David Lionel Bazelon
Circuit Judge of the US Court of Appeals
A Notable Jewish Professional from the Greater Duluth-Superior Region

David Lionel Bazelon (1909-1993) was born in Superior. He was a judge of the United States Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit.

A summary of information about David is shown in the Wikipedia clippings below. There is more on the full Wikipedia page at https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/David_L._Bazelon.

source: Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

David was married to child welfare advocate Miriam (Kellner) Bazelon; they had two sons, James Bazelon and Richard Bazelon. Bazelon's granddaughters are journalist Emily Bazelon, University of San Francisco law professor Lara Bazelon, co-founder of Bridges to Wealth Jill Bazelon, and Assistant District Attorney in Philadelphia Dana Lynn Bazelon.

David's granddaughter Emily Bazelon also has a Wikipedia page. She was born in 1971 and is an American Journalist. A clipping from her Wikipedia page is shown further down the page.

Obituaries for David and his wife Miriam Kellner Bazelon Knox are attached.

David's parents were Russian Jewish immigrants who came to Superior from the Ukraine. There is a page for the Bazelon Family with more information in the password protected area of this website. Three generations of the descendents of his parents are shown below.

source: Jack's Family Tree Database

Emily Bazelon, granddaughter of David - - source: Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Lara Bazelon, granddaughter of David - - source: LinkedIn

Jill Bazelon, granddaughter of David

Dana Bazelon, granddaughter of David - - source: LinkedIn

Lara and Dana Bazelon

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Page created May 2021