Nanci and Allan Garon's Family Website
Many of our Jewish ancestors imigrated to the United States from Eastern Europe and settled
in the Duluth,
the Iron Range
and the surrounding areas of Northern Minnesota, Northern Wisconsin and Upper Michigan.
They came in the late 1800s and early 1900s.
This family website is about our family, our huge extended family
and about many of the other Jews who settled and lived in this region.
This page is specifically about the Jews and history of Minnesota
Links to other sites or pages of interest
Minnesota Historic Farms Study
- - click here (pdf on website)
Pioneering with the Automobile in Minnesota
- - click here (pdf on website)
From Exclusion to Integration: The Story of Jews in Minnesota -
click here (website)
Jewish Historical Society of the Upper Midwest - “It Happened Right Here”
- - click here (website)
From Odessa to Minnesota
- - click here (webpage)
More to be added
Minnesota History - Introduction
Developmental Periods in the Historic Context - "Euro-American Farms in Minnesota , 1820-1960"
Minnesota Department of Transportation
by Dorothy V. Walters - Minnesota Historical Society
MNOPEDIA - How Jews Have Shaped the State
Poverty, prejudice, and persecution sparked two waves of Jewish immigration to the US in the 19th century.
The first wave (1820–1880) consisted of about 250,000 Jews from German-speaking regions of central Europe, fewer than 1000 of whom made their way to Minnesota.
The second and largest wave (1882–1924) was made up of more than two million Yiddish-speaking Jews from Eastern Europe. About twenty thousand settled in Minnesota.
The video helps explain why people settled in Minnesota. Created by Dale Bluestein.
By Jay Gabler - Forum News Service - 3 April 2022
Immigration of the Zimmerman family
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Page created in Mar 2017 |