Bobcat Family

Although not really Garrett's friends, three bobcats visited our back yard during the early evening of September 5, 2003. The mother and two large (teenage) kittens stayed for an hour and twenty minutes. The kits chased each other around the grass and up and down the mesquite tree, drank from the pool and then took a nap. The four of us (Nanci and me and our two cats) watched the entire show from our kitchen window.

Momma is shown in the first picture below watching her two children.

The kits enjoyed playing in what must be an oasis in the desert for them.

In the sequence of three shots below, momma is shown first on the left. She is headed toward the right on our wall. One at a time the kittens turn to follow her.

They started to leave the yard but immediately returned. The kits undoubtedly nagged mom to come back; they wanted to play more.

As the light faded, so did their energy. After drinking from the pool, they all took a nap on the top of the wall. When it got dark, they disappeared into the night.

I was able to take dozens of pictures. Most were taken with telephoto and have been cropped to enlarge the subjects. The quality is not as good as I would have liked, partly because of shooting through the window and later because of the dwindling light.

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