1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1898-7-16  Problem Of the Jew.htm"> 1898-7-16 Minneapolis Journal, The Problem of the Jew,  Zionism</A> - transcribed -  htm file  - - -   1898 7 16          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1898-7-16 Minneapolis Journal,The Problem of the Jew Zionism.pdf"> 1898-7-16 Minneapolis Journal, The Problem of the Jew,  Zionism</A>  - - -   1898 7 16          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1898-9-26 Switzerland, Zionism.pdf"> 1898-9-26 Switzerland, Zionism</A>  - - -   1898 9 26    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1898-9-26 The Zionist Movement.htm"> 1898-9-26 Switzerland, Zionism, The Zionist Movement</A> - transcribed - htm file  - - -   1898 9 26          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1899-8-17 Switzerland Zionism in America, third congress.pdf"> 1899-8-17 Switzerland Zionism in America, third congress</A> -   1899 8 17    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1921-11-14 Lebendiger, Zionism.pdf"> 1921-11-14 Lebendiger, Zionism</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1921 Duluth Zionists Delay Election Three Weeks. Hebrew Institute, Rabbi Israel Lebendiger, violin solo by A. Cohen.  </font>     1900 1 0          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1910-1-30 Berlin, Zionism, German Jews Against Zionism.pdf"> 1910-1-30 Berlin, Zionism, German Jews Against Zionism</A> -   1910 1 30          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1910-2-6 Duluth, Zionism, Will Jews Regain Possession of Palestine.pdf"> 1910-2-6 Duluth, Zionism, Will Jews Regain Possession of Palestine</A> -   1910 2 6    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1912-3-12 Duluth, Zionism, Temple Emanuel.pdf"> 1912-3-12 Duluth, Zionism, Temple Emanuel</A> -   1912 3 12          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1913-1-2 Zionism, Synagogue Banker.pdf"> 1913-1-2 Zionism, Synagogue Banker</A> -   1913 1 2          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1913-4-20 Berlin, Zionism.pdf"> 1913-4-20 Berlin, Zionism</A> -   1913 4 20          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1913-7-24 Zionism , Herzl, Horwitz.pdf"> 1913-7-24 Zionism , Herzl, Horwitz</A> -   1913 7 24          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1913-7-26 Duluth Zionism Rabbi Maurice Lefkovits.pdf"> 1913-7-26 Duluth Zionism Rabbi Maurice Lefkovits</A> -   1913 7 26          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1913-7-26 Zionism, Theodor Herzl's work.pdf"> 1913-7-26 Zionism, Theodor Herzl's work</A> -   1913 7 26    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1914-6-20 Moses Montefiore, Zionist.pdf"> 1914-6-20 Moses Montefiore, Zionist</A> - - </font><font size="1">  Prominent Zionist To Speak tomorrow, The Significance of Zionism, Moses Montefiore Hebrew School  </font> -   1914 6 20          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1914-6-21 Adas Israel, Zionist lecture.pdf"> 1914-6-21 Adas Israel, Zionist lecture</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1914 Zion Lecture Today. The Significance of Zionism, Judge Philip P. Bregstone, Adas Israel synagogue, Dr. Maurice Lefkovits, Temple Emanuel, Max Oreckowsky.  </font> -   1914 6 21          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1914-6-22 Zionism, Palestine, Max Oreckovsky.pdf"> 1914-6-22 Zionism, Palestine, Max Oreckovsky</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1914 Reclamation Of Palestine By Jews Reality, Declares Judge Bregstone; Lauds Dr. Theo. Herzl, Zionist Lead. Adas Israel synagogue, Dr. Maurice Lefkovits, Max Oreckovsky, Sol Goldberg.  </font> -   1914 6 22          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1914-6-27 Virginia, Zionism, Bnai Abraham, Judge Bregstone, Chicago.pdf"> 1914-6-27 Virginia, Zionism, Bnai Abraham, Judge Bregstone, Chicago</A> -   1914 6 27          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1914-11-14 Adas Israel, Europe aid.pdf"> 1914-11-14 Adas Israel, Europe aid</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1914 Aid For Suffering Jews In Europe To Be Asked In Duluth. Federation of American Zionists, Jacob De Hass-Boston, editor of the Jewish Advocate, Adas Israel synagogue, The War and the Jews. Dr. Theodore Herzl The Why and Wherefore of Zionism.  </font> -   1914 11 14          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1916-3-10 Virginia, B'nai B'rith society, Nathan Kellar.pdf"> 1916-3-10 Virginia, B'nai B'rith society, Nathan Kellar</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1916 B'nai B'rith Banquet At Virginia Sunday. Moose hall, Nathan Kellar, Dr. Myron Sherper-St. Paul, Zionism.  </font>     1916 3 10          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1916-3-13 Virginia, Zionism.pdf"> 1916-3-13 Virginia, Zionism</A> -   1916 3 13          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1917-10-29 Eveleth, Zionism.pdf"> 1917-10-29 Eveleth, Zionism</A> -   1917 10 29          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1918-1-27 Rabbi Baruch Shapiro, Seattle.pdf"> 1918-1-27 Rabbi Baruch Shapiro, Seattle</A>  - - </font><font size="1"> 1918 Rabbi To Speak to Local Jews. Will Talk On Aims of "Mizrachi" and Rabbinical College Organization. Rabbi Baruch Shapiro-Seattle, Rabbinical College of New York, Adas Israel, "Zionism of a National Standpoint."  </font>     1918 1 27          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1920-3-15 Eveleth, Zionism.pdf"> 1920-3-15 Eveleth, Zionism</A> -   1920 3 15          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1920-3-15 Eveleth, Zionism, Nathan Karlinsky.pdf"> 1920-3-15 Eveleth, Zionism, Nathan Karlinsky</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1920 Presbyterians At Eveleth Lend Church To Zionists. Nathan Karlinsky, Rev. William Jobush, Rabbi Sugarman, Rabbi Silverman.   </font> -   1920 3 15          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1921-1-25 Zionism play, Segel.pdf"> 1921-1-25 Zionism play, Segel</A> -   1921 1 25          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1921-1-25 Zionism play, Segel.pdf"> 1921-1-25 Zionism play, Segel</A> - -   headline  -   1921 1 25          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1921-11-1 Zionism Virginia, Bankman, Lieberman, Milavetz.pdf"> 1921-11-1 Zionism Virginia, Bankman, Lieberman, Milavetz</A> -   1921 11 1          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1922-7-20 Memorial for Founder of Political Zionism.pdf"> 1922-7-20 Memorial for Founder of Political Zionism</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1922 Memorial Service for Theo. Herzl,Founder of Political Zionism, Max Oreckovsky, Abraham Horwitz, Ph.D., Rabbi I. S. Teplitz, Harry E. Weinberg. Adas Israel Synagogue  </font> -   1922 7 20          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1896-10-27 Hibbing, Isaac & Nathan Summerfield.pdf"> 1896-10-27 Hibbing, Isaac & Nathan Summerfield</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1896 Isaac Summerfield Assigns of Hibbing, his business and merchandise to Nathan L. Summerfield. Bond $12,000.  </font>     1896 10 27    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1896-11-24 Zien exploration in Hibbing, iron.pdf"> 1896-11-24 Zien exploration in Hibbing, iron </A> - -   Zien’s Iron Undevelopments, Hibbing iron properties  -   1896 11 24          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1896-11-24 J. D. Zien, Iron properties, Hibbing.pdf"> 1896-11-24 J. D. Zien, Iron properties, Hibbing</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1896 J. D. Zien, Iron propertis, Hibbing  </font> -   1896 11 24          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1897-8-25 J. D. Zien, Hibbing holdings.pdf"> 1897-8-25 J. D. Zien, Hibbing holdings</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1897 J. D. Zien business trip to range, extensive holdings.   </font> -   1897 8 25          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1898-3-1 Hibbing, Max Greenblatt, Chicago, spring stock.pdf"> 1898-3-1 Hibbing, Max Greenblatt, Chicago, spring stock </A> - -   Hibbing: Max Greenblatt, Chicago, purchase spring stock  -   1898 3 1          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1899-5-29 Hibbing, Greenblatt, Kitz & Co..pdf"> 1899-5-29 Hibbing, Greenblatt, Kitz & Co. </A> - -   Greenblatt, Kitz & Co.  -   1899 5 29          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1899-8-5 Max Greenblatt, and wife, bride.pdf"> 1899-8-5 Max Greenblatt, and wife, bride </A> - -   Personals, Hibbing, Max Greenblatt and bride -   1899 8 5          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1900-1-14 Anna Krukinsky and Max Rogalsky wed.pdf"> 1900-1-14 Anna Krukinsky and Max Rogalsky wed</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1900 The marriage of Miss Anna Krukinsky of Duluth and Mr. Max Rogalsky of Hibbing. Mrs. M. S. Cook, 1101 East Third street. Rabbi Jacob Elprin, Mamie Gittelson-Minneapolis, Mr. Isaac Summerfield of Cloquet, Mr. and Mrs. D. N. Summerfield, Mr. and Mrs. I. Abrahamson, Mr. and Mrs. I. L. Cook, Mr. and Mrs. Louis Mark, Mr. and Mrs. M. H. Markowitz, Mr. and Mrs. S. Barnard, Mr. and Mrs. M. Shapiro, Miss Anna Cook, Miss Lillian Abrahamson, Miss Etta Cook, Miss Julia Glasner of Biwabik, Miss Mamie Mark, Etta Shapiro, B. J. Cook, Ben Katz, Moses Cook, Mr. M. J. Cook, Mr. L. Dick, Mr. Julius Cook, Mr. Z. T. Joseph and Mr. I. Isidore of Chicago.   </font>     1900 1 14    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1900-1-14 D. N. Summerfield.pdf"> 1900-1-14 D. N. Summerfield</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1900 Miss Anna Krukinsky of Duluth and Max Rogalsky of Hibbing, Mrs. M. S. Cook, No. 1101 East Third Street, D. N. Summerfield.  </font>     1900 1 14    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1902-9-27 Hibbing, disolved drygoods, Kitz & M. S. Greenblatt.pdf"> 1902-9-27 Hibbing, disolved drygoods, Kitz & M. S. Greenblatt</A> - -   dry goods firm William Kitz & Co., Wm. Kitz and M. S. Greenblatt -   1902 9 27          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1903-12-27 Jeannette Glassner, J. H. Silbar.pdf"> 1903-12-27 Jeannette Glassner, J. H. Silbar</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1903 Pretty Wedding At The Spalding. Jeanette Glassner of Biwabik and Julius H. Silber of Hibbing Are Married. Rev. Dr. Rypans of St. Paul, Myer Glassner, Miss Silber-Milwaukee, Edith Karon-Superior, Clara Shapiro-Eveleth, Mandetta Casimer, Lewis Glassner-brother best man. Samuel Sprisberger, Miss Clara Shapiro-Eveleth, Edith and Helen Karon-Superior, Miss Nellie Jacoby-La Crosse, Mr. and Mrs. D. M. Glassner-Ironwood, Mich. Mina Glassner-Cleveland, Samuel Silber-Milwaukee, Sol Simon-Chicago. Lewis M. Glassner-toastmaster, Samuel Siber, John Mullen.   </font>     1903 12 27    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1903-12-31 Jeannette Glassner & J.H. Silber wed Biwabic.pdf"> 1903-12-31 Jeannette Glassner & J.H. Silber wed Biwabic</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1903 Pretty Wedding At The Spalding. Jeanette Glassner of Biwabik and J. H. Silber of Hibbing Are Married.   </font>     1903 12 31    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1904-5-22 Hibbing mine shaft.pdf"> 1904-5-22 Hibbing mine shaft</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1904 Shaft At Pillsburg Mie Near Hibbing.  </font>     1904 5 22    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1905-1-10 Hibbing, Belle Amie Woolfran and Samuel Siegel.pdf"> 1905-1-10 Hibbing, Belle Amie Woolfran and Samuel Siegel</A> -   1905 1 10          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1905-1-10 Sam Siegel & Belle Woolfram wedding.jpg"> 1905-1-10 Sam Siegel & Belle Woolfram wedding</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1905 Hibbing wedding - Samuel Siegel and Belle Annie Woolfram - guests include: Charles Hallock, M. S. Greenblatt, Harry Witz, Dave Elias, Max Rogalsky, Markel and Lurvitz; Messrs. William Kitz, Peter Karon, Daniel Mark; Mrs. Jacob Kitz.  </font>     1905 1 10    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1905-1-15 S. J. Siegel & Amie Belle Woolfram wed  Hibbing.pdf"> 1905-1-15 S. J. Siegel & Amie Belle Woolfram wed  Hibbing</A> -   1905 1 15          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1905-1-15 Siegel Woolfram wedding.jpg"> 1905-1-15 Siegel Woolfram wedding</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1905 Hibbing wedding - Samuel Siegel and Belle Annie Woolfram - guests include:  Nathanson, Milavetz, Lindeke, Cohen, Gordon </font>     1905 1 15    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1905-2-26 Hibbing, Robert F. Berdie birthday.pdf"> 1905-2-26 Hibbing, Robert F. Berdie birthday</A>  - - </font><font size="1"> 1905 Hibbing, Robert F. Berdie birthday,  Range Bureau of The News Tribune, Hibbing, Feb. 25.  </font> -   1905 2 26          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1905-6-2 Eli Woolfan.jpg"> 1905-6-2 Eli Woolfan</A> - -   Hibbing Briefs -  E. S. Wolfan critically ill, recently improving -   1905 6 2          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1905-8-28 Brith Abraham-Chisholm and Buhl.pdf"> 1905-8-28 Brith Abraham-Chisholm and Buhl</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1905 Hibbing Brith Abraham, Chisholm and Buhl, meet at the Power theater.  </font> -   1905 8 28          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1905-8-28 Hibbing Brith Abraham.pdf"> 1905-8-28 Hibbing Brith Abraham</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1905 Brith Abraham met at Power theater in Hibbing.   </font>     1905 8 28    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1906-4-22 Hibbing High School.pdf"> 1906-4-22 Hibbing High School</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> School photo from Duluth or other Minnesota towns  </font>     1906 4 22    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1906-8-3 Hibbing, M. Greenblatt, registered.pdf"> 1906-8-3 Hibbing, M. Greenblatt, registered</A> - -  Hibbing,  M. S. Greenblatt,  St. Louis Hotel -   1906 8 3          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1906-9-11 Hibbing Lodge, Brith Abraham, Jacob Kitz, M. Greenblatt.pdf"> 1906-9-11 Hibbing Lodge, Brith Abraham, Jacob Kitz, M. Greenblatt</A> - -   Hibbing Lodge Installs. Rogalsky, Kitz, Greenblatt, Halock  -   1906 9 11          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1907-2-1 Agudas Achim, Synagogue, M. S. Greenblatt.pdf"> 1907-2-1 Agudas Achim</A> - -  </font><font size="1"> Hibbing Hebrews Will Build A Synagogue, Hallock, Rogalsky, Greenblatt, Levenshon, Woolfan, Rosenberg, Freedman, Kitz, Miller, etc </font> -   1907 2 1          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1907-2-3 Hibbing M. Greenblatt, Osherman Bldg.pdf"> 1907-2-3 Hibbing M. Greenblatt, Osherman Bldg</A>  - - Hibbing, M. S. Greenblatt, purchases Osherman building    -   1907 2 3          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1907-6-8 Hibbing, Mrs. M. S. Greenblatt, Sisters of Peace.pdf"> 1907-6-8 Hibbing, Mrs. M. S. Greenblatt, Sisters of Peace</A> - -  </font><font size="1"> Hibbing, Sisters of Peace, Hallock, Greenblatt, Mitchell, Elias, Miller, Nides, Helstein</font> -   1907 6 8          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1907-7-17 Fanny Abrahamson.pdf"> 1907-7-17 Fanny Abrahamson</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1907 Bride-Elect Honored. Miss Eva Polinsky, married on the 8th of next month, guest of honor. Mr. and Mrs. Leona Solomon, David Frankfort, J. Oreckovsky, L. Shenowsky, I. Moscovich, A. H. Polinsky, I. Lieberman, J. Cohen, J. Helstein, Mame Weinberg, Dora Polinsky, Sadie Fostof, Frances Light, Fanny Abrahamson (Abramson), Sarah Polinsky, Mrs. M. Weinberg, Robert Rosen-Minneapolis, Louise Meyer-Moline, Harry Weinberg, Morris Nides-Hibbing.  Notes from Jack:  Eva Polinsky I think is who married Morris Nides.  All of the names are Jewish and most I have trees for :);   Leon Solomon (his sister I think was Mrs I B Aarons, mother of Helen Widdes);   David Frankfort married to Sadie Caplow;  J Oreckovsky too many to pick from;  Louis Shenowsky - married to Sadie Cohen (Steve Heifitz tree);  L Moscovich - no match so far;  Albert H Polinsky - married to Sarah Shapiro, parents of Lyle Polinsky;  I Lieberman - no match;  J Cohen - too many;  John Helstein - married to Rose Light on my Abramson tree;  Mamie Weinberg never married;  Dora Polinsky - married to Joseph Wolfe;  Sadie Fostoff - married to Jack Lunche;  Frances Light - married to Edward Pease, on  my Abramson tree;  Fanny Abrahamson - married to Benjamin Lieberman on my tree;  Sarah Polinsky - too many to pick from ;  Mrs. M Weinberg - Mamie's mother;  Robert Rosen - no match;  Louis Meyer - no match;  Harry Weinberg - brother of Mamie;  Morris Nides - groom I think.</font>     1907 7 17    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1907-9-17 Sadie Fostof.pdf"> 1907-9-17 Sadie Fostof</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1907 Bride-Elect Honored. Miss Ev Polinsky, Mr. and Mrs. Leona Solomon, David Frankfort, J. Oreckovsky, L. Shenowsky, L. Moscovich, A. H. Polinsky, I. Lieberman, J. Cohen, J. Helstein, Mame Weinberg, Dora Polinsky, Sadie Fostof, Frances Light, Fanny Abrahamson, Sarah Polinsky, Mrs. M. Weinberg, Robert Rosen of Minneapolis, Louise Meyer of Moline, Harry Weinberg, Morris Nides of Hibbing.   </font>     1907 9 17    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1907-10-9 Duluth, Eva F.Polinski and Morris D. Nides wed-Hibbing.pdf"> 1907-10-9 Duluth, Eva F.Polinski and Morris D. Nides wed-Hibbing</A> -   1907 10 9          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1908-1-11 Hibbing, undertakers.pdf"> 1908-1-11 Hibbing, undertakers</A> -   1908 1 11          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1908-5-26 Hibbing Blue Laws, M. S. Greenblatt, E. S. Wolfan, Osherman, etc.pdf"> 1908-5-26 Blue Laws,</A> - -  </font><font size="1"> Stores At Hibbing Will Close Sundays, Bernard, Freidman, Wolfan, Kitz, Giffin, Rosenberg, Nides, Osherman, Greenblatt, Itasca, Rogalsky</font> -   1908 5 26          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1908-5-26 Hibbing, Blue Laws, M. S. Greenblatt, E. S. Wolfan, Osherman.pdf"> 1908-5-26 Hibbing, Blue Laws, M. S. Greenblatt, E. S. Wolfan, Osherman</A> -   1908 5 26          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1908-6-4 Chisohm Samuel Lippman.pdf"> 1908-6-4 Chisohm Samuel Lippman</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1908 Chisholm: Tender Reception To Married Couple. Mr. and Mrs. Meyer Ritt, Karon's hall, merchant, J. Karto-New York city, Mr. and Mrs. W. Simon, J. Kovel, Samuel Lippman-Virginia, D. Dankman-Mountain Iron, Charles Hallock, D. Elias, Mr. and Mrs. Jospeh Miller-Hibbing.  </font> -   1908 6 4          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1908-6-21 Hibbing, graduating class.pdf"> 1908-6-21 Hibbing, graduating class</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1908 Graduating class Of The Hibbing High School. Catherine Waller. -  photo.  </font>     1908 6 21    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1908-10-11 Hibbing, Nathanson Bros., Bloom.pdf"> 1908-10-11 Hibbing, Nathanson Bros., Bloom</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1908 New Department Store At Hibbing. Superior and Virginia People Will Open Business Beginning of New Year. Nathanson Bros. & Bloom  </font> -   1908 10 11          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1909-1-29 Sam Abrahamson hockey.pdf"> 1909-1-29 Sam Abrahamson hockey</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1909 Irving Tiger hocky team Will Play Hibbing Hockey team. players include Sam Abrahamson (Abramson)  </font>     1909 1 29    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1909-3-26 Sans Souci Dance.pdf"> 1909-3-26 Sans Souci Dance</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1909 Sans Souci Dance. M. Kohn, L. Bondy, A. Rose, B. Craine,  Rose, S. Swerdloff, S. S. Miller, B. Stern, C. Fikelstein, M. Paker, M Nusaum, J. Mendelssohn, M. Silk, P. J. Averbook.  ------  1909 Hibbing, Annie Helstein and David Miller wed, Rabbi Kussem, Louis Helstein, Nathan Nides, Benjamin Friedman, Hyman Miller, Sara Slossberg, Annie Kasmir, Clara Shore, Sara Helstein, Sara Azinski, Morris Helstein, M. S. Shore, Clara Shore, A. Fieldman, Miller, Annie Kasmir, Hymen Miller, Azinski, Sara Azinski, Sara Slossberg, Bronstein, Stein, I. W. Mark, Friend.  Jewish People Wed At Hibbing, Young Woman of That City Is United in Marriage With New York Jeweler.  </font> -   1909 3 26          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1909-3-26 Benjamin Friedman.pdf"> 1909-3-26 Benjamin Friedman</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1909  Jewish People Wed At Hibbing. young Woman of Taht City Is United in Marriage With New York Jeweler. Miss Annie Helstein and David Miller, daughter of I. Helstein. Rabbi Kussem, Louis Helstein, Nathan Nides, Benjamin Friedman, Hyman Miller, Sara Slossberg, Annie Kasmir, Clara Shore, Sara Helstein, Sara Azinski, Morris Helstein. Mr. and Mrs. M. S. Shore, Miss Clara Shore, Mr. and Mrs. A. Fieldman, Mr. and Mrs. Miller, Miss Annie Kamir, Hymen Miller, Mr. and Mrs. Azinski, Sara Azinski, Sara Slossberg-Superior, Mr. and Mrs. S. Bronstein, Mr. and Mrs. Stein, I. W. Mark-St. Paul, Mr. Friend-Minneapolis.   </font>     1909 3 26    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1909-4-12 Hibbing, farewell party, Helstein.pdf"> 1909-4-12 Farewell party</A> - -  </font><font size="1"> Give Farewell Party, Hibbing, Helstein,  Miller, Greenblatt, Hallock, Kitz, Woolfan, Lippman, Sachks, Sher, Lindeske, Altman, Nides</font> -   1909 4 12          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1909-4-29 Milwaukee, M. S. Greenblatt merchant, retired, drygoods.pdf"> 1909-4-29 Milwaukee, M. S. Greenblatt merchant, retired, drygoods</A> - -   Hibbing Merchant To Retire, M. S. Greenblatt, drygoods store.  -   1909 4 29          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1909-6-18 Hibbing, John Mesberg, suit.pdf"> 1909-6-18 Hibbing, John Mesberg, suit</A> -   1909 6 18          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1909-6-18 Hibbing, M. S. Greenblatt, closing dry goods.pdf"> 1909-6-18 Hibbing, M. S. Greenblatt, closing dry goods</A> - -   M. S. Greenblatt, closing dry goods business, Hibbing, Milwaukee -   1909 6 18          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1910-1-5 Mae Siegel and Cassel Marcus wed, Jennie Aronsohn.pdf"> 1910-1-5 Mae Siegel and Cassel Marcus wed, Jennie Aronsohn</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1910 Siegel-Marcus. Miss Mae Siegel and Cassel Marcus-Farog, N. . wed. Rabbi Kissam, Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Siegel, 609 East First street, Miss Rose Cohen-Superior, Miss Sara Hurvick, Julius Siegel, Julius Cohen-Superior, Pearl Siege, Leslie Hurvick, Mr. and Mrs. I. Cohen and daughters-Hibbing, Mrs. Marie Kosing, Miss Natalle Kosing, Miss Etta Kosing=Minneapols, Mrs. Franklin-New York, Miss Jennie Aronsohn-St. Paul, Miss Celia Sloane-Hurley, Wis., Miss Rora Levitz, Jake Levitz, Alexander Rosenbloom-Fargo, N. D.  </font>     1910 1 5    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1910-9-26 Hibbing, Mary Karon, blue ribbons.pdf"> 1910-9-26 Hibbing, Mary Karon, blue ribbons</A> -   1910 9 26          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1910-10-2 Postmaster Hibbing.pdf"> 1910-10-2 Postmaster Hibbing</A> - -   New Postmaster Assumes Duties, Hibbing: Barney Karon-messenger -   1910 10 2          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1911-9-15 Samuel Bloom obit..pdf"> 1911-9-15 Samuel Bloom obit.</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1911 Member Of Pioneer Family Brought Home For Burial, obituary, Superior. Rabbi Bloom of Hibbing, father.  </font> -   1911 9 15          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1911-11-15 Hibbing, Benjamin D. Stone, Florence Edelstein wed..pdf"> 1911-11-15 Hibbing, Benjamin D. Stone, Florence Edelstein wed.</A> -   1911 11 15          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1911-11-15 Hibbing,   Benjamin D. Stone, Florence Edelstein wed..pdf"> 1911-11-15 Hibbing,   Benjamin D. Stone, Florence Edelstein wed.</A> -   1911 11 15          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1911-11-15 Hibbing.pdf"> 1911-11-15 Hibbing</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1911 Hibbing: Florence Edelstein and Benjamin Stone marriage  ----  1911 Florence Edelstein and Benjamin D. Stone wed, Rabbi Glissnen, Hibbing: Jewish Wedding At Hibbing. Goldie Edelstein, Marcus Rulstein.  </font> -   1911 11 15          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1912-1-16 Hibbing, Samuel Sapero.pdf"> 1912-1-16 Hibbing, Samuel Sapero</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1912 Hibbing People Drive 70 Miles To Wedding. Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Sapero. Stevenson to Virginia, 70 miles.  </font> -   1912 1 16          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1912-2-4 Max Rogalsky, Hibbing merchant.jpg"> 1912-2-4 Max Rogalsky, Hibbing merchant</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> Max Rogalsky was an early pioneer in Hibbing and a merchant.   His interesting perspective: Would not do it again.   </font>     1912 2 4    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1912-4-27 Hibbing, Latz Bros. cleaning.pdf"> 1912-4-27 Hibbing, Latz Bros. cleaning</A> -   1912 4 27          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1912-12-4 Hibbing, Virginia, hides, Ben Karon.pdf"> 1912-12-4 Hibbing, Virginia, hides, Ben Karon</A> - - </font><font size="1">  Junk Dealer Fined For Buying Deer Hides, Hibbing, Ben Karen, may be Garon, or Karon from Virginia (?)</font> -   1912 12 4          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1912-12-7 Hibbing High School.pdf"> 1912-12-7 Hibbing High School</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1912 New Hibbing High School Building Offers Example In The Utilization Of Space; Open To Visitors Friday.  </font>     1912 12 7    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1912-12-31 Miller-Jaffe wedding Hibbing.pdf"> 1912-12-31 Miller-Jaffe wedding</A> - -  </font><font size="1">Hibbing Girl To Marry Virginia Man, Ida Miller, Sam Jaffe, Virginia, Heyman Miller, Goldie Edelstein, H. Laurie, Rosa Markel.</font> -   1912 12 31          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1913-1-5 Jaffe, Miller wedding, Hibbing.pdf"> 1913-1-5 Jaffe, Miller wedding, Hibbing</A> - -   Hibbing Girl Weds Virginian, Ida Miller, Sam Jaffe, Mrs. L. Wolfe -   1913 1 5          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1913-1-16 Hibbing, Rabbi Klitzner leaving, Agudas Achrim .pdf"> 1913-1-16 Hibbing, Rabbi Klitzner leaving, Agudas Achrim </A> -   1913 1 16          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1913-1-28 Woolfan, Eli news.jpg"> 1913-1-28 Woolfan, Eli news</A> - -   Hibbing Business Man Strong For His Town, E. S. Woolfan -   1913 1 28          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1913-2-24 Superior-co-op farm.pdf"> 1913-2-24 Superior-co-op farm</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1913 Hebrews Will Have Big Farm. Cooperative Association Formed to Cut Down High Cost of Living. Propose to Purchase Tract of 1,000 Acres. Merchants of Duluth, Hibbing and St. Paul Subscribe Stock for Venture. Hebrew colony, Duluth Hebrew Cooperative Farmers association. M. Viener, A. Y. Litman, M. B. Abrahamson, H. Stein, H. Lippman, M. Sosnovsky, R. Cohen, Sam Stein, S. Shusterman, Rivkin.  </font> -   1913 2 24          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1913-7-23 Hibbing, Latz Brothers, Bubley, Edelstein.pdf"> 1913-7-23 Hibbing, Latz Brothers, Bubley, Edelstein</A> -   1913 7 23          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1913-12-7 Hibbing high school.pdf"> 1913-12-7 Hibbing high school</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> School photo from Duluth or other Minnesota towns  </font>     1913 12 7    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1913-12-25 Joseph Shapiro obit..pdf"> 1913-12-25 Joseph Shapiro obit.</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1913 Dies After Living 25 Years In Duluth, age 55, 119 Mesaba avenue. widow, one son, Abe Shapiro, and three daughters, Mrs. Anna Steinberg of St. Paul, Mrs. Sadie Gram of Hibbing and Esther Shapiro of Duluth. obit.   </font>     1913 12 25    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1914-1-7 Sadie Fostoff.pdf"> 1914-1-7 Sadie Fostoff</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1914 Miss Florence I. Levine, daughter of Mrs. I. Levine, 821 Fourth avenue East, Joseph Edward Davis. Masonic temple. Rev. I. Teplitz, Adas Israel synagogue, Ida Levine, Loy Levine, Anna Levine, Sadie Fostoff, Jack Levine, Michael Levine. Out of town guests: Mr. and Mrs. S. Bernstein-St. Paul, Fanny Scheinbaum-Sioux City, Iowa, Adele Zalk and Mrs. Zalk-St. Paul, Sarah Polin-Minneapolis, Miss Meyers-St. Paul, Mr. and Mrs. S. W. Rubeloff-Chisholm, Mr. and Mrs. D. Nides-Hibbing.  </font>     1914 1 7    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1914-3-20 Hibbing Philip Siegel obit..pdf"> 1914-3-20 Hibbing Philip Siegel obit.</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1914 Hibbing: Hibbing Butcher Dies From Heart Trouble.  Philip Siegel obituary  </font> -   1914 3 20          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1914-3-20 Philip Siegel obit. Hibbing.pdf"> 1914-3-20 Philip Siegel obit. Hibbing</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1914 Hibbing Butcher Dies From Heart Trouble. Philip Siegel, brother owned butcher shop on Pine street. widow, family in New York. Buried in Superior. obit.  </font>     1914 3 20    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1914-4-21 Hibbing, B. M. Lippman, bookkeeping.pdf"> 1914-4-21 Hibbing, B. M. Lippman, bookkeeping</A> -   1914 4 21          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1915-1-1 Ben Seaman and Dorothy E. Cohen ml..pdf"> 1915-1-1 Ben Seaman and Dorothy E. Cohen ml.</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1915 Ben Seaman, Iron Mountain, Mich. and Dorothy E. Cohen, Hibbing, marriage license.  </font>     1915 1 1    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1915-1-7 Steam Heat petition - Hibbing.jpg"> 1915-1-7 Steam Heat petition - Hibbing</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1915 petition signed by Lippman, Sachs, Cohen, Lindeke  </font>     1915 1 7    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1915-5-5 Hibbing, Dorothy Cohen, Jacob Cohen.pdf"> 1915-5-5 Hibbing, Dorothy Cohen, Jacob Cohen</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1915 Hibbing Girl Takes Part In Oberlin Organ Recital. Hibbing, Miss Dorothy Cohen, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Cohen, studying music at Oberlin Conservatory of Music.   </font>     1915 5 5    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1915-6-27 Superior-Rabbi Silver, Russian music.pdf"> 1915-6-27 Superior-Rabbi Silver, Russian music</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1915  Russian Quartet To Sing At Hibbing.Three Concerts to Be Given by Celebrated Hebrew Musical Organization.  Rabbi Silver of Temple Bnai Abraham, H. Leibovitz, David Lenavitz, I. Urofsky  </font> -   1915 6 27          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1915-7-7 Kremen.pdf"> 1915-7-7 Kremen</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1915 Hibbing: Make Awards For Big Parage, Nides, Kremen  </font> -   1915 7 7          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1916-2-16 Fannie Jaffee.pdf"> 1916-2-16 Fannie Jaffee</A> - -   Hibbing: Woman In Roll Of Fagin Is Arrested, Fannie Jaffe, </font> -   1916 2 16          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1916-7-19 Mrs J W Lindeke visiting Siegel.jpg"> 1916-7-19 Mrs J W Lindeke visiting Siegel</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1916 Mrs J W Lindeke and children of hibbing visiting mother Mrs A Siegel in Duluth  </font>     1916 7 19    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1916-10-25 Myron E. Lippman obit..pdf"> 1916-10-25 Myron E. Lippman obit.</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1916 Myron E. Lippman Dies At Virginia. son Sam Lippman-South Central avenue, widow, Mrs. S. Dangiger-Carpentia, Russia, Sam Lippman-Virginia, Ben and Henry Lippman-Hibbing. European war, unable to return.  </font> -   1916 10 25          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1916-12-16 Hibbing, Adolph Kellar, horse racing at fair.pdf"> 1916-12-16 Hibbing, Adolph Kellar, horse racing at fair</A> -   1916 12 16          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1917-1-13 Sachs.pdf"> 1917-1-13 Sachs</A> - -   Hibbing: Clerks May Quit If They Wish But Sachs Won’t, Thomas Sachs,  -   1917 1 13          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1917-4-23 Mesaba Range I. Sher.pdf"> 1917-4-23 Mesaba Range I. Sher</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1917 Mesaba's Loyalty Is Shown By Thousands. Entire Range Sends Delegations to Hibbing to Take Part in Big Demonstration. 1,000 Austrians In Line. As One Result of Celebration Eleven New Men Enlist With Militia Company. Hibbing: I. Sher.   </font>     1917 4 23    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1917-5-5 Hibbing Orchestra.jpg"> 1917-5-5 Hibbing Orchestra</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1917 Hibbing Orchestra will play - names mentioned include James Lindeke, N Nides, H Bloom, Ben Karon  </font>     1917 5 5    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1917-6-26 Buhl contribution.pdf"> 1917-6-26 Buhl contribution</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1917 Red Cross Gets Big Aid On Mesaba Range. Village of Buhl With 2,000 Population Gives More Than $3,000 to Cause. Hibbing Raises $15,0000. Chishom, Coleraine, Bovey, Eveleth, Virginia, and Keewatin Oversubscribed.  </font>     1917 6 26    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1917-7-8 Hibbing, B'nai Brith, baseball.pdf"> 1917-7-8 Hibbing, B'nai Brith, baseball</A> -   1917 7 8          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1917-9-18 Hibbing Lippman Jewish New Year.pdf"> 1917-9-18 Hibbing Lippman Jewish New Year</A> -   1917 9 18          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1917-11-12 photo, Samuel Nides-Hibbing.pdf"> 1917-11-12 photo, Samuel Nides-Hibbing</A> -   1917 11 12          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1918-4-2 Hibbing, Morris Rosenberg.pdf"> 1918-4-2 Hibbing, Morris Rosenberg</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1918 Hibbing: Twenty Have Answered. Morris Rosenberg.  </font>     1918 4 2    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1918-7-7 Hibbing, B'nai Brith B. J. Medalie-Buhl.pdf"> 1918-7-7 Hibbing, B'nai Brith B. J. Medalie-Buhl</A> -   1918 7 7          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1918-7-7 Chisohlm.pdf"> 1918-7-7 Chisohlm</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1918 Jews Of Chisholm, Hibbing Elect Heads, Talk Of Plans. Hibbing: B'nai Brith. Simon Sapero-Chisholm, Samuel Goldenberg-Hibbing, Charles Hallock-Hibbing, Simon Sapero, Isaac Lewis-Chisholm, Lewis Niles-Hibbing.  </font>     1918 7 7    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1918-7-12 Hibbing, Harry Margulis, photo, soldierl.pdf"> 1918-7-12 Hibbing, Harry Margulis, photo, soldierl</A> -   1918 7 12          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1918-7-12 Harry Margulis.pdf"> 1918-7-12 Harry Margulis</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1918 Hibbing, Harry Margulis, photo, soldierl   </font> -   1918 7 12          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1918-8-16 Hibbing Julius Marcus.pdf"> 1918-8-16 Hibbing Julius Marcus</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1918 Marcus Is Guest. Julius Marcus moves to Chicago. Young Men's Association.  </font>     1918 8 16    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1918-9-25 Hibbing, Young Hebrew, William Medalie, UM.pdf"> 1918-9-25 Hibbing, Young Hebrew, William Medalie, UM</A> -   1918 9 25          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1918-10-3 Sher, Aronovsky Hibbing .pdf"> 1918-10-3 Sher, Aronovsky Hibbing </A> - -   Hibbing: Called Into School, Abraham Sher, Samuel Aronovsky -   1918 10 3          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1918-11-1 Percy Oreck, wins case.pdf"> 1918-11-1 Percy Oreck, wins case</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1918 Duluth Merchant Wins Case From The Village Of Hibbing.  Percy Oreck, wins case  </font> -   1918 11 1          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1918-12-20 Isaac Cohen, obit., Mrs. Ben Seaman-Iron Mt, Mich..pdf"> 1918-12-20 Isaac Cohen, obit., Mrs. Ben Seaman-Iron Mt, Mich.</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1918 Hibbing: Merchant Dies. Isaac Cohen, pioneer merchant. Daughter Mrs. Ben Seaman of Iron Mountain, Michigan.  </font>     1918 12 20    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1919-2-27 Roy Edelstein, Hibbing.pdf"> 1919-2-27 Roy Edelstein, Hibbing</A> - -   headline  -   1919 2 27          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1919-5-20 May Cohen and Samuel Golden wed.pdf"> 1919-5-20 May Cohen and Samuel Golden wed</A>   - -  </font><font size="1"> 1919 May Wedding At Synagogue Attractive. Miss Cohen Became the Bride of S. Golden; To Live Here. Adas Israel synagogue, May Cohen, Samuel Golden, Rabbi I. Teplitz, Mrs. S. Cohen, Fern Nathanson-Virginia, Leona Cohen, Edith Karon, Bessie Golden, A. B. Wolvin-Chicago, Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Nathanson-Virginia, Mr. and Mrs. H. Bloom, Bessie and Tobie Osherman-Hibbing, Rabbi and Mrs. Sugarman-Virginia, Max Yager, M. Levy-Minneapolis.   </font>     1919 5 20    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1919-7-10 Hibbing.pdf"> 1919-7-10 Hibbing</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1919 Hibbing Zionists Elect Officers. New York Leader UrgesJews to Work For Restoration of Palestine. Hibbing, Dr. H. Grossman-NY, E. W. Wool fan, Rev. R. Gusse, A. Sachs, E. G. Bloom, Charles Hallock, Mrs. Hallock, Louis Holstein, Maurice Wolft, Aron Ballet.Gathering from Chisholm, Buhl, Kinney, Virginia, Duluth, Eveleth.  </font>     1919 7 10    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1919-8-5 Hibbing, Louis Finn obit. 13 years old.pdf"> 1919-8-5 Hibbing, Louis Finn obit. 13 years old</A> -   1919 8 5          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1919-8-17 Hibbing, Ruth Rainhill and Morton Markell.pdf"> 1919-8-17 Hibbing, Ruth Rainhill and Morton Markell</A> -   1919 8 17          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1919-8-20 Bess Ruth Altman Nathaniel Niles wed..pdf"> 1919-8-20 Bess Ruth Altman Nathaniel Niles wed.</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1919 Hibbing: Attractive Home Wdding. Miss Altman Became the Bride of Nathaniel Nides. - Bess Ruth Altman and Nathaniel Nides wed, Mr. and Mrs. J. Altman, Dr. M. Lefkovits, Ida Oreck, Evelyn Altman, Monich E. Altman, John Altman, M. G. Altman, H. E. Altman, Nathan Kres, Rae Zurovsky  </font> -   1919 8 20          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1919-9-11 Morris Wolfe, Hibbing.pdf"> 1919-9-11 Morris Wolfe, Hibbing</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1919 Former Army Men will strengthen Hibbing Eleven - Morris Wolfe  </font>     1919 9 11    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1919-11-13 Hibbing, Solomon Rubloff, swindle.pdf"> 1919-11-13 Hibbing, Solomon Rubloff, swindle</A> -   1919 11 13          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1919-12-12 Hibbing, Mrs. I. Jaffe, obit., sons Abraham & Edwin.pdf"> 1919-12-12 Hibbing, Mrs. I. Jaffe, obit., sons Abraham & Edwin</A> - -   headline  -   1919 12 12          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1919-12-12 I. Jaffe, obit., Hibbing.pdf"> 1919-12-12 I. Jaffe, obit., Hibbing</A> -   1919 12 12          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1919-12-12 Hibbing-Mrs. I. Jaffe obit..pdf"> 1919-12-12 Hibbing-Mrs. I. Jaffe obit.</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1919 Hibbing: Mrs. I. Jaffe obit. Abraham and Edwin sons.  </font> -   1919 12 12          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1920-2-24 Hibbing, Charles Margulis, basketball.pdf"> 1920-2-24 Hibbing, Charles Margulis, basketball</A> -   1920 2 24          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1920-2-24 Issie Sher, Hibbing, tires.pdf"> 1920-2-24 Issie Sher, Hibbing, tires</A> -   1920 2 24          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1920-4-9 ag Chisholm, Gordon, Bubley, Siegel,Kaner,.pdf"> 1920-4-9 ag Chisholm, Gordon, Bubley, Siegel,Kaner,</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1920 Chisholm - Mrs Sam Katz and guests Mr and Mrs Ben Gordon, Mr and Mrs Paul Holstein, Mr and Mrs J Kaner and Mr and Mrs MW Gordon all of Virginia.  Also, Mr and Mrs M Garber, Mr and Mrs M Siegel, Mr and Mrs Ed Bubley and J Jaffe of Hibbing  </font>     1920 4 9    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1920-6-27 Hibbing mortercycles.pdf"> 1920-6-27 Hibbing mortercycles</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1920 Duluth and Range Enthusiasts at St. Louis County Fairgrounds, Hibbing.  </font>     1920 6 27    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1920-8-22 Hibbing moving buildings.pdf"> 1920-8-22 Hibbing moving buildings</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1920 Section Of Central Addition New Hibbing, Where 1000 Buildings Have Been Moved.  </font>     1920 8 22    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1920-9-29 Edelstein, Hibbing, store.pdf"> 1920-9-29 Edelstein, Hibbing, store</A> - -   headline  -   1920 9 29          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1920-11-15 Samuel Bloom obit..pdf"> 1920-11-15 Samuel Bloom obit.</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1920 Member Of Pioneer Family Brought Home For Burial. 48, a member of the Bloom family of Superior. Lived in Chicago for 15 years. relatives in Duluth and Mesaba range towns. Rabbi Bloom of Hibbing was his father.  </font>     1920 11 15    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1921-2-22 Hibbing,Munroe Lippman.pdf"> 1921-2-22 Hibbing,Munroe Lippman</A> -   1921 2 22          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1921-3-3 Hibbing, Abe Karlinsky.pdf"> 1921-3-3 Hibbing, Abe Karlinsky</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1921 School Speakers Will Contest At Hibbing Tonight. Boys and Girls of 14 Towns To Compete for Trip to Minneapolis. Abe Karlinsky, Isadore Nathaenson, Monroe Lippman  </font> -   1921 3 3          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1921-3-22 Hibbing, B'nai Brith, Morton Markell.pdf"> 1921-3-22 Hibbing, B'nai Brith, Morton Markell</A> -   1921 3 22          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1921-4-27 Hibbing, Sappan, ohen, Stone.pdf"> 1921-4-27 Hibbing, Sappan, ohen, Stone</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1921 Hibbing: Larceny Suspect In Fire Case To Present Alibi.  George Sappen, Cohen and Stone clothing store in Stevenson  </font>     1921 4 27    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1921-7-3 Hibbing Lippman business.pdf"> 1921-7-3 Hibbing Lippman business</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1921 Itasca Company's Building, Owned By Mrs. Power. Lippman's Beautiful Department Store, So. Hibbing.  </font>     1921 7 3    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1921-8-2 Hibbing, Morton Markell, corner stone.pdf"> 1921-8-2 Hibbing, Morton Markell, corner stone</A> -   1921 8 2          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1921-8-12 Hibbing, Marvin, infant Jacob Cohen.pdf"> 1921-8-12 Hibbing, Marvin, infant Jacob Cohen</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1921 Hibbing: Range Infant Classed Amoung Healthiest Babies. Marvin Cohen, 15 month old son of Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Cohen.   </font>     1921 8 12    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1921-11-27 Hibbing, Mrs. Benjamin Siegel.pdf"> 1921-11-27 Hibbing, Mrs. Benjamin Siegel</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1921 Hibbing: Forty Guests at Chicken Dinner, Mrs. Benjamin Siegel, E. S. Woolfan, Mrs. N. Sachs Mrs. L. Lewis, Mrs. Samuel Matz-Chisholm.   </font> -   1921 11 27          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1921-11-28 Hibbing, Lillian Ellis.pdf"> 1921-11-28 Hibbing, Lillian Ellis</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1921 Hibbing: Seniors Entertain. Lillian Ellis.     </font> -   1921 11 28          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1922-2-25 Hibbing, I. Jaffe, Harry Stone, mash.pdf"> 1922-2-25 Hibbing, I. Jaffe, Harry Stone, mash</A> - -   headline  -   1922 2 25          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1922-3-10 Rabbis and laymen for smaller communities.pdf"> 1922-3-10 Rabbis and laymen for smaller communities</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1922 Rabbi Offers Nearby Towns Religious Aid. Rabbi Alvin S. Luchs, I. Freimuth, Union of American Hebrew Congregations. Help establish synagogues in Chisholm, Eveleth, Hibbing, Hurley, Mankato, Virginia, and Winona.   </font> -   1922 3 10          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1922-3-19 Hibbing, Minn. Alumni Segelbaum, Sher.pdf"> 1922-3-19 Hibbing, Minn. Alumni Segelbaum, Sher</A> - -   headline -   1922 3 19          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1922-3-24 Morris Wolfe Hibbing.pdf"> 1922-3-24 Morris Wolfe Hibbing</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> Menorah Orators to give symposium at Duluth Club - Morris Wolfe of Hibbing is coach and business manager of the team. Marvin Oreck of Duluth, Max Shapiro, Gerald Friedman, Harry Cohen, David Goldstein </font>     1922 3 24    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1922-4-17 Chisholm Louis Press obit..pdf"> 1922-4-17 Chisholm Louis Press obit.</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1922 Chisholm Soldier to Be Laid to Rest With Honors. Military funeral for Louis Press, Rabbi Lebendiger, brother of Harry Pres of Hibbing.  He met death in action in France, Sept. 15, 1918. One sister, Minnie, brothers Samuel and Elias-Eveleth.   Four years later his body is returned for burial.   </font>     1922 4 17    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1922-5-20 Hibbing, B. M. Lippman, convention.pdf"> 1922-5-20 Hibbing, B. M. Lippman, convention</A> -   1922 5 20          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1922-7-12 Hibbing, Odd Fellows, Morton Markell.pdf"> 1922-7-12 Hibbing, Odd Fellows, Morton Markell</A> -   1922 7 12          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1922-8-25 Hibbing, Monroe Lippman.pdf"> 1922-8-25 Hibbing, Monroe Lippman</A> -   1922 8 25          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1922-8-30 Morris Wolfe obit.pdf"> 1922-8-30 Morris Wolfe obit</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1922  University of Minnesota Degree for drowned student, Hibbing, Morris Wolfe drowned shortly after his return to Hibbing from the University  </font>     1922 8 30    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1922-8-31 Hibbing, Merchants, Sapero, Lippman, Woolfan, Nides.pdf"> 1922-8-31 Hibbing, Merchants, Sapero, Lippman, Woolfan, Nides</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1922 Hibbing: Merchants Club Nominates Officers; Election Tuesday. S. Sapero, B. M.  Lippman, E. S. Woolfan, I. Feldman, and L. Nides  </font> -   1922 8 31          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1922-9-17 Hibbing, Nellie Rutstein and Julius Edelstein, Rabbi Gussie, Hallock.pdf"> 1922-9-17 Hibbing, Nellie Rutstein and Julius Edelstein, Rabbi Gussie, Hallock</A>  - - </font><font size="1"> 1922 Hibbing: Nellie Rutstein and Julius Edelstein wed, Rabbi Gussie, E. H. Edelstein-Brooklyn, Charles Hallock, Badonna Hallock.  </font> -   1922 9 17          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1922-9-17 Edelstein Rutstein.pdf"> 1922-9-17Edelstein Rutstein</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1922 Hibbing: Miss Nellie Rutstein will become the bride of Julius Edelstein  </font>     1922 9 17    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1922-11-20 Eveleth, B'nai Brith.pdf"> 1922-11-20 Eveleth, B'nai Brith</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1922 B'nai Brith, A. B. Kapplin, Samuel Nides-Hibbing, M. K. Baer-Virginia, Harry L. Levant-Eveleth, Dr. L. M. Harris-Superior, Gustavus Loewinger-St. Paul, Rabbi J. I. Meyerowitz-St. Paul, Rabbi Meyerowitz, Rabbi Alvin S. Luchs, Segal's orchestra.  </font> -   1922 11 20          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1922-11-25 Blessing Lippman.pdf"> 1922-11-25 Blessing Lippman</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1922 Hibbing: Girls Outsmart Boys Honor Roll Shows. Blessing Lippman. Raymon Elis  </font> -   1922 11 25          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1922-11-28 Bnai Brith Banquet in Virginia.jpg"> 1922-11-28 Bnai Brith Banquet in Virginia</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1922 B'nai B'rith Banquet in Virginia - Names mentioned include Samuel Nides of Hibbing  </font>     1922 11 28    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1922-12-27 Hibbing, B'nai Brith, Matt Medalie.pdf"> 1922-12-27 Hibbing, B'nai Brith, Matt Medalie</A> -   1922 12 27          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/2009-5-15 Hibbing Dylan Days events.jpg"> 2009-5-15 Hibbing Dylan Days events</A>  - -  </font><font size="1">2009  50th anniversary of Robert Zimmerman graduation from Hibbing High School   - American Jewish World </font>     2009 5 15    
added <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1912-2-4 Hibbing history page 2.pdf"> 1912-2-4 Hibbing history page 2</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1912 Hibbing == Heart of the Iron Country - Slanding on the rim of the world's greatest open-pit mine, Hibbing is the chief gateway of nature's most wonderful and stupendous storehouse of iron. A village where opportunity is made and where big thinkgs are achieved.  Immense army of industrial workers soon to be fed thru porlific yield of surrounding farms.  A few acres near hibbing spell independence.  </font>     1912 2 4          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1891-12-5 Gittelson and Cohen.pdf"> 1891-12-5 Gittelson and Cohen</A>  - -  </font><font size="1">  1891 Dry Goods And Junk. They Are Found in a Box Car With the Junk on Top. The Recent Cohen & Gittleson Assignment May Yet Prove Decidedly Interesting. Jewelry, furnishings, and junk. Russian Jews. Relative Mark and Cook engaged in same line of business. Another relative in Marion. Defraud Duluth Dry Goods Company.  </font>     1891 12 5    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1893-8-14 Levin Bros. burglars (1).pdf"> 1893-8-14 Levin Bros. burglars (1)</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1893 Burglars. R. A. Cohen's clothing store on Fifth avenue west, Henderson building. </font>     1893 8 14    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1895-6-16 Mr. and Mrs. A. Mark, H. Cohen.pdf"> 1895-6-16 Mr. and Mrs. A. Mark, H. Cohen</A>  - -  </font><font size="1">  1895 Mr and Mrs a Mark of Prinston, Minn, were guests during the week of Mrs H Cohen  </font>     1895 6 16    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1895-6-16 Mr. and Mrs. A. Mark, H. Cohen.jpg"> 1895-6-16 Mr. and Mrs. A. Mark, H. Cohen</A>  - -  </font><font size="1">  1895 (cropped)  Mr and Mrs a Mark of Prinston, Minn, were guests during the week of Mrs H Cohen  </font>     1895 6 16    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1896-2-12 Cohen & Seigel.pdf"> 1896-2-12 Cohen & Seigel</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1896 Superior: Under The Hammer. Stock of Cohen & Seigel is Sold by the Sheriff. It Brought $4,100 Cash. Two Men Suspected of Robbing the Richelleu Are Arrested. Cohen & Seigel, Isaac Rothstein-Eau Claire.  </font> -   1896 2 12          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1896-5-18 Jacob Cohen, Minneapolis obit..pdf"> 1896-5-18 Jacob Cohen, Minneapolis obit.</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1896 Minneapolis: Jacob Cohen Dead. The Pioneer Jewish Resident Stricken by Apoplesy. Eagle Shirt and pants Company, 525-429 Washington avenue S., 415 East Fourteenth street. 25 years ago came to Minnesota. North Star lodge, I.O.O.F. Jewish Reform church, wife, six children.   </font>     1896 5 18    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1896-7-27 Duluth,Lillie Cohen and Samuel Blasberg wed.pdf"> 1896-7-27 Duluth,Lillie Cohen and Samuel Blasberg wed</A>  - - -   1896 7 27          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1896-7-27 Cohen-Blasberg wed, guests, Cohen, Polinski, Shaw, Rose, Casmer, Sax, Levi.pdf"> 1896-7-27 Cohen-Blasberg wed, guests, Cohen, Polinski, Shaw, Rose, Casmer, Sax, Levi</A>  - - -   1896 7 27          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1896-7-27 Lillie Cohen and Samuel Blasberg wed, Rabbi Alperin, .pdf"> 1896-7-27 Lillie Cohen and Samuel Blasberg wed, Rabbi Alperin, </A>  - - </font><font size="1"> 1896 Wed Under A Chupa, Young Jewish Couple United According to the Ancient Hebrew Ceremony. Quite An Unusual Event Miss Lillie Cohen of this City Married to Samuel Blasberg in a Most Impressive Way.  Lille Cohen and Samuel Blasberg wed, Rabbi Alperin,  N. Cohen-confectioner, Saumuel Blasberg-Mineapolis, Rabbi Alperin, Sadie Cohen, Mary Shaw, Mary Polinski, Sadie Polinski, M. Rose, Alex Polinski, A. Cohen, David Casmer, Alderman Soloman Sax, Sam Sax, M. E. Levi.  </font> -   1896 7 27.2          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1897-1-20 Robard J. Cohen and Aide Goldstein ml..pdf"> 1897-1-20 Robard J. Cohen and Aide Goldstein ml.</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1897 Minneapolis: Robard J. Cohen and Aide Goldstein, marriage license.  </font>     1897 1 20    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1897-1-22 John J. Fox and Bertha Polinsky ml.pdf"> 1897-1-22 John J. Fox and Bertha Polinsky ml</A> - - marriage licenses issued., also Adolph Klein and Rebecca Cohen.  - - -   1897 1 22          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1897-2-8 Moses Cook.pdf"> 1897-2-8 Moses Cook</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1897 Another indictment was against four men. Moses Cook, Isaac Abrahamson, Heiman Cohen, and W. M. Abrahamson.   </font>     1897 2 8    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1897-3-24 daughter born to Mr. an Mrs. Isaac Cohen, Minneapolis.pdf"> 1897-3-24 daughter born to Mr. an Mrs. Isaac Cohen, Minneapolis</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1897 Minneapolis: daughter born to Mr. an Mrs. Isaac J. Cohen, 302 Sixteenth avenue N.  </font>     1897 3 24    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1897-7-13 daughter born to Mr. an Mrs. Israel Cohen, Minneapolis.pdf"> 1897-7-13 daughter born to Mr. an Mrs. Israel Cohen, Minneapolis</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1897 daughter born to Mr. an Mrs. Israel Cohen, Minneapolis  </font>     1897 7 13    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1898-1-2 Joseph Cohn and Rosa Cohn ml. Minneapolis.pdf"> 1898-1-2 Joseph Cohn and Rosa Cohn ml. Minneapolis</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1898 Joseph Cohen and Rosa Cohn, marriage license.  </font>     1898 1 2    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1898-1-2 Louis Cohen and Sadie Dwelechkey ml.m Minneapolis.pdf"> 1898-1-2 Louis Cohen and Sadie Dwelechkey ml.m Minneapolis</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1898 Louis Cohen and Sadie Dwelschkey, marriage license.  </font>     1898 1 2    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1898-1-6 City of Minneapolis, charter Emanuel Cohen.pdf"> 1898-1-6 City of Minneapolis, charter Emanuel Cohen</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1898 Minneapolis: charter for the city. Emanuel Cohen is listed at the end of the article.  </font>     1898 1 6    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1898-3-1 Zalk, Cook, Marks.pdf"> 1898-3-1 Zalk, Cook, Marks </A> - -   In Miss Marks’ Honor, </font><font size="1"> Hammel, Freimuth, Edelman, Zalk, Buckman, Cohen, Mark, Cook, Josephs, Goldbloom  </font> -   1898 3 1          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1898 3-1 Etta Cook.pdf"> 1898 3-1 Etta Cook</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1898 In Miss Marks’ Honor. Miss Fanny Marks-St. Paul, Kalamazoo block,  Mr. and Mrs. Hammel, Mr. and Mrs. Freimuth, Mr. and Mrs. Edelman, Mr. and Mrs. Zalk, Mr. and Mrs. Buckman, Mr. and Mrs. Cohen, Misses Mamie Mark, Henrietta Cook, Etta Cook, Ida Zalk, H. Y. Josephs, C. Goldbloom, B. J. Cook, M. Cook, J. Cook, M. J. Cook, Z. Y. Josephs, M. Mark.  </font>     1898 3 1    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1898-6-27 ag Edelstein and Cohen wedding Nellie Karon.pdf"> 1898-6-27 Edelstein & Cohen wedding</A> - -  </font><font size="1"> ‘Nother June Bride,   S. Edelstein & Sadie Cohen, Rabbi Abramokivitz, Karon, Polinsky, Kassmir, Oreckowsky, Shapiro  </font>  - - -   1898 6 27          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1898-6-27 Edelstein & Cohen wed Nellie Karon.pdf"> 1898-6-27 Edelstein & Cohen wed Nellie Karon</A>   - - -   1898 6 27          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1898-6-27 Nellie Karon, S Edelstein & Sadie Cohen marry.pdf"> 1898-6-27 Nellie Karon, S Edelstein & Sadie Cohen marry</A>  - - -   1898 6 27          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1898-12-29 col. 4, Divorce for Fannie and Isaac Cohen - full page.pdf"> 1898-12-29 col. 4, Divorce for Fannie and Isaac Cohen - full page</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1898 Fannie Cohen divorces Isaac Cohen.  </font>     1898 12 29    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1898-12-29 Fannie Cohen asks to divorce Isaac Cohen - cropped.jpg"> 1898-12-29 Fannie Cohen asks to divorce Isaac Cohen - cropped</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1898 Fannie Cohen divorces Isaac Cohen.  </font>     1898 12 29    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1899-3-13 La Vant and Casmir wedding.htm"> 1899-3-13 La Vant and Casmir wedding</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> Attendees: Nellie La Vant, David Casmir, Rabbi Abrams, Rabbi Newfield, Henrietta Cook, B. J. Cook, Annie L Vant, Selma Casmir, Mayor Truelsen, Dr. R. Graham, Lavick, Mitchell, Albert, I. Isadore, I. Rubenstein, Julius Cohen, Joe Sattler, Kacob SattlerGus Levin, Levy, I. Abrahamson, Krojanker, William Abrahamson, Dave Cohen, L. Oreck, Monschind, H. Hirshberg, H. Y. Josephs, S. E. Gittelson, J. Rothschild, Meyar Cook, J. Abrahamson, Julius Cook, Ben Katz, Mark, Hanna Cook, Lillian Abramson, Pauline Levy, Sadie Mondschind, Mary Mark, and Fanny Hass.  </font> -   1899 3 13          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1899-3-13 La Vant and Casmir wedding.pdf"> 1899-3-13 La Vant and Casmir wedding</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1899  United In Marriage. Miss Nellie La Vant and David Casmir Married Yesterday Afternoon.   Rabbi Newfield, Rabbi Abrams, Henrietta Cook, B. J. Cook, Annie La Vant, Selma Casmir, Mayor Truelsen, Dr. R. Graham, Casmir, Lavick, Mitchell, Albert, I. Isadore, I. Rubenstein, Julius Cohen, Joe Sattler, Jacob Sattler, Gus Levin, P. Levy, I. Abrahamson, Krojanker, William Abrahamson, Dave Cohen, L. Oreck, Monschind, B. J. Cook, H. Hirshberg, H. Y. Josephs, S. E. Gittelson, J. Rothschild, Meyear Cook, J. Abrahmson, Julius Cook, Ben Katz, Mark, Henrietta Cook, Hanna Cook, Lillian Abrahamson, Pauline Levy, Sadie Mondschind, Mary Mark, Fanny Hass.  </font> -   1899 3 13          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1899-3-20 Virginia, Louis Cohen.pdf"> 1899-3-20 Virginia, Louis Cohen</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1899 Louis Cohen, bankruptcy.  </font>     1899 3 20    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1899-5-9 Nathan Cohen and Katie Pasove ml..pdf"> 1899-5-9 Nathan Cohen and Katie Pasove ml.</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1899 Nathan Cohen and Katie Pascove, marriage license.   </font>     1899 5 9    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1899-7-20 Lillian Aronsohn.pdf"> 1899-7-20 Lillian Aronsohn</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1899 Minneapolis Journal, In Social Circles. Jewish Graduates of '99 Entertained at Stryker Seminary. With A Reception And Dance. Twin city graduates honored. Benjamin H. Chedeck, Mrs. M. Rosenholz, Mrs. Rudolph, Mrs. A. Harris, Mrs. S. Farr, graduates Lillian Aronsohn, Henrietta Birnberg, Samuel Cohen, Rachel Shapira, Henry Rosenholtz, Miriam Gittelson, Emil C. Robitshek, Sarah Shanfeld, Rebecca Weinberg, E.  Arnesonm, E. Harris, L. Rosenstein. Davis orchestra: L. D. Horne, Fred Zimmerman, Samuel Rosen, G. B. Hirschman.   </font>     1899 7 20    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1900-12-10 Anna Cohen.pdf"> 1900-12-10 Anna Cohen</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1900 Sarah G. Silver and Joseph N. Frankel wed, niece of Mr. and Mrs. Jones Rosenberg, Rabbi Yorsky, Charles Levy, J. Levy-St. Paul, David Gerchin-Minneapolis, Marion Hoffman, Anna Cohen Florence Silver, Ethel Gottstein-St. Paul.  - full page </font>     1900 12 10    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1900-12-10 Sarah G Silver & Joesph N Frankel married.jpg"> 1900-12-10 Sarah G Silver & Joesph N Frankel married</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1900 Sarah G. Silver and Joseph N. Frankel wed, niece of Mr. and Mrs. Jones Rosenberg, Rabbi Yorsky, Charles Levy, J. Levy-St. Paul, David Gerchin-Minneapolis, Marion Hoffman, Anna Cohen Florence Silver, Ethel Gottstein-St. Paul.  - cropped </font>     1900 12 10    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1901-6-4 Moses Cohen death.pdf"> 1901-6-4 Moses Cohen death</A> -   1901 6 4          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1901-8-4 Moses Cohen, obit. Rabbi Smitzer.pdf"> 1901-8-4 Moses Cohen, obit. Rabbi Smitzer</A>  - - </font><font size="1"> 1901 Moses Cohen, obit., Rabbi Smitzer.  Death Comes Unawares, Apoplexy Strikes Moses Cohen as He Worshiped. Stood With Scroll In Hand, Staggers and Falls Forward to the Floor.  Panic In The Congregation  </font> -   1901 8 4          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1901-12-29 Mrs. B. Cohen obit..pdf"> 1901-12-29 Mrs. B. Cohen obit.</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1901 Mrs. B. Cohen Dies. Had Been Ill for Past Five Years-Funeral Today. 524 Hughitt ave. I. Cohen-Crystal Falls, Mich., Julius Cohen, of he Rose Cohen-Duluth.  </font>     1901 12 29    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1902-4-7 Amelia Cook obit.pdf"> 1902-4-7 Amelia Cook obit</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1902 Funeral Of Mrs. Amelia Cook. Many Sorrowing Friends Pay Tribute To One They Loved And Admired. Reached Age Of 81 Years. Impressive Ceremony Held At Family Residence. Took Prominent Part In Laying Corner Stone of Adas Chevra Synagogue. Family residence, 113 First avenue East. Duluth residence for 132 years. I. Abrahamson-son, W. M. Abrahamson-grandson, Ned Abrahamson-great grandson. Other children of Mrs. Cook, Mrs. A. Mark-Brainerd, Mrs. H. Cohen-Millaca, Mrs. H. Simon-Detroit, Michigan.  </font>     1902 4 7    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1902-8-24 Amy Cohen and Morris Helprin wed.pdf"> 1902-8-24 Amy Cohen and Morris Helprin wed</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1902 Former Douglas Club house in Chicago, Duluth Man Weds. Morris Helprin, Now of Chicago, To Be Married Next Wednesday. Bride is Amy Cohen.  </font>     1902 8 24    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1903-4-17 Bessie Slonim and Frank Cohen, eng..pdf"> 1903-4-17 Bessie Slonim and Frank Cohen, eng.</A> -   1903 4 17          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1904-1-15 Lunch,  I. Cohen, Abe Rocklin, Edith Karon.pdf"> 1904-1-15 Lunch,  I. Cohen, Abe Rocklin, Edith Karon</A> -   1904 1 15          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1904-5-30 Sadie Cohen and Louis Shenowsky wed.pdf"> 1904-5-30 Sadie Cohen and Louis Shenowsky wed</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1904 Pretty Wedding Is Celebrated. Miss Sadie Cohen and Louis Shenowsky Married at Hebrew Synagogue. 825 Fourth avenue east, and Louis Shenowsky-Duluth. Mr. and Mrs. L. Cohen, Rabbi Helprin, Odd Fellows' hall, Lillian Mesberg-Virginia, James Lavick, 326 East Sixth street. Mr. and Mrs. J. Mesberg, Lillian Mesberg, Henry Shanedling-Virginia, Morris Robbins, George Mesberg-Eveleth.   </font>     1904 5 30    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1904-7-3 Kenisberg wed..pdf"> 1904-7-3 Kenisberg wed.</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1904 Edith Karon and John Kenigsberg wedding, S. Karon, Helen Karon, Louis Zalk, Mr. and Mrs. Kenigsberg, Mr. and Mrs. E. Siegel, Mr. and Mrs. H. Mark, Miss Sarah Mark, Miss Rose Cohen, Julius Cohen, Sam Cohen, B. Cohen, Isadore Cohen, Sadie and May Mark, Etta and Esther Codden, Mr. and Mrs. Shapiro, Mr. and Mrs. Goldeen, Mr. and Mrs. B. Kaner, Mr. and Mrs. Somerheld, Mr. and Mrs. Bloom, Mr. and Mrs. Sher, M. and Mrs. Mark Britz, Max Coddon, N. Rochstein, Milton Rosenberger, E. Helpern, Ben Shapiro.  </font> -   1904 7 3          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1904-8-25 Lillian Cohen.pdf"> 1904-8-25 Lillian Cohen</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1904 Lillian Cohen is appointed associate professor ad a member of the faculty at the University of Minnesota.  </font>     1904 8 25    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1904-10-7 Chisholm, Simon Sapero, Sax and Cohen, theft.pdf"> 1904-10-7 Chisholm, Simon Sapero, Sax and Cohen, theft</A> -   1904 10 7          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1904-10-25 Esther Kaner Ben Cohen.pdf"> 1904-10-25 Esther Kaner Ben Cohen</A> -   1904 10 25          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1904-11-29 Isidore Cohen and Sarah Cohen ml..pdf"> 1904-11-29 Isidore Cohen and Sarah Cohen ml.</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1904 Isidore Cohen and Sarah Cohen, marriage license.  </font>     1904 11 29    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1905-1-15 Siegel Woolfram wedding.jpg"> 1905-1-15 Siegel Woolfram wedding</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1905 Hibbing wedding - Samuel Siegel and Belle Annie Woolfram - guests include:  Nathanson, Milavetz, Lindeke, Cohen, Gordon </font>     1905 1 15    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1905-8-21 Superior corner stone of synagogue.pdf"> 1905-8-21 Superior corner stone of synagogue</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1905 Superior: Impressive Ceremonies At Cornerstone Laying. Large Crowd Witnesses Exercises at New Jewish Synagogue at Hammond Avenue and Sixth Street, In Which Many Participate. Rev J. H. Nason, In Address, Felicitates Members of the Congregation on the Fruition of Their Cherished Plans. Julius Cohen, Rev. Isaac Tremblatt, William Schlosburg, S. Rosenblom, Max Silverman, Joseph Konkel, photo.  </font> -   1905 8 21          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1905-11-12 Abraham Cohen obit..pdf"> 1905-11-12 Abraham Cohen obit.</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1905 Abraham Cohen, obit.  </font>     1905 11 12    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1905-12-3 Mr. and Mrs. Abe Cohen, birth son.pdf"> 1905-12-3 Mr. and Mrs. Abe Cohen, birth son</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1905 Mr. and Mrs. Abe Cohen, 420 Lake avenue south; birth of a son.  </font>     1905 12 3    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1905-12-3 son born to Mr. and Mrs. Abe Cohen.pdf"> 1905-12-3 son born to Mr. and Mrs. Abe Cohen</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1905 birth of son to Mr. and Mrs. Abe Cohen, 420 Lake avenue south.  </font>     1905 12 3    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1905-12-22 Cohen.pdf"> 1905-12-22 Cohen</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1905 New Mercantile Company Organizes. Carl M. Wilson, Edward Lasky, and Isadore Cohen, clothing, furniture and provisions business in Duluth.  </font>     1905 12 22    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1906-1-23 Joseph Goldstein and Sarah Cohen ml.pdf"> 1906-1-23 Joseph Goldstein and Sarah Cohen ml</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1906 Superior: Joseph Goldstein and Sarah Cohen, marriage license.  </font>     1906 1 23    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1906-2-28 Dancing Party, Karon, Rocklin, Bloom, Cohen.pdf"> 1906-2-28 Dancing Party, Karon, Rocklin, Bloom, Cohen</A> - -   Dancing Party At Temple Hall, Bloom, many guests -   1906 2 28          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1906-3-4 Kenigsberg.pdf"> 1906-3-4 Kenigsberg</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1906 Mr. and Mrs. M. Bloom, H. Kassimer, D. Kenigsberg, Max Shapiro, Louis Oreck, G. Oreck, J. Siegel, A. Polinsky, Mrs. S. Karon, Mrs. Milavitz, Helen Karon, Bessie Rocklin, Sadie Rocklin, Lizzie Helperin, Della Siegel, Sarah Simon, Hattie Shapira, Sophie Winstien, Sarah Milavitz, Clara Shapiro, Bessie Markevitz, Mary Shapiro, Selma Kasmir, Eva Kasmir, Minnie Winstein, Rabbi Mendel Silber, Allan Rocklin, Milton Rosenberger, Louis Kanter, Harry Winstein, Isadore Cohen, Julius Siegel, Herman Aronsohn, Louis Zalk, Zien, H. Kernos.  </font> -   1906 3 4          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1906-3-4.. Synagogue dedication, Rev. Jacob Aronsohn.pdf"> 1906-3-4.. Synagogue dedication, Rev. Jacob Aronsohn</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1906 Will Dedicate Synagogue Today. Ceremonies At New Church At Sixth and Hammond Will Be Elaborate. Rev. Jacob Aronsohn-St. Paul, Julius Cohan (Cohen?), Rev. Joseph Wolf-Duluth,  Rev. Mendel Silber-Duluth.  </font>     1906 3 4    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1906-3-6 daughter born to Mr. and Mrs. Phillip Cohen.pdf"> 1906-3-6 daughter born to Mr. and Mrs. Phillip Cohen</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1906 birth of daughter to Mr. and Mrs. Phillip Cohen.  </font>     1906 3 6    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1906-5-13 Aurora, Joseph Nathanson, Max Cohen.pdf"> 1906-5-13 Aurora, Joseph Nathanson, Max Cohen</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> church buildings  </font> -   1906 5 13          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1906-5-13 Cohen residence.pdf"> 1906-5-13 Cohen residence</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1906 Cohen residence photo  </font> -   1906 5 13          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1906-6-23 Altman Cohen and Jennie Valk ml..pdf"> 1906-6-23 Altman Cohen and Jennie Valk ml.</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1906 Altman Cohen and Jennie Valk, marriage license.  </font>     1906 6 23    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1906-8-2 Laura Cohen.pdf"> 1906-8-2 Laura Cohen</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1906 Evening Reception. Mr. and Mrs. D. Simon, D. Kasmir, L. Albert H. Kasmir, Yoslew, G. Laskewitz, L. Govitch, S. Kasmir, S. Kernes, L. Popkin, Sophie Kasmir, Esther Kernes, Erna Albert, Ida Albert, Eva Polinsky, Laura Cohen, Sara Slonin, Dora Levine, D. Rubin, Harry Kasmir, Simon Jones, Richard Jones, Samuel Simon.  </font>     1906 8 2    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1906-8-3 Surprise Party, Polinsky.pdf"> 1906-8-3 Surprise Party, Polinsky</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1906 Surprise Party, Lilly Blasberg, Fostovsky, guests: J. Lieb3rman, J. Kohn, L. Cohen, I. L. Levine, L. Shenowsky, S. Levine, I. Polinsky, M. Cohen, J. Oreckovsky, K. Sanderson, J. Chessen, T. Nusbaum, A. Sosnovsky, Polinsky, Lieberman, Kassmir, Levine, Shenowsky, Blasberg, Cohen, Annie Cohen, Eva F. Polinsky, Sadie Fostovsky, Esther Sanderson, Rossie Lieberman, Sophia Kassmir, Eva Polinsky, Florence Levine, Eva Zlatkovsky, Sadie Zlatkovsky, Maurice Levine, Dave Sosnovsky, Sam Sanderson, S. Sanderson.   </font> -   1906 8 3          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1906-8-3 A. Sosnovsky.pdf"> 1906-8-3 A. Sosnovsky</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1906 Surprise Party. Miss Lilly Blasberg, Mrs. Fostovsky, 302 West Fifth street, J. Lieberman, J. Kohn, L. Cohen, I. L. Levine, L.Shenosky, S. Levine, I. Polinsky, M. Cohen, J. Oreckovsky, K. Sanderson, J.Chessen, T. Nusbaum, A. Sosnovsky, Polinsky, Lieberman, Kassmir, Levine, Shenowky, Blasberg, Conen, Annie Cohen, Eva F. Polinsky, Sadie Fostovsky, Esther Sanderson, Rossie Lieberman, Sophia Kassmir, Eva Polinsky, Florence Levine, Eva Zlatkovsky, Sadie Zlatkovsky, Maurice Levine, Dave Sosnovsky, Sam Sanderson, S. Sanderson.  </font>     1906 8 3    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1906-8-27 New Russian synagogue, Oreckovsky.pdf"> 1906-8-27 New Russian synagogue, Oreckovsky</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1906 Presentation Is Celebrated, Officers of New Russian Jewish Synagogue Are Also Chosen For Year. Rabbi Teplitz, R. Oreckovsky, Paul Cohen, N. Winer, M. L. Back, G. Shapira, Sam Mendelson, I. Cohen, L. Liebermann, J. M. Oreckovsky, Joseph Oreckovsky.  </font> -   1906 8 27          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1906-8-31 Eva and Sadie Zlatkovsky.pdf"> 1906-8-31 Eva and Sadie Zlatkovsky</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1906 Surprise Party. Miss Lilly Blaberg-Cleveland, Mrs. Fosovsky, 302 West Fifth Street,  - J. Liberman, J. Kohn, L. Cohen, I. L. Levine L. Shenowsky, S. Levine, I. Polinsky, M. Cohen, J. Oreckovsky, K. Sanderson, J. Chessen, T. Nusbaum, A. Sosnovsky, Polinsky, Lieberman, Kassmir, Levine, Senowsky, Blasberg, Cohen-Cleveland, Annie Cohen, Eva F. Polinsky, Sadie Fostovsky, Esther Sanderson, ossie Lieberman, Sophia Kassmir, Eva Polinsky, Florence Levine, Eva Zlatkovsky, Sadie Zlatkovsky, Maurice Levine, Dave Sosnovsky, Sam Sanderson and S. Sanderson.   </font>     1906 8 31    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1906-11-11 Lena Karon, Cohen, Edelson, Goldish, Brown, Zalk, Berkowitz, Simon, Slonim.pdf"> 1906-11-11 Lena Karon, Cohen, Edelson, Goldish, Brown, Zalk, Berkowitz, Simon, Slonim</A> -   1906 11 11          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1906-11-11, 3rd col. Lena Karon.pdf"> 1906-11-11 3rd col. Lena Karon</A> - -  </font><font size="1"> Surprise party for Lena Karon, Milavitz, Call, Levin, Simon, Cohen, Edelson, Goldish, Brown, Zalk, Berkowit, Slouim, Karon </font> -   1906 11 11          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1906-11-24 Virginia, Herman Nathanson.pdf"> 1906-11-24 Virginia, Herman Nathanson</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1906 Virginia: Mrs. A. E. Bicford, Julius Shanedling, Louis Cohen,Herman Nathanson, James Lavick.  </font> -   1906 11 24          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1906-12-27 Abe Cohen, Samuel Bloom.pdf"> 1906-12-27 Abe Cohen, Samuel Bloom</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1906 Claims Company Was Negligent. Abe Cohen-18 years old crushed to death, Samuel Bloom, Superior Ship Building company, 11-10-1905 accident.  </font>     1906 12 27    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1907-2-26 Plesantly Surprised, Ethel Kall, A. Averbook.pdf"> 1907-2-26 Plesantly Surprised, Ethel Kall, A. Averbook</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1907 Superior: Pleasantly Surprised, Ethel Kall, Polinsky, Friedman, Sarah Silber, Nellie Polinsky, Cohen, Rocklin, Minnie Kohen, Kassmir, L. Polinsky, Kassmir, L. Polinsky, H. Sanderson, S. Sanders, H. Hall, M. Lieberman, A. Averbook, C. Harris, M. Kaner. </font> -   1907 2 26          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1907-2-27 Annie Marion Sher and David Weinberg wed, Hurvitz.pdf"> 1907-2-27 Annie Marion Sher and David Weinberg wed, Hurvitz</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1907 Annie Marion Sher and David Weinberg wed.   Rabbi Teplitz, Ida Sher, Rose Kenner, Harry Weinberg, Frank Sher, guests: Shapiro, Milevitz, D. Simon, E. Cohen, Lieberman, Sher, Lewis, B. Caren, Sher, Cone, Barney Cone, I. Cone, J. Cone, Bloom, Aarenson, Hurvitz, C. Marcus, Harris, Jennie Markus.  </font> -   1907 2 27          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1907-3-20 Ben Cohen, car accident.pdf"> 1907-3-20 Ben Cohen, car accident</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1907 Eight-Year-Old Boy has Narrow Escape. Ben Cohen, son of A. Cohen, 1932 West Michigan street.   </font>     1907 3 20    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1907-3-27 Mrs. B. J. Cook.pdf"> 1907-3-27 Mrs. B. J. Cook</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1907 Mask Ball By The Sisters Of Israel. Eagles hall, 250 couples, Mr. and Miss Walt, Mr. Aronson of Superior, Mrs. Berkson, H. A. Cohen of Milaca, Joe Swartz, B. J. Cook, Mrs. Hirshfield, Mrs. D. Silk, Harry Silk, M. D. Silk.   </font>     1907 3 27    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1907-5-1 daughter born to Mr. and Mrs. Henry Cohen.pdf"> 1907-5-1 daughter born to Mr. and Mrs. Henry Cohen</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1907 birth of daughter to Mr. and Mrs. Henry Cohen. 271 East Supeior street.  </font>     1907 5 1    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1907-7-17 Fanny Abrahamson.pdf"> 1907-7-17 Fanny Abrahamson</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1907 Bride-Elect Honored. Miss Eva Polinsky, married on the 8th of next month, guest of honor. Mr. and Mrs. Leona Solomon, David Frankfort, J. Oreckovsky, L. Shenowsky, I. Moscovich, A. H. Polinsky, I. Lieberman, J. Cohen, J. Helstein, Mame Weinberg, Dora Polinsky, Sadie Fostof, Frances Light, Fanny Abrahamson (Abramson), Sarah Polinsky, Mrs. M. Weinberg, Robert Rosen-Minneapolis, Louise Meyer-Moline, Harry Weinberg, Morris Nides-Hibbing.  Notes from Jack:  Eva Polinsky I think is who married Morris Nides.  All of the names are Jewish and most I have trees for :);   Leon Solomon (his sister I think was Mrs I B Aarons, mother of Helen Widdes);   David Frankfort married to Sadie Caplow;  J Oreckovsky too many to pick from;  Louis Shenowsky - married to Sadie Cohen (Steve Heifitz tree);  L Moscovich - no match so far;  Albert H Polinsky - married to Sarah Shapiro, parents of Lyle Polinsky;  I Lieberman - no match;  J Cohen - too many;  John Helstein - married to Rose Light on my Abramson tree;  Mamie Weinberg never married;  Dora Polinsky - married to Joseph Wolfe;  Sadie Fostoff - married to Jack Lunche;  Frances Light - married to Edward Pease, on  my Abramson tree;  Fanny Abrahamson - married to Benjamin Lieberman on my tree;  Sarah Polinsky - too many to pick from ;  Mrs. M Weinberg - Mamie's mother;  Robert Rosen - no match;  Louis Meyer - no match;  Harry Weinberg - brother of Mamie;  Morris Nides - groom I think.</font>     1907 7 17    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1907-9-17 Sadie Fostof.pdf"> 1907-9-17 Sadie Fostof</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1907 Bride-Elect Honored. Miss Ev Polinsky, Mr. and Mrs. Leona Solomon, David Frankfort, J. Oreckovsky, L. Shenowsky, L. Moscovich, A. H. Polinsky, I. Lieberman, J. Cohen, J. Helstein, Mame Weinberg, Dora Polinsky, Sadie Fostof, Frances Light, Fanny Abrahamson, Sarah Polinsky, Mrs. M. Weinberg, Robert Rosen of Minneapolis, Louise Meyer of Moline, Harry Weinberg, Morris Nides of Hibbing.   </font>     1907 9 17    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1907-9-30 Julius Cohen, Mrs. Polinsky,Mrs. Stans Jarumusik, kidnaping.pdf"> 1907-9-30 Julius Cohen, Mrs. Polinsky,Mrs. Stans Jarumusik, kidnaping</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1907 Witnesses leave for Minneapolis. Police officials and others summoned to testify in "Bessie" kidnaping case. Julius Cohen, Mrs. Polinsky, Mrs. Stans Jarumusik. </font> -   1907 9 30          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1907-10-18 Lena H. Cohen and David Ostrov ml.pdf"> 1907-10-18 Lena H. Cohen and David Ostrov ml</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1907 David Ostrv and Lena H. Cohen, marriage license.  </font>     1907 10 18    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1908-1-24 Carpenter School grads, Karon, Cohen.pdf"> 1908-1-24 Carpenter School grads, Karon, Cohen</A> -   1908 1 24          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1908-1-24 Lena Cohen.pdf"> 1908-1-24 Lena Cohen</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1908 Young Graduates Are Tendered Reception. Carpenter school, Lena Cohen, Elsie Karon  </font>     1908 1 24    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1908-2-1 son born to Mr. and Mrs. Sam Cohen.pdf"> 1908-2-1 son born to Mr. and Mrs. Sam Cohen</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1908 Birth of son to Sam Cohen, 22 Lake avenue north.   </font>     1908 2 1    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1908-5-2Virginia, Biwabik, J. Mesberg, M. Cohen, accident.pdf"> 1908-5-2 Virginia, Biwabik, J. Mesberg, M. Cohen, accident</A> -   1908 5 2          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1908-6-25 daughter born to Mr. and Mrs. Morris Cohen.pdf"> 1908-6-25 daughter born to Mr. and Mrs. Morris Cohen</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1908 Birth of daughter to Mr. and Mrs. Morris Cohen, 1909 West Michigan street.  </font>     1908 6 25    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1908-7-5 Virginia-Cohen, Cowen, high school.pdf"> 1908-7-5 Virginia-Cohen, Cowen, high school</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1908 Virginia: G. Cohen Mary G. Cowan.  </font> -   1908 7 5          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1908-7-5 Virginia, Minnie G. Cohen high school photo.pdf"> 1908-7-5 Virginia, Minnie G. Cohen high school photo</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> School photo from Duluth or other Minnesota towns  </font>     1908 7 5    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1908-9-23 Robert Marcuse obit..pdf"> 1908-9-23 Robert Marcuse obit.</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1908 Robert Marcuse Dies At Rochester, Minn. 50 years old, 321 Tenth avenue East, M. Albemberg, M. Wetzel, J. D. Zien, C. D. Jacobs, Nat Gidding, David Cone (Cohen) pallbearers, obit.   </font>     1908 9 23    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1908-10-18 Henry Cohen baptized Jew.pdf"> 1908-10-18 Henry Cohen baptized Jew</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1908 Henry Cohen, young Jew baptized  </font> -   1908 10 18          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1908-11-29 Julius Cohen.pdf"> 1908-11-29 Julius Cohen</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1908 Funeral Today for Mrs. Adam Turvey Sikoroski, pallbearer Julius Cohen.  </font>     1908 11 29    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1908-12-20 Virginia, Samuel L. Cohen music.pdf"> 1908-12-20 Virginia, Samuel L. Cohen music</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1908 Closing Exercises Of Virginia Schools, Samuel L. Cohen, Joseph Lippman, Morris Friedman  </font> -   1908 12 20          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1909-1-3 Eva Sosnovsky.pdf"> 1909-1-3 Eva Sosnovsky</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1909 Miss Lena Azine, 311 East First St., Esther Shapira, Sarah D. Salnovitz, Ada Cohen, Edith Azine, Bessie Canfield, Sarah Casmir, Rose Silk, Lena Finkelstein, Sophie Caplov, Fannie Altman, Eva Oreckovsky, Bessie Rocklin, Minnie Light, Eva Sosnovsky, Emily Nusbaum, P. Averbrook, Irwin Oreck, B. Azine, Louis Goldsberg, Samuel Cohen, Charles Harris, S. Fieldman, Sam Abrahamson, B. Stern, Charles Nattelson.   </font>     1909 1 3    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1909-1-6 Mary Oreckovsky and William C. Oxman wed.pdf"> 1909-1-6 Mary Oreckovsky and William C. Oxman wed</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1909 Oreckovsky-Oxman Wedding At Synagogue.Mary Oreckovsky and William C. Oxman, Joseph Oreckovsky, Anna Stone, Esther Shapiro, Dora Confeld, Sarah Oreck, Sadie Rocklin, Abraham Oreckovsky, Isadore Cohen, Lewis Zarovsky, Lewis Helperin, Meyer Parker, J. Stone, William Stone, M. Oxman, Dan Fink, G. Oreck, J. Orenstein, W. Wiseman, A. Zeckman, E. Confeld, J. Confeld.  </font> -   1909 1 6          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1909-1-10 Mary Oreckovsky and William C. Oxman marriage col. 4.pdf"> 1909-1-10 Mary Oreckovsky and William C. Oxman marriage col. 4</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1909 Mary Oreckovsky and William C. Oxman, Joseph Oreckovsky, Rabbi Kissen, Anna Stone, Esther Shapiro, Dora Confeld, Sarah Oreck, Sadie Rocklin, Abraham Oreckovsky, Isadore Cohen, Lewis Zurovsky, Kewis Helperin, Meyer Packer, J. Stone, William Stone, M. Oxman, Dan Fink, G. Oreck, J. Orenstein, W. Wiseman, Zeckman, E. Confeld, J. Confeld.  </font> -   1909 1 10          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1909-1-27 Weinstein and Simon wed.pdf"> 1909-1-27 Weinstein and Simon wed</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1909 Wedding Is Most Elaborate Event. Reception and Sumptuous Feast Follow Simon-Weinstein Marriage Ceremony. Sarah Vivian Simon and Harold Weinstein-Coleraine, 406 East Fifth street, 500 guests, synagogue, corner of Third avenue east and Third street. Sadie Berkson, Bessie Cowl-Minneapolis, Gustie Simon-Gilbert, Sarah Marcus-Minneapolis, Rose Witz-Duluth, Louis Helperin, Al Lieberman-Bovey, amuel Altman-Chisholm, Isadore Cohen-Chisholm, Robert Simon-Gilbert, Robert Frank, Florence Simon. Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Weinstein-Bovey, Rabbi Tetlitz, Rabbi Kissan. William Abrahamson, Milton Kraus-Chicago, W. L. Millar, Wolf Simon, M. S. Cook, Nathan Kraus-Chicago, Mr. and Mrs. M. Simon-St. Paul, Alice Fegelson-St. Paul, Mrs. S. Orenstein-St. Paul, Marcia Harris-St. Paul, Mrs. Samuel Pavian-St. Paul, Mrs. William Orenstein-Houghton, Mich. Mrs. S. Frank-South Bend, Ind. Mr. and Mrs. D. Simon, Mr. and Mrs. I. Simon-Gilbert, E. J. Sloan-Bessemer, Mich., Dora Canfield-Minneapolis, Sarah Ripstein-Winnipeg.    (Big wedding for its time and lots of guests from out of town.)  </font>     1909 1 27    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1909-3-4 son born to Mr. an Mrs. Esick Cohen.pdf"> 1909-3-4 son born to Mr. an Mrs. Esick Cohen</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1909 Birth of son to Mr. and Mrs. Esick Cohen, 316 East Fifth street.   </font>     1909 3 4    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1909-6-30 Sadie Fostof.pdf"> 1909-6-30 Sadie Fostof</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1909 Farewell Party. Mrs. J. Fostoff, 820 East Fifth Street, in honor of Mrs. M. Caplov, Mr. and Mrs. B. Frankford, Mr. and Mrs. R. Lieberman, Mr. and Mrs. C. Kassmir, Mrs. L. Shenowsky, Mr. and Mrs. Levine, Mr. and Mrs. L. Polinsky, Mr. and Mrs. M. Levine, Mr. and Mrs. M. Cohen, Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Kolenisky, Mr. and Mrs. Oreckovsky, Mr. and Mrs. Gitkin, Mr. and Mrs. Kerness, Mr. and Mrs. L. Levine, Mr. and Mrs. S. Shesossky, Miss Ida Weiner of Chicago, Polly Sweetman of St. Cloud, Belle Polinsky, Esther Kerness, Clara Shore, Sadie Shore, Lillie Cassmir, Annie Cohen, Rosie Cohen, Sadie Fostoff, Florence Levine.   </font>     1909 6 30    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1909-8-24 Morris Cohen obit., age 6 months.pdf"> 1909-8-24 Morris Cohen obit., age 6 months</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1909 Morris Cohen, age 6 months, 316 East Fifth street, Aug. 19, obit.   </font>     1909 8 24    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1909-9-29 Eva Sosnovsky.pdf"> 1909-9-29 Eva Sosnovsky</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1909 Surprised By Friends, Miss Lena Azine, 311 East First street, Miss Esther Shapira, Sarah D. Salnovitz, Ada Cohen, Edith Azine, Bessie Canfield, Sarah Casmir, Rose Sha? Lena Finkelstein, Sophie Caplov, Fannie Altman, Eva Oreckovsky, Bessie Rocklin, Minnie Light, Eva Sosnovsky, Emil Nusbaum, Lyle Oreck, P. Averbrook, Irwin Oreck, B. Azine, Louis Goldsberg, Samuel Cohen, Charles Harris, S. Fieldman, Sam Abrahamson, B. Stern, Charles Nattleson  </font>     1909 9 29    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1909-10-3 Eva Sosnovsky.pdf"> 1909-10-3 Eva Sosnovsky</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1909 Lena Azine, 311 East First street, Esther Shapira, Sarah D. Salnovitz, Ada Cohen, Edith Azine, Bessie Canfield, Sarah Casmir, Rose Silk, Lena Finkelstein, Sophie Caplov, Fannie Altman, Eva Oreckovsky, Bessie Rocklin, Minnie Light, Eva Sosnovsky, Emil Nusbaum, P. Averbrook, Irwin Oreck, B. Azine, Louis Goldsberg, Samuel Cohen Charles Harris, S. Fieldman, Sam Abrahamson, B. Stern, Charles Nattleson.   </font>     1909 10 3    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1909-10-17 card party, Arnovich, Pomush, Sher, Reveolsky, Oreksky, Bulby, Cohen.pdf"> 1909-10-17 card party</A> - -   Holds Card Party, Jennie Arnovitch, Shapiro, Bubly, Pomush, Jaffe, Cohen, Sher, Oreksky , Reveolsky -   1909 10 17          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1909-12-30 Brith Abraham, Holzberg.pdf"> 1909-12-30 Brith Abraham, Holzberg</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1909 A. Holzberg At Head of Brith Abraham Lodge. A. Holzberg, Isadore Cohen, Jacob Harris, Louis Lasky. </font> -   1909 12 30          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1909-12-30 Brith Abraham, Holzberg, Isadore Cohen, Jaco Harri, Louis Lasky.pdf"> 1909-12-30 Brith Abraham, Holzberg, Isadore Cohen, Jaco Harri, Louis Lasky</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1909 A. Holzbeg At head Of Brith Abraham Lodge. A. Holzberg elected president, Isadore Cohen, Jacob Harris, Louis Lasky.  </font>     1909 12 30    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1910-1-5 Mae Siegel and Cassel Marcus wed, Jennie Aronsohn.pdf"> 1910-1-5 Mae Siegel and Cassel Marcus wed, Jennie Aronsohn</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1910 Siegel-Marcus. Miss Mae Siegel and Cassel Marcus-Farog, N. . wed. Rabbi Kissam, Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Siegel, 609 East First street, Miss Rose Cohen-Superior, Miss Sara Hurvick, Julius Siegel, Julius Cohen-Superior, Pearl Siege, Leslie Hurvick, Mr. and Mrs. I. Cohen and daughters-Hibbing, Mrs. Marie Kosing, Miss Natalle Kosing, Miss Etta Kosing=Minneapols, Mrs. Franklin-New York, Miss Jennie Aronsohn-St. Paul, Miss Celia Sloane-Hurley, Wis., Miss Rora Levitz, Jake Levitz, Alexander Rosenbloom-Fargo, N. D.  </font>     1910 1 5    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1910-1-5 Mae Siegel and Cassel Marcus wed, Jennie Aronsohn.pdf"> 1910-1-5 Mae Siegel and Cassel Marcus wed, Jennie Aronsohn</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1910 Mae Siegel and Cassel Marcus wed. Mr. and Mrs. F. D. Siegel, Rabbi Kissam, Rose Cohen, Sara Hurvick, Julius Siegel, Julius Cohen, Pearl Siegel, Leslie Hurvick, Mr. and Mrs. I. Cohen, Mari Kosig, Natalie Kosing, Etta Kosing, Mrs. Franklin, Jennie Aronsohn, Celia Sloane, Rora Levitz, Jake Levitz, Alexander Rosenbloom.  </font>     1910 1 5    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1910 2-8 Biwabik, Gilbert merchant, Jacob Weiner and Mary Balavan wed.pdf"> 1910 2-8 Biwabik, Gilbert merchant, Jacob Weiner and Mary Balavan wed</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1910 Gilbert Merchant Weds. Biwabik, Jacob Weiner, Miss Mary Balavan, Max Cohen, Rabbi Rubenstein.  </font> -   1910 2 8          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1910 2-8 Biwabik, Gilbert merchant, Jacob Weiner and Mary Balavan wed.pdf"> 1910 2-8 Biwabik, Gilbert merchant, Jacob Weiner and Mary Balavan wed</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1910 Biwabik: Gilbert Merchant Weds. Jacob Weiner and Mary Balavan-Chicago, Max Cohen, Rabbi Rubenstein-Eveleth  </font> -   1910 2 8          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1910-2-24 Louis Cohen grocery store fire.pdf"> 1910-2-24 Louis Cohen grocery store fire</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1909 Grocery Store Burned; Residence Is Damaged. Louis Cohen, 911 East Third street, grocery store.  </font>     1910 2 24    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1910-3-11 Solomon Kaner obit..pdf"> 1910-3-11 Solomon Kaner obit.</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1910 Solomon Kaner Is Dead At His Home. Leader for Many years Among Jewish-Americans Here Succumbs to Pneumonia. 213 John avenue. Mrs. L. Revelsky-Buhl, Mrs. B. Cohen-Stevenson, Mrs. E. Kenner-Duluth, Mrs. B. Karon, Mrs. J. Chucker, Miss Evelyn, Benjamin Kaner, S Kaner, E. Kaner, and J.Kaner. Rabbi Teplitz, Rabbi Trembladt, obit.  </font>     1910 3 11    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1910-4-24 Rose Cohen - cropped.jpg"> 1910-4-24 Rose Cohen - cropped</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1910 Miss Rose Cohen, Broadway street, attended wedding of brother Isadore Cohen in Minneapolis.   </font>     1910 4 24    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1910-4-24 Rose Cohen.pdf"> 1910-4-24 Rose Cohen</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1910 Miss Rose Cohen, Broadway street, attended wedding of brother Isadore Cohen in Minneapolis.   </font>     1910 4 24    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1910-8-10 daughter to Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Cohen.pdf"> 1910-8-10 daughter to Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Cohen</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1910 Birth of daughter to Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Cohen, 316 East Fifth street.  </font>     1910 8 10    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1910-9-28 Virginia, Mary Mesberg, Harry Cohen, engagement.pdf"> 1910-9-28 Virginia, Mary Mesberg, Harry Cohen, engagement</A> -   1910 9 28          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1910-10-26 Sam Cohen and Minnie Rigler, ml..pdf"> 1910-10-26 Sam Cohen and Minnie Rigler, ml.</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1910 Sam Cohen and Minnie Rigler, marriage icense.  </font>     1910 10 26    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1910-10-27 Kosing and Isadore D. Cohen.pdf"> 1910-10-27 Kosing and Isadore D. Cohen</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1910 Mrs. Carrie Kosing of Minneapolis visiting her daughter Mrs. Isadore D. Cohen of 1523 Broadway.   </font>     1910 10 27    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1910-12-20 A. Holzberg Hebrew cemetery association.pdf"> 1910-12-20 A. Holzberg Hebrew cemetery association</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1910 Holzberg Reelected. Presiden A. Holzberg, Hebrew Cemetery association. I. Cohen, Ray Edelstein.  </font>     1910 12 20    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1910-12-25 Lillian Cohen and Harry Moskel ml..pdf"> 1910-12-25 Lillian Cohen and Harry Moskel ml.</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1910 Lillian Cohen and Harry Moskel marriage license.  </font>     1910 12 25    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1911-1-10 Max Stern cemetery.pdf"> 1911-1-10 Max Stern cemetery</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1911 Funeral Yesterday For Late Max Stern, Reformed Jewish cemstery, parents Mr. and Mrs. Louis Stern, 1420 Broadwaystreet, Dr. Lefkowitz, pallbearers Arthur Abraham, Don McGraw, Sam Cohen, Carl Hanton, Isadore Cohen, Will C. Johnson, obit.  </font>     1911 1 10    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1911-1-12 Knights of Pythias, Cohen.pdf"> 1911-1-12 Knights of Pythias, Cohen</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1911 Knights Of Pythias To Install Wednesday. A. B. Cook, Isadore Cook, Dr. F. W. Gordon.   </font>     1911 1 12    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1911-1-19 Cohen Knights of Pythias.pdf"> 1911-1-19 Cohen Knights of Pythias</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1911 Lafferty Made District Deputy. Will Represent Grand Chancellor of Knights of Pythias-Nemadji Lodge Installs. A. B. Cook, Isadore Cohen, Dr. F. W. Gordon.  </font>     1911 1 19    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1911-2-3 daughter born to Mrs. and Mrs. Isadore D. Cohen.pdf"> 1911-2-3 daughter born to Mrs. and Mrs. Isadore D. Cohen</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1911 Daughter born to Mr. and Mrs. Isdore D. Cohen, 1522 Broadway street.   </font>     1911 2 3    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1911-3-6 Mrs. Samuel Kaner.pdf"> 1911-3-6 Mrs. Samuel Kaner</A> - -  </font><font size="1"> Marriage Engagement Announced At Party, Mrs. Samuel Kaner-host, H. Friedman, Julia D. Cohen, many guests  </font> -   1911 3 6          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1911-3-6 H. Friedman and Juia D. Cohen eng..pdf"> 1911-3-6 H. Friedman and Juia D. Cohen eng.</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1911 Marriage Engagement Announced At Party. Mrs. Samuel Kaner, 1612 Third street, H. Friedman-Superior to Julia D. Cohen-Duluth. Mr. and Mrs. H. Cohen, Mr. and Mrs. J. Scneider, Mr. and Mrs. H. Schneider, L. Fridman, Mrs. N. Friedman-Duluth, Mr. and Mrs. A. Schneider. Mr. and Mrs Samuel Kaner, Mr. and Mrs. B. Kaner, Mr. S. Kaner, Miss Etta Friedman-Superior, Mrs. J. Shere (Sher?)-Eckley, Sarah Shere-New York City.  </font>     1911 3 6    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1911-4-6 Nathan Cook orator.pdf"> 1911-4-6 Nathan Cook orator</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1911 Young Orators and Declaimers to Hold Preliminary Contests Tonight and Tomorrow. Central high school, Nathan Cook, Nathan Cohen.  </font>     1911 4 6    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1911-4-11 J. B. and H. Cohen.pdf"> 1911-4-11 J. B. and H. Cohen</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1911 Miss Sarah Sheare, 608 West Second street, engaged.Mrs. J. B. Cohen, Mrs. H. Cohen, Eva Sosnosky, Edith Azine, Esther Sosnosky.  </font>     1911 4 11    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1911-5-11 Samuel L. Cohen, found check.pdf"> 1911-5-11 Samuel L. Cohen, found check</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1911 Detective Finds Check. Samuel L. Cohen  </font> -   1911 5 11          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1911-5-23 Cohen, recital.pdf"> 1911-5-23 Cohen, recital</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1911 Students to Give Recital. Williams' Violin school, S Singer, J. Silver, Fnkelstein, S. Cohen, M. Greene, Isadore Prie, T. Weinstein, J. Landahl.  </font>     1911 5 23    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1911-5-26 son born to Mr. and Mrs. Morris Cohen.pdf"> 1911-5-26 son born to Mr. and Mrs. Morris Cohen</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1911 son born to Mr. and Mrs. Morris Cohen, 2018 West Second street.  </font>     1911 5 26    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1911-7-8 Miss Rose Cohen entertaining.pdf"> 1911-7-8 Miss Rose Cohen entertaining</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1911 Mr. and Mrs. Lee Abraham, Sixteenth street, entertaining their daughter Mrs. H. Fleissner-St. Paul.  </font>     1911 7 8    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1911-7-8 Mr. and Mrs. Abraham Lee.pdf"> 1911-7-8 Mr. and Mrs. Abraham Lee</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1911 Miss Rose Cohen, 1424 Broadway, is entertaining Miss Della Blumenthal of St. Paul.   </font>     1911 7 8    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1911-9-6 Polinsky-Wolfe wedding 20000.jpg"> 1911-9-6 Polinsky-Wolfe wedding</A>  - - </font><font size="1"> 1911 Dorothy Polinsky and Joseph Wolfe wed, Rev. Teplitz,  Wedding Occurs At Synagogue, Dolly Polinsky, Florence Levine, Sadie Fostof, David Weinberg, Leo Troup, Roy Levine, Stern, Bert Stern, Jacob Cohen.  </font> -   1911 9 6          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1911-9-6 Polinsky-Wolfe wed,Cohen.pdf"> 1911-9-6 Polinsky-Wolfe wed,Cohen</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1911 Polinsky-Wolfe Wedding Ocurs At Synagogue,323 East Fifth street, Dorothy Polinsky and Joseph Wolfe, Mr. and Mrs. L. Polinsky, 1124 East Sixth street, Rabbi Kissin, Rev. Teplitz, Dolly Polinsky, Florence Levine,  Sadie Fostof, David Weinberg-Eveleth, Leo Troup-Virginia, Roy Levine, Stern, Bert Stern, Jacob Cohen  </font>     1911 9 6    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1911-9-6 Polinsky, Wolfe, Fostof.pdf"> 1911-9-6 Polinsky, Wolfe, Fostof</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1911 Polinsky-Wolfe Wedding Occurs At Synagogue. 322 East Fifth street, Dorothy Polinsky, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. L. Polinsky, 1124 East Sixth street, weds Joseph Wolfe. Rabbi Kissin, Rev. Teplitz, Dolly Polinsky, Florence Levine, Sadie Fostoff, David Weinberg of Eveleth, Leo Troup of Virginia, Roy Levine, Bert Stern Jacob Cohen, Masonic Temple.  </font>     1911 9 6    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1911-9-7 Herman Cohen and F. Solovsky ml..pdf"> 1911-9-7 Herman Cohen and F. Solovsky ml.</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1911 Herman Cohen an F. Solovsky, marriage license.  </font>     1911 9 7    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1911-9-11 Joseph Fostoff.pdf"> 1911-9-11 Joseph Fostoff</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1911 Mr. and Mrs. Cohen Give Party For Mrs. Lavick. Mr. and Mrs. L. Cohen, 911 East Third street, Mrs. B. Lavick, daughter Anna Lavick of Chicago., Mrs. J. Lieberman, Mrs. S. Caplov, E. Sosnovsky, M. Caplov, M. Shore, B. Lavick, I. L. Lavine, J. Fostoff, J. Lieberman, A. Stern, J. Wolfe, J. A. Kohn, S. Kassmir, M. Cohen, D. Frankfort, M. Steiner, L. Shenowsky, Popkin, M. Levine, Sophie Caplov, Dollie Polinsky, Rose Cohen, Eva Cohen, Anna lavick, M. Cohen, L. Cohen, M. Shore, J. L. Lavine K. Kohn, M. Wolfe  </font>     1911 9 11    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1911-9-17 E. Sosnovsky.pdf"> 1911-9-17 E. Sosnovsky</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1911 Mr. and Mrs. L. Cohen, 911 East Third street entertained. Mrs. B. Lavick and daughter, Miss Anna Lavick-Chicago, Mrs. J. Leiberman, Mrs. S. Caplov, E. (Esther) Sosnovsky, M. Caplov, M. Shore, B. Lavick, I. L. Lavine, J. Fostoff, J. Leiberman, A. Stern, J. Wolfe, J. A. Kohn, S. Kassmir, M. Cohen, D. Frankfort, M. Steiner, L. Shenowsky, Popkin, M. Levine, Miss Sophie Caplov, Dollie Polinsky, Rose Cohen, Eva Cohen, Anna Lavick, Mr. M. Cohen, L. Cohen, M. Shore, J. L. Levine, J. Kohn, M. Wolfe.   </font>     1911 9 17    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1911-9-29 Rose Cohen and Julius Bernstein eng..pdf"> 1911-9-29 Rose Cohen and Julius Bernstein eng.</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1911 Rose Cohen and Julius Bernstein-Chisholm, engaged. 911 East Third street, Mr. and Mrs. L. Cohen.  </font>     1911 9 29    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1911-10-7 Virginia, Samuel Cohen, football.pdf"> 1911-10-7 Virginia, Samuel Cohen, football</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1911 Football Season Opens Today At Virginia. Samuel Cohen  </font> -   1911 10 7          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1912-1-21 Mrs. Cook, Polinsky, Alibi.pdf"> 1912-1-21 Mrs. Cook, Polinsky, Alibi</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1912 Polinsky Aims To Build Alibi, jury in Federal Court hears testimony of Mrs. Sarah Cook, the prisoner's grandmother. Minnie Palmquist also takes the stand. Judge Morris will charge the twelve tomorrow in counterfeiting case. Sam Polinsky, passing counterfeit coins to Mrs. H. Cohen.  </font> -   1912 1 21          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1912-4-7 Class of 1912 Boys Weinberg, Cohen.pdf"> 1912-4-7 Class of 1912 Boys Weinberg, Cohen</A>   - -  </font><font size="1"> School photo from Duluth or other Minnesota towns  </font>     1912 4 7    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1912--4-10 Joseph Sosnovsky.pdf"> 1912--4-10 Joseph Sosnovsky</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1912 Miss Raphel Goldstein, 817 Fourth avenue East, Mr. and Mrs. Goldstein, Mr. and Mrs. Stein, Mr. and Mrs. S. Litman, Mr. and Mrs. S. Shusterman, Mr. and Mrs. J. Shusterman, Mrs. G. Sosnovsky, Eva Stein, Ida Stein, Sarah Shusterman, Lena Ostrov, Lena Kerness, Anna Litman, Rose Litman, Celia Singer, Rose Kapustin, Edith Shapiro, Mary Siden, Sophie Shapiro, Pearl Cohen, Lena Stein, Gertrude Cohen, Sarah Goldstein, Hannah Kaner, Helen Goldman, Frank Weber, Nathan Love, Himan Stein, Joe Litman, Morris Litman, Ben Goldstein, J. Vronsky, Michael Stein, Benjamin Litman, Mitchell Ostrov, A. Shusterman.   </font>     1912 4 10    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1912-5-13 son born to Mr. and Mrs. Philip Cohen.pdf"> 1912-5-13 son born to Mr. and Mrs. Philip Cohen</A>  - -  </font><font size="1">  1912 Son born to Mr. and Mrs. Phillip Cohen, 1231 Seventh street.   </font>     1912 5 13    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1912-6-2 Dora Witz, cards.pdf"> 1912-6-2 Dora Witz, cards</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1912 Card party in honor of Mrs. F. Kahan, D. Silverman, M. Finklestein - - guests:  H. Finklestein, Tillie Berkson, Jennie Witz, H. Silk, H. Bennett, J. Bennett, S. Altman, Rosenberg, Rifkin, Berg, Berkson, Fostoff, Silverman, M. Cohen, Mrs. Altman, M. Zalk, M. Casmir, L. Fix, S. Casmir, Teplitz, G. Harris, W. Simon, M. Caplow, F. Kahan, Della Fox, Dora Witz, Fanny Altman, Eva Zalk, Jennie Witz, Sadie Berkson, Ida Berkson, Cohen, Sarah Fostoff</font> -   1912 6 2          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1912-6-2 Virginia, Samuel Cohen, high school graduating class.pdf"> 1912-6-2 Virginia, Samuel Cohen, high school graduating class</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1912 Virginia Turns Out 27 Grads. Largest Range High School Class Will Receive Diplomas June 12. Samuel L. Cohen  </font> -   1912 6 2          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1912-6-2 Mrs. J. Fostoff.pdf"> 1912-6-2 Mrs. J. Fostoff</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1912 Mrs. F. Kahan, Mrs. D. Silverman of Pittsburgh, guests of honor. Mrs. M. Finklestein, Mrs. H. Finklestein, Tillie Berkson, Jennie Witz, Mrs. H. Silk, Mrs. H. Bennett, Mrs. J. Bennett, Mrs. S. Altman, Mrs. Rosenberg, Mrs. Rifkin, Mrs. F. Berg, Mrs. J. Berkson, Mrs. J. Fostoff, Mrs. D. Silverman, Mrs. M. Cohen, Mrs. Altman, Mrs. M. Zalk, Mrs. M. Casmir, Mrs. L. Fix, Mrs. S. Casmir, Mrs. Teplitz, Mrs. G. Harris, Mrs. W. Simon, Mrs. M. Caplow, Mrs. F. Kahan, Della Fox, Dora Witz, Fanny Altman, Eva Zalk, Jennie Witz, Sadie Berkson, Ida Berkson, Cohen, Sarah Fostoff, Mrs. Kahan and Mrs. Silverman left for Europe.   </font>     1912 6 2    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1912-6-12 Jacob Cohen.pdf"> 1912-6-12 Jacob Cohen</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1912 Pleads Guilty to Trespass. Jacob Cohen.  </font>     1912 6 12    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1912-6-16 Ida Stein, Morris Litman.pdf"> 1912-6-16 Ida Stein, Morris Litman</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1912 Same clipping, 5th col.:  Ida Stein, surprise party, Eva Stein, Rachel Goldstein, Helen Goldman, Louise Polinsky, Eva Andovsky, Mary Siden, Pearl Cohen, Gertrude Cohen, Sophie Shapiro, Rose Kapustin, Lena Ostrov, Kate Barrish, Edith Shapiro, Hiram Stein, Mike Stein, Joe Letman (Litman?) Morris Litman, Ben Litman, Nathan Love, Many Levine, Isadore Shapiro, Solomon Urowsky, Frank Webber.  </font> -   1912 6 16          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1912-7-7 Rose Litman.pdf"> 1912-7-7 Rose Litman</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1912 Raphel Goldstein, surprise party, 817 Fourth avenue East, Mr. and Mrs. Goldstein, Mr. and Mrs. Stein, Mr. and Mrs. S. Litman, Mr. and Mrs. S. Shusterman, Mr. and Mrs. J. Shusterman Mrs. G. Sosnovsky, Eva Stein, Ida Stein, Sarah Shusterman, Lena Ostrov, Lena Kerness, Anna Litman, Rose Litman, Celia Singer, Rose Kapustin, Edith Shapiro, Mary Siden, Sophie Shapiro, Perl Cohen, Lena Stein, Gertrude Cohen, Sarah Goldstein, Hannah Kaner, Helen Goldman, Frank Weber, Nathan Love, Himan Stein, Joe Litman, Morris Litman, Ben Goldstein, J. Vronsky, Michael Stein, Benjamin Litman, Mitchell Ostrov, and A. Shusterman  </font> -   1912 7 7          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1912-7-7 Lena Cohen.pdf"> 1912-7-7 Lena Cohen</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1912 3rd col., Miss Raphel Goldstein, surprise party, 817 Fourth avenue East, Mr. and Mrs. Goldstein, Mr. and Mrs. Stein, Mr. and Mrs. S. Litman, Mr. and Mrs. S. Shusterman, Mr. and Mrs. J. Shusterman, Mrs. G. Sosnovsky, Eva Stein, Ida Stein, Sarah Shusterman, Lena Ostrov, Lena Kerness, Anna Litman, Rose Litman, Celia Singer, Roe Kapustin Edith Shapiro, Mary Siden, Sophie Shapiro, Perl Cohen, Lena Stein, Gertrude Cohen, Sarah Goldstein, Hannah Kaner, Helen Goldman, Frank Weber, Nathan Love, Himan Stein, Joe Litman, Morris Litman, Ben Goldstein, J. A. Shusterman.  </font>     1912 7 7    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1912-7-23 Annie Litman guest.pdf"> 1912-7-23 Annie Litman guest</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1912 Birthday Surprise Party. Dora Sosnovsky, 528 West Fourth Street, Lily Cohen, Pearl Waller, Annie Litman, Rosaline Labovitz, Bessie Albert, Elizabeth Cohen, Bessie Plotkin, Henry Sosnovsky, Morris Labovitz.  </font> -   1912 7 23          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1912-7-23 Pearl Waller party.pdf"> 1912-7-23 Pearl Waller party</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1912 Birthday Surprise party. Miss Dora Sosnovsky, 528 West Fourth street, Miss Lily Cohen, Pearl Waller, Annie Litman, Rosaline Labovitz, Bessie Alpert, Elizbeth Cohen, Bessie Plotkin, Henry Sosnovsky, Morris Labovitz.  </font>     1912 7 23    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1912-7-23 Dora Sosnovsky.pdf"> 1912-7-23 Dora Sosnovsky</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1912 Birthday Surprise Party, Miss Dora Sosnovsky, 528 West Fourth street, Miss Lily Cohen, Pearl Waller, Annie Litman, rosaline Labovitz, Bessie Alpert, Elizbeth Cohen, Bessie Pltokin, Henry Sosnovsky, Morris Labovitz.  </font>     1912 7 23    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1912-7-30 Abe Salnovitz, Passe Temps Klub.pdf"> 1912-7-30 Passe Temps Klub</A> - -  </font><font size="1"> Passe Temps Entertains, Abe Shapiro, Miller, Salnovitz, Popkin, Sosnovsky, Joseph, Rachlin, Oreck, Miller, Zurovsky, Cohen</font> -   1912 7 30          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1912-8-27 Palpa Cohen and Bertha Gordon ml..pdf"> 1912-8-27 Palpa Cohen and Bertha Gordon ml.</A>   - -  </font><font size="1"> 1912 Superior: Palpa ? Cohen and Bertha Gordon, marriage license.  </font>     1912 8 27    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1912-8-31 Virginia, Samuel L. Cohen.pdf"> 1912-8-31 Virginia, Samuel L. Cohen</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1912 Virginia Students Who Will Go Away to School. Samuel L. Cohen, Bliss gold medal, Michigan state university.  </font> -   1912 8 31          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1912-9-18 Leah Kenigsberg.pdf"> 1912-9-18 Leah Kenigsberg</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1912 40 Central High Students On Honor Roll For Month. Report Cards for December Show 72 Graded on "B" List. Leah Kenigsberg, Abraham Lewenstein, Florence Simon, Robert Karon, Ida Azine, Mary Cohen, Lillian Isaacson    </font> -   1912 9 18          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1912-10-9 Rose Bloom obit..pdf"> 1912-10-9 Rose Bloom obit.</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1912 Funeral Yesterday For Late Mrs. Rose Bloom, obituary, Mrs. J. Weingarten, Sam Bloom, Fremeta, Mr. and Mrs. M. Hellerman, Mrs. A. Cohen, Mrs. N. Hyman, Mary Hellerman, Sarah Hellerman, Harry Hellerman.  </font> -   1912 10 9          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1912-10-9 Rose Bloom obit..pdf"> 1912-10-9 Rose Bloom obit.</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1912 Funeral Yesterday For Late Mrs. Rose Bloom. 31 years old, Mrs. J. Weingarten, 1620 Ogden avenue. Sam Bloom, Fremeta, Mr. and Mrs. M. Hellerman, Mrs. J. Weingarten, Mrs. A. Cohen, Mrs. N. Hyman, Mary Hellerman, Sarah Hellerman, Harry Hellerman.   </font> -   1912 10 9          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1912-10-9 Mrs. Rose Bloom obit..pdf"> 1912-10-9 Mrs. Rose Bloom obit.</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1912 Funeral Yesterday For Late Mrs. Rose Bloom, 31 years old, sister Mrs. J. Weingarten, 1620 Ogden avenue, husand Sam Bloom, 7 year old daughter Fremeta, father and mother Mr. and Mrs. M. Hellerman of New York City, five sisters, Mrs. J. Weingarten, Mrs. A. Cohen-Duluth, Mrs. N. Hyman-Jersey City, N. J.. Mary and Sarah Hellerman-NYC, Harry Hellerman, brother-NYC.  </font>     1912 10 9    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1912-12-8  son born to Morris Cohen.pdf"> 1912-12-8  son born to Morris Cohen</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1912 Son born to Mr. and Mrs. Morris Cohen, 2018 West Second street.  </font>     1912 12 8    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1912-12-25 Lillian Cohen and Harry Moskel ml.pdf"> 1912-12-25 Lillian Cohen and Harry Moskel ml</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1912 Lillian Cohen and Harry Moskel, marriage license.  </font>     1912 12 25    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1912-12-31 Gilbert, allumni, Medalie, Abraham Cohen, Minnie Gordon.pdf"> 1912-12-31 Gilbert, allumni, Medalie, Abraham Cohen, Minnie Gordon</A> -   1912 12 31          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1913-1-10 Karon, Cohen, Myers.pdf"> 1913-1-10 Karon, Cohen, Myers</A>  -   1913 1 10          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1913-1-24 Samuel Cohen, birth of son.pdf"> 1913-1-24 Samuel Cohen, birth of son</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1913 Births, son, Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Cohen 328 East Eighth street, Jan. 21.  </font> -   1913 1 24          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1913-1-24 ag  son born to Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Cohen.pdf"> 1913-1-24 ag  son born to Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Cohen</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1913 Son born to Mr. an Mrs. Samuel Cohen, 328 East Eighth street.  </font>     1913 1 24    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1913-2-24 Superior-co-op farm.pdf"> 1913-2-24 Superior-co-op farm</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1913 Hebrews Will Have Big Farm. Cooperative Association Formed to Cut Down High Cost of Living. Propose to Purchase Tract of 1,000 Acres. Merchants of Duluth, Hibbing and St. Paul Subscribe Stock for Venture. Hebrew colony, Duluth Hebrew Cooperative Farmers association. M. Viener, A. Y. Litman, M. B. Abrahamson, H. Stein, H. Lippman, M. Sosnovsky, R. Cohen, Sam Stein, S. Shusterman, Rivkin.  </font> -   1913 2 24          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1913-3-24 Virginia, Order of the Moose, Louis Cohen, Golden.pdf"> 1913-3-24 Virginia, Order of the Moose, Louis Cohen, Golden</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1913 Virginia: The Loyal Order of Moose, Louis Cohen, Dr.C. M. Golden.  </font>     1913 3 24    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1913-3-27 Samuel Cohen,dance, Great Northern Athletic Club .pdf"> 1913-3-27 Samuel Cohen,dance, Great Northern Athletic Club </A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1913 Last Dance Of Series Tonight. Great Northern Athletic Club Members Have Made Elaborate Preparations. Samuel Cohen.  </font> -   1913 3 27          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1913-6-14  Virginia, Minnie Cohen and Edward Eitzel wed.pdf"> 1913-6-14  Virginia, Minnie Cohen and Edward Eitzel wed</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1913 Virginia: Minnie Cohen and Edward Eitzel-wedding announced. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Louis Cohen.  </font>     1913 6 14    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1913-7-2 Shachua Cohen obit..pdf"> 1913-7-2 Shachua Cohen obit.</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1913 Shachua Cohen, 68, 28 East Fourth street, June 28.  </font>     1913 7 2    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1913-8-28 Isaac Greenberg and Rebecca Cohen ml..pdf"> 1913-8-28 Isaac Greenberg and Rebecca Cohen ml.</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1913 Isaac Greenberg from Winnepeg, Canada and Rebecca Cohen, marriage license.  </font>     1913 8 28    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1913-11-2 c David Oreckovsky, Halloween party with Mayor Prince.pdf"> 1913-11-2 c David Oreckovsky, Halloween party with Mayor Prince</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1913 David Oreckovsky, Halloween party, Dena Daneiko, Eva Cohen, Lena Riglers, Selma Shore, Anna Zarnow, Shenowsky, Esther Ridnisky, Viola Cohen, Sadie Levine, Viola Levine, Mattie Cohen, Eva Cohen. </font> -   1913 11 2          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1913-11-14 Brith Abraham, Dorf.pdf"> 1913-11-14 Brith Abraham, Dorf</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1913 B'rith Abraham Chief Honored. Six Hundred Duluth Jews Attend Reception for Dr. Samuel Dorf of New York. Silberstein condemns conviction of L. M. Frank. Dr. Dorf Expresses Pleasure Over Agricultural Progress Made by Jews in the Northwest. C. D. Oreckovsky, J. M. Oreckovsky, Max Zalk, Joseph Weinberg, George Harris, Joseph Verteiney, J. B. Cohen, Samuel Casmir, Joseph Mendel, Benjamin Goldish.  </font> -   1913 11 14          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1913-11-15 David Cohen, Selma Ala. writer St. Paul, MN.pdf"> 1913-11-15 David Cohen, Selma Ala. writer St. Paul, MN</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1913 Playwriter Dies In Hospital At Brooklyn. David Cohen, pen name Daniel D. Carter, obit. "The Master Mind" and other plays., traveling salesman, 41 years old, native of Selma, Ala. resident o St. Paul.   </font>     1913 11 15    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1913-12-18 Louis Cohen, Eagles.pdf"> 1913-12-18 Louis Cohen, Eagles</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1913 Virginia Aerie Elects. Eagles, Louis Cohen.  </font>     1913 12 18    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1914-1-3 son to Alfred Cohen.pdf"> 1914-1-3 son to Alfred Cohen</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1914 Son born to Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Cohen, 2127 West First street.  </font>     1914 1 3    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1914-3-29 Julius, Isadore, Barney Cohen - cropped.jpg"> 1914-3-29 Julius, Isadore, Barney Cohen - cropped</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1914 Mrs.Arthur Abraham entertains, Walter Freeman, Bruce Williamson, Julius Cohen, Isadore Cohen, C. Marcus, Oliver Johnson, Barney Cohen, Sig Abraham.   </font>     1914 3 29    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1914-3-29 Julius, Isadore, Barney Cohen - full page.pdf"> 1914-3-29 Julius, Isadore, Barney Cohen - full page</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1914 Mrs.Arthur Abraham entertains, Walter Freeman, Bruce Williamson, Julius Cohen, Isadore Cohen, C. Marcus, Oliver Johnson, Barney Cohen, Sig Abraham.   </font>     1914 3 29    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1914-3-31 Virginia, Ben Cohen, dog bite.pdf"> 1914-3-31 Virginia, Ben Cohen, dog bite</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1914 Virginia: Denyes Arrested; Charge Of Assault. Ben Cohen of Virginia Brings Local Merchant Into Court Over Dog. Ben Cohen, shoemaker, bitten by bulldog owned by J. P. Denyes.  </font>     1914 3 31    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1914-6-23 Samuel Cohen and Celia Rivers ml..pdf"> 1914-6-23 Samuel Cohen and Celia Rivers ml.</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1914 Samuel Cohen and Celia Rivers, marriage license.  </font>     1914 6 23    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1914-8-3 Conrad Cohen-obit. , J. P. Seigel.pdf"> 1914-8-3 Conrad Cohen-obit. , J. P. Seigel</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1914 Superior: Conrad Cohen, 76, obit., Mrs. J. P. Seigel, 609 East First street.  </font>     1914 8 3    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1914-9-18 Mrs. J. Fostof.pdf"> 1914-9-18 Mrs. J. Fostof</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1914 Friends Pay Tribute To Mrs. Maurice Caplov. Age 68 obit. 811 North Fourth avenue East, Mrs. Caplov was a pioneer resident, lived in Duluth for more than 30 years. Daughters: Mrs. J. Fostoff, Mrs. N. S. Garber-Duluth, Mrs. I. Lieberman and Mrs. D. Frankfort of Chicago, son: Henry Caplov of Chicago, Sisters: Mrs. L. Cohen, Mrs. I. L. Levine-Duluth, Mrs. G. Cohen-Louiseville, Ky, brother: L. Polinsky.  </font>     1914 9 18    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1914-10-23 Daughter born to Louis Cohen.pdf"> 1914-10-23 Daughter born to Louis Cohen</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1914 Daughter born to Mr. and Mrs. Louis Rosinsky, 1717 Piedmont avenue.  </font>     1914 10 23    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1914-10-23 daughter born to Louis Levine.pdf"> 1914-10-23 daughter born to Louis Levine</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1914 Daughter born to Mr. and Ms. Louis Cohen, 1932 West Michigan street.   </font>     1914 10 23    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1914-12-18 Virginia, Samuel L. Cohen, student honored.pdf"> 1914-12-18 Virginia, Samuel L. Cohen, student honored</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1914 Virginia Student Honored, Samuel L. Cohen, son of Mr. and Mrs. Louis Cohen.   </font> -   1914 12 18          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1915-1-1 Ben Seaman and Dorothy E. Cohen ml..pdf"> 1915-1-1 Ben Seaman and Dorothy E. Cohen ml.</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1915 Ben Seaman, Iron Mountain, Mich. and Dorothy E. Cohen, Hibbing, marriage license.  </font>     1915 1 1    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1915-1-7 Steam Heat petition - Hibbing.jpg"> 1915-1-7 Steam Heat petition - Hibbing</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1915 petition signed by Lippman, Sachs, Cohen, Lindeke  </font>     1915 1 7    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1915-1-17 Alex Cohen is Alex Cowan on the violin.jpg"> 1915-1-17 Alex Cohen is Alex Cowan on the violin</A> - -   headline -   1915 1 17          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1915-1-17 Alex Cohen, Katie Meyers, Jacob Garon.jpg"> 1915-1-17 Alex Cohen, Katie Meyers</A> - -  </font><font size="1">  The Young People Jewish society, Jacob Garon, Fanny Weinberg, Abe Salnovitch, Sam Gofen, David Segal </font> -   1915 1 17          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1915-1-17 Alex Cohen, Katie Meyers, Jacob Garon.pdf"> 1915-1-17 Alex Cohen, Katie Meyers, Jacob Garon</A> -   1915 1 17          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1915-1-17 c Young People's Jewish Society Alex Cohen, Katie Meyers, Jacob Garon.pdf"> 1915-1-17 c Young People's Jewish Society Alex Cohen, Katie Meyers, Jacob Garon</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> Jacob Garon, Fanny Weinberg, Abe Salnovitch, Sam Gofen, David Segal, Sarah Rachlin  </font> -   1915 1 17          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1915-2-16 Zeta Beta Tau, University of Michigan, Woolfan, Cohen, Rabinowitz.pdf"> 1915-2-16 Zeta Beta Tau, University of Michigan, Woolfan, Cohen, Rabinowitz</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1915 Zeta Beta Tau, University of Michigan, Woolfan, Cohen, Rabinowitz  </font> -   1915 2 16          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1915-2-20 Samuel Cohen, stolen watch.pdf"> 1915-2-20 Samuel Cohen, stolen watch</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1915 Cohen Pleads Guilty; robs Cousin Of Watch. Samuel Cohen.  </font> -   1915 2 20          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1915-5-5 Hibbing, Dorothy Cohen, Jacob Cohen.pdf"> 1915-5-5 Hibbing, Dorothy Cohen, Jacob Cohen</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1915 Hibbing Girl Takes Part In Oberlin Organ Recital. Hibbing, Miss Dorothy Cohen, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Cohen, studying music at Oberlin Conservatory of Music.   </font>     1915 5 5    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1915-5-27 Charles Cohen and Edna Stein ml..pdf"> 1915-5-27 Charles Cohen and Edna Stein ml.</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1915 Charles Cohen and Edna Stein, marriage license.  </font>     1915 5 27    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1915-6-15 Sarah Cohen, Elsie Pomush, Rose Lurye, Esther Simon.pdf"> 1915-6-15 Sarah Cohen, Elsie Pomush, Rose Lurye, Esther Simon</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1915 Girls Put Education To Test By Sewing $1 Graduation Gowns. Matt Carpener school, photo, Sarh Cohen, Elsie Pomush, Rose Lurye, Esther Simon.   </font>     1915 6 15    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1915-6-15 Sarah Cohen, Elsie Pomush, Rose Lurye, Esther Simon.pdf"> 1915-6-15 Sarah Cohen, Elsie Pomush, Rose Lurye, Esther Simon</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1915 Girls put education to text by sewing one dollar graduation gowns  </font>     1915 6 15    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1915-6-15 Sarah Cohen, Elsie Pomush, Rose Lurye, Esther Simon 2.pdf"> 1915-6-15 Sarah Cohen, Elsie Pomush, Rose Lurye, Esther Simon</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1915 Girls Put Education To Test By Sewing $1 Graduation Gowns. Elsie Pomush, Sarah Cohen, Rose Lurye, Esther Simons, photo. Matt Carpenter school.   </font>     1915 6 15    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1915-6-30 Hazel Levin and Abe B. Levy wed.pdf"> 1915-6-30 Hazel Levin and Abe B. Levy wed</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1915 Beautiful Floral Setting for Levy-Levin Wedding. Hazel Levin and Abe B. Levy. Mr. and Mrs. Gust Levin, 431 East Second street. Dr. N. S. Dienard, Miss Rae Levy, Miss Josephine Levine, Miss Gertrude Levy, Benjamin Mislel-Toledo, Ohio, Clarence Levy, Harold Finkelstein, Mrs. Donna Riblette Flatten sang. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Levy, Sara Album-Minneapolis, Clarecem Melvin an Irving Levy, Mr. an Mrs. M. Rudawsky, Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Finkelstein, Harold Finkelstein, Mr. an Mrs. J. Firestone, Mr. and Mrs. Milton Firestone, Mrs. S. Hochelser, Mrs. Mary Burton, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Helperin, Mr. and Mrs. David Feder, Henry Rudawsky, Herman Butwinick, W. Bradley, Philip Weiss, Al Rosenholtz, Miss Jennie Rosenholtz-St. Paul, Miss Jeanette Benjamin, Monroe Benjain, Mrs. C. Brovosky, Charles Connor, Mrs. W. Albu, Miss Sara Album, Miss Marcia Album. Mrs. J. Orenstein, H. Miller, Mr. an Mrs. H. Levin an Charles Shapiro-Minneapolis, Herman Shark-Devils Lake, N. D., Harry Cohen-Chicago.   </font>     1915 6 30    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1915-7-11 Sarah Haronimus - cropped.jpg"> 1915-7-11 Sarah Haronimus - cropped</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1915 Miss Rose Oser and Lee Cohen-Minneapolis, Mrs. H. A. Aaronson, 1726 Hughitt avenue, Miss Rae Schneider, Sara Haronimus, Libbie Knox-St. Paul, Ruth Siegal-Duluth, John Marcus, Harry Altman, Arthur Marks, John Levine, t. Oreck, H. A. Aaronson-Duluth.  </font>     1915 7 11    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1915-7-11 Sarah Haronimus - full page.pdf"> 1915-7-11 Sarah Haronimus - full page</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1915 Miss Rose Oser and Lee Cohen-Minneapolis, Mrs. H. A. Aaronson, 1726 Hughitt avenue, Miss Rae Schneider, Sara Haronimus, Libbie Knox-St. Paul, Ruth Siegal-Duluth, John Marcus, Harry Altman, Arthur Marks, John Levine, t. Oreck, H. A. Aaronson-Duluth.  </font>     1915 7 11    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1915-8-15 Adas Israel, Rabbi Samuel Cohen.pdf"> 1915-8-15 Adas Israel, Rabbi Samuel Cohen</A> -   1915 8 15          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1915-8-15 Rabbi Samuel M. Cohen.pdf"> 1915-8-15 Rabbi Samuel M. Cohen</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1915 Kansas City Rabbi To Speak Here Tonight. Rabbi Samuel M. Cohen.  </font> -   1915 8 15          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1915-8-16 Rabbi Samuel M. Cohen, Kansas City.pdf"> 1915-8-16 Rabbi Samuel M. Cohen, Kansas City</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1915 Closer Co-operation Among Jews, Is Plea Of Kansas City Rabbi. Rabbi Cohen.  </font> -   1915 8 16          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1915-8-17 Ely Morris Cohen, Samuel Cohen Lampl auto accident.pdf"> 1915-8-17 Ely Morris Cohen, Samuel Cohen Lampl auto accident</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1915 Ely Boy Run Over By Auto. Morris Cohen, son of Samuel Cohen.  </font> -   1915 8 17          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1915-8-20 Florence Eva Rachlin and William Weizer wed, Cohen.pdf"> 1915-8-20 Florence Eva Rachlin and William Weizer wed, Cohen</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1915 Florence Eva Rachlin and William Weizer-Bellaire, Ohio, wed. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Michael Rachlin, 425 East Fifth street. Talmud Torah, Rev. W. Kissin, Mrs. Julius Goldberg-Minneapolis, Sarah Rachlin, Sarah Miller-Eau Claire, Wis., Gusta Cohen-Ohio, Mae Rocklin. Benjamin Gingold, Julius Goldberg, Sadie Gingold, Mrs. Samuel Cohen-Ohio, (sister of the bride), Mrs. Julius Goldberg-Minneapolis, Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Pavian, Ellen Zelda Pavian-St. Paul, Abe Rochlin, Al Rochlin,-St. Paul, Mrs. Samuel Cohen, Gusta Cohen-Ohio, B. Miller, Sarah Miller, Harvey Miller-Eau Claire, Wis. Weizer will make home in Bellaire, Ohio.  </font>     1915 8 20    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1915-10-5 son born to H. S. Cohen.pdf"> 1915-10-5 son born to H. S. Cohen</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1915 Son born to Mr. and Mrs. H. S. Cohen, 218 East Second street.   </font>     1915 10 5    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1915-10-19 Cohen.pdf"> 1915-10-19 Cohen</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1915 Cook-Cohen Wedding Takes Place Tonight. Miss Lillian Cohen and Barnett J. Cook. Mr. and Mrs. I. Cohen-Minneapolis, Dr. M. S. Hirschfield and Mrs. Hirschfield, 330 East Fourth street, Rev. W. Kissin, Edith Cohen, Josephine Cohen, Benjamin Cohen, Isaac Blooston-Minneapolis, Mrs. A. L. Shapiro, 1215 Woodland avenue.   </font>     1915 10 19    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1915-10-24 Moses Cohen.pdf"> 1915-10-24 Moses Cohen</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1915 Good Templars To Hold Open Meeting At Victor's Hall Today. Moses Cohen.  </font>     1915 10 24    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1915-10-28 Gilbert, Abe Cohen, Lavant.pdf"> 1915-10-28 Gilbert, Abe Cohen, Lavant</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1915 Gilbert: Plan To Form Range Basket Ball League. Abe Cohen of Gilbert Will Call Meeting of Six Towns Now Interested. Maurice Lavant-Eveleth, football and basket ball star in charge of team.  </font>     1915 10 28    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1915-11-1 Tag Day Pearl Waller.pdf"> 1915-11-1 Tag Day Pearl Waller</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1915 Tag Day Receipts Will BeCompiled. Local organization Will Send Funds at Once to Releve War Sufferers. Pearl Waller, Rose Lurye, Sarah Cohen, Rebecca Cohen, Bessie Fontana, Ida Simon, Evelyn Kaner, Jennie Weinstin, Fannie Sorkin, Sarah Waller, M. Kaner, May Cohen, Mary Brown, Blanch Booth, Ruth Gordon, Celia Kaner, Alice Dorf, Florence Murrell, Fannie Ovetsky, Rose Vogel, M. Anovitch, Sarah Cohen, Sarah Pomush, Edith Lasky, Lena Maginsky, Alice Holzberg, Sarah Kaner, Bessie Cohen, Berdie Weingarten, Edith Fieldman, Miriam Solomon, Ruth Arnovitch, Sarah Handlasky, Minnie Holzberg, Jennie Ovetsky, Sarah Haronimus, Esther Schneider, Jessie Weinstein, Molly Handlasky, Sarah Harris, Annie Gittleman, Sarah Greenblat, Fannie Edelstein, Annie Bruder, Mamie Goldstein, Lillian Harris, Helen Weinstein, Annie Buder, Rose Altman, Mrs. M. Sherr, Mrs. R. Edelstein, and Mrs. R. Cohen.   </font>     1915 11 1    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1915-12-25 Mrs. B. J. Cook, Josephine Cohen.pdf"> 1915-12-25 Mrs. B. J. Cook, Josephine Cohen</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1915 Mrs. B. J. Cook, Woodland avenue, sister Miss Josephine Cohen-Minneapolis.   </font>     1915 12 25    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1916-1-2 Schneider-Myers wedding.pdf"> 1916-1-2 Schneider-Myers wedding</A> - -    </font><font size="1">  Meyers-Schneider Wedding on Sunday, Lena Schneider, Jack Meyers, wed, Ruth Meyers, Sadie Cohen, Bessie Meyers, Bertha Ringer, Sam Sher, Henry Ringer, Abe Cohen, M. A. Cohodos, and other guests.    </font> -   1916 1 2          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1916-1-2 Meyers - Schneider Wedding.jpg"> 1916-1-2 Meyers - Schneider Wedding</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1916 Marriage fo Miss Lena Schneider, daughter of Mr and Mrs Ephram A Schneider and Jack Myers. -  Sadie Cohen and Bessie Meyers were bridesmades.  </font>     1916 1 2    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1916-1-4 Ethel Cohen and Samuel Russell eng..pdf"> 1916-1-4 Ethel Cohen and Samuel Russell eng.</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1916 Russell-Cohen Engagement Announced. Ethel Cohen-Minneapolis and Samuel Russel-Minneapolis.  Mr. and Mrs. Paul Cohen, 507 Fourth avenue West. Will Install Officers.  </font>     1916 1 4    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1916-1-23 Knights of Pythias, Cohen.pdf"> 1916-1-23 Knights of Pythias, Cohen</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1916 Knights of Pythia Lodge Will Install Officers. Members Will Hear Report of Committee on Uniform Rank Monday Night. Louis Simon, Dr. F. W. Gordon, Isadore Cohen.   </font>     1916 1 23    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1916-1-27 William Abrahamson raise funds.pdf"> 1916-1-27 William Abrahamson raise funds</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1916 Collect Funds Today For Jewish War Sufferers. Duluth Relief Committee to Conduct City-Wide Canvas for Funds-Pythian Lodge Will Aid Workers. Jewish Central War Relief. Spalding hotel and Duluth banks will receive subscriptions. Dr. Maurice Lefkovits-chairman, committee members: B. Silberstein, I. Freimuth, Ben Blumenthal, Max Albenberg, Ben Goldish, M. L. Zien, L. J. Selig, Dr. A. H. Schwartz, Michael Rocklin, L. Fox, George Harris, Nathan Kris, Dr. Samuel Gross, Dr. M. R. Zack, Dr. M. . Hirschfield and Dr. E. Z. Shapiro, J. J. Robinson, Joseph Oreckovsky, David Sohn, Sig Abraham, David Leowus ?, Sig Levy, Richard Jacobs, Ralph Cohen, Louis Goldberg, Mortimer Bondy, Max Mann, E. G. Levy, Sol Goldberg, William Abrahamson, Sam Mendelson, M. L. Rine, N. E. Lugoff, Leon Traubman, S. Karon, Samuel Kenner, E. A. Silberstein Harris Bennett, A. Litman, Adolph Levy, H. Y. Joseph, Louis Zalk.     - - Note from Karen: This was a well organized campaign. I was impressed with how they canvassed the entire Duluth community in the year 1916.  - -  Note from Jack:  I am not sure of the exact breakdown but would bet the leaders were from all of the synagogues in existence at the time, including:  Adas Isarel, Tiffereth Israel, Temple Emanuel,  Sharret Zedek,  Bnai Israel - from West Duluth</font>     1916 1 27    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1916-1-30 Singer Garon.pdf"> 1916-1-30 Singer Garon</A> - -   Young Violinist Plays Solos, Ben Chessen, Alex Cohen, B. Garon, and others.  </font> -   1916 1 30          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1916-2-13 O'Brian and Cohen.pdf"> 1916-2-13 O'Brian and Cohen</A> -   1916 2 13          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1916-2-13 Cohen, Lefkowitz.pdf"> 1916-2-13 Cohen, Lefkowitz</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1916 O'Brien and Cohen Fail To Correspond. Mistake in Name Causes Battle Which Ends in Municipal Court. Sol Lefkowitz.  </font>     1916 2 13    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1916-3-6 Samuel Kaner, H. Friedman, Julia Cohen.pdf"> 1916-3-6 Samuel Kaner, H. Friedman, Julia Cohen</A> -   1916 3 6          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1916-3-7 Henry Ringer and Sadie Cohen.pdf"> 1916-3-7 Henry Ringer and Sadie Cohen</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1916 Henry Ringer and Sadie Cohen, marriage license.  </font>     1916 3 7    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1916-4-12 Mondshine.pdf"> 1916-4-12 Mondshine</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1916 Symposium on Jews Given at Temple. Tempe Emanuel Aid society. Mrs. Fannie Mondshine, Mrs. M. Hirschfield, Mrs. Josephs, Mr.S. M. Cook, Mrs. I. Cohen-Superior, S. I. Levin, Miss Elsie Silberstein. Mrs. Max Wetzler Mrs. L. Hirsch, Mrs. Jacob Zien, Mrs. I. Zimmerman.  </font>     1916 4 12    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1916-5-28 Superior, Cohen, Weinberg.pdf"> 1916-5-28 Superior, Cohen, Weinberg</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1916 Superior history, WI h:Suggest Giving Pageant Again. Industrial School Head Favors Fourth Presentation if Sponsored by Civic Organization Ask Another Staging. Scenes Depicting History and Growth of Superior Require Cast of 179.    Hannah and Innie Berkovitz, Annie Gettleman, Jennie Weinstein, Max Handlovsky,  Zimmerman, Jeanette Kaner, Jeanette Harris, Bessie Bergstein, Bannie Lavine, Cora Solem, Mary Weinberg, Rebecca Cohen, Nettie Cohen, Cora Solem, Ida Popkin, Fannie Eisenstein, Ida Handlovsky, Ella Lavine, Bannie Lavinee, Sophie Gettelman, Fannie Ovetsky, Sam Cohen, Robert Sher, Lena Harris, Fanny Rose,   </font>     1916 5 28    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1916-6-3 Altman-Cohen wedding invitations.pdf"> 1916-6-3 Altman-Cohen wedding invitations</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1916 Altman-Cohn WEdding June 18.   Lee Cohn, and Harry E. Altman  </font> -   1916 6 3          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1916-6-24 Edith Cohen Mrs. B. J. Cook.pdf"> 1916-6-24 Edith Cohen Mrs. B. J. Cook</A>  - -  </font><font size="1">  1916 Miss Edith Cohen, daughter of I. Cohen of Minneapolis is guest of her sister Mrs. B. J. Cook, 1215 Woodland ave.  </font>     1916 6 24    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1916-7-9 Edward Irvin Cohen-son born to Morris Cohen.pdf"> 1916-7-9 Edward Irvin Cohen-son born to Morris Cohen</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1916 Son born to Mr. and Mrs. Morris Cohen.  </font>     1916 7 9    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1916-8-20 Zionist, Cohen.pdf"> 1916-8-20 Zionist, Cohen</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1916 Zionists Of Duluth Will Serve "Kosher" Agudah Zion society, Charles Arinovich, Maurice Kaplan, Michael Sher, Louis Gordon, Bernard Cohen, Paul Hyman, Abe Aronsohn, Isadore Cohen, Edward Laskey and A. Seigel.  </font>     1916 8 20    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1916-8-26 Virginia, Samuel Cohen, tennis.pdf"> 1916-8-26 Virginia, Samuel Cohen, tennis</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1916 Tennis Tournament At Virginia Today. Samuel Cohen, Dr. C. E. Gooman, Ralph Wilk.  </font> -   1916 8 26          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1916-9-20 Adas Israel, Joseph Cohen.pdf"> 1916-9-20 Adas Israel, Joseph Cohen</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1916 'Infidelity' Of Jews Is Denied. Duluthians Flay Cohn's Statement That Hebrews Worship Christ. "Was Paid To Say It", Rabbi Lefkovits and Commissioner Silberstein Stirred by Bold Assertion. Joseph Cohn, Rabbi Israel Teplitz, Adas Israel congregation, Rabbi Maurice Lefkovits, Temple Emanuel. Public Safety Commissioner Silberstein,, Charle D. Oreckovsky, B'nai B'rith.  </font> -   1916 9 20          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1916-12-24 Esther Oreckovsky, Chanukka Eve.pdf"> 1916-12-24 Esther Oreckovsky, Chanukka Eve</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1916 'Chanukka Eve' To Be Given By Club. Young Judea, R. M. Winner, Marvin Oreck, Leona Alpert, Doris Gotkin, Bessie Shapiro, Jacob Tulman, David Silver, Maurice Leibovitz, Hyman Garon, Ben Slonim, Leslie Horvitz, Isabelle Cohen, Charles Green, Rose Hunter, Harry Levine, Leona Leibovitz, Sarah Rifkin, Esther Oreckovsky, Ida Kaplan, Rosa Leibevitz, Dora Susnovsky, Ruth Eifkin  </font> -   1916 12 24          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1917-1-2 Shenowsky, Gallop.pdf"> 1917-1-2 Shenowsky, Gallop</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1917 Mrs. M. Shenowsky, 819 Fourth avenue East. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Gollop, 324 East Ninth street. Mr. and Mrs.H. Levine, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Levine, Mr. and Mrs. L. Cohen, Mr. and Mrs. J. Bernstein, Mr. and Mrs. M. Steiner Mr. and Mrs. L. Cohen, Mr. and Mrs. C. Cohen, Mr. and Mrs. K. Sander, Mr. and Mrs. H. Sander, Mr. and Mrs. R. Winner, Mr. and Mrs. L. Koff, Mrs. L. Leiberman, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Gollop, Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Gollop, Mrs. John Gollop, Mrs. J. I. Levine, Mr. and Mrs. E. Davis, Louis Devine, Mrs. H. Lowel, Mrs. J. Mesberg-Virginia, Mr. and Mrs. James Lavik, Mr. and Mrs. G. Cohen-Louisville, Ky, Ben Sader, Rose Sander, Mary Rosnozky, Mattie Cohen, Evan Cohen, Ida Levine.  </font>     1917 1 2    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1917-1-2 Shenowsky, Gollop.pdf"> 1917-1-2 Shenowsky, Gollop</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1917  Mrs. M. Shenowsky, 819 Fourth avenue East, Mrs. Peter Gollop, 324 East Ninth street, Mr. and Mrs. H. Levine, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Levine, Mr. and Mrs. L. Cohen, Mr and Mrs J. Bernstein, Mr. and Mrs. M. Steiner, Mr. and Mrs. L. Cohen, Mr. and Mrs. C. Cohen, Mr. and Mrs. K. Sander, Mr. and Mrs. H. Sander, Mr. and Mrs. R. Winner, Mr. and Mrs. L. Koff, Mrs. L. Leiberman, Mr. and Mrs Sam Gollop, Mr. and Mrs Maurice Gollop, Mr and Nrs. John Gollop, Mrs. J. I. Levine, Mr.  and Mrs. E. Davis, Louis Levine, Mrs. H. Lowel, Mrs. J. Mesberg-Virginia, Mr. and Mrs. G. Cohen-Louisville, Ky.; Ben Sander, Rose Sander, Mary Rosnozky, Mattie Cohen, Evan Cohen, Ida Levine.  </font>     1917 1 2    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1917-1-16 Latt-Rudnitsky wedding, Soloski, Solosko, I. Cohen.pdf"> 1917-1-16 Latt-Rudnitsky wedding, Soloski, Solosko, I. Cohen</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> guests: Esther Soloski, M. Solosko, and Mrs. I. Cohen from Virginia, Minnesota.  </font> -   1917 1 16          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1917-1-17 Esther Laura Rudnitzky and Samuel Cohen eng..pdf"> 1917-1-17 Esther Laura Rudnitzky and Samuel Cohen eng.</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1917 Cohen-Rudnitzky Betrothal Announced. Esther Laura Rudnitzky and Samuel Cohen. Mr. and Mrs. William Rundnitzky, 1126 East Sixth Street.  </font> -   1917 1 17          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1917-1-20 Philip Litman Emanuel Cook Max Goldberg.pdf"> 1917-1-20 Philip Litman Emanuel Cook Max Goldberg</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1917 Outings Galore Are On Schedule Of Superiorites. Various Organizations Plan Picnics and Lawn Fetes for Members. B'nai B'rith Theodore Roosevelt, Loge No. 844, Philip Litman and I. Cohen.   </font> -   1917 1 20          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1917-2-7 Samuel Cohen Anna Cohen Julius Shanedling.pdf"> 1917-2-7 Samuel Cohen Anna Cohen Julius Shanedling</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> Children in autos; parents in law suit  </font> -   1917 2 7          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1917-3-3 Cohen, sale of bakery shop.pdf"> 1917-3-3 Cohen, sale of bakery shop</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1917 Sale of bakery in Superior, Isadore Cohen.  </font>     1917 3 3    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1917-4-13 Samuel Cohen and Esther C. rudnizky ml..pdf"> 1917-4-13 Samuel Cohen and Esther C. rudnizky ml.</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1917 Samuel Cohen and Esther C. Rudnizky, marriage license.  </font>     1917 4 13    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1917-5-3 Tower Dr. Samuel R. Cohen dentist.pdf"> 1917-5-3 Tower Dr. Samuel R. Cohen dentist</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1917 Dr. Samuel R. Cohen, dentist, photo, Tower.  </font> -   1917 5 3          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1917-11-11 YMCA Irving Zalk,Sam Litman, Morris Cohen. Felix Litman.pdf"> 1917-11-11 YMCA Irving Zalk,Sam Litman, Morris Cohen. Felix Litman</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1917 Boys At Y.M.C.A. Will Open Basket Ball Season. Teams and Captains Are Chosen for a Successful Season-To Start Tomorrow. Norris Stein, Sam Casmir, Sam Cohen, Sam Litman, Mortimer Altman, Abe Litman, Morris Cohen, Sam Popkin, Rudolph Segal, Irving Zalk, Fexix Litman (Employed Seniors), Morris Silverman, Isadore Walt, Mandy Finklestein, Davy Finklestein, Ben Walt,  </font> -   1917 11 11          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1917-12-2 Mrs. I. Cohen, B. J. Cook.pdf"> 1917-12-2 Mrs. I. Cohen, B. J. Cook</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1917 Mrs. I. Cohen of Minneapolis is the guet of her daughter, Mrs. B. J. Cook, Woodland avenue.  </font>     1917 12 2    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1917-12-7 Harry Witz Soldiers Chanuka packages.pdf"> 1917-12-7 Harry Witz Soldiers Chanuka packages</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1917 Hebrews Send Soldiers Boxes, Forty men of Society who have enlisted will receive "Chanuka Greetings".  -  Hebrew Brotherhood association, Harry Witz, David Weinberg, M. J. Segal, Charles Levant, Charles P. Meyers, S. H. Kassmir, I. Garon, M. Kane, Joe Vertelany, M. Rachlin, M.L. Zien, Isador Cohen, Hyman Segal, Harry Segal, Dr. George L. Kassmir, J. H. Viener, Joseph Oreckovsky, M. S. Winthrop, Mrs. Marie Kassmir, Mrs. Nettie Segal and Mrs. Ida Goldfine.</font> -   1917 12 7          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1918-1-28 Virginia Sam Lippman obit..pdf"> 1918-1-28 Virginia Sam Lippman obit.</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1918 Friends Pay Tribute to Mrs. Maurice Caplov., 68, 811 North Fourth avenue East. Pioneer, 30 years in Duluth, husband, four daughters, Mrs. J. Fostof, Mrs. N. S. Garber-Duluth, Mrs. I. Lieberman and Mrs. D. Frankfort-Chicago, son Henry Caplov-Chicago. Thee sisters, Mrs. L. Cohen, Mrs. I. L. Levine-Duluth, Mrs. G. Cohen-Louisville, Ky., brother L. Polinsky-Duluth.  </font>     1918 1 28    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1918-3-4 Virginia, Ben Cohen, Russia update.pdf"> 1918-3-4 Virginia, Ben Cohen, Russia update</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1918 Virginia: Virginian Fears For Kin In Erstwhile Russian Poland. Ben Cohen.   </font>     1918 3 4    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1918-3-9 Elmer Kaner, grocer.pdf"> 1918-3-9 Elmer Kaner, grocer</A> - -   List,  Cohen & Son, M-Biwabik;. Medalia Bros-Buhl; Elmer Kaner-East End -   1918 3 9          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1918-3-19 Emma Cohen and Emanuel Coddon wed..pdf"> 1918-3-19 Emma Cohen and Emanuel Coddon wed.</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1918 Superior: Miss Emma Cohen to Wed St. Paul Man.  . Srah Cohen and Emanuel M. Codden. Mr. and Mrs. M. Cohen 1019 Hammond ave  </font>     1918 3 19    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1918-3-28 Henry Cohen, confiscate beer.pdf"> 1918-3-28 Henry Cohen, confiscate beer</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1918 Police Arrest Truck Driver; onfiscate Beer. Heny Cohen.  </font>     1918 3 28    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1918-5-2 Mendel Cohen, six years old obit. Mr. and Mrs. Morris Cohen.pdf"> 1918-5-2 Mendel Cohen, six years old obit. Mr. and Mrs. Morris Cohen</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1918 Mendel Cohen, six years old, obit. son of Mr. and Mrs. Morris Cohen, 2018 West Second street.  </font>     1918 5 2    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1918-5-5 Louis Cohen.pdf"> 1918-5-5 Louis Cohen</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1918 Father of Union Printer Dies Of Pneumonia. 57 hears old, 1115 East Third, Maruice and Henry S. Cohen, Mrs. Louis Shenowsky, Mrs. M. Steiner, Eva, Mattie, and Viola Cohen, Mrs. J. Berstein.  </font>     1918 5 5    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1918-5- 5 Mrs. D. A Cohen and Miss Rose Cohen.pdf"> 1918-5- 5 Mrs. D. A Cohen and Miss Rose Cohen</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1918 Mrs. D. A. Cohen and Rose Cohen, 101 South Fifteenth avenue East.   </font>     1918 5 5    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1918-5-11 High School photos.pdf"> 1918-5-11 High School photos</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1918 Seniors Who Graduated From High School This Year:  15 Jessie Cohen, 17. Sadie Gingold, 20. Nathan Cook,  </font> -   1918 5 11          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1918-5-17 Jewish Confirmation, Silberstein.pdf"> 1918-5-17 Jewish Confirmation, Silberstein</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1918 Jewish Confirmation To Be Held At Temple Tonight. Rabbi Lefkovits Announces Program of the Night. Includes Exercises by Congregation. Second street and Seventh avenue East. Maurice Bailer, Rose M. Berusin, Lillian Cohen, Ephraim R. Gomberg, Irving Joseph, Anna Kane, Arnold S. Kunody, Charlotte V. Lugoff, Bernard G. Silberstein, Florence Simon, Percy Weinberg, Helen Zien, Anna Kane, Percy Weinberg, Charlotte V. Lug off, Arnold S. Kunody, Rose M. Berusin, Florence Simon, Ephraim R. Gomberg, Dr. A. H. Schwartz.   </font> -   1918 5 17          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1918-6-6 Sam, Morris, Lena Cohen, Roy Karon.pdf"> 1918-6-6 Sam, Morris, Lena Cohen, Roy Karon</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1918 School Children Show A Lively Interest In Stamps. Boost Thrift "Stickers" As a Final Windup of Efforts of School Year. Lena Cohen, Marvin Laskowitz, Roy Karon, Morris Cohen, Sam Cohen.  </font>     1918 6 6    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1918-6-9 Leah Kenigsberg.pdf"> 1918-6-9 Leah Kenigsberg</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1918 Leah Kenigsberg, School Children Show A Lively Interest In Stamp, Boost 'Thrift "Stickers" As a Final Windup of Efforts of School Year.  Roy Karon, Morris Cohen, Sam Cohen, Leah Kenigsberg.  </font> -   1918 6 9          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1918-6-11 Virginia, Emanuel Cohen Jewish Fund.pdf"> 1918-6-11 Virginia, Emanuel Cohen Jewish Fund</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1918 Seek $5,000 For Jewish Fund. Virginia, Emanuel Cohen, Samuel Neveleff, Julius Shandeling.  </font> -   1918 6 11          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1918-6-14 Jennie Cohen and Frank Krupitsky wed..pdf"> 1918-6-14 Jennie Cohen and Frank Krupitsky wed.</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1918 Cohen-Krupitsky Marriage Announced. Mr. and Mrs. H. Cohen 14 First avenue East, niece Jennie to Frank Krupitsky.   </font>     1918 6 14    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1918-8-11 Charle Arinovitch picnic.pdf"> 1918-8-11 Charle Arinovitch picnic</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1918 Superior: Range Towns Send Delegation to Picnic in Billings Park. - 1000 people attended the fourthe annual picnic given by the Zionists of Superior.   Charles Arinovitch, president, photo, Sara Lipman, Betty Cohen, Edith Lasky, Elsie Weinstein, Helen Weingarten, Berdie Weingarten. Dr. Maurice Lefkovits, Ed Luyre, Rae Schneider, Mrs. E. Lasky, Mrs. H. Cekar, I. Dorf, Sam Lurye, Abe Aroka, Harold Lasky.   </font>     1918 8 11    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1918-9 Samuel Cohen daughter birth.pdf"> 1918-9 Samuel Cohen daughter birth</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1918-9 daughter born to Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Cohen, 409 East Ninth street, Sept. 7.  </font> -   1918 9 0          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1918-9-18 daughter born to Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Cohen.pdf"> 1918-9-18 daughter born to Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Cohen</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1918 Daughter born to Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Cohen, 409 East Ninth street.   </font>     1918 9 18    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1918-12-20 Isaac Cohen, obit., Mrs. Ben Seaman-Iron Mt, Mich..pdf"> 1918-12-20 Isaac Cohen, obit., Mrs. Ben Seaman-Iron Mt, Mich.</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1918 Hibbing: Merchant Dies. Isaac Cohen, pioneer merchant. Daughter Mrs. Ben Seaman of Iron Mountain, Michigan.  </font>     1918 12 20    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1918-12-22 daughter born to Mr. and Mrs. Isadore Cohen.pdf"> 1918-12-22 daughter born to Mr. and Mrs. Isadore Cohen</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1918 Daughter born to Mr. and Mrs. Israel Cohen, 921 East Fifth street.  </font>     1918 12 22    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1918-12-22 daughter born to Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Cohen.pdf"> 1918-12-22 daughter born to Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Cohen</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1918 Daughter born to Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Cohen, 328 East Eighth street.  </font>     1918 12 22    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1919-1-10 Max Stern obit..pdf"> 1919-1-10 Max Stern obit.</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1919 Funeral Yesterday For Late Max Stern. obit. parents of Mr. and Mrs. Louis Stern, 1420 Broadway street. Dr. Lefkowitz, Arthur Abraham, Don McGraw, Sam Cohen, Carl Hanton, Iadore Cohen, and Will C. Johnson.  </font>     1919 1 10    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1919-4-22 Louis Cohen, accident.pdf"> 1919-4-22 Louis Cohen, accident</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1919 Asks Damages For Alleged Collision Of Truck And Auto. F. G. Warner against Louis Cohen and the East End Furniture company.  </font>     1919 4 22    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1919-5-14 Sam Golden and May Cohen ml..pdf"> 1919-5-14 Sam Golden and May Cohen ml.</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1919 Sam Golden and May Cohen, marriage license.   Mary Shore-Chicago and Joseph Cohen. Dr. and Mrs. M. S. Hirschfield.  </font>     1919 5 14    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1919-5-18 Mae Cohen and Samuel Golden wed, photo.pdf"> 1919-5-18 Mae Cohen and Samuel Golden wed, photo</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1919 Bride Of Today. Miss May Cohen. Miss Cohen will be married this afternoon to Samuel Golden. Photo.  </font>     1919 5 18    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1919-5-20 Cohen Golden wedding, Edith Karon.pdf"> 1919-5-20 Cohen Golden wedding, Edith Karon</A> -   1919 5 20          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1919-5-20 Cohen-Golden wed, guests, Nathanson, Bloom, Osherman, Rabbi Sugarman, Yager, Levy.pdf"> 1919-5-20 Cohen-Golden wed, guests, Nathanson, Bloom, Osherman, Rabbi Sugarman, Yager, Levy</A> -   1919 5 20          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1919-5-20 May Cohen and Samuel Golden wed, Rabbi Teplitz,.pdf"> 1919-5-20 May Cohen and Samuel Golden wed, Rabbi Teplitz,</A>  - - </font><font size="1"> 1919  May Cohen and Samuel Golden wed, Rabbi I. Teplitz, May Wedding At Synagogue Attractive. Miss Cohen Became the Bride of S. Golden; To Live Here. S. Cohen, Fern Nathanson, Leona Cohen, Edith Karon, Bessie Golden, A. B. Wolvin (Wolfan), H. J. Nathanson, H. Bloom, Bessie and Tobie Osherman, Rabbi and Mrs. Sugarman, Max Yager, M. Levy.  </font> -   1919 5 20          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1919-5-20 May Cohen and Samuel Golden wed.pdf"> 1919-5-20 May Cohen and Samuel Golden wed</A>   - -  </font><font size="1"> 1919 May Wedding At Synagogue Attractive. Miss Cohen Became the Bride of S. Golden; To Live Here. Adas Israel synagogue, May Cohen, Samuel Golden, Rabbi I. Teplitz, Mrs. S. Cohen, Fern Nathanson-Virginia, Leona Cohen, Edith Karon, Bessie Golden, A. B. Wolvin-Chicago, Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Nathanson-Virginia, Mr. and Mrs. H. Bloom, Bessie and Tobie Osherman-Hibbing, Rabbi and Mrs. Sugarman-Virginia, Max Yager, M. Levy-Minneapolis.   </font>     1919 5 20    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1919-6-16 Cohen and Coddin wedding, Lieberman guests.pdf"> 1919-6-16 Cohen and Coddin wedding, Lieberman guests</A> -   1919 6 16          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1919-6-16 Sarah Cohen and Samuel Coddin wed.pdf"> 1919-6-16 Sarah Cohen and Samuel Coddin wed</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1919 Marriage Rites Are Impressive. Miss Sarah Cohen Becomes Bride of St. Paul Man at Superior. Emanuel Coddin, Rabbi Chazin, Nathan Coddin, Tony Gotkin, Philip Litman, Mr. and Mrs. I. Averbrook, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Coddin, Betty Cohen, Roselin Cohen, Susan Fitmerman, Leona Cohen, Florence Lieberman, Fernie Coddin, Janice Averbrook, Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Cohen-parents., Mr. and Mrs. S. Coddin, Mrs. L. D. Coddin, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Coddin, Mildren and Sylvia Coddin, Ruth and Norton Lieberman, Mrs. N. Coddin, Mr. and Mrs. H. Miller, Mrs. M. Scweitzer, Ella Bronstein, Samuel Abraham, David Fieterman, Harry Bronstein, Ralph Dubrun.   </font> -   1919 6 16          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1919-6-16 Sarah Cohen Coddin photo.pdf"> 1919-6-16 Sarah Cohen Coddin photo</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> Mrs Emmauel Coddin nee Miss Sara Cohen wedding photo  </font> -   1919 6 16          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1919-6-16 Sarah Cohen.pdf"> 1919-6-16 Sarah Cohen</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1919 Mrs. Emmanuel Coddin, maiden name Miss Sara Cohen. photo.  </font>     1919 6 16    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1919-6-16 Sarah Cohen 2.pdf"> 1919-6-16 Sarah Cohen 2</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1919 Superior: Marriage Rites Are Impressive. Miss Sarah Cohen Becomes Bride of St. Paul Man, Nathan Coddin at Superior. Rabbi Chazin, Philip Litman, Tony Gotkin, Mr. and Mrs. I. Averbrook, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Coddin, Betty Cohen, Roselin Cohen, Susan Fitmerman, Leona Cohen, Florence Lieberman, Fernie Coddin, Janice Averbrook, Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Cohen-parents of the bride. Mr. and Mrs. S. Coddin, Mr. and Mrs. L. D. Coddin, Mr. and Mrs. I. Liberman, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Coddin, Mildred, Sylvia Coddin, Ruth and Norton Lieberman, Mr. and Mrs. N. Coddin, Mr. and Mrs. H. Miller, Mrs. M. Schweitzer, Ella Bronstein, Samuel, Abraham and David Fleterman, Harry Bronstein, Ralph Dubrun. Make home in St. Paul.  </font>     1919 6 16    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1919-6-19 Samuel Cohen, condemed building.pdf"> 1919-6-19 Samuel Cohen, condemed building</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1919 Deputy Fire Marshall O'Dea Condemns Eighth Building. Virginia, Samuel Cohen, 111 First street South.   </font> -   1919 6 19          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1919-6-22 Joseph Cohen and Mary Shore wed.pdf"> 1919-6-22 Joseph Cohen and Mary Shore wed</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1920 Mary Shore-Chicago and Joseph Cohen wed. Mrs. M. S. Hirschfield.   </font>     1919 6 22    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1919-7-2 Philip Litman.pdf"> 1919-7-2 Philip Litman</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1919 B'nai B'rith Has Superior Lodge. Members Choose Dr. L. M. Harris as First President of New Organization. Dr. L. M. Harris. Lodge Theodore Roosevelt, No. 844. Aaron Siegel, Robert Jacobs, Isadore Cohen, S. Y. Josephs, Philip Litman, E. Lasky, L. J. Marks, Julius Cohen, A. Holmberg.  </font> -   1919 7 2          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1919-7-4 Buhl, Samuel Cohen, Wilk, Shanedling, tennis.pdf"> 1919-7-4 Buhl, Samuel Cohen, Wilk, Shanedling, tennis</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1919 Buhl, Virginia Tennis Teams May Play Match, Monroe Shanedling, Ralph Wilk, Samuel Cohen.  </font> -   1919 7 4          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1919-7-26 Philip Litman.pdf"> 1919-7-26 Philip Litman</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1919 Zionists' Picnic Is Arranged For At Billings Park. Superior Will Be Host to Range and Duluth People-Fete to Be Held Aug. 10. Herman Aronsohn, Charles Arinovitch, Mrs. Ida Harris, M. Greeberg, Isadore Cohen, Alex Shapiro, Frank Webber, M. Lurye, P. Jaffe, E. Lurye, B. Cohen, Burnette Schneider, S. Y. Josephs, Rae Schneider, Hannah Kaner, Mrs. A. Shapiro, Edith Lsky, Byrdle Weingarten, Philip Litman, I. Dorf, Paul Hyman, Louis Kempinsky, L. Simon, A. Soraka, Harold Lasky, Dr. L. M. Harris, Robert Jacobs, Julius Cohen, Albert Marks, Dr. S. Gross, Herman Stulberg, Nathan Nides, Harry Goldberg, Castle Marcus.   </font> -   1919 7 26          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1919-7-30 Philip Litman.pdf"> 1919-7-30 Philip Litman</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1919 Name Committees For Year; I.O.O.B. Plans Busy Season. Theodore Roosevelt, lodge, No. 844, I.O.O.B. I. D. Cohen, J. Marcus, A. Litman, Julius Cohen, S. Y. Josephs, Dr. L. M. Harris, A. Siegel, Robert Jacobs, L. J. Marks, Edward Lasky, Dr. L. M. Harris, Philip Lipman.  </font> -   1919 7 30          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1919-8-5 Philip Litman.pdf"> 1919-8-5 Philip Litman</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1919 Outings Galore Are On Schedule Of Superiorites. Various Organizations Plan Picnics and Lawn Fetes for Members. Knights of Columbus, Fond du Lac. Philip Litman, I. Cohen.  </font> -   1919 8 5          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1919-8-23 Virginia, miners badge, Cohen, Mesberg, old settlers.pdf"> 1919-8-23 Virginia, miners badge, Cohen, Mesberg, old settlers</A> -   1919 8 23          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1919-11-9 William Summerfield, American Legion.pdf"> 1919-11-9 William Summerfield, American Legion</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1919 200 Duluthians And Band to Go To Legion Meeting. St. Louis County Will Open Headquarters at Minneapolis; Convention Open Tomorrow. American Legion.  Jesse Cohen, William Summerfield, J. Finkelstein, P. E. Samuels.  Mrs. Mary Summerfield, East Fifth street, has as her guests hr daughter, Mrs. M. E. Chapman of Centerville, Iowa, and her grandson, Bernard Chapman.  </font>     1919 11 9    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1919-12-31 Albert Mark, B'Nai B'rith Covenant Lodge.pdf"> 1919-12-31 Albert Mark, B'Nai B'rith Covenant Lodge</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1919 Albert Mark Heads B'nai B'rith. Covenant Lodge Elects Officers, Hears Reports on Successful Year Just Closed. Covenant Lodge No. 569. Temple Emanuel, S. B. Copilowish, Morris J. Mark, Norman A. Cook, Jesse L. Cohen, Samuel Nides, Dr. M. S. Hirschfield, Harry Brunswick, Joseph Weinberg.  </font> -   1919 12 31          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1920-1-10 Kofereth Israel J. Averbook.pdf"> 1920-1-10 Kofereth Israel J. Averbook</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1920 Kofereth Israel Congregation To Build Synagogue. Shaarai Tzedek Also Announces Tentative Plan for Erection of New Building. M. Mattenson, K. Levine, A. Horwitz, Maurice Cohen, Sol Kernes, Sam Stein, J.Averbook, Z. Keil, Joseph Shelf. Saarai Tzedek.  </font> -   1920 1 10          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1920-1-10 Kofereth Israel Synagogue, Joseph Shelf.pdf"> 1920-1-10 Kofereth Israel Synagogue, Joseph Shelf</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1920 Kofereth Israel Congregation To Build Synagogue. Shaarai Tzedek Also Announces Tentative Plan for Erection of New Building. Fourth street and Third avenue East, present location 323 East Fifth street, 20 years, M. Mattenson, K. Levine, A. Horwitz, Maurice Cohen, Sol Kernes, Sam Stein, J. Averbook, Z. Kiel, Joseph Shelf.   </font>     1920 1 10    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1920-1-24 Harry Cohen.pdf"> 1920-1-24 Harry Cohen</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> Harry Cohen gave a number of violin solos - photo  </font> -   1920 1 24          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1920-4-3 Isadore F. Rheinschreiber and Rose Cohen ml..pdf"> 1920-4-3 Isadore F. Rheinschreiber and Rose Cohen ml.</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1920 Isadore F. Rheinschreiber, 37 to Rose Cohen, 25 marriage license.  </font>     1920 4 3    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1920-6-6 Young Judea, Siegel, Zien, Cohen, Finn.pdf"> 1920-6-6 Young Judea, Siegel, Zien, Cohen, Finn</A> -   1920 6 6          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1920-6-6 Bessie Litman, Young Judea.pdf"> 1920-6-6 Bessie Litman, Young Judea</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1920 Young Judea Club To Give 'Every Jew'. Receipts to be Used for Palestine Restoration Fund. three-act drama. Rudolph Siegel, Emil Wiener, Anna Kane, Eva Lent, Anna Saperstein, Anna Toback, Gladys Kenner, Minnie Gerschgold, Blanch Zien, Dave Sherman, Bessie Litman, Ida Scharon, Irene Bergstein, Nathan Cohen, Louis London, Jacob Carsner, Mary Cohen, play written by Mrs. J. B. Weiner and directed by Miss Goldie Finn. Louis Gomberg, Morris Cohen, Joseph Piley, Orville Anderson, Helen Segal, Blanche Zien.   </font> -   1920 6 6          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1920-6-6 Young Juedea Club.pdf"> 1920-6-6 Young Juedea Club</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1920 Young Judea Club To Give 'Every Jew' Receipts to be Used for Palestine Restoration Fund. Rudolph Siegel, Emil Wiener, Anna Kane, Eva Lent, Anna Sapertein, Anna Toback, Gladys Kenner, Minnie Gerschgold, Blanche Zien, Dave Sherman, Bessie Litman, Ida Scharon, Irene Bergstein, Nathan Cohen, Louis London, Jacob Carsner, Mary Cohen. Mrs. J. B. Weiner, Goldie Finn, Louis Gomberg, orris Cohen, Joseph Piley, Orville Anderson, Helen Segal, Blanche Zien.  </font>     1920 6 6    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1920-6-7 Bessie Litman Young Judea.pdf"> 1920-6-7 Bessie Litman Young Judea</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1920 Young Judea Society Presents 'Every Jew'. benefit Palestine Restoration fund. Rudolph Siegel, Emil Weiner, Anna Kane, Eva Lent, Anna Saperstein, Anna Toback, Gladys Kenner, Minnie Gerschbold, GBlanche Zien, Dave Sherman, Bessie Litman, Ida Sclarow, Irene Bergstein, Nathan Cohen, Louis Gordon, Jacob Carsner, Mary Cohen, Louis Gomberg, Blanch Zien, Morris Cohen, Joseph Priley, Orville Anderson, Mrs. J. B. Weiner.  </font> -   1920 6 7          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1920 -6-13 Eva Cohen and Ben Spier eng..pdf"> 1920 -6-13 Eva Cohen and Ben Spier eng.</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1920 Duluth Girl to Wed in Dayton. Eva Cohen and Ben Spier. Mrs. Louis Cohen, East Third street.   </font>     1920 6 13    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1920-6-24 B'nai Brith Lodge, Ashland, WI Resnick.pdf"> 1920-6-24 B'nai Brith Lodge, Ashland, WI Resnick</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1920 B'nai Brith Lodge Is Organized In Ashland With 39 Members. Moses Atlas lodge. Joseph I. Levy, I. Berman, Joseph Dave Rabinavitch, Harry Scharf, H. Yafee, H. Millavetz, I. Schwager, I.N. Laurie, Frank Milavetz, Harry A. Levy, Joe Cohen, Mose Cohen, Sam Holstein, Ben Milavetz, William Scharf, M. J. Seaman, Edmund Levy, Leon A. Schwager, M. Saxe, J. Siegel, A. Siegel, Charles Shoresman, Louis Rosenzwag, Sol Corush, Abe Latts, Barny Resnick, I. W. Mark, Dr. Bernard Schloosman, I. Berman, Charles Goreich, Isaac Levitt, Samuel Sherbacov, Benjamin Chatkin, Leon Siegel, Abe Goldfine, Samuel Rabinovich, A. D. Cohen, Abe Steinberg, Abe Levitt.  </font>     1920 6 24    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1920-6-24 B'nai Brith Lodge, Ashland, WI Resnick 2.pdf"> 1920-6-24 B'nai Brith Lodge, Ashland, WI Resnick</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1920 B'Nai Brith Lodge Is Organized In Ashland With 39 Members. Ashland, Wis. Independent Order of B'nai Brith, Moses Atlas lodge, Joseph I. Levy, I. Berman, Joseph Cohan, M J. Seaman, William Scharf, Charles Shoresman, Harry Levy, Abe Latts, Levitt, Sol Corush, Sam Rabinavitch, Jose Levy, William Rabinovitch, Dave Rabinovitch, Harry Scharf, H. Yafee, H. Milavetz, I. C. Schwager, I. N. Laurie, Frank Milavez, Harry A. Levy, Joe Cohen, Mose Cohen, Sam Holstein, Ben Milavetz, William Scharf, M. J. Seaman, Edmund Levy, Leon A. Schwager, M. Saxe, J. Siegel, A. Siegel, Charles Shoresman, Louis Rosanzwag, Sol Corush, Abe Latts, Barney Resnik, L. W. Mark, Dr. Bernard Schlossman, I. Berman, Charles Goreich, Isaac Levitt, Samuel Sherbacov, Benjamin Chatlkin, Leon Siegel, Abe Goldfine, Samuel Rabinovich, A. D. Cohen, Abe Steinberg, and Abe Levitt.  </font>     1920 6 24    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1920-8-7 Eva Cohen, M. Solosky.pdf"> 1920-8-7 Eva Cohen, M. Solosky</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1920 Guest Entertained. Mr. and Mrs. I. B. Aarons, 624 North fifty-eighth avenue West, Rebecca Rose, Mr. and Mrs. M. Solosky, Mrs. E. S. Rose, Mrs. J. Sternberg, Ida Fieldman, Bessie Simon, Esther Saksoneff, Mark Saksonoff, Eva Cohen, Sarah Walt, Rosalind Labovitz, Miriam Zack,Eva Cohen, M. Solosky  </font> -   1920 8 7          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1920-8-30 Jeanette Fostoff.pdf"> 1920-8-30 Jeanette Fostoff</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1920 Prize Winners In Gardening Announced. Canning Demonstration Attracted an Interested Audience. Alex Shebetsky?, Goldie Cohen, Jeannette E. Fostoff  </font>     1920 8 30    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1920-10-28 Minnie Rosenholtz, Louis Cohen, Virginia obit..pdf"> 1920-10-28 Minnie Rosenholtz, Louis Cohen, Virginia obit.</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1920 Former Virginia Woman Dies At Watertown. Virginia: Mrs. Minnie Rosenholtz, 29, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Louis Cohen. Sam Rosenholtz-husband, Sam Cohen-New York.  </font>     1920 10 28    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1920-12-23 Paul Cohen obit..pdf"> 1920-12-23 Paul Cohen obit.</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1920 Jewish Resident Of City Dies Suddenly At Age of 58. Paul Cohen, 1215 East First street, resident of Duluth for 30 years, wife and 12 childre. daughters Mrs. Mason Paulson, Mrs. I. Russell, Mrs. Eva Torridor, Simonj-San Francisco, Charles-Superior, Elizabeth, Lillian, Morris, Isadore, Paul, Simon and Arnold.  </font>     1920 12 23    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1921-1-19 Bessie Litman, Young Judea.pdf"> 1921-1-19 Bessie Litman, Young Judea</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1921 Young Judea Club To Give Play At Duluth High School, Jonas A. Rosenfield, Mary Cohen, Emil Wiener, Nathan Cohen, Sam Braverman, Helen Cook, Bessie Litman, David Sherman, Cecil Gotkin, Nathan Cohen, Eva Lent, Lillian Harris and Bennie Cohen.  </font> -   1921 1 19          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1921-1-25 Duluth, Zionist play, Rudolph Sega, Marie Cohen.pdf"> 1921-1-25 Duluth, Zionist play, Rudolph Sega, Marie Cohen</A> -   1921 1 25          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1921-1-30 Morris Kohn, violinist.pdf"> 1921-1-30 Morris Kohn, violinist</A>  - - </font><font size="1"> 1921 Morris Kohn, violinist, other names listed:  Rudolph Sega, Mary Cohen, Nathan Cohen, Emil J. Weiner, Eva Lent, Helen Cook, Lillian F. Harris, Bessie Litman, Anna Davis, Cecil Gotkin, Dave Sherman, Ben Cohen, Sam Braverman, Ben Serrant.  </font>     1921 1 30          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1921-1-30 Morris Kohn, violinist, Bessie Litman.pdf"> 1921-1-30 Morris Kohn, violinist, Bessie Litman</A>   - -  </font><font size="1"> 1921 Violinist to Play at School Recital. Morris Kohn, Louis Gomberg, Rudolph Segal, Mary Cohen, Nathan Cohen, Emil J. Weiner, Eva Lent, Helen Cook, Lillian F. Harris, Bessie Litman, Anna Davis, Cecil Gotkin, Dave Sherman, Ben Cohen, Sam Braverman, Ben Serrant.  </font> -   1921 1 30          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1921-2-28 B'nai Brith, spelling bee, Percy Oreck, Charles D. Oreckovsky.pdf"> 1921-2-28 B'nai Brith, spelling bee, Percy Oreck, Charles D. Oreckovsky</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1921 Women, Men Will Combat For Spellings Supremacy. B'nai B'rith spelling bee, Percy Oreck, Charles D. Oreckovsky, Samuel Gofen, M. E. Altman, Jesse Cohen, George Casmir, Harry W. Davis, Herman Elevitch, Ralph Elevitch, Abe Feldman, D. P. Feldman, Hugo Freimuth, Louis Freimuth, Dr. Samuel Gross, Jacob Garon, Toby Garon, Charles W. Green, A. B. Kapplin, Rabbi I. Lebendiger, Maurice Labovits, Morris Mark, Abe Solon, Joseph Weiner, Harry E. Weinberg, Anna Mark, Mrs. S. Polans, Mrs. Jacob Garon, Mrs. M. Cook, Mrs. D. Freimuth, Mrs. Lyle Oreck, Mrs. Morris Altman, Mrs. A. Friss, Mrs. I. Lebendiger, Mrs. A. Davidson, Mrs. S. Hirshfield, Mrs. Julius Siegel, Mrs. Oxman, Mrs. J. Leuri ?, Mrs. M. D. Nides, Mrs. H. Y. Josephs, Miss Anna Mark, Miss Bertha Mendelsohn, Miss Lillian Karon, Miss Mae Klein, Miss Alice Wetzler, Miss Esther Abrahamson, Miss Ida Berkson, Miss Mayme Weinberg, Miss Lillian Levy, and Mrs. C. A . Saksonoff  </font> -   1921 2 28          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1921-3-26 Lebendiger, Purim.pdf"> 1921-3-26 Lebendiger, Purim</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1921 Duluth Jews To Observe Feast Of Purim Sunday. Duluth Hebrew institute, Sylvia Laskovitz, Elsie Widdes, Mary London, Selma Cohen, Lillian Harris, Helen Cook, Belle Harris, Jennie Horwitz, Rabbi Israel Lebendiger, Miss Sclarow, Cherry Rine, Ruby Goodman, Helen Segal, Miss Shenowsky, Ida Ostrowsky, Bessie Seiden, Alek Cohen, Eva Bruesen, Ethel Kasmir, Roy Teltch, Bessie Litman, Anna Kane, Helen Segal.   </font> 1921 3 25            
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1921-4-22 Temple Emanual.pdf"> 1921-4-22 Temple Emanual</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1921 Temple Emanuel: Miss Esther Abrahamson, C. Jacobs, R. Cohen, B. Blumenthal, C. P. Meyers, Lou Kantor, Ida Fieldman, Harry Gordon, M. Cook, Ruth Freimuth, Edna Freimuth, Jeanette Gomberg, Mae Klein, Lillian Levy, Horentse Bondy, Rosalind Bondy, Ida Fieldman and F. Josephs.  </font> -   1921 4 22          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1921-4-27 Hibbing, Sappan, ohen, Stone.pdf"> 1921-4-27 Hibbing, Sappan, ohen, Stone</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1921 Hibbing: Larceny Suspect In Fire Case To Present Alibi.  George Sappen, Cohen and Stone clothing store in Stevenson  </font>     1921 4 27    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1921-5-2 B'nai B'rith.pdf"> 1921-5-2 B'nai B'rith</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> Fraternity Shatters Precedents, Bernard Silberstein Made Life Member of Order of B'nai B'rith.  Henry Monsky of Omaha, Neb., W. M. Abrahamson, A. B. Kapplin, Charles D. Oreckovsky, D. P. Fieldman, Dave Miller, Harry Gordon. RabbiJesse Cohen,  Israel Lebendiger, S. B. Copilowisch, Ben Miller,  Samuel Nides. New Members: William M. Abrahamson, J. J. Abram, Harry E. Altman, Al Aron, Mortimer W. Bondy, Harold J. Brody, Joseph E. Coll?, Charles M. Cohen, Harry Lewis Cohen, Jacob Crystal, Michael Danaiko, Louis Fishman, Louis Gallop orris Garrison, Oscar Goldstein, Samuel Gotkin B. Louis Green, Monte A. Greenblat, Ben J. Kenner, Herman N. Kramer, Frank Krupitzky, Morris Krupitzky, Louis J. Lasky, Samuel C. Latts, Jak Levine, Morris Levine, Irving M. Levinson, SamLevinson, L. S. Lugoff, Abe H. Miller, Isadore Mogelson S. Natelson, Percy E. Oreck, David Oreckovsky, Max D. Orinstein, David B. Pollack, D. Raihill, Frank M. Riskin, Mandy Rosenberg, Chas. A. Saksanoff, Samuel Sander, Robert Schway, Hyman L. Segal, Hyman W. Segal, Jack E. Segal, Sam J. Segal, Chas. S. M. Segalbaum, Samuel Shore, Sam Simon, Morris Slavoot, J. Slonim, Abe L. Solon, John L. Sosnosky, Joseph Steinman, Harry Vertelney, Louis Weisberg, Ed Zalk, Samuel Zalk, Wolf B. Zien, A. Zurovsky.  </font>     1921 5 2    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1921-5-12 Evelyn Lucille Shanedling & Samuel Louis Cohen wed.pdf"> 1921-5-12 Evelyn Lucille Shanedling & Samuel Louis Cohen wed</A> -   1921 5 12          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1921-5-30 Lebendiger, Silberstein, 50 year Jubilee.pdf"> 1921-5-30 Lebendiger, Silberstein, 50 year Jubilee</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1921 250 to Observe 50-Year Jubilee For Silberstein. Jewsof Two States to Honor Duluth Merchant at Celebration. Silberstein initiated into the B'nai B'rith order in 1871 Detroit, Michigan, Henry Monsky-Omaha, Mr. and Mrs. Charles D. Oreckovsky, William M. Abrahamson, Mrs. H. Y. Josephs, Rabbi Israel Lebendiger, S. B. Copilowisch, A. B. Kapplin, D. P. Fieldman, Samuel Nides, Jesse Cohen, Ben Miller. Silberstein elected to commissioner in 1915-1919.  </font> 1921 5 30            
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1921-6-3 Cohen, Lebendiger, Levant.pdf"> 1921-6-3 Cohen, Lebendiger, Levant</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1921 Mrs. Charles Levant, 43 avenue West, Mrs. R. J. Carnes, bridge.  </font> 1921 6 3            
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1921-8-12 Hibbing, Marvin, infant Jacob Cohen.pdf"> 1921-8-12 Hibbing, Marvin, infant Jacob Cohen</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1921 Hibbing: Range Infant Classed Amoung Healthiest Babies. Marvin Cohen, 15 month old son of Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Cohen.   </font>     1921 8 12    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1921-9-11 Harry Cohodas.pdf"> 1921-9-11 Harry Cohodas</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> Mr & Mrs Harry Cohodas are guests of  Mrs Cohodas' mother Mrs. T Cohen   </font> -   1921 9 11          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1921-11-14 Lebendiger, Zionism.pdf"> 1921-11-14 Lebendiger, Zionism</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1921 Duluth Zionists Delay Election Three Weeks. Hebrew Institute, Rabbi Israel Lebendiger, violin solo by A. Cohen.  </font> 1921 11 14            
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1921-11-19 Sons of Israel, Stein.pdf"> 1921-11-19 Sons of Israel, Stein</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1921 Fraternal Body Incorporates. The Sons of Israel, Jacob E. Rachlin, Myer Markovitz, Joseph Polinsky, Samuel Stein, Louis Fox, Hyman Segal, David Weinberg, Isadore Cohen, Samuel Mendelson.  </font> -   1921 11 19          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1921-12-25 Superior, Lillian Harris, Anita Averbook, Chanukah program.pdf"> 1921-12-25 Superior, Lillian Harris, Anita Averbook, Chanukah program</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1921 Superior: Superior Girl on Chanukah Program. Lillian Harris, Herbert and Joseph Samuel, Morris Litman, Cherry Rine, M. Seiler, Rudolph Segal, Sam Braverman, Morris Litman, Anita Averbook, Etta Levine, Louisa Nessel, Rose Passen, Helen Segal, Harry Cohen, Marjorie Rachlin, Hyman Laden.  </font> -   1921 12 25          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1922-2-9 A. B. Averbook.pdf"> 1922-2-9 A. B. Averbook</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1922 Superior: A. B. Averbook, Julius Cohen, Ed Lasky, A. Siegel, J. L. Marks, Isadore Chen, Louis Kenpinsky.   </font> -   1922 2 9          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1922-2-11 Jewish Arbor Day, Passon, Goldberg.pdf"> 1922-2-11 Jewish Arbor Day, Passon, Goldberg</A>   - - </font><font size="1"> Lincoln's Birthday and Chamishoh Oser B'Schvatt" (Tu B'Shuvat). Rabbi Israel Lebendinger, Lillian Harris, Helen Segal, Nathan Cohen, Rudolph Segal, Alfred Weinberg, Marvin Goldstein, Sylvia Laskowitz, Irene Levine, Sylvia Horowitz, Elsie Widdes, Fay Horowitz, Eunice Passon, Freida Brooks, Edith Riskin, Ida Weiner, Vivian Evans, Cheery Rine, Sylvia Stewart, Etta Levine, Mary London, Ruth Goldberg, Anna London, Ruby Aarons, Florence Goldfarb, Susie Bergal, Augusta Vertelney Helen Aarons, Beatrice Verteney, Dorothy Horowitz, Pauline Cwl, Florence Rose, Doris Cwl, Bessie Brooks, Elizabeth Cook, Herbert Samuel, Samuel Braverman, Sydney Green, J. Crystle (Crystal), Sarah Goldfine, Kurnisa.</font> -   1922 2 11.3          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1922-2-11 Tu B'shvat, Florence Goldfarb, Crystal, Widdes.pdf"> 1922-2-11 Tu B'shvat, Florence Goldfarb, Crystal, Widdes</A>  - - </font><font size="1">Helen Segal sister of Stan Segal's father and Rudoplh Segal. she married Louis Shelf - somehow connected to European Bakery. Nathan Cohen was married to Celia Walt. Alfred Weinberg, Sylvia Laskawitz became Sylvia Fink - they had the market on East 19th and 8th Street. Irene Levine became Irene Paull, Sylvia Horwitz maybe daughter of David and Sarah married Hallm Elsie Widdes - Elsie Kane, Fay Horwitz- Faye Solle, Eunice Passon could be Elsie Mastoon, Cherie Rine married Abe Bruzonsky, Sylvia Stewart married Gordon Cohen, Etta Levine sister of Irene Paull, Helen Aarons is Helen Widdes, Dorothy Horwitz another sister. Herb Samuels. Jacob Crystal father of Izy</font> -   1922 2 11.5          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1922-3-24 Morris Wolfe Hibbing.pdf"> 1922-3-24 Morris Wolfe Hibbing</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> Menorah Orators to give symposium at Duluth Club - Morris Wolfe of Hibbing is coach and business manager of the team. Marvin Oreck of Duluth, Max Shapiro, Gerald Friedman, Harry Cohen, David Goldstein </font>     1922 3 24    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1922-4-29 Joseph Cohen guardian for Samuel Cohen.pdf"> 1922-4-29 Joseph Cohen guardian for Samuel Cohen</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1922 Guardian Petition Filed. Joseph A. Cohen, guardian for Samuel Cohen, Oliver Rabideaux, Oct. 31, 1921  </font> -   1922 4 29          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1922-6-11 Samuel Cohen, damages.pdf"> 1922-6-11 Samuel Cohen, damages</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1922 Samuel Cohen 7 years old, $1,500 damages.  </font> -   1922 6 11          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1922-7-21 Virginia, Eveleth, Samuel L. Cohen, tennis.pdf"> 1922-7-21 Virginia, Eveleth, Samuel L. Cohen, tennis</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1922 Five More Enter Virginia Playground Tennis Meet., Eveleth, Samuel Cohen.  </font> -   1922 7 21          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1922-8-6 Cohen-Jaffe lic., Virginia.pdf"> 1922-8-6 Cohen-Jaffe lic., Virginia</A> - -   headline  -   1922 8 6          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1922-8-6 Pearl Jaffee and Louis Cohen, ml.pdf"> 1922-8-6 Pearl Jaffee and Louis Cohen, ml</A> - -   headline  -   1922 8 6          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1922-8-6 Louis Cohen and Pearl Jaffee ml..pdf"> 1922-8-6 Louis Cohen and Pearl Jaffee ml.</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1922 Louis Cohen and Pearl Jaffe get marriage license  </font>     1922 8 6    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1922-8-22 Rae Schneider and A. N. Friedman wed, Rabbi Teplitz, Kaner, Frumes, Handlovsky, Cohen,.pdf"> 1922-8-22 Rae Schneider and A. N. Friedman wed, Rabbi Teplitz, Kaner, Frumes, Handlovsky, Cohen,</A> -   1922 8 22          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1922-8-22 Schneider-Friedman wed, guests, Hyman, Morganstern, Titch, Bergstein, Simon, Garon, Harris, Holzberg, Rudolph, Marcus.pdf"> 1922-8-22 Schneider-Friedman wed, guests, Hyman, Morganstern, Titch, Bergstein, Simon, Garon, Harris, Holzberg, Rudolph, Marcus</A>  - - </font><font size="1"> 1922 Rae Schneider and A. N. Friedman wed, Rabbi Teplitz, A. Schneider, Esther Schneider, Hannah Kaner, Mae Frumes, Handlovsky, Roslyn Kaner, Jeanette Kaner, Sylvia Cohen, Jeanette and Esther Schneider, Ruth Hyman, David Morganstern, Titch,  Albert Bergstein, Louis Simon, Tobias Garon, Dr. L. M. Harris, Phillip Hozberg, Maurice Rudolph, Jack Marcus, Nathaniel O.Schneider, Barnett Tayne, Harry Morganstern, David Morganstern, L. J. Miller, Harold Miller, J. Schneider, J. Shere.  </font> -   1922 8 22          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1922-8-22 Mrs. Charles Cohen, Moskel.pdf"> 1922-8-22 Mrs. Charles Cohen, Moskel</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1922 Mrs. Charles Cohen East Fifth street, guest Miss Moskol of Providence, R.I.   </font>     1922 8 22    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1922-10-10 Virginia, B'nai Milavetz, Jaffe, Dorfman, Kaner, Cohen, Simon, etc.pdf"> 1922-10-10 Virginia, B'nai Milavetz, Jaffe, Dorfman, Kaner, Cohen, Simon, etc</A> - -   headline  -   1922 10 10          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1922-10-10 Virginia, Mesberg, Dorfman, Jaffee, Cohen, Scheiber, Bankman.pdf"> 1922-10-10 Virginia, Mesberg, Dorfman, Jaffee, Cohen, Scheiber, Bankman</A> -   1922 10 10          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1922-12-7 Council of Jewish Women, I. W. Averbook.pdf"> 1922-12-7 Council of Jewish Women, I. W. Averbook</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1922 Council of Jewish Women. H. Y. Josephs, S. M. Polans, Harry Altman, M. G. Altman, B. N. Davidson, S. B. Copilowish, Charles Finkelstein, J. A. Kohn, Charles Levant, M. D. Nides, I. Oreck, D. Pollock, M. Rose, A. Lurye, A. H. Polinsky, William Silvian, Ida Karsner, Ida Finn, S. Altman, H. A. Shark, I. W. Averbook, Bennett I. Garon, Julius Garon, Ben Goldish, S. Ginsberg, B. Karsner, Kleckner, Henry Lavick, Benjamin London, D. A. Miller, Mohelson, A. Oreck, Sam Sanders, B. Sher, H. Silk, Harry Summerfield, J. Weinberg, M. Wetzler, Esther Abrahamson, A. Garon, J. E. Coil, Ralph Cohen., M. D. Nides, William Silvian, Louis Zalk, Mae Klein,Mayme Weinberg, Shark, Labovitz, Levine, C. P. Meyers, Sam Bailer, Ralph Cohen, B. J. Cook, R Mann, Esther Abrahamson, Mae Klein, Lillian Karon, Charles Oreckowsky, A. Oreckowsky, Artur Marks, Q. Kleckner, M. Silk, M. Cook, C. D. Jacobs, Rene Freimuth, J. E. Call, S. J. Sher, Joseph Oreckowsky, A. N. Polinsky, H. A. Shark, Joseph Stieman, A. Davidson, Jacob Abram, Morris Altman, J. Lieberman, J. Garon, R. Mann, Lou Kanter, M.Greenblat, Lyle Oreck, Joseph Bosner, William Oxman, S. Bennett. Rabbi Luchs, Harry Davis, Irene Levine, Mondschein.  </font> -   1922 12 7          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1922-12-9 Henry Cohen, photo murder victim.pdf"> 1922-12-9 Henry Cohen, photo murder victim</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1922 Slaying Of Henry S. Cohen Follows Few Hours After Discovery Of Liquor Still.   Police Are Searhing for Three Men Who Rented Quarters for It; Money in Till Not Touched. Henry S. Cohen.  </font>     1922 12 9    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1922-12-25 Doris Sosnosky and Harris Goldman wed.pdf"> 1922-12-25 Doris Sosnosky and Harris Goldman wed</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1922 Jewish Club toGive Festival Year Ball, Northern Lights, Rabbi Alvin Luchs, H. Y. Josephs, Dr. Alvin Luchs, Irving Rajhill, Morris Cohen, Sam Rosenberg, I. Saksonoff, Charles Greene, Ralph Elevitch, Ralph Levine, Ben Davis, Sam Segal Nathan Kremen,  </font> -   1922 12 25          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1922-12-28 Cohen, Henry S obit news.pdf"> 1922-12-28 Cohen, Henry S obit news</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> Slaying of Henry Cohen follows few hours after discovery of liquor still  </font> 1922 12 28            
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1922-12-28 Superior Henry S. Cohen slaying.pdf"> 1922-12-28 Superior Henry S. Cohen slaying</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1922 Net Tightened In Polie Sift Of Cohen Death. Coroner's Jury Empaneled to Hold Hearing on CaseToday; Witnesses Called. Henry S. Cohen.  </font>     1922 12 28    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1922-12-29 Henry S. Cohen, obit, photo, Israel Tepltz.pdf"> 1922-12-29 Henry S. Cohen, obit, photo, Israel Tepltz</A>  - - </font><font size="1"> 1922 Funeral Hour named for Murder Victim, mysterious death, Henry S. Cohen obit. Rabbi Israel Tepliz.  </font> -   1922 12 29          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1922-12-29 Henry Cohen investigation.pdf"> 1922-12-29 Henry Cohen investigation</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1922 Funeral Hour Named for Murder Victim. Henry S. Cohen. photo, murdered, 219 East Superior street. 419 East Fourth street. Rabbi Israel Teplitz. photo.  </font>     1922 12 29    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1922-12-29 Henry S. Cohen, obit, photo, Israel Tepltz.pdf"> 1922-12-29 Henry S. Cohen</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1922 Henry S. Cohen, photo,  25 years old, murdered, grocery store, 219 East Superior St., residence 419 East Fourth street. Rabbi Israel Tepliz.  </font>     1922 12 29    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1922-12-31 Henry Cohen interment.pdf"> 1922-12-31 Henry Cohen interment</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1922 Henry S. Cohen internment, 25 years old, 419 East Fourth street.  </font>     1922 12 31    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1922-12-31 Henry Cohen interment.pdf"> 1922-12-31 Henry S. Cohen obit.</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1922 Henry S. Cohen, 25 years old, 419 East Fourth street.  </font>     1922 12 31    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1932-6-10 Commencement - Duluth Central HS.jpg"> 1932-6-10 Commencement - Duluth Central HS</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> Jewish Students include:  Albert A Abramson,  Sylvia Adelson Mattenson,  Freda D Bergal Kurson,  Edward Isadore Cohen,  Burton Wallace Davidson,  Nathan Davis,  Martin M Even,  Harold Fostoff,   Edgar Freimuth,  William Irving Freimuth,  Robert Gallop,  Sam Gallop,  Harry L Garon,  Lillian Glasser Rosen,  Betty L Glazman Reiss,  Goldie Jery Gordon Boznu,  Betty Green Mangel,  Ida P Green,  Pearl,  Karsner Shapiro,  Norman G Levine,  Yale Byron Levine,  Harold Irving Lindeke,  Morris Louis Meltz,  Jane Milavetz Baddin,  Fay Enid Oxman Traubman,  MItchell Polinsky,  Irving D Schneider,  Jane Z,  Sher Siegel,  Frank Shusterman,  Eva Singer Shamblott,  Rosalyn Singer Shamblott,  Bessie Slovut Stein,  Jeanette Leah Soloski Scot,  Marvin Jerome Stewart,  David Taran,  Ruth B Vertelney Klein,  Getchell Widdes  </font> 1932 6 10            
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1937 U.S.SchoolYearbooksForRuthOreckovsky &  Leo Cohen.jpg"> 1937 U.S.SchoolYearbooksForRuthOreckovsky and Leo Cohen</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1937 photo of Leo Cohen, mention of Charles Freimuth, Sherman Naymark, Robert Friedman, Victor Weinberg, Shirley Karsner, Daniel Wiener, Irene Jacobson, Helen Horitz, Ruth Oreckovsky, Dorothy Shusterman, Anna Gordon,  Phillip Golden.  </font>     1937 1 0.5    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1940 Lillian Cohen chemistry prof UofMinn yearbook.jpg"> 1940 Lillian Cohen chemistry prof UofMinn yearbook</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1940 Photo of Lillian Cohen from the yearbook.  </font>     1940 1 1    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/2010-4-21 George Goldfarb named Business person of year.htm"> 2010-4-21 George Goldfarb named Business person of year</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> The chief operating officer of the clothing seller Maurices was honored on Wednesday as Duluth’s Business Person of the Year.   </font>     1900 1 0    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1908-9-15 Joey Goldfarb, flower exhibit.pdf"> 1908-9-15 Joey Goldfarb, flower exhibit</A> -   1908 9 15          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1909-5-25 daughter to David Goldfarb.pdf"> 1909-5-25 son to David Goldfarb</A> -   1909 5 25          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1910-5-12 David Goldfarb, peddler.pdf"> 1910-5-12 David Goldfarb, peddler</A> -   1910 5 12          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1911-8-29 Gish Goldfarb, 3 years old, dog bite.pdf"> 1911-8-29 Gish Goldfarb, 3 years old, dog bite</A> -   1911 8 29          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1913-6-20 Sam Goldfarb, tobacco.pdf"> 1913-6-20 Sam Goldfarb, tobacco</A> -   1913 6 20          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1914-1-21 Moses Goldfarb, fire tailor shop.pdf"> 1914-1-21 Moses Goldfarb, fire tailor shop</A> -   1914 1 21          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1916-7-17 Joe Goldfarb Leo Leews and Thela Bergel's wed..pdf"> 1916-7-17 Joe Goldfarb Leo Leews and Thela Bergel's wed.</A> -   1916 7 17          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1917-7-11 A. Bergal, draft.pdf"> 1917-7-11 A. Bergal, draft</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1917 Draft Numbers In District No. 3.  Jewish names:  A. Bergal is one.  H. N. Azine,  J. I. Goldfarb,  C. Segal,  S. J. Segal  </font> -   1917 7 11          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1917-7-21 Goldfarb,Hoffman, Azine, photo Navy ship.pdf"> 1917-7-21 Goldfarb,Hoffman, Azine, photo Navy ship</A> -   1917 7 21          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1917-9-3 Anna Goldfarb.pdf"> 1917-9-3 Anna Goldfarb</A> -   1917 9 3          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1918-2-8 Patriotic pictures, J. L. Goldfarb.pdf"> 1918-2-8 Patriotic pictures, J. L. Goldfarb</A> -   1918 2 8          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1918-10-19 Henry Goldfarb draft.pdf"> 1918-10-19 Henry Goldfarb draft</A> -   1918 10 19          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1919-5-7 Pvt. J. Goldfarb.pdf"> 1919-5-7 Pvt. J. Goldfarb</A> -   1919 5 7          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1919-5-7 Maurice Klatsky.pdf"> 1919-5-7 Maurice Klatsky</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1919 Many Duluthians Arrive In Port; Come Home Soon. First Army Artillerymen Are in the Majority-Forty-Six Names Listed. Sick and wounded: Pvt. J. Goldfarb, First army artillery park: Maurice Klatsky, Pvt. George Winthrop.  </font>     1919 5 7    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1919-6-23 Jewish Socialists, George Goldfarb.pdf"> 1919-6-23 Jewish Socialists, George Goldfarb</A> -   1919 6 23          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1919-6-30 Henry Goldfarb, game.pdf"> 1919-6-30 Henry Goldfarb, game</A> -   1919 6 30          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1920-5-30 son to Sam Goldfarb.pdf"> 1920-5-30 son to Sam Goldfarb</A> -   1920 5 30          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1921-6-4 son to Max Goldfarb.pdf"> 1921-6-4 son to Max Goldfarb</A> -   1921 6 4          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1921-8-9 Lew Goldfarb White.pdf"> 1921-8-9 Lew Goldfarb White</A> -   1921 8 9          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1922-2-11 Jewish Arbor Day, Passon, Goldberg.pdf"> 1922-2-11 Jewish Arbor Day, Passon, Goldberg</A>   - - </font><font size="1"> Lincoln's Birthday and Chamishoh Oser B'Schvatt" (Tu B'Shuvat). Rabbi Israel Lebendinger, Lillian Harris, Helen Segal, Nathan Cohen, Rudolph Segal, Alfred Weinberg, Marvin Goldstein, Sylvia Laskowitz, Irene Levine, Sylvia Horowitz, Elsie Widdes, Fay Horowitz, Eunice Passon, Freida Brooks, Edith Riskin, Ida Weiner, Vivian Evans, Cheery Rine, Sylvia Stewart, Etta Levine, Mary London, Ruth Goldberg, Anna London, Ruby Aarons, Florence Goldfarb, Susie Bergal, Augusta Vertelney Helen Aarons, Beatrice Verteney, Dorothy Horowitz, Pauline Cwl, Florence Rose, Doris Cwl, Bessie Brooks, Elizabeth Cook, Herbert Samuel, Samuel Braverman, Sydney Green, J. Crystle (Crystal), Sarah Goldfine, Kurnisa.</font> -   1922 2 11.3          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1922-2-11 Tu B'shvat, Florence Goldfarb, Crystal, Widdes.pdf"> 1922-2-11 Tu B'shvat, Florence Goldfarb, Crystal, Widdes</A>  - - </font><font size="1">Helen Segal sister of Stan Segal's father and Rudoplh Segal. she married Louis Shelf - somehow connected to European Bakery. Nathan Cohen was married to Celia Walt. Alfred Weinberg, Sylvia Laskawitz became Sylvia Fink - they had the market on East 19th and 8th Street. Irene Levine became Irene Paull, Sylvia Horwitz maybe daughter of David and Sarah married Hallm Elsie Widdes - Elsie Kane, Fay Horwitz- Faye Solle, Eunice Passon could be Elsie Mastoon, Cherie Rine married Abe Bruzonsky, Sylvia Stewart married Gordon Cohen, Etta Levine sister of Irene Paull, Helen Aarons is Helen Widdes, Dorothy Horwitz another sister. Herb Samuels. Jacob Crystal father of Izy</font> -   1922 2 11.5          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1922-7-27 Israel Goldfarb, contest.pdf"> 1922-7-27 Israel Goldfarb, contest</A> -   1922 7 27          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1922-7-27 Harry Chersonsky.pdf"> 1922-7-27 Harry Chersonsky</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1922 Kids Showing Speed in Entering "Pushmobile" Contest for Trophies -  Israel Goldfarb, Benny Goldberg, Harry Chersonsky, Benny Schwartz, Nathan Greenspan, James Chessen, & Everett Steinman.  </font>     1922 7 27          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/2007-5-18 John Goldfine to buy Duluth Spring.htm"> 2007-5-18 John Goldfine to buy Duluth Spring</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> Duluth hotelier John Goldfine has inked a deal to buy the last piece of industrial land in Canal Park, but the deal won't be finalized soon.   </font>     1900 1 0          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/2008-9-12 Baratz, Blake Aaron & Sara Beth Goldfine engaged - AFW.jpg"> 2008-9-12 Baratz, Blake Aaron & Sara Beth Goldfine engaged - AFW</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> American Jewish World  </font>     1900 1 0    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1906-1-18 births of daughters to S. Goldfine, Moses Goldfine, and Isaac Polinsky families.pdf"> 1906-1-18 births of daughters to S. Goldfine, Moses Goldfine, and Isaac Polinsky families</A>  - - -   1906 1 18          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1907-7-19 Goldfine, Superior Iron & Metal, accident.pdf"> 1907-7-19 Goldfine, Superior Iron & Metal, accident</A> - - </font><font size="1">  Plunges Over The Nemadji Bridge, Sam Goldfine, peddler, son Harris, Superior Iron & Metal Co.  </font> -   1907 7 19          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1910-8-25 Goldfine, Arnovich, Duluth Iron and Metal.pdf"> 1910-8-25 Goldfine, Arnovich, Duluth Iron and Metal</A> - - </font><font size="1">  Prisoner Turns States Evidence, Harry Bernstein, D. Goldfine, Dorf & Arnovich, Duluth Iron & Metal Co.   </font> -   1910 8 25          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1910-8-26 sugar Bernstein, H Goldfine.pdf"> 1910-8-26 sugar theft</A> - - </font><font size="1">  Sugar Theft Case Is Given Continuation, H. Bernstein, H. Goldfine, Twohy-Eimon Mercantile Co., I. Dorf, Charles Arnovich </font> -   1910 8 26          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1911-5-4 Minnie Goldfine.pdf"> 1911-5-4 Minnie Goldfine</A> - -   Minnie Goldfine, Rokoski, assault -   1911 5 4          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1913-3-23 Sarah Haronimus.pdf"> 1913-3-23 Sarah Haronimus</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1913 Farce To Be Presented As Feature Of Jewish Sciety's Celebration. Take Leading Roles in "Der Schadechen". H. Cedar and Miss Celia Kaner, photo. Given in Jewish (Yiddish), Agutheh gate, Lovers of Zion society, Agen hall, feast of Purim, Miss Florence Weingarten, Sarah Haronimus, Mrs. J. Siegel, Lena Goldfine, Nathan Goldfine, Eva Kaner, A. Adler.  </font>     1913 3 23          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1914-2-23 Goldfine, butter.pdf"> 1914-2-23 Goldfine, butter</A> - -  Harry Goldfine -   1914 2 23          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1914-3-6 Harry Goldfine, Butter.pdf"> 1914-3-6 Goldfine</A> - -  </font><font size="1"> Harry Goldfine, Superior Department, Local Man Fights Extradition Here, Goldfine, Alleged Butter Thief, in East & Wants to Remain There </font> -   1914 3 6          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1914-10-28 Phillip Goldfine, B. Milavetz.pdf"> 1914-10-28 Phillip Goldfine, B. Milavetz</A> -   1914 10 28          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1917-3-6 Abraham Goldfine usher at Wine wedding!.pdf"> 1917-3-6 Abraham Goldfine usher at Wine wedding!</A> - -Miss Coran The Bride Of Oscar Wine, Abraham Goldfine, usher   -   1917 3 6          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1917-9-16 Jews Drafted.pdf"> 1917-9-16 Jews Drafted</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1917 Drafted Jews Hailed As Heroes Of Opportunity. Fifteen Men Congratulated by Relatives and Friends at Reception. Miss Rose Silk, Commisioner Bernar Silberstein, DR. A. H. Schwartz, Abe Fieldman, M. S. Winthrop, Sigmond M. Slonim, Dr. Maurice Lefkovitz, H. Witz, David Weinberg, S. J. Sher, C. D. Oreckovsky, S. H. Kassmir, C. P. Meyers, H. Segal, H. Cassmir, Joe Werteiney, J. Chessen. Honored guests: Dr. Samuel Grose, Dr. M. R. Zack, A. B. Kapplin, Albert Bergstein, Jacob Flint, Phillip Brock, Louis Cominker, Arthur A Friedman, Max S. Gordon, Joseph Hurwitch, Davi Kaplan, Isadore Mendelson, George Winthrop, Abe Flint, B. T. Kenner. Officer of the organization Duluth Hebrew Brotherhood: Robert Buchman, Harry Witz, M. J. Segal, Charles Lavent, David Weinberg, S. H. Kassmir, I. Garon, Myer Kane, Charles D. Oreckowsky, Entertainment: Mrs. H. S. Kassmir, Mrs. H. Segal, Mrs. N. Goldfine. Entertainment: Miss Rose Silk, Mrs. Sol Goldberg, Harry Segal, Miss Mary Simon.   </font>     1917 9 16          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1917-10-15 Mrs. Lewis Goldfine, accident.pdf"> 1917-10-15 Mrs. Lewis Goldfine, accident</A>     1917 10 15          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1917-12-7 Harry Witz Soldiers Chanuka packages.pdf"> 1917-12-7 Harry Witz Soldiers Chanuka packages</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1917 Hebrews Send Soldiers Boxes, Forty men of Society who have enlisted will receive "Chanuka Greetings".  -  Hebrew Brotherhood association, Harry Witz, David Weinberg, M. J. Segal, Charles Levant, Charles P. Meyers, S. H. Kassmir, I. Garon, M. Kane, Joe Vertelany, M. Rachlin, M.L. Zien, Isador Cohen, Hyman Segal, Harry Segal, Dr. George L. Kassmir, J. H. Viener, Joseph Oreckovsky, M. S. Winthrop, Mrs. Marie Kassmir, Mrs. Nettie Segal and Mrs. Ida Goldfine.</font> -   1917 12 7          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1920-6-24 B'nai Brith Lodge, Ashland, WI Resnick.pdf"> 1920-6-24 B'nai Brith Lodge, Ashland, WI Resnick</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1920 B'nai Brith Lodge Is Organized In Ashland With 39 Members. Moses Atlas lodge. Joseph I. Levy, I. Berman, Joseph Dave Rabinavitch, Harry Scharf, H. Yafee, H. Millavetz, I. Schwager, I.N. Laurie, Frank Milavetz, Harry A. Levy, Joe Cohen, Mose Cohen, Sam Holstein, Ben Milavetz, William Scharf, M. J. Seaman, Edmund Levy, Leon A. Schwager, M. Saxe, J. Siegel, A. Siegel, Charles Shoresman, Louis Rosenzwag, Sol Corush, Abe Latts, Barny Resnick, I. W. Mark, Dr. Bernard Schloosman, I. Berman, Charles Goreich, Isaac Levitt, Samuel Sherbacov, Benjamin Chatkin, Leon Siegel, Abe Goldfine, Samuel Rabinovich, A. D. Cohen, Abe Steinberg, Abe Levitt.  </font>     1920 6 24          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1920-6-24 B'nai Brith Lodge, Ashland, WI Resnick 2.pdf"> 1920-6-24 B'nai Brith Lodge, Ashland, WI Resnick</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1920 B'Nai Brith Lodge Is Organized In Ashland With 39 Members. Ashland, Wis. Independent Order of B'nai Brith, Moses Atlas lodge, Joseph I. Levy, I. Berman, Joseph Cohan, M J. Seaman, William Scharf, Charles Shoresman, Harry Levy, Abe Latts, Levitt, Sol Corush, Sam Rabinavitch, Jose Levy, William Rabinovitch, Dave Rabinovitch, Harry Scharf, H. Yafee, H. Milavetz, I. C. Schwager, I. N. Laurie, Frank Milavez, Harry A. Levy, Joe Cohen, Mose Cohen, Sam Holstein, Ben Milavetz, William Scharf, M. J. Seaman, Edmund Levy, Leon A. Schwager, M. Saxe, J. Siegel, A. Siegel, Charles Shoresman, Louis Rosanzwag, Sol Corush, Abe Latts, Barney Resnik, L. W. Mark, Dr. Bernard Schlossman, I. Berman, Charles Goreich, Isaac Levitt, Samuel Sherbacov, Benjamin Chatlkin, Leon Siegel, Abe Goldfine, Samuel Rabinovich, A. D. Cohen, Abe Steinberg, and Abe Levitt.  </font>     1920 6 24          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1921-4-3 Elsie Goldfine, Tiny tots.pdf"> 1921-4-3 Elsie Goldfine, Tiny tots</A> - -   headline  -   1921 4 3          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1921-12-4 Glee Club, Tibby Goldfine.pdf"> 1921-12-4 Glee Club, Tibby Goldfine</A>     1921 12 4    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1922-2-11 Jewish Arbor Day, Passon, Goldberg.pdf"> 1922-2-11 Jewish Arbor Day, Passon, Goldberg</A>   - - </font><font size="1"> Lincoln's Birthday and Chamishoh Oser B'Schvatt" (Tu B'Shuvat). Rabbi Israel Lebendinger, Lillian Harris, Helen Segal, Nathan Cohen, Rudolph Segal, Alfred Weinberg, Marvin Goldstein, Sylvia Laskowitz, Irene Levine, Sylvia Horowitz, Elsie Widdes, Fay Horowitz, Eunice Passon, Freida Brooks, Edith Riskin, Ida Weiner, Vivian Evans, Cheery Rine, Sylvia Stewart, Etta Levine, Mary London, Ruth Goldberg, Anna London, Ruby Aarons, Florence Goldfarb, Susie Bergal, Augusta Vertelney Helen Aarons, Beatrice Verteney, Dorothy Horowitz, Pauline Cwl, Florence Rose, Doris Cwl, Bessie Brooks, Elizabeth Cook, Herbert Samuel, Samuel Braverman, Sydney Green, J. Crystle (Crystal), Sarah Goldfine, Kurnisa.</font> -   1922 2 11.3          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1922-8-20 Abe Goldfine-Fanny Ovetsky wedding .pdf"> 1922-8-20 Abe Goldfine-Fanny Ovetsky wedding </A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1922 Goldfine-Ovetsky Nuptials Celebrated.   Fanny Ovetsky and Abe Goldfine wed, Rabbi Lebendiger, Odd Fellows' hall, Mrs. B. D. Ben ?, Miss Idalla Berkson,  Anna ? Miss Las?, Miss Goldfine-Duluth,  Joe Kaner, Tobia Garon, twin nieces, flower girl Gertrude Kaner, dinner for 250 guests, Mr. Miller-Eau Claire, Wis. and Harry Segal-Duluth-played piano and violin, 400 guests danced, out of town guests:  Mr. and Mrs. Brigh-Gilbert, Minn., Mr. and Mrs. Kaner and family-Cloquet, Ben Kaner-Barron, Wis., Mrs. Morris Goldfine-Minneapolis, Mr. and Mrs. Leo Rosenbloom and son and Sam Segal-Chicago, Mrs. Chapman and daughters-California, Mrs. Menehorovsky-Des Moines, Iowa, Mr. and Mrs. W. Kaner and family and Morris Kaner-Eveleth, following from Virginia: Mr. and Mrs. Hochstein, Mrs. Dorfman and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. L. Milavetz, Mr. and Mrs. Litman and son, Mr. and Mrs. George Flax, Mr. and Mrs. Gust Simon, Mr. and Mrs. Dave Sibel, Mr. and Mrs. Abe Kenner, and Mrs. Joseph Garon.   </font> -   1922 8 20          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1922-8-20 Abe Goldfine-Fanny Ovetsky wedding transcribed.htm"> 1922-8-20 Abe Goldfine-Fanny Ovetsky wedding transcribed</A>   - -  </font><font size="1"> 1922 Goldfine-Ovetsky Nuptials Celebrated.  (Article transcribed)  -  Fanny Ovetsky and Abe Goldfine wed, Rabbi Lebendiger, Odd Fellows' hall, Mrs. B. D. Ben ?, Miss Idalla Berkson,  Anna ? Miss Las?, Miss Goldfine-Duluth,  Joe Kaner, Tobia Garon, twin nieces, flower girl Gertrude Kaner, dinner for 250 guests, Mr. Miller-Eau Claire, Wis. and Harry Segal-Duluth-played piano and violin, 400 guests danced, out of town guests:  Mr. and Mrs. Brigh-Gilbert, Minn., Mr. and Mrs. Kaner and family-Cloquet, Ben Kaner-Barron, Wis., Mrs. Morris Goldfine-Minneapolis, Mr. and Mrs. Leo Rosenbloom and son and Sam Segal-Chicago, Mrs. Chapman and daughters-California, Mrs. Menehorovsky-Des Moines, Iowa, Mr. and Mrs. W. Kaner and family and Morris Kaner-Eveleth, following from Virginia: Mr. and Mrs. Hochstein, Mrs. Dorfman and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. L. Milavetz, Mr. and Mrs. Litman and son, Mr. and Mrs. George Flax, Mr. and Mrs. Gust Simon, Mr. and Mrs. Dave Sibel, Mr. and Mrs. Abe Kenner, and Mrs. Joseph Garon.   </font> -   1922 8 20          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1922-8-20 Abe Goldfine-Fanny Ovetsky wedding.pdf"> 1922-8-20 Abe Goldfine-Fanny Ovetsky wedding</A> - -   headline  -   1922 8 20          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1933 All Nation's Tournament, Hebrews chamions, SSTC.jpg"> 1933 All Nation's Tournament, Hebrews chamions, SSTC</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> Personnel of the champions:   Harrie Zeleznick, Edward Singer, Leo Singer, Mike Barr, Martin Even, Joe Goldfine, Merton Singer, Arthur Edelstein, Peter Fergal  </font>     1933 1 1    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1953-9 Sandra Goldfine & Leon Weiner wedding.jpg"> 1953-9 Sandra Goldfine & Leon Weiner wedding</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> text  </font>     1953 9          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1898-7-22 Maurice Goldish obit.pdf"> 1898-7-22 Maurice Goldish obit</A>  - - -   1898 7 22          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1899- 12-16 Abe-Alle and Simon Goldish-deed.pdf"> 1899- 12-16 Abe-Alle and Simon Goldish-deed</A> -   1899 12 16          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1997-8-3 Aritst Profile - BOB GOLDISH CLARINETIS.htm"> 1997-8-3 Aritst Profile - BOB GOLDISH CLARINETIS</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> ARTIST PROFILE BOB GOLDISH CLARINETIST, RETIRED PHYSICIAN   </font>     1900 1 0          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/2007-4-5 Acoustic Folk artist Bruce Goldish.htm"> 2007-4-5 Acoustic Folk artist Bruce Goldish</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> PEDDLING A MUSICAL GROOVE - ACOUSTIC-FOLK ARTIST BRUCE GOLDISH SAYS HIS PASSION AND ENERGY FOR MUSIC COMES FROM WITHIN.   </font>     1900 1 0          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1902-10-16 Louis Goldish, police station.pdf"> 1902-10-16 Louis Goldish, police station</A> -   1902 10 16          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1903-4-16 Goldish Fresh Fish ad, bottom, 5 col..pdf"> 1903-4-16 Goldish Fresh Fish ad, bottom, 5 col.</A> -   1903 4 16    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1904-1-21 Goldish fish image ad.pdf"> 1904-1-21 Goldish fish image ad</A> -   1904 1 21          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1905-9-16 For sale S. Goldish 20 acres house 2 col.pdf"> 1905-9-16 For sale S. Goldish 20 acres house 2 col</A> -   1905 9 16    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1906-4-12 Armory, S. Walt, S. Goldish, baseball.pdf"> 1906-4-12 Armory, S. Walt, S. Goldish, baseball</A> -   1906 4 12    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1906-6-5 B. Goldish, postal exam.pdf"> 1906-6-5 B. Goldish, postal exam</A> -   1906 6 5          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1906-7-19 Goldish, Sher, transfer of property.pdf"> 1906-7-19 Goldish, Sher, transfer of property</A> -   1906 7 19    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1906-11-11 Karon, Goldish, Berkowitz.pdf"> 1906-11-11 Karon, Goldish, Berkowitz</A> -   1906 11 11    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1906-11-11 Lena Karon, Cohen, Edelson, Goldish, Brown, Zalk, Berkowitz, Simon, Slonim.pdf"> 1906-11-11 Lena Karon, Cohen, Edelson, Goldish, Brown, Zalk, Berkowitz, Simon, Slonim</A> -   1906 11 11          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1906-11-11, 3rd col. Lena Karon.pdf"> 1906-11-11 3rd col. Lena Karon</A> - -  </font><font size="1"> Surprise party for Lena Karon, Milavitz, Call, Levin, Simon, Cohen, Edelson, Goldish, Brown, Zalk, Berkowit, Slouim, Karon </font> -   1906 11 11    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1906-12-2 Magestic theater, Samuel Goldish.pdf"> 1906-12-2 Magestic theater, Samuel Goldish</A> -   1906 12 2          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1907-3-26 Ida Milavetz and Ben Goldish.pdf"> 1907-3-26 Ida Milavetz and Ben Goldish</A> -   1907 3 26          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1907-5-11 Louis Goldish theater.pdf"> 1907-5-11 Louis Goldish theater</A> -   1907 5 11    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1907-5-11 Louis Goldish.pdf"> 1907-5-11 Louis Goldish</A> -   1907 5 11          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1907-8-18 Milavitz and Goldish wed.pdf"> 1907-8-18 Milavitz and Goldish wed</A> -   1907 8 18    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1908-1-20 S. Goldish wed.pdf"> 1908-1-20 S. Goldish wed</A> -   1908 1 20          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1908-5-12 Goldish, Majestic Theater.pdf"> 1908-5-12 Goldish, Majestic Theater</A> -   1908 5 12          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1908-5-12 theater lic., Goldish.pdf"> 1908-5-12 theater lic., Goldish</A> -   1908 5 12          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1908-6-30 Goldish, Majestic theater.pdf"> 1908-6-30 Goldish, Majestic theater</A> -   1908 6 30          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1908-12-16 Bessie Walt Samuel Goldish.pdf"> 1908-12-16 Bessie Walt Samuel Goldish</A> -   1908 12 16          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1908-12-16 Bessie Walt, Sam Goldish engagement.pdf"> 1908-12-16 Bessie Walt, Sam Goldish engagement</A> -   1908 12 16          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1909-12-14 Carlson party, Walt, Coran, Goldish.pdf"> 1909-12-14 Carlson party, Walt, Coran, Goldish</A> -   1909 12 14    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1911-6-27 Bessie Walt and Samuel Goldish.pdf"> 1911-6-27 Bessie Walt and Samuel Goldish</A> -   1911 6 27          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1911-6-27 S. Goldish and Bessie Walt.pdf"> 1911-6-27 S. Goldish and Bessie Walt</A> -   1911 6 27          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1912-6-14 Sarah Abrahamson Ely School.pdf"> 1912-6-14 Sarah Abrahamson Ely School</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1912 Grade Schools Turn Out Six Hundred Graduates. Commencement Exercises at Most of Buildings Marks Graduation of Largest Number of Grammar School Children in Duluth's History-Programs Attractive and Well Rendered. - - - Ely School: Sarah Abrahamson - - Jefferson School: Esther Zelda Abrahamson, Ruth Freimuth, Esther Dorothy Levine, Mollie Rudnitzky, Sheba Yesani - -  Adams School: Harry Karon, Jennie Winer, Harry Bernard Schneider - -  Endion School:  Bessie Popkin - - Franklin School:  Jacob Garon, Bennie Goldstein, Maurice Fred Lavick - -  Washington School: Charlotte Azine, Rose Goldish, Samuel Gotkin, Ida Ruth Kasmir, Bertha Miriam Moscovitch, Allen Rachlin, Ida Ruth Stein, Minnie Myrtle Winer, Marvin Berkson, Rae Leah Cook, Harry Karon, Harry Eli Kenner, Jennie Markus, Bessie Silver, Lean Marion Sonosky, Lizzie Louise Polinsky.   </font>     1912 6 14          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1912-7-15 Moses Montefiore Hebrew School, Goldish.pdf"> 1912-7-15 Moses Montefiore Hebrew School, Goldish</A> -   1912 7 15    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1912-10-6 New Fish Market, L. Goldish.pdf"> 1912-10-6 New Fish Market, L. Goldish</A> -   1912 10 6          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1913-8-3 photo of boat, L. Goldish, Lake Superior Fish Co.pdf"> 1913-8-3 photo of boat, L. Goldish, Lake Superior Fish Co</A> -   1913 8 3          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1913-9-9 Goldish, new fish boat, maiden trip.pdf"> 1913-9-9 Goldish, new fish boat, maiden trip</A> -   1913 9 9    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1913-10-14 L. Goldish, power boat.pdf"> 1913-10-14 L. Goldish, power boat</A> -   1913 10 14          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1913-10-15 Fishing Tug L. Goldish.pdf"> 1913-10-15 Fishing Tug L. Goldish</A> -   1913 10 15    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1913-10-29 Goldish, North Shore.pdf"> 1913-10-29 Goldish, North Shore</A> -   1913 10 29          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1913-11-5 L. and T  Goldish, faulty motor.pdf"> 1913-11-5 L. and T  Goldish, faulty motor</A> -   1913 11 5          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1913-11-6 L. Goldish.pdf"> 1913-11-6 L. Goldish</A> -   1913 11 6    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1913-11-14 Goldish, fierce weather.pdf"> 1913-11-14 Goldish, fierce weather</A> -   1913 11 14    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1913-11-14 Brith Abraham, Dorf.pdf"> 1913-11-14 Brith Abraham, Dorf</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1913 B'rith Abraham Chief Honored. Six Hundred Duluth Jews Attend Reception for Dr. Samuel Dorf of New York. Silberstein condemns conviction of L. M. Frank. Dr. Dorf Expresses Pleasure Over Agricultural Progress Made by Jews in the Northwest. C. D. Oreckovsky, J. M. Oreckovsky, Max Zalk, Joseph Weinberg, George Harris, Joseph Verteiney, J. B. Cohen, Samuel Casmir, Joseph Mendel, Benjamin Goldish.  </font> -   1913 11 14    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1913-11-23 Goldish, big fish cargo.pdf"> 1913-11-23 Goldish, big fish cargo</A> -   1913 11 23          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1913-11-30 Louis Goldish.pdf"> 1913-11-30 Louis Goldish</A> -   1913 11 30    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1913-12-5 Louis Goldish obit.pdf"> 1913-12-5 Louis Goldish obit</A> -   1913 12 5          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1913-12-5 Louis Goldish blood poisoning obit..pdf"> 1913-12-5 Louis Goldish blood poisoning obit.</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1913 Louis Goldish Dies From Blood Poisoning, age 22, son of Mr. and Mrs. David Goldish, 208 East First street, attempting to dock in Superior, in charge of his father's fish business. obit.   </font>     1913 12 5          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1914-1-18 Goldish.pdf"> 1914-1-18 Goldish</A> -   1914 1 18          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1914-3-25 Goldish.pdf"> 1914-3-25 Goldish</A> -   1914 3 25    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1914-4-7 Goldish, First Trip of Season.pdf"> 1914-4-7 Goldish, First Trip of Season</A> -   1914 4 7          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1914-6-19 Michael Siegel and D. Goldish.pdf"> 1914-6-19 Michael Siegel and D. Goldish</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1914 Michael Siegel and uncle  D. Goldish  </font> -   1914 6 19          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1914-6-25 Michael Siegel and L. Goldish.pdf"> 1914-6-25 Michael Siegel and L. Goldish</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1914 Michael Siegel-Gilbert and L. Goldish  </font> -   1914 6 25          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1914-10-6 Michael and John Siegel, Marks, Goldish.pdf"> 1914-10-6 Michael and John Siegel, Marks, Goldish</A> -   1914 10 6          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1915-1-5 Gimel-Doled Club, Karon, Kenner,Sher, Goldish.pdf"> 1915-1-5 Gimel-Doled Club, Karon, Kenner,Sher, Goldish</A> -   1915 1 5    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1915-3-16 Esther Simon and Samuel Drasin wed.jpg"> 1915-3-16 Esther Simon and Samuel Drasin wed</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> Esther Simon and Samuel Drasin wed. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Simon 420 East Fourth street, Samuel Draisn-Superior, Adas Israel synagogue, Rabbi Teplitz, Lillian Simon, Lillian Karon, Gust Simon, Samuel Simon, A. Berkson, T. Gotkin, D. Siegal, Dolly Shibel Howard Shibel, Talmud Torah, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Goldish, Miss Irene Figur, Mr. and Mrs. Dave Shibel, Gust Simon, Virginia, Minn.  </font>     1915 3 16    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1915-7-17 J. Siegel, Gilbert, brothers.pdf"> 1915-7-17 J. Siegel, Gilbert, brothers</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1915 Gilbert, Minn. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Goldish, Ros and Sarah Goldish, guests at J. Siegel.   </font> -   1915 7 17    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1915-8-18 Goldish, fish unfit.pdf"> 1915-8-18 Goldish, fish unfit</A> -   1915 8 18          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1915-11-12 Adas Israel, War Sufferers.pdf"> 1915-11-12 Adas Israel, War Sufferers</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1915 Duluth Sends $320 For Jewish War Sufferers. American Jewish Relief, Ben Goldish, Adas Israel congregation, Rabbi I. Teplitz.  </font> -   1915 11 12          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1915-12-11 33 tons of Herring, Goldish.pdf"> 1915-12-11 33 tons of Herring, Goldish</A> -   1915 12 11          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1915-12-29 Sam Goldish, fising under ice.pdf"> 1915-12-29 Sam Goldish, fising under ice</A> -   1915 12 29          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1916-1-18 Goldish, ice.pdf"> 1916-1-18 Goldish, ice</A> -   1916 1 18    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1916-1-24 photo, Goldish, winter perils on Lake Superior.pdf"> 1916-1-24 photo, Goldish, winter perils on Lake Superior</A> -   1916 1 24          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1916-1-25 Sam Goldish, rescue, hero.pdf"> 1916-1-25 Sam Goldish, rescue, hero</A> -   1916 1 25          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1916-1-27 William Abrahamson raise funds.pdf"> 1916-1-27 William Abrahamson raise funds</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1916 Collect Funds Today For Jewish War Sufferers. Duluth Relief Committee to Conduct City-Wide Canvas for Funds-Pythian Lodge Will Aid Workers. Jewish Central War Relief. Spalding hotel and Duluth banks will receive subscriptions. Dr. Maurice Lefkovits-chairman, committee members: B. Silberstein, I. Freimuth, Ben Blumenthal, Max Albenberg, Ben Goldish, M. L. Zien, L. J. Selig, Dr. A. H. Schwartz, Michael Rocklin, L. Fox, George Harris, Nathan Kris, Dr. Samuel Gross, Dr. M. R. Zack, Dr. M. . Hirschfield and Dr. E. Z. Shapiro, J. J. Robinson, Joseph Oreckovsky, David Sohn, Sig Abraham, David Leowus ?, Sig Levy, Richard Jacobs, Ralph Cohen, Louis Goldberg, Mortimer Bondy, Max Mann, E. G. Levy, Sol Goldberg, William Abrahamson, Sam Mendelson, M. L. Rine, N. E. Lugoff, Leon Traubman, S. Karon, Samuel Kenner, E. A. Silberstein Harris Bennett, A. Litman, Adolph Levy, H. Y. Joseph, Louis Zalk.     - - Note from Karen: This was a well organized campaign. I was impressed with how they canvassed the entire Duluth community in the year 1916.  - -  Note from Jack:  I am not sure of the exact breakdown but would bet the leaders were from all of the synagogues in existence at the time, including:  Adas Isarel, Tiffereth Israel, Temple Emanuel,  Sharret Zedek,  Bnai Israel - from West Duluth</font>     1916 1 27          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1916-7-12 Sam Goldish.pdf"> 1916-7-12 Sam Goldish</A> -   1916 7 12          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1917-4-3 Adas Israel, messages for peace.pdf"> 1917-4-3 Adas Israel, messages for peace</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1917 Few Duluthians Send Messages For Peace. One Telegraph Company Transmits 25 Dispatches Advocating Policy of Tranquillity. Telegrams sent to President Wilson, Congressman Clarence B. Miller and Senator Knute. S. Karon, president of Adas Israel and Chevra Kodish, Bob Goldish.   </font> -   1917 4 3          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1917-7-10 M. L. Solosky property owner.pdf"> 1917-7-10 M. L. Solosky property owner</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1917  City Will Spend $58,000 For Pipe, Commissioners Appropriate Big Sum for Water and Light Department. Jacob Sher, Sam Goldish, J. M. Rabinovitz, Louis Caplan, J. H. Viener, M. L. Solosky property owners  </font> -   1917 7 10    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1917-12-18 Sara and Rose Goldish.pdf"> 1917-12-18 Sara and Rose Goldish</A> -   1917 12 18          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1918-9-25 Joe Salnovitz, Jewish Congregation Adas Israel.pdf"> 1918-9-25 Joe Salnovitz, Jewish Congregation Adas Israel</A> - -  </font><font size="1">  Jewish Congregation Chooses Same Officers For New Year, Adas Israel, Samuel Karon, Sam Kaner, Ben Goldish, Morris Widdis, Joe Salnivitz, M. Sosnovsky, Sam Guinn, L. Miller, H. Casmir   </font> -   1918 9 25          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1918-9-25 M. Sosnovsky.pdf"> 1918-9-25 M. Sosnovsky</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1918 Jewish Congregation Chooses Same Oficers For New year. das Israel, Chevra Kadish congregation, Third avenue East and Third sstreet. President Samuel Karon, Sm Kaner, Ben Goldish, Morris Widdis, Joe Salnovitz, M. Sosnovsky, Sam Guinn, L. Miller, H. Casmir.   </font>     1918 9 25    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1919-3-16 Purim Ball, Goldish.pdf"> 1919-3-16 Purim Ball, Goldish</A> -   1919 3 16          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1919-11-30 Goldish, late return.pdf"> 1919-11-30 Goldish, late return</A> -   1919 11 30    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1921-1-7 Goldish, stuck in village.pdf"> 1921-1-7 Goldish, stuck in village</A> -   1921 1 7          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1921-12-1 Mrs. Nathan Cook.pdf"> 1921-12-1 Mrs. Nathan Cook</A>  - -  </font><font size="1">  1921 Women Are Assigned to Home Districts for Relief Drive. American Jewish Relief committee. Duluth to raise funds for suffering refugees of eastern and central Europe. Mrs. M. Cook. Mrs. Louis Hammel, Mrs. Harry Gordon, Mrs. Nathan Cook, Miss Sarah Zobel, Mrs. J. Abrams, Mrs. Abe Solon, Mrs. Ben Goldish, Miss Catherine Barnard, Mrs. Mortimer Bondy, Mrs. S. N. Polans, Mrs. S. Cone, Mrs. Harry Altman, Mrs. Maurice Altman, Miss Alice Wetzler, Mrs. L. Greenblat, Mrs. C. P. Meyers, Mrs. Al Polinsky, Mrs. D. Freimuth, and Mrs. Ginsberg. C. D. Oreckovsky secretary. $18,000 subscribed.  </font>     1921 12 1    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1922-1-19 Sam Goldish, not connected to.jpg"> 1922-1-19 Sam Goldish, not connected to</A> -   1922 1 19          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1922-4-29c Duluth,Goldish cargo.pdf"> 1922-4-29 Duluth,Goldish cargo</A> -   1922 4 29          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1922-8-24 Sisterhood Cook, Segal, Goldish.pdf"> 1922-8-24 Sisterhood Cook, Segal, Goldish</A> - -   headline  -   1922 8 24    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1922-12-7 Council of Jewish Women, I. W. Averbook.pdf"> 1922-12-7 Council of Jewish Women, I. W. Averbook</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1922 Council of Jewish Women. H. Y. Josephs, S. M. Polans, Harry Altman, M. G. Altman, B. N. Davidson, S. B. Copilowish, Charles Finkelstein, J. A. Kohn, Charles Levant, M. D. Nides, I. Oreck, D. Pollock, M. Rose, A. Lurye, A. H. Polinsky, William Silvian, Ida Karsner, Ida Finn, S. Altman, H. A. Shark, I. W. Averbook, Bennett I. Garon, Julius Garon, Ben Goldish, S. Ginsberg, B. Karsner, Kleckner, Henry Lavick, Benjamin London, D. A. Miller, Mohelson, A. Oreck, Sam Sanders, B. Sher, H. Silk, Harry Summerfield, J. Weinberg, M. Wetzler, Esther Abrahamson, A. Garon, J. E. Coil, Ralph Cohen., M. D. Nides, William Silvian, Louis Zalk, Mae Klein,Mayme Weinberg, Shark, Labovitz, Levine, C. P. Meyers, Sam Bailer, Ralph Cohen, B. J. Cook, R Mann, Esther Abrahamson, Mae Klein, Lillian Karon, Charles Oreckowsky, A. Oreckowsky, Artur Marks, Q. Kleckner, M. Silk, M. Cook, C. D. Jacobs, Rene Freimuth, J. E. Call, S. J. Sher, Joseph Oreckowsky, A. N. Polinsky, H. A. Shark, Joseph Stieman, A. Davidson, Jacob Abram, Morris Altman, J. Lieberman, J. Garon, R. Mann, Lou Kanter, M.Greenblat, Lyle Oreck, Joseph Bosner, William Oxman, S. Bennett. Rabbi Luchs, Harry Davis, Irene Levine, Mondschein.  </font> -   1922 12 7    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1924-8-8 Sam Goldish faces charges.jpg"> 1924-8-8 Sam Goldish faces charges</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1924 Sam Goldish 312 E 5th . . self-styled representative of “Star Fish co” with warehouses on Lake Ave S faces a sentence of 5yrs in Federal prison if convicted of the charge of using the mails to defraud  </font>     1924 8 8    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1930-1-3c Finesilver and Goldish, lawyers.pdf"> 1930-1-3 Finesilver and Goldish, lawyers</A> -   1930 1 3    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1931-1-1c  Finesilver and Goldish.pdf"> 1931-1-1  Finesilver and Goldish</A> -   1931 1 1          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1937-4-12c Benjamin Goldish, Jewish Values.pdf"> 1937-4-12 Benjamin Goldish, Jewish Values</A> -   1937 4 12          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1960-9-25c Marilyn Ruth Goldish and Estreicher.pdf"> 1960-9-25 Marilyn Ruth Goldish and Estreicher</A> -   1960 9 25          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1963-Louis H. Goldish.pdf"> 1963 Louis H. Goldish</A> -   1963 1 0          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1968-12-15 Goldish, Apter, Gross, Abramson.jpg"> 1968-12-15 Goldish, Apter, Gross, Abramson</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1968 photo demonstration the lighting of the Menorah candles, Ida Cook Hebrew School,  Bruce Goldish, Beth Apter, Shelly Gross, Jack Abramson  </font>     1968 12 15          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1969-8-22 Marvin Goldish.pdf"> 1969-8-22 Marvin Goldish</A> -   1969 8 22          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1977-9 Morris E Klasky JFN.jpg"> 1977-9 Morris E Klasky JFN</A>  - -  </font><font size="1">1977  Morris E. Klasky - How it Started.  Rabbi Bender suggested an organization called THE JEWISH FELLOWSHIP CLUB.  Benjamin Pass was elected President; vice presidents, Morris Klasky, Ben R Greene, Sam Altman; Rec Sec, Harry Segal; Corres Sec, Ben L. London; Treas, Robert J Karon; Sgt at Arms, Mandy Horowitz; Directors were as follows: Alex J Lurye, Ben Goldish, Louis Fishman, Dr S S Rosenbloom, John Cohen and Rabbi Paul Bender   </font>     1977 9 1    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1982-3-23 J. Joseph Goldish.pdf"> 1982-3-23 J. Joseph Goldish</A> -   1982 3 23          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1986-3-17c Minnie Goldish, obit. .pdf"> 1986-3-17 Minnie Goldish, obit. </A> -   1986 3 17    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1986-7-17c Jacob Goldish obit..pdf"> 1986-7-17 Jacob Goldish obit.</A> -   1986 7 17          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1988-10-19c Samuel S. Goldish obit..pdf"> 1988-10-19 Samuel S. Goldish obit.</A> -   1988 10 19          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1897-9-9 Virginia, West Superior bedding, John Mesberg, mines, bedding.pdf"> 1897-9-9 Virginia, West Superior bedding, John Mesberg, mines, bedding</A> -   1897 9 9          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1921-10-21 George Mesberg settlement of estate.pdf"> 1921-10-21 George Mesberg settlement of estate</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1921 George Mesberg settlement of estate.  </font>     1900 1 0    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1901-1-11 Marion L. Polinsky and Sol Rubloff wed.pdf"> 1901-1-11 Marion L. Polinsky and Sol Rubloff wed</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1901 Marion L. Polinsky and Sol Rubloff wed.Pretty Jewish Wedding. Nearly 400 Friends Witness Polinsky-Rubloff Nuptials at Armory.  L. Polinsky, Rev. Helperner, Sadie Polinsky, George Mesberg. </font> -   1901 1 11    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1904-2-2 Eveleth Harriet Shanedling Gabriel Perlman.pdf"> 1904-2-2 Eveleth Harriet Shanedling Gabriel Perlman</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1904 Wedding At Eveleth Big Social Event. Miss Harriet Shanedling Becomes Bride of Gabriel Perlman. Mr. and Mrs. F. Shanedling of Eveleth, Gabriel Perlman, prominent clothier at Vail hall in Eveleth. - - Guests from Eveleth: Jeanette Shanedling, maid of honor; Mr. and Mrs. M. P. Shapiro, Clara and Lillian Shapiro; Samuel Leo and Carl Shapiro; Mr. and Mrs. F. Rabinowitz, son and daughter; Mr. and Mrs. M. Feldman and daughter; Mr. and Mrs. D. Simon and daughter; Mr. and Mrs. D. Elias and son; Mr. and Mrs. Milavetz, Celia Milavetz; Mr. and Mrs. Ben Gordon, Mr. and Mrs.Scott, Mr. and Mrs. Hipple, P. E. Dowling, Mrrs. Josephine Sibbit, Samuel Dorpin, Morris Rabinowitz, Joe Rabinowitz, Joe Miller, J. Simon, Mr. and Mrs. Max Shapiro, Jake and John Siegel;  Mr. Levant, Mr. and Mrs. Jake Schtein, Nathan Schtein; Samuel Rubenstein, Tom Sharp, George Mesberg, Harry Shenedling, Isadore Shanedling, Isadore Duff.  Virginia: Mr. and Mrs.Joe Roman, Mr. and Mrs. J. Mesberg, Lillian and Mary Mesberg; Mr. and Mrs. Ben Milavetz, Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Milavetz, Mr. and Mrs. Ike Milavetz, Mr. and Mrs.Julius Shanedling and daughters, H. and M. Shanedling, Mrs. N. Nathanson, Mrs. L. Cohen and daughter;  Anthony and Frank Shipley, L. Peterson, Mrs. Hoistein, Mr. Rubloff, Ben Gordon.  Milwaukee, Wis.: Misses Ida and Clara Blonde.  Sparta, Minn.: Mrs. L. Shurman.   Minneapolis: Mr. and Mrs. Meyers, parents of Mr. and Mrs. J. Shanedling.  Buhl: B. M. Lipman, Mr. and Mrs. Abramson.   La Crosse, Wis.: A. W. Jacobs.  St. Paul: H. Rudanskey.  </font> -   1904 2 2          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1904-5-30 Sadie Cohen and Louis Shenowsky wed.pdf"> 1904-5-30 Sadie Cohen and Louis Shenowsky wed</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1904 Pretty Wedding Is Celebrated. Miss Sadie Cohen and Louis Shenowsky Married at Hebrew Synagogue. 825 Fourth avenue east, and Louis Shenowsky-Duluth. Mr. and Mrs. L. Cohen, Rabbi Helprin, Odd Fellows' hall, Lillian Mesberg-Virginia, James Lavick, 326 East Sixth street. Mr. and Mrs. J. Mesberg, Lillian Mesberg, Henry Shanedling-Virginia, Morris Robbins, George Mesberg-Eveleth.   </font>     1904 5 30          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1904-12-24 Virginia, Mesberg, fire.pdf"> 1904-12-24 Virginia, Mesberg, fire</A> -   1904 12 24          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1905-7-2 Eveleth, George Mesberg, wife and baby.pdf"> 1905-7-2 Eveleth, George Mesberg, wife and baby</A> -   1905 7 2          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1905-10-23 Virginia, John Mesberg, candidate.pdf"> 1905-10-23 Virginia, John Mesberg, candidate</A> -   1905 10 23          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1905-10-27 Virginia, John Mesberg, William D. Beslow, lawsuit.pdf"> 1905-10-27 Virginia, John Mesberg, William D. Beslow, lawsuit</A> -   1905 10 27          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1906-1-27 Rabinowitz, Shannedling, Mesberg, Feldman, Siegel, Simon.pdf"> 1906-1-27 Rabinowitz, Shannedling, Mesberg, Feldman, Siegel, Simon</A> -   1906 1 27          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1906-3-2 Virginia, Mesberg, one story building.pdf"> 1906-3-2 Virginia, Mesberg, one story building</A> -   1906 3 2          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1906-3-30 Virginia, Mesberg, pavement.pdf"> 1906-3-30 Virginia, Mesberg, pavement</A> -   1906 3 30          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1906-4-2 Virginia, Mesberg, flats.pdf"> 1906-4-2 Virginia, Mesberg, flats</A> -   1906 4 2    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1906-7-3 Virginia, John Mesberg, Russian relatives.pdf"> 1906-7-3 Virginia, John Mesberg, Russian relatives</A> -   1906 7 3          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1906-7-29 Virginia, Mesberg, cleanup.pdf"> 1906-7-29 Virginia, Mesberg, cleanup</A> -   1906 7 29    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1906-7-29, Virginia,John Mesberg, ordinance, cows.pdf"> 1906-7-29 Virginia,John Mesberg, ordinance, cows</A> -   1906 7 29    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1906-10-26 Virginia, John Mesberg, morgue and chapel.pdf"> 1906-10-26 Virginia, John Mesberg, morgue and chapel</A> -   1906 10 26          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1906-10-26 Virgnia, Mesberg, sanitation conditions, typhoid fever.pdf"> 1906-10-26 Virgnia, Mesberg, sanitation conditions, typhoid fever</A> -   1906 10 26          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1907-5-19 Virginia, Jacob Stein, Mesberg.pdf"> 1907-5-19 Virginia, Jacob Stein, Mesberg</A> -   1907 5 19          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1908-3-23 Virginia, John Mesberg, iron ore.pdf"> 1908-3-23 Virginia, John Mesberg, iron ore</A> -   1908 3 23          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1908-5-2Virginia, Biwabik, J. Mesberg, M. Cohen, accident.pdf"> 1908-5-2 Virginia, Biwabik, J. Mesberg, M. Cohen, accident</A> -   1908 5 2    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1908-7-26 James F. Lavick.pdf"> 1908-7-26 James F. Lavick</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1908-7-26  John Mesberg and James F. Lavick, mineral rights.   <A HREF="images2/news/1908-7-26 James F. Lavick.jpg">cropped image</A></font>     1908 7 26    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1909-5-20 Virginia, Brainerd, Mesaba, Mesberg.pdf"> 1909-5-20 Virginia, Brainerd, Mesaba, Mesberg</A> -   1909 5 20          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1909-6-18 Hibbing, John Mesberg, suit.pdf"> 1909-6-18 Hibbing, John Mesberg, suit</A> -   1909 6 18          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1909-7-10 Mesberg, Loeb, Sattler, Silberstein.pdf"> 1909-7-10 Mesberg, Loeb, Sattler, Silberstein</A>  - -  </font><font size="1">1909 Mrs. L. S. Loeb and daughter Doherty, visit Mrs. Loeb's father in Indiana. --- 1909 Miss Mary Mesberg of Virginia, visiting friends. ---1909 Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Sattler, trip abroad. ---1909  Mr. and Mrs. B. Silberstein, visit Cincinnati, Asheville, New York.</font>     1909 7 10          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1909-7-10 Miss Mary Mesberg.jpg"> 1909-7-10 Miss Mary Mesberg</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1909 (cropped) Miss Mary Mesberg of Virginia, visiting friends.   </font>     1909 7 10          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1910-1-2 Virginia, Mesberg, annex.pdf"> 1910-1-2 Virginia, Mesberg, annex</A> -   1910 1 2          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1910-4-5 Virgnia, Lavick, Nathanson, Roman, Shanedling, Lippman, Mesberg.pdf"> 1910-4-5 Virgnia, Lavick, Nathanson, Roman, Shanedling, Lippman, Mesberg</A> -   1910 4 5          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1910-5-16 Florence Levine.pdf"> 1910-5-16 Florence Levine</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1910 Gives Linen Shower. Miss Sally M. Oreck, 114 East Fourth street, in honor of Miss Bessie R. Nurick. finace Harry Bucman, Sarah Briht, Sarah Nusbaum, Lena Kassmir, Sadie Fostoff, Eva Zalk, Sophia Weinstein, Zela Tremblatt, Esther Kernes, Mary Mesberg, Esther Sander, Bess Rocklin, Eva Rocklin, Jennie Aronsohn, Fannie Nusbaum, Anna Mark, Rose Mark, Anna Orek, Sarah Bazelon, Selma Casmir, Sarah Nusbaum, Dorothy Polinsky, Sarah Polnsky, Berthan Mendelson, Fannie Mendelson, Florence Levine.   </font>     1910 5 16          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1910-5-16 Sadie Fostoff.pdf"> 1910-5-16 Sadie Fostoff</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1910 Given Linen Shower. Sally M. Oreck entertained, 114 East Fourth street, in honor of Bessie R. Nurick, to wed Harry Buckman, Sarah Brigh, Sarah Nusbaum, Lena Kassmir, Sadie Fostoff, Eva Zalk, Sophia Weinstein, Zela Tremblatt, Esther Kernes, Mary Mesberg, Esther Sander, Bess Rocklin, Eva Rocklin, Jennie Aronsohn, Fannie Nusbaum, Anna Mark, Rose Mark, Anna Oreck, Sarah Bazelon, Selma Casmir, Sarah Nusbaum, Dorothy Polinsky, Sarah Polinsky, Bertha Mendelson, Fannie Mendelson, Florence Levine.   </font>     1910 5 16          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1910-5-17 Bessie R. Nurick, Harry Buckman, linen shower, guest Sally Oreck.pdf"> 1910-5-17 Bessie R. Nurick, Harry Buckman, linen shower, guest Sally Oreck</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1910 Linen Shower. Bessie R. Nurick and Harry Buckman, Salloy M. Oreck, Lena Kassmir, Sophie Weinstein, Esther Kernea, Mary Mesberg, Eva Rocklin, Jennie Aronson, Rose Mark, Anna Oreck, Sarah Nussbaum, Dorothy Polinsky, Sarah Polinsky, Florence Levine, Sadie Fostoff, Eva Zalk, Zela Tremblatt, Esther Sander, Bessie Rocklin, Fannie Nussbaum, Annie Mark, Sarah Bazelon, Selma Casmir, Bertha Mendelson, Fanny Mendelson.  </font> -   1910 5 17          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1910-9-28 Virginia, Mary Mesberg, Harry Cohen, engagement.pdf"> 1910-9-28 Virginia, Mary Mesberg, Harry Cohen, engagement</A> -   1910 9 28          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1910-11-7 Virginia, Bessie Litman and Joseph Berinsky, Altman.pdf"> 1910-11-7 Virginia, Bessie Litman and Joseph Berinsky, Altman</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1910 Virginia:  Festivities Are Wedding Feature. Jewish People of Virginia Have Gal Time at Berinsky-Litman Marriage. Bessie Litman, Joseph Berinsky, Rabbi Booth, Harry Lit man, Libbie Holzberg, John Mesberg, Morris Shanedling, Dan and Sam Melovetz,  E. Bickford, Michael Boylan, M. Altman, Mr. H. Helstein, Mr. and Mrs. B. Gordon, Mr. Laurey, Mr. and Mrs. M. Altman, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Altman, Mr. and Mrs. H. Hollock, Alice Holzberg, Neil McInnis, Walter J. Smith. </font> -   1910 11 7    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1910-11-7 Joseph Berinsky and Bessie Litman wed.pdf"> 1910-11-7 Joseph Berinsky and Bessie Litman wed</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1910 Festivities Are Wedding Feature. Jewish People of Virginia Have Gala Time at Berinsky-Litman Marriage. Virginia: Miss Bessie Litman, Joseph Berinsky wed. Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Litman, Rabbi Booth, Harry Litman, Libbie Holzberg, John Mesberg, Morris Shanedling, Dan and Sam Melovetz, City Clerk A. E. Bickford, Alderman Michael Boylan, M. Altman, Mrs. H. Helstein, Mr. and Mrs. B. Gordon, Mr. Laurey, Mr. and Mrs. M. Altman, Mr. and Mrs. H. Hollock, Miss Alice Holzberg, Neil McInnis, Walter J. Smith.   </font> -   1910 11 7          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1911-8-18 Virginia, Mesberg morgue.pdf"> 1911-8-18 Virginia, Mesberg morgue</A> -   1911 8 18          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1911-10-11 Eveleth, Siegel, Levant, Ellis, Stein, Mesberg, Feldman, Solomon Sax.pdf"> 1911-10-11 Eveleth, Siegel, Levant, Ellis, Stein, Mesberg, Feldman, Solomon Sax</A> -   1911 10 11          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1911-10-11 Eveleth, Sam Siegel, M. Levant, S. Ellis, S. Stein, George Mesberg, M. Feldman, Solomon Sax,synagogue.pdf"> 1911-10-11 Eveleth, Sam Siegel, M. Levant, S. Ellis, S. Stein, George Mesberg, M. Feldman, Solomon Sax,synagogue</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1911 Eveleth: Jews Elect Officers. Sam Siegel, M. Levant, S. Ellis, S. Stein, George Mesberg, M. Feldman, Solomon Sax.  </font> -   1911 10 11          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1912-1-7 Azine.pdf"> 1912-1-7 Azine</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1912 Sophia Caplov and Nathan S. Garber. Aaronson, Benjamin, Gordon, Kronic, Nathanson, Kohn, Caplov, Lieberman, Lieberman, Mesberg, Lavant, Nides, Cohn.  </font> -   1912 1 7          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1912-7-1 Mary Mesberg, wed.pdf"> 1912-7-1 Mary Mesberg, wed</A> -   1912 7 1          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1913-6-29, Virginia, Mesaba Range,George Mesberg.pdf"> 1913-6-29 Virginia, Mesaba Range,George Mesberg</A> -   1913 6 29          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1913-8-3 Virginia, Mesberg Furniture Store, fire.pdf"> 1913-8-3 Virginia, Mesberg Furniture Store, fire</A> -   1913 8 3          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1913-8-4 Virginia, Mesberg, fire.pdf"> 1913-8-4 Virginia, Mesberg, fire</A> -   1913 8 4          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1913-12-5 Eveleth, George Mesberg, visit to Duluth.pdf"> 1913-12-5 Eveleth, George Mesberg, visit to Duluth</A> -   1913 12 5          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1913-12-7 Eveleth,photo, George Mesberg, Councilman.pdf"> 1913-12-7 Eveleth,photo, George Mesberg, Councilman</A> -   1913 12 7          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1914-8-4 Virginia, Lavick and Mesberg, fire.pdf"> 1914-8-4 Virginia, Lavick and Mesberg, fire</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1914-8-4 Virginia:  Robber Gang Attempts To Burn Up Town. Four Fires Break Oaut Simultaneously at Virginia and as Many Buildings Are Burglarized-Lives of Dozen Persons Endangered-Band Is at Large. The first blaze discovered was at the Mesberg & Lavick furniture store. Wanted to Loot Town Under the Cover of Excitement-Kit of Tools and Nitroglycerin Is Found in Front of Bank Vault. Special Police Guard the City.   </font>     1914 8 4          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1914-9-2 Eveleth, Mesberg, tax.pdf"> 1914-9-2 Eveleth, Mesberg, tax</A> -   1914 9 2    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1914-9-25 Eveleth, Mesberg, recall.pdf"> 1914-9-25 Eveleth, Mesberg, recall</A> -   1914 9 25          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1914-11-14 Eveleth, George Mesberg, market.pdf"> 1914-11-14 Eveleth, George Mesberg, market</A> -   1914 11 14          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1915-3-2 Lavick and Evans wed.pdf"> 1915-3-2 Lavick and Evans wed</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1915 The wedding of Miss Sarah Lavick and A. J. Evans took place at Adash (Adas) Israel synagogue. Rev. W. Kissin and Rabbi Israel Teplitz. Miss Sarah Heronimus-Superior, Arthur Marks-St. Paul, Mortimer Levey-St. Paul, Maurice Lavick, Miss Jacqueline Levey-St. Pul, Harold Lavick-Virginia. Hebrew institute, Lavick's orchestra played. Guests: Mr. and Mrs. Harrye Levey-St. Paul, Mr. and Mrs. James F. Lavick, Mr. and Mrs. George Mesberg, Mrs. H. Shanedling of Virginia, Mr. and Mrs. George Wehburd, Mrs. S. Levant, H. A. Levant of Eveleth, and Mrs. I. Gombes of Fall River Mass.   </font>     1915 3 2    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1915-9-16 Eveleth, Jewish Relief, Budlick, Siegel, Levant, Ellis, Mesberg, Shanedling, Sax, Perlman, Shapiro.pdf"> 1915-9-16 Eveleth, Jewish Relief, Budlick, Siegel, Levant, Ellis, Mesberg, Shanedling, Sax, Perlman, Shapiro</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1915 Jewish Relief Work Organized At Eveleth. Sol Budlick, Sam Siegel, Harry Levant, Sam Ellis. George Mesberg, Isadore Shanedling, Solomon Sax, H. G. Perlman, and Max Shapiro.  </font> -   1915 9 16          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1916-1-1 Eveleth, George, Mesberg, reorganization.pdf"> 1916-1-1 Eveleth, George, Mesberg, reorganization</A> -   1916 1 1          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1916-1-29 Eveleth, Jewish Relief Fund, Sam Ellis.pdf"> 1916-1-29 Eveleth, Jewish Relief Fund, Sam Ellis</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1916 Virginia Relief Fund Totals $1,200. Eastern Mesaba Cities and Towns Contribute Liberlally to War Sufferers. Julius Shanedling, Sam Siegel, Frank Rabinowit, Jacob Stein, Sam Siegel, Sam Ellis, Louis Rubenstein, Louis Siegel, H. A. Levant, G. H. Perlman, George Mesberg, Frank Weinberg, M. Kaner, H. Siegel, J. Winer, Harry White, Joe Learner.  </font> -   1916 1 29          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1916-4-8 Eveleth, Bernard Mesberg, Boy Blue.pdf"> 1916-4-8 Eveleth, Bernard Mesberg, Boy Blue</A> -   1916 4 8          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1916-8-27 Eveleth, George Mesberg, appencitis.pdf"> 1916-8-27 Eveleth, George Mesberg, appencitis</A> -   1916 8 27    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1917-1-2 Shenowsky, Gallop.pdf"> 1917-1-2 Shenowsky, Gallop</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1917 Mrs. M. Shenowsky, 819 Fourth avenue East. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Gollop, 324 East Ninth street. Mr. and Mrs.H. Levine, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Levine, Mr. and Mrs. L. Cohen, Mr. and Mrs. J. Bernstein, Mr. and Mrs. M. Steiner Mr. and Mrs. L. Cohen, Mr. and Mrs. C. Cohen, Mr. and Mrs. K. Sander, Mr. and Mrs. H. Sander, Mr. and Mrs. R. Winner, Mr. and Mrs. L. Koff, Mrs. L. Leiberman, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Gollop, Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Gollop, Mrs. John Gollop, Mrs. J. I. Levine, Mr. and Mrs. E. Davis, Louis Devine, Mrs. H. Lowel, Mrs. J. Mesberg-Virginia, Mr. and Mrs. James Lavik, Mr. and Mrs. G. Cohen-Louisville, Ky, Ben Sader, Rose Sander, Mary Rosnozky, Mattie Cohen, Evan Cohen, Ida Levine.  </font>     1917 1 2    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1917-1-2 Shenowsky, Gollop.pdf"> 1917-1-2 Shenowsky, Gollop</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1917  Mrs. M. Shenowsky, 819 Fourth avenue East, Mrs. Peter Gollop, 324 East Ninth street, Mr. and Mrs. H. Levine, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Levine, Mr. and Mrs. L. Cohen, Mr and Mrs J. Bernstein, Mr. and Mrs. M. Steiner, Mr. and Mrs. L. Cohen, Mr. and Mrs. C. Cohen, Mr. and Mrs. K. Sander, Mr. and Mrs. H. Sander, Mr. and Mrs. R. Winner, Mr. and Mrs. L. Koff, Mrs. L. Leiberman, Mr. and Mrs Sam Gollop, Mr. and Mrs Maurice Gollop, Mr and Nrs. John Gollop, Mrs. J. I. Levine, Mr.  and Mrs. E. Davis, Louis Levine, Mrs. H. Lowel, Mrs. J. Mesberg-Virginia, Mr. and Mrs. G. Cohen-Louisville, Ky.; Ben Sander, Rose Sander, Mary Rosnozky, Mattie Cohen, Evan Cohen, Ida Levine.  </font>     1917 1 2          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1917-10-29 Eveleth, Food.pdf"> 1917-10-29 Eveleth, Food</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1917 Eveleth: Name "Saving" Committee. Mrs. George Mesberg, Mrs. F. Rabinowitz, Mrs. M. Nathanson, Mrs. M. Feldman, Solomon Sax, Sam Ellis, Mrs. Sam Siegel, Mrs. S. Levant.  </font> -   1917 10 29          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1919-8-12 Virginia, Mr Mrs John Mesberg, 50th anniversary.pdf"> 1919-8-12 Virginia, Mr Mrs John Mesberg, 50th anniversary</A> -   1919 8 12          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1919-8-23 Virginia, miners badge, Cohen, Mesberg, old settlers.pdf"> 1919-8-23 Virginia, miners badge, Cohen, Mesberg, old settlers</A> -   1919 8 23          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1919-9-7 Duluth, Lavick, Mesberg, family reunion.pdf"> 1919-9-7 Duluth, Lavick, Mesberg, family reunion</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1919 Family Reunion At Lavick Home. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Lavick, Second avenue West. Mrs. John Mesberg-Virginia, Mr. and Mrs. Harry V. Levey-St. Paul, Mr. and Mrs. James F. Lavick, Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Lavick, Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Kerness, Mr. and Mrs. H. G. Lavick, Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Evans. - -  <A HREF="images2/news/1919-9-7 Duluth, Lavick, Mesberg, family reunion.jpg">cropped image</A> </font>     1919 9 7          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1920-6-29 Virginia, Lavick, Mesberg, Kenner.pdf"> 1920-6-29 Virginia, Lavick, Mesberg, Kenner</A> -   1920 6 29    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1920-7-16 Eveleth, Jean Mesberg.pdf"> 1920-7-16 Eveleth, Jean Mesberg</A> -   1920 7 16          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1921-10-13 Eveleth, George Mesberg, obit.pdf"> 1921-10-13 Eveleth, George Mesberg, obit</A> -   1921 10 13          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1921-10-14 Mesberg obit. Rabbi Israel Lebendiger.pdf"> 1921-10-14 Mesberg obit. Rabbi Israel Lebendiger</A>  - - </font><font size="1"> 1921 Funeral Rites Conducted for Eveleth Businessman. George Mesberg, Rabbi Israel Lebendiger, John Mesberg, Berna, Harold, and Jean Mesberg, James Lavick, Henry Shanedling.  </font> -   1921 10 14          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1921-10-21 Eveleth, George Mesberg estate.pdf"> 1921-10-21 Eveleth, George Mesberg estate</A> -   1921 10 21    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1921-10-21Mesberg Estate.pdf"> 1921-10-21 Mesberg Estate</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1921 Mesberg Estate $41,575. George Mesberg, Eveleth, Oct. 12, age 39, widow Clara, daughter Jean, sons Bernard and Harold.  </font> -   1921 10 21          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1922-10-10 Virginia, Mesberg, Dorfman, Jaffee, Cohen, Scheiber, Bankman.pdf"> 1922-10-10 Virginia, Mesberg, Dorfman, Jaffee, Cohen, Scheiber, Bankman</A> -   1922 10 10          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1885-7-16 Young Men's Hebrew association.pdf"> 1885-7-16 Young Men's Hebrew association</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1885 Annual meeting of the Young Men's Hebrew association Charles Polinsky, L. Oreckovsky, S. Segal, S. Lavick, S. Bakovitch, M. Oreckovsky, Albert Polinsky.  </font>     1885 7 16          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1895-5-10 Monack Oreckovsky.pdf"> 1895-5-10 Monack Oreckovsky</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1895 The Stage, newsboys' concert at Bethel,John Oreckovsky, Monack Oreckovsky, Sam Lavick. </font> -   1895 5 10    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1895-7-16 L. Oreckovsky, financial secretary and M. Oreckovsky.pdf"> 1895-7-16 L. Oreckovsky, financial secretary and M. Oreckovsky</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1895 Young Men's Hebrew association, Charles Polinsky, L. Oreckovsky, S. Segal, S. Lavick, S. Baker, M. Oreckovsky, Albert Polinsky.  </font> -   1895 7 16          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1895-11-2 Sadie Lavick obit.pdf"> 1895-11-2 Sadie Lavick obit</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1895 Sadie Lavick, 2012 W. Superior St., 2 months old, died of entero colitis.   </font>     1895 11 2    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1896-2-11 Samuel B. Lavick.pdf"> 1896-2-11 Samuel B. Lavick</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1896 H. Elliott assaulted Samuel B. Lavick. Small boys threw stones against Samuel’s house.  </font>     1896 2 11    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1896-2-14 A. Lavick.pdf"> 1896-2-14 A. Lavick</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1896 A Pleasant Party. The Dance Given By The Judith Montefiore Benevolent Society Was A Success. Odd Fellows hall. St. Valentine’s day. Mrs. I. Abrahamson-president, Mesdames E. Arleson, A. Gingold, W. Goldstein, A. Lavick. Hyman Cohen, H. Yosefowitz, H. Kaplowere.   </font>     1896 2 14    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1897-8-23 C. Lavick.pdf"> 1897-8-23 C. Lavick</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1897 First Big Holiday. Street Car Employees Give Annual Picnic Thursday. It Will be Held at Lester Park and the Biggest Kind of Preparations are Making for the Day-Long List of Athletic Contents with Good Prizes to Spur Up Contestants. Three standing jumps-First, one tie pin, by G. A. Klein; second, one center table, by C. Lavick.   </font>     1897 8 23          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1899-3-13 La Vant and Casmir wedding.htm"> 1899-3-13 La Vant and Casmir wedding</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> Attendees: Nellie La Vant, David Casmir, Rabbi Abrams, Rabbi Newfield, Henrietta Cook, B. J. Cook, Annie L Vant, Selma Casmir, Mayor Truelsen, Dr. R. Graham, Lavick, Mitchell, Albert, I. Isadore, I. Rubenstein, Julius Cohen, Joe Sattler, Kacob SattlerGus Levin, Levy, I. Abrahamson, Krojanker, William Abrahamson, Dave Cohen, L. Oreck, Monschind, H. Hirshberg, H. Y. Josephs, S. E. Gittelson, J. Rothschild, Meyar Cook, J. Abrahamson, Julius Cook, Ben Katz, Mark, Hanna Cook, Lillian Abramson, Pauline Levy, Sadie Mondschind, Mary Mark, and Fanny Hass.  </font> -   1899 3 13          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1899-3-13 La Vant and Casmir wedding.pdf"> 1899-3-13 La Vant and Casmir wedding</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1899  United In Marriage. Miss Nellie La Vant and David Casmir Married Yesterday Afternoon.   Rabbi Newfield, Rabbi Abrams, Henrietta Cook, B. J. Cook, Annie La Vant, Selma Casmir, Mayor Truelsen, Dr. R. Graham, Casmir, Lavick, Mitchell, Albert, I. Isadore, I. Rubenstein, Julius Cohen, Joe Sattler, Jacob Sattler, Gus Levin, P. Levy, I. Abrahamson, Krojanker, William Abrahamson, Dave Cohen, L. Oreck, Monschind, B. J. Cook, H. Hirshberg, H. Y. Josephs, S. E. Gittelson, J. Rothschild, Meyear Cook, J. Abrahmson, Julius Cook, Ben Katz, Mark, Henrietta Cook, Hanna Cook, Lillian Abrahamson, Pauline Levy, Sadie Mondschind, Mary Mark, Fanny Hass.  </font> -   1899 3 13    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1921-5-30 Lebendiger, Sisterhood.pdf"> 1921-5-30 Lebendiger, Sisterhood</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1921 Sisterhood Is Formed. Hebrew Institute, Rabbi Israel Lebendiger, Mr. and Mrs. H. Y. Josephs, 1124 East Superior street, Mrs. A . Davidson, Mrs. J. A. Kohn, J. Rosenstein, Mrs. M. Daneiko, Mrs. M. Cook, Mrs. H. Y. Josephs, Mrs. A. Friss, Mrs. M. Nides, Mrs. I. B. Aarons, Mrs. L. Oreck, Mrs. H. Lavick, Mrs. H. Bennett, Mrs. Lebendiger, Mrs. A. Friss, Mrs. Teplisky, Mrs.M. D. Nides, Mrs. Oxman.  </font>     1900 1 0          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1921-6-21 Mrs. I. Lebendiger, sisterhood.pdf"> 1921-6-21 Mrs. I. Lebendiger, sisterhood</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1921 The Sisterhood, Hebrew Instititute, Mrs. William Abrahamson, Mrs. Joseph Oreckovsky, Mrs. James Velner, Mrs. E. J. Davis., Mrs. Lyle Oreck, Mrs. I. B. Aarons, Mrs. lavick, Mrs. Bennett, Mrs. Friss, Mrs. I. Lebendiger.   </font>     1900 1 0          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1901-7-21 party for Jeanette McLean.jpg"> 1901-7-21 party for Jeanette McLean</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1901-7-21 party for Jeanette McLean. Guest-Nellie Lavick   </font>     1901 7 21          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1901-8-4 Samuel and James Lavick.pdf"> 1901-8-4 Samuel and James Lavick</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1901-8-4 Warren Smith party, guests: Sam Lavick, John Oreckovsky, James Lavick. <A HREF="images2/news/1901-8-4 Samuel and James Lavick.jpg">cropped version</A> </font>     1901 8 4          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1902-4-13 Charles, James and Sam Lavick.pdf"> 1902-4-13 Charles, James and Sam Lavick</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1902-4-13 Charles Lavick, 1930 West Michigan street, surprise party. Guests: Mr. and Mrs. L. Casmir, Mr. and Mrs. S. Casmir, Mr. and Mrs. M. Rocklin, Mr. and Mrs. L. Gross, Mr. and Mrs. B. Miller, Eva Casmir, Selina Casmir, Bessie Rocklin, Sadie Rocklin, Ben Katz, Ed P. Neil-Red Wing, James Lavick, Sam Lavick.   <A HREF="images2/news/1902-4-13 Charles, James and Sam Lavick.jpg">cropped version</A></font>     1902 4 13    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1904-5-30 Sadie Cohen and Louis Shenowsky wed.pdf"> 1904-5-30 Sadie Cohen and Louis Shenowsky wed</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1904 Pretty Wedding Is Celebrated. Miss Sadie Cohen and Louis Shenowsky Married at Hebrew Synagogue. 825 Fourth avenue east, and Louis Shenowsky-Duluth. Mr. and Mrs. L. Cohen, Rabbi Helprin, Odd Fellows' hall, Lillian Mesberg-Virginia, James Lavick, 326 East Sixth street. Mr. and Mrs. J. Mesberg, Lillian Mesberg, Henry Shanedling-Virginia, Morris Robbins, George Mesberg-Eveleth.   </font>     1904 5 30    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1904-5-30 Sadie Cohen and Louis Shenowsky wed 2.pdf"> 1904-5-30 Sadie Cohen and Louis Shenowsky wed</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1904 Pretty Wedding Is Celebrated Sadie Cohen and Louis Shenowsky wed. Groomsman, James Lavick.   </font>     1904 5 30          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1904-11-1 Eva and Henry Lavick.pdf"> 1904-11-1 Eva and Henry Lavick</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1904 Surprise For Miss Flaaten. Miss Alyda Flaaten, surprise party. Guests: Eva Lavick, Henry Lavikc.  Note: The Flaaten family had an orchestra and played at many events.   </font>     1904 11 1    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1905-1-10 Charles Lavick, bankrupt.pdf"> 1905-1-10 Charles Lavick, bankrupt</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1905 Charles Lavick, Bankruptcy.   </font>     1905 1 10          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1905-11-5 Rose Witz, Halloween party.pdf"> 1905-11-5 Rose Witz, Halloween party</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> Hallowe'en party, The Jolly Coterie, Selma Casmir, Sarah Simon, Sadie Berkson, Mathilda Berkson, Aronson, Lizzie Helperin, Eva Casmir, Mary Oreck, Nellie Lavick, Ether Shapiro, Bessie Cowl, Rose Witz, Sadie Rocklin, Rachael Oreck, Mr. Becker, Louis Bennett, Allan Rocklin, Harry Levine, Herman Aronson, George Altman, Charles Oreck, Harry Glassner. </font> -   1905 11 5    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1906-11-24 Virginia, Herman Nathanson.pdf"> 1906-11-24 Virginia, Herman Nathanson</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1906 Virginia: Mrs. A. E. Bicford, Julius Shanedling, Louis Cohen,Herman Nathanson, James Lavick.  </font> -   1906 11 24    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1908-5-30 Virginia, James Lavick, undertaker.pdf"> 1908-5-30 Virginia, James Lavick, undertaker</A> -   1908 5 30    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1908-5-30 James Lavick, undertaker, Virginia.pdf"> 1908-5-30 James Lavick, undertaker, Virginia</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1908 Virginia: Schrieber Case Witnesses. Hames Lavick witnesses to Schrieber murder case. Mr Lavick is the undertaker who prepared the body for burial.  </font>     1908 5 30          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1908-7-26 James F. Lavick.pdf"> 1908-7-26 James F. Lavick</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1908-7-26  John Mesberg and James F. Lavick, mineral rights.   <A HREF="images2/news/1908-7-26 James F. Lavick.jpg">cropped image</A></font>     1908 7 26    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1909-1-20 Casmir-Goldberg wed, Rosempud, Jaros, Applebaum, Lavick .pdf"> 1909-1-20 Casmir-Goldberg wed, Rosempud, Jaros, Applebaum, Lavick </A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1909 Superior, Evelyn Casmir and Julius Goldberg, Rabbi Kisim, Selma Casmir, A. H. Shapiro, Marjorie Rachlin, Louis Helperin, D. E. Casmir, M. Rachlin, J. B. Jaros, Marion Rosempud, Edward Applebaum, F. B. Lavick, Anna Lavick.  </font> -   1909 1 20          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1909-10-20 Casmir-Goldman wed, Anna Lavick, Chicago.pdf"> 1909-10-20 Casmir-Goldman wed, Anna Lavick, Chicago</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1909 Casmir-Goldberg. Evelyn Casmir and Julius Goldberg-Superior, wed. Third avenue east and Third street synagogue. Rabbi Kissim officiated. Miss Selma Casmir, A. H. Shapiro-St. Paul, Marjorie Rachlin, Louis Helperin, D. E. Casmir, M. Rachlin, guests: Mrs. J. B. Jaros and Miss Marion Rosempud-Minneapolis, Mrs. Edward Applebaum –St. Paul, Mr. and Mrs. F. B. Lavick and Miss Anna Lavick-Chicago, Mr. Goldberg and his bride will be at home in Superior.   </font>     1909 10 20    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1910-4-5 Virgnia, Lavick, Nathanson, Roman, Shanedling, Lippman, Mesberg.pdf"> 1910-4-5 Virgnia, Lavick, Nathanson, Roman, Shanedling, Lippman, Mesberg</A> -   1910 4 5          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1910-5-15 Henry G.pdf"> 1910-5-15 Henry G</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> Henry and Maurice Lavick were brothers. Both were musicians.  Henry G. Lavick played the violin. The article includes a photo of him.  His brother Maurice had an orchestra.    </font>     1910 5 15          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1910-5-15 Duluth, Henry G. Lavick, music, violin.pdf"> 1910-5-15 Duluth, Henry G. Lavick, music, violin</A>   - -  </font><font size="1"> 1910 Music. Henry G. Lavick, photo. Violinist, plays with the Flaaten orchestra.   </font>     1910 5 15    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1911-8-14 C. Lavick mattresses ad.pdf"> 1911-8-14 C. Lavick mattresses ad</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1911-8-14 Duluth Bedding Company ad, C. Lavick, Proprietor, 409 Lake Avenue South. <A HREF="images2/news/1911-8-14 C. Lavick mattresses ad.jpg">cropped image</A> </font>     1911 8 14          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1911-9-11 Joseph Fostoff.pdf"> 1911-9-11 Joseph Fostoff</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1911 Mr. and Mrs. Cohen Give Party For Mrs. Lavick. Mr. and Mrs. L. Cohen, 911 East Third street, Mrs. B. Lavick, daughter Anna Lavick of Chicago., Mrs. J. Lieberman, Mrs. S. Caplov, E. Sosnovsky, M. Caplov, M. Shore, B. Lavick, I. L. Lavine, J. Fostoff, J. Lieberman, A. Stern, J. Wolfe, J. A. Kohn, S. Kassmir, M. Cohen, D. Frankfort, M. Steiner, L. Shenowsky, Popkin, M. Levine, Sophie Caplov, Dollie Polinsky, Rose Cohen, Eva Cohen, Anna lavick, M. Cohen, L. Cohen, M. Shore, J. L. Lavine K. Kohn, M. Wolfe  </font>     1911 9 11    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1911-9-11 Mrs. B. Lavick, cropped.pdf"> 1911-9-11 Mrs. B. Lavick, cropped</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1911-9-11  Mr. and Mrs. Cohen Give Party For Mrs. Lavick. Mr. and Mrs. L. Cohen, 911 East Third street, for Mrs. B. Lavick and daughter Anna Lavick from Chicago. Mrs. J. Lieberman, Mrs. S. Caplov, Mesdames E. Sosnovsky, M. Caplov, M. Shore, I. L. Lavine, J. Fostoff, J. Lieberman, A. Stern J. Wolfe, J. A. Frankfort, M. Steiner, L. Shenowsky, Popkin, M. Levine, Sophie Caplov, Dollie Polinsky, Rose Cohen, Eva Cohen, Anna Lavick, Messrs M. Cohen, L. Cohen, M. Shore, J. L. Lavine, J. Kohn, M. Wolfe.   </font>     1911 9 11          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1911-9-17 E. Sosnovsky.pdf"> 1911-9-17 E. Sosnovsky</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1911 Mr. and Mrs. L. Cohen, 911 East Third street entertained. Mrs. B. Lavick and daughter, Miss Anna Lavick-Chicago, Mrs. J. Leiberman, Mrs. S. Caplov, E. (Esther) Sosnovsky, M. Caplov, M. Shore, B. Lavick, I. L. Lavine, J. Fostoff, J. Leiberman, A. Stern, J. Wolfe, J. A. Kohn, S. Kassmir, M. Cohen, D. Frankfort, M. Steiner, L. Shenowsky, Popkin, M. Levine, Miss Sophie Caplov, Dollie Polinsky, Rose Cohen, Eva Cohen, Anna Lavick, Mr. M. Cohen, L. Cohen, M. Shore, J. L. Levine, J. Kohn, M. Wolfe.   </font>     1911 9 17    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1912-3-25 Mr. and Mrs. Lavick.pdf"> 1912-3-25 Mr. and Mrs. Lavick</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1912-3-25 Irish-American Literary club. Violin solo, H. Lavick. Mr. and Mrs. Lavick-violin duet.  </font>     1912 3 25          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1912-4-25 Henry Lavick and Eva Zalk.pdf"> 1912-4-25 Henry Lavick and Eva Zalk</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1912-4-25 Final Program Friday Evening. Excellent Card of Music and Readings Prepared for Close of Lecture Course. Violin solo, “Liebesfrued” (Kreisler). Henry Lalvick, Miss Eva Zalk, accompanist.   </font>     1912 4 25          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1912-5-1 Lavick and Zalk.pdf"> 1912-5-1 Lavick and Zalk</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1912-5-1 Mrs. Kelley New Head For Year. Bishop’s Club Elects Officers and Appoints Several Committees at Final Meeting of the Season. Volunteers Will Put Reading Into Hospitals. Miss Zalk, Mrs. Ball, Messrs. Erdtman and Lavick (brothers) on Musical Program.  </font>     1912 5 1          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1912-5-16 Henry Lavick.pdf"> 1912-5-16 Henry Lavick</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1912-5-16  Preceding the performance and between acts, Henry Lavick’s orchestra rendered a program of popular music. Miss Lydia Arndt and Henry Lavick.  </font>     1912 5 16    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1912-6-4 Henry Lavick.pdf"> 1912-6-4 Henry Lavick</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1912-6-4  Duluth Violinist Is On Trinity Church Program. Henry Lavick..  </font>     1912 6 4          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1912-6-14 Sarah Abrahamson Ely School.pdf"> 1912-6-14 Sarah Abrahamson Ely School</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1912 Grade Schools Turn Out Six Hundred Graduates. Commencement Exercises at Most of Buildings Marks Graduation of Largest Number of Grammar School Children in Duluth's History-Programs Attractive and Well Rendered. - - - Ely School: Sarah Abrahamson - - Jefferson School: Esther Zelda Abrahamson, Ruth Freimuth, Esther Dorothy Levine, Mollie Rudnitzky, Sheba Yesani - -  Adams School: Harry Karon, Jennie Winer, Harry Bernard Schneider - -  Endion School:  Bessie Popkin - - Franklin School:  Jacob Garon, Bennie Goldstein, Maurice Fred Lavick - -  Washington School: Charlotte Azine, Rose Goldish, Samuel Gotkin, Ida Ruth Kasmir, Bertha Miriam Moscovitch, Allen Rachlin, Ida Ruth Stein, Minnie Myrtle Winer, Marvin Berkson, Rae Leah Cook, Harry Karon, Harry Eli Kenner, Jennie Markus, Bessie Silver, Lean Marion Sonosky, Lizzie Louise Polinsky.   </font>     1912 6 14          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1912-6-18 Henry and Maurce Lavick, piano.pdf"> 1912-6-18 Henry and Maurce Lavick, piano</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1912-6-18  Piano Students Will Give Recital Tonight. Henry and Maurice Lavick, violinists.  </font>     1912 6 18          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1912-6-22 Lavick, Virginia, 4th of July.pdf"> 1912-6-22 Lavick, Virginia, 4th of July</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1912 Virginia Plans Gorgeous Event. Committees Plan to Make Fourth Celebration Most Spectacular in Range History. Subscription and Finances: James Lavick.   </font>     1912 6 22          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1912-7-1 Lavick, Shanedling wedding.pdf"> 1912-7-1 Lavick, Shanedling wedding</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1912 Wedding Was An Elaborate One. Miss Mary Besberg of Virginia Becomes Bride of Henry Shanedling. Mrs. James Lavick, matron of honor.  </font>     1912 7 1    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1913-2-14 Henry Lavick music.pdf"> 1913-2-14 Henry Lavick music</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1913 Is Coming Home. Henry G. Lavick, well known in local musical circles is expected to return tomorrow from Minneapolis where he has been studying for the past three months.  </font>     1913 2 14          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1913-4-7 Lavick, Duluth Bedding Co.pdf"> 1913-4-7 Lavick, Duluth Bedding Co</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1913 Local Factory Exhibits Gain In Operations. Duluth Bedding Company Installs Additional Plant and Doubles Its Output-Trade Develops Through Districts Opened by New Railroad Lines. Charles Lavick and two sons, H. G. Lavick and M. F. Lavick.   </font>     1913 4 7    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1913-4-13 Sara Salnovitz.pdf"> 1913-4-13 Sara Salnovitz</A> - -   Edythe Azine, Sosnosky, Altman, Fieldman, Weinstein, Lavick, Joseph, Finklestein, Salnovitz  -   1913 4 13    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1913-10-23 Mrs. Henry G. Lavick & Mrs. B. Lavick.pdf"> 1913-10-23 Mrs. Henry G. Lavick & Mrs. B. Lavick</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1913 Mrs. Henry G. Lavick and Mrs. B.Lavick-Chicago attended birthday party for Dorothy Ruth Nuric.   </font>     1913 10 23          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1914-1-1 Rose Bloom, Henry L. Lavick.pdf"> 1914-1-1 Rose Bloom, Henry L. Lavick</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1914 Rose Bloom and Henry L. Lavick, engagement. Mr. and Mrs. J. Bloom, Marshfield, Wis.  </font> -   1914 1 1    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1914-1-1 Jewish Chautauqua, book club.jpg"> 1914-1-1 Jewish Chautauqua, book club</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1914 Jewish Chautauqua, book club, Dr. M. Lefkovits, Mrs. E. A. Silberstein.  - - <A HREF="images2/news/1914-1-1 Rose Bloom and Henry L. Lavick.pdf"> full page</A></font>     1914 1 1    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1914-1-1 Lavick’s orchestra will furnish music.jpg"> 1914-1-1 Lavick’s orchestra will furnish music</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1914 Fidelity Lodge No. 105, A.O.U.W. social entertainment, Maccabee hall, 21 Lake avenue North, Degree of Honor. Lavick’s orchestra will furnish music for dancing.  - - <A HREF="images2/news/1914-1-1 Rose Bloom and Henry L. Lavick.pdf"> full page</A></font>     1914 1 1          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1914-1-1 Mr & Mrs B Silberstein entertained.jpg"> 1914-1-1 Mr & Mrs B Silberstein entertained</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1914 Mr. and Mrs. B. Silbertein. 31 West Second Street. Entertained.   - - <A HREF="images2/news/1914-1-1 Rose Bloom and Henry L. Lavick.pdf"> full page</A></font>     1914 1 1          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1914-1-1 Rose Bloom & Henry Lavick engaged.jpg"> 1914-1-1 Rose Bloom & Henry Lavick engaged</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1914-1-1 Mr. and Mrs. J. Bloom of Marshfield, Wis., engagement of daughter, Miss Rose Bloom to Henry L. Lavick.  - - <A HREF="images2/news/1914-1-1 Rose Bloom and Henry L. Lavick.pdf"> full page</A></font>     1914 1 1          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1914-1-4 Selma Camir and Albert S. Friss wed.pdf"> 1914-1-4 Selma Camir and Albert S. Friss wed</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1914 Selma Casmir and Albert S. Friss-Pittsburgh wed. Mr. and Mrs. M. Casmir, 42 East Fifth street, Dr. Kissin-St. Paul, Eva Rachlin, Eleanore Lavick, William Kapvin-St. Paul, Meyer Parker, Charles Finkelstein, Mr. and Mrs. Julius Goldberg-St. Paul, Mrs. Leo Prinz-Pittsburgh, Mrs. B. Miller, Miss Sarah Miller-Eau Claire, Wis., Miss Rose Blum-Marshfield, Wis., Mr. and Mrs. J. Lavick-Virginia, Minn., B. Lavick-Chicago.  </font> -   1914 1 4    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1914-1-11 Lavick, patrons.pdf"> 1914-1-11 Lavick, patrons</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1914-1-11 Distinguished Pianist Will Be Heard In Recital Feb. 6. Giuseppe Fabbrini. Patrons and patronesses for the evening. Sadie Gingold, Miss Eva Zalk, Henry Lavick, Morris Lavick.  </font>     1914 1 11    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1914-8-4 Virginia, Lavick and Mesberg, fire.pdf"> 1914-8-4 Virginia, Lavick and Mesberg, fire</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1914-8-4 Virginia:  Robber Gang Attempts To Burn Up Town. Four Fires Break Oaut Simultaneously at Virginia and as Many Buildings Are Burglarized-Lives of Dozen Persons Endangered-Band Is at Large. The first blaze discovered was at the Mesberg & Lavick furniture store. Wanted to Loot Town Under the Cover of Excitement-Kit of Tools and Nitroglycerin Is Found in Front of Bank Vault. Special Police Guard the City.   </font>     1914 8 4          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1914-8-29 Mrs. Samuel Lavick.pdf"> 1914-8-29 Mrs. Samuel Lavick</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1914-8-29  Mrs. Samuel Lavick, 232 North Central avenue is visiting in the Twin Cities.  </font>     1914 8 29          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1914-9-19 Mr. and Mrs. Henry G. Lavick.jpg"> 1914-9-19 Mr. and Mrs. Henry G. Lavick</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1914-9-19 Mr. and Mrs. Henry G. Lavick, wedding in Marshfield, Wis. Home at 305 East Fifth street.   - -  <A HREF="images2/news/1914-9-19 Rose and Henry Lavick wed.pdf">full page</A></font>     1914 9 19    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1914-9-19 Rabbi Lefkovits Sermon.jpg"> 1914-9-19 Rabbi Lefkovits Sermon</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1914 Rabbi Lefkovits In Sermon Tells About Education For Life. Temple Emanuel. Dr. Maurice Lefkovits. Purpose of Judaism was not to prepare man for the hereafter, but to teach him to exalt and ennoble his life in this world.   - -  <A HREF="images2/news/1914-9-19 Rose and Henry Lavick wed.pdf">full page</A></font>     1914 9 19          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1914-11-12 Sarah Lavick, eng. to A. J. Evans.pdf"> 1914-11-12 Sarah Lavick, eng. to A. J. Evans</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1914-11-12 Mr. and Mrs. Charles Lavick, 315 East Fifth street, engagement of daughter Sarah Lavick to A. J. Evans.  </font>     1914 11 12    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1915-2-24 Henry Lavick, talks on music.pdf"> 1915-2-24 Henry Lavick, talks on music</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1915 Degree Team to Entertain. Henry G. Lavick, talks on music.  </font>     1915 2 24          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1915-3-2 Lavick and Evans wed.pdf"> 1915-3-2 Lavick and Evans wed</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1915 The wedding of Miss Sarah Lavick and A. J. Evans took place at Adash (Adas) Israel synagogue. Rev. W. Kissin and Rabbi Israel Teplitz. Miss Sarah Heronimus-Superior, Arthur Marks-St. Paul, Mortimer Levey-St. Paul, Maurice Lavick, Miss Jacqueline Levey-St. Pul, Harold Lavick-Virginia. Hebrew institute, Lavick's orchestra played. Guests: Mr. and Mrs. Harrye Levey-St. Paul, Mr. and Mrs. James F. Lavick, Mr. and Mrs. George Mesberg, Mrs. H. Shanedling of Virginia, Mr. and Mrs. George Wehburd, Mrs. S. Levant, H. A. Levant of Eveleth, and Mrs. I. Gombes of Fall River Mass.   </font>     1915 3 2    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1915-6-10 Mrs. Henry Lavick.pdf"> 1915-6-10 Mrs. Henry Lavick</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1915-6-10 Mrs. Henry G. Lavick, 7 ½ East Fifth street visiting relatives in Marshfield for 10 days. - -  <A HREF="images2/news/1915-6-10 Mrs. Henry Lavick.jpg">cropped image</A>  </font>     1915 6 10    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1915-8-27 Samuel Lavick.pdf"> 1915-8-27 Samuel Lavick</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1915-8-27  Royal League Makes year’s Social Plans. Entertainments Arranged to Follow Joint Meetings of  Two Councils.  June 13 Mrs. Samuel Lavick, June 27 Samuel Lavick   </font>     1915 8 27    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1915-10-12 Mrs. Benjamin Lavick, Chicago.pdf"> 1915-10-12 Mrs. Benjamin Lavick, Chicago</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1915 Mrs. Benjamin Lavick of Chicago honored. Daughter Mrs. Samuel Kassmir, 409 First avenue West. Mr. and Mrs. James Lavick-Virginia, Mrs. G. Cohen –Cleveland, Ohio, Samuel Lavick-Chicago.   </font>     1915 10 12    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1915-10-20 Lavick birthday party.pdf"> 1915-10-20 Lavick birthday party</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1915 Birthday Party For Miss Lavick. Mrs. Samuel Lavick Hostess at Halloween Party for Her Little Daughter. 1007 Central avenue North. Lenoree Lavick’s seventh birthday. Mrs. H. H. Lumley, June Nonnamaker, Norma Smith and Ernest Weiners, Sylvia Armstrong, Ruth Johnson, Florence Nelson, S. O. Lavick, Lillian Carney, Bernice Lavick, James Kernes, Harold Kernes, Wright Phinney, Edgar Smith, Emil Weiners, Ralph Smith. Mrs. H. G. Lavick, Mrs. F. Kernes, Mrs. F. Weiners, Mrs. A. Evans, Mrs. Charles Lavick, Mrs. Phinney, Mrs. A. Smith.  </font>     1915 10 20          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1915-12-31 Mrs. Samuel Lavick, New Years Eve party.pdf"> 1915-12-31 Mrs. Samuel Lavick, New Years Eve party</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1915 Mrs. Samuel Lavick, 1007 North Central avenue West.   </font>     1915 12 31    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1916-1-2 Duluth, Bernice Lavick, first birthday.pdf"> 1916-1-2 Duluth, Bernice Lavick, first birthday</A> -   1916 1 2          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1916-1-2 ag Duluth, Bernice Lavick, first birthday.pdf"> 1916-1-2 ag Duluth, Bernice Lavick, first birthday</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1916 West Duluth Babies Celebrate First Birthday Anniversaries. Bernice Lavick. Photo. Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Lavick. 1007 North Central Avenue.   </font>     1916 1 2          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1916-4-9 Lavick sewing.pdf"> 1916-4-9 Lavick sewing</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1916 Sewing Club Has Dinner Party. Glass Block tea rooms. Mrs. H. H. Lumley, Mrs. Samuel Lavick, Mrs. I. Nurick, Mrs. Henry Lavick, Mrs. J. Lavick, Mrs. L. Shenosky.   </font>     1916 4 9            
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1916-6-12 Lavick brothers.pdf"> 1916-6-12 Lavick brothers</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1916 Adams Alumni At Their Twenty-Fifth Annual Banquet Hear miss Culkin, Prince, M’Ewen And Others-“Grads”-Advised. Henry G. Lavick played violin solo and Lavick brothers appeared in a violin duet. Lavick’s orchestra played during dinner. H. G. Lavick and J. Winer on committees.   </font>     1916 6 12    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1916-6-20 Mrs. Samuel Lavick & daughter Bernice.pdf"> 1916-6-20 Mrs. Samuel Lavick & daughter Bernice</A>  - -  </font><font size="1">  1916 Mrs. Samuel Lavick and daughter Bernice, 1107 North Central avenue, visited Minneapolis and St. Paul. Returned with Miss Marian Murray, Miss Leone Lavick.  </font>     1916 6 20          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1916-7-18 Sadie Fostoff.pdf"> 1916-7-18 Sadie Fostoff</A>  - -  </font><font size="1">  1916 Mrs. H. Casmir, 420 Third avenue East, Mr. and Mrs. S. Kassmir, Mr. and Mrs. C. Lavick, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Lavick, Mr. and Mrs. S. Casmir, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Kerness, Mrs. S. Prinz and son of Pittsburgh, Pa., Mrs. Levy and daughter of St. paul, Ida Kassmir, Rose Garish, Sadie Fostoff, Sara Kassmir, George Casmir, Arthur Mark.  </font>     1916 7 18    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1916-7-18 Lavick and Casmir.pdf"> 1916-7-18 Lavick and Casmir</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1916 Mrs. H. Casmir, 420 Third avenue East, Mr. and Mrs. S. Casmir, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Kernes, Mrs. S. Prinz and son-Pittsburgh, Pa., Mrs. Levy and daughter-St. Paul, Miss Ida Kassmir, Miss Rose Garish, Miss Sadie Fostoff, Miss Sara Kassmir, George Casmir, and Arthur Mark.  - - (Note two different spellings for Kassmir family.) </font>     1916 7 18          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1916-8-25 Silverman, Lavick.pdf"> 1916-8-25 Silverman, Lavick</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1916 Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Lavick, 1007 North Central avenue, Mrs. F. Silverman-St. Paul-grandmother. Came to visit great grandchildren, Bernice and Lenora, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Lavick.  </font>     1916 8 25    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1916-9-4 Sarah Silverman, photo.pdf"> 1916-9-4 Sarah Silverman, photo</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1916 St. Paul Woman Visits In Duluth, photo of Sarah Silverman. Great grand daughters to Leonore and Bernice, Mrs. Samuel Lavick, 1007 North Central avenue.   </font>     1916 9 4          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1917-1-23 Charles Lavick.pdf"> 1917-1-23 Charles Lavick</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1917 Juror’s Illness Delays Personal Injury Suit. Charles Lavick ill.  </font>     1917 1 23          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1917-7-24 James Lavick home in Duluth.pdf"> 1917-7-24 James Lavick home in Duluth</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1917 Virginia: Mr. and Mrs. James Lavick and children, residents of Virginia, left Friday afternoon for Duluth, where they will make their home.  </font>     1917 7 24    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1917-8-12 Mrs. Lavick.pdf"> 1917-8-12 Mrs. Lavick</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1917 Mr. and Mrs. S. Lavick and little daughters Leonore and Bernice, 1007 North Fifty-fifth avenue West, Mrs. Lavick’s mother, Mrs. A. Mark, Miss Ruth Johnson and Bertie Silverman of Minneapolis guests of Mr. and Mrs. Lavick for several days. Motor trip to Twin Cities, visit relatives. - - <A HREF="images2/news/1917-8-12 Mrs. Lavick.jpg">cropped image</A> </font>     1917 8 12    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1917-12-2 S. Lavick, manager, fire sale.pdf"> 1917-12-2 S. Lavick, manager, fire sale</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1917 West Duluth Furniture Company,  S. Lavick-manager,  ad, fire sale.  <A HREF="images2/news/1917-12-2 S. Lavick, manager, fire sale.jpg">cropped image</A> </font>     1917 12 2    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1918-1-8 Alena Sosnovsky.pdf"> 1918-1-8 Alena Sosnovsky</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1918 Miss Isabel Blum, linen shower, Mrs. Henry Lavick, Miss Alena Sosnovsky, Mrs. Lavick, 109 East Third street.   </font>     1918 1 8          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1918-1-8 Mrs. H. Lavick.pdf"> 1918-1-8 Mrs. H. Lavick</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1918 Miss Isabel Blum, linen shower, Mrs. Henry Lavick and Alena Sosnovsky, 109 East Third street.   </font>     1918 1 8    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1918-11-24 Henry Lavick, Cloquet fire concert.pdf"> 1918-11-24 Henry Lavick, Cloquet fire concert</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1918 Joy Reigns At Cloquet, First Since Flames. Citizens Welcome Entertainment by Duluth Musicians. Henry Lavick gave several violin selections.   </font>     1918 11 24    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1919-2-22 Mrs. Samuel Lavick.pdf"> 1919-2-22 Mrs. Samuel Lavick</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1919 Mrs. Samuel Lavick, 4806 West Sixth street. Mrs. C. Lavick and Mrs. F. Bennett. - -   <A HREF="images2/news/1919-2-22 Mrs. Samuel Lavick.jpg">cropped image</A></font>     1919 2 22    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1919-3-15 Lavick, B'nai B'rith.pdf"> 1919-3-15 Lavick, B'nai B'rith</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1919 Covenant Lodge To Dance. No. 569, L. O. B. B., Spalding hotel, James F. Lavick, S. Nides, C. D. Oreckvsky, and Henry Lavick.  </font>     1919 3 15    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1919-6-18 Maurice Lavick orchestra ad.pdf"> 1919-6-18 Maurice Lavick orchestra ad</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> Henry and Maurice Lavick were brothers. Both were musicians.  Henry G. Lavick played the violin.    His brother Maurice had an orchestra. The article includes a ad for their orchestra.   </font>     1919 6 18    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1919-6-18 Maurice Lavick orchestra ad2.pdf"> 1919-6-18 Maurice Lavick orchestra ad2</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1919 Dancing, Japanese Garden at Lester park.  Maurice Lavick, Six-piece Orchestra. - -   <A HREF="images2/news/1919-6-18 Maurice Lavick orchestra ad.jpg">cropped image</A> </font>     1919 6 18    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1919-6-20 Mrs. Samuel Lavick.pdf"> 1919-6-20 Mrs. Samuel Lavick</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1919 Mrs. Samuel Lavick and daughter Bernice, 1107 North Central avenue,. Miss Marian Murray, Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Murray, Miss Leone Lavick.  </font>     1919 6 20    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1919-9-7 Duluth, Lavick, Mesberg, family reunion.pdf"> 1919-9-7 Duluth, Lavick, Mesberg, family reunion</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1919 Family Reunion At Lavick Home. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Lavick, Second avenue West. Mrs. John Mesberg-Virginia, Mr. and Mrs. Harry V. Levey-St. Paul, Mr. and Mrs. James F. Lavick, Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Lavick, Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Kerness, Mr. and Mrs. H. G. Lavick, Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Evans. - -  <A HREF="images2/news/1919-9-7 Duluth, Lavick, Mesberg, family reunion.jpg">cropped image</A> </font>     1919 9 7    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1919-12-21 Lavick 20 piece orchestra.pdf"> 1919-12-21 Lavick 20 piece orchestra</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1919 Dance, New Armory. Lavick’s 20-piece Orchestra.   - - <A HREF="images2/news/1919-12-21 Lavick 20 piece orchestra.jpg">cropped image</A></font>     1919 12 21    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1920-6-15 James Lavick.pdf"> 1920-6-15 James Lavick</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1920 Duluth’s Quota In Week’s Drive Will Be $20,000. Campaign for Funds for Palestine Restoration Work to Open June 21, Announcement.  Shrine auditorium. C. S. Cowen-New York, Dr. Peter Marcus-Minneapolis. D. W. Loewus. Name Committees: H. Y. Josephs, James Lavick, B. Silberstein, I. B. Aarons. Advisory: I. Fremiuth, B. Silberstein, B. Beckman, M. P. Shapiro, M. C. Albenberg, Joseph Oreckovesky. Executive: S. M. Kaner, S. Capelowitz , H. Witz, L. Fox, W. Silvain, N. Kris, S. Karon, Jos. Davis, Joe Weinberg,  F. Labovitz, S. Natelson, C. P. Mayers, H. Segal, A. Megolsan, I. B. Aarons, A. Fieldman, A. Saksonoff, D. G. Loewus, Ben Karon, B. Sher, F. Keil, and H. Gordon.   </font>     1920 6 15    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1920-6-29 Virginia, Lavick, Mesberg, Kenner.pdf"> 1920-6-29 Virginia, Lavick, Mesberg, Kenner</A> -   1920 6 29    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1920-12-19 Lavick ad.pdf"> 1920-12-19 Lavick ad</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1920 Badger Inn, Hotel Superior, New Year’s Eve, Saunter-Lavick Orchetra.   - - <A HREF="images2/news/1920-12-19 Lavick ad.jpg">cropped image</A></font>     1920 12 19    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1920-12-26 Lenore Lavick.pdf"> 1920-12-26 Lenore Lavick</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1920 Spirit of Charity, Reverence Marks Duluth Yuletide. Lenora Lavik, Hazel Blumenthal.   </font>     1920 12 26    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1921-1-23 Lavick ad cancellation.pdf"> 1921-1-23 Lavick ad cancellation</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1921 Lavick’s Orchestra, M. F. Lavick ill. Canceled appearance of orchestra.  - -  <A HREF="images2/news/1921-1-23 Lavick ad cancellation.jpg">cropped image</A></font>     1921 1 23    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1921-2-13 Lavick ad.pdf"> 1921-2-13 Lavick ad</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1921 Valentine Ball, Morgan Park Club. M. F. Lavick. - - <A HREF="images2/news/1921-2-13 Lavick ad.jpg">cropped image</A> </font>     1921 2 13    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1921-4-20 Charles Lavick obit..pdf"> 1921-4-20 Charles Lavick obit.</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1921 Charles Lavick 60, 414 Second avenue East.  </font>     1921 4 20          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1921-7-21 Lavick, Rose obit..pdf"> 1921-7-21 Lavick, Rose obit.</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1921 Rose Lavick, 55, 414 Second avnue West.  </font>     1921 7 21          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1921-7-26 Rose Lavick, obit.pdf"> 1921-7-26 Rose Lavick, obit</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1921 Lavick, Rose, age 55, 414 Second avenue Wet. Died July 23. Obit.   </font>     1921 7 26    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1921-10-14 Mesberg obit. Rabbi Israel Lebendiger.pdf"> 1921-10-14 Mesberg obit. Rabbi Israel Lebendiger</A>  - - </font><font size="1"> 1921 Funeral Rites Conducted for Eveleth Businessman. George Mesberg, Rabbi Israel Lebendiger, John Mesberg, Berna, Harold, and Jean Mesberg, James Lavick, Henry Shanedling.  </font> -   1921 10 14          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1922-5-14 Harold Lavick saves boy from drowning.pdf"> 1922-5-14 Harold Lavick saves boy from drowning</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1922 Duluth Lad Dives From Canoe, Saves pal From Drowning. Harold Lavick, age 13, 912 East Fifth street. Saved Thomas March, age 9; 915 East Fifth street. Chester creek above Fourth street, Lawrence Cohen, 921 East Fifth street. Thomas was taken to 912 East Fifth street for first aid treatment.   </font>     1922 5 14    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1922-10-11 Morris Lavick radio concert, B'nai B'rith.pdf"> 1922-10-11 Morris Lavick radio concert, B'nai B'rith</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1922 Radio Concert Given by B’nai B’rith Lodge. Morris Lavick’s orchestra.   </font>     1922 10 11    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1922-12-7 Council of Jewish Women, I. W. Averbook.pdf"> 1922-12-7 Council of Jewish Women, I. W. Averbook</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1922 Council of Jewish Women. H. Y. Josephs, S. M. Polans, Harry Altman, M. G. Altman, B. N. Davidson, S. B. Copilowish, Charles Finkelstein, J. A. Kohn, Charles Levant, M. D. Nides, I. Oreck, D. Pollock, M. Rose, A. Lurye, A. H. Polinsky, William Silvian, Ida Karsner, Ida Finn, S. Altman, H. A. Shark, I. W. Averbook, Bennett I. Garon, Julius Garon, Ben Goldish, S. Ginsberg, B. Karsner, Kleckner, Henry Lavick, Benjamin London, D. A. Miller, Mohelson, A. Oreck, Sam Sanders, B. Sher, H. Silk, Harry Summerfield, J. Weinberg, M. Wetzler, Esther Abrahamson, A. Garon, J. E. Coil, Ralph Cohen., M. D. Nides, William Silvian, Louis Zalk, Mae Klein,Mayme Weinberg, Shark, Labovitz, Levine, C. P. Meyers, Sam Bailer, Ralph Cohen, B. J. Cook, R Mann, Esther Abrahamson, Mae Klein, Lillian Karon, Charles Oreckowsky, A. Oreckowsky, Artur Marks, Q. Kleckner, M. Silk, M. Cook, C. D. Jacobs, Rene Freimuth, J. E. Call, S. J. Sher, Joseph Oreckowsky, A. N. Polinsky, H. A. Shark, Joseph Stieman, A. Davidson, Jacob Abram, Morris Altman, J. Lieberman, J. Garon, R. Mann, Lou Kanter, M.Greenblat, Lyle Oreck, Joseph Bosner, William Oxman, S. Bennett. Rabbi Luchs, Harry Davis, Irene Levine, Mondschein.  </font> -   1922 12 7          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1922-12-7 Lavick, Council of Jewish Women.pdf"> 1922-12-7 Lavick, Council of Jewish Women</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1922 Club Notes. Committee Members Duluth section of the Council of Jewish Women at the library clubrooms. Mrs. H. Y. Josephs-President. Mrs. S. M. Polans-general chairman of social service,, Mrs. Harry Altman, Mesdames M. G. Altman, B. N. Davidson, S. B. Copilowish, Charles Finkelstein, J. A. Kohn, Charles Levant, M. D. Nides, I. Oreck, D. Pollock, M. Rose, Mrs. A. Lurye, Mesdames A. H. Polinsky, William Silvian, Ida Karsner, Ida Finn, S. Altman, Mrs. H. A. Shark, Mesdames I. W. Averbook, Bennett I. Garon, Julius Garon, Ben Goldish, S. Ginsberg, B. Karsner, Kleckner, Henry Lavick, Benjamin London, D. A. Miller, Mohelson, A. Oreck, Sam Sanders, B. Sher, H. Silk, Harry Summerfield, J. Weinberg, M. Wetzler, and auto committee, Miss Esther Abrahamson-chairman, Mesdames A. Garon, J. E. Coll? Ralph Cohen, M. D. Nides, William Silvian, Louis Zalk, and Miss Mae Klein.  - Other committees: Immigration: Miss Mayme Weinberg-chairman, Mesdames Shark, Labovitz and Levine. Big Sister: Mrs. C. P. Meyers-chairman, Mesdames Sam Bailer, Ralph Cohen, B. J. Cook, R. Mann, Miss Esther Abrahamson, Mae  Klien and Lillian Karon. Religions: Mrs. Charles Oreckowsky-chairman, Mesdames, A. Oreckowsky, Arthur Marks, Q. Kleckner, M. Silk. Lighthouse for the Blind. Mrs. M. Cook-Chairman. Mesdames C. D. Jacobs, Rene Freimuth, M. D. Nides, J. E. Call, S. J. Sher, Joseph Oreckowsky, A. N. Polinsky, H. A. Shark and Miss Lillian Karon. Social: Mrs. Joseph Stieman-chairman, Mesdames A. Davidson, Jacob Abram, Morris Altman, J. Lieberman, J. Garon, R. Mann, Lou Kanter, M. Greenblat, Lyle Oreck, Joseph Bosner, Miss Esther Abrahamson amd Miss Mae Klein. Membership: Mrs. William Oman-chairman.  Mesdames Averbook, Ida Finn and S. Bennett.  -  Mrs. S. M. Polans, Mrs. H. A. Shark, Mrs. Louis Zalk, Mrs. David Freimuth, Rabbi Luchs, Harry Davis, Franklin school, Mrs. M. Cook, Spalding hotel, Lighthouse for the Blind, Mrs. Harry Davis, Mrs. J. Lieberman, Mrs. H. Y. Josephs, Mrs. S. M. Polans, United Jewish Charities council.   Miss Irene Levine, Mrs. Mondschein, Mrs. Joseph M. Averbrook.  Over 100 women attended the meeting.   </font>     1922 12 7.1    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1922-12-7 Lavick, Council of Jewish Women.jpg"> 1922-12-7 Lavick, Council of Jewish Women</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1922  <B>(cropped image of above with more info)  - - Intro by Jack: </B>  I think this was another group that crossed all lines.  You can tell by the names that all of the various synagogues and the temple women were included.  I really think this was the beginning of the Federation in Duluth.  All of the women belonged.  Looking at the various committees I think a lot were from 'one group' and then branched.  Temple, 4th Street, 9th Street Adas, West Duluth, Superior and so on.  I think about 75% of them were names I heard from my own grandmother and were her friends back in the day. <B> Annotated list of names including maiden names:  </B>  President - Mrs. H Y Josephs (Etta Cook) General Chairman - Mrs. S M Polans (Sarah Oreck)  - -  Under prvileged mothers - Mrs. Harry Altman (Chalaleah Cohen) Mrs. Maurice George Altman - Rachel Zurovsky Mrs. B N Davidson - Lena Kris Mrs. S B Copilowish Mrs. Charles Finkelstein - Eva Oreckovsky Mrs I A Kohn - Sadie Polinsky Mrs. Charles Levant - Sarah Polinsky Mrs. M D Nides - Eva Polinsky Mrs. I Oreck - Dora Schwartz Mrs. D Pollack - Selma Oreckovsky Mrs. M Rose - Fannie Kris  - -  Nopeming - Mrs. A Lurye - Edith Mark Mrs A H Polinsky - Sarah Shapiro Mrs. William Silvian - Mollie Kaplan Ida Karsner - could be Adele Karsner (Mrs. Ed Colgan) Ida Finn - ??? Mrs. S Altman - Rose Witz  - -  Visiting - Mrs. H A Shark - Sheba Yessni Mrs. I W Averbook - Sadie Schwartzbine Mrs. Bennett I Garon - ??? Mrs. Julius Garon - Dora Kaplan Mrs. Ben Goldish - Ida milavetz Mrs. S Ginsberg - Eva Leibovitz Mrs. B Karsner - Edith Karon Mrs. Kleckner - ??? Mrs. Henry Lavick - Rose Blum Mrs. Benjamin London - Etta Karsner Mrs. D A Miller - ??? Mrs. Mohelson - ??? Mrs. A Oreck -  Sara Daneiko Mrs. Sam Sanders - Lena Polinsky Mrs. B Sher - Delia Siegel Mrs. H Silk - Rae Holzberg Mrs. Harry Summerfield - ??? Mrs. J Weinberg - ??? Mrs. M Wetzler - ???  - -  Auto - Miss Esther Abrahamson  Mrs. A Garon - ??? Mrs J E Coll - Sarah Bright Mrs. Ralph Cohen - Ida Levy Mrs. M D Nides - Eva Polinsky Mrs. William Silvian - Mollie Kaplan Mrs. Louis Zalk - Lylian Shapiro Miss Mae Klein - Mrs. Louis Bergen  - -  Immigration - Miss Mayme Weinberg Big Sister - Mrs. C P Meyers - Lena Bernstein Mrs. Sam Bailer - ??? Mrs. Ralph Cohen - Ida Levy Mrs. B J Cook - Lillian Cohen Mrs. R Mann - ??? Miss Esther Abrahamson Mae Klien Lillian Karon   - -  Religious - Mrs. Charles Oreckovsky - Elizabeth Helperin Mrs. A Oreckovsky - Mollie Zurovsky Mrs. Arthur Marks - ??? Q Kleckner - ??? Mrs. M Silk - Sarah Kassmir  - -  Lighthouse for the blind - Mrs. M Cook - ??? Mrs. C D Jacobs - ??? Rene Freimuth - Charles Freimuth (Eisenstaedt) Mrs. M D Nides - Mrs. J E Coll Mrs. S J Sher - Libbie Holzberg Mrs. Joseph Oreckovsky - Hannah Oreckovsky Mrs. A H Polinsky -  Mrs. H A Shark - Sheba Yessni Miss Lillian Karon  - -  Social - Mrs. Jospeh Stienman - Anna Shapiro Mrs. A Davidson - ??? Mrs. Jacob Abram - ? Carolyn Banov Mrs. Morris Altman - Rachel Zurovsky Mrs. J Lieberman - ??? Mrs. J Garon - Fay Weinberg Mrs. R Mann Mrs. Lou Kanter - Bessie Cohen Mrs. M Greenblat - Anna Milavitz Mrs. Lyle Oreck - ??? Mrs. Joseph Bosner ??? Miss Esther Abrahamson Mae Klien  - -  Membership - Mrs. William Oxman - Mary Oreckovsky Mrs. Averbook Ida Finn Mrs. S Bennett - Sarah Fostoff</font>     1922 12 7.2    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1922-10-29 Lavick, children's birthday, photo.pdf"> 1922-10-29 Lavick, children's birthday, photo</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1922 Boys Celebrate Birthdays. Roderick 6, Donald 4 And Charlotte Lavick. Photo. Parent Mr. and Mrs. H. G. Lavick, East Third street. J. Blum-Rice Lake, Wis., Miss Emma Blum-Iowa City, and Mrs. William Stein-Rice Lake.  </font>     1922-10-29 Lavick, children's birthday, photo    
Siden  -  Sieden does not appear.              
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1921-6-21Moses Montefiore Hebrew school, Rabbi Lebendiger.pdf"> 1921-6-21Moses Montefiore Hebrew school, Rabbi Lebendiger</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1921 200 children, Moses Montefiore Hebrew school, Rabbi Lebendiger, Lesterpark, picnic, Bessie Vertelnay, Bessie Siden, Nathan Ostrov, Nathan Averbrook, Bessie London, Benny Davis, Abraham Cook, S. Natelson, Joseph Polinsky, I. Sklorow, J. Braverman, I. B. Aarons, Rabbi I. Lebendiger, Mrs. Lebendiger, Mrs. Daneiko, Miss Harris, Miss Lipman and Miss Daneiko.   </font>     1900 1 0          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1906-4-26 L. Siden buys old clothes.pdf"> 1906-4-26 L. Siden buys old clothes</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1906 Old Clothes Bought. Highest prices paid. L. Siden, 11 Fifth avenue west. Zenith Phone 1521-D  </font>     1906 4 26          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1906-7-3 Aaron Siden and Sadie Sklarawski ml.pdf"> 1906-7-3 Aaron Siden and Sadie Sklarawski ml</A>   - -  </font><font size="1"> 1906 Marriage Licenses: Aaron Siden and Sadie Sklarawski.  </font>     1906 7 3          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1908-8-13 Michael Siden obit. 5 years old burns.pdf"> 1908-8-13 Michael Siden obit. 5 years old burns</A>   - -  </font><font size="1"> 1908 Siden, Michael, 5 years old, died Aug. 12, 130 West Second street. Burns, obit.  </font>     1908 8 13          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1908-8-13 Siden burns obit.pdf"> 1908-8-13 Siden burns obit</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1908 Burns Fatal To Lad Who Falls Into Boiling Water. Michael Siden.   </font>     1908 8 13    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1910-7-10 Louis Siden.pdf"> 1910-7-10 Louis Siden</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1910 Unlicensed Is Charge. Louis Siden, tailor running an establishment on Fifth avenue west, arrested on charges of dealing in second hand goods without a license.  </font>     1910 7 10          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1910-8-14 Louis Siden.pdf"> 1910-8-14 Louis Siden</A>  - -  </font><font size="1">  1910 Trial Thursday Morning. Louis Siden arrested on charges of running a pawn shop without a license. Pleaded Not Guilty!  </font>     1910 8 14          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1912--4-10 Joseph Sosnovsky.pdf"> 1912--4-10 Joseph Sosnovsky</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1912 Miss Raphel Goldstein, 817 Fourth avenue East, Mr. and Mrs. Goldstein, Mr. and Mrs. Stein, Mr. and Mrs. S. Litman, Mr. and Mrs. S. Shusterman, Mr. and Mrs. J. Shusterman, Mrs. G. Sosnovsky, Eva Stein, Ida Stein, Sarah Shusterman, Lena Ostrov, Lena Kerness, Anna Litman, Rose Litman, Celia Singer, Rose Kapustin, Edith Shapiro, Mary Siden, Sophie Shapiro, Pearl Cohen, Lena Stein, Gertrude Cohen, Sarah Goldstein, Hannah Kaner, Helen Goldman, Frank Weber, Nathan Love, Himan Stein, Joe Litman, Morris Litman, Ben Goldstein, J. Vronsky, Michael Stein, Benjamin Litman, Mitchell Ostrov, A. Shusterman.   </font>     1912 4 10    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1912-6-16 Ida Stein, Morris Litman.pdf"> 1912-6-16 Ida Stein, Morris Litman</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1912 Same clipping, 5th col.:  Ida Stein, surprise party, Eva Stein, Rachel Goldstein, Helen Goldman, Louise Polinsky, Eva Andovsky, Mary Siden, Pearl Cohen, Gertrude Cohen, Sophie Shapiro, Rose Kapustin, Lena Ostrov, Kate Barrish, Edith Shapiro, Hiram Stein, Mike Stein, Joe Letman (Litman?) Morris Litman, Ben Litman, Nathan Love, Many Levine, Isadore Shapiro, Solomon Urowsky, Frank Webber.  </font> -   1912 6 16          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1912-7-7 Rose Litman.pdf"> 1912-7-7 Rose Litman</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1912 Raphel Goldstein, surprise party, 817 Fourth avenue East, Mr. and Mrs. Goldstein, Mr. and Mrs. Stein, Mr. and Mrs. S. Litman, Mr. and Mrs. S. Shusterman, Mr. and Mrs. J. Shusterman Mrs. G. Sosnovsky, Eva Stein, Ida Stein, Sarah Shusterman, Lena Ostrov, Lena Kerness, Anna Litman, Rose Litman, Celia Singer, Rose Kapustin, Edith Shapiro, Mary Siden, Sophie Shapiro, Perl Cohen, Lena Stein, Gertrude Cohen, Sarah Goldstein, Hannah Kaner, Helen Goldman, Frank Weber, Nathan Love, Himan Stein, Joe Litman, Morris Litman, Ben Goldstein, J. Vronsky, Michael Stein, Benjamin Litman, Mitchell Ostrov, and A. Shusterman  </font> -   1912 7 7          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1912-7-7 Lena Cohen.pdf"> 1912-7-7 Lena Cohen</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1912 3rd col., Miss Raphel Goldstein, surprise party, 817 Fourth avenue East, Mr. and Mrs. Goldstein, Mr. and Mrs. Stein, Mr. and Mrs. S. Litman, Mr. and Mrs. S. Shusterman, Mr. and Mrs. J. Shusterman, Mrs. G. Sosnovsky, Eva Stein, Ida Stein, Sarah Shusterman, Lena Ostrov, Lena Kerness, Anna Litman, Rose Litman, Celia Singer, Roe Kapustin Edith Shapiro, Mary Siden, Sophie Shapiro, Perl Cohen, Lena Stein, Gertrude Cohen, Sarah Goldstein, Hannah Kaner, Helen Goldman, Frank Weber, Nathan Love, Himan Stein, Joe Litman, Morris Litman, Ben Goldstein, J. A. Shusterman.  </font>     1912 7 7          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1912-7-7 Mary Siden.pdf"> 1912-7-7 Mary Siden</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1912 Miss Raphel Goldstein, surprise party, 817 Fourth avenue East.  Guests: Mr. and Mrs. Goldstein, Mr. and Mrs. Stein, Mr. and Mrs. S. Litman, Mr. and Mrs. S. Shusterman, Mr. and Mrs. J. Shusterman, Mrs. G. Sosnovsky, Eva Stein, Ida Stein, Sarah Shusterman, Lena Ostrov, Lena Kerness, Anna Litman, Rose Litman, Celia Singer, Rose Kapustin, Edith Shapiro, Mary Siden, Sophie Shapiro, Pearl Cohen, Lena Stein, Gertrude Cohen, Sarah Goldstein, Hannah Kaner, Helen Goldman, Frank Weber, Nathan Love, Himan Stein, Joe Litman, Morris Litman, Ben Goldstein, J. Vronsky, Michael Stein, Benjamin Litman, Mitchell Ostrov, and A. Shusterman.   </font>     1912 7 7          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1913-11-16 Louis Siden.pdf"> 1913-11-16 Louis Siden</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1913 Burglars Provide For The Winter; Leave No Clews. (Clues?). Clothing store of Louis Siden, 17 North Fifth avenue West.   </font>     1913 11 16    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1915-4-22 Mrs. Louis Siden.pdf"> 1915-4-22 Mrs. Louis Siden</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1915  Affairs Given For Bride-to-Be. Linen shower, Mrs. J. Vertelny and Mrs. L. Siden, 209 West Third street, in honor of Miss Eva Stein, to wed Leo Weisberg, Maccabee hall, Miss May Stein will give a bundle shower for her sister. 4th col.  </font>     1915 4 22          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1916-4-23 Bessie and Esther Siden.pdf"> 1916-4-23 Bessie and Esther Siden</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1916 Little Workers Get $2.43 In One Afternoon For Jewish War Relief. Photo of Bessie Siden, age seven, and Esther Siden, age nine.   </font>     1916 4 23    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1916-4-29 Rev. E. Eedel Sosnovsky obit.pdf"> 1916-4-29 Rev. E. Eedel Sosnovsky obit</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1916 Rev. E. Sosnosky, age 70, obit., photo, sons Max and Joseph Sosnovsky, step-children, Samue Stein, Mrs. Sam Litman, Mrs. L. Siden, Mrs. Sam Ostrov. </font>     1916 4 29          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1916-4-29 Rev. Sosnovsky, Mrs. L. Siden.pdf"> 1916-4-29 Rev. Sosnovsky, Mrs. L. Siden</A>  - -  </font><font size="1">  1916 Death Ends Work Of Rev. Sosnovsky. Photo, Rev. E Sosnovsky,, age 7-, 108 Firt avenue East., teacher of Jewish faith, resided in Duluth for 25 years. Started out in Russia. Leaves widow. Sons: Max and Joseph-Duluth. Step-children: Samuel Stein, Mrs. Sam Litman, Mrs. L. Siden, and Mrs. Sam Ostrov.  </font>     1916 4 29          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1916-5-22 Kamenetzky Siden Lessner.pdf"> 1916-5-22 Kamenetzky Siden Lessner</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1916 Announce Engagement. Miss Anna Siden and Abe Lessner. Mr. and Mrs. Labe Siden. Guests: Mr. and Mrs. S. Verteiney, Mr. and Mrs. J. Kamenetzky, Mr. and Mrs. M. Sweet, Mr. and Mrs. F. Karsner, P. Kamenetzky, Mr. and Mrs. A. Siden, Mr. and Mrs. Louis Siden.   </font>     1916 5 22          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1916-6-9 A. Siden.pdf"> 1916-6-9 A. Siden</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1916 Pleads Not Guilty. Joe Harrell, wine from A. Siden, confectioner, 17 Sixth avenue West.  </font>     1916 6 9          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1916-9-11 Abe Glassman & Anna Siden wed.pdf"> 1916-9-11 Abe Glassman & Anna Siden wed</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1916 Glassman-Siden Wedding. Miss Anna Siden and Abe Glassman married at Talmud Torah hall. Third avenue East and Third street. 150 guests. Ida Siden-flower girl. Morris Kamenetzky-ring bearer.  </font>     1916 9 11          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1916-10-5 Mrs Louis Siden.pdf"> 1916-10-5 Mrs Louis Siden</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1916 Mrs. Louis Siden, 519 West Fourth street, Ida Siden, guests: Ruth Lipman, Besie Lipman, Dora Lipman, Helen Sukov, Eva Sherman, Rose Sherman, Rose Gould, Minnie Popkin, Bessie Siden, Esther Siden, and Bessie Vertinley.   </font>     1916 10 5    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1917-1-15 A. Siden.pdf"> 1917-1-15 A. Siden</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1917 Hebrew Association Installs Officials. The Young Women’s Hebrew association. Foresters’ hall, Fourth avenue West and First street. Mrs. A. Siden, Mrs. Sklaroff, Mrs. Jacobson, Mrs. Himan Stein. 100 members, music by the Cohen brother played violin, Miss Fanny Karon on piano, Miss fanny Harris recitation. Collection made to Jewish war sufferers in Europe.  </font>     1917 1 15          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1917-3-13 Aaron and Sadie Siden.pdf"> 1917-3-13 Aaron and Sadie Siden</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1917 The claim of Aaron and Sadie Siden claim injuries because of fall, negligence on part of the city.  </font>     1917 3 13          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1922-12-12 Esther Siden.pdf"> 1922-12-12 Esther Siden</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1922 Plays, Dances, Songs for Institute Show. Photo,  Esther Siden, Jewish and English tongues. Robert Aarons and Frank Krupp, Miss Esther Siden, interpet classical dance, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. Siden, 518 Fourth avenue East, A. Cohen played violin solo, Hebrew institute chorus sing.  </font>     1922 12 12    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/2010-10-14 Fred Friedman reappointed as chief public defender.htm"> 2010-10-14 Fred Friedman reappointed as chief public defender</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> Duluth lawyer Fred Friedman has been reappointed Northeastern Minnesota’s chief public defender for a seventh four-year term.   </font>     1900 1 0          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1907-2-26 Plesantly Surprised, Ethel Kall, A. Averbook.pdf"> 1907-2-26 Plesantly Surprised, Ethel Kall, A. Averbook</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1907 Superior: Pleasantly Surprised, Ethel Kall, Polinsky, Friedman, Sarah Silber, Nellie Polinsky, Cohen, Rocklin, Minnie Kohen, Kassmir, L. Polinsky, Kassmir, L. Polinsky, H. Sanderson, S. Sanders, H. Hall, M. Lieberman, A. Averbook, C. Harris, M. Kaner. </font> -   1907 2 26          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1907-5-9 Lee Abraham mother Henrietta Friedman obit.pdf"> 1907-5-9 Lee Abraham mother Henrietta Friedman obit</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1907 Mrs Lee Abraham received message announing the death of her monther, Mrs Henrietta Friedman in Shenandoah, PA, at an advanced age  </font>     1907 5 9          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1908-10-25 Friedman Bros..pdf"> 1908-10-25 Friedman Bros.</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1908 Friedman Quality Tailoring for Critical Dresser. Friedman Bros. Tailors ad.  </font>     1908 10 25    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1908-10-25 Friedman Quality Tailoring for the Critical Dresser ad.jpg"> 1908-10-25 Friedman Quality Tailoring for the Critical Dresser ad</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1908 Tailors  </font>     1908 10 25    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1908-12-20 Virginia, Samuel L. Cohen music.pdf"> 1908-12-20 Virginia, Samuel L. Cohen music</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1908 Closing Exercises Of Virginia Schools, Samuel L. Cohen, Joseph Lippman, Morris Friedman  </font> -   1908 12 20          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1909-3-26 Sans Souci Dance.pdf"> 1909-3-26 Sans Souci Dance</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1909 Sans Souci Dance. M. Kohn, L. Bondy, A. Rose, B. Craine,  Rose, S. Swerdloff, S. S. Miller, B. Stern, C. Fikelstein, M. Paker, M Nusaum, J. Mendelssohn, M. Silk, P. J. Averbook.  ------  1909 Hibbing, Annie Helstein and David Miller wed, Rabbi Kussem, Louis Helstein, Nathan Nides, Benjamin Friedman, Hyman Miller, Sara Slossberg, Annie Kasmir, Clara Shore, Sara Helstein, Sara Azinski, Morris Helstein, M. S. Shore, Clara Shore, A. Fieldman, Miller, Annie Kasmir, Hymen Miller, Azinski, Sara Azinski, Sara Slossberg, Bronstein, Stein, I. W. Mark, Friend.  Jewish People Wed At Hibbing, Young Woman of That City Is United in Marriage With New York Jeweler.  </font> -   1909 3 26          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1909-3-26 Benjamin Friedman.pdf"> 1909-3-26 Benjamin Friedman</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1909  Jewish People Wed At Hibbing. young Woman of Taht City Is United in Marriage With New York Jeweler. Miss Annie Helstein and David Miller, daughter of I. Helstein. Rabbi Kussem, Louis Helstein, Nathan Nides, Benjamin Friedman, Hyman Miller, Sara Slossberg, Annie Kasmir, Clara Shore, Sara Helstein, Sara Azinski, Morris Helstein. Mr. and Mrs. M. S. Shore, Miss Clara Shore, Mr. and Mrs. A. Fieldman, Mr. and Mrs. Miller, Miss Annie Kamir, Hymen Miller, Mr. and Mrs. Azinski, Sara Azinski, Sara Slossberg-Superior, Mr. and Mrs. S. Bronstein, Mr. and Mrs. Stein, I. W. Mark-St. Paul, Mr. Friend-Minneapolis.   </font>     1909 3 26    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1909-4-20 Ben Friedman Stag Dinner.pdf"> 1909-4-20 Ben Friedman Stag Dinner</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1909 Stag Dinner, Leo Idzal, Max Albenberg, L. Traubmann, Joe Sattler, Nathaniel Gidding, Joseph Gidding, Ben Friedman.  </font>     1909 4 20          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1909-4-20 Leo Idzal, stag dinner.pdf"> 1909-4-20 Leo Idzal, stag dinner</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> stag party  for Leo Idzal and not Sattler. His buddies were Max Albenberg, L. Traubmann, Joe Sattler, Nathaniel Gidding, Joseph Gidding , and Ben Friedman.  </font>     1909 4 20    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1909-12-12 Charles Friedman Kalamazoo, MI.pdf"> 1909-12-12 Charles Friedman Kalamazoo, MI</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1909 There is a Charles Friedman photo in a Kalamazoo, MI paper. This might belong to the Duluth Friedman family, same business - Tailorin.    </font>     1909 12 12    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1910-2-10 Friedman Bros Inaugurate Sale.jpg"> 1910-2-10 Friedman Bros Inaugurate Sale</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1910  In 1911 Friedman Bros. Inc. is formed. - Charles Friedman from St. Paul and Ben Friedman from Duluth.  </font>     1910 2 10        
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1910-2-10 Friedman Bros - clothing - Charles & Ben - inaugurate sale.jpg"> 1910-2-10 Friedman Bros - clothing - Charles & Ben - inaugurate sale</A>  - -     1910 2 10    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1910-7-18 Herman Yessni and J. J. Friedman store.pdf"> 1910-7-18 Herman Yessni and J. J. Friedman store</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1910 Tailor Invents A New Way Of Measuring; Has An Adjustable Garment. Herman Yessni, 622 East Fifth street. Fitwell system. J. J. Friedman store No. 7 West Superior street.  </font>     1910 7 18          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1911-3-6 Mrs. Samuel Kaner.pdf"> 1911-3-6 Mrs. Samuel Kaner</A> - -  </font><font size="1"> Marriage Engagement Announced At Party, Mrs. Samuel Kaner-host, H. Friedman, Julia D. Cohen, many guests  </font> -   1911 3 6    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1911-3-6 H. Friedman and Juia D. Cohen eng..pdf"> 1911-3-6 H. Friedman and Juia D. Cohen eng.</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1911 Marriage Engagement Announced At Party. Mrs. Samuel Kaner, 1612 Third street, H. Friedman-Superior to Julia D. Cohen-Duluth. Mr. and Mrs. H. Cohen, Mr. and Mrs. J. Scneider, Mr. and Mrs. H. Schneider, L. Fridman, Mrs. N. Friedman-Duluth, Mr. and Mrs. A. Schneider. Mr. and Mrs Samuel Kaner, Mr. and Mrs. B. Kaner, Mr. S. Kaner, Miss Etta Friedman-Superior, Mrs. J. Shere (Sher?)-Eckley, Sarah Shere-New York City.  </font>     1911 3 6          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1911-7-15 Friedman Bros. Inc. Charles Friedman, St. Paul and Benjamin Friedman Duluth.pdf"> 1911-7-15 Friedman Bros. Inc. Charles Friedman, St. Paul and Benjamin Friedman Duluth</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1911 Certificate of Incorporation or Friedman Brothers, Incorporated. Charles and Ben Friedman.   </font>     1911 7 15          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1912-2-10 Ben Friedman Inaugurate Sale.pdf"> 1912-2-10 Ben Friedman Inaugurate Sale</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1912 Friedman Bros. Inaugurate Sale. Ben Friedman Gets All the New Styles and Tailoring Ideas on Recent Eastern Trip.  </font>     1912 2 10          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1912-2-10 Ben Friedman, suits and overcoats.pdf"> 1912-2-10 Ben Friedman, suits and overcoats</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1912 Friedman Bros. Inaugurate Sale. Ben Freidman Gets All the New Styles and Tailoring Ideas on Recent Eastern Trip.   </font>     1912 2 10          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1912-5-2 Ben Friedman Domestic Woolens.pdf"> 1912-5-2 Ben Friedman Domestic Woolens</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1912 Friedman Brothers' Domestic Woolens Arrive.   </font>     1912 5 2    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1912-12-1 Ben Friedman Burrows stock.pdf"> 1912-12-1 Ben Friedman Burrows stock</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1912 Friedman Bros Make Big Gains. Local Tailors Sell Popular J. Frank Burrows Stock.  </font>     1912 12 1    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1913- 6-4 Ben Friedman Merchants Banquet.pdf"> 1913- 6-4 Ben Friedman Merchants Banquet</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1913 Cooperation Is The Keynote. Talks Made by Duluth and Superior. J. Solon, or Merchants at Local Association's Banquet. Nearly One Hundred Percent At Function.   J. Segal, L. Segal, S. Y. Josephs, Louis Shapiro, Roy Edelstein, Herman Aaronson, J. Sharkey, Ben Friedman.  </font>     1913 6 4          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1913-7-18 Ben Friedman Clearance Sale.pdf"> 1913-7-18 Ben Friedman Clearance Sale</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1913 Friedman's Big Semi-Annual Clearance Sale.   </font>     1913 7 18    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1913-9-22 Ben Friedman fashion.pdf"> 1913-9-22 Ben Friedman fashion</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1913 Man Cuts Figure In Fashion Week. Duds for Stronger Sex rival Women's in Dash and Style, Says Big Tailor. Benjamin Friedman of Friedman Bros.  J. Frank Burrows and H. W. Hodgeson.  </font>     1913 9 22    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1913-10-36 Ben Friedman, Friedman Brothers.pdf"> 1913-10-26 Ben Friedman, Friedman Brothers</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1913 Friedman Talks On Fall Styles. Short, Stubby Ulsters Gain Favor Rapidly With Duluth's Best Dressers. Ben Friedman, Friedman Brothers.   </font> -   1913 10 26          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1913-10-26 Ben Friedman Fall Styles.pdf"> 1913-10-26 Ben Friedman Fall Styles</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1913 Friedman Talks On Fall Styles. Short, Stubby Ulsters Gan Favor Rapidly With Duluth's Best Dressers. Ben Friedman of Friedman Brothers.    </font>     1913 10 26          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1913-11-5 Ben Friedman checks and subdued plaids.pdf"> 1913-11-5 Ben Friedman checks and subdued plaids</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1913 Checks In Subdued Plaids For Fall And Winter. Ben Friedman of Friedman Bros. tailors.  </font>     1913 11 5          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1913-11-11 Ben Friedman Cold Snap overcoats.pdf"> 1913-11-11 Ben Friedman Cold Snap overcoats</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1913 Overcoat Trade Best In Duluth. Cold Snap Creates Big Coat Demand at Friedman Bros.   </font>     1913 11 11          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1914-1-27 Ben Friedman great sale.pdf"> 1914-1-27 Ben Friedman great sale</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1914 Last Week Of Great Sale At Friedman Bros. Ben Friedman  </font>     1914 1 27          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1914-3-16 Charles and Samuel Friedman.pdf"> 1914-3-16 Charles and Samuel Friedman</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1914 Local Tailors Show Big Gains. Exhibit at Style Show Attracts Attention to Friedman Bros. Peter Stokke, Charles Friedman, Samuel Friedman, Benjamin Friedman.  Lays out the history of the company </font>     1914 3 16          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1914-4-25 Ben Friedman linens.pdf"> 1914-4-25 Ben Friedman linens</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1914 Added Spring Lines Shown By Friedman Bros. Ben Friedman   </font>     1914 4 25          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1914-4-25 Ben Friedman spring lines.pdf"> 1914-4-25 Ben Friedman spring lines</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1914 Added Spring Lines Shown By Friedmn Bros. Ben Friedman of Friedman Bros.  </font>     1914 4 25    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1914-5-22 Ben Friedman ad.pdf"> 1914-5-22 Ben Friedman ad</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1914 Friedman Sale Gets Big Start. $27.50 I Price Quoted on Tailored to Order Suits By Popular Local Tailor. Ben Friedman.  </font>     1914 5 22          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1914-5-26 Ben Friedman suits.pdf"> 1914-5-26 Ben Friedman suits</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1914 Plenty Of Well Dressed Men, Says Friedman.   </font>     1914 5 26    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1914-6-3 Ben Friedman Friedman Bros..pdf"> 1914-6-3 Ben Friedman Friedman Bros.</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1914 Big Friedman Sale Continues Rest Of Week. Ben Friedman.  </font>     1914 6 3    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1914-6-30 Ben Friedman a sale.pdf"> 1914-6-30 Ben Friedman a sale</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1914 Sunday Advertising Brougt Crowds To Friedman's Yesterday.   </font>     1914 6 30    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1914-7-10 Ben Friedman save money.pdf"> 1914-7-10 Ben Friedman save money</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1914 Friedman Sale Makes Good And Saves Men Money!  </font>     1914 7 10          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1914-7-23 Ben Friedman Friedman Bros..pdf"> 1914-7-23 Ben Friedman Friedman Bros.</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1914 Sale To Wind Up On August First.   </font>     1914 7 23          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1915-3-10 Julius Paul, A. N. Friedman, Polinsky.pdf"> 1915-3-10 Julius Paul, A. N. Friedman, Polinsky</A>   - -  </font><font size="1"> 1915 Polinsky Asks To Be Released As Surety. Julius Paul, A. N. Friedman, M. Polinsky-bondsmen.</font> -   1915 3 10    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1915-7-16 Ben Friedman Kriterion Film Service.pdf"> 1915-7-16 Ben Friedman Kriterion Film Service</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1915 Friedman Associated With Film Company. Kriterion Film Service-Minneapolis  </font>     1915 7 16          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1915-7-16 Friedman Associated with Film Company.jpg"> 1915-7-16 Friedman Associated with Film Company</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1915 motion pictures in Mpls  </font>     1915 7 16    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1915-8-10 Chisholm, Karlinsky0000.pdf"> 1915-8-10 Chisholm, Karlinsky0000</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1915 Chisholm: party in Buhl, Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Rovelsky, Peck, Manson, Frumstein, Sapero, Frisch, Friedman, N. Karlinsky, Mcdali, Brill, Hemmelstein, Blucher, Lewis, Goldenberg, Joseph Karlinsky,  </font> -   1915 8 10          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1915-10-23 Ben Friedman bad check.pdf"> 1915-10-23 Ben Friedman bad check</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1915  Edward G. O'Hearn pleaded guilty to forgery, Ben Friedman 464 Mesaba avenue.  </font>     1915 10 23          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1915-12-29 Etta Friedman, Harry Hyman wed,Rabbi Israel Teplitz, Snyder .pdf"> 1915-12-29 Etta Friedman, Harry Hyman wed,Rabbi Israel Teplitz, Snyder </A>  - - </font><font size="1"> 1915 Etta Friedman and Harry Hyman wed, Rabbi Israel Teplitz, R. Friedman, Rae Snyder, David Hyman.  </font> -   1915 12 29          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1915-12-29 Harry Hyman and Etta Friedman wed.pdf"> 1915-12-29 Harry Hyman and Etta Friedman wed</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1915 Hyman-Friedman Wedding Sunday. Miss Etta Friedman, and Harry Hyman. daughter of Mrs. R. Friedman, 411 West Fifth street, Rabbi Israel teplitz, Miss Rae Snyder-Superior, David Hyman of Auora, Minn.   </font>     1915 12 29          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1916-3-6 Samuel Kaner, H. Friedman, Julia Cohen.pdf"> 1916-3-6 Samuel Kaner, H. Friedman, Julia Cohen</A> -   1916 3 6          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1916-4-25 Alys Finkelstein and Benjamin Friedman wed.pdf"> 1916-4-25 Alys Finkelstein and Benjamin Friedman wed</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1916 Friedman-Finklestein Engagement Announcement. Alys Finkelstein and Benjamin Friedman wed.  </font>     1916 4 25    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1916-4-25 Friedman-Finklestein Engagement Announced.jpg"> 1916-4-25 Friedman-Finklestein Engagement Announced</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1916 Mr and Mrs Lewis finklestein announce engagement of daughter Alys to Benmamin Friedman  </font>     1916 4 25    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1916-5-18 Friedmans Groceries and Confectioneries.jpg"> 1916-5-18 Friedmans Groceries and Confectioneries</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1916 Ben Friedman Cash Grocery  </font>     1916 5 18          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1916-5-28 Ben Friedman Groceries and Confectionaries.pdf"> 1916-5-28 Ben Friedman Groceries and Confectionaries</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1916 Ben Friedman Groceries and Confectionaries.  </font>     1916 5 28          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1917-1-16 Friedman Azine wedding Talmud Torah, Glass.pdf"> 1917-1-16 Friedman Azine wedding Talmud Torah, Glass</A> -   1917 1 16    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1917-1-16 Friedman Azine, Latts-Rudnitzky wedding.pdf"> 1917-1-16 Friedman Azine, Latts-Rudnitzky wedding</A> - - </font><font size="1">  Edith Azine and Harry A. Friedman wed; Sarah Helen Rudnitzky and Samuel C. Latts wed. </font> -   1917 1 16          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1917-9-16 Jews Drafted.pdf"> 1917-9-16 Jews Drafted</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1917 Drafted Jews Hailed As Heroes Of Opportunity. Fifteen Men Congratulated by Relatives and Friends at Reception. Miss Rose Silk, Commisioner Bernar Silberstein, DR. A. H. Schwartz, Abe Fieldman, M. S. Winthrop, Sigmond M. Slonim, Dr. Maurice Lefkovitz, H. Witz, David Weinberg, S. J. Sher, C. D. Oreckovsky, S. H. Kassmir, C. P. Meyers, H. Segal, H. Cassmir, Joe Werteiney, J. Chessen. Honored guests: Dr. Samuel Grose, Dr. M. R. Zack, A. B. Kapplin, Albert Bergstein, Jacob Flint, Phillip Brock, Louis Cominker, Arthur A Friedman, Max S. Gordon, Joseph Hurwitch, Davi Kaplan, Isadore Mendelson, George Winthrop, Abe Flint, B. T. Kenner. Officer of the organization Duluth Hebrew Brotherhood: Robert Buchman, Harry Witz, M. J. Segal, Charles Lavent, David Weinberg, S. H. Kassmir, I. Garon, Myer Kane, Charles D. Oreckowsky, Entertainment: Mrs. H. S. Kassmir, Mrs. H. Segal, Mrs. N. Goldfine. Entertainment: Miss Rose Silk, Mrs. Sol Goldberg, Harry Segal, Miss Mary Simon.   </font>     1917 9 16          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1917-11-11 Sarah Alpert engagement, photo.pdf"> 1917-11-11 Sarah Alpert engagement, photo</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1917 Miss Sarah Alpert (daughter of I. Alpert) engaged to Abe Friedman of Duluth </font> -   1917 11 11          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1917-12-11 Sarah Alpert, A. Friedman, Rabbi Teplitz, Harris, Averbrook, Oreckowsky.pdf"> 1917-12-11 Sarah Alpert, A. Friedman, Rabbi Teplitz, Harris, Averbrook, Oreckowsky</A>  - - </font><font size="1"> 1917 Sarah Alpert and A. Friedman wed, rabbi Teplitz, I. Alpert, Bessie Alpert, E. Harris, Lillian Irene Averbrook, and Irene Oreckowsky.  </font> -   1917 12 11    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1918-4-29 Garon Knitting Mills, Friedman.pdf"> 1918-4-29 Garon Knitting Mills, Friedman</A> -   1918 4 29          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1918-5-11 Ben Friedman motion picture exhibit.pdf"> 1918-5-11 Ben Friedman motion picture exhibit</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1918 Ben Friedman "Fifth Estate" Reviewed At Minneapolis. Motion Picture Exhibitors of Northwest In Convention. Ben Friedman receiving the ehibitors, William Abrahamson of the Zelda.  </font>     1918 5 11          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1919-1-19 Harry Shapiro and Gertrude Azine marry.pdf"> 1919-1-19 Harry Shapiro and Gertrude Azine marry</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1919 Miss Azine Will Marry. Harry Shapiro, Groom; Wedding to Take Pace Today. Gertrude Azine and Harry Arthur Shapiro. Adas Israel synagogue, Rabbi A. B. Sakslow, Rabbi I. S. Teplitz, Minnie Averbook, Ida Azine, Bessie Shapiro, Florence Glass, Harris Shapiro. William Glass, Florence Glass, Alfred Glass, Harry A. Friedman, Samuel Weiss, Max Yettra, David Azine.  </font> -   1919 1 19    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1922-3-24 Morris Wolfe Hibbing.pdf"> 1922-3-24 Morris Wolfe Hibbing</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> Menorah Orators to give symposium at Duluth Club - Morris Wolfe of Hibbing is coach and business manager of the team. Marvin Oreck of Duluth, Max Shapiro, Gerald Friedman, Harry Cohen, David Goldstein </font>     1922 3 24          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1922-8-22 Rae Schneider and A. N. Friedman wed, Rabbi Teplitz, Kaner, Frumes, Handlovsky, Cohen,.pdf"> 1922-8-22 Rae Schneider and A. N. Friedman wed, Rabbi Teplitz, Kaner, Frumes, Handlovsky, Cohen,</A> -   1922 8 22    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1922-8-22 Schneider-Friedman wed, guests, Hyman, Morganstern, Titch, Bergstein, Simon, Garon, Harris, Holzberg, Rudolph, Marcus.pdf"> 1922-8-22 Schneider-Friedman wed, guests, Hyman, Morganstern, Titch, Bergstein, Simon, Garon, Harris, Holzberg, Rudolph, Marcus</A>  - - </font><font size="1"> 1922 Rae Schneider and A. N. Friedman wed, Rabbi Teplitz, A. Schneider, Esther Schneider, Hannah Kaner, Mae Frumes, Handlovsky, Roslyn Kaner, Jeanette Kaner, Sylvia Cohen, Jeanette and Esther Schneider, Ruth Hyman, David Morganstern, Titch,  Albert Bergstein, Louis Simon, Tobias Garon, Dr. L. M. Harris, Phillip Hozberg, Maurice Rudolph, Jack Marcus, Nathaniel O.Schneider, Barnett Tayne, Harry Morganstern, David Morganstern, L. J. Miller, Harold Miller, J. Schneider, J. Shere.  </font> -   1922 8 22    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1937 U.S.SchoolYearbooksForRuthOreckovsky &  Leo Cohen.jpg"> 1937 U.S.SchoolYearbooksForRuthOreckovsky and Leo Cohen</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1937 photo of Leo Cohen, mention of Charles Freimuth, Sherman Naymark, Robert Friedman, Victor Weinberg, Shirley Karsner, Daniel Wiener, Irene Jacobson, Helen Horitz, Ruth Oreckovsky, Dorothy Shusterman, Anna Gordon,  Phillip Golden.  </font>     1937 1 0.5          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1887-7-15 Abraham Levine.pdf"> 1887-7-15 Abraham Levine</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1887 Passed On Worthless Checks. John Messner onto Abraham Levine.   </font>     1887 7 15    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1887-11- 21 Silberstein, Bondy, Leopold, Levy, Freimuth, Winterfield, Oswold, Levine, Loeb, Van Baalen.pdf"> 1887-11- 21 Silberstein, Bondy, Leopold, Levy, Freimuth, Winterfield, Oswold, Levine, Loeb, Van Baalen</A> - -   A complete surprise -   1887 11 0    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1892-12-2 The Bell Levin Bros..pdf"> 1892-12-2 The Bell Levin Bros.</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1892 Ad for The Bell Duluth, Levin Bros. Proprietors.  -  scroll down to capture it. Later I found similar ads for them, but they used the name Levine Bros.  </font>     1892 12 2          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1894-5-3 Abraham an Jacob Levine.pdf"> 1894-5-3 Abraham an Jacob Levine</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1894 State Not Ready. the Case Against Levine Bros. Dismissed. Opinion of Mr. Levine. He Believes the prosecution Against the Firm Is Only an Attempt at Intimidation.   </font>     1894 5 3          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1894-11-23 Abraham and Jacob Levine.pdf"> 1894-11-23 Abraham and Jacob Levine</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1994 The City. Levine Cases. Attorneys Figure It Would Take Six Months, At Least, To Try Them One At A Time. Jacob Levine. Abraham Levine.   </font>     1894 11 23          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1895-12-20 Abraham Levine.pdf"> 1895-12-20 Abraham Levine</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1895 Became Suddenly Insane. Abraham Levine, a Former Duluth Clothier Brought Down From Tower A Raving Maniac. Bell clothing house on Supeior t. Brewery business at Tower.   </font>     1895 12 20          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1896-12-1 Abraham and Clara Levine.pdf"> 1896-12-1 Abraham and Clara Levine</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1896 Legal Notices. Abraham Levine an Clara Levine, The Hauser Malting Company.  Column 4.  </font>     1896 12 1          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1897-10-19 Spring Valley, Max Levine crockery store.pdf"> 1897-10-19 Spring Valley, Max Levine crockery store</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1897 Fire at Spring Valley. Max Levine, crockery store.   </font>     1897 10 19    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1899-11-12 Kofereth Israel , new Hebrew Synagogue.pdf"> 1899-11-12 Kofereth Israel , new Hebrew Synagogue</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1899 New Hebrew Synagogue. Kofereth Congregation Buys Building for Place of Worship. Jacob Levine, Joseph Oreckovsky, Henry Caplov, Joseph Oreckovsky, William Goldstein, Isedra (Isadore?) Liberman, 5th column  </font> -   1899 11 12          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1899-12-19 Tifereth.pdf"> 1899-12-19 Tifereth </A> - -   Jewish Synagogue Dedicated. Tifereth Israel cong., Levine, Caplow, Orecovsky, Goldstein, Lieberman. -   1899 12 19    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1899-12-31 C. Solosky.pdf"> 1899-12-31 C. Solosky</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1899 Miss C. Solosky,  5th col.,  Mr. and Mrs. Levine, Mamie Calmenson, Mr. and Mrs. L. Miller, Mrs. and Mrs. S. Mark, Mra. and Mrs. Zalk, Mr. and Mrs. Bukman, Mr. and Mrs. I. Orenstein, Miss Frances Mark, Miss Buckman, Miss Fannie Nushaum, MissH. Cook, Miss I. Zalk, Miss Litman, Miss Buckman, Miss A. Cook, Miss C. Solosky, Mrs. G. Golders, Mrs. B. J. Cook, Mrs. Polinsky, Mrs. H. Joseph, Mrs. Dick, Mrs. Z. Joseph.  </font> -   1899 12 31          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1932-6-10 Commencement - Duluth Central HS.jpg"> 1932-6-10 Commencement - Duluth Central HS</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> Jewish Students include:  Albert A Abramson,  Sylvia Adelson Mattenson,  Freda D Bergal Kurson,  Edward Isadore Cohen,  Burton Wallace Davidson,  Nathan Davis,  Martin M Even,  Harold Fostoff,   Edgar Freimuth,  William Irving Freimuth,  Robert Gallop,  Sam Gallop,  Harry L Garon,  Lillian Glasser Rosen,  Betty L Glazman Reiss,  Goldie Jery Gordon Boznu,  Betty Green Mangel,  Ida P Green,  Pearl,  Karsner Shapiro,  Norman G Levine,  Yale Byron Levine,  Harold Irving Lindeke,  Morris Louis Meltz,  Jane Milavetz Baddin,  Fay Enid Oxman Traubman,  MItchell Polinsky,  Irving D Schneider,  Jane Z,  Sher Siegel,  Frank Shusterman,  Eva Singer Shamblott,  Rosalyn Singer Shamblott,  Bessie Slovut Stein,  Jeanette Leah Soloski Scot,  Marvin Jerome Stewart,  David Taran,  Ruth B Vertelney Klein,  Getchell Widdes  </font>     1900 1 0    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1900-9-17 Juvenile Minstrels, Harry Lavine.pdf"> 1900-9-17 Juvenile Minstrels, Harry Lavine</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1900 Juvenile Minstrels. Duluth Youngsters Give a Good Performance. Harry Lavine (Harry Levine?), Willie Orcovosky (Oreckovsky?)  </font> -   1900 9 17    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1903-6-11 Fannie Levine 8th grade graduation.pdf"> 1903-6-11 Fannie Levine 8th grade graduation</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1903 Eight Grade Graduation. Interesting Exercises Given Last Night at High School.   Jefferson: Fannie Levine, Washington: Leopold J. Bondy, Delia D. Siegel, Harriet Levy, Eva R. Zalk  </font>     1903 6 11          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1905-6-25 Fanny Levine.pdf"> 1905-6-25 Fanny Levine</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1905 Business University Happenings. Fanny Levine, stenographer for J. D. Zion Liquor Co  </font>     1905 6 25          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1905-9-6 Dora Polinsky, entertains.pdf"> 1905-9-6 Dora Polinsky, entertains</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1905 Dora Polinsky, entertains, Miss Dora Polinsky entertains at party. guests: Sadie Gingold, Florence Levine, Ida Lieberman, Fanny Berg, Lena Rocklin, Bessie Muric, Bessie Rocklin, Sadie Fostoff, Sophie Levine, Rose Lieberman, Rose Wolfe, Sarah Polinsky, Dollie Polinsky, Sheba Polinsky, Sam Goldberg, Morris Kaner, Joseph Berg, Benjamin Gingold, Marvin Chessing, Adolph Rubloff.  </font> -   1905 9 6          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1905-9-6 Sadie Fostoff.pdf"> 1905-9-6 Sadie Fostoff</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1905 Miss Dora Polinsky Entertains At Party. 1124 East Sixth street, Sadie Gingold, Florence Levine, Ida Lieberman, Fanny Berg, Lena Rocklin, Bessie Murick, Bessie Rocklin, Sadie Fostoff, Sophie Levine, Rose Lieberman, Rose Wolfe, Sarah Polinsky, Dollie Polinsky, Sheba Polinsky, Sam Goldberg, Morris Kaner, Joseph Berg, Benjamin Gingold, Marvin Chessing, Adolph Rubloff of Buhl, Minn.  </font>     1905 9 6          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1905-10-6 Oswald obit.pdf"> 1905-10-6 Oswald obit</A> - - </font><font size="1">  Many At Funeral Of Mrs. C. Oswald, Clara Oswald, Rev. Silber, Loeb, Klein, Levine, Levy, Sattler, Levy, Heller, Mannheim.  </font> -   1905 10 6          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1905-10-6 C. Oswald obit. , Rev. Dr. Mendel Silber.pdf"> 1905-10-6 C. Oswald obit. , Rev. Dr. Mendel Silber</A>  - - </font><font size="1"> 1905 Clara Oswald obit., Rev. Dr. Mendel Silber.   Louis S. Loeb, G. A. Klein, Samuel Levine, Sig. Levy, Jacob Sattler, Carl Levy, Charles and Edward Oswald, Mrs. Aaron Heller, Mrs. Ben Heller, M. Mannheim.  </font> -   1905 10 6          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1905-10-6 Mrs. Clara Oswald obit..pdf"> 1905-10-6 Mrs. Clara Oswald obit.</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1905 Many At Funeral Of Mrs. C. Oswald. Mrs. Clara Oswald, 510 East Third street, Rev. Dr. MendelSilber, Temple Emanuel, Louis S. Loeb, G. A. Klein Samuel Levine, Sig. Levy, Jacob Sattler, Carl Levy, Eastern Star, Charles and Edward Oswald, Mrs. Aaron Heller, Mrs. Ben Heller, Mrs. M. Mannheim.  </font>     1905 10 6          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1905-10-6 Oswald obit..pdf"> 1905-10-6 Oswald obit.</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1905 Many At Funeral Of Mrs. C. Oswald. 510 East Third street, Rev. Dr. Mendel Silber, Tempe Emanuel, Louis S. Loeb, G. A. Klein, Samuel Levine, Sig. Levy, Jacob Sattler, Carl Levy, Charles and Edward Oswald, Mrs. Aaron Heller, Mrs. Ben Heller, Mrs. M. Mannheim.   </font>     1905 10 6          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1905-11-5 Rose Witz, Halloween party.pdf"> 1905-11-5 Rose Witz, Halloween party</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> Hallowe'en party, The Jolly Coterie, Selma Casmir, Sarah Simon, Sadie Berkson, Mathilda Berkson, Aronson, Lizzie Helperin, Eva Casmir, Mary Oreck, Nellie Lavick, Ether Shapiro, Bessie Cowl, Rose Witz, Sadie Rocklin, Rachael Oreck, Mr. Becker, Louis Bennett, Allan Rocklin, Harry Levine, Herman Aronson, George Altman, Charles Oreck, Harry Glassner. </font> -   1905 11 5          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1906-8-2 Laura Cohen.pdf"> 1906-8-2 Laura Cohen</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1906 Evening Reception. Mr. and Mrs. D. Simon, D. Kasmir, L. Albert H. Kasmir, Yoslew, G. Laskewitz, L. Govitch, S. Kasmir, S. Kernes, L. Popkin, Sophie Kasmir, Esther Kernes, Erna Albert, Ida Albert, Eva Polinsky, Laura Cohen, Sara Slonin, Dora Levine, D. Rubin, Harry Kasmir, Simon Jones, Richard Jones, Samuel Simon.  </font>     1906 8 2          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1906-8-3 Surprise Party, Polinsky.pdf"> 1906-8-3 Surprise Party, Polinsky</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1906 Surprise Party, Lilly Blasberg, Fostovsky, guests: J. Lieb3rman, J. Kohn, L. Cohen, I. L. Levine, L. Shenowsky, S. Levine, I. Polinsky, M. Cohen, J. Oreckovsky, K. Sanderson, J. Chessen, T. Nusbaum, A. Sosnovsky, Polinsky, Lieberman, Kassmir, Levine, Shenowsky, Blasberg, Cohen, Annie Cohen, Eva F. Polinsky, Sadie Fostovsky, Esther Sanderson, Rossie Lieberman, Sophia Kassmir, Eva Polinsky, Florence Levine, Eva Zlatkovsky, Sadie Zlatkovsky, Maurice Levine, Dave Sosnovsky, Sam Sanderson, S. Sanderson.   </font> -   1906 8 3    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1906-8-3 A. Sosnovsky.pdf"> 1906-8-3 A. Sosnovsky</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1906 Surprise Party. Miss Lilly Blasberg, Mrs. Fostovsky, 302 West Fifth street, J. Lieberman, J. Kohn, L. Cohen, I. L. Levine, L.Shenosky, S. Levine, I. Polinsky, M. Cohen, J. Oreckovsky, K. Sanderson, J.Chessen, T. Nusbaum, A. Sosnovsky, Polinsky, Lieberman, Kassmir, Levine, Shenowky, Blasberg, Conen, Annie Cohen, Eva F. Polinsky, Sadie Fostovsky, Esther Sanderson, Rossie Lieberman, Sophia Kassmir, Eva Polinsky, Florence Levine, Eva Zlatkovsky, Sadie Zlatkovsky, Maurice Levine, Dave Sosnovsky, Sam Sanderson, S. Sanderson.  </font>     1906 8 3          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1906-8-31 Eva and Sadie Zlatkovsky.pdf"> 1906-8-31 Eva and Sadie Zlatkovsky</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1906 Surprise Party. Miss Lilly Blaberg-Cleveland, Mrs. Fosovsky, 302 West Fifth Street,  - J. Liberman, J. Kohn, L. Cohen, I. L. Levine L. Shenowsky, S. Levine, I. Polinsky, M. Cohen, J. Oreckovsky, K. Sanderson, J. Chessen, T. Nusbaum, A. Sosnovsky, Polinsky, Lieberman, Kassmir, Levine, Senowsky, Blasberg, Cohen-Cleveland, Annie Cohen, Eva F. Polinsky, Sadie Fostovsky, Esther Sanderson, ossie Lieberman, Sophia Kassmir, Eva Polinsky, Florence Levine, Eva Zlatkovsky, Sadie Zlatkovsky, Maurice Levine, Dave Sosnovsky, Sam Sanderson and S. Sanderson.   </font>     1906 8 31          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1907-2-14 Abraham and Jacob Levine.pdf"> 1907-2-14 Abraham and Jacob Levine</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1907 Jacob Levine and wife to Abraham Levine. Real Estate Transfers.  </font>     1907 2 14          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1907-2-21 Local Improvements Benjamin Kanner.pdf"> 1907-2-21 Local Improvements</A> - -  </font><font size="1"> Assessments: B. Silberstein, Ignaz Freimuth, Samuel Levine, Ben Kenner, S. Karon, Annie Bondy, M Shapiro, Temple Emanuel  </font> -   1907 2 21          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1907-4-7 Abraham Litman.pdf"> 1907-4-7 Abraham Litman</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1907 Mamie Coran, 122 East Second street, Walt, Coran, Rosa Kaner, Eva Finkelstein, Dora Levine, Rena Simon, Bessie Walt, Sarah Slomin, Bessie Liberman, Esther Simon, Zalda Coran, Israel Kaner, Alex Coran, Abraham Litman, Sam Walt, Joseph Shusterman, Samuel Walt.  </font> -   1907 4 7    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1907-6-23 Miriam Levin.pdf"> 1907-6-23 Miriam Levin</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1907 Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Sattler, 213 Fifth avenue west, daughter Miss Josephine Sattler, fiance-Mr. Leo Charles Idzal-Minneapolis. Mrs. M. Cornfield, Miss Enid Freimuth, Miss Miriam Levine.   </font>     1907 6 23    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1907-9-26 Mr. and Mrs. Louis Levine, daughter born.pdf"> 1907-9-26 Mr. and Mrs. Louis Levine, daughter born</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1907 Mr. and Mrs. Louis Levine, 12 West Fifth street, daughter born Sept. 22.  </font>     1907 9 26          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1908-2-13 Levine, fire.pdf"> 1908-2-13 Levine, fire</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1908 Fire Destroys $10,000 Stock. Levine Clothing Company Store Gutted. Flames Start From Gas Explosion. H. Levine.  </font>     1908 2 13    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1908-6-6 Anna G. Levine graduation.pdf"> 1908-6-6 Anna G. Levine graduation</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1908 Senior Class Finishes And Faces The World. Eighty-Seven Young Men and Women Receive Diplomas From Superintendent Denfeld. Large Attendance Witnesses the Exercises at High School. Simple Dignity the Keynote. Pearl D. Elevitch, Eva Zalk, Anna G. Levine.  </font>     1908 6 6    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1909-5-26 Louis Polinsky deserts wife Lena Levine Polinsky.pdf"> 1909-5-26 Louis Polinsky deserts wife Lena Levine Polinsky</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1909 Louis Polinsky deserts wife Lena Levine Polinsky.  Deserted 5 days after wedding, Russian bride of three years ago given divorce decree in Superior Court.  </font> -   1909 5 26          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1909-6-30 Sadie Fostof.pdf"> 1909-6-30 Sadie Fostof</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1909 Farewell Party. Mrs. J. Fostoff, 820 East Fifth Street, in honor of Mrs. M. Caplov, Mr. and Mrs. B. Frankford, Mr. and Mrs. R. Lieberman, Mr. and Mrs. C. Kassmir, Mrs. L. Shenowsky, Mr. and Mrs. Levine, Mr. and Mrs. L. Polinsky, Mr. and Mrs. M. Levine, Mr. and Mrs. M. Cohen, Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Kolenisky, Mr. and Mrs. Oreckovsky, Mr. and Mrs. Gitkin, Mr. and Mrs. Kerness, Mr. and Mrs. L. Levine, Mr. and Mrs. S. Shesossky, Miss Ida Weiner of Chicago, Polly Sweetman of St. Cloud, Belle Polinsky, Esther Kerness, Clara Shore, Sadie Shore, Lillie Cassmir, Annie Cohen, Rosie Cohen, Sadie Fostoff, Florence Levine.   </font>     1909 6 30    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1910-5-16 Florence Levine.pdf"> 1910-5-16 Florence Levine</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1910 Gives Linen Shower. Miss Sally M. Oreck, 114 East Fourth street, in honor of Miss Bessie R. Nurick. finace Harry Bucman, Sarah Briht, Sarah Nusbaum, Lena Kassmir, Sadie Fostoff, Eva Zalk, Sophia Weinstein, Zela Tremblatt, Esther Kernes, Mary Mesberg, Esther Sander, Bess Rocklin, Eva Rocklin, Jennie Aronsohn, Fannie Nusbaum, Anna Mark, Rose Mark, Anna Orek, Sarah Bazelon, Selma Casmir, Sarah Nusbaum, Dorothy Polinsky, Sarah Polnsky, Berthan Mendelson, Fannie Mendelson, Florence Levine.   </font>     1910 5 16          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1910-5-16 Sadie Fostoff.pdf"> 1910-5-16 Sadie Fostoff</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1910 Given Linen Shower. Sally M. Oreck entertained, 114 East Fourth street, in honor of Bessie R. Nurick, to wed Harry Buckman, Sarah Brigh, Sarah Nusbaum, Lena Kassmir, Sadie Fostoff, Eva Zalk, Sophia Weinstein, Zela Tremblatt, Esther Kernes, Mary Mesberg, Esther Sander, Bess Rocklin, Eva Rocklin, Jennie Aronsohn, Fannie Nusbaum, Anna Mark, Rose Mark, Anna Oreck, Sarah Bazelon, Selma Casmir, Sarah Nusbaum, Dorothy Polinsky, Sarah Polinsky, Bertha Mendelson, Fannie Mendelson, Florence Levine.   </font>     1910 5 16          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1910-5-17 Bessie R. Nurick, Harry Buckman, linen shower, guest Sally Oreck.pdf"> 1910-5-17 Bessie R. Nurick, Harry Buckman, linen shower, guest Sally Oreck</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1910 Linen Shower. Bessie R. Nurick and Harry Buckman, Salloy M. Oreck, Lena Kassmir, Sophie Weinstein, Esther Kernea, Mary Mesberg, Eva Rocklin, Jennie Aronson, Rose Mark, Anna Oreck, Sarah Nussbaum, Dorothy Polinsky, Sarah Polinsky, Florence Levine, Sadie Fostoff, Eva Zalk, Zela Tremblatt, Esther Sander, Bessie Rocklin, Fannie Nussbaum, Annie Mark, Sarah Bazelon, Selma Casmir, Bertha Mendelson, Fanny Mendelson.  </font> -   1910 5 17          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1910-9-11 Martha Fostoff.pdf"> 1910-9-11 Martha Fostoff</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1910 Card Party Given In Honor Of Miss Lieberman. Miss Lena Lieberman, 404 1-2 East Fifth street, Sadie Lieberman, will leave for Chicago. Della Fox, Sadie Lieberman, Minnie Averbrook, Mamie Levine, Martha Fostoff, Hattie Mackowitz, Della Fox, Freda Wenberg? Ethel Heller, Walter Weiland, Paul Phillips, James Pierce, Ben Carsener, Walter Toben, Ben Sanders, Henry Azine.   </font>     1910 9 11          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1910-11-2 Hazel Levine.pdf"> 1910-11-2 Hazel Levine</A>  - -     1910 11 2    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1911-8-17 Hazel Levine, Vassar.pdf"> 1911-8-17 Hazel Levine, Vassar</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1911 To Leave Soon For College. Eastern Schools Soon Will Calim Many of Duluth's Young Men and Women. Large Number To Attend University of Minnesota. Others Go to Wellesley, Williams and Scores of Institutions of Learaning. Enid Freimuth-Ferry Hall, Lake  Forest, Ill.; Hazel Levine-Vassar.  </font>     1911 8 17          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1911-9-6 Polinsky-Wolfe wedding 20000.jpg"> 1911-9-6 Polinsky-Wolfe wedding</A>  - - </font><font size="1"> 1911 Dorothy Polinsky and Joseph Wolfe wed, Rev. Teplitz,  Wedding Occurs At Synagogue, Dolly Polinsky, Florence Levine, Sadie Fostof, David Weinberg, Leo Troup, Roy Levine, Stern, Bert Stern, Jacob Cohen.  </font> -   1911 9 6          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1911-9-6 Polinsky-Wolfe wed,Cohen.pdf"> 1911-9-6 Polinsky-Wolfe wed,Cohen</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1911 Polinsky-Wolfe Wedding Ocurs At Synagogue,323 East Fifth street, Dorothy Polinsky and Joseph Wolfe, Mr. and Mrs. L. Polinsky, 1124 East Sixth street, Rabbi Kissin, Rev. Teplitz, Dolly Polinsky, Florence Levine,  Sadie Fostof, David Weinberg-Eveleth, Leo Troup-Virginia, Roy Levine, Stern, Bert Stern, Jacob Cohen  </font>     1911 9 6          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1911-9-6 Polinsky, Wolfe, Fostof.pdf"> 1911-9-6 Polinsky, Wolfe, Fostof</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1911 Polinsky-Wolfe Wedding Occurs At Synagogue. 322 East Fifth street, Dorothy Polinsky, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. L. Polinsky, 1124 East Sixth street, weds Joseph Wolfe. Rabbi Kissin, Rev. Teplitz, Dolly Polinsky, Florence Levine, Sadie Fostoff, David Weinberg of Eveleth, Leo Troup of Virginia, Roy Levine, Bert Stern Jacob Cohen, Masonic Temple.  </font>     1911 9 6          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1911-9-11 Joseph Fostoff.pdf"> 1911-9-11 Joseph Fostoff</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1911 Mr. and Mrs. Cohen Give Party For Mrs. Lavick. Mr. and Mrs. L. Cohen, 911 East Third street, Mrs. B. Lavick, daughter Anna Lavick of Chicago., Mrs. J. Lieberman, Mrs. S. Caplov, E. Sosnovsky, M. Caplov, M. Shore, B. Lavick, I. L. Lavine, J. Fostoff, J. Lieberman, A. Stern, J. Wolfe, J. A. Kohn, S. Kassmir, M. Cohen, D. Frankfort, M. Steiner, L. Shenowsky, Popkin, M. Levine, Sophie Caplov, Dollie Polinsky, Rose Cohen, Eva Cohen, Anna lavick, M. Cohen, L. Cohen, M. Shore, J. L. Lavine K. Kohn, M. Wolfe  </font>     1911 9 11          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1911-9-11 Mrs. B. Lavick, cropped.pdf"> 1911-9-11 Mrs. B. Lavick, cropped</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1911-9-11  Mr. and Mrs. Cohen Give Party For Mrs. Lavick. Mr. and Mrs. L. Cohen, 911 East Third street, for Mrs. B. Lavick and daughter Anna Lavick from Chicago. Mrs. J. Lieberman, Mrs. S. Caplov, Mesdames E. Sosnovsky, M. Caplov, M. Shore, I. L. Lavine, J. Fostoff, J. Lieberman, A. Stern J. Wolfe, J. A. Frankfort, M. Steiner, L. Shenowsky, Popkin, M. Levine, Sophie Caplov, Dollie Polinsky, Rose Cohen, Eva Cohen, Anna Lavick, Messrs M. Cohen, L. Cohen, M. Shore, J. L. Lavine, J. Kohn, M. Wolfe.   </font>     1911 9 11    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1911-9-17 E. Sosnovsky.pdf"> 1911-9-17 E. Sosnovsky</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1911 Mr. and Mrs. L. Cohen, 911 East Third street entertained. Mrs. B. Lavick and daughter, Miss Anna Lavick-Chicago, Mrs. J. Leiberman, Mrs. S. Caplov, E. (Esther) Sosnovsky, M. Caplov, M. Shore, B. Lavick, I. L. Lavine, J. Fostoff, J. Leiberman, A. Stern, J. Wolfe, J. A. Kohn, S. Kassmir, M. Cohen, D. Frankfort, M. Steiner, L. Shenowsky, Popkin, M. Levine, Miss Sophie Caplov, Dollie Polinsky, Rose Cohen, Eva Cohen, Anna Lavick, Mr. M. Cohen, L. Cohen, M. Shore, J. L. Levine, J. Kohn, M. Wolfe.   </font>     1911 9 17          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1911-12-8 Abraham Levine.pdf"> 1911-12-8 Abraham Levine</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1911 Drinks Booze; Then Fiery Acid. Abraham Levine, Michigan Street Driver, Attempts Suicide. Will Recover. 1932 West Michigan street. wife, chidren Rosa, Victor, and Minnie.   </font> -   1911 12 8          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1911-12-9 Abraham Levine, Sadie Levine.pdf"> 1911-12-9 Abraham Levine, Sadie Levine</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1911 Held for Grand Jury. Abraham Levine, Sadie Levine.   </font>     1911 12 9    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1911-12-13 Iankel L. Levine, President of Kofereth Israel, obit. .pdf"> 1911-12-13 Iankel L. Levine, President of Kofereth Israel, obit. </A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1911 I. L. Levine, An Old Settler, Dies, Was president of Kofereth Israel Synagogue, and Well Known Business Man. Iankel L. Levine obit., one of the first Hebrew settlers of Duluth, livestock business, Florence, Sadie, Viola Levine, Maurice, Loy, Mike, and Pineo Levine.  </font> -   1911 12 13          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1911-12-13 Iankel L. Levine obit. old settler (2).pdf"> 1911-12-13 Iankel L. Levine obit. old settler (2)</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1911 I. L. Levine, An Old Settler, Dies. Was President of Kofereth Israel Synagogue, and Well Known Business Man. 821 Fourth avenue east, livestock business. daughters Florence, Sadie, Viola, sons Maurice, Loy (roy?), Mike, and Pineo?.   </font>     1911 12 13    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1911-12-14 Yankel Levine obit. (2).pdf"> 1911-12-14 Yankel Levine obit. (2)</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1911 Yankel Levine obit. 52 years old, dealer in livestock, 821 Fourth avenue east, Dec. 12.  </font>     1911 12 14          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1911-12-16 I. L. Levine, obit. photo.jpg"> 1911-12-16 I. L. Levine, obit. photo</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1911 The photo of L. Levine appears without text. Headlines read Prominent Hebrew Who Died Monday Night.  </font> -   1911 12 16          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1911-12-27 Dave Polinsky, complaint.pdf"> 1911-12-27 Dave Polinsky, complaint</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1911 Dave Polinsky, complaint violated city ordinances, petitioners: J. Altman, F. Lahovitz, Sam Barnard, J. Oreckovsky, B. Davidson, Leon Solomon, Mrs. Cook, Polinsky, aliby Windsor Clothing company, L. Seiden, Abraham Stern, M. Levine, D. Oppan, M. Viener, F. Shapiro, N. Kaplan.  </font> -   1911 12 27          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1912-5-26 Harry Cohodas and Lillian Levine marriage (2).pdf"> 1912-5-26 Harry Cohodas and Lillian Levine marriage (2)</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1912 Houghton, Mich. Harry Cohodas and Lillian Levine wed. daughter of Morris Levine, fur dealer.  </font>     1912 5 26    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1912-6-14 Sarah Abrahamson Ely School.pdf"> 1912-6-14 Sarah Abrahamson Ely School</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1912 Grade Schools Turn Out Six Hundred Graduates. Commencement Exercises at Most of Buildings Marks Graduation of Largest Number of Grammar School Children in Duluth's History-Programs Attractive and Well Rendered. - - - Ely School: Sarah Abrahamson - - Jefferson School: Esther Zelda Abrahamson, Ruth Freimuth, Esther Dorothy Levine, Mollie Rudnitzky, Sheba Yesani - -  Adams School: Harry Karon, Jennie Winer, Harry Bernard Schneider - -  Endion School:  Bessie Popkin - - Franklin School:  Jacob Garon, Bennie Goldstein, Maurice Fred Lavick - -  Washington School: Charlotte Azine, Rose Goldish, Samuel Gotkin, Ida Ruth Kasmir, Bertha Miriam Moscovitch, Allen Rachlin, Ida Ruth Stein, Minnie Myrtle Winer, Marvin Berkson, Rae Leah Cook, Harry Karon, Harry Eli Kenner, Jennie Markus, Bessie Silver, Lean Marion Sonosky, Lizzie Louise Polinsky.   </font>     1912 6 14          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1912-6-16 Ida Stein, Morris Litman.pdf"> 1912-6-16 Ida Stein, Morris Litman</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1912 Same clipping, 5th col.:  Ida Stein, surprise party, Eva Stein, Rachel Goldstein, Helen Goldman, Louise Polinsky, Eva Andovsky, Mary Siden, Pearl Cohen, Gertrude Cohen, Sophie Shapiro, Rose Kapustin, Lena Ostrov, Kate Barrish, Edith Shapiro, Hiram Stein, Mike Stein, Joe Letman (Litman?) Morris Litman, Ben Litman, Nathan Love, Many Levine, Isadore Shapiro, Solomon Urowsky, Frank Webber.  </font> -   1912 6 16    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1912-9-1 Kansas City, MO Lester Levine (2).pdf"> 1912-9-1 Kansas City, MO Lester Levine (2)</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1912 River Victim's Body Found. Lester Levine, 12 years old. Kansas City, MO.  </font>     1912 9 1          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1913-4-13 Lillian Fostof wed.pdf"> 1913-4-13 Lillian Fostof wed</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1913 Miss Lillian Fostof and S. J. Bennett wed, Hebrew synagogue, Rabbi Teplitz, Matilda Berkson, Dolly Polinsky, Lloyd Levine, Morris Silk, grandparents Mr. and Mrs. B. Caplow, 231 East Fifth street.  </font>     1913 4 13          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1913-4-17 B'nai Brith Marion and Victor Levine (2).pdf"> 1913-4-17 B'nai Brith Marion and Victor Levine (2)</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1913 B'nai Brith Will Observe Day. 250th anniversary of the landing the Jew in America. Dr. Silber, Mrs. Leo A. Ball, Miss Theresa Lynn, Prof. R. E. Denfeld, Mrs. John Tupper, Miss Adele McClaren, Marion Levine, Victor Levine.  </font>     1913 4 17          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1913-6-22 Eva Handlovsky and Emmanuel Levine, wed, Chase.pdf"> 1913-6-22 Eva Handlovsky & Emmanuel Levine</A> - - </font><font size="1"> Superior Girl Will Become Bride Of Duluth Young Man,  Eva Handlovsky and Emmanuel Levine, marriage </font> -   1913 6 22    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1913-11-2 c David Oreckovsky, Halloween party with Mayor Prince.pdf"> 1913-11-2 c David Oreckovsky, Halloween party with Mayor Prince</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1913 David Oreckovsky, Halloween party, Dena Daneiko, Eva Cohen, Lena Riglers, Selma Shore, Anna Zarnow, Shenowsky, Esther Ridnisky, Viola Cohen, Sadie Levine, Viola Levine, Mattie Cohen, Eva Cohen. </font> -   1913 11 2    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1914-1-7 Zalk, Adele.pdf"> 1914-1-7 Zalk, Adele</A> - -   Florence I. Levine and Joseph Edward Davis, Adele Zalk attended along with many guests -   1914 1 7    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1914-1-7 Sadie Fostoff.pdf"> 1914-1-7 Sadie Fostoff</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1914 Miss Florence I. Levine, daughter of Mrs. I. Levine, 821 Fourth avenue East, Joseph Edward Davis. Masonic temple. Rev. I. Teplitz, Adas Israel synagogue, Ida Levine, Loy Levine, Anna Levine, Sadie Fostoff, Jack Levine, Michael Levine. Out of town guests: Mr. and Mrs. S. Bernstein-St. Paul, Fanny Scheinbaum-Sioux City, Iowa, Adele Zalk and Mrs. Zalk-St. Paul, Sarah Polin-Minneapolis, Miss Meyers-St. Paul, Mr. and Mrs. S. W. Rubeloff-Chisholm, Mr. and Mrs. D. Nides-Hibbing.  </font>     1914 1 7          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1914-1-14 Abraham Levine.pdf"> 1914-1-14 Abraham Levine</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1914 Will Stand Trial. Abraham Levine an Abraham Davis.   </font>     1914 1 14    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1914-1-15 Abraham Levine.pdf"> 1914-1-15 Abraham Levine</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1914 Levine Arrested For Cotempt Of Court. Abraham Levine, 40 years old, 1609 West Michigan street, disorderly conduct.   </font>     1914 1 15          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1914-1-23 Abraham Levine.pdf"> 1914-1-23 Abraham Levine</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1914 Mother-In-Law Is Blamed For Fuss. Abraham E. Levine, Under Suspended Sentence, Airs Trouble When Halled Into Court. Sadie Levine.  </font>     1914 1 23          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1914-3-6 Obit. for Zalman Levine.pdf"> 1914-3-6 Obit. for Zalman Levine</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1914 Hatred Of army Resulted In Death. Man Foud Dead in Hotel Elevator Shaft Fled Russia to Escape Military Service. age 24, Spalding hotel, brother Harry Levine. obit.  </font>     1914 3 6          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1914-3-7 Levine, Zalman age 30 obit..pdf"> 1914-3-7 Levine, Zalman age 30 obit.</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1914 Zalman Levine, age 30, Spalding hotel, March 4, obit.  </font>     1914 3 7          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1914-4-23 Monese Levine an Ida Baller.pdf"> 1914-4-23 Monese Levine an Ida Baller</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1914 Wife Already Wed, he Seures Divorce. Monese Levine and Mrs. Ida Baller Find Marital Relation of July 20, 1913, Illegal.   </font>     1914 4 23    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1914-9-18 Mrs. J. Fostof.pdf"> 1914-9-18 Mrs. J. Fostof</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1914 Friends Pay Tribute To Mrs. Maurice Caplov. Age 68 obit. 811 North Fourth avenue East, Mrs. Caplov was a pioneer resident, lived in Duluth for more than 30 years. Daughters: Mrs. J. Fostoff, Mrs. N. S. Garber-Duluth, Mrs. I. Lieberman and Mrs. D. Frankfort of Chicago, son: Henry Caplov of Chicago, Sisters: Mrs. L. Cohen, Mrs. I. L. Levine-Duluth, Mrs. G. Cohen-Louiseville, Ky, brother: L. Polinsky.  </font>     1914 9 18          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1914-10-23 daughter born to Louis Levine.pdf"> 1914-10-23 daughter born to Louis Levine</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1914 Daughter born to Mr. and Ms. Louis Cohen, 1932 West Michigan street.   </font>     1914 10 23          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1914-10-23 daughter born to Louis Rosinsky..pdf"> 1914-10-23 daughter born to Louis Rosinsky.</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1914 Daughter born to Mr. and Mrs. Louis Levine, 119 Third avenue East.  </font>     1914 10 23          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1914-11-3 Social, Oreck, Oreckovsky.pdf"> 1914-11-3 Social, Oreck, Oreckovsky</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1914 Eva Oreckovsky and Charles Finkelstein will wed. Social at Talmud Torah auditorium. Minnie Viener, Ida Oreck,Harry Silverman, W. C. Oxman, H. A. Shark, M. Viener, M. Oreckovsky, J. Altman, Esther Viener, Ida Zurowsky, Sheba Polinsky, Dollie Polinsky,  Bess Altman, Esther Fieldman, Jeanette Gomberg, Eva Sosnosky, Esther Zurovsky, Rae Abelson, Bess Silverman, Sadie Fostof, Mae Rocklin, Sarah Kassmir, Esther Sander, Bess Markovich, Sallie Oreck, Rae Zurovsky, Florence Weingarder, Eva Oreckovsky, Selma Oreckovsky, Lena Rocklin, Anna Levine, Sadie Rocklin, Sarah Danieko, Isadore Natelson, Maurice Silk, Isadore Mandelson, Louis Zalk, Abe Aronson, Herman Aronson, Abe Averbrook, Nate Natelson, Dr. S. Gingold, Charles Finkelstein, Dr. S. Gross, A. B. Kaplan, Irwin Oreck, Abe Oreckovsky, Julius Siegel, Lyle Oreck, Sam Garber, Sam Miller, Dr. M. P. Zack, Israel Oreck, Harry Altman, Maurice Altman, Louis Zurovsky and Alex Zurovsky.  </font> -   1914 11 3          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1914-11-6 Finkelstein-Oreckovsky wed, guests, Israel, Sam, Joseph.pdf"> 1914-11-6 Finkelstein-Oreckovsky wed, guests, Israel, Sam, Joseph</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1914 Finkelstein-Preckovsky entertained, Esther Zurovsky, A. Oreckovsky, Rae Zurovsky, Ida Oreck, Minnie Viener, Abe Overbrook, Israel Oreckovsky, Harry Altman, Bessie Altman, Bessie Silverman, Dolly Polinsky, Sarah Kassmir, Ralph Oxman, Sam Oreckovsky,  L. Oreck, H. Silverman, Joseph Oreckovsky, J. Oreckovsky, W. C. Oxman, W. Viener, J. Oreckovsky, J. H. Altman, S. Levine, L. Polinsky, L. Sheekman, A. Friss, K. Sheekman, n. Kriss, Esther Oreckovsky,  J. Boznu.  </font> -   1914 11 6          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1915-3-2 James Karon and Sophie Levine ml..pdf"> 1915-3-2 James Karon and Sophie Levine ml.</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1915 James Karon and Sophie Levine, marriage licenses.  </font>     1915 3 2          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1915-6-16 Levy-Levine wed.pdf"> 1915-6-16 Levy-Levine wed</A> - -   headline -   1915 6 16          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1915-6-16 Hazel Levine and Abe B. Levy, inv. wed.pdf"> 1915-6-16 Hazel Levine and Abe B. Levy, inv. wed</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1915 Levy-Levin Wedding At Spalding June 29. Hazel Levin and Abe B. Levy. Mrs. Gust Levin, 431 East Second street.  </font>     1915 6 16          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1915-6-30 Levy-Levine wed.pdf"> 1915-6-30 Levy-Levine wed</A> - -   headline -   1915 6 30          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1915-6-30 Hazel Levin and Abe B. Levy wed.pdf"> 1915-6-30 Hazel Levin and Abe B. Levy wed</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1915 Beautiful Floral Setting for Levy-Levin Wedding. Hazel Levin and Abe B. Levy. Mr. and Mrs. Gust Levin, 431 East Second street. Dr. N. S. Dienard, Miss Rae Levy, Miss Josephine Levine, Miss Gertrude Levy, Benjamin Mislel-Toledo, Ohio, Clarence Levy, Harold Finkelstein, Mrs. Donna Riblette Flatten sang. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Levy, Sara Album-Minneapolis, Clarecem Melvin an Irving Levy, Mr. an Mrs. M. Rudawsky, Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Finkelstein, Harold Finkelstein, Mr. an Mrs. J. Firestone, Mr. and Mrs. Milton Firestone, Mrs. S. Hochelser, Mrs. Mary Burton, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Helperin, Mr. and Mrs. David Feder, Henry Rudawsky, Herman Butwinick, W. Bradley, Philip Weiss, Al Rosenholtz, Miss Jennie Rosenholtz-St. Paul, Miss Jeanette Benjamin, Monroe Benjain, Mrs. C. Brovosky, Charles Connor, Mrs. W. Albu, Miss Sara Album, Miss Marcia Album. Mrs. J. Orenstein, H. Miller, Mr. an Mrs. H. Levin an Charles Shapiro-Minneapolis, Herman Shark-Devils Lake, N. D., Harry Cohen-Chicago.   </font>     1915 6 30          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1915-7-6 Lena Tobin wedding, Sloan, Lieberman.pdf"> 1915-7-6 Lena Tobin wedding, Sloan, Lieberman</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1915 Lena Tobin wedding, Lester H. Cannon, Goldie Cannon, Mr. and Mrs. Cannon, Mrs. E. Miller, Lester Miller, Mrs. C. Levine, Joseph Selin, Rev. and Mrs. B. Gusse, Mrs. N. Joelson, Mrs. L. Singer, Mrs. R. Sloan, Mrs. S. H. Shankey, Mrs. Leo Leiberman, J. Canelstein, Birdie Silverman  </font> -   1915 7 6    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1915-7-11 Sarah Haronimus - cropped.jpg"> 1915-7-11 Sarah Haronimus - cropped</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1915 Miss Rose Oser and Lee Cohen-Minneapolis, Mrs. H. A. Aaronson, 1726 Hughitt avenue, Miss Rae Schneider, Sara Haronimus, Libbie Knox-St. Paul, Ruth Siegal-Duluth, John Marcus, Harry Altman, Arthur Marks, John Levine, t. Oreck, H. A. Aaronson-Duluth.  </font>     1915 7 11          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1915-7-11 Sarah Haronimus - full page.pdf"> 1915-7-11 Sarah Haronimus - full page</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1915 Miss Rose Oser and Lee Cohen-Minneapolis, Mrs. H. A. Aaronson, 1726 Hughitt avenue, Miss Rae Schneider, Sara Haronimus, Libbie Knox-St. Paul, Ruth Siegal-Duluth, John Marcus, Harry Altman, Arthur Marks, John Levine, t. Oreck, H. A. Aaronson-Duluth.  </font>     1915 7 11          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1915-7-20 Gertrude Witz, clerk.pdf"> 1915-7-20 Gertrude Witz, clerk</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1915 Miss Witz Named Clerk, Gertrude Witz appointed by Deputy Collector Ira Coburn and deputy Louis Levine.  </font> -   1915 7 20    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1915-7-23 Mrs. I. L. Levine.pdf"> 1915-7-23 Mrs. I. L. Levine</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1915 Grocers' Picnic Delights 10,000. Big Crowd Makes Large Day of Outing nad Program at Lester park. Mrs. I. L. Levine Wins Bread-Baking Contest. Wives Race Backward, Fat Men "Sprint" and Homeliest Man Is Named.   </font> -   1915 7 23          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1915-11-14 Anna Gladys Levine and Abraham Oreckovsky eng..pdf"> 1915-11-14 Anna Gladys Levine and Abraham Oreckovsky eng.</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1915 Engagement Announced. Anna Gladys Levine and Abraham Oreckovsky  </font> -   1915 11 14          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1916-1-9 Oreckofsky-Levine wedding.pdf"> 1916-1-9 Oreckofsky-Levine wedding</A> - -    </font><font size="1">  Oreckovsky-Levine Wedding Tuesday, Anna Gladys Levine, Abe Oreckovsky wed, Ida, Sadie, Mamie, and Etta Levine, Irving Oreckovsky, Ralph Oxman.  </font> -   1916 1 9    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1916-1-9 Oreckovsky-Levine wed.pdf"> 1916-1-9 Oreckovsky-Levine wed</A> -   1916 1 9    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1916-1-9 Anna Gladys Levine and Abe Oreckovsky wed.pdf"> 1916-1-9 Anna Gladys Levine and Abe Oreckovsky wed</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1916 Oreckovsky-Levine Wedding Tuesday. Anna Gladys Levine and Abe Oreckovsky, Adas Israel synagogue, Rev. W. Kissin, Rev. Israel Teplitz, H. Levine, Ida Levine, Sadie Levine, Mamie Levine, Ida Oreck, Etta Levine, Ralph Oxman, Irving Oreckovsky.  </font> -   1916 1 9          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1916-1-12 Anna Gladys Levine and Abe Oreckovsky wed.pdf"> 1916-1-12 Anna Gladys Levine and Abe Oreckovsky wed</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1916 Miss Levine Becomes Bride of A. Oreckovsky. Anna Gladys Levine and Abe Oreckovsky, Adas Israel, Rev. Wolf. Kissin, Rev. Israel Teplitz, H. Levine, Mamie Levine, Ida Levine, Ida Oreck, Etta Levine, Ralph Oxman, Irving Levine, Lloyd Levine, Jack Levine, Charles Finkelstein, Mandy Finkelstein, Meyer Packer, William Oxman, Morris Altman, Harry Levine.   </font> -   1916 1 12    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1916-6-11 Lillian Lieberman.pdf"> 1916-6-11 Lillian Lieberman</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1916 Shower Given For Minneapols Brie-to-be. Miss Lillian Lieberman 401 1/2 East Fifth street. Miss Rose Winner-Minneapolis, Tibel Berkson, Sara Kahner (Kaner?)-, Mr. and Mrs. morris Winner, Esther Sanders, Mr. and Mrs. S. Segal, Mr. and Mrs. M. A. Ruth, Mrs. L. Passes-Minneapolis, Miss Minette Averbrook, Miss Ruth Raihill, Charlotte Azine, Rosalie Coran, Mamie Levine, Ruth Siegal, Marian Brucco.   </font>     1916 6 11    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1916-7-5 Sarah Daneiko and Lyle A. Oreck, wed .pdf"> 1916-7-5 Sarah Daneiko and Lyle A. Oreck, wed </A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1916 Celebrate Marriage On Fourth, Miss Sarah Daneiko and Lyle A. Oreck Married at Home of Bride's Parents-Take Month's Trip. Sarah Ann Daneiko and Lyle Abbet Oreck, wed, Rabbi Levine, Samuel Polans Sally Oreck, Samuel Polans, Marcia Polinsky, Esther Gomberg, Gabriel A. Oreck, M. Daneiko.  </font> -   1916 7 5          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1916-7-23 Adas Israel, memorial to Dr. Theodore Herzel.pdf"> 1916-7-23 Adas Israel, memorial to Dr. Theodore Herzel</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 916 Memorial Services For Late Theodore Herzel. Adas Israel synagogue. Dr. Herzel's Life, Dr. A. L. Levine, Zion, the only Jewish String, Harry Levine, Rev. M. Broverman.  </font> -   1916 7 23          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1916-10-4 Young Judea, Talmud Torah, Succah.pdf"> 1916-10-4 Young Judea, Talmud Torah, Succah</A> - -    </font><font size="1">  Judaea Club Will Celebrate Succoth, Rabbi Levine, Marvin Oreck, I. Levine, Jacob Tulman </font> -   1916 10 4    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1916-11-5 Fanney Kanner, Winter.pdf"> 1916-11-5 Fanney Kanner, Winter</A> - -   Eveleth: high school, Fanny Kanner, Mike Levine -   1916 11 5    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1916-12-14 Young Judea Club, Heiman Garon.pdf"> 1916-12-14 Young Judea Club, Heiman Garon</A> - -   </font><font size="1">   Young Judea Club Will Stage Play To Celebrate ‘Chanuko’, many names Heiman Garon, Alpert, Shapiro, Levine, Oreckovsky, Polinsky, Kaplan</font> -   1916 12 14          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1916-12-24 Young Judea, Hyman Garon, Slonim, Kaplan.pdf"> 1916-12-24 Young Judea, Hyman Garon, Slonim, Kaplan</A> - -    </font><font size="1">  ‘Chanukka Eve’ To Be Given By Club, The Young Judea club of Duluth, Garon, Gotkin, Shapro, Tulman, Silver, Leibovitz, Slonim, Horvitz, Chen, Green, Hunter, Levine, Leibovitz, Rifkin, Oreckovsky, Kaplan, Orek, Alpert, Susnovsky</font> -   1916 12 24    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1916-12-24 Esther Oreckovsky, Chanukka Eve.pdf"> 1916-12-24 Esther Oreckovsky, Chanukka Eve</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1916 'Chanukka Eve' To Be Given By Club. Young Judea, R. M. Winner, Marvin Oreck, Leona Alpert, Doris Gotkin, Bessie Shapiro, Jacob Tulman, David Silver, Maurice Leibovitz, Hyman Garon, Ben Slonim, Leslie Horvitz, Isabelle Cohen, Charles Green, Rose Hunter, Harry Levine, Leona Leibovitz, Sarah Rifkin, Esther Oreckovsky, Ida Kaplan, Rosa Leibevitz, Dora Susnovsky, Ruth Eifkin  </font> -   1916 12 24    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1917-1-2 Shenowsky, Gallop.pdf"> 1917-1-2 Shenowsky, Gallop</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1917 Mrs. M. Shenowsky, 819 Fourth avenue East. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Gollop, 324 East Ninth street. Mr. and Mrs.H. Levine, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Levine, Mr. and Mrs. L. Cohen, Mr. and Mrs. J. Bernstein, Mr. and Mrs. M. Steiner Mr. and Mrs. L. Cohen, Mr. and Mrs. C. Cohen, Mr. and Mrs. K. Sander, Mr. and Mrs. H. Sander, Mr. and Mrs. R. Winner, Mr. and Mrs. L. Koff, Mrs. L. Leiberman, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Gollop, Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Gollop, Mrs. John Gollop, Mrs. J. I. Levine, Mr. and Mrs. E. Davis, Louis Devine, Mrs. H. Lowel, Mrs. J. Mesberg-Virginia, Mr. and Mrs. James Lavik, Mr. and Mrs. G. Cohen-Louisville, Ky, Ben Sader, Rose Sander, Mary Rosnozky, Mattie Cohen, Evan Cohen, Ida Levine.  </font>     1917 1 2          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1917-1-2 Shenowsky, Gollop.pdf"> 1917-1-2 Shenowsky, Gollop</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1917  Mrs. M. Shenowsky, 819 Fourth avenue East, Mrs. Peter Gollop, 324 East Ninth street, Mr. and Mrs. H. Levine, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Levine, Mr. and Mrs. L. Cohen, Mr and Mrs J. Bernstein, Mr. and Mrs. M. Steiner, Mr. and Mrs. L. Cohen, Mr. and Mrs. C. Cohen, Mr. and Mrs. K. Sander, Mr. and Mrs. H. Sander, Mr. and Mrs. R. Winner, Mr. and Mrs. L. Koff, Mrs. L. Leiberman, Mr. and Mrs Sam Gollop, Mr. and Mrs Maurice Gollop, Mr and Nrs. John Gollop, Mrs. J. I. Levine, Mr.  and Mrs. E. Davis, Louis Levine, Mrs. H. Lowel, Mrs. J. Mesberg-Virginia, Mr. and Mrs. G. Cohen-Louisville, Ky.; Ben Sander, Rose Sander, Mary Rosnozky, Mattie Cohen, Evan Cohen, Ida Levine.  </font>     1917 1 2          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1917-2-9 Sadie Fostoff.pdf"> 1917-2-9 Sadie Fostoff</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1917 100 Central Student names On Honor Roll. Principal Leonard Young Reads the List at Chapel Exercises. Seniors: Bessie Levine, Sadie Levine. Juniors: Helena Silberstein. Freshmen: Sylvia Josephs, Ida Kaplan, Harry Levine. B list: Eva Fostoff, Leona Leibovitz.  </font>     1917 2 9          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1917-5-4 Bessie Levine.pdf"> 1917-5-4 Bessie Levine</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1918 A son born to Mr. and Mrs. Joseph A. Levine, 1127 East Fifth street, March 25.   </font>     1917 5 4    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1917-8-26 Joseph Llitman, exempt.pdf"> 1917-8-26 Joseph Llitman, exempt</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1917 Fourth District Exemptions: Jack Levine, Louis Levine, Joseph Litman, M. J. Abrahamson, S. A. Azine,   </font> -   1917 8 26          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1918-1-28 Virginia Sam Lippman obit..pdf"> 1918-1-28 Virginia Sam Lippman obit.</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1918 Friends Pay Tribute to Mrs. Maurice Caplov., 68, 811 North Fourth avenue East. Pioneer, 30 years in Duluth, husband, four daughters, Mrs. J. Fostof, Mrs. N. S. Garber-Duluth, Mrs. I. Lieberman and Mrs. D. Frankfort-Chicago, son Henry Caplov-Chicago. Thee sisters, Mrs. L. Cohen, Mrs. I. L. Levine-Duluth, Mrs. G. Cohen-Louisville, Ky., brother L. Polinsky-Duluth.  </font>     1918 1 28    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1918-4-5 Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Levine birth of son.pdf"> 1918-4-5 Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Levine birth of son</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1917 Girl and Boy Who Lead Classmates Graduating From Central High. Bessie Levine and Emanuel Cook, photo  </font>     1918 4 5          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1918-12-7 Mr. and Mrs. Sam Levine son born.pdf"> 1918-12-7 Mr. and Mrs. Sam Levine son born</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1918   a son born to Mr. and Mrs. Sam Levine 517 Lake avenue North, Nov. 26.  </font>     1918 12 7          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1918-12-21 Leah Kenigsberg.pdf"> 1918-12-21 Leah Kenigsberg</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1918 Leah Kenigsberg, Thirty Central Students Are On "A" Honor Roll.  Harry Levine, Sylvia Josephs.  </font> -   1918 12 21          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1919-4-16 Ben Garon.pdf"> 1919-4-16 Ben Garon</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1919 Wallace Cup is goal of Duluth; Sylvia Josephs, Marvin Oreck, Sidney Buckman, Isadore Saksonoff, Harry Levine, Theodore Cook and Ben Garon  </font>     1919 4 16          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1919-8-30 Adelle Zalk Levine ml.pdf"> 1919-8-30 Adelle Zalk Levine ml</A> - -   headline  -   1919 8 30    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1919-9-5 Eveleth, Old Settlers.pdf"> 1919-9-5 Eveleth, Old Settlers</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1919 Evelethians Join Old Settlers' Society. Max Shapiro, Frank Rabinowitz, Harry Rabinowitz, Morris Nathenson, Soloman Sax, Matt Horwitz, Joe Levine  </font> -   1919 9 5          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1920-1-10 Kofereth Israel J. Averbook.pdf"> 1920-1-10 Kofereth Israel J. Averbook</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1920 Kofereth Israel Congregation To Build Synagogue. Shaarai Tzedek Also Announces Tentative Plan for Erection of New Building. M. Mattenson, K. Levine, A. Horwitz, Maurice Cohen, Sol Kernes, Sam Stein, J.Averbook, Z. Keil, Joseph Shelf. Saarai Tzedek.  </font> -   1920 1 10          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1920-1-10 Kofereth Israel Synagogue, Joseph Shelf.pdf"> 1920-1-10 Kofereth Israel Synagogue, Joseph Shelf</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1920 Kofereth Israel Congregation To Build Synagogue. Shaarai Tzedek Also Announces Tentative Plan for Erection of New Building. Fourth street and Third avenue East, present location 323 East Fifth street, 20 years, M. Mattenson, K. Levine, A. Horwitz, Maurice Cohen, Sol Kernes, Sam Stein, J. Averbook, Z. Kiel, Joseph Shelf.   </font>     1920 1 10          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1920-4-15 Levine.pdf"> 1920-4-15 Levine</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1920 Eveleth High Schools Is To Graduate 55 In June. Mike ? Levine, Louis Winer, Ale? Stein, Celia Stein, Monica Finn?  </font>     1920 4 15          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1920-6-3 Harry Levine.pdf"> 1920-6-3 Harry Levine</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1920 Seniors To Have Class Memorial. Duluth Central Graduates Name Committee to Select Customary Class Gift.  Harry Levine.   </font>     1920 6 3          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1920-6-24 Eveleth, high school, photo Irving Nathanson.pdf"> 1920-6-24 Eveleth, high school, photo Irving Nathanson</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1920 This Year's Graduates In Eveleth Are 54 Times As Many As In 1902. photo,   Bess B. Feldman, Walter H. Karlinsky, Louie H. Winer,  Michael Levine, Irving Roe Nathanson, Abe Stein.  Note: These graduates of Eveleth in the year 1920 represent another generation. Their parents were the pioneers of the town. One of the attractions of Eveleth was the school system. The mining industry contributed financially to the building of the schools.  </font> -   1920 6 24    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1920-6-24 Eveleth, high school, photo Irving Nathanson, Louis Weiner.pdf"> 1920-6-24 Eveleth, high school, photo Irving Nathanson, Louis Weiner</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1920 This Years Graduates In Eveleth Are 54.Louie H. Winer, Michael Levine, Abe Stein, Irving Roe Nathanson. photo.  </font> -   1920 6 24          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1920-11-19 Phillip Altman , Young Folks' Club.pdf"> 1920-11-19 Phillip Altman , Young Folks' Club</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1920 Young Folks' club Phillip Altman, photo, Anna Laskowitz, Sadie Kremen, William Jolson, A. N. Natelson, Frank Krupp, Esther Saksanoff, Cecil Laskowitz, Harriet Krupp, Harry Levine, Rabbi Israel Lebendiger, Moses Montifiore Hebrew school.  </font> -   1920 11 19          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1920-12-27 Morris Brusin.pdf"> 1920-12-27 Morris Brusin</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1920 Hebrew Club Elects Officers And Directors. Duluth Hebrew Brotherhood, Maccabee hall, Charles P. Meyers, David Weinberg, Louis Seiden, Charles W. Green, Samuel Golden, Louis Shenowsky, Morris Brusin, Nathan golden, Samue Levine, Samuel C. Latts.  </font>     1920 12 27          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1921-5-2 B'nai B'rith.pdf"> 1921-5-2 B'nai B'rith</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> Fraternity Shatters Precedents, Bernard Silberstein Made Life Member of Order of B'nai B'rith.  Henry Monsky of Omaha, Neb., W. M. Abrahamson, A. B. Kapplin, Charles D. Oreckovsky, D. P. Fieldman, Dave Miller, Harry Gordon. RabbiJesse Cohen,  Israel Lebendiger, S. B. Copilowisch, Ben Miller,  Samuel Nides. New Members: William M. Abrahamson, J. J. Abram, Harry E. Altman, Al Aron, Mortimer W. Bondy, Harold J. Brody, Joseph E. Coll?, Charles M. Cohen, Harry Lewis Cohen, Jacob Crystal, Michael Danaiko, Louis Fishman, Louis Gallop orris Garrison, Oscar Goldstein, Samuel Gotkin B. Louis Green, Monte A. Greenblat, Ben J. Kenner, Herman N. Kramer, Frank Krupitzky, Morris Krupitzky, Louis J. Lasky, Samuel C. Latts, Jak Levine, Morris Levine, Irving M. Levinson, SamLevinson, L. S. Lugoff, Abe H. Miller, Isadore Mogelson S. Natelson, Percy E. Oreck, David Oreckovsky, Max D. Orinstein, David B. Pollack, D. Raihill, Frank M. Riskin, Mandy Rosenberg, Chas. A. Saksanoff, Samuel Sander, Robert Schway, Hyman L. Segal, Hyman W. Segal, Jack E. Segal, Sam J. Segal, Chas. S. M. Segalbaum, Samuel Shore, Sam Simon, Morris Slavoot, J. Slonim, Abe L. Solon, John L. Sosnosky, Joseph Steinman, Harry Vertelney, Louis Weisberg, Ed Zalk, Samuel Zalk, Wolf B. Zien, A. Zurovsky.  </font>     1921 5 2    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1921-6-4 Joseph Levine.pdf"> 1921-6-4 Joseph Levine</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1921 Auto Knocks Down Boy. Robert Levine, 3 year old, son of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph A. levine, 1202 East Third street.   </font>     1921 6 4          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1921-12-25 Superior, Lillian Harris, Anita Averbook, Chanukah program.pdf"> 1921-12-25 Superior, Lillian Harris, Anita Averbook, Chanukah program</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1921 Superior: Superior Girl on Chanukah Program. Lillian Harris, Herbert and Joseph Samuel, Morris Litman, Cherry Rine, M. Seiler, Rudolph Segal, Sam Braverman, Morris Litman, Anita Averbook, Etta Levine, Louisa Nessel, Rose Passen, Helen Segal, Harry Cohen, Marjorie Rachlin, Hyman Laden.  </font> -   1921 12 25    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1922-2-11 Jewish Arbor Day, Passon, Goldberg.pdf"> 1922-2-11 Jewish Arbor Day, Passon, Goldberg</A>   - - </font><font size="1"> Lincoln's Birthday and Chamishoh Oser B'Schvatt" (Tu B'Shuvat). Rabbi Israel Lebendinger, Lillian Harris, Helen Segal, Nathan Cohen, Rudolph Segal, Alfred Weinberg, Marvin Goldstein, Sylvia Laskowitz, Irene Levine, Sylvia Horowitz, Elsie Widdes, Fay Horowitz, Eunice Passon, Freida Brooks, Edith Riskin, Ida Weiner, Vivian Evans, Cheery Rine, Sylvia Stewart, Etta Levine, Mary London, Ruth Goldberg, Anna London, Ruby Aarons, Florence Goldfarb, Susie Bergal, Augusta Vertelney Helen Aarons, Beatrice Verteney, Dorothy Horowitz, Pauline Cwl, Florence Rose, Doris Cwl, Bessie Brooks, Elizabeth Cook, Herbert Samuel, Samuel Braverman, Sydney Green, J. Crystle (Crystal), Sarah Goldfine, Kurnisa.</font> -   1922 2 11.3          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1922-2-11 Tu B'shvat, Florence Goldfarb, Crystal, Widdes.pdf"> 1922-2-11 Tu B'shvat, Florence Goldfarb, Crystal, Widdes</A>  - - </font><font size="1">Helen Segal sister of Stan Segal's father and Rudoplh Segal. she married Louis Shelf - somehow connected to European Bakery. Nathan Cohen was married to Celia Walt. Alfred Weinberg, Sylvia Laskawitz became Sylvia Fink - they had the market on East 19th and 8th Street. Irene Levine became Irene Paull, Sylvia Horwitz maybe daughter of David and Sarah married Hallm Elsie Widdes - Elsie Kane, Fay Horwitz- Faye Solle, Eunice Passon could be Elsie Mastoon, Cherie Rine married Abe Bruzonsky, Sylvia Stewart married Gordon Cohen, Etta Levine sister of Irene Paull, Helen Aarons is Helen Widdes, Dorothy Horwitz another sister. Herb Samuels. Jacob Crystal father of Izy</font> -   1922 2 11.5    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1922-3-1 cemetery mispelled.pdf"> 1922-3-1 cemetery mispelled</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1922 Woman Loses to Man in Old-Time Spelling Match. B'nai B'rith and the Council of Jewish Women. Miss Anna Mark captain. A. B.Kapplin, Jacob Garon, Harry Levine. The word "cemetery" was mispelled.  </font>     1922 3 1    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1922-12-06 Mrs. Joseph M. Averbook.pdf"> 1922-12-06 Mrs. Joseph M. Averbook</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1922 Mrs. Joseph M. Averbook, Counciul of Jewish Women, Irene Levine, Mrs. Mondscheni.  </font> -   1922 12 6    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1922-12-7 Council of Jewish Women, I. W. Averbook.pdf"> 1922-12-7 Council of Jewish Women, I. W. Averbook</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1922 Council of Jewish Women. H. Y. Josephs, S. M. Polans, Harry Altman, M. G. Altman, B. N. Davidson, S. B. Copilowish, Charles Finkelstein, J. A. Kohn, Charles Levant, M. D. Nides, I. Oreck, D. Pollock, M. Rose, A. Lurye, A. H. Polinsky, William Silvian, Ida Karsner, Ida Finn, S. Altman, H. A. Shark, I. W. Averbook, Bennett I. Garon, Julius Garon, Ben Goldish, S. Ginsberg, B. Karsner, Kleckner, Henry Lavick, Benjamin London, D. A. Miller, Mohelson, A. Oreck, Sam Sanders, B. Sher, H. Silk, Harry Summerfield, J. Weinberg, M. Wetzler, Esther Abrahamson, A. Garon, J. E. Coil, Ralph Cohen., M. D. Nides, William Silvian, Louis Zalk, Mae Klein,Mayme Weinberg, Shark, Labovitz, Levine, C. P. Meyers, Sam Bailer, Ralph Cohen, B. J. Cook, R Mann, Esther Abrahamson, Mae Klein, Lillian Karon, Charles Oreckowsky, A. Oreckowsky, Artur Marks, Q. Kleckner, M. Silk, M. Cook, C. D. Jacobs, Rene Freimuth, J. E. Call, S. J. Sher, Joseph Oreckowsky, A. N. Polinsky, H. A. Shark, Joseph Stieman, A. Davidson, Jacob Abram, Morris Altman, J. Lieberman, J. Garon, R. Mann, Lou Kanter, M.Greenblat, Lyle Oreck, Joseph Bosner, William Oxman, S. Bennett. Rabbi Luchs, Harry Davis, Irene Levine, Mondschein.  </font> -   1922 12 7          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1922-12-7 Lavick, Council of Jewish Women.pdf"> 1922-12-7 Lavick, Council of Jewish Women</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1922 Club Notes. Committee Members Duluth section of the Council of Jewish Women at the library clubrooms. Mrs. H. Y. Josephs-President. Mrs. S. M. Polans-general chairman of social service,, Mrs. Harry Altman, Mesdames M. G. Altman, B. N. Davidson, S. B. Copilowish, Charles Finkelstein, J. A. Kohn, Charles Levant, M. D. Nides, I. Oreck, D. Pollock, M. Rose, Mrs. A. Lurye, Mesdames A. H. Polinsky, William Silvian, Ida Karsner, Ida Finn, S. Altman, Mrs. H. A. Shark, Mesdames I. W. Averbook, Bennett I. Garon, Julius Garon, Ben Goldish, S. Ginsberg, B. Karsner, Kleckner, Henry Lavick, Benjamin London, D. A. Miller, Mohelson, A. Oreck, Sam Sanders, B. Sher, H. Silk, Harry Summerfield, J. Weinberg, M. Wetzler, and auto committee, Miss Esther Abrahamson-chairman, Mesdames A. Garon, J. E. Coll? Ralph Cohen, M. D. Nides, William Silvian, Louis Zalk, and Miss Mae Klein.  - Other committees: Immigration: Miss Mayme Weinberg-chairman, Mesdames Shark, Labovitz and Levine. Big Sister: Mrs. C. P. Meyers-chairman, Mesdames Sam Bailer, Ralph Cohen, B. J. Cook, R. Mann, Miss Esther Abrahamson, Mae  Klien and Lillian Karon. Religions: Mrs. Charles Oreckowsky-chairman, Mesdames, A. Oreckowsky, Arthur Marks, Q. Kleckner, M. Silk. Lighthouse for the Blind. Mrs. M. Cook-Chairman. Mesdames C. D. Jacobs, Rene Freimuth, M. D. Nides, J. E. Call, S. J. Sher, Joseph Oreckowsky, A. N. Polinsky, H. A. Shark and Miss Lillian Karon. Social: Mrs. Joseph Stieman-chairman, Mesdames A. Davidson, Jacob Abram, Morris Altman, J. Lieberman, J. Garon, R. Mann, Lou Kanter, M. Greenblat, Lyle Oreck, Joseph Bosner, Miss Esther Abrahamson amd Miss Mae Klein. Membership: Mrs. William Oman-chairman.  Mesdames Averbook, Ida Finn and S. Bennett.  -  Mrs. S. M. Polans, Mrs. H. A. Shark, Mrs. Louis Zalk, Mrs. David Freimuth, Rabbi Luchs, Harry Davis, Franklin school, Mrs. M. Cook, Spalding hotel, Lighthouse for the Blind, Mrs. Harry Davis, Mrs. J. Lieberman, Mrs. H. Y. Josephs, Mrs. S. M. Polans, United Jewish Charities council.   Miss Irene Levine, Mrs. Mondschein, Mrs. Joseph M. Averbrook.  Over 100 women attended the meeting.   </font>     1922 12 7.1          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1922-12-25 Doris Sosnosky and Harris Goldman wed.pdf"> 1922-12-25 Doris Sosnosky and Harris Goldman wed</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1922 Jewish Club toGive Festival Year Ball, Northern Lights, Rabbi Alvin Luchs, H. Y. Josephs, Dr. Alvin Luchs, Irving Rajhill, Morris Cohen, Sam Rosenberg, I. Saksonoff, Charles Greene, Ralph Elevitch, Ralph Levine, Ben Davis, Sam Segal Nathan Kremen,  </font> -   1922 12 25          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1957-9-6 Segal, Milavetz, Goldman.pdf"> 1957-9-6 Segal, Milavetz, Goldman</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1957 Little Rock, Arkansas: The Seattle Times. Marvin Segal, Robert Milavetz, Steven Lange, Harris Levine and Goldman.  </font> -   1957 9 6    
Levin - searched for Leven plus blank, plus period, plus comma              
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1892-8-16 Yankel Levin and Joseph Polinsky.pdf"> 1892-8-16 Yankel Levin and Joseph Polinsky</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1892 default payment on land, Israel Bietoetozky, Louis Kohn, Yankel Levin, and Joseph Polinsky.  </font>     1892 8 16          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1892-8-16 Yankel Levin and Joseph Polinsky (1).pdf"> 1892-8-16 Yankel Levin and Joseph Polinsky (1)</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1892 Judgment secured for Leopold Bros.  (bottom of article)  </font>     1892 8 16          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1892-12-2 The Bell Levin Bros..pdf"> 1892-12-2 The Bell Levin Bros.</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1892 Ad for The Bell Duluth, Levin Bros. Proprietors.  -  scroll down to capture it. Later I found similar ads for them, but they used the name Levine Bros.  </font>     1892 12 2    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1893-5-7 Samuel I. Levin.pdf"> 1893-5-7 Samuel I. Levin</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1893 $1,100 a Front Foot. Sale to Samuel I. Levin.  </font>     1893 5 7          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1893-8-14 Levin Bros. burglars.pdf"> 1893-8-14 Levin Bros. burglars</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1893 Bold Burglars. Saloon of Levin Bros. at 501 West Superior street.  </font>     1893 8 14    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1893-8-14 Levin Bros. burglars (1).pdf"> 1893-8-14 Levin Bros. burglars (1)</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1893 Burglars. R. A. Cohen's clothing store on Fifth avenue west, Henderson building. </font>     1893 8 14          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1895-3-23 Gust Levin liquor store opening.pdf"> 1895-3-23 Gust Levin liquor store opening</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1895 Ad. Grand Opening. Levin's Liquor Store. Gust Levin, Proprietor. West Superior Street.  </font>     1895 3 23          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1895-4-10 Levin Minneapolis Kenneseth Israel Passover.pdf"> 1895-4-10 Levin Minneapolis Kenneseth Israel Passover</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1895 A Jewish Law Point. David Naftalen and David Berman, Kennesseth Israel, Minneapolis, Trustee Levin, Passover.   </font>     1895 4 10          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1896-9-27 children's birthdaay party.pdf"> 1896-9-27 children's birthdaay party</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1896 Celebrates Her Birthday. Meriam (Miriam?) Levin, 105 Park Terrace, Verner Claypole, Sarah Hammel, Izzie Mondshine, Susan Slaughter, Leon Hammel, Hazel Levin, Rosa Mondshine, George Gilbert, Sadie Mondshine, Victor Levin, Lottie Mondshine, Leonard Winterfield.   </font>     1896 9 27          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1898-6-23 Gus Levin.pdf"> 1898-6-23 Gus Levin</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1898 Mrs. Gus Levin, Mossler-Levin wedding-Chicago.  </font>     1898 6 23          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1899-3-13 La Vant and Casmir wedding.htm"> 1899-3-13 La Vant and Casmir wedding</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> Attendees: Nellie La Vant, David Casmir, Rabbi Abrams, Rabbi Newfield, Henrietta Cook, B. J. Cook, Annie L Vant, Selma Casmir, Mayor Truelsen, Dr. R. Graham, Lavick, Mitchell, Albert, I. Isadore, I. Rubenstein, Julius Cohen, Joe Sattler, Kacob SattlerGus Levin, Levy, I. Abrahamson, Krojanker, William Abrahamson, Dave Cohen, L. Oreck, Monschind, H. Hirshberg, H. Y. Josephs, S. E. Gittelson, J. Rothschild, Meyar Cook, J. Abrahamson, Julius Cook, Ben Katz, Mark, Hanna Cook, Lillian Abramson, Pauline Levy, Sadie Mondschind, Mary Mark, and Fanny Hass.  </font> -   1899 3 13          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1899-3-13 La Vant and Casmir wedding.pdf"> 1899-3-13 La Vant and Casmir wedding</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1899  United In Marriage. Miss Nellie La Vant and David Casmir Married Yesterday Afternoon.   Rabbi Newfield, Rabbi Abrams, Henrietta Cook, B. J. Cook, Annie La Vant, Selma Casmir, Mayor Truelsen, Dr. R. Graham, Casmir, Lavick, Mitchell, Albert, I. Isadore, I. Rubenstein, Julius Cohen, Joe Sattler, Jacob Sattler, Gus Levin, P. Levy, I. Abrahamson, Krojanker, William Abrahamson, Dave Cohen, L. Oreck, Monschind, B. J. Cook, H. Hirshberg, H. Y. Josephs, S. E. Gittelson, J. Rothschild, Meyear Cook, J. Abrahmson, Julius Cook, Ben Katz, Mark, Henrietta Cook, Hanna Cook, Lillian Abrahamson, Pauline Levy, Sadie Mondschind, Mary Mark, Fanny Hass.  </font> -   1899 3 13      
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1899-5-26 Gust Levin transfer.pdf"> 1899-5-26 Gust Levin transfer</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1899  column 1, Gust Levin transfer from 227 West Superior street to 213 West Superior street-police and license.  </font>     1899 5 26          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1899-5-29 Levin.pdf"> 1899-5-29 Levin</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1899 Porter Pulls A Razor. Drunken Porter Uses an Emphatic Argument on Levin. Levin's saloon, 213 West Superior street.  </font>     1899 5 29    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1899-10-13 Joseph Goldberg, Gust Levin.pdf"> 1899-10-13 Joseph Goldberg, Gust Levin</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1899 Was Weary Of Life. Joseph Goldberg of One Cent Store Shoots Himself. Only Twenty-One Years of Age and Had Nothing Apparently to Cause Him to Take the Rash Step-Victim of Melancholin-Parents in Chicago Are Wealthy-Boy Taken to Chicago. Suicide occurred at the home of Gust Levin. Brothers borders.  </font>     1899 10 13          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1899-12-19 Virginia, B. Levin.pdf"> 1899-12-19 Virginia, B. Levin</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1899 Virginia: Mae W. Gil-Eveleth and Frank B. Campbell wed at B. Levin home.   </font>     1899 12 19          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1900-11-4 Mrs. Levy, S. I. Levin.jpg"> 1900-11-4 Mrs. Levy, S. I. Levin</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1900 The Shakespeare Club, Mrs. Levy-West Duluth, Mrs. S. I. Levin-117 West Third street.  </font> -   1900 11 4    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1901-3-15 Samuel Levin, denied liquor lic..pdf"> 1901-3-15 Samuel Levin, denied liquor lic.</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1901 Samuel Levin, denied liquor license. - 3rd. column, scroll down towards bottom.   Later he was able to get a liquor license so that he could open a saloon.  </font>     1901 3 15    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1901-5-17 Samuel Levin lic..pdf"> 1901-5-17 Samuel Levin lic.</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1901 Samuel Levin liquor license, 102 Lake avenue South. - 4th column, middle.   </font>     1901 5 17          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1902-1-10 Gus Levin.pdf"> 1902-1-10 Gus Levin</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1902 Gus Levin Is Acquitted. Jury in Muncipal Court Says He Didn't Sell Fusel Oil. Verdict Was No Surprise. Bowery Saloonkeepers Are Much Elated. Effort Will be Made to Amend Law So Convictions Can be Secured.  </font>     1902 1 10    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1900-11-4 Mrs. Levy, S. I. Levin.jpg"> 1900-11-4 Mrs. Levy, S. I. Levin</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1900 Shakespeare Club  </font>     1902 3 30          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1903-7-1 Marie Sattler, concert.pdf"> 1903-7-1 Marie Sattler, concert</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1903 Enjoyable Concert Given. Pupils of Bradbury School of Music Entertain in the High School Assembly Hall. Marie Sattler, Hazel Levin.  </font>     1903 7 1    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1904-11-13 Miriam Levin.pdf"> 1904-11-13 Miriam Levin</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1904 Mrs. Schmied's pupils program. Miriam Levin.   1st column.  </font>     1904 11 13          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1905-7-18 Mrs. Samuel J. Levin and Frank.pdf"> 1905-7-18 Mrs. Samuel J. Levin and Frank</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1905 Mrs. Samuel J. Levin, 117 West Third street. Julius Fran, Pearl Frank-Chicago.  </font>     1905 7 18    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1906-4-3 Mr. and Mrs. Myer Levin, birth of son.pdf"> 1906-4-3 Mr. and Mrs. Myer Levin, birth of son</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1906 Mr. and Mrs. Myer Levin, birth of son.  </font>     1906 4 3          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1906-4-6 Miriam Levin and Leo Shapiro eng..pdf"> 1906-4-6 Miriam Levin and Leo Shapiro eng.</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1906 Mr. an Mrs. Samuel Levin, engagement of daughter Miriam to Leo Shapiro.  </font>     1906 4 6    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1906-4-6 Samuel I. Levin Board of Health.pdf"> 1906-4-6 Samuel I. Levin Board of Health</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1906 Samuel I. Levin, appointed to Board of Health for three years.  column 1, beginning, Reports of Officers.  </font>     1906 4 6    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1906-7-6 Eva Polinsky.pdf"> 1906-7-6 Eva Polinsky</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1906 Miss S. L. Levin and daughter, Miriam returned from Chicago and Indianapolis.   </font>     1906 7 6          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1906-7-6 Miriam Levin.pdf"> 1906-7-6 Miriam Levin</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1906 Eva Polinsky, 1124 East Sixth street visitng Chicago, Cleveland and other cities for a three week trip.   </font>     1906 7 6          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1906-8-11 Mrs. Gust Levin.pdf"> 1906-8-11 Mrs. Gust Levin</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1906 Whist Party. Mrs. J. M. Gidding, 1405 East Superor street, Mrs. Max Stern-Chicago, Mrs. Michaels, Mrs. Gust Levin.  </font>     1906 8 11          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1906-11-9 Mrs. Samuel I. Levin Temple Aid.pdf"> 1906-11-9 Mrs. Samuel I. Levin Temple Aid</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1906 Temple Aid society, Circle No. 4, Mrs. Samuel I. Levin, 117 West Third street.  </font>     1906 11 9    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1906-11-11, 3rd col. Lena Karon.pdf"> 1906-11-11 3rd col. Lena Karon</A> - -  </font><font size="1"> Surprise party for Lena Karon, Milavitz, Call, Levin, Simon, Cohen, Edelson, Goldish, Brown, Zalk, Berkowit, Slouim, Karon </font> -   1906 11 11          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1907-6-23 Miriam Levin.pdf"> 1907-6-23 Miriam Levin</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1907 Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Sattler, 213 Fifth avenue west, daughter Miss Josephine Sattler, fiance-Mr. Leo Charles Idzal-Minneapolis. Mrs. M. Cornfield, Miss Enid Freimuth, Miss Miriam Levine.   </font>     1907 6 23          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1907-6-23 Freimuth, Josephine Sattler, Leo Idzal.pdf"> 1907-6-23 Freimuth, Josephine Sattler, Leo Idzal</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1907 Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Sattler, 213 Fifth avenue west, Miss Josephine Sttler and Leo Charles Idzal-Minneapolis., Mr. and Mrs. Idzal-Minneapolis, Mrs. L. S. Loeb, Mrs. M. Cornfield, Enid Freimuth, Miss Miriam Levin.   </font>     1907 6 23    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1907-6-23 Loeb party for Sattler and Idzal.jpg"> 1907-6-23 Loeb party for Sattler and Idzal</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1907-6-23 (cropped) 1907 Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Sattler, 213 Fifth avenue west, Miss Josephine Sttler and Leo Charles Idzal-Minneapolis., Mr. and Mrs. Idzal-Minneapolis, Mrs. L. S. Loeb, Mrs. M. Cornfield, Enid Freimuth, Miss Miriam Levin.   </font>     1907 6 23          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1907-10-18 Aurora, Dr. Samuel Levin and Laura Schroeder wed, Rabbi Hirsch-Chicago.pdf"> 1907-10-18 Aurora, Dr. Samuel Levin and Laura Schroeder wed, Rabbi Hirsch-Chicago</A>  - - </font><font size="1"> 1907 Auora, Will Wed In Chicago, Dr. Samuel Levin and Laura Schroeder wed, Rabbi Hirsch-Chicago  </font> -   1907 10 18    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1907-11-22 Miriam Levin.pdf"> 1907-11-22 Miriam Levin</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1907 In Honor Of Guest. Miss Irene Wetzler, 1024 East Second street, Miss Claire Abrahams, Clara Shapiro, Rose Krojanker, Miriam Levin, Helen Wetzler.  </font>     1907 11 22    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1908-4-23 Abraham-Schwartz wed, guests,Silberstein Leo, Levin, Spadekar, Schloss, Kaier, Wittig.pdf"> 1908-4-23 Abraham-Schwartz wed, guests,Silberstein Leo, Levin, Spadekar, Schloss, Kaier, Wittig</A>  - - </font><font size="1"> 1908 Claire Abraham and Dr. Arthur H. Schwartz wed, guests, Albert Abraham, Elsie Silberstein, Rudolph Abraham,  Silberstein, Deborah Leo, Miriam  Levin,Stella Abraham, Hazel Levin, M. D. Schwartz, Spadekar, J. H. Schloss, E. Kaier, D. C. Abrham, W. W. Wittig, Max Abraham. Miss Abraham and Dr. Schwartz Wed Union of Prominent Young People Marked by Simple ceremony. Reception Follows Nuptials.   </font> -   1908 4 23          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1908-4-23 Claire Abraham and Dr. Arthur H. Schwartz wed, Miriam and Hazel Levin.pdf"> 1908-4-23 Claire Abraham and Dr. Arthur H. Schwartz wed, Miriam and Hazel Levin</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1908 Miss Abraham and Dr. Schwartz Wed. Union of Prominent Young People Marked by Simple Ceremony. Reception Follows Nuptials. Miss Claire Abraham and Dr. Arthur H. Schwartz wed. Rabbi M. Lefkovitz, Temple Emanuel, Albert Abraham, 1426 East First street. Miss Elsie Silberstein, Rudolph Abraham, Deborah Leo, Miriam Levin, Stella Abraham, Hazel Levin. Mr. and Mrs. M. D. Schwartz-Norway, Mich.; Mr. and Mrs. Spadekar-Chicago, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Schloss-Minneapolis; Mr. and Mrs. E. Kaiser-Minneapolis; Mr. and Mrs. D. C. Abraham-Atlantic City, Mr. W. W. Wittig-Minneapolis, Max Abraham-Minneapolis.   </font>     1908 4 23          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1908-6-7 Temple Emanuel confirmation.pdf"> 1908-6-7 Temple Emanuel confirmation</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1908 Temple Emanuel. Confirmation services, Rabbi Lefkovitz, Minnie Helstein, Lillian Levy, Irma Levin Miriam Solomon, Sadie Gingold, and Bessie Altman.  </font>     1908 6 7    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1909-7-3 Mr. and Mrs. M. Levin, birth of son.pdf"> 1909-7-3 Mr. and Mrs. M. Levin, birth of son</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1909 Mr. and Mrs. M. Levin 30 East First street, birth of a son.  </font>     1909 7 3          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1909-11-21 Miriam Levin.pdf"> 1909-11-21 Miriam Levin</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1909 Miss Miriam Levin is visiting in Indianapolis.  </font>     1909 11 21          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1910-2-24 Miriam Levin.pdf"> 1910-2-24 Miriam Levin</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1910 Miss Miriam Levin, 117 West Third St., Miss Faye Kalish-Chicago.  </font>     1910 2 24    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1910-6-9 Harry Levin obit..pdf"> 1910-6-9 Harry Levin obit.</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1910 Parents Unaware Of Son's Death, Announcement Is Postponed to Avoid Parring Couple's Happy Reunion. Harry Levin, mine at Virginia, brother at Eveleth, obit.   </font>     1910 6 9          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1910-10-12 Maurice Berman and Lena Levin ml..pdf"> 1910-10-12 Maurice Berman and Lena Levin ml.</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1910 Maurice Berman and Lena Levin, marriage license.  </font>     1910 10 12    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1910-10-23 Shapiro-Levin engagement.pdf"> 1910-10-23 Shapiro-Levin engagement</A> -   1910 10 23          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1910-10-26 Miriam Levin and Leo Shapiro reception eng..pdf"> 1910-10-26 Miriam Levin and Leo Shapiro reception eng.</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1910 Reception This Evening. Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Levin, 117 West Third street. Miss Miriam vin and Leo Shapiro, engagement.  </font>     1910 10 26          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1910-10-27 Miriam Levin.pdf"> 1910-10-27 Miriam Levin</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1910 Entertain At LunEmma cheon. Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Levin, 117 West Third street, Miss Miriam Levin, Leo Shapiro, Mr. and Mrs. Max Shapiro, Mrs. Morris Lefkovitz, Mrs. Mose anfield, Miss Goldine Krojanker, Miss Hortense Bondy, Mrs. Deborah Leo. Miss Emma Levin.  </font>     1910 10 27          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1910-10-30 Miriam Levin.pdf"> 1910-10-30 Miriam Levin</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1910 Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Levin. 117 West Third street, Miss Miriam Levin, Leo Shapiro, Mr. and Mrs. Max Shapiro. Mrs. Morris Lefkoitz, Mrs. Moe Canfield, Miss Goldine Krojanker, Miss Hortense Bondy, Mrs. Deborah Leo. Miss Emma Levin. Mrs. William Wilcox, Mr. and Mrs. George Burns, Mr. and Mrs. harles Bergtrom, Mr. and Mrs. John Murray, Mrs. Wilcox, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Jacobs, Roy Bergstrong, John Wilcox, Earl Burns.  </font>     1910 10 30          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1910-12-28 Mr. and Mrs. Sam Levin, birth of son.pdf"> 1910-12-28 Mr. and Mrs. Sam Levin, birth of son</A>   - -     1910 12 28          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1911-Marion Levin and Shapira.pdf"> 1911-Marion Levin and Shapira</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1911 Entertain In Honor Of Miss Marion Levin, Mrs. A. H. Schwartz, 1325 East Second street, Mrs. and Mrs. S. I. Levin, 117 West Third street, groom-Leo Shapira.   </font>     1911 1 0.5          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1911-2-28 Marion Levin.pdf"> 1911-2-28 Marion Levin</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1911 Entertains At Bridge. Miss Rose Leo, Miss Marion evin, Miss Hattie Levy. </font>     1911 2 28    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1911-3-2 Aurora, Marcus Levin, candidate.pdf"> 1911-3-2 Aurora, Marcus Levin, candidate</A> -   1911 3 2    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1911-3-3 Leo Shapiro, Miriam Levin married.pdf"> 1911-3-3 Leo Shapiro, Miriam Levin married</A> -   1911 3 3          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1911-3-3 Marion Levin and Leo Shapiro wed.pdf"> 1911-3-3 Marion Levin and Leo Shapiro wed</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1911 Miss Marion Levin and Leo Shapiro Are Wedded. Mr. and Mrs. S. I. Levin, 117 West Third street, Rabbi Lefkowitz, Miss Fay Kalish-Chicago, Carl Shapiro. Mrs. A. Heff, Mr. an Mrs. D. Goldberg, Mrs. Mary Levin-Chicago; Walter Goldman, Rose Siegelbaum-Minneapolis; Gertrude Feiblema-Indianapolis, Mis Rae Shapiro, Herman Jacobs-St. Paul, Mr. and Mrs. J. Seigal, Lewis Shapiro-Washburn, Wis. Mrs. and Mrs. Sam Shapiro-Stevenson, Minn.; Herman Rieser, Sol Rieser, Leo Tsaelzer.  </font>     1911 3 3    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1911-3-11 Marion Levin and Leo Shapiro wed.pdf"> 1911-3-11 Marion Levin and Leo Shapiro wed</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1911 Marion Levin and Leo Shapiro Are Wedded, 117 West Third street, Rabbi Lefkowitz, Fay Kalish, Carl Shapiro, Mrs. A. Heff, Mr. and Mrs. D. Goldberg, Mrs. Mary Levin, Walter Goldman, Rose Siegelbaum, Gertrude Feibleman, Rae Shapiro, Herman Jacobs, Mr. and Mrs. J. Seigal, Lewis Shapiro, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Shapiro, Herman Rieser, Sol. Rieser, Leo Tsaelzer.  </font> -   1911 3 11          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1911-7-7 Robert Levin.pdf"> 1911-7-7 Robert Levin</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1911 "White Slavery" Is Allegation. Woman Claims to Have Given Man $5 Per Day-Also Fine Raiment. Robert Levin.   </font>     1911 7 7          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1912-1-19 S. Goldstein, Morris Levin, fire.pdf"> 1912-1-19 S. Goldstein, Morris Levin, fire</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1912 Two Families Are Driven Out By Fire. S. Goldstein and Morris Levin, 817 Fourth aveneue west.  </font> -   1912 1 19          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1912-3-18 Joe Horwitz.pdf"> 1912-3-18 Joe Horwitz</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1912 "Artaxerxes" Moses Montefiore Hebrew school. Rabbi E. Horowitz, Joe Horowitz, Allen Rachlin, H. Gersehold, Miss T. Berkstrom, Abe Oreckowsky, Eva Salk, Sadie Gingold, Nathan Cook, H. G. Loviejk, Sam Cook, Isidor Usan, Harry Levin, N. Asin, Jacob Usan, M. Altman, S. Meyers, M. Orak, D. Orekowski, G. Cassimir, M. Rosenberg, A. Rosenberg, Sam Cook, S. Slotkowsky, P. Cassimir, S. Meyers, L. Sanders, S. Shore, B. Tobak, T. Garon, Charles Green, S. Singer, B. Shore, Abe Rosenberg, B. Zlotkowsky, Doris Gatkin, A. Price,  Abe Littman, B. Harris, E. Seidel, Rose Meyers, Lena Stein, David Silver, Sam Cassimir, Jack Shusterman, M. Oreck, Lilly Weiner, Lena Singer.  </font> -   1912 3 18    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1912-11-16 Louis Levin and Bessie Cowl ml..pdf"> 1912-11-16 Louis Levin and Bessie Cowl ml.</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1912 Louis Levin an Bessie Cowl, marriage license.  </font>      1912 11 16          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1913-4-17 August Aronson and Anna Levin ml..pdf"> 1913-4-17 August Aronson and Anna Levin ml.</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1913 August Aronson and Anna Levin, marriage license.  </font>     1913 4 17    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1914-10-16 Irene and Hazel Levin.pdf"> 1914-10-16 Irene and Hazel Levin</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1914 Miss Irene Levin of Chicago, visiting cousin Hazel Levin, 431 East Second street.  </font>     1914 10 16          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1915-6-16 Hazel Levine and Abe B. Levy, inv. wed.pdf"> 1915-6-16 Hazel Levine and Abe B. Levy, inv. wed</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1915 Levy-Levin Wedding At Spalding June 29. Hazel Levin and Abe B. Levy. Mrs. Gust Levin, 431 East Second street.  </font>     1915 6 16          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1915-6-30 Hazel Levin and Abe B. Levy wed.pdf"> 1915-6-30 Hazel Levin and Abe B. Levy wed</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1915 Beautiful Floral Setting for Levy-Levin Wedding. Hazel Levin and Abe B. Levy. Mr. and Mrs. Gust Levin, 431 East Second street. Dr. N. S. Dienard, Miss Rae Levy, Miss Josephine Levine, Miss Gertrude Levy, Benjamin Mislel-Toledo, Ohio, Clarence Levy, Harold Finkelstein, Mrs. Donna Riblette Flatten sang. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Levy, Sara Album-Minneapolis, Clarecem Melvin an Irving Levy, Mr. an Mrs. M. Rudawsky, Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Finkelstein, Harold Finkelstein, Mr. an Mrs. J. Firestone, Mr. and Mrs. Milton Firestone, Mrs. S. Hochelser, Mrs. Mary Burton, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Helperin, Mr. and Mrs. David Feder, Henry Rudawsky, Herman Butwinick, W. Bradley, Philip Weiss, Al Rosenholtz, Miss Jennie Rosenholtz-St. Paul, Miss Jeanette Benjamin, Monroe Benjain, Mrs. C. Brovosky, Charles Connor, Mrs. W. Albu, Miss Sara Album, Miss Marcia Album. Mrs. J. Orenstein, H. Miller, Mr. an Mrs. H. Levin an Charles Shapiro-Minneapolis, Herman Shark-Devils Lake, N. D., Harry Cohen-Chicago.   </font>     1915 6 30    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1916-1-15 Agurora, Abe Levin, operation.pdf"> 1916-1-15 Agurora, Abe Levin, operation</A> -   1916 1 15          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1916-1-15 Abe Levin, obit..pdf"> 1916-1-15 Abe Levin, obit.</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1916 Auora Man Dies In Ohio. Abe Levin, 22 year old son of Marcus Levin, drygoods merchant.  </font>     1916 1 15    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1916-1-16 Aurora, Robert David Levin, obit.pdf"> 1916-1-16 Aurora, Robert David Levin, obit</A> -   1916 1 16          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1916-1-16 Aurora, Robert David Levin obit..pdf"> 1916-1-16 Aurora, Robert David Levin obit.</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1916 David Levin Dies In Cincinnati Hospital. Aurora: Robert David Levin obit. sister Miss Esther Levin, Mr. and Mrs. Marcus Levin parents, Dr. Simon Levin-Lake Linden,Mich. funeral in Chicago.    </font>     1916 1 16      
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1916-1-16 Aurora, David Levin obit.pdf"> 1916-1-16 Aurora, David Levin obit</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1916 Aurora, David Levin, obit. Mr. and Mrs. Marcus Levin, Cincinnati, Ohio, Miss Esther Levin-sister, Miss Harriet Levin, Dr. Simon Levin.  </font>     1916 1 16          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1916-1-22 Aurora, Levin.pdf"> 1916-1-22 Aurora, Levin</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1916 Mr. an Mrs. Marcus Levin, daughter Harriet, Chiago, funeral of Robert Davi Levin.   </font>     1916 1 22          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1916-2-4 Aurora, Max, David and Marcus Levin.pdf"> 1916-2-4 Aurora, Max, David and Marcus Levin</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1916 Aurora: Aurora Raises Fund For Jewish Relief.  David Levin, memory, Marcus Levin, Aaron Abramson, David Weiner, Abe Stein, Max Levin, J. Rutz.   </font>     1916 2 4    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1916-3-26 Irma Pauline Levin and Morris Rapoport eng..pdf"> 1916-3-26 Irma Pauline Levin and Morris Rapoport eng.</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1916 Rapoport-Levin Engagement Announced.  Irma Puline Levin and Morris Rapoport-Indianapolis, Ind. Mr. and Mrs. Samuel I. Levin 117 West Third street.   </font>     1916 3 26    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1916-4-1 Gettl Levin 11 months obit..pdf"> 1916-4-1 Gettl Levin 11 months obit.</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1916 Gettl Levin, age 11 months. 930 Fourth East, obit.   </font>     1916 4 1          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1916-6-10 Aurora, Esther Levin, teacher at Ada.pdf"> 1916-6-10 Aurora, Esther Levin, teacher at Ada</A> -   1916 6 10          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1916-7-27 Irma Levin.pdf"> 1916-7-27 Irma Levin</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1916 Marriage Plans Made. Miss Irma Levin Will Have Chevy Chase Classmate As Maid of Honor. Edith Halle-Cleveland, Ohio, marriage to Morris Rapoport-Indianapolis, Mr. and Mrs. Samuel I. Levin, 117 West Third street. A. Borinstein-Indianapolis, Leo Shapiro Jr.-Minneapolis, Miss Harriet Joseph, Miss Marguerite Joseph, Mr. and Mrs. Meyer Efroymson-Indianapolis, Mr. and Mrs. Jacpb Rapoport-New York, Mr. and Mrs. Leo Shapiro and son Leo Jr.-Minneapolis.   </font>     1916 7 27          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1916-7-30 Morris J. Rapoport and Irma P. Levin ml..pdf"> 1916-7-30 Morris J. Rapoport and Irma P. Levin ml.</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1916 Morris J. Rapoport-Marion, Ind. and Irma P. Levin, marriage license.  </font>     1916 7 30          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1917-4-18 Rapoport and Levin.pdf"> 1917-4-18 Rapoport and Levin</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1917 Mrs. Morris J. Rapoport-Indianapolis, Ind. guest of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel I. Levin.  </font>     1917 4 18    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1917-6-17 Samuel I. Levin.pdf"> 1917-6-17 Samuel I. Levin</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1917 And The Girl Screamed. Samuel I. Levin, Jones, Linick & Schaefer, story.  </font>     1917 6 17    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1918-5-19 Irene Levin David Rapoport wed.pdf"> 1918-5-19 Irene Levin David Rapoport wed</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1918 Miss Irene Levin Will Wed New York Man. David Rapoport. Dr. Lefkovits. Mr. and Mrs. Leo Shapiro-Minneapolis, Mr. and Mrs. P. Rapoport-New York, Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Rapoport-Indianapolis Mrs. J. Frank-Chicago.   </font>     1918 5 19    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1918-5-22 Irene Levin and David Rapoport wed.pdf"> 1918-5-22 Irene Levin and David Rapoport wed</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1918 Levin-Rapoport Wedding Solemized. Miss Irene Levin, and Davi Rapoport, Mr. and Mrs. Samuel I. Levin, 117 West Third street. Dr. Lefkovits, home in New York city. Mr. and Mrs. Leo Shapiro-Minneapolis, Mr. and Mrs. P. Rapoport-New York, Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Rapoport-Indianapolis, Mrs. J. Frank-Chicago.   </font>     1918 5 22          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1918-8-5 Samuel Herman Levin.pdf"> 1918-8-5 Samuel Herman Levin</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1918 Enter Jackie As Press Agent; He Has Real Story, Samuel Herman Levin, press agent,   </font>     1918 8 5          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1918-12-19 Mrs. Leo Shapiro obit. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Sam Levin.pdf"> 1918-12-19 Mrs. Leo Shapiro obit. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Sam Levin</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1918 Body Of Mrs. Shapiro Arrives; Funeral Probably Today. Mrs. Leo Shapiro-Minneapolis, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Levin's daughter. husband and three children.  In a previous newspaper article that is already posted, she died of pneumonia.   </font>     1918 12 19    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1919-9-16 Baby Levin obit..pdf"> 1919-9-16 Baby Levin obit.</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1919 Levin, Baby, Sept. 12, obit.  </font>     1919 9 16          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1919-9-17 Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Levin, birth of son.pdf"> 1919-9-17 Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Levin, birth of son</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1919 Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Levin, 1124 East Sixth street, birth of son, Sept. 12.  </font>     1919 9 17          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1920-1-20 Samuel I. Levin flooded storm sewer.pdf"> 1920-1-20 Samuel I. Levin flooded storm sewer</A>   - -  </font><font size="1"> 1919 Citry Wins In Damage Suit Over Flooded Storm Sewer.Samuel I. Levin.  </font>     1920 1 20          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1920-3-2 Abraham I. Levin and Rae L. Cook ml..pdf"> 1920-3-2 Abraham I. Levin and Rae L. Cook ml.</A>   - -  </font><font size="1"> 1919  Abraham I. Levin and Rae L. Cook, marriage license..  </font>     1920 3 2    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1922-3-3 Jewish fund raiser.pdf"> 1922-3-3 Jewish fund raiser</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1922 Range Jewish Relief Committees Named.  Julius Shanedling, Joseph Roman, M. K. Baer, Nathan Keller, Charles Hallock, Sam Nides, Ben Marcus, Sam Goldenberg, Max Wain, Sam Lewis, G. Perlman, Harry Rabinowitz, Marcus Levin, M. Glass er, B. J. Modalie, M. Lieberman.  </font>     1922 3 3          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1879-6-5 I. Bondy of Auerbach Finch, starts with Silberstein.pdf"> 1879-6-5 I. Bondy of Auerbach Finch, starts with Silberstein</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1879. Mr. I. Bondy, a salesman of Auerbach, Finch, Culbertrson & Co. from St. Paul,  begins working with Silberstein at his stand in Duluth.   </font> -   1879 6 5    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1884-12-5 Silberstein, Leapold.jpg"> 1884-12-5 Silberstein, Leapold</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1884 Duluth: Children's Relief Society, juveniles meet at home of Florence Silberstein, Bertie Davis, Florence Silberstein, Clara and Blanche Leopold, Ethel Row, Ralph Davis, Eugene and Irene Silberstein, Paul Levy, Murdy Holliday, Emma and Mina Lautenschlager, Bertie Davis.  (cropped as jpg file) </font> -   1884 12 5    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1884-12-5 Silberstein, Leopold.pdf"> 1884-12-5 Silberstein, Leopold</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1884 Duluth: Children's Relief Society, juveniles meet at home of Florence Silberstein, Bertie Davis, Florence Silberstein, Clara and Blanche Leopold, Ethel Row, Ralph Davis, Eugene and Irene Silberstein, Paul Levy, Murdy Holliday, Emma and Mina Lautenschlager, Bertie Davis.   (full page pdf file) </font> -   1884 12 5          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1885-5-2 recital, Florence Silberstein.pdf"> 1885-5-2 recital, Florence Silberstein</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1885 Miss D'Unger's Recitals, Florence Silberstein. </font> -   1885 5 2          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1886-11-19 Silberstein & Bondy.pdf"> 1886-11-19 Silberstein & Bondy</A> -   1886 11 19    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1887-11- 21 Silberstein, Bondy, Leopold, Levy, Freimuth, Winterfield, Oswold, Levine, Loeb, Van Baalen.pdf"> 1887-11- 21 Silberstein, Bondy, Leopold, Levy, Freimuth, Winterfield, Oswold, Levine, Loeb, Van Baalen</A> - -   A complete surprise -   1887 11 0          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1888-2-25 Florence Silberstein.pdf"> 1888-2-25 Florence Silberstein</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1888 An Enjoyable Affair. Florence Silberstein.  </font> -   1888 2 25    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1890-8-31 Silberstein, Bondy, Leopold.pdf"> 1890-8-31 Silberstein, Bondy, Leopold</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1890 Silberstein & Bondy families, summer cottage at park Point.  </font> -   1890 8 31    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1890-8-31 Florence Silberstein.pdf"> 1890-8-31 Florence Silberstein</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1990 Florence Silberstein visits Chicago, guest of A. F. Leopold </font> -   1890 8 31          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1892-4-17 Florence Silberstein.pdf"> 1892-4-17 Florence Silberstein</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1892 Florence Silberstein entertains. Lida Carpenter-Chicago.  </font> -   1892 4 17          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1892-8-28 Clara Leopold, Silberstein, St. Paul.pdf"> 1892-8-28 Clara Leopold, Silberstein, St. Paul</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1892 Duluth: Miss Clara Leopold of St. Paul, guest of Florence Silberstein.   </font> -   1892 8 28    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1896-6-1 Abrahamson chrisening (bris).pdf"> 1896-6-1 Abrahamson chrisening (bris)</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1896 Notable Christening. (Bris?) W. M. Abrahamson, 4 Piedmont terrace, Hebrew custom, Rev. Appelman Mayor Truelsen, I. Freimuth, B. Silberstein, A. Goldman-Minneapolis, Moses Cook and Lillie Abrahamson child's godparents. Name of baby Nathaniel Oscar Abrahamson. Guests Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Sattler, Hyman Yosefowitz, City Clerk Richardson, George L. Hargraves and W. N. Howes.  </font>     1896 6 1          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1896-6-29 Silberstein and Bondy, articles of corp..pdf"> 1896-6-29 Silberstein and Bondy, articles of corp. </A> - -   Articles of Inc.: Silberstein & Bondy Co.   - - -   1896 6 29    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1897-4-17 Bondy, Silberstein, Gidding ,store.pdf"> 1897-4-17 Bondy, Silberstein, Gidding ,store</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1897 A Beautiful Store. Silberstein & Bondy's A Palace Of Light And Art. Brilliant Scene Presented by the Store Last Night After the Making of the Great Improvements in the Interior-Very General Rearrangement of Departments and Increase of Light. West Superior street. Children's department, Nat Gidding.  </font> -   1897 4 17    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1897-11-21 Florence Silberstein, Godding (Gidding) eng..pdf"> 1897-11-21 Florence Silberstein, Godding (Gidding) eng.</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1897 Florence Silberstein and J. M. Gidding-Bloomsburg, Pa engagement.  </font> -   1897 11 21    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1898-2-23 Florence Silberstein, Edward Silberstein.pdf"> 1898-2-23 Florence Silberstein, Edward Silberstein</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1898 Florence Silberstein and Edward Silberstein, St. Paul.   </font> -   1898 2 23    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1898-3-20 Florence Silberstein and M. Gidding wed1.jpg"> 1898-3-20 Florence Silberstein and M. Gidding wed1</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1898 Mr. and Mrs. L. R. Bondy, Miss Florence Silberstein, Mr. Jacob M. Gidding-Pennsylvania, Mr. and Mrs. B. Silberstein Miss Silberstein, Miss Irene Silberstein, Miss Fanny Weiss-Denver, Miss Zaidee Plecher-St. Paul, Mrs. Bondy-Detroit, Mr. Edward A. Sebastien-Denver, Mr. Gidding, Mr. and Mrs. Bondy. - - Mrs. Anna Bondy of Detroit is here for the Silberstein-Gidding wedding.  - - Mr. and Mrs. B. Silberstein entertain Zaidee Plecher-St. Paul, Florence Silberstein and Mr. Gadding-Pennsylvania marriage. - - Miss Fannie Weiss-New York in city to attend wedding of Miss Silberstein. - - Wednesday marriage of Miss Florence Silberstein and Mr. Jacob M. Gidding-Bloomsbury, Pa. Mr. and Mrs. B. Silberstein's home 31 West Second street.   </font> -   1898 3 20          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1898-3-23 Loeb, Silberstein, Gidding.pdf"> 1898-3-23 Loeb, Silberstein, Gidding</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1898 Mr. and Mrs. Loeb Entertain. Give Dinner in Honor of Miss Florence Silberstein and Mr. Gadding. East Superior street, Mr. and Mrs. B. Silberstein, 31 West Second street, Miss Sadie Plechner-St. Paul, Miss Fannie Weiss-Denver, Irene, and Estelle Silberstein, J. M. Gidding, A. Bondy, Samuel Loeb, Saul Goldberg, Effie Meinhold-Superior, Mr. and Mrs. Seymour Abraham-Superior, Robert Marcus,,, Fannie Haas, Mr. and Mrs. Max Albenberk-Superior.  </font> -   1898 3 23          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1898-3-24 Florence Silberstein and Jacob M. Gidding wed..pdf"> 1898-3-24 Florence Silberstein and Jacob M. Gidding wed.</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> Florence Silberstein and Jacob M. Gidding - Quiet Home Wedding  </font> -   1898 3 24    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1898-3-27 Loeb, Silberstein, Gidding.pdf"> 1898-3-27 Loeb, Silberstein, Gidding</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1898 Quiet Home Wedding. Miss Florence Silberstein and Jacob M. Gidding Married. Affair a Quiet One and Takes Place at Home of Bride's Parents-Mr. and Mrs. Gidding Leave on Extended Wedding Trip Before Going to Their Home in Bloomsberg, Pa.-Many Handsome Presents. Mr. and Mrs. B. Silberstein,  Dr. Sigmund Frey, Edward A. Silberstein, Irene Silberstein. Mrs. A. Bondy, Mr. and Mrs. L. R. Bondy, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Winterfield, Miss Fannie Weiss-Denver, George L. Ryan-Tower, Sadie Plechner-  St. Paul, Robert Marcus, Mr. and Mrs. Philip Weiss-grandparents-Detroit. Joseph Silberstein-Budapest.  </font> -   1898 3 27          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1899-3-1 J. M. Gidding.pdf"> 1899-3-1 J. M. Gidding</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1899 J. M. Gidding associated with Silberstein & Bondy, home in Duluth, Mrs. Gidding formerly Miss Florence Silberstein  </font> -   1899 3 1          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1899-3-1 Temple Emanuel, Jacob M. Gidding, Bondy, Sillberstein, Florence Silberstein.pdf"> 1899-3-1 Temple Emanuel, Jacob M. Gidding, Bondy, Sillberstein, Florence Silberstein</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1899 Temple Emanuel Party. Temple Emanuel Aid society, proceeds for building fund.  </font> -   1899 3 1          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1921-5-30 Lebendiger, Silberstein, 50 year Jubilee.pdf"> 1921-5-30 Lebendiger, Silberstein, 50 year Jubilee</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1921 250 to Observe 50-Year Jubilee For Silberstein. Jewsof Two States to Honor Duluth Merchant at Celebration. Silberstein initiated into the B'nai B'rith order in 1871 Detroit, Michigan, Henry Monsky-Omaha, Mr. and Mrs. Charles D. Oreckovsky, William M. Abrahamson, Mrs. H. Y. Josephs, Rabbi Israel Lebendiger, S. B. Copilowisch, A. B. Kapplin, D. P. Fieldman, Samuel Nides, Jesse Cohen, Ben Miller. Silberstein elected to commissioner in 1915-1919.  </font>     1900 1 0          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1922-5-10 Lebendiger, citizens.pdf"> 1922-5-10 Lebendiger, citizens</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1922 Citizens Are Invited To Be Guests of Lodge. B'nai B'rith, Covenant hall,12 East Superior street, Judge Bert Fesler, Americanization committee, Rabbi I. Lebendiger, American Legion, Ralph Dunning, E. A. Silberstein, Rabbi Alvin S. Luchs, The Jury Duty of a Citizen, Warren E. Greene.  </font>     1900 1 0          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1900-1-14 B Silberstein business trip.pdf"> 1900-1-14 B Silberstein business trip</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1900 Mr. B. Silberstein left the first of last week on a business trip in the East.   </font>     1900 1 14          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1900-1-14 Lillie Rouchleau and guests.pdf"> 1900-1-14 Lillie Rouchleau and guests</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1900 Miss Lillie Rouchleau, guests: Hortense Bondy, Stella Bondy, Mae Klein, Elsie Silberstein.  </font>     1900 1 14          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1900-4-29 Bernard Silberstein, photo.pdf"> 1900-4-29 Bernard Silberstein, photo</A> - -   Bernard Silberstein, 30 years ago, Silberstein and Bondy -   1900 4 29          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1901-11-5 Silberstein & Bondy Sale of rugs.pdf"> 1901-11-5 Silberstein & Bondy Sale of rugs</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1901 Silberstein & Bondy. Sale of Rich Antique and Modern Oriental Rugs to Commence Today.2nd. column.  </font>     1901 11 5          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1902-8-10 Leopold, Zien, Silberstein.pdf"> 1902-8-10 Leopold, Zien, Silberstein</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1902 Edward A. Silberstein from Salt Lake, Utah,  visiting his parents.   </font> -   1902 8 10    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1902-8-10 Leopold, Zien, Silberstein.pdf"> 1902-8-10 Leopold, Zien, Silberstein</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1902 Miss Clara Leopold, daughter of Asa Leopold, Duluth early settlers, visiting Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Zien of West Second street.   </font> -   1902 8 10    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1903-7-30 Louis Silberstein, Joseph and C. M. Polinsky, finger ring.pdf"> 1903-7-30 Louis Silberstein, Joseph and C. M. Polinsky, finger ring</A> - - petty larceny  - - -   1903 7 30    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1904-11-20 B'nai B'rith, Rabbi Mendel Silber, Anna Oreckovsky.pdf"> 1904-11-20 B'nai B'rith, Rabbi Mendel Silber, Anna Oreckovsky</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1904 Will Observe B'nai B'rith Day, (established in 1880) Rabbi Mendel Silber, B. Silberstein, Louis R. Frankel, Rabbi Silber, Clara Shapiro, H. Y. Josephs, Anna Oreckovsky, Eva Casmir, Hugo Kohn, Louis S. Levy.</font> -   1904 11 20          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1905-1-1 Edward A. Silberstein, manager.pdf"> 1905-1-1 Edward A. Silberstein, manager</A> - -   Young Manager Attains Success, Edward A. Silberstein, Silberstein & Bondy Store, photo -   1905 1 1    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1905-1-1 Silberstein and Bondy store.pdf"> 1905-1-1 Silberstein and Bondy store</A> - -   The Silbersten & Bondy Store, photo -   1905 1 1          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1905-3-21 Henrietta Cook.pdf"> 1905-3-21 Henrietta Cook</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1905 Betrothed Couple Guests At Banquet. Progress club, Spalding, Lionel Traubman of New York, fiancé of Miss Irene Silberstein, Miss Rose Gidding to Max Stern of Chicago, Estelle Levy and Louis Zalk, Henrietta Cook and M. Goodman, Lillian Abrahanson and Jacob Hirsch.   </font>     1905 3 21          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1905-3-23 Rose Gidding and Max Stern wed.pdf"> 1905-3-23 Rose Gidding and Max Stern wed</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1905 Miss Rose Gidding Becomes A Bride. Her Wedding to Max Stern Last Evening a Very Pretty Event. 1405 East Superior, Rev. Mendel Silber, Benjamin A. Gidding, Joseph Gadding-Pennsylvania. Elsie Silberstein, Nathaniel Gidding, Irene Silberstein.-, Mr. and Mrs. Stern home in Chicago.   </font> -   1905 3 23    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1905-3-24 Henrietta Cook and Albert S. Goodman, Sattler.pdf"> 1905-3-24 Henrietta Cook and Albert S. Goodman, Sattler</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1905 Dancing Party For Miss Cook-Mr. Goodman. Mr. and Mrs. H. . Josephs gave party, in honor of Henrietta Cook and Albert S. Goodman. Mrs.Victor Kohn, Mrs. Shapiro, Mrs. Moses Cook, Mrs. Hirschfield, Mrs. Max Shapiro, Mrs. David Casmir, Mrs. P. H. Levy, Miss Delia Finklestein, Miss Rae Finklestein, Miss Rose Krojanker, Miss Estelle Levy, Miss Elsie Silberstein, Miss Clara Shapiro, Miss Gettleson, Miss Josephine Sattler,  Miss Lillian Cook. Guests, Louis Hammel, Victor Kohn, I. Freimuth, Joseph Mountner, M. Cook, Robert Marcuse, Adolph Freimuth, P. H. Levy, J. Hirshfield, Robert Buchman, D. Casmir, Max Shapiro, W. Gomberg, G. A. Klein, Mesdames F. Mondshine, A. I. Shapiro, Ida Cook, Misses Delia and Rae Finklestein-St. Paul, Josephine Sattler, Estelle Levy, Clara Shapiro, Irene Silberstein, Elsie Silberstein, Rose Krojanker, Isabelle Cook-Chicago, Ethel Dick-Cincinnati, Alice Martin, Messrs. Mendel Silber, Dave Loewes, Samuel Levy, Hugo Kohn, Albert Goodman, C. Levy, L. Levy, Louis Freimuth, B. J. Cook, Nathaniel Gidding, M. Rosenberger, J. Cook, M. Cook, D. Rosenblatt, A. Cornfield, Louis Zalk, Charles Oswald.   </font>     1905 3 24          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1905-3-24 Cook and Goodman party.pdf"> 1905-3-24 Cook and Goodman party</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1905 Dancing Party For Miss Cook-Mr. Goodman. Mr. and Mrs. H. Y. Josephs, dancing party, old Masonic Temple, in honor of Miss Henrietta Cook and Albert S. Goodman-St. Paul. Mrs. Victor Kohn, Mrs. Shapiro, Mrs. Moses Cook, Mrs. Hirschfield, Mrs. Max Shapiro, Mrs. David Casmir, Mrs. P. H. Levy, Miss Rae Finklestein, Miss Rose Krojanker, Miss Estelle Levy, Miss Elsie Silberstein, Miss Clara Shapiro, Miss Gettleson, Miss Josephine Sattler, Miss Lillian Cook. Messrs. And Mesdames:  Louis Hammel, Victor Kohn, I. Freimuth, Joseph Mountner, M. Cook, Robert Marcus, Adolph Freimuth, P. H. Levy, J. Hirshfield, Robert Buchman, D. Casmir, Max Shapiro, W. Gomberg, G. A. Klein, Mesdames: F. Mondshine, A. I. Shapiro, Ida Cook, Delia and Rae Finklestein-St. Paul, Josephine Sattler, Estelle Levy, Clara Shapiro, Irene Silberstein, Elsie Silberstein, Rose Krojanker, Isabelle Cook-Chicago, Ethel Dick-Cincinnati, Alice Martin. Messrs: Mendel Sislber, Dave Loewes, Samuel Levy, Hugo Kohn, Albert Goodman, C. Levy, L. Levy, Louis Freimuth, B. J. Cook, Nathaniel Gidding, M. Rosenberger, J. Cook, M. Cook, D. Rosenblatt, A. Cornfield, Louis Zalk, Charles Oswald.   </font>     1905 3 24          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1905-6-25 Sadie Fostof, embroidery club.pdf"> 1905-6-25 Sadie Fostof, embroidery club</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1905 Silberstein & Bondy, embroidery club, Miss Polinsky, Sadie Fostoff, Dora Polinski, Elsie Silberstein.  </font>     1905 6 25          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1905-7-12 Silberstein-Traubmann wedding.pdf"> 1905-7-12 Silberstein-Traubmann wedding</A> - -   Wedded At Home Of Her Parents, Miss Irene Silberstein and Lionel Traubmann -   1905 7 12    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1907-2-21 Local Improvements Benjamin Kanner.pdf"> 1907-2-21 Local Improvements</A> - -  </font><font size="1"> Assessments: B. Silberstein, Ignaz Freimuth, Samuel Levine, Ben Kenner, S. Karon, Annie Bondy, M Shapiro, Temple Emanuel  </font> -   1907 2 21    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1908-3-18 Library, Sattler.pdf"> 1908-3-18 Library, Sattler</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1908 Of Interest To Women. Will Study Bible History Ad Men. Jewish Women Ask Library Board to Buy Encyclopedia Set. Chautauqua club, Temple Emanuel, Miss Newman, Mrs. Joseph, Mrs. S. Goldberg, Mrs. Louise Freimuth, Dr. and Mrs. M. Lefkowitz, Mrs. H. Y. Joseph, Mrs. M. Cook, Mrs. A. Abraham, Mrs. H. Abraham, Mrs. Morris Freimuth, Mrs. J. D. Sattler, Mrs. I. Freimuth, Mrs. E. A. Silberstein, Mrs. M. Levy, Miss Elsie Silberstein, Miss Debora Leo, Miss Helen Metzler, Miss Florence Levy, Miss Marian Levy, Miss Hilda Newman.  </font>     1908 3 18          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1908-4-23 Abraham-Schwartz wed, guests,Silberstein Leo, Levin, Spadekar, Schloss, Kaier, Wittig.pdf"> 1908-4-23 Abraham-Schwartz wed, guests,Silberstein Leo, Levin, Spadekar, Schloss, Kaier, Wittig</A>  - - </font><font size="1"> 1908 Claire Abraham and Dr. Arthur H. Schwartz wed, guests, Albert Abraham, Elsie Silberstein, Rudolph Abraham,  Silberstein, Deborah Leo, Miriam  Levin,Stella Abraham, Hazel Levin, M. D. Schwartz, Spadekar, J. H. Schloss, E. Kaier, D. C. Abrham, W. W. Wittig, Max Abraham. Miss Abraham and Dr. Schwartz Wed Union of Prominent Young People Marked by Simple ceremony. Reception Follows Nuptials.   </font> -   1908 4 23    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1908-4-23 Claire Abraham and Dr. Arthur H. Schwartz wed, Miriam and Hazel Levin.pdf"> 1908-4-23 Claire Abraham and Dr. Arthur H. Schwartz wed, Miriam and Hazel Levin</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1908 Miss Abraham and Dr. Schwartz Wed. Union of Prominent Young People Marked by Simple Ceremony. Reception Follows Nuptials. Miss Claire Abraham and Dr. Arthur H. Schwartz wed. Rabbi M. Lefkovitz, Temple Emanuel, Albert Abraham, 1426 East First street. Miss Elsie Silberstein, Rudolph Abraham, Deborah Leo, Miriam Levin, Stella Abraham, Hazel Levin. Mr. and Mrs. M. D. Schwartz-Norway, Mich.; Mr. and Mrs. Spadekar-Chicago, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Schloss-Minneapolis; Mr. and Mrs. E. Kaiser-Minneapolis; Mr. and Mrs. D. C. Abraham-Atlantic City, Mr. W. W. Wittig-Minneapolis, Max Abraham-Minneapolis.   </font>     1908 4 23          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1909-7-4 Mr. and Mrs. Edward A. Silberstein.pdf"> 1909-7-4 Mr. and Mrs. Edward A. Silberstein</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1909 Mr. and Mrs. Edward A. Silberstein are at home at 517 East Second street.   </font>     1909 7 4    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1909-7-10 Mesberg, Loeb, Sattler, Silberstein.pdf"> 1909-7-10 Mesberg, Loeb, Sattler, Silberstein</A>  - -  </font><font size="1">1909 Mrs. L. S. Loeb and daughter Doherty, visit Mrs. Loeb's father in Indiana. --- 1909 Miss Mary Mesberg of Virginia, visiting friends. ---1909 Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Sattler, trip abroad. ---1909  Mr. and Mrs. B. Silberstein, visit Cincinnati, Asheville, New York.</font>     1909 7 10          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1909-7-10 Mr and Mrs B Silberstein.jpg"> 1909-7-10 Mr and Mrs B Silberstein</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1909 (cropped)  Mr. and Mrs. B. Silberstein, visit Cincinnati, Asheville, New York.   </font>     1909 7 10          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1910-10-30 Rose Liberman.pdf"> 1910-10-30 Rose Liberman</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1910  Miss Elsie Silberstein, visiting New York, returned home. - 3rd column, scroll down.  </font>     1910 10 30          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1911-2-2 Bernard Silberstein, 40 years in business.pdf"> 1911-2-2 Bernard Silberstein, 40 years in business</A> - -   Forty Years In Business Here, B. Silberstein -   1911 2 2          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1912-2-25 Temple Emanuel.pdf"> 1912-2-25 Temple Emanuel</A> - -   Work Of  The Temple Emanuel Aid Society, Hammel, Silberstein, Kohn, Abramhams, Goldberg, Zalk. -   1912 2 25          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1912-11 Duluth Men Eat on Thanksgiving.jpg"> 1912-11 Duluth Men Eat on Thanksgiving</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1912 What Duluth Men Want for Thanksgiving:   I Freimuth, E A Silberstein</font>     1912 11 0.5          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1912-12-1 Album, B. Silberstein.pdf"> 1912-12-1 Album, B. Silberstein</A> - -   Pages from the Old Family Album -   1912 12 1          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1913-1-26 Oreckovsky, Ssilberstein B'nai Brith.pdf"> 1913-1-26 Oreckovsky, Ssilberstein B'nai Brith</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1913 B'nai B'rith, The Order of Benevolence. C. D. Oreckovsky, Secretary of Local Society; B. Silberstein, William H. Taft, Who was presented a medal by the society. Photos. Louis Zalk-president; Z.J.C. Birnberg-vice president  </font>     1913 1 26          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1913-4-15 Joseph Oreckovsky Hebrew Club.pdf"> 1913-4-15 Joseph Oreckovsky Hebrew Club</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1913 To Organize Hebrew Club. Young Men's Hebrew association, Dr. Maurice Lefkovits, E. A. Silberstein, Max Zalk, Joseph Oreckovsky, and Dr. S. Gross.  </font> -   1913 4 15          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1913-4-20 Young Hebrews Soiety, Joeph Oreckovsky.pdf"> 1913-4-20 Young Hebrews Soiety, Joeph Oreckovsky</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1913 Young Hebrews To Have Society. Meeting will be held this afternoon at Foresters' Hall, Fourth Avenue West and First Street. Prominent Jews Will Address The Gathering. Social Center and Gymnasium Features Desired-Membership of 200 Sought. Rabbi Lefkovits, E. A. Silberstein, Max Zalk, Joseph Oreckovsky, Dr. Samuel Gross.  </font> -   1913 4 20          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1913-4-22 Retail Merchants Association, Silberstein.pdf"> 1913-4-22 Retail Merchants Association, Silberstein</A> - -  </font><font size="1"> Two Pageants During Summer, Retail Merchants Association, B. Silberstein, Benjamin Blumenthal  </font> -   1913 4 22          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1913-4-23 aerial bridge lights.pdf"> 1913-4-23 aerial bridge lights</A> - -   Many Lights For Aerial Bridge, B. Silberstein -   1913 4 23          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1913-8-24 Helena Silberstein, Fannie Josephs, festival for Children's Home.pdf"> 1913-8-24 Helena Silberstein, Fannie Josephs, festival for Children's Home</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1913 Festival For Children's Home. Helena Silberstein, Fannie Josephs.  </font> -   1913 8 24          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1913-11-12 Brith Abraham-Dorf.pdf"> 1913-11-12 Brith Abraham-Dorf</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1913 Dorf To Be Honored After Long Absence. New York. Samuel Dorf, Max Zalk, Samuel Kassimer, J. M. Oreckovsky, Rabbi Lefkovits, B. Silberstein speak.</font> -   1913 11 12          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1913-11-14 Brith Abraham, Dorf.pdf"> 1913-11-14 Brith Abraham, Dorf</A> - -   B’rith Abraham Chief Honored, Silberstein, Dr. Dorf, -   1913 11 14    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1913-11-14 Brith Abraham, Dorf.pdf"> 1913-11-14 Brith Abraham, Dorf</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1913 B'rith Abraham Chief Honored. Six Hundred Duluth Jews Attend Reception for Dr. Samuel Dorf of New York. Silberstein condemns conviction of L. M. Frank. Dr. Dorf Expresses Pleasure Over Agricultural Progress Made by Jews in the Northwest. C. D. Oreckovsky, J. M. Oreckovsky, Max Zalk, Joseph Weinberg, George Harris, Joseph Verteiney, J. B. Cohen, Samuel Casmir, Joseph Mendel, Benjamin Goldish.  </font> -   1913 11 14          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1914-1-1 Jewish Chautauqua, book club.jpg"> 1914-1-1 Jewish Chautauqua, book club</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1914 Jewish Chautauqua, book club, Dr. M. Lefkovits, Mrs. E. A. Silberstein.  - - <A HREF="images2/news/1914-1-1 Rose Bloom and Henry L. Lavick.pdf"> full page</A></font>     1914 1 1          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1914-1-1 Mr & Mrs B Silberstein entertained.jpg"> 1914-1-1 Mr & Mrs B Silberstein entertained</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1914 Mr. and Mrs. B. Silbertein. 31 West Second Street. Entertained.   - - <A HREF="images2/news/1914-1-1 Rose Bloom and Henry L. Lavick.pdf"> full page</A></font>     1914 1 1          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1915-6-10 luncheon.pdf"> 1915-6-10 luncheon</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1915 Luncheon Is Successful Affair. Temple Aid society, Mrs. S. Goldberg, Rabbi M. Lefkovits, Mrs. S. Mondshine, Mrs. M. Cook, Mrs. E. A. Silberstein, Mrs. S. Y. Josephs, Mrs. A. Abrahams, Mrs. Joseph Gidding, Mrs. G. A. Klein, Mrs. L. S. Loeb, Mrs. Leon Selig, Mrs. Josephs, Mrs. Goldberg, Mrs. Rudolph Abrahams, Mrs. M. S. Shapiro.   </font>     1915 6 10          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1915-10-20 Birth Of A Nation-Silberstein.pdf"> 1915-10-20 Birth Of A Nation-Silberstein</A>  - -  </font><font size="1">  1915 To Eliminate All Objectionable Parts. Manager of the Lyceum Theater Promises "Birth of a Nation" Will Not Offend.    More info: <A HREF="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Birth_of_a_Nation">The Birth of a Nation - From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia   </A></font>     1915 10 20    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1915-10-21 Charity E. A. Silberstein.pdf"> 1915-10-21 Charity E. A. Silberstein</A> - -   Re-Elected Head Of Associated Charities, E. A. Silberstein -   1915 10 21          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1915-11-8 Birth Of A Nation-Silberstein.pdf"> 1915-11-8 Birth Of A Nation-Silberstein</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1915 Says Film Hurts Two Races Alike. C. M. Richardson, Head of Committee of Duluth. Negroes, Would Bar "Birth of Nation." Excluded From Two States, He Points Out. City Officials and Committee to See Play in Superior Before it Appears Here.  More info: <A HREF="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Birth_of_a_Nation">The Birth of a Nation - From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia   </A></font>     1915 11 8          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1915-11-9 Birth Of A Nation-Silberstein.pdf"> 1915-11-9 Birth Of A Nation-Silberstein</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1915 Silberstein To See "Reconstruction" Commissioner Will Pass Judgment on "Birth of a Nation" at Superior Tonight. Would Bar Two Scenes Of Play. Silberstein Decides to Make Request After Seeing "Birth of Nation" at Superior. Owners Of Picture Says Nothing Will Be Cut Out. City Attorney Greene Decides the City Has No Authority to Prohibit Show at Lyceum.  More info: <A HREF="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Birth_of_a_Nation">The Birth of a Nation - From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia   </A></font>     1915 11 9    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1915-11-10 Birth Of A Nation- Silberstein.pdf"> 1915-11-10 Birth Of A Nation- Silberstein</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1915 Would Bar Two Scenes Of Play. Silberstein Decides to Make Request After Seeing "Birth of Nation" at Superior. Owners Of Picture Says Nothing Will Be Cut Out. City Attorney Greene Decides the City Has No Authority to Prohibit Show at Lyceum.  More info: <A HREF="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Birth_of_a_Nation">The Birth of a Nation - From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia   </A></font>     1915 11 10          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1915-11-11 Birth Of A Nation-Silberstein.pdf"> 1915-11-11 Birth Of A Nation-Silberstein</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1915 Will Show Film Intact, He Says. Producer of "Birth of a Nation" Notifies Silberstein No Scenes Will Be Eliminated. Commissioner Thinks Changes Inconsequential. Cutting of Objectionable Parts Would Not Impair Play. Safety Head Contends.  Photo. Scene From "The Birth Of A Nation" To Be At Lyceum For Indefinite Run.   More info: <A HREF="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Birth_of_a_Nation">The Birth of a Nation - From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia   </A></font>     1915 11 11          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1915-11-20 Birth Of A Nation, Silberstein.pdf"> 1915-11-20 Birth Of A Nation, Silberstein</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1915 Negroes To Give Up Fight Against Film. Leaders Say They Will Make No Further Protest Against  "Birth of Nation." More info: <A HREF="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Birth_of_a_Nation">The Birth of a Nation - From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia   </A></font>     1915 11 20          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1915-12-6 Henry Abraham obit.pdf"> 1915-12-6 Henry Abraham obit</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1915 High Tribute To Henry Abraham, Rev. Maurice Lefkovits Dwells on His Qualities as a Man. Throng At Residence of Late Merchant. "Death Came to Him as the Light of the Morning," Declares Rabbi.2422 East Third street. Rev. Maurice Lefkovitz, pastor of Temple Emanuel.  - survived by widow, daughter Virginia, sister Mrs. H. Stadeker of Chicago, six brothers, Albert, Isadore Abraham-Duluth, Max-Minneapolis, D. C. Abraham-Atlantic City, N. J. Lee Abraham of Superior, and Seymour Abraham, of St. Louis. Elk's Club, Bernard Silberstein, commissioner, Thomas B. Mills, L. S. Loeb, I. Freimuth, G. A. Klein, J. B. Sattler, John E. Samuelson, Joseph Randall, M. G. Levy, William F. Henry, Harris Bennett, George Munsey, Mr. and Mrs. A. Heller, Mr. and Mrs. B. Heller, A. H. Heller jr.-Minneapolis.  </font>     1915 12 6          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1916-1-2 Helene Hazel Wetzler wed Bernard.jpg"> 1916-1-2 Helene Hazel Wetzler wed Bernard</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1916 (full page) Miss Wetzler Honored at Affairs. Miss Helene Hazel Wetzler and Bernard Seidner Monderer wedding events:  Mr. and Mrs. Wetzler, parents of Helene Hazel Wetzler, Dr. Maurice Lefkovits-service, Miss Irene Wetzler, sister of bride, Herbert F. Wetzler-Chicago, brother of bride, Helen Kunody-flower girl.  Monderer-Wetzler bridal dinner at Wetzler home. Luncheon at Glass Block tea room, given by Mrs. M. P. Shapiro, 2420 East Fourth street. Violet luncheon given by  Miss Irene Wetzler and  Miss Alice Wetzler, sisters of bride. Luncheon given by  Mrs. Leo Idzal at Mrs. J. B. Sattler’s home, 116 Seventh avenue East. Dinner party given by Miss Gertrude Boyle, 30 Washington avenue. Dinner given by Mrs. M. Goldberg, 1507 East Third street. Rainbow luncheon, Spalding hotel, given by  Mrs. Arthur Schwartz and Miss Elsie Silberstein. Mrs. E.M. Kunody, 1315 East Sixth street, hostess of bridge party. Dr. Maurice lefkovits and Mrs. Lefkovits, 1919 East Third street, gave luncheon. Bridal dinner given by parents.   </font>     1916 1 2          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1916-1-2 Helene Hazel Wetzler wed Bernard full.pdf"> 1916-1-2 Helene Hazel Wetzler wed Bernard full</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1916 (cropped) Miss Wetzler Honored at Affairs. Miss Helene Hazel Wetzler and Bernard Seidner Monderer wedding events:  Mr. and Mrs. Wetzler, parents of Helene Hazel Wetzler, Dr. Maurice Lefkovits-service, Miss Irene Wetzler, sister of bride, Herbert F. Wetzler-Chicago, brother of bride, Helen Kunody-flower girl.  Monderer-Wetzler bridal dinner at Wetzler home. Luncheon at Glass Block tea room, given by Mrs. M. P. Shapiro, 2420 East Fourth street. Violet luncheon given by  Miss Irene Wetzler and  Miss Alice Wetzler, sisters of bride. Luncheon given by  Mrs. Leo Idzal at Mrs. J. B. Sattler’s home, 116 Seventh avenue East. Dinner party given by Miss Gertrude Boyle, 30 Washington avenue. Dinner given by Mrs. M. Goldberg, 1507 East Third street. Rainbow luncheon, Spalding hotel, given by  Mrs. Arthur Schwartz and Miss Elsie Silberstein. Mrs. E.M. Kunody, 1315 East Sixth street, hostess of bridge party. Dr. Maurice lefkovits and Mrs. Lefkovits, 1919 East Third street, gave luncheon. Bridal dinner given by parents.   </font>     1916 1 2          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1916-1-19 Adas Israel, War Relief.pdf"> 1916-1-19 Adas Israel, War Relief</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1916 Jews Organize For War Relief. To Conduct City-Wide Campaign for Sricken Hebrews in Europe. Will Solicit Funds On Thursday, Jan. 27. May Call Mass Meeting After Campaign and Have New York Speaker. Central Jewish War Sufferers' associaion, Dr. Maurice Lefkovits, Joseph Oreckovsky, Charles D. Oreckovsky, B. Silberstein. J. L. Magnes-New York.   -- Organizations Represented. - Independent Order B'nai Brith - Duluth Hebrew lodge O.B.A. - Duluth City lodge O.B.A. . - Temple Emanuel. - Adas Israel congregation. - Kofered Israel congregation. - Shorae Tzdeck congregation. - Talmud Torah. - Jewish Socialist local. - Arbeit ring. - Young Women's Hebrew association. - Dr. Schecter's Zion Tent. - Sisters of Israel. - Kodivirim club. - Branch American Jewish relief committee. - Ladies' Aid of Temple Emanuel. - Young Women's library. - Bichur Choilim society. -(Interesting list to compare to the Jewish Organizations listed from 1880-1976)  </font> -   1916 1 19          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1916-1-26 Relief of Jews, Ben Bloomenthal, etc.pdf"> 1916-1-26 Relief of Jews, Ben Bloomenthal, etc</A> - -   Campaigners Named For Relief Of Jews, Charles D. Oreckosky, Louis Zalk, Silberstein, Freimuth, and many more. </font> -   1916 1 26          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1916-1-27 William Abrahamson raise funds.pdf"> 1916-1-27 William Abrahamson raise funds</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1916 Collect Funds Today For Jewish War Sufferers. Duluth Relief Committee to Conduct City-Wide Canvas for Funds-Pythian Lodge Will Aid Workers. Jewish Central War Relief. Spalding hotel and Duluth banks will receive subscriptions. Dr. Maurice Lefkovits-chairman, committee members: B. Silberstein, I. Freimuth, Ben Blumenthal, Max Albenberg, Ben Goldish, M. L. Zien, L. J. Selig, Dr. A. H. Schwartz, Michael Rocklin, L. Fox, George Harris, Nathan Kris, Dr. Samuel Gross, Dr. M. R. Zack, Dr. M. . Hirschfield and Dr. E. Z. Shapiro, J. J. Robinson, Joseph Oreckovsky, David Sohn, Sig Abraham, David Leowus ?, Sig Levy, Richard Jacobs, Ralph Cohen, Louis Goldberg, Mortimer Bondy, Max Mann, E. G. Levy, Sol Goldberg, William Abrahamson, Sam Mendelson, M. L. Rine, N. E. Lugoff, Leon Traubman, S. Karon, Samuel Kenner, E. A. Silberstein Harris Bennett, A. Litman, Adolph Levy, H. Y. Joseph, Louis Zalk.     - - Note from Karen: This was a well organized campaign. I was impressed with how they canvassed the entire Duluth community in the year 1916.  - -  Note from Jack:  I am not sure of the exact breakdown but would bet the leaders were from all of the synagogues in existence at the time, including:  Adas Isarel, Tiffereth Israel, Temple Emanuel,  Sharret Zedek,  Bnai Israel - from West Duluth</font>     1916 1 27          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1916-2-22 Jewish War Relief Garon, Widdes, Kaner, Josephs, Zalk.pdf"> 1916-2-22 Jewish War Relief Garon, Widdes, Kaner, Josephs, Zalk</A> - -    </font><font size="1">  Completing Plans For Jewish Meeting, Oreckovsky, Silberstein, Zalk, Josephs,Sher, Garon, Sher, Karon, Kaner, Widdes, and others.</font> -   1916 2 22          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1916-4-12 Mondshine.pdf"> 1916-4-12 Mondshine</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1916 Symposium on Jews Given at Temple. Tempe Emanuel Aid society. Mrs. Fannie Mondshine, Mrs. M. Hirschfield, Mrs. Josephs, Mr.S. M. Cook, Mrs. I. Cohen-Superior, S. I. Levin, Miss Elsie Silberstein. Mrs. Max Wetzler Mrs. L. Hirsch, Mrs. Jacob Zien, Mrs. I. Zimmerman.  </font>     1916 4 12          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1916-4-12 Gittelson trial.pdf"> 1916-4-12 Gittelson trial</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1916 Reputable Citizens "Guilty". Their "Trial" Was Mockery. Rabbi Lefkovits Acts as presiding Judge Over Bogus Court. Part of Entertainment Given by Covenant Lodge. Samuel Gittelson, Abe Feldman, Judge Maurice Lefkovits, Abe B. Kapplin. B'nai B'rith , Temple Emanuel. B. Silberstein, J. Schroeder, Charles Oreckovsky, Samuel Weinstein, H. Y. Josephs, Mrs. M. Cook.  </font>     1916 4 12          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1916-6-11 Gidding wed..pdf"> 1916-6-11 Gidding wed.</A>  - -  </font><font size="1">  1916 Are Guests At Eastern Wedding. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Gidding Attend Marriage of Mr. Gidding's Brother in New York. Miss Meryl Frank-Steinhardt and Nathaniel Gidding wed Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Steinhardt, 310 West One Hundred and Third street, New York, Rev. Maurice Harris., Leonore Gidding-flower girl, Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Gidding, Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Silberstein, Mr. and Mrs. B. A. Gidding, Miss Pauline Gidding-Cincinnati, Ohio, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Gidding-Duluth.   </font> -   1916 6 11          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1916-9-10 B'nai Brith Silverstein, Samuels.pdf"> 1916-9-10 B'nai Brith Silverstein, Samuels</A> - -   Toastmaster For B’nai B’rith Banquet, E. A. Silberstein, Samuels -   1916 9 10          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1916-9-20 Adas Israel, Joseph Cohen.pdf"> 1916-9-20 Adas Israel, Joseph Cohen</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1916 'Infidelity' Of Jews Is Denied. Duluthians Flay Cohn's Statement That Hebrews Worship Christ. "Was Paid To Say It", Rabbi Lefkovits and Commissioner Silberstein Stirred by Bold Assertion. Joseph Cohn, Rabbi Israel Teplitz, Adas Israel congregation, Rabbi Maurice Lefkovits, Temple Emanuel. Public Safety Commissioner Silberstein,, Charle D. Oreckovsky, B'nai B'rith.  </font> -   1916 9 20    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1916-12-3 Esther Abrahamson.pdf"> 1916-12-3 Esther Abrahamson</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1916 Covenant Lodge To Stage Minstrel Show. Members of Covenant lodge. Little Theater, Ninth avenue East and First street. E. A. Silberstein, Charles Rosenfeld, A. B. Kapplin, Jay Schrader, Max Rosenfeld, Louis Kramer, Barney Scott. Bessie Meyers, Len Traubman, Jeanette Gomberg, Charles Rosenfeld, Esther Abrahamson, Rosalind B Bondy, Jeanette Gomberg, Rachel Hammel, Mae Klein, and Alice Wetzel.  </font>     1916 12 3    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1916-12-16 Helena Sillberestein.pdf"> 1916-12-16 Helena Sillberestein</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1916 High School Students Are Awarded Honors. More Than 10 Per Cent of Pup8s Make Grades of 90 or More During December. Helena Silberstein.  </font> -   1916 12 16          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1917-2-9 Sadie Fostoff.pdf"> 1917-2-9 Sadie Fostoff</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1917 100 Central Student names On Honor Roll. Principal Leonard Young Reads the List at Chapel Exercises. Seniors: Bessie Levine, Sadie Levine. Juniors: Helena Silberstein. Freshmen: Sylvia Josephs, Ida Kaplan, Harry Levine. B list: Eva Fostoff, Leona Leibovitz.  </font>     1917 2 9    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1917-4-18 Fieldman.pdf"> 1917-4-18 Fieldman</A>  - -  </font><font size="1">  1917 'Mimeograph' Sticker For Women Spellers. Men Win "Bee" at "Open House" Party Given by Covenant Lodge. B'nai B'rith, Temple Emanuel, Miss Elsa Silberstein,  Abe Feldman, Mrs. Saul Goldberg, Temple Ades society: Mrs. Michael Levy, Mrs. L. S. Loeb, Mrs. M. S. Hirshfield, Mrs. M. Cook, Mrs. Sigmund Slonim, Mrs. H. Y. Josephs, Mrs. Saul Goldberg, Miss Elsa Silberstein, Miss Stella Bondy, Miss Alice Wetzler, Miss Sadie Gingold, Miss Jeanette Gomberg. A. B. Kapplin, E. A. Silberstein, Morris Mark, Dr. Maurice Lefkovits, Charles D. Oreckovsky, Davi Fieldman, Abe Fieldman, Samuel Weinstein, Dr. Samuel Gross, Dr. Maurice Zack, Charles Rosenfeld, Samuel Nides, Max Rosenfeld. Dr. Maurice Lefkovits-ne Bible translation. Helen Kunody, Hazel Blumenthal, Esther Gomberg, Miss Sylvia Josephs.   </font>     1917 4 18    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1917-9-16 Jews Drafted.pdf"> 1917-9-16 Jews Drafted</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1917 Drafted Jews Hailed As Heroes Of Opportunity. Fifteen Men Congratulated by Relatives and Friends at Reception. Miss Rose Silk, Commisioner Bernar Silberstein, DR. A. H. Schwartz, Abe Fieldman, M. S. Winthrop, Sigmond M. Slonim, Dr. Maurice Lefkovitz, H. Witz, David Weinberg, S. J. Sher, C. D. Oreckovsky, S. H. Kassmir, C. P. Meyers, H. Segal, H. Cassmir, Joe Werteiney, J. Chessen. Honored guests: Dr. Samuel Grose, Dr. M. R. Zack, A. B. Kapplin, Albert Bergstein, Jacob Flint, Phillip Brock, Louis Cominker, Arthur A Friedman, Max S. Gordon, Joseph Hurwitch, Davi Kaplan, Isadore Mendelson, George Winthrop, Abe Flint, B. T. Kenner. Officer of the organization Duluth Hebrew Brotherhood: Robert Buchman, Harry Witz, M. J. Segal, Charles Lavent, David Weinberg, S. H. Kassmir, I. Garon, Myer Kane, Charles D. Oreckowsky, Entertainment: Mrs. H. S. Kassmir, Mrs. H. Segal, Mrs. N. Goldfine. Entertainment: Miss Rose Silk, Mrs. Sol Goldberg, Harry Segal, Miss Mary Simon.   </font>     1917 9 16          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1917-10-19 Max Solosky, Liberty Loan Campaign.pdf"> 1917-10-19 Max Solosky, Liberty Loan Campaign</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1917 Salesmen Are Assigned Places. Liberty Loan Campaign Gains in Fource as Time for Real Work Draws Near. District No. 1 E. A. Silberstein, District 6 Hugo Freimuth, District 14 C. D. Oreckovsky, W. M. Bondy, Max Solosky.  </font> -   1917 10 19          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1918-5-1 Charles Oreckovsky Compliment to fire dept..pdf"> 1918-5-1 Charles Oreckovsky Compliment to fire dept.</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1918 Oreckovsky Compliments Duluth's Fire Fighters. Commissioner of Public Safety B. Silberstein, Charles D. Oreckovsky.   </font> -   1918 5 1          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1918-5-17 Jewish Confirmation, Silberstein.pdf"> 1918-5-17 Jewish Confirmation, Silberstein</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1918 Jewish Confirmation To Be Held At Temple Tonight. Rabbi Lefkovits Announces Program of the Night. Includes Exercises by Congregation. Second street and Seventh avenue East. Maurice Bailer, Rose M. Berusin, Lillian Cohen, Ephraim R. Gomberg, Irving Joseph, Anna Kane, Arnold S. Kunody, Charlotte V. Lugoff, Bernard G. Silberstein, Florence Simon, Percy Weinberg, Helen Zien, Anna Kane, Percy Weinberg, Charlotte V. Lug off, Arnold S. Kunody, Rose M. Berusin, Florence Simon, Ephraim R. Gomberg, Dr. A. H. Schwartz.   </font> -   1918 5 17          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1918-5-30 Dr. Moses Gittelson.pdf"> 1918-5-30 Dr. Moses Gittelson</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1916 Reputable Citizens "Guilty". Their "Trial" Was Mockery. Rabbi Lefkovits Acts as presiding Judge Over Bogus Court. Part of Entertainment Given by Covenant Lodge. Samuel Gittelson, Abe Feldman, Judge Maurice Lefkovits, Abe B. Kapplin. B'nai B'rith , Temple Emanuel. B. Silberstein, J. Schroeder, Charles Oreckovsky, Samuel Weinstein, H. Y. Josephs, Mrs. M. Cook.  </font>     1918 5 30    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1919-8-10 Esther Abrahamson.pdf"> 1919-8-10 Esther Abrahamson</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1919 Confetti To Add Carnival Spirit Today. Home Coming Day Will Be Noisy With Horns and Squawkers. Elsie Silberstein, Mildred Bondy, Esther Abrahamson, Mae Klein, Mrs. Hugo Freimuth, Mrs. Harry Gordon.   </font>     1919 8 10    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1920-5-2 B. Silberstein 50 yr anniv.pdf"> 1920-5-2 B. Silberstein 50 yr anniv</A> - -   headline  -   1920 5 2    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1920-6-15 James Lavick.pdf"> 1920-6-15 James Lavick</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1920 Duluth’s Quota In Week’s Drive Will Be $20,000. Campaign for Funds for Palestine Restoration Work to Open June 21, Announcement.  Shrine auditorium. C. S. Cowen-New York, Dr. Peter Marcus-Minneapolis. D. W. Loewus. Name Committees: H. Y. Josephs, James Lavick, B. Silberstein, I. B. Aarons. Advisory: I. Fremiuth, B. Silberstein, B. Beckman, M. P. Shapiro, M. C. Albenberg, Joseph Oreckovesky. Executive: S. M. Kaner, S. Capelowitz , H. Witz, L. Fox, W. Silvain, N. Kris, S. Karon, Jos. Davis, Joe Weinberg,  F. Labovitz, S. Natelson, C. P. Mayers, H. Segal, A. Megolsan, I. B. Aarons, A. Fieldman, A. Saksonoff, D. G. Loewus, Ben Karon, B. Sher, F. Keil, and H. Gordon.   </font>     1920 6 15    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1920-10-9 Silberstein Golden Anniversary.pdf"> 1920-10-9 Silberstein Golden Anniversary</A> - -   headline  -   1920 10 9    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1921-4-28 B'nai Brith Golden Jubilee Silberstein.pdf"> 1921-4-28 B'nai Brith Golden Jubilee Silberstein</A> - -   headline  -   1921 4 28          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1921-5-2 B'nai B'rith.pdf"> 1921-5-2 B'nai B'rith</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> Fraternity Shatters Precedents, Bernard Silberstein Made Life Member of Order of B'nai B'rith.  Henry Monsky of Omaha, Neb., W. M. Abrahamson, A. B. Kapplin, Charles D. Oreckovsky, D. P. Fieldman, Dave Miller, Harry Gordon. RabbiJesse Cohen,  Israel Lebendiger, S. B. Copilowisch, Ben Miller,  Samuel Nides. New Members: William M. Abrahamson, J. J. Abram, Harry E. Altman, Al Aron, Mortimer W. Bondy, Harold J. Brody, Joseph E. Coll?, Charles M. Cohen, Harry Lewis Cohen, Jacob Crystal, Michael Danaiko, Louis Fishman, Louis Gallop orris Garrison, Oscar Goldstein, Samuel Gotkin B. Louis Green, Monte A. Greenblat, Ben J. Kenner, Herman N. Kramer, Frank Krupitzky, Morris Krupitzky, Louis J. Lasky, Samuel C. Latts, Jak Levine, Morris Levine, Irving M. Levinson, SamLevinson, L. S. Lugoff, Abe H. Miller, Isadore Mogelson S. Natelson, Percy E. Oreck, David Oreckovsky, Max D. Orinstein, David B. Pollack, D. Raihill, Frank M. Riskin, Mandy Rosenberg, Chas. A. Saksanoff, Samuel Sander, Robert Schway, Hyman L. Segal, Hyman W. Segal, Jack E. Segal, Sam J. Segal, Chas. S. M. Segalbaum, Samuel Shore, Sam Simon, Morris Slavoot, J. Slonim, Abe L. Solon, John L. Sosnosky, Joseph Steinman, Harry Vertelney, Louis Weisberg, Ed Zalk, Samuel Zalk, Wolf B. Zien, A. Zurovsky.  </font>     1921 5 2    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1921-9-21 Knicker, Lyle A. Oreck, Freimuth, Silberstein & Bondy.pdf"> 1921-9-21 Knicker, Lyle A. Oreck, Freimuth, Silberstein & Bondy</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1921 Department Store Chiefs Express Gamut of Views on Knickers. - I. Freimuth & Co., George A. Gray Co., Silberstein & Bondy, Oreck's Department Store, Lyle A. Oreck   </font> -   1921 9 21          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1922-7-11 E. A. Silberstein, 20th ann.pdf"> 1922-7-11 E. A. Silberstein, 20th ann</A> - -   headline -   1922 7 11
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1922-9-4 Bernard Silberstein obituary photo.pdf"> 1922-9-4 Bernard Silberstein obituary photo</A> - -   headline  -   1922 9 4    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1922-9-6 Silberstein, obit.pdf"> 1922-9-6 Silberstein, obit</A> - -   headline  -   1922 9 6          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1922-9-6 Bernard Silberstein obit..pdf"> 1922-9-6 Bernard Silberstein obit.</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1922 Masons to Hold Silberstein rites at Temple Today. pioneer Duluth merchant, 21 North Twenty-first avenue East. Palestine lodge of Masons. Members of Covenant lodge, Independent order of B'nai B'rith pall bearers. Rabbi Alvin Luchs of Temple Emanuel, Dr. Murice Lefkovits of Minneapolis, formerly a Duluth rabbi. Leonard Young. Servied as commissioner form 1915 to 1919. Silberstein & Bondy store.  </font>     1922 9 6    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1922-9-7 Bernard Silberstein obit..pdf"> 1922-9-7 Bernard Silberstein obit.</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1922 Eulogy, Tribute Paid Merchant Duluth Pioneer. Masonic and Hebrew Services Mark Last Rites at Funeral of Bernard Silberstein. 21 North Twenty-first avenue East, Rabbi Alvin Luchs-Temple Emanul, Dr. Maurice Lefkovitz of Minnapolis, formerly a Duluth rabbi, personal friend of Mr. Silberstein, A. B. Kapplin, Hugo Freimuth, David Loweus, Louis Z. Zalk, Dr. E. Z. Shapiro, Harry Gordon. Sam and Lewis Loeb, Hr. R. Armstrong, George Spaulding, John H. LaVaque, Lionel Ayres.   </font>     1922 9 7    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/2011-11-24 Duluth Men Eat on Thanksgiving reprint.jpg"> 2011-11-24 Duluth Men Eat on Thanksgiving reprint</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 2011 What Duluth Men Want for Thanksgiving (reprint of History):   I Freimuth, E A Silberstein   -<A HREF="http://www.perfectduluthday.com/2011/11/24/what-duluth-men-want-for-thanksgiving/">Link to reprint article</A> </font>     2011 11 24          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1894-12-4 John Siegel.pdf"> 1894-12-4 John Siegel</A> -   1894 12 4          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1896-2-5 Edelstien, Siegel, Karon -fire.pdf"> 1896-2-5 Edelstien, Siegel, Karon -fire</A> -   1896 2 5          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1896-3-20 3 boys in trouble Mike Siegel.pdf"> 1896-3-20 3 boys in trouble Mike Siegel </A> - -   Three Boys In Trouble: Seligman, Siegel, Sehomer, Superior, WI  -   1896 3 20    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1932-6-10 Commencement - Duluth Central HS.jpg"> 1932-6-10 Commencement - Duluth Central HS</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> Jewish Students include:  Albert A Abramson,  Sylvia Adelson Mattenson,  Freda D Bergal Kurson,  Edward Isadore Cohen,  Burton Wallace Davidson,  Nathan Davis,  Martin M Even,  Harold Fostoff,   Edgar Freimuth,  William Irving Freimuth,  Robert Gallop,  Sam Gallop,  Harry L Garon,  Lillian Glasser Rosen,  Betty L Glazman Reiss,  Goldie Jery Gordon Boznu,  Betty Green Mangel,  Ida P Green,  Pearl,  Karsner Shapiro,  Norman G Levine,  Yale Byron Levine,  Harold Irving Lindeke,  Morris Louis Meltz,  Jane Milavetz Baddin,  Fay Enid Oxman Traubman,  MItchell Polinsky,  Irving D Schneider,  Jane Z,  Sher Siegel,  Frank Shusterman,  Eva Singer Shamblott,  Rosalyn Singer Shamblott,  Bessie Slovut Stein,  Jeanette Leah Soloski Scot,  Marvin Jerome Stewart,  David Taran,  Ruth B Vertelney Klein,  Getchell Widdes  </font>     1900 1 0        
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1945-5-11 Senior Class Play - Duluth Central HS.jpg"> 1945-5-11 Senior Class Play - Duluth Central HS</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> Sylvestor Sher, Joel Labovitz, Phyllis Freimuth Rudolph, Gail Altman Meissner, Sarah Zien Herzog, Elinor Siegel Leipzi and  Esther Pearl Goldberg  </font>     1900 1 0          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1902-1-1 Jacob D. Siegel ad.pdf"> 1902-1-1 Jacob D. Siegel ad</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1902 Jacob D. Siegel, ad  </font> -   1902 1 1          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1902-6-21 Helen and Edith Karon, Nel Siegel.pdf"> 1902-6-21 Helen and Edith Karon, Nel Siegel</A> -   1902 6 21    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1903-3-1 Aaron and Silas Siegel, clothier.pdf"> 1903-3-1 Aaron and Silas Siegel, clothier</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1903 2 More New Homes On Hammond Ave. Messrs. Siegel Bros. Will Begin Building as Soon as Weather Permits. Aaron and Silas Siegel, clothiers, Fourteenth street.  </font> -   1903 3 1          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1903-6-11 Fannie Levine 8th grade graduation.pdf"> 1903-6-11 Fannie Levine 8th grade graduation</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1903 Eight Grade Graduation. Interesting Exercises Given Last Night at High School.   Jefferson: Fannie Levine, Washington: Leopold J. Bondy, Delia D. Siegel, Harriet Levy, Eva R. Zalk  </font>     1903 6 11    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1904-2-2 Eveleth Harriet Shanedling Gabriel Perlman.pdf"> 1904-2-2 Eveleth Harriet Shanedling Gabriel Perlman</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1904 Wedding At Eveleth Big Social Event. Miss Harriet Shanedling Becomes Bride of Gabriel Perlman. Mr. and Mrs. F. Shanedling of Eveleth, Gabriel Perlman, prominent clothier at Vail hall in Eveleth. - - Guests from Eveleth: Jeanette Shanedling, maid of honor; Mr. and Mrs. M. P. Shapiro, Clara and Lillian Shapiro; Samuel Leo and Carl Shapiro; Mr. and Mrs. F. Rabinowitz, son and daughter; Mr. and Mrs. M. Feldman and daughter; Mr. and Mrs. D. Simon and daughter; Mr. and Mrs. D. Elias and son; Mr. and Mrs. Milavetz, Celia Milavetz; Mr. and Mrs. Ben Gordon, Mr. and Mrs.Scott, Mr. and Mrs. Hipple, P. E. Dowling, Mrrs. Josephine Sibbit, Samuel Dorpin, Morris Rabinowitz, Joe Rabinowitz, Joe Miller, J. Simon, Mr. and Mrs. Max Shapiro, Jake and John Siegel;  Mr. Levant, Mr. and Mrs. Jake Schtein, Nathan Schtein; Samuel Rubenstein, Tom Sharp, George Mesberg, Harry Shenedling, Isadore Shanedling, Isadore Duff.  Virginia: Mr. and Mrs.Joe Roman, Mr. and Mrs. J. Mesberg, Lillian and Mary Mesberg; Mr. and Mrs. Ben Milavetz, Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Milavetz, Mr. and Mrs. Ike Milavetz, Mr. and Mrs.Julius Shanedling and daughters, H. and M. Shanedling, Mrs. N. Nathanson, Mrs. L. Cohen and daughter;  Anthony and Frank Shipley, L. Peterson, Mrs. Hoistein, Mr. Rubloff, Ben Gordon.  Milwaukee, Wis.: Misses Ida and Clara Blonde.  Sparta, Minn.: Mrs. L. Shurman.   Minneapolis: Mr. and Mrs. Meyers, parents of Mr. and Mrs. J. Shanedling.  Buhl: B. M. Lipman, Mr. and Mrs. Abramson.   La Crosse, Wis.: A. W. Jacobs.  St. Paul: H. Rudanskey.  </font> -   1904 2 2    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1904-7-3 Kenisberg wed..pdf"> 1904-7-3 Kenisberg wed.</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1904 Edith Karon and John Kenigsberg wedding, S. Karon, Helen Karon, Louis Zalk, Mr. and Mrs. Kenigsberg, Mr. and Mrs. E. Siegel, Mr. and Mrs. H. Mark, Miss Sarah Mark, Miss Rose Cohen, Julius Cohen, Sam Cohen, B. Cohen, Isadore Cohen, Sadie and May Mark, Etta and Esther Codden, Mr. and Mrs. Shapiro, Mr. and Mrs. Goldeen, Mr. and Mrs. B. Kaner, Mr. and Mrs. Somerheld, Mr. and Mrs. Bloom, Mr. and Mrs. Sher, M. and Mrs. Mark Britz, Max Coddon, N. Rochstein, Milton Rosenberger, E. Helpern, Ben Shapiro.  </font> -   1904 7 3          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1905-1-10 Hibbing, Belle Amie Woolfran and Samuel Siegel.pdf"> 1905-1-10 Hibbing, Belle Amie Woolfran and Samuel Siegel</A> -   1905 1 10          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1905-1-10 Sam Siegel & Belle Woolfram wedding.jpg"> 1905-1-10 Sam Siegel & Belle Woolfram wedding</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1905 Hibbing wedding - Samuel Siegel and Belle Annie Woolfram - guests include: Charles Hallock, M. S. Greenblatt, Harry Witz, Dave Elias, Max Rogalsky, Markel and Lurvitz; Messrs. William Kitz, Peter Karon, Daniel Mark; Mrs. Jacob Kitz.  </font>     1905 1 10          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1905-1-15 S. J. Siegel & Amie Belle Woolfram wed  Hibbing.pdf"> 1905-1-15 S. J. Siegel & Amie Belle Woolfram wed  Hibbing</A> -   1905 1 15          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1905-1-15 Siegel Woolfram wedding.jpg"> 1905-1-15 Siegel Woolfram wedding</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1905 Hibbing wedding - Samuel Siegel and Belle Annie Woolfram - guests include:  Nathanson, Milavetz, Lindeke, Cohen, Gordon </font>     1905 1 15          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1905-12-1 Eveleth, John Siegel, Woodmen.pdf"> 1905-12-1 Eveleth, John Siegel, Woodmen</A> -   1905 12 1          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1906-1-27 Rabinowitz, Shannedling, Mesberg, Feldman, Siegel, Simon.pdf"> 1906-1-27 Rabinowitz, Shannedling, Mesberg, Feldman, Siegel, Simon</A> -   1906 1 27          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1906-3-4 Kenigsberg.pdf"> 1906-3-4 Kenigsberg</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1906 Mr. and Mrs. M. Bloom, H. Kassimer, D. Kenigsberg, Max Shapiro, Louis Oreck, G. Oreck, J. Siegel, A. Polinsky, Mrs. S. Karon, Mrs. Milavitz, Helen Karon, Bessie Rocklin, Sadie Rocklin, Lizzie Helperin, Della Siegel, Sarah Simon, Hattie Shapira, Sophie Winstien, Sarah Milavitz, Clara Shapiro, Bessie Markevitz, Mary Shapiro, Selma Kasmir, Eva Kasmir, Minnie Winstein, Rabbi Mendel Silber, Allan Rocklin, Milton Rosenberger, Louis Kanter, Harry Winstein, Isadore Cohen, Julius Siegel, Herman Aronsohn, Louis Zalk, Zien, H. Kernos.  </font> -   1906 3 4          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1906-6-13 Delia Siegel and Benjamin Sher wedding.pdf"> 1906-6-13 Delia Siegel and Benjamin Sher wedding</A> -   1906 6 13          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1906-9-10 Karon and Siegel personal.pdf"> 1906-9-10 Karon and Siegel personal</A> -   1906 9 10    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1907-3-3  Siegel-masquerade party.pdf"> 1907-3-3  Siegel-masquerade party</A> -   1907 3 3          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1908-3-10 Eveleth, Jewish Benvolent and Fraternal Order.pdf"> 1908-3-10 Eveleth, Jewish Benvolent and Fraternal Order</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1908 Eveleth: Jewish Lodge O.B.A. To Be Institued At Eveleth. Jewish Benevolent and Fraternal Order, O.B.A. , Jackson street, S. Sax, H. G. Perlman, Sam Siegel, Jacob Stein, insurance.   </font> -   1908 3 10    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1908-4-25 Eveleth, John Siegel, election.pdf"> 1908-4-25 Eveleth, John Siegel, election</A> -   1908 4 25    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1908-7-9 Eveleth, Brith Abraham, Sax, Siegel, Levant,.pdf"> 1908-7-9 Eveleth, Brith Abraham, Sax, Siegel, Levant,</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1908 Eveleth: Brith Abraham. Will Install Officers. Solomon Sax, Sam Siegel, Charles Levant, Abe Levant.   </font> -   1908 7 9    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1909-1-2 Brith Abraham-Eveleth.pdf"> 1909-1-2 Brith Abraham-Eveleth</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1909 Brith Abraham Election, Eveleth, Sam Siegel, Charles Levant, Harry Levant, Morris Stein, Jacob Stein, Frank Weyenberg, Sam White, Morris Feldman, Abe Rubenstein.  </font> -   1909 1 2          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1909-1-22 Eveleth. H. G. Perlman 5th wed. anniversary.pdf"> 1909-1-22 Eveleth. H. G. Perlman 5th wed. anniversary</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1909 Eveleth: Observe Wedding Anniversary. Mr. and Mrs. H. G. Perlman. Mrs. Samuel Siegel, Mrs. Morris Nathanson, Mrs. H. Levenson.   </font> -   1909 1 22        
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1909-2-22 Sigmond M. Slonim, Oscar Siegel, W. and Morris Kaplan.pdf"> 1909-2-22 Sigmond M. Slonim, Oscar Siegel, W. and Morris Kaplan</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1909 Suffrage League Is Formed Here. Dr. Anna H. Phelan and Miss Elsie Ueland Make Addres in Behalf of Cause. Kalamazoo hall, S. M. Slonim treasurer. W. Kaplan, Morris Kaplan, Sigmond M. Slonim, Oscar Siegel.   </font>     1909 2 22    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1909-8-10 Lieberman and Siegel wedding.pdf"> 1909-8-10 Lieberman and Siegel wedding</A> -   1909 8 10    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1909-8-10 Ida Lieberman and Samuel Siegel wed, Rabbi Teplitz, Dorfman, .pdf"> 1909-8-10 Ida Lieberman and Samuel Siegel wed, Rabbi Teplitz, Dorfman, </A> -   1909 8 10    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1909-8-10 Lieberman-Siegel wed, guests, Confeldt, Stein, Dorfman, Winer, Steinman, Wienberg .pdf"> 1909-8-10 Lieberman-Siegel wed, guests, Confeldt, Stein, Dorfman, Winer, Steinman, Wienberg </A>  - - </font><font size="1"> 1909 Ida Lieberman and Samuel Siegel wed, Rabbi Teplitz, rose Lieberman, Ida Dorfman, Julius Siegel, David Lieberman, J. Confeldt, Joseph Confeldt, K. Confeldt, Stein, Gilbert, A. Confeldt, Dorfman, Winer, J. Simon, David Wienberg, W. Steinman.  </font> -   1909 8 10          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1909-12-17 Weiner-Nyrim,Rose Kaner, B. Kaner, Milavitz, Siegel, Lurye.pdf"> 1909-12-17 Weiner-Nyrim,Rose Kaner, B. Kaner, Milavitz, Siegel, Lurye</A> -   1909 12 17    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1910-1-2 Siegel.pdf"> 1910-1-2 Siegel</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1910 Master Norman and Harold Lasky, Hammond avenue, 10th and seventh birtdays, Nathan Siegel, Paul Franklin-New York City, Minnie Holzberg, Sara Litman-Duluth, Chauncey Miller, David Miller, Sylvia Siegel, Archie Siegel, Edythe Lasky, Birdie Weingarten, Helen Weingarten, Benjamin Siegel, Marian Shonesman-Coleraine, Minn., Lois Bloom-Minneapolis.  (full page) </font> -   1910 1 2          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1910-1-2 Siegel c.jpg"> 1910-1-2 Siegel c</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1910 Master Norman and Harold Lasky, Hammond avenue, 10th and seventh birtdays, Nathan Siegel, Paul Franklin-New York City, Minnie Holzberg, Sara Litman-Duluth, Chauncey Miller, David Miller, Sylvia Siegel, Archie Siegel, Edythe Lasky, Birdie Weingarten, Helen Weingarten, Benjamin Siegel, Marian Shonesman-Coleraine, Minn., Lois Bloom-Minneapolis. (cropped version as jpg image) </font> -   1910 1 2    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1910-1-5 Mae Siegel and Cassel Marcus wed, Jennie Aronsohn.pdf"> 1910-1-5 Mae Siegel and Cassel Marcus wed, Jennie Aronsohn</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1910 Siegel-Marcus. Miss Mae Siegel and Cassel Marcus-Farog, N. . wed. Rabbi Kissam, Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Siegel, 609 East First street, Miss Rose Cohen-Superior, Miss Sara Hurvick, Julius Siegel, Julius Cohen-Superior, Pearl Siege, Leslie Hurvick, Mr. and Mrs. I. Cohen and daughters-Hibbing, Mrs. Marie Kosing, Miss Natalle Kosing, Miss Etta Kosing=Minneapols, Mrs. Franklin-New York, Miss Jennie Aronsohn-St. Paul, Miss Celia Sloane-Hurley, Wis., Miss Rora Levitz, Jake Levitz, Alexander Rosenbloom-Fargo, N. D.  </font>     1910 1 5          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1910-1-5 Mae Siegel and Cassel Marcus wed, Jennie Aronsohn.pdf"> 1910-1-5 Mae Siegel and Cassel Marcus wed, Jennie Aronsohn</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1910 Mae Siegel and Cassel Marcus wed. Mr. and Mrs. F. D. Siegel, Rabbi Kissam, Rose Cohen, Sara Hurvick, Julius Siegel, Julius Cohen, Pearl Siegel, Leslie Hurvick, Mr. and Mrs. I. Cohen, Mari Kosig, Natalie Kosing, Etta Kosing, Mrs. Franklin, Jennie Aronsohn, Celia Sloane, Rora Levitz, Jake Levitz, Alexander Rosenbloom.  </font>     1910 1 5    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1911-3-3 Marion Levin and Leo Shapiro wed.pdf"> 1911-3-3 Marion Levin and Leo Shapiro wed</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1911 Miss Marion Levin and Leo Shapiro Are Wedded. Mr. and Mrs. S. I. Levin, 117 West Third street, Rabbi Lefkowitz, Miss Fay Kalish-Chicago, Carl Shapiro. Mrs. A. Heff, Mr. an Mrs. D. Goldberg, Mrs. Mary Levin-Chicago; Walter Goldman, Rose Siegelbaum-Minneapolis; Gertrude Feiblema-Indianapolis, Mis Rae Shapiro, Herman Jacobs-St. Paul, Mr. and Mrs. J. Seigal, Lewis Shapiro-Washburn, Wis. Mrs. and Mrs. Sam Shapiro-Stevenson, Minn.; Herman Rieser, Sol Rieser, Leo Tsaelzer.  </font>     1911 3 3          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1911-3-11 Marion Levin and Leo Shapiro wed.pdf"> 1911-3-11 Marion Levin and Leo Shapiro wed</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1911 Marion Levin and Leo Shapiro Are Wedded, 117 West Third street, Rabbi Lefkowitz, Fay Kalish, Carl Shapiro, Mrs. A. Heff, Mr. and Mrs. D. Goldberg, Mrs. Mary Levin, Walter Goldman, Rose Siegelbaum, Gertrude Feibleman, Rae Shapiro, Herman Jacobs, Mr. and Mrs. J. Seigal, Lewis Shapiro, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Shapiro, Herman Rieser, Sol. Rieser, Leo Tsaelzer.  </font> -   1911 3 11          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1911-10-11 Eveleth, Siegel, Levant, Ellis, Stein, Mesberg, Feldman, Solomon Sax.pdf"> 1911-10-11 Eveleth, Siegel, Levant, Ellis, Stein, Mesberg, Feldman, Solomon Sax</A> -   1911 10 11          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1911-10-11 Eveleth, Sam Siegel, M. Levant, S. Ellis, S. Stein, George Mesberg, M. Feldman, Solomon Sax,synagogue.pdf"> 1911-10-11 Eveleth, Sam Siegel, M. Levant, S. Ellis, S. Stein, George Mesberg, M. Feldman, Solomon Sax,synagogue</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1911 Eveleth: Jews Elect Officers. Sam Siegel, M. Levant, S. Ellis, S. Stein, George Mesberg, M. Feldman, Solomon Sax.  </font> -   1911 10 11    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1912-2-2 Maurice Klatsky.pdf"> 1912-2-2 Maurice Klatsky</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1912 A Cabin Party. Sol Levy, leave for Seattle, guests: Clara and Sadie Shore, Sarah Hurvits, Beatrice Natelson, Sadie Postoff, Sadie Natelson, Maurice Silk, Julius Siegel, Henry Saul, John Altman, Maurice Klatsky, and Leo Bondy.  </font>     1912 2 2    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1913-3-23 Sarah Haronimus.pdf"> 1913-3-23 Sarah Haronimus</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1913 Farce To Be Presented As Feature Of Jewish Sciety's Celebration. Take Leading Roles in "Der Schadechen". H. Cedar and Miss Celia Kaner, photo. Given in Jewish (Yiddish), Agutheh gate, Lovers of Zion society, Agen hall, feast of Purim, Miss Florence Weingarten, Sarah Haronimus, Mrs. J. Siegel, Lena Goldfine, Nathan Goldfine, Eva Kaner, A. Adler.  </font>     1913 3 23          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1913-6-14 Siegel, drowning.pdf"> 1913-6-14 Siegel, drowning</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1913-6-14 Elkhart, Indiana paper. -- Superior: Pleasure Party Drowns. Launch Caught in Swell of Tug Goes Down at Superior, Wis. Lasky, Goldstein, Siegel  </font> -   1913 6 14            
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1913-6-14 Siegel, drowning.pdf"> 1913-6-14 Siegel, drowning</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1913 The Elkhart Daily Review, Superior, Wis. Mrs. Louis ALasky, Nettie Lasky, Clark Goldstein,-Minneapolis, Mrs. Aaron Siegel, Benny Siegel, Silvia Siegel, Phil Siegel.  </font> -   1913 6 14    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1913-8-13 Mrs. Aaron Siegel drowns.pdf"> 1913-8-13 Mrs. Aaron Siegel drowns</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1913 Superior: Mrs. Aaron Ziegel (Siegel) And Children Drowned In St. Louis RiverToday. Mrs. Siegel, Matt Siegel of Fargo, N.D. rescued, brother-in-law of Max Rabinovich. Aaron Siegel, Mrs. Louis Lasky, Nettie, Lasky, Clara Goldstein.  Seven members of a family perished in a 1913 boating accident.  Etta Siegel, aka Mrs. Aaron Siegel,  33 years old.  Sylvia Siegel, daughter of Aaron and Etta Siegel, 14 years old.  Benjamin Siegel, son of Aaron and Etta Siegel, 8 years old.   Mrs. Louis Lasky, aka Rebecca Lasky, a daughter of Aaron and Etta Siegel.   Nettie, aka Antoinette Lasky, a daughter of Mrs. Louis Lasky.  Clara Goldstein, a daughter of Aaron Siegel, of Minneapolis.  Philip N. Siegel, son of Aaron and Etta Siegel, 4 years old. </font> -   1913 8 13          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1913-8-13 Mrs. Aaron Siegel drowns.pdf"> 1913-8-13 Mrs. Aaron Siegel drowns</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1913 Mrs. Aaron Ziegel and Children Drowned In St. Louis River Today. Superior, Wis., Matt Siegel-Fargo N.D rescued, brother-in-law of Max Rabinovich, Mrs. Aaron Siegel-Superior, daughter Nettie, Miss Clara Goldstein-Minneapolis.   </font> -   1913 8 13          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1913-8-14 Siegel, burial.pdf"> 1913-8-14 Siegel, burial</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1913 Siegel Funeral Held Today. Superior Woman, D5rowned Yesterday, Buried This Afternoon-Local Relatives Could Not Attend. Max Rabinovich, brother-in-law, Mrs. Matt Siegel of Fargo.  </font> -   1913 8 14          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1913-8-14 Siegel, burial.pdf"> 1913-8-14 Siegel, burial</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1913 Siegel Funeral Held Today. Superior Woman, Drowned Yesterday, Buried This Afternoon-Local Relatives Could Not Attend. Max Rabinovich, brother-in-law-Grand Forks, Mrs. Matt Siegel-Fargo.  </font> -   1913 8 14    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1913-8-15 six victims drowning accident obit..pdf"> 1913-8-15 six victims drowning accident obit.</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1913 Six Victims Of Accident Buried. Funeral Services of the persons Drowned in Boat Mishap Held in Temple. Rabbi A. Tremblatt of Superior, Dr. Emil Horowitz of Duluth, Sixth street and Hammond avenue synagogue, over a thousnd mourners, Mrs. Aaron Siegel, daughter Sylvia, Phillie, Bennie Siegel, Mrs. Louis Lasky, and Antoinette Lasky. Stores and offices conducted by Jewish people closed.  </font>     1913 8 15    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1913-12-24 Aaron Siegel.pdf"> 1913-12-24 Aaron Siegel</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1913 Violetn Deaths Many In County. Only One Murder Has Occurred During Last Twelve Months. Two Suicides. Biggest Tragedy Cost Lives Of Seven Persons. Victims Mrs. Aaron Siegel, 1124 Hammond ave., three children, Mrs. Louis Lasky, 1027 Hammond avenue; her daughter Nettie, Miss Clara Goldstein-Minneapolis.  </font> -   1913 12 24          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1913-12-24 Aaron Siegel.pdf"> 1913-12-24 Aaron Siegel</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1913 Violent Deaths Many In County. Only One Murder Has Occurred During Last Twelve Months. Two Suicides. Biggest Tragedy Cost Lives Of Seven Persons. - Fourteen Are Drowned, Seventeen Killed by Trains, Three Frozen to Death. Ida K pleasure boat, Mrs. Aaron Siegel and her three children, 1124 Hammond avenue, Mrs. Louis Lasky and her daughter Nettie, Miss Clara Goldstein-Minniapolis,   </font> -   1913 12 24          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1913-12-31 Aaron Siegel, drowning accident.pdf"> 1913-12-31 Aaron Siegel, drowning accident</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1913 Siegel Libels Boat For Death Of Wife. Mrs. Siegel, Mrs. Louis Lasky, Miss NEttie Lasky, Benjamin Siegel, Sylvia Siegel, Miss Clara Goldstein.   </font> -   1913 12 31          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1913-12-31 Aaron Siegel, drowning accident.pdf"> 1913-12-31 Aaron Siegel, drowning accident</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1913 Siegel Libels Boat For Death Of Wife. Aaron Siegel seeking $10,000 damages, motor boat Ida K., owned by A. Duplaise. persons who drowned:  Mrs. Siegel, Mrs. Louis Lasky, Miss Nettie Lasky, Benjamin Siegel, Sylvia Siegel, Miss Clara Goldstein.   </font> -   1913 12 31          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1914-3-20 Hibbing Philip Siegel obit..pdf"> 1914-3-20 Hibbing Philip Siegel obit.</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1914 Hibbing: Hibbing Butcher Dies From Heart Trouble.  Philip Siegel obituary  </font> -   1914 3 20          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1914-3-20 Philip Siegel obit. Hibbing.pdf"> 1914-3-20 Philip Siegel obit. Hibbing</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1914 Hibbing Butcher Dies From Heart Trouble. Philip Siegel, brother owned butcher shop on Pine street. widow, family in New York. Buried in Superior. obit.  </font>     1914 3 20    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1914-5-27 Rose Coran, Fanny and Edith Karon, Ruth Siegel.pdf"> 1914-5-27 Rose Coran, Fanny and Edith Karon, Ruth Siegel</A> -   1914 5 27          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1914-6-19 Michael Siegel and D. Goldish.pdf"> 1914-6-19 Michael Siegel and D. Goldish</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1914 Michael Siegel and uncle  D. Goldish  </font> -   1914 6 19    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1914-6-25 Michael Siegel and L. Goldish.pdf"> 1914-6-25 Michael Siegel and L. Goldish</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1914 Michael Siegel-Gilbert and L. Goldish  </font> -   1914 6 25          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1914-8-29 Michael and John Siegel.pdf"> 1914-8-29 Michael and John Siegel</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1914 Gilbert: Farmers To Exhibit At Labor Day Fair. Gilbert Boosters Motor to Rural Districts to Secure Promises. Michael and John Siegel  </font> -   1914 8 29          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1914-10-6 Michael and John Siegel, Marks, Goldish.pdf"> 1914-10-6 Michael and John Siegel, Marks, Goldish</A> -   1914 10 6    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1914-11-1 Eveleth, Bney Achim, officers elected.pdf"> 1914-11-1 Eveleth, Bney Achim, officers elected</A>   - -  </font><font size="1"> 1914 Eveleth: Eveleth Synagogue Officers Elected. Bney Achim. H. Perlman, H. Siegel, A. Goldberg, Isadore Shanedling, Solomon Sax, Frank Rabinowitz, Frank Weinberg.  </font> -   1914 11 1          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1914-11-3 Social, Oreck, Oreckovsky.pdf"> 1914-11-3 Social, Oreck, Oreckovsky</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1914 Eva Oreckovsky and Charles Finkelstein will wed. Social at Talmud Torah auditorium. Minnie Viener, Ida Oreck,Harry Silverman, W. C. Oxman, H. A. Shark, M. Viener, M. Oreckovsky, J. Altman, Esther Viener, Ida Zurowsky, Sheba Polinsky, Dollie Polinsky,  Bess Altman, Esther Fieldman, Jeanette Gomberg, Eva Sosnosky, Esther Zurovsky, Rae Abelson, Bess Silverman, Sadie Fostof, Mae Rocklin, Sarah Kassmir, Esther Sander, Bess Markovich, Sallie Oreck, Rae Zurovsky, Florence Weingarder, Eva Oreckovsky, Selma Oreckovsky, Lena Rocklin, Anna Levine, Sadie Rocklin, Sarah Danieko, Isadore Natelson, Maurice Silk, Isadore Mandelson, Louis Zalk, Abe Aronson, Herman Aronson, Abe Averbrook, Nate Natelson, Dr. S. Gingold, Charles Finkelstein, Dr. S. Gross, A. B. Kaplan, Irwin Oreck, Abe Oreckovsky, Julius Siegel, Lyle Oreck, Sam Garber, Sam Miller, Dr. M. P. Zack, Israel Oreck, Harry Altman, Maurice Altman, Louis Zurovsky and Alex Zurovsky.  </font> -   1914 11 3          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1915-3-16 Herman J. Nathanson.pdf"> 1915-3-16 Herman J. Nathanson</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1915 Mine Fraud Suit To Be Heard By Judge. Herman J. Nathanson against Eureka Ore company. Henry Siegel  </font> -   1915 3 16          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1915-3-21 Edith Karon, Rose Coran, Ruth Siegel, Sarah Kanner, Lieberman.pdf"> 1915-3-21 Edith Karon, Rose Coran, Ruth Siegel, Sarah Kanner, Lieberman</A> -   1915 3 21          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1915-5-20 grads, photo Daneiko, Salnovitz, Siegel, Silk, Simon Slonim.pdf"> 1915-5-20 grads, photo Daneiko, Salnovitz, Siegel, Silk, Simon Slonim</A> - -     grads, photo Daneiko, Salnovitz, Siegel, Silk, Simon Slonim </font> -   1915 5 20          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1915-5-20 graduates, photo Daneiko, Salnovitz, Siegel, Silk, Simon Slonim.pdf"> 1915-5-20 graduates, photo Daneiko, Salnovitz, Siegel, Silk, Simon Slonim</A> -   1915 5 20          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1915-6-19 Levy, Siegel, , Shapiro, Stenberg, , Winer, Slonim, Zalk.pdf"> 1915-6-19 Levy, Siegel, , Shapiro, Stenberg, , Winer, Slonim, Zalk</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1915 C. H. S. Graduates, Levy, Siegel, Shapiro, Steinberg, Winer, Slonim, Zalk.   </font>     1915 6 19          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1915-7-17 J. Siegel, Gilbert, brothers.pdf"> 1915-7-17 J. Siegel, Gilbert, brothers</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1915 Gilbert, Minn. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Goldish, Ros and Sarah Goldish, guests at J. Siegel.   </font> -   1915 7 17    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1915-8-15 Siegel, Lasky, funeral.pdf"> 1915-8-15 Siegel, Lasky, funeral</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1915 Six Victims Of Accident Buried. Funeral Services of the Person Drowned in Boat Mishap Held in Temple. Sixth street and Hammond avenue. Rabbi Tremblatt of Superior, Dr. Emil Horowitz of Duluth officiated. Thousand mourners, Mrs. Aaron Siegel, daughter Sylvia. Phillie and Bennie Siegel, Mrs. Louis Lasky, Antoinette Lasky.   </font> -   1915 8 15          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1915-8-15 Siegel, Lasky, funeral.pdf"> 1915-8-15 Siegel, Lasky, funeral</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1915 Six Victims Of Accident Buried. Funeral Services of the Person Drowned in Boat Mishap Hel in Temple. Sixth street and Hammond avenue synagogue. Rabbi A. Tremblatt-Superior, Dr. Emil Horowitz-Duluth, Mrs. Aaron Siegel, daughter Sylvia, Phillie and Bennie Siegel, Mrs. Louis Lasky, Antoinette Lasky. More than a thousand mourners.   </font> -   1915 8 15    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1915-9-16 Eveleth, Jewish Relief, Budlick, Siegel, Levant, Ellis, Mesberg, Shanedling, Sax, Perlman, Shapiro.pdf"> 1915-9-16 Eveleth, Jewish Relief, Budlick, Siegel, Levant, Ellis, Mesberg, Shanedling, Sax, Perlman, Shapiro</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1915 Jewish Relief Work Organized At Eveleth. Sol Budlick, Sam Siegel, Harry Levant, Sam Ellis. George Mesberg, Isadore Shanedling, Solomon Sax, H. G. Perlman, and Max Shapiro.  </font> -   1915 9 16    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1915-10-11 Agudas Achim, funds.pdf"> 1915-10-11 Agudas Achim, funds</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1915 Eveleth: Improvements For Agudas Achim Church At Eveleth Planned. Frank E. Rabinowitz, H. Sigel, A. Goldberg, Sam Siegel, Solomon Sax, Frank Weinberg, Jacob Stein, $500 collected.  </font> -   1915 10 11          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1915-11-2 Edith Karon, Siegel, Lieberman, Coran.pdf"> 1915-11-2 Edith Karon, Siegel, Lieberman, Coran</A> -   1915 11 2    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1915-11-3 Sam Siegel.pdf"> 1915-11-3 Sam Siegel</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1915 - Heavy vote in Eveleth election - Siegel is not elected for special municipal judge  </font> -   1915 11 3          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1916-1-12 Azordelyn society, Karon, Lieberman, Coran, Siegel.pdf"> 1916-1-12 Azordelyn society, Karon, Lieberman, Coran, Siegel</A> - -   headline  -   1916 1 12    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1916-1-23 Sam Ellis.pdf"> 1916-1-23 Sam Ellis</A> - -   Eveleth Jews Will Aid War Sufferers, Sam Ellis, Harry Levant, Sam Siegel  </font> -   1916 1 23    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1916-1-23 Eveleth, Harry Levant, war suffers.pdf"> 1916-1-23 Eveleth, Harry Levant, war suffers</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1916 Eveleth Jews Will Aid War Sufferers. Sam Ellis, Harry Levant, Sam Siegel.   </font> -   1916 1 23          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1916-1-23 Eveleth, American Jewish Relief, Ellis, Levant, Siegel.pdf"> 1916-1-23 Eveleth, American Jewish Relief, Ellis, Levant, Siegel</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1916 Eveleth Jews Will Aid War Sufferers. American Jewish Relief society, Sam Ellis, Harry Levant, Sam Siegel.   </font> -   1916 1 23    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1916-1-24 Eveleth, Weyenberg, Greenberg, Feldman, Stein, Siegel.pdf"> 1916-1-24 Eveleth, Weyenberg, Greenberg, Feldman, Stein, Siegel</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1916 Jewish Boys' Relief Club Raises $50 Fund. Isaac Weyenberg, Manie Feldman, Morris Greenberg, Sam Stein, Sam Siegel.  </font> -   1916 1 24          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1916-1-28  Sam Siegel, Jewish relief fund.pdf"> 1916-1-28  Sam Siegel, Jewish relief fund</A> -   1916 1 28    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1916-1-28 Eveleth, Jewish Relief, Ellis, Siegel, Levant.pdf"> 1916-1-28 Eveleth, Jewish Relief, Ellis, Siegel, Levant</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1916 Virginia: Jewish Relief Fund Exceeds Estimate. Eastern Mesaba Residents Contribute Liberally to Aid European War Suffers.Sam Ellis, Samuel Siegel, Harry Levant, Max Lewis, Sam Milavetz, Julius Shanedling, Morris Shanedling, Ben Milavetz, Sam Lippman, Raeten Latz, M. K. Baer, Ralph Wilk, Nathan Kellar.  </font> -   1916 1 28      
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1916-1-29  Sam Siegel, Virginia , Jewish relief fund.pdf"> 1916-1-29  Sam Siegel, Virginia , Jewish relief fund</A> -   1916 1 29          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1916-1-29 Eveleth, Jewish Relief Fund, Sam Ellis.pdf"> 1916-1-29 Eveleth, Jewish Relief Fund, Sam Ellis</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1916 Virginia Relief Fund Totals $1,200. Eastern Mesaba Cities and Towns Contribute Liberlally to War Sufferers. Julius Shanedling, Sam Siegel, Frank Rabinowit, Jacob Stein, Sam Siegel, Sam Ellis, Louis Rubenstein, Louis Siegel, H. A. Levant, G. H. Perlman, George Mesberg, Frank Weinberg, M. Kaner, H. Siegel, J. Winer, Harry White, Joe Learner.  </font> -   1916 1 29    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1916-7-19 Mrs J W Lindeke visiting Siegel.jpg"> 1916-7-19 Mrs J W Lindeke visiting Siegel</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1916 Mrs J W Lindeke and children of hibbing visiting mother Mrs A Siegel in Duluth  </font>     1916 7 19    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1916-10-10 Pearl Siegel and Ben Walt marriage.pdf"> 1916-10-10 Pearl Siegel and Ben Walt marriage</A> -   1916 10 10    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1917-8-19  Louis Siegel, draft.pdf"> 1917-8-19  Louis Siegel, draft</A> -   1917 8 19    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1917-10-29 Eveleth, Food.pdf"> 1917-10-29 Eveleth, Food</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1917 Eveleth: Name "Saving" Committee. Mrs. George Mesberg, Mrs. F. Rabinowitz, Mrs. M. Nathanson, Mrs. M. Feldman, Solomon Sax, Sam Ellis, Mrs. Sam Siegel, Mrs. S. Levant.  </font> -   1917 10 29    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1917-12-9 Superior-synagogue.pdf"> 1917-12-9 Superior-synagogue</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1917 Superior Jews Have Completed New Synagogue. Equiped With Steam Heat, Combination Lighting System, Auditorium and Clubrooms. Photo. 602 Hammond avenue. Organized in 1905. Harry Sparberg, William Schlossberg, A. Siegel. A. Helzberg, S. Rosenbloom, Mrs. J. Weingarden, Mrs. H. Cedar, Mrs. Esther Fraenkel, Alice Holzberg, Edith Lisky, Helen Weingarden, J. I. Sher.  </font> -   1917 12 9          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1917-12-9 Superior Hebrew synagogue 602 Hammond avenue.pdf"> 1917-12-9 Superior Hebrew synagogue 602 Hammond avenue</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1917 Superior Jews have Completed New Synagogue. Equipped With Steam Heat, Combination Lighting System, Auditoriaum and Clubrooms. 602 Hammond avenue. erecte in 1905. Last year raise. 15 active members originally. Harry Sparberg, William Schlossberg, A. Siegel.  Increased to 40. 300 attendance on special services. Young Men's Hebrew association, building valued at $12,000. Present officers A. Holzber, S. Rosenbloom, J. Simon. orthodox, Ladies Aid society, Mrs. J. Weingarden, Mrs. H. Cedar, Mrs. Esther Fraenkel. Ezrath Girls, daughters.  Alice Holzberg, Edith Lasky, Helen Weingaden, J. I. Sher.   </font>     1917 12 9    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1919-5-28 Sam Siegel, auto theft.pdf"> 1919-5-28 Sam Siegel, auto theft</A> -   1919 5 28    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1919-6-16 Hazel Chucker, Siegel, Milavetz, Kaner music.pdf"> 1919-6-16 Hazel Chucker, Siegel, Milavetz, Kaner music</A> -   1919 6 16          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1919-6-16 Kaner, Siegel, Chucker, Milavitz, Rovelsky, music.pdf"> 1919-6-16 Kaner, Siegel, Chucker, Milavitz, Rovelsky, music</A> - -   headline  -   1919 6 16          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1919-6-16 Musical, Siegel, Kaner, Chucker.pdf"> 1919-6-16 Musical, Siegel, Kaner, Chucker</A> -   1919 6 16    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1919-6-17 Siegel, Kaner, Milavetz, Chucker Mother's Education.pdf"> 1919-6-17 Siegel, Kaner, Milavetz, Chucker Mother's Education</A> - -   headline  -   1919 6 17          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1919-7-2 Philip Litman.pdf"> 1919-7-2 Philip Litman</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1919 B'nai B'rith Has Superior Lodge. Members Choose Dr. L. M. Harris as First President of New Organization. Dr. L. M. Harris. Lodge Theodore Roosevelt, No. 844. Aaron Siegel, Robert Jacobs, Isadore Cohen, S. Y. Josephs, Philip Litman, E. Lasky, L. J. Marks, Julius Cohen, A. Holmberg.  </font> -   1919 7 2    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1919-7-30 Philip Litman.pdf"> 1919-7-30 Philip Litman</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1919 Name Committees For Year; I.O.O.B. Plans Busy Season. Theodore Roosevelt, lodge, No. 844, I.O.O.B. I. D. Cohen, J. Marcus, A. Litman, Julius Cohen, S. Y. Josephs, Dr. L. M. Harris, A. Siegel, Robert Jacobs, L. J. Marks, Edward Lasky, Dr. L. M. Harris, Philip Lipman.  </font> -   1919 7 30          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1919-12-19 Siegel.pdf"> 1919-12-19 Siegel</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1919 Depbate Speakers Are Selected. Superior High School Prepares for Triangular Debating Contest. Robert Sher, Archie Siegel, Abe Chasin. A silver loving cup offered by Siegel Brothers of Superior. Harold Lasky.  </font>     1919 12 19    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1919-12-19 Siegel.pdf"> 1919-12-19 Siegel</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1919 Superior: Debate Speakers Are Selected. Superior High School Prepares for Triangular Debating Contests.  Robert Sher, Archie Siegel, Theodore Chasin, Abe Chasin, Harold Lasky.  </font>     1919 12 19          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1920-1-3 Herman Wiener and Ruth Siegel ml..pdf"> 1920-1-3 Herman Wiener and Ruth Siegel ml.</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1919 Herman Wiener and Ruth Siegel marriage license  </font> -   1920 1 3          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1920-2-4 Slonim.pdf"> 1920-2-4 Slonim</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1920 Miss Anna Slonim has chosen Feb 18 for marriage to Julius L Siegel  </font>     1920 2 4          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1920-2-19 Anna Slomin and Julius Siegel wed, Mr. and Mrs. Herman Wiener, Eveleth.pdf"> 1920-2-19 Anna Slomin and Julius Siegel wed, Mr. and Mrs. Herman Wiener, Eveleth</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1920 Miss Anna Slonim and Julius L. Siegel wed. Camels' temple, Rabbi I. Teplitz, Pearl Siegel, Ben Slonim, Mr. and Mrs. Herman Wiener-Eveleth, Mr. and Mrs. H. Benesovitz, Irene Marcus, Ethel Benesovitz, Mrs. M. Levitz, Jack Siegel, Mr. and Mrs. Wiener, Mr. and Mrs. C. Marcus.  </font> -   1920 2 19          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1920-2-19 Anna Slonim and Julius S. Siegel wed.pdf"> 1920-2-19 Anna Slonim and Julius S. Siegel wed</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1920 Miss Anna Slonim and Julius L. Siegel, marriage date, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. N. Slonim, East Sixth street.   </font>     1920 2 19          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1920-4-9 Chisholm, Gordon, Bubley, Siegel,Kaner.pdf"> 1920-4-9 Chisholm, Gordon, Bubley, Siegel,Kaner</A> -   1920 4 9    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1920-4-9 Chisholm, Katz, Gordon, Holstein, Kaner, Garber, Siegel, Bubley, Jaffe.pdf"> 1920-4-9 Chisholm, Katz, Gordon, Holstein, Kaner, Garber, Siegel, Bubley, Jaffe</A> -   1920 4 9    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1920-4-9 ag Chisholm, Gordon, Bubley, Siegel,Kaner,.pdf"> 1920-4-9 ag Chisholm, Gordon, Bubley, Siegel,Kaner,</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1920 Chisholm - Mrs Sam Katz and guests Mr and Mrs Ben Gordon, Mr and Mrs Paul Holstein, Mr and Mrs J Kaner and Mr and Mrs MW Gordon all of Virginia.  Also, Mr and Mrs M Garber, Mr and Mrs M Siegel, Mr and Mrs Ed Bubley and J Jaffe of Hibbing  </font>     1920 4 9          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1920-4-19 Aaron Siegel, Hannah Ben Kaner, Sher.pdf"> 1920-4-19 Aaron Siegel, Hannah Ben Kaner, Sher</A> -   1920 4 19    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1920-6-6 Young Judea, Siegel, Zien, Cohen, Finn.pdf"> 1920-6-6 Young Judea, Siegel, Zien, Cohen, Finn</A> -   1920 6 6          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1920-6-6 Bessie Litman, Young Judea.pdf"> 1920-6-6 Bessie Litman, Young Judea</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1920 Young Judea Club To Give 'Every Jew'. Receipts to be Used for Palestine Restoration Fund. three-act drama. Rudolph Siegel, Emil Wiener, Anna Kane, Eva Lent, Anna Saperstein, Anna Toback, Gladys Kenner, Minnie Gerschgold, Blanch Zien, Dave Sherman, Bessie Litman, Ida Scharon, Irene Bergstein, Nathan Cohen, Louis London, Jacob Carsner, Mary Cohen, play written by Mrs. J. B. Weiner and directed by Miss Goldie Finn. Louis Gomberg, Morris Cohen, Joseph Piley, Orville Anderson, Helen Segal, Blanche Zien.   </font> -   1920 6 6          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1920-6-6 Young Juedea Club.pdf"> 1920-6-6 Young Juedea Club</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1920 Young Judea Club To Give 'Every Jew' Receipts to be Used for Palestine Restoration Fund. Rudolph Siegel, Emil Wiener, Anna Kane, Eva Lent, Anna Sapertein, Anna Toback, Gladys Kenner, Minnie Gerschgold, Blanche Zien, Dave Sherman, Bessie Litman, Ida Scharon, Irene Bergstein, Nathan Cohen, Louis London, Jacob Carsner, Mary Cohen. Mrs. J. B. Weiner, Goldie Finn, Louis Gomberg, orris Cohen, Joseph Piley, Orville Anderson, Helen Segal, Blanche Zien.  </font>     1920 6 6          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1920-6-7 Bessie Litman Young Judea.pdf"> 1920-6-7 Bessie Litman Young Judea</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1920 Young Judea Society Presents 'Every Jew'. benefit Palestine Restoration fund. Rudolph Siegel, Emil Weiner, Anna Kane, Eva Lent, Anna Saperstein, Anna Toback, Gladys Kenner, Minnie Gerschbold, GBlanche Zien, Dave Sherman, Bessie Litman, Ida Sclarow, Irene Bergstein, Nathan Cohen, Louis Gordon, Jacob Carsner, Mary Cohen, Louis Gomberg, Blanch Zien, Morris Cohen, Joseph Priley, Orville Anderson, Mrs. J. B. Weiner.  </font> -   1920 6 7          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1920-6-24 B'nai Brith Lodge, Ashland, WI Resnick.pdf"> 1920-6-24 B'nai Brith Lodge, Ashland, WI Resnick</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1920 B'nai Brith Lodge Is Organized In Ashland With 39 Members. Moses Atlas lodge. Joseph I. Levy, I. Berman, Joseph Dave Rabinavitch, Harry Scharf, H. Yafee, H. Millavetz, I. Schwager, I.N. Laurie, Frank Milavetz, Harry A. Levy, Joe Cohen, Mose Cohen, Sam Holstein, Ben Milavetz, William Scharf, M. J. Seaman, Edmund Levy, Leon A. Schwager, M. Saxe, J. Siegel, A. Siegel, Charles Shoresman, Louis Rosenzwag, Sol Corush, Abe Latts, Barny Resnick, I. W. Mark, Dr. Bernard Schloosman, I. Berman, Charles Goreich, Isaac Levitt, Samuel Sherbacov, Benjamin Chatkin, Leon Siegel, Abe Goldfine, Samuel Rabinovich, A. D. Cohen, Abe Steinberg, Abe Levitt.  </font>     1920 6 24          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1920-6-24 B'nai Brith Lodge, Ashland, WI Resnick 2.pdf"> 1920-6-24 B'nai Brith Lodge, Ashland, WI Resnick</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1920 B'Nai Brith Lodge Is Organized In Ashland With 39 Members. Ashland, Wis. Independent Order of B'nai Brith, Moses Atlas lodge, Joseph I. Levy, I. Berman, Joseph Cohan, M J. Seaman, William Scharf, Charles Shoresman, Harry Levy, Abe Latts, Levitt, Sol Corush, Sam Rabinavitch, Jose Levy, William Rabinovitch, Dave Rabinovitch, Harry Scharf, H. Yafee, H. Milavetz, I. C. Schwager, I. N. Laurie, Frank Milavez, Harry A. Levy, Joe Cohen, Mose Cohen, Sam Holstein, Ben Milavetz, William Scharf, M. J. Seaman, Edmund Levy, Leon A. Schwager, M. Saxe, J. Siegel, A. Siegel, Charles Shoresman, Louis Rosanzwag, Sol Corush, Abe Latts, Barney Resnik, L. W. Mark, Dr. Bernard Schlossman, I. Berman, Charles Goreich, Isaac Levitt, Samuel Sherbacov, Benjamin Chatlkin, Leon Siegel, Abe Goldfine, Samuel Rabinovich, A. D. Cohen, Abe Steinberg, and Abe Levitt.  </font>     1920 6 24          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1920-11-19 Samuel Milavetz, dies, Mrs. S. Solinski.pdf"> 1920-11-19 Samuel Milavetz, dies, Mrs. S. Solinski</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1920 Samuel Milavetz dies, Starts In Day's Work; Sits Down And Expires, 407 John avenue, Ben and Arnold Milavetz, Esther and Sarah Milavetz, Mrs. S. Soloski of Superior, Mrs. R. Weiner and Mrs. A. Siegel of Eveleth.  </font> -   1920 11 19          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1921-2-28 B'nai Brith, spelling bee, Percy Oreck, Charles D. Oreckovsky.pdf"> 1921-2-28 B'nai Brith, spelling bee, Percy Oreck, Charles D. Oreckovsky</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1921 Women, Men Will Combat For Spellings Supremacy. B'nai B'rith spelling bee, Percy Oreck, Charles D. Oreckovsky, Samuel Gofen, M. E. Altman, Jesse Cohen, George Casmir, Harry W. Davis, Herman Elevitch, Ralph Elevitch, Abe Feldman, D. P. Feldman, Hugo Freimuth, Louis Freimuth, Dr. Samuel Gross, Jacob Garon, Toby Garon, Charles W. Green, A. B. Kapplin, Rabbi I. Lebendiger, Maurice Labovits, Morris Mark, Abe Solon, Joseph Weiner, Harry E. Weinberg, Anna Mark, Mrs. S. Polans, Mrs. Jacob Garon, Mrs. M. Cook, Mrs. D. Freimuth, Mrs. Lyle Oreck, Mrs. Morris Altman, Mrs. A. Friss, Mrs. I. Lebendiger, Mrs. A. Davidson, Mrs. S. Hirshfield, Mrs. Julius Siegel, Mrs. Oxman, Mrs. J. Leuri ?, Mrs. M. D. Nides, Mrs. H. Y. Josephs, Miss Anna Mark, Miss Bertha Mendelsohn, Miss Lillian Karon, Miss Mae Klein, Miss Alice Wetzler, Miss Esther Abrahamson, Miss Ida Berkson, Miss Mayme Weinberg, Miss Lillian Levy, and Mrs. C. A . Saksonoff  </font> -   1921 2 28          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1921-4-22 Pearl Siegel, photo.pdf"> 1921-4-22 Pearl Siegel, photo</A> -   1921 4 22    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1921-4-22 Jewish Women's Council, Solosky.pdf"> 1921-4-22 Jewish Women's Council, Solosky</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1921 Jewish Women's Council, Solosky, Mrs. S. M. Polans, Maurice Silk, Jack Lunch, A. Karon, Julius Siegel, C/ P. Meyers, J. Boynu?, A. Davidson, M. Altman, N. Garber, D. Miller, L. Lass, William Oxman, Teplesky, D. Pollock, A. Oreckovsky, Joseph Steinman, Harry Weinberg, Percy Oreck, Miriam Rosenstein, and Esther Oreckovsky.  </font> -   1921 4 22          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1921-11-27 Hibbing, Mrs. Benjamin Siegel.pdf"> 1921-11-27 Hibbing, Mrs. Benjamin Siegel</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1921 Hibbing: Forty Guests at Chicken Dinner, Mrs. Benjamin Siegel, E. S. Woolfan, Mrs. N. Sachs Mrs. L. Lewis, Mrs. Samuel Matz-Chisholm.   </font> -   1921 11 27    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1921-12-2 Eveleth, Jewish Relief, Perlman, Siegel, Ellis, Levant, Rabinowtiz.pdf"> 1921-12-2 Eveleth, Jewish Relief, Perlman, Siegel, Ellis, Levant, Rabinowtiz</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1921 Eveleth Jews Organize Society for Relief Drive. Frank Rabinowitz, Harry Levant, Max Goldberg, Sam Ellis, G. H. Perlman, Sam Siegel, N. Karlinsky.  </font> -   1921 12 2    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1921-12-2 Eveleth, Jewish Relief, Perlman, Siegel, Ellis, Levant, Rabinowtiz.pdf"> 1921-12-2 Eveleth, Jewish Relief, Perlman, Siegel, Ellis, Levant, Rabinowtiz</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1916 Eveleth Merchants Close Stores Sunday. The Fair Store, I. Shanedling, G. H. Perlman, Mastiner Bros., Max Shapiro, Goldberg Bros. Morris Shanberg, Eveleth Bazaar.  </font> -   1921 12 2          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1922-2-9 A. B. Averbook.pdf"> 1922-2-9 A. B. Averbook</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1922 Superior: A. B. Averbook, Julius Cohen, Ed Lasky, A. Siegel, J. L. Marks, Isadore Chen, Louis Kenpinsky.   </font> -   1922 2 9          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1922-8-31 Jacob D. Siegel.pdf"> 1922-8-31 Jacob D. Siegel</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1922 Superior: Siegel Leaves $48,000. Jacob D. Siegel estate.  </font> -   1922 8 31          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1922-12-2 Eveleth, Levant, Rabinowitz, Ellis, Siegel, Karlinsky, Goldberg, Perlman.pdf"> 1922-12-2 Eveleth, Levant, Rabinowitz, Ellis, Siegel, Karlinsky, Goldberg, Perlman</A> -   1922 12 2          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1922-12-2 Eveleth, Jewish Relief, Levant, Rabinowitz, Ellis, Siegel, Karlinsky, Goldberg, Perlman.pdf"> 1922-12-2 Eveleth, Jewish Relief, Levant, Rabinowitz, Ellis, Siegel, Karlinsky, Goldberg, Perlman</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1922 Eveleth: Eveleth Jews Organize Society for Relief Drive. Frank Rabinowitz, Harry Levant, Max Goldberg, Sam Ellis, G. H. Perlman, Sam Siegel, N. Karlinsky.  </font> -   1922 12 2          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1922-12-23 Evelth, Siegel, Weinberg.pdf"> 1922-12-23 Evelth, Siegel, Weinberg</A> -   1922 12 23          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1922-12-23 Eveleth, Meyer Perlman.pdf"> 1922-12-23 Eveleth, Meyer Perlman</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1922 Students To Give Play. Eveleth: Rabbi E. F. Freier, Bernice Weiner, Ann Siegel, Rosalyn Ellis, Meyer APerlman, Ruth Feldman, Simon Sax, Gertrude Siegel and Jake Weinberg.  </font> -   1922 12 23          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1922-12-23 Eveleth, Student play, Simon Sax.pdf"> 1922-12-23 Eveleth, Student play, Simon Sax</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1922 Eveleth: Students To Give Play. Talmud Torah, Rabbi E. F. Freier, Bernice Weiner, Ann Siegel, Rosalyn Ellis, Meyer Perlman, Ruth Feldman, Simon Sax, Gertrude Siegel, Jake Weinberg.  </font> -   1922 12 23          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1929 Siegel fire1.jpg"> 1929 Siegel fire1</A> - -   Fire damages are increased -   1929 1 0.1    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1929 Siegel fire2.jpg"> 1929 Siegel fire2</A> - -   Probe of Saturday fire ordered and now in Progress -   1929 1 0.2    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1929 Siegel fire3.jpg"> 1929 Siegel fire3</A> - -   article continued -   1929 1 0.3          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1929 Siegel hardware fire.jpg"> 1929 Siegel hardware fire</A> - -   Ruins of Loeb Building after spectactacular fire -   1929 1 0.4          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1957-12 Hanukkah party news w photo.jpg"> 1957-12 Hanukkah party news w photo</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1957 Hanukkah party photo - <A HREF="images2/news/1957-12 Hanukkah party news w photoID.jpg">see numbered photo for ID</A>  1.  Bob Davidson, 2.  Bruce Cohen, 3.  Lisa Goldish, 4.  Diane Krovitz Hamou Tzarfaty, 5.  Benjie Wolfe, 6.  Mark Bruzonsky, 7.  Alvin Garon, 8.  Ghitia Abramson Worcester, 9.  Steve Bruzonsky, 10. Mrs. Sam (Bess) Klatsky, 11. David Sher, 12. unidentified, 13. Barney Hasden ?, 14. Judy Ostroviak Cohen, 15. Phyllis Bruzonsky Cohen, 16. Mrs Jack Levenson, 17. Janet Widdes Morrison Rhodehamel, 18. Diane Garon Kuperman, 19. Barb Schaefer, 20. Sharon Siegel Ptaszek </font>     1957 12 0.9    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/2014-5-28  Bill Siegel honored for serving.jpg"> 2014-5-28  Bill Siegel honored for serving</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> text  </font>     2014 5 28    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1907-4-27 Mrs. Max Berger, obit..pdf"> 1907-4-27 Mrs. Max Berger, obit.</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1907 Mrs. Berger Dies As Result Of Burns. Max Berger, 1932 West Michigan street, explosion, obit.  </font>        
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1910-6-3 Cloquet, Ben Berger Jacob Kaner.pdf"> 1910-6-3 Cloquet, Ben Berger Jacob Kaner</A>              
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1910-6-3 Cloquet, Jacob Kaner. arrested.pdf"> 1910-6-3 Cloquet, Jacob Kaner. arrested</A> - - </font><font size="1">   Junk Men Arrested On Serious Charges, Cloquet, Ben Berger and Jacob Kaner, stolen property</font>        
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1910-6-3 Cloquet, Ben Berger, Jacob Kaner.pdf"> 1910-6-3 Cloquet, Ben Berger, Jacob Kaner</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1910 Cloquet: Junk Men Arrested On Serious Charge.Ben Berger, Jacob Kaner, stolen property.  </font>              
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1910-11-1 Cloquet-Ben Berger obit..pdf"> 1910-11-1 Cloquet-Ben Berger obit.</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1910 Cloquet:  Ben Berger, obit.   </font>              
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1912-1-7 Harry Lavant guest at Caplov Garber wed.0000.pdf"> 1912-1-7 Harry Lavant guest at Caplov Garber wed.0000</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1912   Lena Azine, William Howard Glass wed., Rabbi Kissen, Edythe Azine, Esther Kremen, David J. Azine, Mandel Glass, Ida Azine, Theresa Glass, guests Morris Glass, J. Berger, Edith and Joe Berger, Esther Kremen, Mandel Glass, Sara Shere, Albert Lieberman, David and john Azine, Polson.  </font>              
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1915-2-15 Virginia, Berger, Milavetz, Latz, M. K. Baer.pdf"> 1915-2-15 Virginia, Berger, Milavetz, Latz, M. K. Baer</A>              
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1917-8-20 Cloquet, Mrs. Max Berger, J. Kaner.pdf"> 1917-8-20 Cloquet, Mrs. Max Berger, J. Kaner</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1917 Cloquet: Mr. an Mrs. F. Kaner, Lillian, J. Kanr,   Mrs. Morris Berger-Supeior, J. Kaner  </font>        
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1918-5-23 Anna Garon, graduating class.pdf"> 1918-5-23 Anna Garon, graduating class</A>   - -  </font><font size="1"> 1918 Graduating Class of Duluth Central High School.  Expect 218 pupils to try for Central High diplomas.  List of Jewish names:   Frederic Albenberg - 128 Eighth Avenue East, University of Minnesota, business course;   Nathan Azine - 420 First Avenue West;    Morris Berger - 212 East Fourth Street, University of Minnesota, business and finance;    Eugene Bondy - 1005 East First Street;    Moe Buchman - 110 West Fifth Street, University of Minnesota, academic;    Sam Davis - 807 East Third Street;    Ralph Elevitch - 127 West Fourth Street;    Lillian Friedman - 1612 East Fifth Street;    Anna Garon - 517 Fourth Avenue East;    Fern Goldberg - 1507 East Third Street, Wheaton College, academic;    Harry Karon - 20 East Second Street;     Maurice Labovitz - 516 G West Second Street;    Cecil Laskawitz - 420 East Seventh Street;    Ruth Lent - 1815 Piedmont Avenue;    Sylvester Meyers - 216 East Third Street, University of Minnesota, academic;    Henry Polinsky - 212 Third Avenue East, University of Minnesota, law;    Sarah Rosenberg - 17 East Third Street;    Harry Segal - 424 East Third Street;    Helena Silberstein - 2328 East Third Street, Smith College;    Israel Walt - 811 East Fifth Street, University of Minnesota, pharmacy;     </font>              
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1918-12-8 Morris Berger, cigar store, newspapers.pdf"> 1918-12-8 Morris Berger, cigar store, newspapers</A>              
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1918-12-8 Morris Berger, ad.pdf"> 1918-12-8 Morris Berger, ad</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1918 Selling Newspapers Starts Morris Berger In Business.   </font>              
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1918-12-11 Morris Berger, newspapers, cigars.pdf"> 1918-12-11 Morris Berger, newspapers, cigars</A>        
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1918-12-11 Morris Berger.pdf"> 1918-12-11 Morris Berger</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1918 New Management Ad for Cigar and Confectionery Store, 482 East Fourth St.  </font>        
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1919-10-18 Virginia, M. Berger.pdf"> 1919-10-18 Virginia, M. Berger</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1919 Better Express Service Is Demaned At Virginia. L. M. Berger, Morris Shanedling, M. K. Baer.  </font>        
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1919-10-19 Jewish ad, Weisberg.pdf"> 1919-10-19 Jewish ad, Weisberg</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1919 Jewish Ad. Help the Stricken Jews of Europe by Giving Clothes. Sam Berman, L. Weisberg, M. Berger, H. Stein.  Note:  Unusual to have an ad with Hebrew characters. Translation of yiddisih in the ad:   HELP!           HELP!  GREAT IS THE CATASTROPHY OF OUR JEWISH PEOPLE.  OUTSIDE-TORN-NAKED AND BAREFOOT.  OUR BROTHERS AND SISTERS GO AROUND IN THIS POGROM LANDS AND TO  US AMERICAN JEWS THEY STRETCH OUT THEIR HAND AND HOLLER HELP!  HELP!  AND WE CALL OUT TO YOU JEWS OF DULUTH, GIVE AWAY PART OF YOUR CLOTHES.  PREPARE YOUR BUNDLES, CALL AND THIS COMMITTEE WILL COME AND PICK THEM UP. "THIS LINE IS THE DATE REPEATED"   PUT IN A SPOOL OF THREAD AND NEEDLES. TIE EACH PAIR OF SHOES SEPARATELY. - translation to  Marilyn Chait and Herman Markowitz - -  <A HREF="images2/news/1919-10-19 Jewish ad, Weisberg.jpg">cropped image with translation</A></font>        
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1921-4-30 Phillip Berger, son of Mr. and Mrs. Max Berger, obit..pdf"> 1921-4-30 Phillip Berger, son of Mr. and Mrs. Max Berger, obit.</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1921 Phlip Berger, infant obit. Mr. and Mrs. Max Berger.   </font>              
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1921-4-30 Philip Berger obit..pdf"> 1921-4-30 Philip Berger obit.</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1921 Philip Berger, nine month infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Berger  </font>        
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1921-6-29 David and Max Berger, auto accident.pdf"> 1921-6-29 David and Max Berger, auto accident</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1921 Auto Victim Gets Verdfict. David and Morris Berger, joint defendant.  </font>        
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1922-4-30 Frank Hillman, obit. Michael Berger, Maple Grove Rd..pdf"> 1922-4-30 Frank Hillman, obit. Michael Berger, Maple Grove Rd.</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1922 Frank Hillman, obit. 816 East Sevent street, parents Mr. and Mrs. Sam Hillman 320 Fourth avenue East, Mrs. John Gollop, Mrs. Joseph Steward, Mrs. Michael Berger, Jewish cemetery on Maple Grove road.  </font>        
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1910-1-2 Siegel.pdf"> 1910-1-2 Siegel</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1910 Master Norman and Harold Lasky, Hammond avenue, 10th and seventh birtdays, Nathan Siegel, Paul Franklin-New York City, Minnie Holzberg, Sara Litman-Duluth, Chauncey Miller, David Miller, Sylvia Siegel, Archie Siegel, Edythe Lasky, Birdie Weingarten, Helen Weingarten, Benjamin Siegel, Marian Shonesman-Coleraine, Minn., Lois Bloom-Minneapolis.  (full page) </font> -   1910 1 2      
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1910-1-2 Siegel c.jpg"> 1910-1-2 Siegel c</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1910 Master Norman and Harold Lasky, Hammond avenue, 10th and seventh birtdays, Nathan Siegel, Paul Franklin-New York City, Minnie Holzberg, Sara Litman-Duluth, Chauncey Miller, David Miller, Sylvia Siegel, Archie Siegel, Edythe Lasky, Birdie Weingarten, Helen Weingarten, Benjamin Siegel, Marian Shonesman-Coleraine, Minn., Lois Bloom-Minneapolis. (cropped version as jpg image) </font> -   1910 1 2          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1915-7-6 Lena Tobin wedding, Sloan, Lieberman.pdf"> 1915-7-6 Lena Tobin wedding, Sloan, Lieberman</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1915 Lena Tobin wedding, Lester H. Cannon, Goldie Cannon, Mr. and Mrs. Cannon, Mrs. E. Miller, Lester Miller, Mrs. C. Levine, Joseph Selin, Rev. and Mrs. B. Gusse, Mrs. N. Joelson, Mrs. L. Singer, Mrs. R. Sloan, Mrs. S. H. Shankey, Mrs. Leo Leiberman, J. Canelstein, Birdie Silverman  </font> -   1915 7 6    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1918-12-1 Superior, Zion flag day.pdf"> 1918-12-1 Superior, Zion flag day</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1918 Superior, Jewish repatriation to be object of today's drive.  Zion flag day, Mamie Goldfein, Rae Schneider, Hannah Kaner, Edith Lasky, Rose Vogel, Elsie Weinstein, Birdie Gittleman, Ethel Letts (Latts), Rose Titch, Sarah Litman, Elsie Marcus, Murtle Marcus, Mary Weinberg, Evelyn Greenblatt, Birdie Weingarten, Bertha Arnovitch.</font> -   1918 12 1    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1918-12-1 Sarah Litman, Jewish Repatriation.pdf"> 1918-12-1 Sarah Litman, Jewish Repatriation</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1918 Jewish Repatriation To Be Object Of Today's Drive. Superior: Jewish National Fund, Hannah Kaner, Edith Lasky, Rose Vogel, Elsie Weinstein, Mamie Goldfein, Birdie Gitleman, Ethel Letts, Rose Titch, Sarah Litman, Elsie Marcus, Murtle Marcus, Mary Weinberg, Evelyn Greenblatt, Birdie Weingarten, Bertha Arnovitch.  </font> -   1918 12 1    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1918-12-1 Marcus.pdf"> 1918-12-1 Marcus</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1918 Superior:  Jewish Repatriation To Be Object Of Today's Drive. Jewish national fund, Rae Schneider, Hannah Kaner, Edith Lasky, Rose Vogel, Elsie Weinstein, Mamie Goldfein, Birdie Gittleman, Ethel Letts, Rose Titch, Sarah Litman, Elsie Marus, Murtle arcus, Mary Weinberg, Eveleyn Greenblatt, Birdie Weingarten, Bertha Arnovitch.  </font>     1918 12 1    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1918-12-2 Superior, Zion Flag Day.pdf"> 1918-12-2 Superior, Zion Flag Day</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1918 Superior, Zion Flag day adds to fund. Superior young women realize comfortable sum toward Palestine's redemption.  Mamie Goldfein, Rae Schneider, Hannah Kaner, Edith Lasky, Rose Vogel, Elsie Weinstein, Birdie Gitleman, Ethel Latts, Rose Titch, Sarah Litman, Elsie Marcus, Murtle Marcus, Mary Weinberg, Evelyn Greenblatt, Birdie Weingarten, and Bertha Arnovitch.  </font> -   1918 12 2          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1919-10-20 Sarah Litman.pdf"> 1919-10-20 Sarah Litman</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1919 Miss Sarah Litman Is Hostess To Miss Harriet Elexander. Sarah Litman, 1415 Eleventh street, Miss Harriet Elexander-New York. Miss Pearl Johnson, Edith Lasky, Birdie Weingarten, Rose Sanders, Lillian Harris, Harriet Elexander, Elsie Marks, Myrtle Nathanson, Edith Fieldman, Sarah Litman.  </font> -   1919 10 20          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1920-1-5 M. L. Zien obit. Rabbi Lefkovitz, Berdie.pdf"> 1920-1-5 M. L. Zien obit. Rabbi Lefkovitz, Berdie</A>  - - </font><font size="1"> 1920 Mrs. M. L. Zien, Age 50, Dies; to Hold Funeral Tomorrow, obit. Morris Zien, Helen and Blanch Zien, P. H. Berdie, De Birdie, E. L. Zien, Zidney Zien, William P. Zien. Rabbi Maurice Lefkovits.  </font> -   1920 1 5          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1920-1-5 Mrs. M. L. Zien obit..pdf"> 1920-1-5 Mrs. M. L. Zien obit.</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1920 Mrs. M. L. Zien obit. Mrs. M. L. Zien, Age 50 Dies; To Hold Funeral Tomorrow, 404 East Fifth street, Morris Zien husband, daughters Helen and Blanch Zien, father P. H. Berdie of Milwaukee, sister De? Birdie of Milwaukee, brothers E. L. Zien of Duluth, Zidney Zien of Chicago, William P. Zien of Milwaukee.  </font> -   1920 1 5          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1896-8-3 Bess Altman burned.pdf"> 1896-8-3 Bess Altman burned</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1896 Bess Altman burned - Rescues Her Child. Brave Mrs. Altman Terribly Burned In Saving Her Daughter's Life. Little Girl Badly Injured. Both Are In Serious Condition But Will Probably Recover. Fire Lighted With Kerosene. Narrow Escape From a - Double Tragedy at Tenth Avenue East.  </font> -   1896 8 3    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1897-4-10 Samuel Altman obit..pdf"> 1897-4-10 Samuel Altman obit.</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1897 Samuel Altman, suicide, 22 years old. 130 Franklin avenue.  </font> -   1897 4 10    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1945-5-11 Senior Class Play - Duluth Central HS.jpg"> 1945-5-11 Senior Class Play - Duluth Central HS</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> Sylvestor Sher, Joel Labovitz, Phyllis Freimuth Rudolph, Gail Altman Meissner, Sarah Zien Herzog, Elinor Siegel Leipzi and  Esther Pearl Goldberg  </font>     1900 1 0          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1901-5-12 Altman.pdf"> 1901-5-12 Altman</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1901. A ship went down and several members of the Altman family were lost.  </font> -   1901 5 12          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1901-5-12 Victims of Bon Voyage-Altman.pdf"> 1901-5-12 Victims of Bon Voyage-Altman</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1901 Victims Of Bon Voyage, Three Bodies Found, But the Fourth is Missing. Bessie Altman Saved.Her mother, grandmother and two sisters perished.  - Mrs. Leah Sharp, Mrs. B. Altman, ary Altman, Annie Altman.  </font> -   1901 5 12          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1901-5-13 Bessie Altman survives .pdf"> 1901-5-13 Bessie Altman survives </A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1901 Bessie Altman survives. - Family Was Fated To Die, Mrs. Altman Thought of Delaying Her Trip. Her Husband Was Anxious. Did not want to wait til Bessie had finished school. Bon Ami Arrives From Houghton this morning bearing Bon Voyage's Crew.   </font> -   1901 5 13    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1901-5-14 Altman, fright.pdf"> 1901-5-14 Altman, fright</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1901 Women Crazed With Fright. Survivors of Bon Voyage Tell the Tale. All Might Have Been Saved. Members of Crew Powerless to Assist. Struggling in Waters, Mrs. Cowan's Appeal Is Unheeded by a Chicagoan.  </font> -   1901 5 14          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1901-5-17 Benjamin Altman.pdf"> 1901-5-17 Benjamin Altman</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1901 Scored Crew Of The Bon Voyage. Full Text of Verdict of the Coroner's Jury. No Effort To Save The Women. Benjamin Altman Will Sue For Heavy Damages. Gist of Some of the Testimony Given By Passengers-Damaging to the Company.  </font> -   1901 5 17          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1901-5-18 Ada Altman remains.pdf"> 1901-5-18 Ada Altman remains</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1901 Body Of Victim Is Identified. Mrs. Ada Altman Had Prepared for the Worst. Coroner Holds No Inquest. Husband of the Unfortunate Woman Heartbroken. Glad, However That the Remains Have Been Recovered. Jewish Funeral.  </font> -   1901 5 18          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1901-5-18 Mrs. Ada Altman obit..pdf"> 1901-5-18 Mrs. Ada Altman obit.</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1901 Body Of Victim Is Identified. Mrs. Ada Altman Had Prepared for the Worst.   </font>     1901 5 18          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1901-5-22 B. Altman sues Bon Voyage for loss.pdf"> 1901-5-22 B. Altman sues Bon Voyage for loss</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1901 Altman Wants $15,000 Damages. Owners of Bon Voyage Threatened With Heavy Suit. Coroner's Jury Responsible. Bereaved Claimant Influenced By Their Verdict. Vessel Men Advise Reservation of Judgment Until Steamboat Inspectors Report.  </font> -   1901 5 22          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1901-6-1 B. Altman, Bon Voyage liability.pdf"> 1901-6-1 B. Altman, Bon Voyage liability</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1901 Looks Gloomy For B. Altman. Owners of Bon Voyage Take Advantage of Law. Big Damages Impossible. Liability Limited By Value Of The Boat As She Is. As Craft Is Almost Total Is Recovery in Damage Suits Will Amount to Nothing.   </font> -   1901 6 1          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1901-7-14 Altman, wreck appraisers.pdf"> 1901-7-14 Altman, wreck appraisers</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1901 Not Much Left For Altman. Bo Voyage Wreak Appraisers Served With Order. Dubious For The Creditors Total Amount Of Salvage Said To Be $24.62. Owner of Boat Will Take Advantage of the Law as to Limitation of Liability.  </font> -   1901 7 14    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1901-8-6 Altman Will Sue.pdf"> 1901-8-6 Altman Will Sue</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1901 Atman Will Sue.  </font> -   1901 8 6          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1901-12-29 Altman.pdf"> 1901-12-29 Altman</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1901 Wednesday,at the home of Mr. and rs. G. Altman, a party was given in honor of Miss Bessie Altman and Master Morris Altman. The afternoon was pent in playing games, and thee was delightful music.The table from which refreshment were served was decorated with American beauty roses.  </font> -   1901 12 29          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1905-11-5 Rose Witz, Halloween party.pdf"> 1905-11-5 Rose Witz, Halloween party</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> Hallowe'en party, The Jolly Coterie, Selma Casmir, Sarah Simon, Sadie Berkson, Mathilda Berkson, Aronson, Lizzie Helperin, Eva Casmir, Mary Oreck, Nellie Lavick, Ether Shapiro, Bessie Cowl, Rose Witz, Sadie Rocklin, Rachael Oreck, Mr. Becker, Louis Bennett, Allan Rocklin, Harry Levine, Herman Aronson, George Altman, Charles Oreck, Harry Glassner. </font> -   1905 11 5    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1905-12-5 Joseph Altman.pdf"> 1905-12-5 Joseph Altman</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1905 Magie Goes After Bellock. Joseph Altman, clothier, West Michigan Street.  </font>     1905 12 5    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1905-12-12 Joseph Altman.pdf"> 1905-12-12 Joseph Altman</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1905 Chicago Cops Hold Bellock. Man Is Wanted in Duluth For Assaulting and Robbing J. Altman.   </font>     1905 12 12          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1905-12-13 Joseph Altman.pdf"> 1905-12-13 Joseph Altman</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1905  J. Kennedy Is Held For Jury. Joseph Altman Identifies Him As One of Two Assailants and robbers.  </font>     1905 12 13          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1905-12-17 Joseph Altman.pdf"> 1905-12-17 Joseph Altman</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1905 Bellock May Never Return. Man Wanted In Duluth for Assault and Robbery Released At Chicago. </font>     1905 12 17    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1906-5-5 Joseph Altman.pdf"> 1906-5-5 Joseph Altman</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1906 Grand Jury Returnds Six True Bills For Felonies. Charles J. McDonald Held For Forgery of Checks, Grand Larceny Being the Charge Against George E. Bellock, George Kennedy and Michael J. Lynch.    </font>     1906 5 5          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1906-6-23 Altman Cohen and Jennie Valk ml..pdf"> 1906-6-23 Altman Cohen and Jennie Valk ml.</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1906 Altman Cohen and Jennie Valk, marriage license.  </font>     1906 6 23    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1907-5-23 Joseph Altman.pdf"> 1907-5-23 Joseph Altman</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1907 Building permits, Joseph Altman  </font>     1907 5 23    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1908-6-4 Esther Mary Sosnovsky, George Cook.pdf"> 1908-6-4 Esther Mary Sosnovsky, George Cook</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1908 Jackson School, Morris Altman, James Viener, Mary Sosnovsky, George Cook.   </font>     1908 6 4    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1908-6-7 Temple Emanuel confirmation.pdf"> 1908-6-7 Temple Emanuel confirmation</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1908 Temple Emanuel. Confirmation services, Rabbi Lefkovitz, Minnie Helstein, Lillian Levy, Irma Levin Miriam Solomon, Sadie Gingold, and Bessie Altman.  </font>     1908 6 7          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1908-8-4 Max Altman.pdf"> 1908-8-4 Max Altman</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1908 Moses Montifiore Hebrew school incorporated, Robert Backman, Joseph Polinsky, M. S. Cook, Charles P. Meyers, Max Zalk, Louis Helstein, Abraham J. Klatsky, Max Altman, Joseph Oreckovsky.  </font>     1908 8 4    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1908-8-4 Abraham J. Klatsky.pdf"> 1908-8-4 Abraham J. Klatsky</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1908 Three Companies Are Incorporated. Trio of New Duluth Concerns take Necessary Legal Steps to transact Business. The Moses Montifiore Hebrew school was incorporated by the following: Robert Backman, Joseph Polinsky, M. S. Cook, Charles P. Meyers, Max Zalk, Louis Helstein, Abraham J. Klatsky, Max Altman, and Joseph Oreckovsky.  </font>     1908 8 4          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1909-1-3 Eva Sosnovsky.pdf"> 1909-1-3 Eva Sosnovsky</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1909 Miss Lena Azine, 311 East First St., Esther Shapira, Sarah D. Salnovitz, Ada Cohen, Edith Azine, Bessie Canfield, Sarah Casmir, Rose Silk, Lena Finkelstein, Sophie Caplov, Fannie Altman, Eva Oreckovsky, Bessie Rocklin, Minnie Light, Eva Sosnovsky, Emily Nusbaum, P. Averbrook, Irwin Oreck, B. Azine, Louis Goldsberg, Samuel Cohen, Charles Harris, S. Fieldman, Sam Abrahamson, B. Stern, Charles Nattelson.   </font>     1909 1 3          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1909-1-27 Weinstein and Simon wed.pdf"> 1909-1-27 Weinstein and Simon wed</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1909 Wedding Is Most Elaborate Event. Reception and Sumptuous Feast Follow Simon-Weinstein Marriage Ceremony. Sarah Vivian Simon and Harold Weinstein-Coleraine, 406 East Fifth street, 500 guests, synagogue, corner of Third avenue east and Third street. Sadie Berkson, Bessie Cowl-Minneapolis, Gustie Simon-Gilbert, Sarah Marcus-Minneapolis, Rose Witz-Duluth, Louis Helperin, Al Lieberman-Bovey, Samuel Altman-Chisholm, Isadore Cohen-Chisholm, Robert Simon-Gilbert, Robert Frank, Florence Simon. Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Weinstein-Bovey, Rabbi Tetlitz, Rabbi Kissan. William Abrahamson, Milton Kraus-Chicago, W. L. Millar, Wolf Simon, M. S. Cook, Nathan Kraus-Chicago, Mr. and Mrs. M. Simon-St. Paul, Alice Fegelson-St. Paul, Mrs. S. Orenstein-St. Paul, Marcia Harris-St. Paul, Mrs. Samuel Pavian-St. Paul, Mrs. William Orenstein-Houghton, Mich. Mrs. S. Frank-South Bend, Ind. Mr. and Mrs. D. Simon, Mr. and Mrs. I. Simon-Gilbert, E. J. Sloan-Bessemer, Mich., Dora Canfield-Minneapolis, Sarah Ripstein-Winnipeg.    (Big wedding for its time and lots of guests from out of town.)  </font>     1909 1 27          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1909-1-27 Sarah Vivian Simon & Harold Weinstein wed.pdf"> 1909-1-27 Sarah Vivian Simon & Harold Weinstein wed</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1909 Wedding Is Most Elaborate Event. Reception and Sumptuous Feast Follow Simon-Weinstein Marriage Ceremony. Sarah Vivian Simon and Harold Weinstein-Coleraine, 406 East Fifth street, 500 guests, synagogue, corner of Third avenue east and Third street. Sadie Berkson, Bessie Cowl-Minneapolis, Gustie Simon-Gilbert, Sarah Marcus-Minneapolis, Rose Witz-Duluth, Louis Helperin, Al Lieberman-Bovey, Samuel Altman-Chisholm, Isadore Cohen-Chisholm, Robert Simon-Gilbert, Robert Frank, Florence Simon. Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Weinstein-Bovey, Rabbi Tetlitz, Rabbi Kissan. William Abrahamson, Milton Kraus-Chicago, W. L. Millar, Wolf Simon, M. S. Cook, Nathan Kraus-Chicago, Mr. and Mrs. M. Simon-St. Paul, Alice Fegelson-St. Paul, Mrs. S. Orenstein-St. Paul, Marcia Harris-St. Paul, Mrs. Samuel Pavian-St. Paul, Mrs. William Orenstein-Houghton, Mich. Mrs. S. Frank-South Bend, Ind. Mr. and Mrs. D. Simon, Mr. and Mrs. I. Simon-Gilbert, E. J. Sloan-Bessemer, Mich., Dora Canfield-Minneapolis, Sarah Ripstein-Winnipeg. (Big wedding for its time and lots of guests from out of town.)   </font>     1909 1 27          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1909-3-14 Samuel Altman and Rose Witz, m.l..pdf"> 1909-3-14 Samuel Altman and Rose Witz, m.l.</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1909 Samuel Altman and Rose Witz, both of St. Lois County. marriage license.  </font> -   1909 3 14    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1909-3-18 Chisholm, Rose Witz and Samuel Altman wed.pdf"> 1909-3-18 Chisholm, Rose Witz and Samuel Altman wed</A>  - -  </font><font size="1">  1909 Chisholm, Witz-Altman, Rose Witz and Samuel Altman, wed, Rabbi Kissam, Dora Witz, Harry Lipman  </font> -   1909 3 18    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1909-3-21 Rose Witz and Samuel Altman wed.pdf"> 1909-3-21 Rose Witz and Samuel Altman wed</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1909 Chisholm: Rose Witz and Samuel Altman Rabbi Kissam, Dora Witz, Harry Lipman.  </font> -   1909 3 21          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1909-4-12 Hibbing, farewell party, Helstein.pdf"> 1909-4-12 Farewell party</A> - -  </font><font size="1"> Give Farewell Party, Hibbing, Helstein,  Miller, Greenblatt, Hallock, Kitz, Woolfan, Lippman, Sachks, Sher, Lindeske, Altman, Nides</font> -   1909 4 12          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1909-9-29 Eva Sosnovsky.pdf"> 1909-9-29 Eva Sosnovsky</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1909 Surprised By Friends, Miss Lena Azine, 311 East First street, Miss Esther Shapira, Sarah D. Salnovitz, Ada Cohen, Edith Azine, Bessie Canfield, Sarah Casmir, Rose Sha? Lena Finkelstein, Sophie Caplov, Fannie Altman, Eva Oreckovsky, Bessie Rocklin, Minnie Light, Eva Sosnovsky, Emil Nusbaum, Lyle Oreck, P. Averbrook, Irwin Oreck, B. Azine, Louis Goldsberg, Samuel Cohen, Charles Harris, S. Fieldman, Sam Abrahamson, B. Stern, Charles Nattleson  </font>     1909 9 29          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1909-10-3 Eva Sosnovsky.pdf"> 1909-10-3 Eva Sosnovsky</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1909 Lena Azine, 311 East First street, Esther Shapira, Sarah D. Salnovitz, Ada Cohen, Edith Azine, Bessie Canfield, Sarah Casmir, Rose Silk, Lena Finkelstein, Sophie Caplov, Fannie Altman, Eva Oreckovsky, Bessie Rocklin, Minnie Light, Eva Sosnovsky, Emil Nusbaum, P. Averbrook, Irwin Oreck, B. Azine, Louis Goldsberg, Samuel Cohen Charles Harris, S. Fieldman, Sam Abrahamson, B. Stern, Charles Nattleson.   </font>     1909 10 3    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1910-7-13 George W. Altman obit..pdf"> 1910-7-13 George W. Altman obit.</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1910 George Altman-W.24, Duluth, July 9.  </font> -   1910 7 13    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1910-9-10 Joseph Altman.pdf"> 1910-9-10 Joseph Altman</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1910 Playfully Aimed Gun Discharged. Store Clerk Arrested Following Infliction of Slight Injury on Stranger Who Owns Weapon. Joseph Altman, 507 West Superior Street.  </font>     1910 9 10          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1910-11-7 Virginia, Bessie Litman and Joseph Berinsky, Altman.pdf"> 1910-11-7 Virginia, Bessie Litman and Joseph Berinsky, Altman</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1910 Virginia:  Festivities Are Wedding Feature. Jewish People of Virginia Have Gal Time at Berinsky-Litman Marriage. Bessie Litman, Joseph Berinsky, Rabbi Booth, Harry Lit man, Libbie Holzberg, John Mesberg, Morris Shanedling, Dan and Sam Melovetz,  E. Bickford, Michael Boylan, M. Altman, Mr. H. Helstein, Mr. and Mrs. B. Gordon, Mr. Laurey, Mr. and Mrs. M. Altman, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Altman, Mr. and Mrs. H. Hollock, Alice Holzberg, Neil McInnis, Walter J. Smith. </font> -   1910 11 7          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1910-11-7 Joseph Berinsky and Bessie Litman wed.pdf"> 1910-11-7 Joseph Berinsky and Bessie Litman wed</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1910 Festivities Are Wedding Feature. Jewish People of Virginia Have Gala Time at Berinsky-Litman Marriage. Virginia: Miss Bessie Litman, Joseph Berinsky wed. Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Litman, Rabbi Booth, Harry Litman, Libbie Holzberg, John Mesberg, Morris Shanedling, Dan and Sam Melovetz, City Clerk A. E. Bickford, Alderman Michael Boylan, M. Altman, Mrs. H. Helstein, Mr. and Mrs. B. Gordon, Mr. Laurey, Mr. and Mrs. M. Altman, Mr. and Mrs. H. Hollock, Miss Alice Holzberg, Neil McInnis, Walter J. Smith.   </font> -   1910 11 7          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1910-11-18 Mrs. Witz, Dora Witz, H. Witz, Polinsky, card party.pdf"> 1910-11-18 Mrs. Witz, Dora Witz, H. Witz, Polinsky, card party</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1910 Hostess At Cards, Dora Witz, H. Witz, Rogan, Vrain, Witz, Anderson, Larson, Thompson, Sarah Polinsky, Esther Sanders, Alice Wayland, Mabel McDowell, Ruth Borgan, Gertrude Witz, Harry Altman, M. Steinberg, and Clyde Kintz.  </font> -   1910 11 18          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1911-12-27 Dave Polinsky, complaint.pdf"> 1911-12-27 Dave Polinsky, complaint</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1911 Dave Polinsky, complaint violated city ordinances, petitioners: J. Altman, F. Lahovitz, Sam Barnard, J. Oreckovsky, B. Davidson, Leon Solomon, Mrs. Cook, Polinsky, aliby Windsor Clothing company, L. Seiden, Abraham Stern, M. Levine, D. Oppan, M. Viener, F. Shapiro, N. Kaplan.  </font> -   1911 12 27        
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1912-2-2 Maurice Klatsky.pdf"> 1912-2-2 Maurice Klatsky</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1912 A Cabin Party. Sol Levy, leave for Seattle, guests: Clara and Sadie Shore, Sarah Hurvits, Beatrice Natelson, Sadie Postoff, Sadie Natelson, Maurice Silk, Julius Siegel, Henry Saul, John Altman, Maurice Klatsky, and Leo Bondy.  </font>     1912 2 2    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1912-2-14 Alice Natelson and John H. Altman eng..pdf"> 1912-2-14 Alice Natelson and John H. Altman eng.</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1912 Engagement Announced Alice Natelson and John H. Altman.  </font> -   1912 2 14          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1912-3-18 Joe Horwitz.pdf"> 1912-3-18 Joe Horwitz</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1912 "Artaxerxes" Moses Montefiore Hebrew school. Rabbi E. Horowitz, Joe Horowitz, Allen Rachlin, H. Gersehold, Miss T. Berkstrom, Abe Oreckowsky, Eva Salk, Sadie Gingold, Nathan Cook, H. G. Loviejk, Sam Cook, Isidor Usan, Harry Levin, N. Asin, Jacob Usan, M. Altman, S. Meyers, M. Orak, D. Orekowski, G. Cassimir, M. Rosenberg, A. Rosenberg, Sam Cook, S. Slotkowsky, P. Cassimir, S. Meyers, L. Sanders, S. Shore, B. Tobak, T. Garon, Charles Green, S. Singer, B. Shore, Abe Rosenberg, B. Zlotkowsky, Doris Gatkin, A. Price,  Abe Littman, B. Harris, E. Seidel, Rose Meyers, Lena Stein, David Silver, Sam Cassimir, Jack Shusterman, M. Oreck, Lilly Weiner, Lena Singer.  </font> -   1912 3 18    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1912-5-14 Sadie Fostoff.pdf"> 1912-5-14 Sadie Fostoff</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1912 Bundle Shower For Miss Esther Kernes. Miss Leona Kassmir, 419 First avenue West, in honor of Miss Esther Kernes, Sallie Oreck, Evelyn Rachlin, Sadie Rocklin, Esther Kernes, Leona Kassmir, Sadie Shore, Mrs. N. S. Barber, Weingarten of Superior, Evelyn Rocklin, Selma Casmir, Fannie Altman, Sadie Fostoff, Catherine Collins, Helen Popkin, Ray Abelson, Silverman.  </font>     1912 5 14    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1912-6-2 Dora Witz, cards.pdf"> 1912-6-2 Dora Witz, cards</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1912 Card party in honor of Mrs. F. Kahan, D. Silverman, M. Finklestein - - guests:  H. Finklestein, Tillie Berkson, Jennie Witz, H. Silk, H. Bennett, J. Bennett, S. Altman, Rosenberg, Rifkin, Berg, Berkson, Fostoff, Silverman, M. Cohen, Mrs. Altman, M. Zalk, M. Casmir, L. Fix, S. Casmir, Teplitz, G. Harris, W. Simon, M. Caplow, F. Kahan, Della Fox, Dora Witz, Fanny Altman, Eva Zalk, Jennie Witz, Sadie Berkson, Ida Berkson, Cohen, Sarah Fostoff</font> -   1912 6 2          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1912-6-2 Mrs. J. Fostoff.pdf"> 1912-6-2 Mrs. J. Fostoff</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1912 Mrs. F. Kahan, Mrs. D. Silverman of Pittsburgh, guests of honor. Mrs. M. Finklestein, Mrs. H. Finklestein, Tillie Berkson, Jennie Witz, Mrs. H. Silk, Mrs. H. Bennett, Mrs. J. Bennett, Mrs. S. Altman, Mrs. Rosenberg, Mrs. Rifkin, Mrs. F. Berg, Mrs. J. Berkson, Mrs. J. Fostoff, Mrs. D. Silverman, Mrs. M. Cohen, Mrs. Altman, Mrs. M. Zalk, Mrs. M. Casmir, Mrs. L. Fix, Mrs. S. Casmir, Mrs. Teplitz, Mrs. G. Harris, Mrs. W. Simon, Mrs. M. Caplow, Mrs. F. Kahan, Della Fox, Dora Witz, Fanny Altman, Eva Zalk, Jennie Witz, Sadie Berkson, Ida Berkson, Cohen, Sarah Fostoff, Mrs. Kahan and Mrs. Silverman left for Europe.   </font>     1912 6 2    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1912-6-4 Sarah and Joseph Altman.pdf"> 1912-6-4 Sarah and Joseph Altman</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1912 Sarah Altman and Joseph Altman demanded $3,500 for alleged damages to their premises which they aver? resulted from a flood in West Michigan street May 3 and 4.   </font>     1912 6 4          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1912-6-18 Alice F. Natelson and John H. Altman m.l..pdf"> 1912-6-18 Alice F. Natelson and John H. Altman m.l.</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1912 Marriage License, John H. Altman and Alice F. Natelson.  </font> -   1912 6 18          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1912-8-4 Monick Altman confirmation photo.pdf"> 1912-8-4 Monick Altman confirmation photo</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1912 Confirmation Feast At The Altman Home, Monick Altman. Mr. and Mrs. J. Altman, 531 West Third street. S. Natelson, Dr. E. Horwitz, J. Altman, Mrs. Altman, J. Oreckovsky, Dr. S. Gross, Harry Altman, Sam Banks, Max Oreckovsky, Isabel Natelson, N. Kriss, D. Davidson, Mrs. J. Oreckovsky, M. Rose, Joe Oreckovsky, Miss S. Marner, L. Charles.  </font> -   1912 8 4          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1913-4-13 Sara Salnovitz.pdf"> 1913-4-13 Sara Salnovitz</A> - -   Edythe Azine, Sosnosky, Altman, Fieldman, Weinstein, Lavick, Joseph, Finklestein, Salnovitz  -   1913 4 13          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1913-5-22 Frank Labovitz.pdf"> 1913-5-22 Frank Labovitz</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1913 Licenses must Be Renewed. Notice Will Be Servied on Pawnbrokers and Second-Hand Store and Poolroom Proprietors. Places To Be Closed Unless City is ?. Establishments Running in ? ance  Ordinances Governing Their Regulation. Pawnbrokers: Frank Labovitz, Sam Barnard, M. Levine, Jacog D. Sieigle, J. Altman, J. Oreckovsky. A. H. Polinsky. Second hand stores: Israel Rosenberg, Sam Gold, S. Golrfarb? Pool and billiard tables: M. S. Cook.   </font>     1913 5 22          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1913-9-14 Moses Montefiore Hebrew School Assn., Joseph Oreckovsky.pdf"> 1913-9-14 Moses Montefiore Hebrew School Assn., Joseph Oreckovsky</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1913 Moses Montefiore School For Jewish Children.- Chartered members: Robert Buchman, Joseph Polinsky, Charles P. Meyers, Meyer S. Cook, Lew Helstein, Joseph Oreckovsky, Max Zalk, A. J. Klatzkey, Max Altman, Charles P. Meyers, Abe Garon, Joseph Weinberg, Rabbi I. S. Teplitz, Rabbi M. Lefkovits, Rev. E. Horwitz, M. L. Cassmir, Henry Cassmir, M. L. Rine, Sam Kerness, Morris Zien, Isadore Zion, B. J. Cook, William Oxman, Nathan Kris, Gabriel Oreck </font> -   1913 9 14    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1914-3-13 Bess Altman.jpg"> 1914-3-13 Bess Altman</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1914 Miss Bess Altman, 531 West Third street, Miss Esther Sosnovsky, mock wedding. 3 and 4 column.  </font>     1914 3 13          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1914-3-13 Esther Sosnovsky.jpg"> 1914-3-13 Esther Sosnovsky</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1914 Esther Sosnovsky, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Sosnovsy, 523 West Fourth street, wed Samuel Banks of Minneapolis. Miss Rae Abelson, Bess Altman, 531 West Third street, Miss Sosnovsky, Rae Zurosky, 220 Third avenue East.  </font>     1914 3 13    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1914-5-19 Morris Hyman Litman, U.M. medicine.pdf"> 1914-5-19 Morris Hyman Litman, U.M. medicine</A>   - -  </font><font size="1"> 1914, Cook, Abe Shapiro, Anna Karon, Morris Hyman Litman-U.M. medicine, Philip Altman, Rachael Hammel, Rebecca Freimuth-music, Doris Phelps,  college or university education.  </font> -   1914 5 19    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1914-8-30 Mrs JH Altman entertained, Oreckovsky-Aaronson wedding.jpg"> 1914-8-30 Mrs JH Altman entertained, Oreckovsky-Aaronson wedding</A>  - - -   1914 8 30    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1914-8-30 J. H. Altman, Max Oreckovsky & Dora Aaronson.jpg"> 1914-8-30 J. H. Altman, Max Oreckovsky & Dora Aaronson</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1914 J. H. Altman, cousin Max Oreckovsky and Dora Aaronson bride-to-be.  </font> -   1914 8 30    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1914-11-3 Social, Oreck, Oreckovsky.pdf"> 1914-11-3 Social, Oreck, Oreckovsky</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1914 Eva Oreckovsky and Charles Finkelstein will wed. Social at Talmud Torah auditorium. Minnie Viener, Ida Oreck,Harry Silverman, W. C. Oxman, H. A. Shark, M. Viener, M. Oreckovsky, J. Altman, Esther Viener, Ida Zurowsky, Sheba Polinsky, Dollie Polinsky,  Bess Altman, Esther Fieldman, Jeanette Gomberg, Eva Sosnosky, Esther Zurovsky, Rae Abelson, Bess Silverman, Sadie Fostof, Mae Rocklin, Sarah Kassmir, Esther Sander, Bess Markovich, Sallie Oreck, Rae Zurovsky, Florence Weingarder, Eva Oreckovsky, Selma Oreckovsky, Lena Rocklin, Anna Levine, Sadie Rocklin, Sarah Danieko, Isadore Natelson, Maurice Silk, Isadore Mandelson, Louis Zalk, Abe Aronson, Herman Aronson, Abe Averbrook, Nate Natelson, Dr. S. Gingold, Charles Finkelstein, Dr. S. Gross, A. B. Kaplan, Irwin Oreck, Abe Oreckovsky, Julius Siegel, Lyle Oreck, Sam Garber, Sam Miller, Dr. M. P. Zack, Israel Oreck, Harry Altman, Maurice Altman, Louis Zurovsky and Alex Zurovsky.  </font> -   1914 11 3    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1914-11-6 Finkelstein-Oreckovsky wed, guests, Israel, Sam, Joseph.pdf"> 1914-11-6 Finkelstein-Oreckovsky wed, guests, Israel, Sam, Joseph</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1914 Finkelstein-Preckovsky entertained, Esther Zurovsky, A. Oreckovsky, Rae Zurovsky, Ida Oreck, Minnie Viener, Abe Overbrook, Israel Oreckovsky, Harry Altman, Bessie Altman, Bessie Silverman, Dolly Polinsky, Sarah Kassmir, Ralph Oxman, Sam Oreckovsky,  L. Oreck, H. Silverman, Joseph Oreckovsky, J. Oreckovsky, W. C. Oxman, W. Viener, J. Oreckovsky, J. H. Altman, S. Levine, L. Polinsky, L. Sheekman, A. Friss, K. Sheekman, n. Kriss, Esther Oreckovsky,  J. Boznu.  </font> -   1914 11 6          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1914-11-11 Eva Oreckovsky and Charles Kinkelstein wed.pdf"> 1914-11-11 Eva Oreckovsky and Charles Kinkelstein wed</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1914 Eva Orekovsky, and Charles Kinkelstein wed. Mr. and Mrs. Oreckovsky, 5 1/2 East Fift street, Rabbi Kissen, Adas Israel synagogue, Esther Zurovsky, Rae Zurovsky, Ida Oreck, Minnie Viener, Bessie Altman, Bessie Silvermn, Dolly Polinsky, Sarah Kassmir, Ralph Oman, Sam Oreckovsky, Abe Oreckvosky, Abe overbrook, Israel Oreckvosky, Harry Altman, M. Packer, James Oreckvosky, James Viener  </font> -   1914 11 11          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1915-4-20 Gussie Altman and Simon Laurie wed..pdf"> 1915-4-20 Gussie Altman and Simon Laurie wed.</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1915 Laurie-Altman Wedding May 2. Gussie Altman and Simon Laurie. S. Altman, Sallie M. Oreck.   </font> -   1915 4 20    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1915-7-11 Sarah Haronimus - cropped.jpg"> 1915-7-11 Sarah Haronimus - cropped</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1915 Miss Rose Oser and Lee Cohen-Minneapolis, Mrs. H. A. Aaronson, 1726 Hughitt avenue, Miss Rae Schneider, Sara Haronimus, Libbie Knox-St. Paul, Ruth Siegal-Duluth, John Marcus, Harry Altman, Arthur Marks, John Levine, t. Oreck, H. A. Aaronson-Duluth.  </font>     1915 7 11    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1915-7-11 Sarah Haronimus - full page.pdf"> 1915-7-11 Sarah Haronimus - full page</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1915 Miss Rose Oser and Lee Cohen-Minneapolis, Mrs. H. A. Aaronson, 1726 Hughitt avenue, Miss Rae Schneider, Sara Haronimus, Libbie Knox-St. Paul, Ruth Siegal-Duluth, John Marcus, Harry Altman, Arthur Marks, John Levine, t. Oreck, H. A. Aaronson-Duluth.  </font>     1915 7 11          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1915-11-1 Tag Day Pearl Waller.pdf"> 1915-11-1 Tag Day Pearl Waller</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1915 Tag Day Receipts Will BeCompiled. Local organization Will Send Funds at Once to Releve War Sufferers. Pearl Waller, Rose Lurye, Sarah Cohen, Rebecca Cohen, Bessie Fontana, Ida Simon, Evelyn Kaner, Jennie Weinstin, Fannie Sorkin, Sarah Waller, M. Kaner, May Cohen, Mary Brown, Blanch Booth, Ruth Gordon, Celia Kaner, Alice Dorf, Florence Murrell, Fannie Ovetsky, Rose Vogel, M. Anovitch, Sarah Cohen, Sarah Pomush, Edith Lasky, Lena Maginsky, Alice Holzberg, Sarah Kaner, Bessie Cohen, Berdie Weingarten, Edith Fieldman, Miriam Solomon, Ruth Arnovitch, Sarah Handlasky, Minnie Holzberg, Jennie Ovetsky, Sarah Haronimus, Esther Schneider, Jessie Weinstein, Molly Handlasky, Sarah Harris, Annie Gittleman, Sarah Greenblat, Fannie Edelstein, Annie Bruder, Mamie Goldstein, Lillian Harris, Helen Weinstein, Annie Buder, Rose Altman, Mrs. M. Sherr, Mrs. R. Edelstein, and Mrs. R. Cohen.   </font>     1915 11 1          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1916-1-12 Anna Gladys Levine and Abe Oreckovsky wed.pdf"> 1916-1-12 Anna Gladys Levine and Abe Oreckovsky wed</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1916 Miss Levine Becomes Bride of A. Oreckovsky. Anna Gladys Levine and Abe Oreckovsky, Adas Israel, Rev. Wolf. Kissin, Rev. Israel Teplitz, H. Levine, Mamie Levine, Ida Levine, Ida Oreck, Etta Levine, Ralph Oxman, Irving Levine, Lloyd Levine, Jack Levine, Charles Finkelstein, Mandy Finkelstein, Meyer Packer, William Oxman, Morris Altman, Harry Levine.   </font> -   1916 1 12          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1916-1-25 Samuel M. Fink and Minnie Viener.pdf"> 1916-1-25 Samuel M. Fink and Minnie Viener</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1916 Samuel M. Fink and Minnie Viener, Adash Israel, Della Fink, James Viener, Esther Viener, Rae Zurovsky, Esther Zurovsky, Dolly Polinsky, Ida Orec, Bessie Altman, Dorothy Viener, Cera Find, Ida Zurovsky, Sheba Polinsky, Minnie Winer, Helen Weingarten, Rosalind Oreckovsky, Ralph Oxman, Eriwin Oreckovsky, Lew Perlman, Milton Rosen, Harry Steinman, Nate Cowden, Morris Kanter, Abe Aronsohn, Rev. Wolf Kissim. </font> -   1916 1 25          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1916-1-25 Samuel Fink and Minnie Viener wed.pdf"> 1916-1-25 Samuel Fink and Minnie Viener wed</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1916 Fink-Viener Wedding Attendnts Announced. Samuel M. Fink and Minnie Viener wed.  -  Della Fink, James Viener, Esther Viener, Rae Zurovsky, Esther Zurovsky, Dolly Polinsky, Ida Oreck, Bessie Altman, Dorothy Viener, Cera Fink, Ida Zurovsky, Sheba Polinsky, Minnie Winer, Helen Weingarten, Rosalind Oreckovsky, Ralph Oxman, Erwin Oreckovsky, Lew Perlman, Milton Rosen, Harry Steinman, Nte Cowden, Morris Kanter, Abe Aronsohn.  </font> -   1916 1 25          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1916-1-25 Minnie Viener and Samuel M. Fink, wed, Bessie Altman.pdf"> 1916-1-25 Minnie Viener and Samuel M. Fink, wed, Bessie Altman</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1916 Minnie Viener and Samuel M. Fink, wed, Bessie Altman </font> -   1916 1 25          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1916-6-3 Altman-Cohen wedding invitations.pdf"> 1916-6-3 Altman-Cohen wedding invitations</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1916 Altman-Cohn WEdding June 18.   Lee Cohn, and Harry E. Altman  </font> -   1916 6 3          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1916-6-10 Altman wins scholarship.jpg"> 1916-6-10 Altman wins scholarship</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1916 Scholarship won by Duluth boy- Harry Altman  </font>     1916 6 10    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1916-7-25 Mr. and Mrs. Sam Altman, birth girl.pdf"> 1916-7-25 Mr. and Mrs. Sam Altman, birth girl</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1916 a girl born July 22 to Mr. and Mrs. Sam Altman  </font> -   1916 7 25          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1916-12-3 Clara K. Zeichik and Abraham Averbook wed.pdf"> 1916-12-3 Clara K. Zeichik and Abraham Averbook wed</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1916 Clara K. Zeichik and Abraham Averbook wed. Rabbi Zeichak, Ida Oreck, Rae Zurosky, Esther Viener, Helen Weingarten, Samuel Nides, Frederick Deneiko (Danieko?), Herman Aaronson, Morris Altman, Anita Averbook, Fay Zeichik.  </font> -   1916 12 3    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1916-12-3 George T. Altman, Student Wins Honor at State U.pdf"> 1916-12-3 George T. Altman, Student Wins Honor at State U</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1916 Student Wins Honor At State "U", George T. Altman, Samuel Altman, University    of Minnesota.  </font> -   1916 12 3          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1917-10-11 Minnie Winer, Bessie Altman, Sara Horvitch.pdf"> 1917-10-11 Minnie Winer, Bessie Altman, Sara Horvitch</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1917 Store Employes Give Theater Party. Elma Lyons, Ruth Brusso, Christine Olson, Ethyl Morgan, Alice O'Malley, Eva Walski, Bessie Altman, Minnie Winer, Sara Horvitch, Mrs. Anna Polkinghorne, Esther Bergson, Sigrid Ekioos.  </font> -   1917 10 11    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1917-11-11 YMCA Irving Zalk,Sam Litman, Morris Cohen. Felix Litman.pdf"> 1917-11-11 YMCA Irving Zalk,Sam Litman, Morris Cohen. Felix Litman</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1917 Boys At Y.M.C.A. Will Open Basket Ball Season. Teams and Captains Are Chosen for a Successful Season-To Start Tomorrow. Norris (Morris?) Stein, Sam Casmir, Sam Chassen, Abe Litman, Morris Cohen, Sam Levenson, Cohen, Ben Chassen, Sam Levenson, Rudolph Segal, Irving Zalk, Isadore Walt, Morris Silverman, Davy Finklestein, Ben Finklestein. Morris Stein, Sam Casmir, Sam Cohen, Ben Chessen, Sam Litman, Mortimer Altman, Abe Litman, Morris Cohen, Sam Popkin, Rudolph Segal, Percy Weinberg, Irving Zalk John Fishman, Felix Litman,  Morris Silverman, Isadore Walt, Mandy Finkelstein, Davy Finkelstein, Ben Walt.  </font> -   1917 11 11          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1917-11-26 Jules B. Cohen-Palestine.pdf"> 1917-11-26 Jules B. Cohen-Palestine</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1917 Palestine Plan Aided In Duluth. Jews Who Hear Dr. Scheinkin Buy $4,000 Interest in Holy Land. Dr. Maurice Lefkovitz. B. Aarons, A. Mogelson, B. Capiloniwisch (Kapolovitz ?), F. Labovitz, Jules Garon, Israel Rosenberg, Frank Kiel, Sam Mendelshon (Mendelson), A. Saksanoff, T. Gordon, Ben Goldish, J. Altman, Max.  </font>     1917 11 26          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1917-11-26 Labovitz, Palestine.pdf"> 1917-11-26 Labovitz, Palestine</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1917 Palestine Plan Aided In Duluth. Jews Who Hear Dr. Scheinkin Buy $4,000 Interest in Holy Land. Adas Israel, Dr. Maurice Lefkovitz, B. Aarons, A. Mogelson, B. Capiloniwisch, F. Labovitz, Jules Garon, Israel Rosenberg, Frank Kiel, Sam Mendelshon, A. Saksanoff, T. Gordon, Ben Goldish, J. Altman, Max Weiner, Jules E. Cohen, Morris Seifer, Samuel Goldfine.  </font>     1917 11 26          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1918-2-3 Mrs. Samuel Witz obit. Mrs. Jennie Cowl.pdf"> 1918-2-3 Mrs. Samuel Witz obit. Mrs. Jennie Cowl</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1918 Funeral of Mrs. Samuel Witz will be held today. Samuel Altman, Harry and Arthur Witz, Harris Bennett, Jennie Cowl, Dora Witz, Gertrude Witz. Mrs. Jennie Cowl  </font> -   1918 2 3          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1918-2-3 Mrs. Samuel Witz, obit..pdf"> 1918-2-3 Mrs. Samuel Witz, obit.</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1918 Funeral of Mrs. Samuel Witz Will Be Held Today. Mrs. Samuel Altman, Harry and Arthur Witz, Mrs. Harris Bennett, Mrs. Samuel Altman, Mrs. Jennie Cowl, Dora Witz, Gertrude Witz, Samuel Witz died two months ag  </font> -   1918 2 3          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1918-2-3 Sarah Witz obit., Altman.pdf"> 1918-2-3 Sarah Witz obit., Altman</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1918 Funeral of Mrs. Samuel Witz Will Be Held Today. Mrs. Samuel Altman, 120 East Fourth street, sons Harry and Arthur Witz, daughters Mrs. Harris Bennett, Mrs. Samuel Altman, Mrs. Jennie Cowl, Miss Dora Witz, and Miss Gertrude Witz.  </font> -   1918 2 3          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1918-2-3 Mrs. Samuel Witz obit..pdf"> 1918-2-3 Mrs. Samuel Witz obit.</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1918 Funeral Of Mrs. Samuel Witz Will Be Held Today. 63 years old, Mrs. Samuel Altman-daughter, 120 East Fourth street, sons Harry and Arthur Witz, daughters Mrs. Harris Bennett, Mrs. Samuel Altman, Mrs. Jennie Cowl, Miss Dora Witz, Miss Gertrude Witz. Samuel Witz-,husband deceased.  </font>     1918 2 3          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1918-2-3 Mrs. Samuel Witz obit.pdf"> 1918-2-3 Mrs. Samuel Witz obit</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1918 Funeral Of Mrs Samuel Witz Will be Held Today. 65 years old, daughter Mrs. Samuel Altman, 120 East Fourth street., sons Harry and Arthur Witz, five daughters, Mrs. Harris Bennett, Mrs. Samuel Altman, Mrs. Jennie cowl, Miss Dora Witz, Miss Gertrude Witz. Samuel Witz died two months ago.  </font>     1918 2 3          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1918-3-20 Harry Altman wins commission.jpg"> 1918-3-20 Harry Altman wins commission</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1918 Duluth Aviator wins commission - Harry Altman  </font>      1918 3 20          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1918-3-21 Harry Altman promoted to Lieutenant.pdf"> 1918-3-21 Harry Altman promoted to Lieutenant</A>   - -  </font><font size="1"> 1918 Harry Altman Promoted; Given Lieutenant Commision   </font> -   1918 3 21    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1918-5-11 page 2 high school photos.pdf"> 1918-5-11 page 2 high school photos</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1918 Seniors Who Graduated From High School This Year (page 2):  9. Sadie Saxine, 11. Miriam Solomon, 17. Esther Klatzky, 20. Kenneth Harris?,  32. Norma Cook, Emma Berg, 31. Samuel Ziedel,  35. Bessie Altman, 40. Clara Berg,   45. Lillian Lasky, 54. Marjorie Peck, 59. Mary Simon,  62. Minnie Abramson, 67. Walter Zimmerman. </font> -   1918 5 11          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1919-1-7 Monic Edward Altman.pdf"> 1919-1-7 Monic Edward Altman</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1919 St. Paul Caucus Allots Jobs For Session of 1919. Miss Laura Arneson and Monic E. Altman of Duluth Obtain Position  </font> -   1919 1 7          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1919-6-19 Maurice G. Altman and Rae Zurovsky m.l..pdf"> 1919-6-19 Maurice G. Altman and Rae Zurovsky m.l.</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1919 Maurice G. Altman and Rae Zurovsky, marriage license.  </font> -   1919 6 19          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1919-6-22 Bess Altman ,Zurovsky.pdf"> 1919-6-22 Bess Altman ,Zurovsky</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1919 Bess Altman, Miss Zurovsky entertain  </font> -   1919 6 22          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1919-8-19 Nathan Nides and Bess Altman m.l..pdf"> 1919-8-19 Nathan Nides and Bess Altman m.l.</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1919 Nathan Nides and Bess Altman, marriage license.  </font> -   1919 8 19          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1919-8-20 Bess Ruth Altman Nathaniel Niles wed..pdf"> 1919-8-20 Bess Ruth Altman Nathaniel Niles wed.</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1919 Hibbing: Attractive Home Wdding. Miss Altman Became the Bride of Nathaniel Nides. - Bess Ruth Altman and Nathaniel Nides wed, Mr. and Mrs. J. Altman, Dr. M. Lefkovits, Ida Oreck, Evelyn Altman, Monich E. Altman, John Altman, M. G. Altman, H. E. Altman, Nathan Kres, Rae Zurovsky  </font> -   1919 8 20    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1919-9-28 Bessie Altman Nides.pdf"> 1919-9-28 Bessie Altman Nides</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1919 Mrs. Nate Nides (Bessie Altman) is the guest of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Altman.  </font> -   1919 9 28          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1919-10-30 Dora Witz and Harry Litman wed.pdf"> 1919-10-30 Dora Witz and Harry Litman wed</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1919 Dora Witz and Harry Litman wed, Attractive Wedding At Altman Residence, A. B. Sokolow, Sam Altman, Ida Berkson, Arthur Witz.  </font> -   1919 10 30          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1920-1-13 Philip Altman Collector, photo.pdf"> 1920-1-13 Philip Altman Collector, photo</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1919 Collector, Philip Altman, deputy collector of internal revenue.  photo </font> -   1920 1 13          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1920-11-19 Moses Montefiore, Altman.pdf"> 1920-11-19 Moses Montefiore, Altman</A> - -   headline  -   1920 11 19          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1920-11-19 Phillip Altman , Young Folks' Club.pdf"> 1920-11-19 Phillip Altman , Young Folks' Club</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1920 Young Folks' club Phillip Altman, photo, Anna Laskowitz, Sadie Kremen, William Jolson, A. N. Natelson, Frank Krupp, Esther Saksanoff, Cecil Laskowitz, Harriet Krupp, Harry Levine, Rabbi Israel Lebendiger, Moses Montifiore Hebrew school.  </font> -   1920 11 19    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1920-11-19 Philip Altman, Young Folk's Club Names President, photo.pdf"> 1920-11-19 Philip Altman, Young Folk's Club Names President, photo</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> photo  </font> -   1920 11 19    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1920-11-19 Philip Altman.pdf"> 1920-11-19 Philip Altman</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1920 Young Folks' Club Names President. photo, Philip Altman. Hebrew institute, Third avenue East and Third street. Miss Anna Laskowitz, Miss Sadie Kremen, William Jolson, A. N. Natelson, Frank Krupp, Esther Saksanoff, Cecil Laskowitz, Miss Narriet Krupp, Harry Levin, Rabbi Israel Lebendiger, superintend at Moses Montifiore Hebrew school,study of Jewish music, history, an philosophy.  </font>     1920 11 19    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1921-2-28 B'nai Brith, spelling bee, Percy Oreck, Charles D. Oreckovsky.pdf"> 1921-2-28 B'nai Brith, spelling bee, Percy Oreck, Charles D. Oreckovsky</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1921 Women, Men Will Combat For Spellings Supremacy. B'nai B'rith spelling bee, Percy Oreck, Charles D. Oreckovsky, Samuel Gofen, M. E. Altman, Jesse Cohen, George Casmir, Harry W. Davis, Herman Elevitch, Ralph Elevitch, Abe Feldman, D. P. Feldman, Hugo Freimuth, Louis Freimuth, Dr. Samuel Gross, Jacob Garon, Toby Garon, Charles W. Green, A. B. Kapplin, Rabbi I. Lebendiger, Maurice Labovits, Morris Mark, Abe Solon, Joseph Weiner, Harry E. Weinberg, Anna Mark, Mrs. S. Polans, Mrs. Jacob Garon, Mrs. M. Cook, Mrs. D. Freimuth, Mrs. Lyle Oreck, Mrs. Morris Altman, Mrs. A. Friss, Mrs. I. Lebendiger, Mrs. A. Davidson, Mrs. S. Hirshfield, Mrs. Julius Siegel, Mrs. Oxman, Mrs. J. Leuri ?, Mrs. M. D. Nides, Mrs. H. Y. Josephs, Miss Anna Mark, Miss Bertha Mendelsohn, Miss Lillian Karon, Miss Mae Klein, Miss Alice Wetzler, Miss Esther Abrahamson, Miss Ida Berkson, Miss Mayme Weinberg, Miss Lillian Levy, and Mrs. C. A . Saksonoff  </font> -   1921 2 28    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1921-4-22 Jewish Women's Council, Solosky.pdf"> 1921-4-22 Jewish Women's Council, Solosky</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1921 Jewish Women's Council, Solosky, Mrs. S. M. Polans, Maurice Silk, Jack Lunch, A. Karon, Julius Siegel, C/ P. Meyers, J. Boynu?, A. Davidson, M. Altman, N. Garber, D. Miller, L. Lass, William Oxman, Teplesky, D. Pollock, A. Oreckovsky, Joseph Steinman, Harry Weinberg, Percy Oreck, Miriam Rosenstein, and Esther Oreckovsky.  </font> -   1921 4 22          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1921-4-22 Mrs. S. Polans.pdf"> 1921-4-22 Mrs. S. Polans</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1921 Scouts, Midgets to Help Women in Tag Day Work. Churches to Combine in Effort for Famine Funds. China and Near East relief. Miss Esther Abrahamson, Temple Emanuel, Mrs. S. Pollans, Oreck’s, Jewish Women’s Council: Mrs. S. M. Polans-chairman, Mmes. Maurice Silk, Jack Lunch, A. Karon, Solosky, Julius Siegel, C. P. Meyers, J. Roznu, A. Davidson, M. Altman, N. Garber, D. Miller, L. Lass, William Oxman, Teplesky, D. Pollock, A. Oreckovsky, Joseph Steinman, Harry Weinberg, Percy Oreck. Misses Miriam Rosenstein, Esther Oreckovsky. Temple Emanuel: Miss Esther Abrahamson-chairman, Mmes. C. Jacobs, R. Cohen, B. Blumenthal, C. P. Meyers, Lou Kantor, Ida Fieldman, Harry Gordon, M. Cook. Misses Ruth Freimuth, Edna Freimuth, Jeanette Gomberg, Mae Klein, Lillian Levy, Hortense Bondy, Rosalind Bondy, Ida Fieldman and F. Josephs.   </font>     1921 4 22          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1921-5-2 B'nai B'rith.pdf"> 1921-5-2 B'nai B'rith</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> Fraternity Shatters Precedents, Bernard Silberstein Made Life Member of Order of B'nai B'rith.  Henry Monsky of Omaha, Neb., W. M. Abrahamson, A. B. Kapplin, Charles D. Oreckovsky, D. P. Fieldman, Dave Miller, Harry Gordon. RabbiJesse Cohen,  Israel Lebendiger, S. B. Copilowisch, Ben Miller,  Samuel Nides. New Members: William M. Abrahamson, J. J. Abram, Harry E. Altman, Al Aron, Mortimer W. Bondy, Harold J. Brody, Joseph E. Coll?, Charles M. Cohen, Harry Lewis Cohen, Jacob Crystal, Michael Danaiko, Louis Fishman, Louis Gallop orris Garrison, Oscar Goldstein, Samuel Gotkin B. Louis Green, Monte A. Greenblat, Ben J. Kenner, Herman N. Kramer, Frank Krupitzky, Morris Krupitzky, Louis J. Lasky, Samuel C. Latts, Jak Levine, Morris Levine, Irving M. Levinson, SamLevinson, L. S. Lugoff, Abe H. Miller, Isadore Mogelson S. Natelson, Percy E. Oreck, David Oreckovsky, Max D. Orinstein, David B. Pollack, D. Raihill, Frank M. Riskin, Mandy Rosenberg, Chas. A. Saksanoff, Samuel Sander, Robert Schway, Hyman L. Segal, Hyman W. Segal, Jack E. Segal, Sam J. Segal, Chas. S. M. Segalbaum, Samuel Shore, Sam Simon, Morris Slavoot, J. Slonim, Abe L. Solon, John L. Sosnosky, Joseph Steinman, Harry Vertelney, Louis Weisberg, Ed Zalk, Samuel Zalk, Wolf B. Zien, A. Zurovsky.  </font>     1921 5 2    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1921-12-1 Mrs. Nathan Cook.pdf"> 1921-12-1 Mrs. Nathan Cook</A>  - -  </font><font size="1">  1921 Women Are Assigned to Home Districts for Relief Drive. American Jewish Relief committee. Duluth to raise funds for suffering refugees of eastern and central Europe. Mrs. M. Cook. Mrs. Louis Hammel, Mrs. Harry Gordon, Mrs. Nathan Cook, Miss Sarah Zobel, Mrs. J. Abrams, Mrs. Abe Solon, Mrs. Ben Goldish, Miss Catherine Barnard, Mrs. Mortimer Bondy, Mrs. S. N. Polans, Mrs. S. Cone, Mrs. Harry Altman, Mrs. Maurice Altman, Miss Alice Wetzler, Mrs. L. Greenblat, Mrs. C. P. Meyers, Mrs. Al Polinsky, Mrs. D. Freimuth, and Mrs. Ginsberg. C. D. Oreckovsky secretary. $18,000 subscribed.  </font>     1921 12 1          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1922-2-28 Mrs. S. Polans.pdf"> 1922-2-28 Mrs. S. Polans</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1922 Women, Men Will Combat For Spelling Supremacy. Covenant lodge, B’nai B’rith, Council of Jewish Women, Covenant hall, 12 East Superior street. Men’s team: Samuel Gofen, M. E. Altman, Jessie Cohen, George Casmir, Harry W. Davis, Herman Elevitch, Ralph Elevitch, Abe Feldman, D. P. Fieldman, Hugo Freimuth, Louis Freimuth, Dr. Samuel Gross, Jacob Garon, Toby Garon, Charles W. Green, A. B. Kapplin, Rabbi I. Lebendiger, Maurice Labovits, Morris Mark, Charles D. Oreckovsky, Percy Oreck, Abe Solon, Joseph Weiner, Harry E. Weinberg. Women’s team: Miss Anna Mark, Mrs. S. Polans, Mrs. Jacob Garon, Mrs. M. Cook,Mrs. D. Freimuth, Mrs. Lyle Oreck, Mrs. Morris Altman, Mrs. A. A. Friss, Mrs. I. Lebendiger, Mrs. A. Davidson, Mrs. S. Hirshfield, Mrs. Julius Siegel, Mrs. Oxman, Mrs. J. Leuri, Mrs. M. D. Nides, Mrs, H. Y. Josephs, Miss Bertha Mendelsohn, Miss Lillian Karon, Miss Mae Kllen: (Klein ?), Miss Alice Wetzler, Miss Esther Abrahamson, Miss Ida Berkson, Miss Mayme Weinberg, Miss Lillian Levy, and Mrs. C. A. Saksonoff.  </font>     1922 2 28    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1922-12-7 Council of Jewish Women, I. W. Averbook.pdf"> 1922-12-7 Council of Jewish Women, I. W. Averbook</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1922 Council of Jewish Women. H. Y. Josephs, S. M. Polans, Harry Altman, M. G. Altman, B. N. Davidson, S. B. Copilowish, Charles Finkelstein, J. A. Kohn, Charles Levant, M. D. Nides, I. Oreck, D. Pollock, M. Rose, A. Lurye, A. H. Polinsky, William Silvian, Ida Karsner, Ida Finn, S. Altman, H. A. Shark, I. W. Averbook, Bennett I. Garon, Julius Garon, Ben Goldish, S. Ginsberg, B. Karsner, Kleckner, Henry Lavick, Benjamin London, D. A. Miller, Mohelson, A. Oreck, Sam Sanders, B. Sher, H. Silk, Harry Summerfield, J. Weinberg, M. Wetzler, Esther Abrahamson, A. Garon, J. E. Coil, Ralph Cohen., M. D. Nides, William Silvian, Louis Zalk, Mae Klein,Mayme Weinberg, Shark, Labovitz, Levine, C. P. Meyers, Sam Bailer, Ralph Cohen, B. J. Cook, R Mann, Esther Abrahamson, Mae Klein, Lillian Karon, Charles Oreckowsky, A. Oreckowsky, Artur Marks, Q. Kleckner, M. Silk, M. Cook, C. D. Jacobs, Rene Freimuth, J. E. Call, S. J. Sher, Joseph Oreckowsky, A. N. Polinsky, H. A. Shark, Joseph Stieman, A. Davidson, Jacob Abram, Morris Altman, J. Lieberman, J. Garon, R. Mann, Lou Kanter, M.Greenblat, Lyle Oreck, Joseph Bosner, William Oxman, S. Bennett. Rabbi Luchs, Harry Davis, Irene Levine, Mondschein.  </font> -   1922 12 7    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1922-12-7 Lavick, Council of Jewish Women.pdf"> 1922-12-7 Lavick, Council of Jewish Women</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1922 Club Notes. Committee Members Duluth section of the Council of Jewish Women at the library clubrooms. Mrs. H. Y. Josephs-President. Mrs. S. M. Polans-general chairman of social service,, Mrs. Harry Altman, Mesdames M. G. Altman, B. N. Davidson, S. B. Copilowish, Charles Finkelstein, J. A. Kohn, Charles Levant, M. D. Nides, I. Oreck, D. Pollock, M. Rose, Mrs. A. Lurye, Mesdames A. H. Polinsky, William Silvian, Ida Karsner, Ida Finn, S. Altman, Mrs. H. A. Shark, Mesdames I. W. Averbook, Bennett I. Garon, Julius Garon, Ben Goldish, S. Ginsberg, B. Karsner, Kleckner, Henry Lavick, Benjamin London, D. A. Miller, Mohelson, A. Oreck, Sam Sanders, B. Sher, H. Silk, Harry Summerfield, J. Weinberg, M. Wetzler, and auto committee, Miss Esther Abrahamson-chairman, Mesdames A. Garon, J. E. Coll? Ralph Cohen, M. D. Nides, William Silvian, Louis Zalk, and Miss Mae Klein.  - Other committees: Immigration: Miss Mayme Weinberg-chairman, Mesdames Shark, Labovitz and Levine. Big Sister: Mrs. C. P. Meyers-chairman, Mesdames Sam Bailer, Ralph Cohen, B. J. Cook, R. Mann, Miss Esther Abrahamson, Mae  Klien and Lillian Karon. Religions: Mrs. Charles Oreckowsky-chairman, Mesdames, A. Oreckowsky, Arthur Marks, Q. Kleckner, M. Silk. Lighthouse for the Blind. Mrs. M. Cook-Chairman. Mesdames C. D. Jacobs, Rene Freimuth, M. D. Nides, J. E. Call, S. J. Sher, Joseph Oreckowsky, A. N. Polinsky, H. A. Shark and Miss Lillian Karon. Social: Mrs. Joseph Stieman-chairman, Mesdames A. Davidson, Jacob Abram, Morris Altman, J. Lieberman, J. Garon, R. Mann, Lou Kanter, M. Greenblat, Lyle Oreck, Joseph Bosner, Miss Esther Abrahamson amd Miss Mae Klein. Membership: Mrs. William Oman-chairman.  Mesdames Averbook, Ida Finn and S. Bennett.  -  Mrs. S. M. Polans, Mrs. H. A. Shark, Mrs. Louis Zalk, Mrs. David Freimuth, Rabbi Luchs, Harry Davis, Franklin school, Mrs. M. Cook, Spalding hotel, Lighthouse for the Blind, Mrs. Harry Davis, Mrs. J. Lieberman, Mrs. H. Y. Josephs, Mrs. S. M. Polans, United Jewish Charities council.   Miss Irene Levine, Mrs. Mondschein, Mrs. Joseph M. Averbrook.  Over 100 women attended the meeting.   </font>     1922 12 7.1          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1922-12-7 Lavick, Council of Jewish Women.jpg"> 1922-12-7 Lavick, Council of Jewish Women</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1922  <B>(cropped image of above with more info)  - - Intro by Jack: </B>  I think this was another group that crossed all lines.  You can tell by the names that all of the various synagogues and the temple women were included.  I really think this was the beginning of the Federation in Duluth.  All of the women belonged.  Looking at the various committees I think a lot were from 'one group' and then branched.  Temple, 4th Street, 9th Street Adas, West Duluth, Superior and so on.  I think about 75% of them were names I heard from my own grandmother and were her friends back in the day. <B> Annotated list of names including maiden names:  </B>  President - Mrs. H Y Josephs (Etta Cook) General Chairman - Mrs. S M Polans (Sarah Oreck)  - -  Under prvileged mothers - Mrs. Harry Altman (Chalaleah Cohen) Mrs. Maurice George Altman - Rachel Zurovsky Mrs. B N Davidson - Lena Kris Mrs. S B Copilowish Mrs. Charles Finkelstein - Eva Oreckovsky Mrs I A Kohn - Sadie Polinsky Mrs. Charles Levant - Sarah Polinsky Mrs. M D Nides - Eva Polinsky Mrs. I Oreck - Dora Schwartz Mrs. D Pollack - Selma Oreckovsky Mrs. M Rose - Fannie Kris  - -  Nopeming - Mrs. A Lurye - Edith Mark Mrs A H Polinsky - Sarah Shapiro Mrs. William Silvian - Mollie Kaplan Ida Karsner - could be Adele Karsner (Mrs. Ed Colgan) Ida Finn - ??? Mrs. S Altman - Rose Witz  - -  Visiting - Mrs. H A Shark - Sheba Yessni Mrs. I W Averbook - Sadie Schwartzbine Mrs. Bennett I Garon - ??? Mrs. Julius Garon - Dora Kaplan Mrs. Ben Goldish - Ida milavetz Mrs. S Ginsberg - Eva Leibovitz Mrs. B Karsner - Edith Karon Mrs. Kleckner - ??? Mrs. Henry Lavick - Rose Blum Mrs. Benjamin London - Etta Karsner Mrs. D A Miller - ??? Mrs. Mohelson - ??? Mrs. A Oreck -  Sara Daneiko Mrs. Sam Sanders - Lena Polinsky Mrs. B Sher - Delia Siegel Mrs. H Silk - Rae Holzberg Mrs. Harry Summerfield - ??? Mrs. J Weinberg - ??? Mrs. M Wetzler - ???  - -  Auto - Miss Esther Abrahamson  Mrs. A Garon - ??? Mrs J E Coll - Sarah Bright Mrs. Ralph Cohen - Ida Levy Mrs. M D Nides - Eva Polinsky Mrs. William Silvian - Mollie Kaplan Mrs. Louis Zalk - Lylian Shapiro Miss Mae Klein - Mrs. Louis Bergen  - -  Immigration - Miss Mayme Weinberg Big Sister - Mrs. C P Meyers - Lena Bernstein Mrs. Sam Bailer - ??? Mrs. Ralph Cohen - Ida Levy Mrs. B J Cook - Lillian Cohen Mrs. R Mann - ??? Miss Esther Abrahamson Mae Klien Lillian Karon   - -  Religious - Mrs. Charles Oreckovsky - Elizabeth Helperin Mrs. A Oreckovsky - Mollie Zurovsky Mrs. Arthur Marks - ??? Q Kleckner - ??? Mrs. M Silk - Sarah Kassmir  - -  Lighthouse for the blind - Mrs. M Cook - ??? Mrs. C D Jacobs - ??? Rene Freimuth - Charles Freimuth (Eisenstaedt) Mrs. M D Nides - Mrs. J E Coll Mrs. S J Sher - Libbie Holzberg Mrs. Joseph Oreckovsky - Hannah Oreckovsky Mrs. A H Polinsky -  Mrs. H A Shark - Sheba Yessni Miss Lillian Karon  - -  Social - Mrs. Jospeh Stienman - Anna Shapiro Mrs. A Davidson - ??? Mrs. Jacob Abram - ? Carolyn Banov Mrs. Morris Altman - Rachel Zurovsky Mrs. J Lieberman - ??? Mrs. J Garon - Fay Weinberg Mrs. R Mann Mrs. Lou Kanter - Bessie Cohen Mrs. M Greenblat - Anna Milavitz Mrs. Lyle Oreck - ??? Mrs. Joseph Bosner ??? Miss Esther Abrahamson Mae Klien  - -  Membership - Mrs. William Oxman - Mary Oreckovsky Mrs. Averbook Ida Finn Mrs. S Bennett - Sarah Fostoff</font>     1922 12 7.2    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1977-9 Morris E Klasky JFN.jpg"> 1977-9 Morris E Klasky JFN</A>  - -  </font><font size="1">1977  Morris E. Klasky - How it Started.  Rabbi Bender suggested an organization called THE JEWISH FELLOWSHIP CLUB.  Benjamin Pass was elected President; vice presidents, Morris Klasky, Ben R Greene, Sam Altman; Rec Sec, Harry Segal; Corres Sec, Ben L. London; Treas, Robert J Karon; Sgt at Arms, Mandy Horowitz; Directors were as follows: Alex J Lurye, Ben Goldish, Louis Fishman, Dr S S Rosenbloom, John Cohen and Rabbi Paul Bender   </font>     1977 9 1    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1913-5-22 Vertelney permits.pdf"> 1913-5-22 Vertelney permits</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1913-5-22 Licenses Must Be Renewed. Notice Will Be Served on Paunbrokers and Second-Hand Store and Poolroom Proprietors. Places To Be Closed Unless City is “Seen”. Establishments Running in Defiance of Ordinances Governing Their Regulation.    Pawnbrokers: Frank Labovitz, Sam Barnard, M. Levine, Jacob D. Sieigle (Siegel?), J. Altman, J. Oreckovsky, and A. H. Polinsky.   Secondhand stores: Vertelney & Tompkins, Joe Vertelney, Sam Vertelney, Northwestern Iron and Metal company, Israel Rosenberg, Roy Latts, Sam Gold, and S. Goldfarb.   Pool and billiards tables: M. S. Cook.  </font>     1913-5-22 Vertelney permits    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1915-11-1 Alice Dorf.pdf"> 1915-11-1 Alice Dorf</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1915-11-1 Tag Day Receipts Will Be Complied. Local Organization Will Send Funds ast Once to Relieve War Sufferers. Pearl Waller, Rose Lurye, Sarah Cohen, Rebecca Cohen, Bessie Fontana, Ida Simon, Eveleyn Kaner, Jennie Weinstein, Fannie Sorkin, Sarah Waller, M. Kaner, May Cohen, Mary Brown, Blanche Booth, Ruth Gordon, Celia Kaner, Alice Dorf, Florence Murrell, Fannie Ovetsky, Rose Vogel, M. Anovitch, Sarah Cohen, Sarah Pomush, Edith Lasky, Lena Maginsky, Alice Holzberg, Sarah Kaner, Bessie Cohen, Berdie Weingarten,Edith Fieldman, Miriam Solomon, Ruth Arnovitch, Sarah Haronimus, Esther Schneider, Jessie Weinstein, Molly Handlasky, Sarah Harris, Annie Gittleman, Sarah Greenblat, Fannie Edelstein, Annie Bruder, Mamie Goldstein, Lillian Harris, Helen Weinstein, Annie Buder, Rose Altman, Mrs. M. Sherr, Mrs. R. Edelstein and Mrs. R. Cohen.  </font>     1915-11-1 Alice Dorf    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1916-1-18 Morris Vertelney birthday party.pdf"> 1916-1-18 Morris Vertelney birthday party</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1916-1-18 Mr. and Mrs. F. Stein, 224 Third avenue East, 13th birthday of son Morris. Mr. and Mrs. J. Sosnosky, Mr. and Mrs. M. Sosnosky, Mr. and Mrs. F. Vertelney, Mr. and Mrs. J. Kamenetzky, Mr. and Mrs. M. Sweet, Mr. and Mrs. H. Segal, Mrs. A. Altman.  </font>     1916-1-18 Morris Vertelney birthday party    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1916-5-22 Abraham R. , Roy Latts and others.pdf"> 1916-5-22 Abraham R. , Roy Latts and others</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1916-5-22 Many Permits Renewed. Saloon Licenses: Henry Casmir. Pool and Billiards: Harry Silk, 210 West Superior street, 6 pool tables   Second-Hand Stores: Philip Gordon, Roy Latts, J. L. Siegel, Abraham R. Latts, H. Berkowitz, N. Kaplan, D. Ostrov, A. Winer, J. Oreckovsky, Sam Gold, G. Green.   Pawn Shops: Jacob D. Siegel, Moscovitch 7 Rose, Abraham R. Latts, Samuel Barnard.  - - Notes: - - Henry Casmir is the son of Louis Casmir, the one who signed a lot of the death certifcates - - L Bergstein - father of Albert Bergstein, who was a big figure in the Jewish Community - - R F Berdie - Robert F Berdie, ties back to the Freimuth tree - - Harry Silk - married to Rae Holzberg, on my Holzberg tree also the Hallock tree - - J Altman -  Joseph Altman married to Sara Oreckovsky Altman, Oreck tree - - J H Altman - John H Altman, son of Joseph & Sara Oreckovsky Altman - - B Davidson - Benjamin Davidson married to Lena Kris,  - - Albert Bergstein - - - Philip Gordon - married to Ida Kapilow - - Philip Block - married to Jennie Kaner, Karon tree - - Roy Latts - married to Sarah, father of Lena, - - Abraham, Samuel and Morris Lattsv - - J L Siegel - Julius L Siegel married to Anna Slonim, on Karon tree - - Abraham R Latts - married to Goldie Friedman, son of Roy Latts - - H Berkowitz - a few choices, no real perfect match so far - - N Kaplan - wonder if should be M but no perfect match - - D Ostrov - David Ostrov married to Lena Cohen, on Karon tree - - L Tulman - Louis Tulman married to Fannie Litman and then Celia Love, Litman tree - - Morris Even - married to Sadie London, Karsner tree - - A Winer - Abraham Winer married to Jennie Ostrov, Charlie Ostrov - - J Oreckovsky - Joseph Oreckovsky married to Hannah Oreckovsky, Oreck tree - - Sam Gold - married to Lillie Tuman, - - G Green - not sure if Jewish - - Jacob D Siegel - married to Annie Cohen, his son is Julius Siegel  - Moscovitch & Rose - not sure about them  -- Abraham R Latts - above,  </font>     1916-5-22 Abraham R. , Roy Latts and others          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1922-12-7 Copilowish.pdf"> 1922-12-7 Copilowish</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1922-12-7 Club Notes. Committee Members  - Committee Members. Council of Jewish Women, library clubrooms. (Note that these are all women using their husband’s names ie. A. H. Polinsky is Mrs. A. H. Polinsky. There is also a repetition of names because they served on more than one committee.)  -  Mrs. H. Y. Josephs-president, Mrs. S. M. Polans-general chairman, Mrs. Harry Altman, M. G. Altman, B. N. Davidson, S. B. Copilowish, Charles Finkelstein, J. A. Kohn, Charles Levant, M. D. Nides, I. Oreck, D. Pollock, M. Rose, Mrs. A. Lurye, A. H. Polinsky, William Silvian, Ida Karsner, Ida Finn, S. Altman, Mrs. H. A. Shark, I. W. Averbook, Bennett I. Garon, Julius Garon, Ben Goldish, S. Ginsberg, B. Karsner, Kleckner, Henry Lavick, Benjamin London, D. A. Miller, Mohelson, A. Oreck, Sam Sanders, B. Sher, H. Silk, Harry Summerfield, J. Weinberg, M. Wetzler, Esther Abrahamson, A. Garon, J. E. Coll, Ralph Cohen, M. D. Nides, William Silvian, Louis Zalk, Mae Klein, Mayme Weinberg, Shark, Labovitz, Levine, Mrs. C. P.  Meyers, Sam Bailer, Ralph Cohen, B. J. Cook, R. Mann, Esther Abrahamson, Mae Klien, Lillian Karon, Mrs. Charles Oreckowsky, A. Orekowsky, Arthur Marks, Q. Keckner, M. Silk; Mrs. M. Cook, C. D. Jacogbs, Rene Freimuth, M. D. Nides, J. E. Call, S. J. Sher, Joseph Oreckowsky, A. N. Polinsky, H. A. Shark, Lillian Karon, Mrs. Joseph Stieman, A. Davidson, Jacob Abram, Morris Altman, J. Lieberman, J. Garon, R. Mann, Lou Kanter, M. Greenblat, Lyle Oreck, Joseph Bosner, Esther Abrahamson, Mae Klien, Mrs. William Oxman, Averbook, Ida Finn, S. Bennet. S. M. Polans, Mr. H. A. Shark, Mrs. Louis Zalk, Mrs. David Freimuth, Mrs. Harry Davis, Mrs. M. Cook, over 100 women attended the meeting.  - Note: Klien may be Klein. </font>     1922-12-7 Copilowish    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1915-7-18 Mrs. William Simon, linen shower.pdf"> 1915-7-18 Mrs. J. Vertelney entertained</A>  </font><font size="1"> 1915-7-18 Mrs. William Simon, 406 East Fifth street, linen shower, niece Miss Sadie Berkson, Mrs. H. Segal, Mrs. A. Altman.  </font>        
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1909-10-17 card party, Arnovich, Pomush, Sher, Reveolsky, Oreksky, Bulby, Cohen.pdf"> 1909-10-17 card party</A> - -   Holds Card Party, Jennie Arnovitch, Shapiro, Bubly, Pomush, Jaffe, Cohen, Sher, Oreksky , Reveolsky -   1909 10 17          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1910-8-25 Goldfine, Arnovich, Duluth Iron and Metal.pdf"> 1910-8-25 Goldfine, Arnovich, Duluth Iron and Metal</A> - - </font><font size="1">  Prisoner Turns States Evidence, Harry Bernstein, D. Goldfine, Dorf & Arnovich, Duluth Iron & Metal Co.   </font> -   1910 8 25          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1910-8-26 sugar Bernstein, H Goldfine.pdf"> 1910-8-26 sugar theft</A> - - </font><font size="1">  Sugar Theft Case Is Given Continuation, H. Bernstein, H. Goldfine, Twohy-Eimon Mercantile Co., I. Dorf, Charles Arnovich </font> -   1910 8 26          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1912-11-28 Dakota, Katz, Kaner, Sadie Chase.pdf"> 1912-11-28 Dakota, Katz, Kaner, Sadie Chase</A> - -  </font><font size="1"> Will Reside In Dakota, Sam Katz, Rose Chase, Morris and Sadie Chse, Charles Arnovich, Ben Kaner</font> -   1912 11 28          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1912-11-28 Rose Chase & Sam Katz, Mr. & Mrs. Ben Kaner.pdf"> 1912-11-28 Rose Chase & Sam Katz, Mr. & Mrs. Ben Kaner</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1912 Rose Chase and Sam Katz, Mr. and Mrs. Ben Kaner guests  Will Reside In Dakota. Sam Katz, rose Chase, harles Arnovich, Ben Kaner.  </font> -   1912 11 28    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1915-1-15 Dorf, Arnovich, feed.pdf"> 1915-1-15 Dorf, Arnovich, feed</A> - -   Feed Dealers Win In Local Test Case, Isadore Dorf, Charles Arinovich -   1915 1 15          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1922-8-15 Rabbi Moses Arnovich, Superior.pdf"> 1922-8-15 Rabbi Moses Arnovich, Superior</A> - -   headline  -   1922 8 15    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1921-3-26 Lebendiger, Purim.pdf"> 1921-3-26 Lebendiger, Purim</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1921 Duluth Jews To Observe Feast Of Purim Sunday. Duluth Hebrew institute, Sylvia Laskovitz, Elsie Widdes, Mary London, Selma Cohen, Lillian Harris, Helen Cook, Belle Harris, Jennie Horwitz, Rabbi Israel Lebendiger, Miss Sclarow, Cherry Rine, Ruby Goodman, Helen Segal, Miss Shenowsky, Ida Ostrowsky, Bessie Seiden, Alek Cohen, Eva Bruesen, Ethel Kasmir, Roy Teltch, Bessie Litman, Anna Kane, Helen Segal.   </font>     1900 1 0    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1904-1-24 Ben Horwitz, Ely.pdf"> 1904-1-24 Ben Horwitz, Ely</A> -   1904 1 24          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1911-2-22 Horwitz, wed Hamilton.pdf"> 1911-2-22 Horwitz, wed Hamilton</A> -   1911 2 22          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1911-10-12 A. Horwitz, Kramer visit.pdf"> 1911-10-12 A. Horwitz, Kramer visit</A> -   1911 10 12          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1911-12-6 A. Horwitz-weed.pdf"> 1911-12-6 A. Horwitz-weed</A> -   1911 12 6          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1912-1-3 Glass, Azine wed. ,Horwitz.pdf"> 1912-1-3 Glass, Azine wed. ,Horwitz</A> -   1912 1 3    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1912-1-7 Lena Azine and Howard Glass wed, Horwitz.pdf"> 1912-1-7 Lena Azine and Howard Glass wed, Horwitz</A> -   1912 1 7    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1912-1-7 Lena Azine and William H. Glass wed, Rabbi Kissin, Horwitz.pdf"> 1912-1-7 Lena Azine and William H. Glass wed, Rabbi Kissin, Horwitz</A> -   1912 1 7    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1912-3-18 Joe Horwitz.pdf"> 1912-3-18 Joe Horwitz</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1912 "Artaxerxes" Moses Montefiore Hebrew school. Rabbi E. Horowitz, Joe Horowitz, Allen Rachlin, H. Gersehold, Miss T. Berkstrom, Abe Oreckowsky, Eva Salk, Sadie Gingold, Nathan Cook, H. G. Loviejk, Sam Cook, Isidor Usan, Harry Levin, N. Asin, Jacob Usan, M. Altman, S. Meyers, M. Orak, D. Orekowski, G. Cassimir, M. Rosenberg, A. Rosenberg, Sam Cook, S. Slotkowsky, P. Cassimir, S. Meyers, L. Sanders, S. Shore, B. Tobak, T. Garon, Charles Green, S. Singer, B. Shore, Abe Rosenberg, B. Zlotkowsky, Doris Gatkin, A. Price,  Abe Littman, B. Harris, E. Seidel, Rose Meyers, Lena Stein, David Silver, Sam Cassimir, Jack Shusterman, M. Oreck, Lilly Weiner, Lena Singer.  </font> -   1912 3 18          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1912-8-4 Alman confirmation-Horwitz.pdf"> 1912-8-4 Alman confirmation-Horwitz</A> -   1912 8 4          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1912-8-4 Monick Altman confirmation photo.pdf"> 1912-8-4 Monick Altman confirmation photo</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1912 Confirmation Feast At The Altman Home, Monick Altman. Mr. and Mrs. J. Altman, 531 West Third street. S. Natelson, Dr. E. Horwitz, J. Altman, Mrs. Altman, J. Oreckovsky, Dr. S. Gross, Harry Altman, Sam Banks, Max Oreckovsky, Isabel Natelson, N. Kriss, D. Davidson, Mrs. J. Oreckovsky, M. Rose, Joe Oreckovsky, Miss S. Marner, L. Charles.  </font> -   1912 8 4          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1913-3-17 Adas Israel, Ohve Zion Gate.pdf"> 1913-3-17 Adas Israel, Ohve Zion Gate</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1913 Services Today In Honor of Dr. Theodor Herzl. Ada Israel synagogue, Dr. Benjamin Horwitz, A. M. Shulman-Chicago, Ohave Zion gate.  </font> -   1913 3 17          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1913-3-23 Sarah Chucker, IB Lurye, wed, Horwitz.pdf"> 1913-3-23 Sarah Chucker, IB Lurye, wed, Horwitz</A> -   1913 3 23          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1913-7-20 Memorial for Herzl, Max Oreckovsky.pdf"> 1913-7-20 Memorial for Herzl, Max Oreckovsky</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1913 Memorial Service for Theodore Herzl. Max Oreckovsky, Benjamin Horwitz, Rabbi I. S. Teplitz, Harry E. Weinberg.  </font> -   1913 7 20          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1913-7-24 Zionism , Herzl, Horwitz.pdf"> 1913-7-24 Zionism , Herzl, Horwitz</A> -   1913 7 24    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1913-7-28 Adas Israel, memorial Dr. Theodor Herzl.pdf"> 1913-7-28 Adas Israel, memorial Dr. Theodor Herzl</A>  - -  </font><font size="1">  1913 Pay Tribute to Zion's Founder. Duluth Hebrews attend memorial in honor of Dr. Theodor Herzl. His work outlined by able speakers. Orator appeals to countrymen to continue leader's great work. Adas Israel synagogue, Ohave Zion Gate. Harry E. Weinberg, Dr. Benjamin Horwitz, Cantor H.Zion, Rabbi I. S. Teplitz.   </font> -   1913 7 28          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1913-9-14 Moses Montefiore Hebrew School Assn., Joseph Oreckovsky.pdf"> 1913-9-14 Moses Montefiore Hebrew School Assn., Joseph Oreckovsky</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1913 Moses Montefiore School For Jewish Children.- Chartered members: Robert Buchman, Joseph Polinsky, Charles P. Meyers, Meyer S. Cook, Lew Helstein, Joseph Oreckovsky, Max Zalk, A. J. Klatzkey, Max Altman, Charles P. Meyers, Abe Garon, Joseph Weinberg, Rabbi I. S. Teplitz, Rabbi M. Lefkovits, Rev. E. Horwitz, M. L. Cassmir, Henry Cassmir, M. L. Rine, Sam Kerness, Morris Zien, Isadore Zion, B. J. Cook, William Oxman, Nathan Kris, Gabriel Oreck </font> -   1913 9 14    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1913-11-11 Rev. E. Horwitz-ritual murder.pdf"> 1913-11-11 Rev. E. Horwitz-ritual murder</A> -   1913 11 11          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1913-12-31 Samuel Mark (x) Horwitz.pdf"> 1913-12-31 Samuel Mark (x) Horwitz</A> -   1913 12 31          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1916-10-22 A. Horwitz, house.pdf"> 1916-10-22 A. Horwitz, house</A> -   1916 10 22          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1917-2-14 David Horwitz, bowling, alcohol.pdf"> 1917-2-14 David Horwitz, bowling, alcohol</A> -   1917 2 14    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1918- Mandy Horwitz.pdf"> 1918- Mandy Horwitz</A> -   1918 1 0.1          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1918-6-15 Third District, Bernstein, Horwitz, Karon.pdf"> 1918-6-15 Third District, Bernstein, Horwitz, Karon</A> -   1918 6 15          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1918-12-29 Sergt. Mandy Horwitz Returns.pdf"> 1918-12-29 Sergt. Mandy Horwitz Returns</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1918 Sergt. Mandy Horwitz  </font> -   1918 12 29    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1919-9-5 Old Settlers, Eveleth, Horwitz.pdf"> 1919-9-5 Old Settlers, Eveleth, Horwitz</A> -   1919 9 5          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1919-9-5 Eveleth, Old Settlers.pdf"> 1919-9-5 Eveleth, Old Settlers</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1919 Evelethians Join Old Settlers' Society. Max Shapiro, Frank Rabinowitz, Harry Rabinowitz, Morris Nathenson, Soloman Sax, Matt Horwitz, Joe Levine  </font> -   1919 9 5    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1920-1-10 Kofereth Israel-Horwitz,Shaarai Tzedek.pdf"> 1920-1-10 Kofereth Israel-Horwitz,Shaarai Tzedek</A> -   1920 1 10    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1920-1-10 Kofereth Israel J. Averbook.pdf"> 1920-1-10 Kofereth Israel J. Averbook</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1920 Kofereth Israel Congregation To Build Synagogue. Shaarai Tzedek Also Announces Tentative Plan for Erection of New Building. M. Mattenson, K. Levine, A. Horwitz, Maurice Cohen, Sol Kernes, Sam Stein, J.Averbook, Z. Keil, Joseph Shelf. Saarai Tzedek.  </font> -   1920 1 10          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1920-1-10 Kofereth Israel Synagogue, Joseph Shelf.pdf"> 1920-1-10 Kofereth Israel Synagogue, Joseph Shelf</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1920 Kofereth Israel Congregation To Build Synagogue. Shaarai Tzedek Also Announces Tentative Plan for Erection of New Building. Fourth street and Third avenue East, present location 323 East Fifth street, 20 years, M. Mattenson, K. Levine, A. Horwitz, Maurice Cohen, Sol Kernes, Sam Stein, J. Averbook, Z. Kiel, Joseph Shelf.   </font>     1920 1 10    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1920-12-12 Nathan Horwitz, cigars.pdf"> 1909-7-14 John Horwitz</A> -   1920 12 12    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1920-12-12 Chisholm, Cigar Maker, Virginia, Nathan Horwitz.pdf"> 1920-12-12 Chisholm, Cigar Maker, Virginia, Nathan Horwitz</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1920 Chisholm: Cigar Makers' Union Holds Annual Election, Nathan Horwitz, Virginia  </font> -   1920 12 12    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1921-11-17 Lena Horwitz-obit., David, Mandy, Nathan.pdf"> 1921-11-17 Lena Horwitz-obit., David, Mandy, Nathan</A> -   1921 11 17    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1921-11-17 Lena Horwitz obit., Rabbi I. A. Teplitz.pdf"> 1921-11-17 Lena Horwitz obit., Rabbi I. A. Teplitz</A>  - - </font><font size="1"> 1921 Mrs. Lena Horwitz obit. Rabbi I. A. Teplitz, David, Mandy, and Nathan Horwitz, A. Weiss.  </font> -   1921 11 17    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1921-11-17 Lena Horwitz obit..pdf"> 1921-11-17 Lena Horwitz obit.</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1921 Mrs. Lena Horwitz 70, 314 1/2 East Fifth street. obit.  </font>     1921 11 17    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1922-2-11 Tu B'shvat, Florence Goldfarb, Crystal, Widdes.pdf"> 1922-2-11 Tu B'shvat, Florence Goldfarb, Crystal, Widdes</A>  - - </font><font size="1">Helen Segal sister of Stan Segal's father and Rudoplh Segal. she married Louis Shelf - somehow connected to European Bakery. Nathan Cohen was married to Celia Walt. Alfred Weinberg, Sylvia Laskawitz became Sylvia Fink - they had the market on East 19th and 8th Street. Irene Levine became Irene Paull, Sylvia Horwitz maybe daughter of David and Sarah married Hallm Elsie Widdes - Elsie Kane, Fay Horwitz- Faye Solle, Eunice Passon could be Elsie Mastoon, Cherie Rine married Abe Bruzonsky, Sylvia Stewart married Gordon Cohen, Etta Levine sister of Irene Paull, Helen Aarons is Helen Widdes, Dorothy Horwitz another sister. Herb Samuels. Jacob Crystal father of Izy</font> -   1922 2 11.5          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1922-7-20 Memorial for Founder of Political Zionism.pdf"> 1922-7-20 Memorial for Founder of Political Zionism</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1922 Memorial Service for Theo. Herzl,Founder of Political Zionism, Max Oreckovsky, Abraham Horwitz, Ph.D., Rabbi I. S. Teplitz, Harry E. Weinberg. Adas Israel Synagogue  </font> -   1922 7 20          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1983-3 Julius Horwitz JFN profile.jpg"> 1983-3 Julius Horwitz JFN profile</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> text  </font>     1983 3 0.9    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1898-3-1 Zalk, Cook, Marks.pdf"> 1898-3-1 Zalk, Cook, Marks </A> - -   In Miss Marks’ Honor, </font><font size="1"> Hammel, Freimuth, Edelman, Zalk, Buckman, Cohen, Mark, Cook, Josephs, Goldbloom  </font> -   1898 3 1          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1898 3-1 Etta Cook.pdf"> 1898 3-1 Etta Cook</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1898 In Miss Marks’ Honor. Miss Fanny Marks-St. Paul, Kalamazoo block,  Mr. and Mrs. Hammel, Mr. and Mrs. Freimuth, Mr. and Mrs. Edelman, Mr. and Mrs. Zalk, Mr. and Mrs. Buckman, Mr. and Mrs. Cohen, Misses Mamie Mark, Henrietta Cook, Etta Cook, Ida Zalk, H. Y. Josephs, C. Goldbloom, B. J. Cook, M. Cook, J. Cook, M. J. Cook, Z. Y. Josephs, M. Mark.  </font>     1898 3 1          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1899-3-13 La Vant and Casmir wedding.htm"> 1899-3-13 La Vant and Casmir wedding</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> Attendees: Nellie La Vant, David Casmir, Rabbi Abrams, Rabbi Newfield, Henrietta Cook, B. J. Cook, Annie L Vant, Selma Casmir, Mayor Truelsen, Dr. R. Graham, Lavick, Mitchell, Albert, I. Isadore, I. Rubenstein, Julius Cohen, Joe Sattler, Kacob SattlerGus Levin, Levy, I. Abrahamson, Krojanker, William Abrahamson, Dave Cohen, L. Oreck, Monschind, H. Hirshberg, H. Y. Josephs, S. E. Gittelson, J. Rothschild, Meyar Cook, J. Abrahamson, Julius Cook, Ben Katz, Mark, Hanna Cook, Lillian Abramson, Pauline Levy, Sadie Mondschind, Mary Mark, and Fanny Hass.  </font> -   1899 3 13          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1899-3-13 La Vant and Casmir wedding.pdf"> 1899-3-13 La Vant and Casmir wedding</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1899  United In Marriage. Miss Nellie La Vant and David Casmir Married Yesterday Afternoon.   Rabbi Newfield, Rabbi Abrams, Henrietta Cook, B. J. Cook, Annie La Vant, Selma Casmir, Mayor Truelsen, Dr. R. Graham, Casmir, Lavick, Mitchell, Albert, I. Isadore, I. Rubenstein, Julius Cohen, Joe Sattler, Jacob Sattler, Gus Levin, P. Levy, I. Abrahamson, Krojanker, William Abrahamson, Dave Cohen, L. Oreck, Monschind, B. J. Cook, H. Hirshberg, H. Y. Josephs, S. E. Gittelson, J. Rothschild, Meyear Cook, J. Abrahmson, Julius Cook, Ben Katz, Mark, Henrietta Cook, Hanna Cook, Lillian Abrahamson, Pauline Levy, Sadie Mondschind, Mary Mark, Fanny Hass.  </font> -   1899 3 13          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1921-3-18 Lebendiger, Palestine.pdf"> 1921-3-18 Lebendiger, Palestine</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1921 Palestine Fund For Restoration sought By Jews. Duluthians Asked to Aid in Financing Home for Persecuted of Europe.  Abraham Goldberg-New York. Rabbi Israel Lebendiger, S. Y. Josephs.  </font>     1900 1 0    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1921-5-30 Lebendiger, Silberstein, 50 year Jubilee.pdf"> 1921-5-30 Lebendiger, Silberstein, 50 year Jubilee</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1921 250 to Observe 50-Year Jubilee For Silberstein. Jewsof Two States to Honor Duluth Merchant at Celebration. Silberstein initiated into the B'nai B'rith order in 1871 Detroit, Michigan, Henry Monsky-Omaha, Mr. and Mrs. Charles D. Oreckovsky, William M. Abrahamson, Mrs. H. Y. Josephs, Rabbi Israel Lebendiger, S. B. Copilowisch, A. B. Kapplin, D. P. Fieldman, Samuel Nides, Jesse Cohen, Ben Miller. Silberstein elected to commissioner in 1915-1919.  </font>     1900 1 0          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1921-5-30 Lebendiger, Sisterhood.pdf"> 1921-5-30 Lebendiger, Sisterhood</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1921 Sisterhood Is Formed. Hebrew Institute, Rabbi Israel Lebendiger, Mr. and Mrs. H. Y. Josephs, 1124 East Superior street, Mrs. A . Davidson, Mrs. J. A. Kohn, J. Rosenstein, Mrs. M. Daneiko, Mrs. M. Cook, Mrs. H. Y. Josephs, Mrs. A. Friss, Mrs. M. Nides, Mrs. I. B. Aarons, Mrs. L. Oreck, Mrs. H. Lavick, Mrs. H. Bennett, Mrs. Lebendiger, Mrs. A. Friss, Mrs. Teplisky, Mrs.M. D. Nides, Mrs. Oxman.  </font>     1900 1 0    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1922-5-7 Lebendiger, new citizens, B'nai Brith.pdf"> 1922-5-7 Lebendiger, new citizens, B'nai Brith</A>  - -  </font><font size="1">  1922 New Citizens Are Urged to Show Obedience to U. S. Rabbi Alvin Luchs, Covenant hall, Duluth Americanization committee, B'nai B'rith. Rabbi Israel Lebendiger, Duluth Recreational orchestra, Boy Scouts, Homer B. Hursh, American Legion, I. K. Lewis, Ralph Dunning, Warren E. Green, Judge Bert Fesler, Mrs. H. Y. Josephs, H. J. Steel, Hugo Freimuth.   </font>     1900 1 0          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1901-11-5 Etta Cook and Hyman Josephs ml.pdf"> 1901-11-5 Etta Cook and Hyman Josephs ml</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1901 Marriage licenses issued to Hyman Y. Josephs and Etta Cook. 1st. column.  </font>     1901 11 5          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1901-11-6 Cook-Josephs wedding, Zalk.pdf"> 1901-11-6 Cook-Josephs wedding, Zalk</A> - -   Miss Etta Cook Becomes Bride, Hyman Y. Josephs, guest list, Zalk -   1901 11 6    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1901-11-6 Etta Pauline Cook and Hyman Josephs wed.pdf"> 1901-11-6 Etta Pauline Cook and Hyman Josephs wed</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1901 Miss Etta Cook Becomes A Bride. Mr. Hyman Y. Josephs The Happy Groom At A Wedding Last Evening. Jewish Ceremony Is Used. Rabbi Rosenbaum, of California, Assisted by Rabbi Helpurn. Many Costly and Beautiful Gifts-Happy Couple Depart for Trip to San Francisco. Etta Pauline Cook, youngest daughter of Mrs. Ida Cook and Hyman Y. Josephs were married, bride’s mother’s home 20 West Third street. Brother B. J. Cook, Rabbi F. Rosenbaum-San Francisco, Rabbi Helpurn-Duluth, sister Mrs. A. I. Shapira-St. Paul, sister Henrietta Cook,  Mae Levy, Nathan Shapira ring bearer, Ray Cook, Gertrude Josephine flower girls, Mr. A. Goldman-Minneapolis, Julius Cook, Sig. Y. Josephs. Duluth Iron & Metal company owner H. Y. Josephs, 725 East Third street. Mr. and Mrs. A. Goldman and son-Minneapolis; Mr. and Mrs. A. I. Shapira-St. Paul; Mr. and Mrs. Robert Buckman-Superior; Mr. and Mrs. P. H. Levy; Mr. and Mrs. Louis Hammell; Mr. and Mrs. Herman Heiman; Mr. and Mrs. Louis Joseph; Mr. and Mrs. Max Zalk; Mr. and Mrs. M. I. Edleman; Mr. and Mrs. Sam Rocklin; Mr. and Mrs. M. S. Cook; Mr. and Mrs. Z. Zalk; Mr. and Mrs. D. Kassmir?; Mr. and Mrs. S. G. Levy; Mrs. R. A. Cohen and son-Milaca, Minn.; Mrs. H. Rosenblatt, Miss Pauline Levy, Miss May Ley, Bessie Rocklin, Henrietta Cook, Eva Zalk, Ray Cook, Gertrude Josephs; Walter Goldman-Minneapolis; Louis Levy; Hugo Hirschman; Harry Levy; Louis Zalk; Simon Cook, C. J. West, Simon Sealer, Dr. E. A. Severson, Barney Josephs-Marquette, Mich., Julius Zalk, Julius Cook; Sigmond Y. Josephs; Charles Levy-St. Paul; Barny Kin-Indianapolis, Ind.; B. J. Cook; M. J. Cook;  H. J. Pullverman-Louisville, Ky.; Nathan Shapira-St. Paul; J. Cohen-Milaca; Nathan Cook.</font>     1901 11 6          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1902-9-10 Simon P. Cook obit.pdf"> 1902-9-10 Simon P. Cook obit</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1902 Drinks Acid By Mistake. Simon P. Cook Swallows Fatal Dose Thinking It Was Medicine. Death Is Instantaneous. Considered Brightest Pupil In High School class of 1903. Had Been Studying Hard In Preparation of Fall Work and Health Was Somewhat Broken. S. Y. Josephs’ relative. 314 East Second street. Seventeen years old. Sisters: Mrs. Hyman Y. Josephs-Duluth; Mrs. A. I. Shapiro-Duluth, Brothers: B. J.;  M. S.; Julius and M. J. Cook.   </font>     1902 9 10          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1902-11-10 Cook, Freimuth, Joseph telephone.pdf"> 1902-11-10 Cook, Freimuth, Joseph telephone</A> - -   Duluth Telephone Co., Cook, Freimuth, Josephs -   1902 11 10    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1904-2-2 M. Zalk, Jewish vote.pdf"> 1904-2-2 M. Zalk, Jewish vote</A> - -   Mayo Addresses Jewish Voters, Mayor Hugo, Josephs, Lugoff, Weisman, Zalk, Kassmir  -   1904 2 2    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1904-3-11 Zalk, Josephs.pdf"> 1904-3-11 Zalk, Josephs</A> - -   M. Zalk, H. Y. Josephs, Duluth Machinery Co., enterprise Brick Co. of Wrenshall  -   1904 3 11    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1904-11-20 B'nai B'rith, Rabbi Mendel Silber, Anna Oreckovsky.pdf"> 1904-11-20 B'nai B'rith, Rabbi Mendel Silber, Anna Oreckovsky</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1904 Will Observe B'nai B'rith Day, (established in 1880) Rabbi Mendel Silber, B. Silberstein, Louis R. Frankel, Rabbi Silber, Clara Shapiro, H. Y. Josephs, Anna Oreckovsky, Eva Casmir, Hugo Kohn, Louis S. Levy.</font> -   1904 11 20          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1905-3-22 Henrietta Cook and Goodman.pdf"> 1905-3-22 Henrietta Cook and Goodman</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1905 People You Know. Mr. and Mrs. H. Y. Josephs invitations for dancing party at Masonic hall, Miss Henrietta Cook and M. Goodman to be honored. Mrs. Ida Cook issued invitations for the marriage of her daughter Miss Henrietta to M. Goodman. Wedding to take place at home, 109 Second avenue east.   </font>     1905 3 22          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1905-3-24 Henrietta Cook and Albert S. Goodman, Sattler.pdf"> 1905-3-24 Henrietta Cook and Albert S. Goodman, Sattler</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1905 Dancing Party For Miss Cook-Mr. Goodman. Mr. and Mrs. H. . Josephs gave party, in honor of Henrietta Cook and Albert S. Goodman. Mrs.Victor Kohn, Mrs. Shapiro, Mrs. Moses Cook, Mrs. Hirschfield, Mrs. Max Shapiro, Mrs. David Casmir, Mrs. P. H. Levy, Miss Delia Finklestein, Miss Rae Finklestein, Miss Rose Krojanker, Miss Estelle Levy, Miss Elsie Silberstein, Miss Clara Shapiro, Miss Gettleson, Miss Josephine Sattler,  Miss Lillian Cook. Guests, Louis Hammel, Victor Kohn, I. Freimuth, Joseph Mountner, M. Cook, Robert Marcuse, Adolph Freimuth, P. H. Levy, J. Hirshfield, Robert Buchman, D. Casmir, Max Shapiro, W. Gomberg, G. A. Klein, Mesdames F. Mondshine, A. I. Shapiro, Ida Cook, Misses Delia and Rae Finklestein-St. Paul, Josephine Sattler, Estelle Levy, Clara Shapiro, Irene Silberstein, Elsie Silberstein, Rose Krojanker, Isabelle Cook-Chicago, Ethel Dick-Cincinnati, Alice Martin, Messrs. Mendel Silber, Dave Loewes, Samuel Levy, Hugo Kohn, Albert Goodman, C. Levy, L. Levy, Louis Freimuth, B. J. Cook, Nathaniel Gidding, M. Rosenberger, J. Cook, M. Cook, D. Rosenblatt, A. Cornfield, Louis Zalk, Charles Oswald.   </font>     1905 3 24    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1905-3-24 Cook and Goodman party.pdf"> 1905-3-24 Cook and Goodman party</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1905 Dancing Party For Miss Cook-Mr. Goodman. Mr. and Mrs. H. Y. Josephs, dancing party, old Masonic Temple, in honor of Miss Henrietta Cook and Albert S. Goodman-St. Paul. Mrs. Victor Kohn, Mrs. Shapiro, Mrs. Moses Cook, Mrs. Hirschfield, Mrs. Max Shapiro, Mrs. David Casmir, Mrs. P. H. Levy, Miss Rae Finklestein, Miss Rose Krojanker, Miss Estelle Levy, Miss Elsie Silberstein, Miss Clara Shapiro, Miss Gettleson, Miss Josephine Sattler, Miss Lillian Cook. Messrs. And Mesdames:  Louis Hammel, Victor Kohn, I. Freimuth, Joseph Mountner, M. Cook, Robert Marcus, Adolph Freimuth, P. H. Levy, J. Hirshfield, Robert Buchman, D. Casmir, Max Shapiro, W. Gomberg, G. A. Klein, Mesdames: F. Mondshine, A. I. Shapiro, Ida Cook, Delia and Rae Finklestein-St. Paul, Josephine Sattler, Estelle Levy, Clara Shapiro, Irene Silberstein, Elsie Silberstein, Rose Krojanker, Isabelle Cook-Chicago, Ethel Dick-Cincinnati, Alice Martin. Messrs: Mendel Sislber, Dave Loewes, Samuel Levy, Hugo Kohn, Albert Goodman, C. Levy, L. Levy, Louis Freimuth, B. J. Cook, Nathaniel Gidding, M. Rosenberger, J. Cook, M. Cook, D. Rosenblatt, A. Cornfield, Louis Zalk, Charles Oswald.   </font>     1905 3 24          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1905-3-26 Zalk, Josephs, Buchman, mercantile store.pdf"> 1905-3-26 Zalk, Josephs, Buchman, mercantile store</A> - -  </font><font size="1"> Capital of $50,000 For New Company, S. Y. Josephs, Golden Rule Store, Max Zalk  </font> -   1905 3 26          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1905-3-27 Henrietta Cook and Goodman wed.pdf"> 1905-3-27 Henrietta Cook and Goodman wed</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1905 Popular Jewish Maid Is Wedded. Miss Cook Becomes the Bride of Albert Goodman, of St. Paul. Rabbi Mendel Silber, Rabbi Tipplets, Mrs. H. Y. Josephs, Hatti Shapiro, Estelle Levy, Delia Finklestein, Maymie Gittleson, Louis Goodman, Louis Zalk, Julius Cook, S. Y. Josephs, B. J. Cook, Sylia Josephs, Ray Cook, Miss Levy, Mrs. Josephs, Miss Gittleson, Miss Finklestein, Miss Shapiro. Mr. Goodman is engaged in the wholesale jewelry business. Guests: Messrs. And Mesdames: L. Nathan, Jacob Bernstein, Albert Shapiro, Mrs. M. Shapiro, Mrs. I. Jacobs, Miss Delia Finklestein. Miss Rae Finklestin, Miss Hattie Shapiro, Morris Goodman, Louis Finklestein, Harry Goodman-St. Paul. Miss Lillian Cook-Chicago, Miss Rose Cohn, A. Cohn, Isadore Cohn-Superior.   </font>     1905 3 27          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1905-5-14 Golden Rule, Max Zalk.pdf"> 1905-5-14 Golden Rule, Max Zalk</A> - - </font><font size="1"> Throng In Store On Opening Day, The Golden Rule, S. Y. Josephs, H. Y. Josephs, Max Zalk, R. Buckman    </font> -   1905 5 14    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1905-11-1 Shapiro, Bondy, Josephs, Levy, Lewis, Silber.pdf"> 1905-11-1 Shapiro, Bondy, Josephs, Levy, Lewis, Silber</A> -   1905 11 1    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1905-11-5 Shapiro, Bondy, Silber Levy, Lewis, Roesnberger.pdf"> 1905-11-5 Shapiro, Bondy, Silber Levy, Lewis, Roesnberger</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> Mr. and Mrs. M. P. Shapiro, Bondy, Rev. Dr. Mendel Silber, Charles Levy, David Lewis, Milton Rosenberger, S. Y. Josephs, and Samuel Gittleson.  </font> -   1905 11 5          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1907-1-1 Chisholm LeDoux Minnie Josephs Karon Glass Block.pdf"> 1907-1-1 Chisholm LeDoux Minnie Josephs Karon Glass Block</A> -   1907 1 1          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1907-5-8 Max Zalk, H. Y. and S. Y. Josephs.pdf"> 1907-5-8 Max Zalk, H. Y. and S. Y. Josephs</A> - -   Fire Breaks Out In Golden Rule Store, S. Y. and H. Y. Josephs and Max Zalk  -   1907 5 8          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1909-12-22 Samuel Zalk, Julius Zalk estate.pdf"> 1909-12-22 Zalk estate</A> - -  </font><font size="1"> Wants Damages For Death Of His Son, Max & Louis  Zalk, H. Y. Josephs, Duluth Machinery Co. sued by Samuel Zalk,  Julius Zalk </font> -   1909 12 22          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1912-5-9 Joe Joseph real estate transfer.pdf"> 1912-5-9 Joe Joseph real estate transfer</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1912 Real Estate Transfers, Joe Josephs to Alfred Olke.  </font> -   1912 5 9    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1912-5-26 real estate transfers.pdf"> 1912-5-26 real estate transfers</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1912 Josephs and Zalk, 1st column,   </font> -   1912 5 26          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1912-5-29 Joe Josephs 18 years old obit..pdf"> 1912-5-29 Joe Josephs 18 years old obit.</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1912 Joseph Josephs 18 year old, obit. died May 28.  </font>  -   1912 5 29          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1912-5-29 Joseph Josephs.pdf"> 1912-5-29 Joseph Josephs</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1912 Body That Of Joseph Josephs. Coroner McComb Identifies Remain of Man Found Near the Calvary Road. Wa Young Musician With Home In Superior. Theory of Self-Destruction Is Deduced From Conditions Surrounding Corpse.  </font> -   1912 5 29    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1912-8-25 S. Y. Josephs, Superior, Boston Store.pdf"> 1912-8-25 S. Y. Josephs, Superior, Boston Store</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1912 S. Y. Josephs Co. Is Incorporated. New $50,000 Corporation to Operate the " Boston Store" Business. L. M. Shapiro and H. C. Wilson. 1306-1308 Tower avenue.  </font> -   1912 8 25    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1912-11-19 Joseph Josephs 8 years old.pdf"> 1912-11-19 Joseph Josephs 8 years old</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1912 Buffalo, N.Y.: Postcard Penman Believed Now To Be Slayer Of Boys. Man Who Killed Josephs and Other Boys Believed to be Located. Buffalo Grand Jury to Act Today.  Josephs Josephs 8 year old.  </font> -   1912 11 19    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1912-12-22 Zalk, Josephs, fish co.pdf"> 1912-12-22 Zalk, Josephs, fish co</A> - -  </font><font size="1"> New Trial Granted In Machinery Case, Hyman Y. Josephs, Max and Louis sZalk, Duluth Machinery Co.</font> -   1912 12 22    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1913-1-5 Superior, Josephs & Shapiro, Boston Building.pdf"> 1913-1-5 Superior, Josephs & Shapiro, Boston Building</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1913 New Business Block for Superior: Josephs & Shapiro Will Build.  </font> -   1913 1 5    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1913- 6-4 Ben Friedman Merchants Banquet.pdf"> 1913- 6-4 Ben Friedman Merchants Banquet</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1913 Cooperation Is The Keynote. Talks Made by Duluth and Superior. J. Solon, or Merchants at Local Association's Banquet. Nearly One Hundred Percent At Function.   J. Segal, L. Segal, S. Y. Josephs, Louis Shapiro, Roy Edelstein, Herman Aaronson, J. Sharkey, Ben Friedman.  </font>     1913 6 4          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1913-8-20 Max, Louis, Zalk, Josephs, workmen.pdf"> 1913-8-20 Max, Louis, Zalk, Josephs, workmen</A> - - </font><font size="1">  Asks $5025 Damages For Loss Of Two Fingers, Duluth Iron & Metal Max Zalk, Hyman Josephs, Louis Zalk  </font> -   1913 8 20          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1913-8-24 Helena Silberstein, Fannie Josephs, festival for Children's Home.pdf"> 1913-8-24 Helena Silberstein, Fannie Josephs, festival for Children's Home</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1913 Festival For Children's Home. Helena Silberstein, Fannie Josephs.  </font> -   1913 8 24    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1914-2-22 Rosalind Labovitz.pdf"> 1914-2-22 Rosalind Labovitz</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1914 Additional Music Notes. Eva Zalk, Sadie Gingold, Young Women’s Christian association, Rosalind Labovitz, Lurine Karon, Florence Simon, Irving Josephs, Percy . Weinberg, Sophia Freimuth, Lawrence Goldberg, Joseph Horowitz, Jerome Goldberg, Sarah Weinberg.  </font>     1914 2 22          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1915-6-10 luncheon.pdf"> 1915-6-10 luncheon</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1915 Luncheon Is Successful Affair. Temple Aid society, Mrs. S. Goldberg, Rabbi M. Lefkovits, Mrs. S. Mondshine, Mrs. M. Cook, Mrs. E. A. Silberstein, Mrs. S. Y. Josephs, Mrs. A. Abrahams, Mrs. Joseph Gidding, Mrs. G. A. Klein, Mrs. L. S. Loeb, Mrs. Leon Selig, Mrs. Josephs, Mrs. Goldberg, Mrs. Rudolph Abrahams, Mrs. M. S. Shapiro.   </font>     1915 6 10    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1916-2-22 Jewish War Relief Garon, Widdes, Kaner, Josephs, Zalk.pdf"> 1916-2-22 Jewish War Relief Garon, Widdes, Kaner, Josephs, Zalk</A> - -    </font><font size="1">  Completing Plans For Jewish Meeting, Oreckovsky, Silberstein, Zalk, Josephs,Sher, Garon, Sher, Karon, Kaner, Widdes, and others.</font> -   1916 2 22          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1916-4-12 Mondshine.pdf"> 1916-4-12 Mondshine</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1916 Symposium on Jews Given at Temple. Tempe Emanuel Aid society. Mrs. Fannie Mondshine, Mrs. M. Hirschfield, Mrs. Josephs, Mr.S. M. Cook, Mrs. I. Cohen-Superior, S. I. Levin, Miss Elsie Silberstein. Mrs. Max Wetzler Mrs. L. Hirsch, Mrs. Jacob Zien, Mrs. I. Zimmerman.  </font>     1916 4 12          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1916-4-12 Gittelson trial.pdf"> 1916-4-12 Gittelson trial</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1916 Reputable Citizens "Guilty". Their "Trial" Was Mockery. Rabbi Lefkovits Acts as presiding Judge Over Bogus Court. Part of Entertainment Given by Covenant Lodge. Samuel Gittelson, Abe Feldman, Judge Maurice Lefkovits, Abe B. Kapplin. B'nai B'rith , Temple Emanuel. B. Silberstein, J. Schroeder, Charles Oreckovsky, Samuel Weinstein, H. Y. Josephs, Mrs. M. Cook.  </font>     1916 4 12          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1916-12-28 Gertrude J. Josephs and Charles A. Saksonoff eng..pdf"> 1916-12-28 Gertrude J. Josephs and Charles A. Saksonoff eng.</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1916 Saksonoff-Josephs Engagement Announced. Mr. and Mrs. L. Y. Josephs, 321 South Seventeeth avenue East, Gertrud Josephs to Charles A. Saksonoff.  </font> -   1916 12 28          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1917-1-23 Zalk, Josephs realty co.pdf"> 1917-1-23 Zalk, Josephs realty co</A> - -   Zalk, Josephs Realty Co., col. 4 -   1917 1 23          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1917-1-24 Josephs and Zalk corp.pdf"> 1917-1-24 Josephs and Zalk corp</A> - -   Zlak & Josehphs Realty Company, articles of incorporation. -   1917 1 24          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1917-1-28 Gertrude Josephs and Charles A. Saksonoff wed..pdf"> 1917-1-28 Gertrude Josephs and Charles A. Saksonoff wed.</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1917 Saksonoff-Josephs Wedding Takes Place. Mr. and Mr. L. Y. Josephs, 321 South Seventeeth avenue East, Gertrude Joseph to Charles A. Saksonoff. Marry Saksonoff, Rae Miller, S. Y. Josephs, Harry Josephs, home 309 East Fifth street.  </font> -   1917 1 28          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1917-1-28 Josephs, Saksonoff,.pdf"> 1917-1-28 Josephs, Saksonoff,</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1917 Sassonoff-Josephs Wedding Takes Place. Mr. and Mrs. L. Y. Josephs, 321 South Seventeenth avenue East. Miss Gertrude Joseph to Charles A. Saksonoff. Miss Mary Saksonoff was the maid of honor and Miss Rae Miller bridesmaid. S. Y. Josephs and Harry Josephs attended the bridegroom. Home 309 East Fifth street.  </font>     1917 1 28    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1917-2-9 Sadie Fostoff.pdf"> 1917-2-9 Sadie Fostoff</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1917 100 Central Student names On Honor Roll. Principal Leonard Young Reads the List at Chapel Exercises. Seniors: Bessie Levine, Sadie Levine. Juniors: Helena Silberstein. Freshmen: Sylvia Josephs, Ida Kaplan, Harry Levine. B list: Eva Fostoff, Leona Leibovitz.  </font>     1917 2 9          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1917-4-18 Fieldman.pdf"> 1917-4-18 Fieldman</A>  - -  </font><font size="1">  1917 'Mimeograph' Sticker For Women Spellers. Men Win "Bee" at "Open House" Party Given by Covenant Lodge. B'nai B'rith, Temple Emanuel, Miss Elsa Silberstein,  Abe Feldman, Mrs. Saul Goldberg, Temple Ades society: Mrs. Michael Levy, Mrs. L. S. Loeb, Mrs. M. S. Hirshfield, Mrs. M. Cook, Mrs. Sigmund Slonim, Mrs. H. Y. Josephs, Mrs. Saul Goldberg, Miss Elsa Silberstein, Miss Stella Bondy, Miss Alice Wetzler, Miss Sadie Gingold, Miss Jeanette Gomberg. A. B. Kapplin, E. A. Silberstein, Morris Mark, Dr. Maurice Lefkovits, Charles D. Oreckovsky, Davi Fieldman, Abe Fieldman, Samuel Weinstein, Dr. Samuel Gross, Dr. Maurice Zack, Charles Rosenfeld, Samuel Nides, Max Rosenfeld. Dr. Maurice Lefkovits-ne Bible translation. Helen Kunody, Hazel Blumenthal, Esther Gomberg, Miss Sylvia Josephs.   </font>     1917 4 18    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1917-5-26 pg. 1 Duluth's Bonds Oversubscribed, Averbook.pdf"> 1917-5-26 pg. 1 Duluth's Bonds Oversubscribed, Averbook</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1917 Duluth's Bonds Oversubscribed. Was Supposed to Raise $1,8000,000, But Instead Exceeded Two Million. Isadore Abraham,  Abe Feldman, Benjamin Goldberg, Joseph N. Averbook, Morris Silk, Harry Witz, Hyman Y. Josephs, J. Samuel Kohn,  </font> -   1917 5 26    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1917-12-17 Hazel Blumenthal party, Muriel Garon, Muriel Josephs.pdf"> 1917-12-17 Hazel Blumenthal party, Muriel Garon, Muriel Josephs</A> - -  </font><font size="1">  Has Party,  Miss Hazel Blumenthal,   ninth birthday, Gittelson, Freimuth, Hirschfield, Cook, Phelps, Garon and many guests </font> -   1917 12 17          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1918-3-23 Rosalind Labovitz, Honor Roll.pdf"> 1918-3-23 Rosalind Labovitz, Honor Roll</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1918 Central High School Honor Roll Pupils. “A” List, Seniors: Nathan Azine, Faith Weiss. Sophomores: Sylvia Josephs. “B” List, Juniors: Maurice Karon, Lena Winer. Sophomores: Nathan Braverman, Rosalind Labovitz, Harry Levine, Alfred Rosenberg.   </font>     1918 3 23          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1918-5-30 Dr. Moses Gittelson.pdf"> 1918-5-30 Dr. Moses Gittelson</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1916 Reputable Citizens "Guilty". Their "Trial" Was Mockery. Rabbi Lefkovits Acts as presiding Judge Over Bogus Court. Part of Entertainment Given by Covenant Lodge. Samuel Gittelson, Abe Feldman, Judge Maurice Lefkovits, Abe B. Kapplin. B'nai B'rith , Temple Emanuel. B. Silberstein, J. Schroeder, Charles Oreckovsky, Samuel Weinstein, H. Y. Josephs, Mrs. M. Cook.  </font>     1918 5 30          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1918-12-21 Leah Kenigsberg.pdf"> 1918-12-21 Leah Kenigsberg</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1918 Leah Kenigsberg, Thirty Central Students Are On "A" Honor Roll.  Harry Levine, Sylvia Josephs.  </font> -   1918 12 21    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1919-2-21 Golden, Hattie Kenner, Karon, Josephs.pdf"> 1919-2-21 Golden, Hattie Kenner, Karon, Josephs</A> -   1919 2 21          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1919-4-16 Ben Garon.pdf"> 1919-4-16 Ben Garon</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1919 Wallace Cup is goal of Duluth; Sylvia Josephs, Marvin Oreck, Sidney Buckman, Isadore Saksonoff, Harry Levine, Theodore Cook and Ben Garon  </font>     1919 4 16          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1919-7-2 Philip Litman.pdf"> 1919-7-2 Philip Litman</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1919 B'nai B'rith Has Superior Lodge. Members Choose Dr. L. M. Harris as First President of New Organization. Dr. L. M. Harris. Lodge Theodore Roosevelt, No. 844. Aaron Siegel, Robert Jacobs, Isadore Cohen, S. Y. Josephs, Philip Litman, E. Lasky, L. J. Marks, Julius Cohen, A. Holmberg.  </font> -   1919 7 2    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1919-7-26 Philip Litman.pdf"> 1919-7-26 Philip Litman</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1919 Zionists' Picnic Is Arranged For At Billings Park. Superior Will Be Host to Range and Duluth People-Fete to Be Held Aug. 10. Herman Aronsohn, Charles Arinovitch, Mrs. Ida Harris, M. Greeberg, Isadore Cohen, Alex Shapiro, Frank Webber, M. Lurye, P. Jaffe, E. Lurye, B. Cohen, Burnette Schneider, S. Y. Josephs, Rae Schneider, Hannah Kaner, Mrs. A. Shapiro, Edith Lsky, Byrdle Weingarten, Philip Litman, I. Dorf, Paul Hyman, Louis Kempinsky, L. Simon, A. Soraka, Harold Lasky, Dr. L. M. Harris, Robert Jacobs, Julius Cohen, Albert Marks, Dr. S. Gross, Herman Stulberg, Nathan Nides, Harry Goldberg, Castle Marcus.   </font> -   1919 7 26          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1919-7-30 Philip Litman.pdf"> 1919-7-30 Philip Litman</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1919 Name Committees For Year; I.O.O.B. Plans Busy Season. Theodore Roosevelt, lodge, No. 844, I.O.O.B. I. D. Cohen, J. Marcus, A. Litman, Julius Cohen, S. Y. Josephs, Dr. L. M. Harris, A. Siegel, Robert Jacobs, L. J. Marks, Edward Lasky, Dr. L. M. Harris, Philip Lipman.  </font> -   1919 7 30          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1919-12-19 Rosalind Labovitz, Yuletide.pdf"> 1919-12-19 Rosalind Labovitz, Yuletide</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1919 Unique Festival Revives Custom Of Middle Ages. Central High School Students Give Yuletide Party in Costume. Roalind Labovitz, Sylvia Josephs.  </font>     1919 12 19          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1920-3-27 Rosalind Labovitz, Honor Role.pdf"> 1920-3-27 Rosalind Labovitz, Honor Role</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1920 Central Honor rolls List 128. High School Students Establish Record for Grades on March Subjects. Seniors: Sylvia Josephs, Ida Kaplin, Rosalind Labovitz, Harry Levine.  </font>     1920 3 27          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1920-4-29 Debate, Sylivia Josephs, Ida Kaplan.pdf"> 1920-4-29 Debate, Sylivia Josephs, Ida Kaplan</A> - -   headline  -   1920 4 29    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1920-6-3 F. Labovitz, Palestine.pdf"> 1920-6-3 F. Labovitz, Palestine</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1920 Jews Will Open Campaign July 7. Duluth’s Share of State Quota for Palestine Fund Will Be $20,000. Dr. M. Lefkovits, Young Zionist league, Young Judea club. Shrine auditorium, Louis Gomberg, Mr. Josephs, I. B. Aarons, A. Saksonoff, William Silvian, Charles P. Meyers, James V. Lavick, A. Fieldman, Joe Weinberg, L. Fox and F. Labovitz.  </font>     1920 6 3    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1920-6-15 James Lavick.pdf"> 1920-6-15 James Lavick</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1920 Duluth’s Quota In Week’s Drive Will Be $20,000. Campaign for Funds for Palestine Restoration Work to Open June 21, Announcement.  Shrine auditorium. C. S. Cowen-New York, Dr. Peter Marcus-Minneapolis. D. W. Loewus. Name Committees: H. Y. Josephs, James Lavick, B. Silberstein, I. B. Aarons. Advisory: I. Fremiuth, B. Silberstein, B. Beckman, M. P. Shapiro, M. C. Albenberg, Joseph Oreckovesky. Executive: S. M. Kaner, S. Capelowitz , H. Witz, L. Fox, W. Silvain, N. Kris, S. Karon, Jos. Davis, Joe Weinberg,  F. Labovitz, S. Natelson, C. P. Mayers, H. Segal, A. Megolsan, I. B. Aarons, A. Fieldman, A. Saksonoff, D. G. Loewus, Ben Karon, B. Sher, F. Keil, and H. Gordon.   </font>     1920 6 15          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1920-6-26 Morris Cohen, Palestine.pdf"> 1920-6-26 Morris Cohen, Palestine</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1920 Palestine Fund Campaign Opens; Obtain $7,500. Teams Will Solicit Corporations, Business Men Today; City’s Quota Is $20,000.  Duluth Iron and Metal company, Abe Bogelson, Judith Bogelson, Joe Davis, William Silvian, S. B. Copilowisch, Joseph Weinberg, Joe Davis, Harry Gordon, L. Fox, James Lavick, A.Mogelson, I. B. Aarons, Nathan S. Garber, Fred Kiel, S. M. Kaner, Albert Bergstein, Max Orinstein, F. Labovitz, H. Segal, Morris Cohen, A. Fieldman and H. Y. Josephs, B. Silberstein. 610-612 First National Bank building campaign headquarters.   </font>     1920 6 26          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1921-2-28 B'nai Brith, spelling bee, Percy Oreck, Charles D. Oreckovsky.pdf"> 1921-2-28 B'nai Brith, spelling bee, Percy Oreck, Charles D. Oreckovsky</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1921 Women, Men Will Combat For Spellings Supremacy. B'nai B'rith spelling bee, Percy Oreck, Charles D. Oreckovsky, Samuel Gofen, M. E. Altman, Jesse Cohen, George Casmir, Harry W. Davis, Herman Elevitch, Ralph Elevitch, Abe Feldman, D. P. Feldman, Hugo Freimuth, Louis Freimuth, Dr. Samuel Gross, Jacob Garon, Toby Garon, Charles W. Green, A. B. Kapplin, Rabbi I. Lebendiger, Maurice Labovits, Morris Mark, Abe Solon, Joseph Weiner, Harry E. Weinberg, Anna Mark, Mrs. S. Polans, Mrs. Jacob Garon, Mrs. M. Cook, Mrs. D. Freimuth, Mrs. Lyle Oreck, Mrs. Morris Altman, Mrs. A. Friss, Mrs. I. Lebendiger, Mrs. A. Davidson, Mrs. S. Hirshfield, Mrs. Julius Siegel, Mrs. Oxman, Mrs. J. Leuri ?, Mrs. M. D. Nides, Mrs. H. Y. Josephs, Miss Anna Mark, Miss Bertha Mendelsohn, Miss Lillian Karon, Miss Mae Klein, Miss Alice Wetzler, Miss Esther Abrahamson, Miss Ida Berkson, Miss Mayme Weinberg, Miss Lillian Levy, and Mrs. C. A . Saksonoff  </font> -   1921 2 28    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1921-4-22 Temple Emanual.pdf"> 1921-4-22 Temple Emanual</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1921 Temple Emanuel: Miss Esther Abrahamson, C. Jacobs, R. Cohen, B. Blumenthal, C. P. Meyers, Lou Kantor, Ida Fieldman, Harry Gordon, M. Cook, Ruth Freimuth, Edna Freimuth, Jeanette Gomberg, Mae Klein, Lillian Levy, Horentse Bondy, Rosalind Bondy, Ida Fieldman and F. Josephs.  </font> -   1921 4 22    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1921-4-22 Mrs. S. Polans.pdf"> 1921-4-22 Mrs. S. Polans</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1921 Scouts, Midgets to Help Women in Tag Day Work. Churches to Combine in Effort for Famine Funds. China and Near East relief. Miss Esther Abrahamson, Temple Emanuel, Mrs. S. Pollans, Oreck’s, Jewish Women’s Council: Mrs. S. M. Polans-chairman, Mmes. Maurice Silk, Jack Lunch, A. Karon, Solosky, Julius Siegel, C. P. Meyers, J. Roznu, A. Davidson, M. Altman, N. Garber, D. Miller, L. Lass, William Oxman, Teplesky, D. Pollock, A. Oreckovsky, Joseph Steinman, Harry Weinberg, Percy Oreck. Misses Miriam Rosenstein, Esther Oreckovsky. Temple Emanuel: Miss Esther Abrahamson-chairman, Mmes. C. Jacobs, R. Cohen, B. Blumenthal, C. P. Meyers, Lou Kantor, Ida Fieldman, Harry Gordon, M. Cook. Misses Ruth Freimuth, Edna Freimuth, Jeanette Gomberg, Mae Klein, Lillian Levy, Hortense Bondy, Rosalind Bondy, Ida Fieldman and F. Josephs.   </font>     1921 4 22          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1921-10-21 Mrs. Charles Saksonoff.pdf"> 1921-10-21 Mrs. Charles Saksonoff</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1921 Photo of Mrs Charles Sassonoff, former Miss Gertrude Josephs.   </font>     1921 10 21          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1922-2-28 Mrs. S. Polans.pdf"> 1922-2-28 Mrs. S. Polans</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1922 Women, Men Will Combat For Spelling Supremacy. Covenant lodge, B’nai B’rith, Council of Jewish Women, Covenant hall, 12 East Superior street. Men’s team: Samuel Gofen, M. E. Altman, Jessie Cohen, George Casmir, Harry W. Davis, Herman Elevitch, Ralph Elevitch, Abe Feldman, D. P. Fieldman, Hugo Freimuth, Louis Freimuth, Dr. Samuel Gross, Jacob Garon, Toby Garon, Charles W. Green, A. B. Kapplin, Rabbi I. Lebendiger, Maurice Labovits, Morris Mark, Charles D. Oreckovsky, Percy Oreck, Abe Solon, Joseph Weiner, Harry E. Weinberg. Women’s team: Miss Anna Mark, Mrs. S. Polans, Mrs. Jacob Garon, Mrs. M. Cook,Mrs. D. Freimuth, Mrs. Lyle Oreck, Mrs. Morris Altman, Mrs. A. A. Friss, Mrs. I. Lebendiger, Mrs. A. Davidson, Mrs. S. Hirshfield, Mrs. Julius Siegel, Mrs. Oxman, Mrs. J. Leuri, Mrs. M. D. Nides, Mrs, H. Y. Josephs, Miss Bertha Mendelsohn, Miss Lillian Karon, Miss Mae Kllen: (Klein ?), Miss Alice Wetzler, Miss Esther Abrahamson, Miss Ida Berkson, Miss Mayme Weinberg, Miss Lillian Levy, and Mrs. C. A. Saksonoff.  </font>     1922 2 28          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1922-10-1 Morris Cohen, Yom Kippir Ball.pdf"> 1922-10-1 Morris Cohen, Yom Kippir Ball</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1922 Jewish Club to Give Festial Year Ball. Yom Kipper ball, Odd Fellows’ hall, proceeds go to Hebrew institute, Third avenue East and Third street. Nathan Kremen-president, Rabbi Alvin Luchs-Temple Emanuel, H. Y. Josephs-ardent supporter, Irving Raihill, Morris Cohen-treasurer, Sam Rosenberg-secretary, I. Saksonoff, Charles Greene, Ralph Elevitch, Ralph Levine, Ben Davis, and Sam Segal-directors.    </font>     1922 10 1          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1922-12-7 Council of Jewish Women, I. W. Averbook.pdf"> 1922-12-7 Council of Jewish Women, I. W. Averbook</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1922 Council of Jewish Women. H. Y. Josephs, S. M. Polans, Harry Altman, M. G. Altman, B. N. Davidson, S. B. Copilowish, Charles Finkelstein, J. A. Kohn, Charles Levant, M. D. Nides, I. Oreck, D. Pollock, M. Rose, A. Lurye, A. H. Polinsky, William Silvian, Ida Karsner, Ida Finn, S. Altman, H. A. Shark, I. W. Averbook, Bennett I. Garon, Julius Garon, Ben Goldish, S. Ginsberg, B. Karsner, Kleckner, Henry Lavick, Benjamin London, D. A. Miller, Mohelson, A. Oreck, Sam Sanders, B. Sher, H. Silk, Harry Summerfield, J. Weinberg, M. Wetzler, Esther Abrahamson, A. Garon, J. E. Coil, Ralph Cohen., M. D. Nides, William Silvian, Louis Zalk, Mae Klein,Mayme Weinberg, Shark, Labovitz, Levine, C. P. Meyers, Sam Bailer, Ralph Cohen, B. J. Cook, R Mann, Esther Abrahamson, Mae Klein, Lillian Karon, Charles Oreckowsky, A. Oreckowsky, Artur Marks, Q. Kleckner, M. Silk, M. Cook, C. D. Jacobs, Rene Freimuth, J. E. Call, S. J. Sher, Joseph Oreckowsky, A. N. Polinsky, H. A. Shark, Joseph Stieman, A. Davidson, Jacob Abram, Morris Altman, J. Lieberman, J. Garon, R. Mann, Lou Kanter, M.Greenblat, Lyle Oreck, Joseph Bosner, William Oxman, S. Bennett. Rabbi Luchs, Harry Davis, Irene Levine, Mondschein.  </font> -   1922 12 7          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1922-12-7 Lavick, Council of Jewish Women.pdf"> 1922-12-7 Lavick, Council of Jewish Women</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1922 Club Notes. Committee Members Duluth section of the Council of Jewish Women at the library clubrooms. Mrs. H. Y. Josephs-President. Mrs. S. M. Polans-general chairman of social service,, Mrs. Harry Altman, Mesdames M. G. Altman, B. N. Davidson, S. B. Copilowish, Charles Finkelstein, J. A. Kohn, Charles Levant, M. D. Nides, I. Oreck, D. Pollock, M. Rose, Mrs. A. Lurye, Mesdames A. H. Polinsky, William Silvian, Ida Karsner, Ida Finn, S. Altman, Mrs. H. A. Shark, Mesdames I. W. Averbook, Bennett I. Garon, Julius Garon, Ben Goldish, S. Ginsberg, B. Karsner, Kleckner, Henry Lavick, Benjamin London, D. A. Miller, Mohelson, A. Oreck, Sam Sanders, B. Sher, H. Silk, Harry Summerfield, J. Weinberg, M. Wetzler, and auto committee, Miss Esther Abrahamson-chairman, Mesdames A. Garon, J. E. Coll? Ralph Cohen, M. D. Nides, William Silvian, Louis Zalk, and Miss Mae Klein.  - Other committees: Immigration: Miss Mayme Weinberg-chairman, Mesdames Shark, Labovitz and Levine. Big Sister: Mrs. C. P. Meyers-chairman, Mesdames Sam Bailer, Ralph Cohen, B. J. Cook, R. Mann, Miss Esther Abrahamson, Mae  Klien and Lillian Karon. Religions: Mrs. Charles Oreckowsky-chairman, Mesdames, A. Oreckowsky, Arthur Marks, Q. Kleckner, M. Silk. Lighthouse for the Blind. Mrs. M. Cook-Chairman. Mesdames C. D. Jacobs, Rene Freimuth, M. D. Nides, J. E. Call, S. J. Sher, Joseph Oreckowsky, A. N. Polinsky, H. A. Shark and Miss Lillian Karon. Social: Mrs. Joseph Stieman-chairman, Mesdames A. Davidson, Jacob Abram, Morris Altman, J. Lieberman, J. Garon, R. Mann, Lou Kanter, M. Greenblat, Lyle Oreck, Joseph Bosner, Miss Esther Abrahamson amd Miss Mae Klein. Membership: Mrs. William Oman-chairman.  Mesdames Averbook, Ida Finn and S. Bennett.  -  Mrs. S. M. Polans, Mrs. H. A. Shark, Mrs. Louis Zalk, Mrs. David Freimuth, Rabbi Luchs, Harry Davis, Franklin school, Mrs. M. Cook, Spalding hotel, Lighthouse for the Blind, Mrs. Harry Davis, Mrs. J. Lieberman, Mrs. H. Y. Josephs, Mrs. S. M. Polans, United Jewish Charities council.   Miss Irene Levine, Mrs. Mondschein, Mrs. Joseph M. Averbrook.  Over 100 women attended the meeting.   </font>     1922 12 7.1    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1922-12-7 Lavick, Council of Jewish Women.jpg"> 1922-12-7 Lavick, Council of Jewish Women</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1922  <B>(cropped image of above with more info)  - - Intro by Jack: </B>  I think this was another group that crossed all lines.  You can tell by the names that all of the various synagogues and the temple women were included.  I really think this was the beginning of the Federation in Duluth.  All of the women belonged.  Looking at the various committees I think a lot were from 'one group' and then branched.  Temple, 4th Street, 9th Street Adas, West Duluth, Superior and so on.  I think about 75% of them were names I heard from my own grandmother and were her friends back in the day. <B> Annotated list of names including maiden names:  </B>  President - Mrs. H Y Josephs (Etta Cook) General Chairman - Mrs. S M Polans (Sarah Oreck)  - -  Under prvileged mothers - Mrs. Harry Altman (Chalaleah Cohen) Mrs. Maurice George Altman - Rachel Zurovsky Mrs. B N Davidson - Lena Kris Mrs. S B Copilowish Mrs. Charles Finkelstein - Eva Oreckovsky Mrs I A Kohn - Sadie Polinsky Mrs. Charles Levant - Sarah Polinsky Mrs. M D Nides - Eva Polinsky Mrs. I Oreck - Dora Schwartz Mrs. D Pollack - Selma Oreckovsky Mrs. M Rose - Fannie Kris  - -  Nopeming - Mrs. A Lurye - Edith Mark Mrs A H Polinsky - Sarah Shapiro Mrs. William Silvian - Mollie Kaplan Ida Karsner - could be Adele Karsner (Mrs. Ed Colgan) Ida Finn - ??? Mrs. S Altman - Rose Witz  - -  Visiting - Mrs. H A Shark - Sheba Yessni Mrs. I W Averbook - Sadie Schwartzbine Mrs. Bennett I Garon - ??? Mrs. Julius Garon - Dora Kaplan Mrs. Ben Goldish - Ida milavetz Mrs. S Ginsberg - Eva Leibovitz Mrs. B Karsner - Edith Karon Mrs. Kleckner - ??? Mrs. Henry Lavick - Rose Blum Mrs. Benjamin London - Etta Karsner Mrs. D A Miller - ??? Mrs. Mohelson - ??? Mrs. A Oreck -  Sara Daneiko Mrs. Sam Sanders - Lena Polinsky Mrs. B Sher - Delia Siegel Mrs. H Silk - Rae Holzberg Mrs. Harry Summerfield - ??? Mrs. J Weinberg - ??? Mrs. M Wetzler - ???  - -  Auto - Miss Esther Abrahamson  Mrs. A Garon - ??? Mrs J E Coll - Sarah Bright Mrs. Ralph Cohen - Ida Levy Mrs. M D Nides - Eva Polinsky Mrs. William Silvian - Mollie Kaplan Mrs. Louis Zalk - Lylian Shapiro Miss Mae Klein - Mrs. Louis Bergen  - -  Immigration - Miss Mayme Weinberg Big Sister - Mrs. C P Meyers - Lena Bernstein Mrs. Sam Bailer - ??? Mrs. Ralph Cohen - Ida Levy Mrs. B J Cook - Lillian Cohen Mrs. R Mann - ??? Miss Esther Abrahamson Mae Klien Lillian Karon   - -  Religious - Mrs. Charles Oreckovsky - Elizabeth Helperin Mrs. A Oreckovsky - Mollie Zurovsky Mrs. Arthur Marks - ??? Q Kleckner - ??? Mrs. M Silk - Sarah Kassmir  - -  Lighthouse for the blind - Mrs. M Cook - ??? Mrs. C D Jacobs - ??? Rene Freimuth - Charles Freimuth (Eisenstaedt) Mrs. M D Nides - Mrs. J E Coll Mrs. S J Sher - Libbie Holzberg Mrs. Joseph Oreckovsky - Hannah Oreckovsky Mrs. A H Polinsky -  Mrs. H A Shark - Sheba Yessni Miss Lillian Karon  - -  Social - Mrs. Jospeh Stienman - Anna Shapiro Mrs. A Davidson - ??? Mrs. Jacob Abram - ? Carolyn Banov Mrs. Morris Altman - Rachel Zurovsky Mrs. J Lieberman - ??? Mrs. J Garon - Fay Weinberg Mrs. R Mann Mrs. Lou Kanter - Bessie Cohen Mrs. M Greenblat - Anna Milavitz Mrs. Lyle Oreck - ??? Mrs. Joseph Bosner ??? Miss Esther Abrahamson Mae Klien  - -  Membership - Mrs. William Oxman - Mary Oreckovsky Mrs. Averbook Ida Finn Mrs. S Bennett - Sarah Fostoff</font>     1922 12 7.2    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1922-12-25 Doris Sosnosky and Harris Goldman wed.pdf"> 1922-12-25 Doris Sosnosky and Harris Goldman wed</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1922 Jewish Club toGive Festival Year Ball, Northern Lights, Rabbi Alvin Luchs, H. Y. Josephs, Dr. Alvin Luchs, Irving Rajhill, Morris Cohen, Sam Rosenberg, I. Saksonoff, Charles Greene, Ralph Elevitch, Ralph Levine, Ben Davis, Sam Segal Nathan Kremen,  </font> -   1922 12 25          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1924-4-24 Nathan Kremen.pdf"> 1924-4-24 Nathan Kremen</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1924 "The Galloper," as Presented gy Seniors, Poves Success.   -  Sylvia Josephs, Nathan Kremen, Rosalind Labovitz.  </font> -   1924 4 24          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1922-12-7 Copilowish.pdf"> 1922-12-7 Copilowish</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1922-12-7 Club Notes. Committee Members  - Committee Members. Council of Jewish Women, library clubrooms. (Note that these are all women using their husband’s names ie. A. H. Polinsky is Mrs. A. H. Polinsky. There is also a repetition of names because they served on more than one committee.)  -  Mrs. H. Y. Josephs-president, Mrs. S. M. Polans-general chairman, Mrs. Harry Altman, M. G. Altman, B. N. Davidson, S. B. Copilowish, Charles Finkelstein, J. A. Kohn, Charles Levant, M. D. Nides, I. Oreck, D. Pollock, M. Rose, Mrs. A. Lurye, A. H. Polinsky, William Silvian, Ida Karsner, Ida Finn, S. Altman, Mrs. H. A. Shark, I. W. Averbook, Bennett I. Garon, Julius Garon, Ben Goldish, S. Ginsberg, B. Karsner, Kleckner, Henry Lavick, Benjamin London, D. A. Miller, Mohelson, A. Oreck, Sam Sanders, B. Sher, H. Silk, Harry Summerfield, J. Weinberg, M. Wetzler, Esther Abrahamson, A. Garon, J. E. Coll, Ralph Cohen, M. D. Nides, William Silvian, Louis Zalk, Mae Klein, Mayme Weinberg, Shark, Labovitz, Levine, Mrs. C. P.  Meyers, Sam Bailer, Ralph Cohen, B. J. Cook, R. Mann, Esther Abrahamson, Mae Klien, Lillian Karon, Mrs. Charles Oreckowsky, A. Orekowsky, Arthur Marks, Q. Keckner, M. Silk; Mrs. M. Cook, C. D. Jacogbs, Rene Freimuth, M. D. Nides, J. E. Call, S. J. Sher, Joseph Oreckowsky, A. N. Polinsky, H. A. Shark, Lillian Karon, Mrs. Joseph Stieman, A. Davidson, Jacob Abram, Morris Altman, J. Lieberman, J. Garon, R. Mann, Lou Kanter, M. Greenblat, Lyle Oreck, Joseph Bosner, Esther Abrahamson, Mae Klien, Mrs. William Oxman, Averbook, Ida Finn, S. Bennet. S. M. Polans, Mr. H. A. Shark, Mrs. Louis Zalk, Mrs. David Freimuth, Mrs. Harry Davis, Mrs. M. Cook, over 100 women attended the meeting.  - Note: Klien may be Klein. </font>     1922-12-7 Copilowish    
<br> <A HREF="../newsindexFriedman.html">       Friedman Family</A>               
<br> <A HREF="../newsindexLavick.html">         Lavick Family</A>               
<br> <A HREF="../newsindexLevin.html">          Levin Family</A>               
<br> <A HREF="../newsindexLevine.html">         Levine Family</A>               
<br> <A HREF="../newsindexMesberg.html">        Mesberg Family</A>         
<br> <A HREF="../newsindexSiden.html">          Siden Family</A>              
<br> <A HREF="../newsindexSiegel.html">         Siegel Family</A>               
<br> <A HREF="../newsindexSilberstein.html">    Silberstein Family</A>               
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1887-11-19 Worms, ancient tombstones 566 Mayence.pdf"> 1887-11-19 Worms, ancient tombstones 566 Mayence</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1887 Ancient Tombstones. Discovered by Rabbi Lehman in the Vicinity of Mayence. Ellu, 566.  Worms.  </font>     1887 11 19          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1893-6-29 Moses Cook and Mary Moses wed.pdf"> 1893-6-29 Moses Cook and Mary Moses wed</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1893 Moses Cook. Svea? Hall, Mary Moses, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. S. Moses, married Moses Cook. Rabbi Seperetion?. Moses Perlstein-Chicago, Cook-Duluth, Joe Pavian-Minneapolis, J. M. Pavian-Duluth.   </font>     1893 6 29    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1896-6-1 Brith Abraham-Minneapolis benevolent endowment.pdf"> 1896-6-1 Brith Abraham-Minneapolis benevolent endowment</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1896 Brith Abraham's Spread. The Jewish Society Celebrates 10th Anniversary Minneapolis lodge No. 83.Rabbi Yaffe, Gould, Max Halk, A. N. Berman, President J. Gittleson.</font> -   1896 6 1    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1896-7-27 Sol Sax guest ok .pdf"> 1896-7-27 Sol Sax guest ok </A>  - - </font><font size="1"> 1896  A Jewish Wedding, Central Hall Was The Scene Of A Peculiar And Most Interesting Ceremony. Nellie Lieberman and Joseph Oreckovsky wed, Rabbi Helpern ....Sadie Shapiro, Florence and Lillian Caplove  </font> -   1896 7 27        
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1896-7-27 Lillie Cohen and Samuel Blasberg wed, Rabbi Alperin, .pdf"> 1896-7-27 Lillie Cohen and Samuel Blasberg wed, Rabbi Alperin, </A>  - - </font><font size="1"> 1896 Wed Under A Chupa, Young Jewish Couple United According to the Ancient Hebrew Ceremony. Quite An Unusual Event Miss Lillie Cohen of this City Married to Samuel Blasberg in a Most Impressive Way.  Lille Cohen and Samuel Blasberg wed, Rabbi Alperin,  N. Cohen-confectioner, Saumuel Blasberg-Mineapolis, Rabbi Alperin, Sadie Cohen, Mary Shaw, Mary Polinski, Sadie Polinski, M. Rose, Alex Polinski, A. Cohen, David Casmer, Alderman Soloman Sax, Sam Sax, M. E. Levi.  </font> -   1896 7 27.2    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1896-9-29 Zalk, Montefiore.pdf"> 1896-9-29 Zalk, Montefiore </A> - -   Dedicate A New Pentateuch, Montefiore cong. Abrahamson, Zalk, Rabbi Eleenberg  -   1896 9 29          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1898-6-27 ag Edelstein and Cohen wedding Nellie Karon.pdf"> 1898-6-27 Edelstein & Cohen wedding</A> - -  </font><font size="1"> ‘Nother June Bride,   S. Edelstein & Sadie Cohen, Rabbi Abramokivitz, Karon, Polinsky, Kassmir, Oreckowsky, Shapiro  </font>  - - -   1898 6 27    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1899-1-16 cemetery, Rabbi Frey explanation.pdf"> 1899-1-16 cemetery, Rabbi Frey explanation</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1899 Rabbi Frey Explains. "A Jewish Lady Buried Alive"   </font>     1899 1 16    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1899-2-17 Rabbi Sigmund Frey, Temple Emanuel.pdf"> 1899-2-17 Rabbi Sigmund Frey, Temple Emanuel</A>  - - </font><font size="1"> 1899 Temple Emanuel, Rabbi Sigmund Frey Resigns, Hebrew Leader About To Go To Leavenworth, Kansas, Will Have Charge of the Temple Bnai Gushurun, at Leavenworth. Has Been With the Duluth Temple Emmanuel for Three Years. Gets a Synagogue Well Started.   </font> -   1899 2 17          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1899-3-13 La Vant and Casmir wedding.htm"> 1899-3-13 La Vant and Casmir wedding</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> Attendees: Nellie La Vant, David Casmir, Rabbi Abrams, Rabbi Newfield, Henrietta Cook, B. J. Cook, Annie L Vant, Selma Casmir, Mayor Truelsen, Dr. R. Graham, Lavick, Mitchell, Albert, I. Isadore, I. Rubenstein, Julius Cohen, Joe Sattler, Kacob SattlerGus Levin, Levy, I. Abrahamson, Krojanker, William Abrahamson, Dave Cohen, L. Oreck, Monschind, H. Hirshberg, H. Y. Josephs, S. E. Gittelson, J. Rothschild, Meyar Cook, J. Abrahamson, Julius Cook, Ben Katz, Mark, Hanna Cook, Lillian Abramson, Pauline Levy, Sadie Mondschind, Mary Mark, and Fanny Hass.  </font> -   1899 3 13          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1899-3-13 La Vant and Casmir wedding.pdf"> 1899-3-13 La Vant and Casmir wedding</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1899  United In Marriage. Miss Nellie La Vant and David Casmir Married Yesterday Afternoon.   Rabbi Newfield, Rabbi Abrams, Henrietta Cook, B. J. Cook, Annie La Vant, Selma Casmir, Mayor Truelsen, Dr. R. Graham, Casmir, Lavick, Mitchell, Albert, I. Isadore, I. Rubenstein, Julius Cohen, Joe Sattler, Jacob Sattler, Gus Levin, P. Levy, I. Abrahamson, Krojanker, William Abrahamson, Dave Cohen, L. Oreck, Monschind, B. J. Cook, H. Hirshberg, H. Y. Josephs, S. E. Gittelson, J. Rothschild, Meyear Cook, J. Abrahmson, Julius Cook, Ben Katz, Mark, Henrietta Cook, Hanna Cook, Lillian Abrahamson, Pauline Levy, Sadie Mondschind, Mary Mark, Fanny Hass.  </font> -   1899 3 13    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1920-12-11 Lebendiger, Ford.pdf"> 1920-12-11 Lebendiger, Ford</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1920 Rabbi Denounces Ford Charges Against Jews. Temple Emanuel, Rabbi Israel Lebendiger.   </font>     1900 1 0          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1921-1-8 Rabbi Israel Lebendiger, American ideals.pdf"> 1921-1-8 Rabbi Israel Lebendiger, American ideals</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1921 American Ideals Favored By Jews, Rabbi Says. Rabbi Israel Lebendiger.  </font>     1900 1 0    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1921-2-12 Rabbi Israel Lebendiger, Abraham Lincoln.pdf"> 1921-2-12 Rabbi Israel Lebendiger, Abraham Lincoln</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1921 Rabbi Lauds Lincoln As Friend Of Oppressed. Rabbi Israel Lebendiger.  </font>     1900 1 0          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1921-3-4 Rabbi Israel Lebendiger, Religion and Life.pdf"> 1921-3-4 Rabbi Israel Lebendiger, Religion and Life</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1921 American Ideals Favored By Jews, Rabbi Says. Rabbi Israel Lebendiger.  </font>     1900 1 0    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1921-3-5 Lebendiger, practical Judiasm.pdf"> 1921-3-5 Lebendiger, practical Judiasm</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1921 Judaism Termed Practical Religion In Rabbi's Sermon. Rabbi Israel Lebendiger, Duluth Hebrew Institute.   </font>     1900 1 0          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1921-3-5 Lebendiger, SuperiorZionist,.pdf"> 1921-3-5 Lebendiger, SuperiorZionist,</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1921 Lecture To Feature Zionist Installation. Rabbi C. David Matt-Minneapolis, Rabbi Lebendiger-Duluth, Charles Arnovitch, Edward Lasky.   </font>     1900 1 0          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1921-3-18 Lebendiger, Palestine.pdf"> 1921-3-18 Lebendiger, Palestine</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1921 Palestine Fund For Restoration sought By Jews. Duluthians Asked to Aid in Financing Home for Persecuted of Europe.  Abraham Goldberg-New York. Rabbi Israel Lebendiger, S. Y. Josephs.  </font>     1900 1 0          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1921-3-26 Lebendiger, Purim.pdf"> 1921-3-26 Lebendiger, Purim</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1921 Duluth Jews To Observe Feast Of Purim Sunday. Duluth Hebrew institute, Sylvia Laskovitz, Elsie Widdes, Mary London, Selma Cohen, Lillian Harris, Helen Cook, Belle Harris, Jennie Horwitz, Rabbi Israel Lebendiger, Miss Sclarow, Cherry Rine, Ruby Goodman, Helen Segal, Miss Shenowsky, Ida Ostrowsky, Bessie Seiden, Alek Cohen, Eva Bruesen, Ethel Kasmir, Roy Teltch, Bessie Litman, Anna Kane, Helen Segal.   </font>     1900 1 0          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1921-3-26 Rabbi Lebendiger, liberty and freedom.pdf"> 1921-3-26 Rabbi Lebendiger, liberty and freedom</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1921 Jews Preach Doctrine Of Liberty, Rabbi Says. Rabbi Lebendiger, Moses Montifiore Hebrew institute.  </font>     1900 1 0          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1921-5-30 Lebendiger, Silberstein, 50 year Jubilee.pdf"> 1921-5-30 Lebendiger, Silberstein, 50 year Jubilee</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1921 250 to Observe 50-Year Jubilee For Silberstein. Jewsof Two States to Honor Duluth Merchant at Celebration. Silberstein initiated into the B'nai B'rith order in 1871 Detroit, Michigan, Henry Monsky-Omaha, Mr. and Mrs. Charles D. Oreckovsky, William M. Abrahamson, Mrs. H. Y. Josephs, Rabbi Israel Lebendiger, S. B. Copilowisch, A. B. Kapplin, D. P. Fieldman, Samuel Nides, Jesse Cohen, Ben Miller. Silberstein elected to commissioner in 1915-1919.  </font>     1900 1 0    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1921-5-30 Lebendiger, Sisterhood.pdf"> 1921-5-30 Lebendiger, Sisterhood</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1921 Sisterhood Is Formed. Hebrew Institute, Rabbi Israel Lebendiger, Mr. and Mrs. H. Y. Josephs, 1124 East Superior street, Mrs. A . Davidson, Mrs. J. A. Kohn, J. Rosenstein, Mrs. M. Daneiko, Mrs. M. Cook, Mrs. H. Y. Josephs, Mrs. A. Friss, Mrs. M. Nides, Mrs. I. B. Aarons, Mrs. L. Oreck, Mrs. H. Lavick, Mrs. H. Bennett, Mrs. Lebendiger, Mrs. A. Friss, Mrs. Teplisky, Mrs.M. D. Nides, Mrs. Oxman.  </font>     1900 1 0          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1921-6-3 Lebendiger, Zionist Convention.pdf"> 1921-6-3 Lebendiger, Zionist Convention</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1921 Rabbi to speak on "Unity of the Zionist Convention"  </font>     1900 1 0    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1921-6-21Moses Montefiore Hebrew school, Rabbi Lebendiger.pdf"> 1921-6-21Moses Montefiore Hebrew school, Rabbi Lebendiger</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1921 200 children, Moses Montefiore Hebrew school, Rabbi Lebendiger, Lesterpark, picnic, Bessie Vertelnay, Bessie Siden, Nathan Ostrov, Nathan Averbrook, Bessie London, Benny Davis, Abraham Cook, S. Natelson, Joseph Polinsky, I. Sklorow, J. Braverman, I. B. Aarons, Rabbi I. Lebendiger, Mrs. Lebendiger, Mrs. Daneiko, Miss Harris, Miss Lipman and Miss Daneiko.   </font>     1900 1 0    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1921-9-21 Rabbi Israel Lebendiger address.pdf"> 1921-9-21 Rabbi Israel Lebendiger address</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1921 Rabbi to Make Address: Rabbi Israel Lebendiger, "Unity and theZionist Convention" Hebrew Institute, 310 East Third street, Rudolph Segal (orator),  "This Immortal Race".  </font>     1900 1 0          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1921-9-23 Lebendiger, synagogue in Jewish life.pdf"> 1921-9-23 Lebendiger, synagogue in Jewish life</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1921 Lebindiger to Speak. Rabbi Israel Lebendiger. Place of the Synagogue in Jewish Life.   </font>     1900 1 0    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1921-10-21 Rabbi Israel Lebendiger.pdf"> 1921-10-21 Rabbi Israel Lebendiger</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1921 Rabbi to Give Sermon.  Rabbi Israel Lebendiger, Hebrew Institute, The Significance of the Tabernacles, The The Imortality of the Soul, talk in Yiddish, Adas Israel synagogue.  </font>     1900 1 0    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1921-11-4 Lebendiger.pdf"> 1921-11-4 Lebendiger</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1921 Rabbi Will Lecture. Rabbi Israel Lebendiger, Hebrew Institute, Reward and Punishment.   </font>     1900 1 0          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1921-11-14 Lebendiger, Zionism.pdf"> 1921-11-14 Lebendiger, Zionism</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1921 Duluth Zionists Delay Election Three Weeks. Hebrew Institute, Rabbi Israel Lebendiger, violin solo by A. Cohen.  </font>     1900 1 0          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1921-11-18 Lebindiger, disarmament conference.pdf"> 1921-11-18 Lebindiger, disarmament conference</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1921 Arms Parley Address. disarmament conference, Rabbi Israel Lebendiger, Hebrew institute, 310 East Third street.    </font>     1900 1 0          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1921-11-27 Lebendiger, fund drive.pdf"> 1921-11-27 Lebendiger, fund drive</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1921 Jews of Duluth Open Campaign for Quota of $14,000,000 Fund. Mass Meeting at Shrine Auditorium to Start Drive. Max Korshak-Chicago, American Jewish Relief committee, Dr. Alvin S. Luchs of Temple Emanuel, Rabbi I. Lebendiger of the Hebrew Institute. C. D. Oreckovsky, Hotel Spaulding,   </font>     1900 1 0    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1921-11-28 Lebendiger, fund drive.pdf"> 1921-11-28 Lebendiger, fund drive</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1921 Duluth Jews Raise $12,000 in First Day of Relief Fund Drive. Quota Is Increaed $10,000 to Aid Local People in Need. Max Korshak-Chicago, Shrine Auditorium, Freimuth, Dr. Alvin S. Luchs of Temple Emanuel, Judge W. A. Cant, Rabbi Israel Lebendiger, Spalding hotel.   </font>     1900 1 0    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1922-1-2 Lebendiger, Gershall and Polinsky wed.pdf"> 1922-1-2 Lebendiger, Gershall and Polinsky wed</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1922 Wed at Institute. Henry Gershgall and Miss Sarah Jane Polinsky, Rabbi I. Lebendiger, 310 East Third street.   </font>     1900 1 0          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1922-2-4 Rabbi Lebendiger, Pope's death.pdf"> 1922-2-4 Rabbi Lebendiger, Pope's death</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1922 Rabbis Send Sympathy Over Death of Pope. United Synagogues of America at New York, Rabbi Israel Lebendiger, conservative congregations, Young Folks, association affiliated with the synagogues, Zionist campaign for funds, home in Palestine, maintenance of Jewish Theological seminary in New York, train rabbis and Hebrew teachers.  </font>     1900 1 0    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1922-2-25 Lebendiger God and Labor.pdf"> 1922-2-25 Lebendiger God and Labor</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1922 Laborer Needs God As Ally To Win, Rabbi Says. Rabbi Israel Lebendiger, Hebrew Institute, establishment of justice.   </font>     1900 1 0          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1922-3-11 Lebendiger, Book of Esther.pdf"> 1922-3-11 Lebendiger, Book of Esther</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1922 Rabbi Praises Work Of Jewish Women's Group. Duluth Hebrew Leader Calls Members Worthy Descendants of Queen Esther. The Council of Jewish Women, Rabbi Lebendiger, Book of Esther applicable to Jewish women today. Woman suffrage, Miss Mamie Weinberg.   </font>     1900 1 0          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1922-3-14 Lebendiger and Herman Gessmar, Escanaba, MI.pdf"> 1922-3-14 Lebendiger and Herman Gessmar, Escanaba, MI</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1922 Zionist to Speak. Herman Gessmar, Escanaba, Mich. speaker at Zionist organization. Hebrew Institute, Rabbi Israel Lebendiger.   </font>     1900 1 0          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1922-3-25 Lebendiger, Turn to God.pdf"> 1922-3-25 Lebendiger, Turn to God</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1922 War Impels Man to Turn to God, Rabbi Asserts. Rabbi Israel Lebendiger, Hebrew Institute, How Can We See God?  </font>     1900 1 0    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1922-5-7 Lebendiger, new citizens, B'nai Brith.pdf"> 1922-5-7 Lebendiger, new citizens, B'nai Brith</A>  - -  </font><font size="1">  1922 New Citizens Are Urged to Show Obedience to U. S. Rabbi Alvin Luchs, Covenant hall, Duluth Americanization committee, B'nai B'rith. Rabbi Israel Lebendiger, Duluth Recreational orchestra, Boy Scouts, Homer B. Hursh, American Legion, I. K. Lewis, Ralph Dunning, Warren E. Green, Judge Bert Fesler, Mrs. H. Y. Josephs, H. J. Steel, Hugo Freimuth.   </font>     1900 1 0    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1922-5-10 Lebendiger, citizens.pdf"> 1922-5-10 Lebendiger, citizens</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1922 Citizens Are Invited To Be Guests of Lodge. B'nai B'rith, Covenant hall,12 East Superior street, Judge Bert Fesler, Americanization committee, Rabbi I. Lebendiger, American Legion, Ralph Dunning, E. A. Silberstein, Rabbi Alvin S. Luchs, The Jury Duty of a Citizen, Warren E. Greene.  </font>     1900 1 0          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1922-5-27 Lebendiger, Jews as a Nation.pdf"> 1922-5-27 Lebendiger, Jews as a Nation</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1922 Jews Seen as Nation, Not Religious Sect., Rabbi Israel Lebendiger, The Jews-A Nation.   </font>     1900 1 0          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1922-6-3 Lebendiger, Shabuoth, Feast of Weeks.pdf"> 1922-6-3 Lebendiger, Shabuoth, Feast of Weeks</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1922 Institute Has Special Feast of Weeks Service. Shabuoth, Feast of Weeks, Songs, talks, entertainment, Rabbi Israel Lebendiger, Adas Israel synagogue, Temple Emmanuel, First Unitarian church, I. Friemuth, seven children confirmation, Rabbi Alvin S. Luchs.   </font>     1900 1 0    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1922-6-4 Lebendiger, Palestine fund aid.pdf"> 1922-6-4 Lebendiger, Palestine fund aid</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1922 Hebrew Leader Will Seek Palestine Fund Aid in City. Vladimir Jabotinsky, Superior, Duluth, Palestine Foundation fun, Rabbi Israel Lebendiger, Rabbi A. M. Heller-Minneapolis.   </font>     1900 1 0          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1922-8-4 Lebendiger, Talmud torah picnic.pdf"> 1922-8-4 Lebendiger, Talmud torah picnic</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1922 Games, Races to Feature Talmud Torah Picnic, Hebrew institute, Lester park, Rabbi Israel Lebendiger, Julius Garon, I. Garon, Charles Oreckovsky, Miss Mamie Weinberg, League of Nations.   </font>     1900 1 0    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1922-10-29 Lebendiger, leaving.pdf"> 1922-10-29 Lebendiger, leaving</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1922 New York Rabbi May Suceed Lebendiger, Rabbi David Aaronson-New York City, Rabbi Israel Lebendiger resigned, leaving for St. Louis, Shaare Zedeck synagogue. Rabbi Aaronson, Salt Lake City, Utah, chaplain, Jewish welfare board during war.  </font>     1900 1 0          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1922-11-8 Lebendiger, Polinsky and Natelson wed.pdf"> 1922-11-8 Lebendiger, Polinsky and Natelson wed</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1922 Miss Dolly Polinsky, and Nate Natelson wed. Mr. and Mrs. L. Polinsky, Third avenue East, Mr. and Mrs. S. Natelson, West Second street, Rabbi I. Lebendiger.   </font>     1900 1 0          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1900-1-14 Anna Krukinsky and Max Rogalsky wed.pdf"> 1900-1-14 Anna Krukinsky and Max Rogalsky wed</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1900 The marriage of Miss Anna Krukinsky of Duluth and Mr. Max Rogalsky of Hibbing. Mrs. M. S. Cook, 1101 East Third street. Rabbi Jacob Elprin, Mamie Gittelson-Minneapolis, Mr. Isaac Summerfield of Cloquet, Mr. and Mrs. D. N. Summerfield, Mr. and Mrs. I. Abrahamson, Mr. and Mrs. I. L. Cook, Mr. and Mrs. Louis Mark, Mr. and Mrs. M. H. Markowitz, Mr. and Mrs. S. Barnard, Mr. and Mrs. M. Shapiro, Miss Anna Cook, Miss Lillian Abrahamson, Miss Etta Cook, Miss Julia Glasner of Biwabik, Miss Mamie Mark, Etta Shapiro, B. J. Cook, Ben Katz, Moses Cook, Mr. M. J. Cook, Mr. L. Dick, Mr. Julius Cook, Mr. Z. T. Joseph and Mr. I. Isidore of Chicago.   </font>     1900 1 14    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1900-12-10 Anna Cohen.pdf"> 1900-12-10 Anna Cohen</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1900 Sarah G. Silver and Joseph N. Frankel wed, niece of Mr. and Mrs. Jones Rosenberg, Rabbi Yorsky, Charles Levy, J. Levy-St. Paul, David Gerchin-Minneapolis, Marion Hoffman, Anna Cohen Florence Silver, Ethel Gottstein-St. Paul.  - full page </font>     1900 12 10          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1900-12-10 Sarah G Silver & Joesph N Frankel married.jpg"> 1900-12-10 Sarah G Silver & Joesph N Frankel married</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1900 Sarah G. Silver and Joseph N. Frankel wed, niece of Mr. and Mrs. Jones Rosenberg, Rabbi Yorsky, Charles Levy, J. Levy-St. Paul, David Gerchin-Minneapolis, Marion Hoffman, Anna Cohen Florence Silver, Ethel Gottstein-St. Paul.  - cropped </font>     1900 12 10    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1901-7-1 Sadie Shapiro and Harry Graham wed, Rabbi Halprene.pdf"> 1901-7-1 Sadie Shapiro and Harry Graham wed, Rabbi Halprene</A> -   1901 7 1          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1901-8-4 Moses Cohen, obit. Rabbi Smitzer.pdf"> 1901-8-4 Moses Cohen, obit. Rabbi Smitzer</A>  - - </font><font size="1"> 1901 Moses Cohen, obit., Rabbi Smitzer.  Death Comes Unawares, Apoplexy Strikes Moses Cohen as He Worshiped. Stood With Scroll In Hand, Staggers and Falls Forward to the Floor.  Panic In The Congregation  </font> -   1901 8 4    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1901-11-6 Etta Pauline Cook and Hyman Josephs wed.pdf"> 1901-11-6 Etta Pauline Cook and Hyman Josephs wed</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1901 Miss Etta Cook Becomes A Bride. Mr. Hyman Y. Josephs The Happy Groom At A Wedding Last Evening. Jewish Ceremony Is Used. Rabbi Rosenbaum, of California, Assisted by Rabbi Helpurn. Many Costly and Beautiful Gifts-Happy Couple Depart for Trip to San Francisco. Etta Pauline Cook, youngest daughter of Mrs. Ida Cook and Hyman Y. Josephs were married, bride’s mother’s home 20 West Third street. Brother B. J. Cook, Rabbi F. Rosenbaum-San Francisco, Rabbi Helpurn-Duluth, sister Mrs. A. I. Shapira-St. Paul, sister Henrietta Cook,  Mae Levy, Nathan Shapira ring bearer, Ray Cook, Gertrude Josephine flower girls, Mr. A. Goldman-Minneapolis, Julius Cook, Sig. Y. Josephs. Duluth Iron & Metal company owner H. Y. Josephs, 725 East Third street. Mr. and Mrs. A. Goldman and son-Minneapolis; Mr. and Mrs. A. I. Shapira-St. Paul; Mr. and Mrs. Robert Buckman-Superior; Mr. and Mrs. P. H. Levy; Mr. and Mrs. Louis Hammell; Mr. and Mrs. Herman Heiman; Mr. and Mrs. Louis Joseph; Mr. and Mrs. Max Zalk; Mr. and Mrs. M. I. Edleman; Mr. and Mrs. Sam Rocklin; Mr. and Mrs. M. S. Cook; Mr. and Mrs. Z. Zalk; Mr. and Mrs. D. Kassmir?; Mr. and Mrs. S. G. Levy; Mrs. R. A. Cohen and son-Milaca, Minn.; Mrs. H. Rosenblatt, Miss Pauline Levy, Miss May Ley, Bessie Rocklin, Henrietta Cook, Eva Zalk, Ray Cook, Gertrude Josephs; Walter Goldman-Minneapolis; Louis Levy; Hugo Hirschman; Harry Levy; Louis Zalk; Simon Cook, C. J. West, Simon Sealer, Dr. E. A. Severson, Barney Josephs-Marquette, Mich., Julius Zalk, Julius Cook; Sigmond Y. Josephs; Charles Levy-St. Paul; Barny Kin-Indianapolis, Ind.; B. J. Cook; M. J. Cook;  H. J. Pullverman-Louisville, Ky.; Nathan Shapira-St. Paul; J. Cohen-Milaca; Nathan Cook.</font>     1901 11 6          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1901-11-28 Zalk, cornerstone.pdf"> 1901-11-28 Zalk, cornerstone</A> - -   Corner Stone To Be Laid Today, Mrs. Amelia Cook, Rabbi Sosnofsky, Mayor Hugo, P. J. Neff, Max Zalk  -   1901 11 28          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1901-11-28 Cook and Abrahamson - cornerstone.pdf"> 1901-11-28 Cook and Abrahamson - cornerstone</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1901 Cornerstone To Be Laid Today. Appropriate Ceremonies Will Take Place At New Jewish Synagogue. Mrs. Amelia Cook Honored. Rabbi Sosnofsky, Maor Hugo And P. J. Neff To Speak. List of the Committees In Charge of the Program and Program in Full. Chevra Kadisha and Adas Israel congregation at Third avenue East and Second street. M. Zalk, Rabbi Sosnofsky, Mayor T. W. Hugo, Hon. P. J. Nef, Mrs. Amelia Cook, sons Isaac Abrahamson, M. Cook, grandson W. M. and great grandson Ned Abrahamson. Hon. H. Truelsen, Rev. S. P. Long. Max. Zalk, S. Karon , B. J. Cook, A. J. Klatsky, Isaac Abrahamson, S. Rochlan, M. Z. Casmir, L. Polinsky, J. Kenner, D. Silk, M. S. Cook, S. Rochlan, M. Zalk, J. Polinsky, E. Kenner, S. Karon, M. L. Casmir, F. Sher, H. Weinberg, L. Polinsky.  </font>     1901 11 28    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1902-11-7 Eveleth, Albert H. Polinsky and Sarah Shapiro wed.pdf"> 1902-11-7 Eveleth, Albert H. Polinsky and Sarah Shapiro wed</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1902 Eveleth, Albert H. Polinsky and Sarah Shapiro wed. Pretty Wedding In Synagogue, first event of kind in New Adas Israel Congregation edifice. Alpert H. Polinsky marries Eveleth girl. Ceremony one of most largely ever attended in Duluth. Banquet follows, with I.Tenonsky Master of Ceremonies and Julius Abrahamson Toastmaster. Sadie and Eva Polinsky, Samuel Weinberger, Mildred Mendal, Florence Shapiro, Rabbi Epstein, I. Zenansky, Julius Abrahamson, Judge W. L. Windom, Zenansky, Governor Van Sant, Congressman Goldfogel, gues: Mr. and Mrs. J. Greenburg, Mendal, Shiram, Ruboff, J. P. McCann, Sherbocov, Mental, L. Polinsky, M. Sabel, Lena Marshoek, Lena Romain.  </font> <br>  </font><font size="1"> Pretty Wedding In Synagaogue, First Even of Kind in Adas Israel Congregation Edifice.  Albert H. Polinsky Marries Eveleth Girl. Ceremony One of Most Largely Ever Attended In Duluth.  Banquet Follows, With DI. Tenonsky Master of Ceremonies and Julius Abrahamson Toastmaster.  Sadie and Eva Polinsky, Samuel Weinberger, Mildred Mendal, Florence Shapiro, Rabbi Eppstein, Julius Abrahamson, Judge W. L. Windom, Zenansky, Governor Van Sant, Congressman Goldfogel, J. Greenburg, Shiram, Ruboff, J. P. McCann, Sherbocov, Mental, L. Polinsky, M. Sabel, Lena Marshoek, Lena Romain.  </font> -   1902 11 7          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1902-11-15 Rabbi Rhein and Silverman.pdf"> 1902-11-15 Rabbi Rhein and Silverman</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1902-11-15 Bessemer, Michigan: Samuel Silverman, manager of the Free Press.  Rabbi Rhein and family from Hurley, Wisconsin are visitors ath Mr. And Mrs. John Silverman’s home.  - -   <A HREF="images2/news/1902-11-15 Rabbi Rhein and Silverman.jpg">cropped image </A></font>     1902 11 15    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1902-11-15 Rabbi Rhein and Silverman2.pdf"> 1902-11-15 Rabbi Rhein and Silverman</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1902-11-15 Bessemer, Michigan: Samuel Silverman, manager of the Free Press.  ---        Rabbi Rhein and family from Hurley, Wisconsin are visitors ath Mr. And Mrs. John Silverman’s home.  - -   <A HREF="images2/news/1902-11-15 Rabbi Rhein and Silverman2.jpg">cropped image </A></font>     1902 11 15          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1902-11-24 Adas Israel, relief fund.pdf"> 1902-11-24 Adas Israel, relief fund</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1902 Plague Victims Secure Relief. Hebrews of Duluth Raise Contribuions for Cholera. Stricken in Holy Land. Sum of $200 subscribed in Less Than an Hour. I. Abrahamson and J. Polinsky are Soliciting Committee. Expect to Forward $500 to Plague Sufferers in Jerusalem Today, Palestine Rabbi's Appeal. Rabbi Epstein.  </font> -   1902 11 24          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1902-11-30 Adas Israel relief fund.pdf"> 1902-11-30 Adas Israel relief fund</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1902 Relief Sent on to Striken Jews. The Sum totals $500 and the Plague Is Now Abating. Adas Israel, I. Abrahamson, Rabbi Samuel Salant.<br>    1902 Many Mines Shipping Late In The Season, Situation Is Without Precedent in the History of Iron Business in Minnesota, Ten Running at the Close of November.  </font> -   1902 11 30    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1904-5-30 Sadie Cohen and Louis Shenowsky wed.pdf"> 1904-5-30 Sadie Cohen and Louis Shenowsky wed</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1904 Pretty Wedding Is Celebrated. Miss Sadie Cohen and Louis Shenowsky Married at Hebrew Synagogue. 825 Fourth avenue east, and Louis Shenowsky-Duluth. Mr. and Mrs. L. Cohen, Rabbi Helprin, Odd Fellows' hall, Lillian Mesberg-Virginia, James Lavick, 326 East Sixth street. Mr. and Mrs. J. Mesberg, Lillian Mesberg, Henry Shanedling-Virginia, Morris Robbins, George Mesberg-Eveleth.   </font>     1904 5 30    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1904-9-5 Superior, Rabbi Zeprenblogt, medication.pdf"> 1904-9-5 Superior, Rabbi Zeprenblogt, medication</A> -   1904 9 5          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1904-9-5 Superior, Rabbi Zeprenblogt, medication.pdf"> 1904-9-5 Superior, Rabbi Zeprenblogt, medication</A> -   1904 9 5          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1904-9-5 Rabbi Isaac Zeprenblogt.pdf"> 1904-9-5 Rabbi Isaac Zeprenblogt</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1904 Rabbi Drinks Carbolic Acid. Mistakes Deadly Drug for Medicine and Nearly Ends Life. Rabbi Isaac Zeprenblogt of Superior Hebrew Church.  609 Hammond avenue   1904 Superior, Rabbi Isaac Zeprenbloght, medication, Rabbi Drinks Carbolic Acid, Mistakes Deadly Drug for Medicine and Nearly Ends Life.  </font> -   1904 9 5          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1904-9-9 Superior, Jewish New Year.pdf"> 1904-9-9 Superior, Jewish New Year</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1904  Superior: Are Celebrating Jewish New Year 5665. Superior Hebrews Begin Observation Tonight-Important Event Among Jews. 603 Hammond avenue. Rabbi Isaac Tremblatt.   </font> -   1904 9 9          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1904-11-20 B'nai B'rith, Rabbi Mendel Silber, Anna Oreckovsky.pdf"> 1904-11-20 B'nai B'rith, Rabbi Mendel Silber, Anna Oreckovsky</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1904 Will Observe B'nai B'rith Day, (established in 1880) Rabbi Mendel Silber, B. Silberstein, Louis R. Frankel, Rabbi Silber, Clara Shapiro, H. Y. Josephs, Anna Oreckovsky, Eva Casmir, Hugo Kohn, Louis S. Levy.</font> -   1904 11 20    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1905-3-27 Henrietta Cook and Goodman wed.pdf"> 1905-3-27 Henrietta Cook and Goodman wed</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1905 Popular Jewish Maid Is Wedded. Miss Cook Becomes the Bride of Albert Goodman, of St. Paul. Rabbi Mendel Silber, Rabbi Tipplets, Mrs. H. Y. Josephs, Hatti Shapiro, Estelle Levy, Delia Finklestein, Maymie Gittleson, Louis Goodman, Louis Zalk, Julius Cook, S. Y. Josephs, B. J. Cook, Sylia Josephs, Ray Cook, Miss Levy, Mrs. Josephs, Miss Gittleson, Miss Finklestein, Miss Shapiro. Mr. Goodman is engaged in the wholesale jewelry business. Guests: Messrs. And Mesdames: L. Nathan, Jacob Bernstein, Albert Shapiro, Mrs. M. Shapiro, Mrs. I. Jacobs, Miss Delia Finklestein. Miss Rae Finklestin, Miss Hattie Shapiro, Morris Goodman, Louis Finklestein, Harry Goodman-St. Paul. Miss Lillian Cook-Chicago, Miss Rose Cohn, A. Cohn, Isadore Cohn-Superior.   </font>     1905 3 27    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1905-7-12 Jacob Lester Hirsch and Lillian Abrahamson wed.pdf"> 1905-7-12 Jacob Lester Hirsch and Lillian Abrahamson wed</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1905 Miss Abrahamson (Abramson) Weds Mr. Hirsch. Bride Announces Engagement of Sister-In-Law-Dance and Reception. Lillian Abrahamson (Abramson) married Jacob Lester Hirsh of Fergus Falls. Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Abrahamson (Abramson) of 1215 East First street. Rabbi Mendel Silber, Mrs. William Abrahamson (Abramson), Mrs. Julius Abrahamson (Abramson), Ernestine Hirsh, W. M. Abrahamson (Abramson), Harvey Petersberger, Mr. and Mrs. Moses Cook, Samuel Gittelson, Flossie Lazarus, Ned Abrahamson (Abramson), home in Fergus Falls.  </font>     1905 7 12          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1905-8-1 Max Silverman cornerstone synagogue Superior.pdf"> 1905-8-1 Max Silverman cornerstone synagogue Superior</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1905-8-1 Impressive Ceremonies At Cornerstone Laying. Large Crowd Witnesses Exercises at New Jewish Synagogue at Hammond Avenue and Sixth Street, Superior, In Which Many Participate. Rev. J. H. Nason, In Address, Felicitates Members of the Congregation on the Fruition of Their Cherished Plans. Photo of Rev. J. H. Nason. Head of Lake Superior Mission, Who Made Chief Address. Mayor O’Hare, Judge Parker, Julius Cohen,, began 12 years ago-1893, 18 members to 100. Rev. Isaac Tremblatt, rabbi of the old synagogue, Rev. Isadore Dorsky, William Schlosburg, S. Rosenblom, Max Silverman, Joseh Konkel, Rev. J. H. Nason is from the Superior Mission. Mrs. Franklin placed box in corner stone. Will be finished in September.  </font>     1905 8 1    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1905-8-1 Max Silverman cornerstone synagogue in Superior.pdf"> 1905-8-1 Max Silverman cornerstone synagogue in Superior</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1905-8-1 Impressive Ceremonies At Cornerstone Laying. Large Crowd Witnesses Exercises at New Jewish Synagogue at Hammond Avenue and Sixth Street, In Which Many Participate. Rev. J. H. Nason, In Address, Felicitates Members of the Congregation on the Fruition of Their Cherished Plans. Photo of Rev. J. H. Nason. Head of Lake Superior Mission, Who Made Chief Address. Mayor O’Hare, Judge Parker, Julius Cohen,, began 12 years ago-1893, 18 members to 100. Rev. Isaac Tremblatt, rabbi of the old synagogue, Rev. Isadore Dorsky, William Schlosburg, S. Rosenblom, Max Silverman, Joseh Konkel, Rev. J. H. Nason is from the Superior Mission. Mrs. Franklin placed box in corner stone. Will be finished in September.   </font>     1905 8 1          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1905-11-4 Dr. Mendel Silber, Life of Rabbi Isaaci, Rashi.pdf"> 1905-11-4 Dr. Mendel Silber, Life of Rabbi Isaaci, Rashi</A>  - - </font><font size="1"> 1905 Mendel Silber, Life of Rabbi Isaac, Rashi sermon,  Lauds Life Of Rabbi Isaac, Dr. Mendel Silber Discourses Entertainingly On the Great Teacher.  </font> -   1905 11 4          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1905-11-19 Duluth, Temple Emanuel Rabbi Mendel Silber, Separatism.pdf"> 1905-11-19 Duluth, Temple Emanuel Rabbi Mendel Silber, Separatism</A> -   1905 11 19    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1906-3-4 Kenigsberg.pdf"> 1906-3-4 Kenigsberg</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1906 Mr. and Mrs. M. Bloom, H. Kassimer, D. Kenigsberg, Max Shapiro, Louis Oreck, G. Oreck, J. Siegel, A. Polinsky, Mrs. S. Karon, Mrs. Milavitz, Helen Karon, Bessie Rocklin, Sadie Rocklin, Lizzie Helperin, Della Siegel, Sarah Simon, Hattie Shapira, Sophie Winstien, Sarah Milavitz, Clara Shapiro, Bessie Markevitz, Mary Shapiro, Selma Kasmir, Eva Kasmir, Minnie Winstein, Rabbi Mendel Silber, Allan Rocklin, Milton Rosenberger, Louis Kanter, Harry Winstein, Isadore Cohen, Julius Siegel, Herman Aronsohn, Louis Zalk, Zien, H. Kernos.  </font> -   1906 3 4          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1906-4-8 Minnie Harris and David Polinsky wed.pdf"> 1906-4-8 Minnie Harris and David Polinsky wed</A>  - - Rabbi Teplitz, Jennie Fox, George Harris, Mr. and Mrs. L.Fox.  - - -   1906 4 8    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1906-6-3 Sadie Polinsky and Isadore Kohn, wed, photos.pdf"> 1906-6-3 Sadie Polinsky and Isadore Kohn, wed, photos</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1906 To Be Married Tuesday, Sadie Polinsky, Isadore Kohn, wedding, Rabbi Helperin.  </font> -   1906 6 3    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1906-6-3 Rabbi of Temple Emmanuel.pdf"> 1906-6-3 Rabbi of Temple Emmanuel</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1906 The Secret of Israel's Survial. Rev. Dr. Mendel Silber Discusses Question Before Congregation at Temple Emanuel on Occasion of Annual Commemoration of "The Feast of the Law."  photo of Rabbi of Temple Emanuel.   </font>     1906 6 3          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1906-6-6 Sadie Polinsky and Isadore Kohn, wed.pdf"> 1906-6-6 Sadie Polinsky and Isadore Kohn, wed</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1906 Beautiful Wedding At Jewish Synagogue, Miss Sadie Polinsky and Isadore Kohn Link Fortunes. Rabbi Helperin, Eva Polinsky, Miss Winesberg, Coneau,, Sheba Polinsky, Dolly Lieberman, M. Nides, W. S. Decker, Samuel Moscow, C. D. Oreckovsky, G. L. Polinsky, Louis Oreck.  </font> -   1906 6 6          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1906-6-6 Sadie Polinsky and Isadore Kohn wed, Rabbi Helperin.pdf"> 1906-6-6 Sadie Polinsky and Isadore Kohn wed, Rabbi Helperin</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1906 Beautiful Wedding At Jewish Synagogue, Miss Sadie Polinsky and Isadore Kohn Link Fortunes.   Rabbi Helperin, Eva Polinsky, Winesberg, Coneau, Sheba Polinsky, Dolly Liebermann, M. Nides, W. S. Decker, Samuel Moscow, C. D. Oreckovsky, G. L. Polinsky, Louis Oreck.  </font> -   1906 6 6    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1906-8-6 Fessie Sugar and Harry Glazier wed.pdf"> 1906-8-6 Fessie Sugar and Harry Glazier wed</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1906 Fessie Sugar and Harry Glazier wed. Fessie Sugar of Boston, Odd Fellows' hall, Duluth man weds a Boston girl. Pretty ceremony unites Miss Fessie Sugar and Harry Glazier. Rabbi Tablatz, (Teplitz) guests: Anna Gorin, Mrs. Sugar, Dora Finn, of Boston, Mr. and Mrs. H. Barkovitz, Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Levitt, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hallock, Harry and Morris Silk, Sam and Louis Bennet, Jake Glazier.  </font> -   1906 8 6          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1906-8-27 Russian Jewish Synagogue, Rabbi Teplitz.pdf"> 1906-8-27 Russian Jewish Synagogue, Rabbi Teplitz</A> -   1906 8 27          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1906-8-27 New Russian synagogue, Oreckovsky.pdf"> 1906-8-27 New Russian synagogue, Oreckovsky</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1906 Presentation Is Celebrated, Officers of New Russian Jewish Synagogue Are Also Chosen For Year. Rabbi Teplitz, R. Oreckovsky, Paul Cohen, N. Winer, M. L. Back, G. Shapira, Sam Mendelson, I. Cohen, L. Liebermann, J. M. Oreckovsky, Joseph Oreckovsky.  </font> -   1906 8 27          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1907-2-27 Annie Marion Sher and David Weinberg wed, Hurvitz.pdf"> 1907-2-27 Annie Marion Sher and David Weinberg wed, Hurvitz</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1907 Annie Marion Sher and David Weinberg wed.   Rabbi Teplitz, Ida Sher, Rose Kenner, Harry Weinberg, Frank Sher, guests: Shapiro, Milevitz, D. Simon, E. Cohen, Lieberman, Sher, Lewis, B. Caren, Sher, Cone, Barney Cone, I. Cone, J. Cone, Bloom, Aarenson, Hurvitz, C. Marcus, Harris, Jennie Markus.  </font> -   1907 2 27          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1907-3-19 Jeanne Fox and Charles Harris wed.pdf"> 1907-3-19 Jeanne Fox and Charles Harris wed</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1907 Jeanne Fox and Charles Harris wed.Miss Jennie Fox Is Bride Of Charles Harris. Mr. and Mrs. Leon Fox Rabbi Teplitz, Miss Marks, Miss Anna Elbert, H. Marks, George Brown.  </font> -   1907 3 19          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1907-5-30 Minnie Rose and Harry Kanner, marriage.pdf"> 1907-5-30 Minnie Rose and Harry Kanner, marriage</A> - -   Rose Kenner, Harry Kenner, Karon, Rose, Kohan, Rabbi Tiplitz  -   1907 5 30          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1907-10-18 Aurora, Dr. Samuel Levin and Laura Schroeder wed, Rabbi Hirsch-Chicago.pdf"> 1907-10-18 Aurora, Dr. Samuel Levin and Laura Schroeder wed, Rabbi Hirsch-Chicago</A>  - - </font><font size="1"> 1907 Auora, Will Wed In Chicago, Dr. Samuel Levin and Laura Schroeder wed, Rabbi Hirsch-Chicago  </font> -   1907 10 18          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1907-11-23 Shapiro-Lefkovitz.pdf"> 1907-11-23 Shapiro-Lefkovitz</A>  - - </font><font size="1"> 1907 Clara Shapiro and Dr. Maurice Lefkovitz, Max P. Shapiro, Rabbi Lowenthal-Nashville, Tenn.  </font> -   1907 11 23          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1908-1-1 Rosalie Krojanker and Morris Freimuth wed, Rabbi Lefkovitz.pdf"> 1908-1-1 Rosalie Krojanker and Morris Freimuth wed, Rabbi Lefkovitz</A> -   1908 1 1    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1908-1-1 Rosalie Krojanker and Morris Freimuth wed..pdf"> 1908-1-1 Rosalie Krojanker and Morris Freimuth wed.</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1908 Prominent Young People Wedded. 510 West Second street, Rosalie Krojanker and Morris Freimuth wed. J. D. Sattler, Abby Ables, Esther Levy, Alice Levy, Ethel Idzal, Becky Michael-Minneapolis, Mrs. L. Loewus-New York, J. Schiffman-Chicago.    -----1908 Rosalie Krojanker and Morris Freimuth wed, Rabbi Lefkovitz, Prominent Young People Wedded, Robert Kronjanker, J. D. Sattler, Abby Ables, Esther Levy, Alice Levy, Ethel Idzal, Becky Michael, L. Loewus, J. Schiffman.  </font> -   1908 1 1          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1908-1-22 Hattie Shapiro and Nathan Ripstein wed, Rabbi J. R. Aronsohn,Sommerfield, Rogalsky .pdf"> 1908-1-22 Hattie Shapiro and Nathan Ripstein wed, Rabbi J. R. Aronsohn,Sommerfield, Rogalsky </A>  - - </font><font size="1"> 1908 Hattie Shapiro and Nathan Ripstein wed, Rabbi J. R. Aronsohn-St. Paul, B. J. Sommerfield-Cloquet, Max  Rogalsky-Eveleth, Shapira-Ripstein, Nathan Ripstein of Winnipeg, David Ripstein.  </font> -   1908 1 22          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1908-1-22 Rabbi J. R. Aronsohn.pdf"> 1908-1-22 Rabbi J. R. Aronsohn</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1908 Shapira-Ripstein. Hattie Shapira and Nathan Ripstein wed. 207 East Second street,   Mr. and Mrs. M. Shapira, Rabbi J. R. Aronsohn-St. Paul, Mr. and Mrs. Davi Ripstein-Winnipeg, Mr. and Mrs. B. J. Sommerfield-Cloquet, Mr. and Mrs. Max Rogalsky-Eveleth.  </font>     1908 1 22    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1908-4-23 Claire Abraham and Dr. Arthur H. Schwartz wed, Miriam and Hazel Levin.pdf"> 1908-4-23 Claire Abraham and Dr. Arthur H. Schwartz wed, Miriam and Hazel Levin</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1908 Miss Abraham and Dr. Schwartz Wed. Union of Prominent Young People Marked by Simple Ceremony. Reception Follows Nuptials. Miss Claire Abraham and Dr. Arthur H. Schwartz wed. Rabbi M. Lefkovitz, Temple Emanuel, Albert Abraham, 1426 East First street. Miss Elsie Silberstein, Rudolph Abraham, Deborah Leo, Miriam Levin, Stella Abraham, Hazel Levin. Mr. and Mrs. M. D. Schwartz-Norway, Mich.; Mr. and Mrs. Spadekar-Chicago, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Schloss-Minneapolis; Mr. and Mrs. E. Kaiser-Minneapolis; Mr. and Mrs. D. C. Abraham-Atlantic City, Mr. W. W. Wittig-Minneapolis, Max Abraham-Minneapolis.   </font>     1908 4 23    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1908-6-7 Temple Emanuel confirmation.pdf"> 1908-6-7 Temple Emanuel confirmation</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1908 Temple Emanuel. Confirmation services, Rabbi Lefkovitz, Minnie Helstein, Lillian Levy, Irma Levin Miriam Solomon, Sadie Gingold, and Bessie Altman.  </font>     1908 6 7          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1908-6-22 Eveleth, Rabbi A. Weiner.pdf"> 1908-6-22 Eveleth, Rabbi A. Weiner</A> -   1908 6 22          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1908-6-22 Eveleth, Rabbi A. Weiner, .pdf"> 1908-6-22 Eveleth, Rabbi A. Weiner, </A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1908 Threatens Rabbi With A Big Knife. Man Enters Weiner Residence With Desire to Kill-Thought To Be From Mt. Iron. Eveleth, Rabbi A. Weiner.   </font> -   1908 6 22          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1908-8-25 Belle Geisenfeld and Harry Shanedling wed.pdf"> 1908-8-25 Belle Geisenfeld and Harry Shanedling wed</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1908 Virginia: Young Wedded Couple Expected At Virginia.  Belle Geisenfeld and Harry Shanedling wed. Rabbi Dr. Caaro, Jeanette Shanedling, Lena and Laura Geisenfeld, Sarah Prozinski, Henry Shanedling, Herman Geisenfeld, H. Goldman. Julius and M. Shanedling, Jeanette Shanedling, Henry Shanedling, M. Perlman, G. Pearlman. wedding in Milwaukee, WI.  ------ 1908 Harry Shanedling and Belle Geisenfeld wed, Dr. Caaro, guests  Jeanette Shanedling, Lena and Laura Geisenfeld, Sarah Prozinski, Henry Shanedling, Herman Geisenfeld, H. Goldman, Julius and M. Shanedling, Henry Shanedling, M. Pearlman, G. Pearlman, Young Wedded couple Expected At Virginia.   </font> -   1908 8 25          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1908-12-26 Rabbi Lefkovitz, Temple Emmanuel, Christmas Feast.pdf"> 1908-12-26 Rabbi Lefkovitz, Temple Emmanuel, Christmas Feast</A>  - - </font><font size="1"> 1908 Rabbi Lefkovitz, Temple Emmanuel, Christmas Feast, Christmas Feast rabbi's Subject, Jewish Pastor Says It Is Primarily Childrens Day and Deserves to Live.  </font> -   1908 12 26          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1909-1-10 Mary Oreckovsky and William C. Oxman marriage col. 4.pdf"> 1909-1-10 Mary Oreckovsky and William C. Oxman marriage col. 4</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1909 Mary Oreckovsky and William C. Oxman, Joseph Oreckovsky, Rabbi Kissen, Anna Stone, Esther Shapiro, Dora Confeld, Sarah Oreck, Sadie Rocklin, Abraham Oreckovsky, Isadore Cohen, Lewis Zurovsky, Kewis Helperin, Meyer Packer, J. Stone, William Stone, M. Oxman, Dan Fink, G. Oreck, J. Orenstein, W. Wiseman, Zeckman, E. Confeld, J. Confeld.  </font> -   1909 1 10          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1909-1-20 Casmir-Goldberg wed, Rosempud, Jaros, Applebaum, Lavick .pdf"> 1909-1-20 Casmir-Goldberg wed, Rosempud, Jaros, Applebaum, Lavick </A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1909 Superior, Evelyn Casmir and Julius Goldberg, Rabbi Kisim, Selma Casmir, A. H. Shapiro, Marjorie Rachlin, Louis Helperin, D. E. Casmir, M. Rachlin, J. B. Jaros, Marion Rosempud, Edward Applebaum, F. B. Lavick, Anna Lavick.  </font> -   1909 1 20          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1909-1-27 Weinstein and Simon wed.pdf"> 1909-1-27 Weinstein and Simon wed</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1909 Wedding Is Most Elaborate Event. Reception and Sumptuous Feast Follow Simon-Weinstein Marriage Ceremony. Sarah Vivian Simon and Harold Weinstein-Coleraine, 406 East Fifth street, 500 guests, synagogue, corner of Third avenue east and Third street. Sadie Berkson, Bessie Cowl-Minneapolis, Gustie Simon-Gilbert, Sarah Marcus-Minneapolis, Rose Witz-Duluth, Louis Helperin, Al Lieberman-Bovey, Samuel Altman-Chisholm, Isadore Cohen-Chisholm, Robert Simon-Gilbert, Robert Frank, Florence Simon. Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Weinstein-Bovey, Rabbi Tetlitz, Rabbi Kissan. William Abrahamson, Milton Kraus-Chicago, W. L. Millar, Wolf Simon, M. S. Cook, Nathan Kraus-Chicago, Mr. and Mrs. M. Simon-St. Paul, Alice Fegelson-St. Paul, Mrs. S. Orenstein-St. Paul, Marcia Harris-St. Paul, Mrs. Samuel Pavian-St. Paul, Mrs. William Orenstein-Houghton, Mich. Mrs. S. Frank-South Bend, Ind. Mr. and Mrs. D. Simon, Mr. and Mrs. I. Simon-Gilbert, E. J. Sloan-Bessemer, Mich., Dora Canfield-Minneapolis, Sarah Ripstein-Winnipeg.    (Big wedding for its time and lots of guests from out of town.)  </font>     1909 1 27          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1909-1-27 Sarah Vivian Simon & Harold Weinstein wed.pdf"> 1909-1-27 Sarah Vivian Simon & Harold Weinstein wed</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1909 Wedding Is Most Elaborate Event. Reception and Sumptuous Feast Follow Simon-Weinstein Marriage Ceremony. Sarah Vivian Simon and Harold Weinstein-Coleraine, 406 East Fifth street, 500 guests, synagogue, corner of Third avenue east and Third street. Sadie Berkson, Bessie Cowl-Minneapolis, Gustie Simon-Gilbert, Sarah Marcus-Minneapolis, Rose Witz-Duluth, Louis Helperin, Al Lieberman-Bovey, Samuel Altman-Chisholm, Isadore Cohen-Chisholm, Robert Simon-Gilbert, Robert Frank, Florence Simon. Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Weinstein-Bovey, Rabbi Tetlitz, Rabbi Kissan. William Abrahamson, Milton Kraus-Chicago, W. L. Millar, Wolf Simon, M. S. Cook, Nathan Kraus-Chicago, Mr. and Mrs. M. Simon-St. Paul, Alice Fegelson-St. Paul, Mrs. S. Orenstein-St. Paul, Marcia Harris-St. Paul, Mrs. Samuel Pavian-St. Paul, Mrs. William Orenstein-Houghton, Mich. Mrs. S. Frank-South Bend, Ind. Mr. and Mrs. D. Simon, Mr. and Mrs. I. Simon-Gilbert, E. J. Sloan-Bessemer, Mich., Dora Canfield-Minneapolis, Sarah Ripstein-Winnipeg. (Big wedding for its time and lots of guests from out of town.)   </font>     1909 1 27          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1909-3-9 Frances Grace Abrahamson & Ben Lieberman wed.pdf"> 1909-3-9 Frances Grace Abrahamson & Ben Lieberman wed</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1909 Will Wed Today. Miss Frances Grace Abrahamson (Abramson) and Benjamin L. Lieberman of Grand Rapids, Minn. brother M. B. Abrahamson (Abramson), 606 North Fifty-seventh avenue west. Rabbi Kissam, Miss Frances B. Light, Miss Miriam Ruth Helstein, Pearl Dorothy Rizkin, Albert Lieberman.  </font>     1909 3 9          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1909-3-18 Chisholm, Rose Witz and Samuel Altman wed.pdf"> 1909-3-18 Chisholm, Rose Witz and Samuel Altman wed</A>  - -  </font><font size="1">  1909 Chisholm, Witz-Altman, Rose Witz and Samuel Altman, wed, Rabbi Kissam, Dora Witz, Harry Lipman  </font> -   1909 3 18    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1909-3-21 Rose Witz and Samuel Altman wed.pdf"> 1909-3-21 Rose Witz and Samuel Altman wed</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1909 Chisholm: Rose Witz and Samuel Altman Rabbi Kissam, Dora Witz, Harry Lipman.  </font> -   1909 3 21            
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1909-3-26 Annie Helstein and David Miller wed, Rabbi Kussem, guests, Nides, Freidman, Slossberg.pdf"> 1909-3-26 Annie Helstein and David Miller wed, Rabbi Kussem, guests, Nides, Freidman, Slossberg</A> -   1909 3 26    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1909-3-26 Sans Souci Dance.pdf"> 1909-3-26 Sans Souci Dance</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1909 Sans Souci Dance. M. Kohn, L. Bondy, A. Rose, B. Craine,  Rose, S. Swerdloff, S. S. Miller, B. Stern, C. Fikelstein, M. Paker, M Nusaum, J. Mendelssohn, M. Silk, P. J. Averbook.  ------  1909 Hibbing, Annie Helstein and David Miller wed, Rabbi Kussem, Louis Helstein, Nathan Nides, Benjamin Friedman, Hyman Miller, Sara Slossberg, Annie Kasmir, Clara Shore, Sara Helstein, Sara Azinski, Morris Helstein, M. S. Shore, Clara Shore, A. Fieldman, Miller, Annie Kasmir, Hymen Miller, Azinski, Sara Azinski, Sara Slossberg, Bronstein, Stein, I. W. Mark, Friend.  Jewish People Wed At Hibbing, Young Woman of That City Is United in Marriage With New York Jeweler.  </font> -   1909 3 26          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1909-3-26 Benjamin Friedman.pdf"> 1909-3-26 Benjamin Friedman</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1909  Jewish People Wed At Hibbing. young Woman of Taht City Is United in Marriage With New York Jeweler. Miss Annie Helstein and David Miller, daughter of I. Helstein. Rabbi Kussem, Louis Helstein, Nathan Nides, Benjamin Friedman, Hyman Miller, Sara Slossberg, Annie Kasmir, Clara Shore, Sara Helstein, Sara Azinski, Morris Helstein. Mr. and Mrs. M. S. Shore, Miss Clara Shore, Mr. and Mrs. A. Fieldman, Mr. and Mrs. Miller, Miss Annie Kamir, Hymen Miller, Mr. and Mrs. Azinski, Sara Azinski, Sara Slossberg-Superior, Mr. and Mrs. S. Bronstein, Mr. and Mrs. Stein, I. W. Mark-St. Paul, Mr. Friend-Minneapolis.   </font>     1909 3 26          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1909-4-11 Jacob D. Zien obit. Rabbi Lefkovitz.pdf"> 1909-4-11 Jacob D. Zien obit. Rabbi Lefkovitz</A> -   1909 4 11          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1909-4-11 Jacob D. Zien obit..pdf"> 1909-4-11 Jacob D. Zien obit.</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1909 Zien Funeral Will Be Held This Afternoon. Rabbi Lefkovitz.  </font> -   1909 4 11          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1909-6-30 Nina Rich and Nathan H. Schneider, Rabbi Teplitz .pdf"> 1909-6-30 Nina Rich and Nathan H. Schneider, Rabbi Teplitz </A> -   1909 6 30          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1909-6-30 Charles D. Oreckovsky and Elizabeth Heilperin.pdf"> 1909-6-30 Charles D. Oreckovsky and Elizabeth Heilperin</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1909 Pastor's Daughter Becomes A Bride. Miss Elizabeth Helperin and Charles D. Oreckovsky Married-Reception Follows.  -  Rabbi W. Kissin, Rabbi and Mrs. Jacob Helperin, Fanny Album, Lewis Helperin, S. Album, Marcia Album, Alice Levy, Edward Helperin, Benjamin, Harry Mitchell, Arthur Mitchel, Gertrude Mitchell, David Jeffrey, Fegelson, S. I. Pavian.   </font> -   1909 6 30    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1909-7-24 Ginsberg, Sophia and Abraham obit..pdf"> 1909-7-24 Ginsberg, Sophia and Abraham obit.</A>   - -  </font><font size="1"> 1909 Victims Of Flood Laid In The Grave. Funeral Services of Two Little Ginsberg Children Held at Undertaking Rooms. Sophia and Abraham Ginsberg. Rabbi Lefkovitz.  </font> -   1909 7 24    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1909-8-10 Ida Lieberman and Samuel Siegel wed, Rabbi Teplitz, Dorfman, .pdf"> 1909-8-10 Ida Lieberman and Samuel Siegel wed, Rabbi Teplitz, Dorfman, </A> -   1909 8 10          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1909-8-10 Lieberman-Siegel wed, guests, Confeldt, Stein, Dorfman, Winer, Steinman, Wienberg .pdf"> 1909-8-10 Lieberman-Siegel wed, guests, Confeldt, Stein, Dorfman, Winer, Steinman, Wienberg </A>  - - </font><font size="1"> 1909 Ida Lieberman and Samuel Siegel wed, Rabbi Teplitz, rose Lieberman, Ida Dorfman, Julius Siegel, David Lieberman, J. Confeldt, Joseph Confeldt, K. Confeldt, Stein, Gilbert, A. Confeldt, Dorfman, Winer, J. Simon, David Wienberg, W. Steinman.  </font> -   1909 8 10          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1909-10-20 Evelyn Casmir and Julius Goldberg, Rabbi Kissim, Shapiro, Rachlin.pdf"> 1909-10-20 Evelyn Casmir and Julius Goldberg, Rabbi Kissim, Shapiro, Rachlin</A> -   1909 10 20          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1909-10-20 Casmir-Goldman wed, Anna Lavick, Chicago.pdf"> 1909-10-20 Casmir-Goldman wed, Anna Lavick, Chicago</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1909 Casmir-Goldberg. Evelyn Casmir and Julius Goldberg-Superior, wed. Third avenue east and Third street synagogue. Rabbi Kissim officiated. Miss Selma Casmir, A. H. Shapiro-St. Paul, Marjorie Rachlin, Louis Helperin, D. E. Casmir, M. Rachlin, guests: Mrs. J. B. Jaros and Miss Marion Rosempud-Minneapolis, Mrs. Edward Applebaum –St. Paul, Mr. and Mrs. F. B. Lavick and Miss Anna Lavick-Chicago, Mr. Goldberg and his bride will be at home in Superior.   </font>     1909 10 20          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1910-1-5 Rachael Oreckovsky and Joseph Harris.pdf"> 1910-1-5 Rachael Oreckovsky and Joseph Harris</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1910 Oreckovsky-Harris, Rachel Oreckovsky and Joseph Harris, I. Oreckovsky, Rabbi Kissam.  </font> -   1910 1 5          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1910-1-5 Mae Siegel and Cassel Marcus wed, Jennie Aronsohn.pdf"> 1910-1-5 Mae Siegel and Cassel Marcus wed, Jennie Aronsohn</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1910 Siegel-Marcus. Miss Mae Siegel and Cassel Marcus-Farog, N. . wed. Rabbi Kissam, Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Siegel, 609 East First street, Miss Rose Cohen-Superior, Miss Sara Hurvick, Julius Siegel, Julius Cohen-Superior, Pearl Siege, Leslie Hurvick, Mr. and Mrs. I. Cohen and daughters-Hibbing, Mrs. Marie Kosing, Miss Natalle Kosing, Miss Etta Kosing=Minneapols, Mrs. Franklin-New York, Miss Jennie Aronsohn-St. Paul, Miss Celia Sloane-Hurley, Wis., Miss Rora Levitz, Jake Levitz, Alexander Rosenbloom-Fargo, N. D.  </font>     1910 1 5          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1910-1-5 Mae Siegel and Cassel Marcus wed, Jennie Aronsohn.pdf"> 1910-1-5 Mae Siegel and Cassel Marcus wed, Jennie Aronsohn</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1910 Mae Siegel and Cassel Marcus wed. Mr. and Mrs. F. D. Siegel, Rabbi Kissam, Rose Cohen, Sara Hurvick, Julius Siegel, Julius Cohen, Pearl Siegel, Leslie Hurvick, Mr. and Mrs. I. Cohen, Mari Kosig, Natalie Kosing, Etta Kosing, Mrs. Franklin, Jennie Aronsohn, Celia Sloane, Rora Levitz, Jake Levitz, Alexander Rosenbloom.  </font>     1910 1 5    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1910 2-8 Biwabik, Gilbert merchant, Jacob Weiner and Mary Balavan wed.pdf"> 1910 2-8 Biwabik, Gilbert merchant, Jacob Weiner and Mary Balavan wed</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1910 Gilbert Merchant Weds. Biwabik, Jacob Weiner, Miss Mary Balavan, Max Cohen, Rabbi Rubenstein.  </font> -   1910 2 8          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1910 2-8 Biwabik, Gilbert merchant, Jacob Weiner and Mary Balavan wed.pdf"> 1910 2-8 Biwabik, Gilbert merchant, Jacob Weiner and Mary Balavan wed</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1910 Biwabik: Gilbert Merchant Weds. Jacob Weiner and Mary Balavan-Chicago, Max Cohen, Rabbi Rubenstein-Eveleth  </font> -   1910 2 8          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1910-3-11 Solomon Kaner obit..pdf"> 1910-3-11 Solomon Kaner obit.</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1910 Solomon Kaner Is Dead At His Home. Leader for Many years Among Jewish-Americans Here Succumbs to Pneumonia. 213 John avenue. Mrs. L. Revelsky-Buhl, Mrs. B. Cohen-Stevenson, Mrs. E. Kenner-Duluth, Mrs. B. Karon, Mrs. J. Chucker, Miss Evelyn, Benjamin Kaner, S Kaner, E. Kaner, and J.Kaner. Rabbi Teplitz, Rabbi Trembladt, obit.  </font>     1910 3 11    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1910-5-7 Mother's Day, Rabbi Lefkovitz.pdf"> 1910-5-7 Mother's Day, Rabbi Lefkovitz</A>  - - </font><font size="1"> 1910 Preaches Sermon On Mother's Day, Rabbi Lefkovitz Delivers Eloquent Memorial on World-Sacred Subject.   Rabbi Lefkovitz, Temple Emanuel.  </font> -   1910 5 7          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1910-6-10 Adas Israel, candidate.pdf"> 1910-6-10 Adas Israel, candidate</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1910 Rabbi M. Lefkovits. Will Elect Delegates To American Congress. Rabbi Maurice Lefkovits and Solomon Bublick Are Candidates in Today's Balloting. Adas Israel, photo.  </font> -   1910 6 10          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1910-9-8 Rose Batonick-Patrick J. Auerbrook wed, Rabbi Teplitz, Abrahamson.pdf"> 1910-9-8 Rose Batonick-Patrick J. Auerbrook wed, Rabbi Teplitz, Abrahamson</A>  - - </font><font size="1"> 1910 Rose Batonick and Patrick J. Averbrook wed, Rabbi Teplitz, Abraham Batonick, Lena Azine, Edith Azine, Abe Averbrook, Sam Abrahamson, Ida Azine.   </font> -   1910 9 8          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1910-9-8 Sam Abrahamson.pdf"> 1910-9-8 Sam Abrahamson</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1910 Batonick-Averbrook. Miss Rose Batonick and Parick J. Averbrook were married, Odd Fellows' hall, Rabbi Teplitz, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Abraham Batonick, 109 First avenue east, Miss Lena Azine, Miss Edith Azine, Abe Averbrook, Sam Abrahamson (Abramson), Ida Azine, will live at 223 West Fifth street.  </font>     1910 9 8          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1910-11-7 Virginia, Bessie Litman and Joseph Berinsky, Altman.pdf"> 1910-11-7 Virginia, Bessie Litman and Joseph Berinsky, Altman</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1910 Virginia:  Festivities Are Wedding Feature. Jewish People of Virginia Have Gal Time at Berinsky-Litman Marriage. Bessie Litman, Joseph Berinsky, Rabbi Booth, Harry Lit man, Libbie Holzberg, John Mesberg, Morris Shanedling, Dan and Sam Melovetz,  E. Bickford, Michael Boylan, M. Altman, Mr. H. Helstein, Mr. and Mrs. B. Gordon, Mr. Laurey, Mr. and Mrs. M. Altman, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Altman, Mr. and Mrs. H. Hollock, Alice Holzberg, Neil McInnis, Walter J. Smith. </font> -   1910 11 7          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1910-11-7 Joseph Berinsky and Bessie Litman wed.pdf"> 1910-11-7 Joseph Berinsky and Bessie Litman wed</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1910 Festivities Are Wedding Feature. Jewish People of Virginia Have Gala Time at Berinsky-Litman Marriage. Virginia: Miss Bessie Litman, Joseph Berinsky wed. Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Litman, Rabbi Booth, Harry Litman, Libbie Holzberg, John Mesberg, Morris Shanedling, Dan and Sam Melovetz, City Clerk A. E. Bickford, Alderman Michael Boylan, M. Altman, Mrs. H. Helstein, Mr. and Mrs. B. Gordon, Mr. Laurey, Mr. and Mrs. M. Altman, Mr. and Mrs. H. Hollock, Miss Alice Holzberg, Neil McInnis, Walter J. Smith.   </font> -   1910 11 7    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1911-3-3 Marion Levin and Leo Shapiro wed.pdf"> 1911-3-3 Marion Levin and Leo Shapiro wed</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1911 Miss Marion Levin and Leo Shapiro Are Wedded. Mr. and Mrs. S. I. Levin, 117 West Third street, Rabbi Lefkowitz, Miss Fay Kalish-Chicago, Carl Shapiro. Mrs. A. Heff, Mr. an Mrs. D. Goldberg, Mrs. Mary Levin-Chicago; Walter Goldman, Rose Siegelbaum-Minneapolis; Gertrude Feiblema-Indianapolis, Mis Rae Shapiro, Herman Jacobs-St. Paul, Mr. and Mrs. J. Seigal, Lewis Shapiro-Washburn, Wis. Mrs. and Mrs. Sam Shapiro-Stevenson, Minn.; Herman Rieser, Sol Rieser, Leo Tsaelzer.  </font>     1911 3 3          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1911-3-11 Marion Levin and Leo Shapiro wed.pdf"> 1911-3-11 Marion Levin and Leo Shapiro wed</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1911 Marion Levin and Leo Shapiro Are Wedded, 117 West Third street, Rabbi Lefkowitz, Fay Kalish, Carl Shapiro, Mrs. A. Heff, Mr. and Mrs. D. Goldberg, Mrs. Mary Levin, Walter Goldman, Rose Siegelbaum, Gertrude Feibleman, Rae Shapiro, Herman Jacobs, Mr. and Mrs. J. Seigal, Lewis Shapiro, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Shapiro, Herman Rieser, Sol. Rieser, Leo Tsaelzer.  </font> -   1911 3 11          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1911-3-11 Rabbi Lefkovitz.pdf"> 1911-3-11 Rabbi Lefkovitz</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1911 Second Lecture of Series. Rabbi Lefkovitz, Emmanuel Temple.   </font>     1911 3 11          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1911-4-9 Superior, Estelle Abraham and Herbert Fleissner wed, Rabbi Rypins,Herz, Meyerson.pdf"> 1911-4-9 Superior, Estelle Abraham and Herbert Fleissner wed, Rabbi Rypins,Herz, Meyerson</A>  - - </font><font size="1"> 1911 Superior, Estelle Abraham and Herbert Fleissner wed, Miss Abraham To Wed On Tuesday. A Superior Girl to Become the Bride of a St. Paul Man. Dr. Rypins, Lissette Abraham, Leon Herz, S. R. Abraham, Estelle and Gertrude Fleissner, L. B. Meyerson, Max Abraham, Joseph Fleissner, Allen and Aaron Herz, Lee Abraham.   </font> -   1911 4 9          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1911-4-12 Estelle Abraqham and Herbert Fleissner wed.pdf"> 1911-4-12 Estelle Abraqham and Herbert Fleissner wed</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1911 Go South On A Wedding Journey. Young People Uted in Marriage at Hotep Superior Last Night. Miss Estelle Abraham, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Lee Abraham, 1708 Sixteenth stree, and Herbert Fleissner of St. Pau, Hotel Superior, Rabbi Rypins, from Jewish temple in St. Paul.  Miss Lissette Abraham, Leon Herz, S. R. Abraham-Chicago, Estelle and Gertrude Fleissner-St. Paul, L. B. Myerson-New York, Max Abraham-Minneapolis, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Fleissner-St. Paull, Allan and Aaron Herz-St. Paul.  </font>     1911 4 12    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1911-4-16 Estelle Abraham and Herbert Fleissner wed.pdf"> 1911-4-16 Estelle Abraham and Herbert Fleissner wed</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1911 Miss Estelle Abraham and Hebert Fleissner, Mr. and Mrs. Lee Abraham, 1708 North Sixteenth street, Hotel Superior, Rabbi Rypins-St. Paul, Miss Lisette Abraham, Leon Herz-St. Paul (cousin), S. R. Abraham-Chicago, Misses Estelle and Gertrude Fleissner-St. Paul, L. B. Myerson-New York, Max Abraham-Minneapolis, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Fleissner-St. Paul, Allan and Leon Herz-St. Paul.     </font>     1911 4 16          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1911-4-20 Mr. and Mrs. Sam Goldstein, birth of son.pdf"> 1911-4-20 Mr. and Mrs. Sam Goldstein, birth of son</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1911 Goldstein-Simon, Annabelle Goldstein and Robert Simon, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William Goldstein, 229 Fifth avenue west, Rabbi Maurice Lefkovitz marry secretly.  </font> -   1911 4 20    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1911-6-9 Estelle Abraham and Herbert Fleissner will wed.pdf"> 1911-6-9 Estelle Abraham and Herbert Fleissner will wed</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1911 Miss Abraham To Wed On Tuesday. A Superior Girl to Become the Bride of a St. Paul Man. Dr. Rypins, rabbi of Jewish Temple in St. Paul, Herbert Fleissner-St. Paul, Miss Lissette Abraham, Leon Herz-St. Paul, S. R. Abraham-Chicago, Estelle and Gertrude Fleissner-St. Paul, L. B. Meyerson-New York, Max Abraham-Minneapolis, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Fleissner-St. Paul, Allen and Aaron herz  </font>     1911 6 9          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1911-6-18 Jeanette Schandling and Joseph Winberg, Rabbi M. B. Tapletz.pdf"> 1911-6-18 Jeanette Schandling and Joseph Winberg, Rabbi M. B. Tapletz</A>  - - </font><font size="1"> 1911 Virginia: Jeanette Shanedling and Joseph Winberg wed, Rabbi M. B. Taplitz, Morris, Julius, Harry, and Henry Shanedling, Popular Range Girl Weds Philadelphia Man.  </font> -   1911 6 18          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1911-9-6 Dorothy Polinsky and Joseph Wolfe wed, Rabbi Teplitz, Rabbi K.jpg"> 1911-9-6 Dorothy Polinsky and Joseph Wolfe wed, Rabbi Teplitz, Rabbi K</A> -   1911 9 6    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1911-9-6 Dorothy Polinsky and Joseph Wolfe wed, Rabbi Teplitz, Rabbi K full page.pdf"> 1911-9-6 Dorothy Polinsky and Joseph Wolfe wed, Rabbi Teplitz, Rabbi K full page</A> -   1911 9 6          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1911-9-6 Polinsky-Wolfe wed,Cohen.pdf"> 1911-9-6 Polinsky-Wolfe wed,Cohen</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1911 Polinsky-Wolfe Wedding Ocurs At Synagogue,323 East Fifth street, Dorothy Polinsky and Joseph Wolfe, Mr. and Mrs. L. Polinsky, 1124 East Sixth street, Rabbi Kissin, Rev. Teplitz, Dolly Polinsky, Florence Levine,  Sadie Fostof, David Weinberg-Eveleth, Leo Troup-Virginia, Roy Levine, Stern, Bert Stern, Jacob Cohen  </font>     1911 9 6    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1911-9-6 Polinsky, Wolfe, Fostof.pdf"> 1911-9-6 Polinsky, Wolfe, Fostof</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1911 Polinsky-Wolfe Wedding Occurs At Synagogue. 322 East Fifth street, Dorothy Polinsky, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. L. Polinsky, 1124 East Sixth street, weds Joseph Wolfe. Rabbi Kissin, Rev. Teplitz, Dolly Polinsky, Florence Levine, Sadie Fostoff, David Weinberg of Eveleth, Leo Troup of Virginia, Roy Levine, Bert Stern Jacob Cohen, Masonic Temple.  </font>     1911 9 6          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1911-9-15 Samuel Bloom obit..pdf"> 1911-9-15 Samuel Bloom obit.</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1911 Member Of Pioneer Family Brought Home For Burial, obituary, Superior. Rabbi Bloom of Hibbing, father.  </font> -   1911 9 15          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1911-11-9 Rabbi Lefkovitz VP Ministerial Assn..pdf"> 1911-11-9 Rabbi Lefkovitz VP Ministerial Assn.</A>  - - </font><font size="1"> 1911 Rabbi M. Lefkovitz, vice president of the Ministerial Association.  Rabbi's Honor Unprecedented. Election of Lefkovitz as Vice President of Ministerial Association Is Departure. No Other City Can Claim Distinction. Duluth First to Put Jew as Officer in Such an Organization His Record.   *  </font> -   1911 11 9          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1911-11-15 Hibbing.pdf"> 1911-11-15 Hibbing</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1911 Hibbing: Florence Edelstein and Benjamin Stone marriage  ----  1911 Florence Edelstein and Benjamin D. Stone wed, Rabbi Glissnen, Hibbing: Jewish Wedding At Hibbing. Goldie Edelstein, Marcus Rulstein.  </font> -   1911 11 15          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1911-12-27 Sarah Bazelon and Charles Harris wed.pdf"> 1911-12-27 Sarah Bazelon and Charles Harris wed</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1911 Miss Sara Bazelon Weds Charles Harris. Couple will visit Chicago and the ast on honeymoon trip. Rabbi Shapiro and Rabbi Tremblatt, Alice Wittenberg, Jacob Bazelon, Israel Bazelon, Sarah Haranimus, Dora Aranson, Sara Polinski, Kronich, N. Polson, Larson, Ivan Weiner.  </font> -   1911 12 27    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1911-12-27 Rabbi Shapiro.pdf"> 1911-12-27 Rabbi Shapiro</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1911 Rabbi Shapiro officiated at Sara Bazelon and Charles Harris' wedding.  </font> -   1911 12 27          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1911-12-27 Rabbi Shapiro2.pdf"> 1911-12-27 Rabbi Shapiro</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1911 Superior: Miss Sara Bazelon Weds Charles Harris. Couple Will Visit Chicago and the East on Honeymoon Trip. Rabbis Shapiro and Tremblatt, Alice Wittenberg, Jacob Bazelon, Israel Bazelon, Sarah Haranimus, Dora Aranson, Sara Polinski, Mrs. Kronich, Mrs. N. Polson, Miss Larson, Ivan Weiner.  </font> -   1911 12 27    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1911-12-27 Sara Bazelon and Charles Harris wed.pdf"> 1911-12-27 Sara Bazelon and Charles Harris wed</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1911 Sara Bazelon and Charles Harris wed. Miss Sara Bazelon Weds Chas. Harris. Couple Will Visit Chicago and the East on Honeymoon Trip. Rabbi Shapiro and Tremblatt, Miss Alice Wittenberg, Jacob Bazelon, Israel Bazelon, Sarah Haraimus, Dora Aranson, Sara Polinski, Mrs. Kronich, Mrs. N. Polson, Miss Larson, Ivan Weiner.   </font> -   1911 12 27          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1912-1-7 Lena Azine and William H. Glass wed, Rabbi Kissin, Horwitz.pdf"> 1912-1-7 Lena Azine and William H. Glass wed, Rabbi Kissin, Horwitz</A> -   1912 1 7    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1912-1-7 Harry Lavant guest at Caplov Garber wed.0000.pdf"> 1912-1-7 Harry Lavant guest at Caplov Garber wed.0000</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1912   Lena Azine, William Howard Glass wed., Rabbi Kissen, Edythe Azine, Esther Kremen, David J. Azine, Mandel Glass, Ida Azine, Theresa Glass, guests Morris Glass, J. Berger, Edith and Joe Berger, Esther Kremen, Mandel Glass, Sara Shere, Albert Lieberman, David and john Azine, Polson.  </font> -   1912 1 7          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1912-3-18 Joe Horwitz.pdf"> 1912-3-18 Joe Horwitz</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1912 "Artaxerxes" Moses Montefiore Hebrew school. Rabbi E. Horowitz, Joe Horowitz, Allen Rachlin, H. Gersehold, Miss T. Berkstrom, Abe Oreckowsky, Eva Salk, Sadie Gingold, Nathan Cook, H. G. Loviejk, Sam Cook, Isidor Usan, Harry Levin, N. Asin, Jacob Usan, M. Altman, S. Meyers, M. Orak, D. Orekowski, G. Cassimir, M. Rosenberg, A. Rosenberg, Sam Cook, S. Slotkowsky, P. Cassimir, S. Meyers, L. Sanders, S. Shore, B. Tobak, T. Garon, Charles Green, S. Singer, B. Shore, Abe Rosenberg, B. Zlotkowsky, Doris Gatkin, A. Price,  Abe Littman, B. Harris, E. Seidel, Rose Meyers, Lena Stein, David Silver, Sam Cassimir, Jack Shusterman, M. Oreck, Lilly Weiner, Lena Singer.  </font> -   1912 3 18    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1912-5-9 Eva Finkelstein and Frank E. Berg, Rabbi Teplitz.pdf"> 1912-5-9 Eva Finkelstein and Frank E. Berg, Rabbi Teplitz</A> -   1912 5 9          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1912-6-15 Chisholm, Duluth Rabbi.pdf"> 1912-6-15 Chisholm, Duluth Rabbi</A> -   1912 6 15          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1912-7-2 Sapero.pdf"> 1912-7-2 Sapero</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1912 Range Girl Weds Mill City Man. Sapero-Brill Nuptials at Chisholm Marked by Unusually Beautiful Setting. Mr. and Mrs. Simon Sapero, oldest family in Chisholm, Hazel Sapero, Ester Sapero, Mose Sapero, Abe Sapero, Mose Sapero, Pauline Rabinovitz, Louis Kanter, Harry Rabinovitz, Harlan Sapro, Rabbi Maurice Lefkovits.  </font> -   1912 7 2          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1912-9-11 Adas Israel, Rosh Hashanah.pdf"> 1912-9-11 Adas Israel, Rosh Hashanah</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1912 Jew To Observe New Year Today. Begins at Sundown and Continues Until Some Time Tomorrow. Services at Synagogues.Adas Israel synagogue, Temple Emanuel, Rabbi Teplitz and Lefkovitz.  </font> -   1912 9 11    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1912-9-28 Rabbi Lefkowitz, photo.pdf"> 1912-9-28 Rabbi Lefkowitz, photo</A>  - - </font><font size="1"> 1912 Rabbi Maurice Lefkovits, Advises Jews To Till Earth, Rabbi Lefkovits Declares Those in Crowded Districts Should Take to Farming. Shows How Young Man Made Good In Country. Hebrews Are Familiar With Farm Work, He Says-Children Meet Tomorrow. Temple Emanuel, Louis Loeb, Louis Zalk, Dr. S. Gross, R. Geler.  </font> -   1912 9 28          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1912-12-5 Rabbi and Mrs. Lefkowitz return home.pdf"> 1912-12-5 Rabbi and Mrs. Lefkowitz return home</A>  - - </font><font size="1"> 1912 Rabbi Lefkovits Home After Three-Week Trip, and wife, Washington, Baltimore conference of American rabbis. Delivered paper-The Attitude of Judaism Toward Christian Science.  </font> -   1912 12 5          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1912-12-21 Christ a Great Jewish Prophet, Rabbi Lefkovitz.pdf"> 1912-12-21 Christ a Great Jewish Prophet, Rabbi Lefkovitz</A>  - - </font><font size="1"> 1912 Christ A Great Jewish Prophet, Rabbi Lefkovits Says Hebrews Revere Him as Such, but as Nothing More. Urges Christmas Spirit Throughout Whole Year, Says Kindliness and Charity Should Not Be Limited to Great Feast Day. Temple Emanuel  </font> -   1912 12 21        
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1912-12-30 Anna Bert S. Lieberman wed.pdf"> 1912-12-30 Anna Bert S. Lieberman wed</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1912 Duluth Girl Weds Pennington Man. Anna Oreckovsky and Albert S Leiberman wed. Thief River Falls, Minn. daughter of Max Oreckovsky, 32 East Fourth street.  Rabbi Teplitz, Esther Sanders, M. Lieberman-Grand Rapids, Minn., Mesabe range, clothing store at Marble, Pennington county.  </font>     1912 12 30          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1913-1-5 Samuel Singer and Lena Dorf marriage.pdf"> 1913-1-5 Samuel Singer and Lena Dorf marriage</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1913 Samuel Singer and Lena Dorf, marriage,Rabbi Trenblat, C. Arnovitch, John Dorf - - last column. </font> -   1913 1 5          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1913-1-15 Lena H. Dorf.pdf"> 1913-1-15 Lena H. Dorf</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1913-1-15 4th and 5th column, Lena Dorf, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Dorf, 521 John avenue, and Samuel Singer were united in marriage last Sunday evening, Rabbi Trenblat officiating. The couple were attended by Mr. and Mrs. Singer and by Mr. and Mrs. C. (Charles ?)  Arnovitch.  </font>     1913 1 15    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1913-1-16 Hibbing, Rabbi Klitzner leaving, Agudas Achrim .pdf"> 1913-1-16 Hibbing, Rabbi Klitzner leaving, Agudas Achrim </A> -   1913 1 16    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1913-3-9 Adas Israel mass meeting.pdf"> 1913-3-9 Adas Israel mass meeting</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1913 Plan Mass meeting. Zion Gate, Adas Israel,  Rabbi Silver-Chicago, Palestine, the Land for the Jews.  </font> -   1913 3 9    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1913-3-23 Celia Kaner, Purim theater.pdf"> 1913-3-23 Celia Kaner, Purim theater</A>  - -  </font><font size="1">  1913 Farce To Be Presented As Feature Of Jewish Society's Celebration. Take Leading Roles In "Der Schadechen". H. Cedar, Miss Celia Kaner, Eva Kaner, Rabbi Lefkovits, Florence Weingarten, Sarah Haronimus, Mrs. J. Siegel, Lena Goldfine, Nathan Goldfine, A. Adler. Photos  </font> -   1913 3 23          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1913-4-13 Lillian Fostof wed.pdf"> 1913-4-13 Lillian Fostof wed</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1913 Miss Lillian Fostof and S. J. Bennett wed, Hebrew synagogue, Rabbi Teplitz, Matilda Berkson, Dolly Polinsky, Lloyd Levine, Morris Silk, grandparents Mr. and Mrs. B. Caplow, 231 East Fifth street.  </font>     1913 4 13          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1913-4-14 Lillian Sara Fostof and Samuel J. Bennett wed, Rabbi Teplitz.pdf"> 1913-4-14 Lillian Sara Fostof and Samuel J. Bennett wed, Rabbi Teplitz</A> -   1913 4 14        
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1913-4-14 Lillian Sara Fostof and Samuel J. Bennett.pdf"> 1913-4-14 Lillian Sara Fostof and Samuel J. Bennett</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1913 Miss Lillian Fostof Is Bride of J. Bennett, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Fostof, grandparents Mr. and Mrs. B. Caplow, 281 East Fifth street, Rabbi I. S. Teplitz, Adas Israel synagogue.  </font> -   1913 4 14    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1913-4-20 Young Hebrews Soiety, Joeph Oreckovsky.pdf"> 1913-4-20 Young Hebrews Soiety, Joeph Oreckovsky</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1913 Young Hebrews To Have Society. Meeting will be held this afternoon at Foresters' Hall, Fourth Avenue West and First Street. Prominent Jews Will Address The Gathering. Social Center and Gymnasium Features Desired-Membership of 200 Sought. Rabbi Lefkovits, E. A. Silberstein, Max Zalk, Joseph Oreckovsky, Dr. Samuel Gross.  </font> -   1913 4 20    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1913-7-20 Memorial for Herzl, Max Oreckovsky.pdf"> 1913-7-20 Memorial for Herzl, Max Oreckovsky</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1913 Memorial Service for Theodore Herzl. Max Oreckovsky, Benjamin Horwitz, Rabbi I. S. Teplitz, Harry E. Weinberg.  </font> -   1913 7 20          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1913-7-26 Duluth Zionism Rabbi Maurice Lefkovits.pdf"> 1913-7-26 Duluth Zionism Rabbi Maurice Lefkovits</A> -   1913 7 26          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1913-7-28 Adas Israel, memorial Dr. Theodor Herzl.pdf"> 1913-7-28 Adas Israel, memorial Dr. Theodor Herzl</A>  - -  </font><font size="1">  1913 Pay Tribute to Zion's Founder. Duluth Hebrews attend memorial in honor of Dr. Theodor Herzl. His work outlined by able speakers. Orator appeals to countrymen to continue leader's great work. Adas Israel synagogue, Ohave Zion Gate. Harry E. Weinberg, Dr. Benjamin Horwitz, Cantor H.Zion, Rabbi I. S. Teplitz.   </font> -   1913 7 28    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1913-8-15 six victims drowning accident obit..pdf"> 1913-8-15 six victims drowning accident obit.</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1913 Six Victims Of Accident Buried. Funeral Services of the persons Drowned in Boat Mishap Held in Temple. Rabbi A. Tremblatt of Superior, Dr. Emil Horowitz of Duluth, Sixth street and Hammond avenue synagogue, over a thousnd mourners, Mrs. Aaron Siegel, daughter Sylvia, Phillie, Bennie Siegel, Mrs. Louis Lasky, and Antoinette Lasky. Stores and offices conducted by Jewish people closed.  </font>     1913 8 15    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1913-8-28 Ida Albert and Jacob J. Daub wed.pdf"> 1913-8-28 Ida Albert and Jacob J. Daub wed</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1913 Miss Ida Albert and Jacob J. Daub wed. Mr. and Mrs. I. Albert, 315 East Seventh street, Mrs. Groote-New York city, Rabbi Hyman Sundberg-Philadelphia, will live in Brooklyn.  </font>     1913 8 28          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1913-9-14 Moses Montefiore Hebrew School Assn., Joseph Oreckovsky.pdf"> 1913-9-14 Moses Montefiore Hebrew School Assn., Joseph Oreckovsky</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1913 Moses Montefiore School For Jewish Children.- Chartered members: Robert Buchman, Joseph Polinsky, Charles P. Meyers, Meyer S. Cook, Lew Helstein, Joseph Oreckovsky, Max Zalk, A. J. Klatzkey, Max Altman, Charles P. Meyers, Abe Garon, Joseph Weinberg, Rabbi I. S. Teplitz, Rabbi M. Lefkovits, Rev. E. Horwitz, M. L. Cassmir, Henry Cassmir, M. L. Rine, Sam Kerness, Morris Zien, Isadore Zion, B. J. Cook, William Oxman, Nathan Kris, Gabriel Oreck </font> -   1913 9 14          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1913-11-12 Brith Abraham-Dorf.pdf"> 1913-11-12 Brith Abraham-Dorf</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1913 Dorf To Be Honored After Long Absence. New York. Samuel Dorf, Max Zalk, Samuel Kassimer, J. M. Oreckovsky, Rabbi Lefkovits, B. Silberstein speak.</font> -   1913 11 12          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1914-1-28 Duluth, Rabbi Ayer-Berlin, The Zionist Movement.pdf"> 1914-1-28 Duluth, Rabbi Ayer-Berlin, The Zionist Movement</A> -   1914 1 28          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1914-1-28 Rabbi Mayer Berlin, German newspaper editor.pdf"> 1914-1-28 Rabbi Mayer Berlin, German newspaper editor</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1914 Want Palestine A Modern Mecca, Rabbi Mayer Berlin of Germany Lectures Here on Zionist Movement. Would Reclaim And Develop Historic Land. Declares Orthodox Jews Do Not Lend Support to Plan as Do Younger Generations. Editor of Hebrew paper, Rabbi H. S. Dovidowitz-Minneapolis,  J. M. Oreckovsky. Adas   </font> -   1914 1 28    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1914-1-30 Rabbi Maurice Lefkovits.pdf"> 1914-1-30 Rabbi Maurice Lefkovits</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1914 Rabbi to Speak. Birthday Reflection, Rabbi Maurice Lefkovits, Temple Emanuel, Seventh avenue East and Second street.  </font> -   1914 1 30    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1914-3-10 Rabbi Emil Horowitz, Moses Montefiore Hebrew School, N.Y..pdf"> 1914-3-10 Rabbi Emil Horowitz, Moses Montefiore Hebrew School, N.Y.</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1914 Rabbi Emil Horowitz, Moses Montefiore Hebrew School, N. Y.  </font> -   1914 3 10          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1914-4-20 Adas Israel, Confirmation of George Casmir.pdf"> 1914-4-20 Adas Israel, Confirmation of George Casmir</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1914 Confirmation Dinner Given, George Casmir, Mr. and Mrs. H. Casmir, 20 Third avenue East, Adas Israel, Rabbi W. Kissen.  </font> -   1914 4 20          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1914-9-19 Rabbi Lefkovits Sermon.jpg"> 1914-9-19 Rabbi Lefkovits Sermon</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1914 Rabbi Lefkovits In Sermon Tells About Education For Life. Temple Emanuel. Dr. Maurice Lefkovits. Purpose of Judaism was not to prepare man for the hereafter, but to teach him to exalt and ennoble his life in this world.   - -  <A HREF="images2/news/1914-9-19 Rose and Henry Lavick wed.pdf">full page</A></font>     1914 9 19          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1914-9-20 Adas Israel, New Year.pdf"> 1914-9-20 Adas Israel, New Year</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1914 Jewish New Year Starts Today; "Shofar" One Feature. Day of Remembrance and Day of Judgement, Adas Israel synagogue, Temple Emanuel, Rabbi I Teplitz, Rabbi Lefkovits.    </font> -   1914 9 20          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1914-10-5 Adas Israel, Succoth.pdf"> 1914-10-5 Adas Israel, Succoth</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1914 Succoth Observance Begin In Duluth. Feast of Tabernacle Will Continue. Eight Days as Thanksgiving Period. Rabbi Maurice Lefkovits-Temple Emanuel, Adas Israel synagogue.  </font> -   1914 10 5    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1914-10-6 Adas Israel, War Relief.pdf"> 1914-10-6 Adas Israel, War Relief</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1914 Duluth Jews Will Strt War Relief. Fund Will Be Collected-Colonel Graves' Fund Grows to $651.50, I Report. Adas Israel synagogue, Rabbi I. Teplitz, Max Zalk,W. G. Hegardt, Col. C. H. Graves., George L. Shoup, H. C. Fasbender, Neil McDougall.   </font> -   1914 10 6    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1914-11-5 Virginia, B'nai Abraham synagogue, Rabbi Joseph Silver.pdf"> 1914-11-5 Virginia, B'nai Abraham synagogue, Rabbi Joseph Silver</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1914 Virginia Boy Scouts To "Hike" Saturday. Scout Master Rabbi Joseph Silver, B'nai Abraham synagogue.  </font>     1914 11 5          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1914-11-11 Eva Oreckovsky and Charles Kinkelstein wed.pdf"> 1914-11-11 Eva Oreckovsky and Charles Kinkelstein wed</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1914 Eva Orekovsky, and Charles Kinkelstein wed. Mr. and Mrs. Oreckovsky, 5 1/2 East Fift street, Rabbi Kissen, Adas Israel synagogue, Esther Zurovsky, Rae Zurovsky, Ida Oreck, Minnie Viener, Bessie Altman, Bessie Silvermn, Dolly Polinsky, Sarah Kassmir, Ralph Oman, Sam Oreckovsky, Abe Oreckvosky, Abe overbrook, Israel Oreckvosky, Harry Altman, M. Packer, James Oreckvosky, James Viener  </font> -   1914 11 11    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1914-12-18 Rae Abraham obit., Rabbi Maurice Lefkovits.pdf"> 1914-12-18 Rae Abraham obit., Rabbi Maurice Lefkovits</A> -   1914 12 18          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1915-1-3 Rabbi Maurice Lefkovitz, open letter.pdf"> 1915-1-3 Rabbi Maurice Lefkovitz, open letter</A>  - - </font><font size="1"> 1915 An Open Letter To Rabbi Maurice Lefkovits from C. C. McCarthy-Grand Rapids, Minn  </font> -   1915 1 3    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1915-1-9 Rabbi Lefkovits Christianity.pdf"> 1915-1-9 Rabbi Lefkovits Christianity</A>  - - </font><font size="1"> 1915 Says War Will Change Creeds. Rabbi Lefkovits Predicts Readjustment of Christianity to Ideas of Judaism. Replies to Criticisms of Christian Clergymen. Makes Address an Answer to Attacks of One Clergyman's Sermon.  </font> -   1915 1 9          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1915-3-2 Lavick and Evans wed.pdf"> 1915-3-2 Lavick and Evans wed</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1915 The wedding of Miss Sarah Lavick and A. J. Evans took place at Adash (Adas) Israel synagogue. Rev. W. Kissin and Rabbi Israel Teplitz. Miss Sarah Heronimus-Superior, Arthur Marks-St. Paul, Mortimer Levey-St. Paul, Maurice Lavick, Miss Jacqueline Levey-St. Pul, Harold Lavick-Virginia. Hebrew institute, Lavick's orchestra played. Guests: Mr. and Mrs. Harrye Levey-St. Paul, Mr. and Mrs. James F. Lavick, Mr. and Mrs. George Mesberg, Mrs. H. Shanedling of Virginia, Mr. and Mrs. George Wehburd, Mrs. S. Levant, H. A. Levant of Eveleth, and Mrs. I. Gombes of Fall River Mass.   </font>     1915 3 2          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1915-3-16 Esther Simon and Samuel Drasin wed.jpg"> 1915-3-16 Esther Simon and Samuel Drasin wed</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> Esther Simon and Samuel Drasin wed. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Simon 420 East Fourth street, Samuel Draisn-Superior, Adas Israel synagogue, Rabbi Teplitz, Lillian Simon, Lillian Karon, Gust Simon, Samuel Simon, A. Berkson, T. Gotkin, D. Siegal, Dolly Shibel Howard Shibel, Talmud Torah, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Goldish, Miss Irene Figur, Mr. and Mrs. Dave Shibel, Gust Simon, Virginia, Minn.  </font>     1915 3 16          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1915-6-10 luncheon.pdf"> 1915-6-10 luncheon</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1915 Luncheon Is Successful Affair. Temple Aid society, Mrs. S. Goldberg, Rabbi M. Lefkovits, Mrs. S. Mondshine, Mrs. M. Cook, Mrs. E. A. Silberstein, Mrs. S. Y. Josephs, Mrs. A. Abrahams, Mrs. Joseph Gidding, Mrs. G. A. Klein, Mrs. L. S. Loeb, Mrs. Leon Selig, Mrs. Josephs, Mrs. Goldberg, Mrs. Rudolph Abrahams, Mrs. M. S. Shapiro.   </font>     1915 6 10    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1915-6-27 Superior-Rabbi Silver, Russian music.pdf"> 1915-6-27 Superior-Rabbi Silver, Russian music</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1915  Russian Quartet To Sing At Hibbing.Three Concerts to Be Given by Celebrated Hebrew Musical Organization.  Rabbi Silver of Temple Bnai Abraham, H. Leibovitz, David Lenavitz, I. Urofsky  </font> -   1915 6 27          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1915-8-6 Duluth, Rabbi I. S. Teplitz .pdf"> 1915-8-6 Duluth, Rabbi I. S. Teplitz </A> -   1915 8 6          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1915-8-15 Adas Israel, Rabbi Samuel Cohen.pdf"> 1915-8-15 Adas Israel, Rabbi Samuel Cohen</A> -   1915 8 15    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1915-8-15 Rabbi Samuel M. Cohen.pdf"> 1915-8-15 Rabbi Samuel M. Cohen</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1915 Kansas City Rabbi To Speak Here Tonight. Rabbi Samuel M. Cohen.  </font> -   1915 8 15          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1915-8-15 Siegel, Lasky, funeral.pdf"> 1915-8-15 Siegel, Lasky, funeral</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1915 Six Victims Of Accident Buried. Funeral Services of the Person Drowned in Boat Mishap Held in Temple. Sixth street and Hammond avenue. Rabbi Tremblatt of Superior, Dr. Emil Horowitz of Duluth officiated. Thousand mourners, Mrs. Aaron Siegel, daughter Sylvia. Phillie and Bennie Siegel, Mrs. Louis Lasky, Antoinette Lasky.   </font> -   1915 8 15          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1915-8-15 Siegel, Lasky, funeral.pdf"> 1915-8-15 Siegel, Lasky, funeral</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1915 Six Victims Of Accident Buried. Funeral Services of the Person Drowned in Boat Mishap Hel in Temple. Sixth street and Hammond avenue synagogue. Rabbi A. Tremblatt-Superior, Dr. Emil Horowitz-Duluth, Mrs. Aaron Siegel, daughter Sylvia, Phillie and Bennie Siegel, Mrs. Louis Lasky, Antoinette Lasky. More than a thousand mourners.   </font> -   1915 8 15    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1915-8-16 Rabbi Samuel M. Cohen, Kansas City.pdf"> 1915-8-16 Rabbi Samuel M. Cohen, Kansas City</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1915 Closer Co-operation Among Jews, Is Plea Of Kansas City Rabbi. Rabbi Cohen.  </font> -   1915 8 16          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1915-9-2 Adas Israel, American Relief Committee.pdf"> 1915-9-2 Adas Israel, American Relief Committee</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1915 Seek Funds For War Zone Jews. Local Branch American relief Committee Formed-Campaign Planned. Say Russ Kill People As Means Of Relief. Calls Present Conflict Greatest Calamity to Jew Since the Diaspora. American Jewish relief committee, Rabbi I S. Teplitz, Adas Israel synagogue, Joel Lichten, rabbi Maurice Lefkovits, Temple Emanuel.Mamie Weinberg, A. Y. Litman, A. Mogelson, I. Stein, Louis Dorfman, Ida Sukov, I. Jeffo, Jewish Workingmen's circle, Rabbi Maurice Lefkovits, photo, Temple Emanuel Central Conference of American Rabbis, Adas Israel synagogue.  </font> -   1915 9 2          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1915-9-9 Adas Israel, Temple Emanuel, Rabbi Maurice Lefkovits, New Year sermon.pdf"> 1915-9-9 Adas Israel, Temple Emanuel, Rabbi Maurice Lefkovits, New Year sermon</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1915 Jews Hear Peace Sermon As Their New Year Begins. Rabbi Maurice Lefkovits, photo, Temple Emanuel, Adas Israel synagogue.  </font> -   1915 9 9          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1915-9-11 Adas Israel Rosh Hashanah.pdf"> 1915-9-11 Adas Israel Rosh Hashanah</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1915 Rosh Hashanah Rites End; Yom Kippur Next. Adas Israel synagogue, Temple Emanuel, Rabbi Maurice Lefkovits.   </font> -   1915 9 11    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1915-9-25 Adas Israel, Tag Day.pdf"> 1915-9-25 Adas Israel, Tag Day</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1915 Today Tag Day For Jews In War Zone. Collections for Sufferers to be Solicited Under Auspices of Relief Committee. Temple Emanuel, Dr. Maurice Lefkovits, Rabbi I. Teplitz, Adas Israel synagogue.  </font> -   1915 9 25    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1915-11-12 Adas Israel, War Sufferers.pdf"> 1915-11-12 Adas Israel, War Sufferers</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1915 Duluth Sends $320 For Jewish War Sufferers. American Jewish Relief, Ben Goldish, Adas Israel congregation, Rabbi I. Teplitz.  </font> -   1915 11 12    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1915-12-2 Adas Israel, Hanukkah.pdf"> 1915-12-2 Adas Israel, Hanukkah</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1915 Candles Lighted In Homes Of city Jews. Celebration of Hanukkah, Feast of Dedication, Is Begun-Festival to Last Eight Days. Adas Israel synagogue, Temple Emanuel, Rabbi Lefkovits.  </font> -   1915 12 2          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1915-12-4 Morris Zlatkovsky.pdf"> 1915-12-4 Morris Zlatkovsky</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1915 Plan Pageant To Mark Hannukah. Duluth Jews to Take Part in Celebration at Adas Israel Synagogue Tomorrow. Children Will Present Alleorical Tableaux. Commemorates Vicory of Maccabees in Preserving rae Rather Than Battle Trimphs. Adas Isrel synagogue. Rabbi W. Kissin, Moses Montefiore Jewish school, Irene Bergstein Anna Winer, Mollie Singer, Joe Fo, Morris Zlatkovsky, Bennie Garon, Sherman asmir, Bennie Toback, Sam Casmir, Agnes Safaer, Carl Kaplan.   </font>     1915 12 4    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1915-12-6 Morris Zlatkovsky.pdf"> 1915-12-6 Morris Zlatkovsky</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1915 Pageant Depicted In Jewish Program. Pupils of the Moses Montefiore School Delight a Large Audience. Rabbi W. Kissin, Irene Bergstein, Anna Winer, Mollie Singe, Joe Fox, Morris Zlatkovsky, Bennie Garon, Sherman Kasmir, Bennie Toback, Sam Casmir, Agnes Safer, Carl Kaplan.  </font>     1915 12 6          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1915-12-6 Henry Abraham obit.pdf"> 1915-12-6 Henry Abraham obit</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1915 High Tribute To Henry Abraham, Rev. Maurice Lefkovits Dwells on His Qualities as a Man. Throng At Residence of Late Merchant. "Death Came to Him as the Light of the Morning," Declares Rabbi.2422 East Third street. Rev. Maurice Lefkovitz, pastor of Temple Emanuel.  - survived by widow, daughter Virginia, sister Mrs. H. Stadeker of Chicago, six brothers, Albert, Isadore Abraham-Duluth, Max-Minneapolis, D. C. Abraham-Atlantic City, N. J. Lee Abraham of Superior, and Seymour Abraham, of St. Louis. Elk's Club, Bernard Silberstein, commissioner, Thomas B. Mills, L. S. Loeb, I. Freimuth, G. A. Klein, J. B. Sattler, John E. Samuelson, Joseph Randall, M. G. Levy, William F. Henry, Harris Bennett, George Munsey, Mr. and Mrs. A. Heller, Mr. and Mrs. B. Heller, A. H. Heller jr.-Minneapolis.  </font>     1915 12 6          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1915-12-7 Virginia, B'nai Brith.pdf"> 1915-12-7 Virginia, B'nai Brith</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1915 Is Chosen President Of B'nai Brith Lodge. Virginia: Samuel Lippman, Julius Shanedling, Nathan T. Keller, Herman Baer, Morris K. Baer, Henry Shanedling, Samuel Dubow, Samuel Rosenholtz, Rabbi Lianard-Minneapolis, Gust Simon, Reuben Latz.   </font>     1915 12 7          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1915-12-9 Adas Israel, Hanukkah.pdf"> 1915-12-9 Adas Israel, Hanukkah</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1915 Lighting Of Eight Candle Marks End Of Jewish Holiday. Adas Israel synagogue, Rabbi W. Kissin.  </font> -   1915 12 9          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1915-12-13 Joseph Shelf and Ida Ostrove wed.pdf"> 1915-12-13 Joseph Shelf and Ida Ostrove wed</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1915 Wedding Guests Give $9 To War Sufferers. Joseph Shelf and Ida ostrov wed, 325 Third avenue West, Forester hall, Rabbi Teplitz, A. Mizzon, Elizabeth Ostrove.  </font>     1915 12 13    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1915-12-29 Etta Friedman, Harry Hyman wed,Rabbi Israel Teplitz, Snyder .pdf"> 1915-12-29 Etta Friedman, Harry Hyman wed,Rabbi Israel Teplitz, Snyder </A>  - - </font><font size="1"> 1915 Etta Friedman and Harry Hyman wed, Rabbi Israel Teplitz, R. Friedman, Rae Snyder, David Hyman.  </font> -   1915 12 29    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1915-12-29 Harry Hyman and Etta Friedman wed.pdf"> 1915-12-29 Harry Hyman and Etta Friedman wed</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1915 Hyman-Friedman Wedding Sunday. Miss Etta Friedman, and Harry Hyman. daughter of Mrs. R. Friedman, 411 West Fifth street, Rabbi Israel teplitz, Miss Rae Snyder-Superior, David Hyman of Auora, Minn.   </font>     1915 12 29          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1916-4-12 Gittelson trial.pdf"> 1916-4-12 Gittelson trial</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1916 Reputable Citizens "Guilty". Their "Trial" Was Mockery. Rabbi Lefkovits Acts as presiding Judge Over Bogus Court. Part of Entertainment Given by Covenant Lodge. Samuel Gittelson, Abe Feldman, Judge Maurice Lefkovits, Abe B. Kapplin. B'nai B'rith , Temple Emanuel. B. Silberstein, J. Schroeder, Charles Oreckovsky, Samuel Weinstein, H. Y. Josephs, Mrs. M. Cook.  </font>     1916 4 12          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1916-5-7 Rabbi Lifkovitz, Slonim,Jewish Workmen's Circle.pdf"> 1916-5-7 Rabbi Lifkovitz, Slonim,Jewish Workmen's Circle</A> -   1916 5 7    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1916-7-5 Sarah Daneiko and Lyle A. Oreck, wed .pdf"> 1916-7-5 Sarah Daneiko and Lyle A. Oreck, wed </A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1916 Celebrate Marriage On Fourth, Miss Sarah Daneiko and Lyle A. Oreck Married at Home of Bride's Parents-Take Month's Trip. Sarah Ann Daneiko and Lyle Abbet Oreck, wed, Rabbi Levine, Samuel Polans Sally Oreck, Samuel Polans, Marcia Polinsky, Esther Gomberg, Gabriel A. Oreck, M. Daneiko.  </font> -   1916 7 5          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1916-9-20 Adas Israel, Joseph Cohen.pdf"> 1916-9-20 Adas Israel, Joseph Cohen</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1916 'Infidelity' Of Jews Is Denied. Duluthians Flay Cohn's Statement That Hebrews Worship Christ. "Was Paid To Say It", Rabbi Lefkovits and Commissioner Silberstein Stirred by Bold Assertion. Joseph Cohn, Rabbi Israel Teplitz, Adas Israel congregation, Rabbi Maurice Lefkovits, Temple Emanuel. Public Safety Commissioner Silberstein,, Charle D. Oreckovsky, B'nai B'rith.  </font> -   1916 9 20    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1916-10-4 Young Judea, Talmud Torah, Succah.pdf"> 1916-10-4 Young Judea, Talmud Torah, Succah</A> - -    </font><font size="1">  Judaea Club Will Celebrate Succoth, Rabbi Levine, Marvin Oreck, I. Levine, Jacob Tulman </font> -   1916 10 4          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1916-10-6 Adas Israel, Yom Kippur.pdf"> 1916-10-6 Adas Israel, Yom Kippur</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1916 Yom Kippur To Be Observed By Jews. Day of Atonement Begins at Sundown Tonight and Lasts Twelve Hours. Adas Israel synagogue, Temple Emanuel, Rabbi Maurice Lefkovits. The Law of Conscience. Pure Before God. Rabbi I. Braveman.   </font> -   1916 10 6          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1916-10-23 A. R. Latts and  Goldie Freedman wedding.pdf"> 1916-10-23 A. R. Latts and  Goldie Freedman wedding</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1916-10-23 Two Hundred Attend Latts-Freedman Wedding. Goldie Freedman, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. E. Freedman, 2222 West Michigan street, to A. R. Latts, Rabbi Israel Teplitz, Talmud Torah. Miss Sarah Rudnitsky, Sam Latts-brother of groom. return home to 475 Mesaba avenue.  </font>     1916 10 23          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1916-11-4 Rabbi Maurice Lefkovits.pdf"> 1916-11-4 Rabbi Maurice Lefkovits</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1916 (full page) Politics Is Theme Of Rabbi's Sermon. Rabbi Maurice Lefkovits, photo.  </font>     1916 11 4    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1916-11-4 Rabbi Maurice Lefkovits.jpg"> 1916-11-4 Rabbi Maurice Lefkovits</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1916 (cropped) Politics Is Theme Of Rabbi's Sermon. Rabbi Maurice Lefkovits, photo.  </font>     1916 11 4          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1916-11-27 Alice Dorf.pdf"> 1916-11-27 Alice Dorf</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1916-11-27 Arrive At Eveleth. Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Press married in Superior by Rabbi Tremblott. 209 Grant avenue. Formerly Miss Alice Dorf, daughter of Superior groceryman.   </font>     1916 11 27    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1916-12-2 Rabbi Maurice Lefkovits.pdf"> 1916-12-2 Rabbi Maurice Lefkovits</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1916 (full page) He Explains Jewish Creed. Rabbi Rebuffs Christian Offer. For Jews to Accept Jesus as Messiah Called Hypocritical Answer Episcopallians. : Let Them Convert Slums Which Reek With Vice and Filthiness. Photo  </font>     1916 12 2          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1916-12-2 Rabbi Maurice Lefkovits.jpg"> 1916-12-2 Rabbi Maurice Lefkovits</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1916 (cropped) He Explains Jewish Creed. Rabbi Rebuffs Christian Offer. For Jews to Accept Jesus as Messiah Called Hypocritical Answer Episcopallians. : Let Them Convert Slums Which Reek With Vice and Filthiness. Photo  </font>     1916 12 2    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1916-12-3 Clara K. Zeichik and Abraham Averbook wed.pdf"> 1916-12-3 Clara K. Zeichik and Abraham Averbook wed</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1916 Clara K. Zeichik and Abraham Averbook wed. Rabbi Zeichak, Ida Oreck, Rae Zurosky, Esther Viener, Helen Weingarten, Samuel Nides, Frederick Deneiko (Danieko?), Herman Aaronson, Morris Altman, Anita Averbook, Fay Zeichik.  </font> -   1916 12 3    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1917-1-4 Rabbi Rypins, inst. B'nai Brith.pdf"> 1917-1-4 Rabbi Rypins, inst. B'nai Brith</A> - -   Temple Emanuel, B’nai Brith . Rabbi Rypins Guest Of Honor At Installation -   1917 1 4    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1917-1-9 Virginia, B'nai Brith Synaagogue.pdf"> 1917-1-9 Virginia, B'nai Brith Synaagogue</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1917 B'nai B'rith To Banquet. Virginia: Rabbi Ralph B. Herschon, Moose hall, Ladies Aid society, Rabbi I. L. Rypins.   </font>     1917 1 9          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1917-1-11 Rabbi Moses Lipschitz.pdf"> 1917-1-11 Rabbi Moses Lipschitz</A>  - - </font><font size="1"> 1917 First "Good Jew" In Duluth; To Raise Funds. Grand Rabbi Moses Lipschitz Never Shaves, Eats Sparingly and Dresses in Peculiar Garb. Jerusalem, Palestine, raise funds for war sufferers in Europe. Rabbi Isaac Spreiregen.   </font> -   1917 1 11    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1917-5-20 New York, Rabbi Philipson.pdf"> 1917-5-20 New York, Rabbi Philipson</A> -   1917 5 20          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1917-6-10 Adas Israel, candidate, Rabbi M. Lefkowits.pdf"> 1917-6-10 Adas Israel, candidate, Rabbi M. Lefkowits</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1917 Is Candidate. Rabbi M. Lefkovits. photo, Will Elect Delegates To American Congress. Rabbi Maurice Lefkovits and Solomon Bublick Are Candidates in Today's Batloting.   </font> -   1917 6 10          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1917-6-16, Rabbi candidate Jewish congress.pdf"> 1917-6-16 Rabbi candidate Jewish congress</A> -   1917 6 16          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1917-8-20 Ben Green and Sarah Rivers, Rabbi Teplitz.pdf"> 1917-8-20 Ben Green and Sarah Rivers wed, Rabbi Teplitz</A> -   1917 8 20          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1917-8-25 Duluth, Rabbi Teplitz, Get.pdf"> 1917-8-25 Duluth, Rabbi Teplitz, Get</A> -   1917 8 25    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1917-12-11 Sarah Alpert, A. Friedman, Rabbi Teplitz, Harris, Averbrook, Oreckowsky.pdf"> 1917-12-11 Sarah Alpert, A. Friedman, Rabbi Teplitz, Harris, Averbrook, Oreckowsky</A>  - - </font><font size="1"> 1917 Sarah Alpert and A. Friedman wed, rabbi Teplitz, I. Alpert, Bessie Alpert, E. Harris, Lillian Irene Averbrook, and Irene Oreckowsky.  </font> -   1917 12 11          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1918-1-27 Rabbi Baruch Shapiro, Mizrachi.pdf"> 1918-1-27 Rabbi Baruch Shapiro, Mizrachi</A> -   1918 1 27          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1918-1-27 Rabbi Baruch Shapiro, Seattle.pdf"> 1918-1-27 Rabbi Baruch Shapiro, Seattle</A>  - - </font><font size="1"> 1918 Rabbi To Speak to Local Jews. Will Talk On Aims of "Mizrachi" and Rabbinical College Organization. Rabbi Baruch Shapiro-Seattle, Rabbinical College of New York, Adas Israel, "Zionism of a National Standpoint."  </font>     1918 1 27          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1918-1-27 Virginia, Lippman obit., Harry Ellis.pdf"> 1918-1-27 Virginia, Lippman obit., Harry Ellis</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1918 To Hold Funeral of Sam Lippman At Virginia Today. B'nai Abraham synagogue, Rabbi Pfeiffer, Max Lewis, Julius Shanedling, Sam Milavetz, Adolph Keller, Dr. C. E. Goodman, Maurice Shanedling, A. Sachs, Harry Ellis, Maurice Peck, Irwin Weil, M. B. Booth, Harry Shanedling, Claire and Frances Lippman, Joseph Lippman.   </font> -   1918 1 27          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1918-2-22 Eveleth, Purim, Kaner, Feldman, Stein, Greenberg, Perlman, Karlinsky, Rabinowitz, Nathanson, Weiner..pdf"> 1918-2-22 Eveleth, Purim, Kaner, Feldman, Stein, Greenberg, Perlman, Karlinsky, Rabinowitz, Nathanson, Weiner.</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1918 Eveleth Jews To Celebrate Purim Festival In Play. Young Judaea Menorah Club to Give Benefit Program and Dance Next Tuesday. The Young Judea Monorah club -  Rabbi A. M. Pfeffer, Fanny Kaner, Besse Feldman, Celia Stein, Anna Feldman, Morris Greenberg, Nanny Feldman, Abe Stein, Al? Perlman, Abe and Walter Karlinski, Morse Rabinowitz, Marcus Rabinowitz, Samuel Stein, Irving Nathanson, Louis Weiner.   </font> -   1918 2 22          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1918-2-25 Virginia, registration of aliens.pdf"> 1918-2-25 Virginia, registration of aliens</A>  - -  </font><font size="1">  1918 Registration Of Aliens Begins At Virginia Today. Between 4000 and 7000 Names Believed Will Be Recorded. Many Volunteers to Aid. Volunteer, Herman J. Nathanson.  Must Give Up Weapons.    - - Note from Jack:  Depending on how religous the family was, my experience very few would have had guns to 'kill' since to  keep kosher, most of those animals they could not eat.  I know my dad talked of his mother having the schohet come over to kill the chickens.  Same as his recalling if the animal suffered too long they could not be eaten, since not kosher if they suffered.  I think a lot of the 'traveling' rabbis did the slaughtering for the out lying areas and would travel maybe once every two weeks.</font>     1918 2 25          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1918-4-4 Adas Israel, A. B. Sokolon.pdf"> 1918-4-4 Adas Israel, A. B. Sokolon</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1918 A. B. Sokolon, Agudas Hamizrachi, Rabbi M. Teplitz.   </font> -   1918 4 4          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1918-5-17 Jewish Confirmation, Silberstein.pdf"> 1918-5-17 Jewish Confirmation, Silberstein</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1918 Jewish Confirmation To Be Held At Temple Tonight. Rabbi Lefkovits Announces Program of the Night. Includes Exercises by Congregation. Second street and Seventh avenue East. Maurice Bailer, Rose M. Berusin, Lillian Cohen, Ephraim R. Gomberg, Irving Joseph, Anna Kane, Arnold S. Kunody, Charlotte V. Lugoff, Bernard G. Silberstein, Florence Simon, Percy Weinberg, Helen Zien, Anna Kane, Percy Weinberg, Charlotte V. Lug off, Arnold S. Kunody, Rose M. Berusin, Florence Simon, Ephraim R. Gomberg, Dr. A. H. Schwartz.   </font> -   1918 5 17          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1918-5-30 Dr. Moses Gittelson.pdf"> 1918-5-30 Dr. Moses Gittelson</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1916 Reputable Citizens "Guilty". Their "Trial" Was Mockery. Rabbi Lefkovits Acts as presiding Judge Over Bogus Court. Part of Entertainment Given by Covenant Lodge. Samuel Gittelson, Abe Feldman, Judge Maurice Lefkovits, Abe B. Kapplin. B'nai B'rith , Temple Emanuel. B. Silberstein, J. Schroeder, Charles Oreckovsky, Samuel Weinstein, H. Y. Josephs, Mrs. M. Cook.  </font>     1918 5 30          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1918-6-30 Adas Israel, Zionis, Rabbi S. D. Matt, Kantor Braverman.pdf"> 1918-6-30 Adas Israel, Zionis, Rabbi S. D. Matt, Kantor Braverman</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1918 Zionists Organiations to hold A Mass meeting Today. Adas Israel, Rabbi S. D Matt, Kantor Braverman.  </font> -   1918 6 30    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1919-1-19 Harry Shapiro and Gertrude Azine marry.pdf"> 1919-1-19 Harry Shapiro and Gertrude Azine marry</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1919 Miss Azine Will Marry. Harry Shapiro, Groom; Wedding to Take Pace Today. Gertrude Azine and Harry Arthur Shapiro. Adas Israel synagogue, Rabbi A. B. Sakslow, Rabbi I. S. Teplitz, Minnie Averbook, Ida Azine, Bessie Shapiro, Florence Glass, Harris Shapiro. William Glass, Florence Glass, Alfred Glass, Harry A. Friedman, Samuel Weiss, Max Yettra, David Azine.  </font> -   1919 1 19    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1919-1-22 Copilowish.pdf"> 1919-1-22 Copilowish</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1919-1-22 Drive Of Day Seek $35,000 For Sufferers. Dulutb Asked to Respond Generously to Halt Starvation. Rabbi M. Lefkovits, H. Y. Joseph, S. B. Copilowish.   </font>     1919 1 22          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1919-4-13 Alex Levenson.pdf"> 1919-4-13 Alex Levenson</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1919 Alex Levenson Dies. 818 East Eighth street, Rabbi S. Teliz, Mrs. C. Gorvich, Benny and Sam Levenson, Morris Levenson, Mrs. S. Mendelson.  </font> -   1919 4 13    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1919-4-14 Alex Levenson obit..pdf"> 1919-4-14 Alex Levenson obit.</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1919 Levenson Funeral Held. Alex Levenson, 818 East Eighth street, Rabbi S. Peltiz.  </font>     1919 4 14          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1919-5-20 Cohen-Golden wed, guests, Nathanson, Bloom, Osherman, Rabbi Sugarman, Yager, Levy.pdf"> 1919-5-20 Cohen-Golden wed, guests, Nathanson, Bloom, Osherman, Rabbi Sugarman, Yager, Levy</A> -   1919 5 20          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1919-5-20 May Cohen and Samuel Golden wed, Rabbi Teplitz,.pdf"> 1919-5-20 May Cohen and Samuel Golden wed, Rabbi Teplitz,</A>  - - </font><font size="1"> 1919  May Cohen and Samuel Golden wed, Rabbi I. Teplitz, May Wedding At Synagogue Attractive. Miss Cohen Became the Bride of S. Golden; To Live Here. S. Cohen, Fern Nathanson, Leona Cohen, Edith Karon, Bessie Golden, A. B. Wolvin (Wolfan), H. J. Nathanson, H. Bloom, Bessie and Tobie Osherman, Rabbi and Mrs. Sugarman, Max Yager, M. Levy.  </font> -   1919 5 20    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1919-5-20 May Cohen and Samuel Golden wed.pdf"> 1919-5-20 May Cohen and Samuel Golden wed</A>   - -  </font><font size="1"> 1919 May Wedding At Synagogue Attractive. Miss Cohen Became the Bride of S. Golden; To Live Here. Adas Israel synagogue, May Cohen, Samuel Golden, Rabbi I. Teplitz, Mrs. S. Cohen, Fern Nathanson-Virginia, Leona Cohen, Edith Karon, Bessie Golden, A. B. Wolvin-Chicago, Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Nathanson-Virginia, Mr. and Mrs. H. Bloom, Bessie and Tobie Osherman-Hibbing, Rabbi and Mrs. Sugarman-Virginia, Max Yager, M. Levy-Minneapolis.   </font>     1919 5 20          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1919-6-16 Sarah Cohen and Samuel Coddin wed.pdf"> 1919-6-16 Sarah Cohen and Samuel Coddin wed</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1919 Marriage Rites Are Impressive. Miss Sarah Cohen Becomes Bride of St. Paul Man at Superior. Emanuel Coddin, Rabbi Chazin, Nathan Coddin, Tony Gotkin, Philip Litman, Mr. and Mrs. I. Averbrook, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Coddin, Betty Cohen, Roselin Cohen, Susan Fitmerman, Leona Cohen, Florence Lieberman, Fernie Coddin, Janice Averbrook, Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Cohen-parents., Mr. and Mrs. S. Coddin, Mrs. L. D. Coddin, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Coddin, Mildren and Sylvia Coddin, Ruth and Norton Lieberman, Mrs. N. Coddin, Mr. and Mrs. H. Miller, Mrs. M. Scweitzer, Ella Bronstein, Samuel Abraham, David Fieterman, Harry Bronstein, Ralph Dubrun.   </font> -   1919 6 16          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1919-6-16 Sarah Cohen 2.pdf"> 1919-6-16 Sarah Cohen 2</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1919 Superior: Marriage Rites Are Impressive. Miss Sarah Cohen Becomes Bride of St. Paul Man, Nathan Coddin at Superior. Rabbi Chazin, Philip Litman, Tony Gotkin, Mr. and Mrs. I. Averbrook, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Coddin, Betty Cohen, Roselin Cohen, Susan Fitmerman, Leona Cohen, Florence Lieberman, Fernie Coddin, Janice Averbrook, Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Cohen-parents of the bride. Mr. and Mrs. S. Coddin, Mr. and Mrs. L. D. Coddin, Mr. and Mrs. I. Liberman, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Coddin, Mildred, Sylvia Coddin, Ruth and Norton Lieberman, Mr. and Mrs. N. Coddin, Mr. and Mrs. H. Miller, Mrs. M. Schweitzer, Ella Bronstein, Samuel, Abraham and David Fleterman, Harry Bronstein, Ralph Dubrun. Make home in St. Paul.  </font>     1919 6 16    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1919-7-29 Duluth, Rabbi Teplitz,Jews, Palestine.pdf"> 1919-7-29 Duluth, Rabbi Teplitz,Jews, Palestine</A> -   1919 7 29          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1920-1-5 M. L. Zien obit. Rabbi Lefkovitz, Berdie.pdf"> 1920-1-5 M. L. Zien obit. Rabbi Lefkovitz, Berdie</A>  - - </font><font size="1"> 1920 Mrs. M. L. Zien, Age 50, Dies; to Hold Funeral Tomorrow, obit. Morris Zien, Helen and Blanch Zien, P. H. Berdie, De Birdie, E. L. Zien, Zidney Zien, William P. Zien. Rabbi Maurice Lefkovits.  </font> -   1920 1 5          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1920-1-20 Rabbi A B Sokolow departs.pdf"> 1920-1-20 Rabbi A B Sokolow departs</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1920 Departing Rabbi Moses Montifiore congregation,  Jewish Sunday school Hebrew instructor, leaves for St. Paul.   </font>     1920 1 20    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1920-2-8 Rabbi Louis  Newman.pdf"> 1920-2-8 Rabbi Louis  Newman</A> - -   headline  -   1920 2 8    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1920-2-9 Rabbi Stephen S. Wise speaks.pdf"> 1920-2-9 Rabbi Stephen S. Wise speaks</A> - -   headline  -   1920 2 9    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1920-2-19 Anna Slomin and Julius Siegel wed, Mr. and Mrs. Herman Wiener, Eveleth.pdf"> 1920-2-19 Anna Slomin and Julius Siegel wed, Mr. and Mrs. Herman Wiener, Eveleth</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1920 Miss Anna Slonim and Julius L. Siegel wed. Camels' temple, Rabbi I. Teplitz, Pearl Siegel, Ben Slonim, Mr. and Mrs. Herman Wiener-Eveleth, Mr. and Mrs. H. Benesovitz, Irene Marcus, Ethel Benesovitz, Mrs. M. Levitz, Jack Siegel, Mr. and Mrs. Wiener, Mr. and Mrs. C. Marcus.  </font> -   1920 2 19          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1920-3-15 Eveleth, Zionism, Nathan Karlinsky.pdf"> 1920-3-15 Eveleth, Zionism, Nathan Karlinsky</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1920 Presbyterians At Eveleth Lend Church To Zionists. Nathan Karlinsky, Rev. William Jobush, Rabbi Sugarman, Rabbi Silverman.   </font> -   1920 3 15    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1920-3-15 Eveleth, Rabbi Silverman , Zionism.pdf"> 1920-3-15 Eveleth, Rabbi Silverman , Zionism</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1920 Presbyterians At Eveleth Lend Church To Zionists Nathan Karlinsky, Rev. William Jobush, Rabbi Sugarman-Virginia, Rabbi Silverman-Eveleth.  </font>     1920 3 15    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1920-4-16 Adas Israel, Talmud Torah Rabbi Burstin, Chicago.pdf"> 1920-4-16 Adas Israel, Talmud Torah Rabbi Burstin, Chicago</A> -   1920 4 16          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1920-8-8 Shirley Saperstein and Maurice F. Silverman.pdf"> 1920-8-8 Shirley Saperstein and Maurice F. Silverman</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1920 Maurice and Shirley were married by Rabbi Teplitz and that Ben Garon and Mrs S. Golden were "witnesses".  </font>     1920 8 8          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1920-8-15 Superior Rabbi H. L. Chazin.pdf"> 1920-8-15 Superior Rabbi H. L. Chazin</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1920 Rabbi Chazin Accepts Call To Perth Amboy, N. J. Rabbi. H. L. Chazin, leaves Superior, Wisconsin Hebrew Brotherhood Congregation.  </font> -   1920 8 15    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1920-9-17 E. M. Labovitz, Jewish Community Home.pdf"> 1920-9-17 E. M. Labovitz, Jewish Community Home</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1920 Rabbi Promotes Fund For Jewish Community Home. Benjamin Plotkin Urges Need of Structure for Jewish Functions. Dr. Benjamin Plotkin-New York, clubrooms, gymnasium, swimming pool, library, school. Sunday School Teachers’ Training. Lectures, Jewish music, E. M. Laboitz, Mrs. J. B. Winer, Miss M. Weinberg, Jacob Garon. Nathan Cohen, Miss Anna Lakawitz.  </font>     1920 9 17          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1920-9-20 Rabbi Sokolow, Anna Laskawitz.pdf"> 1920-9-20 Rabbi Sokolow, Anna Laskawitz</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1920 Anna Laskawitz, in chage of Hebrew songs. 3rd. col.</font> -   1920 9 20          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1920-11-15 Samuel Bloom obit..pdf"> 1920-11-15 Samuel Bloom obit.</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1920 Member Of Pioneer Family Brought Home For Burial. 48, a member of the Bloom family of Superior. Lived in Chicago for 15 years. relatives in Duluth and Mesaba range towns. Rabbi Bloom of Hibbing was his father.  </font>     1920 11 15          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1920-11-18 Duluth, Moses Montifiore Hebrew, Rabbi Lebendiger.pdf"> 1920-11-18 Duluth, Moses Montifiore Hebrew, Rabbi Lebendiger</A> -   1920 11 18    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1920-11-18 Rabbi Israel Lebendiger,Moses Montifiore Hebrew .pdf"> 1920-11-18 Rabbi Israel Lebendiger,Moses Montifiore Hebrew </A>  - - </font><font size="1"> 1920 Duluth Rabbi Urges Loyalty To Traditions. New Head of Hebrew School Sees Necessity in Jews Holding Identity Rabbi Israel Lebendiger, superintend the Moses Montifiore Hebrew School.   </font> -   1920 11 18          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1920-11-19 Phillip Altman , Young Folks' Club.pdf"> 1920-11-19 Phillip Altman , Young Folks' Club</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1920 Young Folks' club Phillip Altman, photo, Anna Laskowitz, Sadie Kremen, William Jolson, A. N. Natelson, Frank Krupp, Esther Saksanoff, Cecil Laskowitz, Harriet Krupp, Harry Levine, Rabbi Israel Lebendiger, Moses Montifiore Hebrew school.  </font> -   1920 11 19          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1920-11-19 Philip Altman.pdf"> 1920-11-19 Philip Altman</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1920 Young Folks' Club Names President. photo, Philip Altman. Hebrew institute, Third avenue East and Third street. Miss Anna Laskowitz, Miss Sadie Kremen, William Jolson, A. N. Natelson, Frank Krupp, Esther Saksanoff, Cecil Laskowitz, Miss Narriet Krupp, Harry Levin, Rabbi Israel Lebendiger, superintend at Moses Montifiore Hebrew school,study of Jewish music, history, an philosophy.  </font>     1920 11 19          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1920-12-4 Henry Ford anti-semitic remarks Rabbi Israel Lebendger.pdf"> 1920-12-4 Henry Ford anti-semitic remarks Rabbi Israel Lebendger</A>  - - </font><font size="1"> 1920 Duluth Rabbi Answers Anti-Semitic Attack. Henry Ford.   </font> -   1920 12 4          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1920-12-25 Adas Israel, Rabbi Israel Lebendiger.pdf"> 1920-12-25 Adas Israel, Rabbi Israel Lebendiger</A> -   1920 12 25          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1921-1-7 Adas Israel, Rabbi Isrel Lebendiger, social justice.pdf"> 1921-1-7 Adas Israel, Rabbi Isrel Lebendiger, social justice</A>  - -  </font><font size="1">  1921 Jews Would Aid Upbuilding Of Civilization, Says Speaker. Palestine, Rabbi Israel Lebendiger, Adas Israel synagogue.  </font> -   1921 1 7          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1921-2-25 John Silverman obit..pdf"> 1921-2-25 John Silverman obit.</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1921 John Silverman Buried. 216 East Fourth street. Rabbi L. Kassimer.   </font> -   1921 2 25          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1921-2-28 B'nai Brith, spelling bee, Percy Oreck, Charles D. Oreckovsky.pdf"> 1921-2-28 B'nai Brith, spelling bee, Percy Oreck, Charles D. Oreckovsky</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1921 Women, Men Will Combat For Spellings Supremacy. B'nai B'rith spelling bee, Percy Oreck, Charles D. Oreckovsky, Samuel Gofen, M. E. Altman, Jesse Cohen, George Casmir, Harry W. Davis, Herman Elevitch, Ralph Elevitch, Abe Feldman, D. P. Feldman, Hugo Freimuth, Louis Freimuth, Dr. Samuel Gross, Jacob Garon, Toby Garon, Charles W. Green, A. B. Kapplin, Rabbi I. Lebendiger, Maurice Labovits, Morris Mark, Abe Solon, Joseph Weiner, Harry E. Weinberg, Anna Mark, Mrs. S. Polans, Mrs. Jacob Garon, Mrs. M. Cook, Mrs. D. Freimuth, Mrs. Lyle Oreck, Mrs. Morris Altman, Mrs. A. Friss, Mrs. I. Lebendiger, Mrs. A. Davidson, Mrs. S. Hirshfield, Mrs. Julius Siegel, Mrs. Oxman, Mrs. J. Leuri ?, Mrs. M. D. Nides, Mrs. H. Y. Josephs, Miss Anna Mark, Miss Bertha Mendelsohn, Miss Lillian Karon, Miss Mae Klein, Miss Alice Wetzler, Miss Esther Abrahamson, Miss Ida Berkson, Miss Mayme Weinberg, Miss Lillian Levy, and Mrs. C. A . Saksonoff  </font> -   1921 2 28          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1921-5-2 B'nai B'rith.pdf"> 1921-5-2 B'nai B'rith</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> Fraternity Shatters Precedents, Bernard Silberstein Made Life Member of Order of B'nai B'rith.  Henry Monsky of Omaha, Neb., W. M. Abrahamson, A. B. Kapplin, Charles D. Oreckovsky, D. P. Fieldman, Dave Miller, Harry Gordon. RabbiJesse Cohen,  Israel Lebendiger, S. B. Copilowisch, Ben Miller,  Samuel Nides. New Members: William M. Abrahamson, J. J. Abram, Harry E. Altman, Al Aron, Mortimer W. Bondy, Harold J. Brody, Joseph E. Coll?, Charles M. Cohen, Harry Lewis Cohen, Jacob Crystal, Michael Danaiko, Louis Fishman, Louis Gallop orris Garrison, Oscar Goldstein, Samuel Gotkin B. Louis Green, Monte A. Greenblat, Ben J. Kenner, Herman N. Kramer, Frank Krupitzky, Morris Krupitzky, Louis J. Lasky, Samuel C. Latts, Jak Levine, Morris Levine, Irving M. Levinson, SamLevinson, L. S. Lugoff, Abe H. Miller, Isadore Mogelson S. Natelson, Percy E. Oreck, David Oreckovsky, Max D. Orinstein, David B. Pollack, D. Raihill, Frank M. Riskin, Mandy Rosenberg, Chas. A. Saksanoff, Samuel Sander, Robert Schway, Hyman L. Segal, Hyman W. Segal, Jack E. Segal, Sam J. Segal, Chas. S. M. Segalbaum, Samuel Shore, Sam Simon, Morris Slavoot, J. Slonim, Abe L. Solon, John L. Sosnosky, Joseph Steinman, Harry Vertelney, Louis Weisberg, Ed Zalk, Samuel Zalk, Wolf B. Zien, A. Zurovsky.  </font>     1921 5 2    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1921-8-5 Adas Israel, Memorial Service.pdf"> 1921-8-5 Adas Israel, Memorial Service</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1921 Memorial Services for Prof. Israel Friedlander and Theodore Herel, Adas Isrel synagogue nd Rbbi Matt-Minneapolis, Rabbi Lebendiger-Duluth.  </font> -   1921 8 5          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1921-8-28 Lena Singer and Hyman E. Miller, marriage.pdf"> 1921-8-28 Lena Singer and Hyman E. Miller, marriage</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1921 Lena Singer and Hyman R. Mill, Rabbi Teplitz, L. Singer, Lillian Joelson, Samuel Singer, R. Sloan, I. Singer, B. Gusse, Tille Gusse, Isadore Gusse, Toblin, Della and Fannie Tobin, L. Cannon, P., Evans.  </font> -   1921 8 28          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1921-10-3 Adas Israel, New Year.pdf"> 1921-10-3 Adas Israel, New Year</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1921 Jewish New Year Observance. Adas Israel synagoge, Duluth Hebrew institute. Rabbi Lebendiger, Significance of the New Year. Life Tragedies.   </font> -   1921 10 3    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1921-10-4 Moses Montifiore, Rabbi Flays.pdf"> 1921-10-4 Moses Montifiore, Rabbi Flays</A> - -   headline  -   1921 10 4          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1921-10-11 Adas Israel, Yom Kippur.pdf"> 1921-10-11 Adas Israel, Yom Kippur</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1921 Duluth Hebrews to Observe Yom Kippur With Fasting. Day of Atonement, Adas Israel synagogue, Rabbi Israel Lebendidger, Rabbi lvin S. Luchs-First Unitarian church.  </font> -   1921 10 11          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1921-10-14 Mesberg obit. Rabbi Israel Lebendiger.pdf"> 1921-10-14 Mesberg obit. Rabbi Israel Lebendiger</A>  - - </font><font size="1"> 1921 Funeral Rites Conducted for Eveleth Businessman. George Mesberg, Rabbi Israel Lebendiger, John Mesberg, Berna, Harold, and Jean Mesberg, James Lavick, Henry Shanedling.  </font> -   1921 10 14    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1921-10-21 Adas Israel, sermon.pdf"> 1921-10-21 Adas Israel, sermon</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1921 Rabbi to Give Sermon - Rabbi ledendinger will talk on the Optimism of Judaism.  </font> -   1921 10 21    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1921-11-17 Lena Horwitz obit., Rabbi I. A. Teplitz.pdf"> 1921-11-17 Lena Horwitz obit., Rabbi I. A. Teplitz</A>  - - </font><font size="1"> 1921 Mrs. Lena Horwitz obit. Rabbi I. A. Teplitz, David, Mandy, and Nathan Horwitz, A. Weiss.  </font> -   1921 11 17          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1921-11-29 Adas Israel, Channukah.pdf"> 1921-11-29 Adas Israel, Channukah</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1921 City's Jewish Kiddies Happy-Chanukah. Urn of oil lighting temple of Jerusam, miracle, Adas Isrel ynagogue, Hebrew institute, Rabbi Alvin S. Luch, Temple Emanuel congregation.  </font> -   1921 11 29    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1921-12-2 Adas Israel, sermon.pdf"> 1921-12-2 Adas Israel, sermon</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1921 Rabbi Will Speak Twice. Rabbi Israel Lebendiger, Selling the Birthright, Hebrew Institute, Adas Israel synagogue.  </font> -   1921 12 2          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1921-12-16 Adas Israel, Chanukah.pdf"> 1921-12-16 Adas Israel, Chanukah</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1921 Chanukah Is Next on Jewish Calendar. Adas Israel synagogue, Rabbi Alvin S. Luchs, Temple Emanuel, Judah the Maccabee legend.  </font> -   1921 12 16          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1922-2-5 Virginia, Harriet Schandling and Samuel Codon wed, Rabbis I. Meyerovitz, J. B. Hurwitz, Eli Krieberg.pdf"> 1922-2-5 Virginia, Harriet Schandling and Samuel Codon wed, Rabbis I. Meyerovitz, J. B. Hurwitz, Eli Krieberg</A>  - - </font><font size="1"> 1922 Virginia: Harriet Schanedling and Nathan Coddon wed, Rabbi I. Meyerowitz-St. Paul, Rabbi J. B. Hurwitz, Rev. Eli Krieberg, Julius Schanedling, Samuel Coddon, Esther Woolpy, Ruth Lieberman, Mildred Coddon, Ethel Shrader, H. S. Koff, Phyllis Schanedling, Leonard Lieberman, Monroe Schanedling, George Wolf, Samuel Coddon, Charles Coddon, Morris Schanedling, Harry Schanedling, Samuel L. Cohn, J. Meyers, Henry Coddon, Meyer Dolf (Dorf?), Gabriel Pearlman, F. Schanedling, Max Hirschfield, Annette Hirschfield.  </font> -   1922 2 5    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1922-2-9 Freimuth-Guthmann wed, guests, Abeles, Kohn, Berdie, Sattler,.pdf"> 1922-2-9 Freimuth-Guthmann wed, guests, Abeles, Kohn, Berdie, Sattler,</A>  - - </font><font size="1"> 1922 Ruth Freimuth and Milton Guthmann wed, Rabbi Luchs, Edna Freimuth, I. Freimuth, Louis Guthmann, David Guthmann, Annie Abeles, Victor Kohn, Sidney Berdie, J. D. Sattler, Abbey Abeles.  </font> -   1922 2 9          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1922-2-9 Ruth Freimuth and Milton Guthmann wed.pdf"> 1922-2-9 Ruth Freimuth and Milton Guthmann wed</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1922 Miss Ruth Freimuth and Milton Guthmann wedding. Rabbi  Luchs, parents Mr. and Mrs. I. Freimuth, East Second street. Edna Freimuth, sister of rie, Mrs. I. Freimuth-mother, Louis Guthmann-Chicago, best man. Guests, Mr. and Mrs. Louis Guthmann, Mr. and Mrs. David Guthmann, Mrs. A. Wilson, Mrs. Annie Abeles, Mrs. Victor Kohn, Mrs. Sidney Berdre-Chicago; Mrs. J.D. Sattler-Milwaukee, Mrs. Abbey Abeles-Minneapolis.  </font>     1922 2 9          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1922-2-11 Abraham Lincoln, Rabbi Lebendiger.pdf"> 1922-2-11 Abraham Lincoln, Rabbi Lebendiger</A> -   1922 2 11          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1922-2-11 Jewish Arbor Day, Passon, Goldberg, Samuels.pdf"> 1922-2-11 Jewish Arbor Day, Passon, Goldberg, Samuels</A>    - - </font><font size="1"> 1922 Lincoln Held As Idol By Jews IN U.S., Rabbi Says. Hebrews Regard Work of the "Great Emancipator" With Double Significance. Rabbi Israel Lebendiger, Hebrew Institute.  </font> -   1922 2 11.1    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1922-2-11 Jewish Arbor Day, Passon, Goldberg.pdf"> 1922-2-11 Jewish Arbor Day, Passon, Goldberg</A>   - - </font><font size="1"> Lincoln's Birthday and Chamishoh Oser B'Schvatt" (Tu B'Shuvat). Rabbi Israel Lebendinger, Lillian Harris, Helen Segal, Nathan Cohen, Rudolph Segal, Alfred Weinberg, Marvin Goldstein, Sylvia Laskowitz, Irene Levine, Sylvia Horowitz, Elsie Widdes, Fay Horowitz, Eunice Passon, Freida Brooks, Edith Riskin, Ida Weiner, Vivian Evans, Cheery Rine, Sylvia Stewart, Etta Levine, Mary London, Ruth Goldberg, Anna London, Ruby Aarons, Florence Goldfarb, Susie Bergal, Augusta Vertelney Helen Aarons, Beatrice Verteney, Dorothy Horowitz, Pauline Cwl, Florence Rose, Doris Cwl, Bessie Brooks, Elizabeth Cook, Herbert Samuel, Samuel Braverman, Sydney Green, J. Crystle (Crystal), Sarah Goldfine, Kurnisa.</font> -   1922 2 11.3    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1922-2-28 Mrs. S. Polans.pdf"> 1922-2-28 Mrs. S. Polans</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1922 Women, Men Will Combat For Spelling Supremacy. Covenant lodge, B’nai B’rith, Council of Jewish Women, Covenant hall, 12 East Superior street. Men’s team: Samuel Gofen, M. E. Altman, Jessie Cohen, George Casmir, Harry W. Davis, Herman Elevitch, Ralph Elevitch, Abe Feldman, D. P. Fieldman, Hugo Freimuth, Louis Freimuth, Dr. Samuel Gross, Jacob Garon, Toby Garon, Charles W. Green, A. B. Kapplin, Rabbi I. Lebendiger, Maurice Labovits, Morris Mark, Charles D. Oreckovsky, Percy Oreck, Abe Solon, Joseph Weiner, Harry E. Weinberg. Women’s team: Miss Anna Mark, Mrs. S. Polans, Mrs. Jacob Garon, Mrs. M. Cook,Mrs. D. Freimuth, Mrs. Lyle Oreck, Mrs. Morris Altman, Mrs. A. A. Friss, Mrs. I. Lebendiger, Mrs. A. Davidson, Mrs. S. Hirshfield, Mrs. Julius Siegel, Mrs. Oxman, Mrs. J. Leuri, Mrs. M. D. Nides, Mrs, H. Y. Josephs, Miss Bertha Mendelsohn, Miss Lillian Karon, Miss Mae Kllen: (Klein ?), Miss Alice Wetzler, Miss Esther Abrahamson, Miss Ida Berkson, Miss Mayme Weinberg, Miss Lillian Levy, and Mrs. C. A. Saksonoff.  </font>     1922 2 28          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1922-3-8 Union of American Hebrew congregations.pdf"> 1922-3-8 Union of American Hebrew congregations</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1922 Duluth Takes Part in Revivial for Aid of Jewish Religion. Chisholm, Eveleth, Keller, Hurley, Mankato, Virginia an Winona will be visited by rabbis and laymen from St. Paul and Duluth to promote a revival and development of the Jewish religion. Conducted by the Union of American Hebrew congregations. Rabbi Elvin E. Luchs, Alvin I. Freimuth, Rabbi Jacohb I. Meyerovitz, Jacob Dittenhofer.   </font> -   1922 3 8    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1922-3-10 Rabbi Luchs.pdf"> 1922-3-10 Rabbi Luchs</A> -   1922 3 10          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1922-3-10 Rabbis and laymen for smaller communities.pdf"> 1922-3-10 Rabbis and laymen for smaller communities</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1922 Rabbi Offers Nearby Towns Religious Aid. Rabbi Alvin S. Luchs, I. Freimuth, Union of American Hebrew Congregations. Help establish synagogues in Chisholm, Eveleth, Hibbing, Hurley, Mankato, Virginia, and Winona.   </font> -   1922 3 10    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1922-3-11 Rabbi Lebendiger Praises Work of Jewish Group, Queen Esther.pdf"> 1922-3-11 Rabbi Lebendiger Praises Work of Jewish Group, Queen Esther</A>  - - </font><font size="1"> 1922 Rabbi Praises Work Of Jewish Women's Group. Duluth Hebrew Leader Calls Members Worthy Descendants of Queen Esther. The Council of Jewish Women, Mamie Weinberg   </font> -   1922 3 11    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1922-4-17 Chisholm Louis Press obit..pdf"> 1922-4-17 Chisholm Louis Press obit.</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1922 Chisholm Soldier to Be Laid to Rest With Honors. Military funeral for Louis Press, Rabbi Lebendiger, brother of Harry Pres of Hibbing.  He met death in action in France, Sept. 15, 1918. One sister, Minnie, brothers Samuel and Elias-Eveleth.   Four years later his body is returned for burial.   </font>     1922 4 17          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1922-5-15 Rabbi Joseph Goldberg, Kisheniv, Russia.pdf"> 1922-5-15 Rabbi Joseph Goldberg, Kisheniv, Russia</A>  - - </font><font size="1"> 1922 Rabbi Lauds U. S. for Treatment Accorded Jews. Rabbi Joseph Goldberg-Kisheniv, Russia, First Presbyterian church, Bolshevism, Lenin and Trotzky.  </font> -   1922 5 15    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1922-5-17 Virginia, B'nai Abraham, Rabbi Alvin Luchs.pdf"> 1922-5-17 Virginia, B'nai Abraham, Rabbi Alvin Luchs</A> -   1922 5 17    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1922-6-6 Kathryn Meyers, Fred H. Weinberg wed, Rabbi Teplitz .pdf"> 1922-6-6 Kathryn Meyers, Fred H. Weinberg wed, Rabbi Teplitz </A> -   1922 6 6    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1922-7-20 Memorial for Founder of Political Zionism.pdf"> 1922-7-20 Memorial for Founder of Political Zionism</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1922 Memorial Service for Theo. Herzl,Founder of Political Zionism, Max Oreckovsky, Abraham Horwitz, Ph.D., Rabbi I. S. Teplitz, Harry E. Weinberg. Adas Israel Synagogue  </font> -   1922 7 20    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1922-8-15 Rabbi Moses Arnovich, Superior.pdf"> 1922-8-15 Rabbi Moses Arnovich, Superior</A> - -   headline  -   1922 8 15          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1922-8-20 Abe Goldfine-Fanny Ovetsky wedding .pdf"> 1922-8-20 Abe Goldfine-Fanny Ovetsky wedding </A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1922 Goldfine-Ovetsky Nuptials Celebrated.   Fanny Ovetsky and Abe Goldfine wed, Rabbi Lebendiger, Odd Fellows' hall, Mrs. B. D. Ben ?, Miss Idalla Berkson,  Anna ? Miss Las?, Miss Goldfine-Duluth,  Joe Kaner, Tobia Garon, twin nieces, flower girl Gertrude Kaner, dinner for 250 guests, Mr. Miller-Eau Claire, Wis. and Harry Segal-Duluth-played piano and violin, 400 guests danced, out of town guests:  Mr. and Mrs. Brigh-Gilbert, Minn., Mr. and Mrs. Kaner and family-Cloquet, Ben Kaner-Barron, Wis., Mrs. Morris Goldfine-Minneapolis, Mr. and Mrs. Leo Rosenbloom and son and Sam Segal-Chicago, Mrs. Chapman and daughters-California, Mrs. Menehorovsky-Des Moines, Iowa, Mr. and Mrs. W. Kaner and family and Morris Kaner-Eveleth, following from Virginia: Mr. and Mrs. Hochstein, Mrs. Dorfman and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. L. Milavetz, Mr. and Mrs. Litman and son, Mr. and Mrs. George Flax, Mr. and Mrs. Gust Simon, Mr. and Mrs. Dave Sibel, Mr. and Mrs. Abe Kenner, and Mrs. Joseph Garon.   </font> -   1922 8 20          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1922-8-20 Abe Goldfine-Fanny Ovetsky wedding transcribed.htm"> 1922-8-20 Abe Goldfine-Fanny Ovetsky wedding transcribed</A>   - -  </font><font size="1"> 1922 Goldfine-Ovetsky Nuptials Celebrated.  (Article transcribed)  -  Fanny Ovetsky and Abe Goldfine wed, Rabbi Lebendiger, Odd Fellows' hall, Mrs. B. D. Ben ?, Miss Idalla Berkson,  Anna ? Miss Las?, Miss Goldfine-Duluth,  Joe Kaner, Tobia Garon, twin nieces, flower girl Gertrude Kaner, dinner for 250 guests, Mr. Miller-Eau Claire, Wis. and Harry Segal-Duluth-played piano and violin, 400 guests danced, out of town guests:  Mr. and Mrs. Brigh-Gilbert, Minn., Mr. and Mrs. Kaner and family-Cloquet, Ben Kaner-Barron, Wis., Mrs. Morris Goldfine-Minneapolis, Mr. and Mrs. Leo Rosenbloom and son and Sam Segal-Chicago, Mrs. Chapman and daughters-California, Mrs. Menehorovsky-Des Moines, Iowa, Mr. and Mrs. W. Kaner and family and Morris Kaner-Eveleth, following from Virginia: Mr. and Mrs. Hochstein, Mrs. Dorfman and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. L. Milavetz, Mr. and Mrs. Litman and son, Mr. and Mrs. George Flax, Mr. and Mrs. Gust Simon, Mr. and Mrs. Dave Sibel, Mr. and Mrs. Abe Kenner, and Mrs. Joseph Garon.   </font> -   1922 8 20          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1922-8-22 Rae Schneider and A. N. Friedman wed, Rabbi Teplitz, Kaner, Frumes, Handlovsky, Cohen,.pdf"> 1922-8-22 Rae Schneider and A. N. Friedman wed, Rabbi Teplitz, Kaner, Frumes, Handlovsky, Cohen,</A> -   1922 8 22          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1922-8-22 Schneider-Friedman wed, guests, Hyman, Morganstern, Titch, Bergstein, Simon, Garon, Harris, Holzberg, Rudolph, Marcus.pdf"> 1922-8-22 Schneider-Friedman wed, guests, Hyman, Morganstern, Titch, Bergstein, Simon, Garon, Harris, Holzberg, Rudolph, Marcus</A>  - - </font><font size="1"> 1922 Rae Schneider and A. N. Friedman wed, Rabbi Teplitz, A. Schneider, Esther Schneider, Hannah Kaner, Mae Frumes, Handlovsky, Roslyn Kaner, Jeanette Kaner, Sylvia Cohen, Jeanette and Esther Schneider, Ruth Hyman, David Morganstern, Titch,  Albert Bergstein, Louis Simon, Tobias Garon, Dr. L. M. Harris, Phillip Hozberg, Maurice Rudolph, Jack Marcus, Nathaniel O.Schneider, Barnett Tayne, Harry Morganstern, David Morganstern, L. J. Miller, Harold Miller, J. Schneider, J. Shere.  </font> -   1922 8 22    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1922-9-6 Bernard Silberstein obit..pdf"> 1922-9-6 Bernard Silberstein obit.</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1922 Masons to Hold Silberstein rites at Temple Today. pioneer Duluth merchant, 21 North Twenty-first avenue East. Palestine lodge of Masons. Members of Covenant lodge, Independent order of B'nai B'rith pall bearers. Rabbi Alvin Luchs of Temple Emanuel, Dr. Murice Lefkovits of Minneapolis, formerly a Duluth rabbi. Leonard Young. Servied as commissioner form 1915 to 1919. Silberstein & Bondy store.  </font>     1922 9 6          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1922-9-7 Bernard Silberstein obit..pdf"> 1922-9-7 Bernard Silberstein obit.</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1922 Eulogy, Tribute Paid Merchant Duluth Pioneer. Masonic and Hebrew Services Mark Last Rites at Funeral of Bernard Silberstein. 21 North Twenty-first avenue East, Rabbi Alvin Luchs-Temple Emanul, Dr. Maurice Lefkovitz of Minnapolis, formerly a Duluth rabbi, personal friend of Mr. Silberstein, A. B. Kapplin, Hugo Freimuth, David Loweus, Louis Z. Zalk, Dr. E. Z. Shapiro, Harry Gordon. Sam and Lewis Loeb, Hr. R. Armstrong, George Spaulding, John H. LaVaque, Lionel Ayres.   </font>     1922 9 7          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1922-9-17 Hibbing, Nellie Rutstein and Julius Edelstein, Rabbi Gussie, Hallock.pdf"> 1922-9-17 Hibbing, Nellie Rutstein and Julius Edelstein, Rabbi Gussie, Hallock</A>  - - </font><font size="1"> 1922 Hibbing: Nellie Rutstein and Julius Edelstein wed, Rabbi Gussie, E. H. Edelstein-Brooklyn, Charles Hallock, Badonna Hallock.  </font> -   1922 9 17          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1922-9-19 Adas Israel, Jewish New yer 5683.pdf"> 1922-9-19 Adas Israel, Jewish New year 5683</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1922 Jewish New Year to Be Observed in Synagogues. stores operated by Duluth Jews will close in observance. Rabbi Alvin S. Luchs, Temple Emanuel, 5683, beginning of the world, Old Testament, Rosh Hashonah, Yom Kippur, Day of Atonement, holiest of Jewish holiday, Rabi Israel Lebendiger, Hebrew institute, Rabbi I. Teplitz, Adas Israel, First Unitarian church, Rabbi Luchs, Reformed Jews observe for one day.   </font> -   1922 9 19    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1922-10-1 Morris Cohen, Yom Kippir Ball.pdf"> 1922-10-1 Morris Cohen, Yom Kippir Ball</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1922 Jewish Club to Give Festial Year Ball. Yom Kipper ball, Odd Fellows’ hall, proceeds go to Hebrew institute, Third avenue East and Third street. Nathan Kremen-president, Rabbi Alvin Luchs-Temple Emanuel, H. Y. Josephs-ardent supporter, Irving Raihill, Morris Cohen-treasurer, Sam Rosenberg-secretary, I. Saksonoff, Charles Greene, Ralph Elevitch, Ralph Levine, Ben Davis, and Sam Segal-directors.    </font>     1922 10 1          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1922-10-26 Rabbi Israel Lebendiger, St. Louis.pdf"> 1922-10-26 Rabbi Israel Lebendiger, St. Louis</A>  - - </font><font size="1"> 1922 Call to St. Louis Charge Accepted by Duluth Rabbi, Rabbi Israel Lebendiger, Hebrew Institute resigned, going to Shaare Zedeck synagogue, St. Louis, MO.  </font> -   1922 10 26    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1922-11-4 Rabbi David Aaronson, Hebrew institute.pdf"> 1922-11-4 Rabbi David Aaronson, Hebrew institute</A>  - - </font><font size="1"> 1922 Close Co-operation Urged In Communities By Rabbi. Rabbi Aaronson, replaces Rabbi Lebendiger.  </font> -   1922 11 4    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1922-11-6 Anna Lakawitz and Louis Smith wed, Rabbi Teplitz, Tobac, Binder, Winer, Gotkin.pdf"> 1922-11-6 Anna Lakawitz and Louis Smith wed, Rabbi Teplitz, Tobac, Binder, Winer, Gotkin</A>  - - </font><font size="1"> 1922 Anna Laskawitz and Louis Smith-Brooklyn, wed, Rabbi I. Teplitz, J. Laskawitz, Ben Toback, Marian Laskawitz, Annette Binder, Leah Winer, Doris Gotkin.  </font> -   1922 11 6    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1922-11-6 Anna Laskawitz and Louis Smith wed.pdf"> 1922-11-6 Anna Laskawitz and Louis Smith wed</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1922 Miss Anna Laskawitz, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. Laskawitz, 337 East Fourth street, and Louis Smith of Brooklyn, N. Y., wed, Rabbi I. Tiplitz, Cecile Laskawitz, Ben Toback, Marian Laskawitz, Anette Binder-Superior, Leah Winer, Doris Gotkin. Covenant hall, 150 guests.   </font>     1922 11 6          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1922-11-8 Dolly Polinsky and Nate Natelson, Rabbi .pdf"> 1922-11-8 Dolly Polinsky and Nate Natelson, Rabbi </A> -   1922 11 8          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1922-11-8 Dolly Polinsky and Nate Natelson wed.pdf"> 1922-11-8 Dolly Polinsky and Nate Natelson wed</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1922 Dolly Polinsky and Nate Natelson wed, Rabbi Lebendige.</font> -   1922 11 8          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1922-11-17 New Rabbi David Aaronson.pdf"> 1922-11-17 New Rabbi David Aaronson</A>  - - </font><font size="1"> 1922 New Rabbi Formally Assumes Duluth Post, Rabbi David Aaronson-New York succeeds Rabbi Israel Lebendger.  </font> -   1922 11 17          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1922-11-20 Eveleth, B'nai Brith.pdf"> 1922-11-20 Eveleth, B'nai Brith</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1922 B'nai Brith, A. B. Kapplin, Samuel Nides-Hibbing, M. K. Baer-Virginia, Harry L. Levant-Eveleth, Dr. L. M. Harris-Superior, Gustavus Loewinger-St. Paul, Rabbi J. I. Meyerowitz-St. Paul, Rabbi Meyerowitz, Rabbi Alvin S. Luchs, Segal's orchestra.  </font> -   1922 11 20    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1922-12-3 Matilda Zien, obit. Rabbi Maurice Lefkowitz.pdf"> 1922-12-3 Matilda Zien, obit. Rabbi Maurice Lefkowitz</A> -   1922 12 3    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1922-12-3 Matilda Zien obit..pdf"> 1922-12-3 Matilda Zien obit.</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1922 Mrs. Matilda Zien obit., died in Milwaukee, buried in Woodland cemetery, Rabbi Maurice Lefkowitz  </font> -   1922 12 3    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1922-12-8 Social Center Club, Abe Oreck, D. Oreckovsky.pdf"> 1922-12-8 Social Center Club, Abe Oreck, D. Oreckovsky</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1922 Social Center Club Planned by Duluth Jews. J. Averbook, Jake. Abram,, Abe Oreck, Charles D. Oreckovsky, J. Kohn, J. Oreckovsky, N. C. Garber, Herman Elevitch, Rabbi Lucks, A. B. Kapplin, A. H. Polinsky, Rabbi Aronson, N. Kri  </font> -   1922 12 8    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1922-12-8 Averbook and Oreck and Oreckovsky, Duluth Social Center Club.pdf"> 1922-12-8 Averbook and Oreck and Oreckovsky, Duluth Social Center Club</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1922 Social Center Club Planned by Duluth Jews. J. Averbook, J. Abram, Abe Oreck, Charles D. Oreckovsky, Joseph Oreckovsky, J. Kohn, Abe Oreck, J. Oreckovsky, N. C. Garber, Herman Elevitch, Rabbi Lucks, A. B. Kapplin, A. H. Polinsky, Rabbi Aronson, J. M. Averbook, N. Kris, Jake Abram.  </font> -   1922 12 8          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1922-12-23 Eveleth, Meyer Perlman.pdf"> 1922-12-23 Eveleth, Meyer Perlman</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1922 Students To Give Play. Eveleth: Rabbi E. F. Freier, Bernice Weiner, Ann Siegel, Rosalyn Ellis, Meyer APerlman, Ruth Feldman, Simon Sax, Gertrude Siegel and Jake Weinberg.  </font> -   1922 12 23          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1922-12-23 Eveleth, Student play, Simon Sax.pdf"> 1922-12-23 Eveleth, Student play, Simon Sax</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1922 Eveleth: Students To Give Play. Talmud Torah, Rabbi E. F. Freier, Bernice Weiner, Ann Siegel, Rosalyn Ellis, Meyer Perlman, Ruth Feldman, Simon Sax, Gertrude Siegel, Jake Weinberg.  </font> -   1922 12 23    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1922-12-25 Doris Sosnosky and Harris Goldman wed.pdf"> 1922-12-25 Doris Sosnosky and Harris Goldman wed</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1922 Jewish Club toGive Festival Year Ball, Northern Lights, Rabbi Alvin Luchs, H. Y. Josephs, Dr. Alvin Luchs, Irving Rajhill, Morris Cohen, Sam Rosenberg, I. Saksonoff, Charles Greene, Ralph Elevitch, Ralph Levine, Ben Davis, Sam Segal Nathan Kremen,  </font> -   1922 12 25          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1922-12-29 Henry S. Cohen, obit, photo, Israel Tepltz.pdf"> 1922-12-29 Henry S. Cohen, obit, photo, Israel Tepltz</A>  - - </font><font size="1"> 1922 Funeral Hour named for Murder Victim, mysterious death, Henry S. Cohen obit. Rabbi Israel Tepliz.  </font> -   1922 12 29          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1922-12-29 Henry Cohen investigation.pdf"> 1922-12-29 Henry Cohen investigation</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1922 Funeral Hour Named for Murder Victim. Henry S. Cohen. photo, murdered, 219 East Superior street. 419 East Fourth street. Rabbi Israel Teplitz. photo.  </font>     1922 12 29    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1922-12-29 Henry S. Cohen, obit, photo, Israel Tepltz.pdf"> 1922-12-29 Henry S. Cohen</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1922 Henry S. Cohen, photo,  25 years old, murdered, grocery store, 219 East Superior St., residence 419 East Fourth street. Rabbi Israel Tepliz.  </font>     1922 12 29          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1930-3-21 Ironwood, MI, Sharey Zedek, New Rabbi.jpg"> 1930-3-21 Ironwood, MI, Sharey Zedek, New Rabbi</A> -   1930 3 21    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1933-6-19 Rabbi Judah Kopstein.jpg"> 1933-6-19 Rabbi Judah Kopstein</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1933-6-19 Rabbi Judah Kopstein JTA, The Global Jewish News Source. Brothers, Rabbi Kopstein, to Meet in Palestine, After 27-year Separation. Tifereth Israel Orthodox synagogue in Duluth. Brother Rabbi Mordecai Kopstein.   </font>     1933 6 19    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1936-3-10 Gladys Hoffman & John Alpert wedding.jpg"> 1936-3-10 Gladys Hoffman & John Alpert wedding</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1936 Couple Married At Wausau On Sunday. Miss Gladys Hoffman, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Sam Hoffman, 11 West Pewabic street, John Alpert, son of Mrs. Frances Alpert-Sheboygan, Rabbi H. J. Mekler-Wausau, cousin of the bride. Visited (family) Duluth, St. Paul, St. Louis. (MO.) March 23 at home 528 North Fifth in Manitowoc (WI).   </font>     1936 3 10          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1941-6-29 Benjamin and Lyba Edelstein - 50th.jpg"> 1941-6-29 Benjamin and Lyba Edelstein - 50th</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1941-6-29 Hibbing Daily Tribune.  Benjamin and Lyba Edelstein-50th Edelstein’s Golden Wedding; Daughter’s Nuptials Sunday.  - - Mr. and Mrs. B. H. Edelstein photo. Superior Wisconsin 1902, Hibbing, Minnesota, Ore Capital Edelstein Furniture company in North Hibbing, 10 children: Mrs. Ben Florence Stone, Mrs. Morris Goldie Rutstein, Mulius Edelstein, Mrs. Lewis Rose Deutsch-Virginia, Sam Edelstein-Hibbing, Mrs. Abe Jen Arganoff-Sioux City, Iowa, Max Edelstein-Hibbing, Michael Edelstein-Eagle River, Wis., Ethel Edelstein-Hibbing, Mrs. Morris Sylvia Goldberg-Superior, Wis. Great Granson Robert Allen Zimmerman, son of Mr. and Mrs. Abe Beatrice Stone Zimmerman-Duluth. Miss Ethel Edelstein and Mr. Devine exchange nuptial vows. Rabbi Samuel I. Porrath.   </font>     1941 6 29    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1945-9-6 Harold Dorfmann & Harriet Mekler engaged.jpg"> 1945-9-6 Harold Dorfmann & Harriet Mekler engaged</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1945 Mrs Rose Dorfman announces the marriage of her son Pfc Harold Dorfman to Miss Harriet Mekler in Brooklyn.  Harriet is the daughter of Rabbi and Mrs Jachiel Mekler of Brooklyn. </font>     1945 9 6          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1957-1 Barbara Cowen and Sherman Winthrop wed JFN.jpg"> 1957-1 Barbara Cowen and Sherman Winthrop wed JFN</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1957 Barbara Jo Cowan Becomes Bride of Sherman Winthrop. Mr. and Mrs. Sherman Winthrop, 1609 Ford Parkway, St. Paul, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Alex D. Cowan, 2606 East Fourth street, Mr. and Mrs. George Winthrop, 1716 East Fifth street. Married Dec. 16, 1957. Rabbi Benson Skoff, Mrs. Edward Winthrop-Madison, Wis., Janis Cowan, Cynthia Cowan, Capt. Edward Winthrop-Madison, Harvey Winthrop. Photo.  </font>     1957 1 0.9          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1957-1 Sandra Ornstein and Dennis Gorkins wed JFN.jpg"> 1957-1 Sandra Ornstein and Dennis Gorkins wed JFN</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1957-1 Sandra Ornstein, Mrs. Dennis Gorkin, photo. Dennis Gorkins At Home In Denver After Honeymoon. Beth Hamedrosh Hagodol synagogue, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Abe J. Ornstein, weds Dennis Gorkin, son of Mr. and Mrs. Carl Gorkin 2225 East First street. Rabbi C. H. Kauer, Marcia Ornstein, Dianne Gorkin, Toba Gold, Doris Goldman, Jerry Gorkin, Stuart Singer, Floyd Sunshine, Harvey Gold, Harold Friedland and Harry Singer. Residing in Denver.  </font>     1957 1 0.9    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1963-1-16 Lynn Sher & Harry M Flag wed.jpg"> 1963-1-16 Lynn Sher & Harry M Flag wed</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1963 Lynn Sher and Harry M. Flagg Wed in Home Ceremony Sunday. Daughter of Dr. and Mrs. Harry Sher, 132 W. Gogebic St., Lynn Sherr and Harry Martin Flagg, 2724 Kolo Place, Honolulu, Hawaii, son of Mrs. Anne Flagg, 4146 N. Newhall-Milwaukee, Kenneth Flagg-Honolulu, Rabbi Mekler-Wausau, Mrs. Gerald Flagg, Ingrid Flagg, David Sher, make home in Hawaii, Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Flagg, Mrs. Anne Flagg, Miss. Ingrid Flagg, Mrs. Louis Liebermann, Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Flagg, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Lane, Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Borwzak, Barry Garrison, Mr. and Mrs. Robert aer, Mrs. Jack Eisendraht-Milwaukee; Mr. and Mrs. Lou Laden, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Mekler-Minneapolis; Mr. and Mrs. Lou Weinblatt, Simon Schartz, Mr. and Mrs. Louis Sher, Mr. and Mrs. Phil Schwartz-St. Paul; Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Chaims-Oak Park, Mich.; Miss Marcia Banen-Chicago; Mrs. Esther Stone-St. Joseph, Mo.; Kenneth Flagg-Honolulu; Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Colenso-Iron Mt., Mich. (Jonnie Colenso, I believe Dr. Harry Sher was a dentist.)  </font>     1963 1 16          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1977-9 Morris E Klasky JFN.jpg"> 1977-9 Morris E Klasky JFN</A>  - -  </font><font size="1">1977  Morris E. Klasky - How it Started.  Rabbi Bender suggested an organization called THE JEWISH FELLOWSHIP CLUB.  Benjamin Pass was elected President; vice presidents, Morris Klasky, Ben R Greene, Sam Altman; Rec Sec, Harry Segal; Corres Sec, Ben L. London; Treas, Robert J Karon; Sgt at Arms, Mandy Horowitz; Directors were as follows: Alex J Lurye, Ben Goldish, Louis Fishman, Dr S S Rosenbloom, John Cohen and Rabbi Paul Bender   </font>     1977 9 1          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1980-1-26 Rabbi Alexander Katz.pdf"> 1980-1-26 Rabbi Alexander Katz</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1980 Rabbi, 83, to Have 2nd Bar Mitzvah.  Rabbi Alexander Katz, Duluth congregation and Omaha congregation.  </font>     1980 1 26    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1981-1 Rabbi Ely Braun leaves Duluth JFN.jpg"> 1981-1 Rabbi Ely Braun leaves Duluth JFN</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> text  </font>     1981 1 0.9          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1985-7  Superior Rabbi Aaron Gold JFN profile.jpg"> 1985-7  Superior Rabbi Aaron Gold JFN profile</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1985 Superior Rabbi Aaron Gold served from 1947 to 1952.  He remembers a kind woman.  </font>     1985 7 0    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/2009-5-15 Rabbi Julie K Gordon gets degree AJW.jpg"> 2009-5-15 Rabbi Julie K Gordon gets degree </A>   - -  </font><font size="1"> American Jewish World  </font>     2009 5 15          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1921-3-26 Lebendiger, Purim.pdf"> 1921-3-26 Lebendiger, Purim</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1921 Duluth Jews To Observe Feast Of Purim Sunday. Duluth Hebrew institute, Sylvia Laskovitz, Elsie Widdes, Mary London, Selma Cohen, Lillian Harris, Helen Cook, Belle Harris, Jennie Horwitz, Rabbi Israel Lebendiger, Miss Sclarow, Cherry Rine, Ruby Goodman, Helen Segal, Miss Shenowsky, Ida Ostrowsky, Bessie Seiden, Alek Cohen, Eva Bruesen, Ethel Kasmir, Roy Teltch, Bessie Litman, Anna Kane, Helen Segal.   </font>     1900 1 0          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1904-5-30 Sadie Cohen and Louis Shenowsky wed.pdf"> 1904-5-30 Sadie Cohen and Louis Shenowsky wed</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1904 Pretty Wedding Is Celebrated. Miss Sadie Cohen and Louis Shenowsky Married at Hebrew Synagogue. 825 Fourth avenue east, and Louis Shenowsky-Duluth. Mr. and Mrs. L. Cohen, Rabbi Helprin, Odd Fellows' hall, Lillian Mesberg-Virginia, James Lavick, 326 East Sixth street. Mr. and Mrs. J. Mesberg, Lillian Mesberg, Henry Shanedling-Virginia, Morris Robbins, George Mesberg-Eveleth.   </font>     1904 5 30          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1904-5-30 Sadie Cohen and Louis Shenowsky wed 2.pdf"> 1904-5-30 Sadie Cohen and Louis Shenowsky wed</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1904 Pretty Wedding Is Celebrated Sadie Cohen and Louis Shenowsky wed. Groomsman, James Lavick.   </font>     1904 5 30          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1905-9-4 Loy Shenowsky, Mooney, photo, newsboy, obit..pdf"> 1905-9-4 Loy Shenowsky, Mooney, photo, newsboy, obit.</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1905 City's Famous Newsboy Dies. Loy Shenowsky, Better Known as "Mooney" Succumb to Long Ailment. A dwarf, 19 years old, photo, 923 East Third street.   </font>     1905 9 4          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1905-9-5 Loy Shenowsky, obit..pdf"> 1905-9-5 Loy Shenowsky, obit.</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1905 Funeral of Loy Shenowsky, obit.   </font>     1905 9 5          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1906-8-3 Surprise Party, Polinsky.pdf"> 1906-8-3 Surprise Party, Polinsky</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1906 Surprise Party, Lilly Blasberg, Fostovsky, guests: J. Lieb3rman, J. Kohn, L. Cohen, I. L. Levine, L. Shenowsky, S. Levine, I. Polinsky, M. Cohen, J. Oreckovsky, K. Sanderson, J. Chessen, T. Nusbaum, A. Sosnovsky, Polinsky, Lieberman, Kassmir, Levine, Shenowsky, Blasberg, Cohen, Annie Cohen, Eva F. Polinsky, Sadie Fostovsky, Esther Sanderson, Rossie Lieberman, Sophia Kassmir, Eva Polinsky, Florence Levine, Eva Zlatkovsky, Sadie Zlatkovsky, Maurice Levine, Dave Sosnovsky, Sam Sanderson, S. Sanderson.   </font> -   1906 8 3          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1906-8-31 Eva and Sadie Zlatkovsky.pdf"> 1906-8-31 Eva and Sadie Zlatkovsky</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1906 Surprise Party. Miss Lilly Blaberg-Cleveland, Mrs. Fosovsky, 302 West Fifth Street,  - J. Liberman, J. Kohn, L. Cohen, I. L. Levine L. Shenowsky, S. Levine, I. Polinsky, M. Cohen, J. Oreckovsky, K. Sanderson, J. Chessen, T. Nusbaum, A. Sosnovsky, Polinsky, Lieberman, Kassmir, Levine, Senowsky, Blasberg, Cohen-Cleveland, Annie Cohen, Eva F. Polinsky, Sadie Fostovsky, Esther Sanderson, ossie Lieberman, Sophia Kassmir, Eva Polinsky, Florence Levine, Eva Zlatkovsky, Sadie Zlatkovsky, Maurice Levine, Dave Sosnovsky, Sam Sanderson and S. Sanderson.   </font>     1906 8 31    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1907-7-17 Fanny Abrahamson.pdf"> 1907-7-17 Fanny Abrahamson</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1907 Bride-Elect Honored. Miss Eva Polinsky, married on the 8th of next month, guest of honor. Mr. and Mrs. Leona Solomon, David Frankfort, J. Oreckovsky, L. Shenowsky, I. Moscovich, A. H. Polinsky, I. Lieberman, J. Cohen, J. Helstein, Mame Weinberg, Dora Polinsky, Sadie Fostof, Frances Light, Fanny Abrahamson (Abramson), Sarah Polinsky, Mrs. M. Weinberg, Robert Rosen-Minneapolis, Louise Meyer-Moline, Harry Weinberg, Morris Nides-Hibbing.  Notes from Jack:  Eva Polinsky I think is who married Morris Nides.  All of the names are Jewish and most I have trees for :);   Leon Solomon (his sister I think was Mrs I B Aarons, mother of Helen Widdes);   David Frankfort married to Sadie Caplow;  J Oreckovsky too many to pick from;  Louis Shenowsky - married to Sadie Cohen (Steve Heifitz tree);  L Moscovich - no match so far;  Albert H Polinsky - married to Sarah Shapiro, parents of Lyle Polinsky;  I Lieberman - no match;  J Cohen - too many;  John Helstein - married to Rose Light on my Abramson tree;  Mamie Weinberg never married;  Dora Polinsky - married to Joseph Wolfe;  Sadie Fostoff - married to Jack Lunche;  Frances Light - married to Edward Pease, on  my Abramson tree;  Fanny Abrahamson - married to Benjamin Lieberman on my tree;  Sarah Polinsky - too many to pick from ;  Mrs. M Weinberg - Mamie's mother;  Robert Rosen - no match;  Louis Meyer - no match;  Harry Weinberg - brother of Mamie;  Morris Nides - groom I think.</font>     1907 7 17          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1907-8-18 six articles.pdf"> 1907-8-18 six articles</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1907-8-18 Miss rose Cohen-Chicago, visiting aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. M. Shenowsky of 923 Fourth avenue east.   - -   <A HREF="images2/news/1907-8-18 Miss Rose Cohen.jpg">cropped image </A></font>     1907 8 18          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1907-9-17 Sadie Fostof.pdf"> 1907-9-17 Sadie Fostof</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1907 Bride-Elect Honored. Miss Ev Polinsky, Mr. and Mrs. Leona Solomon, David Frankfort, J. Oreckovsky, L. Shenowsky, L. Moscovich, A. H. Polinsky, I. Lieberman, J. Cohen, J. Helstein, Mame Weinberg, Dora Polinsky, Sadie Fostof, Frances Light, Fanny Abrahamson, Sarah Polinsky, Mrs. M. Weinberg, Robert Rosen of Minneapolis, Louise Meyer of Moline, Harry Weinberg, Morris Nides of Hibbing.   </font>     1907 9 17          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1907-9-22  Moscovich Eva Polinsky wedding.pdf"> 1907-9-22  Moscovich Eva Polinsky wedding</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1907-9-22 Bride-Elect Honored. Miss Eva Polinsky, groom's name not mentioned.  Party given by Mr. and Mrs. Leona Solomon. Guests: David Frankfort, J. Oreckovsky, L. Shenowsky, L. Moscovich, A. H. Polinsky, I. Lieberman, J. Cohen, J. Helstein, Mame Weinberg, Dora Polinsky, Sadie Fostof, Frances Light, Fanny Abrahamson, Sarah Polinsky, Mrs. M. Weinberg, Robert Rosen-Minnepolis, Louise Meyer-Moline, Harry Weinbeg, Morris Nides-Hibbing.  </font>     1907 9 22          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1907-12-19 Jennie Shenowsky obit. 7 month.pdf"> 1907-12-19 Jennie Shenowsky obit. 7 month</A>  - -  </font><font size="1">  1907-12-19 Deaths. Shenowsky Jennie, 7 months, died Dec. 17. 811 East Third street. Meningitis.  </font>     1907 12 19          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1909-3-4 daughter to Mr. and Mrs. Louis Sheowsky.pdf"> 1909-3-4 daughter to Mr. and Mrs. Louis Sheowsky</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1909 Birth of daughter to Mr. and Mrs Louis Shenowsky, 911 East Third street.  </font>     1909 3 4          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1909-4-9 Mrs. L. Shenowsky, Anna Cohen birthday.pdf"> 1909-4-9 Mrs. L. Shenowsky, Anna Cohen birthday</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1909-4-9 Entertains For Sister. Mrs. Louis Shenowsky, 811 East Third street. Birthday of sister Miss Anna Cohen. Sans Souci and Nonpareil clubs. Miss Sarah Shore, Miss Bessie Cassmir, and Maurice Cohen.  </font>     1909 4 9          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1909-6-30 Sadie Fostof.pdf"> 1909-6-30 Sadie Fostof</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1909 Farewell Party. Mrs. J. Fostoff, 820 East Fifth Street, in honor of Mrs. M. Caplov, Mr. and Mrs. B. Frankford, Mr. and Mrs. R. Lieberman, Mr. and Mrs. C. Kassmir, Mrs. L. Shenowsky, Mr. and Mrs. Levine, Mr. and Mrs. L. Polinsky, Mr. and Mrs. M. Levine, Mr. and Mrs. M. Cohen, Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Kolenisky, Mr. and Mrs. Oreckovsky, Mr. and Mrs. Gitkin, Mr. and Mrs. Kerness, Mr. and Mrs. L. Levine, Mr. and Mrs. S. Shesossky, Miss Ida Weiner of Chicago, Polly Sweetman of St. Cloud, Belle Polinsky, Esther Kerness, Clara Shore, Sadie Shore, Lillie Cassmir, Annie Cohen, Rosie Cohen, Sadie Fostoff, Florence Levine.   </font>     1909 6 30          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1909-6-30 farewell party for M. Caplov, Mr. L.  Shenowsky.pdf"> 1909-6-30 farewell party for M. Caplov, Mr. L.  Shenowsky</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1909-6-30 Farewell Party for Mrs. M. Caplov. Mr. and Mrs. S. Mrs. L. Shenowsky and (Shenowsky) mentioned.   </font>     1909 6 30          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1910-7-4 Louis Shenowsky.jpg"> 1910-7-4 Louis Shenowsky</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1910-7-4 Louis Shenowsky to Maurice Steiner, property. - cropped  </font>     1910 7 4    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1911-4-3 Wanted at Once L. Shenowsky.jpg"> 1911-4-3 Wanted at Once L. Shenowsky</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1911-4-3 Wanted At Once ad for solicitor in advertising. L. Shenowsky. - cropped  </font>     1911 4 3          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1911-7-29 L. Shenowsky publisher.pdf"> 1911-7-29 L. Shenowsky publisher</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1911-7-29 Twin Ports Unions Issue Neat Directory. Published by S. F. Folsom and L. Shenowsky.  </font>     1911 7 29    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1911-9-11 Joseph Fostoff.pdf"> 1911-9-11 Joseph Fostoff</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1911 Mr. and Mrs. Cohen Give Party For Mrs. Lavick. Mr. and Mrs. L. Cohen, 911 East Third street, Mrs. B. Lavick, daughter Anna Lavick of Chicago., Mrs. J. Lieberman, Mrs. S. Caplov, E. Sosnovsky, M. Caplov, M. Shore, B. Lavick, I. L. Lavine, J. Fostoff, J. Lieberman, A. Stern, J. Wolfe, J. A. Kohn, S. Kassmir, M. Cohen, D. Frankfort, M. Steiner, L. Shenowsky, Popkin, M. Levine, Sophie Caplov, Dollie Polinsky, Rose Cohen, Eva Cohen, Anna lavick, M. Cohen, L. Cohen, M. Shore, J. L. Lavine K. Kohn, M. Wolfe  </font>     1911 9 11    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1911-9-11 Mrs. B. Lavick, cropped.pdf"> 1911-9-11 Mrs. B. Lavick, cropped</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1911-9-11  Mr. and Mrs. Cohen Give Party For Mrs. Lavick. Mr. and Mrs. L. Cohen, 911 East Third street, for Mrs. B. Lavick and daughter Anna Lavick from Chicago. Mrs. J. Lieberman, Mrs. S. Caplov, Mesdames E. Sosnovsky, M. Caplov, M. Shore, I. L. Lavine, J. Fostoff, J. Lieberman, A. Stern J. Wolfe, J. A. Frankfort, M. Steiner, L. Shenowsky, Popkin, M. Levine, Sophie Caplov, Dollie Polinsky, Rose Cohen, Eva Cohen, Anna Lavick, Messrs M. Cohen, L. Cohen, M. Shore, J. L. Lavine, J. Kohn, M. Wolfe.   </font>     1911 9 11    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1911-9-11  Cohen, Shenowsky.pdf"> 1911-9-11  Cohen, Shenowsky</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1911-9-11 Mr. and Mrs. Cohen Give Party For Mrs. Lavick. Mesdames L. Shenowsky mentioned.  </font>     1911 9 11          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1911-9-17 E. Sosnovsky.pdf"> 1911-9-17 E. Sosnovsky</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1911 Mr. and Mrs. L. Cohen, 911 East Third street entertained. Mrs. B. Lavick and daughter, Miss Anna Lavick-Chicago, Mrs. J. Leiberman, Mrs. S. Caplov, E. (Esther) Sosnovsky, M. Caplov, M. Shore, B. Lavick, I. L. Lavine, J. Fostoff, J. Leiberman, A. Stern, J. Wolfe, J. A. Kohn, S. Kassmir, M. Cohen, D. Frankfort, M. Steiner, L. Shenowsky, Popkin, M. Levine, Miss Sophie Caplov, Dollie Polinsky, Rose Cohen, Eva Cohen, Anna Lavick, Mr. M. Cohen, L. Cohen, M. Shore, J. L. Levine, J. Kohn, M. Wolfe.   </font>     1911 9 17    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1912-10-24 Virginia, Louis Shenowsky-nephew to John  Mesberg.pdf"> 1912-10-24 Virginia, Louis Shenowsky-nephew to John  Mesberg</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1912-10-24 Duluth Man Is Popular In Virginia. Mr. and Mrs. John Mesberg. Nephew Louis Shenowskyu-Duluth.  </font>     1912 10 24          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1913-7-15 Louis Shenowsky birth son.pdf"> 1913-7-15 Louis Shenowsky birth son</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1913-7-15 Births: Sons-Louis Shenowsky, 902 East Third street, June 24th.  </font>     1913 7 15          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1913-11-2 c David Oreckovsky, Halloween party with Mayor Prince.pdf"> 1913-11-2 c David Oreckovsky, Halloween party with Mayor Prince</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1913 David Oreckovsky, Halloween party, Dena Daneiko, Eva Cohen, Lena Riglers, Selma Shore, Anna Zarnow, Shenowsky, Esther Ridnisky, Viola Cohen, Sadie Levine, Viola Levine, Mattie Cohen, Eva Cohen. </font> -   1913 11 2          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1913-11-2 Oreckovsky.jpg"> 1913-11-2 Oreckovsky</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1913-11-2 Halloween party given by Miss Dena Daneiko, 914 Fourth avenue East. Miss Eva Cohen, Miss Lena Riglers, Miss Selma Shore, Miss Anna Zarnow-Minneapolis, ?lly (Molly) Shenowsky , Miss Sadie Levine, Miss Viola Levine, Miss Mattie Cohen, and Miss Eva Cohen.  </font>     1913 11 2    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1913-11-2 Shenowsky 2.jpg"> 1913-11-2 Shenowsky 2</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1913-11-2 Mayor Prince, Halloween party, guests: Master David Oreckovsky, 531 East Second street, Misses Mary Rusnovsky, Bernice Gardner, Dorothy Knudson, Pearl Siegel, Rose Saunder, Sarah Weinkir, Sarah Lieperman, Esther Oreckovsky, Lottie Polinsky, Sarah Glozzman, Hazel Chubbs. Messrs: Sam Sundgren, James Oreckovsky, Abraham Oreckovsky, Louis Saunder, Mandle Altman, Marive ? (Marv) Oreck, Ervin Oreck, Arnold Oreck. Music: Misses Rose Saunder, Dorothy Knudson, Master Louis Saunder.  </font>     1913 11 2          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1915-5-10 Shenowsky brother reunion Mat and Joe.pdf"> 1915-5-10 Shenowsky brother reunion Mat and Joe</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1915-5-10 Brothers Apart 35 Years Have Reunion In Duluth. Mat Shenowsky And His Brother Joe. Photo.   Shenowskys Separated in Russia-Both Came to America, Entered Grocery Business. Kiev, Russia.  </font>     1915 5 10          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1915-10-10 Getle Cohen, Shenowsky.pdf"> 1915-10-10 Getle Cohen, Shenowsky</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1915-10-10  Mrs. Gettle Cohen-Louisville, Ky., visiting sister, Mrs. Louis Cohen, 911 East Third street. Miss sRuth Shenowsky-music, Miss Eva Shenowsky-music program. Guests: Mr. and Mrs. Louis Polinsky, Mr. and Mrs. J. Fostoff, Mr. and Mrs. N. H. Garber, Mr. and Mrs. H. Garber, Rev. W. Kissin, Mrs. Kissin, Mr. and Mrs. C. Levant, Mr. and Mrs. M. Steiner, Mr. and Mrs. L. Sheowsky, Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Davis, Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Bennett, Mr. and Mrs. J. Bernstein, Mr. and Mrs. M. Cohen, Mr. and Mrs. K. Sanders, Mrs. H. Levine, Mrs. M. Levant-Eveleth, Mrs. M. Levine, Mrs. I. L. Levine, Mrs. M. Sheowsky, Miss Martha Fostoff, Miss Sadie Levine, Miss Bessie Levine, Miss Eva Cohen, Miss Mattie Cohen and Louis Cohen.   </font>     1915 10 10    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1915-10-10 Lillian Cohen, Shenowsky.pdf"> 1915-10-10 Lillian Cohen, Shenowsky</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1915-10-10 Miss Lillian Cohen-Minneapolis visiting Dr. M. S. Hirschfield and Mrs. Hirschfield, 830 East Fourth Street.   </font>     1915 10 10          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1916-1-11 Lillian Shenowsky eng.pdf"> 1916-1-11 Lillian Shenowsky eng</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1916-1-11Gollop-Shenowsky Engagement Announced. Mr. and Mrs. M. M. Shenowsky, 921 Fourth avenue East. Daughter Lillian to Peter Gollop.   </font>     1916 1 11          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1916-1-11 Shenowsky bundle shower.pdf"> 1916-1-11 Shenowsky bundle shower</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1916-1-27 Bundle Shower for February Bride. Mrs. L. Shenowsky, 909 East Third street, Miss L.   Shenowsky, 909 East Third street, for Miss Lillian Shenowsky, will marry Peter Gollop February 27th.   </font>     1916 1 11    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1916-2-28 Paul Gollop-Lillian Shenowsky wed.pdf"> 1916-2-28 Paul Gollop-Lillian Shenowsky wed</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1916-2-28  - 200 Guests Attend Wedding Ceremony. Miss Lillian Shenowsky and Peter Gollop wed in Talmud Torah hall, Third avenue East and Third street. Rabbi Tepliz. David Sanders, Esther Sander, Robert Gorodnitzky, Nora Shenowsky, Mr. and Mrs. J. Nesberg, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Shanedling and son-Virginia, 0Mr. and Mrs. George Nesberg-Eveleth. Lavick’s orchestra.  </font>     1916 2 28          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1916-8-17 Winner, Mrs. Louis  Shenowsky.jpg"> 1916-8-17 Winner, Mrs. Louis  Shenowsky</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1916-8-17 Mr. and Mrs. R. M. Winner, 611 East First street, card party, Mrs. L. Powses-Minneapolis. Mrs. Louis Shenowsky and Mrs. H. Sander.    </font>     1916 8 17          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1916-11-26 L. Shenowsky house sold.pdf"> 1916-11-26 L. Shenowsky house sold</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1916-11-26 With Builders And Buyers. Receipt of earnest money on the sale of a house for L. Shenowsky to Samuel Cwygel.   </font>     1916 11 26    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1917-1-2 Shenowsky, Gallop.pdf"> 1917-1-2 Shenowsky, Gallop</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1917 Mrs. M. Shenowsky, 819 Fourth avenue East. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Gollop, 324 East Ninth street. Mr. and Mrs.H. Levine, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Levine, Mr. and Mrs. L. Cohen, Mr. and Mrs. J. Bernstein, Mr. and Mrs. M. Steiner Mr. and Mrs. L. Cohen, Mr. and Mrs. C. Cohen, Mr. and Mrs. K. Sander, Mr. and Mrs. H. Sander, Mr. and Mrs. R. Winner, Mr. and Mrs. L. Koff, Mrs. L. Leiberman, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Gollop, Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Gollop, Mrs. John Gollop, Mrs. J. I. Levine, Mr. and Mrs. E. Davis, Louis Devine, Mrs. H. Lowel, Mrs. J. Mesberg-Virginia, Mr. and Mrs. James Lavik, Mr. and Mrs. G. Cohen-Louisville, Ky, Ben Sader, Rose Sander, Mary Rosnozky, Mattie Cohen, Evan Cohen, Ida Levine.  </font>     1917 1 2          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1917-1-2 Shenowsky, Gollop.pdf"> 1917-1-2 Shenowsky, Gollop</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1917  Mrs. M. Shenowsky, 819 Fourth avenue East, Mrs. Peter Gollop, 324 East Ninth street, Mr. and Mrs. H. Levine, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Levine, Mr. and Mrs. L. Cohen, Mr and Mrs J. Bernstein, Mr. and Mrs. M. Steiner, Mr. and Mrs. L. Cohen, Mr. and Mrs. C. Cohen, Mr. and Mrs. K. Sander, Mr. and Mrs. H. Sander, Mr. and Mrs. R. Winner, Mr. and Mrs. L. Koff, Mrs. L. Leiberman, Mr. and Mrs Sam Gollop, Mr. and Mrs Maurice Gollop, Mr and Nrs. John Gollop, Mrs. J. I. Levine, Mr.  and Mrs. E. Davis, Louis Levine, Mrs. H. Lowel, Mrs. J. Mesberg-Virginia, Mr. and Mrs. G. Cohen-Louisville, Ky.; Ben Sander, Rose Sander, Mary Rosnozky, Mattie Cohen, Evan Cohen, Ida Levine.  </font>     1917 1 2          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1917-4-23 L. Shenowsky Red Cross.pdf"> 1917-4-23 L. Shenowsky Red Cross</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1917-4-23 Red Cross Members Reported To Date. L. Shenowsky  </font>     1917 4 23          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1917-5-20 Mr. and Mrs. K. Sander Shenowsky.pdf"> 1917-5-20 Mr. and Mrs. K. Sander Shenowsky</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1917-5-20 Honor Guest At Surprise Party. Photo, Mr. and Mrs. K. Sander. Given by daughter Mr. and Mrs. Roy M. Winner. Talmud Torah hall. 117 guests.  “Love Your Parents”, couple danced, Ruth Shenowsky, Louis Saunder, Lillie Lieberman sang solo, Miss L. Mark and Mrs. Martin Ruth musicians.  </font>     1917 5 20          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1917-6-3 Louis and Matt Shenowsky.pdf"> 1917-6-3 Louis and Matt Shenowsky</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1917-6-3 Celebrate First Wedding Anniversary. Mr. and Mrs. Roy M. Winner. 506 West Third street. Guests: Mr. and Mrs. K. Sanders, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Sanders, Mr. and Mrs. Saul Sanders, Mrs. and Mrs. Harry Sanders, Mr. and Mrs. Ben Sanders, Mr. and Mrs. James Lavick, Mr. and Mrs. Louis Shenowsky, Mr. and Mrs. Matt Shenowsky, Mr. and Mrs. Louis Lieberman, Mr. and Mrs. Martin Ruth, Mrs. Harris –Superior, Dave Lieberman, Miss Rose Sanders, Dave Sanders, Louis Sanders, Mrs. I. Siegel, Mr. and Mrs. John Mesberg-Virginia.  </font>     1917 6 3          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1917-6-24 Louis Shenowsky house warming party.pdf"> 1917-6-24 Louis Shenowsky house warming party</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1917-6-24 House –Warming Given. Mr. and Mrs. L. Shenowsky, 1208 East Third street. Gifted mahogany electric parlor lamp. Guests: Mr. and Mrs. M. Shenowsky, Mr. and Mrs. P. Gollop, Mr. and Mrs. L. Cohen, Mr. and Mrs. K. Sander, Mr. and Mrs. M. Steiner, Mr. and Mrs. M. Cohen, Mr. and Mrs. K. Sander, Mr. and Mrs. S. Sander, Mr. and Mrs. Solomon Sander, Mr. and Mrs. B. Sander, Mr. and Mrs. R. Winner, Mr. and Mrs. J. Kohn, Mr. and Mrs. C. Levant, Mr. and Mrs. J. Gollop, Mr. and Mrs. M. Gollop, Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Davis, Mr. and Mrs. L. Cohen, Mr. and Mrs. H. Mockel, A. Rublof, Abe Rublof, L. Polinsky, S. Levin, D. Sander, I. Sander, Miss Rose Sander, Miss Eva Shenowsky, Miss Eva Cohen, Miss Mattie Cohen, Mrs. J. Lavick, Mrs. I. J. Levin, Mrs. H. Levin, Mrs. M. Natelson, Mrs. L. Lieberman, Mrs. H. Siegel, Mrs. M. Caslov, Mrs. D. Frankford, Mrs. H. Harris-Superior.   </font>     1917 6 24          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1917-7-10  561 Shenowsky draft.pdf"> 1917-7-10  561 Shenowsky draft</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1917-7-10   Draft serial numbers for third district -  1264 names listed. including:  574 Hoffman Sam. 579 Samuel Cohen.  584 Fred Daneiko.  561 Shenowsky and more Jewish names  </font>     1917 7 10    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1917-7-22 Mr. M.  Shenowsky.pdf"> 1917-7-22 Mr. M.  Shenowsky</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1917-7-22 Arrange Pleasant Surprise Party. In honro of Mrs. L. Shenowsky, 1208 East Third street. Guests: Mrs. S. Bennett, Mrs. B. Goldish, Mrs. S. Altman, Mrs. H. Bennett, Mrs. J. A. Kohn, Mrs. M. D. Nides, Mrs. C. Lavant, Mrs. H. Lavant, Mrs. J. Lavick, Mrs. N. Garber, Mrs. J. Bernstein, Mrs. M. Steiner, Mrs. L. Levine, Mrs. P. Gallop, Mrs. M. Shenowsky, Mr.s L. Cohen, Mrs. M. Caplov, Mrs. Winner, Mrs. D. Frankfort, Mrs. M. Levine, Miss Eva Cohen, out of town guests: Mrs. J. Wolf-Minneapolis, Mrs. S. Rubloff-Chisholm, Mrs. Levant-Eveleth, Miss Rose Laverross-Chicago.  </font>     1917 7 22          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1918-4-1 Ruth Shenowsky piano.pdf"> 1918-4-1 Ruth Shenowsky piano</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1918-4-1 War Suffers Benefit, Result Of Basket Social. Mothers’ Club and People’s club social. Miss Ruth Shenowsky, Miss Eva Cohen, M. Schrieber-vocal solos, Mrs. J. Sewart - recitation.   </font>     1918 4 1    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1918-4-23 George Shenowsky obit..pdf"> 1918-4-23 George Shenowsky obit.</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1918 George Shenowsky Victim Of Pneumonia; Funeral Held. Son of Mr. and Mrs. M. Shenowsky, 817 North Fourth avenue East, 17 years old, brothers Louis and Jack Shenowsky, sisters Mrs. Peter Gollop and Eva Shenowsky.  </font>     1918 4 23    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1918-4-27 Louis Cohen obit. Shenowsky.pdf"> 1918-4-27 Louis Cohen obit. Shenowsky</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1918-4-27 Pioneer Dies. Louis Cohen, photo. Mrs. Louis Shenowsky mentioned.  </font>     1918 4 27    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1918-4-30 Shenowsky, George.pdf"> 1918-4-30 Shenowsky, George</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1918-4-30 Card of Thanks by family  - <A HREF="images2/news/1918-4-30 Shenowsky, George.jpg">cropped version</A>   </font>     1918 4 30          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1918-5-5 Louis Cohen.pdf"> 1918-5-5 Louis Cohen</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1918 Father of Union Printer Dies Of Pneumonia. 57 hears old, 1115 East Third, Maruice and Henry S. Cohen, Mrs. Louis Shenowsky, Mrs. M. Steiner, Eva, Mattie, and Viola Cohen, Mrs. J. Berstein.  </font>     1918 5 5          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1918-8-11 Ruth Shenowsky piano recital.pdf"> 1918-8-11 Ruth Shenowsky piano recital</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1918-8-11 Will Give Program in Compliment to Club. Ruth Shenowsky piano recital  </font>     1918 8 11          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1918-8-18 Ruth Shenowsky.pdf"> 1918-8-18 Ruth Shenowsky</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1918-8-18 Miss Ruth Shenowsky, photo. Piano. Pupil of Mrs. Charles Eliasson. Camel’s hall, Liberty Loyalty circle.  </font>     1918 8 18          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1918-10-17 Louis Shenowsky birth.pdf"> 1918-10-17 Louis Shenowsky birth</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1918-10-17 Births: Shenowsky, daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Louis Shenowsky, 1208 East Third street. Oct. 6.  </font>     1918 10 17    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1919-4-30 George Gallop birthday Shenowsky guests.pdf"> 1919-4-30 George Gallop birthday Shenowsky guests</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1919-4-30 Entertained for Small Son. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Gollowp, 322 East Ninth street, second birthday of son Harold. Mr. and Mrs. James Lavick, Mr. and Mrs. Louis Shenowsky, Mr. and Mrs. M. Shenowsky, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Gollop, Mr. and Mrs. M. Gollop, Mr. and Mrs. John Gollop, Miss Eva Shenowsky, iss Rose Sander, Louis Sander, Dave Sander, Miss Ruth Shenowsky, cards and music. Playmates of Harold.   </font>     1919 4 30          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1919-5-26 Ruth Shenowsky honor roll.pdf"> 1919-5-26 Ruth Shenowsky honor roll</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1919-5-26 Honor Rolls For Junior High Schools Announced. Ida Azine, Ruth Shenowsky,  Sherman Kassmir, Norman Meyers, Bessie Rosenberg.  </font>     1919 5 26          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1919-5-28 Ruth Shenowsky piano.pdf"> 1919-5-28 Ruth Shenowsky piano</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1919-5-28 Mrs. Charles Ellasson piano pupil Ruth Shenowsky.  </font>     1919 5 28    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1920-1-17 Mathew. Shenowsky obit.pdf"> 1920-1-17 Mathew. Shenowsky obit</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1920-1-17 M. Shenowsky Born, March 10, 1866 Died, Jan. 16, 1920. 54 years old. Photo. 923 Fourth avenue East, wife two sons Louis and Jack, two sisters, Mrs. Lillian Gollop, Eva Shenowsky of Duluth, brother John Shenowsky, sister Mrs. Sarah Cohen, both of Chicago. Resident of Duluth for 25 years, Knights of the Maccabees, Order of Birth Abraham.   </font>     1920 1 17          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1920-1-18 Ruth Shenowsky recital.pdf"> 1920-1-18 Ruth Shenowsky recital</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1920-1-18 Give Recital Today. Mars. Charles Elliasson piano student Ruth Shenowsky.  </font>     1920 1 18          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1920-2-18 Mathew Shenowsky estate left to wife Rachael.pdf"> 1920-2-18 Mathew Shenowsky's estate left to wife   Rachael</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1920-2-18 Shenowsky Left $1,600. Eatate of Mathew Shenowsky, age 50, died Jan. 16th, grocery store, real estate, and personal property. Mrs. Rachael Shenowsky, widow, will inherit estate.  </font>     1920 2 18          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1920-3-3 Ruth Shenowsky.pdf"> 1920-3-3 Ruth Shenowsky</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1920-3-3 Thirty-Five Junior High Students On Month Honor Roll. Rose Hirsh, Bessie Rosenberg, Norman Meyers, Ida Azine, Rachel Greenspan, Ruth Shenowsky.  </font>     1920 3 3          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1920-8-22 Ruth Shenowsky piano recital.pdf"> 1920-8-22 Ruth Shenowsky piano recital</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1920-8-22 Mrs. Charles Eliasson Has Pupil in Recital. Miss Ruth Shenowsky. Piano recital. Boston Music company, 18 Lake avenue North.  ............ Note from Karen Entous:  I wanted to bring the piano recital to life for us that took place 95 years ago. Ruth Shenowsky was an accomplished pianist. I found these links to Beethoven’s Sonata, Op. 13. A. Allegro Di Molto. B Adagio Cantabile C. Allegro .  <B>Beethoven Sonata, Op. 13</B> - <A HREF="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kqvBJc9IovI "> Allegro Di Molto</A> -  <A HREF=" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lv-jiA1JiFU"> agio Cantabile</A>  - <A HREF=" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ifj8dwuAzAQ "> 2nd. Movement. Rondo Allegro</A>  </font>     1920 8 22          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1920-10-31 Ruth Shenowsky piano.pdf"> 1920-10-31 Ruth Shenowsky piano</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1920-10-31 The Liberty Loyalty circle, card party, Eagles’ hall, 418 West Superior street, benefit Christmas fund. Miss Ruth Shenowsky pianist.  </font>     1920 10 31    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1920-12-18 Ruth Shenowsky.pdf"> 1920-12-18 Ruth Shenowsky</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1920-12-18 40 Central High Students On Honro Roll For Month Report Cards for December Show 72 Graded on “B” List. Robet Karon Ida Azine, Mary Cohen, Lillian Isaacson, Abraham Lewenstein, Ruth Shenowsky.  </font>     1920 12 18          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1920-12-27 Morris Brusin.pdf"> 1920-12-27 Morris Brusin</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1920 Hebrew Club Elects Officers And Directors. Duluth Hebrew Brotherhood, Maccabee hall, Charles P. Meyers, David Weinberg, Louis Seiden, Charles W. Green, Samuel Golden, Louis Shenowsky, Morris Brusin, Nathan golden, Samue Levine, Samuel C. Latts.  </font>     1920 12 27          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1920-12-27 Samuel C. Latts, Hebrew Club.pdf"> 1920-12-27 Samuel C. Latts, Hebrew Club</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1920-12-27 Hebrew Club Elect Officers And Directors. Duluth Hebrew Brotherhood, Maccabees hall, Charles P. Meyers, David Weinberg, Louis Seiden, Charles W. Green, Samuel Golden, Louis Shenowsky, Morris Brusin, Nathan Golden, Samuel Levine, Samuel C. Latts.  </font>     1920 12 27          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1922-2-5 Eva Shenowsky Miss Liberty contest.pdf"> 1922-2-5 Eva Shenowsky Miss Liberty contest</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1922 Duluth Auto Show Will Close In Blaze Of Glory Tonight. Biggest Attendance Of Week Visits Armory, It Looks Like Big Night Tonight, All Say. Leaders in Race for Miss Liberty. Eva Shenowsky. 189 votes  representing Russia.  </font>     1922 2 5          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1922-2-24 Eva Shenowsky votes.pdf"> 1922-2-24 Eva Shenowsky votes</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1920-2-24 Auto Show Speeds Off To Fresh Start Again, Snow Brings In Lively Crowd. By G. A. S. O’Line.   Ruth Russia-Eva Shenowsky 163.  </font>     1922 2 24          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1922-2-26 Eva Shenowsky Russian beauty.pdf"> 1922-2-26 Eva Shenowsky Russian beauty</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1922-2-26 Miss Ebba Lundsten Named Miss Liberty At Auto Exposition. Russia Eva Shenowsky 183 votes.  </font>     1922 2 26          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1922-11-20 Louis Shenowsky car accident.pdf"> 1922-11-20 Louis Shenowsky car accident</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1922-11-20 Two Men Injured in Auto Accidents. Mrs. Louis Shenowsky, 1208 East Third street, husband received head and body bruises when struck by a car driven by Bert Thompson, 1410 Eighth avenue East.  </font>     1922 11 20          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1889-1-9 Grand Opera House fire photo.pdf"> 1889-1-9 Grand Opera House fire photo</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1889 Duluth's Beautiful Opera House Destryed in an Hour -  Markell is noted as owner.  </font>     1889 1 9    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1907-8-18 Ruth Markell.jpg"> 1907-8-18 Ruth Markell</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1907-8-18 Ruth Markel, 38th Avenue East and Superior Street, dinner party. Miss Ensign and Mr. Greene. - cropped  </font>     1907 8 18          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1907-8-18 Markell.jpg"> 1907-8-18 Markell</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1907-8-18 Miss Ruth Markell Thirty-eightn avenue east and Superior street, hostess dinner party. Miss Ensign and Mr. Greene.  </font>     1907 8 18    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1919-8-17 Hibbing, Ruth Rainhill and Morton Markell.pdf"> 1919-8-17 Hibbing, Ruth Rainhill and Morton Markell</A> -   1919 8 17          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1921-3-22 Hibbing, B'nai Brith, Morton Markell.pdf"> 1921-3-22 Hibbing, B'nai Brith, Morton Markell</A> -   1921 3 22    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1921-7-3 Hibbing, Rosenberg.pdf"> 1921-7-3 Hibbing, Rosenberg</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1921 One Million Dollar Moving Sale, Hibbing Venture Planned By Merchants. Removal To New Town Reason For Great Stock Cut. Buyers Will Be Attracted From Far and Wide to Aid, Bargain Hunters Wait. B. M. Lippman, H. L. Nides, Louis Helstein, E. S. Woolfan, M. E. Osherman,  Morton Markell, Heiman Bloom, Sol Sapero, , N. Nides.  </font>     1921 7 3          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1921-8-2 Hibbing, Morton Markell, corner stone.pdf"> 1921-8-2 Hibbing, Morton Markell, corner stone</A> -   1921 8 2          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1922-7-12 Hibbing, Odd Fellows, Morton Markell.pdf"> 1922-7-12 Hibbing, Odd Fellows, Morton Markell</A> -   1922 7 12    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1944-7 Herman Markell, Prisoner of War.jpg"> 1944-7 Herman Markell, Prisoner of War</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1944-7 Herman Markell, Prisoner of War  photo, Germany. Hibbing Highschool, Hibbing Junior College.  </font>     1944 7 0.9          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1945-5-23 Herman Markell liberated.jpg"> 1945-5-23 Herman Markell liberated</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> Six Duluthians Liberated from German Prison Camps - Herman Markell  </font> -   1945 5 23    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1945-12 Bennitt, Raymond & Helen Markell wed.jpg"> 1945-12 Bennitt, Raymond & Helen Markell wed</A>   - -  </font><font size="1"> text  </font>     1945 12          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1902-11-7 Eveleth, Albert H. Polinsky and Sarah Shapiro wed.pdf"> 1902-11-7 Eveleth, Albert H. Polinsky and Sarah Shapiro wed</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1902 Eveleth, Albert H. Polinsky and Sarah Shapiro wed. Pretty Wedding In Synagogue, first event of kind in New Adas Israel Congregation edifice. Alpert H. Polinsky marries Eveleth girl. Ceremony one of most largely ever attended in Duluth. Banquet follows, with I.Tenonsky Master of Ceremonies and Julius Abrahamson Toastmaster. Sadie and Eva Polinsky, Samuel Weinberger, Mildred Mendal, Florence Shapiro, Rabbi Epstein, I. Zenansky, Julius Abrahamson, Judge W. L. Windom, Zenansky, Governor Van Sant, Congressman Goldfogel, gues: Mr. and Mrs. J. Greenburg, Mendal, Shiram, Ruboff, J. P. McCann, Sherbocov, Mental, L. Polinsky, M. Sabel, Lena Marshoek, Lena Romain.  </font> <br>  </font><font size="1"> Pretty Wedding In Synagaogue, First Even of Kind in Adas Israel Congregation Edifice.  Albert H. Polinsky Marries Eveleth Girl. Ceremony One of Most Largely Ever Attended In Duluth.  Banquet Follows, With DI. Tenonsky Master of Ceremonies and Julius Abrahamson Toastmaster.  Sadie and Eva Polinsky, Samuel Weinberger, Mildred Mendal, Florence Shapiro, Rabbi Eppstein, Julius Abrahamson, Judge W. L. Windom, Zenansky, Governor Van Sant, Congressman Goldfogel, J. Greenburg, Shiram, Ruboff, J. P. McCann, Sherbocov, Mental, L. Polinsky, M. Sabel, Lena Marshoek, Lena Romain.  </font> -   1902 11 7          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1912-7-23 Pearl Waller party.pdf"> 1912-7-23 Pearl Waller party</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1912 Birthday Surprise party. Miss Dora Sosnovsky, 528 West Fourth street, Miss Lily Cohen, Pearl Waller, Annie Litman, Rosaline Labovitz, Bessie Alpert, Elizbeth Cohen, Bessie Plotkin, Henry Sosnovsky, Morris Labovitz.  </font>     1912 7 23    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1912-7-23 Dora Sosnovsky.pdf"> 1912-7-23 Dora Sosnovsky</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1912 Birthday Surprise Party, Miss Dora Sosnovsky, 528 West Fourth street, Miss Lily Cohen, Pearl Waller, Annie Litman, rosaline Labovitz, Bessie Alpert, Elizbeth Cohen, Bessie Pltokin, Henry Sosnovsky, Morris Labovitz.  </font>     1912 7 23          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1912-12-1 Annie Litman birthday, Lena, Mike, Sam Litman.pdf"> 1912-12-1 Annie Litman birthday, Lena, Mike, Sam Litman</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1912 Surprise party for Annie Litman, Sarah and Bessie Plotkin, Anna Tulman, Dora Sosnovsky, Anna Sukov, Ruth Dahl, Sarah Alpert, Lena Litman, Mamie Bergstrom, Rosalind Leibovitz, Bessie Alpert, Mercendes Strad, Mike Litman, Jake Tulman, Sam Litman, Morris Leibovitz.  </font> -   1912 12 1          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1912-12-1 Sosnovsky.pdf"> 1912-12-1 Sosnovsky</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1912 Surprise party by Sarah and Bessie Plokin in honor of Miss Annie Litman. Anna Tulman, Dora Sosnovsky, Anna Sukov, Ruth Dahl, Sarah Alpert, Lena Litman, Mamie Bergstrom, Rosalind Leibovitz, Bessie Alpert, Mercendes Strad, Mike Litman, Jake Tulman, Sam Litman, Morris Leibovitz. column 4.  </font>     1912 12 1          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1912-12-1 Sarah & Bessie Plotkin, Annie Litman.jpg"> 1912-12-1 Sarah & Bessie Plotkin, Annie Litman</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1912 Surprise party by Sarah and Bessie Plokin in honor of Miss Annie Litman. Anna Tulman, Dora Sosnovsky, Anna Sukov, Ruth Dahl, Sarah Alpert, Lena Litman, Mamie Bergstrom, Rosalind Leibovitz, Bessie Alpert, Mercendes Strad, Mike Litman, Jake Tulman, Sam Litman, Morris Leibovitz. column 4.  </font>     1912 12 1    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1914-11-30 J. Sosnovsky.pdf"> 1914-11-30 J. Sosnovsky</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1914 Party at Litman Home. M. Litman 102 East Fourth street, Miss Anna Litman, Helen Litman, Lena Stein, Miss Alpert, Miss Goldstein, H. Litman, L. Fishman, M. Stein, J. Sosnovsky.  </font>     1914 11 30          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1916-12-14 Young Judea Club, Heiman Garon.pdf"> 1916-12-14 Young Judea Club, Heiman Garon</A> - -   </font><font size="1">   Young Judea Club Will Stage Play To Celebrate ‘Chanuko’, many names Heiman Garon, Alpert, Shapiro, Levine, Oreckovsky, Polinsky, Kaplan</font> -   1916 12 14          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1916-12-24 Young Judea, Hyman Garon, Slonim, Kaplan.pdf"> 1916-12-24 Young Judea, Hyman Garon, Slonim, Kaplan</A> - -    </font><font size="1">  ‘Chanukka Eve’ To Be Given By Club, The Young Judea club of Duluth, Garon, Gotkin, Shapro, Tulman, Silver, Leibovitz, Slonim, Horvitz, Chen, Green, Hunter, Levine, Leibovitz, Rifkin, Oreckovsky, Kaplan, Orek, Alpert, Susnovsky</font> -   1916 12 24    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1916-12-24 Esther Oreckovsky, Chanukka Eve.pdf"> 1916-12-24 Esther Oreckovsky, Chanukka Eve</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1916 'Chanukka Eve' To Be Given By Club. Young Judea, R. M. Winner, Marvin Oreck, Leona Alpert, Doris Gotkin, Bessie Shapiro, Jacob Tulman, David Silver, Maurice Leibovitz, Hyman Garon, Ben Slonim, Leslie Horvitz, Isabelle Cohen, Charles Green, Rose Hunter, Harry Levine, Leona Leibovitz, Sarah Rifkin, Esther Oreckovsky, Ida Kaplan, Rosa Leibevitz, Dora Susnovsky, Ruth Eifkin  </font> -   1916 12 24    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1917-7-8 photo Botanick, Alpert, Karon, Milavetz, Zalk, Widdes.pdf"> 1917-7-8 photo Botanick, Alpert, Karon, Milavetz, Zalk, Widdes</A> - - </font><font size="1">  photo, Miss Clara Gatonick, guests Alpert, Harris, Melovitz, Slonim, Karon, Averbook, Kassimir, Garis, Zalk, Smith, Winthrop, Widdes  </font> -   1917 7 8          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1917-7-8 Clara Botonick.pdf"> 1917-7-8 Clara Botonick</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1917 Clara Batonick, New York Visitor Honored Guest. Photo, Sarah Alpert, Batonick, Clara Batonick, Rose Harris, Melovitz (Melavitz?), Slonim, Bessie Alpert, Anna Karon, Sarah Alpert, Gertrude Averbook, Bessie Karon, Charles Kassimir, William Garvis, Edward Harris, Maurice Zalk, Goodman Zalk, Smith, Winthrop, Maurice Alpert, Willie Widdes.  </font> -   1917 7 8    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1917-11-11 Sarah Alpert engagement, photo.pdf"> 1917-11-11 Sarah Alpert engagement, photo</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1917 Miss Sarah Alpert (daughter of I. Alpert) engaged to Abe Friedman of Duluth </font> -   1917 11 11          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1917-12-11 Sarah Alpert, A. Friedman, Rabbi Teplitz, Harris, Averbrook, Oreckowsky.pdf"> 1917-12-11 Sarah Alpert, A. Friedman, Rabbi Teplitz, Harris, Averbrook, Oreckowsky</A>  - - </font><font size="1"> 1917 Sarah Alpert and A. Friedman wed, rabbi Teplitz, I. Alpert, Bessie Alpert, E. Harris, Lillian Irene Averbrook, and Irene Oreckowsky.  </font> -   1917 12 11          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1936-3-10 Gladys Hoffman & John Alpert wedding.jpg"> 1936-3-10 Gladys Hoffman & John Alpert wedding</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1936 Couple Married At Wausau On Sunday. Miss Gladys Hoffman, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Sam Hoffman, 11 West Pewabic street, John Alpert, son of Mrs. Frances Alpert-Sheboygan, Rabbi H. J. Mekler-Wausau, cousin of the bride. Visited (family) Duluth, St. Paul, St. Louis. (MO.) March 23 at home 528 North Fifth in Manitowoc (WI).   </font>     1936 3 10          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1932-6-10 Commencement - Duluth Central HS.jpg"> 1932-6-10 Commencement - Duluth Central HS</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> Jewish Students include:  Albert A Abramson,  Sylvia Adelson Mattenson,  Freda D Bergal Kurson,  Edward Isadore Cohen,  Burton Wallace Davidson,  Nathan Davis,  Martin M Even,  Harold Fostoff,   Edgar Freimuth,  William Irving Freimuth,  Robert Gallop,  Sam Gallop,  Harry L Garon,  Lillian Glasser Rosen,  Betty L Glazman Reiss,  Goldie Jery Gordon Boznu,  Betty Green Mangel,  Ida P Green,  Pearl,  Karsner Shapiro,  Norman G Levine,  Yale Byron Levine,  Harold Irving Lindeke,  Morris Louis Meltz,  Jane Milavetz Baddin,  Fay Enid Oxman Traubman,  MItchell Polinsky,  Irving D Schneider,  Jane Z,  Sher Siegel,  Frank Shusterman,  Eva Singer Shamblott,  Rosalyn Singer Shamblott,  Bessie Slovut Stein,  Jeanette Leah Soloski Scot,  Marvin Jerome Stewart,  David Taran,  Ruth B Vertelney Klein,  Getchell Widdes  </font>     1900 1 0    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1904-2-2 Eveleth Harriet Shanedling Gabriel Perlman.pdf"> 1904-2-2 Eveleth Harriet Shanedling Gabriel Perlman</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1904 Wedding At Eveleth Big Social Event. Miss Harriet Shanedling Becomes Bride of Gabriel Perlman. Mr. and Mrs. F. Shanedling of Eveleth, Gabriel Perlman, prominent clothier at Vail hall in Eveleth. - - Guests from Eveleth: Jeanette Shanedling, maid of honor; Mr. and Mrs. M. P. Shapiro, Clara and Lillian Shapiro; Samuel Leo and Carl Shapiro; Mr. and Mrs. F. Rabinowitz, son and daughter; Mr. and Mrs. M. Feldman and daughter; Mr. and Mrs. D. Simon and daughter; Mr. and Mrs. D. Elias and son; Mr. and Mrs. Milavetz, Celia Milavetz; Mr. and Mrs. Ben Gordon, Mr. and Mrs.Scott, Mr. and Mrs. Hipple, P. E. Dowling, Mrrs. Josephine Sibbit, Samuel Dorpin, Morris Rabinowitz, Joe Rabinowitz, Joe Miller, J. Simon, Mr. and Mrs. Max Shapiro, Jake and John Siegel;  Mr. Levant, Mr. and Mrs. Jake Schtein, Nathan Schtein; Samuel Rubenstein, Tom Sharp, George Mesberg, Harry Shenedling, Isadore Shanedling, Isadore Duff.  Virginia: Mr. and Mrs.Joe Roman, Mr. and Mrs. J. Mesberg, Lillian and Mary Mesberg; Mr. and Mrs. Ben Milavetz, Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Milavetz, Mr. and Mrs. Ike Milavetz, Mr. and Mrs.Julius Shanedling and daughters, H. and M. Shanedling, Mrs. N. Nathanson, Mrs. L. Cohen and daughter;  Anthony and Frank Shipley, L. Peterson, Mrs. Hoistein, Mr. Rubloff, Ben Gordon.  Milwaukee, Wis.: Misses Ida and Clara Blonde.  Sparta, Minn.: Mrs. L. Shurman.   Minneapolis: Mr. and Mrs. Meyers, parents of Mr. and Mrs. J. Shanedling.  Buhl: B. M. Lipman, Mr. and Mrs. Abramson.   La Crosse, Wis.: A. W. Jacobs.  St. Paul: H. Rudanskey.  </font> -   1904 2 2          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1905-1-15 Siegel Woolfram wedding.jpg"> 1905-1-15 Siegel Woolfram wedding</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1905 Hibbing wedding - Samuel Siegel and Belle Annie Woolfram - guests include:  Nathanson, Milavetz, Lindeke, Cohen, Gordon </font>     1905 1 15    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1905-3-10 Jacob and Ben Gordon, bankrut.pdf"> 1905-3-10 Jacob and Ben Gordon, bankrut</A> -   1905 3 10          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1907-7-11 Max Wiener, Harry Gordon.pdf"> 1907-7-11 Max Wiener, Harry Gordon</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1907 Liking For Drink Causes Trouble, Three Prisoners Tried, Two Convicted-Criminal Calendar Nearly Cleaned Up. W. J. Foley assaulted Max Wiener, Harry Gordon complaint by wife.  </font> -   1907 7 11          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1907-9-4 Litman Oshinsky wedding.pdf"> 1907-9-4 Litman Oshinsky wedding</A> - -  </font><font size="1"> Marriage, Sarah Litman-Virginia and Robert Oshinsky-Hancok, MI, guests Helstien,  Holzberg, Lawrence, Gordon  </font> -   1907 9 4          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1907-9-8 Sarah Litman and Robert Oshinsky wed..pdf"> 1907-9-8 Sarah Litman and Robert Oshinsky wed.</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1907 Sarah Litman of Virginia and Robert Oshinsky of Hancock, Mich. wedding, Mrs. Henry Helstein, Rose Litman, Alice Holzberg, Harry Lawrence, Ben Gordon.  </font> -   1907 9 8          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1907-9-8 Sarah Litman and Robert Oshinsky wed.jpg"> 1907-9-8 Sarah Litman and Robert Oshinsky wed</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1907 (cropped to the article)  Miss Sarah Litman of Virginia and Robert Oshinsky of Hancock, Mich. Married at Odd Fellow’s hal on Lake avenue. Sister Mrs. Henry Helstein. Rose Litman, Alice Holzberg-Virginia, Harry Lawrence-Calumet, Ben Gordon.   </font>     1907 9 8    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1908-6-28 Gordon, Indians, property.pdf"> 1908-6-28 Gordon, Indians, property</A> - -   Keeps Track Of Indians Coin, E. S. Buckman, William and Sarah Gordon , thumbmark -   1908 6 28    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1909-8-25 Ida Gordon, Tower, teacher applicants.pdf"> 1909-8-25 Ida Gordon, Tower, teacher applicants</A> -   1909 8 25          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1910-8-31 Ida Gordon.pdf"> 1910-8-31 Ida Gordon</A> -   1910 8 31    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1910-11-7 Virginia, Bessie Litman and Joseph Berinsky, Altman.pdf"> 1910-11-7 Virginia, Bessie Litman and Joseph Berinsky, Altman</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1910 Virginia:  Festivities Are Wedding Feature. Jewish People of Virginia Have Gal Time at Berinsky-Litman Marriage. Bessie Litman, Joseph Berinsky, Rabbi Booth, Harry Lit man, Libbie Holzberg, John Mesberg, Morris Shanedling, Dan and Sam Melovetz,  E. Bickford, Michael Boylan, M. Altman, Mr. H. Helstein, Mr. and Mrs. B. Gordon, Mr. Laurey, Mr. and Mrs. M. Altman, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Altman, Mr. and Mrs. H. Hollock, Alice Holzberg, Neil McInnis, Walter J. Smith. </font> -   1910 11 7          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1910-11-7 Joseph Berinsky and Bessie Litman wed.pdf"> 1910-11-7 Joseph Berinsky and Bessie Litman wed</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1910 Festivities Are Wedding Feature. Jewish People of Virginia Have Gala Time at Berinsky-Litman Marriage. Virginia: Miss Bessie Litman, Joseph Berinsky wed. Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Litman, Rabbi Booth, Harry Litman, Libbie Holzberg, John Mesberg, Morris Shanedling, Dan and Sam Melovetz, City Clerk A. E. Bickford, Alderman Michael Boylan, M. Altman, Mrs. H. Helstein, Mr. and Mrs. B. Gordon, Mr. Laurey, Mr. and Mrs. M. Altman, Mr. and Mrs. H. Hollock, Miss Alice Holzberg, Neil McInnis, Walter J. Smith.   </font> -   1910 11 7          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1911-1-12 Knights of Pythias, Cohen.pdf"> 1911-1-12 Knights of Pythias, Cohen</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1911 Knights Of Pythias To Install Wednesday. A. B. Cook, Isadore Cook, Dr. F. W. Gordon.   </font>     1911 1 12          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1911-1-19 Cohen Knights of Pythias.pdf"> 1911-1-19 Cohen Knights of Pythias</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1911 Lafferty Made District Deputy. Will Represent Grand Chancellor of Knights of Pythias-Nemadji Lodge Installs. A. B. Cook, Isadore Cohen, Dr. F. W. Gordon.  </font>     1911 1 19          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1911-5-25 Tower-Abraham Gordon grad..pdf"> 1911-5-25 Tower-Abraham Gordon grad.</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1911 Tower: Twenty-One To Be Graduated. Exercises Closing School Year at Tower to Take Place June 1 at the Operahouse. Abraham Gordon  </font> -   1911 5 25    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1912-1-7 Azine.pdf"> 1912-1-7 Azine</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1912 Sophia Caplov and Nathan S. Garber. Aaronson, Benjamin, Gordon, Kronic, Nathanson, Kohn, Caplov, Lieberman, Lieberman, Mesberg, Lavant, Nides, Cohn.  </font> -   1912 1 7          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1912-4-27 Sarah Gordon, Gilbert, literary societies.pdf"> 1912-4-27 Sarah Gordon, Gilbert, literary societies</A> -   1912 4 27          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1912-5-1 Sarah Gordon, high school.pdf"> 1912-5-1 Sarah Gordon, high school</A> -   1912 5 1    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1912-8-27 Palpa Cohen and Bertha Gordon ml..pdf"> 1912-8-27 Palpa Cohen and Bertha Gordon ml.</A>   - -  </font><font size="1"> 1912 Superior: Palpa ? Cohen and Bertha Gordon, marriage license.  </font>     1912 8 27          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1912-11-3 Sarah Gordon.pdf"> 1912-11-3 Sarah Gordon</A> -   1912 11 3    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1912-12-31 Gilbert, allumni, Medalie, Abraham Cohen, Minnie Gordon.pdf"> 1912-12-31 Gilbert, allumni, Medalie, Abraham Cohen, Minnie Gordon</A> -   1912 12 31    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1913-2-23 Sarah Gordon, 17 years old, essay, Gilbert.pdf"> 1913-2-23 Sarah Gordon, 17 years old, essay, Gilbert</A> -   1913 2 23          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1913-3-9 Sarah Gordon.pdf"> 1913-3-9 Sarah Gordon</A> -   1913 3 9          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1913-11-9 Virginia,David Shapiro, Ida Gordon Bubley.pdf"> 1913-11-9 Virginia,David Shapiro, Ida Gordon Bubley</A> - -   headline  -   1913 11 9    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1914-3-9 Samuel Banks and Esther Sosnovsky wed..pdf"> 1914-3-9 Samuel Banks and Esther Sosnovsky wed.</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1914 Samuel Banks and Miss Esther M. Sosnovsky Wed. M. A. Banks-Minneapolis, Adas Israel synagogue, Dr. Klasen-St. Paul, Miss Esther Zurosky, Dr. S. Gross, Esther Gross, Mary Banks, Freda Silber, Francis Gordon, Dora Arenson, Aidia Arenson, M. Sade, L. Strimling, S. Olelsky, H. Rosenbloom, D. Garber, B. Labovitz, Charles London, M. A. Banks-Minneapolis, Della Fink, S. Fink-St. Paul.   </font> -   1914 3 9          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1914-6-21 Ida Gordon, Tower, teacher.pdf"> 1914-6-21 Ida Gordon, Tower, teacher</A> -   1914 6 21          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1914-6-21 Tower-Ida Gordon teacher.pdf"> 1914-6-21 Tower-Ida Gordon teacher</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1914 Tower Teachers Sign Contracts For Year. Ida Gordon, second grade teacher.  </font> -   1914 6 21          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1915-8-27 Sarah Gordon, Evelyth, teaching certificate.pdf"> 1915-8-27 Sarah Gordon, Evelyth, teaching certificate</A> -   1915 8 27          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1915-9-25 Sarah Gordon, Gilbert, normal school.pdf"> 1915-9-25 Sarah Gordon, Gilbert, normal school</A> -   1915 9 25    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1915-11-1 Tag Day Pearl Waller.pdf"> 1915-11-1 Tag Day Pearl Waller</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1915 Tag Day Receipts Will BeCompiled. Local organization Will Send Funds at Once to Releve War Sufferers. Pearl Waller, Rose Lurye, Sarah Cohen, Rebecca Cohen, Bessie Fontana, Ida Simon, Evelyn Kaner, Jennie Weinstin, Fannie Sorkin, Sarah Waller, M. Kaner, May Cohen, Mary Brown, Blanch Booth, Ruth Gordon, Celia Kaner, Alice Dorf, Florence Murrell, Fannie Ovetsky, Rose Vogel, M. Anovitch, Sarah Cohen, Sarah Pomush, Edith Lasky, Lena Maginsky, Alice Holzberg, Sarah Kaner, Bessie Cohen, Berdie Weingarten, Edith Fieldman, Miriam Solomon, Ruth Arnovitch, Sarah Handlasky, Minnie Holzberg, Jennie Ovetsky, Sarah Haronimus, Esther Schneider, Jessie Weinstein, Molly Handlasky, Sarah Harris, Annie Gittleman, Sarah Greenblat, Fannie Edelstein, Annie Bruder, Mamie Goldstein, Lillian Harris, Helen Weinstein, Annie Buder, Rose Altman, Mrs. M. Sherr, Mrs. R. Edelstein, and Mrs. R. Cohen.   </font>     1915 11 1    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1915-11-1 Alice Dorf.pdf"> 1915-11-1 Alice Dorf</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1915-11-1 Tag Day Receipts Will Be Complied. Local Organization Will Send Funds ast Once to Relieve War Sufferers. Pearl Waller, Rose Lurye, Sarah Cohen, Rebecca Cohen, Bessie Fontana, Ida Simon, Eveleyn Kaner, Jennie Weinstein, Fannie Sorkin, Sarah Waller, M. Kaner, May Cohen, Mary Brown, Blanche Booth, Ruth Gordon, Celia Kaner, Alice Dorf, Florence Murrell, Fannie Ovetsky, Rose Vogel, M. Anovitch, Sarah Cohen, Sarah Pomush, Edith Lasky, Lena Maginsky, Alice Holzberg, Sarah Kaner, Bessie Cohen, Berdie Weingarten,Edith Fieldman, Miriam Solomon, Ruth Arnovitch, Sarah Haronimus, Esther Schneider, Jessie Weinstein, Molly Handlasky, Sarah Harris, Annie Gittleman, Sarah Greenblat, Fannie Edelstein, Annie Bruder, Mamie Goldstein, Lillian Harris, Helen Weinstein, Annie Buder, Rose Altman, Mrs. M. Sherr, Mrs. R. Edelstein and Mrs. R. Cohen.  </font>     1915 11 1          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1916-1-23 Knights of Pythias, Cohen.pdf"> 1916-1-23 Knights of Pythias, Cohen</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1916 Knights of Pythia Lodge Will Install Officers. Members Will Hear Report of Committee on Uniform Rank Monday Night. Louis Simon, Dr. F. W. Gordon, Isadore Cohen.   </font>     1916 1 23    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1916-5-22 Abraham R. , Roy Latts and others.pdf"> 1916-5-22 Abraham R. , Roy Latts and others</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1916-5-22 Many Permits Renewed. Saloon Licenses: Henry Casmir. Pool and Billiards: Harry Silk, 210 West Superior street, 6 pool tables   Second-Hand Stores: Philip Gordon, Roy Latts, J. L. Siegel, Abraham R. Latts, H. Berkowitz, N. Kaplan, D. Ostrov, A. Winer, J. Oreckovsky, Sam Gold, G. Green.   Pawn Shops: Jacob D. Siegel, Moscovitch 7 Rose, Abraham R. Latts, Samuel Barnard.  - - Notes: - - Henry Casmir is the son of Louis Casmir, the one who signed a lot of the death certifcates - - L Bergstein - father of Albert Bergstein, who was a big figure in the Jewish Community - - R F Berdie - Robert F Berdie, ties back to the Freimuth tree - - Harry Silk - married to Rae Holzberg, on my Holzberg tree also the Hallock tree - - J Altman -  Joseph Altman married to Sara Oreckovsky Altman, Oreck tree - - J H Altman - John H Altman, son of Joseph & Sara Oreckovsky Altman - - B Davidson - Benjamin Davidson married to Lena Kris,  - - Albert Bergstein - - - Philip Gordon - married to Ida Kapilow - - Philip Block - married to Jennie Kaner, Karon tree - - Roy Latts - married to Sarah, father of Lena, - - Abraham, Samuel and Morris Lattsv - - J L Siegel - Julius L Siegel married to Anna Slonim, on Karon tree - - Abraham R Latts - married to Goldie Friedman, son of Roy Latts - - H Berkowitz - a few choices, no real perfect match so far - - N Kaplan - wonder if should be M but no perfect match - - D Ostrov - David Ostrov married to Lena Cohen, on Karon tree - - L Tulman - Louis Tulman married to Fannie Litman and then Celia Love, Litman tree - - Morris Even - married to Sadie London, Karsner tree - - A Winer - Abraham Winer married to Jennie Ostrov, Charlie Ostrov - - J Oreckovsky - Joseph Oreckovsky married to Hannah Oreckovsky, Oreck tree - - Sam Gold - married to Lillie Tuman, - - G Green - not sure if Jewish - - Jacob D Siegel - married to Annie Cohen, his son is Julius Siegel  - Moscovitch & Rose - not sure about them  -- Abraham R Latts - above,  </font>     1916 5 22          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1916-8-20 Zionist, Cohen.pdf"> 1916-8-20 Zionist, Cohen</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1916 Zionists Of Duluth Will Serve "Kosher" Agudah Zion society, Charles Arinovich, Maurice Kaplan, Michael Sher, Louis Gordon, Bernard Cohen, Paul Hyman, Abe Aronsohn, Isadore Cohen, Edward Laskey and A. Seigel.  </font>     1916 8 20          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1917-9-16 Jews Drafted.pdf"> 1917-9-16 Jews Drafted</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1917 Drafted Jews Hailed As Heroes Of Opportunity. Fifteen Men Congratulated by Relatives and Friends at Reception. Miss Rose Silk, Commisioner Bernar Silberstein, DR. A. H. Schwartz, Abe Fieldman, M. S. Winthrop, Sigmond M. Slonim, Dr. Maurice Lefkovitz, H. Witz, David Weinberg, S. J. Sher, C. D. Oreckovsky, S. H. Kassmir, C. P. Meyers, H. Segal, H. Cassmir, Joe Werteiney, J. Chessen. Honored guests: Dr. Samuel Grose, Dr. M. R. Zack, A. B. Kapplin, Albert Bergstein, Jacob Flint, Phillip Brock, Louis Cominker, Arthur A Friedman, Max S. Gordon, Joseph Hurwitch, Davi Kaplan, Isadore Mendelson, George Winthrop, Abe Flint, B. T. Kenner. Officer of the organization Duluth Hebrew Brotherhood: Robert Buchman, Harry Witz, M. J. Segal, Charles Lavent, David Weinberg, S. H. Kassmir, I. Garon, Myer Kane, Charles D. Oreckowsky, Entertainment: Mrs. H. S. Kassmir, Mrs. H. Segal, Mrs. N. Goldfine. Entertainment: Miss Rose Silk, Mrs. Sol Goldberg, Harry Segal, Miss Mary Simon.   </font>     1917 9 16    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1917-11-26 Jules B. Cohen-Palestine.pdf"> 1917-11-26 Jules B. Cohen-Palestine</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1917 Palestine Plan Aided In Duluth. Jews Who Hear Dr. Scheinkin Buy $4,000 Interest in Holy Land. Dr. Maurice Lefkovitz. B. Aarons, A. Mogelson, B. Capiloniwisch (Kapolovitz ?), F. Labovitz, Jules Garon, Israel Rosenberg, Frank Kiel, Sam Mendelshon (Mendelson), A. Saksanoff, T. Gordon, Ben Goldish, J. Altman, Max.  </font>     1917 11 26    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1917-11-26 Labovitz, Palestine.pdf"> 1917-11-26 Labovitz, Palestine</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1917 Palestine Plan Aided In Duluth. Jews Who Hear Dr. Scheinkin Buy $4,000 Interest in Holy Land. Adas Israel, Dr. Maurice Lefkovitz, B. Aarons, A. Mogelson, B. Capiloniwisch, F. Labovitz, Jules Garon, Israel Rosenberg, Frank Kiel, Sam Mendelshon, A. Saksanoff, T. Gordon, Ben Goldish, J. Altman, Max Weiner, Jules E. Cohen, Morris Seifer, Samuel Goldfine.  </font>     1917 11 26    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1918-4-27 Samuel A. Gordon, draft departure, Duluth.pdf"> 1918-4-27 Samuel A. Gordon, draft departure, Duluth</A> -   1918 4 27          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1918-5-7 Latts and sons second hand store.pdf"> 1918-5-7 Latts and sons second hand store</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1918-5-7 Council Denies License To Nine; Grants Number. Unfavorable Police Reports and Fact of Alien Status Leaves Several in Lurch. Commissioner of Public Safety B. Silberstein,  Hotel Licenses: A. Siden,  Second Hand store licenses: D. Ostrov, L. Sieden, R. Latts & Son, J. L. Siegel, J. Oreckovsky, M. Viener, M. Daneiko, N. Kaplan, L. Daneiko, Sam Gold, Philip Gordon, A. R. Latts.   - -   <A HREF="images2/news/1918-7-5 Second Hand Store List.jpg">image - list of people</A> </font>     1918 5 7          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1918-5-21 Latts second hand store.pdf"> 1918-5-21 Latts second hand store</A>  - -  </font><font size="1">  1918-5-21 Many Licenses Are Granted By City Council. Second Hand Stores3 West First street; A. R. Latts, 607 West Superior street; A. Gordon, 711 West Superior street.  </font>     1918 5 21    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1919-8-10 Esther Abrahamson.pdf"> 1919-8-10 Esther Abrahamson</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1919 Confetti To Add Carnival Spirit Today. Home Coming Day Will Be Noisy With Horns and Squawkers. Elsie Silberstein, Mildred Bondy, Esther Abrahamson, Mae Klein, Mrs. Hugo Freimuth, Mrs. Harry Gordon.   </font>     1919 8 10          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1920-4-9 Chisholm, Gordon, Bubley, Kaner.pdf"> 1920-4-9 Chisholm, Gordon, Bubley, Kaner</A> -   1920 4 9          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1920-4-9 Chisholm, Gordon, Bubley, Siegel,Kaner.pdf"> 1920-4-9 Chisholm, Gordon, Bubley, Siegel,Kaner</A> -   1920 4 9    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1920-4-9 Chisholm, Katz, Gordon, Holstein, Kaner, Garber, Siegel, Bubley, Jaffe.pdf"> 1920-4-9 Chisholm, Katz, Gordon, Holstein, Kaner, Garber, Siegel, Bubley, Jaffe</A> -   1920 4 9          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1920-4-9 Chisholm, Katz, J. Jaffe, Bubley, Holstein, Kaner, Gordon.pdf"> 1920-4-9 Chisholm, Katz, J. Jaffe, Bubley, Holstein, Kaner, Gordon</A> -   1920 4 9          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1920-4-9 Chisholm, Katz, Jaffe, Bubley, Holstein, Kaner, Gordon.pdf"> 1920-4-9 Chisholm, Katz, Jaffe, Bubley, Holstein, Kaner, Gordon</A> - -   headline  -   1920 4 9          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1920-4-9 ag Chisholm, Gordon, Bubley, Siegel,Kaner,.pdf"> 1920-4-9 ag Chisholm, Gordon, Bubley, Siegel,Kaner,</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1920 Chisholm - Mrs Sam Katz and guests Mr and Mrs Ben Gordon, Mr and Mrs Paul Holstein, Mr and Mrs J Kaner and Mr and Mrs MW Gordon all of Virginia.  Also, Mr and Mrs M Garber, Mr and Mrs M Siegel, Mr and Mrs Ed Bubley and J Jaffe of Hibbing  </font>     1920 4 9          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1920-6-7 Bessie Litman Young Judea.pdf"> 1920-6-7 Bessie Litman Young Judea</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1920 Young Judea Society Presents 'Every Jew'. benefit Palestine Restoration fund. Rudolph Siegel, Emil Weiner, Anna Kane, Eva Lent, Anna Saperstein, Anna Toback, Gladys Kenner, Minnie Gerschbold, GBlanche Zien, Dave Sherman, Bessie Litman, Ida Sclarow, Irene Bergstein, Nathan Cohen, Louis Gordon, Jacob Carsner, Mary Cohen, Louis Gomberg, Blanch Zien, Morris Cohen, Joseph Priley, Orville Anderson, Mrs. J. B. Weiner.  </font> -   1920 6 7    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1920-6-7 Morris, Nanthan, Mary Cohen-Judea play.pdf"> 1920-6-7 Morris, Nanthan, Mary Cohen-Judea play</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1920 Young Judea Society Presents ‘Every Jew’. Shrine auditorium, Palestine Restoration fund. Rudolph Siegel, Emil Weiner, Anna Kane, Eva Lent, Anna Saperstein, Anna Toback, Gladys Kenner, Minnie Gerschbold, Blanche Zien, Dave Sherman, Bessie Litman, Ida Sclarow, Irene Bergstein, Nathan Cohen, Louis Gordon, Jacob Carsner, Mary Cohen, Louis Gomberg, Blanche Zien, Morris Cohen, Joseph Priley, Orville Anderson, Mrs. J. B. Weiner.   </font>     1920 6 7          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1920-6-15 James Lavick.pdf"> 1920-6-15 James Lavick</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1920 Duluth’s Quota In Week’s Drive Will Be $20,000. Campaign for Funds for Palestine Restoration Work to Open June 21, Announcement.  Shrine auditorium. C. S. Cowen-New York, Dr. Peter Marcus-Minneapolis. D. W. Loewus. Name Committees: H. Y. Josephs, James Lavick, B. Silberstein, I. B. Aarons. Advisory: I. Fremiuth, B. Silberstein, B. Beckman, M. P. Shapiro, M. C. Albenberg, Joseph Oreckovesky. Executive: S. M. Kaner, S. Capelowitz , H. Witz, L. Fox, W. Silvain, N. Kris, S. Karon, Jos. Davis, Joe Weinberg,  F. Labovitz, S. Natelson, C. P. Mayers, H. Segal, A. Megolsan, I. B. Aarons, A. Fieldman, A. Saksonoff, D. G. Loewus, Ben Karon, B. Sher, F. Keil, and H. Gordon.   </font>     1920 6 15          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1920-6-26 Morris Cohen, Palestine.pdf"> 1920-6-26 Morris Cohen, Palestine</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1920 Palestine Fund Campaign Opens; Obtain $7,500. Teams Will Solicit Corporations, Business Men Today; City’s Quota Is $20,000.  Duluth Iron and Metal company, Abe Bogelson, Judith Bogelson, Joe Davis, William Silvian, S. B. Copilowisch, Joseph Weinberg, Joe Davis, Harry Gordon, L. Fox, James Lavick, A.Mogelson, I. B. Aarons, Nathan S. Garber, Fred Kiel, S. M. Kaner, Albert Bergstein, Max Orinstein, F. Labovitz, H. Segal, Morris Cohen, A. Fieldman and H. Y. Josephs, B. Silberstein. 610-612 First National Bank building campaign headquarters.   </font>     1920 6 26          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1921-4-22 Temple Emanual.pdf"> 1921-4-22 Temple Emanual</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1921 Temple Emanuel: Miss Esther Abrahamson, C. Jacobs, R. Cohen, B. Blumenthal, C. P. Meyers, Lou Kantor, Ida Fieldman, Harry Gordon, M. Cook, Ruth Freimuth, Edna Freimuth, Jeanette Gomberg, Mae Klein, Lillian Levy, Horentse Bondy, Rosalind Bondy, Ida Fieldman and F. Josephs.  </font> -   1921 4 22    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1921-4-22 Mrs. S. Polans.pdf"> 1921-4-22 Mrs. S. Polans</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1921 Scouts, Midgets to Help Women in Tag Day Work. Churches to Combine in Effort for Famine Funds. China and Near East relief. Miss Esther Abrahamson, Temple Emanuel, Mrs. S. Pollans, Oreck’s, Jewish Women’s Council: Mrs. S. M. Polans-chairman, Mmes. Maurice Silk, Jack Lunch, A. Karon, Solosky, Julius Siegel, C. P. Meyers, J. Roznu, A. Davidson, M. Altman, N. Garber, D. Miller, L. Lass, William Oxman, Teplesky, D. Pollock, A. Oreckovsky, Joseph Steinman, Harry Weinberg, Percy Oreck. Misses Miriam Rosenstein, Esther Oreckovsky. Temple Emanuel: Miss Esther Abrahamson-chairman, Mmes. C. Jacobs, R. Cohen, B. Blumenthal, C. P. Meyers, Lou Kantor, Ida Fieldman, Harry Gordon, M. Cook. Misses Ruth Freimuth, Edna Freimuth, Jeanette Gomberg, Mae Klein, Lillian Levy, Hortense Bondy, Rosalind Bondy, Ida Fieldman and F. Josephs.   </font>     1921 4 22          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1921-5-2 B'nai B'rith.pdf"> 1921-5-2 B'nai B'rith</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> Fraternity Shatters Precedents, Bernard Silberstein Made Life Member of Order of B'nai B'rith.  Henry Monsky of Omaha, Neb., W. M. Abrahamson, A. B. Kapplin, Charles D. Oreckovsky, D. P. Fieldman, Dave Miller, Harry Gordon. RabbiJesse Cohen,  Israel Lebendiger, S. B. Copilowisch, Ben Miller,  Samuel Nides. New Members: William M. Abrahamson, J. J. Abram, Harry E. Altman, Al Aron, Mortimer W. Bondy, Harold J. Brody, Joseph E. Coll?, Charles M. Cohen, Harry Lewis Cohen, Jacob Crystal, Michael Danaiko, Louis Fishman, Louis Gallop orris Garrison, Oscar Goldstein, Samuel Gotkin B. Louis Green, Monte A. Greenblat, Ben J. Kenner, Herman N. Kramer, Frank Krupitzky, Morris Krupitzky, Louis J. Lasky, Samuel C. Latts, Jak Levine, Morris Levine, Irving M. Levinson, SamLevinson, L. S. Lugoff, Abe H. Miller, Isadore Mogelson S. Natelson, Percy E. Oreck, David Oreckovsky, Max D. Orinstein, David B. Pollack, D. Raihill, Frank M. Riskin, Mandy Rosenberg, Chas. A. Saksanoff, Samuel Sander, Robert Schway, Hyman L. Segal, Hyman W. Segal, Jack E. Segal, Sam J. Segal, Chas. S. M. Segalbaum, Samuel Shore, Sam Simon, Morris Slavoot, J. Slonim, Abe L. Solon, John L. Sosnosky, Joseph Steinman, Harry Vertelney, Louis Weisberg, Ed Zalk, Samuel Zalk, Wolf B. Zien, A. Zurovsky.  </font>     1921 5 2    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1921-8-21 M. E. and Rose Klasky.pdf"> 1921-8-21 M. E. and Rose Klasky</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1921 Solon-Schneider. Miss Sadie Rosalind Schneider, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Schneider, West Second street and W. R. Solon wed. Mrs. J. A. Meyers, Miss Rose Klasky, Tibell Sylvia Meyers, Irene Sybil Schneider, M. E. Klasky. guests: Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Liberman-Ironwood, Mich., Mrs. J. T. Rutz of Virginia, Minn., Mr. and Mrs. Louis H. Coh0des of Niagara, Wis. Make home at 416 East Sixth street. Mrs. H. Frumes, Mrs. J. A. Meyers entertained. Cards played, faors wond by Mrs. M. C. Solon, Miss Elizabeth Klasky, Mrs. Theodore Gordon of St. Paul, Minn. The Cohodes  family had produce warehouses in Michigan and Wisconsin. </font>     1921 8 21          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1921-12-1 Mrs. Nathan Cook.pdf"> 1921-12-1 Mrs. Nathan Cook</A>  - -  </font><font size="1">  1921 Women Are Assigned to Home Districts for Relief Drive. American Jewish Relief committee. Duluth to raise funds for suffering refugees of eastern and central Europe. Mrs. M. Cook. Mrs. Louis Hammel, Mrs. Harry Gordon, Mrs. Nathan Cook, Miss Sarah Zobel, Mrs. J. Abrams, Mrs. Abe Solon, Mrs. Ben Goldish, Miss Catherine Barnard, Mrs. Mortimer Bondy, Mrs. S. N. Polans, Mrs. S. Cone, Mrs. Harry Altman, Mrs. Maurice Altman, Miss Alice Wetzler, Mrs. L. Greenblat, Mrs. C. P. Meyers, Mrs. Al Polinsky, Mrs. D. Freimuth, and Mrs. Ginsberg. C. D. Oreckovsky secretary. $18,000 subscribed.  </font>     1921 12 1    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1922-2-11 Tu B'shvat, Florence Goldfarb, Crystal, Widdes.pdf"> 1922-2-11 Tu B'shvat, Florence Goldfarb, Crystal, Widdes</A>  - - </font><font size="1">Helen Segal sister of Stan Segal's father and Rudoplh Segal. she married Louis Shelf - somehow connected to European Bakery. Nathan Cohen was married to Celia Walt. Alfred Weinberg, Sylvia Laskawitz became Sylvia Fink - they had the market on East 19th and 8th Street. Irene Levine became Irene Paull, Sylvia Horwitz maybe daughter of David and Sarah married Hallm Elsie Widdes - Elsie Kane, Fay Horwitz- Faye Solle, Eunice Passon could be Elsie Mastoon, Cherie Rine married Abe Bruzonsky, Sylvia Stewart married Gordon Cohen, Etta Levine sister of Irene Paull, Helen Aarons is Helen Widdes, Dorothy Horwitz another sister. Herb Samuels. Jacob Crystal father of Izy</font> -   1922 2 11.5          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1922-3-19 Chisolm, Zionist Club, Hazel Groman.pdf"> 1922-3-19 Chisolm, Zionist Club, Hazel Groman</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1922 Chisholm Zionist Club Has Program at Library. The Young Judean club. Dr. Medalie, Sarah Ladin, Dorothy Miller, Rayna Lewis, Rose Ladin, Lillian Gordon, Sarah Shapiro, Helen Passman, Janet Hoberman, Yale Lewis, Gabriel Borken, Allen Goldenberg, Hazel Groman, Mrs. Mose Shapiro, Eva Manson, Florence Frisch, Grace Peck.   </font> -   1922 3 19    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1922-3-28 Sarah Gordon, obit.pdf"> 1922-3-28 Sarah Gordon, obit</A> -   1922 3 28          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1922-4-1 Sarah Gordon obit., Gilbert, Tower.pdf"> 1922-4-1 Sarah Gordon obit., Gilbert, Tower</A> -   1922 4 1          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1922-9-7 Bernard Silberstein obit..pdf"> 1922-9-7 Bernard Silberstein obit.</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1922 Eulogy, Tribute Paid Merchant Duluth Pioneer. Masonic and Hebrew Services Mark Last Rites at Funeral of Bernard Silberstein. 21 North Twenty-first avenue East, Rabbi Alvin Luchs-Temple Emanul, Dr. Maurice Lefkovitz of Minnapolis, formerly a Duluth rabbi, personal friend of Mr. Silberstein, A. B. Kapplin, Hugo Freimuth, David Loweus, Louis Z. Zalk, Dr. E. Z. Shapiro, Harry Gordon. Sam and Lewis Loeb, Hr. R. Armstrong, George Spaulding, John H. LaVaque, Lionel Ayres.   </font>     1922 9 7    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1937 U.S.SchoolYearbooksForRuthOreckovsky &  Leo Cohen.jpg"> 1937 U.S.SchoolYearbooksForRuthOreckovsky and Leo Cohen</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1937 photo of Leo Cohen, mention of Charles Freimuth, Sherman Naymark, Robert Friedman, Victor Weinberg, Shirley Karsner, Daniel Wiener, Irene Jacobson, Helen Horitz, Ruth Oreckovsky, Dorothy Shusterman, Anna Gordon,  Phillip Golden.  </font>     1937 1 0.5          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1980-6 Gordon Cohen JFN.jpg"> 1980-6 Gordon Cohen JFN profile</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> text  </font>     1980 6 0.9    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1980-11 Harry Gordon JFN.jpg"> 1980-11 Harry Gordon JFN profile</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> text  </font>     1980 11 0.9          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/2009-5-15 Rabbi Julie K Gordon gets degree AJW.jpg"> 2009-5-15 Rabbi Julie K Gordon gets degree </A>   - -  </font><font size="1"> American Jewish World  </font>     2009 5 15          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1905-9-6 Dora Polinsky, entertains.pdf"> 1905-9-6 Dora Polinsky, entertains</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1905 Dora Polinsky, entertains, Miss Dora Polinsky entertains at party. guests: Sadie Gingold, Florence Levine, Ida Lieberman, Fanny Berg, Lena Rocklin, Bessie Muric, Bessie Rocklin, Sadie Fostoff, Sophie Levine, Rose Lieberman, Rose Wolfe, Sarah Polinsky, Dollie Polinsky, Sheba Polinsky, Sam Goldberg, Morris Kaner, Joseph Berg, Benjamin Gingold, Marvin Chessing, Adolph Rubloff.  </font> -   1905 9 6          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1905-9-6 Sadie Fostoff.pdf"> 1905-9-6 Sadie Fostoff</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1905 Miss Dora Polinsky Entertains At Party. 1124 East Sixth street, Sadie Gingold, Florence Levine, Ida Lieberman, Fanny Berg, Lena Rocklin, Bessie Murick, Bessie Rocklin, Sadie Fostoff, Sophie Levine, Rose Lieberman, Rose Wolfe, Sarah Polinsky, Dollie Polinsky, Sheba Polinsky, Sam Goldberg, Morris Kaner, Joseph Berg, Benjamin Gingold, Marvin Chessing, Adolph Rubloff of Buhl, Minn.  </font>     1905 9 6          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1911-8-30 Dorothy Polinsky and Joseph Wolfe, wedding cards.pdf"> 1911-8-30 Dorothy Polinsky and Joseph Wolfe, wedding cards</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1911 Dorothy Polinsky, Joseph Wolfe, cards out for wedding.  </font> -   1911 8 30          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1911-9-6 Dorothy Polinsky and Joseph Wolfe wed, Rabbi Teplitz, Rabbi K.jpg"> 1911-9-6 Dorothy Polinsky and Joseph Wolfe wed, Rabbi Teplitz, Rabbi K</A> -   1911 9 6          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1911-9-6 Dorothy Polinsky and Joseph Wolfe wed, Rabbi Teplitz, Rabbi K full page.pdf"> 1911-9-6 Dorothy Polinsky and Joseph Wolfe wed, Rabbi Teplitz, Rabbi K full page</A> -   1911 9 6          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1911-9-6 Dorothy Polinsky and Wolfe.pdf"> 1911-9-6 Dorothy Polinsky and Wolfe</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1911 Polinsky-Wolfe Wedding Occurs At Synagogue need entire article.   </font> -   1911 9 6          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1911-9-6 Polinsky-Wolfe wedding 2.pdf"> 1911-9-6 Polinsky-Wolfe wedding 2</A> -   1911 9 6    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1911-9-6 Polinsky-Wolfe wedding 20000.jpg"> 1911-9-6 Polinsky-Wolfe wedding</A>  - - </font><font size="1"> 1911 Dorothy Polinsky and Joseph Wolfe wed, Rev. Teplitz,  Wedding Occurs At Synagogue, Dolly Polinsky, Florence Levine, Sadie Fostof, David Weinberg, Leo Troup, Roy Levine, Stern, Bert Stern, Jacob Cohen.  </font> -   1911 9 6    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1911-9-6 Polinsky-Wolfe wed,Cohen.pdf"> 1911-9-6 Polinsky-Wolfe wed,Cohen</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1911 Polinsky-Wolfe Wedding Ocurs At Synagogue,323 East Fifth street, Dorothy Polinsky and Joseph Wolfe, Mr. and Mrs. L. Polinsky, 1124 East Sixth street, Rabbi Kissin, Rev. Teplitz, Dolly Polinsky, Florence Levine,  Sadie Fostof, David Weinberg-Eveleth, Leo Troup-Virginia, Roy Levine, Stern, Bert Stern, Jacob Cohen  </font>     1911 9 6          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1911-9-6 Polinsky, Wolfe, Fostof.pdf"> 1911-9-6 Polinsky, Wolfe, Fostof</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1911 Polinsky-Wolfe Wedding Occurs At Synagogue. 322 East Fifth street, Dorothy Polinsky, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. L. Polinsky, 1124 East Sixth street, weds Joseph Wolfe. Rabbi Kissin, Rev. Teplitz, Dolly Polinsky, Florence Levine, Sadie Fostoff, David Weinberg of Eveleth, Leo Troup of Virginia, Roy Levine, Bert Stern Jacob Cohen, Masonic Temple.  </font>     1911 9 6          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1911-9-11 Dorothy Polinsky and Joseph Wolfe marriage.pdf"> 1911-9-11 Dorothy Polinsky and Joseph Wolfe marriage</A> -   1911 9 11          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1911-9-11 Joseph Fostoff.pdf"> 1911-9-11 Joseph Fostoff</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1911 Mr. and Mrs. Cohen Give Party For Mrs. Lavick. Mr. and Mrs. L. Cohen, 911 East Third street, Mrs. B. Lavick, daughter Anna Lavick of Chicago., Mrs. J. Lieberman, Mrs. S. Caplov, E. Sosnovsky, M. Caplov, M. Shore, B. Lavick, I. L. Lavine, J. Fostoff, J. Lieberman, A. Stern, J. Wolfe, J. A. Kohn, S. Kassmir, M. Cohen, D. Frankfort, M. Steiner, L. Shenowsky, Popkin, M. Levine, Sophie Caplov, Dollie Polinsky, Rose Cohen, Eva Cohen, Anna lavick, M. Cohen, L. Cohen, M. Shore, J. L. Lavine K. Kohn, M. Wolfe  </font>     1911 9 11          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1911-9-11 Mrs. B. Lavick, cropped.pdf"> 1911-9-11 Mrs. B. Lavick, cropped</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1911-9-11  Mr. and Mrs. Cohen Give Party For Mrs. Lavick. Mr. and Mrs. L. Cohen, 911 East Third street, for Mrs. B. Lavick and daughter Anna Lavick from Chicago. Mrs. J. Lieberman, Mrs. S. Caplov, Mesdames E. Sosnovsky, M. Caplov, M. Shore, I. L. Lavine, J. Fostoff, J. Lieberman, A. Stern J. Wolfe, J. A. Frankfort, M. Steiner, L. Shenowsky, Popkin, M. Levine, Sophie Caplov, Dollie Polinsky, Rose Cohen, Eva Cohen, Anna Lavick, Messrs M. Cohen, L. Cohen, M. Shore, J. L. Lavine, J. Kohn, M. Wolfe.   </font>     1911 9 11    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1911-9-17 E. Sosnovsky.pdf"> 1911-9-17 E. Sosnovsky</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1911 Mr. and Mrs. L. Cohen, 911 East Third street entertained. Mrs. B. Lavick and daughter, Miss Anna Lavick-Chicago, Mrs. J. Leiberman, Mrs. S. Caplov, E. (Esther) Sosnovsky, M. Caplov, M. Shore, B. Lavick, I. L. Lavine, J. Fostoff, J. Leiberman, A. Stern, J. Wolfe, J. A. Kohn, S. Kassmir, M. Cohen, D. Frankfort, M. Steiner, L. Shenowsky, Popkin, M. Levine, Miss Sophie Caplov, Dollie Polinsky, Rose Cohen, Eva Cohen, Anna Lavick, Mr. M. Cohen, L. Cohen, M. Shore, J. L. Levine, J. Kohn, M. Wolfe.   </font>     1911 9 17    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1913-1-5 Jaffe, Miller wedding, Hibbing.pdf"> 1913-1-5 Jaffe, Miller wedding, Hibbing</A> - -   Hibbing Girl Weds Virginian, Ida Miller, Sam Jaffe, Mrs. L. Wolfe -   1913 1 5    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1913-12-18 Kenigsberg.pdf"> 1913-12-18 Kenigsberg</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1913 Mrs. David Kenigsberg, Dr. M. Lefkovits, Emma Wolfenstein.  </font> -   1913 12 18          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1917-6-21 Mrs. Sam Abrahamson.pdf"> 1917-6-21 Mrs. Sam Abrahamson</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1917 Mrs. Sam Abrahamson of Wolfe is in the city.   </font>     1917 6 21    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1919-9-11 Morris Wolfe, Hibbing.pdf"> 1919-9-11 Morris Wolfe, Hibbing</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1919 Former Army Men will strengthen Hibbing Eleven - Morris Wolfe  </font>     1919 9 11    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1919-9-28 Dollie Polinsky, Mrs. Joseph Wolfe, sister.pdf"> 1919-9-28 Dollie Polinsky, Mrs. Joseph Wolfe, sister</A>  - - -   1919 9 28          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1922-2-5 Schandling and Coddon wed, guests Lieberman, Shrader, Koff, Monroe, Wolfe, Cohn, Meyers, Dolf, Pearlman, Hirschfield.pdf"> 1922-2-5 Schandling and Coddon wed, guests Lieberman, Shrader, Koff, Monroe, Wolfe, Cohn, Meyers, Dolf, Pearlman, Hirschfield</A> -   1922 2 5          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1922-3-24 Morris Wolfe Hibbing.pdf"> 1922-3-24 Morris Wolfe Hibbing</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> Menorah Orators to give symposium at Duluth Club - Morris Wolfe of Hibbing is coach and business manager of the team. Marvin Oreck of Duluth, Max Shapiro, Gerald Friedman, Harry Cohen, David Goldstein </font>     1922 3 24    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1922-8-30 Morris Wolfe obit.pdf"> 1922-8-30 Morris Wolfe obit</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1922  University of Minnesota Degree for drowned student, Hibbing, Morris Wolfe drowned shortly after his return to Hibbing from the University  </font>     1922 8 30          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1957-12 Hanukkah party news w photo.jpg"> 1957-12 Hanukkah party news w photo</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1957 Hanukkah party photo - <A HREF="images2/news/1957-12 Hanukkah party news w photoID.jpg">see numbered photo for ID</A>  1.  Bob Davidson, 2.  Bruce Cohen, 3.  Lisa Goldish, 4.  Diane Krovitz Hamou Tzarfaty, 5.  Benjie Wolfe, 6.  Mark Bruzonsky, 7.  Alvin Garon, 8.  Ghitia Abramson Worcester, 9.  Steve Bruzonsky, 10. Mrs. Sam (Bess) Klatsky, 11. David Sher, 12. unidentified, 13. Barney Hasden ?, 14. Judy Ostroviak Cohen, 15. Phyllis Bruzonsky Cohen, 16. Mrs Jack Levenson, 17. Janet Widdes Morrison Rhodehamel, 18. Diane Garon Kuperman, 19. Barb Schaefer, 20. Sharon Siegel Ptaszek </font>     1957 12 0.9          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1960-4 Robert Wolfe JFN.jpg"> 1960-4 Robert Wolfe JFN</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> text  </font>     1960 4 0.9    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1969-1 Tom & Goldie Wolfe terrorists.jpg"> 1969-1 Tom & Goldie Wolfe terrorists</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1969-1 Tom and Goldie Wolfe terrorists: Duluth Couple Escapes in Athens; Trip Becomes Nightmare Passengers on El Al Airlines attached at Athens Airport Dec. 26th. Benjamin Wolfe, Robert Wolfe, Mrs. Lawrence Cohen-St. Paul. The Wolfes visited Ireland, Scotland, Norway, Sweden, Finland, Iran, Israel.  </font>     1969 1 0.9    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/2012-12-20 Ben Wolfe retires.htm">  2012-12-20 Ben Wolfe retires</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 2012 Northland man's career based on caring comes to an end.  Ben Wolfe retired Wednesday after founding and serving as program manager of Essentia Health St. Mary’s Grief Support Services for the past 28 years. </font>     2012 12 20          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1900-12-10 Anna Cohen.pdf"> 1900-12-10 Anna Cohen</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1900 Sarah G. Silver and Joseph N. Frankel wed, niece of Mr. and Mrs. Jones Rosenberg, Rabbi Yorsky, Charles Levy, J. Levy-St. Paul, David Gerchin-Minneapolis, Marion Hoffman, Anna Cohen Florence Silver, Ethel Gottstein-St. Paul.  - full page </font>     1900 12 10    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1900-12-10 Sarah G Silver & Joesph N Frankel married.jpg"> 1900-12-10 Sarah G Silver & Joesph N Frankel married</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1900 Sarah G. Silver and Joseph N. Frankel wed, niece of Mr. and Mrs. Jones Rosenberg, Rabbi Yorsky, Charles Levy, J. Levy-St. Paul, David Gerchin-Minneapolis, Marion Hoffman, Anna Cohen Florence Silver, Ethel Gottstein-St. Paul.  - cropped </font>     1900 12 10          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1911-3-14 SamHoffman&MamieCoran wed lic.pdf"> 1911-3-14 Sam Hoffman & Mamie Coran wed lic</A> - -   headline  -   1911 3 14          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1911-3-19 Coran-Hoffman wedding.jpg"> 1911-3-19 Coran-Hoffman wedding</A> - -   headline -   1911 3 19          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1911-3-19 Mamie Hoffman and Sam Hoffman wed.pdf"> 1911-3-19 Mamie Hoffman and Sam Hoffman wed</A> - -   headline -   1911 3 19    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1915-8-14 Sam Hoffman, stolen buttons.pdf"> 1915-8-14 Sam Hoffman, stolen buttons</A> - -   headline -   1915 8 14          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1916-8-27 Sam Hoffman, fire.pdf"> 1916-8-27 Sam Hoffman, fire</A> - -   headline -   1916 8 27          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1916-9-19 Sam Hoffman, fire sale.pdf"> 1916-9-19 Sam Hoffman, fire sale</A> - -   headline -   1916 9 19          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1916-12-15 Marie Sattler, music ND.pdf"> 1916-12-15 Marie Sattler, music ND</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1916  Miss Marie Sattler studying music in St. Paul under Mrs. Katherine Hoffman and Prof. Sairclough will arrive later for holiday, grandmother Mrs. Mary Maloney, Dinnie Apartments.   </font>     1916 12 15    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1917-7-10  561 Shenowsky draft.pdf"> 1917-7-10  561 Shenowsky draft</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1917-7-10   Draft serial numbers for third district -  1264 names listed. including:  574 Hoffman Sam. 579 Samuel Cohen.  584 Fred Daneiko.  561 Shenowsky and more Jewish names  </font>     1917 7 10          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1917-7-21 Goldfarb,Hoffman, Azine, photo Navy ship.pdf"> 1917-7-21 Goldfarb,Hoffman, Azine, photo Navy ship</A> -   1917 7 21    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1917-8-12 Sam Hoffman exempt, Duluth.pdf"> 1917-8-12 Sam Hoffman exempt, Duluth</A> - -   headline -   1917 8 12          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1918-5-1 Rose Coran, Gladys Hoffman.pdf"> 1918-5-1 Rose Coran, Gladys Hoffman</A> - -   headline -   1918 5 1          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1919-2-23 Coran-Saeks wed, guests,Hoffman, Abelman, Lipman, Kaner, Groman .pdf"> 1919-2-23 Coran-Saeks wed, guests,Hoffman, Abelman, Lipman, Kaner, Groman </A>  - - </font><font size="1"> 1919 Announce Marriage of Daughter in Michigan. Fanny Mildred Coran and Louis Saeks, Abraham Coran, B. Saeks, C. Abelman, Samuel Hoffman, Henry Lipman, W. Kaner, A. Groman, G. Berkson.  </font> -   1919 2 23    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1919-9-6 Samuel Hoffman, citizenship.pdf"> 1919-9-6 Samuel Hoffman, citizenship</A> - -   headline -   1919 9 6          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1932-10-7 Ironwood, MI, Saeks, Coran, Hoffman.jpg"> 1932-10-7 Ironwood, MI, Saeks, Coran, Hoffman</A> -   1932 10 7          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1936-3-10 Gladys Hoffman & John Alpert wedding.jpg"> 1936-3-10 Gladys Hoffman & John Alpert wedding</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1936 Couple Married At Wausau On Sunday. Miss Gladys Hoffman, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Sam Hoffman, 11 West Pewabic street, John Alpert, son of Mrs. Frances Alpert-Sheboygan, Rabbi H. J. Mekler-Wausau, cousin of the bride. Visited (family) Duluth, St. Paul, St. Louis. (MO.) March 23 at home 528 North Fifth in Manitowoc (WI).   </font>     1936 3 10          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1936-3-10 MM Sam Hoffman return from wedding of daughter.jpg"> 1936-3-10 MM Sam Hoffman return from wedding of daughter</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1936 Mr and Mrs Sam Hoffman and daughter Jean returned from wedding in Wausau  </font>     1936 3 10          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1956-3-10 Sam Hoffman obit.jpg"> 1956-3-10 Sam Hoffman obit</A> - -   headline  -   1956 3 10          
Temple Emanuel              
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1897-12-3 Hebrew congregation Temple Emanuel.pdf"> 1897-12-3 Hebrew congregation Temple Emanuel</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1897 Hebrew congregation Temple Emanuel  </font>     1897 12 3          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1899-2-17 Rabbi Sigmund Frey, Temple Emanuel.pdf"> 1899-2-17 Rabbi Sigmund Frey, Temple Emanuel</A>  - - </font><font size="1"> 1899 Temple Emanuel, Rabbi Sigmund Frey Resigns, Hebrew Leader About To Go To Leavenworth, Kansas, Will Have Charge of the Temple Bnai Gushurun, at Leavenworth. Has Been With the Duluth Temple Emmanuel for Three Years. Gets a Synagogue Well Started.   </font> -   1899 2 17    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1899-3-1 Temple Emanuel, Jacob M. Gidding, Bondy, Sillberstein, Florence Silberstein.pdf"> 1899-3-1 Temple Emanuel, Jacob M. Gidding, Bondy, Sillberstein, Florence Silberstein</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1899 Temple Emanuel Party. Temple Emanuel Aid society, proceeds for building fund.  </font> -   1899 3 1    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1920-12-11 Lebendiger, Ford.pdf"> 1920-12-11 Lebendiger, Ford</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1920 Rabbi Denounces Ford Charges Against Jews. Temple Emanuel, Rabbi Israel Lebendiger.   </font>     1900 1 0    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1921-11-27 Lebendiger, fund drive.pdf"> 1921-11-27 Lebendiger, fund drive</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1921 Jews of Duluth Open Campaign for Quota of $14,000,000 Fund. Mass Meeting at Shrine Auditorium to Start Drive. Max Korshak-Chicago, American Jewish Relief committee, Dr. Alvin S. Luchs of Temple Emanuel, Rabbi I. Lebendiger of the Hebrew Institute. C. D. Oreckovsky, Hotel Spaulding,   </font>     1900 1 0          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1921-11-28 Lebendiger, fund drive.pdf"> 1921-11-28 Lebendiger, fund drive</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1921 Duluth Jews Raise $12,000 in First Day of Relief Fund Drive. Quota Is Increaed $10,000 to Aid Local People in Need. Max Korshak-Chicago, Shrine Auditorium, Freimuth, Dr. Alvin S. Luchs of Temple Emanuel, Judge W. A. Cant, Rabbi Israel Lebendiger, Spalding hotel.   </font>     1900 1 0          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1901-7-21 Temple Emanuel party on steamer.jpg"> 1901-7-21 Temple Emanuel party on steamer</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1901-7-21 Temple Emanuel, party of the steamer Bloomer Girl.   </font>     1901 7 21          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1903-12-29 Hannah Krojanker funeral.pdf"> 1903-12-29 Hannah Krojanker funeral</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1903 Hannah Krojanker funeral, Temple Emanuel, Seventh avenue East and Second street.  </font> -   1903 12 29    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1905-10-6 Mrs. Clara Oswald obit..pdf"> 1905-10-6 Mrs. Clara Oswald obit.</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1905 Many At Funeral Of Mrs. C. Oswald. Mrs. Clara Oswald, 510 East Third street, Rev. Dr. MendelSilber, Temple Emanuel, Louis S. Loeb, G. A. Klein Samuel Levine, Sig. Levy, Jacob Sattler, Carl Levy, Eastern Star, Charles and Edward Oswald, Mrs. Aaron Heller, Mrs. Ben Heller, Mrs. M. Mannheim.  </font>     1905 10 6          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1905-11-19 Duluth, Temple Emanuel Rabbi Mendel Silber, Separatism.pdf"> 1905-11-19 Duluth, Temple Emanuel Rabbi Mendel Silber, Separatism</A> -   1905 11 19          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1906-6-3 Rabbi of Temple Emmanuel.pdf"> 1906-6-3 Rabbi of Temple Emmanuel</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1906 The Secret of Israel's Survial. Rev. Dr. Mendel Silber Discusses Question Before Congregation at Temple Emanuel on Occasion of Annual Commemoration of "The Feast of the Law."  photo of Rabbi of Temple Emanuel.   </font>     1906 6 3          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1907-2-21 Local Improvements Benjamin Kanner.pdf"> 1907-2-21 Local Improvements</A> - -  </font><font size="1"> Assessments: B. Silberstein, Ignaz Freimuth, Samuel Levine, Ben Kenner, S. Karon, Annie Bondy, M Shapiro, Temple Emanuel  </font> -   1907 2 21          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1907-4-12 Temple Emanuel.pdf"> 1907-4-12 Temple Emanuel</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1907 Temple Emanuel Services, “Worship and Music”.  Sabbath services every Friday evening </font>     1907 4 12    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1907-12-15 ag Temple Emanuel, Recipe Books.pdf"> 1907-12-15 ag Temple Emanuel, Recipe Books</A> -   1907 12 15          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1907-12-15 Temple Emanuel, Recipe Books.pdf"> 1907-12-15 Temple Emanuel, Recipe Books</A> -   1907 12 15          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1908-3-18 Library, Sattler.pdf"> 1908-3-18 Library, Sattler</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1908 Of Interest To Women. Will Study Bible History Ad Men. Jewish Women Ask Library Board to Buy Encyclopedia Set. Chautauqua club, Temple Emanuel, Miss Newman, Mrs. Joseph, Mrs. S. Goldberg, Mrs. Louise Freimuth, Dr. and Mrs. M. Lefkowitz, Mrs. H. Y. Joseph, Mrs. M. Cook, Mrs. A. Abraham, Mrs. H. Abraham, Mrs. Morris Freimuth, Mrs. J. D. Sattler, Mrs. I. Freimuth, Mrs. E. A. Silberstein, Mrs. M. Levy, Miss Elsie Silberstein, Miss Debora Leo, Miss Helen Metzler, Miss Florence Levy, Miss Marian Levy, Miss Hilda Newman.  </font>     1908 3 18    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1908-4-23 Claire Abraham and Dr. Arthur H. Schwartz wed, Miriam and Hazel Levin.pdf"> 1908-4-23 Claire Abraham and Dr. Arthur H. Schwartz wed, Miriam and Hazel Levin</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1908 Miss Abraham and Dr. Schwartz Wed. Union of Prominent Young People Marked by Simple Ceremony. Reception Follows Nuptials. Miss Claire Abraham and Dr. Arthur H. Schwartz wed. Rabbi M. Lefkovitz, Temple Emanuel, Albert Abraham, 1426 East First street. Miss Elsie Silberstein, Rudolph Abraham, Deborah Leo, Miriam Levin, Stella Abraham, Hazel Levin. Mr. and Mrs. M. D. Schwartz-Norway, Mich.; Mr. and Mrs. Spadekar-Chicago, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Schloss-Minneapolis; Mr. and Mrs. E. Kaiser-Minneapolis; Mr. and Mrs. D. C. Abraham-Atlantic City, Mr. W. W. Wittig-Minneapolis, Max Abraham-Minneapolis.   </font>     1908 4 23          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1908-6-7 Temple Emanuel confirmation.pdf"> 1908-6-7 Temple Emanuel confirmation</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1908 Temple Emanuel. Confirmation services, Rabbi Lefkovitz, Minnie Helstein, Lillian Levy, Irma Levin Miriam Solomon, Sadie Gingold, and Bessie Altman.  </font>     1908 6 7          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1909-4-14 Zien.pdf"> 1909-4-14 Zien</A> - - </font><font size="1">  Charities Fare Well By J. D. Zien’s Will, Cleveland Jewish Orphans, Denver Jewish Home for Consumptives, Temple Emanuel  </font> -   1909 4 14    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1909-4-14 Zien charities.pdf"> 1909-4-14 Zien charities</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1909 Charities Fare Well By J. D. Zien's Will, Cleveland Jewish Orphans' asylum, Denver Jewish Home for Consumptives, Temple Emanuel, Harry M. Levy administrator, monument for his mother's grave in Russia, father's grave in Prussia.  </font> -   1909 4 14          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1910-5-7 Mother's Day, Rabbi Lefkovitz.pdf"> 1910-5-7 Mother's Day, Rabbi Lefkovitz</A>  - - </font><font size="1"> 1910 Preaches Sermon On Mother's Day, Rabbi Lefkovitz Delivers Eloquent Memorial on World-Sacred Subject.   Rabbi Lefkovitz, Temple Emanuel.  </font> -   1910 5 7          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1911-6-3 Esther Abrahamson.pdf"> 1911-6-3 Esther Abrahamson</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1911 Confirmation Services At Temple Emanuel. Second street and Seventh avenue east. Esther Abrahamson, 1331 East Second street; Edna Freimuth 1406 East Second street; Marc Goldberg, 427 Tenth avenue east; Edna Krojanker, 1130 1/2 East Third street; Lylilan Shapiro, 2420 East Fourth street. Mrs. J. Walsh, Victor Levein, Miss Hyland, Mr. Victor Kohn-minister.   </font>     1911 6 3          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1912-2-25 Temple Emanuel.pdf"> 1912-2-25 Temple Emanuel</A> - -   Work Of  The Temple Emanuel Aid Society, Hammel, Silberstein, Kohn, Abramhams, Goldberg, Zalk. -   1912 2 25    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1912-3-12 Duluth, Zionism, Temple Emanuel.pdf"> 1912-3-12 Duluth, Zionism, Temple Emanuel</A> -   1912 3 12    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1912-5-14 Adas Israel, Dr. Horace M. Kallen.pdf"> 1912-5-14 Adas Israel, Dr. Horace M. Kallen</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1912 Leaves for Madison, Dr. Horce M. Kallen, instructor of philosophy, Max Weinberg, 720 East Third street,  Adas Israel, Temple Emanuel.  </font> -   1912 5 14          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1912-9-11 Adas Israel, Rosh Hashanah.pdf"> 1912-9-11 Adas Israel, Rosh Hashanah</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1912 Jew To Observe New Year Today. Begins at Sundown and Continues Until Some Time Tomorrow. Services at Synagogues.Adas Israel synagogue, Temple Emanuel, Rabbi Teplitz and Lefkovitz.  </font> -   1912 9 11          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1912-9-28 Rabbi Lefkowitz, photo.pdf"> 1912-9-28 Rabbi Lefkowitz, photo</A>  - - </font><font size="1"> 1912 Rabbi Maurice Lefkovits, Advises Jews To Till Earth, Rabbi Lefkovits Declares Those in Crowded Districts Should Take to Farming. Shows How Young Man Made Good In Country. Hebrews Are Familiar With Farm Work, He Says-Children Meet Tomorrow. Temple Emanuel, Louis Loeb, Louis Zalk, Dr. S. Gross, R. Geler.  </font> -   1912 9 28          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1912-121 Leo Shapiro, Louis Zalk, Temple Emanuel.pdf"> 1912-12-1 Leo Shapiro, Louis Zalk, Temple Emanuel</A> -   1912 12 1          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1912-12-21 Christ a Great Jewish Prophet, Rabbi Lefkovitz.pdf"> 1912-12-21 Christ a Great Jewish Prophet, Rabbi Lefkovitz</A>  - - </font><font size="1"> 1912 Christ A Great Jewish Prophet, Rabbi Lefkovits Says Hebrews Revere Him as Such, but as Nothing More. Urges Christmas Spirit Throughout Whole Year, Says Kindliness and Charity Should Not Be Limited to Great Feast Day. Temple Emanuel  </font> -   1912 12 21          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1913-10-12 Adas Israel, Yom Kippur.pdf"> 1913-10-12 Adas Israel, Yom Kippur</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1913 Atonement Week Services Concluded. Duluth Jews conclude obervation of Yom Kippur in Synagogue and Temple. Temple Emanuel-Rbbi Maurice Lefkovits, Adas Israel synagogue, Sin and Punishment.   </font> -   1913 10 12    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1914-1-30 Rabbi Maurice Lefkovits.pdf"> 1914-1-30 Rabbi Maurice Lefkovits</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1914 Rabbi to Speak. Birthday Reflection, Rabbi Maurice Lefkovits, Temple Emanuel, Seventh avenue East and Second street.  </font> -   1914 1 30    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1914-6-21 Adas Israel, Zionist lecture.pdf"> 1914-6-21 Adas Israel, Zionist lecture</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1914 Zion Lecture Today. The Significance of Zionism, Judge Philip P. Bregstone, Adas Israel synagogue, Dr. Maurice Lefkovits, Temple Emanuel, Max Oreckowsky.  </font> -   1914 6 21          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1914-6-22 Kodivrim.pdf"> 1914-6-22 Kodivrim</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1914 Reclamation Of Palestine By Jews Reality, Declares Judge Bregstone; Lauds Dr. Theo. Herzl, Zionist Leader. Dr. Maurie Lefkovits-Temple Emanuel-Seventh avenue East and Secon street. Max Oreckovsky-president of Ohave Zion, Moses Montefiore Hebrew school-Third avenue East and Third street. Mr. and Mrs. Sol Goldberg.   </font>     1914 6 22    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1914-7-17 Fannie Haas obit..pdf"> 1914-7-17 Fannie Haas obit.</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1914 Miss Fannie Haas Dead; Resident Of Duluth 30 years, age 57, sister Mrs. P. H. Oswald. Mrs. Manhaim. Temple Emanuel, Second street and Seventh avenue East.  </font>     1914 7 17    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1914-9-19 Rabbi Lefkovits Sermon.jpg"> 1914-9-19 Rabbi Lefkovits Sermon</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1914 Rabbi Lefkovits In Sermon Tells About Education For Life. Temple Emanuel. Dr. Maurice Lefkovits. Purpose of Judaism was not to prepare man for the hereafter, but to teach him to exalt and ennoble his life in this world.   - -  <A HREF="images2/news/1914-9-19 Rose and Henry Lavick wed.pdf">full page</A></font>     1914 9 19    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1914-9-20 Adas Israel, New Year.pdf"> 1914-9-20 Adas Israel, New Year</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1914 Jewish New Year Starts Today; "Shofar" One Feature. Day of Remembrance and Day of Judgement, Adas Israel synagogue, Temple Emanuel, Rabbi I Teplitz, Rabbi Lefkovits.    </font> -   1914 9 20          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1914-10-5 Adas Israel, Succoth.pdf"> 1914-10-5 Adas Israel, Succoth</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1914 Succoth Observance Begin In Duluth. Feast of Tabernacle Will Continue. Eight Days as Thanksgiving Period. Rabbi Maurice Lefkovits-Temple Emanuel, Adas Israel synagogue.  </font> -   1914 10 5          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1915-4-6 Adas Israel, Pesach.pdf"> 1915-4-6 Adas Israel, Pesach</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1915 Pasover-Pesach Holiday Ends With Tonight. Temple Emanuel, Adas Israel synagogue.  </font> -   1915 4 6          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1915-9-2 Adas Israel, American Relief Committee.pdf"> 1915-9-2 Adas Israel, American Relief Committee</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1915 Seek Funds For War Zone Jews. Local Branch American relief Committee Formed-Campaign Planned. Say Russ Kill People As Means Of Relief. Calls Present Conflict Greatest Calamity to Jew Since the Diaspora. American Jewish relief committee, Rabbi I S. Teplitz, Adas Israel synagogue, Joel Lichten, rabbi Maurice Lefkovits, Temple Emanuel.Mamie Weinberg, A. Y. Litman, A. Mogelson, I. Stein, Louis Dorfman, Ida Sukov, I. Jeffo, Jewish Workingmen's circle, Rabbi Maurice Lefkovits, photo, Temple Emanuel Central Conference of American Rabbis, Adas Israel synagogue.  </font> -   1915 9 2          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1915-9-9 Adas Israel, Temple Emanuel, Rabbi Maurice Lefkovits, New Year sermon.pdf"> 1915-9-9 Adas Israel, Temple Emanuel, Rabbi Maurice Lefkovits, New Year sermon</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1915 Jews Hear Peace Sermon As Their New Year Begins. Rabbi Maurice Lefkovits, photo, Temple Emanuel, Adas Israel synagogue.  </font> -   1915 9 9          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1915-9-10 Adas Israel, Rosh Hoshanah.pdf"> 1915-9-10 Adas Israel, Rosh Hoshanah</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1915 Jewish celebration Will End Tonight. Orthodox Jews to Hold Final New Year Services at Sunset-Reformed Ritual Concluded. Rosh Hoshanah, Temple Emanuel, Adas Israel synagogue.   </font> -   1915 9 10          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1915-9-11 Adas Israel Rosh Hashanah.pdf"> 1915-9-11 Adas Israel Rosh Hashanah</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1915 Rosh Hashanah Rites End; Yom Kippur Next. Adas Israel synagogue, Temple Emanuel, Rabbi Maurice Lefkovits.   </font> -   1915 9 11    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1915-9-18 Temple Emanuel and Adas Israel Synagogue.pdf"> 1915-9-18 Temple Emanuel and Adas Israel Synagogue</A> -   1915 9 18          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1915-9-25 Adas Israel, Tag Day.pdf"> 1915-9-25 Adas Israel, Tag Day</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1915 Today Tag Day For Jews In War Zone. Collections for Sufferers to be Solicited Under Auspices of Relief Committee. Temple Emanuel, Dr. Maurice Lefkovits, Rabbi I. Teplitz, Adas Israel synagogue.  </font> -   1915 9 25          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1915-11-25 B'nai Brith anniversary Temple Emanuel Samuel Oreckovsky.pdf"> 1915-11-25 B'nai Brith anniversary Temple Emanuel Samuel Oreckovsky</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1915 B'nai B'rith Will Observe Anniversary. Covenant Lodge of Duluth to hold services at Temple Emanuel Tomorrow Night. - Hiram D. Frankel, Dr. Maurice Lefkovits, C. D. Oreckovsky, Samuel Weinstein, A. B. Kapplin.  </font> -   1915 11 25          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1915-12-2 Adas Israel, Hanukkah.pdf"> 1915-12-2 Adas Israel, Hanukkah</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1915 Candles Lighted In Homes Of city Jews. Celebration of Hanukkah, Feast of Dedication, Is Begun-Festival to Last Eight Days. Adas Israel synagogue, Temple Emanuel, Rabbi Lefkovits.  </font> -   1915 12 2          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1915-12-6 Henry Abraham obit.pdf"> 1915-12-6 Henry Abraham obit</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1915 High Tribute To Henry Abraham, Rev. Maurice Lefkovits Dwells on His Qualities as a Man. Throng At Residence of Late Merchant. "Death Came to Him as the Light of the Morning," Declares Rabbi.2422 East Third street. Rev. Maurice Lefkovitz, pastor of Temple Emanuel.  - survived by widow, daughter Virginia, sister Mrs. H. Stadeker of Chicago, six brothers, Albert, Isadore Abraham-Duluth, Max-Minneapolis, D. C. Abraham-Atlantic City, N. J. Lee Abraham of Superior, and Seymour Abraham, of St. Louis. Elk's Club, Bernard Silberstein, commissioner, Thomas B. Mills, L. S. Loeb, I. Freimuth, G. A. Klein, J. B. Sattler, John E. Samuelson, Joseph Randall, M. G. Levy, William F. Henry, Harris Bennett, George Munsey, Mr. and Mrs. A. Heller, Mr. and Mrs. B. Heller, A. H. Heller jr.-Minneapolis.  </font>     1915 12 6          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1916-1-19 Adas Israel, War Relief.pdf"> 1916-1-19 Adas Israel, War Relief</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1916 Jews Organize For War Relief. To Conduct City-Wide Campaign for Sricken Hebrews in Europe. Will Solicit Funds On Thursday, Jan. 27. May Call Mass Meeting After Campaign and Have New York Speaker. Central Jewish War Sufferers' associaion, Dr. Maurice Lefkovits, Joseph Oreckovsky, Charles D. Oreckovsky, B. Silberstein. J. L. Magnes-New York.   -- Organizations Represented. - Independent Order B'nai Brith - Duluth Hebrew lodge O.B.A. - Duluth City lodge O.B.A. . - Temple Emanuel. - Adas Israel congregation. - Kofered Israel congregation. - Shorae Tzdeck congregation. - Talmud Torah. - Jewish Socialist local. - Arbeit ring. - Young Women's Hebrew association. - Dr. Schecter's Zion Tent. - Sisters of Israel. - Kodivirim club. - Branch American Jewish relief committee. - Ladies' Aid of Temple Emanuel. - Young Women's library. - Bichur Choilim society. -(Interesting list to compare to the Jewish Organizations listed from 1880-1976)  </font> -   1916 1 19    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1916-4-12 Gittelson trial.pdf"> 1916-4-12 Gittelson trial</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1916 Reputable Citizens "Guilty". Their "Trial" Was Mockery. Rabbi Lefkovits Acts as presiding Judge Over Bogus Court. Part of Entertainment Given by Covenant Lodge. Samuel Gittelson, Abe Feldman, Judge Maurice Lefkovits, Abe B. Kapplin. B'nai B'rith , Temple Emanuel. B. Silberstein, J. Schroeder, Charles Oreckovsky, Samuel Weinstein, H. Y. Josephs, Mrs. M. Cook.  </font>     1916 4 12          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1916-9-3 Adas Israel, New Year.pdf"> 1916-9-3 Adas Israel, New Year</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1916 Duluth Jews Will Observe New Year's. Rosh Hashono and Yom Kippur to Be Celebrted Here Soon. Temple Emanuel, Adas Israel synagogue.  </font> -   1916 9 3          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1916-9-20 Adas Israel, Joseph Cohen.pdf"> 1916-9-20 Adas Israel, Joseph Cohen</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1916 'Infidelity' Of Jews Is Denied. Duluthians Flay Cohn's Statement That Hebrews Worship Christ. "Was Paid To Say It", Rabbi Lefkovits and Commissioner Silberstein Stirred by Bold Assertion. Joseph Cohn, Rabbi Israel Teplitz, Adas Israel congregation, Rabbi Maurice Lefkovits, Temple Emanuel. Public Safety Commissioner Silberstein,, Charle D. Oreckovsky, B'nai B'rith.  </font> -   1916 9 20          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1916-9-27 Adas Israel, New Year.pdf"> 1916-9-27 Adas Israel, New Year</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1916 Duluth Jews Will Observe New Year's. Rosh Hashono and Yom Kippur to Be Celebrted Here Soon. Temple Emanuel, Adas Israel synagogue  </font> -   1916 9 27          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1916-9-28 Adas Israel, New Year.pdf"> 1916-9-28 Adas Israel, New Year</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1916 Jewish New Year Service Are Held. Observance of Rosh Hashana Will Be Continued Until This Evening. Adas Israel synagogue, Temple Emanuel, Miss Faith rogers, rs. Donna Ribletio Flaaten, Miss Glenn Bartholomew, R. Burquist, D. Drummond, Charles Helmer. Dr. Maurice Lefkovits, An Imperative Necessity, J. Braverman, Hebrew year 5677.  </font> -   1916 9 28          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1916-10-1 Adas Isreal, Yom Kippur.pdf"> 1916-10-1 Adas Isreal, Yom Kippur</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1916 Jews Prepare To Observe Yom Kippur. Day of Atonement,Temple Emanuel, Adas Israel synagogue.   </font> -   1916 10 1    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1916-10-6 Adas Israel, Yom Kippur.pdf"> 1916-10-6 Adas Israel, Yom Kippur</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1916 Yom Kippur To Be Observed By Jews. Day of Atonement Begins at Sundown Tonight and Lasts Twelve Hours. Adas Israel synagogue, Temple Emanuel, Rabbi Maurice Lefkovits. The Law of Conscience. Pure Before God. Rabbi I. Braveman.   </font> -   1916 10 6          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1916-10-7 Adas Israel, Yom Kippur.pdf"> 1916-10-7 Adas Israel, Yom Kippur</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1916 Duluth Jews Are Observing Sared Fast Yom Kippur. Adas Israel synagogue, Temple Emanuel, I. Braveman-cantor, Temple Emanuel, Dr. Mauice Lefkovits.  </font> -   1916 10 7          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1916-10-10 Adas Israel, Succoth.pdf"> 1916-10-10 Adas Israel, Succoth</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1916 Jewish Succoth to Las Eight Days. Holy Season Begins With New Year's and Concludes With Sheimini Atzereth. Dr. Maurice Lefkovits, Temple Emanuel, Adas Israel synagogue.  </font> -   1916 10 10    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1916-10-12 Adas Israel, Succoth.pdf"> 1916-10-12 Adas Israel, Succoth</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1916 Feast Of Succoth Begins. Temple Emanuel, Adas Israel synagogue.   </font> -   1916 10 12          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1916-10-16 Selig, Temple Emanuel, Abramson.pdf"> 1916-10-16 Selig, Temple Emanuel, Abramson</A> -   1916 10 16          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1916-10-19 Esther Abrahamson.pdf"> 1916-10-19 Esther Abrahamson</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1916 At Open Meeting. Supt. of Schools Hoke and Orpheum Stars Guests of B'nai B'rith.  Superintendent of Schools K. J. Hoke, Temple Emanuel. Bert Levy, Anna Chandler entertain. A sextette composed of May Klein, Esther Abrahamson, Rae Hammell, Sadie Gingold, Miriam Bondy, Alcie Wetzler, Esther Gomberg. A. B. Kapplin president of lodge, Dr. Maurice Lefkovits. "Compulsory education has always been a Jewish tenet."  </font>     1916 10 19          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1917-1-4 Rabbi Rypins, inst. B'nai Brith.pdf"> 1917-1-4 Rabbi Rypins, inst. B'nai Brith</A> - -   Temple Emanuel, B’nai Brith . Rabbi Rypins Guest Of Honor At Installation -   1917 1 4    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1917-4-18 Fieldman.pdf"> 1917-4-18 Fieldman</A>  - -  </font><font size="1">  1917 'Mimeograph' Sticker For Women Spellers. Men Win "Bee" at "Open House" Party Given by Covenant Lodge. B'nai B'rith, Temple Emanuel, Miss Elsa Silberstein,  Abe Feldman, Mrs. Saul Goldberg, Temple Ades society: Mrs. Michael Levy, Mrs. L. S. Loeb, Mrs. M. S. Hirshfield, Mrs. M. Cook, Mrs. Sigmund Slonim, Mrs. H. Y. Josephs, Mrs. Saul Goldberg, Miss Elsa Silberstein, Miss Stella Bondy, Miss Alice Wetzler, Miss Sadie Gingold, Miss Jeanette Gomberg. A. B. Kapplin, E. A. Silberstein, Morris Mark, Dr. Maurice Lefkovits, Charles D. Oreckovsky, Davi Fieldman, Abe Fieldman, Samuel Weinstein, Dr. Samuel Gross, Dr. Maurice Zack, Charles Rosenfeld, Samuel Nides, Max Rosenfeld. Dr. Maurice Lefkovits-ne Bible translation. Helen Kunody, Hazel Blumenthal, Esther Gomberg, Miss Sylvia Josephs.   </font>     1917 4 18          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1918-5-30 Dr. Moses Gittelson.pdf"> 1918-5-30 Dr. Moses Gittelson</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1916 Reputable Citizens "Guilty". Their "Trial" Was Mockery. Rabbi Lefkovits Acts as presiding Judge Over Bogus Court. Part of Entertainment Given by Covenant Lodge. Samuel Gittelson, Abe Feldman, Judge Maurice Lefkovits, Abe B. Kapplin. B'nai B'rith , Temple Emanuel. B. Silberstein, J. Schroeder, Charles Oreckovsky, Samuel Weinstein, H. Y. Josephs, Mrs. M. Cook.  </font>     1918 5 30          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1919-9-7 Mrs. Abe Garon, Hammel, Temple Emanuel.pdf"> 1919-9-7 Mrs. Abe Garon, Hammel, Temple Emanuel</A> - -   headline  -   1919 9 7          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1919-12-31 Albert Mark, B'Nai B'rith Covenant Lodge.pdf"> 1919-12-31 Albert Mark, B'Nai B'rith Covenant Lodge</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1919 Albert Mark Heads B'nai B'rith. Covenant Lodge Elects Officers, Hears Reports on Successful Year Just Closed. Covenant Lodge No. 569. Temple Emanuel, S. B. Copilowish, Morris J. Mark, Norman A. Cook, Jesse L. Cohen, Samuel Nides, Dr. M. S. Hirschfield, Harry Brunswick, Joseph Weinberg.  </font> -   1919 12 31          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1920-5-23 Shavouth, Eva Brusin.pdf"> 1920-5-23 Shavouth, Eva Brusin</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1920 Duluthians To Observe Festival. Jews Will Hold Special Program at Temple Today.   Shebuoth, Temple Emanuel, Seventh avenue East and Second street. Dr. M. Lefkovits. Maurie H. Blumenthal, Eva R. Brusin, Louis H. R. Gomberg, Molly Harris, Rose L. Hirsh, Annette Claire Hirschfield, Sarah Lisman, Sylvia Lugoff, Rudolph Segal, Ernestine E. Traubman, Blanch H. B. Zien. Maurice Blumenthal, Louis Gomberg, Eva Brusin, Sylvia lugoff, Dave Freimuth.  </font>     1920 5 23          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1920-5-24 Shavouth, Eva R. Brusin.pdf"> 1920-5-24 Shavouth, Eva R. Brusin</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1920 Festival Of Sherbouth ? Observed At Temple. Dr. Maurice Lefkovits., Temple Emanuel, Blanch H. B. Zien, Ernestine E. Traubman, Rudolph Segal, Sylvia Lugoff, Sarah Lisman, Annette Claire Hirschfield, rose L. Hirsh, Molly Harris, Louis H. R. Gomberg, Eva R. Brusin, Maurice H. Blumenthal, Louis Gomberg.   </font>     1920 5 24          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1920-9-14 Adas Israel, Le Shono Tovo, Gam Atem.pdf"> 1920-9-14 Adas Israel, Le Shono Tovo, Gam Atem</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1920 Jews Of Duluth Exchange Happy New-YearGreetings. Le Shono Tovo. Gam Atem.  Talmud Torah, Cantor Braverman, Dr. Maurice Lefkovits, Temple Emanuel.   </font> -   1920 9 14          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1920-11-29 Adas Israel, Chanukah.pdf"> 1920-11-29 Adas Israel, Chanukah</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1920 Feast Of Lights To Be Observed By Duluth Jews. Speial Services to Be Held in Synagogues Begining De. 12. Chanukah, Feast of Lights, Adas Israel synagogue, Temple Emanuel, Rededication, Judas Maccabeas.   </font> -   1920 11 29          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1920-12-5 Adas Israel, Chanukah.pdf"> 1920-12-5 Adas Israel, Chanukah</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1920 Duluh Jews To Observe Feast Of Rededication, Adas Israel synagogue,Talmud Torah institute, Temple Emanuel.   </font> -   1920 12 5    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1921-3-18 Henry Hurvitz.pdf"> 1921-3-18 Henry Hurvitz</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1921 Henry Hurvitz, Editor To Address Jewish College Men At Dinner, Temple Emanuel.  </font> -   1921 3 18          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1921-4-22 Temple Emanual.pdf"> 1921-4-22 Temple Emanual</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1921 Temple Emanuel: Miss Esther Abrahamson, C. Jacobs, R. Cohen, B. Blumenthal, C. P. Meyers, Lou Kantor, Ida Fieldman, Harry Gordon, M. Cook, Ruth Freimuth, Edna Freimuth, Jeanette Gomberg, Mae Klein, Lillian Levy, Horentse Bondy, Rosalind Bondy, Ida Fieldman and F. Josephs.  </font> -   1921 4 22          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1921-4-22 Mrs. S. Polans.pdf"> 1921-4-22 Mrs. S. Polans</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1921 Scouts, Midgets to Help Women in Tag Day Work. Churches to Combine in Effort for Famine Funds. China and Near East relief. Miss Esther Abrahamson, Temple Emanuel, Mrs. S. Pollans, Oreck’s, Jewish Women’s Council: Mrs. S. M. Polans-chairman, Mmes. Maurice Silk, Jack Lunch, A. Karon, Solosky, Julius Siegel, C. P. Meyers, J. Roznu, A. Davidson, M. Altman, N. Garber, D. Miller, L. Lass, William Oxman, Teplesky, D. Pollock, A. Oreckovsky, Joseph Steinman, Harry Weinberg, Percy Oreck. Misses Miriam Rosenstein, Esther Oreckovsky. Temple Emanuel: Miss Esther Abrahamson-chairman, Mmes. C. Jacobs, R. Cohen, B. Blumenthal, C. P. Meyers, Lou Kantor, Ida Fieldman, Harry Gordon, M. Cook. Misses Ruth Freimuth, Edna Freimuth, Jeanette Gomberg, Mae Klein, Lillian Levy, Hortense Bondy, Rosalind Bondy, Ida Fieldman and F. Josephs.   </font>     1921 4 22    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1921-11-29 Adas Israel, Channukah.pdf"> 1921-11-29 Adas Israel, Channukah</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1921 City's Jewish Kiddies Happy-Chanukah. Urn of oil lighting temple of Jerusam, miracle, Adas Isrel ynagogue, Hebrew institute, Rabbi Alvin S. Luch, Temple Emanuel congregation.  </font> -   1921 11 29    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1921-12-16 Adas Israel, Chanukah.pdf"> 1921-12-16 Adas Israel, Chanukah</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1921 Chanukah Is Next on Jewish Calendar. Adas Israel synagogue, Rabbi Alvin S. Luchs, Temple Emanuel, Judah the Maccabee legend.  </font> -   1921 12 16          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1922-9-6 Bernard Silberstein obit..pdf"> 1922-9-6 Bernard Silberstein obit.</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1922 Masons to Hold Silberstein rites at Temple Today. pioneer Duluth merchant, 21 North Twenty-first avenue East. Palestine lodge of Masons. Members of Covenant lodge, Independent order of B'nai B'rith pall bearers. Rabbi Alvin Luchs of Temple Emanuel, Dr. Murice Lefkovits of Minneapolis, formerly a Duluth rabbi. Leonard Young. Servied as commissioner form 1915 to 1919. Silberstein & Bondy store.  </font>     1922 9 6          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1922-9-19 Adas Israel, Jewish New yer 5683.pdf"> 1922-9-19 Adas Israel, Jewish New year 5683</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1922 Jewish New Year to Be Observed in Synagogues. stores operated by Duluth Jews will close in observance. Rabbi Alvin S. Luchs, Temple Emanuel, 5683, beginning of the world, Old Testament, Rosh Hashonah, Yom Kippur, Day of Atonement, holiest of Jewish holiday, Rabi Israel Lebendiger, Hebrew institute, Rabbi I. Teplitz, Adas Israel, First Unitarian church, Rabbi Luchs, Reformed Jews observe for one day.   </font> -   1922 9 19          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1922-10-1 Morris Cohen, Yom Kippir Ball.pdf"> 1922-10-1 Morris Cohen, Yom Kippir Ball</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1922 Jewish Club to Give Festial Year Ball. Yom Kipper ball, Odd Fellows’ hall, proceeds go to Hebrew institute, Third avenue East and Third street. Nathan Kremen-president, Rabbi Alvin Luchs-Temple Emanuel, H. Y. Josephs-ardent supporter, Irving Raihill, Morris Cohen-treasurer, Sam Rosenberg-secretary, I. Saksonoff, Charles Greene, Ralph Elevitch, Ralph Levine, Ben Davis, and Sam Segal-directors.    </font>     1922 10 1          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1922-12-2 Mathilda Metzger Zien obit..pdf"> 1922-12-2 Mathilda Metzger Zien obit.</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1922 Mathilda Metzger Zien obit., husband Jacob D. Zien of Duluth died 1908, Temple Emanuel, immigrated 1885, sisters Mrs. Sig Levy of Milwaukee, brothers R. F. Berdie of Duluth, Philip Berdie of Milwaukee, Louis Metzger of St. Paul, Julius Metzger of Germany. pall bearers L. F. Loeb, I. Freimuth, Max Albenberg, L. Abrahams, L. Hammel and G. A. Klein, nephews   </font> -   1922 12 2    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1922-12-5 Mrs. Mathilde M. Zien obit..pdf"> 1922-12-5 Mrs. Mathilde M. Zien obit.</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1922 Jewish Church, Orphanage Receive Aid in Zien Will. Mrs. Mathilde M. Zien left estate valued at $41,700. Temple Emanuel congregation-Duluth, Jewish Orphan home-Cleveland. perpetual care and improvement of cemetery lot where her husband and father are buried, tombstone, brothers, sisters, nephews, nieces.   </font>     1922 12 5          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1953-9 Sandra Goldfine & Leon Weiner wedding.jpg"> 1953-9 Sandra Goldfine & Leon Weiner wedding</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1953-9 Sandra Goldfine & Leon Weiner wedding. Photo Sandra Rae Goldfine, Leon Weiner Wed. Temple Emanuel. 1722 East Seventh street,  daughter of Fannie Goldfine. Son of Mrs. Esther Weiner and Isadore Weiner-Houston, Texas. Erwin Goldfine, Mrs. Manley Goldfine, Mrs. Bernard Bell, Miss Lottie Frankel-Houston, Cecil Berman-Los Angeles, Raena Goldfine, Tammi Gershgol, Harriett Bergstein, Isadore Weiner, Sol Weiner, Abe Weiner, Bernard Bell, Max Kamen-Houston, William Overman, Manley Goldfine. Home at 102 Carson Courts-Houston. - - Out of town guests: Mrs. Isadore Weiner, Mrs. Abe Weiner and son, Mrs. Sol Weiner, Mrs. Max Kamen-Houston, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Frank,-Denver, Janice Kessel-Roswell, N.M., Joan and Barbara Heilbranner-Milwaukee, Mr. and Mrs. Al Zatkin, Mr. and Mrs. Morris Lavick-Oakland, Elmer Widman-Los Angeles, Mr. and Mrs. Max Falk-Sioux City, Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Betten, Mr. and Mrs. Merril Rogoff, Mr. and Mrs. Morris Miller, Mr. and Mrs. Herman Miller-Green Bay, Mrs. Walter Bloch-Burlington, IA, Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Bernstein, and Mr. and Mrs. Jack Dorfman, Chicago  </font>     1953 9 0.9    
Talmud Torah              
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1914-11-3 Social, Oreck, Oreckovsky.pdf"> 1914-11-3 Social, Oreck, Oreckovsky</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1914 Eva Oreckovsky and Charles Finkelstein will wed. Social at Talmud Torah auditorium. Minnie Viener, Ida Oreck,Harry Silverman, W. C. Oxman, H. A. Shark, M. Viener, M. Oreckovsky, J. Altman, Esther Viener, Ida Zurowsky, Sheba Polinsky, Dollie Polinsky,  Bess Altman, Esther Fieldman, Jeanette Gomberg, Eva Sosnosky, Esther Zurovsky, Rae Abelson, Bess Silverman, Sadie Fostof, Mae Rocklin, Sarah Kassmir, Esther Sander, Bess Markovich, Sallie Oreck, Rae Zurovsky, Florence Weingarder, Eva Oreckovsky, Selma Oreckovsky, Lena Rocklin, Anna Levine, Sadie Rocklin, Sarah Danieko, Isadore Natelson, Maurice Silk, Isadore Mandelson, Louis Zalk, Abe Aronson, Herman Aronson, Abe Averbrook, Nate Natelson, Dr. S. Gingold, Charles Finkelstein, Dr. S. Gross, A. B. Kaplan, Irwin Oreck, Abe Oreckovsky, Julius Siegel, Lyle Oreck, Sam Garber, Sam Miller, Dr. M. P. Zack, Israel Oreck, Harry Altman, Maurice Altman, Louis Zurovsky and Alex Zurovsky.  </font> -   1914 11 3          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1914-11-3 Minnie Viener & Ida Oreck entertained.jpg"> 1914-11-3 Minnie Viener & Ida Oreck entertained</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1914-11-3 Miss Minnie Viener and Miss Ida Oreck entertained a dancing party at Talmud Torah auditorium. Eva Oreckowsky and Charles Finkelstein marriage. Chaperones Mr. and Mrs. Harry Silverman. Miss Bess Silverman  </font>     1914 11 3    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1914-11-6 ag Bess Silverman H. Silverman.pdf"> 1914-11-6 ag Bess Silverman H. Silverman</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1914-11-3 Miss Minnie Viener and Miss Ida Oreck entertained a dancing party at Talmud Torah auditorium. Eva Oreckowsky and Charles Finkelstein marriage. Chaperones Mr. and Mrs. Harry Silverman. Miss Bess Silverman  </font>     1914 11 6    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1915-3-16 Esther Simon and Samuel Drasin wed.jpg"> 1915-3-16 Esther Simon and Samuel Drasin wed</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> Esther Simon and Samuel Drasin wed. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Simon 420 East Fourth street, Samuel Draisn-Superior, Adas Israel synagogue, Rabbi Teplitz, Lillian Simon, Lillian Karon, Gust Simon, Samuel Simon, A. Berkson, T. Gotkin, D. Siegal, Dolly Shibel Howard Shibel, Talmud Torah, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Goldish, Miss Irene Figur, Mr. and Mrs. Dave Shibel, Gust Simon, Virginia, Minn.  </font>     1915 3 16          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1915-5-2 Silk, President 18 years, Talmud Torah.pdf"> 1915-5-2 Silk, President 18 years, Talmud Torah</A> -   1915 5 2    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1915-7-27 Rose Litman, Nathan Love wed.pdf"> 1915-7-27 Rose Litman, Nathan Love wed</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1915 Miss Rose Litman and Nathan Love wed., Adath Israel and Talmud Torah, Karodonsky, Clara Lutin, May Lukin, Dave Litman, Jal Litman, Clara Lutin-Hartford, Conn. Tillie Karodonsky-St. Paul, Mr. and Mrs. J. Levenstein-Hurley, Wis., Mr. and Mrs. Morris Litman-St. Paul, Mrs. Sarah Levenstein, Port Arthur, Canada.  </font> -   1915 7 27          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1915-8-1 Sadie Evana Berkson and Joseph Perlman wed..pdf"> 1915-8-1 Sadie Evana Berkson and Joseph Perlman wed.</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1915 Perlman-Berkson Wedding Takes Girl To Sacramento, Cal., photo,  Miss Sadie Evana Berkson. Mrs. Jennie Berkson, 613 East First street and Joseph Perlman, Sacramento, Cal. Dr. Maurice Lefkovitz. Bess Markowitz, Sara Hurvitch, Talmud Torah clubroom.   </font> -   1915 8 1          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1915-8-20 Florence Eva Rachlin and William Weizer wed, Cohen.pdf"> 1915-8-20 Florence Eva Rachlin and William Weizer wed, Cohen</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1915 Florence Eva Rachlin and William Weizer-Bellaire, Ohio, wed. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Michael Rachlin, 425 East Fifth street. Talmud Torah, Rev. W. Kissin, Mrs. Julius Goldberg-Minneapolis, Sarah Rachlin, Sarah Miller-Eau Claire, Wis., Gusta Cohen-Ohio, Mae Rocklin. Benjamin Gingold, Julius Goldberg, Sadie Gingold, Mrs. Samuel Cohen-Ohio, (sister of the bride), Mrs. Julius Goldberg-Minneapolis, Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Pavian, Ellen Zelda Pavian-St. Paul, Abe Rochlin, Al Rochlin,-St. Paul, Mrs. Samuel Cohen, Gusta Cohen-Ohio, B. Miller, Sarah Miller, Harvey Miller-Eau Claire, Wis. Weizer will make home in Bellaire, Ohio.  </font>     1915 8 20          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1915-10-15 Osewa, officers elected.pdf"> 1915-10-15 Osewa, officers elected</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1915 Osewa Club to Give "Hard Times" Party. Ida Tisbell Berkson, 613 East First street, Talmud Torah clubroom, Mary Simon, Bessie Simon, Sarah Kaner-Eveleth, Goldie Marks-Ironwood, Mich., Mollie Rosyn-Minneapolis.  </font> -   1915 10 15    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1916-1-6 Samuel Oreckovsky, will.pdf"> 1916-1-6 Samuel Oreckovsky, will</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1916 Wills Are Filed In Two Duluth Estates. Samuel Oreckovsky, Talmud Torah, Bickur Ghaulin charitable organizations, family, Ester Oreckovsky. </font> -   1916 1 6          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1916-1-19 Adas Israel, War Relief.pdf"> 1916-1-19 Adas Israel, War Relief</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1916 Jews Organize For War Relief. To Conduct City-Wide Campaign for Sricken Hebrews in Europe. Will Solicit Funds On Thursday, Jan. 27. May Call Mass Meeting After Campaign and Have New York Speaker. Central Jewish War Sufferers' associaion, Dr. Maurice Lefkovits, Joseph Oreckovsky, Charles D. Oreckovsky, B. Silberstein. J. L. Magnes-New York.   -- Organizations Represented. - Independent Order B'nai Brith - Duluth Hebrew lodge O.B.A. - Duluth City lodge O.B.A. . - Temple Emanuel. - Adas Israel congregation. - Kofered Israel congregation. - Shorae Tzdeck congregation. - Talmud Torah. - Jewish Socialist local. - Arbeit ring. - Young Women's Hebrew association. - Dr. Schecter's Zion Tent. - Sisters of Israel. - Kodivirim club. - Branch American Jewish relief committee. - Ladies' Aid of Temple Emanuel. - Young Women's library. - Bichur Choilim society. -(Interesting list to compare to the Jewish Organizations listed from 1880-1976)  </font> -   1916 1 19    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1916-2-28 Paul Gollop-Lillian Shenowsky wed.pdf"> 1916-2-28 Paul Gollop-Lillian Shenowsky wed</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1916-2-28  - 200 Guests Attend Wedding Ceremony. Miss Lillian Shenowsky and Peter Gollop wed in Talmud Torah hall, Third avenue East and Third street. Rabbi Tepliz. David Sanders, Esther Sander, Robert Gorodnitzky, Nora Shenowsky, Mr. and Mrs. J. Nesberg, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Shanedling and son-Virginia, 0Mr. and Mrs. George Nesberg-Eveleth. Lavick’s orchestra.  </font>     1916 2 28          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1916-9-11 Abe Glassman & Anna Siden wed.pdf"> 1916-9-11 Abe Glassman & Anna Siden wed</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1916 Glassman-Siden Wedding. Miss Anna Siden and Abe Glassman married at Talmud Torah hall. Third avenue East and Third street. 150 guests. Ida Siden-flower girl. Morris Kamenetzky-ring bearer.  </font>     1916 9 11          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1916-9-13 Sarah Kassmir & Morris Silk wed Talmud Torah.pdf"> 1916-9-13 Sarah Kassmir & Morris Silk wed Talmud Torah</A> - -  Sarah Kassmir and Morris W. Silk wed -   1916 9 13          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1916-9-13 Sarah Kassmir & Morris W. Silk wed Talmud Torah.pdf"> 1916-9-13 Sarah Kassmir & Morris W. Silk wed Talmud Torah</A> -   1916 9 13          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1916-9-13 Silk-Kasmir wedding Talmud Torah Hall.pdf"> 1916-9-13 Silk-Kasmir wedding Talmud Torah Hall</A> -   1916 9 13    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1916-10-4 Young Judea, Talmud Torah, Succah.pdf"> 1916-10-4 Young Judea, Talmud Torah, Succah</A> - -    </font><font size="1">  Judaea Club Will Celebrate Succoth, Rabbi Levine, Marvin Oreck, I. Levine, Jacob Tulman </font> -   1916 10 4          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1916-10-23 A. R. Latts and  Goldie Freedman wedding.pdf"> 1916-10-23 A. R. Latts and  Goldie Freedman wedding</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1916-10-23 Two Hundred Attend Latts-Freedman Wedding. Goldie Freedman, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. E. Freedman, 2222 West Michigan street, to A. R. Latts, Rabbi Israel Teplitz, Talmud Torah. Miss Sarah Rudnitsky, Sam Latts-brother of groom. return home to 475 Mesaba avenue.  </font>     1916 10 23          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1916-11-26 Socialism and Judaism, Talmud Torah.pdf"> 1916-11-26 Socialism and Judaism, Talmud Torah</A> - -    Socialist Leader To Lecture Here Tonight, Talmud torah, -   1916 11 26    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1916-11-26, Talmud Torah, Jewish girls education neglect.pdf"> 1916-11-26 Talmud Torah, Jewish girls education neglect</A> - -    </font><font size="1">  Dr. Schecter, Talmud Torah, “The Neglect to Give Jewish Girls a Jewish Education</font> -   1916 11 26          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1916-11-30 Talmud Torah 9th Ball.pdf"> 1916-11-30 Talmud Torah 9th Ball</A> -   1916 11 30          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1916-12-19 Solomon Kernes,golden ann.pdf"> 1916-12-19 Solomon Kernes,golden ann</A> - -  Mr. and Mrs. Solomon Kernes, celebrate golden wedding anniversary, Talmud Torah -   1916 12 19          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1917-1-16 Friedman Azine wedding Talmud Torah, Glass.pdf"> 1917-1-16 Friedman Azine wedding Talmud Torah, Glass</A> -   1917 1 16    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1917-1-16 Two Jewish weddings take place Sunday.pdf"> 1917-1-16 Two Jewish weddings take place Sunday</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1917 Two Marriages Take Place Sunday Evening - Friedman-Azine Nuptials Solemnized at Home of bride;  Latts-Rudnilzky Wedding at Talmud Torah Hall  </font>     1917 1 16    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1917-3-14 Talmud Torah Young Judea.pdf"> 1917-3-14 Talmud Torah Young Judea</A> - -  Young Judea org., New York Attorney To Lecture At Talmud Torah, Charles Cowen -   1917 3 14    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1917-5-6 Talmud Torah, American Jewish congress.pdf"> 1917-5-6 Talmud Torah, American Jewish congress</A> - -  </font><font size="1"> Jews Will Elect Congress Candidates, American Jewish Congress, Selma Oreckovsky-secretary </font> -   1917 5 6          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1917-5-20 Mr. and Mrs. K. Sander Shenowsky.pdf"> 1917-5-20 Mr. and Mrs. K. Sander Shenowsky</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1917-5-20 Honor Guest At Surprise Party. Photo, Mr. and Mrs. K. Sander. Given by daughter Mr. and Mrs. Roy M. Winner. Talmud Torah hall. 117 guests.  “Love Your Parents”, couple danced, Ruth Shenowsky, Louis Saunder, Lillie Lieberman sang solo, Miss L. Mark and Mrs. Martin Ruth musicians.  </font>     1917 5 20    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1917-9-13 ag Talmud Torah, Zionists, Weitzman.pdf"> 1917-9-13 ag Talmud Torah, Zionists, Weitzman</A> - - </font><font size="1">  Zionists Will Celebrate Arrival Of Jewish Leader, Prof. Chaim Weitzman, World Zionist org. </font> -   1917 9 13    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1920-4-16 Adas Israel, Talmud Torah Rabbi Burstin, Chicago.pdf"> 1920-4-16 Adas Israel, Talmud Torah Rabbi Burstin, Chicago</A> -   1920 4 16    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1920-9-12 Talmud Torah, services, Plotkin, Heller.pdf"> 1920-9-12 Talmud Torah, services, Plotkin, Heller</A> -   1920 9 12      
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1920-9-14 Adas Israel, Le Shono Tovo, Gam Atem.pdf"> 1920-9-14 Adas Israel, Le Shono Tovo, Gam Atem</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1920 Jews Of Duluth Exchange Happy New-YearGreetings. Le Shono Tovo. Gam Atem.  Talmud Torah, Cantor Braverman, Dr. Maurice Lefkovits, Temple Emanuel.   </font> -   1920 9 14          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1920-9-27 Talmud Torah $90,000, Plotkin.pdf"> 1920-9-27 Talmud Torah $90,000, Plotkin</A> -   1920 9 27          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1920-12-5 Adas Israel, Chanukah.pdf"> 1920-12-5 Adas Israel, Chanukah</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1920 Duluh Jews To Observe Feast Of Rededication, Adas Israel synagogue,Talmud Torah institute, Temple Emanuel.   </font> -   1920 12 5          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1921-9-18 Minnie Gershgall.pdf"> 1921-9-18 Minnie Gershgall</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1921 Young Judea Club Organized for Girls. The Daughters of Zion, Mrs. I. Lebindiger, Talmud Torah, Bessie Litman, Edith Sherman, Eva Lent, Gertrude Sosnosky, Minnie Gershgall, Ida Sclarow, Lena Litman.   </font> -   1921 9 18          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1922-4-28 Eveleth, Ephraim Frier, Hebrew teacher.pdf"> 1922-4-28 Eveleth, Ephraim Frier, Hebrew teacher</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1922  Eveleth: To Instruct Jewish Youth The Talmud Torah of Eveleth engaged Ephraim Frier from Minneapolis to instruct Jewish children in the Hebrew language.  </font> -   1922 4 28    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1922-8-4 Lebendiger, Talmud torah picnic.pdf"> 1922-8-4 Lebendiger, Talmud torah picnic</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1922 Games, Races to Feature Talmud Torah Picnic, Hebrew institute, Lester park, Rabbi Israel Lebendiger, Julius Garon, I. Garon, Charles Oreckovsky, Miss Mamie Weinberg, League of Nations.   </font>     1922 8 4          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1922-8-4 Garon, Games, Talmud Torah picnic.pdf"> 1922-8-4 Garon, Games, Talmud Torah picnic</A> - -   headline  -   1922 8 4          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1922-8-4 Talmud Torah picnic, Julius and Israel Garon.pdf"> 1922-8-4 Talmud Torah picnic, Julius and Israel Garon</A> -   1922 8 4          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1922-12-23 Eveleth, Student play, Simon Sax.pdf"> 1922-12-23 Eveleth, Student play, Simon Sax</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1922 Eveleth: Students To Give Play. Talmud Torah, Rabbi E. F. Freier, Bernice Weiner, Ann Siegel, Rosalyn Ellis, Meyer Perlman, Ruth Feldman, Simon Sax, Gertrude Siegel, Jake Weinberg.  </font> -   1922 12 23      
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1895-4-10 Levin Minneapolis Kenneseth Israel Passover.pdf"> 1895-4-10 Levin Minneapolis Kenneseth Israel Passover</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1895 A Jewish Law Point. David Naftalen and David Berman, Kennesseth Israel, Minneapolis, Trustee Levin, Passover.   </font>     1895 4 10          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1896-6-1 Brith Abraham-Minneapolis benevolent endowment.pdf"> 1896-6-1 Brith Abraham-Minneapolis benevolent endowment</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1896 Brith Abraham's Spread. The Jewish Society Celebrates 10th Anniversary Minneapolis lodge No. 83.Rabbi Yaffe, Gould, Max Halk, A. N. Berman, President J. Gittleson.</font> -   1896 6 1          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1910-10-12 Maurice Berman and Lena Levin ml..pdf"> 1910-10-12 Maurice Berman and Lena Levin ml.</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1910 Maurice Berman and Lena Levin, marriage license.  </font>     1910 10 12    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1919-10-19 Jewish ad, Weisberg.pdf"> 1919-10-19 Jewish ad, Weisberg</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1919 Jewish Ad. Help the Stricken Jews of Europe by Giving Clothes. Sam Berman, L. Weisberg, M. Berger, H. Stein.  Note:  Unusual to have an ad with Hebrew characters. Translation of yiddisih in the ad:   HELP!           HELP!  GREAT IS THE CATASTROPHY OF OUR JEWISH PEOPLE.  OUTSIDE-TORN-NAKED AND BAREFOOT.  OUR BROTHERS AND SISTERS GO AROUND IN THIS POGROM LANDS AND TO  US AMERICAN JEWS THEY STRETCH OUT THEIR HAND AND HOLLER HELP!  HELP!  AND WE CALL OUT TO YOU JEWS OF DULUTH, GIVE AWAY PART OF YOUR CLOTHES.  PREPARE YOUR BUNDLES, CALL AND THIS COMMITTEE WILL COME AND PICK THEM UP. "THIS LINE IS THE DATE REPEATED"   PUT IN A SPOOL OF THREAD AND NEEDLES. TIE EACH PAIR OF SHOES SEPARATELY. - translation to  Marilyn Chait and Herman Markowitz - -  <A HREF="images2/news/1919-10-19 Jewish ad, Weisberg.jpg">cropped image with translation</A></font>     1919 10 19    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1920-6-24 B'nai Brith Lodge, Ashland, WI Resnick.pdf"> 1920-6-24 B'nai Brith Lodge, Ashland, WI Resnick</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1920 B'nai Brith Lodge Is Organized In Ashland With 39 Members. Moses Atlas lodge. Joseph I. Levy, I. Berman, Joseph Dave Rabinavitch, Harry Scharf, H. Yafee, H. Millavetz, I. Schwager, I.N. Laurie, Frank Milavetz, Harry A. Levy, Joe Cohen, Mose Cohen, Sam Holstein, Ben Milavetz, William Scharf, M. J. Seaman, Edmund Levy, Leon A. Schwager, M. Saxe, J. Siegel, A. Siegel, Charles Shoresman, Louis Rosenzwag, Sol Corush, Abe Latts, Barny Resnick, I. W. Mark, Dr. Bernard Schloosman, I. Berman, Charles Goreich, Isaac Levitt, Samuel Sherbacov, Benjamin Chatkin, Leon Siegel, Abe Goldfine, Samuel Rabinovich, A. D. Cohen, Abe Steinberg, Abe Levitt.  </font>     1920 6 24          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1920-6-24 B'nai Brith Lodge, Ashland, WI Resnick 2.pdf"> 1920-6-24 B'nai Brith Lodge, Ashland, WI Resnick</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1920 B'Nai Brith Lodge Is Organized In Ashland With 39 Members. Ashland, Wis. Independent Order of B'nai Brith, Moses Atlas lodge, Joseph I. Levy, I. Berman, Joseph Cohan, M J. Seaman, William Scharf, Charles Shoresman, Harry Levy, Abe Latts, Levitt, Sol Corush, Sam Rabinavitch, Jose Levy, William Rabinovitch, Dave Rabinovitch, Harry Scharf, H. Yafee, H. Milavetz, I. C. Schwager, I. N. Laurie, Frank Milavez, Harry A. Levy, Joe Cohen, Mose Cohen, Sam Holstein, Ben Milavetz, William Scharf, M. J. Seaman, Edmund Levy, Leon A. Schwager, M. Saxe, J. Siegel, A. Siegel, Charles Shoresman, Louis Rosanzwag, Sol Corush, Abe Latts, Barney Resnik, L. W. Mark, Dr. Bernard Schlossman, I. Berman, Charles Goreich, Isaac Levitt, Samuel Sherbacov, Benjamin Chatlkin, Leon Siegel, Abe Goldfine, Samuel Rabinovich, A. D. Cohen, Abe Steinberg, and Abe Levitt.  </font>     1920 6 24          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1920-6-24 Abe Latts.pdf"> 1920-6-24 Abe Latts</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1920-6-24 B’nai Brith Lodge Is Organized In Ashland With 39 Members. Ashland, Wis. Moses Atlas Lodge. Joseph I. Levy, I. Berman, Joseph Cohan, M. J. Seaman, William Scharf, Charles Shoresman, Harry Levy, Abe Latts, I. Levitt, Sol Corush, Sam Rabinavitch, Joe Levy, William Rabinovitch, Dave Rabinovitch, Harry Scharf, H. Yafee, H. Milavetz, I. C. Schwager, I. N. Laurie, Frank Milavetz, Harry A. Levy, Joe Cohen, Mose Cohen, Sam Holstein, Ben Milavetz, William Scharf, M. J. Seaman, Edmund Levy, Leon A. Schwager, M. Saxe, J. Siegel, A. Siegel, Charles Shoreman, Louis Rosenzwag, Sol Coruch, Abe Latts, Barny Resnick, L. W. Mark, Dr. Bernard Schloosman, I. Berman, Charles Goreich, Isaac Levitt, Samuel Sherbacov, Benjamin Chatkin, Leon Siegel, Abe Goldfine, Samuel Rabinovich, A. D. Cohen, Abe Steinberg, Abe Levitt.   - -   <A HREF="images2/news/1920-6-24 B’nai Brith Lodge list.jpg">image - list of names</A></font></font>     1920 6 24          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1920-10-8 A. Y. Litman, Workingmen.pdf"> 1920-10-8 A. Y. Litman, Workingmen</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1920 Workingmen's Loan Association Hears Report Of Secretary. A. Y. Litman, 129 North Twentieth avenue West. organization began in 1916, 90 members, loans without interest. B. Crystal, S. Berman, A. Y. Litman, B. Gurovich, Louis Love, L. Truman, J. Shusterman.  </font> -   1920 10 8          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1953-9 Sandra Goldfine & Leon Weiner wedding.jpg"> 1953-9 Sandra Goldfine & Leon Weiner wedding</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1953-9 Sandra Goldfine & Leon Weiner wedding. Photo Sandra Rae Goldfine, Leon Weiner Wed. Temple Emanuel. 1722 East Seventh street,  daughter of Fannie Goldfine. Son of Mrs. Esther Weiner and Isadore Weiner-Houston, Texas. Erwin Goldfine, Mrs. Manley Goldfine, Mrs. Bernard Bell, Miss Lottie Frankel-Houston, Cecil Berman-Los Angeles, Raena Goldfine, Tammi Gershgol, Harriett Bergstein, Isadore Weiner, Sol Weiner, Abe Weiner, Bernard Bell, Max Kamen-Houston, William Overman, Manley Goldfine. Home at 102 Carson Courts-Houston. - - Out of town guests: Mrs. Isadore Weiner, Mrs. Abe Weiner and son, Mrs. Sol Weiner, Mrs. Max Kamen-Houston, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Frank,-Denver, Janice Kessel-Roswell, N.M., Joan and Barbara Heilbranner-Milwaukee, Mr. and Mrs. Al Zatkin, Mr. and Mrs. Morris Lavick-Oakland, Elmer Widman-Los Angeles, Mr. and Mrs. Max Falk-Sioux City, Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Betten, Mr. and Mrs. Merril Rogoff, Mr. and Mrs. Morris Miller, Mr. and Mrs. Herman Miller-Green Bay, Mrs. Walter Bloch-Burlington, IA, Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Bernstein, and Mr. and Mrs. Jack Dorfman, Chicago  </font>     1953 9 0.9          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1891-10-30 Henry Bloom and Herman Jaffe, fight.pdf"> 1891-10-30 Henry Bloom and Herman Jaffe, fight</A> -   1891 10 30    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1892-2-28 Max Bloom and Jennie Shapira m. lic..pdf"> 1892-2-28 Max Bloom and Jennie Shapira m. lic.</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1892 Max Bloom and Jennie Shapira marriage license, Judge Morris  </font> -   1892 2 28          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1898-3-27 Loeb, Silberstein, Gidding.pdf"> 1898-3-27 Loeb, Silberstein, Gidding</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1898 Quiet Home Wedding. Miss Florence Silberstein and Jacob M. Gidding Married. Affair a Quiet One and Takes Place at Home of Bride's Parents-Mr. and Mrs. Gidding Leave on Extended Wedding Trip Before Going to Their Home in Bloomsberg, Pa.-Many Handsome Presents. Mr. and Mrs. B. Silberstein,  Dr. Sigmund Frey, Edward A. Silberstein, Irene Silberstein. Mrs. A. Bondy, Mr. and Mrs. L. R. Bondy, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Winterfield, Miss Fannie Weiss-Denver, George L. Ryan-Tower, Sadie Plechner-  St. Paul, Robert Marcus, Mr. and Mrs. Philip Weiss-grandparents-Detroit. Joseph Silberstein-Budapest.  </font> -   1898 3 27    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1901-7-21 Temple Emanuel party on steamer.jpg"> 1901-7-21 Temple Emanuel party on steamer</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1901-7-21 Temple Emanuel, party of the steamer Bloomer Girl.   </font>     1901 7 21          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1901-7-24 Hebrew congregation girls.pdf"> 1901-7-24 Hebrew congregation girls</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1901 Hebrew Congregation,excursion Steamer Bloomer Girl   </font>     1901 7 24          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1904-6-29 Karon Kenigsberg marriage.pdf"> 1904-6-29 Karon Kenigsberg marriage</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1904 Karon-Kenigsberg. Miss Edith Grace Karon and David Kenigsberg, S. Karon, Signor Valenza, Helen Karon, Louis Zalk, Hattie Shapiro, Max Coddon, Goldie Karon, Rev. Mr. Truiblatt, S. L. Mark, Sadie and May MarkEtta and Esther Coddon, Max Coddon, Mr. and Mrs. Shapiro, Mr. and Mrs. Goldeen, Mr. and Mrs. B. Kaner, Mr. and Mrs. S?, Mr. and Mrs. Bloom, Mr. and Mrs. Sher, Mr. and Mrs. Mark Britz, Milton Rosenberger, J. L. Zalk, E. Helperin and Ben Shapiro </font> -   1904 6 29          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1904-7-3 Kenisberg wed..pdf"> 1904-7-3 Kenisberg wed.</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1904 Edith Karon and John Kenigsberg wedding, S. Karon, Helen Karon, Louis Zalk, Mr. and Mrs. Kenigsberg, Mr. and Mrs. E. Siegel, Mr. and Mrs. H. Mark, Miss Sarah Mark, Miss Rose Cohen, Julius Cohen, Sam Cohen, B. Cohen, Isadore Cohen, Sadie and May Mark, Etta and Esther Codden, Mr. and Mrs. Shapiro, Mr. and Mrs. Goldeen, Mr. and Mrs. B. Kaner, Mr. and Mrs. Somerheld, Mr. and Mrs. Bloom, Mr. and Mrs. Sher, M. and Mrs. Mark Britz, Max Coddon, N. Rochstein, Milton Rosenberger, E. Helpern, Ben Shapiro.  </font> -   1904 7 3    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1905-1-9 Joseph Zalk, Zion.pdf"> 1905-1-9 Joseph Zalk, Zion</A> - -  </font><font size="1"> Lovers of Zion Install Officers, M. Shere, Joseph Zalk, M. E. Osherman, D. J. Bloom, William Schlosberg, Holzberg, Marcovitch  </font> -   1905 1 9          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1906-2-28 Dancing Party, Karon, Rocklin, Bloom, Cohen.pdf"> 1906-2-28 Dancing Party, Karon, Rocklin, Bloom, Cohen</A> - -   Dancing Party At Temple Hall, Bloom, many guests -   1906 2 28    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1906-2-28 M Bloom, dance.pdf"> 1906-2-28 M Bloom, dance</A> -   1906 2 28          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1906-3-4 Kenigsberg.pdf"> 1906-3-4 Kenigsberg</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1906 Mr. and Mrs. M. Bloom, H. Kassimer, D. Kenigsberg, Max Shapiro, Louis Oreck, G. Oreck, J. Siegel, A. Polinsky, Mrs. S. Karon, Mrs. Milavitz, Helen Karon, Bessie Rocklin, Sadie Rocklin, Lizzie Helperin, Della Siegel, Sarah Simon, Hattie Shapira, Sophie Winstien, Sarah Milavitz, Clara Shapiro, Bessie Markevitz, Mary Shapiro, Selma Kasmir, Eva Kasmir, Minnie Winstein, Rabbi Mendel Silber, Allan Rocklin, Milton Rosenberger, Louis Kanter, Harry Winstein, Isadore Cohen, Julius Siegel, Herman Aronsohn, Louis Zalk, Zien, H. Kernos.  </font> -   1906 3 4    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1906-3-27 Virginia, H. Bloom, 75th birthday, Nathanson.pdf"> 1906-3-27 Virginia, H. Bloom, 75th birthday, Nathanson</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> Party at Virginia in honor of H. Bloom at the house of Mr and Mrs H J Nathanson  </font> -   1906 3 27          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1906-5-1 I. Garon & Samuel Bloom end partnership.pdf"> 1906-5-1 I. Garon & Samuel Bloom end partnership</A> -   1906 5 1          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1906-6-9 Emma Karon-Herman Bloom, jilted.pdf"> 1906-6-9 Emma Karon-Herman Bloom, jilted</A> -   1906 6 9    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1906-12-27 Abe Cohen, Samuel Bloom.pdf"> 1906-12-27 Abe Cohen, Samuel Bloom</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1906 Claims Company Was Negligent. Abe Cohen-18 years old crushed to death, Samuel Bloom, Superior Ship Building company, 11-10-1905 accident.  </font>     1906 12 27    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1907-2-27 Annie Marion Sher and David Weinberg wed, Hurvitz.pdf"> 1907-2-27 Annie Marion Sher and David Weinberg wed, Hurvitz</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1907 Annie Marion Sher and David Weinberg wed.   Rabbi Teplitz, Ida Sher, Rose Kenner, Harry Weinberg, Frank Sher, guests: Shapiro, Milevitz, D. Simon, E. Cohen, Lieberman, Sher, Lewis, B. Caren, Sher, Cone, Barney Cone, I. Cone, J. Cone, Bloom, Aarenson, Hurvitz, C. Marcus, Harris, Jennie Markus.  </font> -   1907 2 27    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1908-10-11 Hibbing, Nathanson Bros., Bloom.pdf"> 1908-10-11 Hibbing, Nathanson Bros., Bloom</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1908 New Department Store At Hibbing. Superior and Virginia People Will Open Business Beginning of New Year. Nathanson Bros. & Bloom  </font> -   1908 10 11          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1910-1-2 Siegel.pdf"> 1910-1-2 Siegel</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1910 Master Norman and Harold Lasky, Hammond avenue, 10th and seventh birtdays, Nathan Siegel, Paul Franklin-New York City, Minnie Holzberg, Sara Litman-Duluth, Chauncey Miller, David Miller, Sylvia Siegel, Archie Siegel, Edythe Lasky, Birdie Weingarten, Helen Weingarten, Benjamin Siegel, Marian Shonesman-Coleraine, Minn., Lois Bloom-Minneapolis.  (full page) </font> -   1910 1 2    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1910-1-2 Siegel c.jpg"> 1910-1-2 Siegel c</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1910 Master Norman and Harold Lasky, Hammond avenue, 10th and seventh birtdays, Nathan Siegel, Paul Franklin-New York City, Minnie Holzberg, Sara Litman-Duluth, Chauncey Miller, David Miller, Sylvia Siegel, Archie Siegel, Edythe Lasky, Birdie Weingarten, Helen Weingarten, Benjamin Siegel, Marian Shonesman-Coleraine, Minn., Lois Bloom-Minneapolis. (cropped version as jpg image) </font> -   1910 1 2          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1911-9-15 Samuel Bloom obit..pdf"> 1911-9-15 Samuel Bloom obit.</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1911 Member Of Pioneer Family Brought Home For Burial, obituary, Superior. Rabbi Bloom of Hibbing, father.  </font> -   1911 9 15          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1912-10-9 Rose Bloom obit..pdf"> 1912-10-9 Rose Bloom obit.</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1912 Funeral Yesterday For Late Mrs. Rose Bloom, obituary, Mrs. J. Weingarten, Sam Bloom, Fremeta, Mr. and Mrs. M. Hellerman, Mrs. A. Cohen, Mrs. N. Hyman, Mary Hellerman, Sarah Hellerman, Harry Hellerman.  </font> -   1912 10 9          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1912-10-9 Rose Bloom obit..pdf"> 1912-10-9 Rose Bloom obit.</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1912 Funeral Yesterday For Late Mrs. Rose Bloom. 31 years old, Mrs. J. Weingarten, 1620 Ogden avenue. Sam Bloom, Fremeta, Mr. and Mrs. M. Hellerman, Mrs. J. Weingarten, Mrs. A. Cohen, Mrs. N. Hyman, Mary Hellerman, Sarah Hellerman, Harry Hellerman.   </font> -   1912 10 9    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1912-10-9 Mrs. Rose Bloom obit..pdf"> 1912-10-9 Mrs. Rose Bloom obit.</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1912 Funeral Yesterday For Late Mrs. Rose Bloom, 31 years old, sister Mrs. J. Weingarten, 1620 Ogden avenue, husand Sam Bloom, 7 year old daughter Fremeta, father and mother Mr. and Mrs. M. Hellerman of New York City, five sisters, Mrs. J. Weingarten, Mrs. A. Cohen-Duluth, Mrs. N. Hyman-Jersey City, N. J.. Mary and Sarah Hellerman-NYC, Harry Hellerman, brother-NYC.  </font>     1912 10 9          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1913-2-9 Max Bloom, Isaac Bloom father.pdf"> 1913-2-9 Max Bloom, Isaac Bloom father</A> -   1913 2 9          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1914-1-1 Rose Bloom, Henry L. Lavick.pdf"> 1914-1-1 Rose Bloom, Henry L. Lavick</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1914 Rose Bloom and Henry L. Lavick, engagement. Mr. and Mrs. J. Bloom, Marshfield, Wis.  </font> -   1914 1 1          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1914-1-1 Jewish Chautauqua, book club.jpg"> 1914-1-1 Jewish Chautauqua, book club</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1914 Jewish Chautauqua, book club, Dr. M. Lefkovits, Mrs. E. A. Silberstein.  - - <A HREF="images2/news/1914-1-1 Rose Bloom and Henry L. Lavick.pdf"> full page</A></font>     1914 1 1          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1914-1-1 Lavick’s orchestra will furnish music.jpg"> 1914-1-1 Lavick’s orchestra will furnish music</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1914 Fidelity Lodge No. 105, A.O.U.W. social entertainment, Maccabee hall, 21 Lake avenue North, Degree of Honor. Lavick’s orchestra will furnish music for dancing.  - - <A HREF="images2/news/1914-1-1 Rose Bloom and Henry L. Lavick.pdf"> full page</A></font>     1914 1 1          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1914-1-1 Mr & Mrs B Silberstein entertained.jpg"> 1914-1-1 Mr & Mrs B Silberstein entertained</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1914 Mr. and Mrs. B. Silbertein. 31 West Second Street. Entertained.   - - <A HREF="images2/news/1914-1-1 Rose Bloom and Henry L. Lavick.pdf"> full page</A></font>     1914 1 1    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1914-1-1 Rose Bloom & Henry Lavick engaged.jpg"> 1914-1-1 Rose Bloom & Henry Lavick engaged</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1914-1-1 Mr. and Mrs. J. Bloom of Marshfield, Wis., engagement of daughter, Miss Rose Bloom to Henry L. Lavick.  - - <A HREF="images2/news/1914-1-1 Rose Bloom and Henry L. Lavick.pdf"> full page</A></font>     1914 1 1          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1915-6-8 second hand bus. lic. D. Bloomenthal.pdf"> 1915-6-8 second hand bus. lic. D. Bloomenthal</A> - -   Second hand business license, D. Bloomenthal and L. Rosenbloom -   1915 6 8    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1916-1-26 Relief of Jews, Ben Bloomenthal, etc.pdf"> 1916-1-26 Relief of Jews, Ben Bloomenthal, etc</A> - -   Campaigners Named For Relief Of Jews, Charles D. Oreckosky, Louis Zalk, Silberstein, Freimuth, and many more. </font> -   1916 1 26          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1917-5-5 Hibbing Orchestra.jpg"> 1917-5-5 Hibbing Orchestra</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1917 Hibbing Orchestra will play - names mentioned include James Lindeke, N Nides, H Bloom, Ben Karon  </font>     1917 5 5          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1919-5-20 Cohen-Golden wed, guests, Nathanson, Bloom, Osherman, Rabbi Sugarman, Yager, Levy.pdf"> 1919-5-20 Cohen-Golden wed, guests, Nathanson, Bloom, Osherman, Rabbi Sugarman, Yager, Levy</A> -   1919 5 20          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1919-5-20 May Cohen and Samuel Golden wed, Rabbi Teplitz,.pdf"> 1919-5-20 May Cohen and Samuel Golden wed, Rabbi Teplitz,</A>  - - </font><font size="1"> 1919  May Cohen and Samuel Golden wed, Rabbi I. Teplitz, May Wedding At Synagogue Attractive. Miss Cohen Became the Bride of S. Golden; To Live Here. S. Cohen, Fern Nathanson, Leona Cohen, Edith Karon, Bessie Golden, A. B. Wolvin (Wolfan), H. J. Nathanson, H. Bloom, Bessie and Tobie Osherman, Rabbi and Mrs. Sugarman, Max Yager, M. Levy.  </font> -   1919 5 20          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1919-5-20 May Cohen and Samuel Golden wed.pdf"> 1919-5-20 May Cohen and Samuel Golden wed</A>   - -  </font><font size="1"> 1919 May Wedding At Synagogue Attractive. Miss Cohen Became the Bride of S. Golden; To Live Here. Adas Israel synagogue, May Cohen, Samuel Golden, Rabbi I. Teplitz, Mrs. S. Cohen, Fern Nathanson-Virginia, Leona Cohen, Edith Karon, Bessie Golden, A. B. Wolvin-Chicago, Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Nathanson-Virginia, Mr. and Mrs. H. Bloom, Bessie and Tobie Osherman-Hibbing, Rabbi and Mrs. Sugarman-Virginia, Max Yager, M. Levy-Minneapolis.   </font>     1919 5 20          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1919-7-10 Hibbing.pdf"> 1919-7-10 Hibbing</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1919 Hibbing Zionists Elect Officers. New York Leader UrgesJews to Work For Restoration of Palestine. Hibbing, Dr. H. Grossman-NY, E. W. Wool fan, Rev. R. Gusse, A. Sachs, E. G. Bloom, Charles Hallock, Mrs. Hallock, Louis Holstein, Maurice Wolft, Aron Ballet.Gathering from Chisholm, Buhl, Kinney, Virginia, Duluth, Eveleth.  </font>     1919 7 10          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1920-11-15 Samuel Bloom obit.pdf"> 1920-11-15 Samuel Bloom obit</A> -   1920 11 15          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1920-11-15 Samuel Bloom obit..pdf"> 1920-11-15 Samuel Bloom obit.</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1920 Member Of Pioneer Family Brought Home For Burial. 48, a member of the Bloom family of Superior. Lived in Chicago for 15 years. relatives in Duluth and Mesaba range towns. Rabbi Bloom of Hibbing was his father.  </font>     1920 11 15          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1920-11-17 Samuel Bloom obit.pdf"> 1920-11-17 Samuel Bloom obit</A> -   1920 11 17    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1921-7-3 Hibbing, Rosenberg.pdf"> 1921-7-3 Hibbing, Rosenberg</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1921 One Million Dollar Moving Sale, Hibbing Venture Planned By Merchants. Removal To New Town Reason For Great Stock Cut. Buyers Will Be Attracted From Far and Wide to Aid, Bargain Hunters Wait. B. M. Lippman, H. L. Nides, Louis Helstein, E. S. Woolfan, M. E. Osherman,  Morton Markell, Heiman Bloom, Sol Sapero, , N. Nides.  </font>     1921 7 3          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1922-12-15 D. Bloomenthal, Tailor.pdf"> 1922-12-15 D. Bloomenthal, Tailor</A> -   1922 12 15          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1922-12-25 Holiday, Hazel Bloomenthal.pdf"> 1922-12-25 Holiday, Hazel Bloomenthal</A> - -   headline  -   1922 12 25    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1944-12 Henry I Bloom Pfc obit 1944-12 JFN age 19.jpg"> 1944-12 Henry I Bloom Pfc obit 1944-12 JFN age 19</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1944 Killed in Action:  Pfc Henry I Bloom age 19 in France  -  son of Mrs Rose Bloom</font>     1944 12 0.9    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/2011-1-11 Geoffrey Aaron Bloom & Arielle Nicole Bear  engaged AJW.jpg"> 2011-1-11 Geoffrey Aaron Bloom & Arielle Nicole Bear  engaged </A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> American Jewish World  </font>     2011 1 11    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1897-3-11 H. Berkowitz.pdf"> 1897-3-11 H. Berkowitz</A> -   1897 3 11          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1906-8-31 Hebrew Club Berkovitz, Lurye, Pomish, Karon, Kaner, Milavitz, Jaffe.pdf"> 1906-8-31 Hebrew Club</A> - -   Hebrew Club To Meet On Sunday, Berkovitz, Lurye, Pomish, Karon, Kaner, Berkowitz, Jaffe -   1906 8 31    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1906-11-11 Harry Berkowitz.pdf"> 1906-11-11 Harry Berkowitz</A> -   1906 11 11    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1906-11-11 Karon, Goldish, Berkowitz.pdf"> 1906-11-11 Karon, Goldish, Berkowitz</A> -   1906 11 11          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1906-11-11 Lena Karon, Cohen, Edelson, Goldish, Brown, Zalk, Berkowitz, Simon, Slonim.pdf"> 1906-11-11 Lena Karon, Cohen, Edelson, Goldish, Brown, Zalk, Berkowitz, Simon, Slonim</A> -   1906 11 11          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1913-3-24 Alice Berkowitz.pdf"> 1913-3-24 Alice Berkowitz</A> -   1913 3 24    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1913-3-24 Barney Berkowitz.pdf"> 1913-3-24 Barney Berkowitz</A> -   1913 3 24    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1916-1-31 B. Berkowitz.pdf"> 1916-1-31 B. Berkowitz</A> -   1916 1 31          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1916-5-22 Abraham R. , Roy Latts and others.pdf"> 1916-5-22 Abraham R. , Roy Latts and others</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1916-5-22 Many Permits Renewed. Saloon Licenses: Henry Casmir. Pool and Billiards: Harry Silk, 210 West Superior street, 6 pool tables   Second-Hand Stores: Philip Gordon, Roy Latts, J. L. Siegel, Abraham R. Latts, H. Berkowitz, N. Kaplan, D. Ostrov, A. Winer, J. Oreckovsky, Sam Gold, G. Green.   Pawn Shops: Jacob D. Siegel, Moscovitch 7 Rose, Abraham R. Latts, Samuel Barnard.  - - Notes: - - Henry Casmir is the son of Louis Casmir, the one who signed a lot of the death certifcates - - L Bergstein - father of Albert Bergstein, who was a big figure in the Jewish Community - - R F Berdie - Robert F Berdie, ties back to the Freimuth tree - - Harry Silk - married to Rae Holzberg, on my Holzberg tree also the Hallock tree - - J Altman -  Joseph Altman married to Sara Oreckovsky Altman, Oreck tree - - J H Altman - John H Altman, son of Joseph & Sara Oreckovsky Altman - - B Davidson - Benjamin Davidson married to Lena Kris,  - - Albert Bergstein - - - Philip Gordon - married to Ida Kapilow - - Philip Block - married to Jennie Kaner, Karon tree - - Roy Latts - married to Sarah, father of Lena, - - Abraham, Samuel and Morris Lattsv - - J L Siegel - Julius L Siegel married to Anna Slonim, on Karon tree - - Abraham R Latts - married to Goldie Friedman, son of Roy Latts - - H Berkowitz - a few choices, no real perfect match so far - - N Kaplan - wonder if should be M but no perfect match - - D Ostrov - David Ostrov married to Lena Cohen, on Karon tree - - L Tulman - Louis Tulman married to Fannie Litman and then Celia Love, Litman tree - - Morris Even - married to Sadie London, Karsner tree - - A Winer - Abraham Winer married to Jennie Ostrov, Charlie Ostrov - - J Oreckovsky - Joseph Oreckovsky married to Hannah Oreckovsky, Oreck tree - - Sam Gold - married to Lillie Tuman, - - G Green - not sure if Jewish - - Jacob D Siegel - married to Annie Cohen, his son is Julius Siegel  - Moscovitch & Rose - not sure about them  -- Abraham R Latts - above,  </font>     1916 5 22          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1916-9-26 H. Berkowitz-nauralization application.pdf"> 1916-9-26 H. Berkowitz-nauralization application</A> -   1916 9 26          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1922-6-3 H. Berkowitz-killing cattle.pdf"> 1922-6-3 H. Berkowitz-killing cattle</A> -   1922 6 3          
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/2011-5-12 Esther Bubley work on display at Duluth Art Institute.htm"> 2011-5-12 Esther Bubley work on display at Duluth Art Institute</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> Her life 'on assignment' - Superior native Eshter Bubley ’s work will be on display through Aug. 7 at the Duluth Art Institute  </font>     1900 1 0  
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/2011-5-15 Esther Bubley.htm"> 2011-5-15 Esther Bubley</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> Photographer from Superior captured era for future historians   </font>     1900 1 0        
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/2011-6-6 Esther Bubley - Superiors Unknown Daughter.htm"> 2011-6-6 Esther Bubley - Superiors Unknown Daughter</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> After graduating from Superior Central High School, Bubley attended Superior State Teachers College   </font>     1900 1 0  
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1913-5-28 Edward Bubley, Edelstein.pdf"> 1913-5-28 Edward Bubley, Edelstein</A> - -   headline -   1913 5 28  
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1913-5-28 Virginia, Latz Bros. vs. Bubley and Edelstein.pdf"> 1913-5-28 Virginia, Latz Bros. vs. Bubley and Edelstein</A> -   1913 5 28  
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1913-7-23 Hibbing, Latz Brothers, Bubley, Edelstein.pdf"> 1913-7-23 Hibbing, Latz Brothers, Bubley, Edelstein</A> -   1913 7 23  
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1913-11-9 Virginia,David Shapiro, Ida Gordon Bubley.pdf"> 1913-11-9 Virginia,David Shapiro, Ida Gordon Bubley</A> - -   headline  -   1913 11 9        
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1916-1-29 Citizenship, Edward Bubley.pdf"> 1916-1-29 Citizenship, Edward Bubley</A> - -   headline -   1916 1 29        
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1917-7-21 Virginia, Louis and Edward Bubley, draft.pdf"> 1917-7-21 Virginia, Louis and Edward Bubley, draft</A> - -   headline -   1917 7 21        
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1917-12-10 Chisholm Bubley and Lewis engagement.pdf"> 1917-12-10 Chisholm Bubley and Lewis engagement</A> - -   Chisholm: Esther Winifred Lewis and Edward Bubley  -   1917 12 10        
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1918-6-30 Edward Bubley, duplex house.pdf"> 1918-6-30 Edward Bubley, duplex house</A> - -   headline -   1918 6 30  
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1918-8-11 Mrs. L. Bubley.pdf"> 1918-8-11 Mrs. L. Bubley</A> - -   headline -   1918 8 11        
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1920-4-9 Chisholm, Gordon, Bubley, Kaner.pdf"> 1920-4-9 Chisholm, Gordon, Bubley, Kaner</A> -   1920 4 9        
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1920-4-9 Chisholm, Gordon, Bubley, Siegel,Kaner.pdf"> 1920-4-9 Chisholm, Gordon, Bubley, Siegel,Kaner</A> -   1920 4 9  
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1920-4-9 Chisholm, Katz, Gordon, Holstein, Kaner, Garber, Siegel, Bubley, Jaffe.pdf"> 1920-4-9 Chisholm, Katz, Gordon, Holstein, Kaner, Garber, Siegel, Bubley, Jaffe</A> -   1920 4 9  
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1920-4-9 Chisholm, Katz, J. Jaffe, Bubley, Holstein, Kaner, Gordon.pdf"> 1920-4-9 Chisholm, Katz, J. Jaffe, Bubley, Holstein, Kaner, Gordon</A> -   1920 4 9  
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1920-4-9 Chisholm, Katz, Jaffe, Bubley, Holstein, Kaner, Gordon.pdf"> 1920-4-9 Chisholm, Katz, Jaffe, Bubley, Holstein, Kaner, Gordon</A> - -   headline  -   1920 4 9  
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1920-4-9 ag Chisholm, Gordon, Bubley, Siegel,Kaner,.pdf"> 1920-4-9 ag Chisholm, Gordon, Bubley, Siegel,Kaner,</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1920 Chisholm - Mrs Sam Katz and guests Mr and Mrs Ben Gordon, Mr and Mrs Paul Holstein, Mr and Mrs J Kaner and Mr and Mrs MW Gordon all of Virginia.  Also, Mr and Mrs M Garber, Mr and Mrs M Siegel, Mr and Mrs Ed Bubley and J Jaffe of Hibbing  </font>     1920 4 9        
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1920-4-14 Edward Bubley, holdup.pdf"> 1920-4-14 Edward Bubley, holdup</A> - -   headline -   1920 4 14  
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1920-12-16 Bubley.pdf"> 1920-12-16 Bubley</A> - -   headline -   1920 12 16  
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1920-12-16 Edward Bubley, Lewis, Latz.pdf"> 1920-12-16 Edward Bubley, Lewis, Latz</A> - -   headline  -   1920 12 16  
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1920-12-16 Lewis, Latz Bubley.pdf"> 1920-12-16 Lewis, Latz Bubley</A> -   1920 12 16  
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1905-10-12 S. Chucker, building permit.pdf"> 1905-10-12 S. Chucker, building permit</A> - -   S. Chucker, building permit -   1905 10 12    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1906-8-31 Hebrew Club. Chucker, Dorf, Pomish, Berkovitz.pdf"> 1906-8-31 Hebrew Club. Chucker, Dorf, Pomish, Berkovitz</A> -   1906 8 31    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1907-2-23 Sam Chucker birth of son.pdf"> 1907-2-23 Sam Chucker birth of son</A> -   1907 2 23  
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1908-9-27 birth of daughter to Samuel Chucker.pdf"> 1908-9-27 birth of daughter to Samuel Chucker</A> -   1908 9 27    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1908-9-27 Samuel Chucker, birth daughter.pdf"> 1908-9-27 Samuel Chucker, birth daughter</A> - -   Isaac Helstein, sold home, daughter born to Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Chucker -   1908 9 27  
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1910-3-11 Solomon Kaner obit..pdf"> 1910-3-11 Solomon Kaner obit.</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1910 Solomon Kaner Is Dead At His Home. Leader for Many years Among Jewish-Americans Here Succumbs to Pneumonia. 213 John avenue. Mrs. L. Revelsky-Buhl, Mrs. B. Cohen-Stevenson, Mrs. E. Kenner-Duluth, Mrs. B. Karon, Mrs. J. Chucker, Miss Evelyn, Benjamin Kaner, S Kaner, E. Kaner, and J.Kaner. Rabbi Teplitz, Rabbi Trembladt, obit.  </font>     1910 3 11    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1911-4-3 Mr. and Mrs. Max Podolsky, wed.pdf"> 1911-4-3 Mr. and Mrs. Max Podolsky, wed</A> - -  Mr. and Mrs. A. Pomush, Mr. and Mrs.(Lillian Pomush) Max Podolsky, Jaffe, Chucker   -   1911 4 3  
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1911-4-21 Sam Chucker, stolen wagon and chickens.pdf"> 1911-4-21 Sam Chucker, stolen wagon and chickens</A> -   1911 4 21  
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1912-1-21 Ed Chucker, face burned.pdf"> 1912-1-21 Ed Chucker, face burned</A> -   1912 1 21    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1913-3-23 Sarah Chucker Luryre wed.pdf"> 1913-3-23 Sarah Chucker Luryre wed</A> -   1913 3 23    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1913-3-23 Sarah Chucker, IB Lurye, wed, Horwitz.pdf"> 1913-3-23 Sarah Chucker, IB Lurye, wed, Horwitz</A> -   1913 3 23    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1913-4-25 Hebrew Brotherhood, Chucker, Jaffe, Karon, Goldberg.pdf"> 1913-4-25 Hebrew Brotherhood, Chucker, Jaffe, Karon, Goldberg </A> - -   headline  -   1913 4 25  
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1913-4-25 Hebrew Brotherhood, S. Chucker, Jaffe, Karon, Goldberg.pdf"> 1913-4-25 Hebrew Brotherhood, S. Chucker, Jaffe, Karon, Goldberg</A> -   1913 4 25  
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1913-4-25 A. Averbook, Hebrew Brotherhood.pdf"> 1913-4-25 A. Averbook, Hebrew Brotherhood</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1913 New Officers Named By Hebrew Brotherhood. Sam Barkovitch, Sam Chucker, J. Jaffe, S. Karon, A. Averbook, I. Goldberg, Elias Chesar.  </font> -   1913 4 25    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1915-1-14 Bovey, Edward Chucker, Harmony Lodge.pdf"> 1915-1-14 Bovey, Edward Chucker, Harmony Lodge</A> - -   Two Bobey Lodges Install Officers  -   1915 1 14    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1915-8-21 Mrs. E. Chucker.pdf"> 1915-8-21 Mrs. E. Chucker</A> -   1915 8 21  
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1915-9-29 peddler, E. Chucker, fee.pdf"> 1915-9-29 peddler, E. Chucker, fee</A> -   1915 9 29    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1917-4-5 Bovey council, Ed Chucker, appointed.pdf"> 1917-4-5 Bovey council, Ed Chucker, appointed</A> - -   Bovey: Bovey Council Holds Organization Meeting, Edward Chucker -   1917 4 5    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1917-4-5 Bovey, Ed Chucker, appointed.pdf"> 1917-4-5 Bovey, Ed Chucker, appointed</A> -   1917 4 5    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1919-6-16 Hazel Chucker, Siegel, Milavetz, Kaner music.pdf"> 1919-6-16 Hazel Chucker, Siegel, Milavetz, Kaner music</A> -   1919 6 16    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1919-6-16 Kaner, Siegel, Chucker, Milavitz, Rovelsky, music.pdf"> 1919-6-16 Kaner, Siegel, Chucker, Milavitz, Rovelsky, music</A> - -   headline  -   1919 6 16    
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1919-6-16 Musical, Siegel, Kaner, Chucker.pdf"> 1919-6-16 Musical, Siegel, Kaner, Chucker</A> -   1919 6 16  
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1919-6-17 Siegel, Kaner, Milavetz, Chucker Mother's Education.pdf"> 1919-6-17 Siegel, Kaner, Milavetz, Chucker Mother's Education</A> - -   headline  -   1919 6 17  
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1919-6-29 Zionists-Superior, Chucker.pdf"> 1919-6-29 Zionists-Superior, Chucker</A> -   1919 6 29  
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1954-1 Elaine Chucker & Milton Orloff engaged.jpg"> 1954-1 Elaine Chucker & Milton Orloff engaged</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1954-1 Elaine Chucker & Milton Orloff engaged: photo,  Elaine Chucker, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Chucker-Bovey, Milton Orloff, Mr. and Mrs. Abraham Orloff-Washington, D.C.   </font>     1954 1 0.9  
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1898-6-27 ag Edelstein and Cohen wedding Nellie Karon.pdf"> 1898-6-27 Edelstein & Cohen wedding</A> - -  </font><font size="1"> ‘Nother June Bride,   S. Edelstein & Sadie Cohen, Rabbi Abramokivitz, Karon, Polinsky, Kassmir, Oreckowsky, Shapiro  </font>  - - -   1898 6 27
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1898-6-27 Edelstein & Cohen wed Nellie Karon.pdf"> 1898-6-27 Edelstein & Cohen wed Nellie Karon</A>   - - -   1898 6 27
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1898-6-27 Nellie Karon, S Edelstein & Sadie Cohen marry.pdf"> 1898-6-27 Nellie Karon, S Edelstein & Sadie Cohen marry</A>  - - -   1898 6 27
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1908-3-13 Roy Edelstein, stove.pdf"> 1908-3-13 Roy Edelstein, stove</A> - -   Still On Trial, Orbon Stove & Range Co., Roy Edelstein  -   1908 3 13
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1908-5-27 Roy Edelstein.pdf"> 1908-5-27 Roy Edelstein</A> - -   Cuts Verdict To Avoid New Trail In Range Suit, Roy Edelstein -   1908 5 27
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1908-6-14 Sarah M. Haronimus.pdf"> 1908-6-14 Sarah M. Haronimus</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1908 Schools To End Work This Week. More Than 250 Graduates, Grade and High, Will Receive Diplomas. John Ericsson: Hannah D. Kaner. Matt Carpenter: Sarah Edelstein, Sarah M. Haronimus, Sarah Hornimus, Bessie Florence.  </font>     1908 6 14
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1908-7-26 Roy Edelstein.pdf"> 1908-7-26 Roy Edelstein</A> - -   Roy Edelstein Busy Up Wiener Clothing Stock, Globe Furniture Co.   -   1908 7 26
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1909-1-24 Roy Edelstein, Globe Furniture House ad.pdf"> 1909-1-24 Roy Edelstein, Globe Furniture House ad</A> - -   Roy Edelstein, Globe Furniture House ad -   1909 1 24
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1909-6-9 Clara De Hirsh Club, Zein, Karon, Milavitz, Shapiro, Slonim, Edelstein Kaner.pdf"> 1909-6-9 Clara De Hirsh Club, Zein, Karon, Milavitz, Shapiro, Slonim, Edelstein Kaner</A> -   1909 6 9
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1909-8-10 Evelyn Kaner Lena Edelstein.pdf"> 1909-8-10 Evelyn Kaner Lena Edelstein</A> - -   Evelyn Kaner and Lena Edelstein -   1909 8 10
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1910-5-6 Roy Edelstein, Stewart case.pdf"> 1910-5-6 Roy Edelstein, Stewart case</A> - -   Stewart case of forged checks, Roy Edelstein, H. Lurye, S. Barkowich -   1910 5 6
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1910-7-13 Brith Abraham Eveleth.pdf"> 1910-7-13 Brith Abraham Eveleth</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1910 Eveleth Brith Abraham Selects New Officers. Brith Abraham, Morris Nathanson, Robert Martel, Jacob Stein, D. Edelstein. </font> -   1910 7 13
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1910-7-23 Mark, Karon, Edelstein.pdf"> 1910-7-23 Mark, Karon, Edelstein</A> - -   Sarah Mark, Bert Karon, Roy Edelstein -   1910 7 23
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1910-12-20 A. Holzberg Hebrew cemetery association.pdf"> 1910-12-20 A. Holzberg Hebrew cemetery association</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1910 Holzberg Reelected. Presiden A. Holzberg, Hebrew Cemetery association. I. Cohen, Ray Edelstein.  </font>     1910 12 20
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1911-6-2 Roy Edelstein.pdf"> 1911-6-2 Roy Edelstein</A> - -   Reopens On towr, Roy Edelstein, furniture  -   1911 6 2
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1911-11-15 Hibbing, Benjamin D. Stone, Florence Edelstein wed..pdf"> 1911-11-15 Hibbing, Benjamin D. Stone, Florence Edelstein wed.</A> -   1911 11 15
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1911-11-15 Hibbing,   Benjamin D. Stone, Florence Edelstein wed..pdf"> 1911-11-15 Hibbing,   Benjamin D. Stone, Florence Edelstein wed.</A> -   1911 11 15
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1911-11-15 Hibbing.pdf"> 1911-11-15 Hibbing</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1911 Hibbing: Florence Edelstein and Benjamin Stone marriage  ----  1911 Florence Edelstein and Benjamin D. Stone wed, Rabbi Glissnen, Hibbing: Jewish Wedding At Hibbing. Goldie Edelstein, Marcus Rulstein.  </font> -   1911 11 15
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1912-3-18 auto Overland.pdf"> 1912-3-18 auto Overland</A> - -   Overland, auto model, Roby L. Edelstein, counciulman -   1912 3 18
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1912-9-1 Mrs. Roy Edelstein (Ida Zalk).pdf"> 1912-9-1 Mrs. Roy Edelstein (Ida Zalk)</A> - -   Mrs. Rosy Edelstein, Ida Zalk, ill -   1912 9 1
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1912-12-31 Miller-Jaffe wedding Hibbing.pdf"> 1912-12-31 Miller-Jaffe wedding</A> - -  </font><font size="1">Hibbing Girl To Marry Virginia Man, Ida Miller, Sam Jaffe, Virginia, Heyman Miller, Goldie Edelstein, H. Laurie, Rosa Markel.</font> -   1912 12 31
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1913-3-26 Roy Edelstein, Globe ad.pdf"> 1913-3-26 Roy Edelstein, Globe ad</A> - -   Ad, The Globe Furniture House, Roy Edelstein -   1913 3 26
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1913-5-18 Globe Furniture House ad, Roy Edelstein.pdf"> 1913-5-18 Globe Furniture House ad, Roy Edelstein</A> - -   The Globe Furniture House, Roy Edelstein, ad -   1913 5 18
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1913-5-28 Edward Bubley, Edelstein.pdf"> 1913-5-28 Edward Bubley, Edelstein</A> - -   headline -   1913 5 28
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1913-5-28 Virginia, Latz Bros. vs. Bubley and Edelstein.pdf"> 1913-5-28 Virginia, Latz Bros. vs. Bubley and Edelstein</A> -   1913 5 28
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1913- 6-4 Ben Friedman Merchants Banquet.pdf"> 1913- 6-4 Ben Friedman Merchants Banquet</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1913 Cooperation Is The Keynote. Talks Made by Duluth and Superior. J. Solon, or Merchants at Local Association's Banquet. Nearly One Hundred Percent At Function.   J. Segal, L. Segal, S. Y. Josephs, Louis Shapiro, Roy Edelstein, Herman Aaronson, J. Sharkey, Ben Friedman.  </font>     1913 6 4
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1913-7-23 Hibbing, Latz Brothers, Bubley, Edelstein.pdf"> 1913-7-23 Hibbing, Latz Brothers, Bubley, Edelstein</A> -   1913 7 23
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1915-3-13 Julius Edelstein.pdf"> 1915-3-13 Julius Edelstein</A> - -   Edelstein Issues Challenge, Julius Edelstein, roller rink match -   1915 3 13
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1915-10-11 Julius Edelstein.pdf"> 1915-10-11 Julius Edelstein</A> - -   Auto Strikes Boy; Driver Speeds Away, Julius Edelstein, Roy Edelstein -   1915 10 11
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1915-11-1 Tag Day Pearl Waller.pdf"> 1915-11-1 Tag Day Pearl Waller</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1915 Tag Day Receipts Will BeCompiled. Local organization Will Send Funds at Once to Releve War Sufferers. Pearl Waller, Rose Lurye, Sarah Cohen, Rebecca Cohen, Bessie Fontana, Ida Simon, Evelyn Kaner, Jennie Weinstin, Fannie Sorkin, Sarah Waller, M. Kaner, May Cohen, Mary Brown, Blanch Booth, Ruth Gordon, Celia Kaner, Alice Dorf, Florence Murrell, Fannie Ovetsky, Rose Vogel, M. Anovitch, Sarah Cohen, Sarah Pomush, Edith Lasky, Lena Maginsky, Alice Holzberg, Sarah Kaner, Bessie Cohen, Berdie Weingarten, Edith Fieldman, Miriam Solomon, Ruth Arnovitch, Sarah Handlasky, Minnie Holzberg, Jennie Ovetsky, Sarah Haronimus, Esther Schneider, Jessie Weinstein, Molly Handlasky, Sarah Harris, Annie Gittleman, Sarah Greenblat, Fannie Edelstein, Annie Bruder, Mamie Goldstein, Lillian Harris, Helen Weinstein, Annie Buder, Rose Altman, Mrs. M. Sherr, Mrs. R. Edelstein, and Mrs. R. Cohen.   </font>     1915 11 1
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1915-11-1 Alice Dorf.pdf"> 1915-11-1 Alice Dorf</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1915-11-1 Tag Day Receipts Will Be Complied. Local Organization Will Send Funds ast Once to Relieve War Sufferers. Pearl Waller, Rose Lurye, Sarah Cohen, Rebecca Cohen, Bessie Fontana, Ida Simon, Eveleyn Kaner, Jennie Weinstein, Fannie Sorkin, Sarah Waller, M. Kaner, May Cohen, Mary Brown, Blanche Booth, Ruth Gordon, Celia Kaner, Alice Dorf, Florence Murrell, Fannie Ovetsky, Rose Vogel, M. Anovitch, Sarah Cohen, Sarah Pomush, Edith Lasky, Lena Maginsky, Alice Holzberg, Sarah Kaner, Bessie Cohen, Berdie Weingarten,Edith Fieldman, Miriam Solomon, Ruth Arnovitch, Sarah Haronimus, Esther Schneider, Jessie Weinstein, Molly Handlasky, Sarah Harris, Annie Gittleman, Sarah Greenblat, Fannie Edelstein, Annie Bruder, Mamie Goldstein, Lillian Harris, Helen Weinstein, Annie Buder, Rose Altman, Mrs. M. Sherr, Mrs. R. Edelstein and Mrs. R. Cohen.  </font>     1915 11 1
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1916-4-9 Roy Edelstein.pdf"> 1916-4-9 Roy Edelstein</A> - -   ‘Pinch’ Swan Hard On Assault Charges, Roy Edelstein</font> -   1916 4 9
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1917-10-11 Roy Edelstein, saloon.pdf"> 1917-10-11 Roy Edelstein, saloon</A> - -   Loss Of Check Is New Hitch In Saloon Case, Roy Edelstein, Harris, Jacob Harry Barkovitch -   1917 10 11
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1917-10 -11 Isadore Dorf.pdf"> 1917-10 -11 Isadore Dorf</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1917-10-11 Loss of Check Is New Hitch In Saloon Case. Witness Admonished to Look More Diligently-Testify Harris Said He Sold Out. Roy Edelstein, Brunswick saloon license and businss, 924 North Fifth st. Jacob Harris,  Barkevitch. Isadore Dorf and Peter Jaffa, called as witness. Tower avenue. Harry Barkovitch and Charles Arnovitz.  </font>     1917 10 11
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1918-8-30 Hebrew Woman, Jaffe, Lurye, Kaner, Goldberg, Edelstein.pdf"> 1918-8-30 Hebrew Woman, Jaffe, Lurye, Kaner, Goldberg, Edelstein</A> -   1918 8 30
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1918-8-30 Woman Natatorium, Jaffe, Lurye, Kaner, Goldberg, Edelstein.pdf"> 1918-8-30 Woman Natatorium, Jaffe, Lurye, Kaner, Goldberg, Edelstein</A> - -  </font><font size="1">  To Place Heating Plant In Women’s Natatorium, Averbrook, Lurye, Jaffe, Rosenbloom, Kaner, Edelstein, Goldberg  </font> -   1918 8 30
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1919-2-27 Roy Edelstein, Hibbing.pdf"> 1919-2-27 Roy Edelstein, Hibbing</A> - -   headline  -   1919 2 27
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1919-12-20 Ray (Roy) Edelstein, cemetery.pdf"> 1919-12-20 Ray (Roy) Edelstein, cemetery</A> - -   headline  -   1919 12 20
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1920-1-23 Abe and Roy Edelstein.pdf"> 1920-1-23 Abe and Roy Edelstein</A> - -   headline  -   1920 1 23
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1920-9-29 Edelstein, Hibbing, store.pdf"> 1920-9-29 Edelstein, Hibbing, store</A> - -   headline  -   1920 9 29
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1921-4-20 Roy Edelstein, tax.pdf"> 1921-4-20 Roy Edelstein, tax</A> - -   headline  -   1921 4 20
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1922-9-17 Hibbing, Nellie Rutstein and Julius Edelstein, Rabbi Gussie, Hallock.pdf"> 1922-9-17 Hibbing, Nellie Rutstein and Julius Edelstein, Rabbi Gussie, Hallock</A>  - - </font><font size="1"> 1922 Hibbing: Nellie Rutstein and Julius Edelstein wed, Rabbi Gussie, E. H. Edelstein-Brooklyn, Charles Hallock, Badonna Hallock.  </font> -   1922 9 17
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1922-9-17 Edelstein Rutstein.pdf"> 1922-9-17Edelstein Rutstein</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1922 Hibbing: Miss Nellie Rutstein will become the bride of Julius Edelstein  </font>     1922 9 17
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1933 All Nation's Tournament, Hebrews chamions, SSTC.jpg"> 1933 All Nation's Tournament, Hebrews chamions, SSTC</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> Personnel of the champions:   Harrie Zeleznick, Edward Singer, Leo Singer, Mike Barr, Martin Even, Joe Goldfine, Merton Singer, Arthur Edelstein, Peter Fergal  </font>     1933 1 1
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1941-6-29 Benjamin and Lyba Edelstein - 50th.jpg"> 1941-6-29 Benjamin and Lyba Edelstein - 50th</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1941-6-29 Hibbing Daily Tribune.  Benjamin and Lyba Edelstein-50th Edelstein’s Golden Wedding; Daughter’s Nuptials Sunday.  - - Mr. and Mrs. B. H. Edelstein photo. Superior Wisconsin 1902, Hibbing, Minnesota, Ore Capital Edelstein Furniture company in North Hibbing, 10 children: Mrs. Ben Florence Stone, Mrs. Morris Goldie Rutstein, Mulius Edelstein, Mrs. Lewis Rose Deutsch-Virginia, Sam Edelstein-Hibbing, Mrs. Abe Jen Arganoff-Sioux City, Iowa, Max Edelstein-Hibbing, Michael Edelstein-Eagle River, Wis., Ethel Edelstein-Hibbing, Mrs. Morris Sylvia Goldberg-Superior, Wis. Great Granson Robert Allen Zimmerman, son of Mr. and Mrs. Abe Beatrice Stone Zimmerman-Duluth. Miss Ethel Edelstein and Mr. Devine exchange nuptial vows. Rabbi Samuel I. Porrath.   </font>     1941 6 29
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1906-10-20 Ike Karon, Herman Elevitch, realestate.pdf"> 1906-10-20 Ike Karon, Herman Elevitch, realestate</A> -   1906 10 20
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1908-2-22 Pearl Elevitch , honor.pdf"> 1908-2-22 Pearl Elevitch , honor</A> -   1908 2 22
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1908-6-6 Pearl D. Elevitch, high school.pdf"> 1908-6-6 Pearl D. Elevitch, high school</A> -   1908 6 6
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1908-6-6 Anna G. Levine graduation.pdf"> 1908-6-6 Anna G. Levine graduation</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1908 Senior Class Finishes And Faces The World. Eighty-Seven Young Men and Women Receive Diplomas From Superintendent Denfeld. Large Attendance Witnesses the Exercises at High School. Simple Dignity the Keynote. Pearl D. Elevitch, Eva Zalk, Anna G. Levine.  </font>     1908 6 6
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1909-11-21 Elevitch, Tobia, Pearl.pdf"> 1909-11-21 Elevitch, Tobia, Pearl</A> -   1909 11 21
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1910-4-20 Pearl Elevitch, teacher.pdf"> 1910-4-20 Pearl Elevitch, teacher</A> -   1910 4 20
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1910-6-5 Pearl Elevitch, play.pdf"> 1910-6-5 Pearl Elevitch, play</A> -   1910 6 5
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1914-6-5 Pearl Elevitch, free tickets.pdf"> 1914-6-5 Pearl Elevitch, free tickets</A> -   1914 6 5
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1916-12-1 S. Elevitch, house.pdf"> 1916-12-1 S. Elevitch, house</A> -   1916 12 1
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1918-2-27 Herman Elevitch.pdf"> 1918-2-27 Herman Elevitch</A> -   1918 2 27
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1918-5-23 Anna Garon, graduating class.pdf"> 1918-5-23 Anna Garon, graduating class</A>   - -  </font><font size="1"> 1918 Graduating Class of Duluth Central High School.  Expect 218 pupils to try for Central High diplomas.  List of Jewish names:   Frederic Albenberg - 128 Eighth Avenue East, University of Minnesota, business course;   Nathan Azine - 420 First Avenue West;    Morris Berger - 212 East Fourth Street, University of Minnesota, business and finance;    Eugene Bondy - 1005 East First Street;    Moe Buchman - 110 West Fifth Street, University of Minnesota, academic;    Sam Davis - 807 East Third Street;    Ralph Elevitch - 127 West Fourth Street;    Lillian Friedman - 1612 East Fifth Street;    Anna Garon - 517 Fourth Avenue East;    Fern Goldberg - 1507 East Third Street, Wheaton College, academic;    Harry Karon - 20 East Second Street;     Maurice Labovitz - 516 G West Second Street;    Cecil Laskawitz - 420 East Seventh Street;    Ruth Lent - 1815 Piedmont Avenue;    Sylvester Meyers - 216 East Third Street, University of Minnesota, academic;    Henry Polinsky - 212 Third Avenue East, University of Minnesota, law;    Sarah Rosenberg - 17 East Third Street;    Harry Segal - 424 East Third Street;    Helena Silberstein - 2328 East Third Street, Smith College;    Israel Walt - 811 East Fifth Street, University of Minnesota, pharmacy;     </font> -   1918 5 23
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1918-6-15 Ralph B. Elevitch, high school.pdf"> 1918-6-15 Ralph B. Elevitch, high school</A> -   1918 6 15
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1919-1-8 S. Elevitch,Pearl Deborah, Herman Aronsohn.pdf"> 1919-1-8 S. Elevitch,Pearl Deborah, Herman Aronsohn</A> -   1919 1 8
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1920-2-17 plaque who served, Bondy, Goodman Zalk, Elevitch.pdf"> 1920-2-17 plaque who served, Bondy, Goodman Zalk, Elevitch</A> -   1920 2 17
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1921-2-28 B'nai Brith, spelling bee, Percy Oreck, Charles D. Oreckovsky.pdf"> 1921-2-28 B'nai Brith, spelling bee, Percy Oreck, Charles D. Oreckovsky</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1921 Women, Men Will Combat For Spellings Supremacy. B'nai B'rith spelling bee, Percy Oreck, Charles D. Oreckovsky, Samuel Gofen, M. E. Altman, Jesse Cohen, George Casmir, Harry W. Davis, Herman Elevitch, Ralph Elevitch, Abe Feldman, D. P. Feldman, Hugo Freimuth, Louis Freimuth, Dr. Samuel Gross, Jacob Garon, Toby Garon, Charles W. Green, A. B. Kapplin, Rabbi I. Lebendiger, Maurice Labovits, Morris Mark, Abe Solon, Joseph Weiner, Harry E. Weinberg, Anna Mark, Mrs. S. Polans, Mrs. Jacob Garon, Mrs. M. Cook, Mrs. D. Freimuth, Mrs. Lyle Oreck, Mrs. Morris Altman, Mrs. A. Friss, Mrs. I. Lebendiger, Mrs. A. Davidson, Mrs. S. Hirshfield, Mrs. Julius Siegel, Mrs. Oxman, Mrs. J. Leuri ?, Mrs. M. D. Nides, Mrs. H. Y. Josephs, Miss Anna Mark, Miss Bertha Mendelsohn, Miss Lillian Karon, Miss Mae Klein, Miss Alice Wetzler, Miss Esther Abrahamson, Miss Ida Berkson, Miss Mayme Weinberg, Miss Lillian Levy, and Mrs. C. A . Saksonoff  </font> -   1921 2 28
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1922-2-10 Labovitz, father-son banquet.pdf"> 1922-2-10 Labovitz, father-son banquet</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1922 Banquet Committee Selected. William Joelson, Harry Levine, Maurice Labovitz, Ralph Elevitch, Charles Green, Dam Davis. Young Folks’ league.  </font>     1922 2 10
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1922-2-28 Herman Elevitch, spelling.pdf"> 1922-2-28 Herman Elevitch, spelling</A> -   1922 2 28
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1922-2-28 Mrs. S. Polans.pdf"> 1922-2-28 Mrs. S. Polans</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1922 Women, Men Will Combat For Spelling Supremacy. Covenant lodge, B’nai B’rith, Council of Jewish Women, Covenant hall, 12 East Superior street. Men’s team: Samuel Gofen, M. E. Altman, Jessie Cohen, George Casmir, Harry W. Davis, Herman Elevitch, Ralph Elevitch, Abe Feldman, D. P. Fieldman, Hugo Freimuth, Louis Freimuth, Dr. Samuel Gross, Jacob Garon, Toby Garon, Charles W. Green, A. B. Kapplin, Rabbi I. Lebendiger, Maurice Labovits, Morris Mark, Charles D. Oreckovsky, Percy Oreck, Abe Solon, Joseph Weiner, Harry E. Weinberg. Women’s team: Miss Anna Mark, Mrs. S. Polans, Mrs. Jacob Garon, Mrs. M. Cook,Mrs. D. Freimuth, Mrs. Lyle Oreck, Mrs. Morris Altman, Mrs. A. A. Friss, Mrs. I. Lebendiger, Mrs. A. Davidson, Mrs. S. Hirshfield, Mrs. Julius Siegel, Mrs. Oxman, Mrs. J. Leuri, Mrs. M. D. Nides, Mrs, H. Y. Josephs, Miss Bertha Mendelsohn, Miss Lillian Karon, Miss Mae Kllen: (Klein ?), Miss Alice Wetzler, Miss Esther Abrahamson, Miss Ida Berkson, Miss Mayme Weinberg, Miss Lillian Levy, and Mrs. C. A. Saksonoff.  </font>     1922 2 28
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1922-10-1 Morris Cohen, Yom Kippir Ball.pdf"> 1922-10-1 Morris Cohen, Yom Kippir Ball</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1922 Jewish Club to Give Festial Year Ball. Yom Kipper ball, Odd Fellows’ hall, proceeds go to Hebrew institute, Third avenue East and Third street. Nathan Kremen-president, Rabbi Alvin Luchs-Temple Emanuel, H. Y. Josephs-ardent supporter, Irving Raihill, Morris Cohen-treasurer, Sam Rosenberg-secretary, I. Saksonoff, Charles Greene, Ralph Elevitch, Ralph Levine, Ben Davis, and Sam Segal-directors.    </font>     1922 10 1
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1922-12-8 Social Club Herman Elevitch.pdf"> 1922-12-8 Social Club Herman Elevitch</A> -   1922 12 8
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1922-12-8 Social Center Club, Abe Oreck, D. Oreckovsky.pdf"> 1922-12-8 Social Center Club, Abe Oreck, D. Oreckovsky</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1922 Social Center Club Planned by Duluth Jews. J. Averbook, Jake. Abram,, Abe Oreck, Charles D. Oreckovsky, J. Kohn, J. Oreckovsky, N. C. Garber, Herman Elevitch, Rabbi Lucks, A. B. Kapplin, A. H. Polinsky, Rabbi Aronson, N. Kri  </font> -   1922 12 8
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1922-12-8 Averbook and Oreck and Oreckovsky, Duluth Social Center Club.pdf"> 1922-12-8 Averbook and Oreck and Oreckovsky, Duluth Social Center Club</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1922 Social Center Club Planned by Duluth Jews. J. Averbook, J. Abram, Abe Oreck, Charles D. Oreckovsky, Joseph Oreckovsky, J. Kohn, Abe Oreck, J. Oreckovsky, N. C. Garber, Herman Elevitch, Rabbi Lucks, A. B. Kapplin, A. H. Polinsky, Rabbi Aronson, J. M. Averbook, N. Kris, Jake Abram.  </font> -   1922 12 8
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1922-12-25 Doris Sosnosky and Harris Goldman wed.pdf"> 1922-12-25 Doris Sosnosky and Harris Goldman wed</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1922 Jewish Club toGive Festival Year Ball, Northern Lights, Rabbi Alvin Luchs, H. Y. Josephs, Dr. Alvin Luchs, Irving Rajhill, Morris Cohen, Sam Rosenberg, I. Saksonoff, Charles Greene, Ralph Elevitch, Ralph Levine, Ben Davis, Sam Segal Nathan Kremen,  </font> -   1922 12 25
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1922-12-28 Herman Elevitch, spelling.pdf"> 1922-12-28 Herman Elevitch, spelling</A> -   1922 12 28
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1950-12 Herman Elevitch bequeathed 5000 dollars.jpg"> 1950-12 Herman Elevitch bequeathed 5000 dollars</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> Herman Elevitch bequeathed $5000 to the Jewish Welfare Federation of Duluth  - JFN news </font>     1950 12 1
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1911-10-31 Sophie Caplow and Nathan F. Garber.pdf"> 1911-10-31 Sophie Caplow and Nathan F. Garber</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1911 Engagement Is Announced. Mr. and Mrs.  Morris Caplow, 213 West Fifth street, Sophie to Nathan F. Garber.   </font> -   1911 10 31
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1912-1-7 Sophia Caplov and Nathan Garber wed .pdf"> 1912-1-7 Sophia Caplov and Nathan Garber wed </A> -   1912 1 7
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1912-1-7 Azine.pdf"> 1912-1-7 Azine</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1912 Sophia Caplov and Nathan S. Garber. Aaronson, Benjamin, Gordon, Kronic, Nathanson, Kohn, Caplov, Lieberman, Lieberman, Mesberg, Lavant, Nides, Cohn.  </font> -   1912 1 7
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1914-3-9 Samuel Banks and Esther Sosnovsky wed..pdf"> 1914-3-9 Samuel Banks and Esther Sosnovsky wed.</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1914 Samuel Banks and Miss Esther M. Sosnovsky Wed. M. A. Banks-Minneapolis, Adas Israel synagogue, Dr. Klasen-St. Paul, Miss Esther Zurosky, Dr. S. Gross, Esther Gross, Mary Banks, Freda Silber, Francis Gordon, Dora Arenson, Aidia Arenson, M. Sade, L. Strimling, S. Olelsky, H. Rosenbloom, D. Garber, B. Labovitz, Charles London, M. A. Banks-Minneapolis, Della Fink, S. Fink-St. Paul.   </font> -   1914 3 9
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1914-9-18 Mrs. J. Fostof.pdf"> 1914-9-18 Mrs. J. Fostof</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1914 Friends Pay Tribute To Mrs. Maurice Caplov. Age 68 obit. 811 North Fourth avenue East, Mrs. Caplov was a pioneer resident, lived in Duluth for more than 30 years. Daughters: Mrs. J. Fostoff, Mrs. N. S. Garber-Duluth, Mrs. I. Lieberman and Mrs. D. Frankfort of Chicago, son: Henry Caplov of Chicago, Sisters: Mrs. L. Cohen, Mrs. I. L. Levine-Duluth, Mrs. G. Cohen-Louiseville, Ky, brother: L. Polinsky.  </font>     1914 9 18
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1914-11-3 Social, Oreck, Oreckovsky.pdf"> 1914-11-3 Social, Oreck, Oreckovsky</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1914 Eva Oreckovsky and Charles Finkelstein will wed. Social at Talmud Torah auditorium. Minnie Viener, Ida Oreck,Harry Silverman, W. C. Oxman, H. A. Shark, M. Viener, M. Oreckovsky, J. Altman, Esther Viener, Ida Zurowsky, Sheba Polinsky, Dollie Polinsky,  Bess Altman, Esther Fieldman, Jeanette Gomberg, Eva Sosnosky, Esther Zurovsky, Rae Abelson, Bess Silverman, Sadie Fostof, Mae Rocklin, Sarah Kassmir, Esther Sander, Bess Markovich, Sallie Oreck, Rae Zurovsky, Florence Weingarder, Eva Oreckovsky, Selma Oreckovsky, Lena Rocklin, Anna Levine, Sadie Rocklin, Sarah Danieko, Isadore Natelson, Maurice Silk, Isadore Mandelson, Louis Zalk, Abe Aronson, Herman Aronson, Abe Averbrook, Nate Natelson, Dr. S. Gingold, Charles Finkelstein, Dr. S. Gross, A. B. Kaplan, Irwin Oreck, Abe Oreckovsky, Julius Siegel, Lyle Oreck, Sam Garber, Sam Miller, Dr. M. P. Zack, Israel Oreck, Harry Altman, Maurice Altman, Louis Zurovsky and Alex Zurovsky.  </font> -   1914 11 3
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1918-1-28 Virginia Sam Lippman obit..pdf"> 1918-1-28 Virginia Sam Lippman obit.</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1918 Friends Pay Tribute to Mrs. Maurice Caplov., 68, 811 North Fourth avenue East. Pioneer, 30 years in Duluth, husband, four daughters, Mrs. J. Fostof, Mrs. N. S. Garber-Duluth, Mrs. I. Lieberman and Mrs. D. Frankfort-Chicago, son Henry Caplov-Chicago. Thee sisters, Mrs. L. Cohen, Mrs. I. L. Levine-Duluth, Mrs. G. Cohen-Louisville, Ky., brother L. Polinsky-Duluth.  </font>     1918 1 28
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1920-4-9 Chisholm, Katz, Gordon, Holstein, Kaner, Garber, Siegel, Bubley, Jaffe.pdf"> 1920-4-9 Chisholm, Katz, Gordon, Holstein, Kaner, Garber, Siegel, Bubley, Jaffe</A> -   1920 4 9
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1920-4-9 ag Chisholm, Gordon, Bubley, Siegel,Kaner,.pdf"> 1920-4-9 ag Chisholm, Gordon, Bubley, Siegel,Kaner,</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1920 Chisholm - Mrs Sam Katz and guests Mr and Mrs Ben Gordon, Mr and Mrs Paul Holstein, Mr and Mrs J Kaner and Mr and Mrs MW Gordon all of Virginia.  Also, Mr and Mrs M Garber, Mr and Mrs M Siegel, Mr and Mrs Ed Bubley and J Jaffe of Hibbing  </font>     1920 4 9
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1920-6-26 Morris Cohen, Palestine.pdf"> 1920-6-26 Morris Cohen, Palestine</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1920 Palestine Fund Campaign Opens; Obtain $7,500. Teams Will Solicit Corporations, Business Men Today; City’s Quota Is $20,000.  Duluth Iron and Metal company, Abe Bogelson, Judith Bogelson, Joe Davis, William Silvian, S. B. Copilowisch, Joseph Weinberg, Joe Davis, Harry Gordon, L. Fox, James Lavick, A.Mogelson, I. B. Aarons, Nathan S. Garber, Fred Kiel, S. M. Kaner, Albert Bergstein, Max Orinstein, F. Labovitz, H. Segal, Morris Cohen, A. Fieldman and H. Y. Josephs, B. Silberstein. 610-612 First National Bank building campaign headquarters.   </font>     1920 6 26
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1921-4-22 Jewish Women's Council, Solosky.pdf"> 1921-4-22 Jewish Women's Council, Solosky</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1921 Jewish Women's Council, Solosky, Mrs. S. M. Polans, Maurice Silk, Jack Lunch, A. Karon, Julius Siegel, C/ P. Meyers, J. Boynu?, A. Davidson, M. Altman, N. Garber, D. Miller, L. Lass, William Oxman, Teplesky, D. Pollock, A. Oreckovsky, Joseph Steinman, Harry Weinberg, Percy Oreck, Miriam Rosenstein, and Esther Oreckovsky.  </font> -   1921 4 22
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1921-4-22 Mrs. S. Polans.pdf"> 1921-4-22 Mrs. S. Polans</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1921 Scouts, Midgets to Help Women in Tag Day Work. Churches to Combine in Effort for Famine Funds. China and Near East relief. Miss Esther Abrahamson, Temple Emanuel, Mrs. S. Pollans, Oreck’s, Jewish Women’s Council: Mrs. S. M. Polans-chairman, Mmes. Maurice Silk, Jack Lunch, A. Karon, Solosky, Julius Siegel, C. P. Meyers, J. Roznu, A. Davidson, M. Altman, N. Garber, D. Miller, L. Lass, William Oxman, Teplesky, D. Pollock, A. Oreckovsky, Joseph Steinman, Harry Weinberg, Percy Oreck. Misses Miriam Rosenstein, Esther Oreckovsky. Temple Emanuel: Miss Esther Abrahamson-chairman, Mmes. C. Jacobs, R. Cohen, B. Blumenthal, C. P. Meyers, Lou Kantor, Ida Fieldman, Harry Gordon, M. Cook. Misses Ruth Freimuth, Edna Freimuth, Jeanette Gomberg, Mae Klein, Lillian Levy, Hortense Bondy, Rosalind Bondy, Ida Fieldman and F. Josephs.   </font>     1921 4 22
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1922-12-8 Social Center Club, Abe Oreck, D. Oreckovsky.pdf"> 1922-12-8 Social Center Club, Abe Oreck, D. Oreckovsky</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1922 Social Center Club Planned by Duluth Jews. J. Averbook, Jake. Abram,, Abe Oreck, Charles D. Oreckovsky, J. Kohn, J. Oreckovsky, N. C. Garber, Herman Elevitch, Rabbi Lucks, A. B. Kapplin, A. H. Polinsky, Rabbi Aronson, N. Kri  </font> -   1922 12 8
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1922-12-8 Averbook and Oreck and Oreckovsky, Duluth Social Center Club.pdf"> 1922-12-8 Averbook and Oreck and Oreckovsky, Duluth Social Center Club</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1922 Social Center Club Planned by Duluth Jews. J. Averbook, J. Abram, Abe Oreck, Charles D. Oreckovsky, Joseph Oreckovsky, J. Kohn, Abe Oreck, J. Oreckovsky, N. C. Garber, Herman Elevitch, Rabbi Lucks, A. B. Kapplin, A. H. Polinsky, Rabbi Aronson, J. M. Averbook, N. Kris, Jake Abram.  </font> -   1922 12 8
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1981-9 Jack Garber JFN profile.jpg"> 1981-9 Jack Garber JFN profile</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> text  </font>     1981 9 0.9
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1915-10-10 Getle Cohen, Shenowsky.pdf"> 1915-10-10 Getle Cohen, Shenowsky</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1915-10-10  Mrs. Gettle Cohen-Louisville, Ky., visiting sister, Mrs. Louis Cohen, 911 East Third street. Miss sRuth Shenowsky-music, Miss Eva Shenowsky-music program. Guests: Mr. and Mrs. Louis Polinsky, Mr. and Mrs. J. Fostoff, Mr. and Mrs. N. H. Garber, Mr. and Mrs. H. Garber, Rev. W. Kissin, Mrs. Kissin, Mr. and Mrs. C. Levant, Mr. and Mrs. M. Steiner, Mr. and Mrs. L. Sheowsky, Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Davis, Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Bennett, Mr. and Mrs. J. Bernstein, Mr. and Mrs. M. Cohen, Mr. and Mrs. K. Sanders, Mrs. H. Levine, Mrs. M. Levant-Eveleth, Mrs. M. Levine, Mrs. I. L. Levine, Mrs. M. Sheowsky, Miss Martha Fostoff, Miss Sadie Levine, Miss Bessie Levine, Miss Eva Cohen, Miss Mattie Cohen and Louis Cohen.   </font>     1915 10 10
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1917-7-22 Mr. M.  Shenowsky.pdf"> 1917-7-22 Mr. M.  Shenowsky</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1917-7-22 Arrange Pleasant Surprise Party. In honro of Mrs. L. Shenowsky, 1208 East Third street. Guests: Mrs. S. Bennett, Mrs. B. Goldish, Mrs. S. Altman, Mrs. H. Bennett, Mrs. J. A. Kohn, Mrs. M. D. Nides, Mrs. C. Lavant, Mrs. H. Lavant, Mrs. J. Lavick, Mrs. N. Garber, Mrs. J. Bernstein, Mrs. M. Steiner, Mrs. L. Levine, Mrs. P. Gallop, Mrs. M. Shenowsky, Mr.s L. Cohen, Mrs. M. Caplov, Mrs. Winner, Mrs. D. Frankfort, Mrs. M. Levine, Miss Eva Cohen, out of town guests: Mrs. J. Wolf-Minneapolis, Mrs. S. Rubloff-Chisholm, Mrs. Levant-Eveleth, Miss Rose Laverross-Chicago.  </font>     1917 7 22
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1898-3-1 Hibbing, Max Greenblatt, Chicago, spring stock.pdf"> 1898-3-1 Hibbing, Max Greenblatt, Chicago, spring stock </A> - -   Hibbing: Max Greenblatt, Chicago, purchase spring stock  -   1898 3 1
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1899-5-29 Hibbing, Greenblatt, Kitz & Co..pdf"> 1899-5-29 Hibbing, Greenblatt, Kitz & Co. </A> - -   Greenblatt, Kitz & Co.  -   1899 5 29
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1899-8-5 Max Greenblatt, and wife, bride.pdf"> 1899-8-5 Max Greenblatt, and wife, bride </A> - -   Personals, Hibbing, Max Greenblatt and bride -   1899 8 5
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1901-6-1 Virginia, Henry Greenblatt, Buhl, store mgr. buy.pdf"> 1901-6-1 Virginia, Henry Greenblatt, Buhl, store mgr. buy</A> - -   Virginia, Henry Greenblatt, manager of Kitz & Co.-Buhl -   1901 6 1
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1902-4-12 Buhl, Eveleth, Chas. Henry Greenblatt, Mose Mark .pdf"> 1902-4-12 Buhl, Chas. Henry Greenblatt, Mose Mark </A> - -   Buhl, Wm. Kitz, Chas and  Henry Greenblatt,  Moses Mark-Virginia  -   1902 4 12
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1902-7-5 Buhl, Gronberg, Greenblatt.pdf"> 1902-7-5 Buhl, Gronberg, Greenblatt</A> - -   Buhl, Gronberg, Greenblatt -   1902 7 5
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1902-9-27 Hibbing, disolved drygoods, Kitz & M. S. Greenblatt.pdf"> 1902-9-27 Hibbing, disolved drygoods, Kitz & M. S. Greenblatt</A> - -   dry goods firm William Kitz & Co., Wm. Kitz and M. S. Greenblatt -   1902 9 27
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1905-1-10 Sam Siegel & Belle Woolfram wedding.jpg"> 1905-1-10 Sam Siegel & Belle Woolfram wedding</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1905 Hibbing wedding - Samuel Siegel and Belle Annie Woolfram - guests include: Charles Hallock, M. S. Greenblatt, Harry Witz, Dave Elias, Max Rogalsky, Markel and Lurvitz; Messrs. William Kitz, Peter Karon, Daniel Mark; Mrs. Jacob Kitz.  </font>     1905 1 10
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1906-8-3 Duluth, M. S. Greenblatt hotel.pdf"> 1906-8-3 Duluth, M. S. Greenblatt hotel</A> - -   Range People At The Duluth Hotels-St. Louis, M. Greenblatt  -   1906 8 3
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1906-8-3 Hibbing, M. Greenblatt, registered.pdf"> 1906-8-3 Hibbing, M. Greenblatt, registered</A> - -  Hibbing,  M. S. Greenblatt,  St. Louis Hotel -   1906 8 3
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1906-9-11 Hibbing Lodge, Brith Abraham, Jacob Kitz, M. Greenblatt.pdf"> 1906-9-11 Hibbing Lodge, Brith Abraham, Jacob Kitz, M. Greenblatt</A> - -   Hibbing Lodge Installs. Rogalsky, Kitz, Greenblatt, Halock  -   1906 9 11
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1907-2-1 Agudas Achim, Synagogue, M. S. Greenblatt.pdf"> 1907-2-1 Agudas Achim</A> - -  </font><font size="1"> Hibbing Hebrews Will Build A Synagogue, Hallock, Rogalsky, Greenblatt, Levenshon, Woolfan, Rosenberg, Freedman, Kitz, Miller, etc </font> -   1907 2 1
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1907-2-3 Hibbing M. Greenblatt, Osherman Bldg.pdf"> 1907-2-3 Hibbing M. Greenblatt, Osherman Bldg</A>  - - Hibbing, M. S. Greenblatt, purchases Osherman building    -   1907 2 3
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1907-6-8 Hibbing, Mrs. M. S. Greenblatt, Sisters of Peace.pdf"> 1907-6-8 Hibbing, Mrs. M. S. Greenblatt, Sisters of Peace</A> - -  </font><font size="1"> Hibbing, Sisters of Peace, Hallock, Greenblatt, Mitchell, Elias, Miller, Nides, Helstein</font> -   1907 6 8
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1908-5-26 Hibbing Blue Laws, M. S. Greenblatt, E. S. Wolfan, Osherman, etc.pdf"> 1908-5-26 Blue Laws,</A> - -  </font><font size="1"> Stores At Hibbing Will Close Sundays, Bernard, Freidman, Wolfan, Kitz, Giffin, Rosenberg, Nides, Osherman, Greenblatt, Itasca, Rogalsky</font> -   1908 5 26
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1908-5-26 Hibbing, Blue Laws, M. S. Greenblatt, E. S. Wolfan, Osherman.pdf"> 1908-5-26 Hibbing, Blue Laws, M. S. Greenblatt, E. S. Wolfan, Osherman</A> -   1908 5 26
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1909-4-12 Hibbing, farewell party, Helstein.pdf"> 1909-4-12 Farewell party</A> - -  </font><font size="1"> Give Farewell Party, Hibbing, Helstein,  Miller, Greenblatt, Hallock, Kitz, Woolfan, Lippman, Sachks, Sher, Lindeske, Altman, Nides</font> -   1909 4 12
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1909-4-29 Milwaukee, M. S. Greenblatt merchant, retired, drygoods.pdf"> 1909-4-29 Milwaukee, M. S. Greenblatt merchant, retired, drygoods</A> - -   Hibbing Merchant To Retire, M. S. Greenblatt, drygoods store.  -   1909 4 29
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1909-6-18 Hibbing, M. S. Greenblatt, closing dry goods.pdf"> 1909-6-18 Hibbing, M. S. Greenblatt, closing dry goods</A> - -   M. S. Greenblatt, closing dry goods business, Hibbing, Milwaukee -   1909 6 18
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1914-1-31 Superior, Evelyn Greenblatt, Matt Carpenter School.pdf"> 1914-1-31 Superior, Evelyn Greenblatt, Matt Carpenter School</A> - -  </font><font size="1"> 140 “Graders” Finish Course, Eveyln S. Greenblatt, Matt Carpenter School </font> -   1914 1 31
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1915-8-1 Matt Carpenter School, Cops Break Up Party, Morris Greenblatt.pdf"> 1915-8-1 Matt Carpenter School, Cops Break Up Party, Morris Greenblatt</A> -   1915 8 1
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1915-8-1 Matt Carpenter School, Morris Greenblatt.pdf"> 1915-8-1 Matt Carpenter School, Morris Greenblatt</A> - -   Cops Break Up Gay “Penny-Ante” Party, Morris Greenblatt  -   1915 8 1
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1915-11-1 Tag Day Pearl Waller.pdf"> 1915-11-1 Tag Day Pearl Waller</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1915 Tag Day Receipts Will BeCompiled. Local organization Will Send Funds at Once to Releve War Sufferers. Pearl Waller, Rose Lurye, Sarah Cohen, Rebecca Cohen, Bessie Fontana, Ida Simon, Evelyn Kaner, Jennie Weinstin, Fannie Sorkin, Sarah Waller, M. Kaner, May Cohen, Mary Brown, Blanch Booth, Ruth Gordon, Celia Kaner, Alice Dorf, Florence Murrell, Fannie Ovetsky, Rose Vogel, M. Anovitch, Sarah Cohen, Sarah Pomush, Edith Lasky, Lena Maginsky, Alice Holzberg, Sarah Kaner, Bessie Cohen, Berdie Weingarten, Edith Fieldman, Miriam Solomon, Ruth Arnovitch, Sarah Handlasky, Minnie Holzberg, Jennie Ovetsky, Sarah Haronimus, Esther Schneider, Jessie Weinstein, Molly Handlasky, Sarah Harris, Annie Gittleman, Sarah Greenblat, Fannie Edelstein, Annie Bruder, Mamie Goldstein, Lillian Harris, Helen Weinstein, Annie Buder, Rose Altman, Mrs. M. Sherr, Mrs. R. Edelstein, and Mrs. R. Cohen.   </font>     1915 11 1
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1915-11-1 Alice Dorf.pdf"> 1915-11-1 Alice Dorf</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1915-11-1 Tag Day Receipts Will Be Complied. Local Organization Will Send Funds ast Once to Relieve War Sufferers. Pearl Waller, Rose Lurye, Sarah Cohen, Rebecca Cohen, Bessie Fontana, Ida Simon, Eveleyn Kaner, Jennie Weinstein, Fannie Sorkin, Sarah Waller, M. Kaner, May Cohen, Mary Brown, Blanche Booth, Ruth Gordon, Celia Kaner, Alice Dorf, Florence Murrell, Fannie Ovetsky, Rose Vogel, M. Anovitch, Sarah Cohen, Sarah Pomush, Edith Lasky, Lena Maginsky, Alice Holzberg, Sarah Kaner, Bessie Cohen, Berdie Weingarten,Edith Fieldman, Miriam Solomon, Ruth Arnovitch, Sarah Haronimus, Esther Schneider, Jessie Weinstein, Molly Handlasky, Sarah Harris, Annie Gittleman, Sarah Greenblat, Fannie Edelstein, Annie Bruder, Mamie Goldstein, Lillian Harris, Helen Weinstein, Annie Buder, Rose Altman, Mrs. M. Sherr, Mrs. R. Edelstein and Mrs. R. Cohen.  </font>     1915 11 1
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1918-12-1 Evelyn Greenblatt, Weinstein, Weinberg, Hannah Kaner.pdf"> 1918-12-1 Evelyn Greenblatt, Weinstein, Weinberg, Hannah Kaner</A> - -  </font><font size="1">  Jewish Repatriation To Be Object Of Today’s Drive, Zion flag, Evelyn Greenblatt, Weinstein, Weinberg, Hannah Kaner </font> -   1918 12 1
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1918-12-1 Superior, Zion flag day.pdf"> 1918-12-1 Superior, Zion flag day</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1918 Superior, Jewish repatriation to be object of today's drive.  Zion flag day, Mamie Goldfein, Rae Schneider, Hannah Kaner, Edith Lasky, Rose Vogel, Elsie Weinstein, Birdie Gittleman, Ethel Letts (Latts), Rose Titch, Sarah Litman, Elsie Marcus, Murtle Marcus, Mary Weinberg, Evelyn Greenblatt, Birdie Weingarten, Bertha Arnovitch.</font> -   1918 12 1
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1918-12-1 Sarah Litman, Jewish Repatriation.pdf"> 1918-12-1 Sarah Litman, Jewish Repatriation</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1918 Jewish Repatriation To Be Object Of Today's Drive. Superior: Jewish National Fund, Hannah Kaner, Edith Lasky, Rose Vogel, Elsie Weinstein, Mamie Goldfein, Birdie Gitleman, Ethel Letts, Rose Titch, Sarah Litman, Elsie Marcus, Murtle Marcus, Mary Weinberg, Evelyn Greenblatt, Birdie Weingarten, Bertha Arnovitch.  </font> -   1918 12 1
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1918-12-1 Marcus.pdf"> 1918-12-1 Marcus</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1918 Superior:  Jewish Repatriation To Be Object Of Today's Drive. Jewish national fund, Rae Schneider, Hannah Kaner, Edith Lasky, Rose Vogel, Elsie Weinstein, Mamie Goldfein, Birdie Gittleman, Ethel Letts, Rose Titch, Sarah Litman, Elsie Marus, Murtle arcus, Mary Weinberg, Eveleyn Greenblatt, Birdie Weingarten, Bertha Arnovitch.  </font>     1918 12 1
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1918-12-2 Superior, Zion Flag Day.pdf"> 1918-12-2 Superior, Zion Flag Day</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1918 Superior, Zion Flag day adds to fund. Superior young women realize comfortable sum toward Palestine's redemption.  Mamie Goldfein, Rae Schneider, Hannah Kaner, Edith Lasky, Rose Vogel, Elsie Weinstein, Birdie Gitleman, Ethel Latts, Rose Titch, Sarah Litman, Elsie Marcus, Murtle Marcus, Mary Weinberg, Evelyn Greenblatt, Birdie Weingarten, and Bertha Arnovitch.  </font> -   1918 12 2
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1920-8-3 Morris Greenblatt, liquor.pdf"> 1920-8-3 Morris Greenblatt, liquor</A> - -   headline  -   1920 8 3
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1920-8-7 Evelyn S. Greenblatt and Simeon Weissman ml.pdf"> 1920-8-7 Evelyn S. Greenblatt and Simeon Weissman ml</A> - -   headline  -   1920 8 7
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1921-2-20 Max Greenblatt, Valeria Greenblatt and Isadore Block.pdf"> 1921-2-20 Max Greenblatt, Valeria Greenblatt and Isadore Block</A> -   1921 2 20
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1921-2-20 Max Greenblatt,Valeria Greenblatt & Isadore Block.pdf"> 1921-2-20 Max Greenblatt,Valeria Greenblatt & Isadore Block</A> - -   headline  -   1921 2 20
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1921-5-2 B'nai B'rith.pdf"> 1921-5-2 B'nai B'rith</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> Fraternity Shatters Precedents, Bernard Silberstein Made Life Member of Order of B'nai B'rith.  Henry Monsky of Omaha, Neb., W. M. Abrahamson, A. B. Kapplin, Charles D. Oreckovsky, D. P. Fieldman, Dave Miller, Harry Gordon. RabbiJesse Cohen,  Israel Lebendiger, S. B. Copilowisch, Ben Miller,  Samuel Nides. New Members: William M. Abrahamson, J. J. Abram, Harry E. Altman, Al Aron, Mortimer W. Bondy, Harold J. Brody, Joseph E. Coll?, Charles M. Cohen, Harry Lewis Cohen, Jacob Crystal, Michael Danaiko, Louis Fishman, Louis Gallop orris Garrison, Oscar Goldstein, Samuel Gotkin B. Louis Green, Monte A. Greenblat, Ben J. Kenner, Herman N. Kramer, Frank Krupitzky, Morris Krupitzky, Louis J. Lasky, Samuel C. Latts, Jak Levine, Morris Levine, Irving M. Levinson, SamLevinson, L. S. Lugoff, Abe H. Miller, Isadore Mogelson S. Natelson, Percy E. Oreck, David Oreckovsky, Max D. Orinstein, David B. Pollack, D. Raihill, Frank M. Riskin, Mandy Rosenberg, Chas. A. Saksanoff, Samuel Sander, Robert Schway, Hyman L. Segal, Hyman W. Segal, Jack E. Segal, Sam J. Segal, Chas. S. M. Segalbaum, Samuel Shore, Sam Simon, Morris Slavoot, J. Slonim, Abe L. Solon, John L. Sosnosky, Joseph Steinman, Harry Vertelney, Louis Weisberg, Ed Zalk, Samuel Zalk, Wolf B. Zien, A. Zurovsky.  </font>     1921 5 2
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1921-12-1 Mrs. Nathan Cook.pdf"> 1921-12-1 Mrs. Nathan Cook</A>  - -  </font><font size="1">  1921 Women Are Assigned to Home Districts for Relief Drive. American Jewish Relief committee. Duluth to raise funds for suffering refugees of eastern and central Europe. Mrs. M. Cook. Mrs. Louis Hammel, Mrs. Harry Gordon, Mrs. Nathan Cook, Miss Sarah Zobel, Mrs. J. Abrams, Mrs. Abe Solon, Mrs. Ben Goldish, Miss Catherine Barnard, Mrs. Mortimer Bondy, Mrs. S. N. Polans, Mrs. S. Cone, Mrs. Harry Altman, Mrs. Maurice Altman, Miss Alice Wetzler, Mrs. L. Greenblat, Mrs. C. P. Meyers, Mrs. Al Polinsky, Mrs. D. Freimuth, and Mrs. Ginsberg. C. D. Oreckovsky secretary. $18,000 subscribed.  </font>     1921 12 1
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1922-12-27 Council of Jewish Women, Greenblatt, women.pdf"> 1922-12-27 Council of Jewish Women, Greenblatt, women</A> - -   headline  -   1922 12 27
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1891-10-30 Henry Bloom and Herman Jaffe, fight.pdf"> 1891-10-30 Henry Bloom and Herman Jaffe, fight</A> -   1891 10 30
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1904-4-30 Jaffe, Jewish rag picker.pdf"> 1904-4-30 Jaffe, Jewish rag picker</A> - -   R. Jaffe, a Jewish rag picker  -   1904 4 30
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1906-8-31 Hebrew Club Berkovitz, Lurye, Pomish, Karon, Kaner, Milavitz, Jaffe.pdf"> 1906-8-31 Hebrew Club</A> - -   Hebrew Club To Meet On Sunday, Berkovitz, Lurye, Pomish, Karon, Kaner, Berkowitz, Jaffe -   1906 8 31
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1906-8-31 Hebrew Club Lurye, Karon, Kaner, Millavitz, Jaffe.pdf"> 1906-8-31 Hebrew Club Lurye, Karon, Kaner, Millavitz, Jaffe</A> -   1906 8 31
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1909-4-14 Ben Stone, Fannie Jaffe, asault.pdf"> 1909-4-14 Ben Stone, Fannie Jaffe, asault</A> - -    Ben Stone, Fannie Jaffe, assault -   1909 4 14
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1909-10-17 card party, Arnovich, Pomush, Sher, Reveolsky, Oreksky, Bulby, Cohen.pdf"> 1909-10-17 card party</A> - -   Holds Card Party, Jennie Arnovitch, Shapiro, Bubly, Pomush, Jaffe, Cohen, Sher, Oreksky , Reveolsky -   1909 10 17
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1910-1-30 A. Jaffee, Nashwauk, Woodmen.pdf"> 1910-1-30 A. Jaffee, Nashwauk, Woodmen</A> - -   Nashwauk Woodmen And Royal Neighbors Install, A. Jaffee, trustee -   1910 1 30
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1911-1-12 Alex Jaffe, Nashwauk.pdf"> 1911-1-12 Alex Jaffe, Nashwauk</A> -   1911 1 12
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1911-4-3 Mr. and Mrs. Max Podolsky, wed.pdf"> 1911-4-3 Mr. and Mrs. Max Podolsky, wed</A> - -  Mr. and Mrs. A. Pomush, Mr. and Mrs.(Lillian Pomush) Max Podolsky, Jaffe, Chucker   -   1911 4 3
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1911-4-3 Pomish and Podolsky.pdf"> 1911-4-3 Pomish and Podolsky</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1911 Mr. and Mrs. A. Pomush, 411 Baxter avenue. Lillian Pomush and Max Podolsky wed, Sarah Pomush, Rose Jaffe, Sarah Chuker, Israel Pomush, Charles Podolsky, Edward Chuker-Bovy.    </font>     1911 4 3
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1911-11-13 Nashwauk, A. Jaffe, fire equipment.pdf"> 1911-11-13 Nashwauk, A. Jaffe, fire equipment</A> - -   New Equipment For Nashwauk Department, A. Jaffe, fire department  -   1911 11 13
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1912-9-6 Rose Karon, Fred Jaffe.pdf"> 1912-9-6 Rose Karon, Fred Jaffe</A> -   1912 9 6
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1912-10-20 Alex Jaffe, peanut party.pdf"> 1912-10-20 Alex Jaffe, peanut party</A> -   1912 10 20
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1912-10-31 Samuel Jaffe, accident.pdf"> 1912-10-31 Samuel Jaffe, accident</A> - -   Injured Driver Has Chance To Recover, Samuel Jaffe -   1912 10 31
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1912-11-10  Rose Jaffe Isadore Karon wed.pdf"> 1912-11-10  Rose Jaffe Isadore Karon wed</A> -   1912 11 10
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1912-12-31 Miller-Jaffe wedding Hibbing.pdf"> 1912-12-31 Miller-Jaffe wedding</A> - -  </font><font size="1">Hibbing Girl To Marry Virginia Man, Ida Miller, Sam Jaffe, Virginia, Heyman Miller, Goldie Edelstein, H. Laurie, Rosa Markel.</font> -   1912 12 31
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1912-12-31 Sam Jaffe and Ida Miller wed.pdf"> 1912-12-31 Sam Jaffe and Ida Miller wed</A> -   1912 12 31
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1913-1-5 Jaffe, Miller wedding, Hibbing.pdf"> 1913-1-5 Jaffe, Miller wedding, Hibbing</A> - -   Hibbing Girl Weds Virginian, Ida Miller, Sam Jaffe, Mrs. L. Wolfe -   1913 1 5
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1913-1-5 Sam Jaffe,Ida  Miller wedding.pdf"> 1913-1-5 Sam Jaffe,Ida  Miller wedding</A> -   1913 1 5
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1913-4-25 Hebrew Brotherhood, Chucker, Jaffe, Karon, Goldberg.pdf"> 1913-4-25 Hebrew Brotherhood, Chucker, Jaffe, Karon, Goldberg </A> - -   headline  -   1913 4 25
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1913-4-25 Hebrew Brotherhood, S. Chucker, Jaffe, Karon, Goldberg.pdf"> 1913-4-25 Hebrew Brotherhood, S. Chucker, Jaffe, Karon, Goldberg</A> -   1913 4 25
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1913-4-25 A. Averbook, Hebrew Brotherhood.pdf"> 1913-4-25 A. Averbook, Hebrew Brotherhood</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1913 New Officers Named By Hebrew Brotherhood. Sam Barkovitch, Sam Chucker, J. Jaffe, S. Karon, A. Averbook, I. Goldberg, Elias Chesar.  </font> -   1913 4 25
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1913-5-22,Alex Jaffe, finance committe, Nashwauk.pdf"> 1913-5-22 Alex Jaffe, finance committe, Nashwauk</A> -   1913 5 22
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1913-6-3 Peter Jaffe father, son Samuel, hearing.pdf"> 1913-6-3 Peter Jaffe father, son Samuel, hearing</A> - -  Court Calendar, Peter Jaffe, Samuel Jaffe -   1913 6 3
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1913-8-1 Socialist Party, I. Jaffe, Yiddish.pdf"> 1913-8-1 Socialist Party, I. Jaffe, Yiddish</A> - -   Will Deal With Konkel’s Recall, Socialist, I. Jaffee, Yiddish -   1913 8 1
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1913-12-29 fight against anti-imigration, Jaffe.pdf"> 1913-12-29 fight against anti-imigration, Jaffe</A> - -   Plan Fight On Pending Anti-Immigration Bill, J. Jaffe -   1913 12 29
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1914-7-3- Keewatin, Jaffe and Karon, fire hose, Mpls.pdf"> 1914-7-3- Keewatin, Jaffe and Karon, fire hose, Mpls</A> - -   Keewatin Buys 1,000 Feet Of Fire Hose, Jaffe & Karon -   1914 7 3
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1914-12-4 Calumet, Jaffe, Karon.pdf"> 1914-12-4 Calumet, Jaffe, Karon</A> - -   Calumet Citizens Form Civic Body, A. Jaffe, I. Karon -   1914 12 4
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1915-2-16 Alex and Leah Jaffe marriage.pdf"> 1915-2-16 Alex and Leah Jaffe marriage</A> -   1915 2 16
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1915-7-30 Jaffe, Calumet.pdf"> 1915-7-30 Jaffe, Calumet</A> - -   Calumet, Minn., A. Jaffe, Sam Jaffe -   1915 7 30
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1915-8-9 Litman, Jewish war sufferers.pdf"> 1915-8-9 Litman, Jewish war sufferers</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1915 Would Have Permanent Fund For The Relief Of Jewish War Sufferers. Jewish Workmen's circle 353, Louis Dorffman, J. Lichten, A. Litman, M. Conoval, I. Jaffe.  Hebrew library, room 10 Edison building.  </font> -   1915 8 9
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1915-8-31 Ben Milavitz, butcher shop, Abe Jaffe, fight.pdf"> 1915-8-31 Ben Milavitz, butcher shop, Abe Jaffe, fight</A> - - </font><font size="1">   Man With Discolored Optics Demands ArrestBen Milavitz, butcher shop, Abe Jaffe, fight</font> -   1915 8 31
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1915-9-2 Jaffe, Nashwauk, bondsmen damages.pdf"> 1915-9-2 Jaffe, Nashwauk, bondsmen damages</A> - -  Nashwauk Damage Case Is Won By Santo Sello, Markus & Jaffe, bondsmen -   1915 9 2
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1915-9-14 Abe Jaffe peddler.pdf"> 1915-9-14 Abe Jaffe peddler</A> -   1915 9 14
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1915-12-21 Ben J. Jaffe and Israel A. Markus, bankrupcy.pdf"> 1915-12-21 Ben J. Jaffe and Israel A. Markus, bankrupcy</A> - -   Ben J. Jaffe and Israel A. Markus bankruptcy -   1915 12 21
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1916-2-16 Fannie Jaffee.pdf"> 1916-2-16 Fannie Jaffee</A> - -   Hibbing: Woman In Roll Of Fagin Is Arrested, Fannie Jaffe, </font> -   1916 2 16
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1918-8-30 Hebrew Woman, Jaffe, Lurye, Kaner, Goldberg, Edelstein.pdf"> 1918-8-30 Hebrew Woman, Jaffe, Lurye, Kaner, Goldberg, Edelstein</A> -   1918 8 30
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1918-8-30 Woman Natatorium, Jaffe, Lurye, Kaner, Goldberg, Edelstein.pdf"> 1918-8-30 Woman Natatorium, Jaffe, Lurye, Kaner, Goldberg, Edelstein</A> - -  </font><font size="1">  To Place Heating Plant In Women’s Natatorium, Averbrook, Lurye, Jaffe, Rosenbloom, Kaner, Edelstein, Goldberg  </font> -   1918 8 30
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1919-7-10 liquor licenses, Milavetz, Jaffe Karon.pdf"> 1919-7-10 liquor licenses, Milavetz, Jaffe Karon</A> - -   headline  -   1919 7 10
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1919-7-26 Philip Litman.pdf"> 1919-7-26 Philip Litman</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1919 Zionists' Picnic Is Arranged For At Billings Park. Superior Will Be Host to Range and Duluth People-Fete to Be Held Aug. 10. Herman Aronsohn, Charles Arinovitch, Mrs. Ida Harris, M. Greeberg, Isadore Cohen, Alex Shapiro, Frank Webber, M. Lurye, P. Jaffe, E. Lurye, B. Cohen, Burnette Schneider, S. Y. Josephs, Rae Schneider, Hannah Kaner, Mrs. A. Shapiro, Edith Lsky, Byrdle Weingarten, Philip Litman, I. Dorf, Paul Hyman, Louis Kempinsky, L. Simon, A. Soraka, Harold Lasky, Dr. L. M. Harris, Robert Jacobs, Julius Cohen, Albert Marks, Dr. S. Gross, Herman Stulberg, Nathan Nides, Harry Goldberg, Castle Marcus.   </font> -   1919 7 26
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1919-12-12 Hibbing, Mrs. I. Jaffe, obit., sons Abraham & Edwin.pdf"> 1919-12-12 Hibbing, Mrs. I. Jaffe, obit., sons Abraham & Edwin</A> - -   headline  -   1919 12 12
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1919-12-12 I. Jaffe, obit., Hibbing.pdf"> 1919-12-12 I. Jaffe, obit., Hibbing</A> -   1919 12 12
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1919-12-12 Hibbing-Mrs. I. Jaffe obit..pdf"> 1919-12-12 Hibbing-Mrs. I. Jaffe obit.</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1919 Hibbing: Mrs. I. Jaffe obit. Abraham and Edwin sons.  </font> -   1919 12 12
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1920-4-9 Chisholm, Katz, Gordon, Holstein, Kaner, Garber, Siegel, Bubley, Jaffe.pdf"> 1920-4-9 Chisholm, Katz, Gordon, Holstein, Kaner, Garber, Siegel, Bubley, Jaffe</A> -   1920 4 9
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1920-4-9 Chisholm, Katz, J. Jaffe, Bubley, Holstein, Kaner, Gordon.pdf"> 1920-4-9 Chisholm, Katz, J. Jaffe, Bubley, Holstein, Kaner, Gordon</A> -   1920 4 9
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1920-4-9 Chisholm, Katz, Jaffe, Bubley, Holstein, Kaner, Gordon.pdf"> 1920-4-9 Chisholm, Katz, Jaffe, Bubley, Holstein, Kaner, Gordon</A> - -   headline  -   1920 4 9
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1920-4-9 ag Chisholm, Gordon, Bubley, Siegel,Kaner,.pdf"> 1920-4-9 ag Chisholm, Gordon, Bubley, Siegel,Kaner,</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1920 Chisholm - Mrs Sam Katz and guests Mr and Mrs Ben Gordon, Mr and Mrs Paul Holstein, Mr and Mrs J Kaner and Mr and Mrs MW Gordon all of Virginia.  Also, Mr and Mrs M Garber, Mr and Mrs M Siegel, Mr and Mrs Ed Bubley and J Jaffe of Hibbing  </font>     1920 4 9
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1920-10-26 Bankman.pdf"> 1920-10-26 Bankman</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1920 Virginia: Elect  Officers, Zionist meeting, Bnai Abraham temple, M. V. Bankman, S. Jaffe, Hyman Cohn, Charles Ostro, Ben Milavetz, Mike Lindeke, Leo Lieberman, J. H. Garon.  </font>     1920 10 26
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1921-7-14 I. Jaffe, Spiro, Brith picnic.pdf"> 1921-7-14 I. Jaffe, Spiro, Brith picnic</A> - -   headline  -   1921 7 14
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1922-2-25 Hibbing, I. Jaffe, Harry Stone, mash.pdf"> 1922-2-25 Hibbing, I. Jaffe, Harry Stone, mash</A> - -   headline  -   1922 2 25
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1922-8-6 Cohen-Jaffe lic., Virginia.pdf"> 1922-8-6 Cohen-Jaffe lic., Virginia</A> - -   headline  -   1922 8 6
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1922-8-6 Pearl Jaffee and Louis Cohen, ml.pdf"> 1922-8-6 Pearl Jaffee and Louis Cohen, ml</A> - -   headline  -   1922 8 6
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1922-8-6 Louis Cohen and Pearl Jaffee ml..pdf"> 1922-8-6 Louis Cohen and Pearl Jaffee ml.</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1922 Louis Cohen and Pearl Jaffe get marriage license  </font>     1922 8 6
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1922-10-10 Virginia, B'nai Milavetz, Jaffe, Dorfman, Kaner, Cohen, Simon, etc.pdf"> 1922-10-10 Virginia, B'nai Milavetz, Jaffe, Dorfman, Kaner, Cohen, Simon, etc</A> - -   headline  -   1922 10 10
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1922-10-10 Virginia, Mesberg, Dorfman, Jaffee, Cohen, Scheiber, Bankman.pdf"> 1922-10-10 Virginia, Mesberg, Dorfman, Jaffee, Cohen, Scheiber, Bankman</A> -   1922 10 10
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1899-8-11 Abe Kenner, street sp..pdf"> 1899-8-11 Abe Kenner, street sp.</A> -   1899 8 11
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1899-10-6 Abe and H Kenner general fund .pdf"> 1899-10-6 Abe and H Kenner general fund </A> -   1899 10 6
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1899-12-5 Samuel Kaner & Rosa Kenner marriage lic .pdf"> 1899-12-5 Samuel Kaner & Rosa Kenner marriage lic </A> -   1899 12 5
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1899-12-11 Samuel Kaner and Rosie Kenner wedding.pdf"> 1899-12-11 Samuel Kaner and Rosie Kenner wedding</A> -   1899 12 11
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1901-11-28 Cook and Abrahamson - cornerstone.pdf"> 1901-11-28 Cook and Abrahamson - cornerstone</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1901 Cornerstone To Be Laid Today. Appropriate Ceremonies Will Take Place At New Jewish Synagogue. Mrs. Amelia Cook Honored. Rabbi Sosnofsky, Maor Hugo And P. J. Neff To Speak. List of the Committees In Charge of the Program and Program in Full. Chevra Kadisha and Adas Israel congregation at Third avenue East and Second street. M. Zalk, Rabbi Sosnofsky, Mayor T. W. Hugo, Hon. P. J. Nef, Mrs. Amelia Cook, sons Isaac Abrahamson, M. Cook, grandson W. M. and great grandson Ned Abrahamson. Hon. H. Truelsen, Rev. S. P. Long. Max. Zalk, S. Karon , B. J. Cook, A. J. Klatsky, Isaac Abrahamson, S. Rochlan, M. Z. Casmir, L. Polinsky, J. Kenner, D. Silk, M. S. Cook, S. Rochlan, M. Zalk, J. Polinsky, E. Kenner, S. Karon, M. L. Casmir, F. Sher, H. Weinberg, L. Polinsky.  </font>     1901 11 28
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1903-9-17 Abraham Karon Dead,  Mrs. Benjamin Kenner, Mrs. Nathan Golden, Mrs. Philip Sher, Mrs. Samuel L. Mark.pdf"> 1903-9-17 Abraham Karon Dead,  Mrs. Benjamin Kenner, Mrs. Nathan Golden, Mrs. Philip Sher, Mrs. Samuel L. Mark</A> -   1903 9 17
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1906-2-3 Samuel M. Kaner and Sarah Kenner marriage lic.pdf"> 1906-2-3 Samuel M. Kaner and Sarah Kenner marriage lic</A> -   1906 2 3
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1907-2-21 Local Improvements Benjamin Kanner.pdf"> 1907-2-21 Local Improvements</A> - -  </font><font size="1"> Assessments: B. Silberstein, Ignaz Freimuth, Samuel Levine, Ben Kenner, S. Karon, Annie Bondy, M Shapiro, Temple Emanuel  </font> -   1907 2 21
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1907-2-27 Annie Marion Sher and David Weinberg wed, Hurvitz.pdf"> 1907-2-27 Annie Marion Sher and David Weinberg wed, Hurvitz</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1907 Annie Marion Sher and David Weinberg wed.   Rabbi Teplitz, Ida Sher, Rose Kenner, Harry Weinberg, Frank Sher, guests: Shapiro, Milevitz, D. Simon, E. Cohen, Lieberman, Sher, Lewis, B. Caren, Sher, Cone, Barney Cone, I. Cone, J. Cone, Bloom, Aarenson, Hurvitz, C. Marcus, Harris, Jennie Markus.  </font> -   1907 2 27
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1907-5-28 Harry Kanner & Minnie Rose marriage lic.pdf"> 1907-5-28 Harry Kanner & Minnie Rose marriage lic</A> - -   Marriage Licenses. Harry Kenner and Minnie Rose  -   1907 5 28
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1907-5-30 Minnie Rose and Harry Kanner, marriage.pdf"> 1907-5-30 Minnie Rose and Harry Kanner, marriage</A> - -   Rose Kenner, Harry Kenner, Karon, Rose, Kohan, Rabbi Tiplitz  -   1907 5 30
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1907-6-2 Minnie Rose, Harry Kanner marriage.jpg"> 1907-6-2 Minnie Rose, Harry Kanner marriage</A> - -   Marriage, Minnie Rose, Harry Kenner -   1907 6 2
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1909-3-4 Harry Kenner-Nielson saloonkeepers bankrupcy.pdf"> 1909-3-4 Harry Kenner-Nielson saloonkeepers bankrupcy</A> -   1909 3 4
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1909-3-23 Kaner Miliotz wedding, G Kanner guest.pdf"> 1909-3-23 Kaner Miliotz wedding, G Kanner guest</A> - -   Isador Kaner- Celia Milavetz, Getzel Kenner, guest  -   1909 3 23
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1910-3-11 Solomon Kaner obit..pdf"> 1910-3-11 Solomon Kaner obit.</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1910 Solomon Kaner Is Dead At His Home. Leader for Many years Among Jewish-Americans Here Succumbs to Pneumonia. 213 John avenue. Mrs. L. Revelsky-Buhl, Mrs. B. Cohen-Stevenson, Mrs. E. Kenner-Duluth, Mrs. B. Karon, Mrs. J. Chucker, Miss Evelyn, Benjamin Kaner, S Kaner, E. Kaner, and J.Kaner. Rabbi Teplitz, Rabbi Trembladt, obit.  </font>     1910 3 11
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1910-8-27 Rose A. Kenner and Frank T.  Sher.pdf"> 1910-8-27 Rose A. Kenner and Frank T.  Sher</A> -   1910 8 27
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1910-8-27 Rose A. Kenner Frank T. Sher mar. lic.pdf"> 1910-8-27 Rose A. Kenner Frank T. Sher mar. lic</A> -   1910 8 27
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1910-8-31 Rose Kenner and Frank Sher wed..pdf"> 1910-8-31 Rose Kenner and Frank Sher wed.</A> -   1910 8 31
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1910-11-19 Davidson and Kenner deaths.jpg"> 1910-11-19 Davidson and Kenner deaths</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1910 Davidson-Infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. B. Davidson. 516 West Fifth street. Nov. 15.  </font>     1910 11 19
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1910-11-19 Davidson and Kenner deaths.jpg"> 1910-11-19 Davidson and Kenner deaths</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> Kenner-Getzel. 422 St. Croix avenue, age 62. Nov. 15.  </font>     1910 11 19
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1911-3-15 Elijah Kenner, son.pdf"> 1911-3-15 Elijah Kenner, son</A> -   1911 3 15
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1911-9-3 The Last of the Fishermen of Duluth E. Kenner.pdf"> 1911-9-3 The Last of the Fishermen of Duluth E. Kenner</A> -   1911 9 3
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1912-6-9 Harry Kenner, Washington School.pdf"> 1912-6-9 Harry Kenner, Washington School</A> -   1912 6 9
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1912-6-14 Sarah Abrahamson Ely School.pdf"> 1912-6-14 Sarah Abrahamson Ely School</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1912 Grade Schools Turn Out Six Hundred Graduates. Commencement Exercises at Most of Buildings Marks Graduation of Largest Number of Grammar School Children in Duluth's History-Programs Attractive and Well Rendered. - - - Ely School: Sarah Abrahamson - - Jefferson School: Esther Zelda Abrahamson, Ruth Freimuth, Esther Dorothy Levine, Mollie Rudnitzky, Sheba Yesani - -  Adams School: Harry Karon, Jennie Winer, Harry Bernard Schneider - -  Endion School:  Bessie Popkin - - Franklin School:  Jacob Garon, Bennie Goldstein, Maurice Fred Lavick - -  Washington School: Charlotte Azine, Rose Goldish, Samuel Gotkin, Ida Ruth Kasmir, Bertha Miriam Moscovitch, Allen Rachlin, Ida Ruth Stein, Minnie Myrtle Winer, Marvin Berkson, Rae Leah Cook, Harry Karon, Harry Eli Kenner, Jennie Markus, Bessie Silver, Lean Marion Sonosky, Lizzie Louise Polinsky.   </font>     1912 6 14
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1912-7-21 Gladys Kenner.pdf"> 1912-7-21 Gladys Kenner</A> -   1912 7 21
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1913-8-30 Athletic Badges Gladys Kenner, Lillian and Sylvia Joseph.pdf"> 1913-8-30 Athletic Badges Gladys Kenner, Lillian and Sylvia Joseph</A> -   1913 8 30
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1914-11-3 Ben Kenner-Sunday store open.pdf"> 1914-11-3 Ben Kenner-Sunday store open</A> -   1914 11 3
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1915-1-5 Gimel-Doled Club, Karon, Kenner,Sher, Goldish.pdf"> 1915-1-5 Gimel-Doled Club, Karon, Kenner,Sher, Goldish</A> -   1915 1 5
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1915-4-1 E. Kenner, first boat.pdf"> 1915-4-1 E. Kenner, first boat</A> -   1915 4 1
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1916-1-27 William Abrahamson raise funds.pdf"> 1916-1-27 William Abrahamson raise funds</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1916 Collect Funds Today For Jewish War Sufferers. Duluth Relief Committee to Conduct City-Wide Canvas for Funds-Pythian Lodge Will Aid Workers. Jewish Central War Relief. Spalding hotel and Duluth banks will receive subscriptions. Dr. Maurice Lefkovits-chairman, committee members: B. Silberstein, I. Freimuth, Ben Blumenthal, Max Albenberg, Ben Goldish, M. L. Zien, L. J. Selig, Dr. A. H. Schwartz, Michael Rocklin, L. Fox, George Harris, Nathan Kris, Dr. Samuel Gross, Dr. M. R. Zack, Dr. M. . Hirschfield and Dr. E. Z. Shapiro, J. J. Robinson, Joseph Oreckovsky, David Sohn, Sig Abraham, David Leowus ?, Sig Levy, Richard Jacobs, Ralph Cohen, Louis Goldberg, Mortimer Bondy, Max Mann, E. G. Levy, Sol Goldberg, William Abrahamson, Sam Mendelson, M. L. Rine, N. E. Lugoff, Leon Traubman, S. Karon, Samuel Kenner, E. A. Silberstein Harris Bennett, A. Litman, Adolph Levy, H. Y. Joseph, Louis Zalk.     - - Note from Karen: This was a well organized campaign. I was impressed with how they canvassed the entire Duluth community in the year 1916.  - -  Note from Jack:  I am not sure of the exact breakdown but would bet the leaders were from all of the synagogues in existence at the time, including:  Adas Isarel, Tiffereth Israel, Temple Emanuel,  Sharret Zedek,  Bnai Israel - from West Duluth</font>     1916 1 27
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1917-7-29 Samuel Klatsky.pdf"> 1917-7-29 Samuel Klatsky</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1917 Samuel Klatsky  and Benjamin Israel Kenner  150 Draft.  </font>     1917 7 29
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1917-8-2 Ben Ireal Kanner, draft, fail test.pdf"> 1917-8-2 Ben Isreal Kanner, draft, fail test</A> - -  First St. Louis County Draft test, Ben Israel Kanner (Kenner?) -   1917 8 2
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1917-9-16 Draft Jewish families.pdf"> 1917-9-16 Draft Jewish families</A> - -   Drafted Jews Hailed As Heroes Of Opportunity, many names, B. T. Kenner -   1917 9 16
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1917-9-16 Jews Drafted.pdf"> 1917-9-16 Jews Drafted</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1917 Drafted Jews Hailed As Heroes Of Opportunity. Fifteen Men Congratulated by Relatives and Friends at Reception. Miss Rose Silk, Commisioner Bernar Silberstein, DR. A. H. Schwartz, Abe Fieldman, M. S. Winthrop, Sigmond M. Slonim, Dr. Maurice Lefkovitz, H. Witz, David Weinberg, S. J. Sher, C. D. Oreckovsky, S. H. Kassmir, C. P. Meyers, H. Segal, H. Cassmir, Joe Werteiney, J. Chessen. Honored guests: Dr. Samuel Grose, Dr. M. R. Zack, A. B. Kapplin, Albert Bergstein, Jacob Flint, Phillip Brock, Louis Cominker, Arthur A Friedman, Max S. Gordon, Joseph Hurwitch, Davi Kaplan, Isadore Mendelson, George Winthrop, Abe Flint, B. T. Kenner. Officer of the organization Duluth Hebrew Brotherhood: Robert Buchman, Harry Witz, M. J. Segal, Charles Lavent, David Weinberg, S. H. Kassmir, I. Garon, Myer Kane, Charles D. Oreckowsky, Entertainment: Mrs. H. S. Kassmir, Mrs. H. Segal, Mrs. N. Goldfine. Entertainment: Miss Rose Silk, Mrs. Sol Goldberg, Harry Segal, Miss Mary Simon.   </font>     1917 9 16
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1917-11-22 Moose Lake Kenner, Pomish, Dorf.pdf"> 1917-11-22 Moose Lake Kenner, Pomish, Dorf</A> - - Moose Lake:   Entertains Friends, Kenner, Dorf, Padulsky, M. Pomish, Arnoivitch -   1917 11 22
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1918-1-11 Israel Kenner estate, S. L. Kaner.pdf"> 1918-1-11 Israel Kenner estate, S. L. Kaner</A> -   1918 1 11
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1918-6-19 Hattie Kenner, recital.pdf"> 1918-6-19 Hattie Kenner, recital</A> -   1918 6 19
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1918-11-27 Israel Kenner estate, Elijah Kenner.pdf"> 1918-11-27 Israel Kenner estate, Elijah Kenner</A> -   1918 11 27
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1918-12-9 Israel Kenner.pdf"> 1918-12-9 Israel Kenner</A> -   1918 12 9
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1918-12-9 Adas Israel, memorial.pdf"> 1918-12-9 Adas Israel, memorial</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1918 Jewish Congregation Honors 3 Dead Members. Corp. J. Hurrvitch, Private David Kaplan, Ada Israel Chevra Kadisha, Israel Kenner.  </font> -   1918 12 9
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1918-12-28 Israel Kenner estate, S. M. Kaner.pdf"> 1918-12-28 Israel Kenner estate, S. M. Kaner</A> -   1918 12 28
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1919-2-21 Golden, Hattie Kenner, Karon, Josephs.pdf"> 1919-2-21 Golden, Hattie Kenner, Karon, Josephs</A> -   1919 2 21
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1920 5-13 Rose Kenner Washington Jr. High honor Roll.pdf"> 1920-5-13 Rose Kenner Washington Jr. High honor Roll</A> -   1920 5 13
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1920-6-6 Bessie Litman, Young Judea.pdf"> 1920-6-6 Bessie Litman, Young Judea</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1920 Young Judea Club To Give 'Every Jew'. Receipts to be Used for Palestine Restoration Fund. three-act drama. Rudolph Siegel, Emil Wiener, Anna Kane, Eva Lent, Anna Saperstein, Anna Toback, Gladys Kenner, Minnie Gerschgold, Blanch Zien, Dave Sherman, Bessie Litman, Ida Scharon, Irene Bergstein, Nathan Cohen, Louis London, Jacob Carsner, Mary Cohen, play written by Mrs. J. B. Weiner and directed by Miss Goldie Finn. Louis Gomberg, Morris Cohen, Joseph Piley, Orville Anderson, Helen Segal, Blanche Zien.   </font> -   1920 6 6
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1920-6-6 Young Juedea Club.pdf"> 1920-6-6 Young Juedea Club</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1920 Young Judea Club To Give 'Every Jew' Receipts to be Used for Palestine Restoration Fund. Rudolph Siegel, Emil Wiener, Anna Kane, Eva Lent, Anna Sapertein, Anna Toback, Gladys Kenner, Minnie Gerschgold, Blanche Zien, Dave Sherman, Bessie Litman, Ida Scharon, Irene Bergstein, Nathan Cohen, Louis London, Jacob Carsner, Mary Cohen. Mrs. J. B. Weiner, Goldie Finn, Louis Gomberg, orris Cohen, Joseph Piley, Orville Anderson, Helen Segal, Blanche Zien.  </font>     1920 6 6
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1920-6-7 Bessie Litman Young Judea.pdf"> 1920-6-7 Bessie Litman Young Judea</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1920 Young Judea Society Presents 'Every Jew'. benefit Palestine Restoration fund. Rudolph Siegel, Emil Weiner, Anna Kane, Eva Lent, Anna Saperstein, Anna Toback, Gladys Kenner, Minnie Gerschbold, GBlanche Zien, Dave Sherman, Bessie Litman, Ida Sclarow, Irene Bergstein, Nathan Cohen, Louis Gordon, Jacob Carsner, Mary Cohen, Louis Gomberg, Blanch Zien, Morris Cohen, Joseph Priley, Orville Anderson, Mrs. J. B. Weiner.  </font> -   1920 6 7
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1920-6-7 Morris, Nanthan, Mary Cohen-Judea play.pdf"> 1920-6-7 Morris, Nanthan, Mary Cohen-Judea play</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1920 Young Judea Society Presents ‘Every Jew’. Shrine auditorium, Palestine Restoration fund. Rudolph Siegel, Emil Weiner, Anna Kane, Eva Lent, Anna Saperstein, Anna Toback, Gladys Kenner, Minnie Gerschbold, Blanche Zien, Dave Sherman, Bessie Litman, Ida Sclarow, Irene Bergstein, Nathan Cohen, Louis Gordon, Jacob Carsner, Mary Cohen, Louis Gomberg, Blanche Zien, Morris Cohen, Joseph Priley, Orville Anderson, Mrs. J. B. Weiner.   </font>     1920 6 7
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1920-6-29 Virginia, Lavick, Mesberg, Kenner.pdf"> 1920-6-29 Virginia, Lavick, Mesberg, Kenner</A> -   1920 6 29
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1921-3-27 Sarah Grace Kenner S'More Tiny Tots.pdf"> 1921-3-27 Sarah Grace Kenner S'More Tiny Tots</A> -   1921 3 27
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1921-4-3 Sara Grace Kenner-Tiny Tots Corner.pdf"> 1921-4-3 Sara Grace Kenner-Tiny Tots Corner</A> -   1921 4 3
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1921-4-20 Rose Kenner, Washington Jr. High.pdf"> 1921-4-20 Rose Kenner, Washington Jr. High</A> -   1921 4 20
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1921-5-2 B'nai B'rith.pdf"> 1921-5-2 B'nai B'rith</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> Fraternity Shatters Precedents, Bernard Silberstein Made Life Member of Order of B'nai B'rith.  Henry Monsky of Omaha, Neb., W. M. Abrahamson, A. B. Kapplin, Charles D. Oreckovsky, D. P. Fieldman, Dave Miller, Harry Gordon. RabbiJesse Cohen,  Israel Lebendiger, S. B. Copilowisch, Ben Miller,  Samuel Nides. New Members: William M. Abrahamson, J. J. Abram, Harry E. Altman, Al Aron, Mortimer W. Bondy, Harold J. Brody, Joseph E. Coll?, Charles M. Cohen, Harry Lewis Cohen, Jacob Crystal, Michael Danaiko, Louis Fishman, Louis Gallop orris Garrison, Oscar Goldstein, Samuel Gotkin B. Louis Green, Monte A. Greenblat, Ben J. Kenner, Herman N. Kramer, Frank Krupitzky, Morris Krupitzky, Louis J. Lasky, Samuel C. Latts, Jak Levine, Morris Levine, Irving M. Levinson, SamLevinson, L. S. Lugoff, Abe H. Miller, Isadore Mogelson S. Natelson, Percy E. Oreck, David Oreckovsky, Max D. Orinstein, David B. Pollack, D. Raihill, Frank M. Riskin, Mandy Rosenberg, Chas. A. Saksanoff, Samuel Sander, Robert Schway, Hyman L. Segal, Hyman W. Segal, Jack E. Segal, Sam J. Segal, Chas. S. M. Segalbaum, Samuel Shore, Sam Simon, Morris Slavoot, J. Slonim, Abe L. Solon, John L. Sosnosky, Joseph Steinman, Harry Vertelney, Louis Weisberg, Ed Zalk, Samuel Zalk, Wolf B. Zien, A. Zurovsky.  </font>     1921 5 2
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1921-5-21 Ben Kenner.pdf"> 1921-5-21 Ben Kenner</A> -   1921 5 21
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1921-6-19 Young Judea beginnigs, Alice Kenner.pdf"> 1921-6-19 Young Judea beginnigs, Alice Kenner</A> -   1921 6 19
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1921-6-19 Young Judea formed, Alice Kenner.pdf"> 1921-6-19 Young Judea formed, Alice Kenner</A> -   1921 6 19
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1921-7-10 Gladys Kenner, contest.pdf"> 1921-7-10 Gladys Kenner, contest</A> -   1921 7 10
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1921-7-17 Athletic Tests, Edmund Kenigsberg, Kenner, Zimmerman.pdf"> 1921-7-17 Athletic Tests, Edmund Kenigsberg, Kenner, Zimmerman</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1921 Athletic Tests, Geo. Kenner, Edmund Kenigsberg, Abe Zimmerman.   </font> -   1921 7 17
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1922-8-20 Abe Goldfine-Fanny Ovetsky wedding .pdf"> 1922-8-20 Abe Goldfine-Fanny Ovetsky wedding </A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1922 Goldfine-Ovetsky Nuptials Celebrated.   Fanny Ovetsky and Abe Goldfine wed, Rabbi Lebendiger, Odd Fellows' hall, Mrs. B. D. Ben ?, Miss Idalla Berkson,  Anna ? Miss Las?, Miss Goldfine-Duluth,  Joe Kaner, Tobia Garon, twin nieces, flower girl Gertrude Kaner, dinner for 250 guests, Mr. Miller-Eau Claire, Wis. and Harry Segal-Duluth-played piano and violin, 400 guests danced, out of town guests:  Mr. and Mrs. Brigh-Gilbert, Minn., Mr. and Mrs. Kaner and family-Cloquet, Ben Kaner-Barron, Wis., Mrs. Morris Goldfine-Minneapolis, Mr. and Mrs. Leo Rosenbloom and son and Sam Segal-Chicago, Mrs. Chapman and daughters-California, Mrs. Menehorovsky-Des Moines, Iowa, Mr. and Mrs. W. Kaner and family and Morris Kaner-Eveleth, following from Virginia: Mr. and Mrs. Hochstein, Mrs. Dorfman and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. L. Milavetz, Mr. and Mrs. Litman and son, Mr. and Mrs. George Flax, Mr. and Mrs. Gust Simon, Mr. and Mrs. Dave Sibel, Mr. and Mrs. Abe Kenner, and Mrs. Joseph Garon.   </font> -   1922 8 20
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1922-8-20 Abe Goldfine-Fanny Ovetsky wedding transcribed.htm"> 1922-8-20 Abe Goldfine-Fanny Ovetsky wedding transcribed</A>   - -  </font><font size="1"> 1922 Goldfine-Ovetsky Nuptials Celebrated.  (Article transcribed)  -  Fanny Ovetsky and Abe Goldfine wed, Rabbi Lebendiger, Odd Fellows' hall, Mrs. B. D. Ben ?, Miss Idalla Berkson,  Anna ? Miss Las?, Miss Goldfine-Duluth,  Joe Kaner, Tobia Garon, twin nieces, flower girl Gertrude Kaner, dinner for 250 guests, Mr. Miller-Eau Claire, Wis. and Harry Segal-Duluth-played piano and violin, 400 guests danced, out of town guests:  Mr. and Mrs. Brigh-Gilbert, Minn., Mr. and Mrs. Kaner and family-Cloquet, Ben Kaner-Barron, Wis., Mrs. Morris Goldfine-Minneapolis, Mr. and Mrs. Leo Rosenbloom and son and Sam Segal-Chicago, Mrs. Chapman and daughters-California, Mrs. Menehorovsky-Des Moines, Iowa, Mr. and Mrs. W. Kaner and family and Morris Kaner-Eveleth, following from Virginia: Mr. and Mrs. Hochstein, Mrs. Dorfman and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. L. Milavetz, Mr. and Mrs. Litman and son, Mr. and Mrs. George Flax, Mr. and Mrs. Gust Simon, Mr. and Mrs. Dave Sibel, Mr. and Mrs. Abe Kenner, and Mrs. Joseph Garon.   </font> -   1922 8 20
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1922-8-20 Abe Kenner guest at Ovetsky wed.pdf"> 1922-8-20 Abe Kenner guest at Ovetsky wed </A> -   1922 8 20
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1922-12-26 Elsie B. Pomush and Ben I. Kenner, eng.pdf"> 1922-12-26 Elsie B. Pomush and Ben I. Kenner, eng</A> - -   headline  -   1922 12 26
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1922-12-26 Elsie B. Pomush and Ben I. Kenner eng..pdf"> 1922-12-26 Elsie B. Pomush and Ben I. Kenner eng.</A> -   1922 12 26
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1978-12 Hattie Kenner Goldish JFN.jpg"> 1978-12 Hattie Kenner Goldish JFN profile</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> text  </font>     1978 12 0.9
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1982-3 Gladys Kenner JFN profile.jpg"> 1982-3 Gladys Kenner JFN profile</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> text  </font>     1982 3 0.9
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1985-6 Gladys Kenner JFN recipe.jpg"> 1985-6 Gladys Kenner JFN recipe</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1985 The recipe was one that Gladys Kenner prepared often. She found it many years ago in Cecily Brownstone’s newspaper column. Gladys had a collection of more than 1600 cookbooks. Her hobby started with a 10-cents cookbook her father Elijah Kenner bought her when she was 12 years old. Glady’s paternal  grandmother, Yenta Zelda Coran Kenner was a sister to my great grandfather Abbe Akir Coran.  - -   <A HREF="images2/news/1985-6 Gladys Kenner Salmon Pie.pdf">transcribed recipe in pdf</A> - - <A HREF="images2/news/Salmon Pie made & imaged by Karen 2015.jpg">photos of pie cooked by karen</A></font>     1985 6 0.9
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1912-1-7 Esther Kremen.pdf"> 1912-1-7 Esther Kremen</A> -   1912 1 7
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1912-1-7 Harry Lavant guest at Caplov Garber wed.0000.pdf"> 1912-1-7 Harry Lavant guest at Caplov Garber wed.0000</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1912   Lena Azine, William Howard Glass wed., Rabbi Kissen, Edythe Azine, Esther Kremen, David J. Azine, Mandel Glass, Ida Azine, Theresa Glass, guests Morris Glass, J. Berger, Edith and Joe Berger, Esther Kremen, Mandel Glass, Sara Shere, Albert Lieberman, David and john Azine, Polson.  </font> -   1912 1 7
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1915-7-7 Kremen.pdf"> 1915-7-7 Kremen</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1915 Hibbing: Make Awards For Big Parage, Nides, Kremen  </font> -   1915 7 7
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1920-11-19 Phillip Altman , Young Folks' Club.pdf"> 1920-11-19 Phillip Altman , Young Folks' Club</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1920 Young Folks' club Phillip Altman, photo, Anna Laskowitz, Sadie Kremen, William Jolson, A. N. Natelson, Frank Krupp, Esther Saksanoff, Cecil Laskowitz, Harriet Krupp, Harry Levine, Rabbi Israel Lebendiger, Moses Montifiore Hebrew school.  </font> -   1920 11 19
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1920-11-19 Philip Altman.pdf"> 1920-11-19 Philip Altman</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1920 Young Folks' Club Names President. photo, Philip Altman. Hebrew institute, Third avenue East and Third street. Miss Anna Laskowitz, Miss Sadie Kremen, William Jolson, A. N. Natelson, Frank Krupp, Esther Saksanoff, Cecil Laskowitz, Miss Narriet Krupp, Harry Levin, Rabbi Israel Lebendiger, superintend at Moses Montifiore Hebrew school,study of Jewish music, history, an philosophy.  </font>     1920 11 19
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1922-9-25 Nathan Kremen, Hig Holy Days.pdf"> 1922-9-25 Nathan Kremen, Hig Holy Days</A> -   1922 9 25
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1922-9-25 Nathan Kremen, High Holy Days.pdf"> 1922-9-25 Nathan Kremen, High Holy Days</A> -   1922 9 25
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1922-9-25 Nathan Kremen.pdf"> 1922-9-25 Nathan Kremen</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1922 Orthodox Jews End Observance of New Years. Nathan Kremen  </font> -   1922 9 25
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1922-10-1 Morris Cohen, Yom Kippir Ball.pdf"> 1922-10-1 Morris Cohen, Yom Kippir Ball</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1922 Jewish Club to Give Festial Year Ball. Yom Kipper ball, Odd Fellows’ hall, proceeds go to Hebrew institute, Third avenue East and Third street. Nathan Kremen-president, Rabbi Alvin Luchs-Temple Emanuel, H. Y. Josephs-ardent supporter, Irving Raihill, Morris Cohen-treasurer, Sam Rosenberg-secretary, I. Saksonoff, Charles Greene, Ralph Elevitch, Ralph Levine, Ben Davis, and Sam Segal-directors.    </font>     1922 10 1
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1922-12-25 Doris Sosnosky and Harris Goldman wed.pdf"> 1922-12-25 Doris Sosnosky and Harris Goldman wed</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1922 Jewish Club toGive Festival Year Ball, Northern Lights, Rabbi Alvin Luchs, H. Y. Josephs, Dr. Alvin Luchs, Irving Rajhill, Morris Cohen, Sam Rosenberg, I. Saksonoff, Charles Greene, Ralph Elevitch, Ralph Levine, Ben Davis, Sam Segal Nathan Kremen,  </font> -   1922 12 25
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1924-4-24 Nathan Kremen.pdf"> 1924-4-24 Nathan Kremen</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1924 "The Galloper," as Presented gy Seniors, Poves Success.   -  Sylvia Josephs, Nathan Kremen, Rosalind Labovitz.  </font> -   1924 4 24
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1906-6-6 Harry Lurye.pdf"> 1906-6-6 Harry Lurye</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1906 Return Verdict In Record Time. After Deliberating Ten Minutes Jury Refuses to Award Lurye Damages.   </font> -   1906 6 6
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1906-8-31 Hebrew Club Berkovitz, Lurye, Pomish, Karon, Kaner, Milavitz, Jaffe.pdf"> 1906-8-31 Hebrew Club</A> - -   Hebrew Club To Meet On Sunday, Berkovitz, Lurye, Pomish, Karon, Kaner, Berkowitz, Jaffe -   1906 8 31
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1906-8-31 Hebrew Club Lurye, Karon, Kaner, Millavitz, Jaffe.pdf"> 1906-8-31 Hebrew Club Lurye, Karon, Kaner, Millavitz, Jaffe</A> -   1906 8 31
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1908-5-5 Wayward Boy, Ben Lurye.pdf"> 1908-5-5 Wayward Boy, Ben Lurye</A> - -   Wayward Boy Commited To Industrial School, Ben Lurye  -   1908 5 5
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1908-8-14 Harry Lurye.pdf"> 1908-8-14 Harry Lurye</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1908 Harry Lurye, horse bridle.  </font> -   1908 8 14
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1909-12-17 Weiner-Nyrim wed., Chase , Pomist, Kaner, Doldfine, Lurye, Milavitz.pdf"> 1909-12-17 Weiner-Nyrim wed., Chase , Pomist, Kaner, Doldfine, Lurye, Milavitz</A> - - </font><font size="1">Ruth Celia Weiner and Hymon Nyrim wedding, many guests   </font> -   1909 12 17
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1909-12-17 Weiner-Nyrim,Rose Kaner, B. Kaner, Milavitz, Siegel, Lurye.pdf"> 1909-12-17 Weiner-Nyrim,Rose Kaner, B. Kaner, Milavitz, Siegel, Lurye</A> -   1909 12 17
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1910-3-27 Harry Lurye.pdf"> 1910-3-27 Harry Lurye</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1910 Hebrews To Line Up For Election. Political Club Will Hold Meeting at Agen Hall Tonight. Presiden Harry Lurye, Secretary Jacob Harris.  </font> -   1910 3 27
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1910-5-6 Roy Edelstein, Stewart case.pdf"> 1910-5-6 Roy Edelstein, Stewart case</A> - -   Stewart case of forged checks, Roy Edelstein, H. Lurye, S. Barkowich -   1910 5 6
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1911-6-13 Ed Lurye and E. I. Slonim wed, photo, Pomush.pdf"> 1911-6-13 Ed Lurye and E. I. Slonim wed, photo, Pomush</A> -   1911 6 13
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1911-6-13 Ed Lurye and E. I. Slonim wed, Pomush.pdf"> 1911-6-13 Ed Lurye and E. I. Slonim wed, Pomush</A> - -  </font><font size="1"> Twin Ports Young People Wed, photos, Edward I. Lurye, Mrs. E. I. Lurye (Tena Slonim)  </font> -   1911 6 13
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1913-3-23 Sarah Chucker, IB Lurye, wed, Horwitz.pdf"> 1913-3-23 Sarah Chucker, IB Lurye, wed, Horwitz</A> -   1913 3 23
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1915-6-15 Sarah Cohen, Elsie Pomush, Rose Lurye, Esther Simon.pdf"> 1915-6-15 Sarah Cohen, Elsie Pomush, Rose Lurye, Esther Simon</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1915 Girls Put Education To Test By Sewing $1 Graduation Gowns. Matt Carpener school, photo, Sarh Cohen, Elsie Pomush, Rose Lurye, Esther Simon.   </font>     1915 6 15
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1915-6-15 Sarah Cohen, Elsie Pomush, Rose Lurye, Esther Simon.pdf"> 1915-6-15 Sarah Cohen, Elsie Pomush, Rose Lurye, Esther Simon</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1915 Girls put education to text by sewing one dollar graduation gowns  </font>     1915 6 15
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1915-6-15 Sarah Cohen, Elsie Pomush, Rose Lurye, Esther Simon 2.pdf"> 1915-6-15 Sarah Cohen, Elsie Pomush, Rose Lurye, Esther Simon</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1915 Girls Put Education To Test By Sewing $1 Graduation Gowns. Elsie Pomush, Sarah Cohen, Rose Lurye, Esther Simons, photo. Matt Carpenter school.   </font>     1915 6 15
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1915-11-1 Tag Day Pearl Waller.pdf"> 1915-11-1 Tag Day Pearl Waller</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1915 Tag Day Receipts Will BeCompiled. Local organization Will Send Funds at Once to Releve War Sufferers. Pearl Waller, Rose Lurye, Sarah Cohen, Rebecca Cohen, Bessie Fontana, Ida Simon, Evelyn Kaner, Jennie Weinstin, Fannie Sorkin, Sarah Waller, M. Kaner, May Cohen, Mary Brown, Blanch Booth, Ruth Gordon, Celia Kaner, Alice Dorf, Florence Murrell, Fannie Ovetsky, Rose Vogel, M. Anovitch, Sarah Cohen, Sarah Pomush, Edith Lasky, Lena Maginsky, Alice Holzberg, Sarah Kaner, Bessie Cohen, Berdie Weingarten, Edith Fieldman, Miriam Solomon, Ruth Arnovitch, Sarah Handlasky, Minnie Holzberg, Jennie Ovetsky, Sarah Haronimus, Esther Schneider, Jessie Weinstein, Molly Handlasky, Sarah Harris, Annie Gittleman, Sarah Greenblat, Fannie Edelstein, Annie Bruder, Mamie Goldstein, Lillian Harris, Helen Weinstein, Annie Buder, Rose Altman, Mrs. M. Sherr, Mrs. R. Edelstein, and Mrs. R. Cohen.   </font>     1915 11 1
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1915-11-1 Alice Dorf.pdf"> 1915-11-1 Alice Dorf</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1915-11-1 Tag Day Receipts Will Be Complied. Local Organization Will Send Funds ast Once to Relieve War Sufferers. Pearl Waller, Rose Lurye, Sarah Cohen, Rebecca Cohen, Bessie Fontana, Ida Simon, Eveleyn Kaner, Jennie Weinstein, Fannie Sorkin, Sarah Waller, M. Kaner, May Cohen, Mary Brown, Blanche Booth, Ruth Gordon, Celia Kaner, Alice Dorf, Florence Murrell, Fannie Ovetsky, Rose Vogel, M. Anovitch, Sarah Cohen, Sarah Pomush, Edith Lasky, Lena Maginsky, Alice Holzberg, Sarah Kaner, Bessie Cohen, Berdie Weingarten,Edith Fieldman, Miriam Solomon, Ruth Arnovitch, Sarah Haronimus, Esther Schneider, Jessie Weinstein, Molly Handlasky, Sarah Harris, Annie Gittleman, Sarah Greenblat, Fannie Edelstein, Annie Bruder, Mamie Goldstein, Lillian Harris, Helen Weinstein, Annie Buder, Rose Altman, Mrs. M. Sherr, Mrs. R. Edelstein and Mrs. R. Cohen.  </font>     1915 11 1
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1918-6-9 Jewish Relief Wars, Lurye, Sher, Marks, Karon, Milavitz.pdf"> 1918-6-9 Jewish Relief Wars, Lurye, Sher, Marks, Karon, Milavitz</A> -   1918 6 9
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1918-8-11 Charle Arinovitch picnic.pdf"> 1918-8-11 Charle Arinovitch picnic</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1918 Superior: Range Towns Send Delegation to Picnic in Billings Park. - 1000 people attended the fourthe annual picnic given by the Zionists of Superior.   Charles Arinovitch, president, photo, Sara Lipman, Betty Cohen, Edith Lasky, Elsie Weinstein, Helen Weingarten, Berdie Weingarten. Dr. Maurice Lefkovits, Ed Luyre, Rae Schneider, Mrs. E. Lasky, Mrs. H. Cekar, I. Dorf, Sam Lurye, Abe Aroka, Harold Lasky.   </font>     1918 8 11
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1918-8-30 Hebrew Woman, Jaffe, Lurye, Kaner, Goldberg, Edelstein.pdf"> 1918-8-30 Hebrew Woman, Jaffe, Lurye, Kaner, Goldberg, Edelstein</A> -   1918 8 30
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1918-8-30 Woman Natatorium, Jaffe, Lurye, Kaner, Goldberg, Edelstein.pdf"> 1918-8-30 Woman Natatorium, Jaffe, Lurye, Kaner, Goldberg, Edelstein</A> - -  </font><font size="1">  To Place Heating Plant In Women’s Natatorium, Averbrook, Lurye, Jaffe, Rosenbloom, Kaner, Edelstein, Goldberg  </font> -   1918 8 30
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1919-7-26 Philip Litman.pdf"> 1919-7-26 Philip Litman</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1919 Zionists' Picnic Is Arranged For At Billings Park. Superior Will Be Host to Range and Duluth People-Fete to Be Held Aug. 10. Herman Aronsohn, Charles Arinovitch, Mrs. Ida Harris, M. Greeberg, Isadore Cohen, Alex Shapiro, Frank Webber, M. Lurye, P. Jaffe, E. Lurye, B. Cohen, Burnette Schneider, S. Y. Josephs, Rae Schneider, Hannah Kaner, Mrs. A. Shapiro, Edith Lsky, Byrdle Weingarten, Philip Litman, I. Dorf, Paul Hyman, Louis Kempinsky, L. Simon, A. Soraka, Harold Lasky, Dr. L. M. Harris, Robert Jacobs, Julius Cohen, Albert Marks, Dr. S. Gross, Herman Stulberg, Nathan Nides, Harry Goldberg, Castle Marcus.   </font> -   1919 7 26
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1920-8-20 Abe Lurye.pdf"> 1920-8-20 Abe Lurye</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1920 To Entertain Team. Two Harbors: Abe Lurye.  </font>     1920 8 20
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1920-8-23 Zionist Picnic, Lurye.pdf"> 1920-8-23 Zionist Picnic, Lurye</A> - -   headline  -   1920 8 23
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1920-8-24 Jacob G. Butwin and Rose W. Lurye ml..pdf"> 1920-8-24 Jacob G. Butwin and Rose W. Lurye ml.</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1920 Jacob G. Butwin and Rose W. Lurye, marriage license.  </font>     1920 8 24
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1920--12-9 A. J. Lurye furniture ad.pdf"> 1920-12-9 A. J. Lurye furniture ad</A> -   1920 12 9
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1920-12-19 Lurye Furniture ad.pdf"> 1920-12-19 Lurye Furniture ad</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1920 Lurye Furniture, South Hibbing-2211 Firt Ave. Superior-Corner Sixth & Tower.  - - <A HREF="images2/news/1920-12-19 Lurye Furniture ad.jpg">cropped image</A></font>     1920 12 19
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1922-8-23 A. J. Lurye and Edith furniture.pdf"> 1922-8-23 A. J. Lurye and Edith furniture</A> -   1922 8 23
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1922-12-7 Council of Jewish Women, I. W. Averbook.pdf"> 1922-12-7 Council of Jewish Women, I. W. Averbook</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1922 Council of Jewish Women. H. Y. Josephs, S. M. Polans, Harry Altman, M. G. Altman, B. N. Davidson, S. B. Copilowish, Charles Finkelstein, J. A. Kohn, Charles Levant, M. D. Nides, I. Oreck, D. Pollock, M. Rose, A. Lurye, A. H. Polinsky, William Silvian, Ida Karsner, Ida Finn, S. Altman, H. A. Shark, I. W. Averbook, Bennett I. Garon, Julius Garon, Ben Goldish, S. Ginsberg, B. Karsner, Kleckner, Henry Lavick, Benjamin London, D. A. Miller, Mohelson, A. Oreck, Sam Sanders, B. Sher, H. Silk, Harry Summerfield, J. Weinberg, M. Wetzler, Esther Abrahamson, A. Garon, J. E. Coil, Ralph Cohen., M. D. Nides, William Silvian, Louis Zalk, Mae Klein,Mayme Weinberg, Shark, Labovitz, Levine, C. P. Meyers, Sam Bailer, Ralph Cohen, B. J. Cook, R Mann, Esther Abrahamson, Mae Klein, Lillian Karon, Charles Oreckowsky, A. Oreckowsky, Artur Marks, Q. Kleckner, M. Silk, M. Cook, C. D. Jacobs, Rene Freimuth, J. E. Call, S. J. Sher, Joseph Oreckowsky, A. N. Polinsky, H. A. Shark, Joseph Stieman, A. Davidson, Jacob Abram, Morris Altman, J. Lieberman, J. Garon, R. Mann, Lou Kanter, M.Greenblat, Lyle Oreck, Joseph Bosner, William Oxman, S. Bennett. Rabbi Luchs, Harry Davis, Irene Levine, Mondschein.  </font> -   1922 12 7
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1922-12-7 Copilowish.pdf"> 1922-12-7 Copilowish</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1922-12-7 Club Notes. Committee Members  - Committee Members. Council of Jewish Women, library clubrooms. (Note that these are all women using their husband’s names ie. A. H. Polinsky is Mrs. A. H. Polinsky. There is also a repetition of names because they served on more than one committee.)  -  Mrs. H. Y. Josephs-president, Mrs. S. M. Polans-general chairman, Mrs. Harry Altman, M. G. Altman, B. N. Davidson, S. B. Copilowish, Charles Finkelstein, J. A. Kohn, Charles Levant, M. D. Nides, I. Oreck, D. Pollock, M. Rose, Mrs. A. Lurye, A. H. Polinsky, William Silvian, Ida Karsner, Ida Finn, S. Altman, Mrs. H. A. Shark, I. W. Averbook, Bennett I. Garon, Julius Garon, Ben Goldish, S. Ginsberg, B. Karsner, Kleckner, Henry Lavick, Benjamin London, D. A. Miller, Mohelson, A. Oreck, Sam Sanders, B. Sher, H. Silk, Harry Summerfield, J. Weinberg, M. Wetzler, Esther Abrahamson, A. Garon, J. E. Coll, Ralph Cohen, M. D. Nides, William Silvian, Louis Zalk, Mae Klein, Mayme Weinberg, Shark, Labovitz, Levine, Mrs. C. P.  Meyers, Sam Bailer, Ralph Cohen, B. J. Cook, R. Mann, Esther Abrahamson, Mae Klien, Lillian Karon, Mrs. Charles Oreckowsky, A. Orekowsky, Arthur Marks, Q. Keckner, M. Silk; Mrs. M. Cook, C. D. Jacogbs, Rene Freimuth, M. D. Nides, J. E. Call, S. J. Sher, Joseph Oreckowsky, A. N. Polinsky, H. A. Shark, Lillian Karon, Mrs. Joseph Stieman, A. Davidson, Jacob Abram, Morris Altman, J. Lieberman, J. Garon, R. Mann, Lou Kanter, M. Greenblat, Lyle Oreck, Joseph Bosner, Esther Abrahamson, Mae Klien, Mrs. William Oxman, Averbook, Ida Finn, S. Bennet. S. M. Polans, Mr. H. A. Shark, Mrs. Louis Zalk, Mrs. David Freimuth, Mrs. Harry Davis, Mrs. M. Cook, over 100 women attended the meeting.  - Note: Klien may be Klein. </font>     1922 12 7
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1922-12-7 Lavick, Council of Jewish Women.pdf"> 1922-12-7 Lavick, Council of Jewish Women</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1922 Club Notes. Committee Members Duluth section of the Council of Jewish Women at the library clubrooms. Mrs. H. Y. Josephs-President. Mrs. S. M. Polans-general chairman of social service,, Mrs. Harry Altman, Mesdames M. G. Altman, B. N. Davidson, S. B. Copilowish, Charles Finkelstein, J. A. Kohn, Charles Levant, M. D. Nides, I. Oreck, D. Pollock, M. Rose, Mrs. A. Lurye, Mesdames A. H. Polinsky, William Silvian, Ida Karsner, Ida Finn, S. Altman, Mrs. H. A. Shark, Mesdames I. W. Averbook, Bennett I. Garon, Julius Garon, Ben Goldish, S. Ginsberg, B. Karsner, Kleckner, Henry Lavick, Benjamin London, D. A. Miller, Mohelson, A. Oreck, Sam Sanders, B. Sher, H. Silk, Harry Summerfield, J. Weinberg, M. Wetzler, and auto committee, Miss Esther Abrahamson-chairman, Mesdames A. Garon, J. E. Coll? Ralph Cohen, M. D. Nides, William Silvian, Louis Zalk, and Miss Mae Klein.  - Other committees: Immigration: Miss Mayme Weinberg-chairman, Mesdames Shark, Labovitz and Levine. Big Sister: Mrs. C. P. Meyers-chairman, Mesdames Sam Bailer, Ralph Cohen, B. J. Cook, R. Mann, Miss Esther Abrahamson, Mae  Klien and Lillian Karon. Religions: Mrs. Charles Oreckowsky-chairman, Mesdames, A. Oreckowsky, Arthur Marks, Q. Kleckner, M. Silk. Lighthouse for the Blind. Mrs. M. Cook-Chairman. Mesdames C. D. Jacobs, Rene Freimuth, M. D. Nides, J. E. Call, S. J. Sher, Joseph Oreckowsky, A. N. Polinsky, H. A. Shark and Miss Lillian Karon. Social: Mrs. Joseph Stieman-chairman, Mesdames A. Davidson, Jacob Abram, Morris Altman, J. Lieberman, J. Garon, R. Mann, Lou Kanter, M. Greenblat, Lyle Oreck, Joseph Bosner, Miss Esther Abrahamson amd Miss Mae Klein. Membership: Mrs. William Oman-chairman.  Mesdames Averbook, Ida Finn and S. Bennett.  -  Mrs. S. M. Polans, Mrs. H. A. Shark, Mrs. Louis Zalk, Mrs. David Freimuth, Rabbi Luchs, Harry Davis, Franklin school, Mrs. M. Cook, Spalding hotel, Lighthouse for the Blind, Mrs. Harry Davis, Mrs. J. Lieberman, Mrs. H. Y. Josephs, Mrs. S. M. Polans, United Jewish Charities council.   Miss Irene Levine, Mrs. Mondschein, Mrs. Joseph M. Averbrook.  Over 100 women attended the meeting.   </font>     1922 12 7.1
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1977-9 Morris E Klasky JFN.jpg"> 1977-9 Morris E Klasky JFN</A>  - -  </font><font size="1">1977  Morris E. Klasky - How it Started.  Rabbi Bender suggested an organization called THE JEWISH FELLOWSHIP CLUB.  Benjamin Pass was elected President; vice presidents, Morris Klasky, Ben R Greene, Sam Altman; Rec Sec, Harry Segal; Corres Sec, Ben L. London; Treas, Robert J Karon; Sgt at Arms, Mandy Horowitz; Directors were as follows: Alex J Lurye, Ben Goldish, Louis Fishman, Dr S S Rosenbloom, John Cohen and Rabbi Paul Bender   </font>     1977 9 1
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/2012-12-27 Luryes Furniture Closes after 114 years.jpg"> 2012-12-27 Luryes Furniture Closes after 114 years</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 2012 Luryes Furniture Closes after 114 years  </font>     2012 12 27
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1905-1-7 Solomon Passon, infant obit.pdf"> 1905-1-7 Solomon Passon, infant obit</A> - -   Solomon Passon, 9 day old infant, obit. -   1905 1 7
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1905-1-27 Passon obit..pdf"> 1905-1-27 Passon obit.</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1905 Passon infant of Mr. and Mrs. SolomonPasson 18 1/2 East Second street, aged 9 days, obit.  </font>     1905 1 27
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1913-12-11 Joseph Passon.pdf"> 1913-12-11 Joseph Passon</A> - -   Echo Of Deal In Hides Reaches District Court, Joseph Passon  -   1913 12 11
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1918-4-1 Israel Passon birth.pdf"> 1918-4-1 Israel Passon birth</A> - -   Birth of daughter, Israel Passon  -   1918 4 1
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1918-4-11 Israel Passon.pdf"> 1918-4-11 Israel Passon</A> -   1918 4 11
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1921-4-20 Kaner, Passon, Walt.pdf"> 1921-4-20 Kaner, Passon, Walt</A> - -   headline  -   1921 4 20
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1921-7-23 Morris Passon confirmation.jpg"> 1921-7-23 Morris Passon confirmation</A> - -   headline  -   1921 7 23
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1921-7-23 son Morris Passon confirmation.pdf"> 1921-7-23 son Morris Passon confirmation</A> -   1921 7 23
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1922-2-11 Augusta and Beatrice Vertelney, Lincoln's     birhday.pdf"> 1922-2-11 Augusta and Beatrice Vertelney, Lincoln's     birhday</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1922-2-11 Lincoln’s Birthday, Jewish Arbor day. Lillian Harris,, Miss Helen Segal, Nathan Cohen, Rudolph Segal, Alfred Weinberg, Marvin Goldstein, Sylvia Laskowitz, Irene Levine, Sylvia Horowitz, Elsie Widdes, Fay Horowitz, Eunice Passon, Freida Brooks, Edith Riskin, Ida Weiner, Vivian Evans, Cheery Rine, Sylvia Stewart, Etta Levine, Mary London, Ruth Goldberg, Anna London, Ruby Aarons, Florence Goldfarb, Susie Bergal, Helen Aarons, Dorothy Horowitz, Pauline Cwl, Florence rose, Doris Cwil, Bessie Brooks, Elizabeth Cook. Herbert Samuel, Elizabeth Cook, Samuel Braerman, Sydney Green, Alfred Weinberg, J. Crystle, Sarah Goldfine, Miss Kurniss.  Augusta Vertelney, Beatrice Vertelney.   </font>     1922 2 11
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1922-2-11 Jewish Arbor Day, Passon, Goldberg, Samuels.pdf"> 1922-2-11 Jewish Arbor Day, Passon, Goldberg, Samuels</A>    - - </font><font size="1"> 1922 Lincoln Held As Idol By Jews IN U.S., Rabbi Says. Hebrews Regard Work of the "Great Emancipator" With Double Significance. Rabbi Israel Lebendiger, Hebrew Institute.  </font> -   1922 2 11.1
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1922-2-11 Jewish Arbor Day, Passon, Goldberg.pdf"> 1922-2-11 Jewish Arbor Day, Passon, Goldberg</A>   - - </font><font size="1"> Lincoln's Birthday and Chamishoh Oser B'Schvatt" (Tu B'Shuvat). Rabbi Israel Lebendinger, Lillian Harris, Helen Segal, Nathan Cohen, Rudolph Segal, Alfred Weinberg, Marvin Goldstein, Sylvia Laskowitz, Irene Levine, Sylvia Horowitz, Elsie Widdes, Fay Horowitz, Eunice Passon, Freida Brooks, Edith Riskin, Ida Weiner, Vivian Evans, Cheery Rine, Sylvia Stewart, Etta Levine, Mary London, Ruth Goldberg, Anna London, Ruby Aarons, Florence Goldfarb, Susie Bergal, Augusta Vertelney Helen Aarons, Beatrice Verteney, Dorothy Horowitz, Pauline Cwl, Florence Rose, Doris Cwl, Bessie Brooks, Elizabeth Cook, Herbert Samuel, Samuel Braverman, Sydney Green, J. Crystle (Crystal), Sarah Goldfine, Kurnisa.</font> -   1922 2 11.3
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1922-2-11 many children celebrate, Passon.pdf"> 1922-2-11 many children celebrate, Passon</A> -   1922 2 11.4
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1922-2-11 Tu B'shvat, Florence Goldfarb, Crystal, Widdes.pdf"> 1922-2-11 Tu B'shvat, Florence Goldfarb, Crystal, Widdes</A>  - - </font><font size="1">Helen Segal sister of Stan Segal's father and Rudoplh Segal. she married Louis Shelf - somehow connected to European Bakery. Nathan Cohen was married to Celia Walt. Alfred Weinberg, Sylvia Laskawitz became Sylvia Fink - they had the market on East 19th and 8th Street. Irene Levine became Irene Paull, Sylvia Horwitz maybe daughter of David and Sarah married Hallm Elsie Widdes - Elsie Kane, Fay Horwitz- Faye Solle, Eunice Passon could be Elsie Mastoon, Cherie Rine married Abe Bruzonsky, Sylvia Stewart married Gordon Cohen, Etta Levine sister of Irene Paull, Helen Aarons is Helen Widdes, Dorothy Horwitz another sister. Herb Samuels. Jacob Crystal father of Izy</font> -   1922 2 11.5
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1922-4-22 Joseph Passon claim.pdf"> 1922-4-22 Joseph Passon claim</A> - -   headline  -   1922 4 22
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1922-8-3 Passon, building boom.pdf"> 1922-8-3 Passon, building boom</A> - -   headline  -   1922 8 3
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1904-1-28 Hattie Shanedling and G. Perlman ml.pdf"> 1904-1-28 Hattie Shanedling and G. Perlman ml</A> -   1904 1 28
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1904-2-2 Eveleth Shanedling-Perlman wedding.pdf"> 1904-2-2 Eveleth Shanedling-Perlman wedding</A> -   1904 2 2
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1904-2-2 Harriet Shanedling and Gabril Perlman wed.pdf"> 1904-2-2 Harriet Shanedling and Gabril Perlman wed</A> -   1904 2 2
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1904-2-2 Eveleth Harriet Shanedling Gabriel Perlman.pdf"> 1904-2-2 Eveleth Harriet Shanedling Gabriel Perlman</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1904 Wedding At Eveleth Big Social Event. Miss Harriet Shanedling Becomes Bride of Gabriel Perlman. Mr. and Mrs. F. Shanedling of Eveleth, Gabriel Perlman, prominent clothier at Vail hall in Eveleth. - - Guests from Eveleth: Jeanette Shanedling, maid of honor; Mr. and Mrs. M. P. Shapiro, Clara and Lillian Shapiro; Samuel Leo and Carl Shapiro; Mr. and Mrs. F. Rabinowitz, son and daughter; Mr. and Mrs. M. Feldman and daughter; Mr. and Mrs. D. Simon and daughter; Mr. and Mrs. D. Elias and son; Mr. and Mrs. Milavetz, Celia Milavetz; Mr. and Mrs. Ben Gordon, Mr. and Mrs.Scott, Mr. and Mrs. Hipple, P. E. Dowling, Mrrs. Josephine Sibbit, Samuel Dorpin, Morris Rabinowitz, Joe Rabinowitz, Joe Miller, J. Simon, Mr. and Mrs. Max Shapiro, Jake and John Siegel;  Mr. Levant, Mr. and Mrs. Jake Schtein, Nathan Schtein; Samuel Rubenstein, Tom Sharp, George Mesberg, Harry Shenedling, Isadore Shanedling, Isadore Duff.  Virginia: Mr. and Mrs.Joe Roman, Mr. and Mrs. J. Mesberg, Lillian and Mary Mesberg; Mr. and Mrs. Ben Milavetz, Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Milavetz, Mr. and Mrs. Ike Milavetz, Mr. and Mrs.Julius Shanedling and daughters, H. and M. Shanedling, Mrs. N. Nathanson, Mrs. L. Cohen and daughter;  Anthony and Frank Shipley, L. Peterson, Mrs. Hoistein, Mr. Rubloff, Ben Gordon.  Milwaukee, Wis.: Misses Ida and Clara Blonde.  Sparta, Minn.: Mrs. L. Shurman.   Minneapolis: Mr. and Mrs. Meyers, parents of Mr. and Mrs. J. Shanedling.  Buhl: B. M. Lipman, Mr. and Mrs. Abramson.   La Crosse, Wis.: A. W. Jacobs.  St. Paul: H. Rudanskey.  </font> -   1904 2 2
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1906-11-25 Eveleth, Perlman.pdf"> 1906-11-25 Eveleth, Perlman</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1906  Eveleth: Boy Watch Thieves Confess And Go Free. One of the Timepieces Is Received and Two Are Paid For-Salon Row Causes Arrests.  H. G. Perlman.  </font> -   1906 11 25
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1908-3-10 Eveleth, Jewish Benvolent and Fraternal Order.pdf"> 1908-3-10 Eveleth, Jewish Benvolent and Fraternal Order</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1908 Eveleth: Jewish Lodge O.B.A. To Be Institued At Eveleth. Jewish Benevolent and Fraternal Order, O.B.A. , Jackson street, S. Sax, H. G. Perlman, Sam Siegel, Jacob Stein, insurance.   </font> -   1908 3 10
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1908-4-9 Eveleth, A. E. Perlman, clothing.pdf"> 1908-4-9 Eveleth, A. E. Perlman, clothing</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1908 Eveleth: Young Man Jailed; Forgery Alleged. Bernard Springer Arrested at Eveleth Accused of Passing a Bogus Check. A. E. Perlman's store.  </font> -   1908 4 9
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1908-6-21 Eveleth, Gilbert, Perlman and Smith fight.pdf"> 1908-6-21 Eveleth, Gilbert, Perlman and Smith fight</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1908 Socialism Starts A Hot Scrap At Eveleth. Mr. Perlman of Gilbert and F. J. Smith.  </font> -   1908 6 21
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1908-8-25 Belle Geisenfeld and Harry Shanedling wed.pdf"> 1908-8-25 Belle Geisenfeld and Harry Shanedling wed</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1908 Virginia: Young Wedded Couple Expected At Virginia.  Belle Geisenfeld and Harry Shanedling wed. Rabbi Dr. Caaro, Jeanette Shanedling, Lena and Laura Geisenfeld, Sarah Prozinski, Henry Shanedling, Herman Geisenfeld, H. Goldman. Julius and M. Shanedling, Jeanette Shanedling, Henry Shanedling, M. Perlman, G. Pearlman. wedding in Milwaukee, WI.  ------ 1908 Harry Shanedling and Belle Geisenfeld wed, Dr. Caaro, guests  Jeanette Shanedling, Lena and Laura Geisenfeld, Sarah Prozinski, Henry Shanedling, Herman Geisenfeld, H. Goldman, Julius and M. Shanedling, Henry Shanedling, M. Pearlman, G. Pearlman, Young Wedded couple Expected At Virginia.   </font> -   1908 8 25
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1908-12-2 Hattie Perlman.pdf"> 1908-12-2 Hattie Perlman</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1908 Hattie Perlman   </font> -   1908 12 2
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1909-1-22 Eveleth. H. G. Perlman 5th wed. anniversary.pdf"> 1909-1-22 Eveleth. H. G. Perlman 5th wed. anniversary</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1909 Eveleth: Observe Wedding Anniversary. Mr. and Mrs. H. G. Perlman. Mrs. Samuel Siegel, Mrs. Morris Nathanson, Mrs. H. Levenson.   </font> -   1909 1 22
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1912-3-4 Eveleth, Nathanson Bros. H. Perlman.pdf"> 1912-3-4 Eveleth, Nathanson Bros. H. Perlman</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1912 Eveleth Business Changes. Nathanson Brothers move clothing store Virginia. Ellis Brothers, clothiers, up-to-date deparatment store.  </font> -   1912 3 4
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1912-8-30 Perlman Goldberg wedding.pdf"> 1912-8-30 Perlman Goldberg wedding</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1912 Virginia: Perlman-Goldberg Wedding Next Sunday. A. Goldberg, Anna Perlman.   </font> -   1912 8 30
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1912-9-2 Eveleth, Anna Perlman Abraham Goldberg wedding.pdf"> 1912-9-2 Eveleth, Anna Perlman Abraham Goldberg wedding</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1912 Eveleth: Perlman-Goldberg, Mr. and Mrs. G. Perlman, Anna Perlman to Abraham Goldberg, owns Golden Rule store. Anna Perlman is a sister to H. G. Perlman.  </font> -   1912 9 2
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1912-10-13 Eveleth, Jewish synagogue.pdf"> 1912-10-13 Eveleth, Jewish synagogue</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1912 Eveleth: Jewish Congregation At Eveleth Banquets. Sam Ellis, Wm. Kaner, Abe Goldman, Geo. Perlman, Solomon Sax, Isadore Shanedling, Frank Weinberg.   </font> -   1912 10 13
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1912-10-13 Eveleth, Jewish Congregation, Ellis, Sax, Kaner, Weinberg, Sax, Perlman, Shanedling.pdf"> 1912-10-13 Eveleth, Jewish Congregation, Ellis, Sax, Kaner, Weinberg, Sax, Perlman, Shanedling</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1912 Eveleth: Jewish Congregation At Eveleth Banquets. Jewish synagogue, Sam Ellis, Wm. Kaner, Abe Goldman, George Perlman, Solomon Sax, Isadore Shanedling, Frnak Weinberg. </font> -   1912 10 13
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1914-7-6 Jacob Perlman and Sadie Berkson eng..pdf"> 1914-7-6 Jacob Perlman and Sadie Berkson eng.</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1914 Engagement Is Announced. Mrs. J. Berkson, 613 East First Street, engagement of daughter, Miss Sadie E Berkson to Joseph Perlman of Seattle, Wash  </font> -   1914 7 6
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1914-7-8 Joseph Perlman and Sadie E. Berkson eng..pdf"> 1914-7-8 Joseph Perlman and Sadie E. Berkson eng.</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1914 Engagement Is Announced. Mrs. J. Berkson, 613 East First Street, engagement of daughter, Miss Sadie E Berkson to Joseph Perlman of Seattle, Wash  </font> -   1914 7 8
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1914-11-1 Eveleth, Bney Achim, officers elected.pdf"> 1914-11-1 Eveleth, Bney Achim, officers elected</A>   - -  </font><font size="1"> 1914 Eveleth: Eveleth Synagogue Officers Elected. Bney Achim. H. Perlman, H. Siegel, A. Goldberg, Isadore Shanedling, Solomon Sax, Frank Rabinowitz, Frank Weinberg.  </font> -   1914 11 1
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1915-8-1 Sadie Evana Berkson and Joseph Perlman wed..pdf"> 1915-8-1 Sadie Evana Berkson and Joseph Perlman wed.</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1915 Perlman-Berkson Wedding Takes Girl To Sacramento, Cal., photo,  Miss Sadie Evana Berkson. Mrs. Jennie Berkson, 613 East First street and Joseph Perlman, Sacramento, Cal. Dr. Maurice Lefkovitz. Bess Markowitz, Sara Hurvitch, Talmud Torah clubroom.   </font> -   1915 8 1
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1915-8-5 Berkson and Perlman wed..pdf"> 1915-8-5 Berkson and Perlman wed.</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1915 Perlman-Berkson Nuptials Followed by Large Reception. Sadie Evana Berkson, daughter of Mrs. Jennie  Berkson,  613 East First street, weds Joseph Perlman of Sacramento, Cal. Dr. Maurice Lefkowitz, Mrs. Benjamin D. Bennett, Ida Berkson,  Mary Simon, Vernon Weinstein, Jacob Perlman, Louis Perlman, Mr. and Mrs. S. Perlman, Mrs. H. B. Weinstein, Bess Markowtiz, Sara Hurvitch, Mr. and Mrs. S. Perlman, Louis Pavian, Samuel Pavian, Phil T. Perlman, Jacob Perlman, Louis Perlman, M. C. Perlman, Harry Chelemsky.   </font> -   1915 8 5
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1915-8-5 Eveleth, Farmer's Market, H. Perlman.pdf"> 1915-8-5 Eveleth, Farmer's Market, H. Perlman</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1915 Eveleth Merchants Plan Farmers' Day. Solomon Sax, H. Perlman.  </font> -   1915 8 5
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1915-9-16 Eveleth, Jewish Relief, Budlick, Siegel, Levant, Ellis, Mesberg, Shanedling, Sax, Perlman, Shapiro.pdf"> 1915-9-16 Eveleth, Jewish Relief, Budlick, Siegel, Levant, Ellis, Mesberg, Shanedling, Sax, Perlman, Shapiro</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1915 Jewish Relief Work Organized At Eveleth. Sol Budlick, Sam Siegel, Harry Levant, Sam Ellis. George Mesberg, Isadore Shanedling, Solomon Sax, H. G. Perlman, and Max Shapiro.  </font> -   1915 9 16
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1916-1-25 Samuel M. Fink and Minnie Viener.pdf"> 1916-1-25 Samuel M. Fink and Minnie Viener</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1916 Samuel M. Fink and Minnie Viener, Adash Israel, Della Fink, James Viener, Esther Viener, Rae Zurovsky, Esther Zurovsky, Dolly Polinsky, Ida Orec, Bessie Altman, Dorothy Viener, Cera Find, Ida Zurovsky, Sheba Polinsky, Minnie Winer, Helen Weingarten, Rosalind Oreckovsky, Ralph Oxman, Eriwin Oreckovsky, Lew Perlman, Milton Rosen, Harry Steinman, Nate Cowden, Morris Kanter, Abe Aronsohn, Rev. Wolf Kissim. </font> -   1916 1 25
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1916-1-25 Samuel Fink and Minnie Viener wed.pdf"> 1916-1-25 Samuel Fink and Minnie Viener wed</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1916 Fink-Viener Wedding Attendnts Announced. Samuel M. Fink and Minnie Viener wed.  -  Della Fink, James Viener, Esther Viener, Rae Zurovsky, Esther Zurovsky, Dolly Polinsky, Ida Oreck, Bessie Altman, Dorothy Viener, Cera Fink, Ida Zurovsky, Sheba Polinsky, Minnie Winer, Helen Weingarten, Rosalind Oreckovsky, Ralph Oxman, Erwin Oreckovsky, Lew Perlman, Milton Rosen, Harry Steinman, Nte Cowden, Morris Kanter, Abe Aronsohn.  </font> -   1916 1 25
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1916-1-29 Eveleth, Jewish Relief Fund, Sam Ellis.pdf"> 1916-1-29 Eveleth, Jewish Relief Fund, Sam Ellis</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1916 Virginia Relief Fund Totals $1,200. Eastern Mesaba Cities and Towns Contribute Liberlally to War Sufferers. Julius Shanedling, Sam Siegel, Frank Rabinowit, Jacob Stein, Sam Siegel, Sam Ellis, Louis Rubenstein, Louis Siegel, H. A. Levant, G. H. Perlman, George Mesberg, Frank Weinberg, M. Kaner, H. Siegel, J. Winer, Harry White, Joe Learner.  </font> -   1916 1 29
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1916-2-21 Eveleth, merchants close on Sunday.pdf"> 1916-2-21 Eveleth, merchants close on Sunday</A>   - -  </font><font size="1"> 1918 Popular Jewish Woman, Formerly of City, Dead. Mrs. joseph Perlman, photo, Mrs. J. Berkson, 613 East First street, Sadie Evans Berkson,   Mrs. B. D. Bennett, Ida, David, and Abe.  </font> -   1916 2 21
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1917-5-14 Eveleth, Jewish Delegates, Levant.pdf"> 1917-5-14 Eveleth, Jewish Delegates, Levant</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1917 Eveleth: Jewish Delegates To Duluth. Solomon Bublick, Abe Goldberg, G. H. Perlman, Harry Levant.  </font> -   1917 5 14
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1917-5-14 G. H. Perlman.pdf"> 1917-5-14 G. H. Perlman</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1917 Jewish Delegates To Duluth. Eveleth: Solomon Bublick, Abe Goldberg, G H. Perlman, Harry Levant.   </font> -   1917 5 14
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1918-2-22 Eveleth, Purim, Kaner, Feldman, Stein, Greenberg, Perlman, Karlinsky, Rabinowitz, Nathanson, Weiner..pdf"> 1918-2-22 Eveleth, Purim, Kaner, Feldman, Stein, Greenberg, Perlman, Karlinsky, Rabinowitz, Nathanson, Weiner.</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1918 Eveleth Jews To Celebrate Purim Festival In Play. Young Judaea Menorah Club to Give Benefit Program and Dance Next Tuesday. The Young Judea Monorah club -  Rabbi A. M. Pfeffer, Fanny Kaner, Besse Feldman, Celia Stein, Anna Feldman, Morris Greenberg, Nanny Feldman, Abe Stein, Al? Perlman, Abe and Walter Karlinski, Morse Rabinowitz, Marcus Rabinowitz, Samuel Stein, Irving Nathanson, Louis Weiner.   </font> -   1918 2 22
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1918-12-7 Sadie Evana Berkson Perlman obit..pdf"> 1918-12-7 Sadie Evana Berkson Perlman obit.</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1918 Funeral Of Mrs. J. Perlman To Be Held In Duluth Today. Mrs. Joseph Perlman, Sacramento, Cal., formerly Miss Sadie Eyana Berkson, Charles and Louis, Mrs. B. D. Bennett, Ida, David, and Abraham.  </font> -   1918 12 7
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1918-12-22 Sadie Evana Berkson Perlman obit..pdf"> 1918-12-22 Sadie Evana Berkson Perlman obit.</A>   - -  </font><font size="1"> 1920 Brainerd: Hide Theft Foiled. H. Perlman, Brainerd Iron Metal company.  </font> -   1918 12 22
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1920-3-19 Brainard, H. Perlman, theft hides.pdf"> 1920-3-19 Brainard, H. Perlman, theft hides</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1921 Eveleth Jews Organize Society for Relief Drive.    </font> -   1920 3 19
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1921-4-2 Raymond Perlman.pdf"> 1921-4-2 Raymond Perlman</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1921 Raymond Perlman  </font> -   1921 4 2
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1921-5-9 Raymond Perlman.pdf"> 1921-5-9 Raymond Perlman</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1921 Raymond Perlman  </font> -   1921 5 9
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1921-5-17 Raymond Perlman.pdf"> 1921-5-17 Raymond Perlman</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1921 Raymond Perlman  </font> -   1921 5 17
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1921-5-21 Raymond Perlman.pdf"> 1921-5-21 Raymond Perlman</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1921 Raymond Perlman  </font> -   1921 5 21
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1921-12-2 Eveleth, Jewish Relief, Perlman, Siegel, Ellis, Levant, Rabinowtiz.pdf"> 1921-12-2 Eveleth, Jewish Relief, Perlman, Siegel, Ellis, Levant, Rabinowtiz</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1921 Eveleth Jews Organize Society for Relief Drive. Frank Rabinowitz, Harry Levant, Max Goldberg, Sam Ellis, G. H. Perlman, Sam Siegel, N. Karlinsky.  </font> -   1921 12 2
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1921-12-2 Eveleth, Jewish Relief, Perlman, Siegel, Ellis, Levant, Rabinowtiz.pdf"> 1921-12-2 Eveleth, Jewish Relief, Perlman, Siegel, Ellis, Levant, Rabinowtiz</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1916 Eveleth Merchants Close Stores Sunday. The Fair Store, I. Shanedling, G. H. Perlman, Mastiner Bros., Max Shapiro, Goldberg Bros. Morris Shanberg, Eveleth Bazaar.  </font> -   1921 12 2
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1922-3-3 Jewish fund raiser.pdf"> 1922-3-3 Jewish fund raiser</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1922 Range Jewish Relief Committees Named.  Julius Shanedling, Joseph Roman, M. K. Baer, Nathan Keller, Charles Hallock, Sam Nides, Ben Marcus, Sam Goldenberg, Max Wain, Sam Lewis, G. Perlman, Harry Rabinowitz, Marcus Levin, M. Glass er, B. J. Modalie, M. Lieberman.  </font>     1922 3 3
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1922-3-24 Raymond Perlman from Eveleth.pdf"> 1922-3-24 Raymond Perlman from Eveleth</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1922 Virginia: Fourteen High Speakers Seek Distric Honor, Raymond Perlman from Eveleth.  </font> -   1922 3 24
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1922-3-31 Eveleth, Irving Nathanson, Elias Perlman, Abe Karlinsky.pdf"> 1922-3-31 Eveleth, Irving Nathanson, Elias Perlman, Abe Karlinsky</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1922 Eveleth: Club Celebrates Anniversary. Fisk club, Irving Nathanson, toastmaster, Elias Perlman, Abe Karlinsky.  </font> -   1922 3 31
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1922-9-10 St. Paul, Jacob Perlman's mother, Poland.pdf"> 1922-9-10 St. Paul, Jacob Perlman's mother, Poland</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1922 Woman Enters U.S., Cutting Red Tape of 17 Years Standing. St. Paul, Mrs. Perlman, Poland.  </font> -   1922 9 10
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1922-12-2 Eveleth, Levant, Rabinowitz, Ellis, Siegel, Karlinsky, Goldberg, Perlman.pdf"> 1922-12-2 Eveleth, Levant, Rabinowitz, Ellis, Siegel, Karlinsky, Goldberg, Perlman</A> -   1922 12 2
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1922-12-2 Eveleth, Jewish Relief, Levant, Rabinowitz, Ellis, Siegel, Karlinsky, Goldberg, Perlman.pdf"> 1922-12-2 Eveleth, Jewish Relief, Levant, Rabinowitz, Ellis, Siegel, Karlinsky, Goldberg, Perlman</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1922 Eveleth: Eveleth Jews Organize Society for Relief Drive. Frank Rabinowitz, Harry Levant, Max Goldberg, Sam Ellis, G. H. Perlman, Sam Siegel, N. Karlinsky.  </font> -   1922 12 2
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1922-12-23 Eveleth, Meyer Perlman.pdf"> 1922-12-23 Eveleth, Meyer Perlman</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1922 Students To Give Play. Eveleth: Rabbi E. F. Freier, Bernice Weiner, Ann Siegel, Rosalyn Ellis, Meyer APerlman, Ruth Feldman, Simon Sax, Gertrude Siegel and Jake Weinberg.  </font> -   1922 12 23
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1922-12-23 Eveleth, Student play, Simon Sax.pdf"> 1922-12-23 Eveleth, Student play, Simon Sax</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1922 Eveleth: Students To Give Play. Talmud Torah, Rabbi E. F. Freier, Bernice Weiner, Ann Siegel, Rosalyn Ellis, Meyer Perlman, Ruth Feldman, Simon Sax, Gertrude Siegel, Jake Weinberg.  </font> -   1922 12 23
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1903-10-3 Podolsky.pdf"> 1903-10-3 Podolsky</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1903 Three Hundred Are Killed In Riots. Vienna, town Mohilev Podolsky  </font>     1903 10 3
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1911-2-24 Libby Pomush and Max Podolsky eng.pdf"> 1911-2-24 Libby Pomush and Max Podolsky eng</A> - -   Announce Engagement, Lillian Pomush to Max Podolsky  -   1911 2 24
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1911-2-24 Lillian Pomush and Max Podolsky eng..pdf"> 1911-2-24 Lillian Pomush and Max Podolsky eng.</A> -   1911 2 24
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1911-4-3 Mr. and Mrs. Max Podolsky, wed.pdf"> 1911-4-3 Mr. and Mrs. Max Podolsky, wed</A> - -  Mr. and Mrs. A. Pomush, Mr. and Mrs.(Lillian Pomush) Max Podolsky, Jaffe, Chucker   -   1911 4 3
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1911-4-3 Pomish and Podolsky.pdf"> 1911-4-3 Pomish and Podolsky</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1911 Mr. and Mrs. A. Pomush, 411 Baxter avenue. Lillian Pomush and Max Podolsky wed, Sarah Pomush, Rose Jaffe, Sarah Chuker, Israel Pomush, Charles Podolsky, Edward Chuker-Bovy.    </font>     1911 4 3
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1911-7-30 Podolsky.pdf"> 1911-7-30 Podolsky</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1911 Joe Podolsky, horse - 5th column,  </font>     1911 7 30
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1912-3-8 Max Podolsky, birth of daughter.pdf"> 1912-3-8 Max Podolsky, birth of daughter</A> - -   Max Podolsky, daughter born -   1912 3 8
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1912-3-8 Mr. and Mr. Max Podolsky, daughter.pdf"> 1912-3-8 Mr. and Mr. Max Podolsky, daughter</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1912 Mr. and Mrs. Max Podolsky, 720 Hughitt avenue, daughter born.  </font>     1912 3 8
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1912-7-7 Max Podolsky, permit.pdf"> 1912-7-7 Max Podolsky, permit</A> - -   Max Podolsky, permit for residence -   1912 7 7
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1913-5-4 Joe Podolsky.pdf"> 1913-5-4 Joe Podolsky</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1913 Joe Podolskyu bankruptcy case - needs to be cropped, above Interstate Bus Line  </font>     1913 5 4
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1913-10-21 Max Podolsky, son born.pdf"> 1913-10-21 Max Podolsky, son born</A> - -   Max Podolsky, son born -   1913 10 21
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1922-7-22 Glass & Hardware, Ma Podolsky.pdf"> 1922-7-22 Glass & Hardware, Ma Podolsky</A>  - -     1922 7 22
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1869-5-7 St. Paul, Charles J. Rosenberg emigration.pdf"> 1869-5-7 St. Paul, Charles J. Rosenberg emigration</A>  - -  </font><font size="1">  1869 Mr. Chas (Charles) J. Rosenberg, traveling agent for the Inmau line of steamers reports, carry 80,000 emigrants this year to the United States.  8,000 go to Minnesota. Emigrant Companies, prepaid tickets sent by friends. St. Paul newspaper. <I> Note:  This is a good article that sets the stage for immigrants coming to Duluth. The Leopold and Silberstein families began their businesses in 1869 and 1870. I doubt that they had a crystal ball, but this piece of information would have been a determining factor. </I>  </font>     1869 5 7
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1900-12-10 Anna Cohen.pdf"> 1900-12-10 Anna Cohen</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1900 Sarah G. Silver and Joseph N. Frankel wed, niece of Mr. and Mrs. Jones Rosenberg, Rabbi Yorsky, Charles Levy, J. Levy-St. Paul, David Gerchin-Minneapolis, Marion Hoffman, Anna Cohen Florence Silver, Ethel Gottstein-St. Paul.  - full page </font>     1900 12 10
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1900-12-10 Sarah G Silver & Joesph N Frankel married.jpg"> 1900-12-10 Sarah G Silver & Joesph N Frankel married</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1900 Sarah G. Silver and Joseph N. Frankel wed, niece of Mr. and Mrs. Jones Rosenberg, Rabbi Yorsky, Charles Levy, J. Levy-St. Paul, David Gerchin-Minneapolis, Marion Hoffman, Anna Cohen Florence Silver, Ethel Gottstein-St. Paul.  - cropped </font>     1900 12 10
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1904-1-18 Max Zalk, B'nai Brith.pdf"> 1904-1-18   B'nai Brith</A> - -  </font><font size="1"> Brith Abraham Installs Officers, Zalk, Rocklen, Orecowsky, Markovitz, Rosenberg, Orick, Shapira, Feldman, Abrahamson, Bernhard, Seigel  </font> -   1904 1 18
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1904-1-18 Brith Abraham Duluth.pdf"> 1904-1-18 Brith Abraham Duluth</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1904 Brith Abraham Installs Officers. M. Zalk, I. Rocklen, G. Orecowsky, M. Markovitz, I. Rosenberg, G. Orick, M. Shapira, H. Feldman, M. B. Abrahamson, S. Bernhard, J. Seigel.</font> -   1904 1 18
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1904-6-29 Karon Kenigsberg marriage.pdf"> 1904-6-29 Karon Kenigsberg marriage</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1904 Karon-Kenigsberg. Miss Edith Grace Karon and David Kenigsberg, S. Karon, Signor Valenza, Helen Karon, Louis Zalk, Hattie Shapiro, Max Coddon, Goldie Karon, Rev. Mr. Truiblatt, S. L. Mark, Sadie and May MarkEtta and Esther Coddon, Max Coddon, Mr. and Mrs. Shapiro, Mr. and Mrs. Goldeen, Mr. and Mrs. B. Kaner, Mr. and Mrs. S?, Mr. and Mrs. Bloom, Mr. and Mrs. Sher, Mr. and Mrs. Mark Britz, Milton Rosenberger, J. L. Zalk, E. Helperin and Ben Shapiro </font> -   1904 6 29
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1904-7-3 Kenisberg wed..pdf"> 1904-7-3 Kenisberg wed.</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1904 Edith Karon and John Kenigsberg wedding, S. Karon, Helen Karon, Louis Zalk, Mr. and Mrs. Kenigsberg, Mr. and Mrs. E. Siegel, Mr. and Mrs. H. Mark, Miss Sarah Mark, Miss Rose Cohen, Julius Cohen, Sam Cohen, B. Cohen, Isadore Cohen, Sadie and May Mark, Etta and Esther Codden, Mr. and Mrs. Shapiro, Mr. and Mrs. Goldeen, Mr. and Mrs. B. Kaner, Mr. and Mrs. Somerheld, Mr. and Mrs. Bloom, Mr. and Mrs. Sher, M. and Mrs. Mark Britz, Max Coddon, N. Rochstein, Milton Rosenberger, E. Helpern, Ben Shapiro.  </font> -   1904 7 3
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1905-3-5 I. Rosenberg moving to Hibbing.pdf"> 1905-3-5 I. Rosenberg moving to Hibbing</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1905 I. Rosenberg, formerly manager of a local clothing store, was in the city this week, removing his family to Hibbing.   </font>     1905 3 5
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1905-5-23 Lippman and Bankman.pdf"> 1905-5-23 Lippman and Bankman</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1905  Mr. and Mrs. Israel Rosenberg, Mountain Iron, wedding for Miss Ethel Lippman and Ben J. Bankman.  - -   <A HREF="images2/news/1905-5-23 Lippman and Bankman.jpg">cropped image </A></font>     1905 5 23
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1905-5-23 Mr. and Mrs. I. Rosenberg.pdf"> 1905-5-23 Mr. and Mrs. I. Rosenberg</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1905-5-23  Hibbing: Mr. and Mrs. Israel Rosenberg will go to Mountain Iron for Jewish wedding, Miss Ethel Litman and Ben J. Bankman wed.  - -   <A HREF="images2/news/1905-5-23 Mr. and Mrs. I. Rosenberg.jpg">cropped image </A></font>     1905 5 23
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1905-6-11 Israel Rosenberg.pdf"> 1905-6-11 Israel Rosenberg</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1905-6-11 Hebrew, Mesaba range, Birth of Abraham, S. Levinson, Israel Rosenberg. June 15, 1905 will be an institute.  - -   <A HREF="images2/news/1905-6-11 Israel Rosenberg.jpg">cropped image </A></font>     1905 6 11
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1905-11-5 Shapiro, Bondy, Silber Levy, Lewis, Roesnberger.pdf"> 1905-11-5 Shapiro, Bondy, Silber Levy, Lewis, Roesnberger</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> Mr. and Mrs. M. P. Shapiro, Bondy, Rev. Dr. Mendel Silber, Charles Levy, David Lewis, Milton Rosenberger, S. Y. Josephs, and Samuel Gittleson.  </font> -   1905 11 5
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1906-1-19 Mrs. I. Freimuth.pdf"> 1906-1-19 Mrs. I. Freimuth</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1906 newspaper article is from the Duluth News Tribune and describes a benefit party given by Mrs. I. Freimuth for Russian Refugees. If you look at the names listed, there is a Milton Rosenberg along with the Oreck, Orecovsky, Karon, Polinsky, etc.  </font>     1906 1 19
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1906-3-4 Kenigsberg.pdf"> 1906-3-4 Kenigsberg</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1906 Mr. and Mrs. M. Bloom, H. Kassimer, D. Kenigsberg, Max Shapiro, Louis Oreck, G. Oreck, J. Siegel, A. Polinsky, Mrs. S. Karon, Mrs. Milavitz, Helen Karon, Bessie Rocklin, Sadie Rocklin, Lizzie Helperin, Della Siegel, Sarah Simon, Hattie Shapira, Sophie Winstien, Sarah Milavitz, Clara Shapiro, Bessie Markevitz, Mary Shapiro, Selma Kasmir, Eva Kasmir, Minnie Winstein, Rabbi Mendel Silber, Allan Rocklin, Milton Rosenberger, Louis Kanter, Harry Winstein, Isadore Cohen, Julius Siegel, Herman Aronsohn, Louis Zalk, Zien, H. Kernos.  </font> -   1906 3 4
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1907-2-1 Agudas Achim, Synagogue, M. S. Greenblatt.pdf"> 1907-2-1 Agudas Achim</A> - -  </font><font size="1"> Hibbing Hebrews Will Build A Synagogue, Hallock, Rogalsky, Greenblatt, Levenshon, Woolfan, Rosenberg, Freedman, Kitz, Miller, etc </font> -   1907 2 1
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1908-5-26 Hibbing Blue Laws, M. S. Greenblatt, E. S. Wolfan, Osherman, etc.pdf"> 1908-5-26 Blue Laws,</A> - -  </font><font size="1"> Stores At Hibbing Will Close Sundays, Bernard, Freidman, Wolfan, Kitz, Giffin, Rosenberg, Nides, Osherman, Greenblatt, Itasca, Rogalsky</font> -   1908 5 26
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1908-9-1 Israel Rosenberg.pdf"> 1908-9-1 Israel Rosenberg</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1908 Range Cases To District Court. Three Are Appealed From Eveleth and Hibbing by Dissatisfied Litigants. Hibbing, Israel Rosenberg against Alex Keller, due him for merchandise.  </font>     1908 9 1
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1911-3-25 Israel Rosenberg.pdf"> 1911-3-25 Israel Rosenberg</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1911 Israel Rosenberg-Hibbing, clothier, gave trust deed to J. Hertz of St. Paul, bill of sale to I. W. Mork.   </font>     1911 3 25
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1911-5-17 Israel Rosenberg, bankrupt.pdf"> 1911-5-17 Israel Rosenberg, bankrupt</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1911 Israel Rosenberg, bankrupt.   </font>     1911 5 17
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1912-3-6 Mr. and Mrs. I. Rosenberg.pdf"> 1912-3-6 Mr. and Mrs. I. Rosenberg</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1912 Wedding Anniversary, Mr. and Mrs. I. Rosenberg, 221 East Third street, 25th anniversary. Rev. Horowitz, Mrs. I. D. Cook, Mrs. D. Silk, B. L. Rosenberg, B. Baukman (Bankman) H. Lippman, M. Garon. Bessie Markowitz, Hattie Markowitz, M. S. Shore, Louis Kahn, H. Silver, D. Polinsky.  </font>     1912 3 6
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1912-3-18 Joe Horwitz.pdf"> 1912-3-18 Joe Horwitz</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1912 "Artaxerxes" Moses Montefiore Hebrew school. Rabbi E. Horowitz, Joe Horowitz, Allen Rachlin, H. Gersehold, Miss T. Berkstrom, Abe Oreckowsky, Eva Salk, Sadie Gingold, Nathan Cook, H. G. Loviejk, Sam Cook, Isidor Usan, Harry Levin, N. Asin, Jacob Usan, M. Altman, S. Meyers, M. Orak, D. Orekowski, G. Cassimir, M. Rosenberg, A. Rosenberg, Sam Cook, S. Slotkowsky, P. Cassimir, S. Meyers, L. Sanders, S. Shore, B. Tobak, T. Garon, Charles Green, S. Singer, B. Shore, Abe Rosenberg, B. Zlotkowsky, Doris Gatkin, A. Price,  Abe Littman, B. Harris, E. Seidel, Rose Meyers, Lena Stein, David Silver, Sam Cassimir, Jack Shusterman, M. Oreck, Lilly Weiner, Lena Singer.  </font> -   1912 3 18
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1912-6-2 Dora Witz, cards.pdf"> 1912-6-2 Dora Witz, cards</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1912 Card party in honor of Mrs. F. Kahan, D. Silverman, M. Finklestein - - guests:  H. Finklestein, Tillie Berkson, Jennie Witz, H. Silk, H. Bennett, J. Bennett, S. Altman, Rosenberg, Rifkin, Berg, Berkson, Fostoff, Silverman, M. Cohen, Mrs. Altman, M. Zalk, M. Casmir, L. Fix, S. Casmir, Teplitz, G. Harris, W. Simon, M. Caplow, F. Kahan, Della Fox, Dora Witz, Fanny Altman, Eva Zalk, Jennie Witz, Sadie Berkson, Ida Berkson, Cohen, Sarah Fostoff</font> -   1912 6 2
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1912-6-2 Mrs. J. Fostoff.pdf"> 1912-6-2 Mrs. J. Fostoff</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1912 Mrs. F. Kahan, Mrs. D. Silverman of Pittsburgh, guests of honor. Mrs. M. Finklestein, Mrs. H. Finklestein, Tillie Berkson, Jennie Witz, Mrs. H. Silk, Mrs. H. Bennett, Mrs. J. Bennett, Mrs. S. Altman, Mrs. Rosenberg, Mrs. Rifkin, Mrs. F. Berg, Mrs. J. Berkson, Mrs. J. Fostoff, Mrs. D. Silverman, Mrs. M. Cohen, Mrs. Altman, Mrs. M. Zalk, Mrs. M. Casmir, Mrs. L. Fix, Mrs. S. Casmir, Mrs. Teplitz, Mrs. G. Harris, Mrs. W. Simon, Mrs. M. Caplow, Mrs. F. Kahan, Della Fox, Dora Witz, Fanny Altman, Eva Zalk, Jennie Witz, Sadie Berkson, Ida Berkson, Cohen, Sarah Fostoff, Mrs. Kahan and Mrs. Silverman left for Europe.   </font>     1912 6 2
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1912-8-23 Israel Rosenberg.pdf"> 1912-8-23 Israel Rosenberg</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1912 Watch Salesman Pinched. Israel Rosenberg, arrested, charged with larceny. Peddling without a license.   </font>     1912 8 23
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1913-1-16 M. Klasky.pdf"> 1913-1-16 M. Klasky</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1913 Club To Entertain. The Sans Souci club will entertain at its fourth annual ball at Coffin’s academy. S. S. Miller, M. Klasky, F. Oreck, H. A. Shark, M. Silk, J. Viner, M. Nusbaum, S. Sanders, and M. Rosenberg.  </font>     1913 1 16
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1913-1-26 M. Klasky (cropped).jpg"> 1913-1-26 M. Klasky (cropped)</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1913  (cropped version) The San Souci Club. Held its formal ball at Coffin’s academy. 120 guests. S. S. Miller, M. Klasky, E. Oreck, N. A Shark on committee. M. Silk, J. Viner, M. Nusbaum, S. Sanders, M. Rosenberg.  </font>     1913 1 26
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1913-1-26 M. Klasky.pdf"> 1913-1-26 M. Klasky</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1913 (full page) The San Souci Club. Held its formal ball at Coffin’s academy. 120 guests. S. S. Miller, M. Klasky, E. Oreck, N. A Shark on committee. M. Silk, J. Viner, M. Nusbaum, S. Sanders, M. Rosenberg.  </font>     1913 1 26
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1913-5-22 Frank Labovitz.pdf"> 1913-5-22 Frank Labovitz</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1913 Licenses must Be Renewed. Notice Will Be Servied on Pawnbrokers and Second-Hand Store and Poolroom Proprietors. Places To Be Closed Unless City is ?. Establishments Running in ? ance  Ordinances Governing Their Regulation. Pawnbrokers: Frank Labovitz, Sam Barnard, M. Levine, Jacog D. Sieigle, J. Altman, J. Oreckovsky. A. H. Polinsky. Second hand stores: Israel Rosenberg, Sam Gold, S. Golrfarb? Pool and billiard tables: M. S. Cook.   </font>     1913 5 22
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1913-5-22 Vertelney permits.pdf"> 1913-5-22 Vertelney permits</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1913-5-22 Licenses Must Be Renewed. Notice Will Be Served on Paunbrokers and Second-Hand Store and Poolroom Proprietors. Places To Be Closed Unless City is “Seen”. Establishments Running in Defiance of Ordinances Governing Their Regulation.    Pawnbrokers: Frank Labovitz, Sam Barnard, M. Levine, Jacob D. Sieigle (Siegel?), J. Altman, J. Oreckovsky, and A. H. Polinsky.   Secondhand stores: Vertelney & Tompkins, Joe Vertelney, Sam Vertelney, Northwestern Iron and Metal company, Israel Rosenberg, Roy Latts, Sam Gold, and S. Goldfarb.   Pool and billiards tables: M. S. Cook.  </font>     1913 5 22
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1913-5-30 M. Klasky.pdf"> 1913-5-30 M. Klasky</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1913 Duluth Club Members Banquet In Superiro. The Sans Souci club of Duluth was entertained last evening at a banquet at Hotel Superior. M. Klasky, H. A. Shark, M. Silk, J. Oreck, J. E. Warden, S. S.Miller, S. Sanders, M. Rosenberg, Fred Daneiko, Joseph De Maria.   </font>     1913 5 30
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1917-11-26 Jules B. Cohen-Palestine.pdf"> 1917-11-26 Jules B. Cohen-Palestine</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1917 Palestine Plan Aided In Duluth. Jews Who Hear Dr. Scheinkin Buy $4,000 Interest in Holy Land. Dr. Maurice Lefkovitz. B. Aarons, A. Mogelson, B. Capiloniwisch (Kapolovitz ?), F. Labovitz, Jules Garon, Israel Rosenberg, Frank Kiel, Sam Mendelshon (Mendelson), A. Saksanoff, T. Gordon, Ben Goldish, J. Altman, Max.  </font>     1917 11 26
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1917-11-26 Labovitz, Palestine.pdf"> 1917-11-26 Labovitz, Palestine</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1917 Palestine Plan Aided In Duluth. Jews Who Hear Dr. Scheinkin Buy $4,000 Interest in Holy Land. Adas Israel, Dr. Maurice Lefkovitz, B. Aarons, A. Mogelson, B. Capiloniwisch, F. Labovitz, Jules Garon, Israel Rosenberg, Frank Kiel, Sam Mendelshon, A. Saksanoff, T. Gordon, Ben Goldish, J. Altman, Max Weiner, Jules E. Cohen, Morris Seifer, Samuel Goldfine.  </font>     1917 11 26
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1918-3-23 Rosalind Labovitz, Honor Roll.pdf"> 1918-3-23 Rosalind Labovitz, Honor Roll</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1918 Central High School Honor Roll Pupils. “A” List, Seniors: Nathan Azine, Faith Weiss. Sophomores: Sylvia Josephs. “B” List, Juniors: Maurice Karon, Lena Winer. Sophomores: Nathan Braverman, Rosalind Labovitz, Harry Levine, Alfred Rosenberg.   </font>     1918 3 23
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1918-4-2 Hibbing, Morris Rosenberg.pdf"> 1918-4-2 Hibbing, Morris Rosenberg</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1918 Hibbing: Twenty Have Answered. Morris Rosenberg.  </font>     1918 4 2
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1918-5-1 Israel Labovitz.pdf"> 1918-5-1 Israel Labovitz</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1918 Thrift Stamp Essay. Second prizes to High School students: Albert Slonim-Lincoln; 8th Grade Prize Winners. Second Prizes:  Sam Cohen-Washington; 7th Grade Prize Winners: Abraham Kernes-Jackson, Marion Laskawitz-Washington; Bessie Rosenberg-Washington, Albert Slonim-Lincoln, Israel Labovitz-Jackson, Winners: Miriam Arnold-Ely.  </font>     1918 5 1
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1918-11-13 Solomon Rosenberg, birth of son.pdf"> 1918-11-13 Solomon Rosenberg, birth of son</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1918 A son born to Mr. and Mrs. Solomon Rosenberg, 821 East Second street, Nov. 6.  </font>     1918 11 13
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1919-4-24 Washington School, Bessie Litman.pdf"> 1919-4-24 Washington School, Bessie Litman</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1919 Honor List Prepared At Washington School. Philip Shapiro, Sherman Kasmir, William London, Norman Meyers, Rose Hirsch, Annette Hirschfield, Bessie Litman, Nathan Polinsky, Bessie Rosenberg.   </font> -   1919 4 24
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1919-5-26 Ruth Shenowsky honor roll.pdf"> 1919-5-26 Ruth Shenowsky honor roll</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1919-5-26 Honor Rolls For Junior High Schools Announced. Ida Azine, Ruth Shenowsky,  Sherman Kassmir, Norman Meyers, Bessie Rosenberg.  </font>     1919 5 26
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1919-6-1 Morris Karon, Superior HS, English   class.pdf"> 1919-6-1 Morris Karon, Superior HS, English   class</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1919-6-1 Superior High School Seniors To Hear Sermon.Baccalaureate Address Will Be Given This Afternoon by Dr. McCaskill.  Mamie Goldfein, Mollie Handlovsky, Morris Karon, Sara Cohen, Bertha Rosenberg.  </font>     1919 6 1
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1920-1-20 Laskawitz.pdf"> 1920-1-20 Laskawitz</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1920 Jews Plan Drive To Raise %90,000 For Civic Center. Need of Community Building Is Emphasized by Speaker; Series of Meetings Planned. Dr. Benjamin Plotkin, Hebrew Temple, 310 East Third street, J. Cohan, Mrs. Cook, P. Greenspan, C. Greenberg, J. Kaplin, F. Kiel, Miss L. Konigsberg, Miss C. Laskawitz, M. Mogulson, R. Mendelssohn, W. Natalson, S. Rosenberg, T. Saklowitz, Miss M. Saxonoff, J. Schoosterman, M. Solosky, B. Tobak, an L. Tobak.Miss Anna Laskawitz will teach Hebrew songs.   </font>     1920 1 20
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1920-2-7 Israel Rosenberg.pdf"> 1920-2-7 Israel Rosenberg</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1920 Wife Dies A Husband Recovers From Operation. Isarel Rosenberg, 311 East Third street, Mrs. Rosenberg, taken ill with influenza, pneumonia.  </font>     1920 2 7
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1920-2-29 Israel Rosenberg obit.pdf"> 1920-2-29 Israel Rosenberg obit</A>  - -  </font><font size="1">  1920 I. Rosenberg, Age 54, Dies After Lingering Illness. 311 East Third street, following an attack of heart failure. Five sons and three daughters, wife died three weeks ago. Maccabees, Samaritans and Modern Woodmen.  </font>     1920 2 29
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1920-3-2 Israel Rosenberg obit.pdf"> 1920-3-2 Israel Rosenberg obit</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1920 Rosenberg, Israel, 54, 311 East Third street, Feb. 28 - dies of mitral regurgitation.   </font>     1920 3 2
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1920-3-3 Ruth Shenowsky.pdf"> 1920-3-3 Ruth Shenowsky</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1920-3-3 Thirty-Five Junior High Students On Month Honor Roll. Rose Hirsh, Bessie Rosenberg, Norman Meyers, Ida Azine, Rachel Greenspan, Ruth Shenowsky.  </font>     1920 3 3
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1920-5-23 I. Rosenberg.pdf"> 1920-5-23 I. Rosenberg</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1920 To Reclaim Jerusalem. Duluth Hebrews Will Aid In Undertaking. Have Formed A Local Order. Estimated That 7,000,000 Are Affiliated. M. Z. Kassmir is Elected President-Next Meeting Will Be Held Saturday Evening. Hebrew order of the Knights of Zion. Reclaim Jerusalem and Palestine by buying      them outright from the Sultan of Turkey. Chave Zion Gate of Duluth, No. 14.  M. Z. Kassmir, A. Sosnowsky, I. Sosnowsky, J. Polinsky, I. Rosenberg, J. Alperen, S. Karen (Kaner?) M. Weinberg, A. Marcus.   </font>     1920 5 23
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1920-9-20 Community Building Drive, Solosky.pdf"> 1920-9-20 Community Building Drive, Solosky</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1920  Jews Plan Drive To Raise $90,000 For Civic Center, Need of Community Building Is Emphasized by Speaker; Series of Meetings Planned. Dr. Benjamin Plotkin, Hebrew Temple 310 East Third street.Volunteer Services, J. Cohan, Mrs. Cook, P. Greenpan, C. Greenberg, J. Kaplin, F. Kiel, Miss L. Konigsberg, C. Laskawitz, M. Mogulson, R. Mendelssohn, W. Natalson, S. Rosenberg, T. Saklowitz, Miss M. Saxonoff, J. Schoosterman, M. Solosky, B. Tobak, and L. Tobak.. S. Solinski. 1921 Mabel Solosky, Anna Laskawitz forms chorus.  </font> -   1920 9 20
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1921-5-2 B'nai B'rith.pdf"> 1921-5-2 B'nai B'rith</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> Fraternity Shatters Precedents, Bernard Silberstein Made Life Member of Order of B'nai B'rith.  Henry Monsky of Omaha, Neb., W. M. Abrahamson, A. B. Kapplin, Charles D. Oreckovsky, D. P. Fieldman, Dave Miller, Harry Gordon. RabbiJesse Cohen,  Israel Lebendiger, S. B. Copilowisch, Ben Miller,  Samuel Nides. New Members: William M. Abrahamson, J. J. Abram, Harry E. Altman, Al Aron, Mortimer W. Bondy, Harold J. Brody, Joseph E. Coll?, Charles M. Cohen, Harry Lewis Cohen, Jacob Crystal, Michael Danaiko, Louis Fishman, Louis Gallop orris Garrison, Oscar Goldstein, Samuel Gotkin B. Louis Green, Monte A. Greenblat, Ben J. Kenner, Herman N. Kramer, Frank Krupitzky, Morris Krupitzky, Louis J. Lasky, Samuel C. Latts, Jak Levine, Morris Levine, Irving M. Levinson, SamLevinson, L. S. Lugoff, Abe H. Miller, Isadore Mogelson S. Natelson, Percy E. Oreck, David Oreckovsky, Max D. Orinstein, David B. Pollack, D. Raihill, Frank M. Riskin, Mandy Rosenberg, Chas. A. Saksanoff, Samuel Sander, Robert Schway, Hyman L. Segal, Hyman W. Segal, Jack E. Segal, Sam J. Segal, Chas. S. M. Segalbaum, Samuel Shore, Sam Simon, Morris Slavoot, J. Slonim, Abe L. Solon, John L. Sosnosky, Joseph Steinman, Harry Vertelney, Louis Weisberg, Ed Zalk, Samuel Zalk, Wolf B. Zien, A. Zurovsky.  </font>     1921 5 2
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1921-7-3 Hibbing, Rosenberg.pdf"> 1921-7-3 Hibbing, Rosenberg</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1921 One Million Dollar Moving Sale, Hibbing Venture Planned By Merchants. Removal To New Town Reason For Great Stock Cut. Buyers Will Be Attracted From Far and Wide to Aid, Bargain Hunters Wait. B. M. Lippman, H. L. Nides, Louis Helstein, E. S. Woolfan, M. E. Osherman,  Morton Markell, Heiman Bloom, Sol Sapero, , N. Nides.  </font>     1921 7 3
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1922-10-1 Morris Cohen, Yom Kippir Ball.pdf"> 1922-10-1 Morris Cohen, Yom Kippir Ball</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1922 Jewish Club to Give Festial Year Ball. Yom Kipper ball, Odd Fellows’ hall, proceeds go to Hebrew institute, Third avenue East and Third street. Nathan Kremen-president, Rabbi Alvin Luchs-Temple Emanuel, H. Y. Josephs-ardent supporter, Irving Raihill, Morris Cohen-treasurer, Sam Rosenberg-secretary, I. Saksonoff, Charles Greene, Ralph Elevitch, Ralph Levine, Ben Davis, and Sam Segal-directors.    </font>     1922 10 1
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1922-12-25 Doris Sosnosky and Harris Goldman wed.pdf"> 1922-12-25 Doris Sosnosky and Harris Goldman wed</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1922 Jewish Club toGive Festival Year Ball, Northern Lights, Rabbi Alvin Luchs, H. Y. Josephs, Dr. Alvin Luchs, Irving Rajhill, Morris Cohen, Sam Rosenberg, I. Saksonoff, Charles Greene, Ralph Elevitch, Ralph Levine, Ben Davis, Sam Segal Nathan Kremen,  </font> -   1922 12 25
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1899-7-20 Lillian Aronsohn.pdf"> 1899-7-20 Lillian Aronsohn</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1899 Minneapolis Journal, In Social Circles. Jewish Graduates of '99 Entertained at Stryker Seminary. With A Reception And Dance. Twin city graduates honored. Benjamin H. Chedeck, Mrs. M. Rosenholz, Mrs. Rudolph, Mrs. A. Harris, Mrs. S. Farr, graduates Lillian Aronsohn, Henrietta Birnberg, Samuel Cohen, Rachel Shapira, Henry Rosenholtz, Miriam Gittelson, Emil C. Robitshek, Sarah Shanfeld, Rebecca Weinberg, E.  Arnesonm, E. Harris, L. Rosenstein. Davis orchestra: L. D. Horne, Fred Zimmerman, Samuel Rosen, G. B. Hirschman.   </font>     1899 7 20
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1921-9-21 Rabbi Israel Lebendiger address.pdf"> 1921-9-21 Rabbi Israel Lebendiger address</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1921 Rabbi to Make Address: Rabbi Israel Lebendiger, "Unity and theZionist Convention" Hebrew Institute, 310 East Third street, Rudolph Segal (orator),  "This Immortal Race".  </font>     1900 1 0
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1945-5-11 Senior Class Play - Duluth Central HS.jpg"> 1945-5-11 Senior Class Play - Duluth Central HS</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> Sylvestor Sher, Joel Labovitz, Phyllis Freimuth Rudolph, Gail Altman Meissner, Sarah Zien Herzog, Elinor Siegel Leipzi and  Esther Pearl Goldberg  </font>     1900 1 0
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1908-4-23 Abraham-Schwartz wed, guests,Silberstein Leo, Levin, Spadekar, Schloss, Kaier, Wittig.pdf"> 1908-4-23 Abraham-Schwartz wed, guests,Silberstein Leo, Levin, Spadekar, Schloss, Kaier, Wittig</A>  - - </font><font size="1"> 1908 Claire Abraham and Dr. Arthur H. Schwartz wed, guests, Albert Abraham, Elsie Silberstein, Rudolph Abraham,  Silberstein, Deborah Leo, Miriam  Levin,Stella Abraham, Hazel Levin, M. D. Schwartz, Spadekar, J. H. Schloss, E. Kaier, D. C. Abrham, W. W. Wittig, Max Abraham. Miss Abraham and Dr. Schwartz Wed Union of Prominent Young People Marked by Simple ceremony. Reception Follows Nuptials.   </font> -   1908 4 23
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1908-4-23 Claire Abraham and Dr. Arthur H. Schwartz wed, Miriam and Hazel Levin.pdf"> 1908-4-23 Claire Abraham and Dr. Arthur H. Schwartz wed, Miriam and Hazel Levin</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1908 Miss Abraham and Dr. Schwartz Wed. Union of Prominent Young People Marked by Simple Ceremony. Reception Follows Nuptials. Miss Claire Abraham and Dr. Arthur H. Schwartz wed. Rabbi M. Lefkovitz, Temple Emanuel, Albert Abraham, 1426 East First street. Miss Elsie Silberstein, Rudolph Abraham, Deborah Leo, Miriam Levin, Stella Abraham, Hazel Levin. Mr. and Mrs. M. D. Schwartz-Norway, Mich.; Mr. and Mrs. Spadekar-Chicago, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Schloss-Minneapolis; Mr. and Mrs. E. Kaiser-Minneapolis; Mr. and Mrs. D. C. Abraham-Atlantic City, Mr. W. W. Wittig-Minneapolis, Max Abraham-Minneapolis.   </font>     1908 4 23
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1913-1-8 Eisentaedt and Freimuth eng.pdf"> 1913-1-8 Eisentaedt and Freimuth eng</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1913 Engagement Announced. Miss Reines Eisenstaedt and David C. Freimuth,  Rudolph Eisenstaedt-Chicago, I. Freimuth.   </font>     1913 1 8
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1913-4-20 Eisenstaedt and Freimuth.pdf"> 1913-4-20 Eisenstaedt and Freimuth</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1913 Will Be Wedded April 29. David C. Freimuth and Miss Reine Eisenstaedt. Mr. and Mrs. I. Freimuth, Rudolph Eisenstaedt-Chicago.  </font>     1913 4 20
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1914-11-15 Ella Block and Rudolph Lamp wed.pdf"> 1914-11-15 Ella Block and Rudolph Lamp wed</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1914 Mora, Minn.: Ella Block and Rudolph Lamp, Mr. and Mrs. Peter Block, Judge W. E. Westcott, Kanabec.  </font> -   1914 11 15
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1915-6-10 luncheon.pdf"> 1915-6-10 luncheon</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1915 Luncheon Is Successful Affair. Temple Aid society, Mrs. S. Goldberg, Rabbi M. Lefkovits, Mrs. S. Mondshine, Mrs. M. Cook, Mrs. E. A. Silberstein, Mrs. S. Y. Josephs, Mrs. A. Abrahams, Mrs. Joseph Gidding, Mrs. G. A. Klein, Mrs. L. S. Loeb, Mrs. Leon Selig, Mrs. Josephs, Mrs. Goldberg, Mrs. Rudolph Abrahams, Mrs. M. S. Shapiro.   </font>     1915 6 10
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1917-11-11 YMCA Irving Zalk,Sam Litman, Morris Cohen. Felix Litman.pdf"> 1917-11-11 YMCA Irving Zalk,Sam Litman, Morris Cohen. Felix Litman</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1917 Boys At Y.M.C.A. Will Open Basket Ball Season. Teams and Captains Are Chosen for a Successful Season-To Start Tomorrow. Norris (Morris?) Stein, Sam Casmir, Sam Chassen, Abe Litman, Morris Cohen, Sam Levenson, Cohen, Ben Chassen, Sam Levenson, Rudolph Segal, Irving Zalk, Isadore Walt, Morris Silverman, Davy Finklestein, Ben Finklestein. Morris Stein, Sam Casmir, Sam Cohen, Ben Chessen, Sam Litman, Mortimer Altman, Abe Litman, Morris Cohen, Sam Popkin, Rudolph Segal, Percy Weinberg, Irving Zalk John Fishman, Felix Litman,  Morris Silverman, Isadore Walt, Mandy Finkelstein, Davy Finkelstein, Ben Walt.  </font> -   1917 11 11
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1919-4-15 Virginia, Rudolf Soloski.pdf"> 1919-4-15 Virginia, Rudolf Soloski</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1919 Virginia: Two Boys Hurt By Automobile. Police Seek Driver of Car; Accident Follows Liberty Loan Parade. Wallace Walker and Rudolph Soloski.  </font> -   1919 4 15
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1920-5-23 Shavouth, Eva Brusin.pdf"> 1920-5-23 Shavouth, Eva Brusin</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1920 Duluthians To Observe Festival. Jews Will Hold Special Program at Temple Today.   Shebuoth, Temple Emanuel, Seventh avenue East and Second street. Dr. M. Lefkovits. Maurie H. Blumenthal, Eva R. Brusin, Louis H. R. Gomberg, Molly Harris, Rose L. Hirsh, Annette Claire Hirschfield, Sarah Lisman, Sylvia Lugoff, Rudolph Segal, Ernestine E. Traubman, Blanch H. B. Zien. Maurice Blumenthal, Louis Gomberg, Eva Brusin, Sylvia lugoff, Dave Freimuth.  </font>     1920 5 23
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1920-5-24 Shavouth, Eva R. Brusin.pdf"> 1920-5-24 Shavouth, Eva R. Brusin</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1920 Festival Of Sherbouth ? Observed At Temple. Dr. Maurice Lefkovits., Temple Emanuel, Blanch H. B. Zien, Ernestine E. Traubman, Rudolph Segal, Sylvia Lugoff, Sarah Lisman, Annette Claire Hirschfield, rose L. Hirsh, Molly Harris, Louis H. R. Gomberg, Eva R. Brusin, Maurice H. Blumenthal, Louis Gomberg.   </font>     1920 5 24
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1920-6-6 Bessie Litman, Young Judea.pdf"> 1920-6-6 Bessie Litman, Young Judea</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1920 Young Judea Club To Give 'Every Jew'. Receipts to be Used for Palestine Restoration Fund. three-act drama. Rudolph Siegel, Emil Wiener, Anna Kane, Eva Lent, Anna Saperstein, Anna Toback, Gladys Kenner, Minnie Gerschgold, Blanch Zien, Dave Sherman, Bessie Litman, Ida Scharon, Irene Bergstein, Nathan Cohen, Louis London, Jacob Carsner, Mary Cohen, play written by Mrs. J. B. Weiner and directed by Miss Goldie Finn. Louis Gomberg, Morris Cohen, Joseph Piley, Orville Anderson, Helen Segal, Blanche Zien.   </font> -   1920 6 6
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1920-6-6 Young Juedea Club.pdf"> 1920-6-6 Young Juedea Club</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1920 Young Judea Club To Give 'Every Jew' Receipts to be Used for Palestine Restoration Fund. Rudolph Siegel, Emil Wiener, Anna Kane, Eva Lent, Anna Sapertein, Anna Toback, Gladys Kenner, Minnie Gerschgold, Blanche Zien, Dave Sherman, Bessie Litman, Ida Scharon, Irene Bergstein, Nathan Cohen, Louis London, Jacob Carsner, Mary Cohen. Mrs. J. B. Weiner, Goldie Finn, Louis Gomberg, orris Cohen, Joseph Piley, Orville Anderson, Helen Segal, Blanche Zien.  </font>     1920 6 6
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1920-6-7 Bessie Litman Young Judea.pdf"> 1920-6-7 Bessie Litman Young Judea</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1920 Young Judea Society Presents 'Every Jew'. benefit Palestine Restoration fund. Rudolph Siegel, Emil Weiner, Anna Kane, Eva Lent, Anna Saperstein, Anna Toback, Gladys Kenner, Minnie Gerschbold, GBlanche Zien, Dave Sherman, Bessie Litman, Ida Sclarow, Irene Bergstein, Nathan Cohen, Louis Gordon, Jacob Carsner, Mary Cohen, Louis Gomberg, Blanch Zien, Morris Cohen, Joseph Priley, Orville Anderson, Mrs. J. B. Weiner.  </font> -   1920 6 7
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1920-6-7 Morris, Nanthan, Mary Cohen-Judea play.pdf"> 1920-6-7 Morris, Nanthan, Mary Cohen-Judea play</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1920 Young Judea Society Presents ‘Every Jew’. Shrine auditorium, Palestine Restoration fund. Rudolph Siegel, Emil Weiner, Anna Kane, Eva Lent, Anna Saperstein, Anna Toback, Gladys Kenner, Minnie Gerschbold, Blanche Zien, Dave Sherman, Bessie Litman, Ida Sclarow, Irene Bergstein, Nathan Cohen, Louis Gordon, Jacob Carsner, Mary Cohen, Louis Gomberg, Blanche Zien, Morris Cohen, Joseph Priley, Orville Anderson, Mrs. J. B. Weiner.   </font>     1920 6 7
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1920-9-12 Evelyn Sorella Kaner and Maurice Rudolph eng..pdf"> 1920-9-12 Evelyn Sorella Kaner and Maurice Rudolph eng.</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1920 Engagement Announced. Evelyn Sorella and Maurice Rudolph. Mr. and Mrs. O. S. Kaner, 701 John avenue.  </font>     1920 9 12
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1921-1-25 Duluth, Zionist play, Rudolph Sega, Marie Cohen.pdf"> 1921-1-25 Duluth, Zionist play, Rudolph Sega, Marie Cohen</A> -   1921 1 25
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1921-1-30 Morris Kohn, violinist.pdf"> 1921-1-30 Morris Kohn, violinist</A>  - - </font><font size="1"> 1921 Morris Kohn, violinist, other names listed:  Rudolph Sega, Mary Cohen, Nathan Cohen, Emil J. Weiner, Eva Lent, Helen Cook, Lillian F. Harris, Bessie Litman, Anna Davis, Cecil Gotkin, Dave Sherman, Ben Cohen, Sam Braverman, Ben Serrant.  </font>     1921 1 30
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1921-1-30 Morris Kohn, violinist, Bessie Litman.pdf"> 1921-1-30 Morris Kohn, violinist, Bessie Litman</A>   - -  </font><font size="1"> 1921 Violinist to Play at School Recital. Morris Kohn, Louis Gomberg, Rudolph Segal, Mary Cohen, Nathan Cohen, Emil J. Weiner, Eva Lent, Helen Cook, Lillian F. Harris, Bessie Litman, Anna Davis, Cecil Gotkin, Dave Sherman, Ben Cohen, Sam Braverman, Ben Serrant.  </font> -   1921 1 30
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1921-3-28 Evelyn Kaner weds Morris A. Rudolph.pdf"> 1921-3-28 Evelyn Kaner weds Morris A. Rudolph</A> -   1921 3 28
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1921-3-28 Elsie Pearl Dorf.pdf"> 1921-3-28 Elsie Pearl Dorf</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1921-3-28 200 Attend Wedding At Commerce Club Rooms. Miss Evelyn Sorrella Kaner, 701 John avenue, married to Morris A. Rudolph, Superior, son of A. J. Rudolph of Minneapolis. Miss Hannah D. Kaner, Zollie Dworski-Minneapolis, Edith Laskey, Elsie Dorf, Nathan Seigel, Phillip Halzberg, Beatrice Stone-Stephenson, Minn., Benny Seigel-Superior, Rev. J. Aronson-Superior. 200 guests from Superior, Duluth, Minneapolis, St. Paul, and range towns.  </font>     1921 3 28
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1921-12-25 Superior, Lillian Harris, Anita Averbook, Chanukah program.pdf"> 1921-12-25 Superior, Lillian Harris, Anita Averbook, Chanukah program</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1921 Superior: Superior Girl on Chanukah Program. Lillian Harris, Herbert and Joseph Samuel, Morris Litman, Cherry Rine, M. Seiler, Rudolph Segal, Sam Braverman, Morris Litman, Anita Averbook, Etta Levine, Louisa Nessel, Rose Passen, Helen Segal, Harry Cohen, Marjorie Rachlin, Hyman Laden.  </font> -   1921 12 25
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1921-12-25 Harry Cohen Lillian Harris.pdf"> 1921-12-25 Harry Cohen Lillian Harris</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1921 Superior Girl on Channukah Program. Photo. Lillian Harris. Chanukah program, Hebrew institute. Herbert and Joseph Samuel, Morris Litman, Cherry Rine, M. Seiler, Rudolph Segal, Sam Braverman, Morris Litman, Anita Averbook, Etta Levine, Louisa Nessel, Rose Passen, Helen Segal, Harry Cohen, Marjorie Rachlin, Hyman Laden.   </font>     1921 12 25
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1922-2-11 Augusta and Beatrice Vertelney, Lincoln's     birhday.pdf"> 1922-2-11 Augusta and Beatrice Vertelney, Lincoln's     birhday</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1922-2-11 Lincoln’s Birthday, Jewish Arbor day. Lillian Harris,, Miss Helen Segal, Nathan Cohen, Rudolph Segal, Alfred Weinberg, Marvin Goldstein, Sylvia Laskowitz, Irene Levine, Sylvia Horowitz, Elsie Widdes, Fay Horowitz, Eunice Passon, Freida Brooks, Edith Riskin, Ida Weiner, Vivian Evans, Cheery Rine, Sylvia Stewart, Etta Levine, Mary London, Ruth Goldberg, Anna London, Ruby Aarons, Florence Goldfarb, Susie Bergal, Helen Aarons, Dorothy Horowitz, Pauline Cwl, Florence rose, Doris Cwil, Bessie Brooks, Elizabeth Cook. Herbert Samuel, Elizabeth Cook, Samuel Braerman, Sydney Green, Alfred Weinberg, J. Crystle, Sarah Goldfine, Miss Kurniss.  Augusta Vertelney, Beatrice Vertelney.   </font>     1922 2 11
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1922-2-11 Jewish Arbor Day, Passon, Goldberg.pdf"> 1922-2-11 Jewish Arbor Day, Passon, Goldberg</A>   - - </font><font size="1"> Lincoln's Birthday and Chamishoh Oser B'Schvatt" (Tu B'Shuvat). Rabbi Israel Lebendinger, Lillian Harris, Helen Segal, Nathan Cohen, Rudolph Segal, Alfred Weinberg, Marvin Goldstein, Sylvia Laskowitz, Irene Levine, Sylvia Horowitz, Elsie Widdes, Fay Horowitz, Eunice Passon, Freida Brooks, Edith Riskin, Ida Weiner, Vivian Evans, Cheery Rine, Sylvia Stewart, Etta Levine, Mary London, Ruth Goldberg, Anna London, Ruby Aarons, Florence Goldfarb, Susie Bergal, Augusta Vertelney Helen Aarons, Beatrice Verteney, Dorothy Horowitz, Pauline Cwl, Florence Rose, Doris Cwl, Bessie Brooks, Elizabeth Cook, Herbert Samuel, Samuel Braverman, Sydney Green, J. Crystle (Crystal), Sarah Goldfine, Kurnisa.</font> -   1922 2 11.3
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1922-8-22 Schneider-Friedman wed, guests, Hyman, Morganstern, Titch, Bergstein, Simon, Garon, Harris, Holzberg, Rudolph, Marcus.pdf"> 1922-8-22 Schneider-Friedman wed, guests, Hyman, Morganstern, Titch, Bergstein, Simon, Garon, Harris, Holzberg, Rudolph, Marcus</A>  - - </font><font size="1"> 1922 Rae Schneider and A. N. Friedman wed, Rabbi Teplitz, A. Schneider, Esther Schneider, Hannah Kaner, Mae Frumes, Handlovsky, Roslyn Kaner, Jeanette Kaner, Sylvia Cohen, Jeanette and Esther Schneider, Ruth Hyman, David Morganstern, Titch,  Albert Bergstein, Louis Simon, Tobias Garon, Dr. L. M. Harris, Phillip Hozberg, Maurice Rudolph, Jack Marcus, Nathaniel O.Schneider, Barnett Tayne, Harry Morganstern, David Morganstern, L. J. Miller, Harold Miller, J. Schneider, J. Shere.  </font> -   1922 8 22
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1922-10-15 Rudolph, Aaronsohn.pdf"> 1922-10-15 Rudolph, Aaronsohn</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1922 Superior: Pavement Dance Planned. Edward Luyre, Herman Aronsohn, Maurie Rudolph.  </font>     1922 10 15
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1898-7-28 Mr. and Mrs. Summerfield party.pdf"> 1898-7-28 Mr. and Mrs. Summerfield party</A>  - -  </font><font size="1">  1898 Summer Evening Dancing Party. Lester park, dancing party given by Adolph Freimuth and M. Zunder in honor of Miss Schram of Milwaukee, Miss Hirschman of St. Paul, Miss Jacobs of New York and Mr. and Mrs. David Abels of St. Cloud, Minn. Guests: Mr. and Mrs. I. Freimuth, Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Sattler, Mr. and Mrs. P. H. Levy, Mr. and Mrs. R. Krojanker, Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Sattler, Mr. and Mrs. Summerfield, Mr. and Mrs. Will Abrahamson, Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Klein, Mr. and Mrs. Gus Levin, Mrs. Lewis of Champaign, Ill., Mr. and Mrs. Faller, Miss Schram, Miss Hirschman, Miss Jacobs, Sophie Freimuth, Mayme Schwartz, Lillie Abrahamson, Rosa Reimuth, Moritz Abels of St. Cloud, Mr. Summerfield of St. Paul, Mr. Fischer of Chicago, Dan Gross of Chicago, Sam Loeb, Hugo Hirschman, Morris Freimuth. 3rd. col.  </font>     1898 7 28
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1904-6-16 I. Averbook and Sadie Schwartz, m.l..pdf"> 1904-6-16 I. Averbook and Sadie Schwartz, m.l.</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1904 I. Averbook and Sadie Schwartz, marriage license  </font> -   1904 6 16
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1906-4-15 Ray Oreckovsky, birthday party.pdf"> 1906-4-15 Ray Oreckovsky, birthday party</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1906 Ray Oreckovsky, birthday party, M. Oreckovsky, A. Oreckovsky, Louis Oreck, E. Schwartz, Annie Schwartz, Sadie Berkson, Tille Berkson, Mary Oreckovsky, Lizzie Helpern, Eva Polinsky, Sarah Simon, Annie Shapiro, Esther Shapiro, Anna Oreckovsky, L. Steinberg, William Oreckovsky, H. Mustachke, Joe Schwartz, Harry Bushard, John Oreckovsky, Charles Oreckovsky, and Louis Bennett.  </font> -   1906 4 15
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1908-4-23 Abraham-Schwartz wed, guests,Silberstein Leo, Levin, Spadekar, Schloss, Kaier, Wittig.pdf"> 1908-4-23 Abraham-Schwartz wed, guests,Silberstein Leo, Levin, Spadekar, Schloss, Kaier, Wittig</A>  - - </font><font size="1"> 1908 Claire Abraham and Dr. Arthur H. Schwartz wed, guests, Albert Abraham, Elsie Silberstein, Rudolph Abraham,  Silberstein, Deborah Leo, Miriam  Levin,Stella Abraham, Hazel Levin, M. D. Schwartz, Spadekar, J. H. Schloss, E. Kaier, D. C. Abrham, W. W. Wittig, Max Abraham. Miss Abraham and Dr. Schwartz Wed Union of Prominent Young People Marked by Simple ceremony. Reception Follows Nuptials.   </font> -   1908 4 23
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1908-4-23 Claire Abraham and Dr. Arthur H. Schwartz wed, Miriam and Hazel Levin.pdf"> 1908-4-23 Claire Abraham and Dr. Arthur H. Schwartz wed, Miriam and Hazel Levin</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1908 Miss Abraham and Dr. Schwartz Wed. Union of Prominent Young People Marked by Simple Ceremony. Reception Follows Nuptials. Miss Claire Abraham and Dr. Arthur H. Schwartz wed. Rabbi M. Lefkovitz, Temple Emanuel, Albert Abraham, 1426 East First street. Miss Elsie Silberstein, Rudolph Abraham, Deborah Leo, Miriam Levin, Stella Abraham, Hazel Levin. Mr. and Mrs. M. D. Schwartz-Norway, Mich.; Mr. and Mrs. Spadekar-Chicago, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Schloss-Minneapolis; Mr. and Mrs. E. Kaiser-Minneapolis; Mr. and Mrs. D. C. Abraham-Atlantic City, Mr. W. W. Wittig-Minneapolis, Max Abraham-Minneapolis.   </font>     1908 4 23
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1908-4-26 Dr. Schwartz and Claire Abraham, wed, guests, .pdf"> 1908-4-26 Dr. Schwartz and Claire Abraham, wed, guests, </A> -   1908 4 26
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1910-3-15 People You Know.pdf"> 1910-3-15 People You Know</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1910 Mr. and Mrs. I. Schwartz. Kris-Davidson wedding. Ada Delcer-Minneapolis.   </font>     1910 3 15
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1911-Marion Levin and Shapira.pdf"> 1911-Marion Levin and Shapira</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1911 Entertain In Honor Of Miss Marion Levin, Mrs. A. H. Schwartz, 1325 East Second street, Mrs. and Mrs. S. I. Levin, 117 West Third street, groom-Leo Shapira.   </font>     1911 1 0.5
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1915-2-28 Ida Schwartz.pdf"> 1915-2-28 Ida Schwartz</A> - -   Interesting Program At Y.W.C.A. Vespers, Ida Schwartz -   1915 2 28
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1916-1-2 Helene Hazel Wetzler wed Bernard.jpg"> 1916-1-2 Helene Hazel Wetzler wed Bernard</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1916 (full page) Miss Wetzler Honored at Affairs. Miss Helene Hazel Wetzler and Bernard Seidner Monderer wedding events:  Mr. and Mrs. Wetzler, parents of Helene Hazel Wetzler, Dr. Maurice Lefkovits-service, Miss Irene Wetzler, sister of bride, Herbert F. Wetzler-Chicago, brother of bride, Helen Kunody-flower girl.  Monderer-Wetzler bridal dinner at Wetzler home. Luncheon at Glass Block tea room, given by Mrs. M. P. Shapiro, 2420 East Fourth street. Violet luncheon given by  Miss Irene Wetzler and  Miss Alice Wetzler, sisters of bride. Luncheon given by  Mrs. Leo Idzal at Mrs. J. B. Sattler’s home, 116 Seventh avenue East. Dinner party given by Miss Gertrude Boyle, 30 Washington avenue. Dinner given by Mrs. M. Goldberg, 1507 East Third street. Rainbow luncheon, Spalding hotel, given by  Mrs. Arthur Schwartz and Miss Elsie Silberstein. Mrs. E.M. Kunody, 1315 East Sixth street, hostess of bridge party. Dr. Maurice lefkovits and Mrs. Lefkovits, 1919 East Third street, gave luncheon. Bridal dinner given by parents.   </font>     1916 1 2
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1916-1-2 Helene Hazel Wetzler wed Bernard full.pdf"> 1916-1-2 Helene Hazel Wetzler wed Bernard full</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1916 (cropped) Miss Wetzler Honored at Affairs. Miss Helene Hazel Wetzler and Bernard Seidner Monderer wedding events:  Mr. and Mrs. Wetzler, parents of Helene Hazel Wetzler, Dr. Maurice Lefkovits-service, Miss Irene Wetzler, sister of bride, Herbert F. Wetzler-Chicago, brother of bride, Helen Kunody-flower girl.  Monderer-Wetzler bridal dinner at Wetzler home. Luncheon at Glass Block tea room, given by Mrs. M. P. Shapiro, 2420 East Fourth street. Violet luncheon given by  Miss Irene Wetzler and  Miss Alice Wetzler, sisters of bride. Luncheon given by  Mrs. Leo Idzal at Mrs. J. B. Sattler’s home, 116 Seventh avenue East. Dinner party given by Miss Gertrude Boyle, 30 Washington avenue. Dinner given by Mrs. M. Goldberg, 1507 East Third street. Rainbow luncheon, Spalding hotel, given by  Mrs. Arthur Schwartz and Miss Elsie Silberstein. Mrs. E.M. Kunody, 1315 East Sixth street, hostess of bridge party. Dr. Maurice lefkovits and Mrs. Lefkovits, 1919 East Third street, gave luncheon. Bridal dinner given by parents.   </font>     1916 1 2
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1916-1-27 William Abrahamson raise funds.pdf"> 1916-1-27 William Abrahamson raise funds</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1916 Collect Funds Today For Jewish War Sufferers. Duluth Relief Committee to Conduct City-Wide Canvas for Funds-Pythian Lodge Will Aid Workers. Jewish Central War Relief. Spalding hotel and Duluth banks will receive subscriptions. Dr. Maurice Lefkovits-chairman, committee members: B. Silberstein, I. Freimuth, Ben Blumenthal, Max Albenberg, Ben Goldish, M. L. Zien, L. J. Selig, Dr. A. H. Schwartz, Michael Rocklin, L. Fox, George Harris, Nathan Kris, Dr. Samuel Gross, Dr. M. R. Zack, Dr. M. . Hirschfield and Dr. E. Z. Shapiro, J. J. Robinson, Joseph Oreckovsky, David Sohn, Sig Abraham, David Leowus ?, Sig Levy, Richard Jacobs, Ralph Cohen, Louis Goldberg, Mortimer Bondy, Max Mann, E. G. Levy, Sol Goldberg, William Abrahamson, Sam Mendelson, M. L. Rine, N. E. Lugoff, Leon Traubman, S. Karon, Samuel Kenner, E. A. Silberstein Harris Bennett, A. Litman, Adolph Levy, H. Y. Joseph, Louis Zalk.     - - Note from Karen: This was a well organized campaign. I was impressed with how they canvassed the entire Duluth community in the year 1916.  - -  Note from Jack:  I am not sure of the exact breakdown but would bet the leaders were from all of the synagogues in existence at the time, including:  Adas Isarel, Tiffereth Israel, Temple Emanuel,  Sharret Zedek,  Bnai Israel - from West Duluth</font>     1916 1 27
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1916-5-23 Mrs. M. S. Shapiro obit..pdf"> 1916-5-23 Mrs. M. S. Shapiro obit.</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1916 All Who Knew Her Were Her Friends. Mrs. M. S. Shapiro dies, leaving host of mourning relatives. Anna Oreckovsky, A. Shapiro, George Shapiro, E. Schwartzbine, I. Oreckovsky, Raphael Oreckovsky, M. Oreckovsky, M. A. Averbrook, L. Averbrook.  </font> -   1916 5 23
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1917-7-11 A. R. Latts draft.pdf"> 1917-7-11 A. R. Latts draft</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1917-7-11 A. R. Latts Draft Number ; Goldfarb, M.P.; Segal, S. J.;­­ Oreckovsky, I.; Silk, M. L.; Zien, W. B.; Schwartz, A. J.; Samuelson, E. R.; Singer, S.;     - -   <A HREF="images2/news/1917-7-11 Draft List.jpg">image - list of people</A></font>     1917 7 11
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1917-9-14 Vertelney farewell.pdf"> 1917-9-14 Vertelney farewell</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1917-9-14 Hebrews Will Honor Enlisted Men. Hebrew Brotherhood Society Arranges for Demonstration in Maccabee Hall. Maccabee hall, 21 Lake avenue North, M. J. Segal, Bernard Silberstein, Dr. Maurice Lefkovits, Dr. A. H. Schwartz, Abe Feldman, M. S. Winthrop, Sigmond M. Slonim, Harry Segal, Miss Mary Simon, Mrs. H. Segal, Mrs. S. H. Cassmir, Mrs. Ida Goldfine, H. Witz, David Weinberg, S. J. Sher, C. D. Oreckovsky, S. H. Kassmir, C. P. Meyers, H. Segal, H. Cassmir, Joe Verteiney and J. Chessner.  </font>     1917 9 14
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1917-9-16 Jews Drafted.pdf"> 1917-9-16 Jews Drafted</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1917 Drafted Jews Hailed As Heroes Of Opportunity. Fifteen Men Congratulated by Relatives and Friends at Reception. Miss Rose Silk, Commisioner Bernar Silberstein, DR. A. H. Schwartz, Abe Fieldman, M. S. Winthrop, Sigmond M. Slonim, Dr. Maurice Lefkovitz, H. Witz, David Weinberg, S. J. Sher, C. D. Oreckovsky, S. H. Kassmir, C. P. Meyers, H. Segal, H. Cassmir, Joe Werteiney, J. Chessen. Honored guests: Dr. Samuel Grose, Dr. M. R. Zack, A. B. Kapplin, Albert Bergstein, Jacob Flint, Phillip Brock, Louis Cominker, Arthur A Friedman, Max S. Gordon, Joseph Hurwitch, Davi Kaplan, Isadore Mendelson, George Winthrop, Abe Flint, B. T. Kenner. Officer of the organization Duluth Hebrew Brotherhood: Robert Buchman, Harry Witz, M. J. Segal, Charles Lavent, David Weinberg, S. H. Kassmir, I. Garon, Myer Kane, Charles D. Oreckowsky, Entertainment: Mrs. H. S. Kassmir, Mrs. H. Segal, Mrs. N. Goldfine. Entertainment: Miss Rose Silk, Mrs. Sol Goldberg, Harry Segal, Miss Mary Simon.   </font>     1917 9 16
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1918-5-17 Jewish Confirmation, Silberstein.pdf"> 1918-5-17 Jewish Confirmation, Silberstein</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1918 Jewish Confirmation To Be Held At Temple Tonight. Rabbi Lefkovits Announces Program of the Night. Includes Exercises by Congregation. Second street and Seventh avenue East. Maurice Bailer, Rose M. Berusin, Lillian Cohen, Ephraim R. Gomberg, Irving Joseph, Anna Kane, Arnold S. Kunody, Charlotte V. Lugoff, Bernard G. Silberstein, Florence Simon, Percy Weinberg, Helen Zien, Anna Kane, Percy Weinberg, Charlotte V. Lug off, Arnold S. Kunody, Rose M. Berusin, Florence Simon, Ephraim R. Gomberg, Dr. A. H. Schwartz.   </font> -   1918 5 17
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1920-6-3 Oreck - Schwartz marriage lic.pdf"> 1920-6-3 Oreck - Schwartz marriage lic</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1920 Marriage Licenses: Israel T. Oreck, 27, to Dora E. Schwartz, 22.  - -   <A HREF="images2/news/1920-6-3 Oreck - Schwartz marriage lic.jpg">cropped image </A></font>     1920 6 3
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1920-8-9 Ida Schwartz.pdf"> 1920-8-9 Ida Schwartz</A> - -   headline  -   1920 8 9
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1920-8-27 Virginia, Freida and Joseph Schwartz, Poland.pdf"> 1920-8-27 Virginia, Freida and Joseph Schwartz, Poland</A> -   1920 8 27
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1921-1-23 Ida Schwartz.pdf"> 1921-1-23 Ida Schwartz</A> - -   headline  -   1921 1 23
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1921-7-17 Ida Schwartz, Sanders.pdf"> 1921-7-17 Ida Schwartz, Sanders</A> - -   headline  -   1921 7 17
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1922-7-27 Harry Chersonsky.pdf"> 1922-7-27 Harry Chersonsky</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1922 Kids Showing Speed in Entering "Pushmobile" Contest for Trophies -  Israel Goldfarb, Benny Goldberg, Harry Chersonsky, Benny Schwartz, Nathan Greenspan, James Chessen, & Everett Steinman.  </font>     1922 7 27
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1963-1-16 Lynn Sher & Harry M Flag wed.jpg"> 1963-1-16 Lynn Sher & Harry M Flag wed</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1963 Lynn Sher and Harry M. Flagg Wed in Home Ceremony Sunday. Daughter of Dr. and Mrs. Harry Sher, 132 W. Gogebic St., Lynn Sherr and Harry Martin Flagg, 2724 Kolo Place, Honolulu, Hawaii, son of Mrs. Anne Flagg, 4146 N. Newhall-Milwaukee, Kenneth Flagg-Honolulu, Rabbi Mekler-Wausau, Mrs. Gerald Flagg, Ingrid Flagg, David Sher, make home in Hawaii, Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Flagg, Mrs. Anne Flagg, Miss. Ingrid Flagg, Mrs. Louis Liebermann, Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Flagg, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Lane, Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Borwzak, Barry Garrison, Mr. and Mrs. Robert aer, Mrs. Jack Eisendraht-Milwaukee; Mr. and Mrs. Lou Laden, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Mekler-Minneapolis; Mr. and Mrs. Lou Weinblatt, Simon Schartz, Mr. and Mrs. Louis Sher, Mr. and Mrs. Phil Schwartz-St. Paul; Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Chaims-Oak Park, Mich.; Miss Marcia Banen-Chicago; Mrs. Esther Stone-St. Joseph, Mo.; Kenneth Flagg-Honolulu; Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Colenso-Iron Mt., Mich. (Jonnie Colenso, I believe Dr. Harry Sher was a dentist.)  </font>     1963 1 16
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1885-7-16 Young Men's Hebrew association.pdf"> 1885-7-16 Young Men's Hebrew association</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1885 Annual meeting of the Young Men's Hebrew association Charles Polinsky, L. Oreckovsky, S. Segal, S. Lavick, S. Bakovitch, M. Oreckovsky, Albert Polinsky.  </font>     1885 7 16
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1895-7-16 L. Oreckovsky, financial secretary and M. Oreckovsky.pdf"> 1895-7-16 L. Oreckovsky, financial secretary and M. Oreckovsky</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1895 Young Men's Hebrew association, Charles Polinsky, L. Oreckovsky, S. Segal, S. Lavick, S. Baker, M. Oreckovsky, Albert Polinsky.  </font> -   1895 7 16
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1921-3-26 Lebendiger, Purim.pdf"> 1921-3-26 Lebendiger, Purim</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1921 Duluth Jews To Observe Feast Of Purim Sunday. Duluth Hebrew institute, Sylvia Laskovitz, Elsie Widdes, Mary London, Selma Cohen, Lillian Harris, Helen Cook, Belle Harris, Jennie Horwitz, Rabbi Israel Lebendiger, Miss Sclarow, Cherry Rine, Ruby Goodman, Helen Segal, Miss Shenowsky, Ida Ostrowsky, Bessie Seiden, Alek Cohen, Eva Bruesen, Ethel Kasmir, Roy Teltch, Bessie Litman, Anna Kane, Helen Segal.   </font>     1900 1 0
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1921-9-21 Rabbi Israel Lebendiger address.pdf"> 1921-9-21 Rabbi Israel Lebendiger address</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1921 Rabbi to Make Address: Rabbi Israel Lebendiger, "Unity and theZionist Convention" Hebrew Institute, 310 East Third street, Rudolph Segal (orator),  "This Immortal Race".  </font>     1900 1 0
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1904-3-31 Fanny Segal, obit..pdf"> 1904-3-31 Fanny Segal, obit.</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1904 Mrs. Fannie Segal, 630 East Fifth street, obit.   Mrs Fannie Segal died of consumption at the age of 34  </font> -   1904 3 31
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1913- 6-4 Ben Friedman Merchants Banquet.pdf"> 1913- 6-4 Ben Friedman Merchants Banquet</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1913 Cooperation Is The Keynote. Talks Made by Duluth and Superior. J. Solon, or Merchants at Local Association's Banquet. Nearly One Hundred Percent At Function.   J. Segal, L. Segal, S. Y. Josephs, Louis Shapiro, Roy Edelstein, Herman Aaronson, J. Sharkey, Ben Friedman.  </font>     1913 6 4
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1914-8-23 Mamie, Mason, Lena Goldfein, Ida Segal.pdf"> 1914-8-23 Mamie, Mason, Lena Goldfein, Ida Segal</A>  - - -   1914 8 23
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1915-1-17 Alex Cohen, Katie Meyers, Jacob Garon.jpg"> 1915-1-17 Alex Cohen, Katie Meyers</A> - -  </font><font size="1">  The Young People Jewish society, Jacob Garon, Fanny Weinberg, Abe Salnovitch, Sam Gofen, David Segal </font> -   1915 1 17
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1915-1-17 c Young People's Jewish Society Alex Cohen, Katie Meyers, Jacob Garon.pdf"> 1915-1-17 c Young People's Jewish Society Alex Cohen, Katie Meyers, Jacob Garon</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> Jacob Garon, Fanny Weinberg, Abe Salnovitch, Sam Gofen, David Segal, Sarah Rachlin  </font> -   1915 1 17
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1915-7-18 Mrs. William Simon, linen shower.pdf"> 1915-7-18 Mrs. J. Vertelney entertained</A>  </font><font size="1"> 1915-7-18 Mrs. William Simon, 406 East Fifth street, linen shower, niece Miss Sadie Berkson, Mrs. H. Segal, Mrs. A. Altman.  </font>     1915 7 18
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1916-1-18 Morris Vertelney birthday party.pdf"> 1916-1-18 Morris Vertelney birthday party</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1916-1-18 Mr. and Mrs. F. Stein, 224 Third avenue East, 13th birthday of son Morris. Mr. and Mrs. J. Sosnosky, Mr. and Mrs. M. Sosnosky, Mr. and Mrs. F. Vertelney, Mr. and Mrs. J. Kamenetzky, Mr. and Mrs. M. Sweet, Mr. and Mrs. H. Segal, Mrs. A. Altman.  </font>     1916 1 18
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1916-4-3 Joseph Verelney United Hebrew Lodge.pdf"> 1916-4-3 Joseph Verelney United Hebrew Lodge</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1916-4-3 Lodges Active In Degree Work.The United Hebrew Brotherhood of Duluth, Camels’ temple, Robert Buchman, Aaron Fieldman, H. Casmir, David Weinberg, Joseph Vertelney, M. S. Segal, George Harris.   </font>     1916 4 3
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1916-4-9 Minnie Winer.pdf"> 1916-4-9 Minnie Winer</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1916 Percy Oreck, 523 East Second street, Miss M. Winer, Philip Litman, Elsie McCarthy, Ida Zurovsky, Rose Sanders, Minnie Winer, Esther Nelson, Sarah Rachlin, Mart Rusnovsky, Melville, Milton Daneiko, George Paulson, Dave Segal, Paul Thompson, Milton Simon-Superior.  </font> -   1916 4 9
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1916-6-11 Lillian Lieberman.pdf"> 1916-6-11 Lillian Lieberman</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1916 Shower Given For Minneapols Brie-to-be. Miss Lillian Lieberman 401 1/2 East Fifth street. Miss Rose Winner-Minneapolis, Tibel Berkson, Sara Kahner (Kaner?)-, Mr. and Mrs. morris Winner, Esther Sanders, Mr. and Mrs. S. Segal, Mr. and Mrs. M. A. Ruth, Mrs. L. Passes-Minneapolis, Miss Minette Averbrook, Miss Ruth Raihill, Charlotte Azine, Rosalie Coran, Mamie Levine, Ruth Siegal, Marian Brucco.   </font>     1916 6 11
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1916-11-20 Brith Abraham-Duluth, consolidation of two lodges.pdf"> 1916-11-20 Brith Abraham-Duluth, consolidation of two lodges</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1916 Lodges Form Consolidation. Two Jewish Fraternal Organizations League After Quarter Century Existence. Election Is Next Week. Social Session Features Combining of Lodges From Order B'rith Abraham. No. 337 and No. 133 .  Louis Fox, J. Weiner, J. M. Segal, J. M. Oreckovsky. Joseph Vertilney, Aaron Feldman, George Harris, A. Weiner.</font> -   1916 11 20
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1917-7-11 A. Bergal, draft.pdf"> 1917-7-11 A. Bergal, draft</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1917 Draft Numbers In District No. 3.  Jewish names:  A. Bergal is one.  H. N. Azine,  J. I. Goldfarb,  C. Segal,  S. J. Segal  </font> -   1917 7 11
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1917-7-11 A. R. Latts draft.pdf"> 1917-7-11 A. R. Latts draft</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1917-7-11 A. R. Latts Draft Number ; Goldfarb, M.P.; Segal, S. J.;­­ Oreckovsky, I.; Silk, M. L.; Zien, W. B.; Schwartz, A. J.; Samuelson, E. R.; Singer, S.;     - -   <A HREF="images2/news/1917-7-11 Draft List.jpg">image - list of people</A></font>     1917 7 11
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1917-9-14 Vertelney farewell.pdf"> 1917-9-14 Vertelney farewell</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1917-9-14 Hebrews Will Honor Enlisted Men. Hebrew Brotherhood Society Arranges for Demonstration in Maccabee Hall. Maccabee hall, 21 Lake avenue North, M. J. Segal, Bernard Silberstein, Dr. Maurice Lefkovits, Dr. A. H. Schwartz, Abe Feldman, M. S. Winthrop, Sigmond M. Slonim, Harry Segal, Miss Mary Simon, Mrs. H. Segal, Mrs. S. H. Cassmir, Mrs. Ida Goldfine, H. Witz, David Weinberg, S. J. Sher, C. D. Oreckovsky, S. H. Kassmir, C. P. Meyers, H. Segal, H. Cassmir, Joe Verteiney and J. Chessner.  </font>     1917 9 14
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1917-9-16 Jews Drafted.pdf"> 1917-9-16 Jews Drafted</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1917 Drafted Jews Hailed As Heroes Of Opportunity. Fifteen Men Congratulated by Relatives and Friends at Reception. Miss Rose Silk, Commisioner Bernar Silberstein, DR. A. H. Schwartz, Abe Fieldman, M. S. Winthrop, Sigmond M. Slonim, Dr. Maurice Lefkovitz, H. Witz, David Weinberg, S. J. Sher, C. D. Oreckovsky, S. H. Kassmir, C. P. Meyers, H. Segal, H. Cassmir, Joe Werteiney, J. Chessen. Honored guests: Dr. Samuel Grose, Dr. M. R. Zack, A. B. Kapplin, Albert Bergstein, Jacob Flint, Phillip Brock, Louis Cominker, Arthur A Friedman, Max S. Gordon, Joseph Hurwitch, Davi Kaplan, Isadore Mendelson, George Winthrop, Abe Flint, B. T. Kenner. Officer of the organization Duluth Hebrew Brotherhood: Robert Buchman, Harry Witz, M. J. Segal, Charles Lavent, David Weinberg, S. H. Kassmir, I. Garon, Myer Kane, Charles D. Oreckowsky, Entertainment: Mrs. H. S. Kassmir, Mrs. H. Segal, Mrs. N. Goldfine. Entertainment: Miss Rose Silk, Mrs. Sol Goldberg, Harry Segal, Miss Mary Simon.   </font>     1917 9 16
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1917-11-11 YMCA Irving Zalk,Sam Litman, Morris Cohen. Felix Litman.pdf"> 1917-11-11 YMCA Irving Zalk,Sam Litman, Morris Cohen. Felix Litman</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1917 Boys At Y.M.C.A. Will Open Basket Ball Season. Teams and Captains Are Chosen for a Successful Season-To Start Tomorrow. Norris (Morris?) Stein, Sam Casmir, Sam Chassen, Abe Litman, Morris Cohen, Sam Levenson, Cohen, Ben Chassen, Sam Levenson, Rudolph Segal, Irving Zalk, Isadore Walt, Morris Silverman, Davy Finklestein, Ben Finklestein. Morris Stein, Sam Casmir, Sam Cohen, Ben Chessen, Sam Litman, Mortimer Altman, Abe Litman, Morris Cohen, Sam Popkin, Rudolph Segal, Percy Weinberg, Irving Zalk John Fishman, Felix Litman,  Morris Silverman, Isadore Walt, Mandy Finkelstein, Davy Finkelstein, Ben Walt.  </font> -   1917 11 11
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1917-12-7 Harry Witz Soldiers Chanuka packages.pdf"> 1917-12-7 Harry Witz Soldiers Chanuka packages</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1917 Hebrews Send Soldiers Boxes, Forty men of Society who have enlisted will receive "Chanuka Greetings".  -  Hebrew Brotherhood association, Harry Witz, David Weinberg, M. J. Segal, Charles Levant, Charles P. Meyers, S. H. Kassmir, I. Garon, M. Kane, Joe Vertelany, M. Rachlin, M.L. Zien, Isador Cohen, Hyman Segal, Harry Segal, Dr. George L. Kassmir, J. H. Viener, Joseph Oreckovsky, M. S. Winthrop, Mrs. Marie Kassmir, Mrs. Nettie Segal and Mrs. Ida Goldfine.</font> -   1917 12 7
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1919-3-1 K. Segal, obit..pdf"> 1919-3-1 K. Segal, obit.</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1919 Washburn, Wis. Former Washburn Woman Dies At Walker, Minn. Mr and Mrs. Jake Segal advised of Mrs. K. Segal's death. obit.   </font> -   1919 3 1
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1919-3-1 K. Segal, obit..pdf"> 1919-3-1 K. Segal, obit.</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1919 Former Washburn Woman Dies At Walker, Minn. Washburn, Wis. Mr. and Mrs. Jake Segal, Mrs. K. Segal obit. St. Paul, husband had clothing store.   </font> -   1919 3 1
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1919-4-13 Marvin Oreck and Samuel J. Segal photo.pdf"> 1919-4-13 Marvin Oreck and Samuel J. Segal photo</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1919 Local Boys Compose, Marvin Oreck and Samuel J. Segal, photo  </font> -   1919 4 13
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1919-12-29 A. R. Latts, Duluth Hebrew Brotherhood.pdf"> 1919-12-29 A. R. Latts, Duluth Hebrew Brotherhood</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1919-12-29  photo, Jacob Garon. Hyman Segal, Henry Kassmir, Louis Seiden, Joe Vertelny, A. R. Latts, A. Bergstein, Max A. Orenstein, S. H. Kassmir.  </font>     1919 12 29
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1920-5-23 Shavouth, Eva Brusin.pdf"> 1920-5-23 Shavouth, Eva Brusin</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1920 Duluthians To Observe Festival. Jews Will Hold Special Program at Temple Today.   Shebuoth, Temple Emanuel, Seventh avenue East and Second street. Dr. M. Lefkovits. Maurie H. Blumenthal, Eva R. Brusin, Louis H. R. Gomberg, Molly Harris, Rose L. Hirsh, Annette Claire Hirschfield, Sarah Lisman, Sylvia Lugoff, Rudolph Segal, Ernestine E. Traubman, Blanch H. B. Zien. Maurice Blumenthal, Louis Gomberg, Eva Brusin, Sylvia lugoff, Dave Freimuth.  </font>     1920 5 23
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1920-5-24 Shavouth, Eva R. Brusin.pdf"> 1920-5-24 Shavouth, Eva R. Brusin</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1920 Festival Of Sherbouth ? Observed At Temple. Dr. Maurice Lefkovits., Temple Emanuel, Blanch H. B. Zien, Ernestine E. Traubman, Rudolph Segal, Sylvia Lugoff, Sarah Lisman, Annette Claire Hirschfield, rose L. Hirsh, Molly Harris, Louis H. R. Gomberg, Eva R. Brusin, Maurice H. Blumenthal, Louis Gomberg.   </font>     1920 5 24
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1920-6-6 Bessie Litman, Young Judea.pdf"> 1920-6-6 Bessie Litman, Young Judea</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1920 Young Judea Club To Give 'Every Jew'. Receipts to be Used for Palestine Restoration Fund. three-act drama. Rudolph Siegel, Emil Wiener, Anna Kane, Eva Lent, Anna Saperstein, Anna Toback, Gladys Kenner, Minnie Gerschgold, Blanch Zien, Dave Sherman, Bessie Litman, Ida Scharon, Irene Bergstein, Nathan Cohen, Louis London, Jacob Carsner, Mary Cohen, play written by Mrs. J. B. Weiner and directed by Miss Goldie Finn. Louis Gomberg, Morris Cohen, Joseph Piley, Orville Anderson, Helen Segal, Blanche Zien.   </font> -   1920 6 6
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1920-6-6 Young Juedea Club.pdf"> 1920-6-6 Young Juedea Club</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1920 Young Judea Club To Give 'Every Jew' Receipts to be Used for Palestine Restoration Fund. Rudolph Siegel, Emil Wiener, Anna Kane, Eva Lent, Anna Sapertein, Anna Toback, Gladys Kenner, Minnie Gerschgold, Blanche Zien, Dave Sherman, Bessie Litman, Ida Scharon, Irene Bergstein, Nathan Cohen, Louis London, Jacob Carsner, Mary Cohen. Mrs. J. B. Weiner, Goldie Finn, Louis Gomberg, orris Cohen, Joseph Piley, Orville Anderson, Helen Segal, Blanche Zien.  </font>     1920 6 6
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1920-6-15 James Lavick.pdf"> 1920-6-15 James Lavick</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1920 Duluth’s Quota In Week’s Drive Will Be $20,000. Campaign for Funds for Palestine Restoration Work to Open June 21, Announcement.  Shrine auditorium. C. S. Cowen-New York, Dr. Peter Marcus-Minneapolis. D. W. Loewus. Name Committees: H. Y. Josephs, James Lavick, B. Silberstein, I. B. Aarons. Advisory: I. Fremiuth, B. Silberstein, B. Beckman, M. P. Shapiro, M. C. Albenberg, Joseph Oreckovesky. Executive: S. M. Kaner, S. Capelowitz , H. Witz, L. Fox, W. Silvain, N. Kris, S. Karon, Jos. Davis, Joe Weinberg,  F. Labovitz, S. Natelson, C. P. Mayers, H. Segal, A. Megolsan, I. B. Aarons, A. Fieldman, A. Saksonoff, D. G. Loewus, Ben Karon, B. Sher, F. Keil, and H. Gordon.   </font>     1920 6 15
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1920-6-26 Morris Cohen, Palestine.pdf"> 1920-6-26 Morris Cohen, Palestine</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1920 Palestine Fund Campaign Opens; Obtain $7,500. Teams Will Solicit Corporations, Business Men Today; City’s Quota Is $20,000.  Duluth Iron and Metal company, Abe Bogelson, Judith Bogelson, Joe Davis, William Silvian, S. B. Copilowisch, Joseph Weinberg, Joe Davis, Harry Gordon, L. Fox, James Lavick, A.Mogelson, I. B. Aarons, Nathan S. Garber, Fred Kiel, S. M. Kaner, Albert Bergstein, Max Orinstein, F. Labovitz, H. Segal, Morris Cohen, A. Fieldman and H. Y. Josephs, B. Silberstein. 610-612 First National Bank building campaign headquarters.   </font>     1920 6 26
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1920-11-30 Rose Levenson and David Segal wed.pdf"> 1920-11-30 Rose Levenson and David Segal wed</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1920 Former Duluth Man Weds Librarian At Virginia. Rose Levenson and Dald Segal.  </font> -   1920 11 30
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1921-1-30 Morris Kohn, violinist, Bessie Litman.pdf"> 1921-1-30 Morris Kohn, violinist, Bessie Litman</A>   - -  </font><font size="1"> 1921 Violinist to Play at School Recital. Morris Kohn, Louis Gomberg, Rudolph Segal, Mary Cohen, Nathan Cohen, Emil J. Weiner, Eva Lent, Helen Cook, Lillian F. Harris, Bessie Litman, Anna Davis, Cecil Gotkin, Dave Sherman, Ben Cohen, Sam Braverman, Ben Serrant.  </font> -   1921 1 30
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1921-11-1 Bankman-Zionist.pdf"> 1921-11-1 Bankman-Zionist</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1921 Bankman Re-Elected Virginia Zionist Head. B. Bankman, Leo Lieberman, Alex Kaufman, David Segal, Mrs. Ben Milavetz, Harry Cohen, J. T. Rutz.   </font>     1921 11 1
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1921-11-19 Sons of Israel, Stein.pdf"> 1921-11-19 Sons of Israel, Stein</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1921 Fraternal Body Incorporates. The Sons of Israel, Jacob E. Rachlin, Myer Markovitz, Joseph Polinsky, Samuel Stein, Louis Fox, Hyman Segal, David Weinberg, Isadore Cohen, Samuel Mendelson.  </font> -   1921 11 19
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1921-12-4 photo, Central HS Glee Club, Robert Karon, Segal, Ruth Milavitz.pdf"> 1921-12-4 photo, Central HS Glee Club, Robert Karon, Segal, Ruth Milavitz</A> -   1921 12 4
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1921-12-25 Superior, Lillian Harris, Anita Averbook, Chanukah program.pdf"> 1921-12-25 Superior, Lillian Harris, Anita Averbook, Chanukah program</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1921 Superior: Superior Girl on Chanukah Program. Lillian Harris, Herbert and Joseph Samuel, Morris Litman, Cherry Rine, M. Seiler, Rudolph Segal, Sam Braverman, Morris Litman, Anita Averbook, Etta Levine, Louisa Nessel, Rose Passen, Helen Segal, Harry Cohen, Marjorie Rachlin, Hyman Laden.  </font> -   1921 12 25
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1921-12-25 Harry Cohen Lillian Harris.pdf"> 1921-12-25 Harry Cohen Lillian Harris</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1921 Superior Girl on Channukah Program. Photo. Lillian Harris. Chanukah program, Hebrew institute. Herbert and Joseph Samuel, Morris Litman, Cherry Rine, M. Seiler, Rudolph Segal, Sam Braverman, Morris Litman, Anita Averbook, Etta Levine, Louisa Nessel, Rose Passen, Helen Segal, Harry Cohen, Marjorie Rachlin, Hyman Laden.   </font>     1921 12 25
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1921-12-28 Grand Lodge, Oreck.pdf"> 1921-12-28 Grand Lodge, Oreck</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1921 Kapplin Chosen Head of Covenant Lodge, B'nai B'rith, A. B. Kapplin, S. B. Copillowish, Harry A. Shapiro, Charles Green, S. J. Segal, Hugo Freimuth, Lorenz Freedland, C. D. Oreckovsky, Albert Mark, D. H. Miller, Dr. Harry Klein, D. P. Fieldman  </font> -   1921 12 28
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1922-2-11 Augusta and Beatrice Vertelney, Lincoln's     birhday.pdf"> 1922-2-11 Augusta and Beatrice Vertelney, Lincoln's     birhday</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1922-2-11 Lincoln’s Birthday, Jewish Arbor day. Lillian Harris,, Miss Helen Segal, Nathan Cohen, Rudolph Segal, Alfred Weinberg, Marvin Goldstein, Sylvia Laskowitz, Irene Levine, Sylvia Horowitz, Elsie Widdes, Fay Horowitz, Eunice Passon, Freida Brooks, Edith Riskin, Ida Weiner, Vivian Evans, Cheery Rine, Sylvia Stewart, Etta Levine, Mary London, Ruth Goldberg, Anna London, Ruby Aarons, Florence Goldfarb, Susie Bergal, Helen Aarons, Dorothy Horowitz, Pauline Cwl, Florence rose, Doris Cwil, Bessie Brooks, Elizabeth Cook. Herbert Samuel, Elizabeth Cook, Samuel Braerman, Sydney Green, Alfred Weinberg, J. Crystle, Sarah Goldfine, Miss Kurniss.  Augusta Vertelney, Beatrice Vertelney.   </font>     1922 2 11
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1922-2-11 Jewish Arbor Day, Passon, Goldberg.pdf"> 1922-2-11 Jewish Arbor Day, Passon, Goldberg</A>   - - </font><font size="1"> Lincoln's Birthday and Chamishoh Oser B'Schvatt" (Tu B'Shuvat). Rabbi Israel Lebendinger, Lillian Harris, Helen Segal, Nathan Cohen, Rudolph Segal, Alfred Weinberg, Marvin Goldstein, Sylvia Laskowitz, Irene Levine, Sylvia Horowitz, Elsie Widdes, Fay Horowitz, Eunice Passon, Freida Brooks, Edith Riskin, Ida Weiner, Vivian Evans, Cheery Rine, Sylvia Stewart, Etta Levine, Mary London, Ruth Goldberg, Anna London, Ruby Aarons, Florence Goldfarb, Susie Bergal, Augusta Vertelney Helen Aarons, Beatrice Verteney, Dorothy Horowitz, Pauline Cwl, Florence Rose, Doris Cwl, Bessie Brooks, Elizabeth Cook, Herbert Samuel, Samuel Braverman, Sydney Green, J. Crystle (Crystal), Sarah Goldfine, Kurnisa.</font> -   1922 2 11.3
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1922-2-11 Tu B'shvat, Florence Goldfarb, Crystal, Widdes.pdf"> 1922-2-11 Tu B'shvat, Florence Goldfarb, Crystal, Widdes</A>  - - </font><font size="1">Helen Segal sister of Stan Segal's father and Rudoplh Segal. she married Louis Shelf - somehow connected to European Bakery. Nathan Cohen was married to Celia Walt. Alfred Weinberg, Sylvia Laskawitz became Sylvia Fink - they had the market on East 19th and 8th Street. Irene Levine became Irene Paull, Sylvia Horwitz maybe daughter of David and Sarah married Hallm Elsie Widdes - Elsie Kane, Fay Horwitz- Faye Solle, Eunice Passon could be Elsie Mastoon, Cherie Rine married Abe Bruzonsky, Sylvia Stewart married Gordon Cohen, Etta Levine sister of Irene Paull, Helen Aarons is Helen Widdes, Dorothy Horwitz another sister. Herb Samuels. Jacob Crystal father of Izy</font> -   1922 2 11.5
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1922-5-15 Harry A. Segal and A. N Edelson, business.pdf"> 1922-5-15 Harry A. Segal and A. N Edelson, business</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1922 Harry A. Segal and A. N. Edelson, business, photo - - Young Men Open Music Bungalow.  </font> -   1922 5 15
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1922-6-1 Sisterhood,Mrs. Lyle A. Oreck, Jewish menu lockschen, bagel, strudel.pdf"> 1922-6-1 Sisterhood,Mrs. Lyle A. Oreck, Jewish menu lockschen, bagel, strudel</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1922 Sisterhood, Hebrew Institute, Mrs. Lyle A. Oreck, Mrs. H. H. Segal  </font> -   1922 6 1
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1922-6-3 J. D. Segal, obit..pdf"> 1922-6-3 J. D. Segal, obit.</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1922 J. D. Segal, 30 years Duluth Resident, Dies. 620 East Second street. widow, son, Julian H. Segal,  daughter Miss Pearl Segal, Mrs. Ben Sher, Mrs. C. Marcus-Superior, Mrs. Herman Weiner-Eveleth.   </font> -   1922 6 3
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1922-8-20 Abe Goldfine-Fanny Ovetsky wedding .pdf"> 1922-8-20 Abe Goldfine-Fanny Ovetsky wedding </A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1922 Goldfine-Ovetsky Nuptials Celebrated.   Fanny Ovetsky and Abe Goldfine wed, Rabbi Lebendiger, Odd Fellows' hall, Mrs. B. D. Ben ?, Miss Idalla Berkson,  Anna ? Miss Las?, Miss Goldfine-Duluth,  Joe Kaner, Tobia Garon, twin nieces, flower girl Gertrude Kaner, dinner for 250 guests, Mr. Miller-Eau Claire, Wis. and Harry Segal-Duluth-played piano and violin, 400 guests danced, out of town guests:  Mr. and Mrs. Brigh-Gilbert, Minn., Mr. and Mrs. Kaner and family-Cloquet, Ben Kaner-Barron, Wis., Mrs. Morris Goldfine-Minneapolis, Mr. and Mrs. Leo Rosenbloom and son and Sam Segal-Chicago, Mrs. Chapman and daughters-California, Mrs. Menehorovsky-Des Moines, Iowa, Mr. and Mrs. W. Kaner and family and Morris Kaner-Eveleth, following from Virginia: Mr. and Mrs. Hochstein, Mrs. Dorfman and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. L. Milavetz, Mr. and Mrs. Litman and son, Mr. and Mrs. George Flax, Mr. and Mrs. Gust Simon, Mr. and Mrs. Dave Sibel, Mr. and Mrs. Abe Kenner, and Mrs. Joseph Garon.   </font> -   1922 8 20
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1922-8-20 Abe Goldfine-Fanny Ovetsky wedding transcribed.htm"> 1922-8-20 Abe Goldfine-Fanny Ovetsky wedding transcribed</A>   - -  </font><font size="1"> 1922 Goldfine-Ovetsky Nuptials Celebrated.  (Article transcribed)  -  Fanny Ovetsky and Abe Goldfine wed, Rabbi Lebendiger, Odd Fellows' hall, Mrs. B. D. Ben ?, Miss Idalla Berkson,  Anna ? Miss Las?, Miss Goldfine-Duluth,  Joe Kaner, Tobia Garon, twin nieces, flower girl Gertrude Kaner, dinner for 250 guests, Mr. Miller-Eau Claire, Wis. and Harry Segal-Duluth-played piano and violin, 400 guests danced, out of town guests:  Mr. and Mrs. Brigh-Gilbert, Minn., Mr. and Mrs. Kaner and family-Cloquet, Ben Kaner-Barron, Wis., Mrs. Morris Goldfine-Minneapolis, Mr. and Mrs. Leo Rosenbloom and son and Sam Segal-Chicago, Mrs. Chapman and daughters-California, Mrs. Menehorovsky-Des Moines, Iowa, Mr. and Mrs. W. Kaner and family and Morris Kaner-Eveleth, following from Virginia: Mr. and Mrs. Hochstein, Mrs. Dorfman and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. L. Milavetz, Mr. and Mrs. Litman and son, Mr. and Mrs. George Flax, Mr. and Mrs. Gust Simon, Mr. and Mrs. Dave Sibel, Mr. and Mrs. Abe Kenner, and Mrs. Joseph Garon.   </font> -   1922 8 20
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1922-8-24 Sisterhood Cook, Segal, Goldish.pdf"> 1922-8-24 Sisterhood Cook, Segal, Goldish</A> - -   headline  -   1922 8 24
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1922-10-1 Morris Cohen, Yom Kippir Ball.pdf"> 1922-10-1 Morris Cohen, Yom Kippir Ball</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1922 Jewish Club to Give Festial Year Ball. Yom Kipper ball, Odd Fellows’ hall, proceeds go to Hebrew institute, Third avenue East and Third street. Nathan Kremen-president, Rabbi Alvin Luchs-Temple Emanuel, H. Y. Josephs-ardent supporter, Irving Raihill, Morris Cohen-treasurer, Sam Rosenberg-secretary, I. Saksonoff, Charles Greene, Ralph Elevitch, Ralph Levine, Ben Davis, and Sam Segal-directors.    </font>     1922 10 1
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1922-11-20 Eveleth, B'nai Brith.pdf"> 1922-11-20 Eveleth, B'nai Brith</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1922 B'nai Brith, A. B. Kapplin, Samuel Nides-Hibbing, M. K. Baer-Virginia, Harry L. Levant-Eveleth, Dr. L. M. Harris-Superior, Gustavus Loewinger-St. Paul, Rabbi J. I. Meyerowitz-St. Paul, Rabbi Meyerowitz, Rabbi Alvin S. Luchs, Segal's orchestra.  </font> -   1922 11 20
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1922-12-25 Doris Sosnosky and Harris Goldman wed.pdf"> 1922-12-25 Doris Sosnosky and Harris Goldman wed</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1922 Jewish Club toGive Festival Year Ball, Northern Lights, Rabbi Alvin Luchs, H. Y. Josephs, Dr. Alvin Luchs, Irving Rajhill, Morris Cohen, Sam Rosenberg, I. Saksonoff, Charles Greene, Ralph Elevitch, Ralph Levine, Ben Davis, Sam Segal Nathan Kremen,  </font> -   1922 12 25
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1957-9-6 Segal, Milavetz, Goldman.pdf"> 1957-9-6 Segal, Milavetz, Goldman</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1957 Little Rock, Arkansas: The Seattle Times. Marvin Segal, Robert Milavetz, Steven Lange, Harris Levine and Goldman.  </font> -   1957 9 6
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1977-9 Morris E Klasky JFN.jpg"> 1977-9 Morris E Klasky JFN</A>  - -  </font><font size="1">1977  Morris E. Klasky - How it Started.  Rabbi Bender suggested an organization called THE JEWISH FELLOWSHIP CLUB.  Benjamin Pass was elected President; vice presidents, Morris Klasky, Ben R Greene, Sam Altman; Rec Sec, Harry Segal; Corres Sec, Ben L. London; Treas, Robert J Karon; Sgt at Arms, Mandy Horowitz; Directors were as follows: Alex J Lurye, Ben Goldish, Louis Fishman, Dr S S Rosenbloom, John Cohen and Rabbi Paul Bender   </font>     1977 9 1
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1896-2-12 Cohen & Seigel.pdf"> 1896-2-12 Cohen & Seigel</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1896 Superior: Under The Hammer. Stock of Cohen & Seigel is Sold by the Sheriff. It Brought $4,100 Cash. Two Men Suspected of Robbing the Richelleu Are Arrested. Cohen & Seigel, Isaac Rothstein-Eau Claire.  </font> -   1896 2 12
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1904-1-18 Max Zalk, B'nai Brith.pdf"> 1904-1-18   B'nai Brith</A> - -  </font><font size="1"> Brith Abraham Installs Officers, Zalk, Rocklen, Orecowsky, Markovitz, Rosenberg, Orick, Shapira, Feldman, Abrahamson, Bernhard, Seigel  </font> -   1904 1 18
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1904-1-18 Brith Abraham Duluth.pdf"> 1904-1-18 Brith Abraham Duluth</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1904 Brith Abraham Installs Officers. M. Zalk, I. Rocklen, G. Orecowsky, M. Markovitz, I. Rosenberg, G. Orick, M. Shapira, H. Feldman, M. B. Abrahamson, S. Bernhard, J. Seigel.</font> -   1904 1 18
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1905-1-10 Belle Ami Woolfan and Samuel Seigel wed.pdf"> 1905-1-10 Belle Ami Woolfan and Samuel Seigel wed</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1905 Belle Ami Woolfan and Samuel Seigel wed.  </font> -   1905 1 10
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1906-5-14 Ben Seigel, fire.pdf"> 1906-5-14 Ben Seigel, fire</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1906 Family Escapes Death In Fire. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Seigel Carry Five Children From Burning Home. 1812 Fourth street.Ben Seigel, fire  </font> -   1906 5 14
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1912-2-14 Gilbert, Gilbert Commercial Club, B. J. Medalie, John Seigel.pdf"> 1912-2-14 Gilbert, Gilbert Commercial Club, B. J. Medalie, John Seigel</A> -   1912 2 14
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1914-8-3 Conrad Cohen-obit. , J. P. Seigel.pdf"> 1914-8-3 Conrad Cohen-obit. , J. P. Seigel</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1914 Superior: Conrad Cohen, 76, obit., Mrs. J. P. Seigel, 609 East First street.  </font>     1914 8 3
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1916-8-20 Zionist, Cohen.pdf"> 1916-8-20 Zionist, Cohen</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1916 Zionists Of Duluth Will Serve "Kosher" Agudah Zion society, Charles Arinovich, Maurice Kaplan, Michael Sher, Louis Gordon, Bernard Cohen, Paul Hyman, Abe Aronsohn, Isadore Cohen, Edward Laskey and A. Seigel.  </font>     1916 8 20
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1921-3-28 Elsie Pearl Dorf.pdf"> 1921-3-28 Elsie Pearl Dorf</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1921-3-28 200 Attend Wedding At Commerce Club Rooms. Miss Evelyn Sorrella Kaner, 701 John avenue, married to Morris A. Rudolph, Superior, son of A. J. Rudolph of Minneapolis. Miss Hannah D. Kaner, Zollie Dworski-Minneapolis, Edith Laskey, Elsie Dorf, Nathan Seigel, Phillip Halzberg, Beatrice Stone-Stephenson, Minn., Benny Seigel-Superior, Rev. J. Aronson-Superior. 200 guests from Superior, Duluth, Minneapolis, St. Paul, and range towns.  </font>     1921 3 28
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1922-1-10 Biewabik-Joe Seigel.pdf"> 1922-1-10 Biewabik-Joe Seigel</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1922 Biewabik: Remodels Shop. Joe Seigel.  </font> -   1922 1 10
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1904-1-28 Hattie Shanedling and G. Perlman ml.pdf"> 1904-1-28 Hattie Shanedling and G. Perlman ml</A> -   1904 1 28
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1904-2-2 Eveleth Shanedling-Perlman wedding.pdf"> 1904-2-2 Eveleth Shanedling-Perlman wedding</A> -   1904 2 2
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1904-2-2 Harriet Shanedling and Gabril Perlman wed.pdf"> 1904-2-2 Harriet Shanedling and Gabril Perlman wed</A> -   1904 2 2
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1904-2-2 Eveleth Harriet Shanedling Gabriel Perlman.pdf"> 1904-2-2 Eveleth Harriet Shanedling Gabriel Perlman</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1904 Wedding At Eveleth Big Social Event. Miss Harriet Shanedling Becomes Bride of Gabriel Perlman. Mr. and Mrs. F. Shanedling of Eveleth, Gabriel Perlman, prominent clothier at Vail hall in Eveleth. - - Guests from Eveleth: Jeanette Shanedling, maid of honor; Mr. and Mrs. M. P. Shapiro, Clara and Lillian Shapiro; Samuel Leo and Carl Shapiro; Mr. and Mrs. F. Rabinowitz, son and daughter; Mr. and Mrs. M. Feldman and daughter; Mr. and Mrs. D. Simon and daughter; Mr. and Mrs. D. Elias and son; Mr. and Mrs. Milavetz, Celia Milavetz; Mr. and Mrs. Ben Gordon, Mr. and Mrs.Scott, Mr. and Mrs. Hipple, P. E. Dowling, Mrrs. Josephine Sibbit, Samuel Dorpin, Morris Rabinowitz, Joe Rabinowitz, Joe Miller, J. Simon, Mr. and Mrs. Max Shapiro, Jake and John Siegel;  Mr. Levant, Mr. and Mrs. Jake Schtein, Nathan Schtein; Samuel Rubenstein, Tom Sharp, George Mesberg, Harry Shenedling, Isadore Shanedling, Isadore Duff.  Virginia: Mr. and Mrs.Joe Roman, Mr. and Mrs. J. Mesberg, Lillian and Mary Mesberg; Mr. and Mrs. Ben Milavetz, Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Milavetz, Mr. and Mrs. Ike Milavetz, Mr. and Mrs.Julius Shanedling and daughters, H. and M. Shanedling, Mrs. N. Nathanson, Mrs. L. Cohen and daughter;  Anthony and Frank Shipley, L. Peterson, Mrs. Hoistein, Mr. Rubloff, Ben Gordon.  Milwaukee, Wis.: Misses Ida and Clara Blonde.  Sparta, Minn.: Mrs. L. Shurman.   Minneapolis: Mr. and Mrs. Meyers, parents of Mr. and Mrs. J. Shanedling.  Buhl: B. M. Lipman, Mr. and Mrs. Abramson.   La Crosse, Wis.: A. W. Jacobs.  St. Paul: H. Rudanskey.  </font> -   1904 2 2
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1904-5-30 Sadie Cohen and Louis Shenowsky wed.pdf"> 1904-5-30 Sadie Cohen and Louis Shenowsky wed</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1904 Pretty Wedding Is Celebrated. Miss Sadie Cohen and Louis Shenowsky Married at Hebrew Synagogue. 825 Fourth avenue east, and Louis Shenowsky-Duluth. Mr. and Mrs. L. Cohen, Rabbi Helprin, Odd Fellows' hall, Lillian Mesberg-Virginia, James Lavick, 326 East Sixth street. Mr. and Mrs. J. Mesberg, Lillian Mesberg, Henry Shanedling-Virginia, Morris Robbins, George Mesberg-Eveleth.   </font>     1904 5 30
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1905-3-5 M. Shanedling returns from Chicago.pdf"> 1905-3-5 M. Shanedling returns from Chicago</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1905 Virginia Notes. Range Bureau of the News Tribune, Virginia, March 4. M. Shanedling returns from stock buying trip to Chicago and Eastern markets.  </font>     1905 3 5
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1905-7-15 Eveleth, Max Greenberg, Henry Shanedling.pdf"> 1905-7-15 Eveleth, Max Greenberg, Henry Shanedling</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1905 Eveleth: Max Greenberg arrested, Henry Shanedling.  </font> -   1905 7 15
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1906-3-30 house Shanedling.pdf"> 1906-3-30 house Shanedling</A> -   1906 3 30
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1906-8-9 Mrs. Julius Shanedling and Mrs. M. Schreider.pdf"> 1906-8-9 Mrs. Julius Shanedling and Mrs. M. Schreider</A> -   1906 8 9
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1906-11-24 Virginia, Herman Nathanson.pdf"> 1906-11-24 Virginia, Herman Nathanson</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1906 Virginia: Mrs. A. E. Bicford, Julius Shanedling, Louis Cohen,Herman Nathanson, James Lavick.  </font> -   1906 11 24
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1906-12-31 Mrs. B. Milavetz, Shanedling.pdf"> 1906-12-31 Mrs. B. Milavetz, Shanedling</A> - -   headline  -   1906 12 31
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1908-8-25 Harry Shanedling and Belle Geisenfeld wed.pdf"> 1908-8-25 Harry Shanedling and Belle Geisenfeld wed</A> -   1908 8 25
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1908-8-25 Shanedling and Geisenfeld wed, Dr. Caaro, guests Prozinski, Goldman, Pearlman.pdf"> 1908-8-25 Shanedling and Geisenfeld wed, Dr. Caaro, guests Prozinski, Goldman, Pearlman</A> -   1908 8 25
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1908-8-25 Belle Geisenfeld and Harry Shanedling wed.pdf"> 1908-8-25 Belle Geisenfeld and Harry Shanedling wed</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1908 Virginia: Young Wedded Couple Expected At Virginia.  Belle Geisenfeld and Harry Shanedling wed. Rabbi Dr. Caaro, Jeanette Shanedling, Lena and Laura Geisenfeld, Sarah Prozinski, Henry Shanedling, Herman Geisenfeld, H. Goldman. Julius and M. Shanedling, Jeanette Shanedling, Henry Shanedling, M. Perlman, G. Pearlman. wedding in Milwaukee, WI.  ------ 1908 Harry Shanedling and Belle Geisenfeld wed, Dr. Caaro, guests  Jeanette Shanedling, Lena and Laura Geisenfeld, Sarah Prozinski, Henry Shanedling, Herman Geisenfeld, H. Goldman, Julius and M. Shanedling, Henry Shanedling, M. Pearlman, G. Pearlman, Young Wedded couple Expected At Virginia.   </font> -   1908 8 25
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1910-1-8 Virginia-Mrs. Shanedling obit..pdf"> 1910-1-8 Virginia-Mrs. Shanedling obit.</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1910 Virginia: Mrs. Shanedling obit.  </font> -   1910 1 8
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1910-4-5 Virgnia, Lavick, Nathanson, Roman, Shanedling, Lippman, Mesberg.pdf"> 1910-4-5 Virgnia, Lavick, Nathanson, Roman, Shanedling, Lippman, Mesberg</A> -   1910 4 5
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1910-11-7 Virginia, Bessie Litman and Joseph Berinsky, Altman.pdf"> 1910-11-7 Virginia, Bessie Litman and Joseph Berinsky, Altman</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1910 Virginia:  Festivities Are Wedding Feature. Jewish People of Virginia Have Gal Time at Berinsky-Litman Marriage. Bessie Litman, Joseph Berinsky, Rabbi Booth, Harry Lit man, Libbie Holzberg, John Mesberg, Morris Shanedling, Dan and Sam Melovetz,  E. Bickford, Michael Boylan, M. Altman, Mr. H. Helstein, Mr. and Mrs. B. Gordon, Mr. Laurey, Mr. and Mrs. M. Altman, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Altman, Mr. and Mrs. H. Hollock, Alice Holzberg, Neil McInnis, Walter J. Smith. </font> -   1910 11 7
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1910-11-7 Joseph Berinsky and Bessie Litman wed.pdf"> 1910-11-7 Joseph Berinsky and Bessie Litman wed</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1910 Festivities Are Wedding Feature. Jewish People of Virginia Have Gala Time at Berinsky-Litman Marriage. Virginia: Miss Bessie Litman, Joseph Berinsky wed. Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Litman, Rabbi Booth, Harry Litman, Libbie Holzberg, John Mesberg, Morris Shanedling, Dan and Sam Melovetz, City Clerk A. E. Bickford, Alderman Michael Boylan, M. Altman, Mrs. H. Helstein, Mr. and Mrs. B. Gordon, Mr. Laurey, Mr. and Mrs. M. Altman, Mr. and Mrs. H. Hollock, Miss Alice Holzberg, Neil McInnis, Walter J. Smith.   </font> -   1910 11 7
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1911-6-14 Jeanette Shanedling and Joseph Feinberg wed.pdf"> 1911-6-14 Jeanette Shanedling and Joseph Feinberg wed</A> -   1911 6 14
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1911-6-18 Jeanette Schandling and Joseph Winberg, Rabbi M. B. Tapletz.pdf"> 1911-6-18 Jeanette Schandling and Joseph Winberg, Rabbi M. B. Tapletz</A>  - - </font><font size="1"> 1911 Virginia: Jeanette Shanedling and Joseph Winberg wed, Rabbi M. B. Taplitz, Morris, Julius, Harry, and Henry Shanedling, Popular Range Girl Weds Philadelphia Man.  </font> -   1911 6 18
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1912-7-1 Lavick, Shanedling wedding.pdf"> 1912-7-1 Lavick, Shanedling wedding</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1912 Wedding Was An Elaborate One. Miss Mary Besberg of Virginia Becomes Bride of Henry Shanedling. Mrs. James Lavick, matron of honor.  </font>     1912 7 1
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1912-10-13 Eveleth, Jewish synagogue.pdf"> 1912-10-13 Eveleth, Jewish synagogue</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1912 Eveleth: Jewish Congregation At Eveleth Banquets. Sam Ellis, Wm. Kaner, Abe Goldman, Geo. Perlman, Solomon Sax, Isadore Shanedling, Frank Weinberg.   </font> -   1912 10 13
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1912-10-13 Eveleth, Jewish Congregation, Ellis, Sax, Kaner, Weinberg, Sax, Perlman, Shanedling.pdf"> 1912-10-13 Eveleth, Jewish Congregation, Ellis, Sax, Kaner, Weinberg, Sax, Perlman, Shanedling</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1912 Eveleth: Jewish Congregation At Eveleth Banquets. Jewish synagogue, Sam Ellis, Wm. Kaner, Abe Goldman, George Perlman, Solomon Sax, Isadore Shanedling, Frnak Weinberg. </font> -   1912 10 13
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1913-9-21 Full page with six articles.pdf"> 1913-9-21 Full page with six articles</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1913-9-21 Virginia: Jewish social club. Hiram Lewis, Joseph Milavetz, Eveleyn Shanedling, Ernest Lippman  - -   <A HREF="images2/news/1913-9-21 Full page with six articles no 3.jpg">cropped image </A></font>     1913 9 21
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1914-11-1 Eveleth, Bney Achim, officers elected.pdf"> 1914-11-1 Eveleth, Bney Achim, officers elected</A>   - -  </font><font size="1"> 1914 Eveleth: Eveleth Synagogue Officers Elected. Bney Achim. H. Perlman, H. Siegel, A. Goldberg, Isadore Shanedling, Solomon Sax, Frank Rabinowitz, Frank Weinberg.  </font> -   1914 11 1
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1914-11-30 Eveleth, Solomon Sax Jewish relief.pdf"> 1914-11-30 Eveleth, Solomon Sax Jewish relief</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1914 Eveleth: Jews Of Eveleth Gather Funds For War Zone Brethren. Solomon Sax, Isadore Shanedling, $100 pledged.   Sam Ellis</font> -   1914 11 30
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1915-3-2 Lavick and Evans wed.pdf"> 1915-3-2 Lavick and Evans wed</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1915 The wedding of Miss Sarah Lavick and A. J. Evans took place at Adash (Adas) Israel synagogue. Rev. W. Kissin and Rabbi Israel Teplitz. Miss Sarah Heronimus-Superior, Arthur Marks-St. Paul, Mortimer Levey-St. Paul, Maurice Lavick, Miss Jacqueline Levey-St. Pul, Harold Lavick-Virginia. Hebrew institute, Lavick's orchestra played. Guests: Mr. and Mrs. Harrye Levey-St. Paul, Mr. and Mrs. James F. Lavick, Mr. and Mrs. George Mesberg, Mrs. H. Shanedling of Virginia, Mr. and Mrs. George Wehburd, Mrs. S. Levant, H. A. Levant of Eveleth, and Mrs. I. Gombes of Fall River Mass.   </font>     1915 3 2
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1915-9-16 Eveleth, Jewish Relief, Budlick, Siegel, Levant, Ellis, Mesberg, Shanedling, Sax, Perlman, Shapiro.pdf"> 1915-9-16 Eveleth, Jewish Relief, Budlick, Siegel, Levant, Ellis, Mesberg, Shanedling, Sax, Perlman, Shapiro</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1915 Jewish Relief Work Organized At Eveleth. Sol Budlick, Sam Siegel, Harry Levant, Sam Ellis. George Mesberg, Isadore Shanedling, Solomon Sax, H. G. Perlman, and Max Shapiro.  </font> -   1915 9 16
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1915-10-10 Munroe Shanedling, accident.pdf"> 1915-10-10 Munroe Shanedling, accident</A> -   1915 10 10
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1915-10-12 Munroe Shanedling.pdf"> 1915-10-12 Munroe Shanedling</A> -   1915 10 12
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1915-12-2 Munroe Shanedling.pdf"> 1915-12-2 Munroe Shanedling</A> -   1915 12 2
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1915-12-7 Virginia, B'nai Brith.pdf"> 1915-12-7 Virginia, B'nai Brith</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1915 Is Chosen President Of B'nai Brith Lodge. Virginia: Samuel Lippman, Julius Shanedling, Nathan T. Keller, Herman Baer, Morris K. Baer, Henry Shanedling, Samuel Dubow, Samuel Rosenholtz, Rabbi Lianard-Minneapolis, Gust Simon, Reuben Latz.   </font>     1915 12 7
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1916-1-21 Ben Milavetz.pdf"> 1916-1-21 Ben Milavetz</A> - -    </font><font size="1">  Virginia Jews Will Aid War Sufferers, Virginia: Max Lewis, Sam Milavetz, Adolph Kellar, Julius Shanedling, Ben Milavetz, Sam Lippman, Rubin Latz, M. K. Baer, Ralph Wilk, Nathan Kellar, Julius Shanedling. </font> -   1916 1 21
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1916-1-28 Eveleth, Jewish Relief, Ellis, Siegel, Levant.pdf"> 1916-1-28 Eveleth, Jewish Relief, Ellis, Siegel, Levant</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1916 Virginia: Jewish Relief Fund Exceeds Estimate. Eastern Mesaba Residents Contribute Liberally to Aid European War Suffers.Sam Ellis, Samuel Siegel, Harry Levant, Max Lewis, Sam Milavetz, Julius Shanedling, Morris Shanedling, Ben Milavetz, Sam Lippman, Raeten Latz, M. K. Baer, Ralph Wilk, Nathan Kellar.  </font> -   1916 1 28
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1916-1-29 Eveleth, Jewish Relief Fund, Sam Ellis.pdf"> 1916-1-29 Eveleth, Jewish Relief Fund, Sam Ellis</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1916 Virginia Relief Fund Totals $1,200. Eastern Mesaba Cities and Towns Contribute Liberlally to War Sufferers. Julius Shanedling, Sam Siegel, Frank Rabinowit, Jacob Stein, Sam Siegel, Sam Ellis, Louis Rubenstein, Louis Siegel, H. A. Levant, G. H. Perlman, George Mesberg, Frank Weinberg, M. Kaner, H. Siegel, J. Winer, Harry White, Joe Learner.  </font> -   1916 1 29
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1916-2-28 Paul Gollop-Lillian Shenowsky wed.pdf"> 1916-2-28 Paul Gollop-Lillian Shenowsky wed</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1916-2-28  - 200 Guests Attend Wedding Ceremony. Miss Lillian Shenowsky and Peter Gollop wed in Talmud Torah hall, Third avenue East and Third street. Rabbi Tepliz. David Sanders, Esther Sander, Robert Gorodnitzky, Nora Shenowsky, Mr. and Mrs. J. Nesberg, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Shanedling and son-Virginia, 0Mr. and Mrs. George Nesberg-Eveleth. Lavick’s orchestra.  </font>     1916 2 28
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1916-8-25 Munroe Shanedling, car accident.pdf"> 1916-8-25 Munroe Shanedling, car accident</A> -   1916 8 25
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1916-11-21 Virginia, Herman J. Nathanson, appraiser.pdf"> 1916-11-21 Virginia, Herman J. Nathanson, appraiser</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1916 Finish Lenont Condmnation. Virginia Board of Appraisers Finishes Task-City to Purchase. Lenont hospital, appraisers pay owners of realty, Morris Shanedling, appraisers Herman J. Nathanson. Julius Shanedling offers lots for city hall purposes.    </font> -   1916 11 21
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1917-2-7 Samuel Cohen Anna Cohen Julius Shanedling.pdf"> 1917-2-7 Samuel Cohen Anna Cohen Julius Shanedling</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> Children in autos; parents in law suit  </font> -   1917 2 7
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1917-5-25 Munroe Shanedling, language class.pdf"> 1917-5-25 Munroe Shanedling, language class</A> -   1917 5 25
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1917-6-27 Virginia, Julius Shanedling, fundraising.pdf"> 1917-6-27 Virginia, Julius Shanedling, fundraising</A> -   1917 6 27
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1918-1-17 Lippman, Ellism Milavetz.pdf"> 1918-1-17 Lippman, Ellism Milavetz</A> - -  </font><font size="1">  Virginia: To Hold Funeral Of Sam Lippman At Virginia Today, friends, Shanedling, Milavetz, Keller, Goodman, Sachs, Ellis, Peck, Weil, Booth </font> -   1918 1 17
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1918-1-27 Virginia, Lippman obit., Harry Ellis.pdf"> 1918-1-27 Virginia, Lippman obit., Harry Ellis</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1918 To Hold Funeral of Sam Lippman At Virginia Today. B'nai Abraham synagogue, Rabbi Pfeiffer, Max Lewis, Julius Shanedling, Sam Milavetz, Adolph Keller, Dr. C. E. Goodman, Maurice Shanedling, A. Sachs, Harry Ellis, Maurice Peck, Irwin Weil, M. B. Booth, Harry Shanedling, Claire and Frances Lippman, Joseph Lippman.   </font> -   1918 1 27
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1919-7-4 Ralph Wilk, Monroe Shanedling.pdf"> 1919-7-4 Ralph Wilk, Monroe Shanedling</A> -   1919 7 4
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1919-7-4 Buhl, Samuel Cohen, Wilk, Shanedling, tennis.pdf"> 1919-7-4 Buhl, Samuel Cohen, Wilk, Shanedling, tennis</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1919 Buhl, Virginia Tennis Teams May Play Match, Monroe Shanedling, Ralph Wilk, Samuel Cohen.  </font> -   1919 7 4
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1919-10-18 Virginia, M. Berger.pdf"> 1919-10-18 Virginia, M. Berger</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1919 Better Express Service Is Demaned At Virginia. L. M. Berger, Morris Shanedling, M. K. Baer.  </font> -   1919 10 18
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1919-11-9 Myrtle Neystrom bookkeeper of Shanedling Dry Goods Co.pdf"> 1919-11-9 Myrtle Neystrom bookkeeper of Shanedling Dry Goods Co</A> -   1919 11 9
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1920-3-7 Virginia, B'nai Brith, Latz, Shanedling, Wilk.pdf"> 1920-3-7 Virginia, B'nai Brith, Latz, Shanedling, Wilk</A> -   1920 3 7
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1921-5-12 Evelyn Lucille Shanedling & Samuel Louis Cohen wed.pdf"> 1921-5-12 Evelyn Lucille Shanedling & Samuel Louis Cohen wed</A> -   1921 5 12
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1921-10-14 Mesberg obit. Rabbi Israel Lebendiger.pdf"> 1921-10-14 Mesberg obit. Rabbi Israel Lebendiger</A>  - - </font><font size="1"> 1921 Funeral Rites Conducted for Eveleth Businessman. George Mesberg, Rabbi Israel Lebendiger, John Mesberg, Berna, Harold, and Jean Mesberg, James Lavick, Henry Shanedling.  </font> -   1921 10 14
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1921-10-18 Monroe Shanedling, Lion's Club.pdf"> 1921-10-18 Monroe Shanedling, Lion's Club</A> -   1921 10 18
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1921-12-2 Eveleth, Jewish Relief, Perlman, Siegel, Ellis, Levant, Rabinowtiz.pdf"> 1921-12-2 Eveleth, Jewish Relief, Perlman, Siegel, Ellis, Levant, Rabinowtiz</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1916 Eveleth Merchants Close Stores Sunday. The Fair Store, I. Shanedling, G. H. Perlman, Mastiner Bros., Max Shapiro, Goldberg Bros. Morris Shanberg, Eveleth Bazaar.  </font> -   1921 12 2
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1922-1-20 Harriet Shanedling & Nathan Leo Coddon wed.pdf"> 1922-1-20 Harriet Shanedling & Nathan Leo Coddon wed</A> -   1922 1 20
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1922-3-3 Jewish fund raiser.pdf"> 1922-3-3 Jewish fund raiser</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1922 Range Jewish Relief Committees Named.  Julius Shanedling, Joseph Roman, M. K. Baer, Nathan Keller, Charles Hallock, Sam Nides, Ben Marcus, Sam Goldenberg, Max Wain, Sam Lewis, G. Perlman, Harry Rabinowitz, Marcus Levin, M. Glass er, B. J. Modalie, M. Lieberman.  </font>     1922 3 3
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1922-9-23 Shanedling Bros. Dry Goods Co. store.pdf"> 1922-9-23 Shanedling Bros. Dry Goods Co. store</A> -   1922 9 23
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1922-9-28 Hadassah, Virginia, Milavetz, Shanedling.pdf"> 1922-9-28 Hadassah, Virginia, Milavetz, Shanedling</A> -   1922 9 28
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1896-1-10 N. Slonim.pdf"> 1896-1-10 N. Slonim</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1896 N. Slonim was charged with stealing a bale of sacks  </font>     1896 1 10
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1896-1-10 N. Slonim 2.pdf"> 1896-1-10 N. Slonim</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1896 Minneapolis: N. Slonim was charged before Judge Boyle with stealing a bale of sacks from Cutler & Gilbert warehouse.  </font>     1896 1 10
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1897-7-15 N. Slonim.pdf"> 1897-7-15 N. Slonim</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1897 Minneapolis: In Police Court. N. Slonim, arrested on Tuesday night fpr trespassing on the premises of another, pleaded not guilty.   </font>     1897 7 15
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1897-7-17 N. Slonim and Jim Azinsky.pdf"> 1897-7-17 N. Slonim and Jim Azinsky</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1897 Minneapolis: More Dispute Than Crime. Judge Edson Disposes of Several Neighborhood Rows. The cases against N. Slonim for injurying private property and for trespassing were again brought up and a case was instituted in connection, by Slonim against Jim Azinsky. assault in the third degree, concluded common family row, dismissed.  </font>     1897 7 17
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1899-8-10 Slonim.pdf"> 1899-8-10 Slonim</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1899 Action to Quiet Title. real estate by Julius D. Howard and John G. Howard against N. Slonim and Julia McDonald.  </font>     1899 8 10
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1922-4-20 Slonim removal of business.pdf"> 1922-4-20 Slonim removal of business</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1922  Ad:  Notice of Removal  We hve removed our business from 318 West First Street to 221 West Michigan Street. Slonim Bros.   </font>     1900 1 0
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1922-4-20 Slonim removal of business.jpg"> 1922-4-20 Slonim removal of business</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1922  Ad (cropped):  Notice of Removal  We hve removed our business from 318 West First Street to 221 West Michigan Street. Slonim Bros.   </font>     1900 1 0
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1903-4-17 Bessie Slonim and Frank Cohen, eng..pdf"> 1903-4-17 Bessie Slonim and Frank Cohen, eng.</A> -   1903 4 17
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1903-4-17 Bessie Slonim and Frank Kohn ag.pdf"> 1903-4-17 Bessie Slonim and Frank Kohn ag</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1903 Marriage license issued to Frank Kolm and Bessie Slonim.  </font>     1903 4 17
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1905-7-13 Sigman and Samuel Slonim.pdf"> 1905-7-13 Sigman and Samuel Slonim</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1905 Club May Have A Local Senate. Missouri Debaters Bring Up Question at Banquet In Y.M.C.A. Rooms. Sigman Slonim.  </font>     1905 7 13
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1905-9-25 Workingmen Club is Formed in Duluth, Samuel Slonim.pdf"> 1905-9-25 Workingmen Club is Formed in Duluth, Samuel Slonim</A> -   1905 9 25
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1906-11-11 Lena Karon, Cohen, Edelson, Goldish, Brown, Zalk, Berkowitz, Simon, Slonim.pdf"> 1906-11-11 Lena Karon, Cohen, Edelson, Goldish, Brown, Zalk, Berkowitz, Simon, Slonim</A> -   1906 11 11
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1907-4-6 M. S. Slonim.pdf"> 1907-4-6 M. S. Slonim</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1907 Progressive Club Will Hold Debate. Independent Progressive Club Odd Fellows' hall,18 Lake avenue north. 'Resolved, That Socialism is not for the Benefit of the People."  M. Kaplan of Chicago and M. S. Slonim of Duluth.   </font>     1907 4 6
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1909-2-22 Sigmond M. Slonim, Oscar Siegel, W. and Morris Kaplan.pdf"> 1909-2-22 Sigmond M. Slonim, Oscar Siegel, W. and Morris Kaplan</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1909 Suffrage League Is Formed Here. Dr. Anna H. Phelan and Miss Elsie Ueland Make Addres in Behalf of Cause. Kalamazoo hall, S. M. Slonim treasurer. W. Kaplan, Morris Kaplan, Sigmond M. Slonim, Oscar Siegel.   </font>     1909 2 22
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1909-4-26 -S. Slonim Independent Progressive Club.pdf"> 1909-4-26 -S. Slonim Independent Progressive Club</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1909 Says Penal Code Fosters Crime. Speaker at Independent Progressive Club Criticizes System of Punishing Lawbreakers.  S. M. Slonim.  </font>     1909 4 26
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1909-6-9 Clara De Hirsh Club, Zein, Karon, Milavitz, Shapiro, Slonim, Edelstein Kaner.pdf"> 1909-6-9 Clara De Hirsh Club, Zein, Karon, Milavitz, Shapiro, Slonim, Edelstein Kaner</A> -   1909 6 9
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1910-4-30 Dora Slonim, acid Abraham L. Slonim.pdf"> 1910-4-30 Dora Slonim, acid Abraham L. Slonim</A> -   1910 4 30
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1910-4-30 Dora Slonim-acid.pdf"> 1910-4-30 Dora Slonim-acid</A> -   1910 4 30
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1911-6-13 Ed Lurye and E. I. Slonim wed, photo, Pomush.pdf"> 1911-6-13 Ed Lurye and E. I. Slonim wed, photo, Pomush</A> -   1911 6 13
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1911-6-13 Ed Lurye and E. I. Slonim wed, Pomush.pdf"> 1911-6-13 Ed Lurye and E. I. Slonim wed, Pomush</A> - -  </font><font size="1"> Twin Ports Young People Wed, photos, Edward I. Lurye, Mrs. E. I. Lurye (Tena Slonim)  </font> -   1911 6 13
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1911-7-13 Susie Goodman and Samuel Slonim, eng..pdf"> 1911-7-13 Susie Goodman and Samuel Slonim, eng.</A> -   1911 7 13
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1912-2-16 Anna Slonim.pdf"> 1912-2-16 Anna Slonim</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1912 High School News. Junior literary programs Lillian Shapiro, Anna Slonim.   </font>     1912 2 16
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1913-10-18 Sigmond Slonim-Collectivism.pdf"> 1913-10-18 Sigmond Slonim-Collectivism</A> -   1913 10 18
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1914-6-13 Jefferson, Slonim hs grad.pdf"> 1914-6-13 Jefferson, Slonim hs grad</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1914 Schools Close; Central High Graduates 1914 Class; 490 Grade Pupils Advance.  Salter: Goodman Zalk and Morris Zalk. Jefferson: Bennie Slonim, Douglas Goldberg,  Fern Goldberg; Honorable Mention. Morris H.  Litman, Abe H. Shapiro, Fanny Weinberg.   </font>     1914 6 13
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1914-11-20 German students, play Anna Slonim.pdf"> 1914-11-20 German students, play Anna Slonim</A> -   1914 11 20
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1914-11-20 Slonim German.pdf"> 1914-11-20 Slonim German</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1914 Apple Scene From "Tell" To Be Given In German By Pupils. Schillerbund German society at Central high school. Anna Slonim, Ruth Siegal, Bessie Simon,   </font>     1914 11 20
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1914-12-16 Young Judea, Chanukah, Slonim, Hurwitz, Garon,.pdf"> 1914-12-16 Young Judea, Chanukah, Slonim, Hurwitz, Garon,</A> -   1914 12 16
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1915-5-20 grads, photo Daneiko, Salnovitz, Siegel, Silk, Simon Slonim.pdf"> 1915-5-20 grads, photo Daneiko, Salnovitz, Siegel, Silk, Simon Slonim</A> - -     grads, photo Daneiko, Salnovitz, Siegel, Silk, Simon Slonim </font> -   1915 5 20
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1915-5-20 graduates, photo Daneiko, Salnovitz, Siegel, Silk, Simon Slonim.pdf"> 1915-5-20 graduates, photo Daneiko, Salnovitz, Siegel, Silk, Simon Slonim</A> -   1915 5 20
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1915-6-19 Levy, Siegel, , Shapiro, Stenberg, , Winer, Slonim, Zalk.pdf"> 1915-6-19 Levy, Siegel, , Shapiro, Stenberg, , Winer, Slonim, Zalk</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1915 C. H. S. Graduates, Levy, Siegel, Shapiro, Steinberg, Winer, Slonim, Zalk.   </font>     1915 6 19
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1916-2-14 Sigmond Slonim-Socialism.pdf"> 1916-2-14 Sigmond Slonim-Socialism</A> -   1916 2 14
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1916-5-7 Rabbi Lifkovitz, Slonim,Jewish Workmen's Circle.pdf"> 1916-5-7 Rabbi Lifkovitz, Slonim,Jewish Workmen's Circle</A> -   1916 5 7
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1916-12-24 Young Judea, Chanukah, Hyman Garon, Slonim, Kaplan.pdf"> 1916-12-24 Young Judea, Chanukah, Hyman Garon, Slonim, Kaplan</A> -   1916 12 24
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1916-12-24 Young Judea, Hyman Garon, Slonim, Kaplan.pdf"> 1916-12-24 Young Judea, Hyman Garon, Slonim, Kaplan</A> - -    </font><font size="1">  ‘Chanukka Eve’ To Be Given By Club, The Young Judea club of Duluth, Garon, Gotkin, Shapro, Tulman, Silver, Leibovitz, Slonim, Horvitz, Chen, Green, Hunter, Levine, Leibovitz, Rifkin, Oreckovsky, Kaplan, Orek, Alpert, Susnovsky</font> -   1916 12 24
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1916-12-24 Esther Oreckovsky, Chanukka Eve.pdf"> 1916-12-24 Esther Oreckovsky, Chanukka Eve</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1916 'Chanukka Eve' To Be Given By Club. Young Judea, R. M. Winner, Marvin Oreck, Leona Alpert, Doris Gotkin, Bessie Shapiro, Jacob Tulman, David Silver, Maurice Leibovitz, Hyman Garon, Ben Slonim, Leslie Horvitz, Isabelle Cohen, Charles Green, Rose Hunter, Harry Levine, Leona Leibovitz, Sarah Rifkin, Esther Oreckovsky, Ida Kaplan, Rosa Leibevitz, Dora Susnovsky, Ruth Eifkin  </font> -   1916 12 24
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1917-18 Slonim, free reds.pdf"> 1917-18 Slonim, free reds</A> -   1917 1 18
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1917-1-27 Slonim, attorney.pdf"> 1917-1-27 Slonim, attorney</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1917 Charity Box Of I. W. W. Is Empty. Attorney Slonim Withdraws His Notice of Appeal in Obstruction Cases. Committed To Farm. Offenders Turned Over to Supt. Ward to Work Out Sentences.   </font>     1917 1 27
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1917-4-18 Fieldman.pdf"> 1917-4-18 Fieldman</A>  - -  </font><font size="1">  1917 'Mimeograph' Sticker For Women Spellers. Men Win "Bee" at "Open House" Party Given by Covenant Lodge. B'nai B'rith, Temple Emanuel, Miss Elsa Silberstein,  Abe Feldman, Mrs. Saul Goldberg, Temple Ades society: Mrs. Michael Levy, Mrs. L. S. Loeb, Mrs. M. S. Hirshfield, Mrs. M. Cook, Mrs. Sigmund Slonim, Mrs. H. Y. Josephs, Mrs. Saul Goldberg, Miss Elsa Silberstein, Miss Stella Bondy, Miss Alice Wetzler, Miss Sadie Gingold, Miss Jeanette Gomberg. A. B. Kapplin, E. A. Silberstein, Morris Mark, Dr. Maurice Lefkovits, Charles D. Oreckovsky, Davi Fieldman, Abe Fieldman, Samuel Weinstein, Dr. Samuel Gross, Dr. Maurice Zack, Charles Rosenfeld, Samuel Nides, Max Rosenfeld. Dr. Maurice Lefkovits-ne Bible translation. Helen Kunody, Hazel Blumenthal, Esther Gomberg, Miss Sylvia Josephs.   </font>     1917 4 18
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1917-7-8 photo Botanick, Alpert, Karon, Milavetz, Zalk, Widdes.pdf"> 1917-7-8 photo Botanick, Alpert, Karon, Milavetz, Zalk, Widdes</A> - - </font><font size="1">  photo, Miss Clara Gatonick, guests Alpert, Harris, Melovitz, Slonim, Karon, Averbook, Kassimir, Garis, Zalk, Smith, Winthrop, Widdes  </font> -   1917 7 8
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1917-7-8 Clara Botonick.pdf"> 1917-7-8 Clara Botonick</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1917 Clara Batonick, New York Visitor Honored Guest. Photo, Sarah Alpert, Batonick, Clara Batonick, Rose Harris, Melovitz (Melavitz?), Slonim, Bessie Alpert, Anna Karon, Sarah Alpert, Gertrude Averbook, Bessie Karon, Charles Kassimir, William Garvis, Edward Harris, Maurice Zalk, Goodman Zalk, Smith, Winthrop, Maurice Alpert, Willie Widdes.  </font> -   1917 7 8
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1917-9-14 Vertelney farewell.pdf"> 1917-9-14 Vertelney farewell</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1917-9-14 Hebrews Will Honor Enlisted Men. Hebrew Brotherhood Society Arranges for Demonstration in Maccabee Hall. Maccabee hall, 21 Lake avenue North, M. J. Segal, Bernard Silberstein, Dr. Maurice Lefkovits, Dr. A. H. Schwartz, Abe Feldman, M. S. Winthrop, Sigmond M. Slonim, Harry Segal, Miss Mary Simon, Mrs. H. Segal, Mrs. S. H. Cassmir, Mrs. Ida Goldfine, H. Witz, David Weinberg, S. J. Sher, C. D. Oreckovsky, S. H. Kassmir, C. P. Meyers, H. Segal, H. Cassmir, Joe Verteiney and J. Chessner.  </font>     1917 9 14
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1917-9-16 Jews Drafted.pdf"> 1917-9-16 Jews Drafted</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1917 Drafted Jews Hailed As Heroes Of Opportunity. Fifteen Men Congratulated by Relatives and Friends at Reception. Miss Rose Silk, Commisioner Bernar Silberstein, DR. A. H. Schwartz, Abe Fieldman, M. S. Winthrop, Sigmond M. Slonim, Dr. Maurice Lefkovitz, H. Witz, David Weinberg, S. J. Sher, C. D. Oreckovsky, S. H. Kassmir, C. P. Meyers, H. Segal, H. Cassmir, Joe Werteiney, J. Chessen. Honored guests: Dr. Samuel Grose, Dr. M. R. Zack, A. B. Kapplin, Albert Bergstein, Jacob Flint, Phillip Brock, Louis Cominker, Arthur A Friedman, Max S. Gordon, Joseph Hurwitch, Davi Kaplan, Isadore Mendelson, George Winthrop, Abe Flint, B. T. Kenner. Officer of the organization Duluth Hebrew Brotherhood: Robert Buchman, Harry Witz, M. J. Segal, Charles Lavent, David Weinberg, S. H. Kassmir, I. Garon, Myer Kane, Charles D. Oreckowsky, Entertainment: Mrs. H. S. Kassmir, Mrs. H. Segal, Mrs. N. Goldfine. Entertainment: Miss Rose Silk, Mrs. Sol Goldberg, Harry Segal, Miss Mary Simon.   </font>     1917 9 16
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1917-9-27 Sigmond Slonim.pdf"> 1917-9-27 Sigmond Slonim</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1917 Jury Convicts Maki Of "Criminal Syndicalism" First Time Such a Thing Has Happened in Minnesota-Appeal to Be Taken. Virginia:  Attorney Sigmond Slonim-Duluth.  </font> -   1917 9 27
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1918-4-22 Sigmond Slonim defends in Trial of Eight.jpg"> 1918-4-22 Sigmond Slonim defends in Trial of Eight</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1918 Trial of Eight To Start Today. Corbin Settlers, Charged With Discouraging Enlistments, to Be heard in Virginia Court. Sigmond Slonim of Duluth defended many in the case.  </font>     1918 4 22
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1918-5-1 Israel Labovitz.pdf"> 1918-5-1 Israel Labovitz</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1918 Thrift Stamp Essay. Second prizes to High School students: Albert Slonim-Lincoln; 8th Grade Prize Winners. Second Prizes:  Sam Cohen-Washington; 7th Grade Prize Winners: Abraham Kernes-Jackson, Marion Laskawitz-Washington; Bessie Rosenberg-Washington, Albert Slonim-Lincoln, Israel Labovitz-Jackson, Winners: Miriam Arnold-Ely.  </font>     1918 5 1
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1918-5-18 Albert Slonim-thrift stamps.pdf"> 1918-5-18 Albert Slonim-thrift stamps</A> -   1918 5 18
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1919-2-16 High School News, Lillian Shapiro, Anna Slonim.pdf"> 1919-2-16 High School News, Lillian Shapiro, Anna Slonim</A> -   1919 2 16
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1919-12-6 Aliens, citizenship, Samuel J. Slonim.pdf"> 1919-12-6 Aliens, citizenship, Samuel J. Slonim</A> -   1919 12 6
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1920-2-4 Slonim.pdf"> 1920-2-4 Slonim</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1920 Miss Anna Slonim has chosen Feb 18 for marriage to Julius L Siegel  </font>     1920 2 4
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1920-2-16 Slonim ad.pdf"> 1920-2-16 Slonim ad</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1920 Slonim Bros, Wholesale Men's Furnishings, Etc  </font>     1920 2 16
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1920-2-19 Anna Slomin and Julius Siegel wed, Mr. and Mrs. Herman Wiener, Eveleth.pdf"> 1920-2-19 Anna Slomin and Julius Siegel wed, Mr. and Mrs. Herman Wiener, Eveleth</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1920 Miss Anna Slonim and Julius L. Siegel wed. Camels' temple, Rabbi I. Teplitz, Pearl Siegel, Ben Slonim, Mr. and Mrs. Herman Wiener-Eveleth, Mr. and Mrs. H. Benesovitz, Irene Marcus, Ethel Benesovitz, Mrs. M. Levitz, Jack Siegel, Mr. and Mrs. Wiener, Mr. and Mrs. C. Marcus.  </font> -   1920 2 19
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1920-2-19 Anna Slonim and Julius S. Siegel wed.pdf"> 1920-2-19 Anna Slonim and Julius S. Siegel wed</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1920 Miss Anna Slonim and Julius L. Siegel, marriage date, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. N. Slonim, East Sixth street.   </font>     1920 2 19
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1939-8-3 Lt GM Slonim, grad Annapolis.jpg"> 1939-8-3 Lt GM Slonim, grad Annapolis</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1939 Assignment to the US Naval Attache’s staff in Tokyo for 3  years as a language student  received by Lt GM Slonim, 1936 graduate of Annapolis,   now visiting his parents Mr. and Mrs.  SJ Slonim 1614 Jefferson   </font>     1939 8 3
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1932-6-10 Commencement - Duluth Central HS.jpg"> 1932-6-10 Commencement - Duluth Central HS</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> Jewish Students include:  Albert A Abramson,  Sylvia Adelson Mattenson,  Freda D Bergal Kurson,  Edward Isadore Cohen,  Burton Wallace Davidson,  Nathan Davis,  Martin M Even,  Harold Fostoff,   Edgar Freimuth,  William Irving Freimuth,  Robert Gallop,  Sam Gallop,  Harry L Garon,  Lillian Glasser Rosen,  Betty L Glazman Reiss,  Goldie Jery Gordon Boznu,  Betty Green Mangel,  Ida P Green,  Pearl,  Karsner Shapiro,  Norman G Levine,  Yale Byron Levine,  Harold Irving Lindeke,  Morris Louis Meltz,  Jane Milavetz Baddin,  Fay Enid Oxman Traubman,  MItchell Polinsky,  Irving D Schneider,  Jane Z,  Sher Siegel,  Frank Shusterman,  Eva Singer Shamblott,  Rosalyn Singer Shamblott,  Bessie Slovut Stein,  Jeanette Leah Soloski Scot,  Marvin Jerome Stewart,  David Taran,  Ruth B Vertelney Klein,  Getchell Widdes  </font>     1900 1 0
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1905-3-21 Henrietta Cook.pdf"> 1905-3-21 Henrietta Cook</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1905 Betrothed Couple Guests At Banquet. Progress club, Spalding, Lionel Traubman of New York, fiancé of Miss Irene Silberstein, Miss Rose Gidding to Max Stern of Chicago, Estelle Levy and Louis Zalk, Henrietta Cook and M. Goodman, Lillian Abrahanson and Jacob Hirsch.   </font>     1905 3 21
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1905-7-12 Silberstein-Traubmann wedding.pdf"> 1905-7-12 Silberstein-Traubmann wedding</A> - -   Wedded At Home Of Her Parents, Miss Irene Silberstein and Lionel Traubmann -   1905 7 12
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1909-4-20 Ben Friedman Stag Dinner.pdf"> 1909-4-20 Ben Friedman Stag Dinner</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1909 Stag Dinner, Leo Idzal, Max Albenberg, L. Traubmann, Joe Sattler, Nathaniel Gidding, Joseph Gidding, Ben Friedman.  </font>     1909 4 20
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1909-4-20 Leo Idzal, stag dinner.pdf"> 1909-4-20 Leo Idzal, stag dinner</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> stag party  for Leo Idzal and not Sattler. His buddies were Max Albenberg, L. Traubmann, Joe Sattler, Nathaniel Gidding, Joseph Gidding , and Ben Friedman.  </font>     1909 4 20
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1909-4-20 Leo Idzal, stag dinner.pdf"> 1909-4-20 Leo Idzal, stag dinner</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1909 Stag Dinner. Leo Idzal, Max Albenberg, L. Traubmann, Joe Sattler, Nathaniel Gidding, Joseph Gidding and Ben Freidman.   </font>     1909 4 20
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1914-8-30 Europe, Sophie and Leonora Traubmann.pdf"> 1914-8-30 Europe, Sophie and Leonora Traubmann</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1914 Europe, Sophie and Leonora Trabmann, photo, Lionel Traubmann, Patzwosk,  </font> -   1914 8 30
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1916-1-27 William Abrahamson raise funds.pdf"> 1916-1-27 William Abrahamson raise funds</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1916 Collect Funds Today For Jewish War Sufferers. Duluth Relief Committee to Conduct City-Wide Canvas for Funds-Pythian Lodge Will Aid Workers. Jewish Central War Relief. Spalding hotel and Duluth banks will receive subscriptions. Dr. Maurice Lefkovits-chairman, committee members: B. Silberstein, I. Freimuth, Ben Blumenthal, Max Albenberg, Ben Goldish, M. L. Zien, L. J. Selig, Dr. A. H. Schwartz, Michael Rocklin, L. Fox, George Harris, Nathan Kris, Dr. Samuel Gross, Dr. M. R. Zack, Dr. M. . Hirschfield and Dr. E. Z. Shapiro, J. J. Robinson, Joseph Oreckovsky, David Sohn, Sig Abraham, David Leowus ?, Sig Levy, Richard Jacobs, Ralph Cohen, Louis Goldberg, Mortimer Bondy, Max Mann, E. G. Levy, Sol Goldberg, William Abrahamson, Sam Mendelson, M. L. Rine, N. E. Lugoff, Leon Traubman, S. Karon, Samuel Kenner, E. A. Silberstein Harris Bennett, A. Litman, Adolph Levy, H. Y. Joseph, Louis Zalk.     - - Note from Karen: This was a well organized campaign. I was impressed with how they canvassed the entire Duluth community in the year 1916.  - -  Note from Jack:  I am not sure of the exact breakdown but would bet the leaders were from all of the synagogues in existence at the time, including:  Adas Isarel, Tiffereth Israel, Temple Emanuel,  Sharret Zedek,  Bnai Israel - from West Duluth</font>     1916 1 27
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1916-12-3 Esther Abrahamson.pdf"> 1916-12-3 Esther Abrahamson</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1916 Covenant Lodge To Stage Minstrel Show. Members of Covenant lodge. Little Theater, Ninth avenue East and First street. E. A. Silberstein, Charles Rosenfeld, A. B. Kapplin, Jay Schrader, Max Rosenfeld, Louis Kramer, Barney Scott. Bessie Meyers, Len Traubman, Jeanette Gomberg, Charles Rosenfeld, Esther Abrahamson, Rosalind B Bondy, Jeanette Gomberg, Rachel Hammel, Mae Klein, and Alice Wetzel.  </font>     1916 12 3
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1916-12-12 Esther Abrahamson.pdf"> 1916-12-12 Esther Abrahamson</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1916 Covenant Lodge To Give Minstrel Show. B'nai B'rith, Little Theater, Ninth avenue East and First street. E. Ailberstein, A. B. Kapplin, Charles Rosenfeld, Barney Scott, Jay Schrader, Max Rosenfeld, Louis R. Kramer, Bessie Meyers, Len Traubman, Esther Abrahasmon, Rosalind Bondy, Jeanette Gomberg, Rachel Hammel, Mae Klein, Alice Wetzler, Mrs. Barney Scott.    </font>     1916 12 12
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1920-4-30 Troubman and Joseph.pdf"> 1920-4-30 Troubman and Joseph</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1920-4-30 Miss Ernestine Traubman, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. L. Traubman, East First street, Orpheum part.  - -   <A HREF="images2/news/1920-4-30 Miss E Traubman.jpg">cropped image </A></font>     1920 4 30
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1920-5-23 Shavouth, Eva Brusin.pdf"> 1920-5-23 Shavouth, Eva Brusin</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1920 Duluthians To Observe Festival. Jews Will Hold Special Program at Temple Today.   Shebuoth, Temple Emanuel, Seventh avenue East and Second street. Dr. M. Lefkovits. Maurie H. Blumenthal, Eva R. Brusin, Louis H. R. Gomberg, Molly Harris, Rose L. Hirsh, Annette Claire Hirschfield, Sarah Lisman, Sylvia Lugoff, Rudolph Segal, Ernestine E. Traubman, Blanch H. B. Zien. Maurice Blumenthal, Louis Gomberg, Eva Brusin, Sylvia lugoff, Dave Freimuth.  </font>     1920 5 23
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1920-5-24 Shavouth, Eva R. Brusin.pdf"> 1920-5-24 Shavouth, Eva R. Brusin</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1920 Festival Of Sherbouth ? Observed At Temple. Dr. Maurice Lefkovits., Temple Emanuel, Blanch H. B. Zien, Ernestine E. Traubman, Rudolph Segal, Sylvia Lugoff, Sarah Lisman, Annette Claire Hirschfield, rose L. Hirsh, Molly Harris, Louis H. R. Gomberg, Eva R. Brusin, Maurice H. Blumenthal, Louis Gomberg.   </font>     1920 5 24
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1934-2-6 liquor licenses to Golden, Green, Karon, Traubman.jpg"> 1934-2-6 liquor licenses to Golden, Green, Karon, Traubman</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1934  Quietly and without celebration legal liquor “came back” to Duluth last night  - off-sale licenses were granted to abe Golden, Sam Green, Sam Karon, Lionel Traubman </font>     1934 2 6
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/2003-02 Remembering an Earlier Duluth by Ernestine Traubman.pdf"> 2003-02 Remembering an Earlier Duluth by Ernestine Traubman</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> Remembering an earlier Duluth, Downtown was a lively place of people and commerce,  And the city's famous aerial bridge hadn't yet got its lift -  Senior Reporter Feb 2003 -  Cover story  </font> -   2003 2 0
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/2003-3-27 Len Traubman.jpg"> 2003-3-27 Len Traubman</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 2003 Report says anti-Semitic acs on campuses increased. Len Traubman, Jewish-Palestinian Living Room Dialogue Group.The Advocate newspaper.  </font>     2003 3 27
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1892-1-21 First papers.pdf"> 1892-1-21 First papers</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> Earlly but not the earliest settlers.  First Papers for a few Russian Hebrews. Richard Witowski, Piote Nidolski, Abe Karon, Natan Slonin, Baunet Karon,  Harris Walt,  Bane Kauer, Abe Milner, J. B. Poltz, Sem Milevitz from Poland, N. J. Klateky, Nathan Goldin from Russia  </font>     1892 1 21
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1904-4-4 Charles Walt injured.pdf"> 1904-4-4 Charles Walt injured</A> -   1904 4 4
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1906-2-20 Joseph Walt obit..pdf"> 1906-2-20 Joseph Walt obit.</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1906 Joseph Walt, son of Mr. and Mrs. Henry J. Walt, 229 East Fourth street, age 11 months, obit.  - - Walt would be son of Henry J (John) Walt </font>     1906 2 20
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1906-4-12 Armory, S. Walt, S. Goldish, baseball.pdf"> 1906-4-12 Armory, S. Walt, S. Goldish, baseball</A> -   1906 4 12
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1907-3-27 Mrs. B. J. Cook.pdf"> 1907-3-27 Mrs. B. J. Cook</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1907 Mask Ball By The Sisters Of Israel. Eagles hall, 250 couples, Mr. and Miss Walt, Mr. Aronson of Superior, Mrs. Berkson, H. A. Cohen of Milaca, Joe Swartz, B. J. Cook, Mrs. Hirshfield, Mrs. D. Silk, Harry Silk, M. D. Silk.   </font>     1907 3 27
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1907-4-7 Abraham Litman.pdf"> 1907-4-7 Abraham Litman</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1907 Mamie Coran, 122 East Second street, Walt, Coran, Rosa Kaner, Eva Finkelstein, Dora Levine, Rena Simon, Bessie Walt, Sarah Slomin, Bessie Liberman, Esther Simon, Zalda Coran, Israel Kaner, Alex Coran, Abraham Litman, Sam Walt, Joseph Shusterman, Samuel Walt.  </font> -   1907 4 7
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1907-9-5 Josephine Helene Sattler weds Lee Charles Idzal.pdf"> 1907-9-5 Josephine Helene Sattler weds Lee Charles Idzal</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1907 Of Interest To Women. Pretty Wedding At The Spalding. Josephine Helen Sattler of Duluth Becomes Bride of Minneapolis Man. Daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Sattler, 213 Fifth avenue west, and Lee Charles Idzal-Minneapolis. Rev. Maurice Lefkowitz, 200 guests. Misses Rose Krojanker, Martha Padlasky-St. Paul, Clara Shapiro, Janet Idzal, Dorothy Loeb, Marie Sattler, Rose Freimuth, Edna Freimuth. Edward Helperin-St. Paul, David Freimuth, Morris Freimuth, Hugo Kohn, William Fanta. Miss Alice Segelson, Mrs. and Miss Kosing, Dave Abel, Miss Pauline Bernhelm, Ed Heltrin, Mrs. and Miss Rosenblatz, Mrs. Lewis Finkelstein, Miss Celia Finkelstein-St. Paul, Ike Summerfield-Cloquet, Mrs. S. B. Ables, Emmons Ables, Walter Idzal, Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Idzal, Misses Ethel and Jane Idzal, Miss Albun-Minneapolis, Mrs. Marion Smith, Mrs. Eva Ables, Samuel Ables-Chicago. Home in Minneapolis.   </font>     1907 9 5
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1907-9-8 Josephine Satler and Lee Idzal wed.jpg"> 1907-9-8 Josephine Satler and Lee Idzal wed</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1907 (cropped to the article)  Spalding hotel, Josephine Helen Sattler bride of Lee Charles Idzal of Minneapolis, daughter of Mr.and Mrs. J. b. Sattler, 213 Fifth avenue west. Rev. Maurice Lefkovitz, 200 guests, Ethel Idzal, Rose Krojanker, Martha Padlasky-St. Paul, Clara Shapiro, Janet Idzal, Dorothy Loeb, Marie Sattler, Rose Friemuth, Edna Freimuth. Edward Helperin-St. Paul, David Freimuth, Morris Freimuth, Hugo Kohn, William Fanta. Out of town guests: Alice Segelson, Mr. and Mrs. Kosing, Dave Abel, Pauline Bernheim, Ed Heltrin, Mrs. And Miss Rosenblatz, Mrs. Lewis Finkelstein, Miss Celia Finkelstein, all of St. Paul,  Ike Summerfield of Cloquet, Mrs. S. B. Ables, Emmons Ables, Walter Idzal, Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Idzal, Ethel and Jane Idzal, Miss Albun of Minneapolis, Mrs. Marion Smith, Mrs. Eva Ables and Samuel Ables of Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. Idzal home in Minneapolis.   </font>     1907 9 8
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1908-3-20 Bessie Walt bd party.pdf"> 1908-3-20 Bessie Walt bd party</A> -   1908 3 20
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1908-4-4 ag  Charles Walt.pdf"> 1908-4-4 ag  Charles Walt </A> - -   headline  -   1908 4 4
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1908-4-7 ag Charles Walt obit.pdf"> 1908-4-7 ag Charles Walt obit.  </A> - -   headline  -   1908 4 7
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1908-12-16 Bessie Walt Samuel Goldish.pdf"> 1908-12-16 Bessie Walt Samuel Goldish</A> -   1908 12 16
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1908-12-16 Bessie Walt, Sam Goldish engagement.pdf"> 1908-12-16 Bessie Walt, Sam Goldish engagement</A> -   1908 12 16
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1909-12-14 Carlson party, Walt, Coran, Goldish.pdf"> 1909-12-14 Carlson party, Walt, Coran, Goldish</A> -   1909 12 14
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1910-9-11 Martha Fostoff.pdf"> 1910-9-11 Martha Fostoff</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1910 Card Party Given In Honor Of Miss Lieberman. Miss Lena Lieberman, 404 1-2 East Fifth street, Sadie Lieberman, will leave for Chicago. Della Fox, Sadie Lieberman, Minnie Averbrook, Mamie Levine, Martha Fostoff, Hattie Mackowitz, Della Fox, Freda Wenberg? Ethel Heller, Walter Weiland, Paul Phillips, James Pierce, Ben Carsener, Walter Toben, Ben Sanders, Henry Azine.   </font>     1910 9 11
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1910-11-7 Virginia, Bessie Litman and Joseph Berinsky, Altman.pdf"> 1910-11-7 Virginia, Bessie Litman and Joseph Berinsky, Altman</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1910 Virginia:  Festivities Are Wedding Feature. Jewish People of Virginia Have Gal Time at Berinsky-Litman Marriage. Bessie Litman, Joseph Berinsky, Rabbi Booth, Harry Lit man, Libbie Holzberg, John Mesberg, Morris Shanedling, Dan and Sam Melovetz,  E. Bickford, Michael Boylan, M. Altman, Mr. H. Helstein, Mr. and Mrs. B. Gordon, Mr. Laurey, Mr. and Mrs. M. Altman, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Altman, Mr. and Mrs. H. Hollock, Alice Holzberg, Neil McInnis, Walter J. Smith. </font> -   1910 11 7
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1910-11-7 Joseph Berinsky and Bessie Litman wed.pdf"> 1910-11-7 Joseph Berinsky and Bessie Litman wed</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1910 Festivities Are Wedding Feature. Jewish People of Virginia Have Gala Time at Berinsky-Litman Marriage. Virginia: Miss Bessie Litman, Joseph Berinsky wed. Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Litman, Rabbi Booth, Harry Litman, Libbie Holzberg, John Mesberg, Morris Shanedling, Dan and Sam Melovetz, City Clerk A. E. Bickford, Alderman Michael Boylan, M. Altman, Mrs. H. Helstein, Mr. and Mrs. B. Gordon, Mr. Laurey, Mr. and Mrs. M. Altman, Mr. and Mrs. H. Hollock, Miss Alice Holzberg, Neil McInnis, Walter J. Smith.   </font> -   1910 11 7
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1911-3-3 Marion Levin and Leo Shapiro wed.pdf"> 1911-3-3 Marion Levin and Leo Shapiro wed</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1911 Miss Marion Levin and Leo Shapiro Are Wedded. Mr. and Mrs. S. I. Levin, 117 West Third street, Rabbi Lefkowitz, Miss Fay Kalish-Chicago, Carl Shapiro. Mrs. A. Heff, Mr. an Mrs. D. Goldberg, Mrs. Mary Levin-Chicago; Walter Goldman, Rose Siegelbaum-Minneapolis; Gertrude Feiblema-Indianapolis, Mis Rae Shapiro, Herman Jacobs-St. Paul, Mr. and Mrs. J. Seigal, Lewis Shapiro-Washburn, Wis. Mrs. and Mrs. Sam Shapiro-Stevenson, Minn.; Herman Rieser, Sol Rieser, Leo Tsaelzer.  </font>     1911 3 3
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1911-3-5 Schillerbund of Central German class, Karon, Walt.pdf"> 1911-3-5 Schillerbund of Central German class, Karon, Walt</A> -   1911 3 5
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1911-3-11 Marion Levin and Leo Shapiro wed.pdf"> 1911-3-11 Marion Levin and Leo Shapiro wed</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1911 Marion Levin and Leo Shapiro Are Wedded, 117 West Third street, Rabbi Lefkowitz, Fay Kalish, Carl Shapiro, Mrs. A. Heff, Mr. and Mrs. D. Goldberg, Mrs. Mary Levin, Walter Goldman, Rose Siegelbaum, Gertrude Feibleman, Rae Shapiro, Herman Jacobs, Mr. and Mrs. J. Seigal, Lewis Shapiro, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Shapiro, Herman Rieser, Sol. Rieser, Leo Tsaelzer.  </font> -   1911 3 11
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1911-6-27 Bessie Walt and Samuel Goldish.pdf"> 1911-6-27 Bessie Walt and Samuel Goldish</A> -   1911 6 27
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1911-6-27 S. Goldish and Bessie Walt.pdf"> 1911-6-27 S. Goldish and Bessie Walt</A> -   1911 6 27
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1913-11-16 Belle Karon, Sarah Kaner, Florence Milavitz.pdf"> 1913-11-16 Karon, Kaner, Milavitz</A> - -  </font><font size="1"> Belle Karon, Sarah Walt, Selma Oreckovsky, Sarah Kaner, Esther Klatsky, Florence Milavitz, birthday lunch</font> -   1913 11 16
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1913-11-16 Esther Klatsky.pdf"> 1913-11-16 Esther Klatsky</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1913 Belle Karon was guest of honor for her birthday. Sarah Walt, Selma Oreckovsky, Sarah Kaner, Esther Klatsky, Florence Milavitz.  </font>     1913 11 16
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1914-3-29 Julius, Isadore, Barney Cohen - cropped.jpg"> 1914-3-29 Julius, Isadore, Barney Cohen - cropped</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1914 Mrs.Arthur Abraham entertains, Walter Freeman, Bruce Williamson, Julius Cohen, Isadore Cohen, C. Marcus, Oliver Johnson, Barney Cohen, Sig Abraham.   </font>     1914 3 29
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1914-3-29 Julius, Isadore, Barney Cohen - full page.pdf"> 1914-3-29 Julius, Isadore, Barney Cohen - full page</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1914 Mrs.Arthur Abraham entertains, Walter Freeman, Bruce Williamson, Julius Cohen, Isadore Cohen, C. Marcus, Oliver Johnson, Barney Cohen, Sig Abraham.   </font>     1914 3 29
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1915-4-3 Baron Rothchild obit..pdf"> 1915-4-3 Baron Rothchild obit.</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1915 Rothschild Buried Quietly; His Wish. Private Services at Piccadilly Residence for Family and Intimate Friends. London: Baron Rothschild. Willesden Jewish cemetery. 4,000 people gathered. sons Lionel Walter, Charles, brother Leopold, son-in-law Captain Olive Behrens, nephews Evelyn, Anthoy, relative by marriage Earl Roseberry. King George representive  Lord Annaly, Queen Mother Alexandra by Earl Howe. David Lloyd George, A. J. Balfour.  </font>     1915 4 3
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1915-10-8 Dorothy Loeb and Ernest Hertz wedding.pdf"> 1915-10-8 Dorothy Loeb and Ernest Hertz wedding</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> Reverand Maurice Lefkovitz marries them at the bride's home in a simple ceremony.  Attendants are Virginia Abraham,, a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Abraham, Walter Meyer of Cleveland, Ohio is best man. Mrs. M. P. Shapiro hosts a luncheon, Mrs. Leon J. Selig entertains a breakfast-bridge, Mrs. I. Freimuth gives a dinner for them at her home, Mr. and Mrs. Loep give a prenuptial dinne.  Their plans are to go west, Seattle, Wash. and California for the winter.  </font> -   1915 10 8
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1916-10-10 Pearl Siegel and Ben Walt marriage.pdf"> 1916-10-10 Pearl Siegel and Ben Walt marriage</A> -   1916 10 10
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1917-11-11 YMCA Irving Zalk,Sam Litman, Morris Cohen. Felix Litman.pdf"> 1917-11-11 YMCA Irving Zalk,Sam Litman, Morris Cohen. Felix Litman</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1917 Boys At Y.M.C.A. Will Open Basket Ball Season. Teams and Captains Are Chosen for a Successful Season-To Start Tomorrow. Norris (Morris?) Stein, Sam Casmir, Sam Chassen, Abe Litman, Morris Cohen, Sam Levenson, Cohen, Ben Chassen, Sam Levenson, Rudolph Segal, Irving Zalk, Isadore Walt, Morris Silverman, Davy Finklestein, Ben Finklestein. Morris Stein, Sam Casmir, Sam Cohen, Ben Chessen, Sam Litman, Mortimer Altman, Abe Litman, Morris Cohen, Sam Popkin, Rudolph Segal, Percy Weinberg, Irving Zalk John Fishman, Felix Litman,  Morris Silverman, Isadore Walt, Mandy Finkelstein, Davy Finkelstein, Ben Walt.  </font> -   1917 11 11
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1918-2-22 Eveleth, Purim, Kaner, Feldman, Stein, Greenberg, Perlman, Karlinsky, Rabinowitz, Nathanson, Weiner..pdf"> 1918-2-22 Eveleth, Purim, Kaner, Feldman, Stein, Greenberg, Perlman, Karlinsky, Rabinowitz, Nathanson, Weiner.</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1918 Eveleth Jews To Celebrate Purim Festival In Play. Young Judaea Menorah Club to Give Benefit Program and Dance Next Tuesday. The Young Judea Monorah club -  Rabbi A. M. Pfeffer, Fanny Kaner, Besse Feldman, Celia Stein, Anna Feldman, Morris Greenberg, Nanny Feldman, Abe Stein, Al? Perlman, Abe and Walter Karlinski, Morse Rabinowitz, Marcus Rabinowitz, Samuel Stein, Irving Nathanson, Louis Weiner.   </font> -   1918 2 22
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1918-4-22 Ben Walt, bootlegging.pdf"> 1918-4-22 Ben Walt, bootlegging</A> -   1918 4 22
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1918-4-22 Ben Walt charged with bootlegging.jpg"> 1918-4-22 Ben Walt charged with bootlegging</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1918 Ben Walt -  Charge Wet Goods Were Camoufaged In a Clothing Store. Virginia: Ben Walt, clothier.   </font>     1918 4 22
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1918-4-23 Ben Walt, fancy liquor.pdf"> 1918-4-23 Ben Walt, fancy liquor</A> -   1918 4 23
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1918-4-24 Ben Walt-Liquor arrest.pdf"> 1918-4-24 Ben Walt-Liquor arrest</A> -   1918 4 24
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1918-5-11 page 2 high school photos.pdf"> 1918-5-11 page 2 high school photos</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1918 Seniors Who Graduated From High School This Year (page 2):  9. Sadie Saxine, 11. Miriam Solomon, 17. Esther Klatzky, 20. Kenneth Harris?,  32. Norma Cook, Emma Berg, 31. Samuel Ziedel,  35. Bessie Altman, 40. Clara Berg,   45. Lillian Lasky, 54. Marjorie Peck, 59. Mary Simon,  62. Minnie Abramson, 67. Walter Zimmerman. </font> -   1918 5 11
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1918-6-12 Chisholm fund raising.pdf"> 1918-6-12 Chisholm fund raising</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1918 Chisholm Claims First; Has %6,000 For Jewish Relief. Leo Sapero-Minneapolis, Simon Sapero-Chisholm, Buhl, Kinney, P. J. and M. A. Medalie, Walter Manson, Sam Rabalski, M. Ladian, M. Minkin.  </font>     1918 6 12
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1918-12-8 Ben Walt gambling.pdf"> 1918-12-8 Ben Walt gambling</A> -   1918 12 8
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1920-6-24 Eveleth, High School Graduates, photo.pdf"> 1920-6-24 Eveleth, High School Graduates, photo</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1920 This Year's Graduates In Eveleth Are 54 Times As Many As In 1902. photo. Bess B. Feldman, Monica Mary Finn, Walter Karlinsky, Louis H. Winer, Irving Roe Nathanson, Abe Stein.   </font> -   1920 6 24
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1920-6-24 Eveleth, high school, photo Irving Nathanson.pdf"> 1920-6-24 Eveleth, high school, photo Irving Nathanson</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1920 This Year's Graduates In Eveleth Are 54 Times As Many As In 1902. photo,   Bess B. Feldman, Walter H. Karlinsky, Louie H. Winer,  Michael Levine, Irving Roe Nathanson, Abe Stein.  Note: These graduates of Eveleth in the year 1920 represent another generation. Their parents were the pioneers of the town. One of the attractions of Eveleth was the school system. The mining industry contributed financially to the building of the schools.  </font> -   1920 6 24
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1920-8-7 Eva Cohen, M. Solosky.pdf"> 1920-8-7 Eva Cohen, M. Solosky</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1920 Guest Entertained. Mr. and Mrs. I. B. Aarons, 624 North fifty-eighth avenue West, Rebecca Rose, Mr. and Mrs. M. Solosky, Mrs. E. S. Rose, Mrs. J. Sternberg, Ida Fieldman, Bessie Simon, Esther Saksoneff, Mark Saksonoff, Eva Cohen, Sarah Walt, Rosalind Labovitz, Miriam Zack,Eva Cohen, M. Solosky  </font> -   1920 8 7
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1920-12-5 Ben Walt, pants stolen.pdf"> 1920-12-5 Ben Walt, pants stolen</A> -   1920 12 5
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1921-2-27 Eveleth, Louis Weiner, Walter Karlinsky.pdf"> 1921-2-27 Eveleth, Louis Weiner, Walter Karlinsky</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1921 Eveleth and Gilbert: District Championship Contenders, Louis Weiner, Walter Karlinsky photo.  </font> -   1921 2 27
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1921-4-20 Kaner, Passon, Walt.pdf"> 1921-4-20 Kaner, Passon, Walt</A> - -   headline  -   1921 4 20
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1922 Eveleth, Walter Karlinsky, Irving Nathanson, Louis Wiener.pdf"> 1922 Eveleth, Walter Karlinsky, Irving Nathanson, Louis Wiener</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1922 Eveleth: Junior College Prom Center of Festivities. Louis Wiener, Irving Nathanson, Walter Karlinsky  </font> -   1922 1 0.1
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1922-2-11 Tu B'shvat, Florence Goldfarb, Crystal, Widdes.pdf"> 1922-2-11 Tu B'shvat, Florence Goldfarb, Crystal, Widdes</A>  - - </font><font size="1">Helen Segal sister of Stan Segal's father and Rudoplh Segal. she married Louis Shelf - somehow connected to European Bakery. Nathan Cohen was married to Celia Walt. Alfred Weinberg, Sylvia Laskawitz became Sylvia Fink - they had the market on East 19th and 8th Street. Irene Levine became Irene Paull, Sylvia Horwitz maybe daughter of David and Sarah married Hallm Elsie Widdes - Elsie Kane, Fay Horwitz- Faye Solle, Eunice Passon could be Elsie Mastoon, Cherie Rine married Abe Bruzonsky, Sylvia Stewart married Gordon Cohen, Etta Levine sister of Irene Paull, Helen Aarons is Helen Widdes, Dorothy Horwitz another sister. Herb Samuels. Jacob Crystal father of Izy</font> -   1922 2 11.5
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1922-8-6 Dr. F. N. Litman.pdf"> 1922-8-6 Dr. F. N. Litman</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1922 Dr. F. N. Litman, Walter REed hospital, Mr. and Mrs. J. Litman, East Fifth street.  </font> -   1922 8 6
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1953-9 Sandra Goldfine & Leon Weiner wedding.jpg"> 1953-9 Sandra Goldfine & Leon Weiner wedding</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1953-9 Sandra Goldfine & Leon Weiner wedding. Photo Sandra Rae Goldfine, Leon Weiner Wed. Temple Emanuel. 1722 East Seventh street,  daughter of Fannie Goldfine. Son of Mrs. Esther Weiner and Isadore Weiner-Houston, Texas. Erwin Goldfine, Mrs. Manley Goldfine, Mrs. Bernard Bell, Miss Lottie Frankel-Houston, Cecil Berman-Los Angeles, Raena Goldfine, Tammi Gershgol, Harriett Bergstein, Isadore Weiner, Sol Weiner, Abe Weiner, Bernard Bell, Max Kamen-Houston, William Overman, Manley Goldfine. Home at 102 Carson Courts-Houston. - - Out of town guests: Mrs. Isadore Weiner, Mrs. Abe Weiner and son, Mrs. Sol Weiner, Mrs. Max Kamen-Houston, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Frank,-Denver, Janice Kessel-Roswell, N.M., Joan and Barbara Heilbranner-Milwaukee, Mr. and Mrs. Al Zatkin, Mr. and Mrs. Morris Lavick-Oakland, Elmer Widman-Los Angeles, Mr. and Mrs. Max Falk-Sioux City, Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Betten, Mr. and Mrs. Merril Rogoff, Mr. and Mrs. Morris Miller, Mr. and Mrs. Herman Miller-Green Bay, Mrs. Walter Bloch-Burlington, IA, Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Bernstein, and Mr. and Mrs. Jack Dorfman, Chicago  </font>     1953 9 0.9
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1904-2-18 Weinstein-Frank, Edith Karon.pdf"> 1904-2-18 Weinstein-Frank, Edith Karon</A> -   1904 2 18
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1904-4-27 Louis Weinstein, La Follette politics.pdf"> 1904-4-27 Louis Weinstein, La Follette politics</A> - -   La Follette politics, Louis Weinstein  -   1904 4 27
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1904-5-16 Louis Weinstein, delegate 5th ward.pdf"> 1904-5-16 Louis Weinstein, delegate 5th ward</A> - -   Politics, Fifth ward, Louis Weinstein  -   1904 5 16
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1909-1-27 Weinstein and Simon wed.pdf"> 1909-1-27 Weinstein and Simon wed</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1909 Wedding Is Most Elaborate Event. Reception and Sumptuous Feast Follow Simon-Weinstein Marriage Ceremony. Sarah Vivian Simon and Harold Weinstein-Coleraine, 406 East Fifth street, 500 guests, synagogue, corner of Third avenue east and Third street. Sadie Berkson, Bessie Cowl-Minneapolis, Gustie Simon-Gilbert, Sarah Marcus-Minneapolis, Rose Witz-Duluth, Louis Helperin, Al Lieberman-Bovey, Samuel Altman-Chisholm, Isadore Cohen-Chisholm, Robert Simon-Gilbert, Robert Frank, Florence Simon. Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Weinstein-Bovey, Rabbi Tetlitz, Rabbi Kissan. William Abrahamson, Milton Kraus-Chicago, W. L. Millar, Wolf Simon, M. S. Cook, Nathan Kraus-Chicago, Mr. and Mrs. M. Simon-St. Paul, Alice Fegelson-St. Paul, Mrs. S. Orenstein-St. Paul, Marcia Harris-St. Paul, Mrs. Samuel Pavian-St. Paul, Mrs. William Orenstein-Houghton, Mich. Mrs. S. Frank-South Bend, Ind. Mr. and Mrs. D. Simon, Mr. and Mrs. I. Simon-Gilbert, E. J. Sloan-Bessemer, Mich., Dora Canfield-Minneapolis, Sarah Ripstein-Winnipeg.    (Big wedding for its time and lots of guests from out of town.)  </font>     1909 1 27
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1909-1-27 Sarah Vivian Simon & Harold Weinstein wed.pdf"> 1909-1-27 Sarah Vivian Simon & Harold Weinstein wed</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1909 Wedding Is Most Elaborate Event. Reception and Sumptuous Feast Follow Simon-Weinstein Marriage Ceremony. Sarah Vivian Simon and Harold Weinstein-Coleraine, 406 East Fifth street, 500 guests, synagogue, corner of Third avenue east and Third street. Sadie Berkson, Bessie Cowl-Minneapolis, Gustie Simon-Gilbert, Sarah Marcus-Minneapolis, Rose Witz-Duluth, Louis Helperin, Al Lieberman-Bovey, Samuel Altman-Chisholm, Isadore Cohen-Chisholm, Robert Simon-Gilbert, Robert Frank, Florence Simon. Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Weinstein-Bovey, Rabbi Tetlitz, Rabbi Kissan. William Abrahamson, Milton Kraus-Chicago, W. L. Millar, Wolf Simon, M. S. Cook, Nathan Kraus-Chicago, Mr. and Mrs. M. Simon-St. Paul, Alice Fegelson-St. Paul, Mrs. S. Orenstein-St. Paul, Marcia Harris-St. Paul, Mrs. Samuel Pavian-St. Paul, Mrs. William Orenstein-Houghton, Mich. Mrs. S. Frank-South Bend, Ind. Mr. and Mrs. D. Simon, Mr. and Mrs. I. Simon-Gilbert, E. J. Sloan-Bessemer, Mich., Dora Canfield-Minneapolis, Sarah Ripstein-Winnipeg. (Big wedding for its time and lots of guests from out of town.)   </font>     1909 1 27
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1910-5-16 Florence Levine.pdf"> 1910-5-16 Florence Levine</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1910 Gives Linen Shower. Miss Sally M. Oreck, 114 East Fourth street, in honor of Miss Bessie R. Nurick. finace Harry Bucman, Sarah Briht, Sarah Nusbaum, Lena Kassmir, Sadie Fostoff, Eva Zalk, Sophia Weinstein, Zela Tremblatt, Esther Kernes, Mary Mesberg, Esther Sander, Bess Rocklin, Eva Rocklin, Jennie Aronsohn, Fannie Nusbaum, Anna Mark, Rose Mark, Anna Orek, Sarah Bazelon, Selma Casmir, Sarah Nusbaum, Dorothy Polinsky, Sarah Polnsky, Berthan Mendelson, Fannie Mendelson, Florence Levine.   </font>     1910 5 16
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1910-5-16 Sadie Fostoff.pdf"> 1910-5-16 Sadie Fostoff</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1910 Given Linen Shower. Sally M. Oreck entertained, 114 East Fourth street, in honor of Bessie R. Nurick, to wed Harry Buckman, Sarah Brigh, Sarah Nusbaum, Lena Kassmir, Sadie Fostoff, Eva Zalk, Sophia Weinstein, Zela Tremblatt, Esther Kernes, Mary Mesberg, Esther Sander, Bess Rocklin, Eva Rocklin, Jennie Aronsohn, Fannie Nusbaum, Anna Mark, Rose Mark, Anna Oreck, Sarah Bazelon, Selma Casmir, Sarah Nusbaum, Dorothy Polinsky, Sarah Polinsky, Bertha Mendelson, Fannie Mendelson, Florence Levine.   </font>     1910 5 16
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1910-5-17 Bessie R. Nurick, Harry Buckman, linen shower, guest Sally Oreck.pdf"> 1910-5-17 Bessie R. Nurick, Harry Buckman, linen shower, guest Sally Oreck</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1910 Linen Shower. Bessie R. Nurick and Harry Buckman, Salloy M. Oreck, Lena Kassmir, Sophie Weinstein, Esther Kernea, Mary Mesberg, Eva Rocklin, Jennie Aronson, Rose Mark, Anna Oreck, Sarah Nussbaum, Dorothy Polinsky, Sarah Polinsky, Florence Levine, Sadie Fostoff, Eva Zalk, Zela Tremblatt, Esther Sander, Bessie Rocklin, Fannie Nussbaum, Annie Mark, Sarah Bazelon, Selma Casmir, Bertha Mendelson, Fanny Mendelson.  </font> -   1910 5 17
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1911-5-23 Cohen, recital.pdf"> 1911-5-23 Cohen, recital</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1911 Students to Give Recital. Williams' Violin school, S Singer, J. Silver, Fnkelstein, S. Cohen, M. Greene, Isadore Prie, T. Weinstein, J. Landahl.  </font>     1911 5 23
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1912-12-8 Louis Weinstein, entertains mayor, 2nd. cor.pdf"> 1912-12-8 Louis Weinstein, entertains mayor, 2nd. cor</A> - -   Louis Weinstein, entertains mayor -   1912 12 8
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1913-4-13 Sara Salnovitz.pdf"> 1913-4-13 Sara Salnovitz</A> - -   Edythe Azine, Sosnosky, Altman, Fieldman, Weinstein, Lavick, Joseph, Finklestein, Salnovitz  -   1913 4 13
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1915-8-5 Berkson and Perlman wed..pdf"> 1915-8-5 Berkson and Perlman wed.</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1915 Perlman-Berkson Nuptials Followed by Large Reception. Sadie Evana Berkson, daughter of Mrs. Jennie  Berkson,  613 East First street, weds Joseph Perlman of Sacramento, Cal. Dr. Maurice Lefkowitz, Mrs. Benjamin D. Bennett, Ida Berkson,  Mary Simon, Vernon Weinstein, Jacob Perlman, Louis Perlman, Mr. and Mrs. S. Perlman, Mrs. H. B. Weinstein, Bess Markowtiz, Sara Hurvitch, Mr. and Mrs. S. Perlman, Louis Pavian, Samuel Pavian, Phil T. Perlman, Jacob Perlman, Louis Perlman, M. C. Perlman, Harry Chelemsky.   </font> -   1915 8 5
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1915-8-11 Adas Israel, Leon Zolotkov, New York Yiddish journalist.pdf"> 1915-8-11 Adas Israel, Leon Zolotkov, New York Yiddish journalist</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> Knights of Zion, Harry Davis, Dr. Samuel Gross, Nathan Kris, Samuel Weinstein, A. Mogelson, Pearl Eievitz, Anna Mark. Adas Israel synagogue.  </font> -   1915 8 11
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1915-11-1 Tag Day Pearl Waller.pdf"> 1915-11-1 Tag Day Pearl Waller</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1915 Tag Day Receipts Will BeCompiled. Local organization Will Send Funds at Once to Releve War Sufferers. Pearl Waller, Rose Lurye, Sarah Cohen, Rebecca Cohen, Bessie Fontana, Ida Simon, Evelyn Kaner, Jennie Weinstin, Fannie Sorkin, Sarah Waller, M. Kaner, May Cohen, Mary Brown, Blanch Booth, Ruth Gordon, Celia Kaner, Alice Dorf, Florence Murrell, Fannie Ovetsky, Rose Vogel, M. Anovitch, Sarah Cohen, Sarah Pomush, Edith Lasky, Lena Maginsky, Alice Holzberg, Sarah Kaner, Bessie Cohen, Berdie Weingarten, Edith Fieldman, Miriam Solomon, Ruth Arnovitch, Sarah Handlasky, Minnie Holzberg, Jennie Ovetsky, Sarah Haronimus, Esther Schneider, Jessie Weinstein, Molly Handlasky, Sarah Harris, Annie Gittleman, Sarah Greenblat, Fannie Edelstein, Annie Bruder, Mamie Goldstein, Lillian Harris, Helen Weinstein, Annie Buder, Rose Altman, Mrs. M. Sherr, Mrs. R. Edelstein, and Mrs. R. Cohen.   </font>     1915 11 1
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1915-11-1 Alice Dorf.pdf"> 1915-11-1 Alice Dorf</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1915-11-1 Tag Day Receipts Will Be Complied. Local Organization Will Send Funds ast Once to Relieve War Sufferers. Pearl Waller, Rose Lurye, Sarah Cohen, Rebecca Cohen, Bessie Fontana, Ida Simon, Eveleyn Kaner, Jennie Weinstein, Fannie Sorkin, Sarah Waller, M. Kaner, May Cohen, Mary Brown, Blanche Booth, Ruth Gordon, Celia Kaner, Alice Dorf, Florence Murrell, Fannie Ovetsky, Rose Vogel, M. Anovitch, Sarah Cohen, Sarah Pomush, Edith Lasky, Lena Maginsky, Alice Holzberg, Sarah Kaner, Bessie Cohen, Berdie Weingarten,Edith Fieldman, Miriam Solomon, Ruth Arnovitch, Sarah Haronimus, Esther Schneider, Jessie Weinstein, Molly Handlasky, Sarah Harris, Annie Gittleman, Sarah Greenblat, Fannie Edelstein, Annie Bruder, Mamie Goldstein, Lillian Harris, Helen Weinstein, Annie Buder, Rose Altman, Mrs. M. Sherr, Mrs. R. Edelstein and Mrs. R. Cohen.  </font>     1915 11 1
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1915-11-25 B'nai Brith anniversary Temple Emanuel Samuel Oreckovsky.pdf"> 1915-11-25 B'nai Brith anniversary Temple Emanuel Samuel Oreckovsky</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1915 B'nai B'rith Will Observe Anniversary. Covenant Lodge of Duluth to hold services at Temple Emanuel Tomorrow Night. - Hiram D. Frankel, Dr. Maurice Lefkovits, C. D. Oreckovsky, Samuel Weinstein, A. B. Kapplin.  </font> -   1915 11 25
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1916-4-12 Gittelson trial.pdf"> 1916-4-12 Gittelson trial</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1916 Reputable Citizens "Guilty". Their "Trial" Was Mockery. Rabbi Lefkovits Acts as presiding Judge Over Bogus Court. Part of Entertainment Given by Covenant Lodge. Samuel Gittelson, Abe Feldman, Judge Maurice Lefkovits, Abe B. Kapplin. B'nai B'rith , Temple Emanuel. B. Silberstein, J. Schroeder, Charles Oreckovsky, Samuel Weinstein, H. Y. Josephs, Mrs. M. Cook.  </font>     1916 4 12
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1916-5-28 Superior, Cohen, Weinberg.pdf"> 1916-5-28 Superior, Cohen, Weinberg</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1916 Superior history, WI h:Suggest Giving Pageant Again. Industrial School Head Favors Fourth Presentation if Sponsored by Civic Organization Ask Another Staging. Scenes Depicting History and Growth of Superior Require Cast of 179.    Hannah and Innie Berkovitz, Annie Gettleman, Jennie Weinstein, Max Handlovsky,  Zimmerman, Jeanette Kaner, Jeanette Harris, Bessie Bergstein, Bannie Lavine, Cora Solem, Mary Weinberg, Rebecca Cohen, Nettie Cohen, Cora Solem, Ida Popkin, Fannie Eisenstein, Ida Handlovsky, Ella Lavine, Bannie Lavinee, Sophie Gettelman, Fannie Ovetsky, Sam Cohen, Robert Sher, Lena Harris, Fanny Rose,   </font>     1916 5 28
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1917-4-18 Fieldman.pdf"> 1917-4-18 Fieldman</A>  - -  </font><font size="1">  1917 'Mimeograph' Sticker For Women Spellers. Men Win "Bee" at "Open House" Party Given by Covenant Lodge. B'nai B'rith, Temple Emanuel, Miss Elsa Silberstein,  Abe Feldman, Mrs. Saul Goldberg, Temple Ades society: Mrs. Michael Levy, Mrs. L. S. Loeb, Mrs. M. S. Hirshfield, Mrs. M. Cook, Mrs. Sigmund Slonim, Mrs. H. Y. Josephs, Mrs. Saul Goldberg, Miss Elsa Silberstein, Miss Stella Bondy, Miss Alice Wetzler, Miss Sadie Gingold, Miss Jeanette Gomberg. A. B. Kapplin, E. A. Silberstein, Morris Mark, Dr. Maurice Lefkovits, Charles D. Oreckovsky, Davi Fieldman, Abe Fieldman, Samuel Weinstein, Dr. Samuel Gross, Dr. Maurice Zack, Charles Rosenfeld, Samuel Nides, Max Rosenfeld. Dr. Maurice Lefkovits-ne Bible translation. Helen Kunody, Hazel Blumenthal, Esther Gomberg, Miss Sylvia Josephs.   </font>     1917 4 18
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1918-5-30 Dr. Moses Gittelson.pdf"> 1918-5-30 Dr. Moses Gittelson</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1916 Reputable Citizens "Guilty". Their "Trial" Was Mockery. Rabbi Lefkovits Acts as presiding Judge Over Bogus Court. Part of Entertainment Given by Covenant Lodge. Samuel Gittelson, Abe Feldman, Judge Maurice Lefkovits, Abe B. Kapplin. B'nai B'rith , Temple Emanuel. B. Silberstein, J. Schroeder, Charles Oreckovsky, Samuel Weinstein, H. Y. Josephs, Mrs. M. Cook.  </font>     1918 5 30
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1918-8-11 Charle Arinovitch picnic.pdf"> 1918-8-11 Charle Arinovitch picnic</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1918 Superior: Range Towns Send Delegation to Picnic in Billings Park. - 1000 people attended the fourthe annual picnic given by the Zionists of Superior.   Charles Arinovitch, president, photo, Sara Lipman, Betty Cohen, Edith Lasky, Elsie Weinstein, Helen Weingarten, Berdie Weingarten. Dr. Maurice Lefkovits, Ed Luyre, Rae Schneider, Mrs. E. Lasky, Mrs. H. Cekar, I. Dorf, Sam Lurye, Abe Aroka, Harold Lasky.   </font>     1918 8 11
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1918-12-1 Evelyn Greenblatt, Weinstein, Weinberg, Hannah Kaner.pdf"> 1918-12-1 Evelyn Greenblatt, Weinstein, Weinberg, Hannah Kaner</A> - -  </font><font size="1">  Jewish Repatriation To Be Object Of Today’s Drive, Zion flag, Evelyn Greenblatt, Weinstein, Weinberg, Hannah Kaner </font> -   1918 12 1
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1918-12-1 Superior, Zion flag day.pdf"> 1918-12-1 Superior, Zion flag day</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1918 Superior, Jewish repatriation to be object of today's drive.  Zion flag day, Mamie Goldfein, Rae Schneider, Hannah Kaner, Edith Lasky, Rose Vogel, Elsie Weinstein, Birdie Gittleman, Ethel Letts (Latts), Rose Titch, Sarah Litman, Elsie Marcus, Murtle Marcus, Mary Weinberg, Evelyn Greenblatt, Birdie Weingarten, Bertha Arnovitch.</font> -   1918 12 1
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1918-12-1 Sarah Litman, Jewish Repatriation.pdf"> 1918-12-1 Sarah Litman, Jewish Repatriation</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1918 Jewish Repatriation To Be Object Of Today's Drive. Superior: Jewish National Fund, Hannah Kaner, Edith Lasky, Rose Vogel, Elsie Weinstein, Mamie Goldfein, Birdie Gitleman, Ethel Letts, Rose Titch, Sarah Litman, Elsie Marcus, Murtle Marcus, Mary Weinberg, Evelyn Greenblatt, Birdie Weingarten, Bertha Arnovitch.  </font> -   1918 12 1
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1918-12-1 Marcus.pdf"> 1918-12-1 Marcus</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1918 Superior:  Jewish Repatriation To Be Object Of Today's Drive. Jewish national fund, Rae Schneider, Hannah Kaner, Edith Lasky, Rose Vogel, Elsie Weinstein, Mamie Goldfein, Birdie Gittleman, Ethel Letts, Rose Titch, Sarah Litman, Elsie Marus, Murtle arcus, Mary Weinberg, Eveleyn Greenblatt, Birdie Weingarten, Bertha Arnovitch.  </font>     1918 12 1
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1918-12-2 Superior, Zion Flag Day.pdf"> 1918-12-2 Superior, Zion Flag Day</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1918 Superior, Zion Flag day adds to fund. Superior young women realize comfortable sum toward Palestine's redemption.  Mamie Goldfein, Rae Schneider, Hannah Kaner, Edith Lasky, Rose Vogel, Elsie Weinstein, Birdie Gitleman, Ethel Latts, Rose Titch, Sarah Litman, Elsie Marcus, Murtle Marcus, Mary Weinberg, Evelyn Greenblatt, Birdie Weingarten, and Bertha Arnovitch.  </font> -   1918 12 2
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1919-6-13 Morris Karon, Superior HS, graduation, oration.pdf"> 1919-6-13 Morris Karon, Superior HS, graduation, oration</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1919-6-13 Joint Graduation Exercises Held. Superior and Nelson Dewey High Schools Present Programs. Morris Karon. Gave oration “The Russian Crisis.” Jennie Weinstein violin solo.  </font>     1919 6 13
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1921-3-26 Lebendiger, Purim.pdf"> 1921-3-26 Lebendiger, Purim</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1921 Duluth Jews To Observe Feast Of Purim Sunday. Duluth Hebrew institute, Sylvia Laskovitz, Elsie Widdes, Mary London, Selma Cohen, Lillian Harris, Helen Cook, Belle Harris, Jennie Horwitz, Rabbi Israel Lebendiger, Miss Sclarow, Cherry Rine, Ruby Goodman, Helen Segal, Miss Shenowsky, Ida Ostrowsky, Bessie Seiden, Alek Cohen, Eva Bruesen, Ethel Kasmir, Roy Teltch, Bessie Litman, Anna Kane, Helen Segal.   </font>     1900 1 0
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1932-6-10 Commencement - Duluth Central HS.jpg"> 1932-6-10 Commencement - Duluth Central HS</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> Jewish Students include:  Albert A Abramson,  Sylvia Adelson Mattenson,  Freda D Bergal Kurson,  Edward Isadore Cohen,  Burton Wallace Davidson,  Nathan Davis,  Martin M Even,  Harold Fostoff,   Edgar Freimuth,  William Irving Freimuth,  Robert Gallop,  Sam Gallop,  Harry L Garon,  Lillian Glasser Rosen,  Betty L Glazman Reiss,  Goldie Jery Gordon Boznu,  Betty Green Mangel,  Ida P Green,  Pearl,  Karsner Shapiro,  Norman G Levine,  Yale Byron Levine,  Harold Irving Lindeke,  Morris Louis Meltz,  Jane Milavetz Baddin,  Fay Enid Oxman Traubman,  MItchell Polinsky,  Irving D Schneider,  Jane Z,  Sher Siegel,  Frank Shusterman,  Eva Singer Shamblott,  Rosalyn Singer Shamblott,  Bessie Slovut Stein,  Jeanette Leah Soloski Scot,  Marvin Jerome Stewart,  David Taran,  Ruth B Vertelney Klein,  Getchell Widdes  </font>     1900 1 0
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1906-3-23 Sara Kaner and Morris Widdes, mar. lic.pdf"> 1906-3-23 Sara Kaner and Morris Widdes, mar. lic</A> -   1906 3 23
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1907-7-17 Fanny Abrahamson.pdf"> 1907-7-17 Fanny Abrahamson</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1907 Bride-Elect Honored. Miss Eva Polinsky, married on the 8th of next month, guest of honor. Mr. and Mrs. Leona Solomon, David Frankfort, J. Oreckovsky, L. Shenowsky, I. Moscovich, A. H. Polinsky, I. Lieberman, J. Cohen, J. Helstein, Mame Weinberg, Dora Polinsky, Sadie Fostof, Frances Light, Fanny Abrahamson (Abramson), Sarah Polinsky, Mrs. M. Weinberg, Robert Rosen-Minneapolis, Louise Meyer-Moline, Harry Weinberg, Morris Nides-Hibbing.  Notes from Jack:  Eva Polinsky I think is who married Morris Nides.  All of the names are Jewish and most I have trees for :);   Leon Solomon (his sister I think was Mrs I B Aarons, mother of Helen Widdes);   David Frankfort married to Sadie Caplow;  J Oreckovsky too many to pick from;  Louis Shenowsky - married to Sadie Cohen (Steve Heifitz tree);  L Moscovich - no match so far;  Albert H Polinsky - married to Sarah Shapiro, parents of Lyle Polinsky;  I Lieberman - no match;  J Cohen - too many;  John Helstein - married to Rose Light on my Abramson tree;  Mamie Weinberg never married;  Dora Polinsky - married to Joseph Wolfe;  Sadie Fostoff - married to Jack Lunche;  Frances Light - married to Edward Pease, on  my Abramson tree;  Fanny Abrahamson - married to Benjamin Lieberman on my tree;  Sarah Polinsky - too many to pick from ;  Mrs. M Weinberg - Mamie's mother;  Robert Rosen - no match;  Louis Meyer - no match;  Harry Weinberg - brother of Mamie;  Morris Nides - groom I think.</font>     1907 7 17
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1912-4-18 son born to Isadore Widdes.pdf"> 1912-4-18 son born to Isadore Widdes</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1912 son born to Mr. and Mrs. Isadore Widdes   </font> -   1912 4 18
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1914-4-17 Samuel Widdes.pdf"> 1914-4-17 Samuel Widdes</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1914 Denies Cruelity to Cow, Samuel Widdes  </font> -   1914 4 17
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1914-11-11 Widdes, murder.pdf"> 1914-11-11 Widdes, murder</A> -   1914 11 11
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1914-11-28 Widdes.pdf"> 1914-11-28 Widdes</A> - -   Girl Says Report Of Marriage False, Sarah Berzon, Michael Miselberg, -   1914 11 28
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1916-1-1 Harry Widdes, ill.pdf"> 1916-1-1 Harry Widdes, ill</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1916 rice Lake, Harry Widdes ill.  </font> -   1916 1 1
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1916-2-22 Jewish War Relief Garon, Widdes, Kaner, Josephs, Zalk.pdf"> 1916-2-22 Jewish War Relief Garon, Widdes, Kaner, Josephs, Zalk</A> - -    </font><font size="1">  Completing Plans For Jewish Meeting, Oreckovsky, Silberstein, Zalk, Josephs,Sher, Garon, Sher, Karon, Kaner, Widdes, and others.</font> -   1916 2 22
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1916-10-18 Bessie Widdes.pdf"> 1916-10-18 Bessie Widdes</A> - -   Monitors Appointed For The Playgrounds, Bessie Widdes -   1916 10 18
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1917-7-8 photo Botanick, Alpert, Karon, Milavetz, Zalk, Widdes.pdf"> 1917-7-8 photo Botanick, Alpert, Karon, Milavetz, Zalk, Widdes</A> - - </font><font size="1">  photo, Miss Clara Gatonick, guests Alpert, Harris, Melovitz, Slonim, Karon, Averbook, Kassimir, Garis, Zalk, Smith, Winthrop, Widdes  </font> -   1917 7 8
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1917-7-8 Clara Botonick.pdf"> 1917-7-8 Clara Botonick</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1917 Clara Batonick, New York Visitor Honored Guest. Photo, Sarah Alpert, Batonick, Clara Batonick, Rose Harris, Melovitz (Melavitz?), Slonim, Bessie Alpert, Anna Karon, Sarah Alpert, Gertrude Averbook, Bessie Karon, Charles Kassimir, William Garvis, Edward Harris, Maurice Zalk, Goodman Zalk, Smith, Winthrop, Maurice Alpert, Willie Widdes.  </font> -   1917 7 8
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1918-5-5 Bessie Widdes, far right col.pdf"> 1918-5-5 Bessie Widdes, far right col</A>-- Bessie Widdes -   1918 5 5
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1918-9-18 C. M. Widdes, meat market.pdf"> 1918-9-18 C. M. Widdes, meat market</A> - -   Fire In Meat Market, C. M. Widdas -   1918 9 18
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1918-9-28 M. Widdes, birth of son.pdf"> 1918-9-28 M. Widdes, birth of son</A> - -   Births, a son was born to Mr. and Mrs. Morris J. Widdes -   1918 9 28
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1919-1-20 Sara Pomush and Harry Widdes eng.pdf"> 1919-1-20 Sara Pomush and Harry Widdes eng</A> - -   headline  -   1919 1 20
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1919-1-20 Sara Pomush and Harold Widdes eng..pdf"> 1919-1-20 Sara Pomush and Harold Widdes eng.</A> -   1919 1 20
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1918-9-9 Harry Widdes, grain burned.pdf"> 1918-9-9 Harry Widdes, grain burned</A>  - - </font><font size="1"> 1918 Harry Widdes, Rice Lake, War Worker's Grain Burned; Pro-Germanism Intimated.  </font>     1919 9 9
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1919-10-20 Harry Widdes, horsemeat.pdf"> 1919-10-20 Harry Widdes, horsemeat</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1919 Horse Meat for sale, Harry Widdes, Rice Lake  </font> -   1919 10 20
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1921-3-13 Getchel Widdes.pdf"> 1921-3-13 Getchel Widdes</A> - -   headline  -   1921 3 13
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1921-4-17 Ossie Widdes.pdf"> 1921-4-17 Ossie Widdes</A> - -   headline  -   1921 4 17
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1921-4-26 Samuel Widdes obit..pdf"> 1921-4-26 Samuel Widdes obit.</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1921 Samuel Widdes, age 8, 323 East Eighth street.  </font>      1921 4 26
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1922-1-17 William Widdes and Ethel Hirschman..pdf"> 1922-1-17 William Widdes and Ethel Hirschman.</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1922 William Widdes and Ethel Hirschman engagement.   </font> -   1922 1 17
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1922-1-17 William Widdes and Ethel Hirschman eng..pdf"> 1922-1-17 William Widdes and Ethel Hirschman eng.</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1922 William Widdes and Ethel Hirschman engagement, Kaner guest.  St. Pul, Mr. and Mrs. D. G. Hirschman, Mr. and Mrs. S. Widdes (scroll down on this item)  </font> -   1922 1 17
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1922-2-11 Augusta and Beatrice Vertelney, Lincoln's     birhday.pdf"> 1922-2-11 Augusta and Beatrice Vertelney, Lincoln's     birhday</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1922-2-11 Lincoln’s Birthday, Jewish Arbor day. Lillian Harris,, Miss Helen Segal, Nathan Cohen, Rudolph Segal, Alfred Weinberg, Marvin Goldstein, Sylvia Laskowitz, Irene Levine, Sylvia Horowitz, Elsie Widdes, Fay Horowitz, Eunice Passon, Freida Brooks, Edith Riskin, Ida Weiner, Vivian Evans, Cheery Rine, Sylvia Stewart, Etta Levine, Mary London, Ruth Goldberg, Anna London, Ruby Aarons, Florence Goldfarb, Susie Bergal, Helen Aarons, Dorothy Horowitz, Pauline Cwl, Florence rose, Doris Cwil, Bessie Brooks, Elizabeth Cook. Herbert Samuel, Elizabeth Cook, Samuel Braerman, Sydney Green, Alfred Weinberg, J. Crystle, Sarah Goldfine, Miss Kurniss.  Augusta Vertelney, Beatrice Vertelney.   </font>     1922 2 11
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1922-2-11 Jewish Arbor Day, Passon, Goldberg.pdf"> 1922-2-11 Jewish Arbor Day, Passon, Goldberg</A>   - - </font><font size="1"> Lincoln's Birthday and Chamishoh Oser B'Schvatt" (Tu B'Shuvat). Rabbi Israel Lebendinger, Lillian Harris, Helen Segal, Nathan Cohen, Rudolph Segal, Alfred Weinberg, Marvin Goldstein, Sylvia Laskowitz, Irene Levine, Sylvia Horowitz, Elsie Widdes, Fay Horowitz, Eunice Passon, Freida Brooks, Edith Riskin, Ida Weiner, Vivian Evans, Cheery Rine, Sylvia Stewart, Etta Levine, Mary London, Ruth Goldberg, Anna London, Ruby Aarons, Florence Goldfarb, Susie Bergal, Augusta Vertelney Helen Aarons, Beatrice Verteney, Dorothy Horowitz, Pauline Cwl, Florence Rose, Doris Cwl, Bessie Brooks, Elizabeth Cook, Herbert Samuel, Samuel Braverman, Sydney Green, J. Crystle (Crystal), Sarah Goldfine, Kurnisa.</font> -   1922 2 11.3
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1922-2-11 Tu B'shvat, Florence Goldfarb, Crystal, Widdes.pdf"> 1922-2-11 Tu B'shvat, Florence Goldfarb, Crystal, Widdes</A>  - - </font><font size="1">Helen Segal sister of Stan Segal's father and Rudoplh Segal. she married Louis Shelf - somehow connected to European Bakery. Nathan Cohen was married to Celia Walt. Alfred Weinberg, Sylvia Laskawitz became Sylvia Fink - they had the market on East 19th and 8th Street. Irene Levine became Irene Paull, Sylvia Horwitz maybe daughter of David and Sarah married Hallm Elsie Widdes - Elsie Kane, Fay Horwitz- Faye Solle, Eunice Passon could be Elsie Mastoon, Cherie Rine married Abe Bruzonsky, Sylvia Stewart married Gordon Cohen, Etta Levine sister of Irene Paull, Helen Aarons is Helen Widdes, Dorothy Horwitz another sister. Herb Samuels. Jacob Crystal father of Izy</font> -   1922 2 11.5
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1922-6-24 Hyman Widdes, Bar Mitzvah.pdf"> 1922-6-24 Hyman Widdes, Bar Mitzvah</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1922 Hyman Widdes, Bar Mitzvah  </font> -   1922 6 24
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1957-12 Hanukkah party news w photo.jpg"> 1957-12 Hanukkah party news w photo</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1957 Hanukkah party photo - <A HREF="images2/news/1957-12 Hanukkah party news w photoID.jpg">see numbered photo for ID</A>  1.  Bob Davidson, 2.  Bruce Cohen, 3.  Lisa Goldish, 4.  Diane Krovitz Hamou Tzarfaty, 5.  Benjie Wolfe, 6.  Mark Bruzonsky, 7.  Alvin Garon, 8.  Ghitia Abramson Worcester, 9.  Steve Bruzonsky, 10. Mrs. Sam (Bess) Klatsky, 11. David Sher, 12. unidentified, 13. Barney Hasden ?, 14. Judy Ostroviak Cohen, 15. Phyllis Bruzonsky Cohen, 16. Mrs Jack Levenson, 17. Janet Widdes Morrison Rhodehamel, 18. Diane Garon Kuperman, 19. Barb Schaefer, 20. Sharon Siegel Ptaszek </font>     1957 12 0.9
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1983-2 Helen Widdes JFN recipe.jpg"> 1983-2 Helen Widdes JFN recipe</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> text  </font>     1983 2 0.9
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1905-1-10 Belle Ami Woolfan and Samuel Seigel wed.pdf"> 1905-1-10 Belle Ami Woolfan and Samuel Seigel wed</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1905 Belle Ami Woolfan and Samuel Seigel wed.  </font> -   1905 1 10
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1905-6-2 Eli Woolfan.jpg"> 1905-6-2 Eli Woolfan</A> - -   Hibbing Briefs -  E. S. Wolfan critically ill, recently improving -   1905 6 2
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1906-4-6 E. S. Woolfan and Etta Rosvensky, m.l..pdf"> 1906-4-6 E. S. Woolfan and Etta Rosvensky, m.l.</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1906 E. S. Woolfan and Etta Rosvensky, marriage license. - -  her maiden name was Ziskin.   </font> -   1906 4 6
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1907-2-1 Agudas Achim, Synagogue, M. S. Greenblatt.pdf"> 1907-2-1 Agudas Achim</A> - -  </font><font size="1"> Hibbing Hebrews Will Build A Synagogue, Hallock, Rogalsky, Greenblatt, Levenshon, Woolfan, Rosenberg, Freedman, Kitz, Miller, etc </font> -   1907 2 1
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1907-5-1 Woolfan, location.pdf"> 1907-5-1 Woolfan, location</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1907 Woolfan, location of new building, 105 Pine St.  </font> -   1907 5 1
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1909-4-12 Hibbing, farewell party, Helstein.pdf"> 1909-4-12 Farewell party</A> - -  </font><font size="1"> Give Farewell Party, Hibbing, Helstein,  Miller, Greenblatt, Hallock, Kitz, Woolfan, Lippman, Sachks, Sher, Lindeske, Altman, Nides</font> -   1909 4 12
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1913-1-28 Woolfan, Eli news.jpg"> 1913-1-28 Woolfan, Eli news</A> - -   Hibbing Business Man Strong For His Town, E. S. Woolfan -   1913 1 28
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1915-2-16 Zeta Beta Tau, University of Michigan, Woolfan, Cohen, Rabinowitz.pdf"> 1915-2-16 Zeta Beta Tau, University of Michigan, Woolfan, Cohen, Rabinowitz</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1915 Zeta Beta Tau, University of Michigan, Woolfan, Cohen, Rabinowitz  </font> -   1915 2 16
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1920-1-20 Eli Woolfan.jpg"> 1920-1-20 Eli Woolfan</A> - -   headline  -   1920 1 20
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1921-7-3 Woolfan Department Store ad.pdf"> 1921-7-3 Woolfan Department Store ad</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1921 Woolfan Department store ad  </font> -   1921 7 3
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1921-7-3 Hibbing, Rosenberg.pdf"> 1921-7-3 Hibbing, Rosenberg</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1921 One Million Dollar Moving Sale, Hibbing Venture Planned By Merchants. Removal To New Town Reason For Great Stock Cut. Buyers Will Be Attracted From Far and Wide to Aid, Bargain Hunters Wait. B. M. Lippman, H. L. Nides, Louis Helstein, E. S. Woolfan, M. E. Osherman,  Morton Markell, Heiman Bloom, Sol Sapero, , N. Nides.  </font>     1921 7 3
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1921-11-27 Hibbing, Mrs. Benjamin Siegel.pdf"> 1921-11-27 Hibbing, Mrs. Benjamin Siegel</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1921 Hibbing: Forty Guests at Chicken Dinner, Mrs. Benjamin Siegel, E. S. Woolfan, Mrs. N. Sachs Mrs. L. Lewis, Mrs. Samuel Matz-Chisholm.   </font> -   1921 11 27
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1922-8-31 Hibbing, Merchants, Sapero, Lippman, Woolfan, Nides.pdf"> 1922-8-31 Hibbing, Merchants, Sapero, Lippman, Woolfan, Nides</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1922 Hibbing: Merchants Club Nominates Officers; Election Tuesday. S. Sapero, B. M.  Lippman, E. S. Woolfan, I. Feldman, and L. Nides  </font> -   1922 8 31
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1928-8-3 Bride To Be Pricilla Bonner and Dr. Bert Woolfan.pdf"> 1928-8-3 Bride To Be Pricilla Bonner and Dr. Bert Woolfan</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1928 Bride To Be Pricilla Bonner and Dr. Bert Woolfan, photo.  </font> -   1928 8 3
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1928-8-31 Dr. E. Bertrand and Pricilla Bonner wed.pdf"> 1928-8-31 Dr. E. Bertrand and Pricilla Bonner wed</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1928 Dr, E, Bertrand Woolfan and Pricilla Bonner wed, photo.  </font> -   1928 8 31
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1962-12-27 Dr. E. Bertrand Woolfan.pdf"> 1962-12-27 Dr. E. Bertrand Woolfan</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1962 Dr. E. Bertrand Woolfan, takes own life.  - -  Register Republic newspaper  </font> -   1962 12 27
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1962-12-28 Dr. Woolfan dies.pdf"> 1962-12-28 Dr. Woolfan dies</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1962 Hollywood: Physcician Dies At Home After Refusing Attention. Dr. Bertrand Woolfan   </font> -   1962 12 28
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1887 Fanny Zien sucide.jpg"> 1887 Fanny Zien sucide</A>  - - -   1887 1 0
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1890-7-10 Jacob D. Zien and Matilda Metgher ml..pdf"> 1890-7-10 Jacob D. Zien and Matilda Metgher ml.</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1890 Jacob D. Zien and Matilda Metgher marriage license  </font> -   1890 7 10
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1893-3-19 Fannie Zien 19 years old poison 1888.pdf"> 1893-3-19 Fannie Zien 19 years old poison 1888</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1893 Their Only Epitaph, Duluth Men Whose Lives One Word Covers. Eighteen Have Suicide. The Self Severing of Lives in This City as Recalled by Health Office Figures. Fanny Zien  </font> -   1893 3 19
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1893-5-26 c Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Zien, trip.jpg"> 1893-5-26 c Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Zien, trip</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1893 Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Zien trip Milwaukee, Chicago  </font>  -   1893 5 26
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1893-8-20 c J. D. Zien vs. Jennie and James Cole .pdf"> 1893-8-20 c J. D. Zien vs. Jennie and James Cole </A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> Judgement in favor of  JD Zien  </font> -   1893 8 20
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1896-1-1 photo J. D. Zien Pacific Wine House 531 West Superior St..pdf"> 1896-1-1 photo J. D. Zien Pacific Wine House 531 West Superior St.</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1896 photo J. D. Zien Pacific Wine House 531 West Superior St.  </font> -   1896 1 1
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1896-7-10 Jacob D. Zien, building.pdf"> 1896-7-10 Jacob D. Zien, building</A>  - - -   1896 7 10
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1896-10-20 Jacob D. Zien, building.pdf"> 1896-10-20 Jacob D. Zien, building</A>  - - -   1896 10 20
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1896-10-24 Borlim, Jacobson, Zien, wooden building.pdf"> 1896-10-24 Borlim, Jacobson, Zien, wooden building</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1896 Borlim, Jacobson, Zien, wooden building  </font> -   1896 10 24
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1896-11-24 Zien exploration in Hibbing, iron.pdf"> 1896-11-24 Zien exploration in Hibbing, iron </A> - -   Zien’s Iron Undevelopments, Hibbing iron properties  -   1896 11 24
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1896-11-24 J. D. Zien, Iron properties, Hibbing.pdf"> 1896-11-24 J. D. Zien, Iron properties, Hibbing</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1896 J. D. Zien, Iron propertis, Hibbing  </font> -   1896 11 24
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1897-4-3 J. D. Zien, gambling on premise.pdf"> 1897-4-3 J. D. Zien, gambling on premise</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1897 J. D. Zien, gambling on premise  </font> -   1897 4 3
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1897-7-12J. D. Zien liquor license granted to another.pdf"> 1897-7-12J. D. Zien liquor license granted to another</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1897 D. Zien liquor license granted to another  </font> -   1897 7 12
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1897-8-25 J. D. Zien, Hibbing holdings.pdf"> 1897-8-25 J. D. Zien, Hibbing holdings</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1897 J. D. Zien business trip to range, extensive holdings.   </font> -   1897 8 25
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1899-10-5 Lizzie Hakari Jacob D. Zien.pdf"> 1899-10-5 Lizzie Hakari Jacob D. Zien</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1899 dismissal of case Lizzie Hakari and Jacob D. Zien.  </font> -   1899 10 5
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1945-5-11 Senior Class Play - Duluth Central HS.jpg"> 1945-5-11 Senior Class Play - Duluth Central HS</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> Sylvestor Sher, Joel Labovitz, Phyllis Freimuth Rudolph, Gail Altman Meissner, Sarah Zien Herzog, Elinor Siegel Leipzi and  Esther Pearl Goldberg  </font>     1900 1 0
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1900-3-22 J. D. Zien, business trip.pdf"> 1900-3-22 J. D. Zien, business trip</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1900 J. D. Zien, business trip east.  </font> -   1900 3 22
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1900-5-30 J. D. Zien, Zandalowitz guest, New Hampton, Iowa.pdf"> 1900-5-30 J. D. Zien, Zandalowitz guest, New Hampton, Iowa</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1900 Sol Zandalowitz of New Hampton, Iowa is a guest of J. D. Zien  </font> -   1900 5 30
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1901-2-21 J. D. Zien, contract.pdf"> 1901-2-21 J. D. Zien, contract</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1901 Uncle Sam Plaintiff. Claims $1,385.47 Is Due From Contractor and Bondsmen.  Michael Fitzgerald and Noris, and M. Kelley and J. D. Zien  </font> -   1901 2 21
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1901-7-5 I. Zien, J. D. Zien, Hampton, Iowa.pdf"> 1901-7-5 I. Zien, J. D. Zien, Hampton, Iowa</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1901 I. Zien of Hampton, Iowa, head salesman for J. D. Zien & Co.  </font> -   1901 7 5
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1901-9-8 J. D. Zien, Omaha, Milwaukee.pdf"> 1901-9-8 J. D. Zien, Omaha, Milwaukee</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1901 J. D. Zien left over the Omaha last evening for Milwaukee.  </font> -   1901 9 8
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1902-1-3 J. D. Zien, Chicago business trip.pdf"> 1902-1-3 J. D. Zien, Chicago business trip</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1902 J. D. Zien left yesterday for Chicago on business.  </font> -   1902 1 3
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1902-5-14 Milwaukee, Jacob D. Zien.pdf"> 1902-5-14 Milwaukee, Jacob D. Zien</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1902 Jacob Zien returned yesterday from a trip to Milwaukee.  </font> -   1902 5 14
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1902-8-10 Leopold, Zien, Silberstein.pdf"> 1902-8-10 Leopold, Zien, Silberstein</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1902 Edward A. Silberstein from Salt Lake, Utah,  visiting his parents.   </font> -   1902 8 10
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1902-8-10 Leopold, Zien, Silberstein.pdf"> 1902-8-10 Leopold, Zien, Silberstein</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1902 Miss Clara Leopold, daughter of Asa Leopold, Duluth early settlers, visiting Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Zien of West Second street.   </font> -   1902 8 10
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1904-4-13 Jacob Zien guests of Sternberg St. Paul.pdf"> 1904-4-13 Jacob Zien guests of Sternberg St. Paul</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1904 Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Zien and Mr. and Mrs. Sig Levy have returned from St. Paul, where they were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Herman Sternberg.  </font> -   1904 4 13
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1905-11-24 J. D. Zien, Davidor, retaining money.pdf"> 1905-11-24 J. D. Zien, Davidor, retaining money</A>   - -  </font><font size="1"> 1905 Accused of Keeping J. D. Zien's Money, Milwaukee, Wis. Samuel V. Davidor, speculator and mining promoter arrested, belonging to J. D. Zien of Duluth  </font> -   1905 11 24
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1906-3-4 Kenigsberg.pdf"> 1906-3-4 Kenigsberg</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1906 Mr. and Mrs. M. Bloom, H. Kassimer, D. Kenigsberg, Max Shapiro, Louis Oreck, G. Oreck, J. Siegel, A. Polinsky, Mrs. S. Karon, Mrs. Milavitz, Helen Karon, Bessie Rocklin, Sadie Rocklin, Lizzie Helperin, Della Siegel, Sarah Simon, Hattie Shapira, Sophie Winstien, Sarah Milavitz, Clara Shapiro, Bessie Markevitz, Mary Shapiro, Selma Kasmir, Eva Kasmir, Minnie Winstein, Rabbi Mendel Silber, Allan Rocklin, Milton Rosenberger, Louis Kanter, Harry Winstein, Isadore Cohen, Julius Siegel, Herman Aronsohn, Louis Zalk, Zien, H. Kernos.  </font> -   1906 3 4
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1906-11-28 Sarah Milavetz and Isidore Zien wedding.pdf"> 1906-11-28 Sarah Milavetz and Isidore Zien wedding</A> - -   Sarah Milavetz and Isidore Zien  wedding -   1906 11 28
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1908-9-23 Robert Marcuse obit..pdf"> 1908-9-23 Robert Marcuse obit.</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1908 Robert Marcuse Dies At Rochester, Minn. 50 years old, 321 Tenth avenue East, M. Albemberg, M. Wetzel, J. D. Zien, C. D. Jacobs, Nat Gidding, David Cone (Cohen) pallbearers, obit.   </font>     1908 9 23
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1909-4-10 J. D. Zien, obit..pdf"> 1909-4-10 J. D. Zien, obit.</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1909 J. D. Zien obit. J. D. Zien Is Dead; Illness Was Short. Was Well Known Wholesale Liquor Dealer, Twenty Years in Business Here.    131 East Second street, from northern Prussia near Koenigurg, 30 years in Duluth, J. D. Zien & Co., 101 West First street, wholesale liquor dealers.  </font> -   1909 4 10
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1909-4-11 Jacob D. Zien obit. Rabbi Lefkovitz.pdf"> 1909-4-11 Jacob D. Zien obit. Rabbi Lefkovitz</A> -   1909 4 11
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1909-4-11 Jacob D. Zien obit..pdf"> 1909-4-11 Jacob D. Zien obit.</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1909 Zien Funeral Will Be Held This Afternoon. Rabbi Lefkovitz.  </font> -   1909 4 11
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1909-4-14 Zien.pdf"> 1909-4-14 Zien</A> - - </font><font size="1">  Charities Fare Well By J. D. Zien’s Will, Cleveland Jewish Orphans, Denver Jewish Home for Consumptives, Temple Emanuel  </font> -   1909 4 14
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1909-4-14 Zien charities.pdf"> 1909-4-14 Zien charities</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1909 Charities Fare Well By J. D. Zien's Will, Cleveland Jewish Orphans' asylum, Denver Jewish Home for Consumptives, Temple Emanuel, Harry M. Levy administrator, monument for his mother's grave in Russia, father's grave in Prussia.  </font> -   1909 4 14
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1909-6-8 J. D. Zien will.pdf"> 1909-6-8 J. D. Zien will</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1909 J. D. Zien's Will Is Filed For Probate. Widow an Other Relatives Remembered. Likewise Memory of Dead Parents.  </font> -   1909 6 8
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1909-9-21 Lena Zien and Benjamin Oberlin, Virginia, Minn..pdf"> 1909-9-21 Lena Zien and Benjamin Oberlin, Virginia, Minn.</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1909 Engagement Announced. Lena Zien and Benjamin Oberlin of Virginia, MN., Mr. and Mrs. H. Zien, 221 Lake Avenue north.  </font> -   1909 9 21
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1910-1-1 Louis Zien, infant obit. Mike Zien.pdf"> 1910-1-1 Louis Zien, infant obit. Mike Zien</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1910 Infant Dies, Louis Zien, 3 month old daughter? Louis or Louise, Mr. and Mrs. Mike Zien, 1603 West Superior St., Calvary cemetery.  </font> -   1910 1 1
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1911-2-28 Frederic Hotel debt, Zien.pdf"> 1911-2-28 Frederic Hotel debt, Zien</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1911 Problem For Probate Court. Shall Widow's or Brother's Inheritance Pay Late J. D. Zien's Debts? Frederic Hotel debt. Estatae Can Liquidate; Creditors Are Waiting. Three Duluth Law Firms Are Represented in Hearing.   </font> -   1911 2 28
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1911-3-17 Jacob D. Zien estate.pdf"> 1911-3-17 Jacob D. Zien estate</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1911 Rentals Go To The Widow. Judge Gilpin Decides Matter of Zien Estate-Includes the Frederic Hotel. Administration Costs From Rest Of Estate. Quesion a Unique One and Appeal May Be Taken To Higher Courts.  Isaac Zien is a brother to the late J. D. Zien and is represented by Washburn, Bailey & Mitchell - the executors C. O. Baldwin and Samuel Levy by Baldwin, Baldwin & Dancer - the wife Mrs. Mathilda Zien by Crassweller, Crassweller and Blu.  </font> -   1911 3 17
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1912-1-16 Zien legacy.pdf"> 1912-1-16 Zien legacy</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1912 Mrs. Zien Wants Realty Sold To Realize Legacy.   widow of Jacob D. Zien.  </font> -   1912 1 16
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1912-6-19 Jacob D. Zien inheritance tax.pdf"> 1912-6-19 Jacob D. Zien inheritance tax</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1912 Appraisers Appointed To Fix Inheritanfe Tax. Zien   </font> -   1912 6 19
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1912-9-15 Jacob Zien estate.pdf"> 1912-9-15 Jacob Zien estate</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1912 Zien Estate To Be Closed Up. Executors Will Go Before Judge Gilpin Tomorrow With the Final Accounting. Late Liquor Dealer Left Fortune Of $1000,000. Testament Was Source of Litigation Before Dibell-Carried to Supreme Court.  </font> -   1912 9 15
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1912-9-16 settlement tax.pdf"> 1912-9-16 settlement tax</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1912 Two Large Estates To Be Settled Today. Jacob D. Zien   </font> -   1912 9 16
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1912-9-17 J. D. Zien estate, tombstone.pdf"> 1912-9-17 J. D. Zien estate, tombstone</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1912 Cannot Carry Out Bequests. Several Provisions of J. D. Zien Will Not Be Complied With, Lack of Money. Testament Admitted In Probate Court. Wanted Tombston for Mother and Father-Last Resting Places Not Located.  </font> -   1912 9 17
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1913-9-14 Moses Montefiore Hebrew School Assn., Joseph Oreckovsky.pdf"> 1913-9-14 Moses Montefiore Hebrew School Assn., Joseph Oreckovsky</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1913 Moses Montefiore School For Jewish Children.- Chartered members: Robert Buchman, Joseph Polinsky, Charles P. Meyers, Meyer S. Cook, Lew Helstein, Joseph Oreckovsky, Max Zalk, A. J. Klatzkey, Max Altman, Charles P. Meyers, Abe Garon, Joseph Weinberg, Rabbi I. S. Teplitz, Rabbi M. Lefkovits, Rev. E. Horwitz, M. L. Cassmir, Henry Cassmir, M. L. Rine, Sam Kerness, Morris Zien, Isadore Zion, B. J. Cook, William Oxman, Nathan Kris, Gabriel Oreck </font> -   1913 9 14
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1916-1-27 William Abrahamson raise funds.pdf"> 1916-1-27 William Abrahamson raise funds</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1916 Collect Funds Today For Jewish War Sufferers. Duluth Relief Committee to Conduct City-Wide Canvas for Funds-Pythian Lodge Will Aid Workers. Jewish Central War Relief. Spalding hotel and Duluth banks will receive subscriptions. Dr. Maurice Lefkovits-chairman, committee members: B. Silberstein, I. Freimuth, Ben Blumenthal, Max Albenberg, Ben Goldish, M. L. Zien, L. J. Selig, Dr. A. H. Schwartz, Michael Rocklin, L. Fox, George Harris, Nathan Kris, Dr. Samuel Gross, Dr. M. R. Zack, Dr. M. . Hirschfield and Dr. E. Z. Shapiro, J. J. Robinson, Joseph Oreckovsky, David Sohn, Sig Abraham, David Leowus ?, Sig Levy, Richard Jacobs, Ralph Cohen, Louis Goldberg, Mortimer Bondy, Max Mann, E. G. Levy, Sol Goldberg, William Abrahamson, Sam Mendelson, M. L. Rine, N. E. Lugoff, Leon Traubman, S. Karon, Samuel Kenner, E. A. Silberstein Harris Bennett, A. Litman, Adolph Levy, H. Y. Joseph, Louis Zalk.     - - Note from Karen: This was a well organized campaign. I was impressed with how they canvassed the entire Duluth community in the year 1916.  - -  Note from Jack:  I am not sure of the exact breakdown but would bet the leaders were from all of the synagogues in existence at the time, including:  Adas Isarel, Tiffereth Israel, Temple Emanuel,  Sharret Zedek,  Bnai Israel - from West Duluth</font>     1916 1 27
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1916-4-12 Mondshine.pdf"> 1916-4-12 Mondshine</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1916 Symposium on Jews Given at Temple. Tempe Emanuel Aid society. Mrs. Fannie Mondshine, Mrs. M. Hirschfield, Mrs. Josephs, Mr.S. M. Cook, Mrs. I. Cohen-Superior, S. I. Levin, Miss Elsie Silberstein. Mrs. Max Wetzler Mrs. L. Hirsch, Mrs. Jacob Zien, Mrs. I. Zimmerman.  </font>     1916 4 12
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1916-8-28 Isidore Zien, fight for liquor lic.pdf"> 1916-8-28 Isidore Zien, fight for liquor lic</A> - -    Zien Case Up Today, liquor license -   1916 8 28
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1916-10-11 Isador Zien liquor.pdf"> 1916-10-11 Isador Zien liquor</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> Supremen Court takes Zien case; attorneys argue litigation to determine status of Duluth's dry ordinance  </font> -   1916 10 11
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1916-10-27 Zien, liquor l.pdf"> 1916-10-27 Zien, liquor l</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1916 Zien Liquor Ruling Is Expected Soon. City Legal Department Dancer's Decision Will Be Upheld.  </font> -   1916 10 27
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1916-11-16 Zien liquor bus. closed.pdf"> 1916-11-16 Zien liquor bus. closed</A> - -   Zien’s License Expires Tomorrow -   1916 11 16
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1917-4-12 Morris Zien, liquor.pdf"> 1917-4-12 Morris Zien, liquor</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1917 Liquor Sales From Sleigh Held Illegal. Morris Zien Found Guilty, Fined $100 With Alternative of Farm Term. Appeal Notice Given. Charge Whisky Delivered Without Having Previously Received Order from Purchaser. part owner of a saloon 101 West First street selling from a wagon.  </font> -   1917 4 12
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1917-7-11 A. R. Latts draft.pdf"> 1917-7-11 A. R. Latts draft</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1917-7-11 A. R. Latts Draft Number ; Goldfarb, M.P.; Segal, S. J.;­­ Oreckovsky, I.; Silk, M. L.; Zien, W. B.; Schwartz, A. J.; Samuelson, E. R.; Singer, S.;     - -   <A HREF="images2/news/1917-7-11 Draft List.jpg">image - list of people</A></font>     1917 7 11
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1917-8-29 Isidore Zien, rent.pdf"> 1917-8-29 Isidore Zien, rent</A> - -   ‘Bar’Ceases To Be, Isidore Zien  -   1917 8 29
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1917-12-7 Harry Witz Soldiers Chanuka packages.pdf"> 1917-12-7 Harry Witz Soldiers Chanuka packages</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1917 Hebrews Send Soldiers Boxes, Forty men of Society who have enlisted will receive "Chanuka Greetings".  -  Hebrew Brotherhood association, Harry Witz, David Weinberg, M. J. Segal, Charles Levant, Charles P. Meyers, S. H. Kassmir, I. Garon, M. Kane, Joe Vertelany, M. Rachlin, M.L. Zien, Isador Cohen, Hyman Segal, Harry Segal, Dr. George L. Kassmir, J. H. Viener, Joseph Oreckovsky, M. S. Winthrop, Mrs. Marie Kassmir, Mrs. Nettie Segal and Mrs. Ida Goldfine.</font> -   1917 12 7
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1918-5-17 Jewish Confirmation, Silberstein.pdf"> 1918-5-17 Jewish Confirmation, Silberstein</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1918 Jewish Confirmation To Be Held At Temple Tonight. Rabbi Lefkovits Announces Program of the Night. Includes Exercises by Congregation. Second street and Seventh avenue East. Maurice Bailer, Rose M. Berusin, Lillian Cohen, Ephraim R. Gomberg, Irving Joseph, Anna Kane, Arnold S. Kunody, Charlotte V. Lugoff, Bernard G. Silberstein, Florence Simon, Percy Weinberg, Helen Zien, Anna Kane, Percy Weinberg, Charlotte V. Lug off, Arnold S. Kunody, Rose M. Berusin, Florence Simon, Ephraim R. Gomberg, Dr. A. H. Schwartz.   </font> -   1918 5 17
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1919-4-1 W. P. Zien birth son.pdf"> 1919-4-1 W. P. Zien birth son</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1919 Births, Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Zien, son, March 27, 1919.  </font> -   1919 4 1
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1920-1-5 M. L. Zien obit. Rabbi Lefkovitz, Berdie.pdf"> 1920-1-5 M. L. Zien obit. Rabbi Lefkovitz, Berdie</A>  - - </font><font size="1"> 1920 Mrs. M. L. Zien, Age 50, Dies; to Hold Funeral Tomorrow, obit. Morris Zien, Helen and Blanch Zien, P. H. Berdie, De Birdie, E. L. Zien, Zidney Zien, William P. Zien. Rabbi Maurice Lefkovits.  </font> -   1920 1 5
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1920-1-5 Mrs. M. L. Zien obit..pdf"> 1920-1-5 Mrs. M. L. Zien obit.</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1920 Mrs. M. L. Zien obit. Mrs. M. L. Zien, Age 50 Dies; To Hold Funeral Tomorrow, 404 East Fifth street, Morris Zien husband, daughters Helen and Blanch Zien, father P. H. Berdie of Milwaukee, sister De? Birdie of Milwaukee, brothers E. L. Zien of Duluth, Zidney Zien of Chicago, William P. Zien of Milwaukee.  </font> -   1920 1 5
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1920-5-23 Shavouth, Eva Brusin.pdf"> 1920-5-23 Shavouth, Eva Brusin</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1920 Duluthians To Observe Festival. Jews Will Hold Special Program at Temple Today.   Shebuoth, Temple Emanuel, Seventh avenue East and Second street. Dr. M. Lefkovits. Maurie H. Blumenthal, Eva R. Brusin, Louis H. R. Gomberg, Molly Harris, Rose L. Hirsh, Annette Claire Hirschfield, Sarah Lisman, Sylvia Lugoff, Rudolph Segal, Ernestine E. Traubman, Blanch H. B. Zien. Maurice Blumenthal, Louis Gomberg, Eva Brusin, Sylvia lugoff, Dave Freimuth.  </font>     1920 5 23
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1920-5-24 Shavouth, Eva R. Brusin.pdf"> 1920-5-24 Shavouth, Eva R. Brusin</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1920 Festival Of Sherbouth ? Observed At Temple. Dr. Maurice Lefkovits., Temple Emanuel, Blanch H. B. Zien, Ernestine E. Traubman, Rudolph Segal, Sylvia Lugoff, Sarah Lisman, Annette Claire Hirschfield, rose L. Hirsh, Molly Harris, Louis H. R. Gomberg, Eva R. Brusin, Maurice H. Blumenthal, Louis Gomberg.   </font>     1920 5 24
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1920-6-6 Young Judea, Siegel, Zien, Cohen, Finn.pdf"> 1920-6-6 Young Judea, Siegel, Zien, Cohen, Finn</A> -   1920 6 6
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1920-6-6 Bessie Litman, Young Judea.pdf"> 1920-6-6 Bessie Litman, Young Judea</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1920 Young Judea Club To Give 'Every Jew'. Receipts to be Used for Palestine Restoration Fund. three-act drama. Rudolph Siegel, Emil Wiener, Anna Kane, Eva Lent, Anna Saperstein, Anna Toback, Gladys Kenner, Minnie Gerschgold, Blanch Zien, Dave Sherman, Bessie Litman, Ida Scharon, Irene Bergstein, Nathan Cohen, Louis London, Jacob Carsner, Mary Cohen, play written by Mrs. J. B. Weiner and directed by Miss Goldie Finn. Louis Gomberg, Morris Cohen, Joseph Piley, Orville Anderson, Helen Segal, Blanche Zien.   </font> -   1920 6 6
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1920-6-6 Young Juedea Club.pdf"> 1920-6-6 Young Juedea Club</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1920 Young Judea Club To Give 'Every Jew' Receipts to be Used for Palestine Restoration Fund. Rudolph Siegel, Emil Wiener, Anna Kane, Eva Lent, Anna Sapertein, Anna Toback, Gladys Kenner, Minnie Gerschgold, Blanche Zien, Dave Sherman, Bessie Litman, Ida Scharon, Irene Bergstein, Nathan Cohen, Louis London, Jacob Carsner, Mary Cohen. Mrs. J. B. Weiner, Goldie Finn, Louis Gomberg, orris Cohen, Joseph Piley, Orville Anderson, Helen Segal, Blanche Zien.  </font>     1920 6 6
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1920-6-7 Bessie Litman Young Judea.pdf"> 1920-6-7 Bessie Litman Young Judea</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1920 Young Judea Society Presents 'Every Jew'. benefit Palestine Restoration fund. Rudolph Siegel, Emil Weiner, Anna Kane, Eva Lent, Anna Saperstein, Anna Toback, Gladys Kenner, Minnie Gerschbold, GBlanche Zien, Dave Sherman, Bessie Litman, Ida Sclarow, Irene Bergstein, Nathan Cohen, Louis Gordon, Jacob Carsner, Mary Cohen, Louis Gomberg, Blanch Zien, Morris Cohen, Joseph Priley, Orville Anderson, Mrs. J. B. Weiner.  </font> -   1920 6 7
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1920-6-7 Morris, Nanthan, Mary Cohen-Judea play.pdf"> 1920-6-7 Morris, Nanthan, Mary Cohen-Judea play</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1920 Young Judea Society Presents ‘Every Jew’. Shrine auditorium, Palestine Restoration fund. Rudolph Siegel, Emil Weiner, Anna Kane, Eva Lent, Anna Saperstein, Anna Toback, Gladys Kenner, Minnie Gerschbold, Blanche Zien, Dave Sherman, Bessie Litman, Ida Sclarow, Irene Bergstein, Nathan Cohen, Louis Gordon, Jacob Carsner, Mary Cohen, Louis Gomberg, Blanche Zien, Morris Cohen, Joseph Priley, Orville Anderson, Mrs. J. B. Weiner.   </font>     1920 6 7
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1922-4-23 divorces Morris and Laura Polinsky, Morris L. and Mae Zien.pdf"> 1922-4-23 divorces Morris and Laura Polinsky, Morris L. and Mae Zien</A>  - - -   1922 4 23
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1922-12-2 Mathilda Metzger Zien obit..pdf"> 1922-12-2 Mathilda Metzger Zien obit.</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1922 Mathilda Metzger Zien obit., husband Jacob D. Zien of Duluth died 1908, Temple Emanuel, immigrated 1885, sisters Mrs. Sig Levy of Milwaukee, brothers R. F. Berdie of Duluth, Philip Berdie of Milwaukee, Louis Metzger of St. Paul, Julius Metzger of Germany. pall bearers L. F. Loeb, I. Freimuth, Max Albenberg, L. Abrahams, L. Hammel and G. A. Klein, nephews   </font> -   1922 12 2
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1922-12-3 Matilda Zien, obit. Rabbi Maurice Lefkowitz.pdf"> 1922-12-3 Matilda Zien, obit. Rabbi Maurice Lefkowitz</A> -   1922 12 3
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1922-12-3 Matilda Zien obit..pdf"> 1922-12-3 Matilda Zien obit.</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1922 Mrs. Matilda Zien obit., died in Milwaukee, buried in Woodland cemetery, Rabbi Maurice Lefkowitz  </font> -   1922 12 3
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1922-12-5 Mathilda Zien, chairity, estate.pdf"> 1922-12-5 Mathilda Zien, chairity, estate</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1922 Mathilda Zien, Jewish Church, Orphanage Receive Aid in Zien Will, $41,700, TGemple Emanuel, Jewish Orphan home of Cleveland, cemetery lot of husband and father, monument, brothers, sisters, nephews, nieces. charity, estate  </font> -   1922 12 5
1 <br><br> <A HREF="images2/news/1922-12-5 Mrs. Mathilde M. Zien obit..pdf"> 1922-12-5 Mrs. Mathilde M. Zien obit.</A>  - -  </font><font size="1"> 1922 Jewish Church, Orphanage Receive Aid in Zien Will. Mrs. Mathilde M. Zien left estate valued at $41,700. Temple Emanuel congregation-Duluth, Jewish Orphan home-Cleveland. perpetual care and improvement of cemetery lot where her husband and father are buried, tombstone, brothers, sisters, nephews, nieces.   </font>     1922 12 5