Ralph Sandford Oxman
Professional Orchestra Cellist
A Notable Jewish Professional from the Greater Duluth-Superior Region

Ralph Sandford Oxman (1910-2006) was a professional orchestra cellist. He graduated from Juilliard School of Music and pursued a career as a cellist in New York. He participated in multiple orchestral and chamber music groups and performed solo with the CBS Symphony. He was a teacher, a fine musician and a patient and gentle man. More information can be found in two of his obituaries, one from The New York Times and a second from Associated Musicians of Greater New York.

Ralph was a son of Mary Oreckovsky and William Colman Oxman and a grandson of Leah Lena Zekman and Morris Yoneh Oxman. More information about Ralph's family can be found on the page for Leah and Morris in the password protected area of this website.

A summary of information about Ralph is shown in the ZenithCity.com clipping below. There is more on the full article from the source at http://zenithcity.com/archive/people-biography/ralph-oxman/.

source: ZenithCity.com

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Page created June 2021