TEMPLE BETH EL - West Superior Synagogue

Information about and pictures of Temple Beth El were obtained from the sources indicated below.

Temple Beth El in Superior was dedicated in 1964 as the home of Superior Hebrew Congregation,
affiliated with the Conservative branch of Judiasm. It was located at 604 Faxon Street.
The congregation had its formal beginning in 1904 in a church basement as West Superior Synagogue.
The sanctuary is built later on Hammond Avenue has since been razed.
Source: Jewish Fellowship News - Reunion Edition -1985

Source: Jewish Fellowship News - A Collection of Memories Celebrating Jewish Life in the Northland - Jubilee Edition - 1996 - click here

The Vinyard Church at 603 Faxon Street, Superior, in 2011 - zoom - - Source: GoogleMaps

Superior Hebrew Synagogue at 602 Hammond Avenue - source: December 9, 1917 news article
full article as pdf

Additional images of Beth El below are courtesy of Cantor Daniel Singer

Centennial Edition - The Evening Telegram

A later and more clear photo - - hi res

1950 Confirmation photo shows part of the bima. - - Info from back of photo below. - - hi res

Confirmation photo from about 1948 shows part of the bima. - - Info from back of photo below. - - hi res

"Eternity" was a play written by Ann Schulman that premiered in 2001 after Agudas Achim in Superior was demolished. It’s a story about the Hebrew cemetery ancestors emerging from their graves and our Litvak relatives possessing their descendants, trying to get them to salvage the shul. It spotlights the grandchildren of Jewish immigrants moving away from the Jewish communities of Superior and other small towns. More about "Eternity" in the attached pdf file

Much of the information on this page was captured from the following sources:

A Collection of Memories Celebrating Jewish Live in the Northland - 1996 - - click here   (pdf)
Jewish Fellowship News - Jubilee Edition - - Welcome to the story of your community! by Phil Myzel and Harry Bergal
Stories and photos from the pages of the Jewish Fellowshp News, 1936-1995

Old Newspaper Articles - Index - - click here    (page on this site)
A collection of over 6000 newspaper articles from as early as 1860 related to our ancestors and their communities
in Northern Minnesota, Northern Wisconsin and Upper Michigan
The articles are mostly from the Duluth newspapers.

News articles from the Newspaper Articles Index that mention Superior Hebrew Synagogue are listed below.

1904-9-5 Rabbi Isaac Zeprenblogt - -
1904 Rabbi Drinks Carbolic Acid. Mistakes Deadly Drug for Medicine and Nearly Ends Life. Rabbi Isaac Zeprenblogt of Superior Hebrew Church. 609 Hammond avenue 1904 Superior, Rabbi Isaac Zeprenbloght, medication, Rabbi Drinks Carbolic Acid, Mistakes Deadly Drug for Medicine and Nearly Ends Life.

1904-9-9 Superior, Jewish New Year - -
1904 Superior: Are Celebrating Jewish New Year 5665. Superior Hebrews Begin Observation Tonight-Important Event Among Jews. 603 Hammond avenue. Rabbi Isaac Tremblatt.

1905-1-15 Superior Hebrew Night School, photo - -
1905 Members Superior Hebrew Night School. Pupils of Superior Hebrew School, photo. The school must have begun September 1904. Principal N. Marcovitch. B. L. Helstein, H. Sparsberg, William Sholsberg, S. Rosenbloom, I. Holzenberg. Look at how young the children are!

1905-8-1 Max Silverman cornerstone synagogue in Superior - -
1905-8-1 Impressive Ceremonies At Cornerstone Laying. Large Crowd Witnesses Exercises at New Jewish Synagogue at Hammond Avenue and Sixth Street, In Which Many Participate. Rev. J. H. Nason, In Address, Felicitates Members of the Congregation on the Fruition of Their Cherished Plans. Photo of Rev. J. H. Nason. Head of Lake Superior Mission, Who Made Chief Address. Mayor O’Hare, Judge Parker, Julius Cohen,, began 12 years ago-1893, 18 members to 100. Rev. Isaac Tremblatt, rabbi of the old synagogue, Rev. Isadore Dorsky, William Schlosburg, S. Rosenblom, Max Silverman, Joseh Konkel, Rev. J. H. Nason is from the Superior Mission. Mrs. Franklin placed box in corner stone. Will be finished in September.

1905-8-21 Superior corner stone of synagogue - -
1905 Superior: Impressive Ceremonies At Cornerstone Laying. Large Crowd Witnesses Exercises at New Jewish Synagogue at Hammond Avenue and Sixth Street, In Which Many Participate. Rev J. H. Nason, In Address, Felicitates Members of the Congregation on the Fruition of Their Cherished Plans. Julius Cohen, Rev. Isaac Tremblatt, William Schlosburg, S. Rosenblom, Max Silverman, Joseph Konkel, photo.

1917-12-9 Superior Hebrew synagogue 602 Hammond avenue - -
1917 Superior Jews have Completed New Synagogue. Equipped With Steam Heat, Combination Lighting System, Auditoriaum and Clubrooms. 602 Hammond avenue. erecte in 1905. Last year raise. 15 active members originally. Harry Sparberg, William Schlossberg, A. Siegel. Increased to 40. 300 attendance on special services. Young Men's Hebrew association, building valued at $12,000. Present officers A. Holzber, S. Rosenbloom, J. Simon. orthodox, Ladies Aid society, Mrs. J. Weingarden, Mrs. H. Cedar, Mrs. Esther Fraenkel. Ezrath Girls, daughters. Alice Holzberg, Edith Lasky, Helen Weingaden, J. I. Sher.

Also see:
Rabbis of Duluth and Superior - Pages Index (protected area)
Rabbis of Duluth and Superior - Chronology
Rabbis of Duluth and Superior - Links to Additional Information
Rabbis of Duluth and Superior - Old Newspaper Articles

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Created by:   Allan@Garon.us

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Page created Aug 2016; rev Sep 2024