Sagen's Hardware and Furniture - Eveleth
Sagen's Tradition House

Sagen's Hardware and Furniture store was located in downtown Eveleth. The store was owned by Lester Sagen (1882-1948) and taken over by his son Earl "Bud" Marvin Sagen (1925-2013) when Lester died in 1948. Years later the business became known as Sagen's Tradition House.

According to Jack Siegel, the store in the spot where Siegel Bros Hardware store had been. Siegel Hardware began in 1900 and the picture below was taken in the 1920s.

Lester Sagen's store in Eveleth - Picture taken in about 1920s.

Earl "Bud" Marvin Sagen (1925-2013) - - different version from Mpls Star Trib

Lester Sagen was married to Anna Lillian Miller Sagen (1898-1976) and they had three children, all born in St. Louis County. A two-generation descendents list for Anna and Lester is shown below.

source: Jack's Family Tree Database

Earl was married in 1950 to Barbara Jean Goodman Sagen (1927-2018) and they had three children, all born in St. Louis County.

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