Samson 2010-2019
Garrett's Friends

Samson was a large black standard poodle who lived with our friends Randy, Grace and Dorothy here in Tucson until they move up northwest. Sampson was born in 2010 and weighed close to a hundren pounds; he later weight about 125.. He moved to Tucson with his family in late 2011. He is one of Garrett's friends at McDonald Park.

Samson at the November 2011 Poodle Romp at McDonald Dog Park.

Samson playing with Trooper at McDondald Park in June 2012 - courtesy of Max and Larry.

Samson at a dog park on his trip to the NW in 2014

Samson at 126 pounds in March 2016 after some medical issues

Samson still at 125.5 pounds in August 2016

Sad news from Randy - September 12, 2019.
"Samson Passed away at about 12:30 am. He was not feeling well, yesterday, and had been dealing with very weak hips. I was sleeping on the floor with him because he was breathing hard and unable to stand.

"Sam was about Ten. He had just lost a lot of weight. He was back down to 98 pounds and looked a lot like he did when you saw him [in Tucson]. He was having some hip problems and would get a shot every month for joint pain. He loved it here, there were endless squirrels to chase. But It is very hot here and humid, I think next summer we will travel."

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Page created in March 2012