edythe Bergal Cohen, Cohen tree <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Cohen, Howard dehs 1964.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Cohen, Howard dehs 1964.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Cohen, Hyme - - Superior High School yearbook - - 1922 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Cohen, Hyme 1922 shs.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Cohen, Hyme - - Superior High School yearbook - - 1922 <BR>  text <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Cohen, Hyme 1922 shs.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Cohen, Hyme 1922 shs.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Cohen, Hymie B   - - Served in World War II  - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Cohen, Hymie B wwii.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Cohen, Hymie B <BR><BR> Served in World War II <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Cohen, Hymie B wwii.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Cohen, Hymie B wwii.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   wwii 160 200 0.8 120 150
<br><br> Cohen, Irene - - Duluth Central High School yearbook - -  1932 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Cohen, Irene dchs 1932.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Cohen, Irene <BR><BR> Duluth Central High School yearbook  - - 1932 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Cohen, Irene dchs 1932.jpg">full text and image at hi res</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Cohen, Irene dchs 1932.jpg" width="267" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   yearbook 267 150 1.78
<br><br> Cohen, Irvin  - - Duluth Central High School yearbook -  -  1935 - - <font size="1">changed name to Irvin Colt, brother of Gordon Cohen & Peter Cohen </font> - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Cohen, Irvin dchs 1935.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Cohen, Irvin <BR><BR>  Duluth Central High School yearbook -  -  1935 <BR> <font color="blue" size="1">changed name to Irvin Colt, brother of Gordon Cohen & Peter Cohen, related to Kovitz family </font> <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Cohen, Irvin dchs 1935.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Cohen, Irvin dchs 1935.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Cohen, Isadore  - -  Duluth Denfeld   High School yearbook  - -  1931 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Cohen, Isadore ddhs 1931.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Cohen, Isadore  <BR><BR>   Duluth Denfeld  High School yearbook   - - 1931 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Cohen, Isadore ddhs 1931.jpg">full text and image at hi res</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Cohen, Isadore ddhs 1931.jpg" width="267" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   yearbook 267 150 1.78
<br><br> Cohen, isadore   - - Served in World War II  - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Cohen, isadore wwii.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Cohen, isadore <BR><BR> Served in World War II <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Cohen, isadore wwii.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Cohen, isadore wwii.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   wwii 160 200 0.8 120 150
<br><br> Cohen, Isadore - - Duluth Central High School yearbook - -  1922 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Cohen, Isadore dchs 1922.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Cohen, Isadore <BR><BR> Duluth Central High School yearbook  - - 1922 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Cohen, Isadore dchs 1922.jpg">full text and image at hi res</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Cohen, Isadore dchs 1922.jpg" width="267" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   yearbook 267 150 1.78
<br><br> Cohen, Isadore - - Duluth Central High School yearbook - -  1932 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Cohen, Isadore dchs 1932.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Cohen, Isadore <BR><BR> Duluth Central High School yearbook  - - 1932 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Cohen, Isadore dchs 1932.jpg">full text and image at hi res</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Cohen, Isadore dchs 1932.jpg" width="267" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   yearbook 267 150 1.78
<br><br> Cohen, Jacob   - - Served in World War II  - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Cohen, Jacob wwii.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Cohen, Jacob <BR><BR> Served in World War II <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Cohen, Jacob wwii.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Cohen, Jacob wwii.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   wwii 160 200 0.8 120 150
<br><br> Cohen, Jacob  - - Duluth Central High School yearbook -  -  1935 - - son of Alter Cohen - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Cohen, Jacob dchs 1935.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Cohen, Jacob <BR><BR>  Duluth Central High School yearbook -  -  1935 <BR> son of Alter Cohen <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Cohen, Jacob dchs 1935.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Cohen, Jacob dchs 1935.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Cohen, Jacob, Sgt  - - obit 1944-05 JFN - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Cohen, Jacob Sgt obit 1944-05 JFN.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Cohen, Jacob Sgt obit 1944-05 JFN <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Cohen, Jacob Sgt obit 1944-05 JFN.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Cohen, Jacob Sgt obit 1944-05 JFN.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Cohen, Jane Irene  - -  Superior Central High School yearbook  - -  1936 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Cohen, Jane Irene schs 1936.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Cohen, Jane Irene  <BR><BR>   Superior Central  High School yearbook   - - 1936 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Cohen, Jane Irene schs 1936.jpg">full text and image at hi res</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Cohen, Jane Irene schs 1936.jpg" width="267" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   yearbook 267 150 1.78
<br><br> Cohen, Jenny  - - 1953-6 JFN news - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Cohen, Jenny 1953-6 JFN news.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Cohen, Jenny 1953-6 JFN news <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Cohen, Jenny 1953-6 JFN news.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Cohen, Jenny 1953-6 JFN news.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Cohen, Jesse   - -  Duluth Central High School yearbook  - - 1918 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Cohen, Jesse 1918 DCSH.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Cohen, Jesse <BR><BR>  Duluth Central High School - - 1918 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Cohen, Jesse 1918 DCSH.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Cohen, Jesse 1918 DCSH.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Cohen, Jessie  - -  Duluth Central High School yearbook -  1913 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Cohen, Jessie dchs 1913.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Cohen, Jessie   <BR><BR>   Duluth Central High School yearbook -  1913 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Cohen, Jessie dchs 1913.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Cohen, Jessie dchs 1913.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Cohen, Jill  - - Duluth East  High School yearbook - -  1987 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Cohen, Jill dehs 1987.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Cohen, Jill  <BR><BR> Duluth East  High School yearbook - -  1987 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Cohen, Jill dehs 1987.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Cohen, Jill dehs 1987.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Cohen, Jon - -  Duluth East High School yearbook - - 1977 - - son of Mel & Carol Daneiko Cohen - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Cohen, Jon desh 1977.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Cohen, Jon <BR><BR> Duluth East High School yearbook - - 1977 <BR> son of Mel & Carol Daneiko Cohen <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Cohen, Jon desh 1977.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Cohen, Jon desh 1977.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Cohen, Joseph  - - Duluth East  High School yearbook - -  1988 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Cohen, Joseph dehs 1988.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Cohen, Joseph  <BR><BR> Duluth East  High School yearbook - -  1988 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Cohen, Joseph dehs 1988.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Cohen, Joseph dehs 1988.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Cohen, Judy  - - Duluth East  High School yearbook - -  1971  - junior - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Cohen, Judy dehs 1971 junior.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Cohen, Judy  <BR><BR> Duluth East  High School yearbook - -  1971  - junior <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Cohen, Judy dehs 1971 junior.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Cohen, Judy dehs 1971 junior.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Cohen, Julie - - Duluth East High School yearbook - -  1951 ninth - - daughter of Maurice & Irene Marcus Cohen - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Cohen, Julie dehs 1951 ninth.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Cohen, Julie <BR><BR> Duluth East High School yearbook - -  1951 ninth <BR> daughter of Maurice & Irene Marcus Cohen <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Cohen, Julie dehs 1951 ninth.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Cohen, Julie dehs 1951 ninth.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Cohen, Julie Ellen  - -  Duluth East High School yearbook  - -  1954 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Cohen, Julie Ellen dehs 1954.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Cohen, Julie Ellen    <BR><BR>   Duluth East High School yearbook   - - 1954 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Cohen, Julie Ellen dehs 1954.jpg">full text and image at hi res</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Cohen, Julie Ellen dehs 1954.jpg" width="267" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   yearbook 267 150 1.78
<br><br> Cohen, Kelly   - -  Superior Central  High School yearbook  - - 1979 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Cohen, Kelly 1979 schs.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Cohen, Kelly <BR><BR>  Superior Central High School yearbook - - 1979 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Cohen, Kelly 1979 schs.jpg">full text and image at hi res</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Cohen, Kelly 1979 schs.jpg" width="267" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   267 150
<br><br> Cohen, Kelly  - - Duluth Central High School yearbook - -  1978  - junior - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Cohen, Kelly dchs 1978 junior.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Cohen, Kelly  <BR><BR> Duluth Central High School yearbook - -  1978  - junior <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Cohen, Kelly dchs 1978 junior.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Cohen, Kelly dchs 1978 junior.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Cohen, Kenneth - - Duluth Central High School yearbook - - 1947 - - <font  size="1"> son of Samuel & Anne Quass Cohen, </font> - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Cohen, Kenneth dchs 1947.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Cohen, Kenneth <BR><BR> Duluth Central High School yearbook - - 1947 <BR> son of Samuel & Anne Quass Cohen, <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Cohen, Kenneth dchs 1947.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Cohen, Kenneth dchs 1947.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Cohen, Kenneth. - - Duluth Central High School yearbook - - 1946 junior   - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Cohen, Kenneth. dchs 1946 junior.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Cohen, Kenneth. <BR><BR>  Duluth Central High School yearbook - - 1946 junior   <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Cohen, Kenneth. dchs 1946 junior.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Cohen, Kenneth. dchs 1946 junior.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Cohen, Lani   - -  Duluth Central High School yearbook  - -  1982 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Cohen, Lani dchs 1982.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Cohen, Lani  <BR><BR>  Duluth Central High School yearbook  - -  1982 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Cohen, Lani dchs 1982.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Cohen, Lani dchs 1982.jpg" width="267" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   yearbook 144 180 0.8 120 150
<br><br> Cohen, Lee - - 1937 high school yearbook - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Cohen, Lee 1937 high school yearbook.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Cohen, Lee 1937 high school yearbook <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Cohen, Lee 1937 high school yearbook.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Cohen, Lee 1937 high school yearbook.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Cohen, Lee - - Duluth East High School yearbook - - 1967   - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Cohen, Lee dehs 1967.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Cohen, Lee<BR><BR> Duluth East High School yearbook - - 1967   <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Cohen, Lee dehs 1967.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Cohen, Lee dehs 1967.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Cohen, Leo   - - Served in World War II  - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Cohen, Leo wwii.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Cohen, Leo <BR><BR> Served in World War II <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Cohen, Leo wwii.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Cohen, Leo wwii.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   wwii 160 200 0.8 120 150
<br><br> Cohen, Leo  - - Duluth Central High School yearbook  - 1937 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Cohen, Leo dchs 1937.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Cohen, Leo    <BR><BR>  Duluth Central High School yearbook -  1937 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Cohen, Leo dchs 1937.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Cohen, Leo dchs 1937.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Cohen, Lew  - -  Duluth Central High School yearbook  - -  1942 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Cohen, Lew dchs 1942.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Cohen, Lew  <BR><BR>   Duluth Central  High School yearbook   - - 1942 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Cohen, Lew dchs 1942.jpg">full text and image at hi res</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Cohen, Lew dchs 1942.jpg" width="267" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   yearbook 267 150 1.78
<br><br> Cohen, Lillian -  chemistry prof - - Univ of Minn yearbook - 1940 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Cohen, Lillian chemistry prof UofMinn yearbook 1940 .jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Cohen, Lillian -  chemistry prof <BR> Univ of Minn yearbook - 1940 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Cohen, Lillian chemistry prof UofMinn yearbook 1940 .jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Cohen, Lillian chemistry prof UofMinn yearbook 1940 .jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Cohen, Marc  - -  Superior High School yearbook -  1984 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Cohen, Marc shs 1984.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Cohen, Marc   <BR><BR>   Superior High School yearbook -  1984 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Cohen, Marc shs 1984.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Cohen, Marc shs 1984.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Cohen, Marcy Gail  - -  Duluth East High School yearbook  - -  1959 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Cohen, Marcy Gail dehs 1959.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Cohen, Marcy Gail  <BR><BR> Duluth East High School yearbook  - -  1959 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Cohen, Marcy Gail dehs 1959.jpg">full text and image at hi res</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="center" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Cohen, Marcy Gail dehs 1959.jpg" width="267" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   yearbook 267 150
<br><br> Cohen, Mariam  - - Duluth Central High School yearbook  - 1936 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Cohen, Mariam dchs 1936.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Cohen, Mariam    <BR><BR>  Duluth Central High School yearbook -  1936 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Cohen, Mariam dchs 1936.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Cohen, Mariam dchs 1936.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Cohen, Marilyn - -   Duluth East High School yearbook - - 1964 - - <font  size="1"> </font> - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Cohen, Marilyn dehs 1964.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Cohen, Marilyn<BR><BR>  Duluth East High School yearbook - - 1964 <BR> <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Cohen, Marilyn dehs 1964.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Cohen, Marilyn dehs 1964.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Cohen, Mark - - Duluth East High School yearbook - - 1967   - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Cohen, Mark dehs 1967.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Cohen, Mark<BR><BR> Duluth East High School yearbook - - 1967   <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Cohen, Mark dehs 1967.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Cohen, Mark dehs 1967.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Cohen, Marshall   - -  Duluth Central High School yearbook  - 1956 sophomore   - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Cohen, Marshall dchs 1956 sophomore.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Cohen, Marshall <BR> Duluth Central High School yearbook  - 1956 sophomore   <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Cohen, Marshall dchs 1956 sophomore.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Cohen, Marshall dchs 1956 sophomore.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>  
<br><br> Cohen, Marshall  - - Duluth Central High School yearbook -  1957 junior - - son of Herbert Cohen & Ruth Stein - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Cohen, Marshall dchs 1957 junior.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Cohen, Marshall  <BR> Duluth Central High School yearbook -  1957 junior <BR> son of Herbert Cohen & Ruth Stein <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Cohen, Marshall dchs 1957 junior.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Cohen, Marshall dchs 1957 junior.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Cohen, Marshall A - - Duluth Central High School yearbook -  1958   - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Cohen, Marshall A dchs 1958.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Cohen, Marshall A <BR> Duluth Central High School yearbook -  1958 <BR> <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Cohen, Marshall A dchs 1958.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Cohen, Marshall A dchs 1958.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Cohen, Martin   - - Served in World War II  - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Cohen, Martin wwii.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Cohen, Martin <BR><BR> Served in World War II <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Cohen, Martin wwii.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Cohen, Martin wwii.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   wwii 160 200 0.8 120 150
<br><br> Cohen, Marvin - - Duluth Central High School yearbook - - 1933   - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Cohen, Marvin dchs 1933.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Cohen, Marvin <BR><BR> Duluth Central High School yearbook - - 1933   <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Cohen, Marvin dchs 1933.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Cohen, Marvin dchs 1933.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Cohen, Mary - - Duluth Central High School yearbook - -  1923 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Cohen, Mary dchs 1923.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Cohen, Mary <BR><BR> Duluth Central High School yearbook  - - 1923 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Cohen, Mary dchs 1923.jpg">full text and image at hi res</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Cohen, Mary dchs 1923.jpg" width="267" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   yearbook 267 150 1.78
<br><br> Cohen, Maurice - - Duluth Central High School yearbook - -  1927 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Cohen, Maurice dchs 1927.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Cohen, Maurice <BR><BR> Duluth Central High School yearbook  - - 1927 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Cohen, Maurice dchs 1927.jpg">full text and image at hi res</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Cohen, Maurice dchs 1927.jpg" width="267" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   yearbook 267 150 1.78
<br><br> Cohen, Maurice - - Duluth Central High School yearbook - - 1927 - - <font  size="1"> married to Irene Marcus, son of Samuel & Anne Quass Cohen </font> - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Cohen, Maurice dchs 1927.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Cohen, Maurice <BR><BR> Duluth Central High School yearbook - - 1927 <BR> married to Irene Marcus, son of Samuel & Anne Quass Cohen <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Cohen, Maurice dchs 1927.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Cohen, Maurice dchs 1927b.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Cohen, Mervin   - -  Hibbing  High School yearbook  - - 1937 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Cohen, Mervin 1937 Hibbing HS.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Cohen, Mervin <BR><BR>  Hibbing High School - - 1937 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Cohen, Mervin 1937 Hibbing HS.jpg">full text and image at hi res</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Cohen, Mervin 1937 Hibbing HS.jpg" width="267" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   267 150
<br><br> Cohen, Mollie - - Superior Central High School yearbook - -  1925 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Cohen, Mollie schs 1925.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Cohen, Mollie <BR><BR> Superior Central High School yearbook  - - 1925 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Cohen, Mollie schs 1925.jpg">full text and image at hi res</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Cohen, Mollie schs 1925.jpg" width="267" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   yearbook 267 150 1.78
<br><br> Cohen, Nathan  - -  Duluth Central High School yearbook -  1912 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Cohen, Nathan dchs 1912.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Cohen, Nathan   <BR><BR>   Duluth Central High School yearbook -  1912 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Cohen, Nathan dchs 1912.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Cohen, Nathan dchs 1912.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Cohen, Nathan  - - Duluth Central High School yearbook - - 1912 b - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Cohen, Nathan dchs 1912 b.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Cohen, Nathan <BR><BR> Duluth Central High School yearbook - - 1912 b <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Cohen, Nathan dchs 1912 b.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Cohen, Nathan dchs 1912 b.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Cohen, Nathan  - - Duluth Denfeld High School - -  1924 - - married Celia Walt, born 1906 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Cohen, Nathan ddhs 1924.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Cohen, Nathan <BR><BR> Duluth Denfeld High School - -  1924 <BR> married Celia Walt, born 1906 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Cohen, Nathan ddhs 1924.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Cohen, Nathan ddhs 1924.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Cohen, Phyllis  - - Duluth Central High School yearbook - -  1964  - junior - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Cohen, Phyllis dchs 1964 junior.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Cohen, Phyllis  <BR><BR> Duluth Central High School yearbook - -  1964  - junior <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Cohen, Phyllis dchs 1964 junior.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Cohen, Phyllis dchs 1964 junior.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Cohen, Rebecca - - Superior High School yearbook - -  1930 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Cohen, Rebecca shs 1930.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Cohen, Rebecca <BR><BR> Superior High School yearbook  - - 1930 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Cohen, Rebecca shs 1930.jpg">full text and image at hi res</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Cohen, Rebecca shs 1930.jpg" width="267" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   yearbook 267 150 1.78
<br><br> Cohen, Richard Marcus  - -  Duluth East High School yearbook  - -  1957 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Cohen, Richard Marcus dehs 1957.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Cohen, Richard Marcus  <BR><BR> Duluth East High School yearbook  - -  1957 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Cohen, Richard Marcus dehs 1957.jpg">full text and image at hi res</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="center" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Cohen, Richard Marcus dehs 1957.jpg" width="267" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   yearbook 267 150
<br><br> Cohen, Rita  - -  Jewish Fellowship News - 1985 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Cohen, Rita 1985 JFN.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Cohen, Rita  <BR><BR>  Jewish Fellowship News - 1985 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Cohen, Rita 1985 JFN.jpg">full text and image at hi res</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Cohen, Rita 1985 JFN.jpg" width="267" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   267 150
<br><br> Cohen, Robert I  - - Duluth Central High School yearbook -  1957   - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Cohen, Robert I dchs 1957.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Cohen, Robert I  <BR> Duluth Central High School yearbook -  1957 <BR> <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Cohen, Robert I dchs 1957.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Cohen, Robert I dchs 1957.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Cohen, Robert Paul - - Duluth Central High School yearbook - - 1948   - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Cohen, Robert Paul dchs 1948.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Cohen, Robert Paul <BR><BR>  Duluth Central High School yearbook - - 1948   <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Cohen, Robert Paul dchs 1948.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Cohen, Robert Paul dchs 1948.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Cohen, Robert R  - - Duluth Central High School yearbook -  1957 - - son of Peter Cohen & Minnie Goldstein - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Cohen, Robert R dchs 1957.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Cohen, Robert R  <BR> Duluth Central High School yearbook -  1957 <BR> son of Peter Cohen & Minnie Goldstein <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Cohen, Robert R dchs 1957.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Cohen, Robert R dchs 1957.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Cohen, Ruth   - -  Duluth Central  High School yearbook  - -  1944 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Cohen, Ruth dchs 1944.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Cohen, Ruth  <BR><BR>  Duluth Central  High School yearbook - -  1944 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Cohen, Ruth dchs 1944.jpg">full text and image at hi res</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Cohen, Ruth dchs 1944.jpg" width="267" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   yearbook 267 150
<br><br> Cohen, Ruth  - -  Duluth Central High School yearbook  - -  1943 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Cohen, Ruth dchs 1943.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Cohen, Ruth  <BR><BR>   Duluth Central  High School yearbook   - - 1943 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Cohen, Ruth dchs 1943.jpg">full text and image at hi res</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Cohen, Ruth dchs 1943.jpg" width="267" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   yearbook 267 150 1.78
<br><br> Cohen, Ruth  - - Duluth Central High School yearbook  - 1937 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Cohen, Ruth dchs 1937.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Cohen, Ruth    <BR><BR>  Duluth Central High School yearbook -  1937 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Cohen, Ruth dchs 1937.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Cohen, Ruth dchs 1937.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Cohen, Ruth - - Duluth Central High School yearbook - - 1925 - - <font  size="1"> married Adolph Ebenstein </font> - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Cohen, Ruth dchs 1925.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Cohen, Ruth <BR><BR> Duluth Central High School yearbook - - 1925 <BR> married Adolph Ebenstein <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Cohen, Ruth dchs 1925.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Cohen, Ruth dchs 1925.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Cohen, Sam  - - Duluth Central High School yearbook -  1934 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Cohen, Sam dchs 1934.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Cohen, Sam  <BR> Duluth Central High School yearbook -  1934 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Cohen, Sam dchs 1934.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Cohen, Sam dchs 1934.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Cohen, Sam - - Duluth Central High School yearbook - -  1922 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Cohen, Sam dchs 1922.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Cohen, Sam <BR><BR> Duluth Central High School yearbook  - - 1922 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Cohen, Sam dchs 1922.jpg">full text and image at hi res</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Cohen, Sam dchs 1922.jpg" width="267" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   yearbook 267 150 1.78
<br><br> Cohen, Samuel Dr  - - news photo - -  1917-5-3 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Cohen, Samuel Dr news photo 1917-5-3.jpg">photo with text</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Cohen, Samuel Dr <BR><BR> News photo - -  1917-5-3 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Cohen, Samuel Dr news photo 1917-5-3.jpg">photo with text</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Cohen, Samuel Dr news photo 1917-5-3.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Cohen, Samuel obit 1946-02 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Cohen, Samuel obit 1946-02.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Cohen, Samuel obit 1946-02 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Cohen, Samuel obit 1946-02.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Cohen, Samuel obit 1946-02.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Cohen, Shawn  - - Duluth East  High School yearbook - -  1988 - sophomore - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Cohen, Shawn dehs 1988 sophmore.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Cohen, Shawn  <BR><BR> Duluth East  High School yearbook - -  1988 - sophomore <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Cohen, Shawn dehs 1988 sophmore.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Cohen, Shawn dehs 1988 sophmore.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Cohen, Sid - - Duluth Central High School yearbook - - 1959 - Sophomore year - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Cohen, Sid 1959 dchs soph.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Cohen, Sid - - Duluth Central High School yearbook - - 1959 - Sophomore year <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Cohen, Sid 1959 dchs soph.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Cohen, Sid 1959 dchs soph.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Cohen, Sophie  - - Superior Central High School yearbook -  1924   - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Cohen, Sophie schs 1924.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Cohen, Sophie  <BR> Superior Central High School yearbook -  1924   <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Cohen, Sophie schs 1924.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Cohen, Sophie schs 1924.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Cohen, Stacy  - - Duluth East  High School yearbook - -  1983  - junior - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Cohen, Stacy dehs 1983 junior.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Cohen, Stacy  <BR><BR> Duluth East  High School yearbook - -  1983  - junior <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Cohen, Stacy dehs 1983 junior.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Cohen, Stacy dehs 1983 junior.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Cohen, Stanley  - - Duluth Central High School yearbook  - 1937 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Cohen, Stanley dchs 1937.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Cohen, Stanley    <BR><BR>  Duluth Central High School yearbook -  1937 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Cohen, Stanley dchs 1937.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Cohen, Stanley dchs 1937.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Cohen, Sybil  - - Duluth Central High School yearbook  - 1936 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Cohen, Sybil dchs 1936.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Cohen, Sybil    <BR><BR>  Duluth Central High School yearbook -  1936 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Cohen, Sybil dchs 1936.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Cohen, Sybil dchs 1936.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Cohen, Sylvia   - - Served in World War II  - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Cohen, Sylvia wwii.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Cohen, Sylvia <BR><BR> Served in World War II <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Cohen, Sylvia wwii.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Cohen, Sylvia wwii.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   wwii 160 200 0.8 120 150
<br><br> Cohen, Sylvia  - - Duluth Central High School yearbook -  -  1938 - - Coran tree - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Cohen, Sylvia dchs 1938.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Cohen, Sylvia <BR><BR>  Duluth Central High School yearbook -  -  1938 <BR> Coran tree <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Cohen, Sylvia dchs 1938.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Cohen, Sylvia dchs 1938.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Cohen, Theodore Gary  - - Superior Central High School yearbook - -  1957 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Cohen, Theodore Gary schs 1957.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Cohen, Theodore Gary  <BR><BR> Superior Central High School yearbook - -  1957 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Cohen, Theodore Gary schs 1957.jpg">image with text at higher res</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Cohen, Theodore Gary schs 1957.jpg" width="267" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   267 150
<br><br> Cohen, Vivian  - -  Duluth Central High School yearbook  - -  1942 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Cohen, Vivian dchs 1942.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Cohen, Vivian  <BR><BR>   Duluth Central  High School yearbook   - - 1942 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Cohen, Vivian dchs 1942.jpg">full text and image at hi res</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Cohen, Vivian dchs 1942.jpg" width="267" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   yearbook 267 150 1.78
<br><br> Cohen, William Dr - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Cohen, William Dr.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Cohen, William Dr <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Cohen, William Dr.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Cohen, William Dr.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   news 120 150
<br><br> Cohn, Ann Louise - - Duluth Central High School yearbook - - 1953   - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Cohn, Ann Louise 1953 dchs.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Cohn, Ann Louise - - Duluth Central High School yearbook - - 1953   <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Cohn, Ann Louise 1953 dchs.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Cohn, Ann Louise 1953 dchs.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Cohn, Arnold  - - Duluth East  High School yearbook - -  1954  - junior - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Cohn, Arnold dehs 1954 junior.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Cohn, Arnold  <BR><BR> Duluth East  High School yearbook - -  1954  - junior <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Cohn, Arnold dehs 1954 junior.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Cohn, Arnold dehs 1954 junior.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Cohn, Arnold - - Duluth East High School yearbook - -  1951 ninth - - son of Eugene & Helen Warn Cohn - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Cohn, Arnold dehs 1951 ninth.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Cohn, Arnold <BR><BR> Duluth East High School yearbook - -  1951 ninth <BR> son of Eugene & Helen Warn Cohn <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Cohn, Arnold dehs 1951 ninth.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Cohn, Arnold dehs 1951 ninth.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Cohn, Arnold - - Duluth East High School yearbook - - 1955 - - <font  size="1"> married to Carol, son of Eugene and Helen Warn Cohn, </font> - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Cohn, Arnold dehs 1955.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Cohn, Arnold <BR><BR> Duluth East High School yearbook - - 1955 <BR> married to Carol, son of Eugene and Helen Warn Cohn, <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Cohn, Arnold dehs 1955.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Cohn, Arnold dehs 1955.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Cohn, Clara - - Duluth Central High School yearbook - - 1925   - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Cohn, Clara dchs 1925.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Cohn, Clara <BR><BR> Duluth Central High School yearbook - - 1925   <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Cohn, Clara dchs 1925.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Cohn, Clara dchs 1925.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Cohn, Clarence   - - Served in World War II  - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Cohn, Clarence wwii.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Cohn, Clarence <BR><BR> Served in World War II <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Cohn, Clarence wwii.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Cohn, Clarence wwii.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   wwii 160 200 0.8 120 150
<br><br> Cohn, Clarence - - Duluth Central High School yearbook - - 1934 - - <font  size="1"> married to Miriam Kovitz, son of Joseph & Molly Quass Cohn, Kovitz </font> - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Cohn, Clarence dchs 1934.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Cohn, Clarence <BR><BR> Duluth Central High School yearbook - - 1934 <BR> married to Miriam Kovitz, son of Joseph & Molly Quass Cohn, Kovitz <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Cohn, Clarence dchs 1934.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Cohn, Clarence dchs 1934.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Cohn, Clevette Victoria  - -  Duluth East High School yearbook  - -  1957 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Cohn, Clevette Victoria dehs 1957.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Cohn, Clevette Victoria  <BR><BR> Duluth East High School yearbook  - -  1957 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Cohn, Clevette Victoria dehs 1957.jpg">full text and image at hi res</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="center" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Cohn, Clevette Victoria dehs 1957.jpg" width="267" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   yearbook 267 150
<br><br> Cohn, Dale  - -  Duluth Central High School yearbook  - -  1943 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Cohn, Dale dchs 1943.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Cohn, Dale  <BR><BR>   Duluth Central  High School yearbook   - - 1943 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Cohn, Dale dchs 1943.jpg">full text and image at hi res</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Cohn, Dale dchs 1943.jpg" width="267" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   yearbook 267 150 1.78
<br><br> Cohn, Dale   - - Served in World War II  - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Cohn, Dale wwii.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Cohn, Dale <BR><BR> Served in World War II <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Cohn, Dale wwii.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Cohn, Dale wwii.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   wwii 160 200 0.8 120 150
<br><br> Cohn, Eugene   - - Served in World War II  - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Cohn, Eugene wwii.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Cohn, Eugene <BR><BR> Served in World War II <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Cohn, Eugene wwii.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Cohn, Eugene wwii.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   wwii 160 200 0.8 120 150
<br><br> Cohn, Eugene - - Duluth Central High School yearbook - -  1931 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Cohn, Eugene dchs 1931.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Cohn, Eugene <BR><BR> Duluth Central High School yearbook  - - 1931 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Cohn, Eugene dchs 1931.jpg">full text and image at hi res</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Cohn, Eugene dchs 1931.jpg" width="267" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   yearbook 267 150 1.78
<br><br> Cohn, James - - Duluth East High School yearbook - - 1967   - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Cohn, James dehs 1967.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Cohn, James<BR><BR> Duluth East High School yearbook - - 1967   <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Cohn, James dehs 1967.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Cohn, James dehs 1967.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Cohn, James H -  2013 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Cohn, James H 2013.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Cohn, James H 2013 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Cohn, James H 2013.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Cohn, James H 2013.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Cohn, Janice  - - Duluth Central High School yearbook  - 1945 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Cohn, Janice dchs 1945.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Cohn, Janice    <BR><BR>  Duluth Central High School yearbook -  1945 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Cohn, Janice dchs 1945.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Cohn, Janice dchs 1945.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Cohn, Mary - -  1979-3  JFN profile - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Cohn, Mary 1979-3  JFN profile.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Cohn, Mary 1979-3  JFN profile <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Cohn, Mary 1979-3  JFN profile.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Cohn, Mary 1979-3  JFN profile.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Cohn, Robert - - Duluth Central High School yearbook - -  1941 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Cohn, Robert dchs 1941.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Cohn, Robert <BR><BR> Duluth Central High School yearbook  - - 1941 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Cohn, Robert dchs 1941.jpg">full text and image at hi res</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Cohn, Robert dchs 1941.jpg" width="267" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   yearbook 267 150 1.78
<br><br> Cohn, Robert M   - - Served in World War II  - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Cohn, Robert M wwii.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Cohn, Robert M <BR><BR> Served in World War II <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Cohn, Robert M wwii.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Cohn, Robert M wwii.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   wwii 160 200 0.8 120 150
<br><br> Cohn, Robert M  - - Served in World War II - - Three photos - - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Cohn, Robert M WWII 3 photos.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Cohn, Robert M <BR><BR> Served in World War II 3 photos <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Cohn, Robert M WWII 3 photos.jpg">three photos</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Cohn, Robert M WWII 3 photos.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   Al Grady 120 150
<br><br> Cohn, Stanley   - - Served in World War II  - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Cohn, Stanley wwii.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Cohn, Stanley <BR><BR> Served in World War II <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Cohn, Stanley wwii.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Cohn, Stanley wwii.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   wwii 160 200 0.8 120 150
<br><br> Cohn, Stanley - - Duluth Central High School yearbook - -  1941 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Cohn, Stanley dchs 1941.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Cohn, Stanley <BR><BR> Duluth Central High School yearbook  - - 1941 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Cohn, Stanley dchs 1941.jpg">full text and image at hi res</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Cohn, Stanley dchs 1941.jpg" width="267" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   yearbook 267 150 1.78
<br><br> Cohn, Suzanne - -   Duluth East High School yearbook - - 1964 - - <font  size="1"> daughter of Eugene & Helen Warn Cohn, </font> - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Cohn, Suzanne dehs 1964.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Cohn, Suzanne<BR><BR>  Duluth East High School yearbook - - 1964 <BR> daughter of Eugene & Helen Warn Cohn, <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Cohn, Suzanne dehs 1964.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Cohn, Suzanne dehs 1964.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Cook Ida D   - - Newspaper article - -  1911-2-26 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Cook Ida D news 1911-2-26.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Cook Ida D  <BR><BR> Newspaper article - -  1911-2-26 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Cook Ida D news 1911-2-26.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Cook Ida D news 1911-2-26.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   news 160 200 0.8 120 150
<br><br> Cook, Amelia   - - Newspaper article - -  1901-11-24 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Cook, Amelia news 1901-11-24.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Cook, Amelia  <BR><BR> Newspaper article - -  1901-11-24 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Cook, Amelia news 1901-11-24.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Cook, Amelia news 1901-11-24.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   news 160 200 0.8 120 150
<br><br> Cook, B J   - -  Biographical text - no photo - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Cook, B J bio.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Cook, B J    <BR><BR>  biographical text - no photo <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Cook, B J bio.jpg">full image at hi res</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="center" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Cook, B J bio.jpg" width="380" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   bio 380 150 2.533333
<br><br> Cook, B J - -  news 1903-10-18 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Cook, B J news 1903-10-18.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Cook, B J news 1903-10-18 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Cook, B J news 1903-10-18.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Cook, B J news 1903-10-18.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Cook, BJ - - Zenith City History - Biography - - <A HREF=""  TARGET="articles">Link to Bio</A> - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Cook, BJ - zchb.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Cook, BJ <BR> Zenith City History - Biography <BR><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF=""  TARGET="articles">Link to Bio</A> <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Cook, BJ - zchb.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Cook, BJ - zchb.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Cook, Edith - -  Duluth Central High School yearbook - - 1901   - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Cook, Edith dchs 1901.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Cook, Edith<BR><BR> Duluth Central High School yearbook - - 1901   <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Cook, Edith dchs 1901.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Cook, Edith dchs 1901.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Cook, Elizabeth - - Duluth Central High School yearbook - - 1925 - - <font  size="1"> daughter of Julius Cook </font> - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Cook, Elizabeth dchs 1925.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Cook, Elizabeth <BR><BR> Duluth Central High School yearbook - - 1925 <BR> daughter of Julius Cook <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Cook, Elizabeth dchs 1925.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Cook, Elizabeth dchs 1925.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Cook, Elliot - - Duluth Central High School yearbook - - 1927   - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Cook, Elliot dchs 1927.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Cook, Elliot <BR><BR> Duluth Central High School yearbook - - 1927   <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Cook, Elliot dchs 1927.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Cook, Elliot dchs 1927.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Cook, Elliot - - Duluth Central High School yearbook - - 1927 basketball   - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Cook, Elliot dchs 1927 basketball.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Cook, Elliot <BR><BR> Duluth Central High School yearbook - - 1927 basketball   <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Cook, Elliot dchs 1927 basketball.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Cook, Elliot dchs 1927 basketball.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Cook, Emanuel  - - Duluth Central High School yearbook  - 1915 (sophomore Officers) - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Cook, Emanuel dchs 1915 Sophomore Officers.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Cook, Emanuel    <BR><BR>  Duluth Central High School yearbook -  1915 Sophomore Officers <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Cook, Emanuel dchs 1915 Sophomore Officers.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Cook, Emanuel dchs 1915 Sophomore Officers.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Cook, Emanuel  - - Newspaper article - 1917-5-4 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Cook, Emanuel news 1917-5-4.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Cook, Emanuel   <BR><BR>  Newspaper article - 1917-5-4 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Cook, Emanuel news 1917-5-4.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Cook, Emanuel news 1917-5-4.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Cook, Emanuel - - Duluth Central High School yearbook - 1917 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Cook, Emanuel dchs 1917.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Cook, Emanuel <BR><BR> Duluth Central High School yearbook - 1917 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Cook, Emanuel dchs 1917.jpg">larger image / more info</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Cook, Emanuel dchs 1917.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Cook, George   - -  Duluth Central High School yearbook  - - 1914 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Cook, George 1914 DCHS.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Cook, George <BR><BR>  Duluth Central High School yearbook - - 1914 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Cook, George 1914 DCHS.jpg">full text and image at hi res</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Cook, George 1914 DCHS.jpg" width="267" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   267 150
<br><br> Cook, Harvey - - Duluth Central High School yearbook - - 1925 - - <font  size="1"> married to Leah Liss </font> - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Cook, Harvey dchs 1925.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Cook, Harvey <BR><BR> Duluth Central High School yearbook - - 1925 <BR> married to Leah Liss <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Cook, Harvey dchs 1925.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Cook, Harvey dchs 1925.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Cook, Harvey D -  - Univ of Minnesota - Phi Epsilon Pi - 1926 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Cook, Harvey D - 1926 - Univ of Minnesota -Phi Epsilon Pi.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Cook, Harvey D -  - Univ of Minnesota - Phi Epsilon Pi - 1926 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Cook, Harvey D - 1926 - Univ of Minnesota -Phi Epsilon Pi.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Cook, Harvey D - 1926 - Univ of Minnesota -Phi Epsilon Pi.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Cook, Henrietta wed A S Goodman news 1906-3-25 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Cook, Henrietta wed A S Goodman news 1906-3-25.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Cook, Henrietta wed A S Goodman news 1906-3-25 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Cook, Henrietta wed A S Goodman news 1906-3-25.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Cook, Henrietta wed A S Goodman news 1906-3-25.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Cook, Ida   - - Newspaper article - -  1915-7-23 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Cook, Ida news 1915-7-23.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Cook, Ida  <BR><BR> Newspaper article - -  1915-7-23 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Cook, Ida news 1915-7-23.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Cook, Ida news 1915-7-23.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   news 160 200 0.8 120 150
<br><br> Cook, Ida - - founder of the Talmud Torah - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Cook, Ida - - founder of the Talmud Torah.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Cook, Ida<BR><BR>founder of the Talmud Torah <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Cook, Ida - - founder of the Talmud Torah.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Cook, Ida - - founder of the Talmud Torah.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   news 120 150
<br><br> Cook, Ira - - Zenith City History - Biography - - <A HREF=""  TARGET="articles">Link to Bio</A> - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Cook, Ira - zchb.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Cook, Ira <BR> Zenith City History - Biography <BR><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF=""  TARGET="articles">Link to Bio</A> <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Cook, Ira - zchb.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Cook, Ira - zchb.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Cook, Ira L - - Duluth Central High School yearbook - - 1934 - - <font  size="1"> Isaac Cook married to Virginia Jackson, son of Barnet & Lillian Cohen </font> - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Cook, Ira L dchs 1934.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Cook, Ira L <BR><BR> Duluth Central High School yearbook - - 1934 <BR> Isaac Cook married to Virginia Jackson, son of Barnet & Lillian Cohen <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Cook, Ira L dchs 1934.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Cook, Ira L dchs 1934.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Cook, Ira Leigh obit 2007 1934 photo - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Cook, Ira Leigh obit 2007 1934 photo.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Cook, Ira Leigh obit 2007 1934 photo <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Cook, Ira Leigh obit 2007 1934 photo.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Cook, Ira Leigh obit 2007 1934 photo.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Cook, Leah Liss (1919-2011) with  Jack & with Blake Siegel - -  2009 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Cook, Leah Liss 1919-2011 & Jack & Blake Siegel 2009.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Cook, Leah Liss (1919-2011) with  Jack & with Blake Siegel - -  2009 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Cook, Leah Liss 1919-2011 & Jack & Blake Siegel 2009.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Cook, Leah Liss 1919-2011 & Jack & Blake Siegel 2009.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Cook, Leona - - Duluth Central High School yearbook - - 1925   - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Cook, Leona dchs 1925.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Cook, Leona <BR><BR> Duluth Central High School yearbook - - 1925   <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Cook, Leona dchs 1925.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Cook, Leona dchs 1925.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Cook, Nathan  - -  Duluth Central High School yearbook -  1913 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Cook, Nathan dchs 1913.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Cook, Nathan   <BR><BR>   Duluth Central High School yearbook -  1913 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Cook, Nathan dchs 1913.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Cook, Nathan dchs 1913.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Cook, Theodore Teedy - -  Duluth Central High School yearbook - - 1920 - -  <font  size="1">son of Moses S & Anna M Gittleson Cook, Cook tree</font> - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Cook, Theodore Teedy dchs 1920.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Cook, Theodore Teedy<BR><BR> Duluth Central High School yearbook - - 1920 <BR> son of Moses S & Anna M Gittleson Cook, Cook tree <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Cook, Theodore Teedy dchs 1920.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Cook, Theodore Teedy dchs 1920.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Cook, Tommy - - Zenith City History - Biography - - <A HREF=""  TARGET="articles">Link to Bio</A> - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Cook, Tommy - zchb.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Cook, Tommy <BR> Zenith City History - Biography <BR><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF=""  TARGET="articles">Link to Bio</A> <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Cook, Tommy - zchb.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Cook, Tommy - zchb.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Cook, Wellington Ton - -  Duluth Central High School yearbook - - 1911   - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Cook, Wellington Ton dchs 1911.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Cook, Wellington Ton<BR><BR> Duluth Central High School yearbook - - 1911   <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Cook, Wellington Ton dchs 1911.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Cook, Wellington Ton dchs 1911.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Copilowizch, S B   - - Newspaper article - -  1921-4-28 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Copilowizch, S B news 1921-4-28.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Copilowizch, S B  <BR><BR> Newspaper article - -  1921-4-28 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Copilowizch, S B news 1921-4-28.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Copilowizch, S B news 1921-4-28.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   news 160 200 0.8 120 150
<br><br> Coran, Prescilla - UMD yearbook - sophomore - 1961 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Coran, Prescilla - UMD sophomore - 1961.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Coran, Prescilla  <BR><BR> UMD yearbook - sophomore - 1961 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Coran, Prescilla - UMD sophomore - 1961.jpg">full text and image at hi res</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="center" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Coran, Prescilla - UMD sophomore - 1961.jpg" width="267" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   yearbook 267 150
<br><br> Covet, Sherman   - - Served in World War II  - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Covet, Sherman wwii.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Covet, Sherman <BR><BR> Served in World War II <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Covet, Sherman wwii.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Covet, Sherman wwii.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   wwii 160 200 0.8 120 150
<br><br> Covet, Sherman - - Superior State College yearbook - 1933 (Kappa Rho Epsilon) - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Covet, Sherman 1933 SSTC Kappa Rho Epsilon.jpg">image</A> - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/MI/Covet, Sherman 1933 SSTC Kappa Rho Epsilon.jpg">more</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Covet, Sherman  <BR><BR>  Superior State College yearbook - 1933 (Kappa Rho Epsilon) <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Covet, Sherman 1933 SSTC Kappa Rho Epsilon.jpg">larger image</A> - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/MI/Covet, Sherman 1933 SSTC Kappa Rho Epsilon.jpg">more information</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Covet, Sherman 1933 SSTC Kappa Rho Epsilon.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Covet, Sherman 2Lt  - - obit 1944-09 JFN - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Covet, Sherman 2Lt obit 1944-09 JFN.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Covet, Sherman 2Lt obit 1944-09 JFN <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Covet, Sherman 2Lt obit 1944-09 JFN.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Covet, Sherman 2Lt obit 1944-09 JFN.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Cowan, Beginald L  - - Duluth East High School - 1920   - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Cowan, Beginald L  dehs 1920.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Cowan, Beginald L  dehs 1920   <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Cowan, Beginald L  dehs 1920.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Cowan, Beginald L  dehs 1920.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Cowan, Carla  - - Duluth East  High School yearbook - -  1982 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Cowan, Carla dehs 1982.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Cowan, Carla  <BR><BR> Duluth East  High School yearbook - -  1982 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Cowan, Carla dehs 1982.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Cowan, Carla dehs 1982.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Cowan, Elli Sue   - -  Duluth East  High School yearbook  - - 1986 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Cowan, Elli Sue 1986 dehs.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Cowan, Elli Sue   <BR><BR>  Duluth East High School yearbook - -  1986 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Cowan, Elli Sue 1986 dehs.jpg">full text and image at hi res</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Cowan, Elli Sue 1986 dehs.jpg" width="267" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   267 150
<br><br> Cowan, Ellie  - - Duluth East  High School yearbook - -  1985  - junior - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Cowan, Ellie dehs 1985 junior.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Cowan, Ellie  <BR><BR> Duluth East  High School yearbook - -  1985  - junior <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Cowan, Ellie dehs 1985 junior.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Cowan, Ellie dehs 1985 junior.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Cowan, Gary  - - Duluth Central High School yeabook - -  1955 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Cowan, Gary dchs 1955.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Cowan, Gary <BR><BR>  Duluth Central High School yeabook - -  1955 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Cowan, Gary dchs 1955.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Cowan, Gary dchs 1955.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Cowan, Geo M   - - Served in World War II  - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Cowan, Geo M wwii.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Cowan, Geo M <BR><BR> Served in World War II <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Cowan, Geo M wwii.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Cowan, Geo M wwii.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   wwii 160 200 0.8 120 150
<br><br> Cowan, Jack  - - Duluth Central High School yearbook  - 1936 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Cowan, Jack dchs 1936.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Cowan, Jack    <BR><BR>  Duluth Central High School yearbook -  1936 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Cowan, Jack dchs 1936.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Cowan, Jack dchs 1936.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Cowan, Lawrence - - 1908-1974 - - <font  size="1">captured  from:   "Descendents of Zalkind Peysakh Zalk" by Michael D. Zalk - Oct 2012</font> - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Cowan, Lawrence 1908-1974.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Cowan, Lawrence 1908-1974 <BR> <font color="blue" size="1">captured with permission from: <BR> "Descendents of Zalkind Peysakh Zalk" by Michael D. Zalk - Oct 2012</font> <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Cowan, Lawrence 1908-1974.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Cowan, Lawrence 1908-1974.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Cowan, Mark - - Duluth East High School yearbook - - 1967 - - on Steve Heifitz tree - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Cowan, Mark dehs 1967.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Cowan, Mark<BR><BR> Duluth East High School yearbook - - 1967 <BR> on Steve Heifitz tree <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Cowan, Mark dehs 1967.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Cowan, Mark dehs 1967.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Cowan, Muriel Bernice Josephs 1912-2004 - - <font  size="1">captured  from:   "Descendents of Zalkind Peysakh Zalk" by Michael D. Zalk - Oct 2012</font> - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Cowan, Muriel Bernice Josephs 1912-2004.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Cowan, Muriel Bernice Josephs 1912-2004 <BR> <font color="blue" size="1">captured with permission from: <BR> "Descendents of Zalkind Peysakh Zalk" by Michael D. Zalk - Oct 2012</font> <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Cowan, Muriel Bernice Josephs 1912-2004.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Cowan, Muriel Bernice Josephs 1912-2004.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Cowan, Sandra Louise  - -  Superior Central High School yearbook  - -  1962 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Cowan, Sandra Louise schs 1962.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Cowan, Sandra Louise  <BR><BR>   Superior Central  High School yearbook   - - 1962 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Cowan, Sandra Louise schs 1962.jpg">full text and image at hi res</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Cowan, Sandra Louise schs 1962.jpg" width="267" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   yearbook 267 150 1.78
<br><br> Cowen, Reginald  - -  Duluth Central High School yearbook  - -  1921 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Cowen, Reginald dchs 1921.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Cowen, Reginald  <BR><BR>   Duluth Central  High School yearbook   - - 1921 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Cowen, Reginald dchs 1921.jpg">full text and image at hi res</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Cowen, Reginald dchs 1921.jpg" width="267" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   yearbook 267 150 1.78
<br><br> Crystal Rachael (Mrs) Jacob   - - Newspaper article - -  1920-5-13 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Crystal Rachael Mrs Jacob news 1920-5-13.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Crystal Rachael (Mrs) Jacob  <BR><BR> Newspaper article - -  1920-5-13 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Crystal Rachael Mrs Jacob news 1920-5-13.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Crystal Rachael Mrs Jacob news 1920-5-13.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   news 160 200 0.8 120 150
<br><br> Crystal, Beatrice - - Duluth Central High School yearbook - -  1939 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Crystal, Beatrice dchs 1939.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Crystal, Beatrice <BR><BR> Duluth Central High School yearbook  - - 1939 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Crystal, Beatrice dchs 1939.jpg">full text and image at hi res</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Crystal, Beatrice dchs 1939.jpg" width="267" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   yearbook 267 150 1.78
<br><br> Crystal, Dinah   - -  Duluth East  High School yearbook  - - 1960 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Crystal, Dinah 1960 dehs.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Crystal, Dinah <BR><BR>  Duluth East High School yearbook - - 1960 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Crystal, Dinah 1960 dehs.jpg">full text and image at hi res</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Crystal, Dinah 1960 dehs.jpg" width="267" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   267 150
<br><br> Crystal, Dinah  - -  Duluth East High School yearbook  - -  junior 1959 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Crystal. Dinah dehs junior 1959.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Crystal, Dinah  <BR><BR> Duluth East High School yearbook  - -  junior 1959 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Crystal. Dinah dehs junior 1959.jpg">full text and image at hi res</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="center" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Crystal. Dinah dehs junior 1959.jpg" width="267" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   yearbook 267 150
<br><br> Crystal, Isadore - - Duluth Central High School yearbook - - 1929   - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Crystal, Isadore dchs 1929.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Crystal, Isadore <BR><BR> Duluth Central High School yearbook - - 1929   <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Crystal, Isadore dchs 1929.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Crystal, Isadore dchs 1929.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Crystal, Jacob   - - Newspaper article - -  1920-5-13 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Crystal, Jacob news 1920-5-13.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Crystal, Jacob  <BR><BR> Newspaper article - -  1920-5-13 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Crystal, Jacob news 1920-5-13.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Crystal, Jacob news 1920-5-13.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   news 160 200 0.8 120 150
<br><br> Crystal, Lester  - -  Duluth East High School yearbook  - -  1952 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Crystal, Lester dehs 1952.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Crystal, Lester    <BR><BR>   Duluth East High School yearbook   - - 1952 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Crystal, Lester dehs 1952.jpg">full text and image at hi res</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Crystal, Lester dehs 1952.jpg" width="267" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   yearbook 267 150 1.78
<br><br> Crystal, Marjorie Ann  - -  Superior Central High School yearbook  - -  1948 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Crystal, Marjorie Ann schs 1948.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Crystal, Marjorie Ann  <BR><BR>   Superior Central  High School yearbook   - - 1948 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Crystal, Marjorie Ann schs 1948.jpg">full text and image at hi res</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Crystal, Marjorie Ann schs 1948.jpg" width="267" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   yearbook 267 150 1.78
<br><br> <font color="blue"> .................. <B> D   </B> ..................   &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </font><font size="1"><A HREF="#top">top of this index</A> &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <A HREF="#bottom">bottom of this index</A> &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <A HREF="OtherFamiliesD.html">Letter "D" thumbnail page</A> <A Name="D"></A></font><font size="2"> <br><font color="blue" size="3"> .................. <B> D   </B> ..................   &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </font><font size="1"><A HREF="#top">top of list</A> &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <A HREF="#bottom">bottom</A><A Name="D"></A></font><font size="2"> <BR><BR>    - A - - Z -    
<br><br> Daneiko, Carol - - Duluth Central High School yearbook - - 1946 - - married Mel Cohen, Daneiko tree - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Daneiko, Carol dchs 1946.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Daneiko, Carol <BR><BR>  Duluth Central High School yearbook - - 1946 <BR> married Mel Cohen, Daneiko tree <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Daneiko, Carol dchs 1946.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Daneiko, Carol dchs 1946.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Davidson, Alexander Al 1979-6 JFN obit - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Davidson, Alexander Al 1979-6 JFN obit.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Davidson, Alexander Al 1979-6 JFN obit <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Davidson, Alexander Al 1979-6 JFN obit.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Davidson, Alexander Al 1979-6 JFN obit.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Davidson, Donald - - Duluth East High School yearbook - -  1951 ninth   - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Davidson, Donald dehs 1951 ninth.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Davidson, Donald <BR><BR> Duluth East High School yearbook - -  1951 ninth   <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Davidson, Donald dehs 1951 ninth.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Davidson, Donald dehs 1951 ninth.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Davidson, Dorothy  - -  Duluth Central High School yearbook  - -  1942 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Davidson, Dorothy dchs 1942.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Davidson, Dorothy  <BR><BR>   Duluth Central  High School yearbook   - - 1942 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Davidson, Dorothy dchs 1942.jpg">full text and image at hi res</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Davidson, Dorothy dchs 1942.jpg" width="267" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   yearbook 267 150 1.78
<br><br> Davidson, Flo - -   Superior High School yearbook - - 1916 - - <font  size="1"> </font> - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Davidson, Flo shs 1916.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Davidson, Flo<BR><BR>  Superior High School yearbook - - 1916 <BR> <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Davidson, Flo shs 1916.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Davidson, Flo shs 1916.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Davidson, Marcia - - Duluth East High School yearbook - -  1951 ninth   - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Davidson, Marcia dehs 1951 ninth.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Davidson, Marcia <BR><BR> Duluth East High School yearbook - -  1951 ninth   <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Davidson, Marcia dehs 1951 ninth.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Davidson, Marcia dehs 1951 ninth.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Davidson, Melvin  - -  Duluth Central High School yearbook  - -  1942 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Davidson, Melvin dchs 1942.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Davidson, Melvin  <BR><BR>   Duluth Central  High School yearbook   - - 1942 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Davidson, Melvin dchs 1942.jpg">full text and image at hi res</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Davidson, Melvin dchs 1942.jpg" width="267" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   yearbook 267 150 1.78
<br><br> Davidson, Paula - -   Superior High School yearbook - - 1970 - - <font  size="1"> </font> - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Davidson, Paula shs 1970.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Davidson, Paula<BR><BR>  Superior High School yearbook - - 1970 <BR> <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Davidson, Paula shs 1970.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Davidson, Paula shs 1970.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Davidson, Robert Ernest  - -  Superior Central High School yearbook  - -  1937 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Davidson, Robert Ernest schs 1937.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Davidson, Robert Ernest  <BR><BR>   Superior Central  High School yearbook   - - 1937 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Davidson, Robert Ernest schs 1937.jpg">full text and image at hi res</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Davidson, Robert Ernest schs 1937.jpg" width="267" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   yearbook 267 150 1.78
<br><br> Davidson, Sherry - - Duluth Central High School yearbook - - 1959 - Sophomore year - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Davidson, Sherry 1959 dchs soph.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Davidson, Sherry - - Duluth Central High School yearbook - - 1959 - Sophomore year <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Davidson, Sherry 1959 dchs soph.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Davidson, Sherry 1959 dchs soph.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Davis, Alice L  - - Duluth Central High School yearbook - -  1966 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Davis, Alice L dchs 1966.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Davis, Alice L  <BR><BR> Duluth Central High School yearbook - -  1966 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Davis, Alice L dchs 1966.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Davis, Alice L dchs 1966.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Davis, Alvin  - -  Duluth Central High School yearbook  - -  1942 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Davis, Alvin dchs 1942.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Davis, Alvin  <BR><BR>   Duluth Central  High School yearbook   - - 1942 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Davis, Alvin dchs 1942.jpg">full text and image at hi res</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Davis, Alvin dchs 1942.jpg" width="267" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   yearbook 267 150 1.78
<br><br> Davis, Alvin   - - Served in World War II  - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Davis, Alvin wwii.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Davis, Alvin <BR><BR> Served in World War II <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Davis, Alvin wwii.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Davis, Alvin wwii.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   wwii 160 200 0.8 120 150
<br><br> Davis, Ann - - Duluth Central High School yearbook - - 1929   - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Davis, Ann dchs 1929.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Davis, Ann <BR><BR> Duluth Central High School yearbook - - 1929   <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Davis, Ann dchs 1929.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Davis, Ann dchs 1929.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Davis, Anna - - Duluth Central High School yearbook - -  1931 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Davis, Anna dchs 1931.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Davis, Anna <BR><BR> Duluth Central High School yearbook  - - 1931 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Davis, Anna dchs 1931.jpg">full text and image at hi res</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Davis, Anna dchs 1931.jpg" width="267" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   yearbook 267 150 1.78
<br><br> Davis, Arthur   - - Served in World War II  - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Davis, Arthur wwii.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Davis, Arthur <BR><BR> Served in World War II <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Davis, Arthur wwii.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Davis, Arthur wwii.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   wwii 160 200 0.8 120 150
<br><br> Davis, Barbara - -   Superior High School yearbook - - 1970 - - <font  size="1"> </font> - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Davis, Barbara shs 1970.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Davis, Barbara<BR><BR>  Superior High School yearbook - - 1970 <BR> <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Davis, Barbara shs 1970.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Davis, Barbara shs 1970.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Davis, Beatrice - - Duluth Central High School yearbook - -  1941 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Davis, Beatrice dchs 1941.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Davis, Beatrice <BR><BR> Duluth Central High School yearbook  - - 1941 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Davis, Beatrice dchs 1941.jpg">full text and image at hi res</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Davis, Beatrice dchs 1941.jpg" width="267" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   yearbook 267 150 1.78
<br><br> Davis, Benjamin - - Duluth Central High School  - - 1927 - - <font  size="1"> married to Blanche Greenberg, son of Meyer & Leah Rudolph Davis, Davis tree </font> - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Davis, Benjamin dchs 1927.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Davis, Benjamin <BR><BR> Duluth Central High School yearbook - - 1927 <BR> married to Blanche Greenberg, son of Meyer & Leah Rudolph Davis, Davis tree <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Davis, Benjamin dchs 1927.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Davis, Benjamin dchs 1927.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Davis, Benjamin D   - - Served in World War II  - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Davis, Benjamin D wwii.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Davis, Benjamin D <BR><BR> Served in World War II <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Davis, Benjamin D wwii.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Davis, Benjamin D wwii.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   wwii 160 200 0.8 120 150
<br><br> Davis, Benje    - - Served in World War II  - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Davis, Benje wii.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Davis, Benje <BR><BR> Served in World War II <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Davis, Benje wii.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Davis, Benje wii.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   wwii 160 200 0.8 120 150
<br><br> Davis, Bennie - -  Duluth Central High School yearbook - - 1920 - -  <font  size="1">married to Ida Schneider, son of Abraham & Reva Weinberg Davis, Davis tree</font> - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Davis, Bennie dchs 1920.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Davis, Bennie<BR><BR> Duluth Central High School yearbook - - 1920 <BR> married to Ida Schneider, son of Abraham & Reva Weinberg Davis, Davis tree <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Davis, Bennie dchs 1920.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Davis, Bennie dchs 1920.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Davis, Bill   - -  Duluth Central High School yearbook  - -  1978 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Davis, Bill dchs 1978.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Davis, Bill  <BR><BR>  Duluth Central High School yearbook  - -  1978 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Davis, Bill dchs 1978.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Davis, Bill dchs 1978.jpg" width="267" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   yearbook 144 180 0.8 120 150
<br><br> Davis, Bonnie  - -  Duluth East High School yearbook  - -  1969 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Davis, Bonnie dehs 1969.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Davis, Bonnie    <BR><BR>   Duluth East High School yearbook   - - 1969 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Davis, Bonnie dehs 1969.jpg">full text and image at hi res</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Davis, Bonnie dehs 1969.jpg" width="267" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   yearbook 267 150 1.78
<br><br> Davis, Bruce   - -  Duluth Central High School yearbook  - - 1914 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Davis, Bruce 1914 DCHS.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Davis, Bruce <BR><BR>  Duluth Central High School yearbook - - 1914 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Davis, Bruce 1914 DCHS.jpg">full text and image at hi res</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Davis, Bruce 1914 DCHS.jpg" width="267" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   267 150
<br><br> Davis, Celia - - Duluth Central High School yearbook - - 1933 - - <font  size="1">  married to Maurice Garson, daughter of Joseph & Sara Kanter Davis, Davis tree </font> - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Davis, Celia dchs 1933.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Davis, Celia <BR><BR> Duluth Central High School yearbook - - 1933 <BR>  married to Maurice Garson, daughter of Joseph & Sara Kanter Davis, Davis tree <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Davis, Celia dchs 1933.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Davis, Celia dchs 1933.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Davis, Charlene  - - Duluth Denfeld High School - -  1962   - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Davis, Charlene ddhs 1962.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Davis, Charlene <BR><BR> Duluth Denfeld High School - -  1962   <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Davis, Charlene ddhs 1962.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Davis, Charlene ddhs 1962.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Davis, Charles - - Duluth East High School yearbook -  1961 sophomore - - son of M L (Prof) Davis & Bea Roseman - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Davis, Charles 1961 dehs 1961 sophomore.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Davis, Charles <BR> Duluth East High School yearbook -  1961 sophomore <BR> son of M L (Prof) Davis & Bea Roseman <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Davis, Charles 1961 dehs 1961 sophomore.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Davis, Charles 1961 dehs 1961 sophomore.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Davis, Chuck - - Duluth East High School yearbook - - 1963 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Davis, Chuck 1963 dehs.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Davis, Chuck - - Duluth East High School yearbook - - 1963 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Davis, Chuck 1963 dehs.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Davis, Chuck 1963 dehs.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Davis, Clinton  - - Duluth Central High School yearbook -  -  1938   - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Davis, Clinton dchs 1938.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Davis, Clinton <BR><BR>  Duluth Central High School yearbook -  -  1938   <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Davis, Clinton dchs 1938.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Davis, Clinton dchs 1938.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Davis, Cynthia - - Duluth East High School yearbook - - 1963 - Sophomore year - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Davis, Cynthia 1963 dehs soph.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Davis, Cynthia - - Duluth East High School yearbook - - 1963 - Sophomore year <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Davis, Cynthia 1963 dehs soph.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Davis, Cynthia 1963 dehs soph.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Davis, Daniel   - -  Duluth Central  High School yearbook  - -  1944 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Davis, Daniel dchs 1944.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Davis, Daniel  <BR><BR>  Duluth Central  High School yearbook - -  1944 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Davis, Daniel dchs 1944.jpg">full text and image at hi res</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Davis, Daniel dchs 1944.jpg" width="267" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   yearbook 267 150
<br><br> Davis, Dean  - -  Duluth Central High School yearbook -  1918 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Davis, Dean dchs 1918.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Davis, Dean   <BR><BR>   Duluth Central High School yearbook -  1918 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Davis, Dean dchs 1918.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Davis, Dean dchs 1918.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Davis, Debbie  - - Duluth East  High School yearbook - -  1975  - sophomore - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Davis, Debbie dehs 1975 sophomore.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Davis, Debbie  <BR><BR> Duluth East  High School yearbook - -  1975  - sophomore <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Davis, Debbie dehs 1975 sophomore.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Davis, Debbie dehs 1975 sophomore.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Davis, Debbie - -  Duluth East High School yearbook - - 1977   - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Davis, Debbie dehs 1977.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Davis, Debbie <BR><BR> Duluth East High School yearbook - - 1977   <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Davis, Debbie dehs 1977.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Davis, Debbie dehs 1977.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Davis, Denise  - - Duluth Central High School yearbook - -  1978  - sophomore - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Davis, Denise dchs 1978 sophomore.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Davis, Denise  <BR><BR> Duluth Central High School yearbook - -  1978  - sophomore <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Davis, Denise dchs 1978 sophomore.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Davis, Denise dchs 1978 sophomore.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Davis, Dennis  - - Duluth Central High School yearbook - -  1966  - sophomore - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Davis, Dennis dchs 1966 sophomore.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Davis, Dennis  <BR><BR> Duluth Central High School yearbook - -  1966  - sophomore <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Davis, Dennis dchs 1966 sophomore.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Davis, Dennis dchs 1966 sophomore.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Davis, Donald Lee - - Duluth Central High School yearbook -  1958 sophomore   - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Davis, Donald Lee dchs 1958 sophomore.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Davis, Donald Lee <BR> Duluth Central High School yearbook -  1958 sophomore <BR> <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Davis, Donald Lee dchs 1958 sophomore.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Davis, Donald Lee dchs 1958 sophomore.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Davis, Donald Lee - - Duluth Central High School yearbook - - 1959 - Junior year   - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Davis, Donald Lee 1959 dchs jr.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Davis, Donald Lee - - Duluth Central High School yearbook - - 1959 - Junior year   <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Davis, Donald Lee 1959 dchs jr.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Davis, Donald Lee 1959 dchs jr.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Davis, Douglas - -  Superior High School yearbook - - 1972   - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Davis, Douglas shs 1972.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Davis, Douglas<BR><BR> Superior High School yearbook - - 1972   <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Davis, Douglas shs 1972.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Davis, Douglas shs 1972.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Davis, Duane  - - Duluth Central High School yearbook -  1957   - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Davis, Duane dchs 1957.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Davis, Duane  <BR> Duluth Central High School yearbook -  1957 <BR> <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Davis, Duane dchs 1957.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Davis, Duane dchs 1957.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Davis, Duane - - Duluth Central High School yearbook - - 1967 - Sophomore year - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Davis, Duane 1967 dchs soph.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Davis, Duane - - Duluth Central High School yearbook - - 1967 - Sophomore year <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Davis, Duane 1967 dchs soph.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Davis, Duane 1967 dchs soph.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Davis, Dwight - - Superior High School yearbook - - 1972 - Junior year - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Davis, Dwight 1972 shs jr.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Davis, Dwight - - Superior High School yearbook - - 1972 - Junior year <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Davis, Dwight 1972 shs jr.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Davis, Dwight 1972 shs jr.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Davis, Ed - - Duluth East High School yearbook - -  1951 ninth   - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Davis, Ed dehs 1951 ninth.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Davis, Ed <BR><BR> Duluth East High School yearbook - -  1951 ninth   <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Davis, Ed dehs 1951 ninth.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Davis, Ed dehs 1951 ninth.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Davis, Edward  - -  Duluth East High School yearbook  - -  1954 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Davis, Edward dehs 1954.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Davis, Edward    <BR><BR>   Duluth East High School yearbook   - - 1954 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Davis, Edward dehs 1954.jpg">full text and image at hi res</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Davis, Edward dehs 1954.jpg" width="267" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   yearbook 267 150 1.78
<br><br> Davis, Edward  - - Duluth Central High School yearbook -  -  1935 - -  on Davis family tree - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Davis, Edward dchs 1935.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Davis, Edward <BR><BR>  Duluth Central High School yearbook -  -  1935 <BR>  on Davis family tree <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Davis, Edward dchs 1935.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Davis, Edward dchs 1935.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Davis, Edward A   - - Served in World War II  - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Davis, Edward A.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Davis, Edward A <BR><BR> Served in World War II <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Davis, Edward A.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Davis, Edward A.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   wwii 160 200 0.8 120 150
<br><br> Davis, Emerald  - - Duluth Central High School yearbook -  -  1935   - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Davis, Emerald dchs 1935.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Davis, Emerald <BR><BR>  Duluth Central High School yearbook -  -  1935   <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Davis, Emerald dchs 1935.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Davis, Emerald dchs 1935.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Davis, Enid  - -  Duluth Central High School yearbook - -  1926 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Davis, Enid dchs 1926.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Davis, Enid  <BR><BR> Duluth Central High School yearbook - -  1926 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Davis, Enid dchs 1926.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Davis, Enid dchs 1926.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Davis, Ernest - - Duluth Central High School yearbook - - 1927 - - <font  size="1"> son of Joseph & Ruche-Bayla Kanter Davis, on Davis tree </font> - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Davis, Ernest dchs 1927.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Davis, Ernest <BR><BR> Duluth Central High School yearbook - - 1927 <BR> son of Joseph & Ruche-Bayla Kanter Davis, on Davis tree <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Davis, Ernest dchs 1927.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Davis, Ernest dchs 1927.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Davis, Eva.  - -  Duluth Central High School yearbook - -  1926 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Davis, Eva. dchs 1926.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Davis, Eva.  <BR><BR> Duluth Central High School yearbook - -  1926 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Davis, Eva. dchs 1926.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Davis, Eva. dchs 1926.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Davis, Florence - - Duluth Central High School yearbook - -  1939 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Davis, Florence dchs 1939.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Davis, Florence <BR><BR> Duluth Central High School yearbook  - - 1939 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Davis, Florence dchs 1939.jpg">full text and image at hi res</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Davis, Florence dchs 1939.jpg" width="267" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   yearbook 267 150 1.78
<br><br> Davis, Frances (Green)  - - Duluth Central High School yearbook  - 1937 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Davis, Frances (Green) dchs 1937.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Davis, Frances (Green)    <BR><BR>  Duluth Central High School yearbook -  1937 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Davis, Frances (Green) dchs 1937.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Davis, Frances (Green) dchs 1937.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Davis, Fred  - - Duluth East  High School yearbook - -  1882 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Davis, Fred dehs 1882.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Davis, Fred  <BR><BR> Duluth East  High School yearbook - -  1882 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Davis, Fred dehs 1882.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Davis, Fred dehs 1882.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Davis, Fred - - Duluth Central High School yearbook -  1958   - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Davis, Fred dchs 1958.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Davis, Fred <BR> Duluth Central High School yearbook -  1958 <BR> <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Davis, Fred dchs 1958.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Davis, Fred dchs 1958.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Davis, Gary  - - Duluth Central High School yearbook - -  1966  - sophomore - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Davis, Gary dchs 1966 sophomore.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Davis, Gary  <BR><BR> Duluth Central High School yearbook - -  1966  - sophomore <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Davis, Gary dchs 1966 sophomore.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Davis, Gary dchs 1966 sophomore.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Davis, George - - Duluth East High School yearbook -  1961 sophomore   - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Davis, George dehs 1961 sophomore.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Davis, George <BR> Duluth East High School yearbook -  1961 sophomore <BR> <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Davis, George dehs 1961 sophomore.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Davis, George dehs 1961 sophomore.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Davis, George - - Duluth East High School yearbook - - 1963 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Davis, George 1963 dehs.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Davis, George - - Duluth East High School yearbook - - 1963 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Davis, George 1963 dehs.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Davis, George 1963 dehs.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Davis, Gertrude Ann  - - Duluth Central High School yearbook  - 1936 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Davis, Gertrude Ann dchs 1936.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Davis, Gertrude Ann    <BR><BR>  Duluth Central High School yearbook -  1936 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Davis, Gertrude Ann dchs 1936.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Davis, Gertrude Ann dchs 1936.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Davis, Ghita   - -  Duluth Central  High School yearbook  - -  1944 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Davis, Ghita dchs 1944.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Davis, Ghita  <BR><BR>  Duluth Central  High School yearbook - -  1944 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Davis, Ghita dchs 1944.jpg">full text and image at hi res</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Davis, Ghita dchs 1944.jpg" width="267" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   yearbook 267 150
<br><br> Davis, Gordon  - - Duluth Central High School yearbook  - 1936 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Davis, Gordon dchs 1936.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Davis, Gordon    <BR><BR>  Duluth Central High School yearbook -  1936 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Davis, Gordon dchs 1936.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Davis, Gordon dchs 1936.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Davis, Grace - - Duluth Central High School yearbook - 1905 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Davis, Grace dchs 1905.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Davis, Grace <BR><BR> Duluth Central High School yearbook - 1905 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Davis, Grace dchs 1905.jpg">larger image / more info</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Davis, Grace dchs 1905.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Davis, Greg  - - Duluth Central High School yearbook - -  1966  - junior - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Davis, Greg dchs 1966 junior.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Davis, Greg  <BR><BR> Duluth Central High School yearbook - -  1966  - junior <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Davis, Greg dchs 1966 junior.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Davis, Greg dchs 1966 junior.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Davis, Gregory - - Duluth Central High School yearbook - - 1967 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Davis, Gregory 1967 dchs.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Davis, Gregory - - Duluth Central High School yearbook - - 1967 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Davis, Gregory 1967 dchs.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Davis, Gregory 1967 dchs.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Davis, Harold - - Duluth Central High School yearbook - -  1941 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Davis, Harold dchs 1941.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Davis, Harold <BR><BR> Duluth Central High School yearbook  - - 1941 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Davis, Harold dchs 1941.jpg">full text and image at hi res</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Davis, Harold dchs 1941.jpg" width="267" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   yearbook 267 150 1.78
<br><br> Davis, Harry  - - Duluth Central High School yearbook -  -  1935 - - Harry Jack Davis on the Davis tree - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Davis, Harry dchs 1935.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Davis, Harry <BR><BR>  Duluth Central High School yearbook -  -  1935 <BR> Harry Jack Davis on the Davis tree <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Davis, Harry dchs 1935.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Davis, Harry dchs 1935.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Davis, Harry - -  Duluth Central High School yearbook - - 1903 - - <font  size="1">son of Benjamin Davidovich, father of Is Crystal's first wife, on Davis tree</font> - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Davis, Harry dchs 1903.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Davis, Harry<BR><BR> Duluth Central High School yearbook - - 1903 <BR> son of Benjamin Davidovich, father of Is Crystal's first wife, on Davis tree <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Davis, Harry dchs 1903.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Davis, Harry dchs 1903.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Davis, Harry J   - - Served in World War II  - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Davis, Harry J wwii.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Davis, Harry J <BR><BR> Served in World War II <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Davis, Harry J wwii.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Davis, Harry J wwii.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   wwii 160 200 0.8 120 150
<br><br> Davis, Harry W - -  1981-2 JFN profile - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Davis, Harry W 1981-2 JFN profile.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Davis, Harry W 1981-2 JFN profile <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Davis, Harry W 1981-2 JFN profile.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Davis, Harry W 1981-2 JFN profile.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Davis, Hy  - - Duluth Central High School yearbook -  -  1935 - - on the Davis tree - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Davis, Hy dchs 1935.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Davis, Hy <BR><BR>  Duluth Central High School yearbook -  -  1935 <BR> on the Davis tree <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Davis, Hy dchs 1935.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Davis, Hy dchs 1935.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Davis, Irving - - Duluth East High School yearbook - -  1951 sophomore - - son of Ben H  & Esther Winer Davis - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Davis, Irving DEHS 1951 sophomore.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Davis, Irving <BR><BR> Duluth East High School yearbook - -  1951 sophomore <BR> son of Ben H  & Esther Winer Davis <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Davis, Irving DEHS 1951 sophomore.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Davis, Irving DEHS 1951 sophomore.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Davis, Irving - - Duluth East High School yearbook - -  1953 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Davis, Irving dehs 1953.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Davis, Irving <BR><BR> Duluth East High School yearbook  - - 1953 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Davis, Irving dehs 1953.jpg">full text and image at hi res</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Davis, Irving dehs 1953.jpg" width="267" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   yearbook 267 150 1.78
<br><br> Davis, Isadore - - Duluth Central High School  - - 1929 - - <font  size="1"> married to Dorothy Sachs, son of Abraham & Goldy Abelman Davis, Davis family tree </font> - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Davis, Isadore dchs 1929.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Davis, Isadore <BR><BR> Duluth Central High School yearbook - - 1929 <BR> married to Dorothy Sachs, son of Abraham & Goldy Abelman Davis, Davis family tree <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Davis, Isadore dchs 1929.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Davis, Isadore dchs 1929.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Davis, J E   - -  Biographical text - no photo - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Davis, J E bio.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Davis, J E    <BR><BR>  biographical text - no photo <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Davis, J E bio.jpg">full image at hi res</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="center" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Davis, J E bio.jpg" width="380" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   bio 380 150
<br><br> Davis, James  - - Duluth Central High School yearbook - -  1966  - sophomore - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Davis, James dchs 1966 sophomore.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Davis, James  <BR><BR> Duluth Central High School yearbook - -  1966  - sophomore <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Davis, James dchs 1966 sophomore.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Davis, James dchs 1966 sophomore.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Davis, James - - Duluth Central High School yearbook - - 1967 - Sophomore year - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Davis, James 1967 dchs soph.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Davis, James - - Duluth Central High School yearbook - - 1967 - Sophomore year <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Davis, James 1967 dchs soph.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Davis, James 1967 dchs soph.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Davis, James A   - -  Duluth Central  High School yearbook  - -  1963 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Davis, James A dchs 1963.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Davis, James A  <BR><BR>  Duluth Central  High School yearbook - -  1963  <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Davis, James A dchs 1963.jpg">full text and image at hi res</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Davis, James A dchs 1963.jpg" width="267" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   yearbook 267 150
<br><br> Davis, Jane - - Duluth Central High School yearbook - -  1931 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Davis, Jane dchs 1931.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Davis, Jane <BR><BR> Duluth Central High School yearbook  - - 1931 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Davis, Jane dchs 1931.jpg">full text and image at hi res</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Davis, Jane dchs 1931.jpg" width="267" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   yearbook 267 150 1.78
<br><br> Davis, Janice  - - Duluth Central High School yearbook - -  1966  - junior - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Davis, Janice dchs 1966 junior.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Davis, Janice  <BR><BR> Duluth Central High School yearbook - -  1966  - junior <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Davis, Janice dchs 1966 junior.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Davis, Janice dchs 1966 junior.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Davis, Janice - - Duluth Central High School yearbook - - 1967 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Davis, Janice 1967 dchs.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Davis, Janice - - Duluth Central High School yearbook - - 1967 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Davis, Janice 1967 dchs.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Davis, Janice 1967 dchs.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Davis, Jeanine  - - Duluth Central High School yearbook - -  1964  - junior - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Davis, Jeanine dchs 1964 junior.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Davis, Jeanine  <BR><BR> Duluth Central High School yearbook - -  1964  - junior <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Davis, Jeanine dchs 1964 junior.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Davis, Jeanine dchs 1964 junior.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Davis, Jeanne  - - Duluth Central High School yeabook - -  1950 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Davis, Jeanne dchs 1950.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Davis, Jeanne <BR><BR>  Duluth Central High School yeabook - -  1950 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Davis, Jeanne dchs 1950.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Davis, Jeanne dchs 1950.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Davis, Jeanne - - Duluth East High School yearbook - - 1967 teacher - - wife of Isadore Davis - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Davis, Jeanne dehs 1967 teacher.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Davis, Jeanne<BR><BR> Duluth East High School yearbook - - 1967 teacher <BR> wife of Isadore Davis <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Davis, Jeanne dehs 1967 teacher.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Davis, Jeanne dehs 1967 teacher.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Davis, Jed  - - Duluth East  High School yearbook - -  1971  - junior - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Davis, Jed dehs 1971 junior.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Davis, Jed  <BR><BR> Duluth East  High School yearbook - -  1971  - junior <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Davis, Jed dehs 1971 junior.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Davis, Jed dehs 1971 junior.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Davis, Jeff  - - Duluth East  High School yearbook - -  1954  - junior - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Davis, Jeff dehs 1954 junior.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Davis, Jeff  <BR><BR> Duluth East  High School yearbook - -  1954  - junior <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Davis, Jeff dehs 1954 junior.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Davis, Jeff dehs 1954 junior.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Davis, Jeff - - Duluth East High School yearbook - -  1951 eighth   - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Davis, Jeff dehs 1951 eighth.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Davis, Jeff <BR><BR> Duluth East High School yearbook - -  1951 eighth   <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Davis, Jeff dehs 1951 eighth.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Davis, Jeff dehs 1951 eighth.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Davis, Jeff - - Duluth East High School yearbook - - 1955 - - <font  size="1"> </font> - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Davis, Jeff dehs 1955.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Davis, Jeff <BR><BR> Duluth East High School yearbook - - 1955 <BR> <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Davis, Jeff dehs 1955.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Davis, Jeff dehs 1955.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Davis, Jenny  - -  Superior High School yearbook -  1985 (class of 1986) - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Davis, Jenny shs 1985 - class of 86.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Davis, Jenny   <BR><BR>   Superior High School yearbook -  1985 (class of 1986) <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Davis, Jenny shs 1985 - class of 86.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Davis, Jenny shs 1985 - class of 86.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Davis, Jerome Rudolf - - Duluth Central High School yearbook - - 1948 - - on Davis tree - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Davis, Jerome Rudolf dchs 1948.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Davis, Jerome Rudolf <BR><BR>  Duluth Central High School yearbook - - 1948 <BR> on Davis tree <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Davis, Jerome Rudolf dchs 1948.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Davis, Jerome Rudolf dchs 1948.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Davis, Jessie - -  Duluth Central High School yearbook - - 1918   - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Davis, Jessie dchs 1918.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Davis, Jessie<BR><BR> Duluth Central High School yearbook - - 1918   <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Davis, Jessie dchs 1918.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Davis, Jessie dchs 1918.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Davis, Jim  - -  Duluth Central High School yearbook  - -  1943 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Davis, Jim dchs 1943.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Davis, Jim  <BR><BR>   Duluth Central  High School yearbook   - - 1943 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Davis, Jim dchs 1943.jpg">full text and image at hi res</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Davis, Jim dchs 1943.jpg" width="267" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   yearbook 267 150 1.78
<br><br> Davis, Jim  - - Duluth Central High School yearbook - -  1982  - junior - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Davis, Jim dchs 1982 junior.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Davis, Jim  <BR><BR> Duluth Central High School yearbook - -  1982  - junior <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Davis, Jim dchs 1982 junior.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Davis, Jim dchs 1982 junior.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Davis, Jody Elaine  - -  Duluth East High School yearbook  - -  1968 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Davis, Jody Elaine dehs 1968.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Davis, Jody Elaine    <BR><BR>   Duluth East High School yearbook   - - 1968 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Davis, Jody Elaine dehs 1968.jpg">full text and image at hi res</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Davis, Jody Elaine dehs 1968.jpg" width="267" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   yearbook 267 150 1.78
<br><br> Davis, John Nicholas  - -  Superior Central High School yearbook  - -  1963 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Davis, John Nicholas schs 1963.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Davis, John Nicholas  <BR><BR>   Superior Central  High School yearbook   - - 1963 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Davis, John Nicholas schs 1963.jpg">full text and image at hi res</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Davis, John Nicholas schs 1963.jpg" width="267" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   yearbook 267 150 1.78
<br><br> Davis, Joseph & Ann - - family photo - c1910 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Davis, Joseph & Ann - - family photo - c1910.jpg">image</A> - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/MI/Davis, Joseph & Ann - - family photo - c1910.jpg">more</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Davis, Joseph & Ann  <BR><BR>  family photo - c1910 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Davis, Joseph & Ann - - family photo - c1910.jpg">larger image</A> - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/MI/Davis, Joseph & Ann - - family photo - c1910.jpg">more information</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Davis, Joseph & Ann - - family photo - c1910.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Davis, Joy   - -  Duluth East High School yearbook  - -  1970 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Davis, Joy dehs 1970.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Davis, Joy  <BR><BR>  Duluth East High School yearbook  - -  1970 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Davis, Joy dehs 1970.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Davis, Joy dehs 1970.jpg" width="267" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   yearbook 144 180 0.8 120 150
<br><br> Davis, Joy  - - Duluth Central High School yearbook - -  1973  - sophomore - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Davis, Joy dchs 1973 sophomore.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Davis, Joy  <BR><BR> Duluth Central High School yearbook - -  1973  - sophomore <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Davis, Joy dchs 1973 sophomore.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Davis, Joy dchs 1973 sophomore.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Davis, Judith  - -  Duluth East High School yearbook  - -  1959 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Davis, Judith dehs 1959.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Davis, Judith  <BR><BR> Duluth East High School yearbook  - -  1959 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Davis, Judith dehs 1959.jpg">full text and image at hi res</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="center" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Davis, Judith dehs 1959.jpg" width="267" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   yearbook 267 150
<br><br> Davis, Judith - - Duluth Central High School yearbook -  1958 sophomore - - daughter of Benjamin Davis & Esther Winer - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Davis, Judith dchs 1958 sophomore.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Davis, Judith <BR> Duluth Central High School yearbook -  1958 sophomore <BR> daughter of Benjamin Davis & Esther Winer <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Davis, Judith dchs 1958 sophomore.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Davis, Judith dchs 1958 sophomore.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Davis, Judy  - - Duluth East  High School yearbook - -  1975  - sophomore - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Davis, Judy dehs 1975 sophomore.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Davis, Judy  <BR><BR> Duluth East  High School yearbook - -  1975  - sophomore <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Davis, Judy dehs 1975 sophomore.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Davis, Judy dehs 1975 sophomore.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Davis, Judy - -  Duluth East High School yearbook - - 1977 - - daughter of Alvin & Esther Salmela Davis - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Davis, Judy dehs 1977.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Davis, Judy <BR><BR> Duluth East High School yearbook - - 1977 <BR> daughter of Alvin & Esther Salmela Davis <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Davis, Judy dehs 1977.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Davis, Judy dehs 1977.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Davis, Karen  - -  Duluth East High School yearbook  - -  1968 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Davis, Karen dehs 1968.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Davis, Karen    <BR><BR>   Duluth East High School yearbook   - - 1968 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Davis, Karen dehs 1968.jpg">full text and image at hi res</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Davis, Karen dehs 1968.jpg" width="267" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   yearbook 267 150 1.78
<br><br> Davis, Kathy - - Duluth Central High School yearbook - - 1967 - Sophomore year - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Davis, Kathy 1967 dchs soph.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Davis, Kathy - - Duluth Central High School yearbook - - 1967 - Sophomore year <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Davis, Kathy 1967 dchs soph.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Davis, Kathy 1967 dchs soph.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Davis, Kenneth  - - Duluth Central High School yearbook - -  1966  - sophomore - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Davis, Kenneth dchs 1966 sophomore.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Davis, Kenneth  <BR><BR> Duluth Central High School yearbook - -  1966  - sophomore <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Davis, Kenneth dchs 1966 sophomore.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Davis, Kenneth dchs 1966 sophomore.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Davis, Kenneth - - Duluth Central High School yearbook - - 1967 - Sophomore year - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Davis, Kenneth 1967 dchs soph.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Davis, Kenneth - - Duluth Central High School yearbook - - 1967 - Sophomore year <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Davis, Kenneth 1967 dchs soph.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Davis, Kenneth 1967 dchs soph.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Davis, Lance  - - Duluth Central High School yearbook - -  1966  - sophomore - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Davis, Lance dchs 1966 sophomore.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Davis, Lance  <BR><BR> Duluth Central High School yearbook - -  1966  - sophomore <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Davis, Lance dchs 1966 sophomore.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Davis, Lance dchs 1966 sophomore.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Davis, Larry  - - Duluth East  High School yearbook - -  1971  - sophomore - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Davis, Larry dehs 1971 sophomore.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Davis, Larry  <BR><BR> Duluth East  High School yearbook - -  1971  - sophomore <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Davis, Larry dehs 1971 sophomore.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Davis, Larry dehs 1971 sophomore.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Davis, Larry - 2011 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Davis, Larry - 2011.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Davis, Larry - 2011 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Davis, Larry - 2011.jpg">higher res image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Davis, Larry - 2011.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Davis, Laurie   - -  Duluth Central High School yearbook  - -  1978 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Davis, Laurie dchs 1978.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Davis, Laurie  <BR><BR>  Duluth Central High School yearbook  - -  1978 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Davis, Laurie dchs 1978.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Davis, Laurie dchs 1978.jpg" width="267" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   yearbook 144 180 0.8 120 150
<br><br> Davis, Leigh Ann  - - Duluth Central High School yearbook - -  1978  - sophomore - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Davis, Leigh Ann dchs 1978 sophomore.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Davis, Leigh Ann  <BR><BR> Duluth Central High School yearbook - -  1978  - sophomore <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Davis, Leigh Ann dchs 1978 sophomore.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Davis, Leigh Ann dchs 1978 sophomore.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Davis, Linda  - - Duluth Central High School yearbook - -  1964  - junior - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Davis, Linda dchs 1964 junior.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Davis, Linda  <BR><BR> Duluth Central High School yearbook - -  1964  - junior <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Davis, Linda dchs 1964 junior.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Davis, Linda dchs 1964 junior.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Davis, Linda  - - Duluth Central High School yearbook - -  1973  - junior - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Davis, Linda dchs 1973 junior.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Davis, Linda  <BR><BR> Duluth Central High School yearbook - -  1973  - junior <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Davis, Linda dchs 1973 junior.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Davis, Linda dchs 1973 junior.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Davis, Lionel   - - Served in World War II  - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Davis, Lionel wwii.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Davis, Lionel <BR><BR> Served in World War II <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Davis, Lionel wwii.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Davis, Lionel wwii.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   wwii 160 200 0.8 120 150
<br><br> Davis, Lionel - - Duluth Central High School yearbook - -  1941 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Davis, Lionel dchs 1941.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Davis, Lionel <BR><BR> Duluth Central High School yearbook  - - 1941 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Davis, Lionel dchs 1941.jpg">full text and image at hi res</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Davis, Lionel dchs 1941.jpg" width="267" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   yearbook 267 150 1.78
<br><br> Davis, Lorreen - - Duluth Central High School yearbook - - 1967 - Sophomore year - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Davis, Lorreen 1967 dchs soph.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Davis, Lorreen - - Duluth Central High School yearbook - - 1967 - Sophomore year <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Davis, Lorreen 1967 dchs soph.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Davis, Lorreen 1967 dchs soph.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Davis, M. L. (Prof) 1979-JFN profile - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Davis, M. L. (Prof) 1979-JFN profile.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Davis, M. L. (Prof) 1979-JFN profile <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Davis, M. L. (Prof) 1979-JFN profile.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Davis, M. L. (Prof) 1979-JFN profile.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Davis, Marc - Facebook - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Davis, Marc fb.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Davis, Marc fb <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Davis, Marc fb.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Davis, Marc fb.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Davis, Marchle Valere  - -  Superior Central High School yearbook  - -  1942 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Davis, Marchle Valere schs 1942.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Davis, Marchle Valere  <BR><BR>   Superior Central  High School yearbook   - - 1942 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Davis, Marchle Valere schs 1942.jpg">full text and image at hi res</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Davis, Marchle Valere schs 1942.jpg" width="267" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   yearbook 267 150 1.78
<br><br> Davis, Marilyn - -   Hibbing High School - - 1961 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Davis, Marilyn 1961 Hibbing HS.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Davis, Marilyn <BR><BR>  Hibbing High School - - 1961 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Davis, Marilyn 1961 Hibbing HS.jpg">full text and image at hi res</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Davis, Marilyn 1961 Hibbing HS.jpg" width="267" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   267 150
<br><br> Davis, Mark  - - Duluth East  High School yearbook - -  1971  - junior - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Davis, Mark dehs 1971 junior.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Davis, Mark  <BR><BR> Duluth East  High School yearbook - -  1971  - junior <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Davis, Mark dehs 1971 junior.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Davis, Mark dehs 1971 junior.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Davis, Mark W - -  Superior High School yearbook - - 1972   - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Davis, Mark W shs 1972.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Davis, Mark W<BR><BR> Superior High School yearbook - - 1972   <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Davis, Mark W shs 1972.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Davis, Mark W shs 1972.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Davis, Martin - - Duluth Central High School yearbook - - 1929   - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Davis, Martin dchs 1929.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Davis, Martin <BR><BR> Duluth Central High School yearbook - - 1929   <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Davis, Martin dchs 1929.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Davis, Martin dchs 1929.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Davis, Mary  - - Duluth Central High School yearbook - -  1966  - junior - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Davis, Mary dchs 1966 junior.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Davis, Mary  <BR><BR> Duluth Central High School yearbook - -  1966  - junior <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Davis, Mary dchs 1966 junior.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Davis, Mary dchs 1966 junior.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Davis, Mary - - Duluth Central High School yearbook - - 1967 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Davis, Mary 1967 dchs.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Davis, Mary - - Duluth Central High School yearbook - - 1967 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Davis, Mary 1967 dchs.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Davis, Mary 1967 dchs.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Davis, Melvin  - -  Duluth Central High School yearbook  - -  1942 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Davis, Melvin dchs 1942.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Davis, Melvin  <BR><BR>   Duluth Central  High School yearbook   - - 1942 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Davis, Melvin dchs 1942.jpg">full text and image at hi res</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Davis, Melvin dchs 1942.jpg" width="267" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   yearbook 267 150 1.78
<br><br> Davis, Melvin   - - Served in World War II  - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Davis, Melvin wwii.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Davis, Melvin <BR><BR> Served in World War II <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Davis, Melvin wwii.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Davis, Melvin wwii.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   wwii 160 200 0.8 120 150
<br><br> Davis, Millet   - -  Duluth Central High School yearbook  - - 1914 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Davis, Millet 1914 DCHS.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Davis, Millet <BR><BR>  Duluth Central High School yearbook - - 1914 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Davis, Millet 1914 DCHS.jpg">full text and image at hi res</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Davis, Millet 1914 DCHS.jpg" width="267" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   267 150
<br><br> Davis, Nancy  - - Duluth Central High School yearbook -  1957 sophomore - - daughter of Isadore Davis & Dorothy Sachs - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Davis, Nancy dchs 1957 sophomore.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Davis, Nancy  <BR> Duluth Central High School yearbook -  1957 sophomore <BR> daughter of Isadore Davis & Dorothy Sachs <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Davis, Nancy dchs 1957 sophomore.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Davis, Nancy dchs 1957 sophomore.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Davis, Nancy - - Duluth Central High School yearbook -  1958 junior - - daughter of Isadore Davis & Dorothy Sachs - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Davis, Nancy dchs 1958 junior.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Davis, Nancy <BR> Duluth Central High School yearbook -  1958 junior <BR> daughter of Isadore Davis & Dorothy Sachs <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Davis, Nancy dchs 1958 junior.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Davis, Nancy dchs 1958 junior.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Davis, Nancy Ann  - - Duluth Central High School yeabook - -  1959 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Davis, Nancy Ann dchs 1959.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Davis, Nancy Ann <BR><BR>  Duluth Central High School yeabook - -  1959 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Davis, Nancy Ann dchs 1959.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Davis, Nancy Ann dchs 1959.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Davis, Nancy Kay  - - Superior High School yearbook -  1983   - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Davis, Nancy Kay shs 1983.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Davis, Nancy Kay  <BR> Superior High School yearbook -  1983   <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Davis, Nancy Kay shs 1983.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Davis, Nancy Kay shs 1983.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Davis, Naomi - - Duluth Central High School yearbook - -  1931 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Davis, Naomi dchs 1931.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Davis, Naomi <BR><BR> Duluth Central High School yearbook  - - 1931 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Davis, Naomi dchs 1931.jpg">full text and image at hi res</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Davis, Naomi dchs 1931.jpg" width="267" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   yearbook 267 150 1.78
<br><br> Davis, Natalie - - Duluth Central High School  - - 1934 - - <font  size="1"> married to Morton Levine, daughter of Thomas & Eva Karsner Davis, Davis tree </font> - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Davis, Natalie dchs 1934.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Davis, Natalie <BR><BR> Duluth Central High School yearbook - - 1934 <BR> married to Morton Levine, daughter of Thomas & Eva Karsner Davis, Davis tree <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Davis, Natalie dchs 1934.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Davis, Natalie dchs 1934.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Davis, Nathan - - Duluth Central High School yearbook - -  1932 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Davis, Nathan dchs 1932.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Davis, Nathan <BR><BR> Duluth Central High School yearbook  - - 1932 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Davis, Nathan dchs 1932.jpg">full text and image at hi res</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Davis, Nathan dchs 1932.jpg" width="267" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   yearbook 267 150 1.78
<br><br> Davis, Neil S  - -  Duluth East High School yearbook  - -  1968 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Davis, Neil S dehs 1968.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Davis, Neil S    <BR><BR>   Duluth East High School yearbook   - - 1968 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Davis, Neil S dehs 1968.jpg">full text and image at hi res</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Davis, Neil S dehs 1968.jpg" width="267" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   yearbook 267 150 1.78
<br><br> Davis, Patricia - - Duluth East High School yearbook - - 1962 - - <font  size="1"> </font> - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Davis, Patricia dehs 1962.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Davis, Patricia <BR><BR> Duluth East High School yearbook - - 1962 <BR> <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Davis, Patricia dehs 1962.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Davis, Patricia dehs 1962.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Davis, Patricia Elaine  - - Duluth Central High School yeabook - -  1951   - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Davis, Patricia Elaine dchs 1951.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Davis, Patricia Elaine <BR><BR>  Duluth Central High School yeabook - -  1951   <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Davis, Patricia Elaine dchs 1951.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Davis, Patricia Elaine dchs 1951.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Davis, Paul   - - Served in World War II  - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Davis, Paul wwii.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Davis, Paul <BR><BR> Served in World War II <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Davis, Paul wwii.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Davis, Paul wwii.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   wwii 160 200 0.8 120 150
<br><br> Davis, Paula  - - Duluth Central High School - -  1952 - - daughter of Is Davis & Dorothy Sachs - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Davis, Paula dchs 1952.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Davis, Paula <BR> Duluth Central High School -  1952 <BR> daughter of Is Davis & Dorothy Sachs <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Davis, Paula dchs 1952.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Davis, Paula dchs 1952.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>  
<br><br> Davis, Paula Sydney  - - Duluth Central High School yeabook - -  1954 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Davis, Paula Sydney dchs 1954.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Davis, Paula Sydney <BR><BR>  Duluth Central High School yeabook - -  1954 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Davis, Paula Sydney dchs 1954.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Davis, Paula Sydney dchs 1954.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Davis, Peggy  - - Duluth Central High School yearbook  - 1936 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Davis, Peggy dchs 1936.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Davis, Peggy    <BR><BR>  Duluth Central High School yearbook -  1936 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Davis, Peggy dchs 1936.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Davis, Peggy dchs 1936.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Davis, Peggy - - Duluth East High School yearbook - - 1963 - Sophomore year - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Davis, Peggy 1963 dehs soph.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Davis, Peggy - - Duluth East High School yearbook - - 1963 - Sophomore year <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Davis, Peggy 1963 dehs soph.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Davis, Peggy 1963 dehs soph.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Davis, Penelope Ann - - Duluth East High School yearbook -  1961   - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Davis, Penelope Ann dehs 1961.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Davis, Penelope Ann <BR> Duluth East High School yearbook -  1961 <BR> <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Davis, Penelope Ann dehs 1961.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Davis, Penelope Ann dehs 1961.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Davis, Raymond  - -  Duluth Central High School yearbook  - -  1923 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Davis, Raymond dchs 1923.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Davis, Raymond  <BR><BR>   Duluth Central  High School yearbook   - - 1923 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Davis, Raymond dchs 1923.jpg">full text and image at hi res</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Davis, Raymond dchs 1923.jpg" width="267" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   yearbook 267 150 1.78
<br><br> Davis, Rick - -   Duluth East High School yearbook - - 1964 - - <font  size="1"> married to Jennifer Cohen, son of Benjamin & Esther Winer Davis, Davis tree </font> - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Davis, Rick dehs 1964.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Davis, Rick<BR><BR>  Duluth East High School yearbook - - 1964 <BR> married to Jennifer Cohen, son of Benjamin & Esther Winer Davis, Davis tree <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Davis, Rick dehs 1964.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Davis, Rick dehs 1964.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Davis, Rieva Rev - - Duluth Central High School yearbook - - 1946 - - married Sherman Orenstein, Davis family tree - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Davis, Rieva Rev dchs 1946.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Davis, Rieva Rev <BR><BR>  Duluth Central High School yearbook - - 1946 <BR> married Sherman Orenstein, Davis family tree <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Davis, Rieva Rev dchs 1946.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Davis, Rieva Rev dchs 1946.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Davis, Rob  - - Duluth East  High School yearbook - -  1985  - junior - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Davis, Rob dehs 1985 junior.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Davis, Rob  <BR><BR> Duluth East  High School yearbook - -  1985  - junior <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Davis, Rob dehs 1985 junior.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Davis, Rob dehs 1985 junior.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Davis, Robert   - -  Duluth East  High School yearbook  - - 1986 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Davis, Robert 1986 dehs.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Davis, Robert <BR><BR>  Duluth East High School - - 1986 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Davis, Robert 1986 dehs.jpg">full text and image at hi res</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Davis, Robert 1986 dehs.jpg" width="267" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   267 150
<br><br> Davis, Robert  - - Duluth Denfeld High School - -  1949   - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Davis, Robert ddhs 1949.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Davis, Robert <BR><BR> Duluth Denfeld High School - -  1949   <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Davis, Robert ddhs 1949.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Davis, Robert ddhs 1949.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Davis, Robert  - - Duluth East  High School yearbook - -  1982 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Davis, Robert dehs 1982.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Davis, Robert  <BR><BR> Duluth East  High School yearbook - -  1982 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Davis, Robert dehs 1982.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Davis, Robert dehs 1982.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Davis, Robert - - Duluth Central High School yearbook - - 1946 junior   - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Davis, Robert dchs 1946 junior.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Davis, Robert <BR><BR>  Duluth Central High School yearbook - - 1946 junior   <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Davis, Robert dchs 1946 junior.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Davis, Robert dchs 1946 junior.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Davis, Robert - - Duluth Central High School yearbook - - 1947 - - <font  size="1"> </font> - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Davis, Robert dchs 1947.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Davis, Robert <BR><BR> Duluth Central High School yearbook - - 1947 <BR> <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Davis, Robert dchs 1947.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Davis, Robert dchs 1947.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Davis, Robert. - - Duluth East High School yearbook - - 1963 - Sophomore year - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Davis, Robert. 1963 dehs soph.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Davis, Robert. - - Duluth East High School yearbook - - 1963 - Sophomore year <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Davis, Robert. 1963 dehs soph.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Davis, Robert. 1963 dehs soph.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Davis, Roger Fenton  - -  Superior Central High School yearbook  - -  1949 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Davis, Roger Fenton schs 1949.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Davis, Roger Fenton  <BR><BR>   Superior Central  High School yearbook   - - 1949 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Davis, Roger Fenton schs 1949.jpg">full text and image at hi res</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Davis, Roger Fenton schs 1949.jpg" width="267" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   yearbook 267 150 1.78
<br><br> Davis, Ronald  - - Duluth Central High School yearbook - -  1964  - junior - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Davis, Ronald dchs 1964 junior.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Davis, Ronald  <BR><BR> Duluth Central High School yearbook - -  1964  - junior <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Davis, Ronald dchs 1964 junior.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Davis, Ronald dchs 1964 junior.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Davis, Rose  - - Duluth Central High School yearbook -  -  1938 - - Davis tree - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Davis, Rose dchs 1938.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Davis, Rose <BR><BR>  Duluth Central High School yearbook -  -  1938 <BR> Davis tree <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Davis, Rose dchs 1938.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Davis, Rose dchs 1938.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Davis, Rose  - - Duluth Central High School yearbook  - 1936 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Davis, Rose dchs 1936.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Davis, Rose    <BR><BR>  Duluth Central High School yearbook -  1936 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Davis, Rose dchs 1936.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Davis, Rose dchs 1936.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Davis, Rose  - - Duluth Denfeld High School - -  1924 - - married David Sherman, born 1906 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Davis, Rose ddhs 1924.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Davis, Rose <BR><BR> Duluth Denfeld High School - -  1924 <BR> married David Sherman, born 1906 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Davis, Rose ddhs 1924.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Davis, Rose ddhs 1924.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Davis, Rosemary. - - Duluth Central High School yearbook - - 1946 junior   - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Davis, Rosemary. dchs 1946 junior.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Davis, Rosemary. <BR><BR>  Duluth Central High School yearbook - - 1946 junior   <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Davis, Rosemary. dchs 1946 junior.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Davis, Rosemary. dchs 1946 junior.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Davis, Ruby  - - Duluth Central High School yearbook - -  1966  - sophomore - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Davis, Ruby dchs 1966 sophomore.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Davis, Ruby  <BR><BR> Duluth Central High School yearbook - -  1966  - sophomore <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Davis, Ruby dchs 1966 sophomore.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Davis, Ruby dchs 1966 sophomore.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Davis, Sally - - Duluth Central High School yearbook - -  1931 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Davis, Sally dchs 1931.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Davis, Sally <BR><BR> Duluth Central High School yearbook  - - 1931 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Davis, Sally dchs 1931.jpg">full text and image at hi res</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Davis, Sally dchs 1931.jpg" width="267" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   yearbook 267 150 1.78
<br><br> Davis, Sam - -  Duluth Central High School yearbook - - 1918 - -  <font  size="1">married to Ellen Rautio, son of Herschel & Raizel Krasnopolsky Davis</font> - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Davis, Sam dchs 1918.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Davis, Sam<BR><BR> Duluth Central High School yearbook - - 1918 <BR> married to Ellen Rautio, son of Herschel & Raizel Krasnopolsky Davis <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Davis, Sam dchs 1918.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Davis, Sam dchs 1918.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Davis, Sandra   - -  Superior Central  High School yearbook  - - 1979 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Davis, Sandra 1979 schs.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Davis, Sandra <BR><BR>  Superior Central High School yearbook - - 1979 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Davis, Sandra 1979 schs.jpg">full text and image at hi res</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Davis, Sandra 1979 schs.jpg" width="267" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   267 150
<br><br> Davis, Sandra  - - Duluth Central High School yearbook - -  1978  - junior - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Davis, Sandra dchs 1978 junior.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Davis, Sandra  <BR><BR> Duluth Central High School yearbook - -  1978  - junior <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Davis, Sandra dchs 1978 junior.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Davis, Sandra dchs 1978 junior.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Davis, Scott LauMont  - - Superior High School yearbook -  1983   - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Davis, Scott LauMont shs 1983.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Davis, Scott LauMont  <BR> Superior High School yearbook -  1983   <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Davis, Scott LauMont shs 1983.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Davis, Scott LauMont shs 1983.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Davis, Sheldon  - -  Duluth East High School yearbook  - -  1969 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Davis, Sheldon dehs 1969.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Davis, Sheldon    <BR><BR>   Duluth East High School yearbook   - - 1969 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Davis, Sheldon dehs 1969.jpg">full text and image at hi res</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Davis, Sheldon dehs 1969.jpg" width="267" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   yearbook 267 150 1.78
<br><br> Davis, Shirley   - -  Duluth Central  High School yearbook  - -  1944 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Davis, Shirley dchs 1944.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Davis, Shirley  <BR><BR>  Duluth Central  High School yearbook - -  1944 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Davis, Shirley dchs 1944.jpg">full text and image at hi res</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Davis, Shirley dchs 1944.jpg" width="267" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   yearbook 267 150
<br><br> Davis, Shirley Jean - - Duluth Central High School yearbook - - 1953   - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Davis, Shirley Jean 1953 dchs.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Davis, Shirley Jean - - Duluth Central High School yearbook - - 1953   <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Davis, Shirley Jean 1953 dchs.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Davis, Shirley Jean 1953 dchs.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Davis, Stanley   - -  Duluth Central  High School yearbook  - -  1964 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Davis, Stanley dchs 1964.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Davis, Stanley  <BR><BR>  Duluth Central  High School yearbook - -  1964 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Davis, Stanley dchs 1964.jpg">full text and image at hi res</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Davis, Stanley dchs 1964.jpg" width="267" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   yearbook 267 150
<br><br> Davis, Stanley   - - Served in World War II  - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Davis, Stanley wwii.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Davis, Stanley <BR><BR> Served in World War II <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Davis, Stanley wwii.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Davis, Stanley wwii.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   wwii 160 200 0.8 120 150
<br><br> Davis, Stanley - - Duluth East High School yearbook - - 1963 - Sophomore year - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Davis, Stanley 1963 dehs soph.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Davis, Stanley - - Duluth East High School yearbook - - 1963 - Sophomore year <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Davis, Stanley 1963 dehs soph.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Davis, Stanley 1963 dehs soph.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Davis, Starr - - Duluth Central High School yearbook - - 1967 - Sophomore year - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Davis, Starr 1967 dchs soph.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Davis, Starr - - Duluth Central High School yearbook - - 1967 - Sophomore year <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Davis, Starr 1967 dchs soph.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Davis, Starr 1967 dchs soph.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Davis, Steven fb - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Davis, Steven fb.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Davis, Steven<BR><BR> Facebook <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Davis, Steven fb.jpg">higher res image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Davis, Steven fb.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Davis, Steven J  - -  Duluth East High School yearbook  - -  1968 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Davis, Steven J dehs 1968.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Davis, Steven J    <BR><BR>   Duluth East High School yearbook   - - 1968 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Davis, Steven J dehs 1968.jpg">full text and image at hi res</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Davis, Steven J dehs 1968.jpg" width="267" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   yearbook 267 150 1.78
<br><br> Davis, Susan   - -  Duluth East High School yearbook  - -  1970 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Davis, Susan dehs 1970.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Davis, Susan  <BR><BR>  Duluth East High School yearbook  - -  1970 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Davis, Susan dehs 1970.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Davis, Susan dehs 1970.jpg" width="267" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   yearbook 144 180 0.8 120 150
<br><br> Davis, Terry - - Duluth Central High School yearbook - - 1967 - Sophomore year - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Davis, Terry 1967 dchs soph.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Davis, Terry - - Duluth Central High School yearbook - - 1967 - Sophomore year <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Davis, Terry 1967 dchs soph.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Davis, Terry 1967 dchs soph.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Davis, Tony - - Superior High School yearbook - - 1972 - Junior year - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Davis, Tony 1972 shs jr.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Davis, Tony - - Superior High School yearbook - - 1972 - Junior year <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Davis, Tony 1972 shs jr.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Davis, Tony 1972 shs jr.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Davis, Vera Miron  - - Superior High School yearbook -  1930   - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Davis, Vera Miron shs 1930.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Davis, Vera Miron  <BR> Superior High School yearbook -  1930   <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Davis, Vera Miron shs 1930.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Davis, Vera Miron shs 1930.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Davis, Vera Miron - - Superior High School yearbook - 1930  - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Davis, Vera Miron 1930 shs.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Davis, Vera Miron - - Superior High School yearbook - 1930  <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Davis, Vera Miron 1930 shs.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Davis, Vera Miron 1930 shs.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Davis, Walter G - - Duluth Central High School  - - 1929 - - <font  size="1"> married to Helen Cohen, son of Joseph & Ruche-Bayla Kantor Davis, Davis tree </font> - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Davis, Walter G dchs 1929.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Davis, Walter G <BR><BR> Duluth Central High School yearbook - - 1929 <BR> married to Helen Cohen, son of Joseph & Ruche-Bayla Kantor Davis, Davis tree <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Davis, Walter G dchs 1929.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Davis, Walter G dchs 1929.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Davis, Warren  - -  Duluth Central High School yearbook  - -  1942 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Davis, Warren dchs 1942.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Davis, Warren  <BR><BR>   Duluth Central  High School yearbook   - - 1942 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Davis, Warren dchs 1942.jpg">full text and image at hi res</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Davis, Warren dchs 1942.jpg" width="267" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   yearbook 267 150 1.78
<br><br> Davis, Wayne Franklin  - -  Superior Central High School yearbook  - -  1950 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Davis, Wayne Franklin schs 1950.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Davis, Wayne Franklin  <BR><BR>   Superior Central  High School yearbook   - - 1950 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Davis, Wayne Franklin schs 1950.jpg">full text and image at hi res</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Davis, Wayne Franklin schs 1950.jpg" width="267" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   yearbook 267 150 1.78
<br><br> Davis, Wellington  - -  Duluth Central High School yearbook  - -  1923 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Davis, Wellington dchs 1923.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Davis, Wellington  <BR><BR>   Duluth Central  High School yearbook   - - 1923 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Davis, Wellington dchs 1923.jpg">full text and image at hi res</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Davis, Wellington dchs 1923.jpg" width="267" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   yearbook 267 150 1.78
<br><br> Davis, Winfield  - - Duluth Central High School yearbook - - 1912 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Davis, Winfield dchs 1912.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Davis, Winfield <BR><BR> Duluth Central High School yearbook - - 1912 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Davis, Winfield dchs 1912.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Davis, Winfield dchs 1912.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Davis, Y B Mrs - Jan 1958 JFN news - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Davis, Y B Mrs - Jan 1958 JFN news.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Davis, Y B Mrs - Jan 1958 JFN news <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Davis, Y B Mrs - Jan 1958 JFN news.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Davis, Y B Mrs - Jan 1958 JFN news.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Davis, Yale B   - - Served in World War II  - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Davis, Yale B wwii.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Davis, Yale B <BR><BR> Served in World War II <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Davis, Yale B wwii.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Davis, Yale B wwii.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   wwii 160 200 0.8 120 150
<br><br> Deutsch, Gregg   - -  Duluth Central High School yearbook  - -  1978 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Deutsch, Gregg dchs 1978.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Deutsch, Gregg  <BR><BR>  Duluth Central High School yearbook  - -  1978 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Deutsch, Gregg dchs 1978.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Deutsch, Gregg dchs 1978.jpg" width="267" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   yearbook 144 180 0.8 120 150
<br><br> Deutsch, Leroy James  - - Duluth Denfeld High School - -  1941 - - born 1924 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Deutsch, Leroy James ddhs 1941.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Deutsch, Leroy James <BR><BR> Duluth Denfeld High School - -  1941 <BR> born 1924 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Deutsch, Leroy James ddhs 1941.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Deutsch, Leroy James ddhs 1941.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Deutsch, Lynn   - -  Duluth Central High School yearbook  - -  1978 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Deutsch, Lynn dchs 1978.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Deutsch, Lynn  <BR><BR>  Duluth Central High School yearbook  - -  1978 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Deutsch, Lynn dchs 1978.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Deutsch, Lynn dchs 1978.jpg" width="267" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   yearbook 144 180 0.8 120 150
<br><br> Deutsch, Mary Ellen  - - Duluth Denfeld High School - -  1950 - - married Donald Miller, born 1933 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Deutsch, Mary Ellen ddhs 1950.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Deutsch, Mary Ellen <BR><BR> Duluth Denfeld High School - -  1950 <BR> married Donald Miller, born 1933 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Deutsch, Mary Ellen ddhs 1950.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Deutsch, Mary Ellen ddhs 1950.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Dietrich, John Fraklin - - Superior High School yearbook - -  1930 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Dietrich, John Fraklin shs 1930.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Dietrich, John Fraklin <BR><BR> Superior High School yearbook  - - 1930 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Dietrich, John Fraklin shs 1930.jpg">full text and image at hi res</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Dietrich, John Fraklin shs 1930.jpg" width="267" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   yearbook 267 150 1.78
<br><br> Dinner, Celia  - - Duluth Central High School yeabook - -  1951   - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Dinner, Celia dchs 1951.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Dinner, Celia <BR><BR>  Duluth Central High School yeabook - -  1951   <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Dinner, Celia dchs 1951.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Dinner, Celia dchs 1951.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Dorf, Rhoda  - - Duluth East  High School yearbook - -  1971  - sophomore - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Dorf, Rhoda dehs 1971 sophomore.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Dorf, Rhoda  <BR><BR> Duluth East  High School yearbook - -  1971  - sophomore <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Dorf, Rhoda dehs 1971 sophomore.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Dorf, Rhoda dehs 1971 sophomore.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Dorfman, Anne Katherine  - -  Superior Central High School yearbook  - -  1962 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Dorfman, Anne Katherine schs 1962.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Dorfman, Anne Katherine  <BR><BR>   Superior Central  High School yearbook   - - 1962 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Dorfman, Anne Katherine schs 1962.jpg">full text and image at hi res</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Dorfman, Anne Katherine schs 1962.jpg" width="267" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   yearbook 267 150 1.78
<br><br> Dorfman, Louis   - - Newspaper article - -  1918-5-1 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Dorfman, Louis news 1918-5-1.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Dorfman, Louis  <BR><BR> Newspaper article - -  1918-5-1 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Dorfman, Louis news 1918-5-1.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Dorfman, Louis news 1918-5-1.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   news 160 200 0.8 120 150
<br><br> Dorfman, Paul Alan  - -  Superior Central High School yearbook  - -  1964 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Dorfman, Paul Alan schs 1964.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Dorfman, Paul Alan  <BR><BR>   Superior Central  High School yearbook   - - 1964 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Dorfman, Paul Alan schs 1964.jpg">full text and image at hi res</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Dorfman, Paul Alan schs 1964.jpg" width="267" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   yearbook 267 150 1.78
<br><br> Dorfman, Sara  - -  Superior High School yearbook -  1980 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Dorfman, Sara shs 1980.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Dorfman, Sara   <BR><BR>   Superior High School yearbook -  1980 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Dorfman, Sara shs 1980.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Dorfman, Sara shs 1980.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> <font color="blue"> .................. <B> E   </B> ..................   &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </font><font size="1"><A HREF="#top">top of this index</A> &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <A HREF="#bottom">bottom of this index</A> &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <A HREF="OtherFamiliesE.html">Letter "E" thumbnail page</A> <A Name="E"></A></font><font size="2"> <br><font color="blue" size="3"> .................. <B> E   </B> ..................   &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </font><font size="1"><A HREF="#top">top of list</A> &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <A HREF="#bottom">bottom</A><A Name="E"></A></font><font size="2"> <BR><BR>    - A - - Z -    
<br><br> Edelson, A N  - - news photo - -  1922-5-15 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Edelson, A N news photo 1922-5-15.jpg">photo with text</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Edelson, A N <BR><BR> News photo - -  1922-5-15 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Edelson, A N news photo 1922-5-15.jpg">photo with text</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Edelson, A N news photo 1922-5-15.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Edelson, Abe   - -  Duluth Central High School yearbook  - - 1914 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Edelson, Abe 1914 DCHS.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Edelson, Abe <BR><BR>  Duluth Central High School yearbook - - 1914 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Edelson, Abe 1914 DCHS.jpg">full text and image at hi res</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Edelson, Abe 1914 DCHS.jpg" width="267" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   267 150
<br><br> Edelstein, Arthur - - Superior High School yearbook - -  1930 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Edelstein, Arthur shs 1930.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Edelstein, Arthur <BR><BR> Superior High School yearbook  - - 1930 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Edelstein, Arthur shs 1930.jpg">full text and image at hi res</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Edelstein, Arthur shs 1930.jpg" width="267" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   yearbook 267 150 1.78
<br><br> Edelstein, Dorothy (Sinykin) - - Superior State College yearbook - 1933 (Girls Glee Club) - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Edelstein, Dorothy (Sinykin) 1933 SSTC Girls Glee Club.jpg">image</A> - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/MI/Edelstein, Dorothy (Sinykin) 1933 SSTC Girls Glee Club.jpg">more</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Edelstein, Dorothy (Sinykin)  <BR><BR>  Superior State College yearbook - 1933 (Girls Glee Club) <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Edelstein, Dorothy (Sinykin) 1933 SSTC Girls Glee Club.jpg">larger image</A> - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/MI/Edelstein, Dorothy (Sinykin) 1933 SSTC Girls Glee Club.jpg">more information</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Edelstein, Dorothy (Sinykin) 1933 SSTC Girls Glee Club.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Edelstein, Leonard  -- Hibbing High School yearbook -- 1935 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Edelstein, Leonard hhs 1935.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Edelstein, Leonard  <BR><BR>  Hibbing   High School yearbook   - - 1935 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Edelstein, Leonard hhs 1935.jpg">full text and image at hi res</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Edelstein, Leonard hhs 1935.jpg" width="267" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   yearbook 267 150 1.78
<br><br> Edelstein, Phil   - - Served in World War II  - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Edelstein, Phil wwii.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Edelstein, Phil <BR><BR> Served in World War II <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Edelstein, Phil wwii.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Edelstein, Phil wwii.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   wwii 160 200 0.8 120 150
<br><br> Edelstein, Phil  - - Superior Central High School yearbook -  1924 - - son of Roy Edelstein & Ida Zalk - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Edelstein, Phil schs 1924.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Edelstein, Phil  <BR> Superior Central High School yearbook -  1924 <BR> son of Roy Edelstein & Ida Zalk <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Edelstein, Phil schs 1924.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Edelstein, Phil schs 1924.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Edelstein, Philip - - Superior Central High School yearbook - -  1925 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Edelstein, Philip schs 1925.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Edelstein, Philip <BR><BR> Superior Central High School yearbook  - - 1925 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Edelstein, Philip schs 1925.jpg">full text and image at hi res</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Edelstein, Philip schs 1925.jpg" width="267" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   yearbook 267 150 1.78
<br><br> Edelstein, Roy  - -  Superior Central High School yearbook  - -  1965 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Edelstein, Roy schs 1965.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Edelstein, Roy  <BR><BR>   Superior Central  High School yearbook   - - 1965 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Edelstein, Roy schs 1965.jpg">full text and image at hi res</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Edelstein, Roy schs 1965.jpg" width="267" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   yearbook 267 150 1.78
<br><br> Edelstein, Ruth - - Superior High School yearbook - - 1922 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Edelstein, Ruth 1922 shs.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Edelstein, Ruth - - Superior High School yearbook - - 1922 <BR>  text <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Edelstein, Ruth 1922 shs.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Edelstein, Ruth 1922 shs.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Edelstein, Sheila Royelle  - -  Superior Central High School yearbook  - -  1951 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Edelstein, Sheila Royelle schs 1951.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Edelstein, Sheila Royelle  <BR><BR>   Superior Central  High School yearbook   - - 1951 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Edelstein, Sheila Royelle schs 1951.jpg">full text and image at hi res</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Edelstein, Sheila Royelle schs 1951.jpg" width="267" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   yearbook 267 150 1.78
<br><br> Edelstein, Stephen   - - Superior Central  High School yearbook  - -  1955 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Edelstein, Stephen schs 1955.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Edelstein, Stephen  <BR><BR>  Superior Central  High School yearbook - -  1955 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Edelstein, Stephen schs 1955.jpg">full text and image at hi res</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Edelstein, Stephen schs 1955.jpg" width="267" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   yearbook 267 150
<br><br> Edelstein, Susan Raye  - -  Superior Central High School yearbook  - -  1962 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Edelstein, Susan Raye schs 1962.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Edelstein, Susan Raye  <BR><BR>   Superior Central  High School yearbook   - - 1962 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Edelstein, Susan Raye schs 1962.jpg">full text and image at hi res</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Edelstein, Susan Raye schs 1962.jpg" width="267" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   yearbook 267 150 1.78
<br><br> Eisenberg, Aaron  - - Duluth East  High School yearbook - -  1988 sophmore - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Eisenberg, Aaron dehs 1988 sophmore.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Eisenberg, Aaron  <BR><BR> Duluth East  High School yearbook - -  1988 sophmore <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Eisenberg, Aaron dehs 1988 sophmore.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Eisenberg, Aaron dehs 1988 sophmore.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Eisenberg, Charles - - Superior High School yearbook - 1927 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Eisenberg, Charles shs 1927.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Eisenberg, Charles <BR><BR> Superior High School yearbook - 1927 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Eisenberg, Charles shs 1927.jpg">larger image / more info</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Eisenberg, Charles shs 1927.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Eisenberg, Gerald  - - Duluth Central High School - -  1952 junior - - son of Lew Eisenberg & Eve Lent - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Eisenberg, Gerald dchs 1952 junior.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Eisenberg, Gerald <BR> Duluth Central High School -  1952 junior <BR> son of Lew Eisenberg & Eve Lent <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Eisenberg, Gerald dchs 1952 junior.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Eisenberg, Gerald dchs 1952 junior.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>  
<br><br> Eisenberg, Gerald Alan - - Duluth Central High School yearbook - - 1953   - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Eisenberg, Gerald Alan 1953 dchs.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Eisenberg, Gerald Alan - - Duluth Central High School yearbook - - 1953   <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Eisenberg, Gerald Alan 1953 dchs.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Eisenberg, Gerald Alan 1953 dchs.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Eisenberg, Lew   - -  Duluth East  High School yearbook  - - 1953 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Eisenberg, Lew 1953 dehs.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Eisenberg, Lew <BR><BR>  Duluth East High School - - 1953 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Eisenberg, Lew 1953 dehs.jpg">full text and image at hi res</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Eisenberg, Lew 1953 dehs.jpg" width="267" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   267 150
<br><br> Eisenberg, Lew  - - Duluth East  High School yearbook - -  1953 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Eisenberg, Lew dehs 1953.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Eisenberg, Lew  <BR><BR> Duluth East  High School yearbook - -  1953 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Eisenberg, Lew dehs 1953.jpg">image with text at higher res</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Eisenberg, Lew dehs 1953.jpg" width="267" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   267 150
<br><br> Eisenberg, Louis   - - Served in World War II  - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Eisenberg, Louis wwii.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Eisenberg, Louis <BR><BR> Served in World War II <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Eisenberg, Louis wwii.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Eisenberg, Louis wwii.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   wwii 160 200 0.8 120 150
<br><br> Eisenberg, Louis - - 1980-2 JFN profile - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Eisenberg, Louis 1980-2 JFN profile.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Eisenberg, Louis 1980-2 JFN profile <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Eisenberg, Louis 1980-2 JFN profile.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Eisenberg, Louis 1980-2 JFN profile.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Eisenberg, Marla  - - Duluth East  High School yearbook - -  1988 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Eisenberg, Marla dehs 1988.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Eisenberg, Marla  <BR><BR> Duluth East  High School yearbook - -  1988 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Eisenberg, Marla dehs 1988.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Eisenberg, Marla dehs 1988.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Eisenberg, Robert - - Duluth East High School yearbook - -  1951 seventh   - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Eisenberg, Robert dehs 1951 seventh.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Eisenberg, Robert <BR><BR> Duluth East High School yearbook - -  1951 seventh   <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Eisenberg, Robert dehs 1951 seventh.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Eisenberg, Robert dehs 1951 seventh.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Eisenstaedt, Rudolph - Autobiography - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Eisenstaedt, Rudolph - Autobiography.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Eisenstaedt, Rudolph - Autobiography <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Eisenstaedt, Rudolph - Autobiography.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Eisenstaedt, Rudolph - Autobiography.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Eldot, Jeff - -  Duluth East High School yearbook - - 1977   - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Eldot, Jeff dehs 1977.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Eldot, Jeff <BR><BR> Duluth East High School yearbook - - 1977   <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Eldot, Jeff dehs 1977.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Eldot, Jeff dehs 1977.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Ellis, Sam - - news article 1920-1-2 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Ellis, Sam news article 1920-1-2.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Ellis, Sam news article 1920-1-2 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Ellis, Sam news article 1920-1-2.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Ellis, Sam news article 1920-1-2.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Epstein, Doug  - - Duluth East  High School yearbook - -  1971  - sophomore - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Epstein, Doug dehs 1971 sophomore.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Epstein, Doug  <BR><BR> Duluth East  High School yearbook - -  1971  - sophomore <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Epstein, Doug dehs 1971 sophomore.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Epstein, Doug dehs 1971 sophomore.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Evans, Sherman   - - Served in World War II  - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Evans, Sherman wwii.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Evans, Sherman <BR><BR> Served in World War II <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Evans, Sherman wwii.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Evans, Sherman wwii.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   wwii 160 200 0.8 120 150
<br><br> Even, Martin - -  Superior State Teachers College yearbook  - 1933 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Even, Martin 1933 SSTC.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Even, Martin <BR><BR> Superior State Teachers College   -  1933 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Even, Martin 1933 SSTC.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Even, Martin 1933 SSTC.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> <font color="blue"> .................. <B> F   </B> ..................   &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </font><font size="1"><A HREF="#top">top of this index</A> &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <A HREF="#bottom">bottom of this index</A> &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <A HREF="OtherFamiliesF.html">Letter "F" thumbnail page</A> <A Name="F"></A></font><font size="2"> <br><font color="blue" size="3"> .................. <B> F   </B> ..................   &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </font><font size="1"><A HREF="#top">top of list</A> &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <A HREF="#bottom">bottom</A><A Name="F"></A></font><font size="2"> <BR><BR>    - A - - Z -    
<br><br> Feldman, Abe   - -  Biographical text - no photo - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Feldman, Abe bio.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Feldman, Abe    <BR><BR>  biographical text - no photo <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Feldman, Abe bio.jpg">full image at hi res</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="center" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Feldman, Abe bio.jpg" width="380" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   bio 380 150
<br><br> Feldman, Cecille - -  obit photo 1926-2012 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Feldman, Cecille obit 1926-2012 photo.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Feldman, Cecille <BR><BR>  obit photo 1926-2012 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Feldman, Cecille obit 1926-2012 photo.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Feldman, Cecille obit 1926-2012 photo.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Feldman, Naomi  - - Superior  High School yearbook - -  1985 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Feldman, Naomi shs 1985.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Feldman, Naomi  <BR><BR> Superior  High School yearbook - -  1985 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Feldman, Naomi shs 1985.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Feldman, Naomi shs 1985.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Fergal, Edward  - - Superior High School yearbook -  1930   - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Fergal, Edward shs 1930.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Fergal, Edward  <BR> Superior High School yearbook -  1930   <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Fergal, Edward shs 1930.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Fergal, Edward shs 1930.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Fergal, James - - Superior High School yearbook - - 1921 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Fergal, James 1921 shs.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Fergal, James - - Superior High School yearbook - - 1921 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Fergal, James 1921 shs.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Fergal, James 1921 shs.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Fergal, Lester   - - Served in World War II  - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Fergal, Lester wwii.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Fergal, Lester <BR><BR> Served in World War II <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Fergal, Lester wwii.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Fergal, Lester wwii.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   wwii 160 200 0.8 120 150
<br><br> Fergal, Peter   - -  Superior State Teachers College yearbook -  1933 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Fergal, Peter 1933 SSTC.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Fergal, Peter   <BR><BR>   Superior State Teachers College yearbook -  1933 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Fergal, Peter 1933 SSTC.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Fergal, Peter 1933 SSTC.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Fieldman, David - -  Duluth Central High School yearbook - - 1907 - - Fieldman, brother of Ida Solon - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Fieldman, David dchs 1907.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Fieldman, David<BR><BR> Duluth Central High School yearbook - - 1907 <BR> Fieldman, brother of Ida Solon <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Fieldman, David dchs 1907.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Fieldman, David dchs 1907.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Fieldman, Esther, Miss  - - Newspaper article - 1915-11-22 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Fieldman, Esther, Miss news 1915-11-22.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Fieldman, Esther, Miss   <BR><BR>  Newspaper article - 1915-11-22 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Fieldman, Esther, Miss news 1915-11-22.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Fieldman, Esther, Miss news 1915-11-22.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Fink, Don - -   Jewish Fellowship News - 1985 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Fink, Don 1985 JFN.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Fink, Don <BR><BR>   Jewish Fellowship News - 1985 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Fink, Don 1985 JFN.jpg">full text and image at hi res</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Fink, Don 1985 JFN.jpg" width="267" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   267 150
<br><br> Fink, Douglas  - - Duluth East  High School yearbook - -  1971  - sophomore - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Fink, Douglas dehs 1971 sophomore.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Fink, Douglas  <BR><BR> Duluth East  High School yearbook - -  1971  - sophomore <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Fink, Douglas dehs 1971 sophomore.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Fink, Douglas dehs 1971 sophomore.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Finkelstein, Annette  - - Duluth Central High School yearbook -  -  1935 - - on the Oreck tree, married Sidney Feivish - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Finkelstein, Annette dchs 1935.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Finkelstein, Annette <BR><BR>  Duluth Central High School yearbook -  -  1935 <BR> on the Oreck tree, married Sidney Feivish <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Finkelstein, Annette dchs 1935.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Finkelstein, Annette dchs 1935.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Finkelstein, D E   - - Served in World War II  - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Finkelstein, D E wwii.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Finkelstein, D E <BR><BR> Served in World War II <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Finkelstein, D E wwii.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Finkelstein, D E wwii.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   wwii 160 200 0.8 120 150
<br><br> Finkelstein, David - -  Duluth Central High School yearbook - - 1920 - -  <font  size="1"> married to Lillian Betten, son of Max & Cecelia Samuel Finkelstein,</font> - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Finkelstein, David dchs 1920.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Finkelstein, David<BR><BR> Duluth Central High School yearbook - - 1920 <BR>  married to Lillian Betten, son of Max & Cecelia Samuel Finkelstein, <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Finkelstein, David dchs 1920.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Finkelstein, David dchs 1920.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Finkelstein, Florence - - Duluth Central High School yearbook - -  1923 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Finkelstein, Florence dchs 1923.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Finkelstein, Florence <BR><BR> Duluth Central High School yearbook  - - 1923 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Finkelstein, Florence dchs 1923.jpg">full text and image at hi res</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Finkelstein, Florence dchs 1923.jpg" width="267" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   yearbook 267 150 1.78
<br><br> Finkelstein, Harold L   - - Served in World War II  - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Finkelstein, Harold L wwii.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Finkelstein, Harold L <BR><BR> Served in World War II <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Finkelstein, Harold L wwii.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Finkelstein, Harold L wwii.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   wwii 160 200 0.8 120 150
<br><br> Finkelstein, Joan Ruth  - - Duluth Central High School yeabook - -  1951 - - daughter of Charlie & Eva Finkelstein - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Finkelstein, Joan Ruth dchs 1951.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Finkelstein, Joan Ruth <BR><BR>  Duluth Central High School yeabook - -  1951 <BR> daughter of Charlie & Eva Finkelstein <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Finkelstein, Joan Ruth dchs 1951.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Finkelstein, Joan Ruth dchs 1951.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Finkelstein, Mandy   - - Newspaper article - -  1918-6-6 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Finkelstein, Mandy news 1918-6-6.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Finkelstein, Mandy  <BR><BR> Newspaper article - -  1918-6-6 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Finkelstein, Mandy news 1918-6-6.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Finkelstein, Mandy news 1918-6-6.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   news 160 200 0.8 120 150
<br><br> Finkelstein, Manuel   - - Served in World War II  - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Finkelstein, Manuel wwii.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Finkelstein, Manuel <BR><BR> Served in World War II <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Finkelstein, Manuel wwii.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Finkelstein, Manuel wwii.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   wwii 160 200 0.8 120 150
<br><br> Finkelstein, S H   - - Served in World War II  - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Finkelstein, S H wwii.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Finkelstein, S H <BR><BR> Served in World War II <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Finkelstein, S H wwii.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Finkelstein, S H wwii.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   wwii 160 200 0.8 120 150
<br><br> Finkelstein, Stanley - - Duluth Central High School yearbook - -  1939 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Finkelstein, Stanley dchs 1939.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Finkelstein, Stanley <BR><BR> Duluth Central High School yearbook  - - 1939 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Finkelstein, Stanley dchs 1939.jpg">full text and image at hi res</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Finkelstein, Stanley dchs 1939.jpg" width="267" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   yearbook 267 150 1.78
<br><br> Finn, Margaret L  - - Duluth Central High School yearbook  - 1928 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Finn, Margaret L dchs 1928.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Finn, Margaret L    <BR><BR>  Duluth Central High School yearbook -  1928 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Finn, Margaret L dchs 1928.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Finn, Margaret L dchs 1928.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Fischman, Ben - -  1980-4 - - Jewish Fellowship News - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Fischman, Ben 1980-4 JFN.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Fischman, Ben  <BR><BR> 1980-4 - - Jewish Fellowship News <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Fischman, Ben 1980-4 JFN.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Fischman, Ben 1980-4 JFN.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Fisher, Julie  - -  Jewish Fellowship News - 1985 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Fisher, Julie 1985 JFN.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Fisher, Julie  <BR><BR>  Jewish Fellowship News - 1985 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Fisher, Julie 1985 JFN.jpg">full text and image at hi res</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Fisher, Julie 1985 JFN.jpg" width="267" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   267 150
<br><br> Fishman, Louis 1978-2 JFN profile - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Fishman, Louis 1978-2 JFN profile.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Fishman, Louis 1978-2 JFN profile <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Fishman, Louis 1978-2 JFN profile.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Fishman, Louis 1978-2 JFN profile.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Fleissner, Harold   - - Served in World War II  - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Fleissner, Harold wwii.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Fleissner, Harold <BR><BR> Served in World War II <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Fleissner, Harold wwii.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Fleissner, Harold wwii.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   wwii 160 200 0.8 120 150
<br><br> Fostoff, Harold   - - Served in World War II  - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Fostoff, Harold wwii.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Fostoff, Harold <BR><BR> Served in World War II <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Fostoff, Harold wwii.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Fostoff, Harold wwii.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   wwii 160 200 0.8 120 150
<br><br> Freidman, Deanne  - -  Hibbing High School yearbook -  1934 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Freidman, Deanne hhs 1934.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Freidman, Deanne   <BR><BR>   Hibbing High School yearbook -  1934 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Freidman, Deanne hhs 1934.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Freidman, Deanne hhs 1934.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Freimuth, Charlene  - - Duluth Central High School yearbook  - 1937 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Freimuth, Charlene dchs 1937.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Freimuth, Charlene    <BR><BR>  Duluth Central High School yearbook -  1937 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Freimuth, Charlene dchs 1937.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Freimuth, Charlene dchs 1937.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Freimuth, Diane - - Duluth East High School yearbook - - 1963 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Freimuth, Diane 1963 dehs.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Freimuth, Diane - - Duluth East High School yearbook - - 1963 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Freimuth, Diane 1963 dehs.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Freimuth, Diane 1963 dehs.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Freimuth, Dick - - Duluth East High School yearbook -  1961 junior - - son of Paul Freimuth and Elsie Knute - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Freimuth, Dick 1961 junior.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Freimuth, Dick <BR> Duluth East High School yearbook -  1961 junior <BR> son of Paul Freimuth and Elsie Knute <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Freimuth, Dick 1961 junior.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Freimuth, Dick 1961 junior.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Freimuth, Edgar - - Duluth Central High School yearbook - -  1932 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Freimuth, Edgar dchs 1932.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Freimuth, Edgar <BR><BR> Duluth Central High School yearbook  - - 1932 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Freimuth, Edgar dchs 1932.jpg">full text and image at hi res</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Freimuth, Edgar dchs 1932.jpg" width="267" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   yearbook 267 150 1.78
<br><br> Freimuth, Edna  - - Duluth Central High School yearbook  - 1915 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Freimuth, Edna dchs 1915.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Freimuth, Edna    <BR><BR>  Duluth Central High School yearbook -  1915 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Freimuth, Edna dchs 1915.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Freimuth, Edna dchs 1915.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Freimuth, Elsie (Elsie, Marc & Steve) - - Temple Emanuel Cemetery - 2013 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Freimuth Elsie (Elsie, Marc & Steve) 2013.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Freimuth, Elsie (Elsie, Marc & Steve) <BR> Temple Emanuel Cemetery - 2013 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Freimuth Elsie (Elsie, Marc & Steve) 2013.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Freimuth Elsie (Elsie, Marc & Steve) 2013.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Freimuth, Enid - -  Duluth Central High School yearbook - - 1911 - -  <font  size="1">married Sydney Berdie, father of John Berdie, on Freimuth tree</font> - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Freimuth, Enid dchs 1911.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Freimuth, Enid<BR><BR> Duluth Central High School yearbook - - 1911 <BR> married Sydney Berdie, father of John Berdie, on Freimuth tree <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Freimuth, Enid dchs 1911.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Freimuth, Enid dchs 1911.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Freimuth, Enid (Miss)   - - Newspaper article - -  1913-11-23 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Freimuth, Enid Miss news 1913-11-23.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Freimuth, Enid (Miss)  <BR><BR> Newspaper article - -  1913-11-23 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Freimuth, Enid Miss news 1913-11-23.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Freimuth, Enid Miss news 1913-11-23.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   news 160 200 0.8 120 150
<br><br> Freimuth, Hugo  - - Duluth Central High School yearbook - - 1912 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Freimuth, Hugo dchs 1912.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Freimuth, Hugo <BR><BR> Duluth Central High School yearbook - - 1912 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Freimuth, Hugo dchs 1912.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Freimuth, Hugo dchs 1912.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Freimuth, Marc - -   Duluth East High School  - - 1964 - - <font  size="1"> married to Sharon Sager, son of Edgar & Marsha Zuckerman Freimuth, Freimuth tree </font> - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Freimuth, Marc dehs 1964.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Freimuth, Marc<BR><BR>  Duluth East High School yearbook - - 1964 <BR> married to Sharon Sager, son of Edgar & Marsha Zuckerman Freimuth, Freimuth tree <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Freimuth, Marc dehs 1964.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Freimuth, Marc dehs 1964.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Freimuth, Marc (Elsie, Marc & Steve) - - Temple Emanuel Cemetery - 2013 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Freimuth Marc (Elsie, Marc & Steve) 2013.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Freimuth, Marc (Elsie, Marc & Steve) <BR> Temple Emanuel Cemetery - 2013 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Freimuth Marc (Elsie, Marc & Steve) 2013.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Freimuth Marc (Elsie, Marc & Steve) 2013.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Freimuth, Paul - - Duluth Central High School  - - 1934 - - <font  size="1"> married to Elsie Knute, son of David & Reine Eisenstaedt Freimuth, Freimuth tree </font> - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Freimuth, Paul dcsh 1934.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Freimuth, Paul <BR><BR> Duluth Central High School yearbook - -  1934 <BR> married to Elsie Knute, son of David & Reine Eisenstaedt Freimuth, Freimuth tree <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Freimuth, Paul dcsh 1934.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Freimuth, Paul dcsh 1934.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Freimuth, Rebecca   - -  Duluth Central High School yearbook  - - 1914 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Freimuth, Rebecca 1914 DCHS.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Freimuth, Rebecca <BR><BR>  Duluth Central High School yearbook - - 1914 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Freimuth, Rebecca 1914 DCHS.jpg">full text and image at hi res</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Freimuth, Rebecca 1914 DCHS.jpg" width="267" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   267 150
<br><br> Freimuth, Richard - - Duluth East High School  - - 1962 - - <font  size="1"> married to Beverly Larson, son of Paul & Louise Knute Freimuth, Freimuth tree </font> - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Freimuth, Richard dehs 1962.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Freimuth, Richard <BR><BR> Duluth East High School yearbook - - 1962 <BR> married to Beverly Larson, son of Paul & Louise Knute Freimuth, Freimuth tree <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Freimuth, Richard dehs 1962.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Freimuth, Richard dehs 1962.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Freimuth, Ruldolph  - - Duluth Central High School yearbook - - 1912 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Freimuth, Ruldolph dchs 1912.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Freimuth, Ruldolph <BR><BR> Duluth Central High School yearbook - - 1912 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Freimuth, Ruldolph dchs 1912.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Freimuth, Ruldolph dchs 1912.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Freimuth, Ruth (Guthman) - - Duluth Central High School yearbook - 1916 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Freimuth, Ruth (Guthman) dchs 1916.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Freimuth, Ruth (Guthman) <BR><BR> Duluth Central High School yearbook - 1916 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Freimuth, Ruth (Guthman) dchs 1916.jpg">larger image / more info</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Freimuth, Ruth (Guthman) dchs 1916.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Freimuth, Steve (Elsie, Marc & Steve)  - - Temple Emanuel Cemetery - 2013 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Freimuth Steve (Elsie, Marc & Steve) 2013.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Freimuth, Steve (Elsie, Marc & Steve)  <BR> Temple Emanuel Cemetery - 2013 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Freimuth Steve (Elsie, Marc & Steve) 2013.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Freimuth Steve (Elsie, Marc & Steve) 2013.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Freimuth, Steven - -   Duluth East High School yearbook - - 1964 - - <font  size="1"> married to Melanie Remick, son of Paul & Elsie Knute Freimuth, Freimuth tree </font> - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Freimuth, Steven dehs 1964.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Freimuth, Steven<BR><BR>  Duluth East High School yearbook - - 1964 <BR> married to Melanie Remick, son of Paul & Elsie Knute Freimuth, Freimuth tree <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Freimuth, Steven dehs 1964.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Freimuth, Steven dehs 1964.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Freimuth, William - - Duluth Central High School yearbook - -  1932 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Freimuth, William dchs 1932.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Freimuth, William <BR><BR> Duluth Central High School yearbook  - - 1932 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Freimuth, William dchs 1932.jpg">full text and image at hi res</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Freimuth, William dchs 1932.jpg" width="267" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   yearbook 267 150 1.78
<br><br> Friedman, Bessie H  - - Duluth Denfeld High School - -  1922 - - married to Leon Karpeles, born 1904 (maybe) - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Friedman, Bessie H ddhs 1922.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Friedman, Bessie H <BR><BR> Duluth Denfeld High School - -  1922 <BR> married to Leon Karpeles, born 1904 (maybe) <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Friedman, Bessie H ddhs 1922.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Friedman, Bessie H ddhs 1922.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Friedman, Charles  - - Newspaper article - 1909-12-12 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Friedman, Charles news 1909-12-12.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Friedman, Charles   <BR><BR>  Newspaper article - 1909-12-12 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Friedman, Charles news 1909-12-12.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Friedman, Charles news 1909-12-12.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Friedman, Debbie  - - Duluth East  High School yearbook - -  1982 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Friedman, Debbie dehs 1982.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Friedman, Debbie  <BR><BR> Duluth East  High School yearbook - -  1982 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Friedman, Debbie dehs 1982.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Friedman, Debbie dehs 1982.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Friedman, Elaine - - Duluth Central High School yearbook - - 1948   - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Friedman, Elaine dchs 1948.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Friedman, Elaine <BR><BR>  Duluth Central High School yearbook - - 1948   <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Friedman, Elaine dchs 1948.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Friedman, Elaine dchs 1948.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Friedman, Frances 1983-3 JFN recipe - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Friedman, Frances 1983-3 JFN recipe.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Friedman, Frances 1983-3 JFN recipe <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Friedman, Frances 1983-3 JFN recipe.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Friedman, Frances 1983-3 JFN recipe.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Friedman, Gertrude D  - -  Ironwood High School yearbook - - 1930 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Friedman, Gertrude D iwhs 1930.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Friedman, Gertrude D <BR><BR> Ironwood High School yearbook - - 1930 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Friedman, Gertrude D iwhs 1930.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Friedman, Gertrude D iwhs 1930.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Friedman, Helen   - -  Duluth Central  High School yearbook  - -  1944 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Friedman, Helen dchs 1944.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Friedman, Helen  <BR><BR>  Duluth Central  High School yearbook - -  1944 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Friedman, Helen dchs 1944.jpg">full text and image at hi res</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Friedman, Helen dchs 1944.jpg" width="267" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   yearbook 267 150
<br><br> Friedman, Hilary A  - -  Duluth East High School yearbook -  1996 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Friedman, Hilary A dehs 1996.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Friedman, Hilary A   <BR><BR>   Duluth East High School yearbook -  1996 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Friedman, Hilary A dehs 1996.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Friedman, Hilary A dehs 1996.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Friedman, John Clayton  - - Duluth Central High School yeabook - -  1951   - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Friedman, John Clayton dchs 1951.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Friedman, John Clayton <BR><BR>  Duluth Central High School yeabook - -  1951   <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Friedman, John Clayton dchs 1951.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Friedman, John Clayton dchs 1951.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Friedman, Joy   - -  Duluth East High School yearbook  - -  1970 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Friedman, Joy dehs 1970.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Friedman, Joy  <BR><BR>  Duluth East High School yearbook  - -  1970 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Friedman, Joy dehs 1970.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Friedman, Joy dehs 1970.jpg" width="267" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   yearbook 144 180 0.8 120 150
<br><br> Friedman, Karen  - - Duluth East  High School yearbook - -  1971  - sophomore - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Friedman, Karen dehs 1971 sophomore.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Friedman, Karen  <BR><BR> Duluth East  High School yearbook - -  1971  - sophomore <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Friedman, Karen dehs 1971 sophomore.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Friedman, Karen dehs 1971 sophomore.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Friedman, Lillian - -  Duluth Central High School yearbook - - 1918   - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Friedman, Lillian dchs 1918.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Friedman, Lillian<BR><BR> Duluth Central High School yearbook - - 1918   <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Friedman, Lillian dchs 1918.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Friedman, Lillian dchs 1918.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Friedman, Marvin   - - Served in World War II  - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Friedman, Marvin wwii.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Friedman, Marvin <BR><BR> Served in World War II <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Friedman, Marvin wwii.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Friedman, Marvin wwii.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   wwii 160 200 0.8 120 150
<br><br> Friedman, Maurice  - -  Ironwood High School yearbook - - 1929 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Friedman, Maurice iwhs 1929.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Friedman, Maurice <BR><BR> Ironwood High School yearbook - - 1929 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Friedman, Maurice iwhs 1929.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Friedman, Maurice iwhs 1929.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Friedman, Meyer - Cantor - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Friedman, Meyer - Cantor.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Friedman, Meyer - Cantor <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Friedman, Meyer - Cantor.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Friedman, Meyer - Cantor.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   news 120 150
<br><br> Friedman, Newton - - 1982-1 JFN profile - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Friedman, Newton 1982-1 JFN profile.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Friedman, Newton 1982-1 JFN profile <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Friedman, Newton 1982-1 JFN profile.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Friedman, Newton 1982-1 JFN profile.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Friedman, Roland - - Duluth Central High School yearbook - -  1939 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Friedman, Roland dchs 1939.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Friedman, Roland <BR><BR> Duluth Central High School yearbook  - - 1939 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Friedman, Roland dchs 1939.jpg">full text and image at hi res</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Friedman, Roland dchs 1939.jpg" width="267" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   yearbook 267 150 1.78
<br><br> Friedman, Rolland   - - Served in World War II  - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Friedman, Rolland wwii.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Friedman, Rolland <BR><BR> Served in World War II <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Friedman, Rolland wwii.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Friedman, Rolland wwii.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   wwii 160 200 0.8 120 150
<br><br> Friedman, Sam - - Duluth Central High School yearbook - - 1929 - - <font  size="1"> son of Elyah & Rissel Katz Friedman, </font> - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Friedman, Sam dchs 1929.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Friedman, Sam <BR><BR> Duluth Central High School yearbook - - 1929 <BR> son of Elyah & Rissel Katz Friedman, <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Friedman, Sam dchs 1929.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Friedman, Sam dchs 1929.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Friedman, Theodore - -  Ironwood High School yearbook - - 1930 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Friedman, Theodore iwhs 1930.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Friedman, Theodore <BR><BR> Ironwood High School yearbook - - 1930 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Friedman, Theodore iwhs 1930.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Friedman, Theodore iwhs 1930.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Friedman, Theodore David  - - Duluth Central High School yeabook - -  1954 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Friedman, Theodore David dchs 1954.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Friedman, Theodore David <BR><BR>  Duluth Central High School yeabook - -  1954 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Friedman, Theodore David dchs 1954.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Friedman, Theodore David dchs 1954.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Frisch, Irving - -  from Virginia - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Frisch, Irving from Virginia.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Frisch, Irving from Virginia <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Frisch, Irving from Virginia.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Frisch, Irving from Virginia.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Frisch, Irving, - -  reminiscing on YouTube - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Frisch, Irving, reminiscing on YouTube.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Frisch, Irving, reminiscing on YouTube <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Frisch, Irving, reminiscing on YouTube.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Frisch, Irving, reminiscing on YouTube.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Frumes, Lauren - - Duluth Central High School yearbook - - 1946 - - son of Ida Sieden & Nate Frumes - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Frumes, Lauren dchs 1946.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Frumes, Lauren <BR><BR>  Duluth Central High School yearbook - - 1946 <BR> son of Ida Sieden & Nate Frumes <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Frumes, Lauren dchs 1946.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Frumes, Lauren dchs 1946.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Frumes, Morris - - Superior High School yearbook - - 1921 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Frumes, Morris 1921 shs.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Frumes, Morris - - Superior High School yearbook - - 1921 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Frumes, Morris 1921 shs.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Frumes, Morris 1921 shs.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> <font color="blue"> .................. <B> G   </B> ..................   &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </font><font size="1"><A HREF="#top">top of this index</A> &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <A HREF="#bottom">bottom of this index</A> &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <A HREF="OtherFamiliesG.html">Letter "G" thumbnail page</A> <A Name="G"></A></font><font size="2"> <br><font color="blue" size="3"> .................. <B> G   </B> ..................   &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </font><font size="1"><A HREF="#top">top of list</A> &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <A HREF="#bottom">bottom</A><A Name="G"></A></font><font size="2"> <BR><BR>    - A - - Z -    
<br><br> Galburt, Arlene Faith - - Duluth Central High School yearbook -  1958 - - daughter of Sam Galburt & Lee Shamblott - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Galburt, Arlene Faith dchs 1958.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Galburt, Arlene Faith <BR> Duluth Central High School yearbook -  1958 <BR> daughter of Sam Galburt & Lee Shamblott <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Galburt, Arlene Faith dchs 1958.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Galburt, Arlene Faith dchs 1958.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Gallop, Charles   - - Served in World War II  - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Gallop, Charles wwii.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Gallop, Charles <BR><BR> Served in World War II <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Gallop, Charles wwii.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Gallop, Charles wwii.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   wwii 160 200 0.8 120 150
<br><br> Gallop, Charles  - -  Virginia Roosevelt  High School yearbook  - -  1938 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Gallop, Charles vrhs 1938.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Gallop, Charles  <BR><BR>   Virginia Rooselelt  High School yearbook   - - 1938 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Gallop, Charles vrhs 1938.jpg">full text and image at hi res</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Gallop, Charles vrhs 1938.jpg" width="267" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   yearbook 267 150 1.78
<br><br> Gallop, Charles  - - Served in World War II - - Photos and Information -  (adg) - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Gallop, Charles WWII adg.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Gallop, Charles <BR><BR> Served in World War II (adg) <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Gallop, Charles WWII adg.jpg">photos and information</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Gallop, Charles WWII adg.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   Al Grady 120 150
<br><br> Gallop, Craig - - Duluth East High School yearbook - - 1967 - - Naymark Tree - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Gallop, Craig dehs 1967.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Gallop, Craig<BR><BR> Duluth East High School yearbook - - 1967 <BR> Naymark Tree <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Gallop, Craig dehs 1967.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Gallop, Craig dehs 1967.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Gallop, Ellen - - Duluth East High School yearbook -  1961 sophomore - - daughter of Bob Gallop & Helen Solon - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Gallop, Ellen dehs 1961 sophomore.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Gallop, Ellen <BR> Duluth East High School yearbook -  1961 sophomore <BR> daughter of Bob Gallop & Helen Solon <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Gallop, Ellen dehs 1961 sophomore.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Gallop, Ellen dehs 1961 sophomore.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Gallop, Ellen - - Duluth East High School yearbook - - 1963 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Gallop, Ellen 1963 dehs.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Gallop, Ellen - - Duluth East High School yearbook - - 1963 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Gallop, Ellen 1963 dehs.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Gallop, Ellen 1963 dehs.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Gallop, Eudice (2nd from left) 2010-11-26 AJW - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Gallop, Eudice (2nd from left) 2010-11-26 AJW.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Gallop, Eudice (2nd from left) 2010-11-26 AJW <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Gallop, Eudice (2nd from left) 2010-11-26 AJW.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Gallop, Eudice (2nd from left) 2010-11-26 AJW.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Gallop, James D  - - Duluth Central High School yeabook - -  1950 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Gallop, James D dchs 1950.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Gallop, James D <BR><BR>  Duluth Central High School yeabook - -  1950 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Gallop, James D dchs 1950.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Gallop, James D dchs 1950.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Gallop, Jane  - -  Duluth East High School yearbook  - -  1969 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Gallop, Jane dehs 1969.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Gallop, Jane    <BR><BR>   Duluth East High School yearbook   - - 1969 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Gallop, Jane dehs 1969.jpg">full text and image at hi res</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Gallop, Jane dehs 1969.jpg" width="267" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   yearbook 267 150 1.78
<br><br> Gallop, Jeanne - -   Duluth East High School  - - 1964 - - <font  size="1"> married to Steven Prawer, daughter of Samuel & Pearl Naymark Gallop, Naymark tree </font> - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Gallop, Jeanne dehs 1964.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Gallop, Jeanne<BR><BR>  Duluth East High School yearbook - - 1964 <BR> married to Steven Prawer, daughter of Samuel & Pearl Naymark Gallop, Naymark tree <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Gallop, Jeanne dehs 1964.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Gallop, Jeanne dehs 1964.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Gallop, Judith - - Duluth East High School yearbook - - 1967   - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Gallop, Judith dehs 1967.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Gallop, Judith<BR><BR> Duluth East High School yearbook - - 1967   <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Gallop, Judith dehs 1967.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Gallop, Judith dehs 1967.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Gallop, Lorey Louise  - -  Duluth East High School yearbook  - -  1959 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Gallop, Lorey Louise dehs 1959.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Gallop, Lorey Louise  <BR><BR> Duluth East High School yearbook  - -  1959 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Gallop, Lorey Louise dehs 1959.jpg">full text and image at hi res</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="center" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Gallop, Lorey Louise dehs 1959.jpg" width="267" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   yearbook 267 150
<br><br> Gallop, Marvin   - - Served in World War II  - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Gallop, Marvin wwii.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Gallop, Marvin <BR><BR> Served in World War II <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Gallop, Marvin wwii.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Gallop, Marvin wwii.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   wwii 160 200 0.8 120 150
<br><br> Gallop, Marvin O  - -  Jewish Fellowship News - 1985 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Gallop, Marvin O 1985 JFN.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Gallop, Marvin O  <BR><BR>  Jewish Fellowship News - 1985 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Gallop, Marvin O 1985 JFN.jpg">full text and image at hi res</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Gallop, Marvin O 1985 JFN.jpg" width="267" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   267 150
<br><br> Gallop, Melvin - - Duluth Central High School yearbook - -  1940 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Gallop, Melvin dchs 1940.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Gallop, Melvin <BR><BR> Duluth Central High School yearbook  - - 1940 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Gallop, Melvin dchs 1940.jpg">full text and image at hi res</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Gallop, Melvin dchs 1940.jpg" width="267" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   yearbook 267 150 1.78
<br><br> Gallop, Robert - - Duluth Central High School yearbook - -  1932 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Gallop, Robert dchs 1932.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Gallop, Robert <BR><BR> Duluth Central High School yearbook  - - 1932 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Gallop, Robert dchs 1932.jpg">full text and image at hi res</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Gallop, Robert dchs 1932.jpg" width="267" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   yearbook 267 150 1.78
<br><br> Gallop, Robert G   - - Served in World War II  - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Gallop, Robert G wwii.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Gallop, Robert G <BR><BR> Served in World War II <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Gallop, Robert G wwii.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Gallop, Robert G wwii.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   wwii 160 200 0.8 120 150
<br><br> Gallop, Robert M  - - Served in World War II - - Photos and Information -  (adg) - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Gallop, Robert M WWII adg.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Gallop, Robert M <BR><BR> Served in World War II (adg) <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Gallop, Robert M WWII adg.jpg">photos and information</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Gallop, Robert M WWII adg.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   Al Grady 120 150
<br><br> Gallop, Rose  - -  Virginia Roosevelt  High School yearbook  - -  1936 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Gallop, Rose vrhs 1936.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Gallop, Rose  <BR><BR>   Virginia Rooselelt  High School yearbook   - - 1936 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Gallop, Rose vrhs 1936.jpg">full text and image at hi res</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Gallop, Rose vrhs 1936.jpg" width="267" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   yearbook 267 150 1.78
<br><br> Gallop, Sam - - Duluth Central High School yearbook - -  1932 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Gallop, Sam dchs 1932.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Gallop, Sam <BR><BR> Duluth Central High School yearbook  - - 1932 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Gallop, Sam dchs 1932.jpg">full text and image at hi res</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Gallop, Sam dchs 1932.jpg" width="267" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   yearbook 267 150 1.78
<br><br> Gallop, Sammy   - - Served in World War II  - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Gallop, Sammy wwii.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Gallop, Sammy <BR><BR> Served in World War II <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Gallop, Sammy wwii.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Gallop, Sammy wwii.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   wwii 160 200 0.8 120 150
<br><br> Gallop, Sammy  - - Newspaper article - 2012 12 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Gallop, Sammy news 2012 12.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Gallop, Sammy   <BR><BR>  Newspaper article - 2012 12 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Gallop, Sammy news 2012 12.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Gallop, Sammy news 2012 12.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Garwitz, Bertram K   - - Served in World War II  - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Garwitz, Bertram K wwii.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Garwitz, Bertram K <BR><BR> Served in World War II <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Garwitz, Bertram K wwii.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Garwitz, Bertram K wwii.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   wwii 160 200 0.8 120 150
<br><br> Gendein, Eva - - Duluth Central High School yearbook - - 1929 - - <font  size="1"> daughter of Charles & Sadie Even Gendein, </font> - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Gendein, Eva dchs 1929.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Gendein, Eva <BR><BR> Duluth Central High School yearbook - - 1929 <BR> daughter of Charles & Sadie Even Gendein, <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Gendein, Eva dchs 1929.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Gendein, Eva dchs 1929.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Gendein, Harold   - - Served in World War II  - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Gendein, Harold wwii.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Gendein, Harold <BR><BR> Served in World War II <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Gendein, Harold wwii.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Gendein, Harold wwii.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   wwii 160 200 0.8 120 150
<br><br> Gendein, Norman - - Duluth Central High School yearbook - -  1931 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Gendein, Norman dchs 1931.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Gendein, Norman <BR><BR> Duluth Central High School yearbook  - - 1931 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Gendein, Norman dchs 1931.jpg">full text and image at hi res</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Gendein, Norman dchs 1931.jpg" width="267" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   yearbook 267 150 1.78
<br><br> Gerber, Joe - - Superior High School yearbook - - 1972 - Junior year - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Gerber, Joe 1972 shs jr.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Gerber, Joe - - Superior High School yearbook - - 1972 - Junior year <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Gerber, Joe 1972 shs jr.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Gerber, Joe 1972 shs jr.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Gerovitsch, Robert - - Duluth Central High School  - - 1927 - - <font  size="1"> married Dorothy Gershgol, son of Benjamin & Mary Pasternak Gurovitsch </font> - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Gerovitsch, Robert dchs 1927.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Gerovitsch, Robert <BR><BR> Duluth Central High School yearbook - - 1927 <BR> married Dorothy Gershgol, son of Benjamin & Mary Pasternak Gurovitsch <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Gerovitsch, Robert dchs 1927.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Gerovitsch, Robert dchs 1927.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Gershgol, Bererly - - Duluth Central High School yearbook - - 1948   - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Gershgol, Bererly dchs 1948.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Gershgol, Bererly <BR><BR>  Duluth Central High School yearbook - - 1948   <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Gershgol, Bererly dchs 1948.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Gershgol, Bererly dchs 1948.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Gershgol, Dorothy - - Duluth Central High School yearbook - -  1931 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Gershgol, Dorothy dchs 1931.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Gershgol, Dorothy <BR><BR> Duluth Central High School yearbook  - - 1931 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Gershgol, Dorothy dchs 1931.jpg">full text and image at hi res</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Gershgol, Dorothy dchs 1931.jpg" width="267" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   yearbook 267 150 1.78
<br><br> Gershgol, Gerald S  - -  Duluth East High School yearbook  - -  1957 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Gershgol, Gerald S dehs 1957.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Gershgol, Gerald S  <BR><BR> Duluth East High School yearbook  - -  1957  <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Gershgol, Gerald S dehs 1957.jpg">full text and image at hi res</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="center" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Gershgol, Gerald S dehs 1957.jpg" width="267" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   yearbook 267 150
<br><br> Gershgol, Goldie  - -  Jewish Fellowship News - 1985 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Gershgol, Goldie 1985 JFN.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Gershgol, Goldie  <BR><BR>  Jewish Fellowship News - 1985 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Gershgol, Goldie 1985 JFN.jpg">full text and image at hi res</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Gershgol, Goldie 1985 JFN.jpg" width="267" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   267 150
<br><br> Gershgol, Harry E   - - Served in World War II  - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Gershgol, Harry E wwii.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Gershgol, Harry E <BR><BR> Served in World War II <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Gershgol, Harry E wwii.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Gershgol, Harry E wwii.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   wwii 160 200 0.8 120 150
<br><br> Gershgol, I E and Rose - -   Jewish Fellowship News - 1985 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Gershgol, I E and Rose 1985 JFN.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Gershgol, I E and Rose <BR><BR>   Jewish Fellowship News - 1985 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Gershgol, I E and Rose 1985 JFN.jpg">full text and image at hi res</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Gershgol, I E and Rose 1985 JFN.jpg" width="267" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   267 150
<br><br> Gershgol, Jill  - -  Duluth East High School yearbook  - -  sophomore 1959 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Gershgol, Jill dehs sophomore 1959.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Gershgol, Jill  <BR><BR> Duluth East High School yearbook  <BR> sophmore 1959 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Gershgol, Jill dehs sophomore 1959.jpg">full text and image at hi res</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="center" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Gershgol, Jill dehs sophomore 1959.jpg" width="267" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   yearbook 267 150
<br><br> Gershgol, Joseph E Mrs - 1945 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Gershgol, Joseph E Mrs - 1945.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Gershgol, Joseph E Mrs - 1945 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Gershgol, Joseph E Mrs - 1945.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Gershgol, Joseph E Mrs - 1945.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   news 120 150
<br><br> Gershgol, Joseph Mrs - Jan 1958 JFN news - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Gershgol, Joseph Mrs - Jan 1958 JFN news.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Gershgol, Joseph Mrs - Jan 1958 JFN news <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Gershgol, Joseph Mrs - Jan 1958 JFN news.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Gershgol, Joseph Mrs - Jan 1958 JFN news.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Gershgol, Myron   - -  Duluth Central High School yearbook  - 1956 - -
son of Dave Gershgol & Ruth Schwartz
- - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Gershgol, Myron dchs 1956.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Gershgol, Myron <BR> Duluth Central High School yearbook  - 1956 <BR>
son of Dave Gershgol & Ruth Schwartz
<P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Gershgol, Myron dchs 1956.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Gershgol, Myron dchs 1956.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>  
<br><br> Gershgol, Myron - - Duluth East High School yearbook - -  1951 seventh - - son of Richard & Mabel Gershgol - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Gershgol, Myron dehs 1951 seventh.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Gershgol, Myron <BR><BR> Duluth East High School yearbook - -  1951 seventh <BR> son of Richard & Mabel Gershgol <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Gershgol, Myron dehs 1951 seventh.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Gershgol, Myron dehs 1951 seventh.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Gershgol, Penny  - -  Duluth East High School yearbook  - -  1956 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Gershgol, Penny dehs 1956.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Gershgol, Penny  <BR><BR> Duluth East High School yearbook  - -  1956 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Gershgol, Penny dehs 1956.jpg">full text and image at hi res</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="center" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Gershgol, Penny dehs 1956.jpg" width="267" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   yearbook 267 150
<br><br> Gershgol, Phylis - - Duluth East High School  - - 1949 8th grade - - <font  size="1"> married to Nelson Kessler, daughter of David & Ruth Schwartz Gershgol </font> - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Gershgol, Phylis dehs 1949 8th grade.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Gershgol, Phylis <BR><BR> Duluth East High School yearbook - - 1949 8th grade <BR> married to Nelson Kessler, daughter of David & Ruth Schwartz Gershgol <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Gershgol, Phylis dehs 1949 8th grade.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Gershgol, Phylis dehs 1949 8th grade.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Gershgol, Sharon  - -  Duluth East High School yearbook  - -  junior 1959 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Gershgol, Sharon dehs junior 1959.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Gershgol, Sharon  <BR><BR> Duluth East High School yearbook  - -  junior 1959 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Gershgol, Sharon dehs junior 1959.jpg">full text and image at hi res</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="center" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Gershgol, Sharon dehs junior 1959.jpg" width="267" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   yearbook 267 150
<br><br> Gershgol, Tammi  - - Duluth Central High School yeabook - -  1951   - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Gershgol, Tammi dchs 1951.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Gershgol, Tammi <BR><BR>  Duluth Central High School yeabook - -  1951   <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Gershgol, Tammi dchs 1951.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Gershgol, Tammi dchs 1951.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Giberstadt, Harold   - - Served in World War II  - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Giberstadt, Harold wwii.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Giberstadt, Harold <BR><BR> Served in World War II <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Giberstadt, Harold wwii.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Giberstadt, Harold wwii.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   wwii 160 200 0.8 120 150
<br><br> Gilberstadt, Milton   - - Served in World War II  - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Gilberstadt, Milton wwii.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Gilberstadt, Milton <BR><BR> Served in World War II <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Gilberstadt, Milton wwii.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Gilberstadt, Milton wwii.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   wwii 160 200 0.8 120 150
<br><br> Gilberstadt, Selma - - Duluth Central High School  - - 1933 - - <font  size="1">  married to William Horwitz, daughter of Isadore & Sarah Resnick Gilberstadt, Soloski tree </font> - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Gilberstadt, Selma dchs 1933.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Gilberstadt, Selma <BR><BR> Duluth Central High School yearbook - - 1933 <BR>  married to William Horwitz, daughter of Isadore & Sarah Resnick Gilberstadt, Soloski tree <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Gilberstadt, Selma dchs 1933.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Gilberstadt, Selma dchs 1933.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Ginsberg, Sam - -  1979-4 JFN profile - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Ginsberg, Sam 1979-4 JFN profile.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Ginsberg, Sam 1979-4 JFN profile <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Ginsberg, Sam 1979-4 JFN profile.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Ginsberg, Sam 1979-4 JFN profile.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Ginsberg, Sherman - - Duluth Central High  - - 1933 - - <font  size="1">  married to Selma, changed last name to Garnett, son of Samuel & Eva Leibovitz Ginsberg </font> - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Ginsberg, Sherman dchs 1933.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Ginsberg, Sherman <BR><BR> Duluth Central High School yearbook - - 1933 <BR>  married to Selma, changed last name to Garnett, son of Samuel & Eva Leibovitz Ginsberg <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Ginsberg, Sherman dchs 1933.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Ginsberg, Sherman dchs 1933.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Gittelson, Videe - - news article 1918-11-24 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Gittelson, Videe news article 1918-11-24.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Gittelson, Videe news article 1918-11-24 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Gittelson, Videe news article 1918-11-24.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Gittelson, Videe news article 1918-11-24.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Gittleman, Julius   - - Served in World War II  - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Gittleman, Julius wwii.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Gittleman, Julius <BR><BR> Served in World War II <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Gittleman, Julius wwii.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Gittleman, Julius wwii.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   wwii 160 200 0.8 120 150
<br><br> Gittleman, Lee   - -  Duluth Central High School yearbook  - 1956 junior   - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Gittleman, Lee dchs 1956 junior.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Gittleman, Lee <BR> Duluth Central High School yearbook  - 1956 junior   <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Gittleman, Lee dchs 1956 junior.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Gittleman, Lee dchs 1956 junior.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>  
<br><br> Gittleman, Lee B  - - Duluth Central High School yearbook -  1957 - - son of Morris Gittleman & Eunice Passon - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Gittleman, Lee B dchs 1957.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Gittleman, Lee B  <BR> Duluth Central High School yearbook -  1957 <BR> son of Morris Gittleman & Eunice Passon <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Gittleman, Lee B dchs 1957.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Gittleman, Lee B dchs 1957.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Gittleman, Mark Louis & Tamara Marie Eklund  -  - engaged 2010-2-19  AJW - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Gittleman, Mark Louis & Tamara Marie Eklund engaged 2010-2-19  AJW.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Gittleman, Mark Louis & Tamara Marie Eklund engaged 2010-2-19  AJW <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Gittleman, Mark Louis & Tamara Marie Eklund engaged 2010-2-19  AJW.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Gittleman, Mark Louis & Tamara Marie Eklund engaged 2010-2-19  AJW.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Glaser, Linda  - -   author bio - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Glaser, Linda - author bio.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Glaser, Linda  <BR><BR>   author bio <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Glaser, Linda - author bio.jpg">full text and image at hi res</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Glaser, Linda - author bio.jpg" width="267" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   267 150
<br><br> Glass, David  - - Duluth Central High School yeabook - -  1955 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Glass, David dchs 1955.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Glass, David <BR><BR>  Duluth Central High School yeabook - -  1955 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Glass, David dchs 1955.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Glass, David dchs 1955.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Glass, Gail  - - Duluth Central High School yeabook - -  1955 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Glass, Gail dchs 1955.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Glass, Gail <BR><BR>  Duluth Central High School yeabook - -  1955 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Glass, Gail dchs 1955.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Glass, Gail dchs 1955.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Glass, Todd E   - -  Duluth East  High School yearbook  - - 1986 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Glass, Todd E 1986 dehs.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Glass, Todd E <BR><BR>  Duluth East High School - - 1986 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Glass, Todd E 1986 dehs.jpg">full text and image at hi res</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Glass, Todd E 1986 dehs.jpg" width="267" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   267 150
<br><br> Glasser, Benny - - Duluth Central High School yearbook - - 1929 - - <font  size="1"> married to Anne Smith, son of Albert & Batya Shapiro Glasser, Shapiro tree </font> - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Glasser, Benny dchs 1929.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Glasser, Benny <BR><BR> Duluth Central High School yearbook - - 1929 <BR> married to Anne Smith, son of Albert & Batya Shapiro Glasser, Shapiro tree <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Glasser, Benny dchs 1929.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Glasser, Benny dchs 1929.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Glasser, Hymie   - - Served in World War II  - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Glasser, Hymie wwii.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Glasser, Hymie <BR><BR> Served in World War II <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Glasser, Hymie wwii.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Glasser, Hymie wwii.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   wwii 160 200 0.8 120 150
<br><br> Glazman, Aaron Babe  - - Jewish Fellowship News - 1985 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Glazman, Aaron Babe 1985 JFN.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Glazman, Aaron Babe  <BR><BR> Jewish Fellowship News - 1985 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Glazman, Aaron Babe 1985 JFN.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Glazman, Aaron Babe 1985 JFN.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Glazman, Charles  - - Duluth East  High School yearbook - -  1971 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Glazman, Charles dehs 1971.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Glazman, Charles  <BR><BR> Duluth East  High School yearbook - -  1971 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Glazman, Charles dehs 1971.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Glazman, Charles dehs 1971.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Glazman, James  - - Duluth Central High School yearbook  - 1945 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Glazman, James dchs 1945.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Glazman, James    <BR><BR>  Duluth Central High School yearbook -  1945 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Glazman, James dchs 1945.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Glazman, James dchs 1945.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Glazman, Lorrayne  - -  Jewish Fellowship News - 1985 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Glazman, Lorrayne 1985 JFN.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Glazman, Lorrayne  <BR><BR>  Jewish Fellowship News - 1985 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Glazman, Lorrayne 1985 JFN.jpg">full text and image at hi res</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Glazman, Lorrayne 1985 JFN.jpg" width="267" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   267 150
<br><br> Gofen, - - U of Minnesota - - 1919 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Gofen, - U of Minnesota - 1919.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Gofen, <BR><BR> University of Minnesota - - 1919 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Gofen, - U of Minnesota - 1919.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Gofen, - U of Minnesota - 1919.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   yearbook 120 150
<br><br> Gofen, Samuel J -   - - Newspaper article - - 1919-9-5 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Gofen, Samuel J - news 1919-9-5.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Gofen, Samuel J -  <BR><BR> Newspaper article - - 1919-9-5 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Gofen, Samuel J - news 1919-9-5.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Gofen, Samuel J - news 1919-9-5.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   news 120 150
<br><br> Golberg, Margie   - -  Duluth Central  High School yearbook  - -  1944 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Golberg, Margie dchs 1944.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Golberg, Margie  <BR><BR>  Duluth Central  High School yearbook - -  1944  <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Golberg, Margie dchs 1944.jpg">full text and image at hi res</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Golberg, Margie dchs 1944.jpg" width="267" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   yearbook 267 150
<br><br> Golberg, Ralph   - -  Duluth Central High School yearbook  - 1956 junior   - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Golberg, Ralph dchs 1956 junior.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Golberg, Ralph <BR> Duluth Central High School yearbook  - 1956 junior   <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Golberg, Ralph dchs 1956 junior.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Golberg, Ralph dchs 1956 junior.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>  
<br><br> Goldberg, Alfred - Curling in Eveleth ~1952 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Goldberg, Alfred - Curling in Eveleth ~1952.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Goldberg, Alfred - Curling in Eveleth ~1952 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Goldberg, Alfred - Curling in Eveleth ~1952.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Goldberg, Alfred - Curling in Eveleth ~1952.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Goldberg, Bernard  - -  Superior Central High School yearbook  - -  1942 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Goldberg, Bernard schs 1942.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Goldberg, Bernard  <BR><BR>   Superior Central  High School yearbook   - - 1942 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Goldberg, Bernard schs 1942.jpg">full text and image at hi res</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Goldberg, Bernard schs 1942.jpg" width="267" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   yearbook 267 150 1.78
<br><br> Goldberg, Bette - - Duluth East High School yearbook - - 1963 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Goldberg, Bette 1963 dehs.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Goldberg, Bette - - Duluth East High School yearbook - - 1963 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Goldberg, Bette 1963 dehs.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Goldberg, Bette 1963 dehs.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Goldberg, Cary  - - Superior  High School yearbook - -  1985 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Goldberg, Cary shs 1985.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Goldberg, Cary  <BR><BR> Superior  High School yearbook - -  1985 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Goldberg, Cary shs 1985.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Goldberg, Cary shs 1985.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Goldberg, Charles   - - Served in World War II  - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Goldberg, Charles wwii.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Goldberg, Charles <BR><BR> Served in World War II <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Goldberg, Charles wwii.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Goldberg, Charles wwii.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   wwii 160 200 0.8 120 150
<br><br> Goldberg, Charles  - -  Superior Central High School yearbook  - -  1938 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Goldberg, Charles schs 1938.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Goldberg, Charles  <BR><BR>   Superior Central  High School yearbook   - - 1938 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Goldberg, Charles schs 1938.jpg">full text and image at hi res</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Goldberg, Charles schs 1938.jpg" width="267" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   yearbook 267 150 1.78
<br><br> Goldberg, Darrell   - -  Duluth Central High School yearbook  - -  1982 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Goldberg, Darrell dchs 1982.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Goldberg, Darrell   <BR><BR>  Duluth Central High School yearbook  - -  1982 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Goldberg, Darrell dchs 1982.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Goldberg, Darrell dchs 1982.jpg" width="267" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   yearbook 144 180 0.8 120 150
<br><br> Goldberg, Dave   - -  Duluth Central High School yearbook  - -  1978 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Goldberg, Dave dchs 1978.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Goldberg, Dave  <BR><BR>  Duluth Central High School yearbook  - -  1978 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Goldberg, Dave dchs 1978.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Goldberg, Dave dchs 1978.jpg" width="267" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   yearbook 144 180 0.8 120 150
<br><br> Goldberg, David Allen  - -  Superior Central High School yearbook  - -  1965 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Goldberg, David Allen schs 1965.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Goldberg, David Allen  <BR><BR>   Superior Central  High School yearbook   - - 1965 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Goldberg, David Allen schs 1965.jpg">full text and image at hi res</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Goldberg, David Allen schs 1965.jpg" width="267" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   yearbook 267 150 1.78
<br><br> Goldberg, Dawn M  - -  Superior High School yearbook -  1988 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Goldberg, Dawn M shs 1988.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Goldberg, Dawn M   <BR><BR>   Superior High School yearbook -  1988 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Goldberg, Dawn M shs 1988.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Goldberg, Dawn M shs 1988.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Goldberg, Debbie - - Superior High School yearbook - - 1972 - Junior year - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Goldberg, Debbie 1972 shs jr.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Goldberg, Debbie - - Superior High School yearbook - - 1972 - Junior year <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Goldberg, Debbie 1972 shs jr.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Goldberg, Debbie 1972 shs jr.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Goldberg, Deborah - - Duluth Central High School yearbook - - 1967 - Sophomore year - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Goldberg, Deborah 1967 dchs soph.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Goldberg, Deborah - - Duluth Central High School yearbook - - 1967 - Sophomore year <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Goldberg, Deborah 1967 dchs soph.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Goldberg, Deborah 1967 dchs soph.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Goldberg, Dianne Sue  - -  Superior Central High School yearbook  - -  1961 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Goldberg, Dianne Sue schs 1961.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Goldberg, Dianne Sue  <BR><BR>   Superior Central  High School yearbook   - - 1961 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Goldberg, Dianne Sue schs 1961.jpg">full text and image at hi res</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Goldberg, Dianne Sue schs 1961.jpg" width="267" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   yearbook 267 150 1.78
<br><br> Goldberg, Donald Don - - Superior Central High School yearbook - 1944 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Goldberg, Donald Don schs 1944.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Goldberg, Donald Don <BR><BR> Superior Central High School yearbook - 1944 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Goldberg, Donald Don schs 1944.jpg">larger image / more info</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Goldberg, Donald Don schs 1944.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Goldberg, Donna R  - - Duluth Central High School yearbook - -  1966 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Goldberg, Donna R dchs 1966.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Goldberg, Donna R  <BR><BR> Duluth Central High School yearbook - -  1966 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Goldberg, Donna R dchs 1966.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Goldberg, Donna R dchs 1966.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Goldberg, Elliott  - - Superior Central High School yearbook - -  1960 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Goldberg, Elliott schs 1960.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Goldberg, Elliott  <BR><BR> Superior Central High School yearbook - -  1960 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Goldberg, Elliott schs 1960.jpg">image with text at higher res</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Goldberg, Elliott schs 1960.jpg" width="267" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   267 150
<br><br> Goldberg, Fern - -  Duluth Central High School yearbook - - 1918 - - married to Emanuel Cook, Cook tree - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Goldberg, Fern dchs 1918.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Goldberg, Fern<BR><BR> Duluth Central High School yearbook - - 1918 <BR> married to Emanuel Cook, Cook tree <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Goldberg, Fern dchs 1918.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Goldberg, Fern dchs 1918.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Goldberg, Geraldine Gertrude  - -  Superior  High School yearbook  - -  1939 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Goldberg, Geraldine Gertrude shs 1939.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Goldberg, Geraldine Gertrude  <BR><BR>  Superior   High School yearbook   - - 1939 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Goldberg, Geraldine Gertrude shs 1939.jpg">full text and image at hi res</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Goldberg, Geraldine Gertrude shs 1939.jpg" width="267" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   yearbook 267 150 1.78
<br><br> Goldberg, Gladys  - -  Hibbing High School yearbook -  1934 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Goldberg, Gladys hhs 1934.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Goldberg, Gladys   <BR><BR>   Hibbing High School yearbook -  1934 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Goldberg, Gladys hhs 1934.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Goldberg, Gladys hhs 1934.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Goldberg, Harlan - -   Superior High School yearbook - - 1970 - - <font  size="1"> </font> - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Goldberg, Harlan shs 1970.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Goldberg, Harlan<BR><BR>  Superior High School yearbook - - 1970 <BR> <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Goldberg, Harlan shs 1970.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Goldberg, Harlan shs 1970.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Goldberg, Harold - -  Superior Central High School yearbook - - 1939   - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Goldberg, Harold schs 1939.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Goldberg, Harold<BR><BR> Superior Central High School yearbook - - 1939   <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Goldberg, Harold schs 1939.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Goldberg, Harold schs 1939.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Goldberg, Harry - - Superior High School yearbook - -  1930 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Goldberg, Harry shs 1930.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Goldberg, Harry <BR><BR> Superior High School yearbook  - - 1930 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Goldberg, Harry shs 1930.jpg">full text and image at hi res</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Goldberg, Harry shs 1930.jpg" width="267" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   yearbook 267 150 1.78
<br><br> Goldberg, Hilda - - Superior High School yearbook - 1927 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Goldberg, Hilda shs 1927.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Goldberg, Hilda <BR><BR> Superior High School yearbook - 1927 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Goldberg, Hilda shs 1927.jpg">larger image / more info</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Goldberg, Hilda shs 1927.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Goldberg, Ida - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Goldberg, Ida.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Goldberg, Ida <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Goldberg, Ida.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Goldberg, Ida.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Goldberg, Jim  - -  Superior High School yearbook -  1985 - (class of 1987) - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Goldberg, Jim shs 1985 - class of 87.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Goldberg, Jim   <BR><BR>   Superior High School yearbook -  1985 - (class of 1987) <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Goldberg, Jim shs 1985 - class of 87.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Goldberg, Jim shs 1985 - class of 87.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Goldberg, Larry  - -  Superior Central High School yearbook  - -  1965 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Goldberg, Larry schs 1965.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Goldberg, Larry  <BR><BR>   Superior Central  High School yearbook   - - 1965 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Goldberg, Larry schs 1965.jpg">full text and image at hi res</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Goldberg, Larry schs 1965.jpg" width="267" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   yearbook 267 150 1.78
<br><br> Goldberg, Larry  - - Duluth Central High School yeabook - -  1950 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Goldberg, Larry dchs 1950.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Goldberg, Larry <BR><BR>  Duluth Central High School yeabook - -  1950 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Goldberg, Larry dchs 1950.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Goldberg, Larry dchs 1950.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Goldberg, Leo  - -  Superior Central High School yearbook  - -  1938 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Goldberg, Leo schs 1938.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Goldberg, Leo  <BR><BR>   Superior Central  High School yearbook   - - 1938 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Goldberg, Leo schs 1938.jpg">full text and image at hi res</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Goldberg, Leo schs 1938.jpg" width="267" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   yearbook 267 150 1.78
<br><br> Goldberg, Lillian - - Duluth Central High School yearbook - - 1929   - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Goldberg, Lillian dchs 1929.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Goldberg, Lillian <BR><BR> Duluth Central High School yearbook - - 1929   <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Goldberg, Lillian dchs 1929.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Goldberg, Lillian dchs 1929.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Goldberg, Lynne - -   Superior High School yearbook - - 1970 - - <font  size="1"> </font> - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Goldberg, Lynne shs 1970.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Goldberg, Lynne<BR><BR>  Superior High School yearbook - - 1970 <BR> <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Goldberg, Lynne shs 1970.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Goldberg, Lynne shs 1970.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Goldberg, Marilyn - - Duluth Central High School yearbook - - 1946 junior   - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Goldberg, Marilyn dchs 1946 junior.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Goldberg, Marilyn <BR><BR>  Duluth Central High School yearbook - - 1946 junior   <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Goldberg, Marilyn dchs 1946 junior.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Goldberg, Marilyn dchs 1946 junior.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Goldberg, Marilyn - - Duluth Central High School yearbook - - 1947 - - <font  size="1"> married to Sumski, daughter of Meyer & Benet Golberg, </font> - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Goldberg, Marilyn dchs 1947.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Goldberg, Marilyn <BR><BR> Duluth Central High School yearbook - - 1947 <BR> married to Sumski, daughter of Meyer & Benet Golberg, <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Goldberg, Marilyn dchs 1947.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Goldberg, Marilyn dchs 1947.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Goldberg, Marlene Frances  - -  Superior Central High School yearbook  - -  1964 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Goldberg, Marlene Frances schs 1964.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Goldberg, Marlene Frances  <BR><BR>   Superior Central  High School yearbook   - - 1964 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Goldberg, Marlene Frances schs 1964.jpg">full text and image at hi res</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Goldberg, Marlene Frances schs 1964.jpg" width="267" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   yearbook 267 150 1.78
<br><br> Goldberg, Marvin   - - Served in World War II  - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Goldberg, Marvin wwii.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Goldberg, Marvin <BR><BR> Served in World War II <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Goldberg, Marvin wwii.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Goldberg, Marvin wwii.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   wwii 160 200 0.8 120 150
<br><br> Goldberg, Marvin Fred - - Superior High School yearbook - 1927 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Goldberg, Marvin Fred shs 1927.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Goldberg, Marvin Fred <BR><BR> Superior High School yearbook - 1927 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Goldberg, Marvin Fred shs 1927.jpg">larger image / more info</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Goldberg, Marvin Fred shs 1927.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Goldberg, Max - - Duluth Central High School yearbook - 1917 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Goldberg, Max dchs 1917.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Goldberg, Max <BR><BR> Duluth Central High School yearbook - 1917 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Goldberg, Max dchs 1917.jpg">larger image / more info</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Goldberg, Max dchs 1917.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Goldberg, Nathan - - Superior High School yearbook - 1927 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Goldberg, Nathan shs 1927.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Goldberg, Nathan <BR><BR> Superior High School yearbook - 1927 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Goldberg, Nathan shs 1927.jpg">larger image / more info</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Goldberg, Nathan shs 1927.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Goldberg, Ralph Jerome  - - Duluth Central High School yearbook -  1957 - - son of Marvin Golberg & Ida Cohen - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Goldberg, Ralph Jerome dchs 1957.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Goldberg, Ralph Jerome  <BR> Duluth Central High School yearbook -  1957 <BR> son of Marvin Golberg & Ida Cohen <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Goldberg, Ralph Jerome dchs 1957.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Goldberg, Ralph Jerome dchs 1957.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Goldberg, Saul (Mrs)   - - Newspaper article - -  1912-2-25 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Goldberg, Saul Mrs news 1912-2-25.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Goldberg, Saul (Mrs)  <BR><BR> Newspaper article - -  1912-2-25 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Goldberg, Saul Mrs news 1912-2-25.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Goldberg, Saul Mrs news 1912-2-25.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   news 160 200 0.8 120 150
<br><br> Goldberg, Stewart  - -  Superior High School yearbook -  1985 (class of 1986) - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Goldberg, Stewart shs 1985 class of 86.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Goldberg, Stewart   <BR><BR>   Superior High School yearbook -  1985 (class of 1986) <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Goldberg, Stewart shs 1985 class of 86.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Goldberg, Stewart shs 1985 class of 86.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Goldberg, Tamara  - -  Evelyth High School yearbook -  1964 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Goldberg, Tamara ehs 1964.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Goldberg, Tamara   <BR><BR>   Evelyth High School yearbook -  1964 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Goldberg, Tamara ehs 1964.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Goldberg, Tamara ehs 1964.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Goldberg, Tracy  - - Duluth Central High School yearbook - -  1966  - sophomore - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Goldberg, Tracy dchs 1966 sophomore.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Goldberg, Tracy  <BR><BR> Duluth Central High School yearbook - -  1966  - sophomore <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Goldberg, Tracy dchs 1966 sophomore.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Goldberg, Tracy dchs 1966 sophomore.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Goldberg,Geraldine Gertrude - -  Superior Central High School yearbook - - 1939 - - married to Lester Fergal - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Goldberg,Geraldine Gertrude schs 1939.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Goldberg,Geraldine Gertrude<BR><BR> Superior Central High School yearbook - - 1939 <BR> married to Lester Fergal <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Goldberg,Geraldine Gertrude schs 1939.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Goldberg,Geraldine Gertrude schs 1939.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Golden, Alice - -   Superior High School yearbook - - 1971 - - <font  size="1"> </font> - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Golden, Alice shs 1971.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Golden, Alice<BR><BR>  Superior High School yearbook - - 1971 <BR> <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Golden, Alice shs 1971.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Golden, Alice shs 1971.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Golden, Briar  - - Duluth East  High School yearbook - -  1988  - junior - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Golden, Briar dehs 1988 junior.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Golden, Briar  <BR><BR> Duluth East  High School yearbook - -  1988  - junior <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Golden, Briar dehs 1988 junior.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Golden, Briar dehs 1988 junior.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Golden, Francis Joseph  - - Superior Central High School yearbook - -  1957 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Golden, Francis Joseph schs 1957.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Golden, Francis Joseph  <BR><BR> Superior Central High School yearbook - -  1957 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Golden, Francis Joseph schs 1957.jpg">image with text at higher res</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Golden, Francis Joseph schs 1957.jpg" width="267" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   267 150
<br><br> Golden, Gerald Lee  - -  Superior Central High School yearbook  - -  1961 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Golden, Gerald Lee schs 1961.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Golden, Gerald Lee  <BR><BR>   Superior Central  High School yearbook   - - 1961 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Golden, Gerald Lee schs 1961.jpg">full text and image at hi res</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Golden, Gerald Lee schs 1961.jpg" width="267" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   yearbook 267 150 1.78
<br><br> Golden, James E - -  Superior High School yearbook - - 1972   - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Golden, James E shs 1972.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Golden, James E<BR><BR> Superior High School yearbook - - 1972   <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Golden, James E shs 1972.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Golden, James E shs 1972.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Golden, Joan Carole - - Duluth Central High School yearbook - - 1953   - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Golden, Joan Carole 1953 dchs.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Golden, Joan Carole - - Duluth Central High School yearbook - - 1953   <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Golden, Joan Carole 1953 dchs.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Golden, Joan Carole 1953 dchs.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Golden, Kenneth Warren  - - Superior Central High School yearbook - -  1958 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Golden, Kenneth Warren schs 1958.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Golden, Kenneth Warren  <BR><BR> Superior Central High School yearbook - -  1958 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Golden, Kenneth Warren schs 1958.jpg">image with text at higher res</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Golden, Kenneth Warren schs 1958.jpg" width="267" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   267 150
<br><br> Golden, Michael - -  Cloquet High School yearbook - 1924 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Golden, Michael 1924 Cloquet HS.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Golden, Michael - -  Cloquet High School yearbook - 1924 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Golden, Michael 1924 Cloquet HS.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Golden, Michael 1924 Cloquet HS.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Golden, Patrick George  - -  Superior Central High School yearbook  - -  1965 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Golden, Patrick George schs 1965.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Golden, Patrick George  <BR><BR>   Superior Central  High School yearbook   - - 1965 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Golden, Patrick George schs 1965.jpg">full text and image at hi res</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Golden, Patrick George schs 1965.jpg" width="267" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   yearbook 267 150 1.78
<br><br> Golden, Ralph Willard  - - Superior Central High School yearbook - -  1965 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Golden, Ralph Willard schs 1965.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Golden, Ralph Willard  <BR><BR> Superior Central High School yearbook - -  1965 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Golden, Ralph Willard schs 1965.jpg">image with text at higher res</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Golden, Ralph Willard schs 1965.jpg" width="267" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   267 150
<br><br> Golden, Ronald Duane  - -  Superior Central High School yearbook  - -  1962 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Golden, Ronald Duane schs 1962.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Golden, Ronald Duane  <BR><BR>   Superior Central  High School yearbook   - - 1962 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Golden, Ronald Duane schs 1962.jpg">full text and image at hi res</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Golden, Ronald Duane schs 1962.jpg" width="267" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   yearbook 267 150 1.78
<br><br> Golden, Susan Louise  - - Superior Central High School yearbook - -  1960 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Golden, Susan Louise schs 1960.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Golden, Susan Louise  <BR><BR> Superior Central High School yearbook - -  1960 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Golden, Susan Louise schs 1960.jpg">image with text at higher res</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Golden, Susan Louise schs 1960.jpg" width="267" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   267 150
<br><br> Golden, Tim  - - Duluth East  High School yearbook - -  1983 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Golden, Tim dehs 1983.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Golden, Tim  <BR><BR> Duluth East  High School yearbook - -  1983 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Golden, Tim dehs 1983.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Golden, Tim dehs 1983.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Goldenberg, Adele  - - Duluth Central High School yearbook -  -  1935   - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Goldenberg, Adele dchs 1935.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Goldenberg, Adele <BR><BR>  Duluth Central High School yearbook -  -  1935   <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Goldenberg, Adele dchs 1935.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Goldenberg, Adele dchs 1935.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Goldenberg, J E  - -   El Queeno Cigar Co, Chisholm 1914-15 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Goldenberg, J E - El Queeno Cigar Co, Chisholm 1914-15.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Goldenberg, J E  <BR><BR>   El Queeno Cigar Co, Chisholm 1914-15 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Goldenberg, J E - El Queeno Cigar Co, Chisholm 1914-15.jpg">full text and image at hi res</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Goldenberg, J E - El Queeno Cigar Co, Chisholm 1914-15.jpg" width="267" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   267 150
<br><br> Goldfarb, Benjie L  - - Duluth Central High School - -  1952 - - son of Joe Goldfarb & Bessie Gordon (Shapiro tree) - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Goldfarb, Benjie L dchs 1952.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Goldfarb, Benjie L <BR> Duluth Central High School -  1952 <BR> son of Joe Goldfarb & Bessie Gordon (Shapiro tree) <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Goldfarb, Benjie L dchs 1952.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Goldfarb, Benjie L dchs 1952.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>  
<br><br> Goldfarb, Bertha  - - Duluth Central High School yearbook -  -  1935 - - sister of Sid, married to Jack Simos - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Goldfarb, Bertha dchs 1935.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Goldfarb, Bertha <BR><BR>  Duluth Central High School yearbook -  -  1935 <BR> sister of Sid, married to Jack Simos <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Goldfarb, Bertha dchs 1935.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Goldfarb, Bertha dchs 1935.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Goldfarb, Debbie  - - Duluth East  High School yearbook - -  1971  - junior - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Goldfarb, Debbie dehs 1971 junior.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Goldfarb, Debbie  <BR><BR> Duluth East  High School yearbook - -  1971  - junior <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Goldfarb, Debbie dehs 1971 junior.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Goldfarb, Debbie dehs 1971 junior.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Goldfarb, Florence  - - Duluth Central High School yearbook  - 1928 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Goldfarb, Florence dchs 1928.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Goldfarb, Florence    <BR><BR>  Duluth Central High School yearbook -  1928 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Goldfarb, Florence dchs 1928.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Goldfarb, Florence dchs 1928.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Goldfarb, Florence - - Duluth Central High School yearbook - -  1927 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Goldfarb, Florence dchs 1927.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Goldfarb, Florence <BR><BR> Duluth Central High School yearbook  - - 1927 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Goldfarb, Florence dchs 1927.jpg">full text and image at hi res</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Goldfarb, Florence dchs 1927.jpg" width="267" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   yearbook 267 150 1.78
<br><br> Goldfarb, George  - - Duluth East  High School yearbook - -  1975  - sophomore - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Goldfarb, George dehs 1975 sophomore.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Goldfarb, George  <BR><BR> Duluth East  High School yearbook - -  1975  - sophomore <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Goldfarb, George dehs 1975 sophomore.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Goldfarb, George dehs 1975 sophomore.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Goldfarb, George - -  Duluth East High School yearbook - - 1977   - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Goldfarb, George dehs 1977.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Goldfarb, George <BR><BR> Duluth East High School yearbook - - 1977   <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Goldfarb, George dehs 1977.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Goldfarb, George dehs 1977.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Goldfarb, Gerry   - -  Duluth East  High School yearbook  - - 1986 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Goldfarb, Gerry 1986 dehs.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Goldfarb, Gerry <BR><BR>  Duluth East High School - - 1986 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Goldfarb, Gerry 1986 dehs.jpg">full text and image at hi res</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Goldfarb, Gerry 1986 dehs.jpg" width="267" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   267 150
<br><br> Goldfarb, Gerry  - - Duluth East  High School yearbook - -  1985  - junior - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Goldfarb, Gerry dehs 1985 junior.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Goldfarb, Gerry  <BR><BR> Duluth East  High School yearbook - -  1985  - junior <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Goldfarb, Gerry dehs 1985 junior.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Goldfarb, Gerry dehs 1985 junior.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Goldfarb, Harold - - Duluth Central High School yearbook - - 1948 junior   - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Goldfarb, Harold dchs 1948 juniors.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Goldfarb, Harold <BR><BR>  Duluth Central High School yearbook - - 1948 junior   <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Goldfarb, Harold dchs 1948 juniors.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Goldfarb, Harold dchs 1948 juniors.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Goldfarb, Harry   - - Served in World War II  - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Goldfarb, Harry wwii.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Goldfarb, Harry <BR><BR> Served in World War II <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Goldfarb, Harry wwii.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Goldfarb, Harry wwii.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   wwii 160 200 0.8 120 150
<br><br> Goldfarb, Harry - - Duluth Central High School yearbook - -  1939 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Goldfarb, Harry dchs 1939.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Goldfarb, Harry <BR><BR> Duluth Central High School yearbook  - - 1939 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Goldfarb, Harry dchs 1939.jpg">full text and image at hi res</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Goldfarb, Harry dchs 1939.jpg" width="267" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   yearbook 267 150 1.78
<br><br> Goldfarb, Ida - - Duluth Central High School yearbook - -  1924 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Goldfarb, Ida dchs 1924.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Goldfarb, Ida <BR><BR> Duluth Central High School yearbook  - - 1924 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Goldfarb, Ida dchs 1924.jpg">full text and image at hi res</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Goldfarb, Ida dchs 1924.jpg" width="267" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   yearbook 267 150 1.78
<br><br> Goldfarb, Israel   - -  Duluth Central High School yearbook  - - 1930 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Goldfarb, Israel 1930 dchs.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Goldfarb, Israel <BR><BR>  Duluth Central High School - - 1930 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Goldfarb, Israel 1930 dchs.jpg">full text and image at hi res</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Goldfarb, Israel 1930 dchs.jpg" width="267" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   267 150
<br><br> Goldfarb, Joe   - - Served in World War II  - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Goldfarb, Joe wwii.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Goldfarb, Joe <BR><BR> Served in World War II <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Goldfarb, Joe wwii.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Goldfarb, Joe wwii.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   wwii 160 200 0.8 120 150
<br><br> Goldfarb, Joe - -  1920 Duluth Central High School yearbook - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Goldfarb, Joe 1920 dchs.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Goldfarb, Joe 1920 dchs <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Goldfarb, Joe 1920 dchs.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Goldfarb, Joe 1920 dchs.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Goldfarb, Joe - -  Duluth Central High School yearbook - - 1920 - -  <font  size="1">married   Bessie Gordon, son of Morris & Debra Shapiro, Goldfarb tree</font> - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Goldfarb, Joe dchs 1920.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Goldfarb, Joe<BR><BR> Duluth Central High School yearbook - - 1920 <BR> married to Bessie Gordon, son of Morris & Debra Shapiro, Goldfarb tree or Gordon <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Goldfarb, Joe dchs 1920.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Goldfarb, Joe dchs 1920.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Goldfarb, Lew (Lew White)   - - Newspaper article - -  1921-8-9 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Goldfarb, Lew (Lew White) news 1921-8-9.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Goldfarb, Lew (Lew White)  <BR><BR> Newspaper article - -  1921-8-9 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Goldfarb, Lew (Lew White) news 1921-8-9.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Goldfarb, Lew (Lew White) news 1921-8-9.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   news 160 200 0.8 120 150
<br><br> Goldfarb, Marvin  - - Duluth Central High School yeabook - -  1950 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Goldfarb, Marvin dchs 1950.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Goldfarb, Marvin <BR><BR>  Duluth Central High School yeabook - -  1950 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Goldfarb, Marvin dchs 1950.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Goldfarb, Marvin dchs 1950.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Goldfarb, Renee  - - Duluth Central High School yeabook - -  1955 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Goldfarb, Renee dchs 1955.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Goldfarb, Renee <BR><BR>  Duluth Central High School yeabook - -  1955 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Goldfarb, Renee dchs 1955.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Goldfarb, Renee dchs 1955.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Goldfein, Nathan -   - - Newspaper article - - 1918-8-25 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Goldfein, Nathan - news 1918-8-25.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Goldfein, Nathan -  <BR><BR> Newspaper article - - 1918-8-25 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Goldfein, Nathan - news 1918-8-25.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Goldfein, Nathan - news 1918-8-25.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   news 120 150
<br><br> Goldfine, Alex   - - Served in World War II  - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Goldfine, Alex wwii.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Goldfine, Alex <BR><BR> Served in World War II <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Goldfine, Alex wwii.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Goldfine, Alex wwii.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   wwii 160 200 0.8 120 150
<br><br> Goldfine, Betty Carol  - -  Superior Central High School yearbook  - -  1948 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Goldfine, Betty Carol schs 1948.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Goldfine, Betty Carol  <BR><BR>   Superior Central  High School yearbook   - - 1948 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Goldfine, Betty Carol schs 1948.jpg">full text and image at hi res</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Goldfine, Betty Carol schs 1948.jpg" width="267" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   yearbook 267 150 1.78
<br><br> Goldfine, Jason  - -  Duluth East High School - - 1988  junior - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Goldfine, Jason 1988 dehs junior.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Goldfine, Jason  <BR><BR>  Duluth East High School - - 1988  junior <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Goldfine, Jason 1988 dehs junior.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Goldfine, Jason 1988 dehs junior.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Goldfine, Joe   - - Served in World War II  - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Goldfine, Joe wwii.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Goldfine, Joe <BR><BR> Served in World War II <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Goldfine, Joe wwii.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Goldfine, Joe wwii.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   wwii 160 200 0.8 120 150
<br><br> Goldfine, Nancy Jo  - -  Superior Central High School yearbook  - -  1964 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Goldfine, Nancy Jo schs 1964.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Goldfine, Nancy Jo  <BR><BR>   Superior Central  High School yearbook   - - 1964 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Goldfine, Nancy Jo schs 1964.jpg">full text and image at hi res</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Goldfine, Nancy Jo schs 1964.jpg" width="267" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   yearbook 267 150 1.78
<br><br> Goldfine, Patricia  - -  Superior Central High School yearbook  - -  1949 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Goldfine, Patricia schs 1949.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Goldfine, Patricia  <BR><BR>   Superior Central  High School yearbook   - - 1949 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Goldfine, Patricia schs 1949.jpg">full text and image at hi res</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Goldfine, Patricia schs 1949.jpg" width="267" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   yearbook 267 150 1.78
<br><br> Goldfine, Robert   - - Served in World War II  - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Goldfine, Robert.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Goldfine, Robert <BR><BR> Served in World War II <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Goldfine, Robert.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Goldfine, Robert.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   wwii 160 200 0.8 120 150
<br><br> Goldish, Henry E - - University of Minnesota yearbook - 1929  (Tau Delta Phi - class of 1928) - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Goldish, Henry E 1929 UofM Tau Delta Phi class of 28.jpg">image</A> - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/MI/Goldish, Henry E 1929 UofM Tau Delta Phi class of 28.jpg">more</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Goldish, Henry E  <BR><BR>  University of Minnesota yearbook - 1929  (Tau Delta Phi - class of 1928) <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Goldish, Henry E 1929 UofM Tau Delta Phi class of 28.jpg">larger image</A> - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/MI/Goldish, Henry E 1929 UofM Tau Delta Phi class of 28.jpg">more information</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Goldish, Henry E 1929 UofM Tau Delta Phi class of 28.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Goldish, Samuel S - - University of Minnesota yearbook - 1929 (Tau Delta Phi - class of 1929) - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Goldish, Samuel S 1929 UofM Tau Delta Phi class of 29.jpg">image</A> - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/MI/Goldish, Samuel S 1929 UofM Tau Delta Phi class of 29.jpg">more</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Goldish, Samuel S  <BR><BR>  University of Minnesota yearbook - 1929 (Tau Delta Phi - class of 1929) <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Goldish, Samuel S 1929 UofM Tau Delta Phi class of 29.jpg">larger image</A> - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/MI/Goldish, Samuel S 1929 UofM Tau Delta Phi class of 29.jpg">more information</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Goldish, Samuel S 1929 UofM Tau Delta Phi class of 29.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Goldman, Andrea Eve  - -  Duluth East High School yearbook -  1996 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Goldman, Andrea Eve dehs 1996.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Goldman, Andrea Eve   <BR><BR>   Duluth East High School yearbook -  1996 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Goldman, Andrea Eve dehs 1996.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Goldman, Andrea Eve dehs 1996.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Goldman, Greg  - -  Duluth East High School yearbook  - -  1969 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Goldman, Greg dehs 1969.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Goldman, Greg    <BR><BR>   Duluth East High School yearbook   - - 1969 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Goldman, Greg dehs 1969.jpg">full text and image at hi res</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Goldman, Greg dehs 1969.jpg" width="267" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   yearbook 267 150 1.78
<br><br> Goldman, Jacquelyn - - Duluth Central High School yearbook - - 1948   - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Goldman, Jacquelyn dchs 1948.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Goldman, Jacquelyn <BR><BR>  Duluth Central High School yearbook - - 1948   <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Goldman, Jacquelyn dchs 1948.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Goldman, Jacquelyn dchs 1948.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Goldman, Jennifer Lynn  - -  Duluth East High School yearbook -  1994 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Goldman, Jennifer Lynn dehs 1994.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Goldman, Jennifer Lynn   <BR><BR>   Duluth East High School yearbook -  1994 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Goldman, Jennifer Lynn dehs 1994.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Goldman, Jennifer Lynn dehs 1994.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Goldman, Julie   - -  Duluth East High School yearbook  - -  1970 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Goldman, Julie dehs 1970.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Goldman, Julie  <BR><BR>  Duluth East High School yearbook  - -  1970 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Goldman, Julie dehs 1970.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Goldman, Julie dehs 1970.jpg" width="267" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   yearbook 144 180 0.8 120 150
<br><br> Goldman, Laurence   - - Served in World War II  - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Goldman, Laurence wwii.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Goldman, Laurence <BR><BR> Served in World War II <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Goldman, Laurence wwii.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Goldman, Laurence wwii.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   wwii 160 200 0.8 120 150
<br><br> Goldsmith, Helen - -  1983-4 JFN recipe - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Goldsmith, Helen 1983-4 JFN recipe.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Goldsmith, Helen 1983-4 JFN recipe <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Goldsmith, Helen 1983-4 JFN recipe.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Goldsmith, Helen 1983-4 JFN recipe.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Goldsmith, Marjorie - - Duluth Central High School yearbook - - 1927   - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Goldsmith, Marjorie dchs 1927.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Goldsmith, Marjorie <BR><BR> Duluth Central High School yearbook - - 1927   <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Goldsmith, Marjorie dchs 1927.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Goldsmith, Marjorie dchs 1927.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Goldstein, Byron Stuart  - -  Superior Central High School yearbook  - -  1947 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Goldstein, Byron Stuart schs 1947.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Goldstein, Byron Stuart  <BR><BR>   Superior Central  High School yearbook   - - 1947 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Goldstein, Byron Stuart schs 1947.jpg">full text and image at hi res</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Goldstein, Byron Stuart schs 1947.jpg" width="267" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   yearbook 267 150 1.78
<br><br> Goldstein, Marvin - - Duluth Central High School yearbook - - 1927 - - <font  size="1"> son of Samuel & Pearl Shusterman Goldstein </font> - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Goldstein, Marvin dchs 1927.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Goldstein, Marvin <BR><BR> Duluth Central High School yearbook - - 1927 <BR> son of Samuel & Pearl Shusterman Goldstein <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Goldstein, Marvin dchs 1927.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Goldstein, Marvin dchs 1927.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Goldstein, Nathan - - Superior High School yearbook - - 1920 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Goldstein, Nathan 1920 shs.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Goldstein, Nathan - - Superior High School yearbook - - 1920 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Goldstein, Nathan 1920 shs.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Goldstein, Nathan 1920 shs.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Golod, Louis - -  1978-10 JFN profile - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Golod, Louis 1978-10 JFN profile.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Golod, Louis 1978-10 JFN profile <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Golod, Louis 1978-10 JFN profile.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Golod, Louis 1978-10 JFN profile.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Goodman, A S. - - wed Henrietta Cook news 1906-3-25 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Goodman, A S. wed Henrietta Cook news 1906-3-25.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Goodman, A S. wed Henrietta Cook news 1906-3-25 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Goodman, A S. wed Henrietta Cook news 1906-3-25.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Goodman, A S. wed Henrietta Cook news 1906-3-25.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Gordon, Ann  - - Duluth Central High School yearbook  - 1937 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Gordon, Ann dchs 1937.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Gordon, Ann    <BR><BR>  Duluth Central High School yearbook -  1937 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Gordon, Ann dchs 1937.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Gordon, Ann dchs 1937.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Gordon, Anna  - -  Virginia High School yearbook  - -  1927 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Gordon, Anna vhs 1927.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Gordon, Anna  <BR><BR>   Virginia High School yearbook   - - 1927 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Gordon, Anna vhs 1927.jpg">full text and image at hi res</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Gordon, Anna vhs 1927.jpg" width="267" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   yearbook 267 150 1.78
<br><br> Gordon, Bessie - -  Duluth Central High School yearbook - 1926 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Gordon, Bessie - Duluth Central High School yearbook - 1926.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Gordon, Bessie - Duluth Central High School yearbook - 1926 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Gordon, Bessie - Duluth Central High School yearbook - 1926.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Gordon, Bessie - Duluth Central High School yearbook - 1926.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Gordon, Ethyle  - - Duluth Central High School yearbook  - 1937 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Gordon, Ethyle dchs 1937.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Gordon, Ethyle    <BR><BR>  Duluth Central High School yearbook -  1937 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Gordon, Ethyle dchs 1937.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Gordon, Ethyle dchs 1937.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Gordon, Gary  - - obit photo - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Gordon, Gary obit photo.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Gordon, Gary  <BR><BR> obit photo <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Gordon, Gary obit photo.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Gordon, Gary obit photo.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Gordon, Gary August - - Superior High School yearbook - 1969 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Gordon, Gary August shs 1969.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Gordon, Gary August <BR><BR> Superior High School yearbook - 1969 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Gordon, Gary August shs 1969.jpg">larger image / more info</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Gordon, Gary August shs 1969.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Gordon, Harry - - 1980-11 JFN profile - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Gordon, Harry 1980-11 JFN profile.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Gordon, Harry 1980-11 JFN profile <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Gordon, Harry 1980-11 JFN profile.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Gordon, Harry 1980-11 JFN profile.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Gordon, Irma  - - Duluth Central High School yearbook  - 1937 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Gordon, Irma dchs 1937.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Gordon, Irma    <BR><BR>  Duluth Central High School yearbook -  1937 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Gordon, Irma dchs 1937.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Gordon, Irma dchs 1937.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Gordon, Jean  - -  Virginia Roosevelt  High School yearbook  - -  1939 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Gordon, Jean vrhs 1939.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Gordon, Jean  <BR><BR>   Virginia Rooselelt  High School yearbook   - - 1939 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Gordon, Jean vrhs 1939.jpg">full text and image at hi res</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Gordon, Jean vrhs 1939.jpg" width="267" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   yearbook 267 150 1.78
<br><br> Gordon, Joe - - Duluth Central High School yearbook - 1919 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Gordon, Joe dchs 1919.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Gordon, Joe <BR><BR> Duluth Central High School yearbook - 1919 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Gordon, Joe dchs 1919.jpg">larger image / more info</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Gordon, Joe dchs 1919.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Gordon, Katheen D  - -  Duluth East High School yearbook  - -  1956 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Gordon, Katheen D dehs 1956.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Gordon, Katheen D  <BR><BR> Duluth East High School yearbook  - -  1956  <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Gordon, Katheen D dehs 1956.jpg">full text and image at hi res</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="center" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Gordon, Katheen D dehs 1956.jpg" width="267" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   yearbook 267 150
<br><br> Gordon, Michael - - Duluth East High School yearbook - -  1951 seventh - - son of Julius & Marian Greene Gordon - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Gordon, Michael dehs 1951 seventh.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Gordon, Michael <BR><BR> Duluth East High School yearbook - -  1951 seventh <BR> son of Julius & Marian Greene Gordon <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Gordon, Michael dehs 1951 seventh.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Gordon, Michael dehs 1951 seventh.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Gordon, Mike   - -  Duluth Central High School yearbook  - 1956 - -
son of Julius Gordon & Marian Greene
- - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Gordon, Mike dchs 1956.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Gordon, Mike <BR> Duluth Central High School yearbook  - 1956 <BR>
son of Julius Gordon & Marian Greene
<P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Gordon, Mike dchs 1956.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Gordon, Mike dchs 1956.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>  
<br><br> Gordon, Nathan   - -  Duluth Central  High School yearbook  - -  1933 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Gordon, Nathan dchs 1933.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Gordon, Nathan  <BR><BR>  Duluth Central  High School yearbook - -  1933  <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Gordon, Nathan dchs 1933.jpg">full text and image at hi res</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Gordon, Nathan dchs 1933.jpg" width="267" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   yearbook 267 150
<br><br> Gordon, Nathan - - Duluth Central High School yearbook - - 1933 - - <font  size="1">  son of Max & Beatrice Spector Gordon </font> - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Gordon, Nathan dchs 1933.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Gordon, Nathan <BR><BR> Duluth Central High School yearbook - - 1933 <BR>  son of Max & Beatrice Spector Gordon <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Gordon, Nathan dchs 1933.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Gordon, Nathan dchs 1933b.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Gordon, Paula - - Duluth East High School yearbook -  1961 sophomore - - daughter of Julius Gordon & Marian Greene - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Gordon, Paula dehs 1961 sophomore.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Gordon, Paula <BR> Duluth East High School yearbook -  1961 sophomore <BR> daughter of Julius Gordon & Marian Greene <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Gordon, Paula dehs 1961 sophomore.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Gordon, Paula dehs 1961 sophomore.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Gordon, Paula - - Duluth East High School yearbook - - 1963 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Gordon, Paula 1963 dehs.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Gordon, Paula - - Duluth East High School yearbook - - 1963 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Gordon, Paula 1963 dehs.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Gordon, Paula 1963 dehs.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Gordon, Paulette - - Duluth Central High School yearbook - - 1967 - Sophomore year - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Gordon, Paulette 1967 dchs soph.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Gordon, Paulette - - Duluth Central High School yearbook - - 1967 - Sophomore year <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Gordon, Paulette 1967 dchs soph.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Gordon, Paulette 1967 dchs soph.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Gordon, Pearl - - Duluth Central High School yearbook - - 1959 - Junior year   - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Gordon, Pearl 1959 dchs jr.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Gordon, Pearl - - Duluth Central High School yearbook - - 1959 - Junior year   <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Gordon, Pearl 1959 dchs jr.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Gordon, Pearl 1959 dchs jr.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Gordon, Ruth E - - Superior High School yearbook - - 1921 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Gordon, Ruth E 1921 shs.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Gordon, Ruth E - - Superior High School yearbook - - 1921 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Gordon, Ruth E 1921 shs.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Gordon, Ruth E 1921 shs.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Gordon, Suzanne - -   Superior High School yearbook - - 1970 - - <font  size="1"> </font> - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Gordon, Suzanne shs 1970.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Gordon, Suzanne<BR><BR>  Superior High School yearbook - - 1970 <BR> <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Gordon, Suzanne shs 1970.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Gordon, Suzanne shs 1970.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Gorevich, Edith  - - Duluth Central High School - -  1952 sophomore - - daughter of Norm Gorevich & Alice Krovitz - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Gorevich, Edith dchs 1952 sophomore.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Gorevich, Edith <BR> Duluth Central High School -  1952 sophomore <BR> daughter of Norm Gorevich & Alice Krovitz <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Gorevich, Edith dchs 1952 sophomore.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Gorevich, Edith dchs 1952 sophomore.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>  
<br><br> Gorevich, Edith Ann  - - Duluth Central High School yeabook - -  1954 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Gorevich, Edith Ann dchs 1954.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Gorevich, Edith Ann <BR><BR>  Duluth Central High School yeabook - -  1954 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Gorevich, Edith Ann dchs 1954.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Gorevich, Edith Ann dchs 1954.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Gorkin, Jerry - - Duluth East High School yearbook - -  1951 seventh   - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Gorkin, Jerry dehs 1951 seventh.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Gorkin, Jerry <BR><BR> Duluth East High School yearbook - -  1951 seventh   <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Gorkin, Jerry dehs 1951 seventh.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Gorkin, Jerry dehs 1951 seventh.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Gotkin, Cecil   - -  Duluth Central High School yearbook  - - 1923 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Gotkin, Cecil 1923 dchs.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Gotkin, Cecil <BR><BR>  Duluth Central High School - - 1923 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Gotkin, Cecil 1923 dchs.jpg">full text and image at hi res</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Gotkin, Cecil 1923 dchs.jpg" width="267" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   267 150
<br><br> Gotkin, Doris - -  Duluth Central High School  - - 1920 - -  <font  size="1">married  Bennet, daughter of Nathan & Fannie Lavick Gotkin, Lavick, Kassmir tree</font> - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Gotkin, Doris dchs 1920.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Gotkin, Doris<BR><BR> Duluth Central High School yearbook - - 1920 <BR> married to Bennet, daughter of Nathan & Fannie Lavick Gotkin, Lavick, Kassmir tree <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Gotkin, Doris dchs 1920.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Gotkin, Doris dchs 1920.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Gotkin, Maurice  - -  Duluth Central High School yearbook - -  1926 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Gotkin, Maurice dchs 1926.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Gotkin, Maurice  <BR><BR> Duluth Central High School yearbook - -  1926 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Gotkin, Maurice dchs 1926.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Gotkin, Maurice dchs 1926.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Gottlieb, Brenda  - - Duluth Central High School yearbook - -  1966  - junior - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Gottlieb, Brenda dchs 1966 junior.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Gottlieb, Brenda  <BR><BR> Duluth Central High School yearbook - -  1966  - junior <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Gottlieb, Brenda dchs 1966 junior.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Gottlieb, Brenda dchs 1966 junior.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Gottlieb, Brenda - - Duluth Central High School yearbook - - 1967 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Gottlieb, Brenda 1967 dchs.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Gottlieb, Brenda - - Duluth Central High School yearbook - - 1967 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Gottlieb, Brenda 1967 dchs.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Gottlieb, Brenda 1967 dchs.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Grais, Etheldois Stein  - -   Stein Rexall Drugs, Hibbing 1941 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Grais, Etheldois, Stein, Stein Rexall Drugs, Hibbing 1941.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Grais, Etheldois Stein  <BR><BR>   Stein Rexall Drugs, Hibbing 1941 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Grais, Etheldois, Stein, Stein Rexall Drugs, Hibbing 1941.jpg">full text and image at hi res</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Grais, Etheldois, Stein, Stein Rexall Drugs, Hibbing 1941.jpg" width="267" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   267 150
<br><br> Grais, Etheldoris - -  Stein Drug - Hibbing - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Grais, Etheldoris - Stein Drug Hibbing.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Grais, Etheldoris - -  Stein Drug - Hibbing <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Grais, Etheldoris - Stein Drug Hibbing.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Grais, Etheldoris - Stein Drug Hibbing.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Grams, Cyril - -  Duluth Central High School yearbook - - 1920   - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Grams, Cyril dchs 1920.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Grams, Cyril<BR><BR> Duluth Central High School yearbook - - 1920   <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Grams, Cyril dchs 1920.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Grams, Cyril dchs 1920.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Green, Abe  - -  Duluth Central High School yearbook - -  1926 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Green, Abe dchs 1926.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Green, Abe  <BR><BR> Duluth Central High School yearbook - -  1926 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Green, Abe dchs 1926.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Green, Abe dchs 1926.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Green, Ann - - Duluth Central High School yearbook - - 1927 - - <font  size="1"> married to Robert Rivers, daughter of Martin & Mary Edelson Green </font> - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Green, Ann dchs 1927.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Green, Ann <BR><BR> Duluth Central High School yearbook - - 1927 <BR> married to Robert Rivers, daughter of Martin & Mary Edelson Green <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Green, Ann dchs 1927.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Green, Ann dchs 1927.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Green, Bessie - - Duluth Central High School  - - 1929 - - <font  size="1"> maybe Betty, married to Jack Sorkin, daughter of Martin & Mary Edelson Green </font> - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Green, Bessie dchs 1929.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Green, Bessie <BR><BR> Duluth Central High School yearbook - - 1929 <BR> maybe Betty, married to Jack Sorkin, daughter of Martin & Mary Edelson Green <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Green, Bessie dchs 1929.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Green, Bessie dchs 1929.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Green, Charles  - -  Virginia High School yearbook -  1930 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Green, Charles vhs 1930.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Green, Charles   <BR><BR>   Virginia High School yearbook -  1930 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Green, Charles vhs 1930.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Green, Charles vhs 1930.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Green, Charles - -  Duluth Central High School yearbook - - 1920 - -  <font  size="1">married to Betty Birensweig, son of William & Getil Pheffer,</font> - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Green, Charles dchs 1920.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Green, Charles<BR><BR> Duluth Central High School yearbook - - 1920 <BR> married to Betty Birensweig, son of William & Getil Pheffer, <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Green, Charles dchs 1920.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Green, Charles dchs 1920.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Green, Charles - - Duluth Central High School yearbook - - 1927 - - <font  size="1"> married to Betty Birensweig, son of William & Getil Pheffer Green </font> - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Green, Charles dchs 1927.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Green, Charles <BR><BR> Duluth Central High School yearbook - - 1927 <BR> married to Betty Birensweig, son of William & Getil Pheffer Green <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Green, Charles dchs 1927.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Green, Charles dchs 1927.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Green, Charlie - Crystal Terrace - 1946 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Green, Charlie - Crystal Terrace - 1946.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Green, Charlie - Crystal Terrace - 1946 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Green, Charlie - Crystal Terrace - 1946.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Green, Charlie - Crystal Terrace - 1946.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Green, Claire  - -  Duluth Central High School yearbook -  1910 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Green, Claire dchs 1910.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Green, Claire   <BR><BR>   Duluth Central High School yearbook -  1910 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Green, Claire dchs 1910.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Green, Claire dchs 1910.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Green, Don - - Duluth Central High School yearbook - - 1948 junior   - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Green, Don dchs 1948 juniors.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Green, Don <BR><BR>  Duluth Central High School yearbook - - 1948 junior   <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Green, Don dchs 1948 juniors.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Green, Don dchs 1948 juniors.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Green, Dorothy  - - Duluth Central High School yearbook  - 1936 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Green, Dorothy dchs 1936.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Green, Dorothy    <BR><BR>  Duluth Central High School yearbook -  1936 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Green, Dorothy dchs 1936.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Green, Dorothy dchs 1936.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Green, Esther  - - Duluth Central High School yearbook  - 1937 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Green, Esther dchs 1937.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Green, Esther    <BR><BR>  Duluth Central High School yearbook -  1937 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Green, Esther dchs 1937.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Green, Esther dchs 1937.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Green, Grace  - -  Duluth Central High School yearbook - -  1926 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Green, Grace dchs 1926.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Green, Grace  <BR><BR> Duluth Central High School yearbook - -  1926 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Green, Grace dchs 1926.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Green, Grace dchs 1926.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Green, Helen   - -  Duluth Central  High School yearbook  - -  1944 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Green, Helen dchs 1944.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Green, Helen  <BR><BR>  Duluth Central  High School yearbook - -  1944 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Green, Helen dchs 1944.jpg">full text and image at hi res</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Green, Helen dchs 1944.jpg" width="267" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   yearbook 267 150
<br><br> Green, Helen Jane  - - Duluth Central High School yearbook  - 1936 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Green, Helen Jane dchs 1936.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Green, Helen Jane    <BR><BR>  Duluth Central High School yearbook -  1936 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Green, Helen Jane dchs 1936.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Green, Helen Jane dchs 1936.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Green, James   - - Served in World War II  - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Green, James wwii.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Green, James <BR><BR> Served in World War II <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Green, James wwii.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Green, James wwii.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   wwii 160 200 0.8 120 150
<br><br> Green, Julia   - -  Duluth Central  High School yearbook  - -  1933 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Green, Julia dchs 1933.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Green, Julia  <BR><BR>  Duluth Central  High School yearbook - -  1933 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Green, Julia dchs 1933.jpg">full text and image at hi res</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Green, Julia dchs 1933.jpg" width="267" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   yearbook 267 150
<br><br> Green, Leroy - - Duluth Central High School yearbook - - 1948 - - son of Leslie Green - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Green, Leroy dchs 1948.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Green, Leroy <BR><BR>  Duluth Central High School yearbook - - 1948 <BR> son of Leslie Green <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Green, Leroy dchs 1948.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Green, Leroy dchs 1948.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Green, Lloyd  - -  Duluth Central High School yearbook -  1910 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Green, Lloyd dchs 1910.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Green, Lloyd   <BR><BR>   Duluth Central High School yearbook -  1910 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Green, Lloyd dchs 1910.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Green, Lloyd dchs 1910.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Green, Louis - - Duluth Central High School yearbook - - 1934 - - <font  size="1"> son of William & Getil Pheffer Green </font> - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Green, Louis dchs 1934.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Green, Louis <BR><BR> Duluth Central High School yearbook - - 1934 <BR> son of William & Getil Pheffer Green <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Green, Louis dchs 1934.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Green, Louis dchs 1934.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Green, Margaret H   - -  Superior State Teachers College yearbook -  1933 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Green, Margaret H 1933 SSTC.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Green, Margaret H    <BR><BR>   Superior State Teachers College yearbook -  1933 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Green, Margaret H 1933 SSTC.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Green, Margaret H 1933 SSTC.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Green, Margaret M   - -  Superior State Teachers College yearbook -  1933 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Green, Margaret M 1933 SSTC.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Green, Margaret M    <BR><BR>   Superior State Teachers College yearbook -  1933 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Green, Margaret M 1933 SSTC.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Green, Margaret M 1933 SSTC.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Green, Myra - - Duluth East High School yearbook - - 1963 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Green, Myra 1963 dehs.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Green, Myra - - Duluth East High School yearbook - - 1963 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Green, Myra 1963 dehs.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Green, Myra 1963 dehs.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Green, Ruth E  - - Duluth Central High School yearbook  - 1936 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Green, Ruth E dchs 1936.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Green, Ruth E    <BR><BR>  Duluth Central High School yearbook -  1936 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Green, Ruth E dchs 1936.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Green, Ruth E dchs 1936.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Green, Sam  - -  Duluth Central High School yearbook  - -  1923 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Green, Sam dchs 1923.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Green, Sam  <BR><BR>   Duluth Central  High School yearbook   - - 1923 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Green, Sam dchs 1923.jpg">full text and image at hi res</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Green, Sam dchs 1923.jpg" width="267" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   yearbook 267 150 1.78
<br><br> Green, Sidney  - - Duluth Central High School yearbook  - 1928 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Green, Sidney dchs 1928.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Green, Sidney    <BR><BR>  Duluth Central High School yearbook -  1928 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Green, Sidney dchs 1928.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Green, Sidney dchs 1928.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Green, Sidney  - - Duluth Central High School yearbook  - 1936 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Green, Sidney dchs 1936.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Green, Sidney    <BR><BR>  Duluth Central High School yearbook -  1936 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Green, Sidney dchs 1936.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Green, Sidney dchs 1936.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Green, Stan  - - Duluth Central High School yearbook -  1957 - - son of Charles Green & Betty Birensweig - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Green, Stan dchs 1957.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Green, Stan  <BR> Duluth Central High School yearbook -  1957 <BR> son of Charles Green & Betty Birensweig <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Green, Stan dchs 1957.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Green, Stan dchs 1957.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Green, Stanley   - -  Duluth Central High School yearbook  - 1956 junior   - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Green, Stanley dchs 1956 junior.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Green, Stanley <BR> Duluth Central High School yearbook  - 1956 junior   <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Green, Stanley dchs 1956 junior.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Green, Stanley dchs 1956 junior.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>  
<br><br> Greenberg, Harold - - Duluth Central High School yearbook - - 1948   - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Greenberg, Harold dchs 1948.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Greenberg, Harold <BR><BR>  Duluth Central High School yearbook - - 1948   <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Greenberg, Harold dchs 1948.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Greenberg, Harold dchs 1948.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Greenberg, Isadore - -  Superior High School yearbook - - 1917 - - married Cecile Laskawitz - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Greenberg, Isadore shs 1917.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Greenberg, Isadore<BR><BR> Superior High School yearbook - - 1917 <BR> married Cecile Laskawitz <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Greenberg, Isadore shs 1917.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Greenberg, Isadore shs 1917.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Greenberg, Kathryn Lee  - -  Superior Central High School yearbook  - -  1961 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Greenberg, Kathryn Lee schs 1961.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Greenberg, Kathryn Lee  <BR><BR>   Superior Central  High School yearbook   - - 1961 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Greenberg, Kathryn Lee schs 1961.jpg">full text and image at hi res</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Greenberg, Kathryn Lee schs 1961.jpg" width="267" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   yearbook 267 150 1.78
<br><br> Greenberg, Lawrence - - Duluth Central High School yearbook - - 1959 - Junior year   - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Greenberg, Lawrence 1959 dchs jr.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Greenberg, Lawrence - - Duluth Central High School yearbook - - 1959 - Junior year   <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Greenberg, Lawrence 1959 dchs jr.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Greenberg, Lawrence 1959 dchs jr.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Greenberg, Lawrence - - Duluth Central HS yearbook -  1958 sophomore - - son of Isadore Greenberg & Cecile Laskawitz - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Greenberg, Lawrence dchs 1958 sophomore.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Greenberg, Lawrence <BR> Duluth Central High School yearbook -  1958 sophomore <BR> son of Isadore Greenberg & Cecile Laskawitz <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Greenberg, Lawrence dchs 1958 sophomore.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Greenberg, Lawrence dchs 1958 sophomore.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Greenberg, Loren   - -  Duluth Central High School yearbook  - 1956 junior   - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Greenberg, Loren dchs 1956 junior.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Greenberg, Loren <BR> Duluth Central High School yearbook  - 1956 junior   <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Greenberg, Loren dchs 1956 junior.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Greenberg, Loren dchs 1956 junior.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>  
<br><br> Greenberg, Loren  - - Duluth Central High School yearbook -  1957 - - son of Clifford Greenberg & Badonna Lavetter - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Greenberg, Loren dchs 1957.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Greenberg, Loren  <BR> Duluth Central High School yearbook -  1957 <BR> son of Clifford Greenberg & Badonna Lavetter <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Greenberg, Loren dchs 1957.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Greenberg, Loren dchs 1957.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Greenberg, Marjorie - -  Superior East High School yearbook - - 1945   - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Greenberg, Marjorie sehs 1945.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Greenberg, Marjorie<BR><BR> Superior East High School yearbook - - 1945   <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Greenberg, Marjorie sehs 1945.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Greenberg, Marjorie sehs 1945.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Greenberg, Morris - Curling in Eveleth ~1952 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Greenberg, Morris - Curling in Eveleth ~1952.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Greenberg, Morris - Curling in Eveleth ~1952 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Greenberg, Morris - Curling in Eveleth ~1952.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Greenberg, Morris - Curling in Eveleth ~1952.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Greenberg, Morton  - - Duluth Central High School - -  1952 sophomore - - son of Is Greenberg & Cecilie Laskawitz - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Greenberg, Morton dchs 1952 sophomore.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Greenberg, Morton <BR> Duluth Central High School -  1952 sophomore <BR> son of Is Greenberg & Cecilie Laskawitz <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Greenberg, Morton dchs 1952 sophomore.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Greenberg, Morton dchs 1952 sophomore.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>  
<br><br> Greenberg, Morton Howard  - - Duluth Central High School yeabook - -  1954 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Greenberg, Morton Howard dchs 1954.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Greenberg, Morton Howard <BR><BR>  Duluth Central High School yeabook - -  1954 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Greenberg, Morton Howard dchs 1954.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Greenberg, Morton Howard dchs 1954.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Greenberg, Rachel  - -  Evelyth High School yearbook -  1973 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Greenberg, Rachel ehs 1973.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Greenberg, Rachel   <BR><BR>   Evelyth High School yearbook -  1973 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Greenberg, Rachel ehs 1973.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Greenberg, Rachel ehs 1973.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Greenberg, Rachel - - Eveleth-Gilbert High School yearbook - - 1973 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Greenberg, Rachel Eveleth-Gilbert hs 1973.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Greenberg, Rachel - - Eveleth-Gilbert High School yearbook - - 1973 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Greenberg, Rachel Eveleth-Gilbert hs 1973.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Greenberg, Rachel Eveleth-Gilbert hs 1973.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Greenberg, Sue  - -  Evelyth High School yearbook -  1973  (class of 1974) - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Greenberg, Sue ehs 1973 - class of 1974.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Greenberg, Sue   <BR><BR>   Evelyth High School yearbook -  1973  (class of 1974) <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Greenberg, Sue ehs 1973 - class of 1974.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Greenberg, Sue ehs 1973 - class of 1974.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Greenberg, William Henry  - -  Superior Central High School yearbook  - -  1965 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Greenberg, William Henry schs 1965.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Greenberg, William Henry  <BR><BR>   Superior Central  High School yearbook   - - 1965 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Greenberg, William Henry schs 1965.jpg">full text and image at hi res</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Greenberg, William Henry schs 1965.jpg" width="267" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   yearbook 267 150 1.78
<br><br> Greenblatt, J   - - Served in World War II  - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Greenblatt, J wwii.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Greenblatt, J <BR><BR> Served in World War II <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Greenblatt, J wwii.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Greenblatt, J wwii.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   wwii 160 200 0.8 120 150
<br><br> Greene, Alan E   - -  Duluth Central  High School yearbook  - -  1963 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Greene, Alan E dchs 1963.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Greene, Alan E  <BR><BR>  Duluth Central  High School yearbook - -  1963 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Greene, Alan E dchs 1963.jpg">full text and image at hi res</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Greene, Alan E dchs 1963.jpg" width="267" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   yearbook 267 150
<br><br> Greene, Ann - -  Superior East High School yearbook - - 1955   - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Greene, Ann sehs 1955.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Greene, Ann<BR><BR> Superior East High School yearbook - - 1955   <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Greene, Ann sehs 1955.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Greene, Ann sehs 1955.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Greene, Bonnie  - - Duluth Central High School yeabook - -  1955 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Greene, Bonnie dchs 1955.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Greene, Bonnie <BR><BR>  Duluth Central High School yeabook - -  1955 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Greene, Bonnie dchs 1955.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Greene, Bonnie dchs 1955.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Greene, Edward  - - Duluth Central High School yearbook -  -  1935 - - son of Ben Greene & Sarah Rivers - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Greene, Edward dchs 1935.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Greene, Edward <BR><BR>  Duluth Central High School yearbook -  -  1935 <BR> son of Ben Greene & Sarah Rivers <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Greene, Edward dchs 1935.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Greene, Edward dchs 1935.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Greene, Fannie - - Duluth Central High School yearbook - - 1925 - - <font  size="1">  2nd wife of Louis Bubley, daughter of Benjamin & Sarah Schraber Green </font> - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Greene, Fannie dchs 1925.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Greene, Fannie <BR><BR> Duluth Central High School yearbook - - 1925 <BR>  2nd wife of Louis Bubley, daughter of Benjamin & Sarah Schraber Green <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Greene, Fannie dchs 1925.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Greene, Fannie dchs 1925.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Greene, Joan - -  Superior East High School yearbook - - 1947   - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Greene, Joan sehs 1947.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Greene, Joan<BR><BR> Superior East High School yearbook - - 1947   <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Greene, Joan sehs 1947.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Greene, Joan sehs 1947.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Greene, Josiah - - Duluth Central High School yearbook - - 1929   - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Greene, Josiah dchs 1929.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Greene, Josiah <BR><BR> Duluth Central High School yearbook - - 1929   <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Greene, Josiah dchs 1929.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Greene, Josiah dchs 1929.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Greene, Richard  - - Duluth Central High School yeabook - -  1959 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Greene, Richard dchs 1959.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Greene, Richard <BR><BR>  Duluth Central High School yeabook - -  1959 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Greene, Richard dchs 1959.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Greene, Richard dchs 1959.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Greene, Roberta - -  Superior East High School yearbook - - 1947   - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Greene, Roberta sehs 1947.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Greene, Roberta<BR><BR> Superior East High School yearbook - - 1947   <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Greene, Roberta sehs 1947.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Greene, Roberta sehs 1947.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Greenspan, Irving   - - Served in World War II  - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Greenspan, Irving wwii.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Greenspan, Irving <BR><BR> Served in World War II <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Greenspan, Irving wwii.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Greenspan, Irving wwii.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   wwii 160 200 0.8 120 150
<br><br> Greenspan, Irving - - Duluth Central High School yearbook - -  1940 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Greenspan, Irving dchs 1940.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Greenspan, Irving <BR><BR> Duluth Central High School yearbook  - - 1940 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Greenspan, Irving dchs 1940.jpg">full text and image at hi res</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Greenspan, Irving dchs 1940.jpg" width="267" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   yearbook 267 150 1.78
<br><br> Greenspan, Murray   - - Served in World War II  - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Greenspan, Murray wwii.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Greenspan, Murray <BR><BR> Served in World War II <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Greenspan, Murray wwii.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Greenspan, Murray wwii.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   wwii 160 200 0.8 120 150
<br><br> Greenspan, Murray - - Duluth Central High School yearbook - -  1940 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Greenspan, Murray dchs 1940.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Greenspan, Murray <BR><BR> Duluth Central High School yearbook  - - 1940 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Greenspan, Murray dchs 1940.jpg">full text and image at hi res</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Greenspan, Murray dchs 1940.jpg" width="267" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   yearbook 267 150 1.78
<br><br> Greenspan, Nathan   - - Served in World War II  - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Greenspan, Nathan wwii.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Greenspan, Nathan <BR><BR> Served in World War II <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Greenspan, Nathan wwii.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Greenspan, Nathan wwii.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   wwii 160 200 0.8 120 150
<br><br> Greenspan, Nathan - - Duluth Central High  - - 1925 - - <font  size="1"> married Dorothy Perlin, son of Barney & Minnie Lapides Greenspan, brother of Harry J </font> - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Greenspan, Nathan dchs 1925.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Greenspan, Nathan <BR><BR> Duluth Central High School yearbook - - 1925 <BR> married Dorothy Perlin, son of Barney & Minnie Lapides Greenspan, brother of Harry J <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Greenspan, Nathan dchs 1925.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Greenspan, Nathan dchs 1925b.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Greenspan, Rose  - -  Duluth Central High School yearbook  - -  1923 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Greenspan, Rose dchs 1923.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Greenspan, Rose  <BR><BR>   Duluth Central  High School yearbook   - - 1923 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Greenspan, Rose dchs 1923.jpg">full text and image at hi res</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Greenspan, Rose dchs 1923.jpg" width="267" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   yearbook 267 150 1.78
<br><br> Gross, Florence  - -  Superior Central High School yearbook  - -  1942 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Gross, Florence schs 1942.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Gross, Florence  <BR><BR>   Superior Central  High School yearbook   - - 1942 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Gross, Florence schs 1942.jpg">full text and image at hi res</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Gross, Florence schs 1942.jpg" width="267" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   yearbook 267 150 1.78
<br><br> Grossman, Bernard V - -  Duluth Central High School yearbook - - 1918 faculty   - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Grossman, Bernard V dchs 1918 faculty.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Grossman, Bernard V<BR><BR> Duluth Central High School yearbook - - 1918 faculty   <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Grossman, Bernard V dchs 1918 faculty.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Grossman, Bernard V dchs 1918 faculty.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Grossman, Connie 1982-6 JFN profile - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Grossman, Connie 1982-6 JFN profile.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Grossman, Connie 1982-6 JFN profile <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Grossman, Connie 1982-6 JFN profile.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Grossman, Connie 1982-6 JFN profile.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Grossman, Constance Connie Lurye - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Grossman, Constance Connie Lurye.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Grossman, Constance Connie Lurye <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Grossman, Constance Connie Lurye.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Grossman, Constance Connie Lurye.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Grossman, Harold Steven - - Superior High School yearbook - 1968 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Grossman, Harold Steven shs 1968.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Grossman, Harold Steven <BR><BR> Superior High School yearbook - 1968 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Grossman, Harold Steven shs 1968.jpg">larger image / more info</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Grossman, Harold Steven shs 1968.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Grossman, Michael Lewis - - Duluth East High School yearbook -  1961   - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Grossman, Michael Lewis dehs 1961.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Grossman, Michael Lewis <BR> Duluth East High School yearbook -  1961 <BR> <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Grossman, Michael Lewis dehs 1961.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Grossman, Michael Lewis dehs 1961.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Grossman, Patti - -  obit 2009 -  Duluth East High School yearbook photo - 1965 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Grossman, Patti obit 2009 dehs 1965.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Grossman, Patti <BR>  obit 2009 -  Duluth East High School yearbook photo - 1965 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Grossman, Patti obit 2009 dehs 1965.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Grossman, Patti obit 2009 dehs 1965.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Guerrero, Judy - -  PsyD, LP - biography - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Guerrero, Judy PsyD.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Guerrero, Judy - -  PsyD, LP - biography <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Guerrero, Judy PsyD.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Guerrero, Judy PsyD.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Guinn, Mary - - news article - 1917-8-2 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Guinn, Mary news article 1917-8-2.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Guinn, Mary <BR> news article - 1917-8-2 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Guinn, Mary news article 1917-8-2.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Guinn, Mary news article 1917-8-2.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Guinn, Rose Susan - -  Univ of Minn yearbook -  1913 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Guinn, Rose Susan UofM 1913.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Guinn, Rose Susan <BR>  Univ of Minn yearbook -  1913 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Guinn, Rose Susan UofM 1913.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Guinn, Rose Susan UofM 1913.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Guinn, Rose Susan - - news article - 1913-5-11 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Guinn, Rose Susan news article 1913-5-11.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Guinn, Rose Susan <BR> news article - 1913-5-11 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Guinn, Rose Susan news article 1913-5-11.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Guinn, Rose Susan news article 1913-5-11.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Gurovitch, Jim - - Duluth East High School yearbook -  1961 junior - - son of Morris Gurovitsch & Esther Tesler - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Gurovitch, Jim 1961dehs junior.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Gurovitch, Jim <BR> Duluth East High School yearbook -  1961 junior <BR> son of Morris Gurovitsch & Esther Tesler <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Gurovitch, Jim 1961dehs junior.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Gurovitch, Jim 1961dehs junior.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Gurovitsch, Arthur   - - Served in World War II  - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Gurovitsch, Arthur wwii.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Gurovitsch, Arthur <BR><BR> Served in World War II <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Gurovitsch, Arthur wwii.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Gurovitsch, Arthur wwii.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   wwii 160 200 0.8 120 150
<br><br> Gurovitsch, Arthur - - Duluth Central High School yearbook - -  1940 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Gurovitsch, Arthur dchs 1940.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Gurovitsch, Arthur <BR><BR> Duluth Central High School yearbook  - - 1940 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Gurovitsch, Arthur dchs 1940.jpg">full text and image at hi res</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Gurovitsch, Arthur dchs 1940.jpg" width="267" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   yearbook 267 150 1.78
<br><br> Gurovitsch, Arthur David  - - Served in World War II - - Photos and Information -  (adg) - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Gurovitsch, Arthur David WWII adg.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Gurovitsch, Arthur David <BR><BR> Served in World War II (adg) <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Gurovitsch, Arthur David WWII adg.jpg">photos and information</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Gurovitsch, Arthur David WWII adg.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   Al Grady 120 150
<br><br> Gurovitsch, Ben  - -  Duluth East High School yearbook  - -  junior 1959 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Gurovitsch, Ben dehs junior 1959.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Gurovitsch, Ben  <BR><BR> Duluth East High School yearbook  - -  junior 1959 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Gurovitsch, Ben dehs junior 1959.jpg">full text and image at hi res</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="center" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Gurovitsch, Ben dehs junior 1959.jpg" width="267" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   yearbook 267 150
<br><br> Gurovitsch, Benjamin David   - -  Duluth East  High School yearbook  - - 1960 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Gurovitsch, Benjamin David 1960 dehs.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Gurovitsch, Benjamin David <BR><BR>  Duluth East High School yearbook - - 1960 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Gurovitsch, Benjamin David 1960 dehs.jpg">full text and image at hi res</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Gurovitsch, Benjamin David 1960 dehs.jpg" width="267" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   267 150
<br><br> Gurovitsch, Cynthia  - - Duluth East  High School yearbook - -  1975  - junior - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Gurovitsch, Cynthia dehs 1975 junior.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Gurovitsch, Cynthia  <BR><BR> Duluth East  High School yearbook - -  1975  - junior <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Gurovitsch, Cynthia dehs 1975 junior.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Gurovitsch, Cynthia dehs 1975 junior.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Gurovitsch, Francine E  - -  Duluth East High School yearbook  - -  1959 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Gurovitsch, Francine E dehs 1959.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Gurovitsch, Francine E  <BR><BR> Duluth East High School yearbook  - -  1959 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Gurovitsch, Francine E dehs 1959.jpg">full text and image at hi res</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="center" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Gurovitsch, Francine E dehs 1959.jpg" width="267" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   yearbook 267 150
<br><br> Gurovitsch, James - - Duluth East High School yearbook - - 1962 - - <font  size="1"> married to Barbara Liszt, son of Morris & Esther Tesler Gurovitsch </font> - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Gurovitsch, James dehs 1962.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Gurovitsch, James <BR><BR> Duluth East High School yearbook - - 1962 <BR> married to Barbara Liszt, son of Morris & Esther Tesler Gurovitsch <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Gurovitsch, James dehs 1962.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Gurovitsch, James dehs 1962.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Gurovitsch, Judith   - -  Duluth East  High School yearbook  - - 1960 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Gurovitsch, Judith 1960 dehs.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Gurovitsch, Judith <BR><BR>  Duluth East High School yearbook - - 1960 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Gurovitsch, Judith 1960 dehs.jpg">full text and image at hi res</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Gurovitsch, Judith 1960 dehs.jpg" width="267" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   267 150
<br><br> Gurovitsch, Judy  - -  Duluth East High School yearbook  - -  junior 1959 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Gurovitsch, Judy dehs junior 1959.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Gurovitsch, Judy  <BR><BR> Duluth East High School yearbook  - -  junior 1959 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Gurovitsch, Judy dehs junior 1959.jpg">full text and image at hi res</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="center" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Gurovitsch, Judy dehs junior 1959.jpg" width="267" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   yearbook 267 150
<br><br> Gurovitsch, Marcy  - - Duluth East  High School yearbook - -  1979 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Gurovitsch, Marcy dehs 1979.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Gurovitsch, Marcy  <BR><BR> Duluth East  High School yearbook - -  1979 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Gurovitsch, Marcy dehs 1979.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Gurovitsch, Marcy dehs 1979.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Gurovitsch, Michael Scott & Melissa Rachel Fuld - - engaged 2011-2-18 AJW - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Gurovitsch, Michael Scott & Melissa Rachel Fuld engaged 2011-2-18 AJW.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Gurovitsch, Michael Scott & Melissa Rachel Fuld engaged 2011-2-18 AJW <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Gurovitsch, Michael Scott & Melissa Rachel Fuld engaged 2011-2-18 AJW.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Gurovitsch, Michael Scott & Melissa Rachel Fuld engaged 2011-2-18 AJW.jpg" width="222" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   222 150
<br><br> Gurovitsch, Rachel M  - - Duluth Eastl High School yearbook  - 1994 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Gurovitsch, Rachel M dehs 1994.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Gurovitsch, Rachel M    <BR><BR>  Duluth East  High School yearbook -  1994 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Gurovitsch, Rachel M dehs 1994.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Gurovitsch, Rachel M dehs 1994.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Gurovitsch, Robin  - - Duluth East  High School yearbook - -  1971  - junior - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Gurovitsch, Robin dehs 1971 junior.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Gurovitsch, Robin  <BR><BR> Duluth East  High School yearbook - -  1971  - junior <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Gurovitsch, Robin dehs 1971 junior.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Gurovitsch, Robin dehs 1971 junior.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Gurovitsch, Sammy H - -  obit 1967-  Duluth East High School yearbook photo - 1965 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Gurovitsch, Sammy H obit 1967 dehs 1965.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Gurovitsch, Sammy H <BR>  obit 1967-  Duluth East High School yearbook photo - 1965 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Gurovitsch, Sammy H obit 1967 dehs 1965.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Gurovitsch, Sammy H obit 1967 dehs 1965.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Gurovitsch, Samuel - - Duluth East High School yearbook - - 1963 - Sophomore year - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Gurovitsch, Samuel 1963 dehs soph.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Gurovitsch, Samuel - - Duluth East High School yearbook - - 1963 - Sophomore year <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Gurovitsch, Samuel 1963 dehs soph.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Gurovitsch, Samuel 1963 dehs soph.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Gurovitsch, Winnifred Winnie  - -  obit photo 1926-2012 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Gurovitsch, Winnifred Winnie obit photo 1926-2012.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Gurovitsch, Winnifred Winnie  <BR><BR>  obit photo 1926-2012 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Gurovitsch, Winnifred Winnie obit photo 1926-2012.jpg">full text and image at hi res</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Gurovitsch, Winnifred Winnie obit photo 1926-2012.jpg" width="267" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   267 150
<br><br> <font color="blue"> .................. <B> H   </B> ..................   &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </font><font size="1"><A HREF="#top">top of this index</A> &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <A HREF="#bottom">bottom of this index</A> &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <A HREF="OtherFamiliesH.html">Letter "H" thumbnail page</A> <A Name="H"></A></font><font size="2"> <br><font color="blue" size="3"> .................. <B> H   </B> ..................   &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </font><font size="1"><A HREF="#top">top of list</A> &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <A HREF="#bottom">bottom</A><A Name="H"></A></font><font size="2"> <BR><BR>    - A - - Z -    
<br><br> Hallock, Rebecca - - Superior High School yearbook - - 1920 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Hallock, Rebecca 1920 shs.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Hallock, Rebecca - - Superior High School yearbook - - 1920 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Hallock, Rebecca 1920 shs.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Hallock, Rebecca 1920 shs.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Halter, Cyric - Curling in Eveleth - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Halter, Cyric - Curling in Eveleth.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Halter, Cyric - Curling in Eveleth <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Halter, Cyric - Curling in Eveleth.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Halter, Cyric - Curling in Eveleth.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Hammel, Louis (Mrs)   - - Newspaper article - -  1912-2-25 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Hammel, Louis Mrs news 1912-2-25.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Hammel, Louis (Mrs)  <BR><BR> Newspaper article - -  1912-2-25 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Hammel, Louis Mrs news 1912-2-25.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Hammel, Louis Mrs news 1912-2-25.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   news 160 200 0.8 120 150
<br><br> Handlovsky, Charlene - - Duluth Central High School yearbook - - 1948   - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Handlovsky, Charlene dchs 1948.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Handlovsky, Charlene <BR><BR>  Duluth Central High School yearbook - - 1948   <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Handlovsky, Charlene dchs 1948.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Handlovsky, Charlene dchs 1948.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Handlovsky, Pacy - - Duluth Central High School yearbook - - 1959 - Sophomore year - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Handlovsky, Pacy 1959 dchs soph.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Handlovsky, Pacy - - Duluth Central High School yearbook - - 1959 - Sophomore year <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Handlovsky, Pacy 1959 dchs soph.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Handlovsky, Pacy 1959 dchs soph.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Handlovsky, Rene  - - Duluth Central High School - -  1952 sophomore - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Handlovsky, Rene dchs 1952 sophomore.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Handlovsky, Rene <BR> Duluth Central High School -  1952 sophomore <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Handlovsky, Rene dchs 1952 sophomore.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Handlovsky, Rene dchs 1952 sophomore.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>  
<br><br> Handlovsky, Sandra  - - Duluth Central High School - -  1952 sophomore - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Handlovsky, Sandra dchs 1952 sophomore.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Handlovsky, Sandra <BR> Duluth Central High School -  1952 sophomore <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Handlovsky, Sandra dchs 1952 sophomore.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Handlovsky, Sandra dchs 1952 sophomore.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>  
<br><br> Handlovsky, Sandra Evelyn  - - Duluth Central High School yeabook - -  1954 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Handlovsky, Sandra Evelyn dchs 1954.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Handlovsky, Sandra Evelyn <BR><BR>  Duluth Central High School yeabook - -  1954 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Handlovsky, Sandra Evelyn dchs 1954.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Handlovsky, Sandra Evelyn dchs 1954.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Harris, Alverda L - - Duluth Central High School yearbook - - 1929   - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Harris, Alverda L dchs 1929.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Harris, Alverda L <BR><BR> Duluth Central High School yearbook - - 1929   <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Harris, Alverda L dchs 1929.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Harris, Alverda L dchs 1929.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Harris, Arthur   - - Served in World War II  - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Harris, Arthur wwii.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Harris, Arthur <BR><BR> Served in World War II <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Harris, Arthur wwii.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Harris, Arthur wwii.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   wwii 160 200 0.8 120 150
<br><br> Harris, Gerald   - - Served in World War II  - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Harris, Gerald wwii.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Harris, Gerald <BR><BR> Served in World War II <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Harris, Gerald wwii.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Harris, Gerald wwii.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   wwii 160 200 0.8 120 150
<br><br> Harris, Lillian - -  news 1921-12-25 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Harris, Lillian news 1921-12-25.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Harris, Lillian news 1921-12-25 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Harris, Lillian news 1921-12-25.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Harris, Lillian news 1921-12-25.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Harris, Lillian  - - news photo - -  1921-12-25 Superior - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Harris, Lillian news photo 1921-12-25 Superior.jpg">photo with text</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Harris, Lillian <BR><BR> News photo - -  1921-12-25 Superior <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Harris, Lillian news photo 1921-12-25 Superior.jpg">photo with text</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Harris, Lillian news photo 1921-12-25 Superior.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Harris, Morrison Morry - -  Duluth Central High School yearbook - - 1911   - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Harris, Morrison Morry dchs 1911.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Harris, Morrison Morry<BR><BR> Duluth Central High School yearbook - - 1911   <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Harris, Morrison Morry dchs 1911.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Harris, Morrison Morry dchs 1911.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Harris, Ruth - - Duluth Central High School yearbook - - 1927   - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Harris, Ruth dchs 1927.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Harris, Ruth <BR><BR> Duluth Central High School yearbook - - 1927   <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Harris, Ruth dchs 1927.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Harris, Ruth dchs 1927.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Harris, Sarah L - -  Duluth Central High School yearbook - - 1920   - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Harris, Sarah L dchs 1920.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Harris, Sarah L<BR><BR> Duluth Central High School yearbook - - 1920   <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Harris, Sarah L dchs 1920.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Harris, Sarah L dchs 1920.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Harris, Sherman   - - Served in World War II  - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Harris, Sherman wwii.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Harris, Sherman <BR><BR> Served in World War II <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Harris, Sherman wwii.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Harris, Sherman wwii.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   wwii 160 200 0.8 120 150
<br><br> Heifetz, Jascha - Child prodigy - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Heifetz, Jascha - Child prodigy.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Heifetz, Jascha - Child prodigy <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Heifetz, Jascha - Child prodigy.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Heifetz, Jascha - Child prodigy.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Heller, Arthur   - - Served in World War II  - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Heller, Arthur wwii.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Heller, Arthur <BR><BR> Served in World War II <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Heller, Arthur wwii.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Heller, Arthur wwii.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   wwii 160 200 0.8 120 150
<br><br> Heller, Charles   - - Served in World War II  - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Heller, Charles wwii.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Heller, Charles <BR><BR> Served in World War II <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Heller, Charles wwii.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Heller, Charles wwii.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   wwii 160 200 0.8 120 150
<br><br> Heller, Henry   - - Served in World War II  - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Heller, Henry wwii.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Heller, Henry <BR><BR> Served in World War II <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Heller, Henry wwii.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Heller, Henry wwii.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   wwii 160 200 0.8 120 150
<br><br> Hoffman, Daniel - - Duluth Central High School yearbook - - 1967 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Hoffman, Daniel 1967 dchs.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Hoffman, Daniel - - Duluth Central High School yearbook - - 1967 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Hoffman, Daniel 1967 dchs.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Hoffman, Daniel 1967 dchs.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Hoffman, Frank - - Duluth Central High School yearbook - - 1959 - Junior year   - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Hoffman, Frank 1959 dchs jr.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Hoffman, Frank - - Duluth Central High School yearbook - - 1959 - Junior year   <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Hoffman, Frank 1959 dchs jr.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Hoffman, Frank 1959 dchs jr.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Hoffman, Gladys  - -  Ironwood High School yearbook - - 1929 junior - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Hoffman, Gladys iwhs 1929 junior.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Hoffman, Gladys <BR><BR> Ironwood High School yearbook - - 1929 junior <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Hoffman, Gladys iwhs 1929 junior.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Hoffman, Gladys iwhs 1929 junior.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Hoffman, Gladys Fern - -  Ironwood High School yearbook - - 1930 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Hoffman, Gladys Fern iwhs 1930.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Hoffman, Gladys Fern <BR><BR> Ironwood High School yearbook - - 1930 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Hoffman, Gladys Fern iwhs 1930.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Hoffman, Gladys Fern iwhs 1930.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Hoffman, Harold  - -  Duluth Denfeld  High School yearbook  - -  1931 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Hoffman, Harold ddhs 1931.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Hoffman, Harold  <BR><BR>   Duluth Denfeld  High School yearbook   - - 1931 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Hoffman, Harold ddhs 1931.jpg">full text and image at hi res</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Hoffman, Harold ddhs 1931.jpg" width="267" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   yearbook 267 150 1.78
<br><br> Hoffman, Harold - - Duluth East High School yearbook - -  1951   - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Hoffman, Harold dehs 1951.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Hoffman, Harold <BR><BR> Duluth East High School yearbook - -  1951   <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Hoffman, Harold dehs 1951.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Hoffman, Harold dehs 1951.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Hoffman, John  - -  Duluth Denfeld  High School yearbook  - -  1939 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Hoffman, John ddhs 1939.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Hoffman, John  <BR><BR>   Duluth Denfeld  High School yearbook   - - 1939 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Hoffman, John ddhs 1939.jpg">full text and image at hi res</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Hoffman, John ddhs 1939.jpg" width="267" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   yearbook 267 150 1.78
<br><br> Hoffman, Mary Kay - - Duluth East High School yearbook - - 1963 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Hoffman, Mary Kay 1963 dehs.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Hoffman, Mary Kay - - Duluth East High School yearbook - - 1963 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Hoffman, Mary Kay 1963 dehs.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Hoffman, Mary Kay 1963 dehs.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Holz, Anthony Rabbi  - -  Jewish Fellowship News - 1985 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Holz, Anthony Rabbi 1985 JFN.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Holz, Anthony Rabbi  <BR><BR>  Jewish Fellowship News - 1985 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Holz, Anthony Rabbi 1985 JFN.jpg">full text and image at hi res</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Holz, Anthony Rabbi 1985 JFN.jpg" width="267" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   267 150
<br><br> Holzberg, Beverly  - -  Superior Central High School yearbook  - -  1938 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Holzberg, Beverly schs 1938.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Holzberg, Beverly  <BR><BR>   Superior Central  High School yearbook   - - 1938 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Holzberg, Beverly schs 1938.jpg">full text and image at hi res</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Holzberg, Beverly schs 1938.jpg" width="267" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   yearbook 267 150 1.78
<br><br> Holzberg, Diane Reva  - -  Superior Central High School yearbook  - -  1950 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Holzberg, Diane Reva schs 1950.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Holzberg, Diane Reva  <BR><BR>   Superior Central  High School yearbook   - - 1950 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Holzberg, Diane Reva schs 1950.jpg">full text and image at hi res</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Holzberg, Diane Reva schs 1950.jpg" width="267" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   yearbook 267 150 1.78
<br><br> Holzberg, Kenneth   - - Served in World War II  - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Holzberg, Kenneth wwii.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Holzberg, Kenneth <BR><BR> Served in World War II <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Holzberg, Kenneth wwii.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Holzberg, Kenneth wwii.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   wwii 160 200 0.8 120 150
<br><br> Horwitz, Ellen - - Duluth Central High School yearbook - -  1939 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Horwitz, Ellen dchs 1939.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Horwitz, Ellen <BR><BR> Duluth Central High School yearbook  - - 1939 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Horwitz, Ellen dchs 1939.jpg">full text and image at hi res</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Horwitz, Ellen dchs 1939.jpg" width="267" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   yearbook 267 150 1.78
<br><br> Horwitz, L - - Duluth Central High School yearbook - 1947 (Boys Club Council) - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Horwitz, L dchs 1947 - Boys Club Council.jpg">image</A> - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/MI/Horwitz, L dchs 1947 - Boys Club Council.jpg">more</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Horwitz, L  <BR><BR>  Duluth Central High School yearbook - 1947 (Boys Club Council) <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Horwitz, L dchs 1947 - Boys Club Council.jpg">larger image</A> - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/MI/Horwitz, L dchs 1947 - Boys Club Council.jpg">more information</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Horwitz, L dchs 1947 - Boys Club Council.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Horwitz, Lionel - - Duluth Central High School yearbook - - 1948 - - Soloski tree - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Horwitz, Lionel dchs 1948.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Horwitz, Lionel <BR><BR>  Duluth Central High School yearbook - - 1948 <BR> Soloski tree <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Horwitz, Lionel dchs 1948.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Horwitz, Lionel dchs 1948.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Horwitz, Nahmin   - -  Duluth Central  High School yearbook  - -  1944 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Horwitz, Nahmin dchs 1944.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Horwitz, Nahmin  <BR><BR>  Duluth Central  High School yearbook - -  1944 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Horwitz, Nahmin dchs 1944.jpg">full text and image at hi res</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Horwitz, Nahmin dchs 1944.jpg" width="267" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   yearbook 267 150
<br><br> Horwitz, Rosaline  - -  Duluth Central High School yearbook - -  1926 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Horwitz, Rosaline dchs 1926.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Horwitz, Rosaline  <BR><BR> Duluth Central High School yearbook - -  1926 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Horwitz, Rosaline dchs 1926.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Horwitz, Rosaline dchs 1926.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Horwitz, Ted  - - Duluth Central High School - -  1952 sophomore - - son of Nathan Horwitz & Jennie Soloski - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Horwitz, Ted dchs 1952 sophomore.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Horwitz, Ted <BR> Duluth Central High School -  1952 sophomore <BR> son of Nathan Horwitz & Jennie Soloski <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Horwitz, Ted dchs 1952 sophomore.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Horwitz, Ted dchs 1952 sophomore.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>  
<br><br> Horwitz, Theodore David  - - Duluth Central High School yeabook - -  1954 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Horwitz, Theodore David dchs 1954.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Horwitz, Theodore David <BR><BR>  Duluth Central High School yeabook - -  1954 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Horwitz, Theodore David dchs 1954.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Horwitz, Theodore David dchs 1954.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Horwitz, William  - - Duluth Central High School yearbook  - 1934 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Horwitz, William dchs 1934.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Horwitz, William    <BR><BR>  Duluth Central High School yearbook -  1934 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Horwitz, William dchs 1934.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Horwitz, William dchs 1934.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Hurwitz, Minnie Min - - Superior Central High School yearbook - 1944 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Hurwitz, Minnie Min schs 1944.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Hurwitz, Minnie Min <BR><BR> Superior Central High School yearbook - 1944 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Hurwitz, Minnie Min schs 1944.jpg">larger image / more info</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Hurwitz, Minnie Min schs 1944.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Hurwitz, Morris  - - Superior High School yearbook -  1930   - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Hurwitz, Morris shs 1930.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Hurwitz, Morris  <BR> Superior High School yearbook -  1930   <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Hurwitz, Morris shs 1930.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Hurwitz, Morris shs 1930.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> <font color="blue"> .................. <B> I   </B> ..................   &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </font><font size="1"><A HREF="#top">top of this index</A> &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <A HREF="#bottom">bottom of this index</A> &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <A HREF="OtherFamiliesI.html">Letter "I" thumbnail page</A> <A Name="I"></A></font><font size="2"> <br><font color="blue" size="3"> .................. <B> I   </B> ..................   &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </font><font size="1"><A HREF="#top">top of list</A> &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <A HREF="#bottom">bottom</A><A Name="I"></A></font><font size="2"> <BR><BR>    - A - - Z -    
<br><br> <font color="blue"> .................. <B> J   </B> ..................   &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </font><font size="1"><A HREF="#top">top of this index</A> &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <A HREF="#bottom">bottom of this index</A> &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <A HREF="OtherFamiliesJ.html">Letter "J" thumbnail page</A> <A Name="J"></A></font><font size="2"> <br><font color="blue" size="3"> .................. <B> J   </B> ..................   &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </font><font size="1"><A HREF="#top">top of list</A> &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <A HREF="#bottom">bottom</A><A Name="J"></A></font><font size="2"> <BR><BR>    - A - - Z -    
<br><br> Jacobs, Art - -   Superior High School yearbook - - 1916 - - <font  size="1"> </font> - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Jacobs, Art shs 1916.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Jacobs, Art<BR><BR>  Superior High School yearbook - - 1916 <BR> <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Jacobs, Art shs 1916.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Jacobs, Art shs 1916.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Jacobs, Esther Lee Est - - Superior Central High School yearbook - 1944 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Jacobs, Esther Lee Est schs 1944.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Jacobs, Esther Lee Est <BR><BR> Superior Central High School yearbook - 1944 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Jacobs, Esther Lee Est schs 1944.jpg">larger image / more info</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Jacobs, Esther Lee Est schs 1944.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Jacobs, Gail - -  Duluth East High School yearbook - - 1978 - - daughter of George & Gigi Greenberg Jacobs - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Jacobs, Gail dehs 1978.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Jacobs, Gail <BR><BR> Duluth East High School yearbook - - 1978 <BR> daughter of George & Gigi Greenberg Jacobs <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Jacobs, Gail dehs 1978.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Jacobs, Gail dehs 1978.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Jacobs, George  - - Superior High School yearbook -  1930   - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Jacobs, George shs 1930.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Jacobs, George  <BR> Superior High School yearbook -  1930   <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Jacobs, George shs 1930.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Jacobs, George shs 1930.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Jacobs, Gerald Eugene  - -  Superior Central High School yearbook  - -  1950 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Jacobs, Gerald Eugene schs 1950.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Jacobs, Gerald Eugene  <BR><BR>   Superior Central  High School yearbook   - - 1950 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Jacobs, Gerald Eugene schs 1950.jpg">full text and image at hi res</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Jacobs, Gerald Eugene schs 1950.jpg" width="267" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   yearbook 267 150 1.78
<br><br> Jacobs, Gigi  - -  obit 2012 w photo - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Jacobs, Gigi obit 2012 w photo.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Jacobs, Gigi  <BR><BR>  obit 2012 w photo <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Jacobs, Gigi obit 2012 w photo.jpg">full text and image at hi res</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Jacobs, Gigi obit 2012 w photo.jpg" width="267" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   267 150
<br><br> Jacobs, Howard  - - Duluth East  High School yearbook - -  1971  - junior - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Jacobs, Howard dehs 1971 junior.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Jacobs, Howard  <BR><BR> Duluth East  High School yearbook - -  1971  - junior <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Jacobs, Howard dehs 1971 junior.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Jacobs, Howard dehs 1971 junior.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Jacobs, Leonard Peter - - Superior High School yearbook - 1957 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Jacobs, Leonard Peter shs 1957.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Jacobs, Leonard Peter <BR><BR> Superior High School yearbook - 1957 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Jacobs, Leonard Peter shs 1957.jpg">larger image / more info</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Jacobs, Leonard Peter shs 1957.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Jacobs, Roger - -   Superior High School yearbook - - 1970 - - <font  size="1"> </font> - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Jacobs, Roger shs 1970.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Jacobs, Roger<BR><BR>  Superior High School yearbook - - 1970 <BR> <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Jacobs, Roger shs 1970.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Jacobs, Roger shs 1970.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Jacobson, Dorothy   - -  Superior State Teachers College yearbook -  1933 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Jacobson, Dorothy 1933 SSTC.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Jacobson, Dorothy    <BR><BR>   Superior State Teachers College yearbook -  1933 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Jacobson, Dorothy 1933 SSTC.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Jacobson, Dorothy 1933 SSTC.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Jacobson, Jody  - - Duluth East  High School yearbook - -  1971  - junior - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Jacobson, Jody dehs 1971 junior.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Jacobson, Jody  <BR><BR> Duluth East  High School yearbook - -  1971  - junior <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Jacobson, Jody dehs 1971 junior.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Jacobson, Jody dehs 1971 junior.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Jaffe, Eleanor  - -  Virginia Roosevelt  High School yearbook  - -  1939 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Jaffe, Eleanor vrhs 1939.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Jaffe, Eleanor  <BR><BR>   Virginia Rooselelt  High School yearbook   - - 1939 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Jaffe, Eleanor vrhs 1939.jpg">full text and image at hi res</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Jaffe, Eleanor vrhs 1939.jpg" width="267" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   yearbook 267 150 1.78
<br><br> Jaffee, Elsie  - - Duluth Central High School yearbook  - 1928 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Jaffee, Elsie dchs 1928.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Jaffee, Elsie    <BR><BR>  Duluth Central High School yearbook -  1928 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Jaffee, Elsie dchs 1928.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Jaffee, Elsie dchs 1928.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Jarvis, Rebecca joins CBS 2010-4-16 AJW - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Jarvis, Rebecca joins CBS 2010-4-16 AJW.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Jarvis, Rebecca joins CBS 2010-4-16 AJW <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Jarvis, Rebecca joins CBS 2010-4-16 AJW.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Jarvis, Rebecca joins CBS 2010-4-16 AJW.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Joelson, Evelyn - - Duluth Central High School yearbook - -  1923 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Joelson, Evelyn dchs 1923.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Joelson, Evelyn <BR><BR> Duluth Central High School yearbook  - - 1923 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Joelson, Evelyn dchs 1923.jpg">full text and image at hi res</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Joelson, Evelyn dchs 1923.jpg" width="267" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   yearbook 267 150 1.78
<br><br> Joelson, Isadore - - Duluth Central High School yearbook - -  1923 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Joelson, Isadore dchs 1923.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Joelson, Isadore <BR><BR> Duluth Central High School yearbook  - - 1923 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Joelson, Isadore dchs 1923.jpg">full text and image at hi res</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Joelson, Isadore dchs 1923.jpg" width="267" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   yearbook 267 150 1.78
<br><br> Joseph, Harry  - - Duluth Central High School yearbook  - 1915 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Joseph, Harry dchs 1915.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Joseph, Harry    <BR><BR>  Duluth Central High School yearbook -  1915 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Joseph, Harry dchs 1915.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Joseph, Harry dchs 1915.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Josephs, Adrienne - - obituary -  - news - -  2007-2-5 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Josephs, Adrienne - obituary - news 2007-2-5.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Josephs, Adrienne <BR><BR> Obituary  - - newspaper article  - - 2007-2-5 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Josephs, Adrienne - obituary - news 2007-2-5.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Josephs, Adrienne - obituary - news 2007-2-5.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   news 120 150
<br><br> Josephs, Etta & Muriel - -  passport photo - 1924 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Josephs, Etta & Muriel - passport photo - 1924 .jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Josephs, Etta & Muriel  <BR><BR> passport photo - 1924  <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Josephs, Etta & Muriel - passport photo - 1924 .jpg">higher res image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Josephs, Etta & Muriel - passport photo - 1924 .jpg" width="267" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   267 150
<br><br> Josephs, H Y - in Duluth 1880s - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Josephs, H Y - in Duluth 1880s.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Josephs, H Y - in Duluth 1880s <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Josephs, H Y - in Duluth 1880s.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Josephs, H Y - in Duluth 1880s.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   news 120 150
<br><br> Josephs, H Y Mrs  - 1943 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Josephs, H Y Mrs  - 1943.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Josephs, H Y Mrs  - 1943 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Josephs, H Y Mrs  - 1943.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Josephs, H Y Mrs  - 1943.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   news 120 150
<br><br> Josephs, Hyman Y. - -  passport photos 1924 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Josephs, Hyman Y. - passport photos 1924.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Josephs, Hyman Y. <BR><BR> passport photos - 1924 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Josephs, Hyman Y. - passport photos 1924.jpg">higher res image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Josephs, Hyman Y. - passport photos 1924.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Josephs, Irving - - Duluth Central High School yearbook - -  1922 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Josephs, Irving dchs 1922.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Josephs, Irving <BR><BR> Duluth Central High School yearbook  - - 1922 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Josephs, Irving dchs 1922.jpg">full text and image at hi res</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Josephs, Irving dchs 1922.jpg" width="267" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   yearbook 267 150 1.78
<br><br> Josephs, Irving L MD 1904-1981 - - <font  size="1">captured  from:   "Descendents of Zalkind Peysakh Zalk" by Michael D. Zalk - Oct 2012</font> - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Josephs, Irving L MD 1904-1981.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Josephs, Irving L MD 1904-1981 <BR> <font color="blue" size="1">captured with permission from: <BR> "Descendents of Zalkind Peysakh Zalk" by Michael D. Zalk - Oct 2012</font> <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Josephs, Irving L MD 1904-1981.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Josephs, Irving L MD 1904-1981.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Josephs, Sylvia - -  Duluth Central High School  - - 1920 - -  <font  size="1">married to Arthur Berger, daughter of Hyman & Etta Cook Josephs, Cook tree</font> - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Josephs, Sylvia dchs 1920.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Josephs, Sylvia<BR><BR> Duluth Central High School yearbook - - 1920 <BR> married to Arthur Berger, daughter of Hyman & Etta Cook Josephs, Cook tree <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Josephs, Sylvia dchs 1920.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Josephs, Sylvia dchs 1920.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Josephs, Sylvia C - -  passport photo -1924 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Josephs, Sylvia C - passport photo -1924.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Josephs, Sylvia C <BR><BR> passport photo -1924 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Josephs, Sylvia C - passport photo -1924.jpg">higher res image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Josephs, Sylvia C - passport photo -1924.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> <font color="blue"> .................. <B> K   </B> ..................   &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </font><font size="1"><A HREF="#top">top of this index</A> &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <A HREF="#bottom">bottom of this index</A> &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <A HREF="OtherFamiliesK.html">Letter "K" thumbnail page</A> <A Name="K"></A></font><font size="2"> <br><font color="blue" size="3"> .................. <B> K   </B> ..................   &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </font><font size="1"><A HREF="#top">top of list</A> &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <A HREF="#bottom">bottom</A><A Name="K"></A></font><font size="2"> <BR><BR>    - A - - Z -    
<br><br> Kahn, Harry  - -  Duluth Denfeld  High School yearbook  - -  1939 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Kahn, Harry ddhs 1939.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Kahn, Harry  <BR><BR>   Duluth Denfeld  High School yearbook   - - 1939 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Kahn, Harry ddhs 1939.jpg">full text and image at hi res</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Kahn, Harry ddhs 1939.jpg" width="267" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   yearbook 267 150 1.78
<br><br> Kahn, Irene  - - Duluth East  High School yearbook - -  1954  - junior - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Kahn, Irene dehs 1954 junior.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Kahn, Irene  <BR><BR> Duluth East  High School yearbook - -  1954  - junior <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Kahn, Irene dehs 1954 junior.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Kahn, Irene dehs 1954 junior.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Kahn, Irene - - Duluth East High School yearbook - - 1955 - - <font  size="1"> </font> - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Kahn, Irene dehs 1955.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Kahn, Irene <BR><BR> Duluth East High School yearbook - - 1955 <BR> <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Kahn, Irene dehs 1955.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Kahn, Irene dehs 1955.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Kahn, Pearl   - -  Duluth Central  High School yearbook  - -  1922 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Kahn, Pearl dchs 1922.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Kahn, Pearl  <BR><BR>  Duluth Central  High School yearbook - -  1922 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Kahn, Pearl dchs 1922.jpg">full text and image at hi res</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Kahn, Pearl dchs 1922.jpg" width="267" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   yearbook 267 150
<br><br> Kahn, Pearl - - Duluth Central High School yearbook - - 1933   - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Kahn, Pearl dchs 1933.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Kahn, Pearl <BR><BR> Duluth Central High School yearbook - - 1933   <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Kahn, Pearl dchs 1933.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Kahn, Pearl dchs 1933.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Kahn, William  - - Duluth East  High School yearbook - -  1954  - junior - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Kahn, William dehs 1954 junior.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Kahn, William  <BR><BR> Duluth East  High School yearbook - -  1954  - junior <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Kahn, William dehs 1954 junior.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Kahn, William dehs 1954 junior.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Kahn, William - - Duluth East High School yearbook - - 1955 - - <font  size="1"> </font> - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Kahn, William dehs 1955.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Kahn, William <BR><BR> Duluth East High School yearbook - - 1955 <BR> <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Kahn, William dehs 1955.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Kahn, William dehs 1955.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Kall, Louis 1982-11 JFN recipe - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Kall, Louis 1982-11 JFN recipe.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Kall, Louis 1982-11 JFN recipe <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Kall, Louis 1982-11 JFN recipe.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Kall, Louis 1982-11 JFN recipe.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Kamens, Isadore E   - - Served in World War II  - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Kamens, Isadore E wwii.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Kamens, Isadore E <BR><BR> Served in World War II <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Kamens, Isadore E wwii.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Kamens, Isadore E wwii.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   wwii 160 200 0.8 120 150
<br><br> Kamens, Sylvan D - Duluth Rabbi 1963-69 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Kamens, Sylvan D - Duluth Rabbi 1963-69.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Kamens, Sylvan D - Duluth Rabbi 1963-69 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Kamens, Sylvan D - Duluth Rabbi 1963-69.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Kamens, Sylvan D - Duluth Rabbi 1963-69.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Kane, Agnes Marie - - Superior High School yearbook - -  1930 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Kane, Agnes Marie shs 1930.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Kane, Agnes Marie <BR><BR> Superior High School yearbook  - - 1930 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Kane, Agnes Marie shs 1930.jpg">full text and image at hi res</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Kane, Agnes Marie shs 1930.jpg" width="267" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   yearbook 267 150 1.78
<br><br> Kane, Al   - - Served in World War II  - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Kane, Al wwii.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Kane, Al <BR><BR> Served in World War II <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Kane, Al wwii.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Kane, Al wwii.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   wwii 160 200 0.8 120 150
<br><br> Kane, Evelyn  - -  Duluth Central High School yearbook - -  1926 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Kane, Evelyn dchs 1926.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Kane, Evelyn  <BR><BR> Duluth Central High School yearbook - -  1926 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Kane, Evelyn dchs 1926.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Kane, Evelyn dchs 1926.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Kane, Francis - -  Duluth Central High School yearbook - - 1903   - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Kane, Francis dchs 1903.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Kane, Francis<BR><BR> Duluth Central High School yearbook - - 1903   <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Kane, Francis dchs 1903.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Kane, Francis dchs 1903.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Kane, Irene  - - Superior High School yearbook -  1915   - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Kane, Irene shs 1915.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Kane, Irene  <BR> Superior High School yearbook -  1915   <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Kane, Irene shs 1915.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Kane, Irene shs 1915.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Kane, Johathan  - - Duluth East  High School yearbook - -  1971 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Kane, Johathan dehs 1971.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Kane, Johathan  <BR><BR> Duluth East  High School yearbook - -  1971 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Kane, Johathan dehs 1971.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Kane, Johathan dehs 1971.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Kane, Karen  - -  Duluth East High School yearbook  - -  sophomore 1959 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Kane, Karen dehs sophomore 1959.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Kane, Karen  <BR><BR> Duluth East High School yearbook  <BR> sophmore 1959 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Kane, Karen dehs sophomore 1959.jpg">full text and image at hi res</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="center" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Kane, Karen dehs sophomore 1959.jpg" width="267" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   yearbook 267 150
<br><br> Kane, Karen - - Duluth East High School yearbook - -  1961 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Kane, Karen dehs 1961.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Kane, Karen <BR><BR> Duluth East High School yearbook  - - 1961 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Kane, Karen dehs 1961.jpg">full text and image at hi res</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Kane, Karen dehs 1961.jpg" width="267" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   yearbook 267 150 1.78
<br><br> Kane, Karen Nan - - Duluth East High School yearbook -  1961 - - daughter of Al Knne & RoseAnn Feinstein - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Kane, Karen Nan dehs 1961.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Kane, Karen Nan <BR> Duluth East High School yearbook -  1961 <BR> daughter of Al Knne & RoseAnn Feinstein <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Kane, Karen Nan dehs 1961.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Kane, Karen Nan dehs 1961.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Kane, Marguerite Irene  - - Superior High School yearbook -  1930b   - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Kane, Marguerite Irene shs 1930b.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Kane, Marguerite Irene  <BR> Superior High School yearbook -  1930b   <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Kane, Marguerite Irene shs 1930b.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Kane, Marguerite Irene shs 1930b.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Kane, Marguerite Irene - - Superior High School yearbook - -  1930 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Kane, Marguerite Irene shs 1930.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Kane, Marguerite Irene <BR><BR> Superior High School yearbook  - - 1930 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Kane, Marguerite Irene shs 1930.jpg">full text and image at hi res</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Kane, Marguerite Irene shs 1930.jpg" width="267" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   yearbook 267 150 1.78
<br><br> Kane, Raymond C  - - Duluth Central High School yearbook  - 1928 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Kane, Raymond C dchs 1928.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Kane, Raymond C    <BR><BR>  Duluth Central High School yearbook -  1928 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Kane, Raymond C dchs 1928.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Kane, Raymond C dchs 1928.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Kane, Virginia Josephine  - -  Superior Central High School yearbook  - -  1936 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Kane, Virginia Josephine schs 1936.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Kane, Virginia Josephine  <BR><BR>   Superior Central  High School yearbook   - - 1936 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Kane, Virginia Josephine schs 1936.jpg">full text and image at hi res</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Kane, Virginia Josephine schs 1936.jpg" width="267" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   yearbook 267 150 1.78
<br><br> Kania, Josephine Ann  - -  Superior Central High School yearbook  - -  1936 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Kania, Josephine Ann schs 1936.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Kania, Josephine Ann  <BR><BR>   Superior Central  High School yearbook   - - 1936 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Kania, Josephine Ann schs 1936.jpg">full text and image at hi res</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Kania, Josephine Ann schs 1936.jpg" width="267" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   yearbook 267 150 1.78
<br><br> Kanter, Bill   - -  Duluth Central High School yearbook  - 1956 junior   - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Kanter, Bill dchs 1956 junior.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Kanter, Bill <BR> Duluth Central High School yearbook  - 1956 junior   <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Kanter, Bill dchs 1956 junior.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Kanter, Bill dchs 1956 junior.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>  
<br><br> Kanter, Robert   - - Served in World War II  - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Kanter, Robert wwii.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Kanter, Robert <BR><BR> Served in World War II <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Kanter, Robert wwii.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Kanter, Robert wwii.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   wwii 160 200 0.8 120 150
<br><br> Kanter, Robert - - Duluth Central High School yearbook - - 1934 - - <font  size="1"> married to Hommey Abraham, son of Louis & Bessie Cohen Kanter </font> - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Kanter, Robert dchs 1934.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Kanter, Robert <BR><BR> Duluth Central High School yearbook - - 1934 <BR> married to Hommey Abraham, son of Louis & Bessie Cohen Kanter <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Kanter, Robert dchs 1934.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Kanter, Robert dchs 1934.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Kanter, Salee Davis  - - obit photo 1914-2009 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Kanter, Salee Davis obit photo 1914-2009.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Kanter, Salee Davis  <BR><BR> obit photo 1914-2009 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Kanter, Salee Davis obit photo 1914-2009.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Kanter, Salee Davis obit photo 1914-2009.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Kanter, William J  - - Duluth Central High School yearbook -  1957 - - son of Eddie Kantor & Sallee Davis - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Kanter, William J dchs 1957.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Kanter, William J  <BR> Duluth Central High School yearbook -  1957 <BR> son of Eddie Kantor & Sallee Davis <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Kanter, William J dchs 1957.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Kanter, William J dchs 1957.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Kaplan, Abraham   - -  Duluth Central  High School yearbook  - -  1922 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Kaplan, Abraham dchs 1922.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Kaplan, Abraham  <BR><BR>  Duluth Central  High School yearbook - -  1922 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Kaplan, Abraham dchs 1922.jpg">full text and image at hi res</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Kaplan, Abraham dchs 1922.jpg" width="267" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   yearbook 267 150
<br><br> Kaplan, Abraham   - -  Duluth Central High School yearbook  - - 1918 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Kaplan, Abraham 1918 DCSH.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Kaplan, Abraham <BR><BR>  Duluth Central High School - - 1918 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Kaplan, Abraham 1918 DCSH.jpg">full text and image at hi res</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Kaplan, Abraham 1918 DCSH.jpg" width="267" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   267 150
<br><br> Kaplan, Abraham  - - 1968 DNT - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Kaplan, Abraham 1968 DNT.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Kaplan, Abraham  <BR><BR> 1968 DNT <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Kaplan, Abraham 1968 DNT.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Kaplan, Abraham 1968 DNT.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Kaplan, Abraham - - Duluth Central High School yearbook - - 1933 - - <font  size="1">  married to Iona Wax, son of Joseph & Chava Kaplan </font> - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Kaplan, Abraham dchs 1933.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Kaplan, Abraham <BR><BR> Duluth Central High School yearbook - - 1933 <BR>  married to Iona Wax, son of Joseph & Chava Kaplan <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Kaplan, Abraham dchs 1933.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Kaplan, Abraham dchs 1933.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Kaplan, Abraham - - Zenith City History - Biography - - <A HREF=""  TARGET="articles">Link to Bio</A> - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Kaplan, Abraham - zchb.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Kaplan, Abraham <BR> Zenith City History - Biography <BR><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF=""  TARGET="articles">Link to Bio</A> <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Kaplan, Abraham - zchb.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Kaplan, Abraham - zchb.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Kaplan, Carl - - Duluth Central High School yearbook - -  1922 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Kaplan, Carl dchs 1922.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Kaplan, Carl <BR><BR> Duluth Central High School yearbook  - - 1922 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Kaplan, Carl dchs 1922.jpg">full text and image at hi res</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Kaplan, Carl dchs 1922.jpg" width="267" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   yearbook 267 150 1.78
<br><br> Kaplan, Edna  - -  Virginia High School yearbook -  1925 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Kaplan, Edna vhs 1925.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Kaplan, Edna   <BR><BR>   Virginia High School yearbook -  1925 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Kaplan, Edna vhs 1925.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Kaplan, Edna vhs 1925.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Kaplan, Edna - - Duluth Central High School yearbook - - 1929 - - <font  size="1"> daughter of Joseph & Chava Kaplan </font> - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Kaplan, Edna dchs 1929.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Kaplan, Edna <BR><BR> Duluth Central High School yearbook - - 1929 <BR> daughter of Joseph & Chava Kaplan <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Kaplan, Edna dchs 1929.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Kaplan, Edna dchs 1929.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Kaplan, Etta  - -  Duluth Central High School yearbook -  1931 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Kaplan, Etta dchs 1931.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Kaplan, Etta   <BR><BR>   Duluth Central High School yearbook -  1931 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Kaplan, Etta dchs 1931.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Kaplan, Etta dchs 1931.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Kaplan, Ida - -  Duluth Central High School yearbook - - 1920   - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Kaplan, Ida dchs 1920.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Kaplan, Ida<BR><BR> Duluth Central High School yearbook - - 1920   <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Kaplan, Ida dchs 1920.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Kaplan, Ida dchs 1920.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Kaplan, Ida (Miss)   - - Newspaper article - -  1921-2-20 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Kaplan, Ida Miss news 1921-2-20.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Kaplan, Ida (Miss)  <BR><BR> Newspaper article - -  1921-2-20 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Kaplan, Ida Miss news 1921-2-20.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Kaplan, Ida Miss news 1921-2-20.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   news 160 200 0.8 120 150
<br><br> Kaplan, John  - - Duluth Central High School yearbook  - 1937 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Kaplan, John dchs 1937.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Kaplan, John    <BR><BR>  Duluth Central High School yearbook -  1937 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Kaplan, John dchs 1937.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Kaplan, John dchs 1937.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Kaplan, Morris & Fanny Hoffman family   - -  undated - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Kaplan, Morris & Fanny Hoffman family.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Kaplan, Morris & Fanny Hoffman family <BR><BR> undated <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Kaplan, Morris & Fanny Hoffman family.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Kaplan, Morris & Fanny Hoffman family.jpg" width="334" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   yyy 150
<br><br> Kaplan, Pearl D  - - Duluth Central High School yearbook  - 1928 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Kaplan, Pearl D dchs 1928.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Kaplan, Pearl D    <BR><BR>  Duluth Central High School yearbook -  1928 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Kaplan, Pearl D dchs 1928.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Kaplan, Pearl D dchs 1928.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Kaplan, Sadie   - -  Duluth Central  High School yearbook  - -  1922 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Kaplan, Sadie dchs 1922.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Kaplan, Sadie  <BR><BR>  Duluth Central  High School yearbook - -  1922 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Kaplan, Sadie dchs 1922.jpg">full text and image at hi res</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Kaplan, Sadie dchs 1922.jpg" width="267" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   yearbook 267 150
<br><br> Kaplan, Sadie - - Duluth Central High School yearbook - - 1933 - - <font  size="1">  daughter of Joseph & Chava Kaplan </font> - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Kaplan, Sadie dchs 1933.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Kaplan, Sadie <BR><BR> Duluth Central High School yearbook - - 1933 <BR>  daughter of Joseph & Chava Kaplan <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Kaplan, Sadie dchs 1933.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Kaplan, Sadie dchs 1933.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Karlinsky, Abe  - - news photo - -  1921-1-18 Eveleth - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Karlinsky, Abe news photo 1921-1-18 Eveleth.jpg">photo with text</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Karlinsky, Abe <BR><BR> News photo - -  1921-1-18 Eveleth <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Karlinsky, Abe news photo 1921-1-18 Eveleth.jpg">photo with text</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Karlinsky, Abe news photo 1921-1-18 Eveleth.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Karon, Emily - - Duluth Central High School yearbook - -  1938 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Karon, Emily dchs 1938.jpg">image</A> - - <A HREF="Emily Karon.html">Emily Karon Oxman</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Karon, Emily <BR><BR> Duluth Central High School yearbook  - - 1938  <BR><BR> <A HREF="Emily Karon.html">Emily Karon Oxman</A> <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Karon, Emily dchs 1938.jpg">full text and image at hi res</A> - - <A HREF="Emily Karon.html">Emily Karon Oxman</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Karon, Emily dchs 1938.jpg" width="267" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   yearbook 267 150 1.78
<br><br> Karsner, Bette - - Duluth Central High School yearbook - - 1948   - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Karsner, Bette dchs 1948.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Karsner, Bette <BR><BR>  Duluth Central High School yearbook - - 1948   <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Karsner, Bette dchs 1948.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Karsner, Bette dchs 1948.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Karsner, Bruce - - Duluth East High School yearbook - -  1966 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Karsner, Bruce dehs 1966.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Karsner, Bruce <BR><BR> Duluth East High School yearbook  - - 1966 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Karsner, Bruce dehs 1966.jpg">full text and image at hi res</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Karsner, Bruce dehs 1966.jpg" width="267" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   yearbook 267 150 1.78
<br><br> Karsner, Dave W - - Duluth Central High School yearbook - - 1948   - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Karsner, Dave W dchs 1948.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Karsner, Dave W <BR><BR>  Duluth Central High School yearbook - - 1948   <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Karsner, Dave W dchs 1948.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Karsner, Dave W dchs 1948.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Karsner, Dina  - - Duluth Central High School yearbook  - 1945 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Karsner, Dina dchs 1945.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Karsner, Dina    <BR><BR>  Duluth Central High School yearbook -  1945 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Karsner, Dina dchs 1945.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Karsner, Dina dchs 1945.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Karsner, Fred  - -  Duluth Central High School yearbook - -  1926 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Karsner, Fred dchs 1926.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Karsner, Fred  <BR><BR> Duluth Central High School yearbook - -  1926 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Karsner, Fred dchs 1926.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Karsner, Fred dchs 1926.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Karsner, Fred   - - Served in World War II  - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Karsner, Fred wwii.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Karsner, Fred <BR><BR> Served in World War II <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Karsner, Fred wwii.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Karsner, Fred wwii.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   wwii 160 200 0.8 120 150
<br><br> Karsner, Fred - - Duluth Central High School yearbook - - 1927 track - - <font  size="1"> son of Benjamin & Sosel Geller Karsner, died in the war </font> - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Karsner, Fred dchs 1927 track.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Karsner, Fred <BR><BR> Duluth Central High School yearbook - - 1927 track <BR> son of Benjamin & Sosel Geller Karsner, died in the war <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Karsner, Fred dchs 1927 track.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Karsner, Fred dchs 1927 track.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Karsner, Pearl - - Duluth Central High School yearbook - -  1932 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Karsner, Pearl dchs 1932.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Karsner, Pearl <BR><BR> Duluth Central High School yearbook  - - 1932 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Karsner, Pearl dchs 1932.jpg">full text and image at hi res</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Karsner, Pearl dchs 1932.jpg" width="267" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   yearbook 267 150 1.78
<br><br> Karsner, SuRae  - -  Duluth East High School yearbook  - -  sophomore 1959 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Karsner, SuRae dehs sophomore 1959.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Karsner, SuRae  <BR><BR> Duluth East High School yearbook  <BR> sophmore 1959 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Karsner, SuRae dehs sophomore 1959.jpg">full text and image at hi res</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="center" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Karsner, SuRae dehs sophomore 1959.jpg" width="267" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   yearbook 267 150
<br><br> Karsner, Surae - - Duluth East High School yearbook - -  1961 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Karsner, Surae dehs 1961.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Karsner, Surae <BR><BR> Duluth East High School yearbook  - - 1961 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Karsner, Surae dehs 1961.jpg">full text and image at hi res</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Karsner, Surae dehs 1961.jpg" width="267" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   yearbook 267 150 1.78
<br><br> Kassmir, Sherman - - Duluth Central High School yearbook - -  1922 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Kassmir, Sherman dchs 1922.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Kassmir, Sherman <BR><BR> Duluth Central High School yearbook  - - 1922 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Kassmir, Sherman dchs 1922.jpg">full text and image at hi res</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Kassmir, Sherman dchs 1922.jpg" width="267" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   yearbook 267 150 1.78
<br><br> Katz, Ann  - -  Superior Central High School yearbook  - -  1950 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Katz, Ann schs 1950.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Katz, Ann  <BR><BR>   Superior Central  High School yearbook   - - 1950 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Katz, Ann schs 1950.jpg">full text and image at hi res</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Katz, Ann schs 1950.jpg" width="267" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   yearbook 267 150 1.78
<br><br> Katz, Rachel  - - Duluth East  High School yearbook - -  1985 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Katz, Rachel dehs 1985.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Katz, Rachel  <BR><BR> Duluth East  High School yearbook - -  1985 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Katz, Rachel dehs 1985.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Katz, Rachel dehs 1985.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Kaufman, Anna  - -  Virginia High School yearbook  - -  1928 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Kaufman, Anna vhs 1928.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Kaufman, Anna  <BR><BR>   Virginia High School yearbook   - - 1928 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Kaufman, Anna vhs 1928.jpg">full text and image at hi res</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Kaufman, Anna vhs 1928.jpg" width="267" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   yearbook 267 150 1.78
<br><br> Kaufman, Carl  - -  Virginia Roosevelt  High School yearbook  - -  1932 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Kaufman, Carl vrhs 1932.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Kaufman, Carl  <BR><BR>   Virginia Rooselelt  High School yearbook   - - 1932 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Kaufman, Carl vrhs 1932.jpg">full text and image at hi res</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Kaufman, Carl vrhs 1932.jpg" width="267" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   yearbook 267 150 1.78
<br><br> Kaufman, Hazel - -   Superior High School yearbook - - 1916 - - <font  size="1"> </font> - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Kaufman, Hazel shs 1916.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Kaufman, Hazel<BR><BR>  Superior High School yearbook - - 1916 <BR> <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Kaufman, Hazel shs 1916.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Kaufman, Hazel shs 1916.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Kavis, Kent - - Duluth Central High School yearbook - - 1946   - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Kavis, Kent dchs 1946.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Kavis, Kent <BR><BR>  Duluth Central High School yearbook - - 1946   <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Kavis, Kent dchs 1946.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Kavis, Kent dchs 1946.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Keil, Shirley - - Duluth Central High School yearbook - - 1946 junior - - married Benny Levine - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Keil, Shirley dchs 1946 junior.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Keil, Shirley <BR><BR>  Duluth Central High School yearbook - - 1946 junior <BR> married Benny Levine <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Keil, Shirley dchs 1946 junior.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Keil, Shirley dchs 1946 junior.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Keil, Shirley - - Duluth Central High School yearbook - - 1947 - - <font  size="1"> married to Benjamin Levine, daughter of Frank & Sarah Zlatkovsky, Davis tree </font> - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Keil, Shirley dchs 1947.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Keil, Shirley <BR><BR> Duluth Central High School yearbook - - 1947 <BR> married to Benjamin Levine, daughter of Frank & Sarah Zlatkovsky, Davis tree <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Keil, Shirley dchs 1947.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Keil, Shirley dchs 1947.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Kemp, Joanne - - Duluth East High School yearbook - - 1963 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Kemp, Joanne 1963 dehs.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Kemp, Joanne - - Duluth East High School yearbook - - 1963 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Kemp, Joanne 1963 dehs.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Kemp, Joanne 1963 dehs.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Kemp, Kathleen  - - Duluth Central High School yearbook  - 1945 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Kemp, Kathleen dchs 1945.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Kemp, Kathleen    <BR><BR>  Duluth Central High School yearbook -  1945 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Kemp, Kathleen dchs 1945.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Kemp, Kathleen dchs 1945.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Kemp, Kay - - Duluth East High School yearbook - -  1951 seventh   - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Kemp, Kay dehs 1951 seventh.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Kemp, Kay <BR><BR> Duluth East High School yearbook - -  1951 seventh   <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Kemp, Kay dehs 1951 seventh.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Kemp, Kay dehs 1951 seventh.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Kemp, Kenneth - - Duluth Central High School yearbook - - 1929   - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Kemp, Kenneth dchs 1929.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Kemp, Kenneth <BR><BR> Duluth Central High School yearbook - - 1929   <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Kemp, Kenneth dchs 1929.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Kemp, Kenneth dchs 1929.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Kemp, Kevin  - - Duluth East  High School yearbook - -  1975 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Kemp, Kevin dehs 1975.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Kemp, Kevin  <BR><BR> Duluth East  High School yearbook - -  1975 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Kemp, Kevin dehs 1975.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Kemp, Kevin dehs 1975.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Kemp, Leonard  - - Duluth Central High School yearbook -  -  1935   - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Kemp, Leonard dchs 1935.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Kemp, Leonard <BR><BR>  Duluth Central High School yearbook -  -  1935 <BR> <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Kemp, Leonard dchs 1935.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Kemp, Leonard dchs 1935.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Kemp, Louis - - Duluth Central High School yearbook -  1958 sophomore - - son of Abe Kemp & Freida - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Kemp, Louis dchs 1958 sophomore.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Kemp, Louis <BR> Duluth Central High School yearbook -  1958 sophomore <BR> son of Abe Kemp & Freida <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Kemp, Louis dchs 1958 sophomore.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Kemp, Louis dchs 1958 sophomore.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Kemp, Louis - - Duluth Central High School yearbook - - 1959 - Junior year   - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Kemp, Louis 1959 dchs jr.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Kemp, Louis - - Duluth Central High School yearbook - - 1959 - Junior year   <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Kemp, Louis 1959 dchs jr.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Kemp, Louis 1959 dchs jr.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Kemp, Michael  - - Duluth East  High School yearbook - -  1971 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Kemp, Michael dehs 1971.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Kemp, Michael  <BR><BR> Duluth East  High School yearbook - -  1971 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Kemp, Michael dehs 1971.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Kemp, Michael dehs 1971.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Kemp, Miriam Jeanne - -  Superior Central High School yearbook - - 1939   - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Kemp, Miriam Jeanne schs 1939.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Kemp, Miriam Jeanne<BR><BR> Superior Central High School yearbook - - 1939   <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Kemp, Miriam Jeanne schs 1939.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Kemp, Miriam Jeanne schs 1939.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Kemp, Richard P Dick - - Duluth Central High School yearbook - - 1946   - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Kemp, Richard P Dick dchs 1946.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Kemp, Richard P Dick <BR><BR>  Duluth Central High School yearbook - - 1946   <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Kemp, Richard P Dick dchs 1946.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Kemp, Richard P Dick dchs 1946.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Kempinsky, Abe  - - Superior High School yearbook -  1930   - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Kempinsky, Abe shs 1930.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Kempinsky, Abe  <BR> Superior High School yearbook -  1930   <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Kempinsky, Abe shs 1930.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Kempinsky, Abe shs 1930.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Kenigsberg, Edmund 1979-12 JFN profile - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Kenigsberg, Edmund 1979-12 JFN profile.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Kenigsberg, Edmund 1979-12 JFN profile <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Kenigsberg, Edmund 1979-12 JFN profile.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Kenigsberg, Edmund 1979-12 JFN profile.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Kenigsberg, Stephen - - Duluth East High School yearbook - - 1963 - Sophomore year - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Kenigsberg, Stephen 1963 dehs soph.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Kenigsberg, Stephen - - Duluth East High School yearbook - - 1963 - Sophomore year <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Kenigsberg, Stephen 1963 dehs soph.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Kenigsberg, Stephen 1963 dehs soph.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Kernes, Frances - - Duluth Central High School yearbook - - 1925 - - <font  size="1"> married Herbert Rosenbloom, daughter of Harry & Sid Albert Kerness </font> - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Kernes, Frances dchs 1925.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Kernes, Frances <BR><BR> Duluth Central High School yearbook - - 1925 <BR> married Herbert Rosenbloom, daughter of Harry & Sid Albert Kerness <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Kernes, Frances dchs 1925.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Kernes, Frances dchs 1925.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Kernes, Harry  - - news photo - -  1917-7-11 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Kernes, Harry news photo 1917-7-11.jpg">photo with text</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Kernes, Harry <BR><BR> News photo - -  1917-7-11 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Kernes, Harry news photo 1917-7-11.jpg">photo with text</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Kernes, Harry news photo 1917-7-11.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Kernes, Robert Sidney 1920-1952 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Kernes, Robert Sidney 1920-1952.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Kernes, Robert Sidney 1920-1952 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Kernes, Robert Sidney 1920-1952.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Kernes, Robert Sidney 1920-1952.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Kernes, Stanley   - - Served in World War II  - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Kernes, Stanley wwii.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Kernes, Stanley <BR><BR> Served in World War II <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Kernes, Stanley wwii.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Kernes, Stanley wwii.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   wwii 160 200 0.8 120 150
<br><br> Kernes, Stanley - - Duluth Central HS - 1943 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Kernes, Stanley - - Duluth Central HS - 1943.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Kernes, Stanley<BR><BR>Duluth Central High School yearbook - 1943 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Kernes, Stanley - - Duluth Central HS - 1943.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Kernes, Stanley - - Duluth Central HS - 1943.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   yearbook 120 150
<br><br> Kernes, Stanley G  - - Served in World War II - - Photos and Information -  (adg) - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Kernes, Stanley G WWII adg.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Kernes, Stanley G <BR><BR> Served in World War II (adg) <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Kernes, Stanley G WWII adg.jpg">photos and information</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Kernes, Stanley G WWII adg.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   Al Grady 120 150
<br><br> Kerness, Morris  - -  Jewish Fellowship News - 1985 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Kerness, Morris 1985 JFN.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Kerness, Morris  <BR><BR>  Jewish Fellowship News - 1985 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Kerness, Morris 1985 JFN.jpg">full text and image at hi res</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Kerness, Morris 1985 JFN.jpg" width="267" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   267 150
<br><br> Kessler, Geraldine  - - Duluth Denfeld High School - -  1948   - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Kessler, Geraldine ddhs 1948.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Kessler, Geraldine <BR><BR> Duluth Denfeld High School - -  1948   <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Kessler, Geraldine ddhs 1948.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Kessler, Geraldine ddhs 1948.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Kessler, Virginia  - - Duluth Denfeld High School - -  1952   - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Kessler, Virginia ddhs 1952.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Kessler, Virginia <BR><BR> Duluth Denfeld High School - -  1952   <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Kessler, Virginia ddhs 1952.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Kessler, Virginia ddhs 1952.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> King, Bob - - Duluth East High School yearbook -  1961 junior - - son of Lewis King & Beverly Altman - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/King, Bob 1961dehs junior.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> King, Bob <BR> Duluth East High School yearbook -  1961 junior <BR> son of Lewis King & Beverly Altman <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/King, Bob 1961dehs junior.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/King, Bob 1961dehs junior.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> King, Dan - -   Duluth East High School yearbook - - 1964 - - <font  size="1"> married to Christine, son of Joseph & Sally Lent King </font> - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/King, Dan dehs 1964.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> King, Dan<BR><BR>  Duluth East High School yearbook - - 1964 <BR> married to Christine, son of Joseph & Sally Lent King <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/King, Dan dehs 1964.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/King, Dan dehs 1964.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> King, Joseph   - - Served in World War II  - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/King, Joseph wwii.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> King, Joseph <BR><BR> Served in World War II <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/King, Joseph wwii.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/King, Joseph wwii.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   wwii 160 200 0.8 120 150
<br><br> King, Sam   - - Served in World War II  - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/King, Sam wwii.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> King, Sam <BR><BR> Served in World War II <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/King, Sam wwii.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/King, Sam wwii.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   wwii 160 200 0.8 120 150
<br><br> Kirsh, Terry  - - Duluth Central High School yearbook -  1957 sophomore - - son of Alex Kirsch & Harriet Pearl - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Kirsh, Terry dchs 1957 sophomore.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Kirsh, Terry  <BR> Duluth Central High School yearbook -  1957 sophomore <BR> son of Alex Kirsch & Harriet Pearl <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Kirsh, Terry dchs 1957 sophomore.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Kirsh, Terry dchs 1957 sophomore.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Klasky, Helen - - Duluth Central High School yearbook - - 1927 - - <font  size="1"> married to Samuel Schwartz, daughter of Abraham & Ida Soloski Klasky </font> - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Klasky, Helen dchs 1927.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Klasky, Helen <BR><BR> Duluth Central High School yearbook - - 1927 <BR> married to Samuel Schwartz, daughter of Abraham & Ida Soloski Klasky <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Klasky, Helen dchs 1927.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Klasky, Helen dchs 1927.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Klasky, Maurice E  - - 1978-9 JFN profile - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Klasky, Maurice E 1978-9 JFN profile.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Klasky, Maurice E 1978-9 JFN profile <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Klasky, Maurice E 1978-9 JFN profile.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Klasky, Maurice E 1978-9 JFN profile.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Klasky, Morris E - Sep 1977 JFN profile - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Klasky, Morris E - Sep 1977 JFN profile.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Klasky, Morris E - Sep 1977 JFN profile <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Klasky, Morris E - Sep 1977 JFN profile.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Klasky, Morris E - Sep 1977 JFN profile.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Klasky, Philip   - - Served in World War II  - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Klasky, Philip wwii.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Klasky, Philip <BR><BR> Served in World War II <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Klasky, Philip wwii.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Klasky, Philip wwii.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   wwii 160 200 0.8 120 150
<br><br> Klasky, Sara - - Duluth East High School yearbook -  1961 junior - - daughter of Maurice Klasky & Gert Sonosky - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Klasky, Sara 1961dehs junior.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Klasky, Sara <BR> Duluth East High School yearbook -  1961 junior <BR> daughter of Maurice Klasky & Gert Sonosky <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Klasky, Sara 1961dehs junior.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Klasky, Sara 1961dehs junior.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Klasky, Sara - - Duluth East High School yearbook - - 1962 - - <font  size="1"> married to David Schmidt, daughter of Maurice & Gertrude Sosnosky Klasky </font> - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Klasky, Sara dehs 1962.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Klasky, Sara <BR><BR> Duluth East High School yearbook - - 1962 <BR> married to David Schmidt, daughter of Maurice & Gertrude Sosnosky Klasky <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Klasky, Sara dehs 1962.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Klasky, Sara dehs 1962.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Klatsky, M Corp  - - news article 1918-7-14 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Klatsky, M Corp news article 1918-7-14 .jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Klatsky, M Corp news article 1918-7-14 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Klatsky, M Corp news article 1918-7-14 .jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Klatsky, M Corp news article 1918-7-14 .jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Klatsky, M news article1913-8-3 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Klatsky, M news article1913-8-3.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Klatsky, M news article1913-8-3 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Klatsky, M news article1913-8-3.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Klatsky, M news article1913-8-3.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Klatzky, Esther  - -  Duluth Central High School yearbook -  1913 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Klatzky, Esther dchs 1913.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Klatzky, Esther   <BR><BR>   Duluth Central High School yearbook -  1913 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Klatzky, Esther dchs 1913.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Klatzky, Esther dchs 1913.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Klein, Gretchen - - Duluth East High School yearbook - -  1951 junior   - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Klein, Gretchen dehs 1951 junior.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Klein, Gretchen <BR><BR> Duluth East High School yearbook - -  1951 junior   <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Klein, Gretchen dehs 1951 junior.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Klein, Gretchen dehs 1951 junior.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Klistner, Harry J (Mrs)   - - Newspaper article - -  1916-5-24 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Klistner, Harry J Mrs news 1916-5-24.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Klistner, Harry J (Mrs)  <BR><BR> Newspaper article - -  1916-5-24 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Klistner, Harry J Mrs news 1916-5-24.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Klistner, Harry J Mrs news 1916-5-24.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   news 160 200 0.8 120 150
<br><br> Kohen, Wilbur   - - Served in World War II  - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Kohen, Wilbur wwii.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Kohen, Wilbur <BR><BR> Served in World War II <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Kohen, Wilbur wwii.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Kohen, Wilbur wwii.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   wwii 160 200 0.8 120 150
<br><br> Kohn, Isadore   - - Newspaper article - -  1906-6-3 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Kohn, Isadore news 1906-6-3.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Kohn, Isadore  <BR><BR> Newspaper article - -  1906-6-3 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Kohn, Isadore news 1906-6-3.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Kohn, Isadore news 1906-6-3.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   news 160 200 0.8 120 150
<br><br> Kohn, Morris -   - - Newspaper article - - 1921-1-30 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Kohn, Morris - news 1921-1-30.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Kohn, Morris -  <BR><BR> Newspaper article - - 1921-1-30 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Kohn, Morris - news 1921-1-30.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Kohn, Morris - news 1921-1-30.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   news 120 150
<br><br> Kohn, Steven C   - -  Duluth Central  High School yearbook  - -  1964 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Kohn, Steven C dchs 1964.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Kohn, Steven C  <BR><BR>  Duluth Central  High School yearbook - -  1964 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Kohn, Steven C dchs 1964.jpg">full text and image at hi res</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Kohn, Steven C dchs 1964.jpg" width="267" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   yearbook 267 150
<br><br> Kohn, Victor (Mrs)   - - Newspaper article - -  1912-2-25 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Kohn, Victor Mrs news 1912-2-25.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Kohn, Victor (Mrs)  <BR><BR> Newspaper article - -  1912-2-25 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Kohn, Victor Mrs news 1912-2-25.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Kohn, Victor Mrs news 1912-2-25.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   news 160 200 0.8 120 150
<br><br> Kohn, Wilber   - - Served in World War II  - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Kohn, Wilber wwii.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Kohn, Wilber <BR><BR> Served in World War II <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Kohn, Wilber wwii.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Kohn, Wilber wwii.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   wwii 160 200 0.8 120 150
<br><br> Kohn, Wilbur  - - Served in World War II - - Photos and Information -  (adg) - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Kohn, Wilbur WWII adg.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Kohn, Wilbur <BR><BR> Served in World War II (adg) <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Kohn, Wilbur WWII adg.jpg">photos and information</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Kohn, Wilbur WWII adg.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   Al Grady 120 150
<br><br> Konheim, Jon Rabbi - served in Duluth - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Konheim, Jon Rabbi - served in Duluth.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Konheim, Jon Rabbi - served in Duluth <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Konheim, Jon Rabbi - served in Duluth.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Konheim, Jon Rabbi - served in Duluth.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Kovel, Cecil   - - Served in World War II  - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Kovel, Cecil wwii.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Kovel, Cecil <BR><BR> Served in World War II <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Kovel, Cecil wwii.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Kovel, Cecil wwii.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   wwii 160 200 0.8 120 150
<br><br> Kovel, Jeanette   - - Served in World War II  - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Kovel, Jeanette wwii.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Kovel, Jeanette <BR><BR> Served in World War II <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Kovel, Jeanette wwii.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Kovel, Jeanette wwii.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   wwii 160 200 0.8 120 150
<br><br> Kovitz, Frances  - -  Superior Central High School yearbook  - -  1941 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Kovitz, Frances schs 1941.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Kovitz, Frances  <BR><BR>   Superior Central  High School yearbook   - - 1941 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Kovitz, Frances schs 1941.jpg">full text and image at hi res</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Kovitz, Frances schs 1941.jpg" width="267" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   yearbook 267 150 1.78
<br><br> Kovitz, Ruth - -  wwii (not Krovitz) - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Kovitz, Ruth wwii (not Krovitz).jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Kovitz, Ruth wwii (not Krovitz) <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Kovitz, Ruth wwii (not Krovitz).jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Kovitz, Ruth wwii (not Krovitz).jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Kozlow, Carl 1982-9 JFN profile - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Kozlow, Carl 1982-9 JFN profile.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Kozlow, Carl 1982-9 JFN profile <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Kozlow, Carl 1982-9 JFN profile.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Kozlow, Carl 1982-9 JFN profile.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Kreiman, Melvin   - - Served in World War II  - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Kreiman, Melvin wwii.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Kreiman, Melvin <BR><BR> Served in World War II <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Kreiman, Melvin wwii.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Kreiman, Melvin wwii.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   wwii 160 200 0.8 120 150
<br><br> Kreiman, Shirley - - Duluth Central High School yearbook - -  1943 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Kreiman, Shirley dchs 1943.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Kreiman, Shirley <BR><BR> Duluth Central High School yearbook  - - 1943 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Kreiman, Shirley dchs 1943.jpg">full text and image at hi res</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Kreiman, Shirley dchs 1943.jpg" width="267" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   yearbook 267 150 1.78
<br><br> Krimsky family - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Krimsky family.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Krimsky family <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Krimsky family.jpg">higher res image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Krimsky family.jpg" width="267" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   267 150
<br><br> Kronberg, Mildred Irene - -  Superior Central High School yearbook - - 1939   - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Kronberg, Mildred Irene schs 1939.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Kronberg, Mildred Irene<BR><BR> Superior Central High School yearbook - - 1939   <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Kronberg, Mildred Irene schs 1939.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Kronberg, Mildred Irene schs 1939.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Krovitz, Abe - - Duluth Central High School yearbook - -  1931 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Krovitz, Abe dchs 1931.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Krovitz, Abe <BR><BR> Duluth Central High School yearbook  - - 1931 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Krovitz, Abe dchs 1931.jpg">full text and image at hi res</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Krovitz, Abe dchs 1931.jpg" width="267" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   yearbook 267 150 1.78
<br><br> Krovitz, Alice.  - - Duluth Central High School yearbook -  -  1935 - - married Norman Gorevich, on the Krovitz tree - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Krovitz, Alice. dchs 1935.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Krovitz, Alice. <BR><BR>  Duluth Central High School yearbook -  -  1935 <BR> married Norman Gorevich, on the Krovitz tree <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Krovitz, Alice. dchs 1935.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Krovitz, Alice. dchs 1935.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Krovitz, Barbara - - Duluth East High School yearbook - - 1967 - - daughter of Sam & Frances Krovitz - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Krovitz, Barbara dehs 1967.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Krovitz, Barbara<BR><BR> Duluth East High School yearbook - - 1967 <BR> daughter of Sam & Frances Krovitz <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Krovitz, Barbara dehs 1967.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Krovitz, Barbara dehs 1967.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Krovitz, David  - - Facebook - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Krovitz, David fb.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Krovitz, David  - - Facebook <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Krovitz, David fb.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Krovitz, David fb.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Krovitz, Debbie  - -  Duluth East High School yearbook  - -  1969 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Krovitz, Debbie dehs 1969.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Krovitz, Debbie    <BR><BR>   Duluth East High School yearbook   - - 1969 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Krovitz, Debbie dehs 1969.jpg">full text and image at hi res</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Krovitz, Debbie dehs 1969.jpg" width="267" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   yearbook 267 150 1.78
<br><br> Krovitz, Debbie - - Facebook - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Krovitz, Debbie fb pix.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Krovitz, Debbie - - Facebook <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Krovitz, Debbie fb pix.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Krovitz, Debbie fb pix.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Krovitz, Gail - - Facebook - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Krovitz, Gail fb.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Krovitz, Gail - - Facebook <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Krovitz, Gail fb.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Krovitz, Gail fb.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Krovitz, Hime   - - Served in World War II  - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Krovitz, Hime wwii.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Krovitz, Hime <BR><BR> Served in World War II <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Krovitz, Hime wwii.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Krovitz, Hime wwii.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   wwii 160 200 0.8 120 150
<br><br> Krovitz, Marilyn  - - Duluth Central High School - -  1952 junior - - daughter of Abe Krovitz & Sally Salo - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Krovitz, Marilyn dchs 1952 junior.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Krovitz, Marilyn <BR> Duluth Central High School -  1952 junior <BR> daughter of Abe Krovitz & Sally Salo <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Krovitz, Marilyn dchs 1952 junior.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Krovitz, Marilyn dchs 1952 junior.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>  
<br><br> Krovitz, Marilyn Joyce - - Duluth Central High School yearbook - - 1953   - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Krovitz, Marilyn Joyce 1953 dchs.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Krovitz, Marilyn Joyce - - Duluth Central High School yearbook - - 1953   <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Krovitz, Marilyn Joyce 1953 dchs.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Krovitz, Marilyn Joyce 1953 dchs.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Krovitz, Morris Bruce  - -  Duluth East High School yearbook  - -  1968 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Krovitz, Morris Bruce dehs 1968.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Krovitz, Morris Bruce    <BR><BR>   Duluth East High School yearbook   - - 1968 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Krovitz, Morris Bruce dehs 1968.jpg">full text and image at hi res</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Krovitz, Morris Bruce dehs 1968.jpg" width="267" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   yearbook 267 150 1.78
<br><br> Krovitz, Robert - - Duluth East High School yearbook - -  1951 seventh - - son of Abe & Sally Salo Krovitz - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Krovitz, Robert dehs 1951 seventh.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Krovitz, Robert <BR><BR> Duluth East High School yearbook - -  1951 seventh <BR> son of Abe & Sally Salo Krovitz <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Krovitz, Robert dehs 1951 seventh.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Krovitz, Robert dehs 1951 seventh.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Krovitz, Robert Michael  - -  Duluth East High School yearbook  - -  1956 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Krovitz, Robert Michael dehs 1956.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Krovitz, Robert Michael  <BR><BR> Duluth East High School yearbook  - -  1956 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Krovitz, Robert Michael dehs 1956.jpg">full text and image at hi res</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="center" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Krovitz, Robert Michael dehs 1956.jpg" width="267" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   yearbook 267 150
<br><br> Krovitz, Rose - - Duluth Central High School yearbook - - 1927 - - <font  size="1"> daughter of Samuel & Lena Chesark Krovitz, </font> - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Krovitz, Rose dchs 1927.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Krovitz, Rose <BR><BR> Duluth Central High School yearbook - - 1927 <BR> daughter of Samuel & Lena Chesark Krovitz, <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Krovitz, Rose dchs 1927.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Krovitz, Rose dchs 1927.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Krovitz, Ruth   - - Served in World War II  - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Krovitz, Ruth wwii.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Krovitz, Ruth <BR><BR> Served in World War II <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Krovitz, Ruth wwii.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Krovitz, Ruth wwii.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   wwii 160 200 0.8 120 150
<br><br> Krovitz, Sam   - - Served in World War II  - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Krovitz, Sam wwii.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Krovitz, Sam <BR><BR> Served in World War II <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Krovitz, Sam wwii.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Krovitz, Sam wwii.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   wwii 160 200 0.8 120 150
<br><br> Krupp, Amy  - - Duluth East  High School yearbook - -  1971  - sophomore - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Krupp, Amy dehs 1971 sophomore.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Krupp, Amy  <BR><BR> Duluth East  High School yearbook - -  1971  - sophomore <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Krupp, Amy dehs 1971 sophomore.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Krupp, Amy dehs 1971 sophomore.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Krupp, Marvin  - - Duluth Central High School yearbook  - 1936 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Krupp, Marvin dchs 1936.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Krupp, Marvin    <BR><BR>  Duluth Central High School yearbook -  1936 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Krupp, Marvin dchs 1936.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Krupp, Marvin dchs 1936.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Krupp, Marvin R   - - Served in World War II  - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Krupp, Marvin R wwii.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Krupp, Marvin R <BR><BR> Served in World War II <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Krupp, Marvin R wwii.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Krupp, Marvin R wwii.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   wwii 160 200 0.8 120 150
<br><br> Krupp, Orry - -  from obit - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Krupp, Orry - from obit.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Krupp, Orry <BR><BR> from obit <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Krupp, Orry - from obit.jpg">higher res image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Krupp, Orry - from obit.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Krupp, Ralph - - from obit - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Krupp, Ralph - from obit.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Krupp, Ralph <BR><BR> from obit <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Krupp, Ralph - from obit.jpg">higher res image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Krupp, Ralph - from obit.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Krupp, Stanley - UMD yearbook - junior - 1961 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Krupp, Stanley - UMD junior - 1961.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Krupp, Stanley  <BR><BR> UMD yearbook - junior - 1961 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Krupp, Stanley - UMD junior - 1961.jpg">full text and image at hi res</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="center" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Krupp, Stanley - UMD junior - 1961.jpg" width="267" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   yearbook 267 150
<br><br> Krupp, Stanley Joseph  - -  Duluth East High School yearbook  - -  1958 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Krupp, Stanley Joseph dehs 1958.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Krupp, Stanley Joseph  <BR><BR> Duluth East High School yearbook  - -  1958 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Krupp, Stanley Joseph dehs 1958.jpg">full text and image at hi res</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="center" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Krupp, Stanley Joseph dehs 1958.jpg" width="267" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   yearbook 267 150
<br><br> Kushner, Berenice - - Superior State College yearbook - 1933 (Forensics) - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Kushner, Berenice 1933 SSTC Forensics.jpg">image</A> - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/MI/Kushner, Berenice 1933 SSTC Forensics.jpg">more</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Kushner, Berenice  <BR><BR>  Superior State College yearbook - 1933 (Forensics) <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Kushner, Berenice 1933 SSTC Forensics.jpg">larger image</A> - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/MI/Kushner, Berenice 1933 SSTC Forensics.jpg">more information</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Kushner, Berenice 1933 SSTC Forensics.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> <font color="blue"> .................. <B> L   </B> ..................   &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </font><font size="1"><A HREF="#top">top of this index</A> &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <A HREF="#bottom">bottom of this index</A> &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <A HREF="OtherFamiliesL.html">Letter "L" thumbnail page</A> <A Name="L"></A></font><font size="2"> <br><font color="blue" size="3"> .................. <B> L   </B> ..................   &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </font><font size="1"><A HREF="#top">top of list</A> &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <A HREF="#bottom">bottom</A><A Name="L"></A></font><font size="2"> <BR><BR>    - A - - Z -    
<br><br> Labovitz, Anne and William Gamble  - - Facebook - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Labovitz, Anne fb and William Gamble.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Labovitz, Anne and William Gamble  - - Facebook <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Labovitz, Anne fb and William Gamble.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Labovitz, Anne fb and William Gamble.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Labovitz, F - - Zenith City History - Biography - - <A HREF=""  TARGET="articles">Link to Bio</A> - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Labovitz, F - zchb.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Labovitz, F <BR> Zenith City History - Biography <BR><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF=""  TARGET="articles">Link to Bio</A> <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Labovitz, F - zchb.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Labovitz, F - zchb.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Labovitz, Jennifer Will - - Facebook - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Labovitz, Jennifer Will fb.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Labovitz, Jennifer Will - - Facebook <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Labovitz, Jennifer Will fb.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Labovitz, Jennifer Will fb.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Labovitz, Joel - - chairman of Labovitz Enterprises - Duluth - bio - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Labovitz, Joel chairman.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Labovitz, Joel - - chairman of Labovitz Enterprises - Duluth - bio <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Labovitz, Joel chairman.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Labovitz, Joel chairman.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Labovitz, Mark  - - president and CEO of Labovitz Enterprises - Duluth - bio - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Labovitz, Mark pres & ceo.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Labovitz, Mark  - - president and CEO of Labovitz Enterprises - Duluth - bio <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Labovitz, Mark pres & ceo.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Labovitz, Mark pres & ceo.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Labovitz, Maurice - -  Duluth Central High School yearbook - - 1918 - - married to Ella Lavine, Solomon tree - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Labovitz, Maurice dchs 1918.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Labovitz, Maurice<BR><BR> Duluth Central High School yearbook - - 1918 <BR> married to Ella Lavine, Solomon tree <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Labovitz, Maurice dchs 1918.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Labovitz, Maurice dchs 1918.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Labovitz, Rosalind - -  Duluth Central High School  - - 1920 - - married  Samuel Ross, daughter of Frank & Rachel Solomon, - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Labovitz, Rosalind dchs 1920.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Labovitz, Rosalind<BR><BR> Duluth Central High School yearbook - - 1920 <BR> married to Samuel Ross, daughter of Frank & Rachel Solomon, <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Labovitz, Rosalind dchs 1920.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Labovitz, Rosalind dchs 1920.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Labovitz, Rosalind news article 1920-4-22 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Labovitz, Rosalind news article 1920-4-22.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Labovitz, Rosalind news article 1920-4-22 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Labovitz, Rosalind news article 1920-4-22.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Labovitz, Rosalind news article 1920-4-22.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Labovitz, Shana  - - Duluth Central High School yeabook - -  1950 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Labovitz, Shana dchs 1950.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Labovitz, Shana <BR><BR>  Duluth Central High School yeabook - -  1950 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Labovitz, Shana dchs 1950.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Labovitz, Shana dchs 1950.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Laden, Esther   - - Served in World War II  - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Laden, Esther wwii.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Laden, Esther <BR><BR> Served in World War II <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Laden, Esther wwii.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Laden, Esther wwii.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   wwii 160 200 0.8 120 150
<br><br> Laden, Esther - - Duluth Central High School yearbook - - 1933   - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Laden, Esther dchs 1933.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Laden, Esther <BR><BR> Duluth Central High School yearbook - - 1933   <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Laden, Esther dchs 1933.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Laden, Esther dchs 1933.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Ladin, Beatrice - -  Chisholm High School yearbook - 1944 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Ladin, Beatrice 1944 Chisholm HS.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Ladin, Beatrice - -  Chisholm High School yearbook - 1944 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Ladin, Beatrice 1944 Chisholm HS.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Ladin, Beatrice 1944 Chisholm HS.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Laske, Lillian   - -  Duluth Central High School yearbook  - - 1918 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Laske, Lillian 1918 DCSH.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Laske, Lillian <BR><BR>  Duluth Central High School - - 1918 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Laske, Lillian 1918 DCSH.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Laske, Lillian 1918 DCSH.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Laskey, Stanley  - - Duluth Central High School yearbook  - 1915 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Laskey, Stanley dchs 1915.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Laskey, Stanley    <BR><BR>  Duluth Central High School yearbook -  1915 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Laskey, Stanley dchs 1915.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Laskey, Stanley dchs 1915.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Laskin, Anita  - - Duluth Central High School yearbook -  -  1935 - - married Kopple Hallock, on the Lasky tree - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Laskin, Anita dchs 1935.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Laskin, Anita <BR><BR>  Duluth Central High School yearbook -  -  1935 <BR> married Kopple Hallock, on the Lasky tree <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Laskin, Anita dchs 1935.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Laskin, Anita dchs 1935.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Laskin, Harold - -   Duluth East High School yearbook - - 1964 - - <font  size="1"> married to Sandi Bernstein, son of Sylvester & Betty Cornfeldt Laskin, </font> - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Laskin, Harold dehs 1964.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Laskin, Harold<BR><BR>  Duluth East High School yearbook - - 1964 <BR> married to Sandi Bernstein, son of Sylvester & Betty Cornfeldt Laskin, <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Laskin, Harold dehs 1964.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Laskin, Harold dehs 1964.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Laskin, Sidney - - Duluth Central High School yearbook - -  1939 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Laskin, Sidney dchs 1939.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Laskin, Sidney <BR><BR> Duluth Central High School yearbook  - - 1939 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Laskin, Sidney dchs 1939.jpg">full text and image at hi res</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Laskin, Sidney dchs 1939.jpg" width="267" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   yearbook 267 150 1.78
<br><br> Laskin, Sidney G   - - Served in World War II  - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Laskin, Sidney G wwii.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Laskin, Sidney G <BR><BR> Served in World War II <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Laskin, Sidney G wwii.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Laskin, Sidney G wwii.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   wwii 160 200 0.8 120 150
<br><br> Laskin, Sylvester   - - Newspaper article - - 1916-5-14 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Laskin, Sylvester news 1916-5-14.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Laskin, Sylvester  <BR><BR> Newspaper article - - 1916-5-14 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Laskin, Sylvester news 1916-5-14.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Laskin, Sylvester news 1916-5-14.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   news 120 150
<br><br> Laskin, Sylvester - - Duluth Central High School yearbook - -  1931 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Laskin, Sylvester dchs 1931.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Laskin, Sylvester <BR><BR> Duluth Central High School yearbook  - - 1931 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Laskin, Sylvester dchs 1931.jpg">full text and image at hi res</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Laskin, Sylvester dchs 1931.jpg" width="267" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   yearbook 267 150 1.78
<br><br> Laskowitz, Louis J news article 1918-7-13 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Laskowitz, Louis J news article 1918-7-13.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Laskowitz, Louis J news article 1918-7-13 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Laskowitz, Louis J news article 1918-7-13.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Laskowitz, Louis J news article 1918-7-13.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Lasky, David - - Duluth Central High School yearbook - - 1948 junior   - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Lasky, David dchs 1948 juniors.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Lasky, David <BR><BR>  Duluth Central High School yearbook - - 1948 junior   <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Lasky, David dchs 1948 juniors.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Lasky, David dchs 1948 juniors.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Lasky, Kathryn author - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Lasky, Kathryn author.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Lasky, Kathryn author <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Lasky, Kathryn author.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Lasky, Kathryn author.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Lasky, Lillian  - -  Duluth Central High School yearbook -  1913 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Lasky, Lillian dchs 1913.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Lasky, Lillian   <BR><BR>   Duluth Central High School yearbook -  1913 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Lasky, Lillian dchs 1913.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Lasky, Lillian dchs 1913.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Lasky, Lillian - violinist news 1919-11-23 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Lasky, Lillian - violinist news 1919-11-23.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Lasky, Lillian - violinist news 1919-11-23 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Lasky, Lillian - violinist news 1919-11-23.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Lasky, Lillian - violinist news 1919-11-23.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Lasky, Lillian 1919-11-23 news article - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Lasky, Lillian 1919-11-23 news article.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Lasky, Lillian 1919-11-23 news article <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Lasky, Lillian 1919-11-23 news article.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Lasky, Lillian 1919-11-23 news article.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Lasky, Marvin from book by daughter - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Lasky, Marvin from book by daughter.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Lasky, Marvin from book by daughter <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Lasky, Marvin from book by daughter.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Lasky, Marvin from book by daughter.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Lasky, Norman - - Superior High School yearbook - -  1917 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Lasky, Norman shs 1917.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Lasky, Norman <BR><BR> Superior High School yearbook  - - 1917 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Lasky, Norman shs 1917.jpg">full text and image at hi res</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Lasky, Norman shs 1917.jpg" width="267" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   yearbook 267 150 1.78
<br><br> Lasky, Sherry   - -  Duluth Central High School yearbook  - - 1979 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Lasky, Sherry 1979 dchs.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Lasky, Sherry <BR><BR>  Duluth Central High School - - 1979 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Lasky, Sherry 1979 dchs.jpg">full text and image at hi res</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Lasky, Sherry 1979 dchs.jpg" width="267" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   267 150
<br><br> Latts, Eleanor  - - Duluth Central High School yearbook -  -  1935 - - married I B London - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Latts, Eleanor dchs 1935.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Latts, Eleanor <BR><BR>  Duluth Central High School yearbook -  -  1935 <BR> married I B London <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Latts, Eleanor dchs 1935.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Latts, Eleanor dchs 1935.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Latts, Geraldine  - - Duluth Central High School yearbook  - 1937 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Latts, Geraldine dchs 1937.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Latts, Geraldine    <BR><BR>  Duluth Central High School yearbook -  1937 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Latts, Geraldine dchs 1937.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Latts, Geraldine dchs 1937.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Latts, Irvin  - - Duluth Central High School yearbook -  -  1935 - - married Esther Gendein, on the Friedman tree - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Latts, Irvin dchs 1935.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Latts, Irvin <BR><BR>  Duluth Central High School yearbook -  -  1935 <BR> married Esther Gendein, on the Friedman tree <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Latts, Irvin dchs 1935.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Latts, Irvin dchs 1935.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Latts, Jeffrey - - Duluth East High School yearbook - - 1963 - Sophomore year - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Latts, Jeffrey 1963 dehs soph.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Latts, Jeffrey - - Duluth East High School yearbook - - 1963 - Sophomore year <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Latts, Jeffrey 1963 dehs soph.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Latts, Jeffrey 1963 dehs soph.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Laurie, Eleanor  - -  Hibbing High School yearbook -  1934 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Laurie, Eleanor hhs 1934.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Laurie, Eleanor   <BR><BR>   Hibbing High School yearbook -  1934 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Laurie, Eleanor hhs 1934.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Laurie, Eleanor hhs 1934.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Lavich, Donald H   - - Served in World War II  - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Lavich, Donald H wwii.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Lavich, Donald H <BR><BR> Served in World War II <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Lavich, Donald H wwii.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Lavich, Donald H wwii.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   wwii 160 200 0.8 120 150
<br><br> Lavick, Bernice   - - Newspaper article - -  1916-1-2 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Lavick, Bernice news 1916-1-2.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Lavick, Bernice  <BR><BR> Newspaper article - -  1916-1-2 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Lavick, Bernice news 1916-1-2.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Lavick, Bernice news 1916-1-2.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   news 160 200 0.8 120 150
<br><br> Lavick, Harold - - Duluth Central High School yearbook - - 1929 - - <font  size="1"> son of James & Lillian Mesberg Lavick </font> - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Lavick, Harold dchs 1929.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Lavick, Harold <BR><BR> Duluth Central High School yearbook - - 1929 <BR> son of James & Lillian Mesberg Lavick <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Lavick, Harold dchs 1929.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Lavick, Harold dchs 1929.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Lavick, Henry G news 1910-5-15 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Lavick, Henry G news 1910-5-15.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Lavick, Henry G news 1910-5-15 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Lavick, Henry G news 1910-5-15.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Lavick, Henry G news 1910-5-15.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Lavick, Joan   - -  Cloquet High School yearbook - 1958 (2) - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Lavick, Joan 1958 Cloquet HS b.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Lavick, Joan   - -  Cloquet High School yearbook - 1958 (2) <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Lavick, Joan 1958 Cloquet HS b.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Lavick, Joan 1958 Cloquet HS b.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Lavick, Joan  - -  Cloquet High School yearbook - 1958 (1) - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Lavick, Joan 1958 Cloquet HS a.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Lavick, Joan  - -  Cloquet High School yearbook - 1958 (1) <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Lavick, Joan 1958 Cloquet HS a.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Lavick, Joan 1958 Cloquet HS a.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Lavick, Roderic S - - Duluth Central High School yearbook - - 1934 - - <font  size="1"> married to Peggy Davis, son of Henry & Rose Blum Lavick, Davis tree </font> - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Lavick, Roderic S dchs 1934.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Lavick, Roderic S <BR><BR> Duluth Central High School yearbook - - 1934 <BR> married to Peggy Davis, son of Henry & Rose Blum Lavick, Davis tree <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Lavick, Roderic S dchs 1934.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Lavick, Roderic S dchs 1934.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Lavick, Roderick, Donald and Charlotte 1922 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Lavick, Roderick, Donald and Charlotte 1922.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Lavick, Roderick, Donald and Charlotte 1922 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Lavick, Roderick, Donald and Charlotte 1922.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Lavick, Roderick, Donald and Charlotte 1922.jpg" width="370" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   370 150
<br><br> Lavin, Donald  - - Duluth Central High School yearbook -  -  1938   - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Lavin, Donald dchs 1938.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Lavin, Donald <BR><BR>  Duluth Central High School yearbook -  -  1938   <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Lavin, Donald dchs 1938.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Lavin, Donald dchs 1938.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Lavin, Eleanor  - - Duluth Central High School yearbook -  -  1935   - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Lavin, Eleanor dchs 1935.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Lavin, Eleanor <BR><BR>  Duluth Central High School yearbook -  -  1935   <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Lavin, Eleanor dchs 1935.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Lavin, Eleanor dchs 1935.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Lavin, Gladys M - - Duluth Central High School yearbook - - 1948   - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Lavin, Gladys M dchs 1948.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Lavin, Gladys M <BR><BR>  Duluth Central High School yearbook - - 1948   <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Lavin, Gladys M dchs 1948.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Lavin, Gladys M dchs 1948.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Lavine, Bennie - - Superior High School yearbook - - 1920 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Lavine, Bennie 1920 shs.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Lavine, Bennie - - Superior High School yearbook - - 1920 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Lavine, Bennie 1920 shs.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Lavine, Bennie 1920 shs.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Lavine, Betty Ann Marjorie  - -  Superior Central High School yearbook  - -  1943 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Lavine, Betty Ann Marjorie schs 1943.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Lavine, Betty Ann Marjorie  <BR><BR>   Superior Central  High School yearbook   - - 1943 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Lavine, Betty Ann Marjorie schs 1943.jpg">full text and image at hi res</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Lavine, Betty Ann Marjorie schs 1943.jpg" width="267" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   yearbook 267 150 1.78
<br><br> Lavine, Chris  - - Superior  High School yearbook - -  1985 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Lavine, Chris shs 1985.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Lavine, Chris  <BR><BR> Superior  High School yearbook - -  1985 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Lavine, Chris shs 1985.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Lavine, Chris shs 1985.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Lavine, Ella - - Superior High School yearbook - - 1921 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Lavine, Ella 1921 shs.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Lavine, Ella - - Superior High School yearbook - - 1921 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Lavine, Ella 1921 shs.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Lavine, Ella 1921 shs.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Lavine, Elsie - - Superior High School yearbook - - 1922 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Lavine, Elsie 1922 shs.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Lavine, Elsie - - Superior High School yearbook - - 1922 <BR>  text <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Lavine, Elsie 1922 shs.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Lavine, Elsie 1922 shs.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Lavine, Kaye Sandra  - -  Superior Central High School yearbook  - -  1965 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Lavine, Kaye Sandra schs 1965.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Lavine, Kaye Sandra  <BR><BR>   Superior Central  High School yearbook   - - 1965 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Lavine, Kaye Sandra schs 1965.jpg">full text and image at hi res</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Lavine, Kaye Sandra schs 1965.jpg" width="267" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   yearbook 267 150 1.78
<br><br> Lavine, Maurice  - - Superior Central High School yearbook -  1924   - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Lavine, Maurice schs 1924.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Lavine, Maurice  <BR> Superior Central High School yearbook -  1924   <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Lavine, Maurice schs 1924.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Lavine, Maurice schs 1924.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Lavine, Richard  - -  Virginia Roosevelt  High School yearbook  - -  1938 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Lavine, Richard vrhs 1938.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Lavine, Richard  <BR><BR>   Virginia Rooselelt  High School yearbook   - - 1938 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Lavine, Richard vrhs 1938.jpg">full text and image at hi res</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Lavine, Richard vrhs 1938.jpg" width="267" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   yearbook 267 150 1.78
<br><br> Lavine, Sam L - - Superior High School yearbook - 1927 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Lavine, Sam L shs 1927.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Lavine, Sam L <BR><BR> Superior High School yearbook - 1927 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Lavine, Sam L shs 1927.jpg">larger image / more info</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Lavine, Sam L shs 1927.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Lavine, Vernice  - - Superior State College yearbook - 1933 (Forensics) - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Lavine, Vernice 1933 STTC Forensics.jpg">image</A> - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/MI/Lavine, Vernice 1933 STTC Forensics.jpg">more</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Lavine, Vernice   <BR><BR>  Superior State College yearbook - 1933 (Forensics) <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Lavine, Vernice 1933 STTC Forensics.jpg">larger image</A> - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/MI/Lavine, Vernice 1933 STTC Forensics.jpg">more information</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Lavine, Vernice 1933 STTC Forensics.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Laznick, Riva   - -  Duluth Central High School yearbook  - 1956   - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Laznick, Riva dchs 1956.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Laznick, Riva <BR> Duluth Central High School yearbook  - 1956   <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Laznick, Riva dchs 1956.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Laznick, Riva dchs 1956.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>  
<br><br> Leamon, John  - -  Virginia Roosevelt  High School yearbook  - -  1931 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Leamon, John vrhs 1931.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Leamon, John  <BR><BR>   Virginia Rooselelt  High School yearbook   - - 1931 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Leamon, John vrhs 1931.jpg">full text and image at hi res</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Leamon, John vrhs 1931.jpg" width="267" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   yearbook 267 150 1.78
<br><br> Leamon, Lois - - Superior High School yearbook - 1927 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Leamon, Lois shs 1927.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Leamon, Lois <BR><BR> Superior High School yearbook - 1927 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Leamon, Lois shs 1927.jpg">larger image / more info</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Leamon, Lois shs 1927.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Lee, Robert   - - Served in World War II  - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Lee, Robert wwii.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Lee, Robert <BR><BR> Served in World War II <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Lee, Robert wwii.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Lee, Robert wwii.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   wwii 160 200 0.8 120 150
<br><br> Lefkovits, Maurice - Rabbi - news article 1916-11-4 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Lefkovits Maurice Rabbi news article 1916-11-4.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Lefkovits Maurice Rabbi news article 1916-11-4 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Lefkovits Maurice Rabbi news article 1916-11-4.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Lefkovits Maurice Rabbi news article 1916-11-4.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Lefkovits, Maurice - Rabbi - news article 1916-12-2 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Lefkovits, Maurice Rabbi news article 1916-12-2.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Lefkovits, Maurice Rabbi news article 1916-12-2 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Lefkovits, Maurice Rabbi news article 1916-12-2.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Lefkovits, Maurice Rabbi news article 1916-12-2.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Lefkovits, Maurice Rabbi   - - Newspaper article - -  1912-9-28 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Lefkovits, Maurice Rabbi news 1912-9-28.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Lefkovits, Maurice Rabbi  <BR><BR> Newspaper article - -  1912-9-28 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Lefkovits, Maurice Rabbi news 1912-9-28.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Lefkovits, Maurice Rabbi news 1912-9-28.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   news 160 200 0.8 120 150
<br><br> Lefkovitz, Herbert - -  U of Minnesota - -  1919 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Lefkovitz, Herbert - U of Minnesota - 1919.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Lefkovitz, Herbert <BR><BR> University of Minnesota - - 1919 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Lefkovitz, Herbert - U of Minnesota - 1919.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Lefkovitz, Herbert - U of Minnesota - 1919.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   yearbook 120 150
<br><br> Lefkovitz, Maurice Rabbi   - - Newspaper article - -  1917-6-16 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Lefkovitz, Maurice Rabbi news 1917-6-16.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Lefkovitz, Maurice Rabbi  <BR><BR> Newspaper article - -  1917-6-16 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Lefkovitz, Maurice Rabbi news 1917-6-16.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Lefkovitz, Maurice Rabbi news 1917-6-16.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   news 160 200 0.8 120 150
<br><br> Lehman, Lilliam  - -  Virginia High School yearbook  - -  1927 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Lehman, Lilliam vhs 1927.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Lehman, Lilliam  <BR><BR>   Virginia High School yearbook   - - 1927 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Lehman, Lilliam vhs 1927.jpg">full text and image at hi res</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Lehman, Lilliam vhs 1927.jpg" width="267" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   yearbook 267 150 1.78
<br><br> Leibovitz, Leona - - Duluth Central High School yearbook - 1917 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Leibovitz, Leona dchs 1917.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Leibovitz, Leona <BR><BR> Duluth Central High School yearbook - 1917 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Leibovitz, Leona dchs 1917.jpg">larger image / more info</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Leibovitz, Leona dchs 1917.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Leibovitz, Sherman - -  Chisholm High School yearbook - 1944 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Leibovitz, Sherman 1944 Chisholm HS.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Leibovitz, Sherman - -  Chisholm High School yearbook - 1944 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Leibovitz, Sherman 1944 Chisholm HS.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Leibovitz, Sherman 1944 Chisholm HS.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Leipzig, Harvey Monroe obit 1925-2014 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Leipzig, Harvey Monroe obit 1925-2014.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Leipzig, Harvey Monroe obit 1925-2014 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Leipzig, Harvey Monroe obit 1925-2014.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Leipzig, Harvey Monroe obit 1925-2014.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Lenchner,Simon   - - Served in World War II  - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Lenchner,Simon wwii.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Lenchner,Simon <BR><BR> Served in World War II <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Lenchner,Simon wwii.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Lenchner,Simon wwii.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   wwii 160 200 0.8 120 150
<br><br> Lent, Arthur  - - Duluth Central High School - -  1952 junior - - son of Joe Lent & Rose - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Lent, Arthur dchs 1952 junior.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Lent, Arthur <BR> Duluth Central High School -  1952 junior <BR> son of Joe Lent & Rose <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Lent, Arthur dchs 1952 junior.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Lent, Arthur dchs 1952 junior.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>  
<br><br> Lent, Faye Reene   - -  Duluth Central High School yearbook  - 1956 - -
daughter of Sam Lent & Ruth London
- - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Lent, Faye Reene dchs 1956.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Lent, Faye Reene <BR> Duluth Central High School yearbook  - 1956 <BR>
daughter of Sam Lent & Ruth London
<P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Lent, Faye Reene dchs 1956.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Lent, Faye Reene dchs 1956.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>  
<br><br> Lent, Sherman   - - Served in World War II  - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Lent, Sherman wwii.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Lent, Sherman <BR><BR> Served in World War II <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Lent, Sherman wwii.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Lent, Sherman wwii.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   wwii 160 200 0.8 120 150
<br><br> Levant, Harry - Curling in Eveleth ~1952 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Levant, Harry - Curling in Eveleth ~1952.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Levant, Harry - Curling in Eveleth ~1952 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Levant, Harry - Curling in Eveleth ~1952.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Levant, Harry - Curling in Eveleth ~1952.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Levenson, Betty (Kreiman)  - - Duluth Central High School yearbook  - 1945 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Levenson, Betty (Kreiman) dchs 1945.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Levenson, Betty (Kreiman)    <BR><BR>  Duluth Central High School yearbook -  1945 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Levenson, Betty (Kreiman) dchs 1945.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Levenson, Betty (Kreiman) dchs 1945.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Levenson, Jeffrey Mark  - -  Duluth East High School yearbook  - -  1968 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Levenson, Jeffrey Mark dehs 1968.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Levenson, Jeffrey Mark    <BR><BR>   Duluth East High School yearbook   - - 1968 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Levenson, Jeffrey Mark dehs 1968.jpg">full text and image at hi res</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Levenson, Jeffrey Mark dehs 1968.jpg" width="267" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   yearbook 267 150 1.78
<br><br> Levenson, Mark - - Duluth East High School yearbook - - 1963 - Sophomore year - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Levenson, Mark 1963 dehs soph.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Levenson, Mark - - Duluth East High School yearbook - - 1963 - Sophomore year <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Levenson, Mark 1963 dehs soph.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Levenson, Mark 1963 dehs soph.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Levenson, Marshall - UMD yearbook - junior - 1961 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Levenson, Marshall - UMD junior - 1961.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Levenson, Marshall  <BR><BR> UMD yearbook - junior - 1961 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Levenson, Marshall - UMD junior - 1961.jpg">full text and image at hi res</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="center" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Levenson, Marshall - UMD junior - 1961.jpg" width="267" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   yearbook 267 150
<br><br> Levenson, Sherrie Rae  - -  Duluth East High School yearbook  - -  1959 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Levenson, Sherrie Rae dehs 1959.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Levenson, Sherrie Rae  <BR><BR> Duluth East High School yearbook  - -  1959 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Levenson, Sherrie Rae dehs 1959.jpg">full text and image at hi res</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="center" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Levenson, Sherrie Rae dehs 1959.jpg" width="267" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   yearbook 267 150
<br><br> Levey, Diane  - - Duluth East  High School yearbook - -  1982 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Levey, Diane dehs 1982.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Levey, Diane  <BR><BR> Duluth East  High School yearbook - -  1982 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Levey, Diane dehs 1982.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Levey, Diane dehs 1982.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Levey, Dick - - Duluth East High School yearbook -  1961 sophomore - - son of Dave Levey & Marian Laskawitz - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Levey, Dick dehs 1961 sophomore.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Levey, Dick <BR> Duluth East High School yearbook -  1961 sophomore <BR> son of Dave Levey & Marian Laskawitz <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Levey, Dick dehs 1961 sophomore.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Levey, Dick dehs 1961 sophomore.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Levey, Edwin S  - - Duluth Central High School yeabook - -  1951   - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Levey, Edwin S dchs 1951.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Levey, Edwin S <BR><BR>  Duluth Central High School yeabook - -  1951   <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Levey, Edwin S dchs 1951.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Levey, Edwin S dchs 1951.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Levey, Jerome   - -  Duluth East  High School yearbook  - - 1960 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Levey, Jerome 1960 dehs.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Levey, Jerome <BR><BR>  Duluth East High School yearbook - - 1960 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Levey, Jerome 1960 dehs.jpg">full text and image at hi res</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Levey, Jerome 1960 dehs.jpg" width="267" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   267 150
<br><br> Levey, Jerome - UMD yearbook - freshman - 1961 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Levey, Jerome - UMD freshman - 1961.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Levey, Jerome  <BR><BR> UMD yearbook - freshman - 1961 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Levey, Jerome - UMD freshman - 1961.jpg">full text and image at hi res</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="center" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Levey, Jerome - UMD freshman - 1961.jpg" width="267" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   yearbook 267 150
<br><br> Levey, Jerry  - -  Duluth East High School yearbook  - -  junior 1959 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Levey, Jerry dehs junior 1959.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Levey, Jerry  <BR><BR> Duluth East High School yearbook  - -  junior 1959 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Levey, Jerry dehs junior 1959.jpg">full text and image at hi res</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="center" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Levey, Jerry dehs junior 1959.jpg" width="267" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   yearbook 267 150
<br><br> Levey, Richard - - Duluth East High School yearbook - - 1963 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Levey, Richard 1963 dehs.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Levey, Richard - - Duluth East High School yearbook - - 1963 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Levey, Richard 1963 dehs.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Levey, Richard 1963 dehs.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Levey, Steve  - -  Duluth East High School yearbook - -  1977 - - son of Ed & Lenore Rosenblum Levey - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Levey, Steve desh 1977.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Levey, Steve  <BR><BR> Duluth East High School yearbook - -  1977 <BR> son of Ed & Lenore Rosenblum Levey <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Levey, Steve desh 1977.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Levey, Steve desh 1977.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Levin, Erma   - -  Duluth Central High School yearbook  - - 1918 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Levin, Erma 1918 DCHS.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Levin, Erma <BR><BR>  Duluth Central High School - - 1918 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Levin, Erma 1918 DCHS.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Levin, Erma 1918 DCHS.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Levin, Erma  - -  Duluth Central High School yearbook -  1913 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Levin, Erma dchs 1913.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Levin, Erma   <BR><BR>   Duluth Central High School yearbook -  1913 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Levin, Erma dchs 1913.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Levin, Erma dchs 1913.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Levin, Fern.  - - Duluth Central High School yearbook -  -  1935   - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Levin, Fern. dchs 1935.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Levin, Fern. <BR><BR>  Duluth Central High School yearbook -  -  1935   <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Levin, Fern. dchs 1935.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Levin, Fern. dchs 1935.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Levin, Hazel - -  Duluth Central High School yearbook - - 1911   - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Levin, Hazel dchs 1911.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Levin, Hazel<BR><BR> Duluth Central High School yearbook - - 1911   <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Levin, Hazel dchs 1911.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Levin, Hazel dchs 1911.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Levin, James - - Duluth East High School yearbook - - 1967   - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Levin, James dehs 1967.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Levin, James<BR><BR> Duluth East High School yearbook - - 1967   <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Levin, James dehs 1967.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Levin, James dehs 1967.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Levin, Marcia Soloski  - -  obit 1921-2010 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Levin, Marcia Soloski obit 1921-2010.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Levin, Marcia Soloski  <BR><BR>  obit 1921-2010 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Levin, Marcia Soloski obit 1921-2010.jpg">full text and image at hi res</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Levin, Marcia Soloski obit 1921-2010.jpg" width="267" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   267 150
<br><br> Levin, Marcia Soloski obit 1921-2010 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Levin, Marcia Soloski obit 1921-2010b.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Levin, Marcia Soloski obit 1921-2010 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Levin, Marcia Soloski obit 1921-2010b.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Levin, Marcia Soloski obit 1921-2010b.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Levin, Marian  - - Duluth Central High School yearbook  - 1937 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Levin, Marian dchs 1937.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Levin, Marian    <BR><BR>  Duluth Central High School yearbook -  1937 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Levin, Marian dchs 1937.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Levin, Marian dchs 1937.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Levin, Mildred  - -  Virginia High School yearbook  - -  1927 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Levin, Mildred vhs 1927.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Levin, Mildred  <BR><BR>   Virginia High School yearbook   - - 1927 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Levin, Mildred vhs 1927.jpg">full text and image at hi res</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Levin, Mildred vhs 1927.jpg" width="267" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   yearbook 267 150 1.78
<br><br> Levin, Myron Dale - - Superior Central High School yearbook - 1944 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Levin, Myron Dale schs 1944.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Levin, Myron Dale <BR><BR> Superior Central High School yearbook - 1944 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Levin, Myron Dale schs 1944.jpg">larger image / more info</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Levin, Myron Dale schs 1944.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Levin, Randi Jo  - -  Duluth East High School yearbook  - -  1968 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Levin, Randi Jo dehs 1968.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Levin, Randi Jo    <BR><BR>   Duluth East High School yearbook   - - 1968 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Levin, Randi Jo dehs 1968.jpg">full text and image at hi res</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Levin, Randi Jo dehs 1968.jpg" width="267" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   yearbook 267 150 1.78
<br><br> Levine, Alice  - - Duluth Central High School - -  1952 junior - - daughter of Israel Levine & Molly - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Levine, Alice dchs 1952 junior.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Levine, Alice <BR> Duluth Central High School -  1952 junior <BR> daughter of Israel Levine & Molly <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Levine, Alice dchs 1952 junior.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Levine, Alice dchs 1952 junior.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>  
<br><br> Levine, Alice - - Duluth Central High School yearbook - - 1953   - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Levine, Alice 1953 dchs.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Levine, Alice - - Duluth Central High School yearbook - - 1953   <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Levine, Alice 1953 dchs.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Levine, Alice 1953 dchs.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Levine, Benny   - -  Duluth Central  High School yearbook  - -  1944 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Levine, Benny dchs 1944.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Levine, Benny  <BR><BR>  Duluth Central  High School yearbook - -  1944 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Levine, Benny dchs 1944.jpg">full text and image at hi res</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Levine, Benny dchs 1944.jpg" width="267" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   yearbook 267 150
<br><br> Levine, Benny   - - Served in World War II  - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Levine, Benny wwii.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Levine, Benny <BR><BR> Served in World War II <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Levine, Benny wwii.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Levine, Benny wwii.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   wwii 160 200 0.8 120 150
<br><br> Levine, Beryl Kall  - - Duluth Central High School yearbook  - 1942  (married Zelman Levine) - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Levine, Beryl Kall dchs 1942 married Zelman Levine.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Levine, Beryl Kall    <BR><BR>  Duluth Central High School yearbook -  1942 married Zelman Levine <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Levine, Beryl Kall dchs 1942 married Zelman Levine.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Levine, Beryl Kall dchs 1942 married Zelman Levine.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Levine, Bessie  - - Newspaper article - 1917-5-4 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Levine, Bessie news 1917-5-4.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Levine, Bessie   <BR><BR>  Newspaper article - 1917-5-4 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Levine, Bessie news 1917-5-4.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Levine, Bessie news 1917-5-4.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Levine, Bessie - - Duluth Central High School yearbook - 1917 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Levine, Bessie dchs 1917.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Levine, Bessie <BR><BR> Duluth Central High School yearbook - 1917 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Levine, Bessie dchs 1917.jpg">larger image / more info</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Levine, Bessie dchs 1917.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Levine, Betti   - - Served in World War II  - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Levine, Betti wwii.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Levine, Betti <BR><BR> Served in World War II <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Levine, Betti wwii.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Levine, Betti wwii.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   wwii 160 200 0.8 120 150
<br><br> Levine, Carol   - -  Duluth Central  High School yearbook  - -  1944 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Levine, Carol dchs 1944.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Levine, Carol  <BR><BR>  Duluth Central  High School yearbook - -  1944 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Levine, Carol dchs 1944.jpg">full text and image at hi res</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Levine, Carol dchs 1944.jpg" width="267" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   yearbook 267 150
<br><br> Levine, Charles  - - Duluth East  High School yearbook - -  1975  - junior - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Levine, Charles dehs 1975 junior.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Levine, Charles  <BR><BR> Duluth East  High School yearbook - -  1975  - junior <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Levine, Charles dehs 1975 junior.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Levine, Charles dehs 1975 junior.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Levine, Chati  - - 1928 marker photo - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Levine, Chati 1928 marker photo.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Levine, Chati  <BR><BR> 1928 marker photo <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Levine, Chati 1928 marker photo.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Levine, Chati 1928 marker photo.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Levine, Cindy  - - Duluth East  High School yearbook - -  1981 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Levine, Cindy dehs 1981.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Levine, Cindy  <BR><BR> Duluth East  High School yearbook - -  1981 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Levine, Cindy dehs 1981.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Levine, Cindy dehs 1981.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Levine, Clarence - - Duluth Central High School  - - 1933 - - <font  size="1">  married to Charlotte Winer, son of Joseph & Sadie Cowl Levine, Levine/Cowl tree </font> - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Levine, Clarence dchs 1933.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Levine, Clarence <BR><BR> Duluth Central High School yearbook - - 1933 <BR>  married to Charlotte Winer, son of Joseph & Sadie Cowl Levine, Levine/Cowl tree <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Levine, Clarence dchs 1933.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Levine, Clarence dchs 1933.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Levine, Clarence S   - - Served in World War II  - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Levine, Clarence S wwii.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Levine, Clarence S <BR><BR> Served in World War II <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Levine, Clarence S wwii.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Levine, Clarence S wwii.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   wwii 160 200 0.8 120 150
<br><br> Levine, Delores - - Duluth Central High School yearbook - - 1948   - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Levine, Delores dchs 1948.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Levine, Delores <BR><BR>  Duluth Central High School yearbook - - 1948   <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Levine, Delores dchs 1948.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Levine, Delores dchs 1948.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Levine, Denise  - - Duluth East  High School yearbook - -  1979 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Levine, Denise dehs 1979.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Levine, Denise  <BR><BR> Duluth East  High School yearbook - -  1979 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Levine, Denise dehs 1979.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Levine, Denise dehs 1979.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Levine, Eileen Eisenberg  - - Duluth Central High School yearbook -  1957   - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Levine, Eileen Eisenberg dchs 1957.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Levine, Eileen Eisenberg  <BR> Duluth Central High School yearbook -  1957 <BR> <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Levine, Eileen Eisenberg dchs 1957.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Levine, Eileen Eisenberg dchs 1957.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Levine, Emmanuel and Eva Handlovsky   - - Newspaper article - -  1913-6-22 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Levine, Emmanuel and Eva Handlovsky news 1913-6-22.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Levine, Emmanuel and Eva Handlovsky  <BR><BR> Newspaper article - -  1913-6-22 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Levine, Emmanuel and Eva Handlovsky news 1913-6-22.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Levine, Emmanuel and Eva Handlovsky news 1913-6-22.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   news 160 200 0.8 120 150
<br><br> Levine, Gary - -   Superior High School yearbook - - 1971 - - <font  size="1"> </font> - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Levine, Gary shs 1971.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Levine, Gary<BR><BR>  Superior High School yearbook - - 1971 <BR> <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Levine, Gary shs 1971.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Levine, Gary shs 1971.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Levine, Gerald  - - Duluth Central High School yeabook - -  1955 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Levine, Gerald dchs 1955.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Levine, Gerald <BR><BR>  Duluth Central High School yeabook - -  1955 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Levine, Gerald dchs 1955.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Levine, Gerald dchs 1955.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Levine, Harry - -  Duluth Central High School yearbook - - 1920 - -  <font  size="1">have Henry son of Jack & Sadie Polinsky Levine</font> - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Levine, Harry dchs 1920.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Levine, Harry<BR><BR> Duluth Central High School yearbook - - 1920 <BR> have Henry son of Jack & Sadie Polinsky Levine <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Levine, Harry dchs 1920.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Levine, Harry dchs 1920.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Levine, Helen - - Duluth Central High School yearbook - - 1929 - - <font  size="1"> married to Joseph Zimmerman, daughter of Abraham & Sadie Weber Levine </font> - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Levine, Helen dchs 1929.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Levine, Helen <BR><BR> Duluth Central High School yearbook - - 1929 <BR> married to Joseph Zimmerman, daughter of Abraham & Sadie Weber Levine <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Levine, Helen dchs 1929.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Levine, Helen dchs 1929.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Levine, Howard - - Duluth Central High School yearbook -  1958 sophomore   - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Levine, Howard dchs 1958 sophomore.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Levine, Howard <BR> Duluth Central High School yearbook -  1958 sophomore <BR> <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Levine, Howard dchs 1958 sophomore.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Levine, Howard dchs 1958 sophomore.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Levine, Howard - - Duluth Central High School yearbook - - 1959 - Junior year   - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Levine, Howard 1959 dchs jr.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Levine, Howard - - Duluth Central High School yearbook - - 1959 - Junior year   <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Levine, Howard 1959 dchs jr.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Levine, Howard 1959 dchs jr.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Levine, Howard - UMD yearbook - freshman - 1961 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Levine, Howard - UMD freshman - 1961.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Levine, Howard  <BR><BR> UMD yearbook - freshman - 1961 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Levine, Howard - UMD freshman - 1961.jpg">full text and image at hi res</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="center" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Levine, Howard - UMD freshman - 1961.jpg" width="267" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   yearbook 267 150
<br><br> Levine, I L  - -   obit photo 1911-12-16 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Levine, I L obit photo 1911-12-16.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Levine, I L  <BR><BR>   obit photo 1911-12-16 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Levine, I L obit photo 1911-12-16.jpg">full text and image at hi res</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Levine, I L obit photo 1911-12-16.jpg" width="267" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   267 150
<br><br> Levine, I L  - - news photo - -  1911-12-16 obit - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Levine, I L news photo 1911-12-16 obit.jpg">photo with text</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Levine, I L <BR><BR> News photo - -  1911-12-16 obit <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Levine, I L news photo 1911-12-16 obit.jpg">photo with text</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Levine, I L news photo 1911-12-16 obit.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Levine, Irene - - Duluth Central High School yearbook - - 1925 - - <font  size="1"> married Henry Paull, daughter of Maurice & Eva Zlatkovsky, Davis tree </font> - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Levine, Irene dchs 1925.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Levine, Irene <BR><BR> Duluth Central High School yearbook - - 1925 <BR> married Henry Paull, daughter of Maurice & Eva Zlatkovsky, Davis tree <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Levine, Irene dchs 1925.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Levine, Irene dchs 1925.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Levine, Jack - - Duluth Central High School yearbook - - 1948   - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Levine, Jack dchs 1948.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Levine, Jack <BR><BR>  Duluth Central High School yearbook - - 1948   <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Levine, Jack dchs 1948.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Levine, Jack dchs 1948.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Levine, Jane  - - Duluth Central High School - -  1952 sophomore - - daughter of Louis Levine & Agnes - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Levine, Jane dchs 1952 sophomore.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Levine, Jane <BR> Duluth Central High School -  1952 sophomore <BR> daughter of Louis Levine & Agnes <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Levine, Jane dchs 1952 sophomore.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Levine, Jane dchs 1952 sophomore.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>  
<br><br> Levine, Jane Sandra  - - Duluth Central High School yeabook - -  1954 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Levine, Jane Sandra dchs 1954.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Levine, Jane Sandra <BR><BR>  Duluth Central High School yeabook - -  1954 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Levine, Jane Sandra dchs 1954.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Levine, Jane Sandra dchs 1954.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Levine, Jeff  - - Duluth East High School yearbook - - 1979 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Levine, Jeff degh 1979.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Levine, Jeff  <BR><BR> Duluth East High School yearbook - - 1979 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Levine, Jeff degh 1979.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Levine, Jeff degh 1979.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Levine, Jennifer  - - Duluth East  High School yearbook - -  1988  - sophomore - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Levine, Jennifer dehs 1988 sophomore.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Levine, Jennifer  <BR><BR> Duluth East  High School yearbook - -  1988  - sophomore <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Levine, Jennifer dehs 1988 sophomore.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Levine, Jennifer dehs 1988 sophomore.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Levine, Joan S  - - Duluth Central High School yeabook - -  1950 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Levine, Joan S dchs 1950.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Levine, Joan S <BR><BR>  Duluth Central High School yeabook - -  1950 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Levine, Joan S dchs 1950.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Levine, Joan S dchs 1950.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Levine, Jocelyn  - - Duluth Central High School - -  1952 sophomore - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Levine, Jocelyn dchs 1952 sophomore.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Levine, Jocelyn <BR> Duluth Central High School -  1952 sophomore <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Levine, Jocelyn dchs 1952 sophomore.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Levine, Jocelyn dchs 1952 sophomore.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>  
<br><br> Levine, Joe  - - Duluth Central High School yearbook -  -  1935   - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Levine, Joe dchs 1935.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Levine, Joe <BR><BR>  Duluth Central High School yearbook -  -  1935   <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Levine, Joe dchs 1935.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Levine, Joe dchs 1935.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Levine, Joelyn Marcha  - - Duluth Central High School yeabook - -  1954 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Levine, Joelyn Marcha dchs 1954.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Levine, Joelyn Marcha <BR><BR>  Duluth Central High School yeabook - -  1954 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Levine, Joelyn Marcha dchs 1954.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Levine, Joelyn Marcha dchs 1954.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Levine, Joyanne K  - -  Superior High School yearbook -  1988 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Levine, Joyanne K sch 1988.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Levine, Joyanne K   <BR><BR>   Superior High School yearbook -  1988 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Levine, Joyanne K sch 1988.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Levine, Joyanne K sch 1988.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Levine, Kathy E  - -  Duluth East High School yearbook  - -  1968 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Levine, Kathy E dehs 1968.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Levine, Kathy E    <BR><BR>   Duluth East High School yearbook   - - 1968 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Levine, Kathy E dehs 1968.jpg">full text and image at hi res</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Levine, Kathy E dehs 1968.jpg" width="267" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   yearbook 267 150 1.78
<br><br> Levine, Lee  - - Duluth Central High School yearbook -  -  1938   - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Levine, Lee dchs 1938.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Levine, Lee <BR><BR>  Duluth Central High School yearbook -  -  1938   <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Levine, Lee dchs 1938.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Levine, Lee dchs 1938.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Levine, LeRoy Sam - - Duluth Central High School yearbook - - 1946 - - on Levine tree - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Levine, LeRoy Sam dchs 1946.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Levine, LeRoy Sam <BR><BR>  Duluth Central High School yearbook - - 1946 <BR> on Levine tree <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Levine, LeRoy Sam dchs 1946.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Levine, LeRoy Sam dchs 1946.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Levine, Linda - - Duluth East High School yearbook - - 1967   - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Levine, Linda dehs 1967.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Levine, Linda<BR><BR> Duluth East High School yearbook - - 1967   <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Levine, Linda dehs 1967.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Levine, Linda dehs 1967.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Levine, Lori  - - Duluth East  High School yearbook - -  1971  - sophomore - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Levine, Lori dehs 1971 sophomore.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Levine, Lori  <BR><BR> Duluth East  High School yearbook - -  1971  - sophomore <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Levine, Lori dehs 1971 sophomore.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Levine, Lori dehs 1971 sophomore.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Levine, Lynette  - - Duluth Central High School yearbook - -  1972  - junior - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Levine, Lynette dchs 1972 junior.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Levine, Lynette  <BR><BR> Duluth Central High School yearbook - -  1972  - junior <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Levine, Lynette dchs 1972 junior.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Levine, Lynette dchs 1972 junior.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Levine, Lynn  - - Duluth East  High School yearbook - -  1971  - junior - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Levine, Lynn dehs 1971 junior.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Levine, Lynn  <BR><BR> Duluth East  High School yearbook - -  1971  - junior <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Levine, Lynn dehs 1971 junior.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Levine, Lynn dehs 1971 junior.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Levine, Marian  - - Duluth Central High School yearbook -  -  1938   - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Levine, Marian dchs 1938.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Levine, Marian <BR><BR>  Duluth Central High School yearbook -  -  1938   <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Levine, Marian dchs 1938.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Levine, Marian dchs 1938.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Levine, Marilyn - - Duluth East High School yearbook - - 1963 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Levine, Marilyn 1963 dehs.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Levine, Marilyn - - Duluth East High School yearbook - - 1963 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Levine, Marilyn 1963 dehs.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Levine, Marilyn 1963 dehs.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Levine, Marla  - - Duluth East  High School yearbook - -  1980 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Levine, Marla dehs 1980.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Levine, Marla  <BR><BR> Duluth East  High School yearbook - -  1980 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Levine, Marla dehs 1980.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Levine, Marla dehs 1980.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Levine, Mary - - Duluth Central High School yearbook - - 1927 - - <font  size="1"> married to Leo Guitar, daughter of Meyer & Rivka Molsky </font> - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Levine, Mary dchs 1927.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Levine, Mary <BR><BR> Duluth Central High School yearbook - - 1927 <BR> married to Leo Guitar, daughter of Meyer & Rivka Molsky <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Levine, Mary dchs 1927.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Levine, Mary dchs 1927.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Levine, Mervyn  - - Duluth Central High School yearbook  - 1937 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Levine, Mervyn dchs 1937.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Levine, Mervyn    <BR><BR>  Duluth Central High School yearbook -  1937 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Levine, Mervyn dchs 1937.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Levine, Mervyn dchs 1937.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Levine, Michael obit 1959 age 66 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Levine, Michael obit 1959 age 66.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Levine, Michael obit 1959 age 66 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Levine, Michael obit 1959 age 66.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Levine, Michael obit 1959 age 66.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Levine, Mickey   - - Served in World War II  - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Levine, Mickey wwii.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Levine, Mickey <BR><BR> Served in World War II <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Levine, Mickey wwii.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Levine, Mickey wwii.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   wwii 160 200 0.8 120 150
<br><br> Levine, Morris  - -  Duluth Central High School yearbook  - -  1943 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Levine, Morris dchs 1943.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Levine, Morris  <BR><BR>   Duluth Central  High School yearbook   - - 1943 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Levine, Morris dchs 1943.jpg">full text and image at hi res</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Levine, Morris dchs 1943.jpg" width="267" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   yearbook 267 150 1.78
<br><br> Levine, Morris   - - Served in World War II  - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Levine, Morris wwii.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Levine, Morris <BR><BR> Served in World War II <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Levine, Morris wwii.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Levine, Morris wwii.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   wwii 160 200 0.8 120 150
<br><br> Levine, Morton - - Duluth Central High School yearbook - - 1934 - - <font  size="1"> married to Natalie Davis, son of Samuel & Sheba Blindman Levine, Davis tree </font> - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Levine, Morton dchs 1934.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Levine, Morton <BR><BR> Duluth Central High School yearbook - - 1934 <BR> married to Natalie Davis, son of Samuel & Sheba Blindman Levine, Davis tree <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Levine, Morton dchs 1934.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Levine, Morton dchs 1934.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Levine, Ralph  - -  Duluth East High School yearbook  - -  1952 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Levine, Ralph dehs 1952.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Levine, Ralph    <BR><BR>   Duluth East High School yearbook   - - 1952 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Levine, Ralph dehs 1952.jpg">full text and image at hi res</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Levine, Ralph dehs 1952.jpg" width="267" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   yearbook 267 150 1.78
<br><br> Levine, Ralph - - Duluth East High School yearbook - -  1951 junior   - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Levine, Ralph dehs 1951 junior.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Levine, Ralph <BR><BR> Duluth East High School yearbook - -  1951 junior   <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Levine, Ralph dehs 1951 junior.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Levine, Ralph dehs 1951 junior.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Levine, Raymond Anton  - -  Superior Central High School yearbook  - -  1938 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Levine, Raymond Anton schs 1938.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Levine, Raymond Anton  <BR><BR>   Superior Central  High School yearbook   - - 1938 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Levine, Raymond Anton schs 1938.jpg">full text and image at hi res</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Levine, Raymond Anton schs 1938.jpg" width="267" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   yearbook 267 150 1.78
<br><br> Levine, Raymond Anton  - -  Superior Central High School yearbook  - -  1964 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Levine, Raymond Anton schs 1964.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Levine, Raymond Anton  <BR><BR>   Superior Central  High School yearbook   - - 1964 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Levine, Raymond Anton schs 1964.jpg">full text and image at hi res</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Levine, Raymond Anton schs 1964.jpg" width="267" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   yearbook 267 150 1.78
<br><br> Levine, Rhonda  - - Duluth Central High School yearbook -  -  1938 - -  Zalk tree - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Levine, Rhonda dchs 1938.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Levine, Rhonda <BR><BR>  Duluth Central High School yearbook -  -  1938 <BR>  Zalk tree <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Levine, Rhonda dchs 1938.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Levine, Rhonda dchs 1938.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Levine, Richard   - -  Duluth Central High School yearbook  - 1956   - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Levine, Richard dchs 1956.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Levine, Richard <BR> Duluth Central High School yearbook  - 1956   <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Levine, Richard dchs 1956.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Levine, Richard dchs 1956.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>  
<br><br> Levine, Robert   - - Served in World War II  - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Levine, Robert wwii.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Levine, Robert <BR><BR> Served in World War II <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Levine, Robert wwii.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Levine, Robert wwii.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   wwii 160 200 0.8 120 150
<br><br> Levine, Robert  - - Duluth Central High School yearbook  - 1936 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Levine, Robert dchs 1936.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Levine, Robert    <BR><BR>  Duluth Central High School yearbook -  1936 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Levine, Robert dchs 1936.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Levine, Robert dchs 1936.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Levine, Robert - - Duluth Central High School yearbook - - 1948   - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Levine, Robert dchs 1948.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Levine, Robert <BR><BR>  Duluth Central High School yearbook - - 1948   <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Levine, Robert dchs 1948.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Levine, Robert dchs 1948.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Levine, Rosalie  - -  Duluth Central High School yearbook  - -  1943 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Levine, Rosalie dchs 1943.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Levine, Rosalie  <BR><BR>   Duluth Central  High School yearbook   - - 1943 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Levine, Rosalie dchs 1943.jpg">full text and image at hi res</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Levine, Rosalie dchs 1943.jpg" width="267" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   yearbook 267 150 1.78
<br><br> Levine, Sadie - - Duluth Central High School yearbook - 1917 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Levine, Sadie dchs 1917.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Levine, Sadie <BR><BR> Duluth Central High School yearbook - 1917 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Levine, Sadie dchs 1917.jpg">larger image / more info</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Levine, Sadie dchs 1917.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Levine, Sharon Lynn  - -  Superior Central High School yearbook  - -  1964 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Levine, Sharon Lynn schs 1964.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Levine, Sharon Lynn  <BR><BR>   Superior Central  High School yearbook   - - 1964 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Levine, Sharon Lynn schs 1964.jpg">full text and image at hi res</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Levine, Sharon Lynn schs 1964.jpg" width="267" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   yearbook 267 150 1.78
<br><br> Levine, Susan L - -  Superior High School yearbook - - 1972   - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Levine, Susan L shs 1972.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Levine, Susan L<BR><BR> Superior High School yearbook - - 1972   <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Levine, Susan L shs 1972.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Levine, Susan L shs 1972.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Levine, Tamara   - -  Duluth East  High School yearbook  - - 1960 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Levine, Tamara 1960 dehs.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Levine, Tamara <BR><BR>  Duluth East High School yearbook - - 1960 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Levine, Tamara 1960 dehs.jpg">full text and image at hi res</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Levine, Tamara 1960 dehs.jpg" width="267" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   267 150
<br><br> Levine, Tammy  - -  Duluth East High School yearbook  - -  junior 1959 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Levine, Tammy dehs junior 1959.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Levine, Tammy  <BR><BR> Duluth East High School yearbook  - -  junior 1959 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Levine, Tammy dehs junior 1959.jpg">full text and image at hi res</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="center" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Levine, Tammy dehs junior 1959.jpg" width="267" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   yearbook 267 150
<br><br> Levine, Victor Vigder - -  obit photo - 1903-1966 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Levine, Victor Vigder - -  obit photo - 1903-1966.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Levine, Victor Vigder <BR><BR>   obit photo - 1903-1966 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Levine, Victor Vigder - -  obit photo - 1903-1966.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Levine, Victor Vigder - -  obit photo - 1903-1966.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Levine, William   - -  Duluth Central High School yearbook  - - 1933 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Levine, William 1933 DCHS.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Levine, William <BR><BR>  Duluth Central High School - - 1933 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Levine, William 1933 DCHS.jpg">full text and image at hi res</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Levine, William 1933 DCHS.jpg" width="267" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   267 150
<br><br> Levine, William. - - Duluth Central High School yearbook - - 1933 - - <font  size="1">  married to Thelma Goldenberg, son of Joseph & Sadie Cowl Levine (twin) </font> - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Levine, William. dchs 1933.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Levine, William. <BR><BR> Duluth Central High School yearbook - - 1933 <BR>  married to Thelma Goldenberg, son of Joseph & Sadie Cowl Levine (twin) <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Levine, William. dchs 1933.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Levine, William. dchs 1933.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Levine, Wm   - - Served in World War II  - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Levine, Wm wwii.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Levine, Wm <BR><BR> Served in World War II <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Levine, Wm wwii.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Levine, Wm wwii.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   wwii 160 200 0.8 120 150
<br><br> Levine, Yale   - - Served in World War II  - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Levine, Yale wwii.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Levine, Yale <BR><BR> Served in World War II <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Levine, Yale wwii.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Levine, Yale wwii.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   wwii 160 200 0.8 120 150
<br><br> Levine, Zelman  - -  Duluth Central High School yearbook  - -  1942 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Levine, Zelman dchs 1942.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Levine, Zelman  <BR><BR>   Duluth Central  High School yearbook   - - 1942 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Levine, Zelman dchs 1942.jpg">full text and image at hi res</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Levine, Zelman dchs 1942.jpg" width="267" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   yearbook 267 150 1.78
<br><br> Levinson, Chap Burto E   - - Served in World War II  - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Levinson, Chap Burto E wwii.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Levinson, Chap Burto E <BR><BR> Served in World War II <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Levinson, Chap Burto E wwii.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Levinson, Chap Burto E wwii.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   wwii 160 200 0.8 120 150
<br><br> Levinson, Doris  - -  Superior Central High School yearbook  - -  1936 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Levinson, Doris schs 1936.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Levinson, Doris  <BR><BR>   Superior Central  High School yearbook   - - 1936 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Levinson, Doris schs 1936.jpg">full text and image at hi res</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Levinson, Doris schs 1936.jpg" width="267" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   yearbook 267 150 1.78
<br><br> Levinson, Harry JFN 1978-3 profile - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Levinson, Harry JFN 1978-3 profile.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Levinson, Harry JFN 1978-3 profile <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Levinson, Harry JFN 1978-3 profile.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Levinson, Harry JFN 1978-3 profile.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Levinson, Sherman   - - Served in World War II  - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Levinson, Sherman wwii.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Levinson, Sherman <BR><BR> Served in World War II <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Levinson, Sherman wwii.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Levinson, Sherman wwii.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   wwii 160 200 0.8 120 150
<br><br> Levy, Arthur  - - Duluth Central High School yearbook  - 1915 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Levy, Arthur dchs 1915.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Levy, Arthur    <BR><BR>  Duluth Central High School yearbook -  1915 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Levy, Arthur dchs 1915.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Levy, Arthur dchs 1915.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Levy, Mandel  - - Duluth Central High School yearbook  - 1915 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Levy, Mandel dchs 1915.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Levy, Mandel    <BR><BR>  Duluth Central High School yearbook -  1915 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Levy, Mandel dchs 1915.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Levy, Mandel dchs 1915.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Levy, Morris   - - Newspaper article - -  1917-3-15 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Levy, Morris news 1917-3-15.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Levy, Morris  <BR><BR> Newspaper article - -  1917-3-15 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Levy, Morris news 1917-3-15.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Levy, Morris news 1917-3-15.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   news 160 200 0.8 120 150
<br><br> Lewenstein, Abraham - - Duluth Central High School yearbook - -  1921 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Lewenstein, Abraham dchs 1921.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Lewenstein, Abraham <BR><BR> Duluth Central High School yearbook  - - 1921 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Lewenstein, Abraham dchs 1921.jpg">full text and image at hi res</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Lewenstein, Abraham dchs 1921.jpg" width="267" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   yearbook 267 150 1.78
<br><br> Lewis, Harriet (Miss)   - - Newspaper article - -  1919-4-6 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Lewis, Harriet Miss news 1919-4-6.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Lewis, Harriet (Miss)  <BR><BR> Newspaper article - -  1919-4-6 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Lewis, Harriet Miss news 1919-4-6.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Lewis, Harriet Miss news 1919-4-6.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   news 160 200 0.8 120 150
<br><br> Lichterman, Steve  - - Duluth East  High School yearbook - -  1971 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Lichterman, Steve dehs 1971.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Lichterman, Steve  <BR><BR> Duluth East  High School yearbook - -  1971 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Lichterman, Steve dehs 1971.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Lichterman, Steve dehs 1971.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Lichterman, Susan - - Duluth East High School yearbook - - 1967   - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Lichterman, Susan dehs 1967.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Lichterman, Susan<BR><BR> Duluth East High School yearbook - - 1967   <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Lichterman, Susan dehs 1967.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Lichterman, Susan dehs 1967.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Licterman, Phillip M  - -  obit photo 1922-2008 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Licterman, Phillip M obit photo 1922-2008.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Licterman, Phillip M  <BR><BR>  obit photo 1922-2008 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Licterman, Phillip M obit photo 1922-2008.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Licterman, Phillip M obit photo 1922-2008.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Lieberman, Abbot   - - Served in World War II  - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Lieberman, Abbot wwii.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Lieberman, Abbot <BR><BR> Served in World War II <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Lieberman, Abbot wwii.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Lieberman, Abbot wwii.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   wwii 160 200 0.8 120 150
<br><br> Lieberman, Arthur  - -  Duluth Central High School yearbook - -  1926 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Lieberman, Arthur dchs 1926.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Lieberman, Arthur  <BR><BR> Duluth Central High School yearbook - -  1926 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Lieberman, Arthur dchs 1926.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Lieberman, Arthur dchs 1926.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Lieberman, J Leslie - -   Duluth East High School yearbook - - 1964 - - <font  size="1"> son of Abbott & Evelyn Titch Lieberman, died in Vietnam </font> - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Lieberman, J Leslie dehs 1964.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Lieberman, J Leslie<BR><BR>  Duluth East High School yearbook - - 1964 <BR> son of Abbott & Evelyn Titch Lieberman, died in Vietnam <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Lieberman, J Leslie dehs 1964.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Lieberman, J Leslie dehs 1964.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Lieberman, Marvin - - Duluth Central High School yearbook - - 1946 - - on  Litman-Altman tree - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Lieberman, Marvin dchs 1946.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Lieberman, Marvin <BR><BR>  Duluth Central High School yearbook - - 1946 <BR> on  Litman-Altman tree <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Lieberman, Marvin dchs 1946.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Lieberman, Marvin dchs 1946.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Lieberman, Steven - - Duluth Central High School yearbook - - 1948 junior   - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Lieberman, Steven dchs 1948 juniors.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Lieberman, Steven <BR><BR>  Duluth Central High School yearbook - - 1948 junior   <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Lieberman, Steven dchs 1948 juniors.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Lieberman, Steven dchs 1948 juniors.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Liebowitz, Ben - - Superior State College yearbook - 1933 (Kappa Rho Epsilon) - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Liebowitz, Ben 1933 SSTC Kappa Rho Epsilon.jpg">image</A> - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/MI/Liebowitz, Ben 1933 SSTC Kappa Rho Epsilon.jpg">more</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Liebowitz, Ben  <BR><BR>  Superior State College yearbook - 1933 (Kappa Rho Epsilon) <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Liebowitz, Ben 1933 SSTC Kappa Rho Epsilon.jpg">larger image</A> - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/MI/Liebowitz, Ben 1933 SSTC Kappa Rho Epsilon.jpg">more information</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Liebowitz, Ben 1933 SSTC Kappa Rho Epsilon.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Liebowitz, Dave   - - Served in World War II  - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Liebowitz, Dave wwii.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Liebowitz, Dave <BR><BR> Served in World War II <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Liebowitz, Dave wwii.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Liebowitz, Dave wwii.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   wwii 160 200 0.8 120 150
<br><br> Lippman, Benjamin M   - -  Biographical text - no photo - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Lippman, Benjamin M bio.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Lippman, Benjamin M    <BR><BR>  biographical text - no photo <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Lippman, Benjamin M bio.jpg">full image at hi res</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="center" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Lippman, Benjamin M bio.jpg" width="380" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   bio 380 150
<br><br> Lippman, Benjamin M   - - Newspaper article - -  1905-1-15 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Lippman, Benjamin M news 1905-1-15.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Lippman, Benjamin M  <BR><BR> Newspaper article - -  1905-1-15 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Lippman, Benjamin M news 1905-1-15.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Lippman, Benjamin M news 1905-1-15.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   news 160 200 0.8 120 150
<br><br> Lippman, Ernest   - - Newspaper article - -  1919-3-1 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Lippman, Ernest news 1919-3-1.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Lippman, Ernest  <BR><BR> Newspaper article - -  1919-3-1 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Lippman, Ernest news 1919-3-1.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Lippman, Ernest news 1919-3-1.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   news 160 200 0.8 120 150
<br><br> Lippman, Milton  - -  Virginia High School yearbook -  1925 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Lippman, Milton vhs 1925.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Lippman, Milton   <BR><BR>   Virginia High School yearbook -  1925 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Lippman, Milton vhs 1925.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Lippman, Milton vhs 1925.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Lisman, Sara - - Duluth Central High School yearbook - - 1925 - - <font  size="1"> married Benjamin Borken, daughter of Lazer & Riva Karsner Lisman, on Karsner tree </font> - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Lisman, Sara dchs 1925.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Lisman, Sara <BR><BR> Duluth Central High School yearbook - - 1925 <BR> married Benjamin Borken, daughter of Lazer & Riva Karsner Lisman, on Karsner tree <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Lisman, Sara dchs 1925.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Lisman, Sara dchs 1925.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Litman Herman   - - Served in World War II  - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Litman Herman wwii.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Litman Herman <BR><BR> Served in World War II <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Litman Herman wwii.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Litman Herman wwii.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   wwii 160 200 0.8 120 150
<br><br> Litman, Allan - - Duluth Central High School yearbook -  1958 sophomore - - son of Herman Litman & Goldie Ostrov - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Litman, Allan dchs 1958 sophomore.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Litman, Allan <BR> Duluth Central High School yearbook -  1958 sophomore <BR> son of Herman Litman & Goldie Ostrov <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Litman, Allan dchs 1958 sophomore.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Litman, Allan dchs 1958 sophomore.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Litman, Allan - - Duluth Central High School yearbook - - 1959 - Junior year   - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Litman, Allan 1959 dchs jr.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Litman, Allan - - Duluth Central High School yearbook - - 1959 - Junior year   <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Litman, Allan 1959 dchs jr.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Litman, Allan 1959 dchs jr.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Litman, Anna - -  Duluth Central High School yearbook - - 1920 - -  <font  size="1">married Samuel Leonard, daughter of Norman & Elka Osterbreda Litman,  </font> - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Litman, Anna dchs 1920.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Litman, Anna<BR><BR> Duluth Central High School yearbook - - 1920 <BR> married to Samuel Leonard, daughter of Norman & Elka Osterbreda Litman, Litman tree <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Litman, Anna dchs 1920.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Litman, Anna dchs 1920.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Litman, Anna - - Duluth Central High School yearbook - 1919 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Litman, Anna dchs 1919.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Litman, Anna <BR><BR> Duluth Central High School yearbook - 1919 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Litman, Anna dchs 1919.jpg">larger image / more info</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Litman, Anna dchs 1919.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Litman, Anna G - - Duluth Central High School yearbook - - 1918 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Litman, Anna G 1918 dchs.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Litman, Anna G - - Duluth Central High School yearbook - - 1918 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Litman, Anna G 1918 dchs.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Litman, Anna G 1918 dchs.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Litman, Barbara Susan - -  Duluth East High School yearbook  1959 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Litman, Barbara Susan desh 1959.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Litman, Barbara Susan <BR><BR> Duluth East High School yearbook  1959  <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Litman, Barbara Susan desh 1959.jpg">full text and image at hi res</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="center" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Litman, Barbara Susan desh 1959.jpg" width="267" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   yearbook 267 150
<br><br> Litman, Cynthia  - - Duluth East  High School yearbook - -  1954  - junior - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Litman, Cynthia dehs 1954 junior.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Litman, Cynthia  <BR><BR> Duluth East  High School yearbook - -  1954  - junior <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Litman, Cynthia dehs 1954 junior.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Litman, Cynthia dehs 1954 junior.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Litman, Cynthia - - Duluth East High School yearbook - -  1951 eighth - - daughter of Felix & Sally Tokman Litman - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Litman, Cynthia dehs 1951 eighth.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Litman, Cynthia <BR><BR> Duluth East High School yearbook - -  1951 eighth <BR> daughter of Felix & Sally Tokman Litman <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Litman, Cynthia dehs 1951 eighth.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Litman, Cynthia dehs 1951 eighth.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Litman, Cynthia Faith - - Duluth East High School yearbook - - 1955 - - <font  size="1"> married to Marvin Raver, daughter of Felix & Sally Tokman Litman, Litman tree </font> - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Litman, Cynthia Faith dehs 1955.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Litman, Cynthia Faith <BR><BR> Duluth East High School yearbook - - 1955 <BR> married to Marvin Raver, daughter of Felix & Sally Tokman Litman, Litman tree <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Litman, Cynthia Faith dehs 1955.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Litman, Cynthia Faith dehs 1955.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Litman, Edward  - - Duluth Central High School yearbook  - 1937 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Litman, Edward dchs 1937.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Litman, Edward    <BR><BR>  Duluth Central High School yearbook -  1937 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Litman, Edward dchs 1937.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Litman, Edward dchs 1937.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Litman, Felix - -  Duluth Central High School yearbook - - 1920 - -  <font  size="1">married to Sally Tokman, son of Isaac & Sarah Chesky Litman, Litman tree</font> - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Litman, Felix dchs 1920.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Litman, Felix<BR><BR> Duluth Central High School yearbook - - 1920 <BR> married to Sally Tokman, son of Isaac & Sarah Chesky Litman, Litman tree <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Litman, Felix dchs 1920.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Litman, Felix dchs 1920.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Litman, Felix from Alize Wine - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Litman, Felix from Alize Wine.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Litman, Felix from Alize Wine <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Litman, Felix from Alize Wine.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Litman, Felix from Alize Wine.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Litman, Gary - - Duluth East High School yearbook -  1961 sophomore - - son of Hy Litman & Eva Berman - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Litman, Gary dehs 1961 sophomore.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Litman, Gary <BR> Duluth East High School yearbook -  1961 sophomore <BR> son of Hy Litman & Eva Berman <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Litman, Gary dehs 1961 sophomore.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Litman, Gary dehs 1961 sophomore.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Litman, Gary - - Duluth East High School yearbook - - 1963 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Litman, Gary 1963 dehs.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Litman, Gary - - Duluth East High School yearbook - - 1963 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Litman, Gary 1963 dehs.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Litman, Gary 1963 dehs.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Litman, Gayle Judith - - Duluth Central High School yearbook -  1958 - - daughter of Hy Litman & Eva Berman - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Litman, Gayle Judith dchs 1958.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Litman, Gayle Judith <BR> Duluth Central High School yearbook -  1958 <BR> daughter of Hy Litman & Eva Berman <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Litman, Gayle Judith dchs 1958.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Litman, Gayle Judith dchs 1958.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Litman, Harriet - - Duluth East High School yearbook - - 1962 - - <font  size="1"> daughter of Herman & Goldie Ostrov Litman, Litman tree </font> - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Litman, Harriet dehs 1962.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Litman, Harriet <BR><BR> Duluth East High School yearbook - - 1962 <BR> daughter of Herman & Goldie Ostrov Litman, Litman tree <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Litman, Harriet dehs 1962.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Litman, Harriet dehs 1962.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Litman, Hy - Curling in Eveleth ~1952 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Litman, Hy - Curling in Eveleth ~1952.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Litman, Hy - Curling in Eveleth ~1952 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Litman, Hy - Curling in Eveleth ~1952.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Litman, Hy - Curling in Eveleth ~1952.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Litman, Hyman   - - Served in World War II  - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Litman, Hyman wwii.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Litman, Hyman <BR><BR> Served in World War II <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Litman, Hyman wwii.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Litman, Hyman wwii.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   wwii 160 200 0.8 120 150
<br><br> Litman, Hyman. - - Duluth Central High School yearbook - - 1933 - - <font  size="1">  married to Eva Berman, son of Joseph & Tillie Kardonsky Litman, Litman tree </font> - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Litman, Hyman. dchs 1933.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Litman, Hyman. <BR><BR> Duluth Central High School yearbook - - 1933 <BR>  married to Eva Berman, son of Joseph & Tillie Kardonsky Litman, Litman tree <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Litman, Hyman. dchs 1933.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Litman, Hyman. dchs 1933.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Litman, Jack   - - Served in World War II  - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Litman, Jack wwii.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Litman, Jack <BR><BR> Served in World War II <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Litman, Jack wwii.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Litman, Jack wwii.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   wwii 160 200 0.8 120 150
<br><br> Litman, Jack - - Duluth Central High School yearbook - -  1940 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Litman, Jack dchs 1940.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Litman, Jack <BR><BR> Duluth Central High School yearbook  - - 1940 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Litman, Jack dchs 1940.jpg">full text and image at hi res</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Litman, Jack dchs 1940.jpg" width="267" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   yearbook 267 150 1.78
<br><br> Litman, Jack -  WWII - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Litman, Jack -  WWII.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Litman, Jack -  WWII <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Litman, Jack -  WWII.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Litman, Jack -  WWII.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Litman, Jack - HS grad - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Litman, Jack - HS grad.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Litman, Jack - HS grad <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Litman, Jack - HS grad.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Litman, Jack - HS grad.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Litman, Jack - Judge - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Litman, Jack - Judge.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Litman, Jack - Judge <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Litman, Jack - Judge.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Litman, Jack - Judge.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Litman, Jack J  - -  obit 1992 w photo - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Litman, Jack J obit 1992 w photo.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Litman, Jack J  <BR><BR>  obit 1992 w photo <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Litman, Jack J obit 1992 w photo.jpg">full text and image at hi res</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Litman, Jack J obit 1992 w photo.jpg" width="267" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   267 150
<br><br> Litman, Jack J   - - Served in World War II - - Photos and Information -  (adg) - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Litman, Jack J  WWII adg.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Litman, Jack J  <BR><BR> Served in World War II (adg) <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Litman, Jack J  WWII adg.jpg">photos and information</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Litman, Jack J  WWII adg.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   Al Grady 120 150
<br><br> Litman, Jay   - -  Duluth East High School yearbook  - -  1970 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Litman, Jay dehs 1970.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Litman, Jay  <BR><BR>  Duluth East High School yearbook  - -  1970 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Litman, Jay dehs 1970.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Litman, Jay dehs 1970.jpg" width="267" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   yearbook 144 180 0.8 120 150
<br><br> Litman, Mara  - - Duluth East  High School yearbook - -  1980 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Litman, Mara dehs 1980.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Litman, Mara  <BR><BR> Duluth East  High School yearbook - -  1980 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Litman, Mara dehs 1980.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Litman, Mara dehs 1980.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Litman, Maurice  - -  Duluth Central High School yearbook - -  1926 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Litman, Maurice dchs 1926.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Litman, Maurice  <BR><BR> Duluth Central High School yearbook - -  1926 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Litman, Maurice dchs 1926.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Litman, Maurice dchs 1926.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Litman, Morris   - -  Duluth Central High School yearbook  - - 1914 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Litman, Morris 1914 DCHS.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Litman, Morris <BR><BR>  Duluth Central High School yearbook - - 1914 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Litman, Morris 1914 DCHS.jpg">full text and image at hi res</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Litman, Morris 1914 DCHS.jpg" width="267" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   267 150
<br><br> Litman, Norman   - - Served in World War II  - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Litman, Norman wwii.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Litman, Norman <BR><BR> Served in World War II <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Litman, Norman wwii.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Litman, Norman wwii.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   wwii 160 200 0.8 120 150
<br><br> Litman, Norman  - - Duluth Central High School yearbook  - 1936 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Litman, Norman dchs 1936.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Litman, Norman    <BR><BR>  Duluth Central High School yearbook -  1936 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Litman, Norman dchs 1936.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Litman, Norman dchs 1936.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Litman, Norman  - - Duluth Central High School yearbook  - 1937 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Litman, Norman dchs 1937.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Litman, Norman    <BR><BR>  Duluth Central High School yearbook -  1937 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Litman, Norman dchs 1937.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Litman, Norman dchs 1937.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Litman, Philip - -   Superior High School yearbook - - 1916 - - <font  size="1"> married to Gertrude Jenkins, son of Amon & Rachel Helstein Litman, Litman tree </font> - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Litman, Philip shs 1916.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Litman, Philip<BR><BR>  Superior High School yearbook - - 1916 <BR> married to Gertrude Jenkins, son of Amon & Rachel Helstein Litman, Litman tree <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Litman, Philip shs 1916.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Litman, Philip shs 1916.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Litman, Philip  - - news photo - -  1919-9-19 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Litman, Philip news photo 1919-9-19.jpg">photo with text</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Litman, Philip <BR><BR> News photo - -  1919-9-19 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Litman, Philip news photo 1919-9-19.jpg">photo with text</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Litman, Philip news photo 1919-9-19.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Litman, Richard   - -  Duluth East  High School yearbook  - - 1960 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Litman, Richard 1960 dehs.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Litman, Richard <BR><BR>  Duluth East High School yearbook - - 1960 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Litman, Richard 1960 dehs.jpg">full text and image at hi res</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Litman, Richard 1960 dehs.jpg" width="267" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   267 150
<br><br> Litman, Rick  - -  Duluth East High School yearbook  - -  junior 1959 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Litman, Rick dehs junior 1959.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Litman, Rick  <BR><BR> Duluth East High School yearbook  - -  junior 1959 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Litman, Rick dehs junior 1959.jpg">full text and image at hi res</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="center" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Litman, Rick dehs junior 1959.jpg" width="267" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   yearbook 267 150
<br><br> Litman, Robert  - -  Duluth Central High School yearbook  - -  1943 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Litman, Robert dchs 1943.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Litman, Robert  <BR><BR>   Duluth Central  High School yearbook   - - 1943 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Litman, Robert dchs 1943.jpg">full text and image at hi res</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Litman, Robert dchs 1943.jpg" width="267" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   yearbook 267 150 1.78
<br><br> Litman, Ross - -  Duluth East High School yearbook - - 1978 - - son of Jack & Helen Hanson Litman - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Litman, Ross dehs 1978.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Litman, Ross <BR><BR> Duluth East High School yearbook - - 1978 <BR> son of Jack & Helen Hanson Litman <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Litman, Ross dehs 1978.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Litman, Ross dehs 1978.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Litman, S J   - - Served in World War II  - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Litman, S J wwii.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Litman, S J <BR><BR> Served in World War II <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Litman, S J wwii.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Litman, S J wwii.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   wwii 160 200 0.8 120 150
<br><br> Litman, Sam - -  Duluth Central High School yearbook - - 1920   - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Litman, Sam dchs 1920.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Litman, Sam<BR><BR> Duluth Central High School yearbook - - 1920   <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Litman, Sam dchs 1920.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Litman, Sam dchs 1920.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Litman, Sam - - Duluth Central High School yearbook - -  1915 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Litman, Sam dchs 1915.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Litman, Sam <BR><BR> Duluth Central High School yearbook  - - 1915 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Litman, Sam dchs 1915.jpg">full text and image at hi res</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Litman, Sam dchs 1915.jpg" width="267" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   yearbook 267 150 1.78
<br><br> Litman, Samuel N Dr 1979-10 JFN obit - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Litman, Samuel N Dr 1979-10 JFN obit.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Litman, Samuel N Dr 1979-10 JFN obit <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Litman, Samuel N Dr 1979-10 JFN obit.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Litman, Samuel N Dr 1979-10 JFN obit.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Litman, Sarah - - Superior High School yearbook - - 1921 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Litman, Sarah 1921 shs.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Litman, Sarah - - Superior High School yearbook - - 1921 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Litman, Sarah 1921 shs.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Litman, Sarah 1921 shs.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Litman, Sharyl. - - Duluth Central High School yearbook - - 1967 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Litman, Sharyl. 1967 dchs.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Litman, Sharyl. - - Duluth Central High School yearbook - - 1967 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Litman, Sharyl. 1967 dchs.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Litman, Sharyl. 1967 dchs.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Litman, Shirley - - Duluth Central High School yearbook - -  1940 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Litman, Shirley dchs 1940.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Litman, Shirley <BR><BR> Duluth Central High School yearbook  - - 1940 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Litman, Shirley dchs 1940.jpg">full text and image at hi res</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Litman, Shirley dchs 1940.jpg" width="267" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   yearbook 267 150 1.78
<br><br> Litman, Stanley  - -  Duluth Central High School yearbook  - -  1942 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Litman, Stanley dchs 1942.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Litman, Stanley  <BR><BR>   Duluth Central  High School yearbook   - - 1942 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Litman, Stanley dchs 1942.jpg">full text and image at hi res</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Litman, Stanley dchs 1942.jpg" width="267" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   yearbook 267 150 1.78
<br><br> Litman, Stanley WWII by Al Grady - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Litman, Stanley WWII by Al Grady.pdf">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Litman, Stanley WWII by Al Grady <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Litman, Stanley WWII by Al Grady.pdf">pdf with text and images</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Litman, Stanley WWII by Al Grady.jpg" width="237" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   237 150
<br><br> Litman, Stephen - -   Duluth East High School yearbook - - 1964 - - <font  size="1"> married to Mitzi Rustad, son of Felix & Sally Tokman, LItman tree </font> - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Litman, Stephen dehs 1964.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Litman, Stephen<BR><BR>  Duluth East High School yearbook - - 1964 <BR> married to Mitzi Rustad, son of Felix & Sally Tokman, LItman tree <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Litman, Stephen dehs 1964.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Litman, Stephen dehs 1964.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Litman, Theodore  - - Duluth Denfeld High School - -  1950 - - married to Brendalee Berkman, on Litman tree - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Litman, Theodore ddhs 1950.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Litman, Theodore <BR><BR> Duluth Denfeld High School - -  1950 <BR> married to Brendalee Berkman, on Litman tree <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Litman, Theodore ddhs 1950.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Litman, Theodore ddhs 1950.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Loeb, Anne N - -   obit 2012 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Loeb, Anne N obit 2012.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Loeb, Anne N <BR><BR>   obit 2012 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Loeb, Anne N obit 2012.jpg">full text and image at hi res</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Loeb, Anne N obit 2012.jpg" width="267" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   267 150
<br><br> Loewus, Frank A   - - Served in World War II  - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Loewus, Frank A wwii.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Loewus, Frank A <BR><BR> Served in World War II <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Loewus, Frank A wwii.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Loewus, Frank A wwii.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   wwii 160 200 0.8 120 150
<br><br> Loewus, James D   - - Served in World War II  - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Loewus, James D wwii.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Loewus, James D <BR><BR> Served in World War II <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Loewus, James D wwii.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Loewus, James D wwii.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   wwii 160 200 0.8 120 150
<br><br> London, Bernice  - - Duluth Central High School yearbook  - 1936 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/London, Bernice dchs 1936.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> London, Bernice    <BR><BR>  Duluth Central High School yearbook -  1936 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/London, Bernice dchs 1936.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/London, Bernice dchs 1936.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> London, Bruce - - Duluth Central High School yearbook - - 1967 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/London, Bruce 1967 dchs.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> London, Bruce - - Duluth Central High School yearbook - - 1967 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/London, Bruce 1967 dchs.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/London, Bruce 1967 dchs.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> London, Carol - - Duluth Central High School yearbook -  1958 sophomore   - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/London, Carol dchs 1958 sophomore.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> London, Carol <BR> Duluth Central High School yearbook -  1958 sophomore <BR> <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/London, Carol dchs 1958 sophomore.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/London, Carol dchs 1958 sophomore.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> London, Carol - - Duluth Central High School yearbook - - 1959 - Sophomore year - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/London, Carol 1959 dchs soph.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> London, Carol - - Duluth Central High School yearbook - - 1959 - Sophomore year <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/London, Carol 1959 dchs soph.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/London, Carol 1959 dchs soph.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> London, Conrad E   - - Served in World War II  - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/London, Conrad E wwii.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> London, Conrad E <BR><BR> Served in World War II <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/London, Conrad E wwii.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/London, Conrad E wwii.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   wwii 160 200 0.8 120 150
<br><br> London, Ellis - - Duluth East High School yearbook -  1961 junior   - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/London, Ellis 1961dehs junior.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> London, Ellis <BR> Duluth East High School yearbook -  1961 junior <BR> <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/London, Ellis 1961dehs junior.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/London, Ellis 1961dehs junior.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> London, Ervin  - - Duluth Central High School yearbook  - 1936 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/London, Ervin dchs 1936.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> London, Ervin    <BR><BR>  Duluth Central High School yearbook -  1936 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/London, Ervin dchs 1936.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/London, Ervin dchs 1936.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> London, Judy - - Duluth East High School yearbook - - 1963 - Sophomore year - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/London, Judy 1963 dehs soph.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> London, Judy - - Duluth East High School yearbook - - 1963 - Sophomore year <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/London, Judy 1963 dehs soph.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/London, Judy 1963 dehs soph.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> London, Lorraine  - - Duluth Central High School yearbook -  1957 sophomore - - daughter of Isadore London & Eleanor Latts - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/London, Lorraine dchs 1957 sophomore.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> London, Lorraine  <BR> Duluth Central High School yearbook -  1957 sophomore <BR> daughter of Isadore London & Eleanor Latts <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/London, Lorraine dchs 1957 sophomore.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/London, Lorraine dchs 1957 sophomore.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> London, Lorraine - - Duluth Central High School yearbook -  1958 junior - - daughter of Isadore London & Eleanor Latts - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/London, Lorraine dchs 1958 junior.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> London, Lorraine <BR> Duluth Central High School yearbook -  1958 junior <BR> daughter of Isadore London & Eleanor Latts <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/London, Lorraine dchs 1958 junior.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/London, Lorraine dchs 1958 junior.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> London, Lorraine R  - - Duluth Central High School yeabook - -  1959 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/London, Lorraine R dchs 1959.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> London, Lorraine R <BR><BR>  Duluth Central High School yeabook - -  1959 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/London, Lorraine R dchs 1959.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/London, Lorraine R dchs 1959.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> London, Mabel  - -  Duluth Central High School yearbook - -  1926 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/London, Mabel dchs 1926.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> London, Mabel  <BR><BR> Duluth Central High School yearbook - -  1926 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/London, Mabel dchs 1926.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/London, Mabel dchs 1926.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> London, Mabel - - Duluth Central High School yearbook - - 1929 - - <font  size="1"> daughter of Samuel & Dorothy London </font> - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/London, Mabel dcha 1929.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> London, Mabel <BR><BR> Duluth Central High School yearbook - - 1929 <BR> daughter of Samuel & Dorothy London <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/London, Mabel dcha 1929.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/London, Mabel dcha 1929.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> London, Margaret - - Duluth Central High School yearbook - -  1931 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/London, Margaret dchs 1931.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> London, Margaret <BR><BR> Duluth Central High School yearbook  - - 1931 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/London, Margaret dchs 1931.jpg">full text and image at hi res</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/London, Margaret dchs 1931.jpg" width="267" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   yearbook 267 150 1.78
<br><br> London, Marilyn - -   Duluth East High School yearbook - - 1964 - - <font  size="1"> married to John Rosen, daughter of Isadore & Eleanor Latts London </font> - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/London, Marilyn dehs 1964.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> London, Marilyn<BR><BR>  Duluth East High School yearbook - - 1964 <BR> married to John Rosen, daughter of Isadore & Eleanor Latts London <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/London, Marilyn dehs 1964.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/London, Marilyn dehs 1964.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> London, Marvin - - Duluth Central High School yearbook - - 1929 - - <font  size="1"> married to Bessie Fishman, son of Jacob & Passey Karsner London, Karsner tree </font> - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/London, Marvin dcha 1929.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> London, Marvin <BR><BR> Duluth Central High School yearbook - - 1929 <BR> married to Bessie Fishman, son of Jacob & Passey Karsner London, Karsner tree <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/London, Marvin dcha 1929.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/London, Marvin dcha 1929.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> London, Mickey S   - - Served in World War II  - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/London, Mickey S wwii.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> London, Mickey S <BR><BR> Served in World War II <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/London, Mickey S wwii.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/London, Mickey S wwii.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   wwii 160 200 0.8 120 150
<br><br> London, Morris   - - Served in World War II  - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/London, Morris wwii.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> London, Morris <BR><BR> Served in World War II <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/London, Morris wwii.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/London, Morris wwii.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   wwii 160 200 0.8 120 150
<br><br> London, Morris - - Duluth Central High School yearbook - - 1929 - - <font  size="1"> married to Sarah, son of Benjamin & Etta Karsner London, Karsner tree </font> - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/London, Morris dcha 1929.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> London, Morris <BR><BR> Duluth Central High School yearbook - - 1929 <BR> married to Sarah, son of Benjamin & Etta Karsner London, Karsner tree <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/London, Morris dcha 1929.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/London, Morris dcha 1929.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> London, Nathan   - - Served in World War II  - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/London, Nathan wwii.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> London, Nathan <BR><BR> Served in World War II <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/London, Nathan wwii.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/London, Nathan wwii.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   wwii 160 200 0.8 120 150
<br><br> London, Rita Lou  - - Duluth Central High School yeabook - -  1950 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/London, Rita Lou dchs 1950.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> London, Rita Lou <BR><BR>  Duluth Central High School yeabook - -  1950 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/London, Rita Lou dchs 1950.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/London, Rita Lou dchs 1950.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> London, Rose 1980-1 JFN profile - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/London, Rose 1980-1 JFN profile.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> London, Rose 1980-1 JFN profile <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/London, Rose 1980-1 JFN profile.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/London, Rose 1980-1 JFN profile.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> London, Sam   - - Served in World War II  - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/London, Sam wwii.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> London, Sam <BR><BR> Served in World War II <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/London, Sam wwii.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/London, Sam wwii.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   wwii 160 200 0.8 120 150
<br><br> London, Sam - -  Duluth Central High School yearbook - - 1920 - - son of Jacob & Passey Karsner London, on London tree - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/London, Sam dchs 1920.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> London, Sam<BR><BR> Duluth Central High School yearbook - - 1920 <BR> son of Jacob & Passey Karsner London, on London tree <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/London, Sam dchs 1920.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/London, Sam dchs 1920.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> London, Sam - - Duluth Central High School yearbook - - 1927 - - <font  size="1"> son of Joseph & Fanny Weiner London </font> - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/London, Sam dchs 1927.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> London, Sam <BR><BR> Duluth Central High School yearbook - - 1927 <BR> son of Joseph & Fanny Weiner London <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/London, Sam dchs 1927.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/London, Sam dchs 1927.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Long, Jeff - - Duluth East High School yearbook -  1961 junior - - son of Sherman Long & Miriam Oreck - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Long, Jeff 1961 dehs junior.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Long, Jeff <BR> Duluth East High School yearbook -  1961 junior <BR> son of Sherman Long & Miriam Oreck <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Long, Jeff 1961 dehs junior.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Long, Jeff 1961 dehs junior.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Long, Jeffrey - - Duluth East High School yearbook - - 1962 - - <font  size="1"> married to Elizabeth Breeze, son of Sherman & Miriam Oreck Long, Oreck tree </font> - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Long, Jeffrey dehs 1962.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Long, Jeffrey <BR><BR> Duluth East High School yearbook - - 1962 <BR> married to Elizabeth Breeze, son of Sherman & Miriam Oreck Long, Oreck tree <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Long, Jeffrey dehs 1962.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Long, Jeffrey dehs 1962.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Long, Sherman   - - Served in World War II  - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Long, Sherman wwii.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Long, Sherman <BR><BR> Served in World War II <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Long, Sherman wwii.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Long, Sherman wwii.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   wwii 160 200 0.8 120 150
<br><br> Love, Hyman. - - Duluth Central High School yearbook - - 1933 - - <font  size="1">  married to Mindy, son of Nathan & Rose Litman Love, Litman tree </font> - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Love, Hyman. dchs 1933.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Love, Hyman. <BR><BR> Duluth Central High School yearbook - - 1933 <BR>  married to Mindy, son of Nathan & Rose Litman Love, Litman tree <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Love, Hyman. dchs 1933.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Love, Hyman. dchs 1933.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Lowry, Dick - - Duluth Central High School yearbook - - 1948 junior   - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Lowry, Dick dchs 1948 juniors.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Lowry, Dick <BR><BR>  Duluth Central High School yearbook - - 1948 junior   <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Lowry, Dick dchs 1948 juniors.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Lowry, Dick dchs 1948 juniors.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Lurye, Byron  - - Superior High School yearbook -  1930   - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Lurye, Byron shs 1930.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Lurye, Byron  <BR> Superior High School yearbook -  1930   <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Lurye, Byron shs 1930.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Lurye, Byron shs 1930.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Lurye, Constance  - -  Superior Central High School yearbook  - -  1940 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Lurye, Constance schs 1940.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Lurye, Constance  <BR><BR>   Superior Central  High School yearbook   - - 1940 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Lurye, Constance schs 1940.jpg">full text and image at hi res</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Lurye, Constance schs 1940.jpg" width="267" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   yearbook 267 150 1.78
<br><br> Lurye, Naomi Rose - - Superior High School yearbook - - 1920 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Lurye, Naomi Rose 1920 shs.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Lurye, Naomi Rose - - Superior High School yearbook - - 1920 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Lurye, Naomi Rose 1920 shs.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Lurye, Naomi Rose 1920 shs.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Lurye, Rose - -   Superior High School yearbook - - 1916 - - <font  size="1"> married to Jack Butwin, daughter of Harry & Ann Edelstein, Edelstein tree </font> - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Lurye, Rose shs 1916.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Lurye, Rose<BR><BR>  Superior High School yearbook - - 1916 <BR> married to Jack Butwin, daughter of Harry & Ann Edelstein, Edelstein tree <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Lurye, Rose shs 1916.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Lurye, Rose shs 1916.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Lurye, Ruth (Edelstein) - - Superior State College yearbook - 1933 (Girls Glee Club) - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Lurye, Ruth 1933 SSTC (Edelstein) Girls Glee Club.jpg">image</A> - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/MI/Lurye, Ruth 1933 SSTC (Edelstein) Girls Glee Club.jpg">more</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Lurye, Ruth (Edelstein)  <BR><BR>  Superior State College yearbook - 1933 (Girls Glee Club) <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Lurye, Ruth 1933 SSTC (Edelstein) Girls Glee Club.jpg">larger image</A> - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/MI/Lurye, Ruth 1933 SSTC (Edelstein) Girls Glee Club.jpg">more information</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Lurye, Ruth 1933 SSTC (Edelstein) Girls Glee Club.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> <font color="blue"> .................. <B> M   </B> ..................   &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </font><font size="1"><A HREF="#top">top of this index</A> &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <A HREF="#bottom">bottom of this index</A> &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <A HREF="OtherFamiliesM.html">Letter "M" thumbnail page</A> <A Name="M"></A></font><font size="2"> <br><font color="blue" size="3"> .................. <B> M   </B> ..................   &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </font><font size="1"><A HREF="#top">top of list</A> &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <A HREF="#bottom">bottom</A><A Name="M"></A></font><font size="2"> <BR><BR>    - A - - Z -    
<br><br> Mann, Max  - -  Boston Store, Duluth 1912 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Mann, Max - Boston Store, Duluth 1912.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Mann, Max  <BR><BR>  Boston Store, Duluth 1912 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Mann, Max - Boston Store, Duluth 1912.jpg">full text and image at hi res</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Mann, Max - Boston Store, Duluth 1912.jpg" width="267" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   267 150
<br><br> Margulis, Anna  - - news photo - -  1905-1-22 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Margulis, Anna news photo 1905-1-22.jpg">photo with text</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Margulis, Anna <BR><BR> News photo - -  1905-1-22 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Margulis, Anna news photo 1905-1-22.jpg">photo with text</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Margulis, Anna news photo 1905-1-22.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Margulis, Harry   - - Newspaper article - -  1918-7-12 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Margulis, Harry news 1918-7-12.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Margulis, Harry  <BR><BR> Newspaper article - -  1918-7-12 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Margulis, Harry news 1918-7-12.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Margulis, Harry news 1918-7-12.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   news 160 200 0.8 120 150
<br><br> Margulis,Ted - -  From his website:  <A HREF="">Jewish Web Index</A> - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Margulis,Ted - from his website.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Margulis,Ted  <BR><BR> From his website:  <A HREF="">Jewish Web Index</A> <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Margulis,Ted - from his website.jpg">full image at hi res</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Margulis,Ted - from his website.jpg" width="267" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   misc 267 150
<br><br> Mark, Aaron   - -  Duluth Central  High School yearbook  - -  1944 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Mark, Aaron dchs 1944.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Mark, Aaron  <BR><BR>  Duluth Central  High School yearbook - -  1944 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Mark, Aaron dchs 1944.jpg">full text and image at hi res</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Mark, Aaron dchs 1944.jpg" width="267" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   yearbook 267 150
<br><br> Mark, Muriel  - - Duluth Central High School yearbook -  -  1935   - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Mark, Muriel dchs 1935.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Mark, Muriel <BR><BR>  Duluth Central High School yearbook -  -  1935   <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Mark, Muriel dchs 1935.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Mark, Muriel dchs 1935.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Markell, Betty Levine - -  WWII - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Markell, Betty Levine WWII.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Markell, Betty Levine WWII <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Markell, Betty Levine WWII.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Markell, Betty Levine WWII.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Markell, Fred  - - Duluth Central High School yearbook -  -  1935   - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Markell, Fred dchs 1935.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Markell, Fred <BR><BR>  Duluth Central High School yearbook -  -  1935   <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Markell, Fred dchs 1935.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Markell, Fred dchs 1935.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Markell, Herman   - - Served in World War II  - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Markell, Herman wwii.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Markell, Herman <BR><BR> Served in World War II <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Markell, Herman wwii.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Markell, Herman wwii.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   wwii 160 200 0.8 120 150
<br><br> Markell, Herman   - - Served in World War II - - Photos and Information -  (adg) - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Markell, Herman  WWII adg.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Markell, Herman  <BR><BR> Served in World War II (adg) <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Markell, Herman  WWII adg.jpg">photos and information</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Markell, Herman  WWII adg.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   Al Grady 120 150
<br><br> Markell, Herman - - Drake University - 1939 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Markell, Herman - - Drake University - 1939.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Markell, Herman<BR><BR>Drake University - 1939 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Markell, Herman - - Drake University - 1939.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Markell, Herman - - Drake University - 1939.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   yearbook 120 150
<br><br> Markell, Herman - - news - June 1944 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Markell, Herman - - news - June 1944.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Markell, Herman<BR><BR>news - June 1944 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Markell, Herman - - news - June 1944.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Markell, Herman - - news - June 1944.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   news 120 150
<br><br> Markell, Herman 2Lt July 1944 JFN news - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Markell, Herman 2Lt July 1944 JFN news .jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Markell, Herman 2Lt July 1944 JFN news <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Markell, Herman 2Lt July 1944 JFN news .jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Markell, Herman 2Lt July 1944 JFN news .jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Markell, Irving   - -  Duluth Central  High School yearbook  - -  1944 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Markell, Irving dchs 1944.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Markell, Irving  <BR><BR>  Duluth Central  High School yearbook - -  1944 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Markell, Irving dchs 1944.jpg">full text and image at hi res</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Markell, Irving dchs 1944.jpg" width="267" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   yearbook 267 150
<br><br> Markell, Irving A   - - Served in World War II  - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Markell, Irving A wwii.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Markell, Irving A <BR><BR> Served in World War II <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Markell, Irving A wwii.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Markell, Irving A wwii.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   wwii 160 200 0.8 120 150
<br><br> Markell, Ruth dsch 1901   - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Markell, Ruth dsch 1901.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Markell, Ruth dsch 1901   <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Markell, Ruth dsch 1901.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Markell, Ruth dsch 1901.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Markovitz, Bessie (Miss)   - - Newspaper article - -  1913-2-23 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Markovitz, Bessie Miss news 1913-2-23.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Markovitz, Bessie (Miss)  <BR><BR> Newspaper article - -  1913-2-23 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Markovitz, Bessie Miss news 1913-2-23.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Markovitz, Bessie Miss news 1913-2-23.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   news 160 200 0.8 120 150
<br><br> Marks, Dorithe - - Duluth Central High School yearbook - - 1934 - - <font  size="1"> </font> - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Marks, Dorithe dchs 1934.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Marks, Dorithe <BR><BR> Duluth Central High School yearbook - - 1934 <BR> <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Marks, Dorithe dchs 1934.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Marks, Dorithe dchs 1934.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Marks, Gail  - -  Duluth East High School yearbook  - -  1969 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Marks, Gail dehs 1969.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Marks, Gail    <BR><BR>   Duluth East High School yearbook   - - 1969 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Marks, Gail dehs 1969.jpg">full text and image at hi res</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Marks, Gail dehs 1969.jpg" width="267" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   yearbook 267 150 1.78
<br><br> Marks, Ralph Frankel  - -  Superior Central High School yearbook  - -  1941 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Marks, Ralph Frankel schs 1941.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Marks, Ralph Frankel  <BR><BR>   Superior Central  High School yearbook   - - 1941 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Marks, Ralph Frankel schs 1941.jpg">full text and image at hi res</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Marks, Ralph Frankel schs 1941.jpg" width="267" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   yearbook 267 150 1.78
<br><br> Medalie, Barney J   - -  Biographical text - no photo - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Medalie, Barney J bio.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Medalie, Barney J    <BR><BR>  biographical text - no photo <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Medalie, Barney J bio.jpg">full image at hi res</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="center" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Medalie, Barney J bio.jpg" width="380" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   bio 380 150
<br><br> Meltz, Elaine - - Duluth East High School yearbook -  1961 junior - - daughter of Archie Meltz & Jeanette Greenberg - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Meltz, Elaine 1961dehs junior.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Meltz, Elaine <BR> Duluth East High School yearbook -  1961 junior <BR> daughter of Archie Meltz & Jeanette Greenberg <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Meltz, Elaine 1961dehs junior.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Meltz, Elaine 1961dehs junior.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Meltz, Morris   - - Served in World War II  - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Meltz, Morris wwii.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Meltz, Morris <BR><BR> Served in World War II <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Meltz, Morris wwii.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Meltz, Morris wwii.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   wwii 160 200 0.8 120 150
<br><br> Meyer, Charlene - - Duluth Central High School yearbook - - 1934 - - <font  size="1"> </font> - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Meyer, Charlene dchs 1934.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Meyer, Charlene <BR><BR> Duluth Central High School yearbook - - 1934 <BR> <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Meyer, Charlene dchs 1934.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Meyer, Charlene dchs 1934.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Meyer, Harry - - Duluth East High School yearbook - - 1963 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Meyer, Harry 1963 dehs.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Meyer, Harry - - Duluth East High School yearbook - - 1963 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Meyer, Harry 1963 dehs.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Meyer, Harry 1963 dehs.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Meyer, Kathleen - - Duluth East High School yearbook - - 1963 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Meyer, Kathleen 1963 dehs.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Meyer, Kathleen - - Duluth East High School yearbook - - 1963 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Meyer, Kathleen 1963 dehs.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Meyer, Kathleen 1963 dehs.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Meyer, Lillian - - Duluth Central High School yearbook - - 1929   - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Meyer, Lillian dchs 1929.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Meyer, Lillian <BR><BR> Duluth Central High School yearbook - - 1929   <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Meyer, Lillian dchs 1929.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Meyer, Lillian dchs 1929.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Meyers, Harold - - Duluth Central High School yearbook - - 1927 - - <font  size="1"> married to Ina Szabad, son of Charles & Lena Bernstein Polinsky Meyers </font> - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Meyers, Harold dchs 1927.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Meyers, Harold <BR><BR> Duluth Central High School yearbook - - 1927 <BR> married to Ina Szabad, son of Charles & Lena Bernstein Polinsky Meyers <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Meyers, Harold dchs 1927.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Meyers, Harold dchs 1927.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Meyers, Sidney - - Duluth Central High School yearbook - - 1934 - - <font  size="1"> </font> - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Meyers, Sidney dchs 1934.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Meyers, Sidney <BR><BR> Duluth Central High School yearbook - - 1934 <BR> <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Meyers, Sidney dchs 1934.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Meyers, Sidney dchs 1934.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Miller, Gordon Shaw - - Superior High School yearbook - - 1922 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Miller, Gordon Shaw 1922 shs.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Miller, Gordon Shaw - - Superior High School yearbook - - 1922 <BR>  text <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Miller, Gordon Shaw 1922 shs.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Miller, Gordon Shaw 1922 shs.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Miller, James - - Duluth Central High School yearbook - - 1967 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Miller, James 1967 dchs.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Miller, James - - Duluth Central High School yearbook - - 1967 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Miller, James 1967 dchs.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Miller, James 1967 dchs.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Miller, Jeff - - Superior High School yearbook - - 1972 - Junior year - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Miller, Jeff 1972 shs jr.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Miller, Jeff - - Superior High School yearbook - - 1972 - Junior year <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Miller, Jeff 1972 shs jr.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Miller, Jeff 1972 shs jr.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Miller, Marie - - Duluth Central High School yearbook - - 1967 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Miller, Marie 1967 dchs.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Miller, Marie - - Duluth Central High School yearbook - - 1967 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Miller, Marie 1967 dchs.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Miller, Marie 1967 dchs.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Miller, Robert - - Superior High School yearbook - - 1972 - Junior year - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Miller, Robert 1972 shs jr.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Miller, Robert - - Superior High School yearbook - - 1972 - Junior year <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Miller, Robert 1972 shs jr.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Miller, Robert 1972 shs jr.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Miller, Sandy - - Superior High School yearbook - - 1972 - Junior year - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Miller, Sandy 1972 shs jr.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Miller, Sandy - - Superior High School yearbook - - 1972 - Junior year <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Miller, Sandy 1972 shs jr.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Miller, Sandy 1972 shs jr.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Miller, Stanley - - Duluth Central High School yearbook - - 1967 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Miller, Stanley 1967 dchs.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Miller, Stanley - - Duluth Central High School yearbook - - 1967 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Miller, Stanley 1967 dchs.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Miller, Stanley 1967 dchs.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Moscovich, Corina blogspot - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Moscovich, Corina blogspot.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Moscovich, Corina blogspot <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Moscovich, Corina blogspot.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Moscovich, Corina blogspot.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Moshen, Joe - - Superior State College yearbook - 1933 (Owl and Serpent) - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Moshen, Joe 1933 SSTC (Owl and Serpent).jpg">image</A> - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/MI/Moshen, Joe 1933 SSTC (Owl and Serpent).jpg">more</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Moshen, Joe  <BR><BR>  Superior State College yearbook - 1933 (Owl and Serpent) <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Moshen, Joe 1933 SSTC (Owl and Serpent).jpg">larger image</A> - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/MI/Moshen, Joe 1933 SSTC (Owl and Serpent).jpg">more information</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Moshen, Joe 1933 SSTC (Owl and Serpent).jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Munic, Darlene - -   Duluth East High School yearbook - - 1964 - - <font  size="1"> married to Larry Braufman, daughter of Milton & Gertrude Yonesowitz Munic </font> - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Munic, Darlene dehs 1964.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Munic, Darlene<BR><BR>  Duluth East High School yearbook - - 1964 <BR> married to Larry Braufman, daughter of Milton & Gertrude Yonesowitz Munic <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Munic, Darlene dehs 1964.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Munic, Darlene dehs 1964.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Munic, Marty - -  Duluth East High School yearbook - - 1977   - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Munic, Marty dehs 1977.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Munic, Marty <BR><BR> Duluth East High School yearbook - - 1977   <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Munic, Marty dehs 1977.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Munic, Marty dehs 1977.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Munic, Ralph 1980-10 JFN profile - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Munic, Ralph 1980-10 JFN profile.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Munic, Ralph 1980-10 JFN profile <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Munic, Ralph 1980-10 JFN profile.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Munic, Ralph 1980-10 JFN profile.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Munic, Rosalyn  - - Duluth Central High School - -  1952 - - daughter of Ralph Munic & Minnie Press - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Munic, Rosalyn dchs 1952.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Munic, Rosalyn <BR> Duluth Central High School -  1952 <BR> daughter of Ralph Munic & Minnie Press <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Munic, Rosalyn dchs 1952.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Munic, Rosalyn dchs 1952.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>  
<br><br> Music, Lorenzo - - Zenith City History - Biography - - <A HREF=""  TARGET="articles">Link to Bio</A> - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Music, Lorenzo - zchb.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Music, Lorenzo <BR> Zenith City History - Biography <BR><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF=""  TARGET="articles">Link to Bio</A> <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Music, Lorenzo - zchb.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Music, Lorenzo - zchb.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Myers, Cecil B  - - Duluth High School yearbook - 1957 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Myers, Cecil B 1957  Duluth yearbook.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Myers, Cecil B  - - Duluth High School yearbook - 1957 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Myers, Cecil B 1957  Duluth yearbook.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Myers, Cecil B 1957  Duluth yearbook.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Myers, Cecli Bartlett  -1919 - Phillips Exeter Academy, New Hampshire - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Myers, Cecli Bartlett  -1919 - Phillips Exeter Academy New Hampshire .jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Myers, Cecli Bartlett  -1919 - Phillips Exeter Academy, New Hampshire <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Myers, Cecli Bartlett  -1919 - Phillips Exeter Academy New Hampshire .jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Myers, Cecli Bartlett  -1919 - Phillips Exeter Academy New Hampshire .jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Myers, Ruthe Anne - -   Duluth East High School yearbook - - 1964 - - <font  size="1"> </font> - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Myers, Ruthe Anne dehs 1964.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Myers, Ruthe Anne<BR><BR>  Duluth East High School yearbook - - 1964 <BR> <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Myers, Ruthe Anne dehs 1964.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Myers, Ruthe Anne dehs 1964.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Myzal, Barbara Carol  - -  Duluth East High School yearbook  - -  1957 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Myzal, Barbara Carol dehs 1957.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Myzal, Barbara Carol  <BR><BR> Duluth East High School yearbook  - -  1957 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Myzal, Barbara Carol dehs 1957.jpg">full text and image at hi res</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="center" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Myzal, Barbara Carol dehs 1957.jpg" width="267" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   yearbook 267 150
<br><br> Myzal, Gertrude  - -  Duluth Central High School yearbook  - -  1943 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Myzal, Gertrude dchs 1943.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Myzal, Gertrude  <BR><BR>   Duluth Central  High School yearbook   - - 1943 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Myzal, Gertrude dchs 1943.jpg">full text and image at hi res</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Myzal, Gertrude dchs 1943.jpg" width="267" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   yearbook 267 150 1.78
<br><br> Myzel, Ben   - - Served in World War II  - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Myzel, Ben wwii.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Myzel, Ben <BR><BR> Served in World War II <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Myzel, Ben wwii.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Myzel, Ben wwii.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   wwii 160 200 0.8 120 150
<br><br> Myzel, Leslie  - - Duluth Central High School yearbook -  1957 sophomore - - daughter of Phil Myzel & Pearl Myzal - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Myzel, Leslie dchs 1957 sophomore.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Myzel, Leslie  <BR> Duluth Central High School yearbook -  1957 sophomore <BR> daughter of Phil Myzel & Pearl Myzal <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Myzel, Leslie dchs 1957 sophomore.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Myzel, Leslie dchs 1957 sophomore.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Myzel, Leslie - - Duluth Central High School yearbook -  1958 junior - - daughter of Phil Myzel & Pearl Myzal - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Myzel, Leslie dchs 1958 junior.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Myzel, Leslie <BR> Duluth Central High School yearbook -  1958 junior <BR> daughter of Phil Myzel & Pearl Myzal <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Myzel, Leslie dchs 1958 junior.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Myzel, Leslie dchs 1958 junior.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Myzel, Leslie B  - - Duluth Central High School yeabook - -  1959 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Myzel, Leslie B dchs 1959.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Myzel, Leslie B <BR><BR>  Duluth Central High School yeabook - -  1959 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Myzel, Leslie B dchs 1959.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Myzel, Leslie B dchs 1959.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Myzel, Linda - - Duluth East High School yearbook -  1961 sophomore - - daughter of Phil Myzel & Pearl Myzal - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Myzel, Linda dehs 1961 sophomore.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Myzel, Linda <BR> Duluth East High School yearbook -  1961 sophomore <BR> daughter of Phil Myzel & Pearl Myzal <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Myzel, Linda dehs 1961 sophomore.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Myzel, Linda dehs 1961 sophomore.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Myzel, Linda - - Duluth East High School yearbook - - 1963 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Myzel, Linda 1963 dehs.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Myzel, Linda - - Duluth East High School yearbook - - 1963 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Myzel, Linda 1963 dehs.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Myzel, Linda 1963 dehs.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Myzel, Louis Isaac - died in Duluth 1944 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Myzel, Louis Isaac - died in Duluth 1944.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Myzel, Louis Isaac - died in Duluth 1944 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Myzel, Louis Isaac - died in Duluth 1944.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Myzel, Louis Isaac - died in Duluth 1944.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Myzel, Phil - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Myzel, Phil.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Myzel, Phil <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Myzel, Phil.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Myzel, Phil.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   news 120 150
<br><br> Myzel, Phil   - - Served in World War II  - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Myzel, Phil wwii.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Myzel, Phil <BR><BR> Served in World War II <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Myzel, Phil wwii.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Myzel, Phil wwii.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   wwii 160 200 0.8 120 150
<br><br> Myzel, Phil video - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Myzel, Phil video.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Myzel, Phil video <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Myzel, Phil video.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Myzel, Phil video.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Myzel, Philip - - Duluth Central High School yearbook - -  1932 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Myzel, Philip dchs 1932.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Myzel, Philip <BR><BR> Duluth Central High School yearbook  - - 1932 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Myzel, Philip dchs 1932.jpg">full text and image at hi res</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Myzel, Philip dchs 1932.jpg" width="267" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   yearbook 267 150 1.78
<br><br> <font color="blue"> .................. <B> N   </B> ..................   &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </font><font size="1"><A HREF="#top">top of this index</A> &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <A HREF="#bottom">bottom of this index</A> &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <A HREF="OtherFamiliesN.html">Letter "N" thumbnail page</A> <A Name="N"></A></font><font size="2"> <br><font color="blue" size="3"> .................. <B> N   </B> ..................   &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </font><font size="1"><A HREF="#top">top of list</A> &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <A HREF="#bottom">bottom</A><A Name="N"></A></font><font size="2"> <BR><BR>    - A - - Z -    
<br><br> Naymark, Bertha - - Duluth Central High School yearbook - -  1923 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Naymark, Bertha dchs 1923.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Naymark, Bertha <BR><BR> Duluth Central High School yearbook  - - 1923 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Naymark, Bertha dchs 1923.jpg">full text and image at hi res</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Naymark, Bertha dchs 1923.jpg" width="267" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   yearbook 267 150 1.78
<br><br> Naymark, Cynthia Lynne - - Duluth East High School yearbook -  1961 - - daughter of Lenny Naymark & Shirley Litman - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Naymark, Cynthia Lynne dehs 1961.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Naymark, Cynthia Lynne <BR> Duluth East High School yearbook -  1961 <BR> daughter of Lenny Naymark & Shirley Litman <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Naymark, Cynthia Lynne dehs 1961.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Naymark, Cynthia Lynne dehs 1961.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Naymark, Joann Naegeh - - Duluth East High School - -  1968 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Naymark, Joann Naegeh DEHS 1968.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Naymark, Joann Naegeh   <BR><BR>  Duluth East  High School yearbook - -  1968 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Naymark, Joann Naegeh DEHS 1968.jpg">full text and image at hi res</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Naymark, Joann Naegeh DEHS 1968.jpg" width="267" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   yearbook 267 150
<br><br> Naymark, Natalynn   - -  Duluth Central  High School yearbook  - -  1944 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Naymark, Natalynn dchs 1944.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Naymark, Natalynn  <BR><BR>  Duluth Central  High School yearbook - -  1944 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Naymark, Natalynn dchs 1944.jpg">full text and image at hi res</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Naymark, Natalynn dchs 1944.jpg" width="267" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   yearbook 267 150
<br><br> Naymark, Pearl - - Duluth Central High School yearbook - - 1934 - - <font  size="1"> married to Samuel Gallop, daughter of David & Lena Flomenbaum, Naymark tree </font> - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Naymark, Pearl dchs 1934.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Naymark, Pearl <BR><BR> Duluth Central High School yearbook - - 1934 <BR> married to Samuel Gallop, daughter of David & Lena Flomenbaum, Naymark tree <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Naymark, Pearl dchs 1934.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Naymark, Pearl dchs 1934.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Naymark, Sherman   - - Served in World War II  - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Naymark, Sherman wwii.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Naymark, Sherman <BR><BR> Served in World War II <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Naymark, Sherman wwii.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Naymark, Sherman wwii.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   wwii 160 200 0.8 120 150
<br><br> Naymark, Sherman  - - Duluth Central High School yearbook  - 1937 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Naymark, Sherman dchs 1937.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Naymark, Sherman    <BR><BR>  Duluth Central High School yearbook -  1937 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Naymark, Sherman dchs 1937.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Naymark, Sherman dchs 1937.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Naymark, Sherman - 1941 US Naval Academy - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Naymark, Sherman - 1941 US Naval Academy.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Naymark, Sherman - 1941 US Naval Academy <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Naymark, Sherman - 1941 US Naval Academy.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Naymark, Sherman - 1941 US Naval Academy.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Neiman, Gladys - - Superior State College yearbook - 1933 (Activities) - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Neiman, Gladys 1933 SSTC Activities.jpg">image</A> - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/MI/Neiman, Gladys 1933 SSTC Activities.jpg">more</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Neiman, Gladys  <BR><BR>  Superior State College yearbook - 1933 (Activities) <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Neiman, Gladys 1933 SSTC Activities.jpg">larger image</A> - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/MI/Neiman, Gladys 1933 SSTC Activities.jpg">more information</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Neiman, Gladys 1933 SSTC Activities.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Nides, Arnold  - - Duluth Central High School yearbook  - 1928 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Nides, Arnold dchs 1928.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Nides, Arnold    <BR><BR>  Duluth Central High School yearbook -  1928 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Nides, Arnold dchs 1928.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Nides, Arnold dchs 1928.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Nides, Arnold - - Duluth Central High School yearbook - - 1929 - - <font  size="1"> married to Shirley Gavronsky, son of Morris & Eva Polinsky Nides </font> - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Nides, Arnold dchs 1929.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Nides, Arnold <BR><BR> Duluth Central High School yearbook - - 1929 <BR> married to Shirley Gavronsky, son of Morris & Eva Polinsky Nides <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Nides, Arnold dchs 1929.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Nides, Arnold dchs 1929.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Nides, Millicent  - -  Duluth Central High School yearbook - -  1926 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Nides, Millicent dchs 1926.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Nides, Millicent  <BR><BR> Duluth Central High School yearbook - -  1926 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Nides, Millicent dchs 1926.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Nides, Millicent dchs 1926.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Norvich, Nancy Z   - -  Duluth Central High School yearbook  - 1956 - -
daughter of David Norvich & Molly Schraber
- - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Norvich, Nancy Z dchs 1956.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Norvich, Nancy Z <BR> Duluth Central High School yearbook  - 1956 <BR>
daughter of David Norvich & Molly Schraber
<P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Norvich, Nancy Z dchs 1956.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Norvich, Nancy Z dchs 1956.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>  
<br><br> Norvich, Ronald   - -  Duluth Central High School yearbook  - 1956 - -
son of David Norvich & Molly Schraber
- - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Norvich, Ronald dchs 1956.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Norvich, Ronald <BR> Duluth Central High School yearbook  - 1956 <BR>
son of David Norvich & Molly Schraber
<P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Norvich, Ronald dchs 1956.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Norvich, Ronald dchs 1956.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>  
<br><br> Nyrin, Ruth Celia Wiener - - family photo - c1905 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Nyrin, Ruth Celia Wiener - - family photo c1905.jpg">image</A> - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/MI/Nyrin, Ruth Celia Wiener - - family photo c1905.jpg">more</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Nyrin, Ruth Celia Wiener  <BR><BR>  family photo - c1905 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Nyrin, Ruth Celia Wiener - - family photo c1905.jpg">larger image</A> - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/MI/Nyrin, Ruth Celia Wiener - - family photo c1905.jpg">more information</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Nyrin, Ruth Celia Wiener - - family photo c1905.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> <font color="blue"> .................. <B> O   </B> ..................   &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </font><font size="1"><A HREF="#top">top of this index</A> &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <A HREF="#bottom">bottom of this index</A> &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <A HREF="OtherFamiliesO.html">Letter "O" thumbnail page</A> <A Name="O"></A></font><font size="2"> <br><font color="blue" size="3"> .................. <B> O   </B> ..................   &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </font><font size="1"><A HREF="#top">top of list</A> &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <A HREF="#bottom">bottom</A><A Name="O"></A></font><font size="2"> <BR><BR>    - A - - Z -    
<br><br> Oettinger, Ursel   - -  Duluth Central High School yearbook  - 1956 - - daughter of Mrs. Clara Oettinger (married Gary Cowan) - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Oettinger, Ursel dchs 1956.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Oettinger, Ursel <BR> Duluth Central High School yearbook  - 1956 <BR> daughter of Mrs. Clara Oettinger (married Gary Cowan) <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Oettinger, Ursel dchs 1956.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Oettinger, Ursel dchs 1956.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>  
<br><br> Oreck, Anne  - - Duluth East  High School yearbook - -  1985  - junior - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Oreck, Anne dehs 1985 junior.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Oreck, Anne  <BR><BR> Duluth East  High School yearbook - -  1985  - junior <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Oreck, Anne dehs 1985 junior.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Oreck, Anne dehs 1985 junior.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Oreck, Anne C   - -  Duluth East  High School yearbook  - - 1986 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Oreck, Anne C 1986 dehs.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Oreck, Anne C <BR><BR>  Duluth East High School - - 1986 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Oreck, Anne C 1986 dehs.jpg">full text and image at hi res</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Oreck, Anne C 1986 dehs.jpg" width="267" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   267 150
<br><br> Oreck, Charlotte  - - Duluth Central High School yearbook -  -  1935 - - married Louis Lusky, on the Oreck tree - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Oreck, Charlotte dchs 1935.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Oreck, Charlotte <BR><BR>  Duluth Central High School yearbook -  -  1935 <BR> married Louis Lusky, on the Oreck tree <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Oreck, Charlotte dchs 1935.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Oreck, Charlotte dchs 1935.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Oreck, David    - - Duluth Central High School yearbook - -  1941 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Oreck, David yearbook dchs 1941.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Oreck, David    <BR><BR> Duluth Central High School yearbook - -  1941 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Oreck, David yearbook dchs 1941.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Oreck, David yearbook dchs 1941.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Oreck, David - - biography - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Oreck, David 1941 history.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Oreck, David - - biography <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Oreck, David 1941 history.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Oreck, David 1941 history.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Oreck, David - - Duluth Central High School yearbook - -  1941 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Oreck, David dchs 1941.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Oreck, David <BR><BR> Duluth Central High School yearbook  - - 1941 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Oreck, David dchs 1941.jpg">full text and image at hi res</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Oreck, David dchs 1941.jpg" width="267" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   yearbook 267 150 1.78
<br><br> Oreck, David - - news - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Oreck, David - - news.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Oreck, David<BR><BR>news <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Oreck, David - - news.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Oreck, David - - news.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   news 120 150
<br><br> Oreck, David - - news - Dec 1944 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Oreck, David - - news - Dec 1944.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Oreck, David<BR><BR>news - Dec 1944 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Oreck, David - - news - Dec 1944.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Oreck, David - - news - Dec 1944.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   news 120 150
<br><br> Oreck, David L   - - Served in World War II  - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Oreck, David L wwii.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Oreck, David L <BR><BR> Served in World War II <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Oreck, David L wwii.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Oreck, David L wwii.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   wwii 160 200 0.8 120 150
<br><br> Oreck, David L   - - Served in World War II - - Photos and Information -  (adg) - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Oreck, David L  WWII adg.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Oreck, David L  <BR><BR> Served in World War II (adg) <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Oreck, David L  WWII adg.jpg">photos and information</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Oreck, David L  WWII adg.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   Al Grady 120 150
<br><br> Oreck, David L WWII b - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Oreck, David L WWII b.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Oreck, David L<BR><BR>  served in World War II <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Oreck, David L WWII b.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Oreck, David L WWII b.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   wwii 120 150
<br><br> Oreck, Dorothy June -   - - Newspaper article - - 1922-10-22 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Oreck, Dorothy June - news 1922-10-22.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Oreck, Dorothy June -  <BR><BR> Newspaper article - - 1922-10-22 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Oreck, Dorothy June - news 1922-10-22.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Oreck, Dorothy June - news 1922-10-22.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   news 120 150
<br><br> Oreck, Erwin - -  Duluth Central High School yearbook - - 1911 - - Israel, married to Lillian Swanson, Oreck tree - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Oreck, Erwin dchs 1911.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Oreck, Erwin<BR><BR> Duluth Central High School yearbook - - 1911 <BR> Israel, married to Lillian Swanson, Oreck tree <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Oreck, Erwin dchs 1911.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Oreck, Erwin dchs 1911.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Oreck, Jack  - -  Duluth Central High School yearbook  - -  1943 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Oreck, Jack dchs 1943.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Oreck, Jack  <BR><BR>   Duluth Central  High School yearbook   - - 1943 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Oreck, Jack dchs 1943.jpg">full text and image at hi res</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Oreck, Jack dchs 1943.jpg" width="267" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   yearbook 267 150 1.78
<br><br> Oreck, Jack H   - - Served in World War II  - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Oreck, Jack H wwii.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Oreck, Jack H <BR><BR> Served in World War II <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Oreck, Jack H wwii.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Oreck, Jack H wwii.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   wwii 160 200 0.8 120 150
<br><br> Oreck, Jim  - - Duluth East  High School yearbook - -  1985  - junior - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Oreck, Jim dehs 1985 junior.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Oreck, Jim  <BR><BR> Duluth East  High School yearbook - -  1985  - junior <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Oreck, Jim dehs 1985 junior.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Oreck, Jim dehs 1985 junior.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Oreck, Jimmy   - -  Duluth East  High School yearbook  - - 1986 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Oreck, Jimmy 1986 dehs.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Oreck, Jimmy <BR><BR>  Duluth East High School - - 1986 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Oreck, Jimmy 1986 dehs.jpg">full text and image at hi res</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Oreck, Jimmy 1986 dehs.jpg" width="267" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   267 150
<br><br> Oreck, Joseph Gordon  - -  Duluth East High School yearbook  - -  1959 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Oreck, Joseph Gordon dehs 1959.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Oreck, Joseph Gordon  <BR><BR> Duluth East High School yearbook  - -  1959 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Oreck, Joseph Gordon dehs 1959.jpg">full text and image at hi res</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="center" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Oreck, Joseph Gordon dehs 1959.jpg" width="267" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   yearbook 267 150
<br><br> Oreck, Lois  - -  Duluth Central High School yearbook  - -  1942 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Oreck, Lois dchs 1942.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Oreck, Lois  <BR><BR>   Duluth Central  High School yearbook   - - 1942 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Oreck, Lois dchs 1942.jpg">full text and image at hi res</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Oreck, Lois dchs 1942.jpg" width="267" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   yearbook 267 150 1.78
<br><br> Oreck, Marjorie  - - Duluth Central High School yearbook -  -  1938 - - Oreck tree - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Oreck, Marjorie dchs 1938.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Oreck, Marjorie <BR><BR>  Duluth Central High School yearbook -  -  1938 <BR> Oreck tree <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Oreck, Marjorie dchs 1938.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Oreck, Marjorie dchs 1938.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Oreck, Marjorie 2  - - Duluth Central High School yearbook -  -  1938 - - Oreck tree - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Oreck, Marjorie 2 dchs 1938.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Oreck, Marjorie 2 <BR><BR>  Duluth Central High School yearbook -  -  1938 <BR> Oreck tree <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Oreck, Marjorie 2 dchs 1938.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Oreck, Marjorie 2 dchs 1938.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Oreck, Marshall - - Duluth Central High School yearbook - - 1947 - - <font  size="1"> married to Leslie Kaplan, son of Abraham & Sheba Polinsky Oreck, on Oreck tree </font> - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Oreck, Marshall dchs 1947.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Oreck, Marshall <BR><BR> Duluth Central High School yearbook - - 1947 <BR> married to Leslie Kaplan, son of Abraham & Sheba Polinsky Oreck, on Oreck tree <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Oreck, Marshall dchs 1947.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Oreck, Marshall dchs 1947.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Oreck, Marshall. - - Duluth Central High School yearbook - - 1946 junior   - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Oreck, Marshall. dchs 1946 junior.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Oreck, Marshall. <BR><BR>  Duluth Central High School yearbook - - 1946 junior   <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Oreck, Marshall. dchs 1946 junior.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Oreck, Marshall. dchs 1946 junior.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Oreck, Marvin   - - Newspaper article - - 1919-4-13 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Oreck, Marvin news 1919-4-13.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Oreck, Marvin  <BR><BR> Newspaper article - - 1919-4-13 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Oreck, Marvin news 1919-4-13.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Oreck, Marvin news 1919-4-13.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   news 120 150
<br><br> Oreck, Marvin - - Duluth Central High School yearbook - - 1918 - Boy's Glee Club - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Oreck, Marvin 1918 dchs - Boy's Glee Club.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Oreck, Marvin - - Duluth Central High School yearbook - - 1918 - Boy's Glee Club <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Oreck, Marvin 1918 dchs - Boy's Glee Club.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Oreck, Marvin 1918 dchs - Boy's Glee Club.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Oreck, Marvin - - Duluth Central High School yearbook - - 1918 - Rostra - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Oreck, Marvin 1918 dchs - Rostra.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Oreck, Marvin - - Duluth Central High School yearbook - - 1918 - Rostra <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Oreck, Marvin 1918 dchs - Rostra.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Oreck, Marvin 1918 dchs - Rostra.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Oreck, Marvin - - Duluth Central High School yearbook - 1919 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Oreck, Marvin dchs 1919.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Oreck, Marvin <BR><BR> Duluth Central High School yearbook - 1919 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Oreck, Marvin dchs 1919.jpg">larger image / more info</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Oreck, Marvin dchs 1919.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Oreck, Marvin Aaron   - - Newspaper article - - 1921-6-5 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Oreck, Marvin Aaron news 1921-6-5.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Oreck, Marvin Aaron  <BR><BR> Newspaper article - - 1921-6-5 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Oreck, Marvin Aaron news 1921-6-5.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Oreck, Marvin Aaron news 1921-6-5.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   news 120 150
<br><br> Oreck, Michele  - - Duluth East  High School yearbook - -  1983 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Oreck, Michele dehs 1983.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Oreck, Michele  <BR><BR> Duluth East  High School yearbook - -  1983 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Oreck, Michele dehs 1983.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Oreck, Michele dehs 1983.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Oreck, Mike James  - -  Duluth East High School yearbook  - -  1959 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Oreck, Mike James dehs 1959.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Oreck, Mike James  <BR><BR> Duluth East High School yearbook  - -  1959  <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Oreck, Mike James dehs 1959.jpg">full text and image at hi res</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="center" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Oreck, Mike James dehs 1959.jpg" width="267" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   yearbook 267 150
<br><br> Oreck, Miriam - - Duluth Central High School yearbook - -  1939 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Oreck, Miriam dchs 1939.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Oreck, Miriam <BR><BR> Duluth Central High School yearbook  - - 1939 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Oreck, Miriam dchs 1939.jpg">full text and image at hi res</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Oreck, Miriam dchs 1939.jpg" width="267" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   yearbook 267 150 1.78
<br><br> Oreck, Percy -   - - Newspaper article - - 1921-8-14 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Oreck, Percy - news 1921-8-14.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Oreck, Percy -  <BR><BR> Newspaper article - - 1921-8-14 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Oreck, Percy - news 1921-8-14.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Oreck, Percy - news 1921-8-14.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   news 120 150
<br><br> Oreck, Sarah  - - Duluth East  High School yearbook - -  1979 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Oreck, Sarah dehs 1979.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Oreck, Sarah  <BR><BR> Duluth East  High School yearbook - -  1979 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Oreck, Sarah dehs 1979.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Oreck, Sarah dehs 1979.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Oreckovsky, C D -    - - Newspaper article - - 1919-8-6 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Oreckovsky, C D -  news 1919-8-6.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Oreckovsky, C D -   <BR><BR> Newspaper article - - 1919-8-6 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Oreckovsky, C D -  news 1919-8-6.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Oreckovsky, C D -  news 1919-8-6.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   news 120 150
<br><br> Oreckovsky, C D news photo 1919-8-6 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Oreckovsky, C D news photo 1919-8-6.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Oreckovsky, C D news photo 1919-8-6 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Oreckovsky, C D news photo 1919-8-6.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Oreckovsky, C D news photo 1919-8-6.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Oreckovsky, C. D. 1919-8-6 news article - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Oreckovsky, C. D. 1919-8-6 news article.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Oreckovsky, C. D. 1919-8-6 news article <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Oreckovsky, C. D. 1919-8-6 news article.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Oreckovsky, C. D. 1919-8-6 news article.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Oreckovsky, Charles D -   - - Newspaper article - - 1915-6-22 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Oreckovsky, Charles D - news 1915-6-22.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Oreckovsky, Charles D -  <BR><BR> Newspaper article - - 1915-6-22 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Oreckovsky, Charles D - news 1915-6-22.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Oreckovsky, Charles D - news 1915-6-22.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   news 120 150
<br><br> Oreckovsky, Charles D -   - - Newspaper article - - 1919-7-13 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Oreckovsky, Charles D - news 1919-7-13.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Oreckovsky, Charles D -  <BR><BR> Newspaper article - - 1919-7-13 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Oreckovsky, Charles D - news 1919-7-13.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Oreckovsky, Charles D - news 1919-7-13.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   news 120 150
<br><br> Oreckovsky, Charles D -   - - Newspaper article - - 1920-3-14 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Oreckovsky, Charles D - news 1920-3-14.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Oreckovsky, Charles D -  <BR><BR> Newspaper article - - 1920-3-14 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Oreckovsky, Charles D - news 1920-3-14.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Oreckovsky, Charles D - news 1920-3-14.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   news 120 150
<br><br> Oreckovsky, Charles D 1919 & 1922 news articles - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Oreckovsky, Charles D 1919 & 1922 news articles.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Oreckovsky, Charles D 1919 & 1922 news articles <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Oreckovsky, Charles D 1919 & 1922 news articles.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Oreckovsky, Charles D 1919 & 1922 news articles.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Oreckovsky, Charles D 1919-8-31 news article - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Oreckovsky, Charles D 1919-8-31 news article.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Oreckovsky, Charles D 1919-8-31 news article <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Oreckovsky, Charles D 1919-8-31 news article.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Oreckovsky, Charles D 1919-8-31 news article.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Oreckovsky, Charles D news photo 1922-5-30 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Oreckovsky, Charles D news photo 1922-5-30.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Oreckovsky, Charles D news photo 1922-5-30 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Oreckovsky, Charles D news photo 1922-5-30.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Oreckovsky, Charles D news photo 1922-5-30.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Oreckovsky, Max -   - - Newspaper article - - 1911-11-5 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Oreckovsky, Max - news 1911-11-5.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Oreckovsky, Max -  <BR><BR> Newspaper article - - 1911-11-5 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Oreckovsky, Max - news 1911-11-5.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Oreckovsky, Max - news 1911-11-5.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   news 120 150
<br><br> Oreckovsky, Max -   - - Newspaper article - - 1912-2-4 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Oreckovsky, Max - news 1912-2-4.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Oreckovsky, Max -  <BR><BR> Newspaper article - - 1912-2-4 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Oreckovsky, Max - news 1912-2-4.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Oreckovsky, Max - news 1912-2-4.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   news 120 150
<br><br> Oreckovsky, Max 1911-11-5 news article - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Oreckovsky, Max 1911-11-5 news article.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Oreckovsky, Max 1911-11-5 news article <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Oreckovsky, Max 1911-11-5 news article.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Oreckovsky, Max 1911-11-5 news article.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Oreckovsky, Rosalie - - Duluth Central High School yearbook - - 1934 - - <font  size="1"> married to Harry Sherman, daughter of Charles & Elizabeth Helperin Oreckovsky, </font> - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Oreckovsky, Rosalie dchs 1934.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Oreckovsky, Rosalie <BR><BR> Duluth Central High School yearbook - - 1934 <BR> married to Harry Sherman, daughter of Charles & Elizabeth Helperin Oreckovsky, <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Oreckovsky, Rosalie dchs 1934.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Oreckovsky, Rosalie dchs 1934.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Oreckovsky, Rosalie 1934 high school Yearbook - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Oreckovsky, Rosalie 1934 high school Yearbook.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Oreckovsky, Rosalie 1934 high school Yearbook <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Oreckovsky, Rosalie 1934 high school Yearbook.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Oreckovsky, Rosalie 1934 high school Yearbook.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Oreckovsky, Ruth (Velasquez)  - - Duluth Central High School yearbook  - 1937 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Oreckovsky, Ruth (Velasquez) dchs 1937.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Oreckovsky, Ruth (Velasquez)    <BR><BR>  Duluth Central High School yearbook -  1937 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Oreckovsky, Ruth (Velasquez) dchs 1937.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Oreckovsky, Ruth (Velasquez) dchs 1937.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Oreckovsky, Selma - - Duluth Central High School yearbook - 1910 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Oreckovsky, Selma dchs 1910.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Oreckovsky, Selma <BR><BR> Duluth Central High School yearbook - 1910 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Oreckovsky, Selma dchs 1910.jpg">larger image / more info</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Oreckovsky, Selma dchs 1910.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Oreckovsky, Selma (Miss)   - - Newspaper article - -  1913-2-23 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Oreckovsky, Selma Miss news 1913-2-23.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Oreckovsky, Selma (Miss)  <BR><BR> Newspaper article - -  1913-2-23 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Oreckovsky, Selma Miss news 1913-2-23.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Oreckovsky, Selma Miss news 1913-2-23.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   news 160 200 0.8 120 150
<br><br> Orensten, Cindi Gordon - - Facebook - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Orensten, Cindi Gordon fb.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Orensten, Cindi Gordon fb <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Orensten, Cindi Gordon fb.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Orensten, Cindi Gordon fb.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Orensten, David  - - Facebook - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Orensten, David Facebook.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Orensten, David Facebook <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Orensten, David Facebook.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Orensten, David Facebook.jpg" width="245" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   245 150
<br><br> Orensten, Eddie - - Facebook - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Orensten, Eddie fb.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Orensten, Eddie fb <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Orensten, Eddie fb.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Orensten, Eddie fb.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Orensten, Josh - - Facebook - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Orensten, Josh fb.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Orensten, Josh fb <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Orensten, Josh fb.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Orensten, Josh fb.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Orensten, Myrna - -  Facebook - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Orensten, Myrna Facebook.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Orensten, Myrna - -  Facebook <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Orensten, Myrna Facebook.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Orensten, Myrna Facebook.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Orensten, Nathan  - - Facebook - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Orensten, Nathan fb.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Orensten, Nathan fb <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Orensten, Nathan fb.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Orensten, Nathan fb.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Ostrov, Charles  - - Virginia Roosevelt  High School yearbook - -  1955 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Ostrov, Charles vrhs 1955.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Ostrov, Charles  <BR><BR> Virginia Roosevelt  High School yearbook - -  1955 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Ostrov, Charles vrhs 1955.jpg">image with text at higher res</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Ostrov, Charles vrhs 1955.jpg" width="267" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   267 150
<br><br> Ostrov, Charles - - poster for city council - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Ostrov, Charles - - poster for city council.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Ostrov, Charles <BR><BR>  poster for city council <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Ostrov, Charles - - poster for city council.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Ostrov, Charles - - poster for city council.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Ostrov, Charles S  - - MD - bio information - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Ostrov, Charles S MD bio info.jpg">image</A> - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/MI/Ostrov, Charles S MD bio info.jpg">more</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Ostrov, Charles S   <BR><BR>  MD - bio information <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Ostrov, Charles S MD bio info.jpg">larger image</A> - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/MI/Ostrov, Charles S MD bio info.jpg">more information</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Ostrov, Charles S MD bio info.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Ostrov, Charlie and Margie - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Ostrov, Charlie and Margie.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Ostrov, Charlie and Margie <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Ostrov, Charlie and Margie.jpg">higher res image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Ostrov, Charlie and Margie.jpg" width="267" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   267 150
<br><br> Ostrov, Goldie - - Duluth Central High School yearbook - -  1939 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Ostrov, Goldie dchs 1939.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Ostrov, Goldie <BR><BR> Duluth Central High School yearbook  - - 1939 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Ostrov, Goldie dchs 1939.jpg">full text and image at hi res</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Ostrov, Goldie dchs 1939.jpg" width="267" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   yearbook 267 150 1.78
<br><br> Ostrov, Gordon Irving  - - Duluth Central High School yearbook -  1957   - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Ostrov, Gordon Irving dchs 1957.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Ostrov, Gordon Irving  <BR> Duluth Central High School yearbook -  1957 <BR> <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Ostrov, Gordon Irving dchs 1957.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Ostrov, Gordon Irving dchs 1957.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Ostrov, Jessica I  - -  Duluth East High School yearbook -  1994 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Ostrov, Jessica I dehs 1994.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Ostrov, Jessica I   <BR><BR>   Duluth East High School yearbook -  1994 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Ostrov, Jessica I dehs 1994.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Ostrov, Jessica I dehs 1994.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Ostrov, Marjorie - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Ostrov, Marjorie.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Ostrov, Marjorie <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Ostrov, Marjorie.jpg">higher res image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Ostrov, Marjorie.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Ostrov, Mark Jerome  - -  Duluth East High School yearbook  - -  1968 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Ostrov, Mark Jerome dehs 1968.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Ostrov, Mark Jerome    <BR><BR>   Duluth East High School yearbook   - - 1968 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Ostrov, Mark Jerome dehs 1968.jpg">full text and image at hi res</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Ostrov, Mark Jerome dehs 1968.jpg" width="267" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   yearbook 267 150 1.78
<br><br> Ostrov, Paul - - Duluth Central High School yearbook - - 1929   - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Ostrov, Paul dchs 1929.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Ostrov, Paul <BR><BR> Duluth Central High School yearbook - - 1929   <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Ostrov, Paul dchs 1929.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Ostrov, Paul dchs 1929.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Ostrov, Paula  - - Duluth East  High School yearbook - -  1971  - sophomore - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Ostrov, Paula dehs 1971 sophomore.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Ostrov, Paula  <BR><BR> Duluth East  High School yearbook - -  1971  - sophomore <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Ostrov, Paula dehs 1971 sophomore.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Ostrov, Paula dehs 1971 sophomore.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Ostrov, Steve  - -  Duluth East High School yearbook  - -  1969 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Ostrov, Steve dehs 1969.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Ostrov, Steve    <BR><BR>   Duluth East High School yearbook   - - 1969 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Ostrov, Steve dehs 1969.jpg">full text and image at hi res</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Ostrov, Steve dehs 1969.jpg" width="267" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   yearbook 267 150 1.78
<br><br> Ostrov, Steve - - Duluth East High School - - 1968 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Ostrov, Steve dehs 1968.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Ostrov, Steve   <BR><BR>  Duluth East  High School yearbook - -  1968 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Ostrov, Steve dehs 1968.jpg">full text and image at hi res</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Ostrov, Steve dehs 1968.jpg" width="267" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   yearbook 267 150
<br><br> Overman, Ben  - -  Jewish Fellowship News - 1985 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Overman, Ben 1985 JFN.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Overman, Ben  <BR><BR>  Jewish Fellowship News - 1985 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Overman, Ben 1985 JFN.jpg">full text and image at hi res</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Overman, Ben 1985 JFN.jpg" width="267" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   267 150
<br><br> Overman, Ben - 1985 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Overman, Ben - 1985.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Overman, Ben - 1985 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Overman, Ben - 1985.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Overman, Ben - 1985.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   news 120 150
<br><br> Overman, Ben 1979-9 JFN profile - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Overman, Ben 1979-9 JFN profile.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Overman, Ben 1979-9 JFN profile <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Overman, Ben 1979-9 JFN profile.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Overman, Ben 1979-9 JFN profile.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Overman, Ben and Jeanne - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Overman, Ben and Jeanne.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Overman, Ben and Jeanne <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Overman, Ben and Jeanne.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Overman, Ben and Jeanne.jpg" width="267" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   267 150
<br><br> Overman, Bill - - Duluth East High School yearbook - -  1951 junior - - son of Ben & Jeanne Horowitz Overman - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Overman, Bill dehs 1951 junior.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Overman, Bill <BR><BR> Duluth East High School yearbook - -  1951 junior <BR> son of Ben & Jeanne Horowitz Overman <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Overman, Bill dehs 1951 junior.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Overman, Bill dehs 1951 junior.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Overman, Elsie - -  Duluth Central High School yearbook - - 1907   - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Overman, Elsie dchs 1907.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Overman, Elsie<BR><BR> Duluth Central High School yearbook - - 1907 <BR> <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Overman, Elsie dchs 1907.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Overman, Elsie dchs 1907.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Overman, Nancy - - Duluth East High School yearbook - -  1951 seventh - - <font  size="1">daughter of Ben & Jeanne Horowitz Overman - married Jerry Sher</font> - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Overman, Nancy dehs 1951 seventh.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Overman, Nancy <BR><BR> Duluth East High School yearbook - -  1951 seventh <BR> daughter of Ben & Jeanne Horowitz Overman - married Jerry Sher <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Overman, Nancy dehs 1951 seventh.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Overman, Nancy dehs 1951 seventh.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Overman, William  - -  Duluth East High School yearbook  - -  1952 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Overman, William dehs 1952.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Overman, William    <BR><BR>   Duluth East High School yearbook   - - 1952 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Overman, William dehs 1952.jpg">full text and image at hi res</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Overman, William dehs 1952.jpg" width="267" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   yearbook 267 150 1.78
<br><br> Overmann, Carolyn  - - Duluth Denfeld High School - -  1952   - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Overmann, Carolyn ddhs 1952.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Overmann, Carolyn <BR><BR> Duluth Denfeld High School - -  1952   <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Overmann, Carolyn ddhs 1952.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Overmann, Carolyn ddhs 1952.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Oxman, David   - - Served in World War II  - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Oxman, David wwii.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Oxman, David <BR><BR> Served in World War II <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Oxman, David wwii.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Oxman, David wwii.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   wwii 160 200 0.8 120 150
<br><br> Oxman, Jerome - - Duluth Central High School yearbook - - 1934 - - <font  size="1"> married to Miriam Averbook, son of William & Mary Oreckovsky Oxman, Oreck tree </font> - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Oxman, Jerome dchs 1934.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Oxman, Jerome <BR><BR> Duluth Central High School yearbook - - 1934 <BR> married to Miriam Averbook, son of William & Mary Oreckovsky Oxman, Oreck tree <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Oxman, Jerome dchs 1934.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Oxman, Jerome dchs 1934.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Oxman, Ralph  - - Duluth Central High School yearbook  - 1928 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Oxman, Ralph dchs 1928.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Oxman, Ralph    <BR><BR>  Duluth Central High School yearbook -  1928 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Oxman, Ralph dchs 1928.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Oxman, Ralph dchs 1928.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Oxman, Sidney   - - Served in World War II  - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Oxman, Sidney wwii.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Oxman, Sidney <BR><BR> Served in World War II <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Oxman, Sidney wwii.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Oxman, Sidney wwii.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   wwii 160 200 0.8 120 150
<br><br> <font color="blue"> .................. <B> P   </B> ..................   &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </font><font size="1"><A HREF="#top">top of this index</A> &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <A HREF="#bottom">bottom of this index</A> &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <A HREF="OtherFamiliesP.html">Letter "P" thumbnail page</A> <A Name="P"></A></font><font size="2"> <br><font color="blue" size="3"> .................. <B> P   </B> ..................   &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </font><font size="1"><A HREF="#top">top of list</A> &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <A HREF="#bottom">bottom</A><A Name="P"></A></font><font size="2"> <BR><BR>    - A - - Z -    
<br><br> Paletz, Helene - - Duluth Central High School yearbook - - 1946 junior - - married an Irving Davis - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Paletz, Helene dchs 1946 junior.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Paletz, Helene <BR><BR>  Duluth Central High School yearbook - - 1946 junior <BR> married an Irving Davis <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Paletz, Helene dchs 1946 junior.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Paletz, Helene dchs 1946 junior.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Paletz, Helene - - Duluth Central High School yearbook - - 1947 - - <font  size="1"> married to Irving Davis, daughter of Samuel & Ethel Markus Paletz </font> - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Paletz, Helene dchs 1947.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Paletz, Helene <BR><BR> Duluth Central High School yearbook - - 1947 <BR> married to Irving Davis, daughter of Samuel & Ethel Markus Paletz <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Paletz, Helene dchs 1947.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Paletz, Helene dchs 1947.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Passon, Baubie, Morrie, Elsie, Lil  - -   Passon Tobacco - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Passon, Baubie, Morrie, Elsie, Lil - Passon Tobacco.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Passon, Baubie, Morrie, Elsie, Lil  <BR><BR>   Passon Tobacco <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Passon, Baubie, Morrie, Elsie, Lil - Passon Tobacco.jpg">full text and image at hi res</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Passon, Baubie, Morrie, Elsie, Lil - Passon Tobacco.jpg" width="267" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   267 150
<br><br> Passon, Doug  - - Facebook - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Passon, Doug fb1.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Passon, Doug  - - Facebook <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Passon, Doug fb1.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Passon, Doug fb1.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Passon, Judith  - - Facebook - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Passon, Judith fb.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Passon, Judith  - - Facebook <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Passon, Judith fb.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Passon, Judith fb.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Passon, Nathan   - -  Duluth Central  High School yearbook  - -  1922 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Passon, Nathan dchs 1922.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Passon, Nathan  <BR><BR>  Duluth Central  High School yearbook - -  1922  <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Passon, Nathan dchs 1922.jpg">full text and image at hi res</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Passon, Nathan dchs 1922.jpg" width="267" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   yearbook 267 150
<br><br> Passon, Pauline Fay - - Duluth Central High School yearbook - - 1948   - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Passon, Pauline Fay dchs 1948.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Passon, Pauline Fay <BR><BR>  Duluth Central High School yearbook - - 1948   <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Passon, Pauline Fay dchs 1948.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Passon, Pauline Fay dchs 1948.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Passon, Samuel  - -  Duluth Central High School yearbook - -  1926 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Passon, Samuel dchs 1926.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Passon, Samuel  <BR><BR> Duluth Central High School yearbook - -  1926 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Passon, Samuel dchs 1926.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Passon, Samuel dchs 1926.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Passon, Steve - - Duluth Central High School yearbook - - 1959 - Sophomore year - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Passon, Steve 1959 dchs soph.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Passon, Steve - - Duluth Central High School yearbook - - 1959 - Sophomore year <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Passon, Steve 1959 dchs soph.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Passon, Steve 1959 dchs soph.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Passon, Stuart  - - Facebook - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Passon, Stuart fb.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Passon, Stuart  - - Facebook <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Passon, Stuart fb.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Passon, Stuart fb.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Passon, Stuart - - Duluth Central High School yearbook - - 1959 - Sophomore year - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Passon, Stuart 1959 dchs soph.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Passon, Stuart - - Duluth Central High School yearbook - - 1959 - Sophomore year <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Passon, Stuart 1959 dchs soph.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Passon, Stuart 1959 dchs soph.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Passon, Ted   - - Served in World War II  - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Passon, Ted wwii.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Passon, Ted <BR><BR> Served in World War II <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Passon, Ted wwii.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Passon, Ted wwii.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   wwii 160 200 0.8 120 150
<br><br> Passon, Theodore - - Duluth Central High School yearbook - - 1933 - - <font  size="1">  married to Kathryn Lent, son of Lazer & Elsie Rimer Passon, Passon tree </font> - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Passon, Theodore dchs 1933.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Passon, Theodore <BR><BR> Duluth Central High School yearbook - - 1933 <BR>  married to Kathryn Lent, son of Lazer & Elsie Rimer Passon, Passon tree <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Passon, Theodore dchs 1933.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Passon, Theodore dchs 1933.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Pavian, Samuel I   - - Newspaper article - -  1906-8-5 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Pavian, Samuel I news 1906-8-5.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Pavian, Samuel I  <BR><BR> Newspaper article - -  1906-8-5 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Pavian, Samuel I news 1906-8-5.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Pavian, Samuel I news 1906-8-5.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   news 160 200 0.8 120 150
<br><br> Paymar, Michael - Mn House of Reps AJW 2008 & 2010 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Paymar, Michael - Mn House of Reps AJW 2008 & 2010.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Paymar, Michael - Mn House of Reps AJW 2008 & 2010 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Paymar, Michael - Mn House of Reps AJW 2008 & 2010.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Paymar, Michael - Mn House of Reps AJW 2008 & 2010.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Pearl, Albert   - - Served in World War II  - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Pearl, Albert wwii.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Pearl, Albert <BR><BR> Served in World War II <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Pearl, Albert wwii.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Pearl, Albert wwii.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   wwii 160 200 0.8 120 150
<br><br> Pearl, Daniel  - -  Jewish Fellowship News - 1985 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Pearl, Daniel 1985 JFN.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Pearl, Daniel  <BR><BR>  Jewish Fellowship News - 1985 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Pearl, Daniel 1985 JFN.jpg">full text and image at hi res</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Pearl, Daniel 1985 JFN.jpg" width="267" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   267 150
<br><br> Pearl, Gerald - -  Superior Central High School yearbook - - 1939   - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Pearl, Gerald schs 1939.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Pearl, Gerald<BR><BR> Superior Central High School yearbook - - 1939   <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Pearl, Gerald schs 1939.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Pearl, Gerald schs 1939.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Pearl, Sherman   - - Served in World War II  - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Pearl, Sherman wwii.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Pearl, Sherman <BR><BR> Served in World War II <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Pearl, Sherman wwii.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Pearl, Sherman wwii.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   wwii 160 200 0.8 120 150
<br><br> Peck, Marjorie newspaper 1913 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Peck, Marjorie newspaper 1913.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Peck, Marjorie newspaper 1913 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Peck, Marjorie newspaper 1913.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Peck, Marjorie newspaper 1913.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Perlman, Sadie Evana Berkson  - - obit 1918 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Perlman, Sadie Evana Berkson obit 1918.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Perlman, Sadie Evana Berkson  <BR><BR> obit 1918 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Perlman, Sadie Evana Berkson obit 1918.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Perlman, Sadie Evana Berkson obit 1918.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Phelps, Inex Minnette   - - Newspaper article - -  1916-6-18 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Phelps, Inex Minnette news 1916-6-18.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Phelps, Inex Minnette  <BR><BR> Newspaper article - -  1916-6-18 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Phelps, Inex Minnette news 1916-6-18.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Phelps, Inex Minnette news 1916-6-18.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   news 160 200 0.8 120 150
<br><br> Plost, Louis D  - - University of Wisconsin - -  1929 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Plost, Louis D University of Wisconsin 1929.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Plost, Louis D   <BR><BR>    University of Wisconsin --  1929 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Plost, Louis D University of Wisconsin 1929.jpg">full text and image at hi res</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Plost, Louis D University of Wisconsin 1929.jpg" width="267" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   yearbook 267 150 1.78
<br><br> Plost, Louis David  - - Superior Central High School yearbook -  1924 - - son of Morris Plost & Lena H - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Plost, Louis David schs 1924.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Plost, Louis David  <BR> Superior Central High School yearbook -  1924 <BR> son of Morris Plost & Lena H <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Plost, Louis David schs 1924.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Plost, Louis David schs 1924.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Plost, Michael - - Superior High School yearbook - 1927 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Plost, Michael shs 1927.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Plost, Michael <BR><BR> Superior High School yearbook - 1927 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Plost, Michael shs 1927.jpg">larger image / more info</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Plost, Michael shs 1927.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Plost, Teressa Dorothy  - - Superior High School yearbook -  1930   - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Plost, Teressa Dorothy shs 1930.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Plost, Teressa Dorothy  <BR> Superior High School yearbook -  1930   <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Plost, Teressa Dorothy shs 1930.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Plost, Teressa Dorothy shs 1930.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Plotkin, Abe   - - Served in World War II  - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Plotkin, Abe wwii.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Plotkin, Abe <BR><BR> Served in World War II <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Plotkin, Abe wwii.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Plotkin, Abe wwii.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   wwii 160 200 0.8 120 150
<br><br> Plotkin, Arthur   - - Served in World War II  - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Plotkin, Arthur wwii.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Plotkin, Arthur <BR><BR> Served in World War II <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Plotkin, Arthur wwii.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Plotkin, Arthur wwii.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   wwii 160 200 0.8 120 150
<br><br> Podolsky, Renee Cullen  - -  Superior Central High School yearbook  - -  1937 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Podolsky, Renee Cullen schs 1937.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Podolsky, Renee Cullen  <BR><BR>   Superior Central  High School yearbook   - - 1937 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Podolsky, Renee Cullen schs 1937.jpg">full text and image at hi res</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Podolsky, Renee Cullen schs 1937.jpg" width="267" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   yearbook 267 150 1.78
<br><br> Polin, Arthur   - - Served in World War II  - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Polin, Arthur wwii.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Polin, Arthur <BR><BR> Served in World War II <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Polin, Arthur wwii.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Polin, Arthur wwii.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   wwii 160 200 0.8 120 150
<br><br> Polinksy, Nathan  - - marker photo - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Polinksy, Nathan marker photo.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Polinksy, Nathan  <BR><BR> marker photo <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Polinksy, Nathan marker photo.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Polinksy, Nathan marker photo.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Polinsky, Anna - - Duluth Central High School yearbook - - 1927 - - <font  size="1"> married to Joe Morgan, daugher of Charles & Fannie Krakovitz Polinsky </font> - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Polinsky, Anna dchs 1927.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Polinsky, Anna <BR><BR> Duluth Central High School yearbook - - 1927 <BR> married to Joe Morgan, daugher of Charles & Fannie Krakovitz Polinsky <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Polinsky, Anna dchs 1927.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Polinsky, Anna dchs 1927.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Polinsky, Bill  - - Duluth East  High School yearbook - -  1985 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Polinsky, Bill dehs 1985.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Polinsky, Bill  <BR><BR> Duluth East  High School yearbook - -  1985 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Polinsky, Bill dehs 1985.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Polinsky, Bill dehs 1985.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Polinsky, Charles Louis  - - Duluth Central High School yeabook - -  1951   - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Polinsky, Charles Louis dchs 1951.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Polinsky, Charles Louis <BR><BR>  Duluth Central High School yeabook - -  1951   <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Polinsky, Charles Louis dchs 1951.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Polinsky, Charles Louis dchs 1951.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Polinsky, Doug - -  Duluth East High School yearbook - - 1977 - - son of Jerald & Lois Carson Polinsky - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Polinsky, Doug dehs 1977.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Polinsky, Doug <BR><BR> Duluth East High School yearbook - - 1977 <BR> son of Jerald & Lois Carson Polinsky <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Polinsky, Doug dehs 1977.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Polinsky, Doug dehs 1977.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Polinsky, Eva - -  Duluth Central High School yearbook - - 1903 - - married to Morris Nides, mother of Arnold Nides - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Polinsky, Eva dchs 1903.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Polinsky, Eva<BR><BR> Duluth Central High School yearbook - - 1903 <BR> married to Morris Nides, mother of Arnold Nides <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Polinsky, Eva dchs 1903.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Polinsky, Eva dchs 1903.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Polinsky, Gary   - -  Duluth Central High School yearbook  - 1956 junior   - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Polinsky, Gary dchs 1956 junior.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Polinsky, Gary <BR> Duluth Central High School yearbook  - 1956 junior   <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Polinsky, Gary dchs 1956 junior.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Polinsky, Gary dchs 1956 junior.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>  
<br><br> Polinsky, Henry   - - Newspaper article - -  1918-6-6 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Polinsky, Henry news 1918-6-6.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Polinsky, Henry  <BR><BR> Newspaper article - -  1918-6-6 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Polinsky, Henry news 1918-6-6.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Polinsky, Henry news 1918-6-6.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   news 160 200 0.8 120 150
<br><br> Polinsky, Henry - -  Duluth Central High School yearbook - - 1918 - -  <font  size="1">changed   to Henry Paull,  son of Mitchell & Bessie Goldberg Polinsky</font> - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Polinsky, Henry dchs 1918.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Polinsky, Henry<BR><BR> Duluth Central High School yearbook - - 1918 <BR> changed name to Henry Paull, married to Irene Levine, son of Mitchell & Bessie Goldberg Polinsky <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Polinsky, Henry dchs 1918.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Polinsky, Henry dchs 1918.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Polinsky, Henry - - Duluth Central High School yearbook - - 1918 - debate - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Polinsky, Henry 1918 dchs - debate .jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Polinsky, Henry - - Duluth Central High School yearbook - - 1918 - debate <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Polinsky, Henry 1918 dchs - debate .jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Polinsky, Henry 1918 dchs - debate .jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Polinsky, Henry - - Duluth Central High School yearbook - - 1918 - Rostra - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Polinsky, Henry 1918 dchs - Rostra.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Polinsky, Henry - - Duluth Central High School yearbook - - 1918 - Rostra <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Polinsky, Henry 1918 dchs - Rostra.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Polinsky, Henry 1918 dchs - Rostra.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Polinsky, Henry - - Duluth Central High School yearbook - - 1918 - Royal Rooters - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Polinsky, Henry 1918 dchs - Royal Rooters.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Polinsky, Henry - - Duluth Central High School yearbook - - 1918 - Royal Rooters <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Polinsky, Henry 1918 dchs - Royal Rooters.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Polinsky, Henry 1918 dchs - Royal Rooters.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Polinsky, Jeannie - - Duluth Central High School yearbook - - 1946 junior - - married Arthur Rivkin - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Polinsky, Jeannie dchs 1946 junior.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Polinsky, Jeannie <BR><BR>  Duluth Central High School yearbook - - 1946 junior <BR> married Arthur Rivkin <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Polinsky, Jeannie dchs 1946 junior.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Polinsky, Jeannie dchs 1946 junior.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Polinsky, Jeannie - - Duluth Central High School yearbook - - 1947 - - <font  size="1"> married to Arthur Rivkin, daughter of Abraham & Jess Weinstein Polinsky, </font> - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Polinsky, Jeannie dchs 1947.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Polinsky, Jeannie <BR><BR> Duluth Central High School yearbook - - 1947 <BR> married to Arthur Rivkin, daughter of Abraham & Jess Weinstein Polinsky, <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Polinsky, Jeannie dchs 1947.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Polinsky, Jeannie dchs 1947.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Polinsky, Jerry - - Duluth Central High School yearbook - - 1948 - - Steve Heifitz tree - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Polinsky, Jerry dchs 1948.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Polinsky, Jerry <BR><BR>  Duluth Central High School yearbook - - 1948 <BR> Steve Heifitz tree <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Polinsky, Jerry dchs 1948.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Polinsky, Jerry dchs 1948.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Polinsky, Lyle - - Duluth Central High School yearbook - -  1922 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Polinsky, Lyle dchs 1922.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Polinsky, Lyle <BR><BR> Duluth Central High School yearbook  - - 1922 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Polinsky, Lyle dchs 1922.jpg">full text and image at hi res</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Polinsky, Lyle dchs 1922.jpg" width="267" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   yearbook 267 150 1.78
<br><br> Polinsky, Sadie (Miss)   - - Newspaper article - -  1906-6-3 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Polinsky, Sadie Miss news 1906-6-3.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Polinsky, Sadie (Miss)  <BR><BR> Newspaper article - -  1906-6-3 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Polinsky, Sadie Miss news 1906-6-3.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Polinsky, Sadie Miss news 1906-6-3.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   news 160 200 0.8 120 150
<br><br> Polinsky, Sheba - - Duluth Central High School yearbook - 1917 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Polinsky, Sheba dchs 1917.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Polinsky, Sheba <BR><BR> Duluth Central High School yearbook - 1917 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Polinsky, Sheba dchs 1917.jpg">larger image / more info</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Polinsky, Sheba dchs 1917.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Pollock, Helene Louis Zalk Beckman born 1919 - - <font  size="1">captured  from:   "Descendents of Zalkind Peysakh Zalk" by Michael D. Zalk - Oct 2012</font> - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Pollock, Helene Louis Zalk Beckman born 1919.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Pollock, Helene Louis Zalk Beckman born 1919 <BR> <font color="blue" size="1">captured with permission from: <BR> "Descendents of Zalkind Peysakh Zalk" by Michael D. Zalk - Oct 2012</font> <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Pollock, Helene Louis Zalk Beckman born 1919.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Pollock, Helene Louis Zalk Beckman born 1919.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Popkin, Barry Michael  - -  Superior Central High School yearbook  - -  1962 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Popkin, Barry Michael schs 1962.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Popkin, Barry Michael  <BR><BR>   Superior Central  High School yearbook   - - 1962 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Popkin, Barry Michael schs 1962.jpg">full text and image at hi res</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Popkin, Barry Michael schs 1962.jpg" width="267" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   yearbook 267 150 1.78
<br><br> Popkin, Bessie (Miss)   - - Newspaper article - -  1916-5-21 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Popkin, Bessie Miss news 1916-5-21.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Popkin, Bessie (Miss)  <BR><BR> Newspaper article - -  1916-5-21 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Popkin, Bessie Miss news 1916-5-21.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Popkin, Bessie Miss news 1916-5-21.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   news 160 200 0.8 120 150
<br><br> Popkin, Carol. - - Duluth Central High School yearbook - - 1948   - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Popkin, Carol. dchs 1948.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Popkin, Carol. <BR><BR>  Duluth Central High School yearbook - - 1948   <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Popkin, Carol. dchs 1948.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Popkin, Carol. dchs 1948.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Popkin, Ida - - Duluth Central High School yearbook - -  1923 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Popkin, Ida dchs 1923.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Popkin, Ida <BR><BR> Duluth Central High School yearbook  - - 1923 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Popkin, Ida dchs 1923.jpg">full text and image at hi res</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Popkin, Ida dchs 1923.jpg" width="267" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   yearbook 267 150 1.78
<br><br> Popkin, Ida. - - Superior High School yearbook - - 1922 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Popkin, Ida. 1922 shs.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Popkin, Ida. - - Superior High School yearbook - - 1922 <BR>  text <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Popkin, Ida. 1922 shs.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Popkin, Ida. 1922 shs.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Popkin, Jeannette - - Superior High School yearbook - -  1930 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Popkin, Jeannette shs 1930.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Popkin, Jeannette <BR><BR> Superior High School yearbook  - - 1930 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Popkin, Jeannette shs 1930.jpg">full text and image at hi res</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Popkin, Jeannette shs 1930.jpg" width="267" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   yearbook 267 150 1.78
<br><br> Popkin, Kenneth Barry  - -  Duluth East High School yearbook  - -  1958 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Popkin, Kenneth Barry dehs 1958.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Popkin, Kenneth Barry  <BR><BR> Duluth East High School yearbook  - -  1958 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Popkin, Kenneth Barry dehs 1958.jpg">full text and image at hi res</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="center" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Popkin, Kenneth Barry dehs 1958.jpg" width="267" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   yearbook 267 150
<br><br> Popkin, Lena - - Duluth Central High School yearbook - -  1921 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Popkin, Lena dchs 1921.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Popkin, Lena <BR><BR> Duluth Central High School yearbook  - - 1921 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Popkin, Lena dchs 1921.jpg">full text and image at hi res</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Popkin, Lena dchs 1921.jpg" width="267" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   yearbook 267 150 1.78
<br><br> Popkin, Lewis C   - - Served in World War II  - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Popkin, Lewis C wwii.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Popkin, Lewis C <BR><BR> Served in World War II <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Popkin, Lewis C wwii.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Popkin, Lewis C wwii.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   wwii 160 200 0.8 120 150
<br><br> Popkin, Merle Jean  - -  Superior Central High School yearbook  - -  1965 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Popkin, Merle Jean schs 1965.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Popkin, Merle Jean  <BR><BR>   Superior Central  High School yearbook   - - 1965 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Popkin, Merle Jean schs 1965.jpg">full text and image at hi res</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Popkin, Merle Jean schs 1965.jpg" width="267" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   yearbook 267 150 1.78
<br><br> Popkin, Michelle - - Duluth East High School yearbook - -  1951 sophomore - - daughter of Samuel & Marjorie Rachlin Popkin - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Popkin, Michelle DEHS 1951 sophomore.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Popkin, Michelle <BR><BR> Duluth East High School yearbook - -  1951 sophomore <BR> daughter of Samuel & Marjorie Rachlin Popkin <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Popkin, Michelle DEHS 1951 sophomore.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Popkin, Michelle DEHS 1951 sophomore.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Popkin, Roy - - Duluth Central High School yearbook - -  1921 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Popkin, Roy dchs 1921.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Popkin, Roy <BR><BR> Duluth Central High School yearbook  - - 1921 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Popkin, Roy dchs 1921.jpg">full text and image at hi res</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Popkin, Roy dchs 1921.jpg" width="267" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   yearbook 267 150 1.78
<br><br> Popkin, Roy - - Duluth Central High School yearbook - -  1923 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Popkin, Roy dchs 1923.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Popkin, Roy <BR><BR> Duluth Central High School yearbook  - - 1923 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Popkin, Roy dchs 1923.jpg">full text and image at hi res</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Popkin, Roy dchs 1923.jpg" width="267" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   yearbook 267 150 1.78
<br><br> Popkin, Sam - - Duluth Central High School yearbook - -  1922 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Popkin, Sam dchs 1922.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Popkin, Sam <BR><BR> Duluth Central High School yearbook  - - 1922 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Popkin, Sam dchs 1922.jpg">full text and image at hi res</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Popkin, Sam dchs 1922.jpg" width="267" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   yearbook 267 150 1.78
<br><br> Popkin, Samuel Lewis  - - Superior Central High School yearbook - -  1959 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Popkin, Samuel Lewis schs 1959.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Popkin, Samuel Lewis  <BR><BR> Superior Central High School yearbook - -  1959 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Popkin, Samuel Lewis schs 1959.jpg">image with text at higher res</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Popkin, Samuel Lewis schs 1959.jpg" width="267" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   267 150
<br><br> Popkin, Susan - - Superior High School yearbook - 1927 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Popkin, Susan shs 1927.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Popkin, Susan <BR><BR> Superior High School yearbook - 1927 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Popkin, Susan shs 1927.jpg">larger image / more info</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Popkin, Susan shs 1927.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Prinz, Cecil   - - Served in World War II  - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Prinz, Cecil wwii.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Prinz, Cecil <BR><BR> Served in World War II <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Prinz, Cecil wwii.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Prinz, Cecil wwii.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   wwii 160 200 0.8 120 150
<br><br> <font color="blue"> .................. <B> Q   </B> ..................   &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </font><font size="1"><A HREF="#top">top of this index</A> &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <A HREF="#bottom">bottom of this index</A> &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <A HREF="OtherFamiliesQ.html">Letter "Q" thumbnail page</A> <A Name="Q"></A></font><font size="2"> <br><font color="blue" size="3"> .................. <B> Q   </B> ..................   &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </font><font size="1"><A HREF="#top">top of list</A> &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <A HREF="#bottom">bottom</A><A Name="Q"></A></font><font size="2"> <BR><BR>    - A - - Z -    
<br><br> <font color="blue"> .................. <B> R   </B> ..................   &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </font><font size="1"><A HREF="#top">top of this index</A> &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <A HREF="#bottom">bottom of this index</A> &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <A HREF="OtherFamiliesR.html">Letter "R" thumbnail page</A> <A Name="R"></A></font><font size="2"> <br><font color="blue" size="3"> .................. <B> R   </B> ..................   &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </font><font size="1"><A HREF="#top">top of list</A> &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <A HREF="#bottom">bottom</A><A Name="R"></A></font><font size="2"> <BR><BR>    - A - - Z -    
<br><br> Rabinowitz, Esther   - - Newspaper article - -  1909-5-27 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Rabinowitz, Esther news 1909-5-27.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Rabinowitz, Esther  <BR><BR> Newspaper article - -  1909-5-27 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Rabinowitz, Esther news 1909-5-27.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Rabinowitz, Esther news 1909-5-27.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   news 160 200 0.8 120 150
<br><br> Rabinowitz, Marcus  - -  newsphoto 1919-12-9 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Rabinowitz, Marcus newsphoto 1919-12-9.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Rabinowitz, Marcus  <BR><BR>  newsphoto 1919-12-9 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Rabinowitz, Marcus newsphoto 1919-12-9.jpg">full text and image at hi res</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Rabinowitz, Marcus newsphoto 1919-12-9.jpg" width="267" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   267 150
<br><br> Rabinowitz, Marcus H  - -  newsphoto 1918-1-30 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Rabinowitz, Marcus H newsphoto 1918-1-30.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Rabinowitz, Marcus H  <BR><BR>  newsphoto 1918-1-30 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Rabinowitz, Marcus H newsphoto 1918-1-30.jpg">full text and image at hi res</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Rabinowitz, Marcus H newsphoto 1918-1-30.jpg" width="267" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   267 150
<br><br> Rabinowitz, Stanley  - -  obit 2012 - age 95 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Rabinowitz, Stanley obit 2012 age 95.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Rabinowitz, Stanley  <BR><BR>  obit 2012 - age 95 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Rabinowitz, Stanley obit 2012 age 95.jpg">full text and image at hi res</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Rabinowitz, Stanley obit 2012 age 95.jpg" width="267" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   267 150
<br><br> Rachlin, Sara (Miss)   - - Newspaper article - -  1916-5-24 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Rachlin, Sara Miss news 1916-5-24.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Rachlin, Sara (Miss)  <BR><BR> Newspaper article - -  1916-5-24 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Rachlin, Sara Miss news 1916-5-24.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Rachlin, Sara Miss news 1916-5-24.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   news 160 200 0.8 120 150
<br><br> Raihill, Irving - - Duluth Central High School yearbook - -  1921 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Raihill, Irving dchs 1921.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Raihill, Irving <BR><BR> Duluth Central High School yearbook  - - 1921 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Raihill, Irving dchs 1921.jpg">full text and image at hi res</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Raihill, Irving dchs 1921.jpg" width="267" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   yearbook 267 150 1.78
<br><br> Randy, Warren   - - Served in World War II  - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Randy, Warren wwii.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Randy, Warren <BR><BR> Served in World War II <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Randy, Warren wwii.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Randy, Warren wwii.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   wwii 160 200 0.8 120 150
<br><br> Reinkall, Dorothy Rae  - - Superior High School yearbook -  1930   - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Reinkall, Dorothy Rae shs 1930.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Reinkall, Dorothy Rae  <BR> Superior High School yearbook -  1930   <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Reinkall, Dorothy Rae shs 1930.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Reinkall, Dorothy Rae shs 1930.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Reinkall, Jennie - - Superior High School yearbook - - 1922 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Reinkall, Jennie 1922 shs.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Reinkall, Jennie - - Superior High School yearbook - - 1922 <BR>  text <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Reinkall, Jennie 1922 shs.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Reinkall, Jennie 1922 shs.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Relles, Mayer 1908-1995 - biography WiHistSoc - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Relles, Mayer 1908-1995 - biography WiHistSoc.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Relles, Mayer 1908-1995 - biography WiHistSoc <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Relles, Mayer 1908-1995 - biography WiHistSoc.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Relles, Mayer 1908-1995 - biography WiHistSoc.jpg" width="318" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   318 150
<br><br> Relles, Mayer Rabbi 1964 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Relles, Mayer Rabbi 1964.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Relles, Mayer Rabbi 1964 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Relles, Mayer Rabbi 1964.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Relles, Mayer Rabbi 1964.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Remick, Daniel G  - - Nelson Pharmacy - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Remick, Daniel G - Nelson Pharmacy.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Remick, Daniel G  - - Nelson Pharmacy <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Remick, Daniel G - Nelson Pharmacy.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Remick, Daniel G - Nelson Pharmacy.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Resnick, David A - -  Superior High School yearbook - - 1972   - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Resnick, David A shs 1972.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Resnick, David A<BR><BR> Superior High School yearbook - - 1972   <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Resnick, David A shs 1972.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Resnick, David A shs 1972.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Resnick, Laurie - -   Superior High School yearbook - - 1970 - - <font  size="1"> married to Robert Calmenson, daughter of Harlan & Shirley Shussin </font> - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Resnick, Laurie shs 1970.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Resnick, Laurie<BR><BR>  Superior High School yearbook - - 1970 <BR> married to Robert Calmenson, daughter of Harlan & Shirley Shussin <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Resnick, Laurie shs 1970.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Resnick, Laurie shs 1970.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Rich, Barney - -  1978-1 JFN profile - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Rich, Barney 1978-1 JFN profile.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Rich, Barney 1978-1 JFN profile <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Rich, Barney 1978-1 JFN profile.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Rich, Barney 1978-1 JFN profile.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Rochlin, Abe  - -  Duluth Central High School yearbook  - -  1922 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Rochlin, Abe dchs 1922.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Rochlin, Abe  <BR><BR>   Duluth Central  High School yearbook   - - 1922 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Rochlin, Abe dchs 1922.jpg">full text and image at hi res</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Rochlin, Abe dchs 1922.jpg" width="267" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   yearbook 267 150 1.78
<br><br> Rochlin, Pearl Shanedling - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Rochlin, Pearl Shanedling.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Rochlin, Pearl Shanedling <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Rochlin, Pearl Shanedling.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Rochlin, Pearl Shanedling.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Rocklin, Bessie - - Duluth Central High School yearbook - - 1927 - - <font  size="1"> married Theodore Kall, daughter of Phillip & Mamie Chernoffsky </font> - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Rocklin, Bessie dchs 1927.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Rocklin, Bessie <BR><BR> Duluth Central High School yearbook - - 1927 <BR> married Theodore Kall, daughter of Phillip & Mamie Chernoffsky <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Rocklin, Bessie dchs 1927.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Rocklin, Bessie dchs 1927.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Rocklin, Bessie (Miss)   - - Newspaper article - -  1902-11-2 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Rocklin, Bessie Miss news 1902-11-2.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Rocklin, Bessie (Miss)  <BR><BR> Newspaper article - -  1902-11-2 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Rocklin, Bessie Miss news 1902-11-2.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Rocklin, Bessie Miss news 1902-11-2.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   news 160 200 0.8 120 150
<br><br> Rocklin, Bessie (Miss)   - - Newspaper article - -  1906-8-5 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Rocklin, Bessie Miss news 1906-8-5.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Rocklin, Bessie (Miss)  <BR><BR> Newspaper article - -  1906-8-5 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Rocklin, Bessie Miss news 1906-8-5.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Rocklin, Bessie Miss news 1906-8-5.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   news 160 200 0.8 120 150
<br><br> Rocklin, Bill 1979-7 JFN - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Rocklin, Bill 1979-7 JFN.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Rocklin, Bill 1979-7 JFN <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Rocklin, Bill 1979-7 JFN.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Rocklin, Bill 1979-7 JFN.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Rocklin, Dick - - Duluth East High School yearbook - -  1951 seventh - - <font  size="1">son of William & Flora Shenowsky Rocklin (Retired rabbi now)</font> - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Rocklin, Dick dehs 1951 seventh.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Rocklin, Dick <BR><BR> Duluth East High School yearbook - -  1951 seventh <BR> son of William & Flora Shenowsky Rocklin (Retired rabbi now) <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Rocklin, Dick dehs 1951 seventh.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Rocklin, Dick dehs 1951 seventh.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Rocklin, Lena - -  Duluth Central High School yearbook - - 1911 - - on Rocklin tree - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Rocklin, Lena dchs 1911.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Rocklin, Lena<BR><BR> Duluth Central High School yearbook - - 1911 <BR> on Rocklin tree <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Rocklin, Lena dchs 1911.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Rocklin, Lena dchs 1911.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Rocklin, Mitchell   - - Served in World War II  - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Rocklin, Mitchell wwii.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Rocklin, Mitchell <BR><BR> Served in World War II <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Rocklin, Mitchell wwii.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Rocklin, Mitchell wwii.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   wwii 160 200 0.8 120 150
<br><br> Rocklin, Richard K   - -  Duluth Central High School yearbook  - 1956 - -
son of Bill Rocklin & Flora Shenowsky
- - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Rocklin, Richard K dchs 1956.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Rocklin, Richard K <BR> Duluth Central High School yearbook  - 1956 <BR>
son of Bill Rocklin & Flora Shenowsky
<P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Rocklin, Richard K dchs 1956.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Rocklin, Richard K dchs 1956.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>  
<br><br> Rocklin, Sam - - Duluth Central High School yearbook - - 1927 - - <font  size="1"> married to Grace Peck, son of Philip & Mamie Chernoffsky </font> - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Rocklin, Sam dchs 1927.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Rocklin, Sam <BR><BR> Duluth Central High School yearbook - - 1927 <BR> married to Grace Peck, son of Philip & Mamie Chernoffsky <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Rocklin, Sam dchs 1927.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Rocklin, Sam dchs 1927.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Rocklin, Sara - - Duluth Central High School yearbook - - 1927   - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Rocklin, Sara dchs 1927.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Rocklin, Sara <BR><BR> Duluth Central High School yearbook - - 1927   <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Rocklin, Sara dchs 1927.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Rocklin, Sara dchs 1927.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Rocklin, Sharon  - -  Duluth East High School yearbook  - -  sophomore 1959 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Rocklin, Sharon dehs sophomore 1959.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Rocklin, Sharon  <BR><BR> Duluth East High School yearbook  <BR> sophmore 1959 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Rocklin, Sharon dehs sophomore 1959.jpg">full text and image at hi res</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="center" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Rocklin, Sharon dehs sophomore 1959.jpg" width="267" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   yearbook 267 150
<br><br> Roher, Terri fb & linkedin - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Roher, Terri fb & linkedin.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Roher, Terri fb & linkedin <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Roher, Terri fb & linkedin.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Roher, Terri fb & linkedin.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Rose, Clara - - Duluth Central High School yearbook - - 1925   - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Rose, Clara dchs 1925.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Rose, Clara <BR><BR> Duluth Central High School yearbook - - 1925   <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Rose, Clara dchs 1925.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Rose, Clara dchs 1925.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Rose, Ethel  - -  Virginia High School yearbook  - -  1927 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Rose, Ethel vhs 1927.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Rose, Ethel  <BR><BR>   Virginia High School yearbook   - - 1927 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Rose, Ethel vhs 1927.jpg">full text and image at hi res</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Rose, Ethel vhs 1927.jpg" width="267" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   yearbook 267 150 1.78
<br><br> Rose, Ethel - - Duluth Central High School yearbook - - 1929   - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Rose, Ethel dcsh 1929.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Rose, Ethel <BR><BR> Duluth Central High School yearbook - - 1929   <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Rose, Ethel dcsh 1929.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Rose, Ethel dcsh 1929.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Rose, Fanny - - Superior High School yearbook - - 1922 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Rose, Fanny 1922 shs.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Rose, Fanny - - Superior High School yearbook - - 1922 <BR>  text <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Rose, Fanny 1922 shs.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Rose, Fanny 1922 shs.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Rose, Gertrude - - Duluth Central High School yearbook - - 1925   - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Rose, Gertrude dchs 1925.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Rose, Gertrude <BR><BR> Duluth Central High School yearbook - - 1925   <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Rose, Gertrude dchs 1925.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Rose, Gertrude dchs 1925.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Rose, Irvin - - Duluth Central High School yearbook - - 1934 - - <font  size="1"> married to Dorothy Luther, son of Meyer & Fannie Orkowsky Rosen </font> - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Rose, Irvin dchs 1934.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Rose, Irvin <BR><BR> Duluth Central High School yearbook - - 1934 <BR> married to Dorothy Luther, son of Meyer & Fannie Orkowsky Rosen <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Rose, Irvin dchs 1934.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Rose, Irvin dchs 1934.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Rose, Janiice  - - Duluth Central High School yeabook - -  1950 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Rose, Janiice dchs 1950.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Rose, Janiice <BR><BR>  Duluth Central High School yeabook - -  1950 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Rose, Janiice dchs 1950.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Rose, Janiice dchs 1950.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Rose, John - -   Superior High School yearbook - - 1971 - - <font  size="1"> </font> - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Rose, John shs 1971.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Rose, John<BR><BR>  Superior High School yearbook - - 1971 <BR> <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Rose, John shs 1971.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Rose, John shs 1971.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Rose, Milton & Irving   - - Served in World War II  - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Rose, Milton & Irving wwii.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Rose, Milton & Irving <BR><BR> Served in World War II <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Rose, Milton & Irving wwii.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Rose, Milton & Irving wwii.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   wwii 160 200 0.8 120 150
<br><br> Rose, Patricia - - Duluth East High School yearbook - - 1962 - - <font  size="1"> </font> - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Rose, Patricia dehs 1962.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Rose, Patricia <BR><BR> Duluth East High School yearbook - - 1962 <BR> <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Rose, Patricia dehs 1962.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Rose, Patricia dehs 1962.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Rosen, David Mark  - -  Superior Central High School yearbook  - -  1965 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Rosen, David Mark schs 1965.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Rosen, David Mark  <BR><BR>   Superior Central  High School yearbook   - - 1965 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Rosen, David Mark schs 1965.jpg">full text and image at hi res</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Rosen, David Mark schs 1965.jpg" width="267" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   yearbook 267 150 1.78
<br><br> Rosen, Lois  - - Duluth Central High School yeabook - -  1950 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Rosen, Lois dchs 1950.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Rosen, Lois <BR><BR>  Duluth Central High School yeabook - -  1950 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Rosen, Lois dchs 1950.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Rosen, Lois dchs 1950.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Rosen, Randolph Phillip  - - Superior Central High School yearbook - -  1960 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Rosen, Randolph Phillip schs 1960.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Rosen, Randolph Phillip  <BR><BR> Superior Central High School yearbook - -  1960 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Rosen, Randolph Phillip schs 1960.jpg">image with text at higher res</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Rosen, Randolph Phillip schs 1960.jpg" width="267" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   267 150
<br><br> Rosenbaum, Daniel - - Superior High School yearbook - - 1972 - Sophomore year - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Rosenbaum, Daniel 1972 shs soph.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Rosenbaum, Daniel - - Superior High School yearbook - - 1972 - Sophomore year <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Rosenbaum, Daniel 1972 shs soph.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Rosenbaum, Daniel 1972 shs soph.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Rosenbaum, Robin Leslie  - -  Superior High School yearbook -  1980 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Rosenbaum, Robin Leslie shs 1980.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Rosenbaum, Robin Leslie   <BR><BR>   Superior High School yearbook -  1980 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Rosenbaum, Robin Leslie shs 1980.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Rosenbaum, Robin Leslie shs 1980.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Rosenberg, Arthur - - Private in WWI - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Rosenberg, Arthur - Private WWI.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Rosenberg, Arthur - - Private in WWI <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Rosenberg, Arthur - Private WWI.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Rosenberg, Arthur - Private WWI.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Rosenberg, Elaine - - Duluth Central High School yearbook - -  1939 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Rosenberg, Elaine dchs 1939.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Rosenberg, Elaine <BR><BR> Duluth Central High School yearbook  - - 1939 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Rosenberg, Elaine dchs 1939.jpg">full text and image at hi res</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Rosenberg, Elaine dchs 1939.jpg" width="267" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   yearbook 267 150 1.78
<br><br> Rosenberg, Elna S  - - Superior Central High School yearbook -  1924   - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Rosenberg, Elna S schs 1924.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Rosenberg, Elna S  <BR> Superior Central High School yearbook -  1924   <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Rosenberg, Elna S schs 1924.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Rosenberg, Elna S schs 1924.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Rosenberg, Harvey   - - Served in World War II  - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Rosenberg, Harvey wwii.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Rosenberg, Harvey <BR><BR> Served in World War II <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Rosenberg, Harvey wwii.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Rosenberg, Harvey wwii.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   wwii 160 200 0.8 120 150
<br><br> Rosenberg, Harvey - - Duluth Central High School yearbook - -  1939 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Rosenberg, Harvey dchs 1939.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Rosenberg, Harvey <BR><BR> Duluth Central High School yearbook  - - 1939 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Rosenberg, Harvey dchs 1939.jpg">full text and image at hi res</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Rosenberg, Harvey dchs 1939.jpg" width="267" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   yearbook 267 150 1.78
<br><br> Rosenberg, Morrie   - - Served in World War II  - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Rosenberg, Morrie wwii.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Rosenberg, Morrie <BR><BR> Served in World War II <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Rosenberg, Morrie wwii.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Rosenberg, Morrie wwii.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   wwii 160 200 0.8 120 150
<br><br> Rosenberg, Ruthe - - Duluth Central High School yearbook - -  1941 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Rosenberg, Ruthe dchs 1941.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Rosenberg, Ruthe <BR><BR> Duluth Central High School yearbook  - - 1941 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Rosenberg, Ruthe dchs 1941.jpg">full text and image at hi res</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Rosenberg, Ruthe dchs 1941.jpg" width="267" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   yearbook 267 150 1.78
<br><br> Rosenberg, Sarah - -  Duluth Central High School yearbook - - 1918   - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Rosenberg, Sarah dchs 1918.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Rosenberg, Sarah<BR><BR> Duluth Central High School yearbook - - 1918   <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Rosenberg, Sarah dchs 1918.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Rosenberg, Sarah dchs 1918.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Rosenbloom, S   - - Newspaper article - -  1920-5-4 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Rosenbloom, S news 1920-5-4.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Rosenbloom, S  <BR><BR> Newspaper article - -  1920-5-4 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Rosenbloom, S news 1920-5-4.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Rosenbloom, S news 1920-5-4.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   news 160 200 0.8 120 150
<br><br> Rosenfield, Debbie - -  Duluth East High School yearbook - - 1977   - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Rosenfield, Debbie dehs 1977.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Rosenfield, Debbie <BR><BR> Duluth East High School yearbook - - 1977   <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Rosenfield, Debbie dehs 1977.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Rosenfield, Debbie dehs 1977.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Rosenfield, Helene Vickie  - - Duluth Central High School yeabook - -  1951 - - daughter of Max & Sally Rosenfield - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Rosenfield, Helene Vickie dchs 1951.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Rosenfield, Helene Vickie <BR><BR>  Duluth Central High School yeabook - -  1951 <BR> daughter of Max & Sally Rosenfield <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Rosenfield, Helene Vickie dchs 1951.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Rosenfield, Helene Vickie dchs 1951.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Rosenthal, Ben   - - Served in World War II  - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Rosenthal, Ben wwii.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Rosenthal, Ben <BR><BR> Served in World War II <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Rosenthal, Ben wwii.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Rosenthal, Ben wwii.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   wwii 160 200 0.8 120 150
<br><br> Rosenthal, Ben  - -  Superior  High School yearbook  - -  1939 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Rosenthal, Ben shs 1939.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Rosenthal, Ben  <BR><BR>  Superior   High School yearbook   - - 1939 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Rosenthal, Ben shs 1939.jpg">full text and image at hi res</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Rosenthal, Ben shs 1939.jpg" width="267" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   yearbook 267 150 1.78
<br><br> Rosenthal, Ben - -  Superior Central High School yearbook - - 1939 - - brother of Cy Goldfine - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Rosenthal, Ben schs 1939.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Rosenthal, Ben<BR><BR> Superior Central High School yearbook - - 1939 <BR> brother of Cy Goldfine <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Rosenthal, Ben schs 1939.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Rosenthal, Ben schs 1939.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Rosenthal, Marvin  - -  Superior Central High School yearbook  - -  1942 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Rosenthal, Marvin schs 1942.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Rosenthal, Marvin  <BR><BR>   Superior Central  High School yearbook   - - 1942 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Rosenthal, Marvin schs 1942.jpg">full text and image at hi res</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Rosenthal, Marvin schs 1942.jpg" width="267" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   yearbook 267 150 1.78
<br><br> Rosin, Thomas - -   Superior High School yearbook - - 1971 - - <font  size="1"> </font> - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Rosin, Thomas shs 1971.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Rosin, Thomas<BR><BR>  Superior High School yearbook - - 1971 <BR> <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Rosin, Thomas shs 1971.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Rosin, Thomas shs 1971.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Ross, Percy obit 11-23-2001 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Ross, Percy obit 11-23-2001.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Ross, Percy obit 11-23-2001 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Ross, Percy obit 11-23-2001.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Ross, Percy obit 11-23-2001.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Ruben, Edna - - Duluth Central High School yearbook - - 1933   - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Ruben, Edna dchs 1933.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Ruben, Edna <BR><BR> Duluth Central High School yearbook - - 1933   <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Ruben, Edna dchs 1933.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Ruben, Edna dchs 1933.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Rudolph, Fred  - -  Duluth East High School yearbook -  1996 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Rudolph, Fred dehs 1996.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Rudolph, Fred   <BR><BR>   Duluth East High School yearbook -  1996 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Rudolph, Fred dehs 1996.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Rudolph, Fred dehs 1996.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Ruth, Everett - - Duluth Central High School yearbook - -  1931 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Ruth, Everett dchs 1931.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Ruth, Everett <BR><BR> Duluth Central High School yearbook  - - 1931 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Ruth, Everett dchs 1931.jpg">full text and image at hi res</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Ruth, Everett dchs 1931.jpg" width="267" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   yearbook 267 150 1.78
<br><br> <font color="blue"> .................. <B> S   </B> ..................   &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </font><font size="1"><A HREF="#top">top of this index</A> &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <A HREF="#bottom">bottom of this index</A> &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <A HREF="OtherFamiliesS.html">Letter "S" thumbnail page</A> <A Name="S"></A></font><font size="2"> <br><font color="blue" size="3"> .................. <B> S   </B> ..................   &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </font><font size="1"><A HREF="#top">top of list</A> &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <A HREF="#bottom">bottom</A><A Name="S"></A></font><font size="2"> <BR><BR>    - A - - Z -    
<br><br> Saksonoff, Gertrude Joseph (Mrs Charles) 1921-10-12 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Saksonoff, Gertrude Joseph (Mrs Charles) 1921-10-12.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Saksonoff, Gertrude Joseph (Mrs Charles) 1921-10-12 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Saksonoff, Gertrude Joseph (Mrs Charles) 1921-10-12.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Saksonoff, Gertrude Joseph (Mrs Charles) 1921-10-12.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Salnovitz, Sarah - -  Duluth Central High School yearbook - - 1911 - - married Theodore Lieberman, on Lieberman tree - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Salnovitz, Sarah dchs 1911.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Salnovitz, Sarah<BR><BR> Duluth Central High School yearbook - - 1911 <BR> married Theodore Lieberman, on Lieberman tree <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Salnovitz, Sarah dchs 1911.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Salnovitz, Sarah dchs 1911.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Salo, Selma - - Duluth Central High School yearbook - - 1929   - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Salo, Selma dcsh 1929.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Salo, Selma <BR><BR> Duluth Central High School yearbook - - 1929   <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Salo, Selma dcsh 1929.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Salo, Selma dcsh 1929.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Sandberg, Arthur - - Superior State College yearbook - 1933 (activities) - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Sandberg, Arthur 1933 SSTC activities.jpg">image</A> - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/MI/Sandberg, Arthur 1933 SSTC activities.jpg">more</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Sandberg, Arthur  <BR><BR>  Superior State College yearbook - 1933 (activities) <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Sandberg, Arthur 1933 SSTC activities.jpg">larger image</A> - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/MI/Sandberg, Arthur 1933 SSTC activities.jpg">more information</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Sandberg, Arthur 1933 SSTC activities.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Sandburg, Dorothy - - Superior State College yearbook - 1933 (activities) - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Sandburg, Dorothy 1933 SSTC activities.jpg">image</A> - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/MI/Sandburg, Dorothy 1933 SSTC activities.jpg">more</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Sandburg, Dorothy  <BR><BR>  Superior State College yearbook - 1933 (activities) <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Sandburg, Dorothy 1933 SSTC activities.jpg">larger image</A> - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/MI/Sandburg, Dorothy 1933 SSTC activities.jpg">more information</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Sandburg, Dorothy 1933 SSTC activities.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Sander, Harriet - - Duluth Central High School yearbook - - 1929 - - <font  size="1"> married to Sam Lavine, daughter of Samuel & Lena Polinsky Sander </font> - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Sander, Harriet dchs 1929.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Sander, Harriet <BR><BR> Duluth Central High School yearbook - - 1929 <BR> married to Sam Lavine, daughter of Samuel & Lena Polinsky Sander <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Sander, Harriet dchs 1929.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Sander, Harriet dchs 1929.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Sander, Howard H   - - Served in World War II  - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Sander, Howard H wwii.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Sander, Howard H <BR><BR> Served in World War II <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Sander, Howard H wwii.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Sander, Howard H wwii.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   wwii 160 200 0.8 120 150
<br><br> Sapero, Miss  - -   teacher Chisholm news photo 1915-7-4 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Sapero, Miss - teacher Chisholm news photo 1915-7-4.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Sapero, Miss  <BR><BR>   teacher Chisholm news photo 1915-7-4 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Sapero, Miss - teacher Chisholm news photo 1915-7-4.jpg">full text and image at hi res</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Sapero, Miss - teacher Chisholm news photo 1915-7-4.jpg" width="267" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   267 150
<br><br> Sapero, S and Sons - -   Store, Chisholm 1908 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Sapero, S and Sons Store, Chisholm 1908.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Sapero, S and Sons <BR><BR>   Store, Chisholm 1908 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Sapero, S and Sons Store, Chisholm 1908.jpg">full text and image at hi res</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Sapero, S and Sons Store, Chisholm 1908.jpg" width="267" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   267 150
<br><br> Sapero, Simon   - -  Biographical text - no photo - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Sapero, Simon bio.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Sapero, Simon    <BR><BR>  biographical text - no photo <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Sapero, Simon bio.jpg">full image at hi res</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="center" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Sapero, Simon bio.jpg" width="380" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   bio 380 150
<br><br> Sattler, Josephine - -  1906-9-30 news article - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Sattler, Josephine 1906-9-30 news article.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Sattler, Josephine 1906-9-30 news article <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Sattler, Josephine 1906-9-30 news article.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Sattler, Josephine 1906-9-30 news article.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Sattler, Marie  - - 1903-5-21 news article - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Sattler, Marie 1903-5-21 news article.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Sattler, Marie 1903-5-21 news article <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Sattler, Marie 1903-5-21 news article.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Sattler, Marie 1903-5-21 news article.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Sattler, Marie - - 1922-3-12 news article - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Sattler, Marie 1922-3-12 news article.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Sattler, Marie 1922-3-12 news article <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Sattler, Marie 1922-3-12 news article.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Sattler, Marie 1922-3-12 news article.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Sax, Solomon  - - news photo - -  1908-5-3 Eveleth - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Sax, Solomon news photo 1908-5-3 Eveleth.jpg">photo with text</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Sax, Solomon <BR><BR> News photo - -  1908-5-3 Eveleth <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Sax, Solomon news photo 1908-5-3 Eveleth.jpg">photo with text</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Sax, Solomon news photo 1908-5-3 Eveleth.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Schectmn, Annette Levine  - - 1914-1984 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Schectmn, Annette Levine 1914-1984.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Schectmn, Annette Levine 1914-1984 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Schectmn, Annette Levine 1914-1984.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Schectmn, Annette Levine 1914-1984.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Schneider, Barnet 1986-9 JFN obit age 91 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Schneider, Barnet 1986-9 JFN obit age 91.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Schneider, Barnet 1986-9 JFN obit age 91 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Schneider, Barnet 1986-9 JFN obit age 91.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Schneider, Barnet 1986-9 JFN obit age 91.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Schneider, Irene - - Duluth Central High School yearbook - - 1934 - - <font  size="1"> married to Sam Kerman, daughter of Ephriam & Jeanette Klatzky </font> - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Schneider, Irene dchs 1934.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Schneider, Irene <BR><BR> Duluth Central High School yearbook - - 1934 <BR> married to Sam Kerman, daughter of Ephriam & Jeanette Klatzky <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Schneider, Irene dchs 1934.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Schneider, Irene dchs 1934.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Schneider, Irving D   - - Served in World War II  - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Schneider, Irving D wwii.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Schneider, Irving D <BR><BR> Served in World War II <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Schneider, Irving D wwii.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Schneider, Irving D wwii.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   wwii 160 200 0.8 120 150
<br><br> Schneider, Lawrence Silas  - - Duluth Central High School yeabook - -  1951 - - son of Sam & Pearl Schneider - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Schneider, Lawrence Silas dchs 1951.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Schneider, Lawrence Silas <BR><BR>  Duluth Central High School yeabook - -  1951 <BR> son of Sam & Pearl Schneider <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Schneider, Lawrence Silas dchs 1951.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Schneider, Lawrence Silas dchs 1951.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Schneider, Layah Bernice  - -  Superior Central High School yearbook  - -  1941 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Schneider, Layah Bernice schs 1941.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Schneider, Layah Bernice  <BR><BR>   Superior Central  High School yearbook   - - 1941 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Schneider, Layah Bernice schs 1941.jpg">full text and image at hi res</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Schneider, Layah Bernice schs 1941.jpg" width="267" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   yearbook 267 150 1.78
<br><br> Schneider, Ruth  - -  Duluth Denfeld  High School yearbook  - -  1931 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Schneider, Ruth ddhs 1931.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Schneider, Ruth  <BR><BR>   Duluth Denfeld  High School yearbook   - - 1931 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Schneider, Ruth ddhs 1931.jpg">full text and image at hi res</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Schneider, Ruth ddhs 1931.jpg" width="267" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   yearbook 267 150 1.78
<br><br> Schraber, Deborah   - -  Duluth East High School yearbook  - -  1970 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Schraber, Deborah dehs 1970.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Schraber, Deborah  <BR><BR>  Duluth East High School yearbook  - -  1970 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Schraber, Deborah dehs 1970.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Schraber, Deborah dehs 1970.jpg" width="267" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   yearbook 144 180 0.8 120 150
<br><br> Schraber, Dianne - - Duluth Central High School yearbook -  1958 sophomore   - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Schraber, Dianne dchs 1958 sophomore.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Schraber, Dianne <BR> Duluth Central High School yearbook -  1958 sophomore <BR> <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Schraber, Dianne dchs 1958 sophomore.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Schraber, Dianne dchs 1958 sophomore.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Schraber, Dianne - - Duluth Central High School yearbook - - 1959 - Junior year   - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Schraber, Dianne 1959 dchs jr.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Schraber, Dianne - - Duluth Central High School yearbook - - 1959 - Junior year   <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Schraber, Dianne 1959 dchs jr.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Schraber, Dianne 1959 dchs jr.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Schraber, Florine - - Duluth Central High School yearbook - - 1946   - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Schraber, Florine dchs 1946.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Schraber, Florine <BR><BR>  Duluth Central High School yearbook - - 1946   <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Schraber, Florine dchs 1946.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Schraber, Florine dchs 1946.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Schraber, Harlan - - Duluth Central High School yearbook -  1958 sophomore - - son of Joseph Schraber & Edith Schneider - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Schraber, Harlan dchs 1958 sophomore.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Schraber, Harlan <BR> Duluth Central High School yearbook -  1958 sophomore <BR> son of Joseph Schraber & Edith Schneider <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Schraber, Harlan dchs 1958 sophomore.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Schraber, Harlan dchs 1958 sophomore.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Schraber, Harlan - - Duluth Central High School yearbook - - 1959 - Junior year   - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Schraber, Harlan 1959 dchs jr.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Schraber, Harlan - - Duluth Central High School yearbook - - 1959 - Junior year   <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Schraber, Harlan 1959 dchs jr.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Schraber, Harlan 1959 dchs jr.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Schraber, Harlan - UMD yearbook - freshman - 1961 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Schraber, Harlan - UMD freshman - 1961.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Schraber, Harlan  <BR><BR> UMD yearbook - freshman - 1961 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Schraber, Harlan - UMD freshman - 1961.jpg">full text and image at hi res</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="center" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Schraber, Harlan - UMD freshman - 1961.jpg" width="267" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   yearbook 267 150
<br><br> Schraber, Tamie E  - -  Duluth East High School yearbook  - -  1968 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Schraber, Tamie E dehs 1968.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Schraber, Tamie E    <BR><BR>   Duluth East High School yearbook   - - 1968 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Schraber, Tamie E dehs 1968.jpg">full text and image at hi res</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Schraber, Tamie E dehs 1968.jpg" width="267" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   yearbook 267 150 1.78
<br><br> Schreiber, Florence - - Duluth Central High School yearbook - - 1934 - - <font  size="1"> </font> - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Schreiber, Florence dchs 1934.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Schreiber, Florence <BR><BR> Duluth Central High School yearbook - - 1934 <BR> <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Schreiber, Florence dchs 1934.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Schreiber, Florence dchs 1934.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Schreiber, Julie - - 2011 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Schreiber, Julie - 2011.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Schreiber, Julie <BR><BR>  2011 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Schreiber, Julie - 2011.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Schreiber, Julie - 2011.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   misc 120 150
<br><br> Schuster, Janice - - Duluth East High School yearbook - -  1951   - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Schuster, Janice dehs 1951.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Schuster, Janice <BR><BR> Duluth East High School yearbook - -  1951   <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Schuster, Janice dehs 1951.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Schuster, Janice dehs 1951.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Schustermann, Lena - - Duluth Central High School yearbook - - 1929 - - <font  size="1"> married to Aaron Kane, daughter of Joseph & Bertha Shusterman </font> - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Schustermann, Lena dchs 1929.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Schustermann, Lena <BR><BR> Duluth Central High School yearbook - - 1929 <BR> married to Aaron Kane, daughter of Joseph & Bertha Shusterman <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Schustermann, Lena dchs 1929.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Schustermann, Lena dchs 1929.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Schwartz, Abram - - Duluth Central High School yearbook - - 1925   - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Schwartz, Abram dchs 1925.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Schwartz, Abram <BR><BR> Duluth Central High School yearbook - - 1925   <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Schwartz, Abram dchs 1925.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Schwartz, Abram dchs 1925.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Schwartz, Emil  - -  Duluth Denfeld  High School yearbook  - -  1931 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Schwartz, Emil ddhs 1931.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Schwartz, Emil  <BR><BR>   Duluth Denfeld  High School yearbook   - - 1931 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Schwartz, Emil ddhs 1931.jpg">full text and image at hi res</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Schwartz, Emil ddhs 1931.jpg" width="267" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   yearbook 267 150 1.78
<br><br> Schwartz, Lilliam 1944-2 JFN news - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Schwartz, Lilliam 1944-2 JFN news.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Schwartz, Lilliam 1944-2 JFN news <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Schwartz, Lilliam 1944-2 JFN news.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Schwartz, Lilliam 1944-2 JFN news.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Schwartz, Marian   - -  Duluth Central  High School yearbook  - -  1933 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Schwartz, Marian dchs 1933.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Schwartz, Marian  <BR><BR>  Duluth Central  High School yearbook - -  1933 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Schwartz, Marian dchs 1933.jpg">full text and image at hi res</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Schwartz, Marian dchs 1933.jpg" width="267" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   yearbook 267 150
<br><br> Schwartz, Nancy   - -  Duluth Central  High School yearbook  - -  1933 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Schwartz, Nancy dchs 1933.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Schwartz, Nancy  <BR><BR>  Duluth Central  High School yearbook - -  1933  <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Schwartz, Nancy dchs 1933.jpg">full text and image at hi res</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Schwartz, Nancy dchs 1933.jpg" width="267" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   yearbook 267 150
<br><br> Schwartz, Theodore Frances  - -  Superior Central High School yearbook  - -  1943 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Schwartz, Theodore Frances schs 1943.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Schwartz, Theodore Frances  <BR><BR>   Superior Central  High School yearbook   - - 1943 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Schwartz, Theodore Frances schs 1943.jpg">full text and image at hi res</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Schwartz, Theodore Frances schs 1943.jpg" width="267" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   yearbook 267 150 1.78
<br><br> Segal, Barbara  - - Duluth Central High School yeabook - -  1950 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Segal, Barbara dchs 1950.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Segal, Barbara <BR><BR>  Duluth Central High School yeabook - -  1950 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Segal, Barbara dchs 1950.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Segal, Barbara dchs 1950.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Segal, Ellamae - - Duluth Central High School yearbook - - 1959 - Junior year   - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Segal, Ellamae 1959 dchs jr.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Segal, Ellamae - - Duluth Central High School yearbook - - 1959 - Junior year   <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Segal, Ellamae 1959 dchs jr.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Segal, Ellamae 1959 dchs jr.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Segal, Esther  - - Duluth Central High School yeabook - -  1950 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Segal, Esther dchs 1950.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Segal, Esther <BR><BR>  Duluth Central High School yeabook - -  1950 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Segal, Esther dchs 1950.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Segal, Esther dchs 1950.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Segal, Gregory - - Duluth East High School yearbook - - 1967   - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Segal, Gregory dehs 1967.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Segal, Gregory<BR><BR> Duluth East High School yearbook - - 1967   <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Segal, Gregory dehs 1967.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Segal, Gregory dehs 1967.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Segal, Harold   - - Served in World War II  - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Segal, Harold wwii.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Segal, Harold <BR><BR> Served in World War II <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Segal, Harold wwii.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Segal, Harold wwii.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   wwii 160 200 0.8 120 150
<br><br> Segal, Harold - - Duluth Central High School yearbook - -  1940 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Segal, Harold dchs 1940.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Segal, Harold <BR><BR> Duluth Central High School yearbook  - - 1940 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Segal, Harold dchs 1940.jpg">full text and image at hi res</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Segal, Harold dchs 1940.jpg" width="267" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   yearbook 267 150 1.78
<br><br> Segal, Harold - UMD yearbook - junior - 1961 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Segal, Harold - UMD junior - 1961.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Segal, Harold  <BR><BR> UMD yearbook - junior - 1961 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Segal, Harold - UMD junior - 1961.jpg">full text and image at hi res</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="center" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Segal, Harold - UMD junior - 1961.jpg" width="267" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   yearbook 267 150
<br><br> Segal, Harold William  - -  Duluth East High School yearbook  - -  1958 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Segal, Harold William dehs 1958.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Segal, Harold William  <BR><BR> Duluth East High School yearbook  - -  1958 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Segal, Harold William dehs 1958.jpg">full text and image at hi res</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="center" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Segal, Harold William dehs 1958.jpg" width="267" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   yearbook 267 150
<br><br> Segal, Harriet  - -  Duluth Central High School yearbook  - -  1943 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Segal, Harriet dchs 1943.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Segal, Harriet  <BR><BR>   Duluth Central  High School yearbook   - - 1943 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Segal, Harriet dchs 1943.jpg">full text and image at hi res</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Segal, Harriet dchs 1943.jpg" width="267" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   yearbook 267 150 1.78
<br><br> Segal, Harry - -  Duluth Central High School yearbook - - 1918 - -  <font  size="1">married to Sarah Weinberg, son of Nettie Segal, brother of Rudy</font> - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Segal, Harry dchs 1918.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Segal, Harry<BR><BR> Duluth Central High School yearbook - - 1918 <BR> married to Sarah Weinberg, son of Nettie Segal, brother of Rudy <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Segal, Harry dchs 1918.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Segal, Harry dchs 1918.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Segal, Harry - - Duluth Central High School yearbook - - 1918 Boys Glee Club - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Segal, Harry 1918 dchs Boys Glee Club.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Segal, Harry - - Duluth Central High School yearbook - - 1918 Boys Glee Club <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Segal, Harry 1918 dchs Boys Glee Club.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Segal, Harry 1918 dchs Boys Glee Club.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Segal, Harry A  - - news photo - -  1922-5-15 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Segal, Harry A news photo 1922-5-15.jpg">photo with text</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Segal, Harry A <BR><BR> News photo - -  1922-5-15 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Segal, Harry A news photo 1922-5-15.jpg">photo with text</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Segal, Harry A news photo 1922-5-15.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Segal, Helen  - - Duluth Central High School yearbook  - 1928 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Segal, Helen dchs 1928.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Segal, Helen    <BR><BR>  Duluth Central High School yearbook -  1928 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Segal, Helen dchs 1928.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Segal, Helen dchs 1928.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Segal, Leonard - - Duluth Central High School yearbook - -  1931 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Segal, Leonard dchs 1931.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Segal, Leonard <BR><BR> Duluth Central High School yearbook  - - 1931 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Segal, Leonard dchs 1931.jpg">full text and image at hi res</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Segal, Leonard dchs 1931.jpg" width="267" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   yearbook 267 150 1.78
<br><br> Segal, Randie Sue  - -  Duluth East High School yearbook  - -  1968 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Segal, Randie Sue dehs 1968.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Segal, Randie Sue    <BR><BR>   Duluth East High School yearbook   - - 1968 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Segal, Randie Sue dehs 1968.jpg">full text and image at hi res</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Segal, Randie Sue dehs 1968.jpg" width="267" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   yearbook 267 150 1.78
<br><br> Segal, Robert   - - Served in World War II  - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Segal, Robert wwii.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Segal, Robert <BR><BR> Served in World War II <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Segal, Robert wwii.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Segal, Robert wwii.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   wwii 160 200 0.8 120 150
<br><br> Segal, Rudolph   - - Newspaper article - -  1921-1-25 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Segal, Rudolph news 1921-1-25.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Segal, Rudolph  <BR><BR> Newspaper article - -  1921-1-25 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Segal, Rudolph news 1921-1-25.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Segal, Rudolph news 1921-1-25.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   news 160 200 0.8 120 150
<br><br> Segal, Rudolph - - Duluth Central High School yearbook - -  1923 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Segal, Rudolph dchs 1923.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Segal, Rudolph <BR><BR> Duluth Central High School yearbook  - - 1923 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Segal, Rudolph dchs 1923.jpg">full text and image at hi res</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Segal, Rudolph dchs 1923.jpg" width="267" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   yearbook 267 150 1.78
<br><br> Segal, Samuel J -   - - Newspaper article - - 1919-4-13 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Segal, Samuel J - news 1919-4-13.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Segal, Samuel J -  <BR><BR> Newspaper article - - 1919-4-13 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Segal, Samuel J - news 1919-4-13.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Segal, Samuel J - news 1919-4-13.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   news 120 150
<br><br> Segal, Stanley  - -  Duluth Central High School yearbook  - -  1943 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Segal, Stanley dchs 1943.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Segal, Stanley  <BR><BR>   Duluth Central  High School yearbook   - - 1943 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Segal, Stanley dchs 1943.jpg">full text and image at hi res</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Segal, Stanley dchs 1943.jpg" width="267" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   yearbook 267 150 1.78
<br><br> Segal, Toby    - - Duluth East High School yearbook - 1971 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Segal, Toby 1971 dehs.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Segal, Toby    - - Duluth East High School yearbook - 1971 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Segal, Toby 1971 dehs.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Segal, Toby 1971 dehs.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Segalbaum, Joan (Strouse)   - - Duluth Central High School yearbook  - 1945 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Segalbaum, Joan (Strouse)  dchs 1945.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Segalbaum, Joan (Strouse)     <BR><BR>  Duluth Central High School yearbook -  1945 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Segalbaum, Joan (Strouse)  dchs 1945.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Segalbaum, Joan (Strouse)  dchs 1945.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Segel, Ellamae - - Duluth Central High School yearbook -  1958 sophomore   - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Segel, Ellamae dchs 1958 sophomore.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Segel, Ellamae <BR> Duluth Central High School yearbook -  1958 sophomore <BR>   <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Segel, Ellamae dchs 1958 sophomore.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Segel, Ellamae dchs 1958 sophomore.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Segel, James A  - - Duluth Central High School - -  1952 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Segel, James A dchs 1952.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Segel, James A <BR> Duluth Central High School -  1952 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Segel, James A dchs 1952.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Segel, James A dchs 1952.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>  
<br><br> Segel, Richard H   - -  Duluth Central  High School yearbook  - -  1963 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Segel, Richard H dchs 1963.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Segel, Richard H  <BR><BR>  Duluth Central  High School yearbook - -  1963 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Segel, Richard H dchs 1963.jpg">full text and image at hi res</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Segel, Richard H dchs 1963.jpg" width="267" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   yearbook 267 150
<br><br> Segel, Sammy   - - Newspaper article - -  1908-12-21 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Segel, Sammy news 1908-12-21.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Segel, Sammy  <BR><BR> Newspaper article - -  1908-12-21 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Segel, Sammy news 1908-12-21.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Segel, Sammy news 1908-12-21.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   news 160 200 0.8 120 150
<br><br> Segel, Thomas George  - - Duluth Central High School yearbook -  1957   - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Segel, Thomas George dchs 1957.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Segel, Thomas George  <BR> Duluth Central High School yearbook -  1957 <BR> <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Segel, Thomas George dchs 1957.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Segel, Thomas George dchs 1957.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Segel, Toby  - - Duluth East  High School yearbook - -  1971  - junior - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Segel, Toby dehs 1971 junior.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Segel, Toby  <BR><BR> Duluth East  High School yearbook - -  1971  - junior <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Segel, Toby dehs 1971 junior.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Segel, Toby dehs 1971 junior.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Segelbaum, Ben Joseph - Bar Mitzva 2010-3-15 AJW - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Segelbaum, Ben Joseph - Bar Mitzva 2010-3-15 AJW.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Segelbaum, Ben Joseph - Bar Mitzva 2010-3-15 AJW <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Segelbaum, Ben Joseph - Bar Mitzva 2010-3-15 AJW.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Segelbaum, Ben Joseph - Bar Mitzva 2010-3-15 AJW.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Segelbaum, Helena 1979-6 JFN profile - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Segelbaum, Helena 1979-6 JFN profile.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Segelbaum, Helena 1979-6 JFN profile <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Segelbaum, Helena 1979-6 JFN profile.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Segelbaum, Helena 1979-6 JFN profile.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Segelbaum, Sander   - - Newspaper article - -  1895-10-8 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Segelbaum, Sander news 1895-10-8.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Segelbaum, Sander  <BR><BR> Newspaper article - -  1895-10-8 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Segelbaum, Sander news 1895-10-8.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Segelbaum, Sander news 1895-10-8.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   news 160 200 0.8 120 150
<br><br> Segelbaum, Stanley Bernard - - Duluth Central High School yearbook - - 1948 - - Silberstein tree - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Segelbaum, Stanley Bernard dchs 1948.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Segelbaum, Stanley Bernard <BR><BR>  Duluth Central High School yearbook - - 1948 <BR> Silberstein tree <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Segelbaum, Stanley Bernard dchs 1948.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Segelbaum, Stanley Bernard dchs 1948.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Seiler, Debbie Beth  - - Duluth East  High School yearbook - -  1985 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Seiler, Debbie Beth dehs 1985.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Seiler, Debbie Beth  <BR><BR> Duluth East  High School yearbook - -  1985 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Seiler, Debbie Beth dehs 1985.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Seiler, Debbie Beth dehs 1985.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Seiler, Jack  - -  Duluth East High School yearbook  - -  1969 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Seiler, Jack dehs 1969.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Seiler, Jack    <BR><BR>   Duluth East High School yearbook   - - 1969 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Seiler, Jack dehs 1969.jpg">full text and image at hi res</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Seiler, Jack dehs 1969.jpg" width="267" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   yearbook 267 150 1.78
<br><br> Seiler, Jack, Stewart, Jay & Jerome  - -   Security Jewelers - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Seiler, Jack, Stewart, Jay & Jerome - Security Jewelers.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Seiler, Jack, Stewart, Jay & Jerome  <BR><BR>   Security Jewelers <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Seiler, Jack, Stewart, Jay & Jerome - Security Jewelers.jpg">full text and image at hi res</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Seiler, Jack, Stewart, Jay & Jerome - Security Jewelers.jpg" width="267" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   267 150
<br><br> Seiler, Michael  - -  Duluth East High School yearbook  - -  1958 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Seiler, Michael dehs 1958.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Seiler, Michael  <BR><BR> Duluth East High School yearbook  - -  1958 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Seiler, Michael dehs 1958.jpg">full text and image at hi res</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="center" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Seiler, Michael dehs 1958.jpg" width="267" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   yearbook 267 150
<br><br> Seiler, Ruth - -  Duluth East High School yearbook - - 1978 - - daughter of Stuart & Robin Frumess Seiler - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Seiler, Ruth dehs 1978.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Seiler, Ruth <BR><BR> Duluth East High School yearbook - - 1978 <BR> daughter of Stuart & Robin Frumess Seiler <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Seiler, Ruth dehs 1978.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Seiler, Ruth dehs 1978.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Seiler, Saranee - - Duluth East High School yearbook - - 1963 - Sophomore year - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Seiler, Saranee 1963 dehs soph.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Seiler, Saranee - - Duluth East High School yearbook - - 1963 - Sophomore year <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Seiler, Saranee 1963 dehs soph.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Seiler, Saranee 1963 dehs soph.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Seiler, Scott  - - 2012 award - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Seiler, Scott 2012 award.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Seiler, Scott 2012 award <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Seiler, Scott 2012 award.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Seiler, Scott 2012 award.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Seiler, Scott  - - Duluth East  High School yearbook - -  1985 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Seiler, Scott dehs 1985.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Seiler, Scott  <BR><BR> Duluth East  High School yearbook - -  1985 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Seiler, Scott dehs 1985.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Seiler, Scott dehs 1985.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Seiler, Shawn Jason  - - Duluth East  High School yearbook - -  1988 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Seiler, Shawn Jason dehs 1988.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Seiler, Shawn Jason  <BR><BR> Duluth East  High School yearbook - -  1988 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Seiler, Shawn Jason dehs 1988.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Seiler, Shawn Jason dehs 1988.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Seiler, Steve - - Duluth East HS yearbook -  1961 junior - - son of Jerome Seiler & Sylvia Hyman (married Sharyn Singer) - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Seiler, Steve 1961dehs junior.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Seiler, Steve <BR> Duluth East High School yearbook -  1961 junior <BR> son of Jerome Seiler & Sylvia Hyman (married Sharyn Singer) <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Seiler, Steve 1961dehs junior.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Seiler, Steve 1961dehs junior.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Seiler, Steven - - Duluth East High School  - - 1962 - - <font  size="1"> married to Sharyn Singer, son of Jerome & Sylvia Hyman Seiler, Litman-Altman, Singer, Naymark trees </font> - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Seiler, Steven dehs 1962.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Seiler, Steven <BR><BR> Duluth East High School yearbook - - 1962 <BR> married to Sharyn Singer, son of Jerome & Sylvia Hyman Seiler, Litman-Altman, Singer, Naymark trees <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Seiler, Steven dehs 1962.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Seiler, Steven dehs 1962.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Seiler, Stuart - - Duluth East High School yearbook - -  1951 sophomore - - son of Jacob (Jack) & Ruth Shenowsky Seiler - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Seiler, Stuart DEHS 1951 sophomore.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Seiler, Stuart <BR><BR> Duluth East High School yearbook - -  1951 sophomore <BR> son of Jacob (Jack) & Ruth Shenowsky Seiler <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Seiler, Stuart DEHS 1951 sophomore.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Seiler, Stuart DEHS 1951 sophomore.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Seiler, Stuart - - Duluth East High School yearbook - -  1953 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Seiler, Stuart dehs 1953.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Seiler, Stuart <BR><BR> Duluth East High School yearbook  - - 1953 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Seiler, Stuart dehs 1953.jpg">full text and image at hi res</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Seiler, Stuart dehs 1953.jpg" width="267" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   yearbook 267 150 1.78
<br><br> Seiler, Sylvia  - -  Jewish Fellowship News - 1985 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Seiler, Sylvia 1985 JFN.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Seiler, Sylvia  <BR><BR>  Jewish Fellowship News - 1985 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Seiler, Sylvia 1985 JFN.jpg">full text and image at hi res</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Seiler, Sylvia 1985 JFN.jpg" width="267" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   267 150
<br><br> Selig, L J (Mrs)   - - Newspaper article - -  1916-10-16 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Selig, L J Mrs news 1916-10-16.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Selig, L J (Mrs)  <BR><BR> Newspaper article - -  1916-10-16 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Selig, L J Mrs news 1916-10-16.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Selig, L J Mrs news 1916-10-16.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   news 160 200 0.8 120 150
<br><br> Seligman, Stella - - Duluth Central High School yearbook - - 1933   - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Seligman, Stella dchs 1933.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Seligman, Stella <BR><BR> Duluth Central High School yearbook - - 1933   <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Seligman, Stella dchs 1933.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Seligman, Stella dchs 1933.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Shamblott, Bernie   - -  Duluth Central High School yearbook  - 1956 - -
son of Shaddy Shamblott & Eva Singer
- - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Shamblott, Bernie dchs 1956.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Shamblott, Bernie <BR> Duluth Central High School yearbook  - 1956 <BR>
son of Shaddy Shamblott & Eva Singer
<P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Shamblott, Bernie dchs 1956.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Shamblott, Bernie dchs 1956.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>  
<br><br> Shamblott, Bernie R  - -  obit 1938-2008 w photo - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Shamblott, Bernie R obit 1938-2008 w photo.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Shamblott, Bernie R  <BR><BR>  obit 1938-2008 w photo <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Shamblott, Bernie R obit 1938-2008 w photo.jpg">full text and image at hi res</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Shamblott, Bernie R obit 1938-2008 w photo.jpg" width="267" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   267 150
<br><br> Shamblott, Carole  - -  Duluth East High School yearbook  - -  junior 1959 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Shamblott, Carole dehs junior 1959.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Shamblott, Carole  <BR><BR> Duluth East High School yearbook  - -  junior 1959 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Shamblott, Carole dehs junior 1959.jpg">full text and image at hi res</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="center" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Shamblott, Carole dehs junior 1959.jpg" width="267" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   yearbook 267 150
<br><br> Shamblott, Carole Diane - - Duluth East High School yearbook - -  1960 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Shamblott, Carole Diane dehs 1960.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Shamblott, Carole Diane <BR><BR> Duluth East High School yearbook  - - 1960 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Shamblott, Carole Diane dehs 1960.jpg">full text and image at hi res</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Shamblott, Carole Diane dehs 1960.jpg" width="267" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   yearbook 267 150 1.78
<br><br> Shamblott, Doris - - Duluth Central High School yearbook - - 1934 - - <font  size="1"> married to Sam Sloan, daughter of Michael & Sarah Kiel Shamblott </font> - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Shamblott, Doris dchs 1934.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Shamblott, Doris <BR><BR> Duluth Central High School yearbook - - 1934 <BR> married to Sam Sloan, daughter of Michael & Sarah Kiel Shamblott <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Shamblott, Doris dchs 1934.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Shamblott, Doris dchs 1934.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Shamblott, Eddie  - - Duluth Central High School yearbook - -  1966  - sophomore - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Shamblott, eddie dchs 1966 sophomore.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Shamblott, Eddie  <BR><BR> Duluth Central High School yearbook - -  1966  - sophomore <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Shamblott, eddie dchs 1966 sophomore.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Shamblott, eddie dchs 1966 sophomore.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Shamblott, Jay & Alyssa Estreen engaged 2009-12-11 AJW - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Shamblott, Jay & Alyssa Estreen engaged 2009-12-11 AJW.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Shamblott, Jay & Alyssa Estreen engaged 2009-12-11 AJW <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Shamblott, Jay & Alyssa Estreen engaged 2009-12-11 AJW.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Shamblott, Jay & Alyssa Estreen engaged 2009-12-11 AJW.jpg" width="197" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   197 150
<br><br> Shamblott, Jodi Beth & Kevin Jesser engaged 2010-9-3  AJW - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Shamblott, Jodi Beth & Kevin Jesser engaged 2010-9-3  AJW.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Shamblott, Jodi Beth & Kevin Jesser engaged 2010-9-3  AJW <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Shamblott, Jodi Beth & Kevin Jesser engaged 2010-9-3  AJW.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Shamblott, Jodi Beth & Kevin Jesser engaged 2010-9-3  AJW.jpg" width="222" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   222 150
<br><br> Shamblott, Marshall  - - Duluth Central High School yeabook - -  1959 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Shamblott, Marshall dchs 1959.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Shamblott, Marshall <BR><BR>  Duluth Central High School yeabook - -  1959 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Shamblott, Marshall dchs 1959.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Shamblott, Marshall dchs 1959.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Shamblott, Marshall  - - Duluth Central High School yearbook -  1957 sophomore - - son of Harry Shamblott & Rosalyn Singer - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Shamblott, Marshall dchs 1957 sophomore.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Shamblott, Marshall  <BR> Duluth Central High School yearbook -  1957 sophomore <BR> son of Harry Shamblott & Rosalyn Singer <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Shamblott, Marshall dchs 1957 sophomore.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Shamblott, Marshall dchs 1957 sophomore.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Shamblott, Marshall - - Duluth Central High School yearbook -  1958 junior   - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Shamblott, Marshall dchs 1958 junior.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Shamblott, Marshall <BR> Duluth Central High School yearbook -  1958 junior <BR>   <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Shamblott, Marshall dchs 1958 junior.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Shamblott, Marshall dchs 1958 junior.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Shamblott, Raquel C  - - Duluth East  High School yearbook - -  1985 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Shamblott, Raquel C dehs 1985.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Shamblott, Raquel C  <BR><BR> Duluth East  High School yearbook - -  1985 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Shamblott, Raquel C dehs 1985.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Shamblott, Raquel C dehs 1985.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Shamblott, Rick  - - Duluth East  High School yearbook - -  1975 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Shamblott, Rick dehs 1975.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Shamblott, Rick  <BR><BR> Duluth East  High School yearbook - -  1975 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Shamblott, Rick dehs 1975.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Shamblott, Rick dehs 1975.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Shamblott, Rick fb - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Shamblott, Rick fb.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Shamblott, Rick <BR><BR> Facebook <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Shamblott, Rick fb.jpg">higher res image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Shamblott, Rick fb.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Shamblott, Rob  - - Duluth East  High School yearbook - -  1982 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Shamblott, Rob dehs 1982.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Shamblott, Rob  <BR><BR> Duluth East  High School yearbook - -  1982 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Shamblott, Rob dehs 1982.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Shamblott, Rob dehs 1982.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Shamblott, Sam   - - Served in World War II  - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Shamblott, Sam wwii.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Shamblott, Sam <BR><BR> Served in World War II <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Shamblott, Sam wwii.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Shamblott, Sam wwii.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   wwii 160 200 0.8 120 150
<br><br> Shamblott, Soren  - - Duluth Central High School yearbook - -  1966 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Shamblott, Soren dchs 1966.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Shamblott, Soren  <BR><BR> Duluth Central High School yearbook - -  1966 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Shamblott, Soren dchs 1966.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Shamblott, Soren dchs 1966.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Shamblott, Steve   - -  Duluth Central High School yearbook  - 1956 junior   - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Shamblott, Steve dchs 1956 junior.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Shamblott, Steve <BR> Duluth Central High School yearbook  - 1956 junior   <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Shamblott, Steve dchs 1956 junior.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Shamblott, Steve dchs 1956 junior.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>  
<br><br> Shamblott, Steven J  - - Duluth Central High School yearbook -  1957 - - son of Max Shamblott & Hazel Kantrovich - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Shamblott, Steven J dchs 1957.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Shamblott, Steven J  <BR> Duluth Central High School yearbook -  1957 <BR> son of Max Shamblott & Hazel Kantrovich <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Shamblott, Steven J dchs 1957.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Shamblott, Steven J dchs 1957.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Shamblott, Stuart S   - -  Duluth Central  High School yearbook  - -  1963 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Shamblott, Stuart S dchs 1963.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Shamblott, Stuart S  <BR><BR>  Duluth Central  High School yearbook - -  1963 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Shamblott, Stuart S dchs 1963.jpg">full text and image at hi res</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Shamblott, Stuart S dchs 1963.jpg" width="267" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   yearbook 267 150
<br><br> Shamblott, Susan  - - Duluth Central High School yearbook - -  1964  - junior - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Shamblott, Susan dchs 1964 junior.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Shamblott, Susan  <BR><BR> Duluth Central High School yearbook - -  1964  - junior <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Shamblott, Susan dchs 1964 junior.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Shamblott, Susan dchs 1964 junior.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Shanblott, Edith   - -  Duluth Central  High School yearbook  - -  1944 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Shanblott, Edith dchs 1944.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Shanblott, Edith  <BR><BR>  Duluth Central  High School yearbook - -  1944  <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Shanblott, Edith dchs 1944.jpg">full text and image at hi res</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Shanblott, Edith dchs 1944.jpg" width="267" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   yearbook 267 150
<br><br> Shanedling, Harry & Belle Geisenfeld   - - Newspaper article - -  1908-8-30 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Shandeling, Harry & Belle Geisenfeld news 1908-8-30.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Shandeling, Harry & Belle Geisenfeld  <BR><BR> Newspaper article - -  1908-8-30 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Shandeling, Harry & Belle Geisenfeld news 1908-8-30.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Shandeling, Harry & Belle Geisenfeld news 1908-8-30.jpg" width="267" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   news 160 200 0.8 267 150
<br><br> Shanedling, Julius   - -  Biographical text - no photo - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Shanedling, Julius bio.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Shanedling, Julius    <BR><BR>  biographical text - no photo <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Shanedling, Julius bio.jpg">full image at hi res</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="center" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Shanedling, Julius bio.jpg" width="380" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   bio 380 150
<br><br> Shanedling, Julius 1920s - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Shanedling, Julius 1920s.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Shanedling, Julius 1920s <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Shanedling, Julius 1920s.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Shanedling, Julius 1920s.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Shanedling, Morris   - -  Biographical text - no photo - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Shanedling, Morris bio.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Shanedling, Morris    <BR><BR>  biographical text - no photo <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Shanedling, Morris bio.jpg">full image at hi res</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="center" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Shanedling, Morris bio.jpg" width="380" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   bio 380 150
<br><br> Shapiro, Abe   - -  Duluth Central High School yearbook  - - 1914 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Shapiro, Abe 1914 DCHS.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Shapiro, Abe <BR><BR>  Duluth Central High School yearbook - - 1914 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Shapiro, Abe 1914 DCHS.jpg">full text and image at hi res</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Shapiro, Abe 1914 DCHS.jpg" width="267" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   267 150
<br><br> Shapiro, Abe - -   Superior High School yearbook - - 1916 - - <font  size="1"> married to Mabel Sherman, son of George & Tuba Bichutskij Shapiro, Oreck tree </font> - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Shapiro, Abe shs 1916.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Shapiro, Abe<BR><BR>  Superior High School yearbook - - 1916 <BR> married to Mabel Sherman, son of George & Tuba Bichutskij Shapiro, Oreck tree <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Shapiro, Abe shs 1916.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Shapiro, Abe shs 1916.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Shapiro, Alice - - Duluth Central High School yearbook - -  1931 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Shapiro, Alice dchs 1931.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Shapiro, Alice <BR><BR> Duluth Central High School yearbook  - - 1931 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Shapiro, Alice dchs 1931.jpg">full text and image at hi res</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Shapiro, Alice dchs 1931.jpg" width="267" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   yearbook 267 150 1.78
<br><br> Shapiro, Barry F   - -  Duluth Central  High School yearbook  - -  1964 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Shapiro, Barry F dchs 1964.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Shapiro, Barry F  <BR><BR>  Duluth Central  High School yearbook - -  1964  <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Shapiro, Barry F dchs 1964.jpg">full text and image at hi res</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Shapiro, Barry F dchs 1964.jpg" width="267" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   yearbook 267 150
<br><br> Shapiro, Dick - - Duluth Central High School yearbook - -  1941 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Shapiro, Dick dchs 1941.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Shapiro, Dick <BR><BR> Duluth Central High School yearbook  - - 1941 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Shapiro, Dick dchs 1941.jpg">full text and image at hi res</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Shapiro, Dick dchs 1941.jpg" width="267" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   yearbook 267 150 1.78
<br><br> Shapiro, Edward   - -  Duluth Central  High School yearbook  - -  1933 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Shapiro, Edward dchs 1933.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Shapiro, Edward  <BR><BR>  Duluth Central  High School yearbook - -  1933 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Shapiro, Edward dchs 1933.jpg">full text and image at hi res</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Shapiro, Edward dchs 1933.jpg" width="267" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   yearbook 267 150
<br><br> Shapiro, Edward - - Duluth Central High School yearbook - - 1933 - - <font  size="1">  married to Florence Sanders, son of Benjamin & Toba Scharff, Oreck tree </font> - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Shapiro, Edward dchs 1933.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Shapiro, Edward <BR><BR> Duluth Central High School yearbook - - 1933 <BR>  married to Florence Sanders, son of Benjamin & Toba Scharff, Oreck tree <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Shapiro, Edward dchs 1933.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Shapiro, Edward dchs 1933b.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Shapiro, Elizabeth  - - Duluth Central High School yearbook -  -  1935   - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Shapiro, Elizabeth dchs 1935.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Shapiro, Elizabeth <BR><BR>  Duluth Central High School yearbook -  -  1935   <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Shapiro, Elizabeth dchs 1935.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Shapiro, Elizabeth dchs 1935.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Shapiro, Emanuel and Edna   - - Newspaper article - -  1916-9-22 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Shapiro, Emanuel and Edna news 1916-9-22.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Shapiro, Emanuel and Edna  <BR><BR> Newspaper article - -  1916-9-22 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Shapiro, Emanuel and Edna news 1916-9-22.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Shapiro, Emanuel and Edna news 1916-9-22.jpg" width="267" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   news 160 200 0.8 267 150
<br><br> Shapiro, Ethel - - Duluth Central High School yearbook - -  1931 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Shapiro, Ethel dchs 1931.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Shapiro, Ethel <BR><BR> Duluth Central High School yearbook  - - 1931 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Shapiro, Ethel dchs 1931.jpg">full text and image at hi res</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Shapiro, Ethel dchs 1931.jpg" width="267" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   yearbook 267 150 1.78
<br><br> Shapiro, Gail  - - Duluth Central High School - -  1952 junior - - daughter of Marcia Polinsky & Lewis Popkin - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Shapiro, Gail dchs 1952 junior.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Shapiro, Gail <BR> Duluth Central High School -  1952 junior <BR> daughter of Marcia Polinsky & Lewis Popkin <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Shapiro, Gail dchs 1952 junior.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Shapiro, Gail dchs 1952 junior.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>  
<br><br> Shapiro, Gail Maxine - - Duluth Central High School yearbook - - 1953   - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Shapiro, Gail Maxine 1953 dchs.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Shapiro, Gail Maxine - - Duluth Central High School yearbook - - 1953   <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Shapiro, Gail Maxine 1953 dchs.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Shapiro, Gail Maxine 1953 dchs.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Shapiro, Gary - - Duluth East HS - sophomore 1959 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Shapiro, Gary - - Duluth East HS - sophomore 1959.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Shapiro, Gary<BR><BR>Duluth East High School yearbook - sophomore 1959 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Shapiro, Gary - - Duluth East HS - sophomore 1959.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Shapiro, Gary - - Duluth East HS - sophomore 1959.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   yearbook 120 150
<br><br> Shapiro, Harold   - -  Duluth Central  High School yearbook  - -  1944 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Shapiro, Harold dchs 1944.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Shapiro, Harold  <BR><BR>  Duluth Central  High School yearbook - -  1944  <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Shapiro, Harold dchs 1944.jpg">full text and image at hi res</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Shapiro, Harold dchs 1944.jpg" width="267" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   yearbook 267 150
<br><br> Shapiro, Harvey Dean  - -  Superior Central High School yearbook  - -  1962 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Shapiro, Harvey Dean schs 1962.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Shapiro, Harvey Dean  <BR><BR>   Superior Central  High School yearbook   - - 1962 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Shapiro, Harvey Dean schs 1962.jpg">full text and image at hi res</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Shapiro, Harvey Dean schs 1962.jpg" width="267" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   yearbook 267 150 1.78
<br><br> Shapiro, Janice  - - Superior Central High School yearbook - -  1954 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Shapiro, Janice schs 1954.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Shapiro, Janice  <BR><BR> Superior Central High School yearbook - -  1954 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Shapiro, Janice schs 1954.jpg">image with text at higher res</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Shapiro, Janice schs 1954.jpg" width="267" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   267 150
<br><br> Shapiro, Jeannette  - -  Duluth Central High School yearbook - -  1926 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Shapiro, Jeannette dchs 1926.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Shapiro, Jeannette  <BR><BR> Duluth Central High School yearbook - -  1926 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Shapiro, Jeannette dchs 1926.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Shapiro, Jeannette dchs 1926.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Shapiro, Jerome  - - Duluth Central High School yearbook -  1957 - - son of Louis Shapiro & Anne Widdes - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Shapiro, Jerome dchs 1957.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Shapiro, Jerome  <BR> Duluth Central High School yearbook -  1957 <BR> son of Louis Shapiro & Anne Widdes <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Shapiro, Jerome dchs 1957.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Shapiro, Jerome dchs 1957.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Shapiro, Jerry   - -  Duluth Central High School yearbook  - 1956 junior   - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Shapiro, Jerry dchs 1956 junior.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Shapiro, Jerry <BR> Duluth Central High School yearbook  - 1956 junior   <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Shapiro, Jerry dchs 1956 junior.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Shapiro, Jerry dchs 1956 junior.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>  
<br><br> Shapiro, Leo   - - Newspaper article - -  1918-5-23 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Shapiro, Leo news 1918-5-23.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Shapiro, Leo  <BR><BR> Newspaper article - -  1918-5-23 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Shapiro, Leo news 1918-5-23.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Shapiro, Leo news 1918-5-23.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   news 160 200 0.8 120 150
<br><br> Shapiro, Leo - - Duluth Central High School yearbook - - 1929 - - <font  size="1">  son of Leo & Marion Levin Shapiro, </font> - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Shapiro, Leo dchs 1929.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Shapiro, Leo <BR><BR> Duluth Central High School yearbook - - 1929 <BR>  son of Leo & Marion Levin Shapiro, <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Shapiro, Leo dchs 1929.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Shapiro, Leo dchs 1929.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Shapiro, Leslie - - Duluth East High School yearbook - -  1951 sophomore - - son Isadore & Sonya Kaplan Shapiro - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Shapiro, Leslie DEHS 1951 sophomore.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Shapiro, Leslie <BR><BR> Duluth East High School yearbook - -  1951 sophomore <BR> son Isadore & Sonya Kaplan Shapiro <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Shapiro, Leslie DEHS 1951 sophomore.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Shapiro, Leslie DEHS 1951 sophomore.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Shapiro, Leslie - - Duluth East High School yearbook - -  1953 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Shapiro, Leslie dehs 1953.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Shapiro, Leslie <BR><BR> Duluth East High School yearbook  - - 1953 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Shapiro, Leslie dehs 1953.jpg">full text and image at hi res</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Shapiro, Leslie dehs 1953.jpg" width="267" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   yearbook 267 150 1.78
<br><br> Shapiro, Lylian  - - Duluth Central High School yearbook  - 1915 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Shapiro, Lylian dchs 1915.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Shapiro, Lylian    <BR><BR>  Duluth Central High School yearbook -  1915 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Shapiro, Lylian dchs 1915.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Shapiro, Lylian dchs 1915.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Shapiro, Marian  - - Duluth Central High School yearbook  - 1936 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Shapiro, Marian dchs 1936.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Shapiro, Marian    <BR><BR>  Duluth Central High School yearbook -  1936 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Shapiro, Marian dchs 1936.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Shapiro, Marian dchs 1936.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Shapiro, Marvin - - Duluth Central High School yearbook - - 1946 junior - - son of Isadore Burton & Sonya Shapiro - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Shapiro, Marvin dchs 1946 junior.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Shapiro, Marvin <BR><BR>  Duluth Central High School yearbook - - 1946 junior <BR> son of Isadore Burton & Sonya Shapiro <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Shapiro, Marvin dchs 1946 junior.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Shapiro, Marvin dchs 1946 junior.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Shapiro, Marvin - - Duluth Central High School yearbook - - 1947 - - <font  size="1"> married to Sylvia Ring, son of Isadore & Sonya Kaplan Shapiro, </font> - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Shapiro, Marvin dchs 1947.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Shapiro, Marvin <BR><BR> Duluth Central High School yearbook - - 1947 <BR> married to Sylvia Ring, son of Isadore & Sonya Kaplan Shapiro, <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Shapiro, Marvin dchs 1947.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Shapiro, Marvin dchs 1947.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Shapiro, Marvin S  - - Superior Central High School yearbook -  1924   - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Shapiro, Marvin S schs 1924.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Shapiro, Marvin S  <BR> Superior Central High School yearbook -  1924   <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Shapiro, Marvin S schs 1924.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Shapiro, Marvin S schs 1924.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Shapiro, Maxine  - -  Virginia Roosevelt  High School yearbook  - -  1931 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Shapiro, Maxine vrhs 1931.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Shapiro, Maxine  <BR><BR>   Virginia Rooselelt  High School yearbook   - - 1931 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Shapiro, Maxine vrhs 1931.jpg">full text and image at hi res</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Shapiro, Maxine vrhs 1931.jpg" width="267" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   yearbook 267 150 1.78
<br><br> Shapiro, Myron  - - Duluth Central High School yearbook  - 1937 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Shapiro, Myron dchs 1937.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Shapiro, Myron    <BR><BR>  Duluth Central High School yearbook -  1937 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Shapiro, Myron dchs 1937.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Shapiro, Myron dchs 1937.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Shapiro, Myron - - WWII by Al Grady - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Shapiro, Myron WWII by Al Grady.pdf">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Shapiro, Myron WWII by Al Grady <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Shapiro, Myron WWII by Al Grady.pdf">pdf with text and images</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Shapiro, Myron WWII by Al Grady.jpg" width="262" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   262 150
<br><br> Shapiro, Newell - - Duluth Central High School yearbook - -  1939 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Shapiro, Newell dchs 1939.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Shapiro, Newell <BR><BR> Duluth Central High School yearbook  - - 1939 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Shapiro, Newell dchs 1939.jpg">full text and image at hi res</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Shapiro, Newell dchs 1939.jpg" width="267" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   yearbook 267 150 1.78
<br><br> Shapiro, Ralph Leslie  - -  Superior Central High School yearbook  - -  1941 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Shapiro, Ralph Leslie schs 1941.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Shapiro, Ralph Leslie  <BR><BR>   Superior Central  High School yearbook   - - 1941 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Shapiro, Ralph Leslie schs 1941.jpg">full text and image at hi res</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Shapiro, Ralph Leslie schs 1941.jpg" width="267" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   yearbook 267 150 1.78
<br><br> Shapiro, Reuben  - -  Duluth Central High School yearbook - -  1926 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Shapiro, Reuben dchs 1926.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Shapiro, Reuben  <BR><BR> Duluth Central High School yearbook - -  1926 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Shapiro, Reuben dchs 1926.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Shapiro, Reuben dchs 1926.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Shapiro, Sadie - - Duluth Central High School yearbook - - 1929 - - <font  size="1"> daughter of Peter & Fannie Shapiro, </font> - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Shapiro, Sadie dchs 1929.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Shapiro, Sadie <BR><BR> Duluth Central High School yearbook - - 1929 <BR> daughter of Peter & Fannie Shapiro, <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Shapiro, Sadie dchs 1929.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Shapiro, Sadie dchs 1929.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Shapiro, Sharon   - -  Duluth East  High School yearbook  - - 1960 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Shapiro, Sharon 1960 dehs.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Shapiro, Sharon <BR><BR>  Duluth East High School yearbook - - 1960 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Shapiro, Sharon 1960 dehs.jpg">full text and image at hi res</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Shapiro, Sharon 1960 dehs.jpg" width="267" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   267 150
<br><br> Shapiro, Sharon  - -  Duluth East High School yearbook  - -  junior 1959 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Shapiro, Sharon dehs junior 1959.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Shapiro, Sharon  <BR><BR> Duluth East High School yearbook  - -  junior 1959 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Shapiro, Sharon dehs junior 1959.jpg">full text and image at hi res</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="center" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Shapiro, Sharon dehs junior 1959.jpg" width="267" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   yearbook 267 150
<br><br> Shapiro, Sharon Barbara - - Duluth East High School yearbook - -  1960 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Shapiro, Sharon Barbara dehs 1960.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Shapiro, Sharon Barbara <BR><BR> Duluth East High School yearbook  - - 1960 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Shapiro, Sharon Barbara dehs 1960.jpg">full text and image at hi res</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Shapiro, Sharon Barbara dehs 1960.jpg" width="267" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   yearbook 267 150 1.78
<br><br> Shapiro, Sonia 1979-10 JFN profile - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Shapiro, Sonia 1979-10 JFN profile.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Shapiro, Sonia 1979-10 JFN profile <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Shapiro, Sonia 1979-10 JFN profile.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Shapiro, Sonia 1979-10 JFN profile.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Shapiro, Sylvia  - - Duluth Central High School yearbook -  -  1935   - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Shapiro, Sylvia dchs 1935.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Shapiro, Sylvia <BR><BR>  Duluth Central High School yearbook -  -  1935   <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Shapiro, Sylvia dchs 1935.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Shapiro, Sylvia dchs 1935.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Shark, H A - - news artile from 1914-2-22 - - Sharkcraft Clothes - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Shark, H A 1914-2-22 Sharkcraft Clothes.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Shark, H A - - news artile from 1914-2-22 - - Sharkcraft Clothes <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Shark, H A 1914-2-22 Sharkcraft Clothes.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Shark, H A 1914-2-22 Sharkcraft Clothes.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Shark, Henry A news article 1915-7-15 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Shark, Henry A news article 1915-7-15.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Shark, Henry A news article 1915-7-15 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Shark, Henry A news article 1915-7-15.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Shark, Henry A news article 1915-7-15.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Shark, Sheba Yessne (Mrs Henry) news 1914-6-7 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Shark, Sheba Yessne (Mrs Henry) news 1914-6-7.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Shark, Sheba Yessne (Mrs Henry) news 1914-6-7 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Shark, Sheba Yessne (Mrs Henry) news 1914-6-7.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Shark, Sheba Yessne (Mrs Henry) news 1914-6-7.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Shearer, Ida - -  Duluth Central High School yearbook - - 1901   - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Shearer, Ida dchs 1901.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Shearer, Ida<BR><BR> Duluth Central High School yearbook - - 1901   <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Shearer, Ida dchs 1901.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Shearer, Ida dchs 1901.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Shectman, Benjamin - -  Ben 1906-1983 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Shectman, Benjamin Ben 1906-1983.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Shectman, Benjamin Ben 1906-1983 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Shectman, Benjamin Ben 1906-1983.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Shectman, Benjamin Ben 1906-1983.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Shelf, Marvin - - Duluth Central High School yearbook - - 1934 - - <font  size="1"> son of Joseph & Ida Ostrov Shelf </font> - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Shelf, Marvin dchs 1934.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Shelf, Marvin <BR><BR> Duluth Central High School yearbook - - 1934 <BR> son of Joseph & Ida Ostrov Shelf <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Shelf, Marvin dchs 1934.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Shelf, Marvin dchs 1934.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Shenowsky, Loy Mooney - - obituary with picture - 1904 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Shenowsky, Loy Mooney obit 1904.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Shenowsky, Loy Mooney - - obituary with picture - 1904 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Shenowsky, Loy Mooney obit 1904.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Shenowsky, Loy Mooney obit 1904.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Shenowsky, Ruth - -  News article from 1918 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Shenowsky, Ruth 1918.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Shenowsky, Ruth - -  News article from 1918 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Shenowsky, Ruth 1918.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Shenowsky, Ruth 1918.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Sher, Carol Reva  - -  Superior Central High School yearbook  - -  1936 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Sher, Carol Reva schs 1936.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Sher, Carol Reva  <BR><BR>   Superior Central  High School yearbook   - - 1936 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Sher, Carol Reva schs 1936.jpg">full text and image at hi res</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Sher, Carol Reva schs 1936.jpg" width="267" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   yearbook 267 150 1.78
<br><br> Sher, Jerry   - - Served in World War II  - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Sher, Jerry wwii.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Sher, Jerry <BR><BR> Served in World War II <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Sher, Jerry wwii.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Sher, Jerry wwii.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   wwii 160 200 0.8 120 150
<br><br> Sher, Michael - - Virginia Roosevelt High School yearbook - 1956 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Sher, Michael vrhs 1956.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Sher, Michael  <BR><BR>  Virginia Roosevelt High School yearbook - 1956 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Sher, Michael vrhs 1956.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Sher, Michael vrhs 1956.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Sher, Robert   - - Newspaper article - -  1920-5-23 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Sher, Robert news 1920-5-23.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Sher, Robert  <BR><BR> Newspaper article - -  1920-5-23 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Sher, Robert news 1920-5-23.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Sher, Robert news 1920-5-23.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   news 160 200 0.8 120 150
<br><br> Sher, Robert - - Superior High School yearbook - - 1920 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Sher, Robert 1920 shs.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Sher, Robert - - Superior High School yearbook - - 1920 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Sher, Robert 1920 shs.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Sher, Robert 1920 shs.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Sher, Robert - - Superior High School yearbook - - 1920 - Commencement Speaker - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Sher, Robert 1920 shs - Commencement Speaker.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Sher, Robert - - Superior High School yearbook - - 1920 - Commencement Speaker <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Sher, Robert 1920 shs - Commencement Speaker.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Sher, Robert 1920 shs - Commencement Speaker.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Sher, Roy - - obituary - -  news - -  1960-2-29 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Sher, Roy - obituary 1960-2-29.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Sher, Roy <BR><BR> Obituary - -  newspaper article - - 1960-2-29 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Sher, Roy - obituary 1960-2-29.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Sher, Roy - obituary 1960-2-29.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   news 120 150
<br><br> Shulman, Max   - - Newspaper article - -  1912-7-14 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Shulman, Max news 1912-7-14.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Shulman, Max  <BR><BR> Newspaper article - -  1912-7-14 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Shulman, Max news 1912-7-14.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Shulman, Max news 1912-7-14.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   news 160 200 0.8 120 150
<br><br> Shusterman, Anne - - Duluth Central High School yearbook - - 1934 - - <font  size="1"> married to Meyer Lax, daughter of Abraham & Rosa Raine Shusterman </font> - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Shusterman, Anne dchs 1934.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Shusterman, Anne <BR><BR> Duluth Central High School yearbook - - 1934 <BR> married to Meyer Lax, daughter of Abraham & Rosa Raine Shusterman <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Shusterman, Anne dchs 1934.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Shusterman, Anne dchs 1934.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Shusterman, Betty   - -  Duluth Central  High School yearbook  - -  1944 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Shusterman, Betty dchs 1944.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Shusterman, Betty  <BR><BR>  Duluth Central  High School yearbook - -  1944 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Shusterman, Betty dchs 1944.jpg">full text and image at hi res</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Shusterman, Betty dchs 1944.jpg" width="267" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   yearbook 267 150
<br><br> Shusterman, Dorothy  - - Duluth Central High School yearbook  - 1937 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Shusterman, Dorothy dchs 1937.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Shusterman, Dorothy    <BR><BR>  Duluth Central High School yearbook -  1937 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Shusterman, Dorothy dchs 1937.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Shusterman, Dorothy dchs 1937.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Shusterman, Eva - - Duluth Central High School yearbook - - 1925 - - <font  size="1"> married Samuel Wolff, daughter of Samuel & Alice Gold Shusterman </font> - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Shusterman, Eva dchs 1925.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Shusterman, Eva <BR><BR> Duluth Central High School yearbook - - 1925 <BR> married Samuel Wolff, daughter of Samuel & Alice Gold Shusterman <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Shusterman, Eva dchs 1925.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Shusterman, Eva dchs 1925.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Shusterman, F   - - Served in World War II  - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Shusterman, F wwii.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Shusterman, F <BR><BR> Served in World War II <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Shusterman, F wwii.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Shusterman, F wwii.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   wwii 160 200 0.8 120 150
<br><br> Shusterman, Sam   - - Served in World War II  - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Shusterman, Sam wwii.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Shusterman, Sam <BR><BR> Served in World War II <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Shusterman, Sam wwii.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Shusterman, Sam wwii.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   wwii 160 200 0.8 120 150
<br><br> Siden, Bessie - -  news article 1916-4-23 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Siden, Bessie news article 1916-4-23.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Siden, Bessie news article 1916-4-23 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Siden, Bessie news article 1916-4-23.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Siden, Bessie news article 1916-4-23.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Siden, Ester - -  news article 1916-4-23 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Siden, Ester news article 1916-4-23.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Siden, Ester news article 1916-4-23 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Siden, Ester news article 1916-4-23.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Siden, Ester news article 1916-4-23.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Siden, Ester - -  news article 1922-12-12 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Siden, Ester news article 1922-12-12.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Siden, Ester news article 1922-12-12 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Siden, Ester news article 1922-12-12.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Siden, Ester news article 1922-12-12.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Siegal, Donald  - -  Duluth East High School yearbook  - -  1959 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Siegal, Donald dehs 1959.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Siegal, Donald  <BR><BR> Duluth East High School yearbook  - -  1959 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Siegal, Donald dehs 1959.jpg">full text and image at hi res</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="center" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Siegal, Donald dehs 1959.jpg" width="267" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   yearbook 267 150
<br><br> Siegel, Charles S   - -  Duluth Central  High School yearbook  - -  1963 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Siegel, Charles S dchs 1963.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Siegel, Charles S  <BR><BR>  Duluth Central  High School yearbook - -  1963 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Siegel, Charles S dchs 1963.jpg">full text and image at hi res</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Siegel, Charles S dchs 1963.jpg" width="267" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   yearbook 267 150
<br><br> Siegel, David Lee - - Superior High School yearbook - 1968 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Siegel, David Lee shs 1968.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Siegel, David Lee <BR><BR> Superior High School yearbook - 1968 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Siegel, David Lee shs 1968.jpg">larger image / more info</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Siegel, David Lee shs 1968.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Siegel, Dorothy - - Duluth Central High School yearbook - -  1940 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Siegel, Dorothy dchs 1940.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Siegel, Dorothy <BR><BR> Duluth Central High School yearbook  - - 1940 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Siegel, Dorothy dchs 1940.jpg">full text and image at hi res</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Siegel, Dorothy dchs 1940.jpg" width="267" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   yearbook 267 150 1.78
<br><br> Siegel, Edward  - - Duluth Central High School yearbook -  -  1935 - - son of Joseph & Lena Latts Siegel - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Siegel, Edward dchs 1935.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Siegel, Edward <BR><BR>  Duluth Central High School yearbook -  -  1935 <BR> son of Joseph & Lena Latts Siegel <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Siegel, Edward dchs 1935.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Siegel, Edward dchs 1935.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Siegel, Gita Esther  - -  Superior Central   - -  1937 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Siegel, Gita Esther schs 1937.jpg">image</A>  daughter of Pauline Josephs Siegel and granddaughter of Dov Yozefovitch &  Gita Zalk   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Siegel, Gita Esther  <BR><BR>   Superior Central  High School yearbook   - - 1937  <BR><BR> daughter of Pauline Josephs Siegel and granddaughter of Dov Yozefovitch and Gita Zalk <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Siegel, Gita Esther schs 1937.jpg">full text and image at hi res</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Siegel, Gita Esther schs 1937.jpg" width="267" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   yearbook 267 150 1.78
<br><br> Siegel, Harry - - Duluth Central High School yearbook - -  1940 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Siegel, Harry dchs 1940.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Siegel, Harry <BR><BR> Duluth Central High School yearbook  - - 1940 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Siegel, Harry dchs 1940.jpg">full text and image at hi res</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Siegel, Harry dchs 1940.jpg" width="267" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   yearbook 267 150 1.78
<br><br> Siegel, James Theodore  - - Superior Central High School yearbook - -  1954 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Siegel, James Theodore schs 1954.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Siegel, James Theodore  <BR><BR> Superior Central High School yearbook - -  1954 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Siegel, James Theodore schs 1954.jpg">image with text at higher res</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Siegel, James Theodore schs 1954.jpg" width="267" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   267 150
<br><br> Siegel, Jane Ellen  - -  Superior Central High School yearbook  - -  1963 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Siegel, Jane Ellen schs 1963.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Siegel, Jane Ellen  <BR><BR>   Superior Central  High School yearbook   - - 1963 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Siegel, Jane Ellen schs 1963.jpg">full text and image at hi res</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Siegel, Jane Ellen schs 1963.jpg" width="267" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   yearbook 267 150 1.78
<br><br> Siegel, Marion   - -  Hibbing  High School yearbook  - - 1937 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Siegel, Marion 1937 Hibbing HS.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Siegel, Marion <BR><BR>  Hibbing High School - - 1937 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Siegel, Marion 1937 Hibbing HS.jpg">full text and image at hi res</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Siegel, Marion 1937 Hibbing HS.jpg" width="267" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   267 150
<br><br> Siegel, Mellvin Hirsch - - Superior Central High School yearbook - -  1925 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Siegel, Mellvin Hirsch schs 1925.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Siegel, Mellvin Hirsch <BR><BR> Superior Central High School yearbook  - - 1925 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Siegel, Mellvin Hirsch schs 1925.jpg">full text and image at hi res</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Siegel, Mellvin Hirsch schs 1925.jpg" width="267" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   yearbook 267 150 1.78
<br><br> Siegel, Merray Gerald  - - Superior Central High School yearbook - -  1958 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Siegel, Merray Gerald schs 1958.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Siegel, Merray Gerald  <BR><BR> Superior Central High School yearbook - -  1958 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Siegel, Merray Gerald schs 1958.jpg">image with text at higher res</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Siegel, Merray Gerald schs 1958.jpg" width="267" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   267 150
<br><br> Siegel, Nathan - - Superior High School yearbook - - 1920 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Siegel, Nathan 1920 shs.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Siegel, Nathan - - Superior High School yearbook - - 1920 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Siegel, Nathan 1920 shs.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Siegel, Nathan 1920 shs.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Siegel, Pearl   - -  Duluth Central High School yearbook  - - 1919 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Siegel, Pearl 1919 DCHS.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Siegel, Pearl <BR><BR>  Duluth Central High School - - 1919 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Siegel, Pearl 1919 DCHS.jpg">full text and image at hi res</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Siegel, Pearl 1919 DCHS.jpg" width="267" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   267 150
<br><br> Siegel, Ruth  - - 1915 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Siegel, Ruth 1915.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Siegel, Ruth  <BR><BR>1915 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Siegel, Ruth 1915.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Siegel, Ruth 1915.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Siegel, Ruth - - Duluth Central High School yearbook - -  1915 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Siegel, Ruth dchs 1915.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Siegel, Ruth <BR><BR> Duluth Central High School yearbook  - - 1915 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Siegel, Ruth dchs 1915.jpg">full text and image at hi res</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Siegel, Ruth dchs 1915.jpg" width="267" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   yearbook 267 150 1.78
<br><br> Siegel, Sharon  - - Duluth Central High School yearbook - -  1966  - junior - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Siegel, Sharon dchs 1966 junior.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Siegel, Sharon  <BR><BR> Duluth Central High School yearbook - -  1966  - junior <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Siegel, Sharon dchs 1966 junior.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Siegel, Sharon dchs 1966 junior.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Siegel, Sharon - - Duluth Central High School yearbook - - 1967 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Siegel, Sharon 1967 dchs.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Siegel, Sharon - - Duluth Central High School yearbook - - 1967 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Siegel, Sharon 1967 dchs.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Siegel, Sharon 1967 dchs.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Siegel, Sidney  - - Duluth Central High School yearbook -  -  1935 - - brother of Edward - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Siegel, Sidney dchs 1935.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Siegel, Sidney <BR><BR>  Duluth Central High School yearbook -  -  1935 <BR> brother of Edward <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Siegel, Sidney dchs 1935.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Siegel, Sidney dchs 1935.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Siegel, Stuart Alan  - - Superior Central High School yearbook - -  1958 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Siegel, Stuart Alan schs 1958.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Siegel, Stuart Alan  <BR><BR> Superior Central High School yearbook - -  1958 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Siegel, Stuart Alan schs 1958.jpg">image with text at higher res</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Siegel, Stuart Alan schs 1958.jpg" width="267" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   267 150
<br><br> Sieger, Ruth  - - Duluth Denfeld High School - -  1948   - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Sieger, Ruth ddhs 1948.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Sieger, Ruth <BR><BR> Duluth Denfeld High School - -  1948   <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Sieger, Ruth ddhs 1948.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Sieger, Ruth ddhs 1948.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Siegler, Eleanor - - Duluth Central High School yearbook - - 1933   - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Siegler, Eleanor dchs 1933.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Siegler, Eleanor <BR><BR> Duluth Central High School yearbook - - 1933   <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Siegler, Eleanor dchs 1933.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Siegler, Eleanor dchs 1933.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Sigal, Harry - - Duluth Central High School yearbook - - 1918 - Orchestra - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Sigal, Harry 1918 dchs - Orchestra.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Sigal, Harry - - Duluth Central High School yearbook - - 1918 - Orchestra <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Sigal, Harry 1918 dchs - Orchestra.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Sigal, Harry 1918 dchs - Orchestra.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Sigal, Howard  - - Duluth Central High School yearbook -  -  1938   - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Sigal, Howard dchs 1938.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Sigal, Howard <BR><BR>  Duluth Central High School yearbook -  -  1938   <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Sigal, Howard dchs 1938.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Sigal, Howard dchs 1938.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Sigel, Anne E  - - Duluth Denfeld High School - -  1922 - - married to Myron Aranson (maybe) - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Sigel, Anne E ddhs 1922.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Sigel, Anne E <BR><BR> Duluth Denfeld High School - -  1922 <BR> married to Myron Aranson (maybe) <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Sigel, Anne E ddhs 1922.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Sigel, Anne E ddhs 1922.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Sigel, Bob - - Duluth East High School yearbook - -  1951 nineth - - son of George & Bess Breitbord - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Sigel, Bob dehs 1951 nineth.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Sigel, Bob <BR><BR> Duluth East High School yearbook - -  1951 nineth <BR> son of George & Bess Breitbord <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Sigel, Bob dehs 1951 nineth.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Sigel, Bob dehs 1951 nineth.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Sigel, Joseph - Tema and Fam - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Sigel, Joseph - Tema and Fam.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Sigel, Joseph - Tema and Fam <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Sigel, Joseph - Tema and Fam.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Sigel, Joseph - Tema and Fam.jpg" width="302" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   302 150
<br><br> Sigel, Marcella  - -  Virginia High School yearbook  - -  1927 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Sigel, Marcella vhs 1927.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Sigel, Marcella  <BR><BR>   Virginia High School yearbook   - - 1927 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Sigel, Marcella vhs 1927.jpg">full text and image at hi res</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Sigel, Marcella vhs 1927.jpg" width="267" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   yearbook 267 150 1.78
<br><br> Sigel, Marjorie Lorraine  - -  Duluth East High School yearbook  - -  1959 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Sigel, Marjorie Lorraine dehs 1959.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Sigel, Marjorie Lorraine  <BR><BR> Duluth East High School yearbook  - -  1959 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Sigel, Marjorie Lorraine dehs 1959.jpg">full text and image at hi res</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="center" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Sigel, Marjorie Lorraine dehs 1959.jpg" width="267" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   yearbook 267 150
<br><br> Sigel, Melvin - - Duluth Central High School yearbook - - 1948 junior   - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Sigel, Melvin dchs 1948 juniors.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Sigel, Melvin <BR><BR>  Duluth Central High School yearbook - - 1948 junior   <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Sigel, Melvin dchs 1948 juniors.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Sigel, Melvin dchs 1948 juniors.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Sigel, Morris A   - -  Duluth Central  High School yearbook  - -  1963 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Sigel, Morris A dchs 1963.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Sigel, Morris A  <BR><BR>  Duluth Central  High School yearbook - -  1963 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Sigel, Morris A dchs 1963.jpg">full text and image at hi res</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Sigel, Morris A dchs 1963.jpg" width="267" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   yearbook 267 150
<br><br> Sigel, Richard Alan  - -  Duluth East High School yearbook  - -  1957 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Sigel, Richard Alan dehs 1957.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Sigel, Richard Alan  <BR><BR> Duluth East High School yearbook  - -  1957  <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Sigel, Richard Alan dehs 1957.jpg">full text and image at hi res</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="center" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Sigel, Richard Alan dehs 1957.jpg" width="267" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   yearbook 267 150
<br><br> Sigel, Robert  - -  Virginia Roosevelt  High School yearbook  - -  1931 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Sigel, Robert vrhs 1931.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Sigel, Robert  <BR><BR>   Virginia Rooselelt  High School yearbook   - - 1931 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Sigel, Robert vrhs 1931.jpg">full text and image at hi res</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Sigel, Robert vrhs 1931.jpg" width="267" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   yearbook 267 150 1.78
<br><br> Sigel, Robert  - - Duluth Central High School - -  1952 sophomore - - son of George Sigel & Bessie Breitbord - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Sigel, Robert dchs 1952 sophomore.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Sigel, Robert <BR> Duluth Central High School -  1952 sophomore <BR> son of George Sigel & Bessie Breitbord <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Sigel, Robert dchs 1952 sophomore.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Sigel, Robert dchs 1952 sophomore.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>  
<br><br> Sigel, Robert H  - - Duluth Central High School yeabook - -  1954 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Sigel, Robert H dchs 1954.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Sigel, Robert H <BR><BR>  Duluth Central High School yeabook - -  1954 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Sigel, Robert H dchs 1954.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Sigel, Robert H dchs 1954.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Sigel, Roberta 1985-2 JFN recipe - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Sigel, Roberta 1985-2 JFN recipe.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Sigel, Roberta 1985-2 JFN recipe <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Sigel, Roberta 1985-2 JFN recipe.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Sigel, Roberta 1985-2 JFN recipe.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Sigel, Steve - -  Duluth East High School yearbook - - 1978 - - son of Bob & Roberta Mondshane Sigel - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Sigel, Steve dehs 1978.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Sigel, Steve <BR><BR> Duluth East High School yearbook - - 1978 <BR> son of Bob & Roberta Mondshane Sigel <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Sigel, Steve dehs 1978.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Sigel, Steve dehs 1978.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Sigler, Benjamin   - - Served in World War II  - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Sigler, Benjamin wwii.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Sigler, Benjamin <BR><BR> Served in World War II <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Sigler, Benjamin wwii.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Sigler, Benjamin wwii.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   wwii 160 200 0.8 120 150
<br><br> Sigler, Bennie  - - Duluth Central High School yearbook  - 1937 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Sigler, Bennie dchs 1937.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Sigler, Bennie    <BR><BR>  Duluth Central High School yearbook -  1937 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Sigler, Bennie dchs 1937.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Sigler, Bennie dchs 1937.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Silber, Mendel Rabbi -   - - Newspaper article - - 1904-11-20 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Silber, Mendel Rabbi - news 1904-11-20.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Silber, Mendel Rabbi -  <BR><BR> Newspaper article - - 1904-11-20 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Silber, Mendel Rabbi - news 1904-11-20.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Silber, Mendel Rabbi - news 1904-11-20.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   news 120 150
<br><br> Silber, Mendel Rabbi - -  news article 1904-11-20 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Silber, Mendel Rabbi news article 1904-11-20.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Silber, Mendel Rabbi news article 1904-11-20 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Silber, Mendel Rabbi news article 1904-11-20.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Silber, Mendel Rabbi news article 1904-11-20.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Silberman, Bert - -  1960-4 JFN news - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Silberman, Bert 1960-4 JFN news.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Silberman, Bert 1960-4 JFN news <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Silberman, Bert 1960-4 JFN news.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Silberman, Bert 1960-4 JFN news.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Silberstein, Bernard - - Boosterbook - 1916 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Silberstein, Bernard - boosterbook 1916.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Silberstein, Bernard <BR><BR> Boosterbook  - - 1916 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Silberstein, Bernard - boosterbook 1916.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Silberstein, Bernard - boosterbook 1916.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   news 120 150
<br><br> Silberstein, Bernard - - Duluth Central High School yearbook - -  1922 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Silberstein, Bernard dchs 1922.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Silberstein, Bernard <BR><BR> Duluth Central High School yearbook  - - 1922 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Silberstein, Bernard dchs 1922.jpg">full text and image at hi res</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Silberstein, Bernard dchs 1922.jpg" width="267" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   yearbook 267 150 1.78
<br><br> Silberstein, Bernard - - Zenith City History - Biography - - <A HREF=""  TARGET="articles">Link to Bio</A> - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Silberstein, Bernard - zchb.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Silberstein, Bernard <BR> Zenith City History - Biography <BR><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF=""  TARGET="articles">Link to Bio</A> <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Silberstein, Bernard - zchb.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Silberstein, Bernard - zchb.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Silberstein, Helena - -  Duluth Central High School yearbook - - 1918 - - married to Charles Segalbaum, Silberstein tree - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Silberstein, Helena dchs 1918.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Silberstein, Helena<BR><BR> Duluth Central High School yearbook - - 1918 <BR> married to Charles Segalbaum, Silberstein tree <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Silberstein, Helena dchs 1918.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Silberstein, Helena dchs 1918.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Siler, Reva and Floren - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Siler, Reva and Floren.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Siler, Reva and Floren <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Siler, Reva and Floren.jpg">higher res image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Siler, Reva and Floren.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Silk, D (Mrs)   - - Newspaper article - -  1915-5-2 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Silk, D Mrs news 1915-5-2.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Silk, D (Mrs)  <BR><BR> Newspaper article - -  1915-5-2 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Silk, D Mrs news 1915-5-2.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Silk, D Mrs news 1915-5-2.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   news 160 200 0.8 120 150
<br><br> Silk, D (Mrs)   - - Newspaper article - -  1917-8-15 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Silk, D Mrs news 1917-8-15.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Silk, D (Mrs)  <BR><BR> Newspaper article - -  1917-8-15 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Silk, D Mrs news 1917-8-15.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Silk, D Mrs news 1917-8-15.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   news 160 200 0.8 120 150
<br><br> Silk, Philip  - - Duluth Central High School yearbook - - 1929 - - <font  size="1"> married to Beatrice Skaar, son of Harry & Rae Holzberg Silk </font> - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Silk, Philip  dchs 1929.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Silk, Philip  <BR><BR> Duluth Central High School yearbook - - 1929 <BR> married to Beatrice Skaar, son of Harry & Rae Holzberg Silk <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Silk, Philip  dchs 1929.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Silk, Philip  dchs 1929.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Silver, Carmeen Kay  - - Duluth Central High School yeabook - -  1955 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Silver, Carmeen Kay dchs 1955.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Silver, Carmeen Kay <BR><BR>  Duluth Central High School yeabook - -  1955 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Silver, Carmeen Kay dchs 1955.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Silver, Carmeen Kay dchs 1955.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Silver, Gertrude - - Duluth Central High School yearbook - -  1931 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Silver, Gertrude dchs 1931.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Silver, Gertrude <BR><BR> Duluth Central High School yearbook  - - 1931 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Silver, Gertrude dchs 1931.jpg">full text and image at hi res</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Silver, Gertrude dchs 1931.jpg" width="267" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   yearbook 267 150 1.78
<br><br> Silver, Susanna Buchman 1936-2010 - - <font  size="1">captured  from:   "Descendents of Zalkind Peysakh Zalk" by Michael D. Zalk - Oct 2012</font> - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Silver, Susanna Buchman 1936-2010.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Silver, Susanna Buchman 1936-2010 <BR> <font color="blue" size="1">captured with permission from: <BR> "Descendents of Zalkind Peysakh Zalk" by Michael D. Zalk - Oct 2012</font> <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Silver, Susanna Buchman 1936-2010.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Silver, Susanna Buchman 1936-2010.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Silver, Warren - - Duluth Central High School yearbook - - 1946 junior   - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Silver, Warren dchs 1946 junior.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Silver, Warren <BR><BR>  Duluth Central High School yearbook - - 1946 junior   <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Silver, Warren dchs 1946 junior.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Silver, Warren dchs 1946 junior.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Silver, Warren M - - Duluth Central High School yearbook - - 1947 - - <font  size="1"> married to Judith Goldenberg, son of Arthur & Ida Oreckovsky Silver, Oreck tree </font> - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Silver, Warren M dchs 1947.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Silver, Warren M <BR><BR> Duluth Central High School yearbook - - 1947 <BR> married to Judith Goldenberg, son of Arthur & Ida Oreckovsky Silver, Oreck tree <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Silver, Warren M dchs 1947.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Silver, Warren M dchs 1947.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Silverman, Maurice  - - news photo - -  1917-11-2 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Silverman, Maurice news photo 1917-11-2.jpg">photo with text</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Silverman, Maurice <BR><BR> News photo - -  1917-11-2 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Silverman, Maurice news photo 1917-11-2.jpg">photo with text</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Silverman, Maurice news photo 1917-11-2.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Silverman, Maurice (Morrie) 1917-18 France - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Silverman, Maurice (Morrie) 1917-18 France.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Silverman, Maurice (Morrie) 1917-18 France <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Silverman, Maurice (Morrie) 1917-18 France.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Silverman, Maurice (Morrie) 1917-18 France.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Silverman, Sarah news photo 1916-9-4 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Silverman, Sarah news photo 1916-9-4.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Silverman, Sarah news photo 1916-9-4 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Silverman, Sarah news photo 1916-9-4.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Silverman, Sarah news photo 1916-9-4.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Simon, Arlene Evelyn - - Superior High School yearbook - 1957 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Simon, Arlene Evelyn shs 1957.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Simon, Arlene Evelyn <BR><BR> Superior High School yearbook - 1957 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Simon, Arlene Evelyn shs 1957.jpg">larger image / more info</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Simon, Arlene Evelyn shs 1957.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Simon, Bessie  - - Duluth Central High School yearbook  - 1915 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Simon, Bessie dchs 1915.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Simon, Bessie    <BR><BR>  Duluth Central High School yearbook -  1915 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Simon, Bessie dchs 1915.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Simon, Bessie dchs 1915.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Simon, Betty Ann - - Duluth Central High School yearbook - -  1940 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Simon, Betty Ann dchs 1940.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Simon, Betty Ann <BR><BR> Duluth Central High School yearbook  - - 1940 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Simon, Betty Ann dchs 1940.jpg">full text and image at hi res</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Simon, Betty Ann dchs 1940.jpg" width="267" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   yearbook 267 150 1.78
<br><br> Simon, Claire Elaine  - - Virginia Roosevelt  High School yearbook - -  1957 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Simon, Claire Elaine vrhs 1957.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Simon, Claire Elaine  <BR><BR> Virginia Roosevelt  High School yearbook - -  1957 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Simon, Claire Elaine vrhs 1957.jpg">image with text at higher res</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Simon, Claire Elaine vrhs 1957.jpg" width="267" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   267 150
<br><br> Simon, David Charles  - - Superior High School yearbook -  1983   - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Simon, David Charles shs 1983.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Simon, David Charles  <BR> Superior High School yearbook -  1983   <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Simon, David Charles shs 1983.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Simon, David Charles shs 1983.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Simon, Donald James Don - - Superior Central High School yearbook - 1944 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Simon, Donald James Don schs 1944.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Simon, Donald James Don <BR><BR> Superior Central High School yearbook - 1944 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Simon, Donald James Don schs 1944.jpg">larger image / more info</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Simon, Donald James Don schs 1944.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Simon, Florence - - Duluth Central High School yearbook - -  1921 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Simon, Florence dchs 1921.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Simon, Florence <BR><BR> Duluth Central High School yearbook  - - 1921 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Simon, Florence dchs 1921.jpg">full text and image at hi res</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Simon, Florence dchs 1921.jpg" width="267" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   yearbook 267 150 1.78
<br><br> Simon, Frances  - - Duluth Central High School yearbook  - 1945 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Simon, Frances dchs 1945.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Simon, Frances    <BR><BR>  Duluth Central High School yearbook -  1945 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Simon, Frances dchs 1945.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Simon, Frances dchs 1945.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Simon, Frank - UMD yearbook - junior - 1961 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Simon, Frank - UMD junior - 1961.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Simon, Frank  <BR><BR> UMD yearbook - junior - 1961 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Simon, Frank - UMD junior - 1961.jpg">full text and image at hi res</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="center" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Simon, Frank - UMD junior - 1961.jpg" width="267" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   yearbook 267 150
<br><br> Simon, Gene - - Superior High School yearbook - - 1921 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Simon, Gene 1921 shs.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Simon, Gene - - Superior High School yearbook - - 1921 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Simon, Gene 1921 shs.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Simon, Gene 1921 shs.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Simon, Hazel  - - Duluth Central High School yearbook -  -  1938   - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Simon, Hazel dchs 1938.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Simon, Hazel <BR><BR>  Duluth Central High School yearbook -  -  1938   <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Simon, Hazel dchs 1938.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Simon, Hazel dchs 1938.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Simon, Howard John  - -  Superior Central High School yearbook  - -  1942 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Simon, Howard John schs 1942.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Simon, Howard John  <BR><BR>   Superior Central  High School yearbook   - - 1942 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Simon, Howard John schs 1942.jpg">full text and image at hi res</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Simon, Howard John schs 1942.jpg" width="267" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   yearbook 267 150 1.78
<br><br> Simon, Janice  - - Virginia Roosevelt  High School yearbook - -  1954 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Simon, Janice vrhs 1954.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Simon, Janice  <BR><BR> Virginia Roosevelt  High School yearbook - -  1954 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Simon, Janice vrhs 1954.jpg">image with text at higher res</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Simon, Janice vrhs 1954.jpg" width="267" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   267 150
<br><br> Simon, Jansi Lee - - Superior High School yearbook - 1969 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Simon, Jansi Lee shs 1969.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Simon, Jansi Lee <BR><BR> Superior High School yearbook - 1969 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Simon, Jansi Lee shs 1969.jpg">larger image / more info</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Simon, Jansi Lee shs 1969.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Simon, Jeannette  - - Ironwood, Michigan High School yearbook  - -  1927 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Simon, Jeannette iwhs 1927.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Simon, Jeannette  <BR><BR>   Ironwood, Michigan High School yearbook   - - 1927 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Simon, Jeannette iwhs 1927.jpg">full text and image at hi res</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Simon, Jeannette iwhs 1927.jpg" width="267" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   yearbook 267 150 1.78
<br><br> Simon, Laurie - - Superior High School yearbook - - 1972 - Sophomore year - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Simon, Laurie 1972 shs soph.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Simon, Laurie - - Superior High School yearbook - - 1972 - Sophomore year <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Simon, Laurie 1972 shs soph.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Simon, Laurie 1972 shs soph.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Simon, LaVerne Vivian  - -  Superior  High School yearbook  - -  1939 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Simon, LaVerne Vivian shs 1939.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Simon, LaVerne Vivian  <BR><BR>  Superior   High School yearbook   - - 1939 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Simon, LaVerne Vivian shs 1939.jpg">full text and image at hi res</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Simon, LaVerne Vivian shs 1939.jpg" width="267" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   yearbook 267 150 1.78
<br><br> Simon, LaVerne Vivian - -  Superior Central High School yearbook - - 1939   - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Simon, LaVerne Vivian schs 1939.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Simon, LaVerne Vivian<BR><BR> Superior Central High School yearbook - - 1939    text <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Simon, LaVerne Vivian schs 1939.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Simon, LaVerne Vivian schs 1939.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Simon, Lynn Catherine - - Superior High School yearbook - 1968 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Simon, Lynn Catherine shs 1968.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Simon, Lynn Catherine <BR><BR> Superior High School yearbook - 1968 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Simon, Lynn Catherine shs 1968.jpg">larger image / more info</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Simon, Lynn Catherine shs 1968.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Simon, Mary   - -  Duluth Central High School yearbook  - - 1918 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Simon, Mary 1918 DCSH.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Simon, Mary <BR><BR>  Duluth Central High School - - 1918 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Simon, Mary 1918 DCSH.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Simon, Mary 1918 DCSH.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Simon, Mary  - -  Duluth Central High School yearbook -  1913 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Simon, Mary dchs 1913.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Simon, Mary   <BR><BR>   Duluth Central High School yearbook -  1913 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Simon, Mary dchs 1913.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Simon, Mary dchs 1913.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Simon, William James  - -  Superior Central High School yearbook  - -  1948 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Simon, William James schs 1948.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Simon, William James  <BR><BR>   Superior Central  High School yearbook   - - 1948 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Simon, William James schs 1948.jpg">full text and image at hi res</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Simon, William James schs 1948.jpg" width="267" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   yearbook 267 150 1.78
<br><br> Singer, Blake and Cindy Gurovitch wed 1981-1 JFN - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Singer, Blake and Cindy Gurovitch wed 1981-1 JFN.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Singer, Blake and Cindy Gurovitch wed 1981-1 JFN <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Singer, Blake and Cindy Gurovitch wed 1981-1 JFN.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Singer, Blake and Cindy Gurovitch wed 1981-1 JFN.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Singer, Eva - - Duluth Central High School yearbook - -  1932 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Singer, Eva dchs 1932.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Singer, Eva <BR><BR> Duluth Central High School yearbook  - - 1932 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Singer, Eva dchs 1932.jpg">full text and image at hi res</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Singer, Eva dchs 1932.jpg" width="267" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   yearbook 267 150 1.78
<br><br> Singer, Gerald  - - Duluth Central High School yearbook  - 1945 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Singer, Gerald dchs 1945.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Singer, Gerald    <BR><BR>  Duluth Central High School yearbook -  1945 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Singer, Gerald dchs 1945.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Singer, Gerald dchs 1945.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Singer, Gerald and wife  - -  right - Stadium Lanes 1960 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Singer, Gerald and wife right - Stadium Lanes 1960.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Singer, Gerald and wife  <BR><BR>  right - Stadium Lanes 1960 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Singer, Gerald and wife right - Stadium Lanes 1960.jpg">full text and image at hi res</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Singer, Gerald and wife right - Stadium Lanes 1960.jpg" width="267" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   267 150
<br><br> Singer, Harold - - Duluth Central High School yearbook - - 1946 junior   - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Singer, Harold dchs 1946 junior.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Singer, Harold <BR><BR>  Duluth Central High School yearbook - - 1946 junior   <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Singer, Harold dchs 1946 junior.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Singer, Harold dchs 1946 junior.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Singer, Harold - - Duluth Central High School yearbook - - 1947 - - <font  size="1"> married to Audree Joseph, son of Samuel & Brenda Naymark Singer, Naymark tree </font> - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Singer, Harold dchs 1947.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Singer, Harold <BR><BR> Duluth Central High School yearbook - - 1947 <BR> married to Audree Joseph, son of Samuel & Brenda Naymark Singer, Naymark tree <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Singer, Harold dchs 1947.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Singer, Harold dchs 1947.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Singer, Isadore - - Duluth Central High School yearbook - - 1925 - - <font  size="1"> married Ruth Groman, son of Louis & Rachel Rine, brother of Sam (Bertha) Singer </font> - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Singer, Isadore dchs 1925.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Singer, Isadore <BR><BR> Duluth Central High School yearbook - - 1925 <BR> married Ruth Groman, son of Louis & Rachel Rine, brother of Sam (Bertha) Singer <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Singer, Isadore dchs 1925.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Singer, Isadore dchs 1925.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Singer, Marilyn Jean  - - Duluth Central High School - -  1952 - - daughter of Sam Singer & Bertha Naymark - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Singer, Marilyn Jean dchs 1952.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Singer, Marilyn Jean <BR> Duluth Central High School -  1952 <BR> daughter of Sam Singer & Bertha Naymark <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Singer, Marilyn Jean dchs 1952.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Singer, Marilyn Jean dchs 1952.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>  
<br><br> Singer, Max 1978-5 JFN profile - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Singer, Max 1978-5 JFN profile.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Singer, Max 1978-5 JFN profile <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Singer, Max 1978-5 JFN profile.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Singer, Max 1978-5 JFN profile.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Singer, Merle   - -  Duluth Central High School yearbook  - 1956 junior   - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Singer, Merle dchs 1956 junior.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Singer, Merle <BR> Duluth Central High School yearbook  - 1956 junior   <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Singer, Merle dchs 1956 junior.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Singer, Merle dchs 1956 junior.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>  
<br><br> Singer, Merle  - - Duluth Central High School yearbook -  1957 - - son of Samuel Singer & Bertha Naymark - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Singer, Merle dchs 1957.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Singer, Merle  <BR> Duluth Central High School yearbook -  1957 <BR> son of Samuel Singer & Bertha Naymark <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Singer, Merle dchs 1957.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Singer, Merle dchs 1957.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Singer, Rosalyn - - Duluth Central High School yearbook - -  1932 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Singer, Rosalyn dchs 1932.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Singer, Rosalyn <BR><BR> Duluth Central High School yearbook  - - 1932 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Singer, Rosalyn dchs 1932.jpg">full text and image at hi res</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Singer, Rosalyn dchs 1932.jpg" width="267" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   yearbook 267 150 1.78
<br><br> Singer, Sam 1977-12 JFN profile - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Singer, Sam 1977-12 JFN profile.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Singer, Sam 1977-12 JFN profile <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Singer, Sam 1977-12 JFN profile.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Singer, Sam 1977-12 JFN profile.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Singer, Sandra  - - Duluth Central High School yeabook - -  1950 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Singer, Sandra dchs 1950.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Singer, Sandra <BR><BR>  Duluth Central High School yeabook - -  1950 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Singer, Sandra dchs 1950.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Singer, Sandra dchs 1950.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Singer, Sharyn    - - Duluth East High School yearbook -  1964 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Singer, Sharyn 1964 dehs.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Singer, Sharyn    - - Duluth East High School yearbook -  1964 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Singer, Sharyn 1964 dehs.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Singer, Sharyn 1964 dehs.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Singer, Sharyn - -   Duluth East High School yearbook - - 1964 - - <font  size="1"> married to Steven Seiler, daughter of Samuel & Bertha Naymark Singer, Naymark tree </font> - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Singer, Sharyn dehs 1964.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Singer, Sharyn<BR><BR>  Duluth East High School yearbook - - 1964 <BR> married to Steven Seiler, daughter of Samuel & Bertha Naymark Singer, Naymark tree <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Singer, Sharyn dehs 1964.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Singer, Sharyn dehs 1964.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Slafer, Joe   - - Served in World War II  - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Slafer, Joe wwii.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Slafer, Joe <BR><BR> Served in World War II <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Slafer, Joe wwii.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Slafer, Joe wwii.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   wwii 160 200 0.8 120 150
<br><br> Slavut, Bessie - - Duluth Central High School yearbook - -  1931 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Slavut, Bessie dchs 1931.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Slavut, Bessie <BR><BR> Duluth Central High School yearbook  - - 1931 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Slavut, Bessie dchs 1931.jpg">full text and image at hi res</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Slavut, Bessie dchs 1931.jpg" width="267" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   yearbook 267 150 1.78
<br><br> Slavut, Ida  - - Duluth Central High School yearbook  - 1936 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Slavut, Ida dchs 1936.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Slavut, Ida    <BR><BR>  Duluth Central High School yearbook -  1936 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Slavut, Ida dchs 1936.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Slavut, Ida dchs 1936.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Slavut, Ida S - -  marker photo 1937 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Slavut, Ida S marker photo 1937.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Slavut, Ida S <BR><BR>  marker photo 1937 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Slavut, Ida S marker photo 1937.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Slavut, Ida S marker photo 1937.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Slavut, Rae - - Duluth Central High School yearbook - -  1932 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Slavut, Rae dchs 1932.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Slavut, Rae <BR><BR> Duluth Central High School yearbook  - - 1932 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Slavut, Rae dchs 1932.jpg">full text and image at hi res</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Slavut, Rae dchs 1932.jpg" width="267" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   yearbook 267 150 1.78
<br><br> Sloan, Ruth  - -  Superior Central High School yearbook  - -  1937 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Sloan, Ruth schs 1937.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Sloan, Ruth  <BR><BR>   Superior Central  High School yearbook   - - 1937 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Sloan, Ruth schs 1937.jpg">full text and image at hi res</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Sloan, Ruth schs 1937.jpg" width="267" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   yearbook 267 150 1.78
<br><br> Slocum, Donald - - Duluth Central High School yearbook - -  1931 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Slocum, Donald dchs 1931.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Slocum, Donald <BR><BR> Duluth Central High School yearbook  - - 1931 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Slocum, Donald dchs 1931.jpg">full text and image at hi res</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Slocum, Donald dchs 1931.jpg" width="267" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   yearbook 267 150 1.78
<br><br> Slonim, Alan - - Duluth East High School yearbook - - 1963 - Sophomore year - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Slonim, Alan 1963 dehs soph.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Slonim, Alan - - Duluth East High School yearbook - - 1963 - Sophomore year <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Slonim, Alan 1963 dehs soph.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Slonim, Alan 1963 dehs soph.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Slonim, Alvin - - Duluth Central High School yearbook - -  1941 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Slonim, Alvin dchs 1941.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Slonim, Alvin <BR><BR> Duluth Central High School yearbook  - - 1941 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Slonim, Alvin dchs 1941.jpg">full text and image at hi res</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Slonim, Alvin dchs 1941.jpg" width="267" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   yearbook 267 150 1.78
<br><br> Slonim, Charles - - Duluth Central High School yearbook - -  1943 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Slonim, Charles dchs 1943.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Slonim, Charles <BR><BR> Duluth Central High School yearbook  - - 1943 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Slonim, Charles dchs 1943.jpg">full text and image at hi res</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Slonim, Charles dchs 1943.jpg" width="267" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   yearbook 267 150 1.78
<br><br> Slonim, Dorothy - - <font  size="1">captured  from:   "Descendents of Zalkind Peysakh Zalk" by Michael D. Zalk - Oct 2012</font> - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Slonim, Dorothy.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Slonim, Dorothy <BR> <font color="blue" size="1">captured with permission from: <BR> "Descendents of Zalkind Peysakh Zalk" by Michael D. Zalk - Oct 2012</font> <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Slonim, Dorothy.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Slonim, Dorothy.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Slonim, Dorothy  - - Duluth Central High School yearbook -  -  1935   - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Slonim, Dorothy dchs 1935.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Slonim, Dorothy <BR><BR>  Duluth Central High School yearbook -  -  1935   <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Slonim, Dorothy dchs 1935.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Slonim, Dorothy dchs 1935.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Slonim, Edward   - - Served in World War II  - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Slonim, Edward wwii.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Slonim, Edward <BR><BR> Served in World War II <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Slonim, Edward wwii.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Slonim, Edward wwii.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   wwii 160 200 0.8 120 150
<br><br> Slonim, Edward E - - <font  size="1">captured  from:   "Descendents of Zalkind Peysakh Zalk" by Michael D. Zalk - Oct 2012</font> - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Slonim, Edward E.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Slonim, Edward E <BR> <font color="blue" size="1">captured with permission from: <BR> "Descendents of Zalkind Peysakh Zalk" by Michael D. Zalk - Oct 2012</font> <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Slonim, Edward E.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Slonim, Edward E.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Slonim, John  - - Duluth East  High School yearbook - -  1975  - sophomore - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Slonim, John dehs 1975 sophomore.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Slonim, John  <BR><BR> Duluth East  High School yearbook - -  1975  - sophomore <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Slonim, John dehs 1975 sophomore.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Slonim, John dehs 1975 sophomore.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Slonim, John - -  Duluth East High School yearbook - - 1977 - - son of Edward & Dorothy Hoffman Slonim - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Slonim, John dehs 1977.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Slonim, John <BR><BR> Duluth East High School yearbook - - 1977 <BR> son of Edward & Dorothy Hoffman Slonim <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Slonim, John dehs 1977.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Slonim, John dehs 1977.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Slonim, John born 1958 - - <font  size="1">captured  from:   "Descendents of Zalkind Peysakh Zalk" by Michael D. Zalk - Oct 2012</font> - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Slonim, John born 1958.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Slonim, John born 1958 <BR> <font color="blue" size="1">captured with permission from: <BR> "Descendents of Zalkind Peysakh Zalk" by Michael D. Zalk - Oct 2012</font> <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Slonim, John born 1958.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Slonim, John born 1958.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Slonim, Lynn C  - -  Duluth East High School yearbook  - -  1968 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Slonim, Lynn C dehs 1968.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Slonim, Lynn C    <BR><BR>   Duluth East High School yearbook   - - 1968 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Slonim, Lynn C dehs 1968.jpg">full text and image at hi res</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Slonim, Lynn C dehs 1968.jpg" width="267" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   yearbook 267 150 1.78
<br><br> Slonim, Ruth - - Duluth Central High School yearbook - - 1934 - - <font  size="1"> daughter of Sigmund & Lena Epstein Slonim </font> - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Slonim, Ruth dchs 1934.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Slonim, Ruth <BR><BR> Duluth Central High School yearbook - - 1934 <BR> daughter of Sigmund & Lena Epstein Slonim <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Slonim, Ruth dchs 1934.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Slonim, Ruth dchs 1934.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Slovut, Jerome  - -  Superior Central High School yearbook  - -  1953 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Slovut, Jerome schs 1953.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Slovut, Jerome  <BR><BR>   Superior Central  High School yearbook   - - 1953 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Slovut, Jerome schs 1953.jpg">full text and image at hi res</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Slovut, Jerome schs 1953.jpg" width="267" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   yearbook 267 150 1.78
<br><br> Slovut, Mike - - Duluth Central High School yearbook - - 1927 - - <font  size="1"> married to Helen Green, son of Israel & Slovia Slovut </font> - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Slovut, Mike dchs 1927.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Slovut, Mike <BR><BR> Duluth Central High School yearbook - - 1927 <BR> married to Helen Green, son of Israel & Slovia Slovut <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Slovut, Mike dchs 1927.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Slovut, Mike dchs 1927.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Sokolow, A D Rabbi -   - - Newspaper article - - 1920-9-20 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Sokolow, A D Rabbi - news 1920-9-20.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Sokolow, A D Rabbi -  <BR><BR> Newspaper article - - 1920-9-20 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Sokolow, A D Rabbi - news 1920-9-20.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Sokolow, A D Rabbi - news 1920-9-20.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   news 120 150
<br><br> Solomon, Miriam   - -  Duluth Central High School yearbook  - - 1918 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Solomon, Miriam 1918 DCSH.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Solomon, Miriam <BR><BR>  Duluth Central High School - - 1918 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Solomon, Miriam 1918 DCSH.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Solomon, Miriam 1918 DCSH.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Solomon, Miriam  - -  Duluth Central High School yearbook -  1913 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Solomon, Miriam dchs 1913.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Solomon, Miriam   <BR><BR>   Duluth Central High School yearbook -  1913 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Solomon, Miriam dchs 1913.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Solomon, Miriam dchs 1913.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Solon, Dave  - - Duluth East High School yearbook -  1971 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Solon, Dave dehs 1971.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Solon, Dave  - - Duluth East High School yearbook -  1971 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Solon, Dave dehs 1971.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Solon, Dave dehs 1971.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Solon, David    - - Duluth East High School yearbook -  1970 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Solon, David 1970 dehs.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Solon, David    - - Duluth East High School yearbook -  1970 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Solon, David 1970 dehs.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Solon, David 1970 dehs.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Solon, Eleanor - - Superior High School yearbook - - 1920 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Solon, Eleanor 1920 shs.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Solon, Eleanor - - Superior High School yearbook - - 1920 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Solon, Eleanor 1920 shs.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Solon, Eleanor 1920 shs.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Solon, Genevieve - - Superior High School yearbook - - 1922 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Solon, Genevieve 1922 shs.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Solon, Genevieve - - Superior High School yearbook - - 1922 <BR>  text <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Solon, Genevieve 1922 shs.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Solon, Genevieve 1922 shs.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Solon, Gerald  - - Duluth East  High School yearbook - -  1983 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Solon, Gerald dehs 1983.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Solon, Gerald  <BR><BR> Duluth East  High School yearbook - -  1983 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Solon, Gerald dehs 1983.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Solon, Gerald dehs 1983.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Solon, Harriet - - Duluth Central High School yearbook - -  1939 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Solon, Harriet dchs 1939.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Solon, Harriet <BR><BR> Duluth Central High School yearbook  - - 1939 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Solon, Harriet dchs 1939.jpg">full text and image at hi res</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Solon, Harriet dchs 1939.jpg" width="267" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   yearbook 267 150 1.78
<br><br> Solon, Harvey   - - Served in World War II  - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Solon, Harvey wwii.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Solon, Harvey <BR><BR> Served in World War II <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Solon, Harvey wwii.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Solon, Harvey wwii.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   wwii 160 200 0.8 120 150
<br><br> Solon, Harvey - - Duluth Central High School yearbook - -  1942 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Solon, Harvey dchs 1942.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Solon, Harvey <BR><BR> Duluth Central High School yearbook  - - 1942 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Solon, Harvey dchs 1942.jpg">full text and image at hi res</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Solon, Harvey dchs 1942.jpg" width="267" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   yearbook 267 150 1.78
<br><br> Solon, Harvey (1922-1992) - - biography with picture - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Solon, Harvey.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Solon, Harvey (1922-1992) - - biography with picture <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Solon, Harvey.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Solon, Harvey.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Solon, Louis  - -  obit 1926-2011 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Solon, Louis obit 1926-2011.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Solon, Louis  <BR><BR>  obit 1926-2011 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Solon, Louis obit 1926-2011.jpg">full text and image at hi res</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Solon, Louis obit 1926-2011.jpg" width="267" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   267 150
<br><br> Solon, Sam - -    History - 1949 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Solon, Sam 1949 history.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Solon, Sam - -    History - 1949 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Solon, Sam 1949 history.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Solon, Sam 1949 history.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Solon, Sam  - - Duluth Central High School yearbook - -  1949 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Solon, Sam yearbook dchs 1949.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Solon, Sam  <BR><BR> Duluth Central High School yearbook - -  1949 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Solon, Sam yearbook dchs 1949.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Solon, Sam yearbook dchs 1949.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Soloski, Marcia - - Duluth Central High School yearbook - -  1939 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Soloski, Marcia dchs 1939.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Soloski, Marcia <BR><BR> Duluth Central High School yearbook  - - 1939 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Soloski, Marcia dchs 1939.jpg">full text and image at hi res</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Soloski, Marcia dchs 1939.jpg" width="267" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   yearbook 267 150 1.78
<br><br> Solum, Henry  - - Duluth Central High School yearbook  - 1937 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Solum, Henry dchs 1937.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Solum, Henry    <BR><BR>  Duluth Central High School yearbook -  1937 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Solum, Henry dchs 1937.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Solum, Henry dchs 1937.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Sonosky, Jerome Jerry - - obit photo - 1929-2012 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Sonosky, Jerome Jerry obit photo 1929-2012.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Sonosky, Jerome Jerry <BR> obit photo - 1929-2012 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Sonosky, Jerome Jerry obit photo 1929-2012.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Sonosky, Jerome Jerry obit photo 1929-2012.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Sonosky, Marvin - - University of Minnesota yearbook - 1929 (Tau Delta Phi -  class of 1930) - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Sonosky, Marvin 1929 UofM Tau Delta Phi class of 30.jpg">image</A> - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/MI/Sonosky, Marvin 1929 UofM Tau Delta Phi class of 30.jpg">more</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Sonosky, Marvin  <BR><BR>  University of Minnesota yearbook - 1929 (Tau Delta Phi -  class of 1930) <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Sonosky, Marvin 1929 UofM Tau Delta Phi class of 30.jpg">larger image</A> - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/MI/Sonosky, Marvin 1929 UofM Tau Delta Phi class of 30.jpg">more information</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Sonosky, Marvin 1929 UofM Tau Delta Phi class of 30.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Sosnosky, Marvin  - -  Duluth Central High School yearbook - -  1926 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Sosnosky, Marvin dchs 1926.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Sosnosky, Marvin  <BR><BR> Duluth Central High School yearbook - -  1926 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Sosnosky, Marvin dchs 1926.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Sosnosky, Marvin dchs 1926.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Sosnovsky, E Rabbi obit news article 1916-4-29 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Sosnovsky, E Rabbi obit news article 1916-4-29.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Sosnovsky, E Rabbi obit news article 1916-4-29 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Sosnovsky, E Rabbi obit news article 1916-4-29.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Sosnovsky, E Rabbi obit news article 1916-4-29.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Sosnovsky, Eedel Rev - - photo and obituary - 1916-4-29 (age 70) - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Sosnovsky, Eedel Rev obit - 1916-4-29 age 70.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Sosnovsky, Eedel Rev  <BR><BR>  photo and obituary - 1916-4-29 (age 70) <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Sosnovsky, Eedel Rev obit - 1916-4-29 age 70.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Sosnovsky, Eedel Rev obit - 1916-4-29 age 70.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Stein, Denise - -   Superior High School yearbook - - 1970 - - <font  size="1"> </font> - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Stein, Denise shs 1970.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Stein, Denise<BR><BR>  Superior High School yearbook - - 1970 <BR> <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Stein, Denise shs 1970.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Stein, Denise shs 1970.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Stein, Jeffrey - - Duluth East High School yearbook - - 1967   - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Stein, Jeffrey dehs 1967.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Stein, Jeffrey<BR><BR> Duluth East High School yearbook - - 1967   <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Stein, Jeffrey dehs 1967.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Stein, Jeffrey dehs 1967.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Stein, Joseph  - - Duluth Central High School yearbook -  -  1935   - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Stein, Joseph dchs 1935.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Stein, Joseph <BR><BR>  Duluth Central High School yearbook -  -  1935   <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Stein, Joseph dchs 1935.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Stein, Joseph dchs 1935.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Stein, Robert Abe  - - Duluth Central High School yeabook - -  1951   - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Stein, Robert Abe dchs 1951.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Stein, Robert Abe <BR><BR>  Duluth Central High School yeabook - -  1951   <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Stein, Robert Abe dchs 1951.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Stein, Robert Abe dchs 1951.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Steinberg, Bessie 1978-4 JFN profile - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Steinberg, Bessie 1978-4 JFN profile.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Steinberg, Bessie 1978-4 JFN profile <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Steinberg, Bessie 1978-4 JFN profile.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Steinberg, Bessie 1978-4 JFN profile.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Steinberg, Lillian - - Duluth Central High School yearbook - - 1933 - - <font  size="1">  married to Isadore Alpert, daughter of David & Bessie Karsner Steinberg, Karsner tree </font> - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Steinberg, Lillian dchs 1933.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Steinberg, Lillian <BR><BR> Duluth Central High School yearbook - - 1933 <BR>  married to Isadore Alpert, daughter of David & Bessie Karsner Steinberg, Karsner tree <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Steinberg, Lillian dchs 1933.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Steinberg, Lillian dchs 1933.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Steinman, Joseph Mr & Mrs -  - newspaper article - - 1907-2-24 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Steinman, Joseph Mr & Mrs - news 1907-2-24.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Steinman, Joseph Mr & Mrs <BR><BR> newspaper article - - 1907-2-24 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Steinman, Joseph Mr & Mrs - news 1907-2-24.jpg">full image at hi res</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Steinman, Joseph Mr & Mrs - news 1907-2-24.jpg" width="267" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   news 267 150
<br><br> Stenberg, Edwardt - - Duluth Central High School yearbook - - 1933   - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Stenberg, Edwardt dchs 1933.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Stenberg, Edwardt <BR><BR> Duluth Central High School yearbook - - 1933   <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Stenberg, Edwardt dchs 1933.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Stenberg, Edwardt dchs 1933.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Stenberg, Petronella - -  Duluth Central High School yearbook - - 1907   - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Stenberg, Petronella dchs 1907.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Stenberg, Petronella<BR><BR> Duluth Central High School yearbook - - 1907   <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Stenberg, Petronella dchs 1907.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Stenberg, Petronella dchs 1907.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Sternberg, Sherman   - -  Duluth Central  High School yearbook  - - 1921 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Sternberg, Sherman 1921 dchs.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Sternberg, Sherman <BR><BR>  Duluth Central High School - - 1921 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Sternberg, Sherman 1921 dchs.jpg">full text and image at hi res</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Sternberg, Sherman 1921 dchs.jpg" width="267" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   267 150
<br><br> Stewart, George   - - Served in World War II  - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Stewart, George wwii.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Stewart, George <BR><BR> Served in World War II <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Stewart, George wwii.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Stewart, George wwii.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   wwii 160 200 0.8 120 150
<br><br> Stewart, George and Bernice 1969 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Stewart, George and Bernice 1969.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Stewart, George and Bernice 1969 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Stewart, George and Bernice 1969.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Stewart, George and Bernice 1969.jpg" width="343" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   343 150
<br><br> Stewart, Irwin   - - Served in World War II  - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Stewart, Irwin wwii.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Stewart, Irwin <BR><BR> Served in World War II <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Stewart, Irwin wwii.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Stewart, Irwin wwii.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   wwii 160 200 0.8 120 150
<br><br> Stewart, Marvin   - - Served in World War II  - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Stewart, Marvin wwii.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Stewart, Marvin <BR><BR> Served in World War II <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Stewart, Marvin wwii.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Stewart, Marvin wwii.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   wwii 160 200 0.8 120 150
<br><br> Stewart, Sylvia   - - Served in World War II  - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Stewart, Sylvia wwii.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Stewart, Sylvia <BR><BR> Served in World War II <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Stewart, Sylvia wwii.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Stewart, Sylvia wwii.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   wwii 160 200 0.8 120 150
<br><br> Stone, Alice  - -  Duluth Central High School yearbook  - -  1921 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Stone, Alice dchs 1921.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Stone, Alice  <BR><BR>   Duluth Central  High School yearbook   - - 1921 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Stone, Alice dchs 1921.jpg">full text and image at hi res</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Stone, Alice dchs 1921.jpg" width="267" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   yearbook 267 150 1.78
<br><br> Stone, Anna - - Duluth Central High School yearbook - - 1929   - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Stone, Anna dchs 1929.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Stone, Anna <BR><BR> Duluth Central High School yearbook - - 1929   <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Stone, Anna dchs 1929.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Stone, Anna dchs 1929.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Stone, Francis - - Duluth Central High School yearbook - - 1934 - - <font  size="1"> </font> - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Stone, Francis dchs 1934.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Stone, Francis <BR><BR> Duluth Central High School yearbook - - 1934 <BR> <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Stone, Francis dchs 1934.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Stone, Francis dchs 1934.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Stone, Jack  - -  Virginia Roosevelt  High School yearbook  - -  1935 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Stone, Jack vrhs 1935.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Stone, Jack  <BR><BR>   Virginia Rooselelt  High School yearbook   - - 1935 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Stone, Jack vrhs 1935.jpg">full text and image at hi res</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Stone, Jack vrhs 1935.jpg" width="267" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   yearbook 267 150 1.78
<br><br> Stone, Marie  - -  Hibbing High School yearbook -  1934 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Stone, Marie hhs 1934.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Stone, Marie   <BR><BR>   Hibbing High School yearbook -  1934 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Stone, Marie hhs 1934.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Stone, Marie hhs 1934.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Stone, Nancy Jane  - - Duluth Central High School yeabook - -  1959 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Stone, Nancy Jane dchs 1959.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Stone, Nancy Jane <BR><BR>  Duluth Central High School yeabook - -  1959 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Stone, Nancy Jane dchs 1959.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Stone, Nancy Jane dchs 1959.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Stone, Paul  - -  Virginia High School yearbook -  1930 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Stone, Paul vhs 1930.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Stone, Paul   <BR><BR>   Virginia High School yearbook -  1930 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Stone, Paul vhs 1930.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Stone, Paul vhs 1930.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Stone, Robert - - Duluth Central High School yearbook - - 1933   - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Stone, Robert dchs 1933.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Stone, Robert <BR><BR> Duluth Central High School yearbook - - 1933   <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Stone, Robert dchs 1933.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Stone, Robert dchs 1933.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Stone, Rosemary  - -  Duluth Central High School yearbook  - -  1922 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Stone, Rosemary dchs 1922.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Stone, Rosemary  <BR><BR>   Duluth Central  High School yearbook   - - 1922 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Stone, Rosemary dchs 1922.jpg">full text and image at hi res</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Stone, Rosemary dchs 1922.jpg" width="267" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   yearbook 267 150 1.78
<br><br> Stulberg, Melvin P   - - Served in World War II  - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Stulberg, Melvin P wwii.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Stulberg, Melvin P <BR><BR> Served in World War II <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Stulberg, Melvin P wwii.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Stulberg, Melvin P wwii.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   wwii 160 200 0.8 120 150
<br><br> Sukov, Marvin   - - Served in World War II  - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Sukov, Marvin wwii.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Sukov, Marvin <BR><BR> Served in World War II <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Sukov, Marvin wwii.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Sukov, Marvin wwii.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   wwii 160 200 0.8 120 150
<br><br> Summerfield, N L news article 1897-11-12 N. L - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Summerfield, N L news article 1897-11-12 N. L.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Summerfield, N L news article 1897-11-12 N. L <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Summerfield, N L news article 1897-11-12 N. L.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Summerfield, N L news article 1897-11-12 N. L.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> <font color="blue"> .................. <B> T   </B> ..................   &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </font><font size="1"><A HREF="#top">top of this index</A> &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <A HREF="#bottom">bottom of this index</A> &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <A HREF="OtherFamiliesT.html">Letter "T" thumbnail page</A> <A Name="T"></A></font><font size="2"> <br><font color="blue" size="3"> .................. <B> T   </B> ..................   &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </font><font size="1"><A HREF="#top">top of list</A> &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <A HREF="#bottom">bottom</A><A Name="T"></A></font><font size="2"> <BR><BR>    - A - - Z -    
<br><br> Taran, David   - - Served in World War II  - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Taran, David wwii.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Taran, David <BR><BR> Served in World War II <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Taran, David wwii.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Taran, David wwii.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   wwii 160 200 0.8 120 150
<br><br> Taran, Frank   - - Served in World War II  - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Taran, Frank wwii.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Taran, Frank <BR><BR> Served in World War II <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Taran, Frank wwii.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Taran, Frank wwii.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   wwii 160 200 0.8 120 150
<br><br> Taran, Oscar   - - Served in World War II  - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Taran, Oscar wwii.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Taran, Oscar <BR><BR> Served in World War II <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Taran, Oscar wwii.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Taran, Oscar wwii.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   wwii 160 200 0.8 120 150
<br><br> Taran, Ross - - Duluth East High School yearbook -  1961 junior - - son of Oscar Taran & Lee Kirsch - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Taran, Ross 1961dehs junior.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Taran, Ross <BR> Duluth East High School yearbook -  1961 junior <BR> son of Oscar Taran & Lee Kirsch <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Taran, Ross 1961dehs junior.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Taran, Ross 1961dehs junior.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Teplesky, Herman -   - - Newspaper article - - 1916-4-16 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Teplesky, Herman - news 1916-4-16.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Teplesky, Herman -  <BR><BR> Newspaper article - - 1916-4-16 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Teplesky, Herman - news 1916-4-16.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Teplesky, Herman - news 1916-4-16.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   news 120 150
<br><br> Tesler, Karen Rochelle  - -  Duluth East High School yearbook  - -  1958 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Tesler, Karen Rochelle dehs 1958.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Tesler, Karen Rochelle  <BR><BR> Duluth East High School yearbook  - -  1958 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Tesler, Karen Rochelle dehs 1958.jpg">full text and image at hi res</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="center" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Tesler, Karen Rochelle dehs 1958.jpg" width="267" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   yearbook 267 150
<br><br> Tesler, Louis - - Duluth East High School yearbook - - 1963 - Sophomore year - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Tesler, Louis 1963 dehs soph.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Tesler, Louis - - Duluth East High School yearbook - - 1963 - Sophomore year <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Tesler, Louis 1963 dehs soph.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Tesler, Louis 1963 dehs soph.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Toback, George  - -  Duluth Central High School yearbook - -  1926 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Toback, George dchs 1926.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Toback, George  <BR><BR> Duluth Central High School yearbook - -  1926 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Toback, George dchs 1926.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Toback, George dchs 1926.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Toback, Judith - -   Duluth East High School yearbook - - 1964 - - <font  size="1"> married to Larry Kaplan, daughter of William & Gussie Vertelney Toback </font> - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Toback, Judith dehs 1964.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Toback, Judith<BR><BR>  Duluth East High School yearbook - - 1964 <BR> married to Larry Kaplan, daughter of William & Gussie Vertelney Toback <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Toback, Judith dehs 1964.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Toback, Judith dehs 1964.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Toback, Radyne  - -  Duluth East High School yearbook  - -  1959 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Toback, Radyne dehs 1959.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Toback, Radyne  <BR><BR> Duluth East High School yearbook  - -  1959 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Toback, Radyne dehs 1959.jpg">full text and image at hi res</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="center" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Toback, Radyne dehs 1959.jpg" width="267" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   yearbook 267 150
<br><br> Toback, Sharlene  - - Duluth East  High School yearbook - -  1954  - junior - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Toback, Sharlene dehs 1954 junior.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Toback, Sharlene  <BR><BR> Duluth East  High School yearbook - -  1954  - junior <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Toback, Sharlene dehs 1954 junior.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Toback, Sharlene dehs 1954 junior.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Toback, Sharlene - - Duluth East High School yearbook - - 1955 - - <font  size="1"> married to Donald Harvey, daughter of William & Gussie Vertelney Toback </font> - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Toback, Sharlene dehs 1955.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Toback, Sharlene <BR><BR> Duluth East High School yearbook - - 1955 <BR> married to Donald Harvey, daughter of William & Gussie Vertelney Toback <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Toback, Sharlene dehs 1955.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Toback, Sharlene dehs 1955.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Toback, William - - Duluth Central High School yearbook - - 1929 - - <font  size="1"> married to Gussie Vertelney, son of Louis & Nellie Kerness Toback </font> - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Toback, William dchs 1929.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Toback, William <BR><BR> Duluth Central High School yearbook - - 1929 <BR> married to Gussie Vertelney, son of Louis & Nellie Kerness Toback <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Toback, William dchs 1929.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Toback, William dchs 1929.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Traub, Jay  - -  Duluth East High School yearbook  - -  1959 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Traub, Jay dehs 1959.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Traub, Jay  <BR><BR> Duluth East High School yearbook  - -  1959 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Traub, Jay dehs 1959.jpg">full text and image at hi res</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="center" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Traub, Jay dehs 1959.jpg" width="267" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   yearbook 267 150
<br><br> Traub, Jay 1964 at Garon wedding - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Traub, Jay 1964 at Garon wedding.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Traub, Jay 1964 at Garon wedding <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Traub, Jay 1964 at Garon wedding.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Traub, Jay 1964 at Garon wedding.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Traub, Judith Paula  - -  Duluth East High School yearbook  - -  1956 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Traub, Judith Paula dehs 1956.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Traub, Judith Paula  <BR><BR> Duluth East High School yearbook  - -  1956  <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Traub, Judith Paula dehs 1956.jpg">full text and image at hi res</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="center" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Traub, Judith Paula dehs 1956.jpg" width="267" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   yearbook 267 150
<br><br> Traub, Judy desh 1951 seventh - - daughter Ray & Eve Cohen Traub - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Traub, Judy desh 1951 seventh.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Traub, Judy desh 1951 seventh <BR> daughter Ray & Eve Cohen Traub <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Traub, Judy desh 1951 seventh.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Traub, Judy desh 1951 seventh.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Traub, Roberta  - - Duluth Central High School - -  1952 sophomore - - daughter of Ray Traub & Eve Cohen - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Traub, Roberta dchs 1952 sophomore.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Traub, Roberta <BR> Duluth Central High School -  1952 sophomore <BR> daughter of Ray Traub & Eve Cohen <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Traub, Roberta dchs 1952 sophomore.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Traub, Roberta dchs 1952 sophomore.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>  
<br><br> Traub, Roberta - - Duluth East High School yearbook - -  1951 nineth - - daughter Ray & Eve Cohen Traub - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Traub, Roberta dehs 1951 nineth.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Traub, Roberta <BR><BR> Duluth East High School yearbook - -  1951 nineth <BR> daughter Ray & Eve Cohen Traub <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Traub, Roberta dehs 1951 nineth.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Traub, Roberta dehs 1951 nineth.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Traub, Roberta Gail  - - Duluth Central High School yeabook - -  1954 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Traub, Roberta Gail dchs 1654.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Traub, Roberta Gail <BR><BR>  Duluth Central High School yeabook - -  1954 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Traub, Roberta Gail dchs 1654.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Traub, Roberta Gail dchs 1654.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Traub, Sharon - - Duluth Central High School yearbook - - 1948 junior   - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Traub, Sharon dchs 1948 juniors.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Traub, Sharon <BR><BR>  Duluth Central High School yearbook - - 1948 junior   <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Traub, Sharon dchs 1948 juniors.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Traub, Sharon dchs 1948 juniors.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Traubman, Edward - - Duluth Central High School yearbook - - 1927 - - <font  size="1"> son of Lionel & Irene Silberstein Traubman, Len Traubman tree </font> - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Traubman, Edward dchs 1927.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Traubman, Edward <BR><BR> Duluth Central High School yearbook - - 1927 <BR> son of Lionel & Irene Silberstein Traubman, Len Traubman tree <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Traubman, Edward dchs 1927.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Traubman, Edward dchs 1927.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Traubman, Len and Libby fb - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Traubman, Len and Libby fb.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Traubman, Len and Libby fb <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Traubman, Len and Libby fb.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Traubman, Len and Libby fb.jpg" width="312" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   312 150
<br><br> Traubmann, Sophie & Leonora -  - newspaper article - - 1914-8-30 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Traubmann, Sophie & Leonora - news 1914-8-30.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Traubmann, Sophie & Leonora <BR><BR> newspaper article - - 1914-8-30 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Traubmann, Sophie & Leonora - news 1914-8-30.jpg">full image at hi res</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Traubmann, Sophie & Leonora - news 1914-8-30.jpg" width="267" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   news 267 150
<br><br> Trock, Sue Berkowitz fb2 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Trock, Sue Berkowitz fb2.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Trock, Sue Berkowitz fb2 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Trock, Sue Berkowitz fb2.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Trock, Sue Berkowitz fb2.jpg" width="292" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   292 150
<br><br> Troupe, Norma  - - Duluth Denfeld High School - -  1948   - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Troupe, Norma ddhs 1948.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Troupe, Norma <BR><BR> Duluth Denfeld High School - -  1948   <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Troupe, Norma ddhs 1948.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Troupe, Norma ddhs 1948.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Tulman, Norman   - - Served in World War II  - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Tulman, Norman wwii.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Tulman, Norman <BR><BR> Served in World War II <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Tulman, Norman wwii.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Tulman, Norman wwii.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   wwii 160 200 0.8 120 150
<br><br> Tulman, Norman - - Duluth Central HS -1938 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Tulman, Norman - - Duluth Central HS -1938.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Tulman, Norman<BR><BR>Duluth Central High School yearbook -1938 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Tulman, Norman - - Duluth Central HS -1938.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Tulman, Norman - - Duluth Central HS -1938.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   yearbook 120 150
<br><br> Tulman, Norman M  - -  obit 2005 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Tulman, Norman M obit 2005.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Tulman, Norman M  <BR><BR>  obit 2005 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Tulman, Norman M obit 2005.jpg">full text and image at hi res</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Tulman, Norman M obit 2005.jpg" width="267" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   267 150
<br><br> Tulman, Norman M   - - Served in World War II - - Photos and Information -  (adg) - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Tulman, Norman M  WWII adg.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Tulman, Norman M  <BR><BR> Served in World War II (adg) <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Tulman, Norman M  WWII adg.jpg">photos and information</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Tulman, Norman M  WWII adg.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   Al Grady 120 150
<br><br> Tulman, Norman M - - WWII - First Lt - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Tulman, Norman M - - WWII - First Lt.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Tulman, Norman M<BR><BR>WWII - First Lt <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Tulman, Norman M - - WWII - First Lt.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Tulman, Norman M - - WWII - First Lt.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   news 120 150
<br><br> <font color="blue"> .................. <B> U   </B> ..................   &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </font><font size="1"><A HREF="#top">top of this index</A> &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <A HREF="#bottom">bottom of this index</A> &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <A HREF="OtherFamiliesU.html">Letter "U" thumbnail page</A> <A Name="U"></A></font><font size="2"> <br><font color="blue" size="3"> .................. <B> U   </B> ..................   &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </font><font size="1"><A HREF="#top">top of list</A> &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <A HREF="#bottom">bottom</A><A Name="U"></A></font><font size="2"> <BR><BR>    - A - - Z -    
<br><br> Usan, Arthur - - Duluth Central High School yearbook - - 1946 junior   - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Usan, Arthur dchs 1946 junior.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Usan, Arthur <BR><BR>  Duluth Central High School yearbook - - 1946 junior   <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Usan, Arthur dchs 1946 junior.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Usan, Arthur dchs 1946 junior.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Usan, Arthur 1980-10 JFN profile - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Usan, Arthur 1980-10 JFN profile.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Usan, Arthur 1980-10 JFN profile <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Usan, Arthur 1980-10 JFN profile.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Usan, Arthur 1980-10 JFN profile.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Usan, Arthur M - - Duluth Central High School yearbook - - 1947 - - <font  size="1"> married to Lillian Kaderlik, son of Jacob & Ruth Myzel, Myzel tree </font> - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Usan, Arthur M dchs 1947.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Usan, Arthur M <BR><BR> Duluth Central High School yearbook - - 1947 <BR> married to Lillian Kaderlik, son of Jacob & Ruth Myzel, Myzel tree <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Usan, Arthur M dchs 1947.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Usan, Arthur M dchs 1947.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Usan, Ben  - - Virginial High School yearbook  - 1925 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Usan, Ben vhs 1925.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Usan, Ben    <BR><BR>  Virginia  High School yearbook -  1925 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Usan, Ben vhs 1925.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Usan, Ben vhs 1925.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Usan, Gloria Fay  - - Duluth Central High School yeabook - -  1951   - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Usan, Gloria Fay dchs 1951.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Usan, Gloria Fay <BR><BR>  Duluth Central High School yeabook - -  1951   <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Usan, Gloria Fay dchs 1951.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Usan, Gloria Fay dchs 1951.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Usan, Michael - a judge in FL - 2014 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Usan, Michael - a judge in FL - 2014.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Usan, Michael - a judge in FL - 2014 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Usan, Michael - a judge in FL - 2014.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Usan, Michael - a judge in FL - 2014.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> <font color="blue"> .................. <B> V   </B> ..................   &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </font><font size="1"><A HREF="#top">top of this index</A> &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <A HREF="#bottom">bottom of this index</A> &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <A HREF="OtherFamiliesV.html">Letter "V" thumbnail page</A> <A Name="V"></A></font><font size="2"> <br><font color="blue" size="3"> .................. <B> V   </B> ..................   &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </font><font size="1"><A HREF="#top">top of list</A> &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <A HREF="#bottom">bottom</A><A Name="V"></A></font><font size="2"> <BR><BR>    - A - - Z -    
<br><br> Vertelney, Beatrice   - -  Duluth Central  High School yearbook  - -  1933 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Vertelney, Beatrice dchs 1933.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Vertelney, Beatrice  <BR><BR>  Duluth Central  High School yearbook - -  1933 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Vertelney, Beatrice dchs 1933.jpg">full text and image at hi res</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Vertelney, Beatrice dchs 1933.jpg" width="267" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   yearbook 267 150
<br><br> Vertelney, Beatrice - - Duluth Central High School yearbook - - 1933 - - <font  size="1">  married to Martin Even, daughter of Harry & Hilda Shore Vertelney, Vertelney tree </font> - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Vertelney, Beatrice dchs 1933.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Vertelney, Beatrice <BR><BR> Duluth Central High School yearbook - - 1933 <BR>  married to Martin Even, daughter of Harry & Hilda Shore Vertelney, Vertelney tree <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Vertelney, Beatrice dchs 1933.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Vertelney, Beatrice dchs 1933b.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Vertelney, Bessie - - Duluth Central High School yearbook - - 1927 - - <font  size="1"> married to Lester Wilens, daughter of Samuel & Hinda Sieden </font> - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Vertelney, Bessie dchs 1927.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Vertelney, Bessie <BR><BR> Duluth Central High School yearbook - - 1927 <BR> married to Lester Wilens, daughter of Samuel & Hinda Sieden <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Vertelney, Bessie dchs 1927.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Vertelney, Bessie dchs 1927.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Vertelney, George - - Duluth Central High School yearbook - -  1939 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Vertelney, George dchs 1939.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Vertelney, George <BR><BR> Duluth Central High School yearbook  - - 1939 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Vertelney, George dchs 1939.jpg">full text and image at hi res</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Vertelney, George dchs 1939.jpg" width="267" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   yearbook 267 150 1.78
<br><br> Vertelney, George S   - - Served in World War II  - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Vertelney, George S wwii.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Vertelney, George S <BR><BR> Served in World War II <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Vertelney, George S wwii.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Vertelney, George S wwii.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   wwii 160 200 0.8 120 150
<br><br> Vertelney, Renee  - -  Duluth Central High School yearbook  - -  1942 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Vertelney, Renee dchs 1942.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Vertelney, Renee  <BR><BR>   Duluth Central  High School yearbook   - - 1942 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Vertelney, Renee dchs 1942.jpg">full text and image at hi res</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Vertelney, Renee dchs 1942.jpg" width="267" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   yearbook 267 150 1.78
<br><br> Vertelney, Ruth B - - Duluth Central High School yearbook - -  1932 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Vertelney, Ruth B dchs 1932.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Vertelney, Ruth B <BR><BR> Duluth Central High School yearbook  - - 1932 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Vertelney, Ruth B dchs 1932.jpg">full text and image at hi res</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Vertelney, Ruth B dchs 1932.jpg" width="267" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   yearbook 267 150 1.78
<br><br> Vogel, H   - - Served in World War II  - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Vogel, H wwii.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Vogel, H <BR><BR> Served in World War II <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Vogel, H wwii.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Vogel, H wwii.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   wwii 160 200 0.8 120 150
<br><br> Vogel, Rose - -   Superior High School yearbook - - 1916 - - <font  size="1"> married to Barnett Schneider, daughter of Louis & Hannah Goldfine Vogel, </font> - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Vogel, Rose shs 1916.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Vogel, Rose<BR><BR>  Superior High School yearbook - - 1916 <BR> married to Barnett Schneider, daughter of Louis & Hannah Goldfine Vogel, <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Vogel, Rose shs 1916.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Vogel, Rose shs 1916.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Vogel, Sam   - - Served in World War II  - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Vogel, Sam wwii.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Vogel, Sam <BR><BR> Served in World War II <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Vogel, Sam wwii.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Vogel, Sam wwii.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   wwii 160 200 0.8 120 150
<br><br> <font color="blue"> .................. <B> W   </B> ..................   &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </font><font size="1"><A HREF="#top">top of this index</A> &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <A HREF="#bottom">bottom of this index</A> &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <A HREF="OtherFamiliesW.html">Letter "W" thumbnail page</A> <A Name="W"></A></font><font size="2"> <br><font color="blue" size="3"> .................. <B> W   </B> ..................   &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </font><font size="1"><A HREF="#top">top of list</A> &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <A HREF="#bottom">bottom</A><A Name="W"></A></font><font size="2"> <BR><BR>    - A - - Z -    
<br><br> Walt, Alex - - Duluth Central High School yearbook - - 1929 - - <font  size="1"> son of Samuel & Ida Litman Walt </font> - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Walt, Alex dchs 1929.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Walt, Alex <BR><BR> Duluth Central High School yearbook - - 1929 <BR> son of Samuel & Ida Litman Walt <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Walt, Alex dchs 1929.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Walt, Alex dchs 1929.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Walt, Barb  - - Duluth Central High School yearbook - -  1982  - sophomore - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Walt, Barb dchs 1982 sophomore.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Walt, Barb  <BR><BR> Duluth Central High School yearbook - -  1982  - sophomore <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Walt, Barb dchs 1982 sophomore.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Walt, Barb dchs 1982 sophomore.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Walt, Celia - - Duluth Central High School yearbook - - 1925 - - <font  size="1"> married Nathan Cohen, daughter of Charles & Ida Ontelipe Walt, Walt tree </font> - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Walt, Celia dchs 1925.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Walt, Celia <BR><BR> Duluth Central High School yearbook - - 1925 <BR> married Nathan Cohen, daughter of Charles & Ida Ontelipe Walt, Walt tree <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Walt, Celia dchs 1925.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Walt, Celia dchs 1925.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Walt, Chuck   - -  Superior Central  High School yearbook  - - 1979 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Walt, Chuck 1979 schs.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Walt, Chuck <BR><BR>  Superior Central High School yearbook - - 1979 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Walt, Chuck 1979 schs.jpg">full text and image at hi res</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Walt, Chuck 1979 schs.jpg" width="267" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   267 150
<br><br> Walt, Ethel - - Duluth Central High School yearbook - - 1933 - - <font  size="1">  married to Isadore Sedlett, daughter of Samuel & Ida Litman Walt, Litman/Walt trees </font> - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Walt, Ethel dchs 1933.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Walt, Ethel <BR><BR> Duluth Central High School yearbook - - 1933 <BR>  married to Isadore Sedlett, daughter of Samuel & Ida Litman Walt, Litman/Walt trees <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Walt, Ethel dchs 1933.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Walt, Ethel dchs 1933.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Walt, John  - - Duluth Central High School yearbook - -  1973  - junior - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Walt, John dchs 1973 junior.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Walt, John  <BR><BR> Duluth Central High School yearbook - -  1973  - junior <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Walt, John dchs 1973 junior.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Walt, John dchs 1973 junior.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Walt, Rebecca - - Duluth Central High School yearbook - 1916 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Walt, Rebecca dchs 1916.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Walt, Rebecca <BR><BR> Duluth Central High School yearbook - 1916 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Walt, Rebecca dchs 1916.jpg">larger image / more info</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Walt, Rebecca dchs 1916.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Walt, Robert Alan - - Duluth Central High School yearbook - - 1953   - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Walt, Robert Alan 1953 dchs.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Walt, Robert Alan - - Duluth Central High School yearbook - - 1953   <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Walt, Robert Alan 1953 dchs.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Walt, Robert Alan 1953 dchs.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Walt, Susan Kay  - - Superior Central High School yearbook - -  1956 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Walt, Susan Kay schs 1956.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Walt, Susan Kay  <BR><BR> Superior Central High School yearbook - -  1956 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Walt, Susan Kay schs 1956.jpg">image with text at higher res</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Walt, Susan Kay schs 1956.jpg" width="267" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   267 150
<br><br> Webber, Irving   - - Served in World War II  - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Webber, Irving wwii.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Webber, Irving <BR><BR> Served in World War II <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Webber, Irving wwii.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Webber, Irving wwii.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   wwii 160 200 0.8 120 150
<br><br> Weber, Jerry   - -  Duluth East  High School yearbook  - - 1953 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Weber, Jerry 1953 dehs.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Weber, Jerry <BR><BR>  Duluth East High School - - 1953 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Weber, Jerry 1953 dehs.jpg">full text and image at hi res</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Weber, Jerry 1953 dehs.jpg" width="267" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   267 150
<br><br> Weinberg, Abe   - - Served in World War II  - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Weinberg, Abe wwii.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Weinberg, Abe <BR><BR> Served in World War II <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Weinberg, Abe wwii.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Weinberg, Abe wwii.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   wwii 160 200 0.8 120 150
<br><br> Weinberg, Elliot   - - Served in World War II  - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Weinberg, Elliot wwii.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Weinberg, Elliot <BR><BR> Served in World War II <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Weinberg, Elliot wwii.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Weinberg, Elliot wwii.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   wwii 160 200 0.8 120 150
<br><br> Weinberg, Fanny   - -  Duluth Central High School yearbook  - - 1914 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Weinberg, Fanny 1914 DCHS.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Weinberg, Fanny <BR><BR>  Duluth Central High School yearbook - - 1914 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Weinberg, Fanny 1914 DCHS.jpg">full text and image at hi res</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Weinberg, Fanny 1914 DCHS.jpg" width="267" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   267 150
<br><br> Weinberg, Fred  - -  Duluth Central High School yearbook -  1912 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Weinberg, Fred dchs 1912.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Weinberg, Fred   <BR><BR>   Duluth Central High School yearbook -  1912 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Weinberg, Fred dchs 1912.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Weinberg, Fred dchs 1912.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Weinberg, Fred  - - Duluth Central High School yearbook - - 1912 b - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Weinberg, Fred dchs 1912 b.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Weinberg, Fred <BR><BR> Duluth Central High School yearbook - - 1912 b <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Weinberg, Fred dchs 1912 b.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Weinberg, Fred dchs 1912 b.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Weinberg, Katie - - Superior High School yearbook - - 1922 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Weinberg, Katie 1922 shs.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Weinberg, Katie - - Superior High School yearbook - - 1922 <BR>  text <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Weinberg, Katie 1922 shs.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Weinberg, Katie 1922 shs.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Weinberg, Lorie - - Duluth Central High School yearbook - - 1948   - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Weinberg, Lorie dchs 1948.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Weinberg, Lorie <BR><BR>  Duluth Central High School yearbook - - 1948   <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Weinberg, Lorie dchs 1948.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Weinberg, Lorie dchs 1948.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Weinberg, Maurice  - - Superior Central High School yearbook -  1924 junior - - son of Nathan Weinberg & Ida Schwartz - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Weinberg, Maurice schs 1924 junior.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Weinberg, Maurice  <BR> Superior Central High School yearbook -  1924 junior <BR> son of Nathan Weinberg & Ida Schwartz <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Weinberg, Maurice schs 1924 junior.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Weinberg, Maurice schs 1924 junior.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Weinberg, Maurice Edward - - Superior Central High School yearbook - -  1925 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Weinberg, Maurice Edward schs 1925.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Weinberg, Maurice Edward <BR><BR> Superior Central High School yearbook  - - 1925 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Weinberg, Maurice Edward schs 1925.jpg">full text and image at hi res</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Weinberg, Maurice Edward schs 1925.jpg" width="267" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   yearbook 267 150 1.78
<br><br> Weinberg, Morris - - Duluth East High School yearbook - -  1953 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Weinberg, Morris dehs 1953.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Weinberg, Morris <BR><BR> Duluth East High School yearbook  - - 1953 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Weinberg, Morris dehs 1953.jpg">full text and image at hi res</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Weinberg, Morris dehs 1953.jpg" width="267" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   yearbook 267 150 1.78
<br><br> Weinberg, Percy  - -  Duluth Central High School yearbook  - -  1921 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Weinberg, Percy dchs 1921.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Weinberg, Percy  <BR><BR>   Duluth Central  High School yearbook   - - 1921 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Weinberg, Percy dchs 1921.jpg">full text and image at hi res</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Weinberg, Percy dchs 1921.jpg" width="267" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   yearbook 267 150 1.78
<br><br> Weinberg, Robert  - - Duluth Central High School yearbook -  -  1935   - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Weinberg, Robert dchs 1935.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Weinberg, Robert <BR><BR>  Duluth Central High School yearbook -  -  1935   <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Weinberg, Robert dchs 1935.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Weinberg, Robert dchs 1935.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Weinberg, Sandra - - Duluth East High School yearbook - -  1951 seventh - - daughter of Archie & June Peck Weinberg - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Weinberg, Sandra dehs 1951 seventh.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Weinberg, Sandra <BR><BR> Duluth East High School yearbook - -  1951 seventh <BR> daughter of Archie & June Peck Weinberg <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Weinberg, Sandra dehs 1951 seventh.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Weinberg, Sandra dehs 1951 seventh.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Weinberg, Sandra L   - -  Duluth Central High School yearbook  - 1956 - -
daughter of Archie Weinberg & June Peck
- - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Weinberg, Sandra L dchs 1956.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Weinberg, Sandra L <BR> Duluth Central High School yearbook  - 1956 <BR>
daughter of Archie Weinberg & June Peck
<P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Weinberg, Sandra L dchs 1956.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Weinberg, Sandra L dchs 1956.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>  
<br><br> Weinberg, Sarah - - Duluth Central High School yearbook - 1917 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Weinberg, Sarah dchs 1917.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Weinberg, Sarah <BR><BR> Duluth Central High School yearbook - 1917 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Weinberg, Sarah dchs 1917.jpg">larger image / more info</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Weinberg, Sarah dchs 1917.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Weinberg, Victor  - - Duluth Central High School yearbook  - 1937 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Weinberg, Victor dchs 1937.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Weinberg, Victor    <BR><BR>  Duluth Central High School yearbook -  1937 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Weinberg, Victor dchs 1937.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Weinberg, Victor dchs 1937.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Weiner, Ben   - - Served in World War II  - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Weiner, Ben wwii.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Weiner, Ben <BR><BR> Served in World War II <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Weiner, Ben wwii.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Weiner, Ben wwii.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   wwii 160 200 0.8 120 150
<br><br> Weinstein, Jeanne - - Superior High School yearbook - - 1920 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Weinstein, Jeanne 1920 shs.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Weinstein, Jeanne - - Superior High School yearbook - - 1920 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Weinstein, Jeanne 1920 shs.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Weinstein, Jeanne 1920 shs.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Weinstein, Jessie - - Duluth Central High School yearbook - 1917 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Weinstein, Jessie dchs 1917.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Weinstein, Jessie <BR><BR> Duluth Central High School yearbook - 1917 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Weinstein, Jessie dchs 1917.jpg">larger image / more info</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Weinstein, Jessie dchs 1917.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Weisberg, Jack   - - Served in World War II  - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Weisberg, Jack wwii.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Weisberg, Jack <BR><BR> Served in World War II <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Weisberg, Jack wwii.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Weisberg, Jack wwii.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   wwii 160 200 0.8 120 150
<br><br> Weisberg, Lewis  - - Duluth Central High School yearbook  - 1928 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Weisberg, Lewis dchs 1928.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Weisberg, Lewis    <BR><BR>  Duluth Central High School yearbook -  1928 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Weisberg, Lewis dchs 1928.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Weisberg, Lewis dchs 1928.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Weisberg, Maurice - - Duluth Central High School yearbook - -  1923 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Weisberg, Maurice dchs 1923.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Weisberg, Maurice <BR><BR> Duluth Central High School yearbook  - - 1923 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Weisberg, Maurice dchs 1923.jpg">full text and image at hi res</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Weisberg, Maurice dchs 1923.jpg" width="267" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   yearbook 267 150 1.78
<br><br> Weisman, Marjorie Zalk 1920-1990 - - <font  size="1">captured  from:   "Descendents of Zalkind Peysakh Zalk" by Michael D. Zalk - Oct 2012</font> - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Weisman, Marjorie Zalk 1920-1990.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Weisman, Marjorie Zalk 1920-1990 <BR> <font color="blue" size="1">captured with permission from: <BR> "Descendents of Zalkind Peysakh Zalk" by Michael D. Zalk - Oct 2012</font> <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Weisman, Marjorie Zalk 1920-1990.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Weisman, Marjorie Zalk 1920-1990.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Weiss, Lawrence   - - Served in World War II  - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Weiss, Lawrence wwii.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Weiss, Lawrence <BR><BR> Served in World War II <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Weiss, Lawrence wwii.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Weiss, Lawrence wwii.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   wwii 160 200 0.8 120 150
<br><br> Welgrin, Joe - - 1980-3 - - Jewish Fellowship News - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Welgrin, Joe 1980-3 JFN.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Welgrin, Joe  <BR><BR>  1980-3 - - Jewish Fellowship News <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Welgrin, Joe 1980-3 JFN.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Welgrin, Joe 1980-3 JFN.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Wetzler, M (Mrs)   - - Newspaper article - -  1912-2-25 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Wetzler, M Mrs news 1912-2-25.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Wetzler, M (Mrs)  <BR><BR> Newspaper article - -  1912-2-25 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Wetzler, M Mrs news 1912-2-25.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Wetzler, M Mrs news 1912-2-25.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   news 160 200 0.8 120 150
<br><br> Widdes, Lorraine - - Duluth Central High School yearbook - -  1941 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Widdes, Lorraine dchs 1941.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Widdes, Lorraine <BR><BR> Duluth Central High School yearbook  - - 1941 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Widdes, Lorraine dchs 1941.jpg">full text and image at hi res</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Widdes, Lorraine dchs 1941.jpg" width="267" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   yearbook 267 150 1.78
<br><br> Wiener Joseph Baxter  - - family photo - c1905 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Wiener Joseph Baxter  - - family photo c1905.jpg">image</A> - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/MI/Wiener Joseph Baxter  - - family photo c1905.jpg">more</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Wiener Joseph Baxter   <BR><BR>  family photo - c1905 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Wiener Joseph Baxter  - - family photo c1905.jpg">larger image</A> - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/MI/Wiener Joseph Baxter  - - family photo c1905.jpg">more information</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Wiener Joseph Baxter  - - family photo c1905.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Wiener, J B 1977-10 Jewish JFN profile - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Wiener, J B 1977-10 Jewish JFN profile.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Wiener, J B 1977-10 Jewish JFN profile <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Wiener, J B 1977-10 Jewish JFN profile.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Wiener, J B 1977-10 Jewish JFN profile.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Wiener, Joseph Capt  - - news photo - -  1918-7-7 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Wiener, Joseph Capt news photo 1918-7-7.jpg">photo with text</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Wiener, Joseph Capt <BR><BR> News photo - -  1918-7-7 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Wiener, Joseph Capt news photo 1918-7-7.jpg">photo with text</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Wiener, Joseph Capt news photo 1918-7-7.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Wiener, Judith - - Duluth Central High School yearbook - 1941  (senior honor roll) - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Wiener, Judith dchs 1941 (senior honor roll).jpg">image</A> - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/MI/Wiener, Judith dchs 1941 (senior honor roll).jpg">more</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Wiener, Judith  <BR><BR>  Duluth Central High School yearbook - 1941  (senior honor roll) <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Wiener, Judith dchs 1941 (senior honor roll).jpg">larger image</A> - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/MI/Wiener, Judith dchs 1941 (senior honor roll).jpg">more information</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Wiener, Judith dchs 1941 (senior honor roll).jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Wiener, Louise Weezie - - Duluth Central High School yearbook - - 1946 - - on Wiener tree, married to Charles Slonim - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Wiener, Louise Weezie dchs 1946.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Wiener, Louise Weezie <BR><BR>  Duluth Central High School yearbook - - 1946 <BR> on Wiener tree, married to Charles Slonim <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Wiener, Louise Weezie dchs 1946.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Wiener, Louise Weezie dchs 1946.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Wiener, Samuel LT  - - news photo - -  1918-7-7 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Wiener, Samuel LT news photo 1918-7-7.jpg">photo with text</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Wiener, Samuel LT <BR><BR> News photo - -  1918-7-7 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Wiener, Samuel LT news photo 1918-7-7.jpg">photo with text</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Wiener, Samuel LT news photo 1918-7-7.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Wilk, Eva R Zalk 1889-1979 - - <font  size="1">captured  from:   "Descendents of Zalkind Peysakh Zalk" by Michael D. Zalk - Oct 2012</font> - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Wilk, Eva R Zalk 1889-1979.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Wilk, Eva R Zalk 1889-1979 <BR> <font color="blue" size="1">captured with permission from: <BR> "Descendents of Zalkind Peysakh Zalk" by Michael D. Zalk - Oct 2012</font> <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Wilk, Eva R Zalk 1889-1979.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Wilk, Eva R Zalk 1889-1979.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Wine, David - - Duluth Central High School yearbook - -  1939 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Wine, David dchs 1939.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Wine, David <BR><BR> Duluth Central High School yearbook  - - 1939 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Wine, David dchs 1939.jpg">full text and image at hi res</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Wine, David dchs 1939.jpg" width="267" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   yearbook 267 150 1.78
<br><br> Wine, Dorothy  - - Duluth Central High School yearbook  - 1936 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Wine, Dorothy dchs 1936.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Wine, Dorothy    <BR><BR>  Duluth Central High School yearbook -  1936 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Wine, Dorothy dchs 1936.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Wine, Dorothy dchs 1936.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Wine, Gladys Levine WWII - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Wine, Gladys Levine WWII.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Wine, Gladys Levine WWII <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Wine, Gladys Levine WWII.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Wine, Gladys Levine WWII.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Wine, Richard  - -  Duluth Central High School yearbook  - -  1943 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Wine, Richard dchs 1943.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Wine, Richard  <BR><BR>   Duluth Central  High School yearbook   - - 1943 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Wine, Richard dchs 1943.jpg">full text and image at hi res</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Wine, Richard dchs 1943.jpg" width="267" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   yearbook 267 150 1.78
<br><br> Wine, Richard L  - - Served in World War II - - Photos and Information -  (adg) - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Wine, Richard L WWII adg.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Wine, Richard L <BR><BR> Served in World War II (adg) <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Wine, Richard L WWII adg.jpg">photos and information</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Wine, Richard L WWII adg.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   Al Grady 120 150
<br><br> Wine, Richard WWII by Al Grady - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Wine, Richard WWII by Al Grady.pdf">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Wine, Richard WWII by Al Grady <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Wine, Richard WWII by Al Grady.pdf">pdf with text and images</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Wine, Richard WWII by Al Grady.jpg" width="240" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   240 150
<br><br> Winer, Charlotte - - Duluth Central High School yearbook - - 1934 - - <font  size="1"> married to Clarence Levine, daughter of Abraham & Jennie Ostrov Winer </font> - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Winer, Charlotte dchs 1934.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Winer, Charlotte <BR><BR> Duluth Central High School yearbook - - 1934 <BR> married to Clarence Levine, daughter of Abraham & Jennie Ostrov Winer <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Winer, Charlotte dchs 1934.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Winer, Charlotte dchs 1934.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Winer, Charlotte Dorothy   - - Newspaper article - -  1921-8-28 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Winer, Charlotte Dorothy news 1921-8-28.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Winer, Charlotte Dorothy  <BR><BR> Newspaper article - -  1921-8-28 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Winer, Charlotte Dorothy news 1921-8-28.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Winer, Charlotte Dorothy news 1921-8-28.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   news 160 200 0.8 120 150
<br><br> Winer, Charlotte Dorothy   - - Newspaper article - -  1922-1-8 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Winer, Charlotte Dorothy news 1922-1-8.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Winer, Charlotte Dorothy  <BR><BR> Newspaper article - -  1922-1-8 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Winer, Charlotte Dorothy news 1922-1-8.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Winer, Charlotte Dorothy news 1922-1-8.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   news 160 200 0.8 120 150
<br><br> Winer, Esther M  - - Duluth Denfeld High School - -  1923 - - married to Henry Rivkin, born 1902 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Winer, Esther M ddhs 1923.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Winer, Esther M <BR><BR> Duluth Denfeld High School - -  1923 <BR> married to Henry Rivkin, born 1902 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Winer, Esther M ddhs 1923.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Winer, Esther M ddhs 1923.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Winer, Ida Joy - - Duluth Central High School yearbook - - 1927 - - <font  size="1"> married to Nathan Gottstein, daughter of Abraham & Jennie Ostrov </font> - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Winer, Ida Joy dchs 1927.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Winer, Ida Joy <BR><BR> Duluth Central High School yearbook - - 1927 <BR> married to Nathan Gottstein, daughter of Abraham & Jennie Ostrov <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Winer, Ida Joy dchs 1927.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Winer, Ida Joy dchs 1927.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Winer, Jennie  - - Duluth Central High School yearbook  - 1915 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Winer, Jennie dchs 1915.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Winer, Jennie    <BR><BR>  Duluth Central High School yearbook -  1915 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Winer, Jennie dchs 1915.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Winer, Jennie dchs 1915.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Winer, Lena - - Duluth Central High School yearbook - 1919 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Winer, Lena dchs 1919.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Winer, Lena <BR><BR> Duluth Central High School yearbook - 1919 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Winer, Lena dchs 1919.jpg">larger image / more info</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Winer, Lena dchs 1919.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Winer, Milton  - - Duluth Central High School yearbook  - 1928 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Winer, Milton dchs 1928.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Winer, Milton    <BR><BR>  Duluth Central High School yearbook -  1928 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Winer, Milton dchs 1928.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Winer, Milton dchs 1928.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Winer, Paul - - Duluth Central High School yearbook - - 1925 - - <font  size="1"> married to Sarah Abrams, son of Abraham & Jennie Ostrov, </font> - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Winer, Paul dchs 1925.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Winer, Paul <BR><BR> Duluth Central High School yearbook - - 1925 <BR> married to Sarah Abrams, son of Abraham & Jennie Ostrov, <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Winer, Paul dchs 1925.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Winer, Paul dchs 1925.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Winthrop, Harvey - - Duluth Central High School yearbook - - 1946 junior   - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Winthrop, Harvey dchs 1946 junior.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Winthrop, Harvey <BR><BR>  Duluth Central High School yearbook - - 1946 junior   <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Winthrop, Harvey dchs 1946 junior.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Winthrop, Harvey dchs 1946 junior.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Winthrop, Harvey - - Duluth Central High School yearbook - - 1947 - - <font  size="1"> married to Esther Ackos, son of George & Mary Tesler Winthrop, </font> - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Winthrop, Harvey dchs 1947.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Winthrop, Harvey <BR><BR> Duluth Central High School yearbook - - 1947 <BR> married to Esther Ackos, son of George & Mary Tesler Winthrop, <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Winthrop, Harvey dchs 1947.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Winthrop, Harvey dchs 1947.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Winthrop, Marc  - - Duluth East  High School yearbook - -  1982 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Winthrop, Marc dehs 1982.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Winthrop, Marc  <BR><BR> Duluth East  High School yearbook - -  1982 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Winthrop, Marc dehs 1982.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Winthrop, Marc dehs 1982.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Winthrop, Pam  - - Duluth East  High School yearbook - -  1980 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Winthrop, Pam dehs 1980.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Winthrop, Pam  <BR><BR> Duluth East  High School yearbook - -  1980 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Winthrop, Pam dehs 1980.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Winthrop, Pam dehs 1980.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Winthrop, Robert  - - Duluth East  High School yearbook - -  1983  - junior - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Winthrop, Robert dehs 1983 junior.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Winthrop, Robert  <BR><BR> Duluth East  High School yearbook - -  1983  - junior <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Winthrop, Robert dehs 1983 junior.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Winthrop, Robert dehs 1983 junior.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Winthrop, Susan Rae Shamblott wed 1975 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Winthrop, Susan Rae Shamblott wed 1975.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Winthrop, Susan Rae Shamblott wed 1975 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Winthrop, Susan Rae Shamblott wed 1975.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Winthrop, Susan Rae Shamblott wed 1975.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Winthrup, Harvey - - Ideal Market - 1998 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Winthrup, Harvey - Ideal Market - 1998.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Winthrup, Harvey <BR> Ideal Market - 1998 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Winthrup, Harvey - Ideal Market - 1998.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Winthrup, Harvey - Ideal Market - 1998.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Wiseman, Roberta Dorothy  - -  Superior Central High School yearbook  - -  1950 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Wiseman, Roberta Dorothy schs 1950.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Wiseman, Roberta Dorothy  <BR><BR>   Superior Central  High School yearbook   - - 1950 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Wiseman, Roberta Dorothy schs 1950.jpg">full text and image at hi res</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Wiseman, Roberta Dorothy schs 1950.jpg" width="267" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   yearbook 267 150 1.78
<br><br> Wiseman, William Joseph - -  Superior East High School yearbook - - 1955   - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Wiseman, William Joseph sehs 1955.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Wiseman, William Joseph<BR><BR> Superior East High School yearbook - - 1955    text <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Wiseman, William Joseph sehs 1955.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Wiseman, William Joseph sehs 1955.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Wishman, Sharlyne  - - Duluth Central High School yeabook - -  1950 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Wishman, Sharlyne dchs 1950.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Wishman, Sharlyne <BR><BR>  Duluth Central High School yeabook - -  1950 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Wishman, Sharlyne dchs 1950.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Wishman, Sharlyne dchs 1950.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Witkin, Harold   - - Served in World War II  - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Witkin, Harold wwii.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Witkin, Harold <BR><BR> Served in World War II <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Witkin, Harold wwii.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Witkin, Harold wwii.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   wwii 160 200 0.8 120 150
<br><br> Witkin, Harold  - - obit photo 2009 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Witkin, Harold obit photo 2009.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Witkin, Harold  <BR><BR> obit photo 2009 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Witkin, Harold obit photo 2009.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Witkin, Harold obit photo 2009.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Wolfe, Deborah - - Duluth East High School yearbook - - 1967   - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Wolfe, Deborah dehs 1967.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Wolfe, Deborah<BR><BR> Duluth East High School yearbook - - 1967   <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Wolfe, Deborah dehs 1967.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Wolfe, Deborah dehs 1967.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Wolfe, Julius Clanton Jr -   - - Newspaper article - - 1916-5-14 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Wolfe, Julius Clanton Jr - news 1916-5-14.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Wolfe, Julius Clanton Jr -  <BR><BR> Newspaper article - - 1916-5-14 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Wolfe, Julius Clanton Jr - news 1916-5-14.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Wolfe, Julius Clanton Jr - news 1916-5-14.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   news 120 150
<br><br> Wolfe, Ruth Loretta  - -  Superior Central High School yearbook  - -  1943 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Wolfe, Ruth Loretta schs 1943.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Wolfe, Ruth Loretta  <BR><BR>   Superior Central  High School yearbook   - - 1943 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Wolfe, Ruth Loretta schs 1943.jpg">full text and image at hi res</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Wolfe, Ruth Loretta schs 1943.jpg" width="267" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   yearbook 267 150 1.78
<br><br> Wolfram, Clara   - -  Duluth Central High School yearbook  - - 1918 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Wolfram, Clara 1918 DCSH.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Wolfram, Clara <BR><BR>  Duluth Central High School - - 1918 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Wolfram, Clara 1918 DCSH.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Wolfram, Clara 1918 DCSH.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Woolfan, Bertrand & Pricilla Bonner  - - news photo - -  1928-8-31 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Woolfan, Bertrand & Pricilla Bonner news photo 1928-8-31.jpg">photo with text</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Woolfan, Bertrand & Pricilla Bonner <BR><BR> News photo - -  1928-8-31 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Woolfan, Bertrand & Pricilla Bonner news photo 1928-8-31.jpg">photo with text</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Woolfan, Bertrand & Pricilla Bonner news photo 1928-8-31.jpg" width="267" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   267 150
<br><br> Woolfan, Emanuel and Priscilla Bonner - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Woolfan, Emanuel and Priscilla Bonner.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Woolfan, Emanuel and Priscilla Bonner <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Woolfan, Emanuel and Priscilla Bonner.jpg">higher res image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Woolfan, Emanuel and Priscilla Bonner.jpg" width="267" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   267 150
<br><br> <font color="blue"> .................. <B> X   </B> ..................   &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </font><font size="1"><A HREF="#top">top of this index</A> &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <A HREF="#bottom">bottom of this index</A> &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <A HREF="OtherFamiliesX.html">Letter "X" thumbnail page</A> <A Name="X"></A></font><font size="2"> <br><font color="blue" size="3"> .................. <B> X   </B> ..................   &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </font><font size="1"><A HREF="#top">top of list</A> &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <A HREF="#bottom">bottom</A><A Name="X"></A></font><font size="2"> <BR><BR>    - A - - Z -    
<br><br> <font color="blue"> .................. <B> Y   </B> ..................   &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </font><font size="1"><A HREF="#top">top of this index</A> &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <A HREF="#bottom">bottom of this index</A> &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <A HREF="OtherFamiliesY.html">Letter "Y" thumbnail page</A> <A Name="Y"></A></font><font size="2"> <br><font color="blue" size="3"> .................. <B> Y   </B> ..................   &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </font><font size="1"><A HREF="#top">top of list</A> &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <A HREF="#bottom">bottom</A><A Name="Y"></A></font><font size="2"> <BR><BR>    - A - - Z -    
<br><br> Yessne, Sylvia - - Duluth Central High School yearbook - - 1929   - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Yessne, Sylvia dchs 1929.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Yessne, Sylvia <BR><BR> Duluth Central High School yearbook - - 1929   <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Yessne, Sylvia dchs 1929.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Yessne, Sylvia dchs 1929.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> <font color="blue"> .................. <B> Z   </B> ..................   &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </font><font size="1"><A HREF="#top">top of this index</A> &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <A HREF="#bottom">bottom of this index</A> &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <A HREF="OtherFamiliesZ.html">Letter "Z" thumbnail page</A> <A Name="Z"></A></font><font size="2"> <br><font color="blue" size="3"> .................. <B> Z   </B> ..................   &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </font><font size="1"><A HREF="#top">top of list</A> &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <A HREF="#bottom">bottom</A><A Name="Z"></A></font><font size="2"> <BR><BR>    - A - - Z -    
<br><br> Zalk, Charles - - Duluth Central High School yearbook - -  1941 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Zalk, Charles dchs 1941.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Zalk, Charles <BR><BR> Duluth Central High School yearbook  - - 1941 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Zalk, Charles dchs 1941.jpg">full text and image at hi res</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Zalk, Charles dchs 1941.jpg" width="267" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   yearbook 267 150 1.78
<br><br> Zalk, Charles Leonard - - 2004 1923-2010 - - <font  size="1">captured  from:   "Descendents of Zalkind Peysakh Zalk" by Michael D. Zalk - Oct 2012</font> - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Zalk, Charles Leonard 2004 1923-2010.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Zalk, Charles Leonard 2004 1923-2010 <BR> <font color="blue" size="1">captured with permission from: <BR> "Descendents of Zalkind Peysakh Zalk" by Michael D. Zalk - Oct 2012</font> <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Zalk, Charles Leonard 2004 1923-2010.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Zalk, Charles Leonard 2004 1923-2010.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Zalk, Cleo Deutsch 1927- - - <font  size="1">captured  from:   "Descendents of Zalkind Peysakh Zalk" by Michael D. Zalk - Oct 2012</font> - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Zalk, Cleo Deutsch 1927-.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Zalk, Cleo Deutsch 1927- <BR> <font color="blue" size="1">captured with permission from: <BR> "Descendents of Zalkind Peysakh Zalk" by Michael D. Zalk - Oct 2012</font> <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Zalk, Cleo Deutsch 1927-.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Zalk, Cleo Deutsch 1927-.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Zalk, Eva - -  Duluth Central High School yearbook - - 1907   married Jacob Wilk, Zalk tree
- - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Zalk, Eva dchs 1907.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Zalk, Eva<BR><BR> Duluth Central High School yearbook - - 1907 <BR> married Jacob Wilk, Zalk tree
<P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Zalk, Eva dchs 1907.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Zalk, Eva dchs 1907.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Zalk, Eva (Miss)   - - Newspaper article - -  1913-2-23 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Zalk, Eva Miss news 1913-2-23.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Zalk, Eva (Miss)  <BR><BR> Newspaper article - -  1913-2-23 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Zalk, Eva Miss news 1913-2-23.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Zalk, Eva Miss news 1913-2-23.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   news 160 200 0.8 120 150
<br><br> Zalk, Eva (Miss)  - - Newspaper article - - 1913-4-19 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Zalk, Eva Mrs 1913-4-19.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Zalk, Eva (Miss)   <BR><BR> Newspaper article - -  1913-4-19 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Zalk, Eva Mrs 1913-4-19.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Zalk, Eva Mrs 1913-4-19.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   news 160 200 0.8 120 150
<br><br> Zalk, Goodman   - - Newspaper article - -  1918-10-13 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Zalk, Goodman news 1918-10-13.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Zalk, Goodman  <BR><BR> Newspaper article - -  1918-10-13 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Zalk, Goodman news 1918-10-13.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Zalk, Goodman news 1918-10-13.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   news 160 200 0.8 120 150
<br><br> Zalk, Goodman - - 1899-1965 - - <font  size="1">captured  from:   "Descendents of Zalkind Peysakh Zalk" by Michael D. Zalk - Oct 2012</font> - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Zalk, Goodman 1899-1965.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Zalk, Goodman 1899-1965 <BR> <font color="blue" size="1">captured with permission from: <BR> "Descendents of Zalkind Peysakh Zalk" by Michael D. Zalk - Oct 2012</font> <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Zalk, Goodman 1899-1965.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Zalk, Goodman 1899-1965.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Zalk, Harriet Schapiro  - - 1905-1933 - - <font  size="1">captured  from:   "Descendents of Zalkind Peysakh Zalk" by Michael D. Zalk - Oct 2012</font> - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Zalk, Harriet Schapiro 1905-1933.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Zalk, Harriet Schapiro 1905-1933 <BR> <font color="blue" size="1">captured with permission from: <BR> "Descendents of Zalkind Peysakh Zalk" by Michael D. Zalk - Oct 2012</font> <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Zalk, Harriet Schapiro 1905-1933.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Zalk, Harriet Schapiro 1905-1933.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Zalk, Hatskel Benjamin - - 1851-1936 - - <font  size="1">captured  from:   "Descendents of Zalkind Peysakh Zalk" by Michael D. Zalk - Oct 2012</font> - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Zalk, Hatskel Benjamin 1851-1936.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Zalk, Hatskel Benjamin 1851-1936 <BR> <font color="blue" size="1">captured with permission from: <BR> "Descendents of Zalkind Peysakh Zalk" by Michael D. Zalk - Oct 2012</font> <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Zalk, Hatskel Benjamin 1851-1936.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Zalk, Hatskel Benjamin 1851-1936.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Zalk, Ida Flax - - 1877-1949 - - <font  size="1">captured  from:   "Descendents of Zalkind Peysakh Zalk" by Michael D. Zalk - Oct 2012</font> - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Zalk, Ida Flax 1877-1949.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Zalk, Ida Flax 1877-1949 <BR> <font color="blue" size="1">captured with permission from: <BR> "Descendents of Zalkind Peysakh Zalk" by Michael D. Zalk - Oct 2012</font> <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Zalk, Ida Flax 1877-1949.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Zalk, Ida Flax 1877-1949.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Zalk, Joseph - -  1877-1931 - - <font  size="1">captured  from:   "Descendents of Zalkind Peysakh Zalk" by Michael D. Zalk - Oct 2012</font> - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Zalk, Joseph 1877-1931.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Zalk, Joseph 1877-1931 <BR> <font color="blue" size="1">captured with permission from: <BR> "Descendents of Zalkind Peysakh Zalk" by Michael D. Zalk - Oct 2012</font> <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Zalk, Joseph 1877-1931.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Zalk, Joseph 1877-1931.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Zalk, Louis   - - Newspaper article - -  1920-12-4 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Zalk, Louis news 1920-12-4.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Zalk, Louis  <BR><BR> Newspaper article - -  1920-12-4 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Zalk, Louis news 1920-12-4.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Zalk, Louis news 1920-12-4.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   news 160 200 0.8 120 150
<br><br> Zalk, Louis  - - Duluth Central High School yearbook  - 1915 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Zalk, Louis dchs 1915.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Zalk, Louis    <BR><BR>  Duluth Central High School yearbook -  1915 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Zalk, Louis dchs 1915.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Zalk, Louis dchs 1915.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Zalk, Louis (Mrs)   - - Newspaper article - -  1912-2-25 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Zalk, Louis Mrs news 1912-2-25.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Zalk, Louis (Mrs)  <BR><BR> Newspaper article - -  1912-2-25 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Zalk, Louis Mrs news 1912-2-25.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Zalk, Louis Mrs news 1912-2-25.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   news 160 200 0.8 120 150
<br><br> Zalk, Marjorie - - Duluth Central High School yearbook - -  1939 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Zalk, Marjorie dchs 1939.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Zalk, Marjorie <BR><BR> Duluth Central High School yearbook  - - 1939 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Zalk, Marjorie dchs 1939.jpg">full text and image at hi res</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Zalk, Marjorie dchs 1939.jpg" width="267" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   yearbook 267 150 1.78
<br><br> Zalk, Max  - - Newspaper article - -  1901-12-1 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Zalk, Max news 1901-12-1.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Zalk, Max   <BR><BR> Newspaper article - - 1901-12-1 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Zalk, Max news 1901-12-1.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Zalk, Max news 1901-12-1.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   news 160 200 0.8 120 150
<br><br> Zalk, Max - - 1857-1920 - - <font  size="1">captured  from:   "Descendents of Zalkind Peysakh Zalk" by Michael D. Zalk - Oct 2012</font> - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Zalk, Max 1857-1920.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Zalk, Max 1857-1920 <BR> <font color="blue" size="1">captured with permission from: <BR> "Descendents of Zalkind Peysakh Zalk" by Michael D. Zalk - Oct 2012</font> <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Zalk, Max 1857-1920.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Zalk, Max 1857-1920.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Zalk, Morris - - 1899-1944 - - <font  size="1">captured  from:   "Descendents of Zalkind Peysakh Zalk" by Michael D. Zalk - Oct 2012</font> - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Zalk, Morris 1899-1944.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Zalk, Morris 1899-1944 <BR> <font color="blue" size="1">captured with permission from: <BR> "Descendents of Zalkind Peysakh Zalk" by Michael D. Zalk - Oct 2012</font> <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Zalk, Morris 1899-1944.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Zalk, Morris 1899-1944.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Zalk, Morton - - Duluth Central High School yearbook - -  1941 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Zalk, Morton dchs 1941.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Zalk, Morton <BR><BR> Duluth Central High School yearbook  - - 1941 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Zalk, Morton dchs 1941.jpg">full text and image at hi res</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Zalk, Morton dchs 1941.jpg" width="267" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   yearbook 267 150 1.78
<br><br> Zalk, Morton Louis - - 1922-1986 - - <font  size="1">captured  from:   "Descendents of Zalkind Peysakh Zalk" by Michael D. Zalk - Oct 2012</font> - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Zalk, Morton Louis 1922-1986.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Zalk, Morton Louis 1922-1986 <BR> <font color="blue" size="1">captured with permission from: <BR> "Descendents of Zalkind Peysakh Zalk" by Michael D. Zalk - Oct 2012</font> <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Zalk, Morton Louis 1922-1986.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Zalk, Morton Louis 1922-1986.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Zalk, Rueben Louis - - 1896-1970 - - <font  size="1">captured  from:   "Descendents of Zalkind Peysakh Zalk" by Michael D. Zalk - Oct 2012</font> - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Zalk, Rueben Louis 1896-1970.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Zalk, Rueben Louis 1896-1970 <BR> <font color="blue" size="1">captured with permission from: <BR> "Descendents of Zalkind Peysakh Zalk" by Michael D. Zalk - Oct 2012</font> <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Zalk, Rueben Louis 1896-1970.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Zalk, Rueben Louis 1896-1970.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Zalk, Sarah Pauline Resnick  - - 1896-1986 - - <font  size="1">captured  from:   "Descendents of Zalkind Peysakh Zalk" by Michael D. Zalk - Oct 2012</font> - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Zalk, Sarah Pauline Resnick 1896-1986.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Zalk, Sarah Pauline Resnick 1896-1986 <BR> <font color="blue" size="1">captured with permission from: <BR> "Descendents of Zalkind Peysakh Zalk" by Michael D. Zalk - Oct 2012</font> <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Zalk, Sarah Pauline Resnick 1896-1986.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Zalk, Sarah Pauline Resnick 1896-1986.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Zalk, Zigmund - - 1872-1958 - - <font  size="1">captured  from:   "Descendents of Zalkind Peysakh Zalk" by Michael D. Zalk - Oct 2012</font> - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Zalk, Zigmund 1872-1958.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Zalk, Zigmund 1872-1958 <BR> <font color="blue" size="1">captured with permission from: <BR> "Descendents of Zalkind Peysakh Zalk" by Michael D. Zalk - Oct 2012</font> <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Zalk, Zigmund 1872-1958.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Zalk, Zigmund 1872-1958.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Zein, Milton   - - Served in World War II  - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Zein, Milton wwii.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Zein, Milton <BR><BR> Served in World War II <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Zein, Milton wwii.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Zein, Milton wwii.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   wwii 160 200 0.8 120 150
<br><br> Zeleznick, Harrie   - -  Superior State Teachers College yearbook -  1933 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Zeleznick, Harrie 1933 SSTC.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Zeleznick, Harrie    <BR><BR>   Superior State Teachers College yearbook -  1933 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Zeleznick, Harrie 1933 SSTC.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Zeleznick, Harrie 1933 SSTC.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Ziedel, Samuel - -  newspaper 1913 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Ziedel, Samuel newspaper 1913.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Ziedel, Samuel newspaper 1913 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Ziedel, Samuel newspaper 1913.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Ziedel, Samuel newspaper 1913.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Zien, Lyle  - - Duluth Central High School yearbook -  -  1935 - - could be Jacob Lyle Zien - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Zien, Lyle dchs 1935.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Zien, Lyle <BR><BR>  Duluth Central High School yearbook -  -  1935 <BR> could be Jacob Lyle Zien <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Zien, Lyle dchs 1935.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Zien, Lyle dchs 1935.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Zien, Milton  - - Duluth Central High School yearbook -  -  1938 - - ZIen tree - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Zien, Milton dchs 1938.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Zien, Milton <BR><BR>  Duluth Central High School yearbook -  -  1938 <BR> ZIen tree <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Zien, Milton dchs 1938.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Zien, Milton dchs 1938.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Zien, Milton - -  wedding - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Zien, Milton - wedding.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Zien, Milton - wedding <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Zien, Milton - wedding.jpg">higher res image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Zien, Milton - wedding.jpg" width="267" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   267 150
<br><br> Zien, Sarah  - - Duluth Central High School yearbook  - 1945 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Zien, Sarah dchs 1945.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Zien, Sarah    <BR><BR>  Duluth Central High School yearbook -  1945 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Zien, Sarah dchs 1945.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Zien, Sarah dchs 1945.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Zimmerman, Alan vrhs  - - Virginia Roosevelt High School yearbook - 1956 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Zimmerman, Alan vrhs 1956.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Zimmerman, Alan vrhs   <BR><BR>  Virginia Roosevelt High School yearbook - 1956 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Zimmerman, Alan vrhs 1956.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Zimmerman, Alan vrhs 1956.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Zimmerman, Annetta Pearl - - Superior High School yearbook - 1927 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Zimmerman, Annetta Pearl shs 1927.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Zimmerman, Annetta Pearl <BR><BR> Superior High School yearbook - 1927 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Zimmerman, Annetta Pearl shs 1927.jpg">larger image / more info</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Zimmerman, Annetta Pearl shs 1927.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Zimmerman, Carol Jean  - -  Superior Central High School yearbook  - -  1949 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Zimmerman, Carol Jean schs 1949.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Zimmerman, Carol Jean  <BR><BR>   Superior Central  High School yearbook   - - 1949 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Zimmerman, Carol Jean schs 1949.jpg">full text and image at hi res</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Zimmerman, Carol Jean schs 1949.jpg" width="267" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   yearbook 267 150 1.78
<br><br> Zimmerman, Dale  - -  Superior High School yearbook -  1985  (class of 1986) - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Zimmerman, Dale shs 1985 class of 86.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Zimmerman, Dale   <BR><BR>   Superior High School yearbook -  1985  (class of 1986) <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Zimmerman, Dale shs 1985 class of 86.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Zimmerman, Dale shs 1985 class of 86.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Zimmerman, Frank - - Duluth Central High School yearbook - -  1904 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Zimmerman, Frank dchs 1904.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Zimmerman, Frank <BR><BR> Duluth Central High School yearbook  - - 1904 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Zimmerman, Frank dchs 1904.jpg">full text and image at hi res</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Zimmerman, Frank dchs 1904.jpg" width="267" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   yearbook 267 150 1.78
<br><br> Zimmerman, Jean - - Superior High School yearbook - - 1972 - Sophomore year - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Zimmerman, Jean 1972 shs soph.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Zimmerman, Jean - - Superior High School yearbook - - 1972 - Sophomore year <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Zimmerman, Jean 1972 shs soph.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Zimmerman, Jean 1972 shs soph.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Zimmerman, Leon  - - Duluth Central High School yearbook -  -  1935   - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Zimmerman, Leon dchs 1935.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Zimmerman, Leon <BR><BR>  Duluth Central High School yearbook -  -  1935   <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Zimmerman, Leon dchs 1935.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Zimmerman, Leon dchs 1935.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Zimmerman, Max   - - Served in World War II  - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Zimmerman, Max wwii.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Zimmerman, Max <BR><BR> Served in World War II <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Zimmerman, Max wwii.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Zimmerman, Max wwii.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   wwii 160 200 0.8 120 150
<br><br> Zimmerman, Paul   - - Served in World War II  - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Zimmerman, Paul wwii.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Zimmerman, Paul <BR><BR> Served in World War II <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Zimmerman, Paul wwii.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Zimmerman, Paul wwii.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   wwii 160 200 0.8 120 150
<br><br> Zimmerman, Paul - - Duluth Central High School yearbook - -  1924 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Zimmerman, Paul dchs 1924.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Zimmerman, Paul <BR><BR> Duluth Central High School yearbook  - - 1924 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Zimmerman, Paul dchs 1924.jpg">full text and image at hi res</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Zimmerman, Paul dchs 1924.jpg" width="267" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   yearbook 267 150 1.78
<br><br> Zimmerman, Richard Warren  - -  Superior Central High School yearbook  - -  1947 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Zimmerman, Richard Warren schs 1947.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Zimmerman, Richard Warren  <BR><BR>   Superior Central  High School yearbook   - - 1947 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Zimmerman, Richard Warren schs 1947.jpg">full text and image at hi res</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Zimmerman, Richard Warren schs 1947.jpg" width="267" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   yearbook 267 150 1.78
<br><br> Zimmerman, Rita  - - Superior Central High School yearbook -  1924   - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Zimmerman, Rita schs 1924.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Zimmerman, Rita  <BR> Superior Central High School yearbook -  1924   <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Zimmerman, Rita schs 1924.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Zimmerman, Rita schs 1924.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Zimmerman, Robert  - -  Superior High School yearbook -  1988 (class of 1990) - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Zimmerman, Robert shs 1988 class of 90.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Zimmerman, Robert   <BR><BR>   Superior High School yearbook -  1988 (class of 1990) <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Zimmerman, Robert shs 1988 class of 90.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Zimmerman, Robert shs 1988 class of 90.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Zimmerman, Robert  - - Duluth Central High School yearbook  - 1937 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Zimmerman, Robert dchs 1937.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Zimmerman, Robert    <BR><BR>  Duluth Central High School yearbook -  1937 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Zimmerman, Robert dchs 1937.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Zimmerman, Robert dchs 1937.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Zimmerman, Walter   - -  Duluth Central High School yearbook  - - 1918 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Zimmerman, Walter 1918 DCHS.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Zimmerman, Walter <BR><BR>  Duluth Central High School - - 1918 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Zimmerman, Walter 1918 DCHS.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Zimmerman, Walter 1918 DCHS.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Zimmerman, Walter - - Duluth Central High School yearbook - -  1913 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Zimmerman, Walter dchs 1913.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Zimmerman, Walter <BR><BR> Duluth Central High School yearbook  - - 1913 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Zimmerman, Walter dchs 1913.jpg">full text and image at hi res</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Zimmerman, Walter dchs 1913.jpg" width="267" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   yearbook 267 150 1.78
<br><br> Zimmerman, Wendy Marie  - -  Superior High School yearbook -  1988 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Zimmerman, Wendy Marie shs 1988.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Zimmerman, Wendy Marie   <BR><BR>   Superior High School yearbook -  1988 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Zimmerman, Wendy Marie shs 1988.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Zimmerman, Wendy Marie shs 1988.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Zlatkovsky, Harry  - - Newspaper article - 1909-9-14 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Zlatkovsky, Harry news 1909-9-14.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Zlatkovsky, Harry   <BR><BR>  Newspaper article - 1909-9-14 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Zlatkovsky, Harry news 1909-9-14.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Zlatkovsky, Harry news 1909-9-14.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Zlatkovsky, Harry - - Duluth Central High School yearbook - 1910 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Zlatkovsky, Harry dchs 1910.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Zlatkovsky, Harry <BR><BR> Duluth Central High School yearbook - 1910 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Zlatkovsky, Harry dchs 1910.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Zlatkovsky, Harry dchs 1910.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Zlatovski, George  - - Duluth Central High School yearbook  - -  1928 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Zlatovski, George dchs 1928.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Zlatovski, George    <BR><BR>  Duluth Central High School yearbook -  1928 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Zlatovski, George dchs 1928.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Zlatovski, George dchs 1928.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Zlatovski, Helen - - Duluth Central High School  - - 1934 - - <font  size="1"> married to Michael Tenenbaum, daughter of Michael & Rosa Linetski Zlatkovsky, Davis tree </font> - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Zlatovski, Helen dchs 1934.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Zlatovski, Helen <BR><BR> Duluth Central High School yearbook - - 1934 <BR> married to Michael Tenenbaum, daughter of Michael & Rosa Linetski Zlatkovsky, Davis tree <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Zlatovski, Helen dchs 1934.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Zlatovski, Helen dchs 1934.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> Zyroff, Jack   - -  Duluth Central  High School yearbook  - -  1964 - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Zyroff, Jack dchs 1964.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> Zyroff, Jack  <BR><BR>  Duluth Central  High School yearbook - -  1964 <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/Zyroff, Jack dchs 1964.jpg">full text and image at hi res</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/Zyroff, Jack dchs 1964.jpg" width="267" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   yearbook 267 150
<br><br> <font color="blue"> .................. <B> ZZZ (end)   </B> ..................   &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </font><font size="1"><A HREF="#top">top of this index</A> &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <A HREF="#bottom">bottom of this index</A> &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;   <A Name="ZZZ"></A></font><font size="2"> <br><font color="blue" size="3"> .................. <B> ZZZ   </B> ..................   &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </font><font size="1"><A HREF="#top">top of list</A> &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <A HREF="#bottom">bottom</A><A Name="ZZZ"></A></font><font size="2"> <BR><BR>    - A - - ZZZ -    
   Below Not yet integrated - files included on the recent additions page                  
<br><br>     <br><br>        
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<br><br> xxx - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/xxx.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> xxx <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/xxx.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/xxx.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> xxx - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/xxx.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> xxx <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/xxx.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/xxx.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> xxx - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/xxx.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> xxx <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/xxx.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/xxx.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> xxx - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/xxx.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> xxx <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/xxx.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/xxx.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> xxx - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/xxx.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> xxx <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/xxx.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/xxx.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> xxx - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/xxx.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> xxx <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/xxx.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/xxx.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> xxx - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/xxx.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> xxx <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/xxx.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/xxx.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> xxx - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/xxx.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> xxx <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/xxx.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/xxx.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> xxx - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/xxx.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> xxx <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/xxx.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/xxx.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> xxx - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/xxx.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> xxx <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/xxx.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/xxx.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br>     <br><br>        
<br><br> Duluth East High School yearbook 19xx count     <br><br> Duluth East High School yearbook 19xx          
<br><br> xxx - - <font  size="1"> text </font> - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/xxx.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> xxx <BR>  text <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/xxx.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/xxx.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> xxx - - <font  size="1"> text </font> - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/xxx.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> xxx <BR>  text <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/xxx.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/xxx.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> xxx - - <font  size="1"> text </font> - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/xxx.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> xxx <BR>  text <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/xxx.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/xxx.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> xxx - - <font  size="1"> text </font> - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/xxx.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> xxx <BR>  text <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/xxx.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/xxx.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> xxx - - <font  size="1"> text </font> - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/xxx.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> xxx <BR>  text <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/xxx.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/xxx.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> xxx - - <font  size="1"> text </font> - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/xxx.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> xxx <BR>  text <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/xxx.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/xxx.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> xxx - - <font  size="1"> text </font> - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/xxx.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> xxx <BR>  text <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/xxx.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/xxx.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> xxx - - <font  size="1"> text </font> - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/xxx.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> xxx <BR>  text <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/xxx.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/xxx.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> xxx - - <font  size="1"> text </font> - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/xxx.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> xxx <BR>  text <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/xxx.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/xxx.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> xxx - - <font  size="1"> text </font> - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/xxx.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> xxx <BR>  text <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/xxx.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/xxx.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
  xxx to edit     Link     xxx to edit     Link   Image        
  </font><font  size="1">              
yearbook photos - new fomat - 800 pixels wide              
<br><br> xxx - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/xxx.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" ><TD  width="810"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> xxx   <P> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/xxx.jpg" width="800" height="yyy"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   800 yyy
Yearbook images   9 x 16 -  356 x 200 with TN              
<br><br> xxx - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/xxx.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> xxx <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/xxx.jpg">full text and image at hi res</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="center" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/xxx.jpg" width="356" height="200"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   356 200
Yearbook images   9 x 16 -  267 x 150 with TN                
<br><br> xxx - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/xxx.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> xxx <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/xxx.jpg">full text and image at hi res</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/xxx.jpg" width="267" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   267 150
Image with variable width      yyy x 150 with TN              
<br><br> xxx - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/xxx.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> xxx <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/xxx.jpg">full text and image at hi res</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/xxx.jpg" width="yyy" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   yyy 150
Biographical Text only   9 x 16 -  356 x 200 with TN              
<br><br> xxx - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/xxx.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> xxx <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/xxx.jpg">full image at hi res</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="center" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/xxx.jpg" width="356" height="200"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   356 200
Photos - 8 x 10 - - - 120 x 150 TN                
<br><br> xxx - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/xxx.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> xxx <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/xxx.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/xxx.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
Photos - 8 x 10 - - - 120 x 150 TN with second image for info     Link to two images     Link to two images          
<br><br> xxx - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/xxx.jpg">image</A> - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/MI/xxx.jpg">more</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> xxx <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/xxx.jpg">larger image</A> - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/MI/xxx.jpg">more information</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/xxx.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
Image with variable width      yyy x 150 with TN              
<br><br> xxx - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/xxx.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> xxx <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/xxx.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/xxx.jpg" width="yyy" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   yyy 150
Photos - 8 x 10 - - - 120 x 150 TN with additional text info  first with font 2 and second with font 1 on no thumbnail page                  
<br><br> xxx - - text - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/xxx.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> xxx <BR>  text <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/xxx.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/xxx.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
<br><br> xxx - - <font  size="1"> text </font> - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/xxx.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> xxx <BR>  text <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/xxx.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/xxx.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
Photos - 8 x 10 - - - 120 x 150 TN  with Biography Link                
<br><br> xxx - - <A HREF=""  TARGET="articles">Link to Bio</A> - - <A HREF="images2/Duluth/xxx.jpg">image</A>   <TABLE BORDER=1" BORDERCOLOR="blue" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR ALIGN="left" valign="center"><TD  width="400"><P><font color="blue" size="3"> xxx <BR>  text <P><font color="blue" size="2"> <A HREF="images2/Duluth/xxx.jpg">larger image</A> <BR><BR></TD><TD align="left" width="400"> <IMG SRC="images2/Duluth/TN/xxx.jpg" width="120" height="150"> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>   120 150
find and replace info:              
  news =  - - Newspaper article - -       news = <BR><BR> Newspaper article - -        
  Miss = (Miss)       Miss = (Miss)        
  Mrs = (Mrs)       Mrs = (Mrs)        
  wwii =  - - Served in World War II - -       wwii = <BR><BR> Served in World War II        
  bio =  - -  Biographical text - no photo       bio =  <BR><BR>  Biographical text - no photo        
  dehs =  - -  Duluth East High School yearbook  - -       dehs =   <BR><BR>  Duluth East High School yearbook - -        
  dehs =  - -  Duluth East High School yearbook  -       dehs =   <BR><BR>  Duluth East High School yearbook -        
        dchs =   <BR><BR>  Duluth Central High School yearbook - -